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Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di:

Legenda Pesut Mahakam (Kalimantan)

Pada jaman dahulu kala di rantau Mahakam, terdapat sebuah dusun yang didiami oleh
beberapa keluarga. Mata pencaharian mereka kebanyakan adalah sebagai petani maupun
nelayan. Setiap tahun setelah musim panen, penduduk dusun tersebut biasanya
mengadakan pesta adat yang diisi dengan beraneka macam pertunjukan ketangkasan dan

Suatu hari di dusun tersebut kembali diadakan pesta adat panen. Berbagai pertunjukan dan
hiburan kembali digelar. Dalam suatu pertunjukan ketangkasan, terdapatlah seorang gadis
yang cantik dan mempesona sehingga selalu mendapat sambutan pemuda-pemuda dusun
tersebut bila ia beraksi. Mendengar berita yang demikian itu, tergugah juga hati sang ayah
untuk turut menyaksikan bagaimana kehebatan pertunjukan yang begitu dipuji-puji
penduduk dusun hingga banyak pemuda yang tergila-gila dibuatnya.

Malam itu adalah malam ketujuh dari acara keramaian yang dilangsungkan. Perlahan-lahan
sang ayah berjalan mendekati tempat pertunjukan dimana gadis itu akan bermain. Sengaja
ia berdiri di depan agar dapat dengan jelas menyaksikan permainan serta wajah sang gadis.
Akhirnya pertunjukan pun dimulai. Berbeda dengan penonton lainnya, sang ayah tidak
banyak tertawa geli atau memuji-muji penampilan sang gadis. Walau demikian sekali-sekali
ada juga sang ayah tersenyum kecil. Sang gadis melemparkan senyum manisnya kepada
para penonton yang memujinya maupun yang menggodanya. Suatu saat, akhirnya bertemu
jua pandangan antara si gadis dan sang ayah tadi. Kejadian ini berulang beberapa kali, dan
tidak lah diperkirakan sama sekali kiranya bahwa terjalin rasa cinta antara sang gadis
dengan sang ayah dari dua orang anak tersebut.

Demikianlah keadaannya, atas persetujuan kedua belah pihak dan restu dari para sesepuh
maka dilangsungkanlah pernikahan antara mereka setelah pesta adat di dusun tersebut
usai. Dan berakhir pula lah kemuraman keluarga tersebut, kini mulailah mereka menyusun
hidup baru. Mereka mulai mengerjakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dahulunya tidak mereka
usahakan lagi. Sang ayah kembali rajin berladang dengan dibantu kedua anaknya,
sementara sang ibu tiri tinggal di rumah menyiapkan makanan bagi mereka sekeluarga.
Begitulah seterusnya sampai berbulan-bulan lamanya hingga kehidupan mereka cerah

Mereka akhirnya menjumpai sebuah pondok yang sudah reot. Tampak seorang kakek tua
sedang duduk-duduk didepan pondok tersebut. Kedua kakak beradik itu lalu memberi
hormat kepada sang kakek tua dan memberi salam.
"Dari mana kalian ini? Apa maksud kalian hingga datang ke tempat saya yang jauh terpencil
ini?" tanya sang kakek sambil sesekali terbatuk-batuk kecil.
"Maaf, Tok." kata si anak lelaki, "Kami ini sedang mencari kedua urangtuha kami. Apakah
Datok pernah melihat seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan yang masih muda lewat
Sang kakek terdiam sebentar sambil mengernyitkan keningnya, tampaknya ia sedang
berusaha keras untuk mengingat-ingat sesuatu.
"Hmmm..., beberapa hari yang lalu memang ada sepasang suami-istri yang datang kesini."
kata si kakek kemudian, "Mereka banyak sekali membawa barang. Apakah mereka itu yang
kalian cari?"
"Tak salah lagi, Tok." kata anak lelaki itu dengan gembira, "Mereka pasti urangtuha kami!
Ke arah mana mereka pergi, Tok?"
"Waktu itu mereka meminjam perahuku untuk menyeberangi sungai. Mereka bilang,
Versi file lengkapnya dalam Ms. Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di:

mereka ingin menetap diseberang sana dan hendak membuat sebuah pondok dan
perkebunan baru. Cobalah kalian cari di seberang sana."
"Terima kasih, Tok..." kata si anak sulung tersebut, "Tapi..., bisakah Datok mengantarkan
kami ke seberang sungai?"
"Datok ni dah tuha... mana kuat lagi untuk mendayung perahu!" kata si kakek sambil
terkekeh, "Kalau kalian ingin menyusul mereka, pakai sajalah perahuku yang ada ditepi
sungai itu."

Kakak beradik itu pun memberanikan diri untuk membawa perahu si kakek. Mereka berjanji
akan mengembalikan perahu tersebut jika telah berhasil menemukan kedua orangtua
mereka. Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih, mereka lalu menaiki perahu dan
mendayungnya menuju ke seberang. Keduanya lupa akan rasa lapar yang membelit perut
mereka karena rasa gembira setelah mengetahui keberadaan orangtua mereka. Akhirnya
mereka sampai di seberang dan menambatkan perahu tersebut dalam sebuah anak sungai.
Setelah dua hari lamanya berjalan dengan perut kosong, barulah mereka menemui ujung
sebuah dusun yang jarang sekali penduduknya.

Karena bubur yang dimakan tersebut masih panas maka suhu badan mereka pun menjadi
naik tak terhingga. Dalam keadaan tak karuan demikian, keduanya berlari kesana kemari
hendak mencari sungai. Setiap pohon pisang yang mereka temui di kiri-kanan jalan menuju
sungai, secara bergantian mereka peluk sehingga pohon pisang tersebut menjadi layu.
Begitu mereka tiba di tepi sungai, segeralah mereka terjun ke dalamnya. Hampir
bersamaan dengan itu, penghuni pondok yang memang benar adalah orangtua kedua anak
yang malang itu terheran-heran ketika melihat banyak pohon pisang di sekitar pondok
mereka menjadi layu dan hangus.

Namun mereka sangat terkejut ketika masuk kedalam pondok dan mejumpai sebuah
bungkusan dan dua buah mandau kepunyaan kedua anaknya. Sang istri terus memeriksa isi
pondok hingga ke dapur, dan dia tak menemukan lagi periuk yang tadi ditinggalkannya. Ia
kemudian melaporkan hal itu kepada suaminya. Mereka kemudian bergegas turun dari
pondok dan mengikuti jalan menuju sungai yang di kiri-kanannya banyak terdapat pohon
pisang yang telah layu dan hangus.

Sesampainya di tepi sungai, terlihatlah oleh mereka dua makhluk yang bergerak kesana
kemari didalam air sambil menyemburkan air dari kepalanya. Pikiran sang suami teringat
pada rentetan kejadian yang mungkin sekali ada hubungannya dengan keluarga. Ia
terperanjat karena tiba-tiba istrinya sudah tidak ada disampingnya. Rupanya ia menghilang
secara gaib. Kini sadarlah sang suami bahwa istrinya bukanlah keturunan manusia biasa.
Semenjak perkawinan mereka, sang istri memang tidak pernah mau menceritakan asal

Tak lama berselang, penduduk desa datang berbondong-bondong ke tepi sungai untuk
menyaksikan keanehan yang baru saja terjadi. Dua ekor ikan yang kepalanya mirip dengan
kepala manusia sedang bergerak kesana kemari ditengah sungai sambil sekali-sekali
muncul di permukaan dan menyemburkan air dari kepalanya. Masyarakat yang berada di
tempat itu memperkirakan bahwa air semburan kedua makhluk tersebut panas sehingga
dapat menyebabkan ikan-ikan kecil mati jika terkena semburannya.
Versi file lengkapnya dalam Ms. Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di:

The Legend of Pesut Mahakam

In ancient times in the Mahakam shoreline, there is a village that was inhabited by several families. Their
livelihoods as farmers and are mostly fishermen. Every year after harvest, the villagers usually have a
party filled with the customary assortment of dexterity and artistic performances.
One day in the village again customary harvest feast. Various performances and entertainment were
held back. In a stunt, there is a girl so pretty and enchanting always welcome the village youth when he
was in action. Hearing such news, also stirred the hearts of the fathers to participate witnessed how the
power of the show which was so praised so many young villagers who made crazy.
That night was the seventh night of the event, held the crowd. Slowly his father walking toward the
venue where she will play. He deliberately stood in front to be able to clearly see the game as well as
the young woman's face. Eventually the show begins. Unlike the other spectators, the father was not
much laughing or praising the girl's appearance. Yet occasionally there is also the father smiled a little.
The girls smile sweetly to the spectators who praised him as well as a tease. One time, finally met Eke
views between the girl and her father said. This event was repeated several times, and was not expected
at all would love that existed between the girls with the father of two children are.
Thus the circumstances, the consent of both parties and the blessing of the elders of the
dilangsungkanlah marriage between them after the customary feast in the village over. And ended all
the gloom is the family, now they began to compile a new life. They began working on activities that
formerly they did not try again. The father returned industrious farming with the help of her two
children, while her stepmother at home preparing food for their family. So that 'for months until their
life brighter again.
They eventually found a cottage which was reot. Seemed an old man sitting in front of the cabin. Two
sisters and a salute to the old man and saluted.
"Where are you? What do you mean to come into my place this remote far?" asked the grandfather,
while occasionally a little coughing.
"Sorry, Tok." the boy said, "We are currently looking for both urangtuha us. Do Datok never seen a man
and a young woman through here?"
The old man paused, wrinkling his brow, it seems he is trying hard to remember something.
"Hmmm ..., a few days ago there was a couple who come here." Grandpa then said, "They bring a lot of
stuff. Are they that's what you're looking for?"
"Unmistakably, Tok." the boy said excitedly, "They must urangtuha us! Into which direction they go,
"At that time they borrowed a boat to cross the river. They say that they want to stay there on the other
side and want to create a cottage and new plantations. Try your search on the other side."
"Thank you, Tok ..." said the elder son, "But ..., can Datok drove us across the river?"
"Datok ni ... dah tuha where strong again to row a boat!" Grandpa said with a chuckle, "If you want to
overtake them, use an existing boat alone on the edge of the river."
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Brothers had ventured to bring the boat's grandfather. They promised to restore these boats when they
managed to find their parents. After saying thank you, they then boarded boats and headed to the
opposite mendayungnya. Both of them forgot the hunger that twist their stomachs because of a sense
of joy upon discovering the presence of their parents. Finally they reached the other side and the boat
moored in a creek. After two days walking on an empty stomach, before they meet the edge of a hamlet
that is rarely populated.
Because the pulp is eaten is still hot, the temperature rose they become infinite. In such circumstances
not known, they ran to and fro to seek the stream. Each banana trees they encounter in the left-right
path to the river, alternately so that they hug the banana trees wither. Once they arrived at the
riverside, they were immediately plunged into it. Almost simultaneously, the inhabitants of the cottage
that was right was the second son of poor parents were amazed when he saw many banana trees
around their cottage becomes withered and charred.
But they were very surprised when coming into the cabin and encounter a package and two saber
belongs to her two children. The wife continued to examine the contents of the cabin down to the
kitchen, and she could not find another pot that had been left behind. He then reported it to her
husband. They then rushed down from the hut and follow the road to the river at either side to have
many banana trees that had wilted and charred.
Arriving on the banks of the river, they saw the two creatures that move to and fro in the water while
spraying water from his head. Mind the husband remembered the sequence of events that might once
have anything to do with family. He was surprised because suddenly there beside his wife had not. He
seemed to magically disappear. Now the husband realized that she was not a descendant of an ordinary
human. Since their marriage the wife is never going to tell their origins.
Not long ago, the villagers arrived in droves to the river bank to witness the oddity that had just
happened. Two fish whose head is similar to a human head was moving to and fro in the middle of the
river as he occasionally appears on the surface and the water spouted from his head. Communities in
the areas where the water spray was estimated that the two entities so that heat can cause the little fish
die if exposed .
Versi file lengkapnya dalam Ms. Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di:




In ancient times in the Mahakam shoreline, there is a village that was inhabited by several families. Their
livelihoods as farmers and are mostly fishermen. Every year after harvest, the villagers usually have a
party filled with the customary assortment of dexterity and artistic performances.


One day in the village again customary harvest feast. Various performances and entertainment were
held back. In a stunt, there is a girl so pretty and enchanting always welcome the village youth when he
was in action. Hearing such news, also stirred the hearts of the fathers to participate witnessed how the
power of the show which was so praised so many young villagers who made crazy.


Arriving on the banks of the river, they saw the two creatures that move to and fro in the water while
spraying water from his head. Mind the husband remembered the sequence of events that might once
have anything to do with family.


If we want to borrow something pleas tell the owner so we can freely use their good without risk

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