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Cakupan Materi

Kearifan Lokal Pentingnya

(Local Wisdom) Tujuan dan Mempelajari
Ciri-ciri Kearifan
Manfaat Kearifan Lokal
Kearifan Lokal Landasan Teori Untuk Sekolah
Kearifan Lokal Dasar
Kearifan Lokan
(Local Wisdom)
Apa itu Kearifan Lokal??? :

Menurut penelitian sebelumnya :

Menurut Utari (2016) pengertian dari kearifan lokal
merupakan, “kecendikiaan terhadap kekayaan setempat
atau suatu daerah berupa pengetahuan, kepercayaan,
norma, adat istiadat, kebudayaan, wawasan dan
sebagainya yang merupakan warisan dan dipertahankan
sebagai sebuah identitas dan pedoman dalam
mengajarkan kita untuk bertindak secara tepat dalam
Disimpulkan :
Menurut KBBI kearifan lokal adalah segala sesuatu yang merupakan
kearifan lokal terdiri dari dua kata, potensi dari suatu daerah serta hasil pemikiran manusia
yaitu kearifan dan local. kearifan maupun hasil karya manusia yang mengandung nilai
artinya bijaksana, sedangkan local yang arif dan bijaksana serta diwariskan secara turun
artinya setempat. temurun sehingga menjadi ciri khas daerah tersebut.
Lokal Kearifan lokal merupakan sebuah
pandangan hidup dan juga sebuah
strategi di dalam kehidupan
dengan berwujud aktivitas dari
masyarakat lokal itu. Tujuan dari
kearifan lokal itu adalah bisa
sebagai pelindung kebudayaan
lokal dari kebudayaan asing
sehingga dapat lestari.
Manfaat Kearifan Lokal

Melahirkan Generasi yang Membentuk Karakter Bangsa


Berkontribusi Menciptakan
Merefleksikan Nilai-nilai Budaya
Identitas Negara
Teori Kearifan lokal merupakan bentuk perilaku
manusia dalam menghargai segala ketentuan

Kearifan yang telah menjadi tuntunan hidup dari para

leluhur. Kearifan lokal terwujud dalam
Lokal perilaku positif manusia dalam hubungannya
dengan manusia, alam dan lingkungan sekitar
yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai dan norma-
norma seperti nilai agama, adat istiadat,
budaya setempat, serta petuah atau nasihat
nenek moyang yang terbentuk secara alamiah
dalam suatu komunitas.
Title text addition

Title text addition

Title text addition The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
it film
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make Title text addition
it film
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film it film
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film
Title text addition

Title text addition

Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make
computer, or print the presentation and make it film
it film

Title text addition

Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make
computer, or print the presentation and make it film
it film

The teaching
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film it film it film
Title text addition

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or Title text addition
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film

Title text addition

Title text addition The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
The user can demonstrate on a projector or it film
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
it film
Title text addition

Title text addition

Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make
computer, or print the presentation and make it film
it film

Title text addition

Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the presentation and make
computer, or print the presentation and make it film
it film

Teaching reflection
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film
Title text addition

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print
the presentation and make it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print projector or computer, or print
the presentation and make it film the presentation and make it film
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film
Title text addition

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
Title text addition it film

The user can demonstrate on a projector or

computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
Title text addition it film

The user can demonstrate on a projector or

computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Thank you for listening

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