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You have conducted a study and analyzed the data. Now it is
time to write. To publish. To tell the world what you have
(Writing the Empirical Journal Article, Daryl J. Bem, Cornell
University, 200!
Salah satu cara untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil karya ilmiah
secara luas adalah dengan melalui tulisan, baik yang berupa suatu laporan
ilmiah maupun tulisan-tulisan dalam majalah ilmiah. Dalam rangka untuk
membuat karya tulis ilmiah, penulis harus mematuhi kaidah-kaidah yang telah
disepakati oleh para pakar serta mengikuti alur-alur pemikiran yang
konseptual dan prosedural.
Suatu hal yang harus dipegang teguh oleh penulis adalah
""onsistensi", atau kebulatan hati dalam menuangkan pernyataan-pernyataan
dengan memegang teguh titik pandang tentang suatu "hal", dimana terkait
didalamnya arti dan makna serta pemakaian suatu istilah dan ketaatan dalam
mengikuti suatu sistem penulisan.
Membuat tulisan ilmiah berarti menulis berdasarkan dan berorientasi
kepada pemikiran yang runtut dan telah teruji keabsahannya, sehingga
kebenarannya dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan. Untuk itu penulis harus
mempunyai sikap ilmiah dan kemandirian yang konsisten. Bagi penulis muda
sikap ilmiah atau kemandirian ini mempunyai arti sikap ingin tahu, sikap
kritis, sikap terbuka, sikap obyekti!, sikap rela dan tulus ikhlas menghargai
karya orang lain, sikap berani dalam mempertahankan kebenaran dan
mempunyai wawasan masa depan.
Menulis secara ilmiah dapat juga dipandang sebagai "seni" sehingga
pengalaman dalam menulis lebih banyak berperan dalam menambah bobot
tulisan. Melalui latihan, penguasaan memilih kata-kata yang tepat dan
kemudian disusun dalam bentuk kalimat yang memenuhi kaidah tata bahasa
yang benar, maka ketrampilan menulis akan meningkat, sehingga sikap ilmiah
penulis akan semakin berkembang sejalan dengan bertambahnya
"elihaian dalam hal tulis menulis ini dapat dipercepat apabila
penulis menerapkan dan menguasai prinsip -prinsip menulis karya ilmiah.
Salah satu karya tulis yang bersi!at ilmiah adalah laporan ilmiah, yang
seringkali dipakai dan digunakan dalam kalangan yang relati! terbatas.
#aporan ilmiah ini dapat menjangkau kalangan yang lebih luas apabila ditulis
kembali dan dipublikasi dalam bentuk artikel jurnal ilmiah pada majalah
ilmiah yang merupakan sarana komunikasi antara penulis dengan pembaca
ataupun antara penulis dengan lembaga-lembaga yang menggunakan hasil
tulisan tersebut.
#$he primary criteria %or goo& scienti%ic 'riting are accuracy an&
clarity. (% your article is interesting an& 'ritten 'ithstyle, %ine. But
these are su)si&iary virtues. *irst strive %or accuracy and
clarity+(Bem, 200!.
$he %irst step to'ar& clarity is good organization, an& the
standardized format o% a ,ournal article &oes much o% the 'or" %or
us. (t not only permits rea&ers to rea& the report %rom )eginning to
en&, as they 'oul& any coherent narrative, )ut also to scan it %or a
-uic" overvie' o% the stu&y or to locate speci%ic in%ormation easily
)y turning &irectly to the relevant section. Within that %ormat,
ho'ever, it is still help%ul to 'or" %rom an outline o% researcher
o'n. $his ena)les researcher to e.amine the logic o% the se-uence,
to spot important points that are omitte& or misplace&, an& to
&eci&e ho' )est to &ivi&e the la)or o% presentation )et'een the
intro&uction an& %inal &iscussion (a)out 'hich, more later!.
$he secon& step to'ar& clarity is to write simply and directly. A
,ournal article tells a straight%or'ar& tale o% a circumscri)e&
pro)lem in search o% a solution. (t is not a novel 'ith su)plots,
%lash)ac"s, an& literary allusions, )ut a short story 'ith a single
linear narrative line. /et this line stan& out in )ol& relie%. Don0t
ma"e any voice struggle to )e hear& a)ove the am)ient noise o%
cluttere& 'riting. 1ou are ,usti%ia)ly prou& o% your 20th percentile
ver)al aptitu&e, )ut let it nourish your prose, not glut it. Write
simply an& &irectly.
2.1. Jurnal Ilmiah
$urnal ilmiah dapat dide!inisikan sebagai bentuk publikasi ilmiah
berkala yang memuat hasil kegiatan bidang keilmuan tertentu, baik berupa
hasil pengamatan empirik maupun kajian konseptual, yang bersi!at penemuan
baru, maupun koreksi, pengembangan, dan penguatan terhadap paradigma,
konsep, prinsip, hukum, dan teori yang sudah ada. $urnal ilmiah merupakan
sarana komunikasi antar anggota komunitas bidang keilmuan tertentu.
Dengan sarana ini, para ilmuwan berinteraksi satu sama lain dan saling
mengisi untuk membangun suatu bidang keilmuan. "onsekwensi dari
karakteristik yang mengarah pada %eklusi&itas' bidang keilmuan
menyebabkan pembaca suatu jurnal ilmiah menjadi relatip terbatas.
"eterbatasan pembaca menyebabkan sering penerbitan jurnal ilmiah
tidak memiliki kelayakan !iansial. "eberadaan jurnal ilmiah disebabkan
kebutuhan nyata masyarakat ilmiah, untuk, (a) memperoleh kritikan, saran,
dan masukan lainnya bagi karyanya, (b) pengakuan keilmuan dan promosi
jabatan, (c) rujukan terbaru, (d) ide aktual untuk kajian lanjutan, dan (e)
mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Dengan demikian,
kesinambungan jurnal ilmiah sangat tergantung pada kuatnya komitmen
organisasi pro!esi dan lembaga perguruan tinggi terhadap perkembangan ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi.
$urnal ilmiah seyogyanya memuat (a) kumpulan in!ormasi terbaru, (b)
hasil objekti! dari sebuah kajian ilmu, dan (c) rekomendasi. Untuk
memperoleh bahan seperti yang dimaksud, maka harus dilakukan langkah-
langkah metode ilmiah. *si jurnal ilmiah seyogyanya adalah hasil penelitian.
+alaupun demikian, dimungkinkan pemuatan artikel konseptual dan telaah
,rtikel jurnal ilmiah diharapkan aktual dan berguna meskipun
penulisan artikel tersebut telah dilakukan dalam waktu yang cukup lama.
Dengan kata lain tetap dapat diman!aatkan sebagai sumber pengetahuan.
-asil penelitian ilmiah merupakan sumber artikel jurnal ilmiah. ,rtikel hasil
penelitian merupakan tulisan yang paling sering dimuat dalam jurnal ilmiah.
Sehingga ada identi!ikasi bahwa jurnal ilmiah adalah kumpulan artikel hasil
penelitian ilmiah.
2.2. Akrei!a"i Jurnal Ilmiah
,kreditasi merupakan salah satu bentuk penilaian (e&aluasi) mutu
dan kelayakan suatu jurnal ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh organisasi atau badan
mandiri di luar pengelolan jurnal ilmiah. Bentuk penilaian mutu eksternal
yang lain adalah penilaian yang berkaitan dengan akuntabilitas, pemberian
status, pemberian lisensi oleh badan tertentu. ,da juga pengumpulan data
oleh badan pemerintah bagi tujuan tertentu, dan sur&ei untuk menentukan
peringkat (ran"ing! suatu kelembagaan.
Berbeda dari bentuk penilaian mutu lainnya, akreditasi dilakukan oleh
pakar sejawat dan mereka yang memahami hakekat pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah,
sebagai .im ,ssessor. "eputusan mengenai mutu didasarkan pada penilaian
terhadap berbagai bukti yang terkait dengan standar yang ditetapkan dan
berdasarkan nalar dan pertimbangan para pakar sejawat (,u&gments o%
in%orme& e.perts!. Bukti-bukti yang diperlukan termasuk publikasi jurnal
yang disiapkan oleh pengelolan jurnal ilmiah yang akan diakreditasi yang
di&eri!ikasi melalui desk-e&aluation para pakar sejawat yang ditunjuk menjadi
.im ,ssessor.
,kreditasi merupakan suatu proses dan hasil. Sebagai proses,
akreditasi merupakan suatu upaya untuk menilai dan menentukan status
kualitas jurnal ilmiah berdasarkan standar mutu yang telah ditetapkan.
Sebagai hasil, akreditasi merupakan status mutu jurnal ilmiah yang
diumumkan kepada masyarakat.
/eningkatan kualitas jurnal ilmiah yang bersumber dari hasil-hasil
penelitian melibatkan banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan. /enamaan $urnal 0
Berkala *lmiah, "elembagaan /enerbit dan /enyuntingan merupakan bagian
inti dari penilaian suatu jurnal dapat terkareditasi. Bobot penilaian dari
masing-masing parameter tidak sama. -al yang sangat perlu diperhatikan
dalam menghindari kegagalan akreditasi adalah memperhatikan kriteria
eligibilitas jurnal ilmiah, mencermati butir-butir instrumen akreditasi yang
dapat dikendalikan oleh pengelola jurnal dan membangun kerja sama yang
baik dengan para penulis agar naskahnya bermutu.
.ujuan akreditasi jurnal ilmiah pada hakekatnya adalah untuk
meningkatkan kualitas jurnal ilmiah sehingga dapat meningkatkan komunikasi
ilmiah di antara para peneliti dan masyarakat pengguna. Sasaran akhir dari
komunikasi ini adalah pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan kebutuhan
pembangunan di *ndonesia.
Usulan akreditasi $urnal *lmiah diajukan oleh "etua Dewan 1edaksi
$urnal *lmiah dengan memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut
2. $urnal yang diusulkan akreditasinya telah terbit minimal selama 3 (tiga)
tahun berturutan, terhitung mundur mulai tanggal pengajuan akreditasi.
4. 5rekuensi penerbitan jurnal ilmiah minimal 4 (dua) kali dalam satu tahun
secara teratur.
3. $umlah tiras tiap kali penerbitan minimal 366 eksemplar.
7. Diterbitkan 8leh /erguruan .inggi di bawah Depdiknas, /erguruan
.inggi "edinasan yang telah mempunyai kerjasama dengan Depdiknas
serta -impunan /ro!esi.
2.#. In"!rumen E$alua"i un!uk Akrei!a"i Jurnal Ilmiah %DP#M&
,. /enamaan Berkala
9ariabel, *ndikator, dan Skor
"esesuaian :ama
a. Sangat spesi!ik sehingga mencerminkan superspesialisasi atau
spesialisasi disiplin ilmu (;)
b. Spesi!ik dan menggambarkan disiplin ilmu (7)
c. ,gak spesi!ik tetapi meluas mencakup bidang ilmu (3)
d. "urang spesi!ik dan bersi!at umum (4)
e. -ampir tidak spesi!ik dan bersi!at umum (2)
!. .idak spesi!ik karena menggunakan nama lembaga dan0atau
lokasi (6)
Berkala menggunakan nama yang bermakna, tepat dan singkat sehingga
mudah diacu. Dengan memerhatikan tradisi bidang ilmu terkait, diinginkan
adanya keselarasan antara nama berkala dan disiplin ilmu, bidang
akademis, atau pro!esi. :ama yang dipakai sebaiknya menonjolkan bidang
ilmu, dan bukannya nama lembaga atau kota penerbitnya. Bahasa nama
berkala dan maknanya hendaklah cukup dikenal dan dipahami dalam ling-
kungan keilmuan terkait.
B. "elembagaan /enerbit (;)
9ariabel, *ndikator dan Skor
2. /ranata /enerbit
a. 8rganisasi pro!esi ilmiah (;)
b. 8rganisasi pro!esi ilmiah bekerja sama dengan lembaga
c. Badan penerbitan mandiri (3)
d. Satuan organisasi teknis lembaga (4)
e. #embaga induk (2)
!. Bentuk satuan lain (6)
4. /elembagaan #andasan -ukum
a. .idak memiliki *SS: (-
2. #embaga penerbit berkala (seperti organisasi pro!esi ilmiah, badan
penerbit, lembaga penelitian, perguruan tinggi) memiliki ketetapan
hukum (badan hukum), sehingga mampu memberikan jaminan
kesinambungan dana dan naungan hukum. Semakin independen a!iliasi
kelembagaan penerbit, semakin tinggi nilai berkalanya. /engelolaan
penerbitan berkala dimandatkan pada suatu satuan organik independen
dan bersi!at teknis, yang tidak akan terlalu terpengaruh oleh adanya
perubahan reorganisasi lembaga sehingga akan memiliki kantor, ruang
kerja, dan alamat yang tetap.
4. "egiatan penerbitan berkala ilmiah harus melembagakan landasan
standardisasi nasional, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan *SS: serta
segala peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku lainnya. Berkala
ilmiah yang tidak ber-*SS: mendapat disinsenti!.
<. /enyuntingan (42)
9ariabel, *ndikator, dan Skor
2. /enelaahan oleh Mitra Bestari
a. Melibatkan mitra bestari internasional =;6> (26)
b. Melibatkan mitra bestari nasional =;6> (?)
c. Melibatkan mitra bestari setempat (7)
d. .idak melibatkan mitra bestari (6)
4. "uali!ikasi ,nggota Sidang /enyunting
a. S40peneliti dan0atau S30guru besar0ahli peneliti, yang sudah
pernah menulis artikel di berkala tingkat nasional0internasional
=;6> (3)
b. S40peneliti dan0atau S30guru besar0ahli peneliti, yang sudah
pernah menulis artikel di berkala tingkat nasional0internasional
@ ;6> (4)
c. -anya S2 atau di bawahnya (2)
3. "eterlibatan ,kti! Mitra Bestari dalam Menjaga Mutu *si
a. Sangat nyata (;)
b. :yata (3)
c. .idak nyata (6)
7. Dampak "inerja /enyunting /elaksana terhadap Mutu
/enampilan Berkala
a. Sangat nyata (3)
b. :yata (4)
c. .idak nyata (6)
2. /enyuntingan berkala ilmiah modern menuntut digunakannya sistem
penelaahan dan penyaringan secara anonim oleh mitra bestari (revie'
)y peer group system) yang melibatkan ahli dan penilai dari
lingkungan luas. 3ere"a ini )u"an anggota si&ang atau &e'an
penyunting yang dibuktikan keterlibatannya dalam proses
penyuntingan dengan adanya korespondensi atau pencantuman nama di
akhir tiap jilid. "einternasionalan kepakaran seorang mitra bestari
ditentukan oleh jumlah publikasi berbahasa asing, keseringan
karya0pendapatnya diacu secara luas, keterlibatan kecendekiaannya
dalam !orum internasional, dan bentuk-bentuk pengakuan ilmiah
berbobot lain.
4. /ara penyunting hendaklah terdiri atas perorangan berkuali!ikasi dan
berpengalaman yang mempunyai waktu, kemauan, kemampuan, dan
komitmen. /engangkatan resmi seseorang sebagai anggota sidang
penyunting dilakukan bukan karena jabatan struktural e. o%%icio tetapi
karena kuali!ikasi kespesialisan seseorang. 8rganisasi dan penggarisan
wewenang serta tugas (misalnya penyunting penyelia, penyunting pe-
laksana, penyunting tamu) hendaklah dinyatakan secara tegas dan
gamblang. <akupan mandat dan bidang keilmuan diupayakan agar
lengkap terwakili oleh anggotanya dalam sesuatu sidang atau dewan
3. "eterlibatan mitra bestari, para penelaah tamu, dan anggota sidang
penyunting berkala ilmiah diukur dari mutu isi berkala baik substansi
teknis maupun kebakuan bahasa dan peristilahan setiap artikel yang
7. "inerja dan kegiatan pelaksanaan penyuntingan dapat dinilai dari mutu
penampilan hasil penyuntingan yang diperlihatkan oleh terbitan
berkala ilmiahnya. Dalam kaitan ini peran akti! penyunting pelaksana
akan sangat menentukan.
D. /enampilan (A)
9ariabel, *ndikator, dan Skor
2. Ukuran
a. "onsisten (2)
b. .idak (6)
4. .ata #etak
a. "onsisten (2)
b. .idak (6)
3. .ipogra!i
a. "onsisten (huru! dan spasi) (4)
b. Ba0tidak (2)
c. .idak (6)
7. $enis "ertas
a. "onsisten (2)
b. .idak (6)
;. $umlah -alaman
a. Selisih tidak melebihi ; > (4)
b. Selisih tidak melebihi 4; > (2)
c. Selisih melebihi 4; > (6)
C. .ekstur Sampul
a. "onsisten (2)
b. .idak (6)
?. 1ancangan Sampul
a. Berpenciri (2)
b. "urang berpenciri 6,;)
c. .idak berpenciri (6)
2. "onsistensi ukuran suatu berkala harus dijaga ketat.
4. "onsistensi tata letak (lay out) D yang mencakup pengaturan bentuk dan
ukuran huru! untuk pelbagai keperluan, penataan jarak dan ruang,
peletakan baris judul dan alinea, sistem penempatan ilustrasi dan lain-lain
D setiap berkala dituntut agar dipertahankan karena menentukan
perwajahan halaman sehingga akan ikut mencirikan gaya selingkung
3. "onsistensi tipogra!i (yang meliputi macam, bentuk dan ukuran muka
huru!, spasi di antara baris, penggunaan huru! kapital atau huru! kursi!)
untuk setiap penerbitan nomor berkala mutlak harus dijaga benar.
7. $enis kertas (macam, warna, dan ketebalan, yang ditentukan berdasarkan
bobot selembar kertas per 2 m
, kandungan bahan) yang dipakai dalam
setiap kali berkala terbit harus seragam.
;. $umlah halaman dalam setiap jilid dituntut untuk konsisten. Disarankan
agar tebal satu jilid atau &olume D yang tidak harus terikat tahun terbit D
minimum 466 halaman (sehingga berpenanda atau bernomor halaman 2 D
C. .ekstur sampul (bahan atau macam kertas, keadaan permukaan, kekuatan
dan keopakan, serta corak) berkala hendaklah memiliki kemantapan yang
dapat dikenali. Dengan perkataan lain, sampul dapat berganti warna atau
gambar, namun nama berkala, logo, dan penataan umum harus tetap dan
?. /enampilan umum berkala hendaklah diupayakan memiliki rancangan
menonjol (eye catching) yang berpenciri dengan keunikan khas, sehingga
jika disimpan dalam sebuah meja pajangan bersama kumpulan berkala lain
akan dapat segera terkenali dari jauh.
U:ES<8 merekomendasikan agar secara bertaat asas berkala diterbitkan
dengan kertas berukuran ,7, 426 F 4A? mm.
E. Gaya /enulisan (22)
9ariabel, *ndikator, dan Skor
2. "ee!ekti!an $udul
a. Baku dan lugas (2)
b. Baku tetapi tidak lugas (6,;)
c. .idak baku (6)
4. /encantuman :ama /enulis dan #embaga
a. Baku dan lengkap (pengarang dan lembaga beralamat)
b. Baku tetapi tidak lengkap (hanya pengarang) (6,;)
c. .idak baku, misalnya ditulis pengarang &"" (6)
3. ,bstrak
a. ,da dan isinya utuh menggambarkan esensi artikel (2)
b. ,da tetapi tidak menggambarkan esensi artikel
c. .idak ada (6)
7. "ata "unci
a. ,da dan mencerminkan konsep penting dalam artikel (2)
b. ,da tetapi tidak mencerminkan konsep penting dalam
artikel (6,;)
c. .idak ada (6)
;. Sistematika /enulisan0/embaban
a. #engkap dan bersistem baik (2)
b. #engkap tetapi tidak bersistem (6,;)
c. "urang lengkap dan tidak bersistem (6)
C. /eman!aatan *nstrumen /endukung
a. *n!ormati! dan komplementer (2)
b. *n!ormati! tetapi tidak komplementer (6,;)
c. "urang in!ormati! dan tidak komplementer (6)
?. <ara /engacuan dan /engutipan
a. Baku dan "onsisten (2)
b. Baku tetapi tidak konsisten (6,;)
c. .idak baku (6)
H. /enyusunan Da!tar /ustaka
a. Baku dan konsisten (2)
b. Baku tetapi tidak konsisten (6,;)
c. .idak baku (6)
A. /etunjuk bagi <alon /enulis
a. 1inci (2)
b. .idak rinci (6,;)
c. .idak ada (6)
26. /eristilahan Baku, Bahasa Baik dan Benar
a. Baik (4)
b. <ukup (2)
c. Buruk (6)
2. $udul artikel dalam berkala ilmiah haruslah spesi!ik dan e!ekti!.
"ee!ekti!annya antara lain diukur dari kelugasan penulisannya (yang
tidak boleh lebih dari 27 kata dalam tulisan berbahasa *ndonesia, atau
26 kata bahasa *nggris, atau A6 ketuk pada papan kunci) sehingga
sekali baca dapat ditangkap maksudnya secara komprehensi!.
4. "emantapan dan kemapanan pencantuman baris kredit ()yline) yang
meliputi nama -nama penulis (yang harus tanpa gelar akademis atau
indikasi jabatan dan kepangkatan) dan alamat lembaga tempat kegiatan
penelitian dilakukan, serta penunjukan alamat korespondensi kalau
berbeda (berikut alamat e4mail bila dipersyaratkan), supaya diberikan
secara jelas dan bertaat asas.
3. Setiap artikel dalam berkala ilmiah harus disertai satu paragra! abstrak
(bukan ringkasan yang terdiri atas beberapa paragra!) secara
gamblang, utuh, dan lengkap menggambarkan esensi isi keseluruhan
tulisan. ,bstrak berbahasa *nggris yang baik susunannya selalu harus
7. "ata kunci yang ber!ungsi karena dipilih secara cermat sehingga
mampu mencerminkan konsep yang dikandung artikel terkait
merupakan kelengkapan artikel ilmiah untuk membantu peningkatan
keteraksesan artikel yang bersangkutan.
;. "ecermatan tata cara penyajian tulisan sehingga memiliki sistematika
dan pembaban yang baik sesuai dengan jenis artikel serta sistem yang
dianut disiplin ilmunya merupakan ciri berkala ilmiah yang bernilai
tinggi. Berkala hendaklah tidak memuat tulisan dengan bentuk
pembaban mirip penulisan skripsi, dengan mencantumkan kerangka
teori, pernyataan masalah, kegunaan penelitian, saran tindak lanjut,
dan sejenisnya.
C. Di dalam bidang ilmu tertentu penulisan artikel dituntut untuk
menggunakan semua sarana pelengkap (seperti gambar, !oto, tabel, dan
gra!ik) untuk mendukung pemaparan deskripti!.
?. Gaya selingkung berkala meliputi sistem pengacuan pustaka (nama-
tahun, urut nomor, catatan kaki, catatan akhir) serta cara pengutipan
yang harus dijaga kebakuan dan kemantapannya
H. /enyusunan da!tar pustaka (sistem -ar&ard, sistem 9ancou&er, tahun
di depan atau di belakang, bahan acuan atau bahan bacaan0bibliogra!i)
harus pula dilakukan secara baku dan konsisten.
A. /etunjuk bagi penulis agar diberikan secara jelas dan terperinci dalam
setiap jilid supaya ketaatasasan pada gaya selingkung berkala dapat
26. Berkala ilmiah dicirikan oleh penggunaan istilah yang baku dan bahasa
yang baik dan benar.
5. Substansi *si (3C)
9ariabel, *ndikator, dan Skor
2. <akupan "eilmuan Berkala
a. Superspesialis, misalnya taksonomi jamur (;)
b. Spesialis, misalnya !isiologi tumbuhan (7)
c. <abang ilmu, misalnya botani (3)
d. Disiplin ilmu, misalnya biologi (4)
e. "ombinasi berbagai disiplin ilmu (2)
4. ,spirasi +awasan Berkala
a. *nternasional (;)
b. 1egional (7)
c. :asional (3)
d. "awasan (4)
e. #okal (2)
3. "epioneran *lmiah *si Berkala
a. .inggi (;)
b. <ukup (7)
c. Sedang (3)
d. "urang (4)
e. 1endah (2)
7. Sumbangan Berkala pada "emajuan *lmu dan .eknologi
a. .inggi (;)
b. <ukup (7)
c. Sedang (3)
d. "urang (4)
e. 1endah (2)
;. Dampak *lmiah Berkala
a. .inggi (;)
b. <ukup (7)
c. Sedang (3)
d. "urang (4)
e. 1endah (2)
C. "adar /erbandingan Sumber ,cuan /rimer #ainnya
a. =H6> (4)
b. 76 D H6> (2)
c. @76> (6.;)
?. Derajat "emutakhiran /ustaka ,cuan
a. =H6> (3)
b. 76-H6> (4)
c. @76> (2)
H. ,nalisis dan Sintesis
a. Baik (3)
b. <ukup (4)
c. "urang (2)
A. /enyimpulan dan /erampatan
a. Baik (3)
b. <ukup (4)
c. "urang (2)
Sekalipun terkesan bersi!at subjekti!, penilaian terhadap bobot dan mutu
substansi ilmiah berkala mutlak diperlukan, dan dilakukan secara objekti!
dengan jalan membandingkannya dengan berkala sejenis yang sudah dianggap
2. <akupan bidang keilmuan berkala merupakan indikator mutu substansi
yang penting, dengan catatan bahwa makin dalam kespesialisasiannya
makin tinggi nilainya. Berkala yang bersi!at bunga rampai tidak besar
dampak ilmiahnya terhadap pemajuan disiplin ilmu.
4. ,spirasi wawasan berkala diukur dari luas jangkauan pembaca yang
ingin dicapai, antara lain melalui bahasa, daerah asal penyumbang
tulisan, ruang lingkup dan wilayah geogra!i yang diliput, dan mitra
bestari yang dilibatkan. "euni&ersalan lebih dipentingkan dibandingkan
dengan kenasionalan, apalagi kelokalan.
3. "epioneran isi berkala ditentukan oleh kemutakhiran state4o%4the4art
ilmu dan teknologi yang dikandung, kecanggihan sudut pandang dan
pendekatan, kebaruan temuan bagi ilmu (novelties, ne' to science)
yang disajikan, ketuntasan penggarapan (tidak hanya mengulang
penelitian sejenis sebelumnya, tidak memermutasikan metodologi dan
objek, tidak memecah satu persoalan penelitian dalam serangkaian
tulisan), dan kehebatan teori serta keluasan perampatan setiap artikel
yang dimuatnya. Dengan demikian berkala tidak akan memuat artikel
yang hanya bersi!at ulasan atau re!erat.
7. Sumbangan berkala pada kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi diukur dari
derajat keorisinalan dan makna kontribusi ilmiah temuan0gagasan0hasil
pemikiran dalam tulisan yang dimuatnya sesuai dengan bidang
ilmunya, yang akan menentukan posisi majalah dalam percaturan
pengembangan dan penguasaan ilmu.
;. Dampak ilmiah berkala antara lain dapat dinilai dari tinggi !rekuensi
pengacuan terhadap tulisan yang dimuatnya, peranannya untuk
ber!ungsi sebagai pemacu kegiatan penelitian berikutnya,
kemampuannya ImembesarkanI nama ilmuwan dan pandit yang sudah
ditampung buah tangannya, pengaruhnya pada lingkungan ilmiah serta
pendidikan, dan besarnya jumlah tiras.
C. :isbah perbandingan sumber pustaka primer dan bahan lainnya
menentukan bobot pemikiran dan gagasan yang dijadikan kerangka
penulisan, sebab semakin tinggi pustaka primer yang diacu semakin
bermutu pula tulisannya.
?. Derajat kemutakhiran bahan yang diacu dengan melihat proporsi
terbitan 26 tahun terakhir, merupakan tolok ukur mutu berkala ilmiah
yang penting. "eseringan pengarang mengacu pada diri sendiri (sel%
citation! dapat mengurangi nilai berkala.
H. "etajaman analisis dan sintesis yang dilakukan secara kritis akan
meningkatkan martabat dan mutu berkala ilmiah.
A. /enarikan kesimpulan dan perampatan yang meluas, serta pencetusan
teori baru yang dituangkan secara mapan akan membuat berkala lebih
bermakna dibandingkan dengan memuat tulisan yang berisi kesimpulan
dangkal dan saran bahwa penelitiannya perlu dilanjutkan.
Untuk etiket penelitian dalam bidang tertentu sebaiknya dimintakan ethical
clearance dari komisi etik yang bersangkutan, terutama untuk penelitian yang
melibatkan manusia dan hewan sebagai sasaran dan tujuan penelitiannya.
/. Ke0erkalaan %1')
9ariabel, *ndikator, dan Skor
2. $adwal /enerbitan
a. $adwal sesuai dengan yang ditentukan (4)
b. $adwal tidak sesuai (2)
c. .idak menyebut jadwal penerbitan (6)
4. .ata /enomoran Berkala
a. "onsisten dan bersistem (4)
b. .idak konsisten tetapi bersistem (2)
c. .idak bersistem dan tidak konsisten (6)
3. /enomoran -alaman
a. Berurut dalam satu jilid (4)
b. .iap nomor dimulai dengan halaman (6)
7. *ndeks .iap $ilid
a. *ndeks subjek dan indeks pengarang (4)
b. *ndeks subjek saja, atau pengarang saja (2)
c. .idak ada (6)
;. Sumber Dana
a. .erjamin, dari luar dan dari lembaga induk (2)
b. .erjamin, dari lembaga induk saja (6,;)
c. .idak terjamin (6)
C. /otensi "etersediaan :askah
a. =466> isi satu nomor (2)
b. 266D466> isi satu nomor (6,;)
c. @266> isi satu nomor (6)
2. "etaatan periode !rekuensi penerbitan berkala haruslah sesuai dengan
jadwal yang ditentukan. /erlu dicatat bahwa penerbitan tak teratur
(irregular) merupakan ukuran keberkalaan yang diperkenankan, asal
tegas dikatakan.
4. "emantapan tata penomoran perlu dijaga sesuai dengan keberkalaan,
yang dilakukan dengan mencantumkan nomor jilid atau &olume (dapat
dengan angka 1omawi) dan nomor bagian (umumnya dengan angka
,rab). /enomoran berkala ilmiah pada umumnya tidak tergantung
pada tahun terbit.
3. /enomoran halaman berkala ilmiah dilakukan secara
berkesinambungan dari 2-n dalam suatu jilid yang belum ditutup
dengan indeks isi, dan bukan mulai lagi dari halaman 2 untuk setiap
nomor bagian yang terbit.
7. *ndeks penutup jilid penanda dilakukannya kendali keberkalaan,
supaya diadakan. *ndeks itu minimum terdiri atas indeks subjek dan
indeks kumulati! pengarang dalam jilid terkait. Selain itu, indeks
penutup jilid dapat pula memuat da!tar tanggal tepat setiap nomor
bagian diterbitkan, da!tar penyandang dana yang menyumbang
penerbitan, dan indeks mitra bestari yang berperan dalam penerbitan
jilid bersangkutan.
;. "etersediaan dana teratur adalah salah satu ukuran penjamin
keberkalaan. Dana teratur yang diterima dari pihak luar memiliki nilai
lebih tinggi dibandingkan dana yang disediakan lembaga induk.
C. "etersediaan naskah yang berkelanjutan dapat diperiksa dari laporan
proses penyaringan dan penelaahan naskah dengan melihat nisbah
jumlah naskah yang diterima dan ditolak.
2.*. Kri!eria Jurnal Ilmiah In!erna"i1nal
Secara umum suatu publikasi ilmiah dikatakan beraspirasi
internasional jika Ditulis dalam salah satu bahasa /BB sehingga memiliki
cakupan pembaca yang luasJ Memuat artikel yang berisi sumbangan nyata
bagi kemajuan suatu disiplin ilmu yang banyak diminati ilmuwan seduniaJ
/enerbitannya dikelola secara terbuka sehingga melibatkan dewan penyunting
dari berbagai penjuru dunia, atau paling tidak setiap artikelnya diolah oleh
pakar-pakar internasional melalui sistem penelaahan oleh mitra bestari dunia
secara anonimJ /enyumbang artikelnya berasal dari pelbagai negara yang
lembaga-lembaganya memiliki pakar yang berspesialisasi dalam bidang
kekhususan berkala. Sejalan dengan itu persebaran berkalanya juga mendunia
karena dilanggan oleh pelbagai lembaga dan pakar dari berbagai negara yang
berminat pada disiplin ilmu termaksud (Ditjen Dikti, 466A).
"riteria Umum $urnal *lmiah *nternasional (D/3M 466C)
2. Bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa /BB (*nggris, /erancis,
Spanyol, ,rab, <ina)
4. /engelolaan naskah sedemikian rupa sehingga naskah yang
diterima cepat terbit (rapid re&iew) dan ada keteraturan terbit
3. $urnal berkualitas (prestige), bisa dilihat dari da!tar penelaah
naskahnya dan E&itorial Boar&-nya yaitu pakar di bidangnya
dalam dan luar negeri.
7. Dibaca oleh banyak orang di bidangnya, bisa dilihat dari
distribusi0peredarannya (circulation).
;. Menjadi acuan bagi banyak peneliti (citation).
C. .ercantum dalam Current Content dan sejenisnya (di /D** ada
juga majalah abstrak yang disebut 5okus, tapi berbahasa
?. ,rtikel yang dimuat berkualitas, bisa dilihat dari kemutakhiran
topik dan da!tar acuannya.
H. /enyumbang artikel0naskah berasal dari banyak negara
A. /enelaah berasal dari banyak negara yang terkemuka di
26. Menawarkan o%%4prints5reprints.
22. .erbit teratur sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditentukan.
24. /enerbitan jurnal tidak terkendala oleh dana.
23. Bukan jurnal $urusan, 5akultas, Uni&ersitas atau #embaga yang
mencerminkan derajat kelokalan. Seyogyanya diterbitkan oleh
himpunan pro!esi.
27. Memberi kesempatan penulis artikel membaca contoh cetak
2;. ,rtikel yang dominan (kalau bisa = H6>), berupa artikel orisinil
(hasil penelitian), bukan sekadar re&iew atau ulasan.
2C. "adar sumber acuan primer =H6>, derajat kemutakhiran acuan
2?. .ersedia *ndeks di setiap &olume.
2H. "etersediaan naskah tidak menjadi masalah. ,ngka penolakan
2A. Mempertimbangkan (mpact *actor, yaitu' 5aktor ini dihitung
$umlah sitasi pada artikel yang dimuat di jurnal L
$umlah artikel yang dimuat di jurnal L
Biasanya seorang ilmuwan (scientist) akan merasa bangga apabila
karya tulisnya diterima dan akan diterbitkan oleh editor dari suatu majalah
ataupun diterima oleh redaksi jurnal , baik nasional maupun internasional.
"ebanggaan ini nampaknya tidak terlalu berlebihan karena ilmuwan tersebut
secara tidak langsung menjadi anggota atau kelompok elite pro!esi yang
ditekuninya serta sekaligus dimuliakan karena pokok-pokok pikirannya
dipakai sebagai teori.
Beberapa tahapan yang penting dan harus diketahui oleh penulis
sebelum menulis tulisan ilmiah adalah sebagai berikut ini.
#.1. Men3ka4i an Tuli"an ilmiah
Membuat karya tulis ilmiah berarti berkomunikasi dengan orang lain
tentang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dengan kata lain memberikan
in!ormasi kepada pembaca tentang ilmu pengetahuan. Seringkali ada
kecenderungan bahwa sedikit sekali para pembaca yang membaca tulisan
ilmiah secara tuntas dari awal sampai akhir. /enyusun tulisan ini secara tidak
sengaja mengamati pembaca yang mencari pustaka diperpustakaan dan apa
yang dilakukan oleh sebagian besar pembaca adalah sebagai berikut.
"ebanyakan pembaca biasanya mengambil journal yang telah dipi-
lihnya, selanjutnya melihat dan membaca da!tar isi, melihat apakah ada topik
atau judul yang menarik dan perlu diketahui. "emudian membalik halaman
dan membaca abstrak0ringkasan, selanjutnya melihat gambar dan tabel yang
ada, terakhir membaca kesimpulan dan da!tar pustaka. Dari pengamatan yang
dilakukannya di perpustakaan tersebut terlihat bahwa pada dasarnya ada dua
kelompok pembaca yang berminat membaca tulisan ilmiah. "elompok
pertama adalah pembaca yang satu pro!esi dengan penulis artikel ilmiah,
yang selanjutnya pembaca tersebut akan membaca secara keseluruhan
in!ormasi yang ada dan kelompok yang kedua adalah pembaca yang hanya
membaca hasil penelitian yang selanjutnya dipakai sebagai latar belakang
pekerjaan yang akan atau sedang diselesaikan.
Dari hasil penelitian dan pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh para pakar
dapat dibuat urutan bagian-bagian yang penting dari suatu tulisan ilmiah
yang selalu menjadi sorotan utama bagi pencari in!ormasi aktual (pembaca).
Bagian-bagian tersebut adalah judul tulisan, abstrak0 ringkasan, gambar dan
tabel, hasil dan pembahasan, dan yang sering juga dibaca adalah da!tar
$udul suatu tulisan ilmiah merupakan bagian yang terpenting karena
bagian inilah yang pertama kali dibaca oleh pembaca, oleh karenanya judul
suatu tulisan ilmiah harus memenuhi syarat atau paling tidak harus menarik
dan menimbulkan rasa ingin membaca.
,bstrak atau abstrak0ringkasan harus dibuat sedemikian rupa
sehingga mendorong pembaca untuk membaca lebih lanjut dan isi dari
abstrak0ringkasan tersebut harus memberikan in!ormasi yang pasti (de!inite
/embaca sering melakukan apa yang disebut scanning yaitu
membaca secara cepat untuk merangkum isi tulisan, untuk itu gambar dan
tabel yang disajikan dalam naskah harus memberikan gambaran yang utuh
dari hasil penelitian, yang selanjutnya pengertian isi dari gambar dan tabel
tersebut dijelaskan dalam hasil dan dibahas.
#.2. Prin"i5 Da"ar Mem0ua! Tuli"an Ilmiah
"arya ilmiah biasanya ditulis dan diterbitkan dengan tujuan agar jerih
payah untuk membuktikan hipotesis kerja itu !aktanya diakui dan dimuliakan
sebagai teori, serta dipakai sebagai landasan atau penjelasan pernyataan
ilmiah yang sebelumnya sudah dikemukakan ataupun yang belum
dikemukakan. 8leh karenanya menulis tulisan ilmiah jauh lebih sukar dari
pada menyampaikan data-data ilmiah.
Beberapa prinsip menulis yang perlu dikuasai bagi penulis pemula
antara lain
(2). Dalam angan-angan bayangkanlah pembaca adalah
manusia yang spesi!ik, baik itu nyata atau imaginer. /ara
pembaca itu harus diandaikan misalnya sebagai kelompok
intelegensia baik yang satu pro!esi maupun bukan.
(4). Sebelum memulai menulis harus sudah ditetapkan apa
tujuan membuat tulisan. 8leh karenanya tiap-tiap paragra!,
tiap kalimat, tiap kata harus jelas dan ikut mengambil
bagian dalam isi tulisan secara utuh serta pada saat yang
tepat. Dengan kata lain, penjelasan- penjelasannya tidak
boleh "salah tempat".
(3). Menggunakan style dan gaya bahasa yang sederhana dan
mudah dimengerti, sudah biasa dipakai dan dikenal umum.
"emudian disusun menurut kaidah-kaidah tata bahasa yang
sudah dibakukan.
(7). Berupaya agar tulisan ilmiah yang dibuat nampak menarik,
enak dibaca, meskipun tidak harus "nyaman" untuk dibaca.
.ulisan ilmiah harus ditulis dengan teknik dan gaya yang mempunyai
ciri-ciri khas. 8leh karenanya diajurkan bagi penulis pemula agar
mengembangkan gaya tulisannya sendiri-sendiri yang pada akhirnya nanti
akan menjadi trade mark bagi dirinya sendiri.
#.#. Taha5an Peker4aan Menuli"
Dalam proses membuat tulisan ilmiah, beberapa tahapan harus
dilakukan, yaitu
(2) membuat rencana (planning) garis-garis besar tulisan atau out
(4) membuat dra!t pertama
(3) membuat dra!t kedua
(7) penyusunan dra!t akhir atau !inal dra!t.
#.#.1. Men6u"un Benan3 Merah %1u!line).
.ampaknya bagi penulis yang akan menulis artikel ilmiah, langkah
awal yang harus dilakukan adalah membuat garis besar ( outline )
karangannya . Dengan adanya garis besar itu penulis telah memutuskan apa
yang ingin disampaikan dan bagaimana tiap bagaian dihubungkan dengan
bagaian yang lain secara logis. Setelah itu barulah penulis memikirkan
bagaimana mengembangkan hal-hal yang telah dihubungkan itu secara lebih
rinci . Dengan membuat kerangka garis besar penulis dapat melihat dengan
jelas apakah semua materi telah dimasukkan ataukah ada sesuatu yang
Benang-merah tersebut kemudian dikembangkan dengan cara
menambah sub- topik, bagian, sub bagian, dan sebagainya. Dari
pengembangan outline itu, penulis juga dapat lebih mudah untuk mengetahui
ada tidaknya hubungan logik antar materi yang ingin ditulis.
Setelah outline selesai disiapkan, sebaiknya dibaca ulang dan diper-
iksa sekali lagi untuk melihat apakah masih ada materi yang terlewatkan.
,pakah ide-ide yang telah dikelompokkan bersamasama itu benar- benar
berada dalam suatu himpunan secara logis M ,pabila perlu, outline itu dapat
diubah atau dirombak. /hillips dan -unt (2AH4) memnyarankan langkah
berikut untuk membuat outline
2. Buatlah outline sesederhana mungkin dan aturlah topik-topik
dalam urutan yang logis dan mudah dibaca.
4. "embangkan outline itu dengan cara memberikan judul, sub-judul,
bagian dan sub bagaian dari setiap bagian .
3. "emudian kembangkanlah outline itu lebih lanjut dengan
mengadakan pengaturan kembali topik-topik yang ingin dianalisis
dalam pengaturan yang lebih e!ekti! dan rasional.
8utline yang tersusun pada umumnya mengikuti urutan seperti yang
akan diuraikan dalam bab berikutnya dalam topik "menulis tulisan ilmiah",
hanya untuk "abstrak0 ringkasan" harus disusun paling akhir. Urutan itu
adalah sebagai berikut
(2) $udul (,pakah sudah sesuai dengan apa yang akan ditulis M)
(4) /endahuluan (mengapa penelitian dilakukan M, apasaja yang
sudah diketahui dan apa saja yang belum diketahui sehubungan
dengan topik penelitianM).
(3) Material ( apa saja yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan
bagaimana cara memakainya M)
(7) Metode penelitian (apa saja yang digunakan M dan bagaimana
(;) -asil (apa yang ditemukan M, apakah &aliditas bisa dipercaya M)
(C) /embahasan (apa arti dan kepentingan hasil yang diperoleh M
adakah hubungannya dengan yang lain M)
(?) Da!tar pustaka (pustaka apa yang digunakan M)
(H) ,bstrak .
#.#.2. Dra7! Per!ama
,pabila outline sudah selesai disiapkan, penulisan dra!t pertama
dapat dimulai secara sistematis, diselesaikan tahap demi tahap dengan
mencoba menjawab pertanyaan yang telah diterangkan di bagian sebelum-
nya .
/ada tahap ini penulis pemula belum perlu terlalu menekankan
kepada gaya bahasa yang digunakan. .entu saja tidak ada salahnya sudah
menuliskannya dengan gaya yang dikehendaki oleh majalah ilmiah tetapi
jangan sampai hal-hal itu menjadi penghambat kemajuan penulisan.
5aktor kunci dalam pembuatan dra!t pertama adalah penulis sedang
membangun tempat berdiri. Dua puluh kalimat yang bahasanya kurang baik
tetapi menyebabkan penulis dapat terus menulis akan jauh lebih
menguntungkan dari pada satu kalimat tersusun baik tapi melelahkan.
,pabila gagasan dibiarkan bebas mengalir maka penulisannyapun akan
demikian pula, cacat dalam kalimat yang dapat diperbaiki kemudian, dapat
ditutupi dengan kalimat lain.
#.#.#. Dra7! ke ua
Setelah penulisan dra!t pertama selesai, karangan telah berbentuk
dengan bagian yang terpisah-pisah sesuai dengan outline. Biasanya tiap-tiap
bagian tidak bersambung dengan bagian lain sebagaimana mestinya.
Sampai sejauh ini, semua hal pokok telah tercatat dan penulis dapat
mencoba memahami keseluruhan struktur karangan dengan membacanya
secara cepat dari awal sampai akhir. <ara ini disebut uji kelancaran "aliran
pikiran" (!low o! thoughts). /ada tahap ini jika sampai pada bagian yang
mengganggu, atau pengulangan, ataupun salah, jangan berhenti untuk
memperbaikinya. Buatlah catatan pada ruang kosong kertas dra!t dan
teruskan membaca. Setelah selesai membaca maka dapat kembali lagi pada
bagian-bagian yang tidak tersusun dengan baik. Selama uji kelancaran ini
mungkin akan dapat diketahui kalimat- kalimat yang berbelit-belit atau terlalu
/engulangan atau duplikasi yang tidak perlu harus dicari dan
dihilangkan. /engulangan sering dijumpai didalam "/enda huluan" dan
"/embahasan" , serta dalam "-asil" dan "/emba hasan". -al-hal yang telag
dikemukakan dalam "/endahuluan" seringkali dikemukakan kembali dalam
"/embahasan". ,pabila ini terjadi maka "/embahasan" harus diubah
sehungga pembaca dapat mengingat argumen yang tercantum dalam
"/endahuluan" tanpa perlu membacanya lagi
Untuk mengatasi "-asil" diulang dalam "/embahasan" dapat dilaku-
kan dengan cara mengacu pada tabel dan gambar, bukan dengan cara
mengulangi teksnya. "alau cara yang dilakukan inipun belum mendapatkan
jalan keluar, maka penulis harus merenungkan kembali bagaimana menyusun
"-asil" yang lebih baik, dan penyajiannya dalam naskah perlu disusun
Setelah dra!t pertama selesai dan dilanjutkan dengan dra!t kedua yang
telah dikoreksi maka terbentuklah naskah yang secara keseluruhan telah
tersusun dengan pokok-pokok pikiran yang menyatu dan mengalir, meskipun
demikian masih perlu dikaji lebih lanjut.y
#.#.+. Dra7! akhir %7inal ra7!)
Dra!t akhir dihasilkan setelah dra!t ke tiga sudah diperbaiki dan
penekanannya ditujukan terutama kepada penyuntingan (editing) untuk
memenuhi permintaan editor atau super&isor.
.ugas berikutnya adalah pemeriksaan tulisan untuk menjamin tidak
adanya kesalahan karena kecerobohan. Bersamaan dengan pemeriksaan
naskah akhir, data asli perlu diperiksa kembali untuk meyakinkan bahwa
semua angka yang dikutip telah bertalian dengan tabel atau gambarnya, serta
nomor tabel maupun gambar sudah sesuai dengan yang diacu dalam naskah.
/erlu disampaikan pada peneliti bahwa "editor" atau super&isor tidak
segan-segan mengembalikan naskah karena kesalahan yang kecil akibat
"arya tulis ilmiah dapat dide!inisikan sebagai bentuk karangan atau
tulisan yang berupa buku, artikel dalam buku atau journal, skripsi, thesis,
desertasi (termasuk proposal penelitiannya) dan laporan hasil penelitian, yang
disajikan secara sistematis, cermat, tidak emoti!, tidak persuasi!, kata-katanya
mudah diidenti!ikasi, tidak argumentati!, tulus, tidak mengejar kepentingan
pribadi, dan semata-mata untuk memberikan in!ormasi.
,rtikel jurnal ilmiah atau karya tulis ilmiah yang dipublikasi
biasanya terdiri atas
(2) $udul .
(4) /enulis .
(3) ,bstrak (abstract) yang kadang-kadang disertai dengan kata-
kata kunci (key words).
(7) /endahuluan .
(;) Bahan dan MetodaJ atau Metodologi /enelitian
(C) -asil /enelitian .
(?) /embahasan .
(H) "esimpulan dan Saran .
(A) Da!tar /ustaka .
*.1. Juul %!i!le)
#$he title (an& a)stract! o% any article permit potential rea&ers to
get a -uic" overvie' o% stu&y an& to &eci&e i% they 'ish to rea& the
article itsel%. $itle (an& a)stract! are also in&e.e& an& compile& in
re%erence 'or"s an& computeri6e& &ata)ases. *or this reason they
shoul& accurately re%lect the content o% the article an& inclu&e "ey
'or&s that 'ill ensure their retrieval %rom a &ata)ase. 7esearcher
shoul& compose the title (an& a)stract! a%ter they have complete&
the article an& have a %irm vie' o% its structure an& content. $he
recommen&e& length %or a title is usually 80 to 82 'or&s. (t shoul&
)e %ully e.planatory 'hen stan&ing alone an& i&enti%y the
theoretical issues or the varia)les un&er investigation+. (Bem,
.ujuan utama menulis tulisan ilmiah adalah supaya karangan itu
dibaca oleh orang lain. Sebelum pembaca beralih membaca isi tulisan, yang
pertama kali dibaca adalah judulnya. $udul artikel diharapkan mencerminkan
dengan tepat masalah yang dibahas dalam artikel. 8leh karena itu pilihan
kata-kata harus tepat, mengandung unsur-unsur utama yang dibahas, jelas,
dan setelah disusun dalam bentuk judul harus memiliki daya tarik yang cukup
kuat bagi pembaca. $udul artikel hasil penelitian harus menggambarkan
keterkaitan &ariabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian, walaupun tidak harus
sepanjang judul penelitian yang sebenarnya. $udul artikel (bahasa *ndonesia)
hasil penelitian laNimnya berkisar 26-24 kata
Di bawah ini ciri-ciri judul beberapa jenis tulisan yang si!atnya
$enis tulisan <iri-ciri judulnya
2. Buku bukan
/anjang dan sering tidak menimbulkan
pengertian tentang isinya (tidak in!ormati!).
4. Buku ilmu
pengetahuan eksakta
/endekJ ringkasJ tidak mementingkan
kelengkapanJ tetapi in!ormati!.
3. Buku ilmu
pengetahuan sosial
1ingkasJ lengkapJ mementingkan in!ormasiJ
sependek mungkin.
7. ,rtikel majalah ilmu *n!ormati!J ringkasJ lengkap
dan pengetahuan sependek mungkinJ mementingkan pemberian

Dalam perumusan judul harus dicoba disajikan !akta dan juga harus
lebih ditonjolkan dalam jajaran judul lain dalam jurnal itu. 5ormulasi judul
sebaiknya positi!, ringkas, dan dapat memberikan petunjuk tentang isi serta
penekanan-penekanan yang diberikan di dalam penelitian. $udul yang baik
tersusun dari kata-kata kunci yang menunjukan gatra-gatra (aspek) utama isi
karangan yang dirangkaikan dengan kata-kata penghubung yang tepat. $udul
tidak perlu merupakan suatu kalimat atau headline. /ada judul sebaiknya
dihindarkan kata-kata kerja (apabila ditulis dalama bahasa asing).
Dalam era in!ormasi dan komunikasi modern seperti sekarang ini,
pelayanan penelusuran pustaka (literature scanning service) telah banyak
menggunakan sistem kata kunci sehingga perlu dilakukan penyaringan kata-
kata kunci dari seluruhnya tulisan dan memasukannya dalam judul. <ara ini
mempunyai dua keuntungan pertama, akan mendapatkan judul judul yanga
paling deskripti!, dan kedua akan menjamin bahwa pelayanan pemayaran
dapat menggolongkan karangan itu ke dalam klasi!ikasi (indeks) yang benar.
:iri;<iri Juul 9
"e0a3ai "1lu"i ma"alah
men<erminkan "ika5 5enuli"
!era5a! action %ka!a 5en<ermin !inakan)
!eriri ari 1' "= 1+ ka!a
han6a mem5un6ai "a!u ar!i
!iak memihak %!an5a iklan)
!iak i0eri !i!ik
i!uli" huru7 ka5i!al "emua& ke<uali "!anar in!>L& k3
menarik 5em0a<a un!uk iiku!i.
Beberapa teladan judul penelitian adalah berikut ini
,. Dalam $urnal ,gri&ita
2. /erencanaan /ola .anam di daerah *rigasi *nduk Saluran Molek
"ecamatan "epanjen "abupaten Malang
4. /engaruh Berat dan +arna Benih terhadap /ertumbuhan dan
/roduksi Sawi (Brassica ,uncea #.)
3. E!!ects o! :itrogen ,pplication and <owpea *ntercrops on Sweet
/otato Bield at ,llu&ial Soil
7. #ime 1eOuirement and its E!!ects on <hemical /roperties o!
*ndonesian ,cid Mineral Soils
;. *mpro&ing the /roducti&ity o! Soil in the Swampy ,rea in
"abupaten #uwu through 5ertiliNation
B. Dalam Soil Science Society o! ,merican $ournal
2. 5low /atterns During EFtended Saturated 5low in .wo,
Undisturbed Swelling <lay Soils with Di!!erent Macro-structures
4. Denitri!ication 1ates in 1elation to .otal and EFtractable Soil
3. ,mmonium Di!!usion as a 5actor in :itrogen #oss !rom 5looded
7. Model !or the 1elease o! Urea by Granules o! Sul!ur-<oated Urea
,pplied to Soil
;. E!!ects o! Drying and ,ir-Dry Storage o! Soils on .heir <apacity
!or Denitri!ication o! :itrate
*.2. Penuli" %Au!h1r)
/akar yang harus dicantumkan sebagai penulis hanyalah yang benar-
benar berperan-serta dalam terciptanya karya ilmiah itu. /encatuman nama
pimpinan sebagai super&isor tidak perlu. :ama penulis seringkali diikuti
keterangan mengenai jabatan dan nama lembaga tempat penulis bekerja.
:ama penulis artikel ditulis tanpa disetai gelar akademik atau gelar
apapun. :ama lengkap dengan gelar akademik boleh ditulis di sebelah bawah
halaman pertama artikel. :ama lembaga tempat bekerja penulis juga dapat
ditulis sebagai catatan kaki di halaman pertama. $ika lebih dari tiga penulis,
kadangkala hanya nama penulis utama saja yang dicantumkan di bawah
judulJ nama penulis lain dapat ditulis dalam catatan kaki.
*.#. A0"!rak
,n abstract summariNes, in one paragraph (usually), the major
aspects o! the entire paper in the !ollowing prescribed seOuence
8. $he -uestion(s! you investigate& (or purpose!9
:tate the purpose very clearly in the %irst or secon&
2. $he e.perimental &esign an& metho&s use&9
Clearly the )asic &esign o% the stu&y.
;ame or )rie%ly &escri)e the )asic metho&ology use&
'ithout going into e.cessive &etail4)e sure to in&icate the
"ey techni-ues use&.
. $he ma,or %in&ings inclu&ing "ey -uantitative results, or
7eport those results 'hich ans'er the -uestions you 'ere
(&enti%y tren&s, relative change or &i%%erences, etc.
<. A )rie% summary o% your interpetations an& conclusions9
Clearly state the implications o% the ans'ers your results
gave you.
.he abstract o! an empirical article should not eFceed 246 words. *t
should contain the problem under in&estigation (in one sentence i!
possible)J the participants, speci!ying pertinent characteristics, such as
number, type, age, seF, and speciesJ the eFperimental method,
including the apparatus, data-gathering procedures, and complete test
namesJ the !indings, including statistical signi!icance le&elsJ and the
conclusion and the implications or applications.
,bstrak laNimnya memuat masalah penelitian atau tujuan penelitian,
metode penelitian, dan hasil penelitian. ,bstrak dapat terdiri dari rangkaian
kata-kata yang disusun dalam satu paragra!, dengan !ormat esei bukan
enumerati%. ,bstrak diketik dengan spasi tunggal dan dengan !ormat yang
lebih sempit dari teks utama (margin kanan dan kiri dapat menjorok masuk
beberapa ketukan).
,bstrak hendaknya disertai dengan 3-; kata-kata kunci, yaitu istilah-
istilah yang mewakili ide-ide atau konsep-konsep dasar yang dibahas dalam
artikel. "ata-kata kunci lajimnya berupa kata dasar atau kata yang berdiri
sendiri (tunggal) bukan !rasa atau rangkaian kata. :amun untuk kasus
tertentu, misalnya untuk memperoleh makna yang lebih dalam maka
dimungkinkan untuk digunakan kata majemuk atau kata-kata kunci yang
dibentuk oleh dua kata.
,bstrak merupakan kondensasi singkat dari isi karangan yang dapat
memberikan in!ormasi mengenai isi keseluruhan karangan. dengan membaca
abstrak0ringkasan, pembaca akan mendapatkan gambaran umum mengenai
hasil-hasil dan kesimpulan penelitian. 8leh karena itu abstrak0ringkasan harus
ditulis secara ringkas meskipun tidak memakai bahasa telegram, yang
mengorbankan kejelasan demi singkatnya. ,bstrak biasanya berisi (2) tujan
penelitian, (4) metode penelitian secara ringkas, dan (3) hasil penelitian.
,bstrak ditempatkan di bagian awal artikel dan biasanya merupakan
bagian yang pertama kali akan dicari oleh pembaca setelah ia tertarik dengan
judul . ,bstrak selain untuk memberikan gambaran umum karangan, juga
dimaksudkan untuk dapat mengesankan pembaca . Dibaca atau tidaknya
seluruh karangan kan tergantung pada kesan yang diperoleh setelah membaca
"andungan isi dan makna abstrak selalu erat kaitannya dengan
judul. ,bstrak sering dikutip sebagaimana adanya, seperti dalam jurnal
abstrak (jurnal yang memuat abstrak dari karya tulis ilmiah) ?Tr15i<al"
A0"!ra<!"& Pu0lika"i ari The R16al Tr15i<al In"!i!u!e?.
/enulis dapat memberikan penekanan mengenai beberapa hal penting
tanpa membuang-buang ruangan dengan cara mengulangi in!ormasi yang
telah ada dalam judul. Dalam praktek, judul dianggap sebagai kalimat
pertama dan kalimat-kalimat ,bstrak dimulai dari dan mendukung judul tsb.
,bstrak harus ringkas dan jelas. ,pabila ,bstrak terlau panjang,
redaktur majalah atau pelayanan peng-abstrak-an ?%a0"!ra<!in3 "er$i<e")?
mungkin akan menyingkatnya tanpa menghiraukan permasalahan rincinya
sehingga mungkin akan mengacaukan pengertiannya. Meskipun tidak ada
batas yang pasti mengenai panjang ,bstrak, sebaiknya tidak lebih dari 2;6
kata yang diketik satu spasi dalam Bahasa *ndonesia dan Bahasa *nggris.
"arena ,bstrak bukan merupakan bagian integral karangan, maka ,bstrak
harus bersi!at mandiri dalam menyajikan in!ormasi. *n!ormasi penting yang
menyangkut perbedaan, cara atau jumlah sebaiknya disebutkan dengan tepat.
Dengan alasan yang sama, singkatan sebaiknya tidak digunakan, kecuali
singkatan yang diungkapkan berkali-kali dalam ,bstrak itu. -asil yang
diringkas adalah hasil yang asli sehingga acuan tidak diperlukan dalam
,bstrak. -asil dari tinjauan pustaka tidak perlu dituliskan.
"andungan isi ,bstrak pada dasarnya merupakan jawaban atas
pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengapa kegiatan (penelitian) itu dilakukan M,
,pakah yang dilakukan MJ ,pakah hasilnya MJ apakah makna hasil kegiatan
itu M
Biasanya di bagian akhir ,bstrak juga dituliskan kata-kata kunci
("ey'or&s) yaitu kata-kata kunci dari karangan itu. Selain itu, seringkali
,bstrak ada yang dilengkapi dengan kata-kata kunci tambahan (a&&itional
"ey 'or&s) yaitu kata-kata kunci yang ada di dalam laporan lengkap tetapi
yang tidak terdapat didalam karangan (artikel) itu.
:iri;<iri Ka!a kun<i 9
khasnya judul
kata spesi!ik action judul
kata yang sering muncul
bisa berupa ungkapan selain kata
terdiri dari dua bahasa, keywords dengan bahasa *nggris
terdiri dari 3 s0d ; kata.
.ergantung cara penyajiannya, ,bstrak dapat dibedakan menjadi dua
tipe, yaitu
(2). ,bstrak yang indikati!, bila penyajiannya terutama di tujukan
supaya pembaca dapat menetukan sikap perlu tidaknya
membaca laporan asli yang lengkap,
(4). ,bstrak yang in!ormati!, bila ditekankan kepada pem-berian
in!ormasi mengenai data pokok dan kesimpulan yang oleh
penulis dianggap sangat diperlukan oleh para pembacanya.
Beberapa teladan abstrak adalah berikut ini
2. Dalam .ropical ,bstracts

Singh, *.$., and Singh, /./. 1esponse o! some sugar cane &arieties to
nitrogen application in :orth *ndia. *nt. Sugar $. ?4, H;H, p. 2C?-A
5ertiliNing o! 3 sugar-cane &arieties, commonly grown in :. *ndia, was
studied to determine (2) the response to &arious le&els o! :
applicationJ (4) the most pro!itable le&el o! : application !or all 3
&arietiesJ and (3) total re&enue, total cost and net pro!it, resulting !rom
: application. MaFimum production response was achie&ed with 466,
44;, and 4;6 kg :0ha !or <o 227H, <o 236; and Bo 34, respecti&ely.
.he most pro!itable : le&els were 2H;, 46H, and 2HC kg, respecti&elyJ
in this case, the net pro!its were US P4A6, 34A, and 2;H, respecti&ely.
2. Dalam Au"!ralian J1urnal 17 S1il Re"ear<h9
Mc,rthur, +.M. and +.G.1. 1ussell. Soil Morphological /roperties in
1elation to Depth to the Groundwater .able in a Sandy #andscape near
/erth. ,ust. $. Soil 1es., 2A?H, 2C, 37?-7A.
*n an area o! about ;66 ha, in a sandy landscape, 2;7 soil pro!iles were
classi!ied according to colour, consistence, and thickness o! horiNons,
and the resulting siF classes were shown to be associated with depth to
groundwater table. +here depths were = 22 m pro!iles had an ,
horiNon which was organic B horiNon. ,lso pro!iles ha&ing a B
horiNon hue o! ?.;B1 were associated with greater depth to water than
those with hues o! 26B1 and 4.;B.
3. Dalam ,gri&ita
$ody Moenandir dan :i #uh /utu *ndriyani. /eriode "ritis .anaman
$agung (Qea mays #.) karena /ersaingan dengan Gulma. ,gri&ita, 9ol.
24, $anuari 2AHA.
/enelitian lapang untuk mengetahui periode kritis tanaman jagung
(Qea mays #.) karena adanya persaingan dengan gula dilaksanakan di
Mulyo ,gung, Dau, Malang mulai bulan Maret sampai bulan $uni
/erlakuan tanaman jagung bebas gulma dan bergulma selama 2; hari,
36 hari, 7; hari, C6 hari, ?; hari, dan sampai panen diperlakukan pada
jagung -ibrida <
, dengan menggunakan 1ancangan ,cak kelompok
dan 3 ulangan.
/ertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung -ibrida <
terbaik terjadi
pada perlakuan bebas gulma sampai panen, dan tidak berbeda nyata
dengan bebas gulma 7; hari, C6 hari dan ?; hari setelah tanam.
/eriode kritis tanaman jagung -ibrida <
karena adanya persaingan
dengan gulma terjadi pada saat tanaman berumur 3C hari.
*.*. Penahuluan
/endahuluan merupakan bagian penting untuk memberikan gambaran
yang ringkas tetapi jelas mengenai masalah dan menghadapkan pembaca
pada beberapa pustaka yang rele&an. *si pendahuluan diharapkan mampu
secara mulus dan tepat menuntun pembaca menuju kepada pemikiran logis
yang berakhir pada pernyataan mengenai penelitian yang dilakukan dan
hasil-hasil yang diharapkan. ,pabila pendahuluan telah ber!ungsi
sebagaimana mestinya, pembaca tidak akan menjadi penerima yang pasi!
tetapi sebaliknya akan menjadi pencari in!ormasi yang penuh semangat dan
The first task of the article is to introduce the background and nature of
the problem being investigated.
The Opening tatements. =ere are %our rules o% thum) %or the opening
8. Write in English prose, not &isciplinary ,argon.
2. Do not plunge unprepare& rea&ers into the mi&&le o% your
pro)lem or theory. $a"e the time an& space necessary to lea&
them up to the %ormal or theoretical statement o% the pro)lem step
)y step.
. Use e.amples to illustrate theoretical points or to intro&uce
un%amiliar conceptual or technical terms. $he more a)stract the
material, the more important such e.amples )ecome.
<. Whenever possi)le, try to open 'ith a statement a)out people (or
animals!, not psychologists or their research ($his rule is almost
al'ays violate&. Don0t use ,ournals as a mo&el here.!
The !iterature "eview. A%ter ma"ing the opening statements, summari6e
the current state o% "no'le&ge in the area o% investigation. What previous
research has )een &one on the pro)lem> What are the pertinent theories o%
the phenomenon> Although you 'ill have %amiliari6e& yoursel% 'ith the
literature )e%ore you &esigne& your o'n stu&y, you may nee& to loo"
upa&&itional re%erences i% your results raise a ne' aspect o% the pro)lem
or lea& you to recast the stu&y in a &i%%erent %rame'or".
#nding the $ntroduction. En& the intro&uction 'ith a )rie% overvie' o%
your o'n stu&y. $his provi&es a smooth transition into the metho& section,
'hich %ollo's imme&iately.
*.+. Me!1e Peneli!ian
Bagian ini merupakan bagian yang paling gamblang untuk ditulis
tetapi dapat menjadi kabur apabila penulis menceriterakan terlalu banyak
rincian. -al yang penting untuk diperhatikan adalah justru bagaimana penulis
mengetahui apa yang tidak perlu dicantumkan. $adi perlu pertimbangan
mana yang perlu dijelaskan (diuraikan) dan apa yang tidak perlu
dicantumkan tanpa mengurangi makna dan arti tulisan.
Salah satu kriteria utama dalam penulisan metode penelitian yang
baik adalah apabila peneliti lain dapat mengulangi penelitian itu setelah
membaca uraian tersebut. ,plikasi teknik baru atau modi!ikasi lama
sebaiknya diuraikan dengan lengkap, ringkas, dan tepat. $ika teknik ini telah
(pernah) diuraikan selengkapnya, penulis cukup mengacu pada pustaka
tersebut. Demikian pula dengan teknik statistik. ,pabila teknik itu telah
dijelaskan selengkapnya dalam publikasi atau buku pengajaran (teFbook)
tertentu maka cukup diacu saja. ,nalisis statistik, dan juga analisis kimia ,
umumnya merupakan alat bantu yang digunakan oleh para peneliti, bukan
tujuan akhirnya. :amun demukian, apabila penulis melakukan proses
deri&asi matematika maka perlu dijelaskan meskipun meskipun satu atau dua
acuan dapat meringankan tugas penulis.
Thi" "e<!i1n i" $ari1u"l6 <alle Me!h1" 1r Me!h1" an Ma!erial".
5unction .his section eFplains clearly how you carried out your study in the
!ollowing general structure and organiNation (details !ollow below)
the the organism(s) studied (plant, animal, human, etc.) and their pre-
eFperiment handling and care, and when and where the study was
carried out (only i! location and time are important !actors)J note that
the term "subject" is used 8:#B !or human studies.
i! a !ield study, a description o! the study site, including the signi!icant
physical and biological !eatures, and precise location (latitude and
longitude, map, etc)J
the eFperimental 81 sampling design (i.e., how the eFperiment or
study was structured. 5or eFample, controls, treatments, the &ariable(s)
measured, how many samples were collected, replication, etc.)J
the protocol !or collecting data, i.e., how the eFperimental procedures
were carried out, and,
how the data were analyNed (Oualitiati&e analyses and0or statistical
procedures used).
8rganiNe presentation so any reader will understand the logical !low o! the
researchJ sub-headings work well !or this purpose. Each eFperiment or
procedure should be presented as a unit, e&en i! it was broken up o&er time.
.he eFperimental design and procedure are sometimes most e!!iciently
presented as an integrated unit, because otherwise it would be di!!icult to split
them up. *n general, pro&ide enough Ouantitati&e detail (how much, how long,
when, etc.) about your eFperimental protocol such that other scientists could
reproduce your eFperiments. Bou should also indicate the statistical procedures
used to analyNe your results, including the probability le&el at which you
determined signi!icance (usually at 6.6; probability).
Style .he style in this section should read as i! you were &erbally describing
the conduct o! the eFperiment. Bou may use the acti&e &oice to a certain eFtent,
although this section reOuires more use o! third person, passi&e constructions
than others. ,&oid use o! the !irst person in this section. 1emember to use the
past tense throughout - the work being reported is done, and was per!ormed in
the past, not the !uture. .he Methods section is not a step-by-step, directi&e,
protocol as you might see in your lab manual.
*.(. Ha"il Peneli!ian %Re"ul!")
1emember that the 1esults section has both teFt and illustrati&e materials
(.ables and 5igures). Use the teFt component to guide the reader through
your key results, i.e., those results which answer the Ouestion(s) you
in&estigated. Each .able and 5igure must be re!erenced in the teFt portion
o! the results, and you must tell the reader what the key result(s) is that
each .able or 5igure con&eys.
Bab mengenai "-asil /enelitian" bertujuan untuk mengemukakan
hasil penelitian. Secara umum bagian ini berisi penemuan-penemuan
penelitian, penjelasan serta pena!siran data, dan hubungan data yang
diperoleh. Menulis "hasil" harus jelas supaya pembaca tidak mengira penulis
telah menyembunyikan sesuatu atau mengira bagian tersebut terlewat pada
waktu pertama kali membaca.
*n!ormasi dan data yang rumit sebaiknya disajikan tidak berupa
uraian &erbal. .abel, gambar, !oto, dan gra!ik sering dapat memberikan
keterangan yang lebih jelas daripada jajaran kata-kata. +alaupun demikian ,
masih diperlukan uraian yang memadai untuk menjelaskan gambar tersebut.
Suatu kaidah yang berguna adalah bahwa uraian dapat mempunyai arti tanpa
adanya tabel atau gra!ik, dan sebaliknya data yang sama dengan tabel atau
gra!ik. Dalam uraian, perhatian lebih diberikan pada ba-gian-bagian yang
dianggap penting dari tabel atau gra!ik. Uraian (narasi) digunakan untuk
menekankan segi-segi penting dari tabel atau gra!ik apabila nanti sampai
pada /embahasan.
Gambar dan gra!ik sering memberikan pengaruh lebih kuat dari pada
tabel, terutama apabila menjelaskan perubahan bersinambung yang
berasosiasi dengan masukan (input) pelakuan yang bersinambung pula.
Gra!ik biasanya lebih mudah dicerna dari pada sekelompok bilangan,
sebaliknya gra!ik kurang memberikan ketelitian . ,pabila tujuannya hanya
akan menunjukan kecenderungan dan perubahan secara kasar, lebih baik
menggunakan gambar. ,pabila pengujian hipotesis memerlukan analisis hasil
yang teliti maka tabel yang menyajikan angka-angka pasti merupakan bentuk
yang lebih tepat. /ilihan mengenai bentuk penyajian data tergantung pada
pertimbangan manakah bentuk (gra!ik, tabel, histogram, gambar, atau cara
lain ) yang akan memberikan kesan paling kuat. Banyak majalah ilmiah yang
membatasi penyampaian data berupa potret, terutama potret berwarna,
karena alasan beaya cetak yang mahal.
%hat are the &results&'( When you pose a testa)le hypothesis that
can )e ans'ere& e.perimentally, or as" a -uestion that can )e
ans'ere& )y collecting samples, you accumulate o)servations a)out
those organisms or phenomena. $hose o)servations are then
analy6e& to yiel& an ans'er to the -uestion. (n general, the ans'er is
the ? "ey result?.
@resenting the *in&ings (Bem, 200!.
$he general rule in reporting research %in&ings is to give the %orest %irst an&
then the trees. $his is true o% the results section as a 'hole9 Begin 'ith the
central %in&ings, an& then move to more peripheral ones. (t is also true
'ithin su)sections9 :tate the )asic %in&ing %irst, an& then ela)orate or
-uali%y it as necessary. :imilarly, &iscuss an overall measure o% aggression
or 'hatever %irst, an& then move to its in&ivi&ual components. Beginning
'ith one o% your most central results, procee& as %ollo's9
8. 7emin& us o% the conceptual hypothesis or the research -uestion
you are as"ing9 #(t 'ill )e recalle& that the men are e.pecte& to
)e more emotionally e.pressive than the 'omen.+ Ar, #We as",
%irst, 'hether the men or the 'omen are more emotionally
e.pressive>+ ;ote that this is a conceptual statement o% the
hypothesis or research -uestion.
2. 7emin& us o% the operations per%orme& an& )ehaviors measure&9
#(n particular, the men shoul& pro&uce more tears &uring the
sho'ing o% the %ilm than the 'omen.+ Ar, #Do the men pro&uce
more tears &uring the sho'ing o% the %ilm than the 'omen>+ ;ote
that this is an operational statement o% the hypothesis or research
. $ell us the ans'er imme&iately9
#$he ans'er is yes.+ Ar, #As $a)le 8 reveals, men &o, in %act, cry
more pro%usely than the 'omen.+
<. ;o', an& only no', spea" to us in num)ers. (1our gran&mother
can no' s"ip to the ne.t result in case she has %orgotten her
statistics or her rea&ing glasses.!9 #$hus the men in all %our
con&itions pro&uce& an average o% 8.< cc more tears than the
'omen, * (8,882! B C.D2, p E .02C.+
C. ;o' you may ela)orate or -uali%y the overall conclusion i%
necessary9 #Anly in the %ather4'atching con&ition &i& the men
%ail to pro&uce more tears than the 'omen, )ut a speci%ic test o%
this e%%ect %aile& to reach signi%icance, t B8.CF, p E .82.+
G. En& each section o% the results 'ith a summary o% 'here things
stan&9 #$hus, e.cept %or the %ather4'atching con&ition, 'hich 'ill
)e &iscusse& )elo', the hypothesis that men cry more than 'omen
in response to visually&epicte& grie% appears to receive strong
D. /ea& into the ne.t section o% the results 'ith a smooth transition
sentence9 #3en may thus )e more e.pressive than 'omen in the
&omain o% negative emotion, )ut are they more e.pressive in the
&omain o% positive emotion> $a)le 2 sho's they are not...+
(Again, the #)ottom line+ is given imme&iately.! As the results
section procee&s, continue to summari6e an& #up&ate+ the
rea&er0s store o% in%ormation %re-uently. $he rea&er shoul& not
have to "eep loo"ing )ac" to retrieve the ma,or points o% your
plot line.
By structuring the results section in this 'ay, )y moving %rom %orest to trees,
)y announcing each result clearly in prose )e%ore 'a&ing into num)ers an&
statistics, an& )y summari6ing %re-uently, you permit a rea&er to &eci&e ,ust
ho' much &etail he or she 'ants to pursue at each ,uncture an& to s"ip
ahea& to the ne.t main point 'henever that seems &esira)le.
5igures and .ables.
Unless a set o% %in&ings can )e state& in one or t'o num)ers, results
that are su%%iciently important to )e stresse& shoul& )e accompanie&
)y a %igure or ta)le summari6ing the relevant &ata. $he )asic rule o%
presentation is that a rea&er )e a)le to grasp your ma,or %in&ings
either )y rea&ing the te.t or )y loo"ing at the %igures an& ta)les.
$hus, %igures an& ta)les must )e title& an& la)ele& clearly an&
completely, even i% that means constructing a lengthy title or hea&ing
. *or &etaile& in%ormation on %igures an& ta)les, see the @u)lication
3anual (A@A, 2008!.
8n Statistics.
As you "no', every comparison )et'een groups or relationship
)et'een varia)les shoul& )e accompanie& )y its level o% statistical
signi%icance. Ather'ise, rea&ers have no 'ay o% "no'ing 'hether the
%in&ings coul& have emerge& )y chance. But &espite the importance
o% in%erential statistics, they are not the heart o% your narrative an&
shoul& )e su)or&inate& to the &escriptive results. Whenever possi)le,
state a result %irst an& then give its statistical signi%icance, )ut in no
case shoul& you ever give the statistical test alone 'ithout
interpreting it su)stantively.
(% your e.periment use& an analysis o% variance &esign, your &ata
analysis 'ill automatically &isplay the e%%ects o% several in&epen&ent
varia)les on a single &epen&ent varia)le. (% this organi6ation is
consonant 'ith a smooth presentation o% your results, luc"y you. Ho
'ith it. But &o not )e a prisoner o% A;AIAJ (% the narrative %lo's
more smoothly )y &iscussing the e%%ects o% a single in&epen&ent
varia)le on several conceptually relate& &epen&ent varia)les, tear
your A;AIA results apart an& reorgani6e them. :tatistical &esigns
are all right in their place, )ut youKan& your proseKare masterL
they are slave.
A%ter you have presente& your -uantitative results, it is o%ten use%ul
to )ecome more in%ormal an& )rie%ly to &escri)e the )ehavior o%
particular in&ivi&uals in your stu&y. Again, the point is not to prove
something, )ut to a&& richness to your %in&ings.
*.,. Pem0aha"an
In!er5re!a!i1n 17 re"ul!" in<lue" i"<u""in3 h1@ re"ul!" m1i76 an 7i!
in @i!h @ha! @e 5re$i1u"l6 uner"!11 a01u! !he 5r10lem. Re$ie@ !he
li!era!ure a3ain a! !hi" !ime. A7!er <1m5le!in3 !he eA5erimen!" 61u @ill
ha$e mu<h 3rea!er in"i3h! in!1 !he "u04e<!& an 06 31in3 !hr1u3h "1me
17 !he li!era!ure a3ain& in71rma!i1n !ha! "eeme !ri$ial 0e71re& 1r @a"
1$erl11ke& ma6 !ie "1me!hin3 !13e!her an !here71re 5r1$e $er6
im51r!an! !1 61ur 1@n in!er5re!a!i1n. Be "ure !1 <i!e !he @1rk" !ha!
61u re7er !1.
Seringkali dalam artikel ilmiah, pembahasan merupakan kependekan
dari pembahasan hasil penelitian. Bagian ini bukan merupakan ulasan dari
banyak pustaka di sekitar pokok penelitian tetapi lebih menekankan
pena!siran dan ulasan dari penulis . ,pabila harus menggunakan kutipan,
semua kutipan pustaka harus ber!ungsi mendukung pendapat-pendapat
penulis mengenai hasil penelitian itu.
Meskipun suatu penelitian sangat sederhana , hasil harus dita!sirkan.
/embaca yang sudah mengikuti uraian sejauh itu tentu menantikan pena!siran
penulis. ,pabila pengantar dan hasil telah ditulis dengan sebaik-baiknya maka
pembaca mungkin sudah membuat pena!siran sendiri. Sebaliknya apabila
uraian yang dibuat telah membingungkan pembaca maka penulis harus
memaksa mereka untuk mengalihkan perhatian kepada cara-cara yang sesuai
dengan pandangan penulis . -al ini disampaikan di dalam pembahasan .
/embahasan disusun dengan berpedoman pada hipotesis dan tujuan
penelitian. -arapan-harapan dalam hipotesis harus disesuaikan dengan hasil-
hasil pokok penelitian. /enyusunan pembahasan yang dimulai dari argumen-
argumen (pendapat) sudah dapat dikembangkan selama mengumpulkan,
mengolah, atau mentabulasikan data. Dalam hal itu pembahasan tersusun
dari kumpulan argumen dalam hal gayut, kegunaan, dan kemungkinan atau
keterbatasan mengenai penelitian serta hasilnya.
Selanjutnya argumen-argumen itu dikembangkan dan diseimbangkan.
Seperti telah dikemukakan diatas, pembahasan juga harus disajikan secara
ringkas. /embahasan yang panjang banyak yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan
pustaka dan kalimat-kalimat yang tidak bersinambung atau tidak mengena
sehingga penyampaian argumen menjadi berputar-putar dan bertele-tele serta
berkepanjangan tidak menentu arah.
Selain akan mengaburkan pendapat pokoknya, pembahasan yang
panjang juga membosankan. Dalam kenyataanya, sering terjadi bagan -asil
/enelitian perlu dimodi!ikasi pada waktu rincian pembahasan sedang
dikerjakan. /enyesuaian bolak-balik ini mungkin menyangkut perubahan
tabel menjadi gambar, atau sebaliknya, agar lebih terlihat kecenderungan
yang ingin ditekankan. /enyesuaian dapat berupa pembuangan data yang
kurang berarti dari tabel sehingga lainnya dapat digunakan dalam
Dalam pembahasan dapat digunakan kutipan untuk mendukung suatu
pernyataan. Setiap pernyataan di dalam pembahsan harus didukung oleh hasil
penelitian sendiri, hasil penelitian orang lain, atau pernyataan bersi!at
otoritas dari hasil penelitian orang lain./embaca yang ingin menikuti
argumen penulis dengan seksama harus mampu menemukan dengan tepat apa
yang dicarinya dalam makalah asli sesuai dengan pengarahan penulis.
Beberapa majalah ilmiah menganut kebiasaan menam bahkan sedikit
pembahasan dalam hasil sehingga bagian itu berubah menjadi -asil dan
/embahasan. ,lasan yang dikemu kakan mengapa dilakukan pencampuran
-asil dan /embahasan adalh untuk dapat mempersingkat karangan.
Bagian *si suatu artikel ilmiah, b&iasanya berkembang menjadi (a)
metode penelitian, (b) hasil penelitian, dan (c) pembahasan. Metode penelitian
memuat tentang rancangan penelitian, populasi dan sampel, uraian singkat
operasionalisasi &ariabel, dan teknik analisis. -asil penelitian memuat tentang
hasil akhir dari proses kerja teknik analisis data, bentuk akhir bagian ini
adalah berupa angka, gambar, dan tabel. Sedang pembahasan memuat
abtraksi peneliti setelah mengkaji hasil penelitian dan teori-teori yang sudah
ada dan dijadikan dasar penelitian.
Bem (4663) the discussion section
$he &iscussion section can either )e com)ine& 'ith the results section
or appear separately. (n either case, it %orms a cohesive narrative 'ith
the intro&uction, an& you shoul& e.pect to move materials )ac" an&
%orth )et'een these t'o sections as you re'rite an& reshape the report.
$opics that are central to your story 'ill appear in the intro&uction
an& pro)a)ly again in the &iscussion. 3ore peripheral topics may not
)e )rought up at all until a%ter the presentation o% the results. $he
&iscussion is also the )ottom o% the hourglass4shape& %ormat an& thus
procee&s %rom speci%ic matters a)out your stu&y to more general
concerns (a)out metho&ological strategies, %or e.ample! to the
)roa&est generali6ations you 'ish to ma"e. $he se-uence o% topics is
o%ten the mirror image o% the se-uence in the intro&uction.
Begin the &iscussion )y telling us 'hat you have learne& %rom the
stu&y. Apen 'ith a clear statement on the support or nonsupport o% the
hypotheses or the ans'ers to the -uestions you %irst raise& in the
intro&uction. But &o not simply re%ormulate an& repeat points alrea&y
summari6e& in the results section. Each ne' statement shoul&
contri)ute something ne' to the rea&er0s un&erstan&ing o% the
pro)lem. What in%erences can )e &ra'n %rom the %in&ings> $hese
in%erences may )e at a level -uite close to the &ata or may involve
consi&era)le a)straction, perhaps to the level o% a larger theory
regar&ing, say, emotion or se. &i%%erences. What are the theoretical,
practical, or even the political implications o% the results> (t is also
appropriate at this point to compare your results 'ith those reporte&
)y other investigators an& to &iscuss possi)le shortcomings o% your
stu&y, con&itions that might limit the e.tent o% legitimate
generali6ation or other'ise -uali%y your in%erences. 7emin& rea&ers o%
the Writing the Empirical Journal Article 80 characteristics o% your
participant sample, the possi)ility that it might &i%%er %rom other
populations to 'hich you might 'ant to generali6eL o% speci%ic
characteristics o% your metho&s that might have in%luence& the
outcomeL or o% any other %actors that might have operate& to pro&uce
atypical results.
$he &iscussion section also inclu&es a consi&eration o% -uestions that
remain unans'ere& or that have )een raise& )y the stu&y itsel%, along
'ith suggestions %or the "in&s o% research that 'oul& help to ans'er
them. (n %act, suggesting a&&itional research is pro)a)ly the most
common 'ay o% en&ing a research report.
.he !unction o! the Discussion is to interpret your results in light o! what
was already known about the subject o! the in&estigation, and to eFplain
our new understanding o! the problem a!ter taking your results into
consideration. .he Discussion will always connect to the *ntroduction by
way o! the research Ouestion(s) or hypotheses you posed and the
literature you cited, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the
*ntroduction. *nstead, it tells how your study has mo&ed us !orward !rom
the place you le!t us at the end o! the *ntroduction.
5undamental Ouestions to answer here include
Do your results pro&ide answers to your testable hypothesesM *! so,
how do you interpret your !indingsM
Do your !indings agree with what others ha&e shownM *! not, do
they suggest an alternati&e eFplanation or perhaps a un!orseen
design !law in your eFperiment (or theirsM)
Gi&en your conclusions, what is our new understanding o! the
problem you in&estigated and outlined in the *ntroductionM
*! warranted, what would be the neFt step in your study, e.g., what
eFperiments would you do neFtM
S!6le 17 i"<u""i1n.
Use the acti&e &oice whene&er possible in this section. +atch out !or
wordy phrasesJ be concise and make your points clearly. Use o! the !irst
person is okay, but too much use o! the !irst person may actually distract
the reader !rom the main points.
8rganiNe the Discussion to address each o! the eFperiments or studies !or
which you presented resultsJ discuss each in the same seOuence as
presented in the 1esults, pro&iding your interpretation o! what they mean
in the larger conteFt o! the problem. Do not waste entire sentences
restating your resultsJ i! you need to remind the reader o! the result to be
discussed, use "bridge sentences" that relate the result to the
Bou will necessarily make re!erence to the !indings o! others in order to
support your interpretations.Use sub-headings, i! need be, to help
organiNe your presentation. Be wary o! mistaking the reiteration o! a
result !or an interpretation, and make sure that no new results are
presented here that rightly belong in the results.
21u mu"! rela!e 61ur @1rk !1 !he 7inin3" 17 1!her "!uie" ;
in<luin3 5re$i1u" "!uie" 61u ma6 ha$e 1ne an !h1"e 17
1!her in$e"!i3a!1r". ,s stated pre&iously, you may !ind crucial
in!ormation in someone elseIs study that helps you interpret your
own data, or perhaps you will be able to reinterpret othersI !indings
in light o! yours. *n either case you should discuss reasons !or
similarities and di!!erences between yours and othersI !indings.
D1 n1! in!r1u<e ne@ re"ul!" in !he Di"<u""i1n.
,lthough you might occasionally include in this section tables and
!igures which help eFplain something you are discussing, they must
not contain new data (!rom your study) that should ha&e been
presented earlier. .hey might be !low diagrams, accumulation o! data
!rom the literature, or something that shows how one type o! data
leads to or correlates with another, etc.
General Discussion ($enkins, 2AA;)
2. ,nswers to the Ouestion(s) posed in the introduction together with any
accompanying support, eFplanation and de!ence o! the answers (present
&erb tense) with re!erence to published literature.
4. EFplanations o! any results that do not support the answers.
3. *ndication o! the originality0uniOueness o! the work
7. EFplanations o!
a. -ow the !indings concur with those o! others
b. ,ny discrepancies o! the results with those o! others
c. UneFpected !indings
d. .he limitations o! the study which may a!!ect the study &alidity or
generalisability o! the study !indings.
;. *ndication o! the importance o! the work, e.g. clinical signi!icance
C. 1ecommendations !or !urther research.
*.-. Ke"im5ulan
Bagian ini menyajikan kesimpulan dari penelitian bukan hanya
mengulangi apa yang sudah disampaikan dalam hasil. "esimpulan memuat
ringkasan uraian, atau jawaban sistematis dari masalah yang diajukan secara
singkat. #aNimnya kesimpulan diikuti oleh saran-saran atau rencana tindak
lanjut. "esimpulan dan saran dapat disajikan dalam !ormat esei atau esei
#$his section shoul& comprise a )rie% statement o% the ma,or %in&ings
an& implications o% the stu&y. (t is not the %unction o% this section to
summarise the stu&yL this is the purpose o% the a)stract. ;e'
in%ormation must not )e inclu&e& in the conclusions+( Jen"ins, 822C!.
/ada bagian akhir dari pembahasan atau kesimpulan sering ditulis
?U<a5an Terima Ka"ih %A<kn1@le3emen!)? atas ban-tuan teknis dan
saran yang berharga yang diterima dari pihak lain./enulisannya harus
dilakukan dengan sederhana dan tidak berlebih-lebihan . Badan atau
perorangan yang menyediakan dana untuk penelitian dan penulisan patut
mendapat ucapan terima kasih. /enulis dapat menganggapnya sebagai basa-
basi atau sungguh-sungguh merupakan pertolongan.
*... U<a5an !erima ka"ih
(%, in your research, you receive& any signi%icant help in thin"ing up,
&esigning, or carrying out the 'or", or receive& materials %rom someone
'ho &i& you a %avor )y supplying them, you must ac"no'le&ge their
assistance an& the service or material provi&e&. Authors al'ays
ac"no'le&ge outsi&e revie'ers o% their &ra%ts an& any sources o% %un&ing
that supporte& the research. Although usual style re-uirements (e.g., 8st
person, o),ectivity! are rela.e& some'hat here, Ac"no'le&gments are
al'ays )rie% an& never %lo'ery. @lace the Ac"no'le&gments )et'een the
Discussion an& the /iterature Cite&.
*.1'. Da7!ar Pu"!aka a!au Da7!ar A<uan %Re7eren<e").
Da!tar pustaka berisi in!ormasi tentang sumber pustaka yang telah
dirujuk dalam tubuh tulisan. 5ormat perujukan pustaka dapat mengikuti cara
=arvar& atau cara Iancouver. Untuk setiap pustaka yang dirujuk dalam
naskah harus muncul dalam da!tar pustaka, begitu juga sebaliknya setiap
pustaka yang muncul dalam da!tar pustaka harus pernah dirujuk dalam tubuh
Penuli"an Da7!ar Pu"!aka Si"!em )arvard %author*date style)
Sistem -ar&ard menggunakan nama penulis dan tahun publikasi
dengan urutan pemunculan berdasarkan nama penulis secara al!abetis.
/ublikasi dari penulis yang sama dan dalam tahun yang sama ditulis dengan
cara menambahkan huru! a, b, atau c dan seterusnya tepat di belakang tahun
publikasi (baik penulisan dalam da!tar pustaka maupun sitasi dalam naskah
tulisan). ,lamat *nternet ditulis menggunakan huru! italic. .erdapat banyak
&arian dari sistem -ar&ard yang digunakan dalam berbagai jurnal di dunia.
:1n!1h 9
Buller, -. and -oggart, ". (2AA7a). I:ew drugs !or acute respiratory distress
syndromeI, ;e' Englan& Journal o% 3e&icine, &ol. 33?, no. C, pp.
Buller, -. and -oggart, ". (2AA7b). R.he social integration o! British home
owners into 5rench rural communitiesS, Journal o% 7ural :tu&ies, 26,
4, 2A?D426.
Dower, M. (2A??). R/lanning aspects o! second homesS, in $. .. <oppock
(ed.), :econ& =omes9 Curse or Blessing>, 8F!ord, /ergamon /ress,
/almer, 5. 1. (2AHC). 3oo& an& 3o&ality, <ambridge, <ambridge
Uni&ersity /ress.
Grinspoon, #. T Bakalar, $.B. (2AA3). 3ari,uana9 the %or)i&&en me&icine,
Bale Uni&ersity /ress, #ondon
:1n!1h melakukan 5eru4ukan "um0er 5u"!aka alam na"kah
!uli"an 9
"Smith (2AH3) menemukan bahwa tumbuhan pengikat : dapat diin!eksi
oleh beberapa spesies 7hi6o)ium yang berbeda'.
"*ntegrasi &ertikal sistem rantai pasokan dapat menghemat total biaya
distribusi antara 2;> sampai 4; > (Smith 2A7A, Bond et al. 2A;;, $ones
dan Green 2AC3)."
"+alaupun keberadaan 7hi6o)ium normalnya mampu meningkatkan
pertumbuhan kacang-kacangan (:guyen 2AH?), namun telah didapat pula
hasil yang berbeda bahkan berlawanan (+ashington 2AAA)."
Penuli"an Da7!ar Pu"!aka Si"!em +ancouver %author*number style)
Sistem Iancouver menggunakan cara penomoran (pemberikan angka)
yang berurutan untuk menunjukkan rujukan pustaka (sitasi). Dalam da!tar
pustaka, pemunculan sumber rujukan dilakukan secara berurut menggunakan
nomor sesuai kemunculannya sebagai sitasi dalam naskah tulisan, sehingga
memudahkan pembaca untuk menemukannya. Sistem ini dan &ariasinya
banyak digunakan di bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan.
:1n!1h 9
(2) /rabowo G$ and /riyanto E. :ew drugs !or acute respiratory distress
syndrome due to a&ian &irus. : *nd $ Med. 466;J33?73;-A.
(4) Grinspoon #, Bakalar $B. Marijuana the !orbidden medicine. #ondon
Bale Uni&ersity /ressJ 2AA3.
(3) 5einberg .E, 5arah M$, editors. Beha&ioural neurology and
neuropsychology. 4nd ed. :ew Bork McGraw--illJ 2AA?.
(7) Grimes E+. , use o! !reeNe-dried bone in Endodontics. $ Endod 2AA7J
46 3;;-C.
(;) Morse SS. 5actors in the emergence o! in!ectious disease. Emerg *n!ect
Dis Userial onlineV 2AA; $an-MarJ 2(2)U47 screensV. ,&ailable !rom
U1# http00www0cdc0go&0ncidoc0E*D0eid.htm . ,ccessed December 4;,
(C) ,merongen ,9:, Michels #5E, 1oukema /,, 9eerman E<*. 2AHC.
#udah dan kelenjar ludah arti bagi kesehatan gigi. 1a!iah ,rbyono dan
Sutatmi Suryo. Bogyakarta Gadjah Mada Uni&ersity /ressJ 2AA4. h. 2-
(?) Salim S. /engaruh humiditas dan waktu penyimpanan serta cara
curing terhadap si!at !isik, kimia dan mekanik akrilik basis gigi tiruan.
Disertasi. Surabaya /ascasarjana Uni&ersitas ,irlanggaJ 2AA;. h. H-
Semua karangan yang diperlukan untuk dasar dan penelitian dan
penulisan artikel ilmiah itu harus ditulis dengan lengkap. Da!tar ,cuan
memuat semua pustaka yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah itu.
Sebaliknya semua pustaka yang tertulis dalam Da!tar ,cuan harus benar-
benar diikuti dalam teks. Da!tar ini berguna untuk membantu pembaca yang
ingin mencocokan kutipan-kutipan yang terdapat di dalam karangan.
Untuk karangan ilmiah dikenal tiga cara penyebutan atau penulisan
sumber, yaitu dengan sistim nama dan tahun (name and year system, Si"!em
)arvard), dengan sistem nomor urut (number system, Si"!em +ancouver),
dan dengan catatan kaki (!ootnote). Masing-masing sistem akan
mempengaruhi cara penulisan sumber dalam Da!tar ,cuan. .iap majalah
ilmiah mempunyai ketentuan-ketentuan sendiri yang harus diikuti oleh penulis
dalam menuliskan Da!tar ,cuan. /ada umumnya dalam ilmu-ilmu yang
bersi!at eksakta sistem catatan kaki tidak laNim digunakan.
Da!tar pustaka dapat disusun menurut ,lphabetic dengan nama ke-
luarga ditulis yang pertama. /enulisan nama pengarang *ndonesia seyogyanya
menurut hasil kesepakatan bersama dalam "#okakarya /eraturan "atalogisasi
dan ,uthority 5ile /engarang *ndonesia" oleh Departemen / dan " tahun
2A?;, yang berbunyi
":ama pengarang *ndonesia yang terdiri dari dua unsur atau lebih, ditulis
tanpa memperhatikan latar belakang masing-masing nama itu. Dalam
penyusunan bibliogra!i nama akhir itu dicantumkan lebih dahulu,
kemudian diikuti tanda koma kemudian ditulis nama pertamanya. :ama
akhir itu kemungkinan dapat berupa nama keluarga, nama marga, nama
ayah, nama kecil atau apapun tidak perlu diperhatikan."
Gelar kesarjanaan dan pangkat penulis tidak diperkenankan ditulis
dalam da!tar pustaka.
Beberapa teladan penulisan da!tar pustaka adalah berikut ini
2. Dalam $urnal :etherlands $ournal o! ,gricultural Science
5isher, ".$., 2AC?. Speci!ic ion e!!ects o! certain eFcess soluble
salts on the growth and de&elopment o! glasshouse tomatoes
grown in nutrient culture. $. -ort. Sci. 74 473-4;4.
+adleigh, <.-. T #.,. 1ichards, 2A;2. Soil moisture and mineral
nutrition o! plants. *n E. .ruog (Ed.), Mineral nutrition o!
plants. Uni&ersity o! +isconsin, 1ichmond, p. 722-7;6.
4. $urnal ,ustralian $ournal o! ,gricultural 1esearch.
1ussell, $.S. (2AC3). :itrogen content o! wheat grain as an
indication o! potential yield response to nitrogen !ertiliNer. ,ust.
$. EFp. ,gric. ,nim. -usb. 7, 37;-;2.
Stewart, B.,., and +hit!ield, <.$. (2AC;). E!!ects o! crop residue,
soil temperature, and sul!ur on the growth o! winter wheat. Soil
Sci. Soc. ,m. /roc. 4A, ?;4-;.
#. Dalam Buku9 S1il" an The En$ir1nmen!9
<lawson, M., #andsberg, -.-., and ,leFander, #..., 2A?2, .he
agricultural potential o! the Middle East :ew Bork, ,merican
Else&ier, 324p., soil maps.
5,8, 2A?7, ,pproachs to land classi!ication Soil Bulletin 44
1ome, 5ood and ,griculture 8rganiNation o! the United :ations,
*. Dalam Buku9 Na!ural En$ir1nmen!"9
-amberg, D. 2A?2. Models o! Economic Growth. :ew Bork
-arper and 1ow.
Sha!er, E.#.,$r., -amilton, $.5.,$r., and Schmidt, E.,. 2ACA.
:atural landscape pre!erences , predicti&e model. $ournal o!
#eisure 1esearch 2 2-2A.

;. Dalam $urnal ,gri&ita
,rdjasa, +.S., ,. Sudirman dan ,. /ane. 2A??. Gulma /ada
/ertanian /alawija dan /engendaliannya. Simp. *. /eranan -asil
/enelitian /adi dan /alawija dalam /embangunan. Maros 2-24.
+illiams, <.:., 2A?4. Growth and producti&ity o! tapioca
(3anihot utilissima! ***. <rop ratio, spacing and yield. EFpl.
,gric. H 2;- 43.
*.11. Lam5iran
,n ,ppendiF contains in!ormation that is non-essential to understanding o!
the paper, but may present in!ormation that !urther clari!ies a point without
burdening the body o! the presentation. ,n appendiF is an optional part o!
the paper, and is only rarely !ound in published papers.
Each ,ppendiF should be identi!ied by a 1oman numeral in seOuence,
e.g., ,ppendiF *, ,ppendiF **, etc. Each appendiF should contain di!!erent
Beberapa contoh bahan0in!ormasi yang dapatb disajikan dalam
Data mentah
5oto D !oto
/enjelasan 0 penjabaran tentang rumus matematik atau statistik.
/rogram komputer
:ama-nama lengkap generik bahan atau senyawa kimia.
Diagram atau bagan.
Gambar dan .abel dalam #ampiran.
*igures an& $a)les are o%ten %oun& in an appen&i.. $hese shoul&
)e %ormatte& as &iscusse& previously, )ut are num)ere& in a
separate se-uence %rom those %oun& in the )o&y o% the paper. :o,
the %irst *igure in the appen&i. 'oul& )e *igure 8, the %irst $a)le
'oul& )e $a)le 8, an& so %orth. (n situations 'hen multiple
appen&ices are use&, the $a)le an& *igure num)ering must
in&icate the appen&i. num)er as 'ell.
Dalam komunikasi interpersonal di dunia sainti!ik pada dasarnya
manusia dapat menyatakan pikirannya secara lisan atau tertulis. Bagi yang
ingin menyampaikan secara tertulis, yang bersangkutan harus berusaha
mengikuti tata cara yang ada, dimana tata cara penulisan tersebut berbeda-
beda tergantung dari jenis tulisan yang akan dibuat. .ulisan ilmiah harus
memenuhi tata cara yang telah disepakati bersama, di antaranya meliputi
bahasa, bahan dan ukuran, pengetikan, penomoran, da!tar dan gambar, dan
penulisan atau penyebutan nama.
+.1. Baha"a
Baha"a 6an3 i3unakan
Bahasa akan menimbulkan kesulitan bagi penulis apabila dalam
membuat tulisan diwajibkan memakai bahasa asing seperti bahasa *nggris,
$erman, /erancis ataupun $epang. +alaupun demikian penggunaan bahasa
*ndonesia (yang merupakan bahasa induk atau ?mother language?) yang
sudah biasa dan dipakai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari apabila digunakan
untuk mengungkapkan pokok-pokok pikiran dalam bentuk tulisan akan
menjadi masalah apabila penulis kurang mengetahui kaidah-kaidah tata
Ben!uk an S!ruk!ur Kalima!
Bentuk kalimat akti! dengan memakai kata ganti orang (saya, aku,
kamu, kami dan lain-lainnya) sebagai subyek kalimat sebaiknya dihindari dan
diganti dengan kalimat pasi!. Struktur kalimat seyogyanya tidak terlalu
panjang atau terlalu pendek sehingga mengaburkan kandungan makna dan
arti yang dimaksud.
I"!ilah;i"!ilah Sain!i7ik
Dalam suatu tulisan ilmiah seringkali digunakan istilah-istilah asing,
istilah yang sudah diterjemahkan ke bahasa *ndonesia dan sudah dibakukan
sebaiknya digunakan. Bagi istilah asing yang memang belum diterjemahkan
sebaiknya tetap dipakai dan diberi garis bawah.
+.2. Ma!erial an Ukuran.
1. Sam5ul an K1n"e5 Na"kah.
:askah tulisan jurnal ilmiah dibuat di atas kertas -9S putih dengan
bobot kertas ?6 - H6 g0m4. Selanjutnya diberi sampul yang terbuat dari kertas
Bu!!alo atau yang sejenis dan diperkuat dengan karton yang dilapisi plastik
tipis (plastic sheet).
2. Barna an Ukuran
/emilihan warna sampul disesuaikan dan tergantung dari ketentuan
yang telah ditetapkan oleh redaksi jurnal yang dituju, dan umumnya ukuran
naskah adalah 42 F 4H cm, atau ukuran kertas ,7.
+.#. :ara Pen3e!ikan
1. Jeni" Huru7.
:askah tulisan secara keseluruhan diketik rapi dengan huru! yang
sama, yaitu huru! /ica (26 huru! dalam 2 inch). /enggunaan style huru!
miring dan atau persegi masih diperbolehkan dengan tujuan tertentu dan di
garis bawah.
Bentuk lambang, huru! Bunani ataupun tanda-tanda yang tidak dapat
diketik (karena keterbatasan jumlah huru! yang ada dimesin ketik) dapat
ditulis memakai tinta hitam.
2. Bilan3an an Sa!uan.
Bilangan diketik dengan angka dan pada bingan desimal ditandai
dengan koma (untuk naskah dengan bahasa *nggris memakai titik). Satuan
atau unit dinyatakan dengan singkatan resminya yang diacu dari *nternational
Unit, misalnya kg, k/a, g, bar, cal dan sebagainya.
#. Ba!a" !e5i an Jarak 0ari".
Batas pengetikan diukur dari tepi kertas dan laNimnya diatur sebagai
(2) tepi atas 7 cm
(4) tepi bawah 3 cm
(3) tepi kiri 7 cm
(7) tepi kanan 3 cm.
$arak antar baris adalah 2,; atau 4,6 spasi, kecuali inti kutipan
langsung, judul da!tar, tabel maupun gambar, dan da!tar pustaka yang
menggunakan 2 spasi.
/embuatan alinea baru dimulai pada ketukan ke C dari batas tepi kiri
dan bagi awal kalimat yang menggunakan bilangan, lambang dan sebagainya
harus dieja (ditulis lengkap).
*. Juul& Su0;4uul an Anak Su0;4uul
"alimat judul harus ditulis dengan huru! besar dan diatur sedemikian
rupa hingga letaknya simetris. Umumnya judul diletakkan dihalaman baru,
untuk itu jarak dari tepi atas adalah empat sentimeter tanpa diakhiri dengan
Sub-judul adalah anak judul atau bagian dari judul, dimana ada dua
pendapat yang masing-masing adalah benar.
(2) Sub-judul ditulis simetris di tengah-tengah, semua kata memakai
huru! besar, kecuali kata penghubung dan kata depan, dan
kesemuanya diberi garis bawah, tanpa diakhiri dengan titik.
"alimat pertama sesudah sub-judul dimulai dengan alinea
(4) Sub-judul ditulis dari garis pinggir (setelah nomor urut) dan
dimulai dengan huru! besar, kecuali kata penghubung dan kata
depan, dan diberi garis bawah serta diakhiri dengan titik.
"alimat pertama sesudah sub-judul dimulai dengan alinea baru.
,nak sub-judul diketik dari batas kiri (setelah nomor urut) dan
dimulai dengan huru! besar (yang pertama saja), diberi garis bawah dan
diakhiri dengan titik. "alimat pertama dimulai dengan alinea baru.
+. Pele!akan /am0ar& Ta0el an Per"amaan
:askah tulisan ilmiah biasanya juga dilengkapi dengan gambar, tabel,
rumus-rumus ataupun persamaan yang peletakannya didalam naskah dibuat
sedemikian rupa sehingga simetris terhadap tepi kiri dan kanan kertas.
.abel dan gambar 0 bagan diusahakan dicetak dalam satu halaman .
/encetakan tabel dan gambar0bagan tidak boleh membuat halaman yang
seharusnya berisi teks menjadi kosong. :omor dan judul tabel dicetak di
atas tabel dengan huru! kapital-kecil tebal. :omor dan judul gambar0bagan
dicetak di bawah gambar0bagan dengan huru! kapital-kecil tebal. *si tabel
dan gambar0bagan dicetak dengan huru! normal (tidak tebal).
(. Rin<ian ke 0a@ah.
Seringkali dalam mengemukakan pendapat penulis membuat suatu
uraian yang berurutan. 1incian pendapat yang berurutan ini harus disusun
kebawah dan diberi nomor urut yang berupa angka atau huru!, sesuai dengan
derajat perinciannya. /enggunaan garis penghubung (-) yang biasanya
ditempatkan didepan kalimat yang dirinci sebaiknya dihindari dan tidak
+.*. Pem0erian N1m1r
Dalam rangka untuk memudahkan pembaca mengikuti alur logika
yang dianut penulis dan juga untuk memudahkan pencarian judul yang
menarik di dalam naskah, maka penomoran halaman perlu dilakukan.
1. N1m1r Halaman
Bagian awal naskah tulisan, mulai dari halaman da!tar tabel sampai
ucapan terima kasih diberi nomor halaman dengan angka romawi kecil.
Selanjutnya mulai dari /endahuluan (Bab *) sampai halaman terakhir,
memakai angka ,rab sebagai nomor halaman. :omor halaman ini
ditempatkan ditengah-tengah halaman atau ujung sebelah kanan atas. /ada
halaman yang terdapat judul, penomoran dipindah kebawah dan diletakkan
ditengah-tengah atau ujung sebelah kanan bawah.
Bagi nomor yang diketik ditengah halaman, jarak dari tepi atas atau
bawah adalah 2,; cm, dan untuk nomor yang diletakkan diujung kanan atas
atau bawah, jarak dari tepi kanan 3.6 cm.
2. Ta0el& /am0ar& Lam5iran an Per"amaan
.abel dan gambar diberi nomor urut secara konsisten dalam seluruh
naskah tulisan. /enomoran ini juga dapat dilakukan untuk setiap bab
tersendiri, dengan angka ,rab dan didahului oleh angka 1omawi yang
menunjukkan pada bab keberapa tabel dan gambar itu terkait dalam naskah,
sedangkan lampiran diberi nomor angka ,rab.
+.+. Ta0el an /am0ar
1. Ta0el
$udul tabel ditulis setelah nomor dan ditempatkan simetris di atas
tabel tanpa diakhiri dengan titik. /ada dasarnya tabel tidak boleh dipenggal,
namun demikian apabila tabel yang dibuat terlalu panjang maka lanjutan
tabel dapat diletakkan pada halaman berikutnya dengan mencantumkan
nomor dan kata "lanjutan" diatasnya.
Suatu tabel biasanya terdiri dari kolom-kolom yang harus diberi
nama dan pembatas yang tegas. "alau jajaran kolom ini lebih panjang dari
lebar kertas, maka bagian atas dari tabel sebaiknya di letakkan disebelah kiri
kertas (dibuat melintang), sedangkan tabel yang terlalu panjang dan lebar
sehingga harus dilipat sebaiknya diletakkan di lampiran.
$a)les present lists o% num)ers or te.t in columns, each column
having a title or la)el. Do not use a ta)le 'hen you 'ish to sho' a
tren& or a pattern o% relationship )et'een sets o% values 4 these are
)etter presente& in a *igure. *or instance, i% you nee&e& to present
population si6es an& se. ratios %or your stu&y organism at a series o%
sites, an& you planne& to %ocus on the &i%%erences among in&ivi&ual
sites accor&ing to (say! ha)itat type, you 'oul& use a ta)le. =o'ever,
i% you 'ante& to sho' us that se. ratio 'as relate& to population si6e,
you 'oul& use a *igure.
Ana!1mi Ta0el
.able 7 (contoh saja) below shows the typical layout o! a table in three
sections demarcated by lines. .ables are most easily constructed using your
word processorIs table !unction or a spread sheet such as EFcel. Gridlines or
boFes, commonly in&oked by word processors, are help!ul !or setting cell and
column alignments, but should be eliminated !rom the printed &ersion. .ables
!ormatted with cell boundaries showing are unlikely to be permitted in a
2. /am0ar
:omor gambar yang diikuti oleh judul dibuat sedemikian rupa
sehingga simetris terhadap gambar, dan diletakkan dibawah gambar.
"eterangan gambar sebaiknya diletakkan ditempat yang lowong dalam
gambar. Gambar yang bentuknya memanjang sepanjang kertas (misalnya
/eta), bagian atas gambar ditempatkan disebelah kiri kertas.
*igures are visual presentations o% results, inclu&ing graphs,
&iagrams, photos, &ra'ings, schematics, maps, etc. Hraphs are
the most common type o% %igure an& 'ill )e &iscusse& in &etail.
Hraphs sho' tren&s or patterns o% relationship.
Ba3aimana men3a<u !a0el an 3am0ar ari !ek"9
Every 5igure and .able included in the paper MUS. be re!erred to !rom
the teFt. Use sentences that draw the readerIs attention to the relationship
or trend you wish to highlight, re!erring to the appropriate 5igure or .able
only parenthetically
Hermination rates 'ere signi%icantly higher a%ter 2< h in running
'ater than in controls (*ig. <!.
D;A se-uence homologies %or the purple gene %rom the %our
congeners ($a)le 8! sho' high similarity, &i%%ering )y at most <
)ase pairs.
Avoid sentences that gi&e no in!ormation other than directing the
reader to the 5igure or .able
$a)le 8 sho's the summary results %or male an& %emale heights at
Bates College.
Penem5a!an 3am0ar an !a0el alam ar!ikel9
(n manuscripts (e.g. la) papers, &ra%ts!, $a)les an& *igures are usually
put on separate pages %rom te.t material. (n consi&eration o% your
rea&ers, place each $a)le or *igure as near as possi)le to the place
'here you %irst re%er to it (e.g., the ne.t page!. (t is permissa)le to place
all the illustrative material at the en& o% the 7esults section so as to
avoi& interrupting the %lo' o% te.t. $he *igures an& $a)les may )e
em)e&&e& in the te.t, )ut avoi& )rea"ing up the te.t into small )loc"sL it
is better to have whole pages of text with Figures and
Tables on their own pages.
Le!ak 4uul Ta0el an 3am0ar9
.able legends go abo&e the body o! the .able and are le!t justi!iedJ
.ables are read !rom the top down.
5igure legends go below the graphJ graphs and other types o!
5igures are usually read !rom the bottom up.
Ana!1mi 3am0ar
$he sections )elo' sho' 'hen an& ho' to use the %our most common
*igure types ()ar graph, %re-uency histogram, M1 scatterplot, M1 line
graph.! $he %inal section gives e.amples o% other, less common, types o%
,arts of a -raph( Belo' are e.ample %igures (typical line an& )ar
graphs! 'ith the various component parts la)ele& in italic. 7e%er )ac" to
these e.amples i% you encounter an un%amiliar term as you rea& the
%ollo'ing sections.
Be0era5a hal 5en!in3 !en!an3 /am0ar9
Big or littleM 5or course-related papers, a good rule o! thumb is to siNe
your !igures to !ill about one-hal! o! a page. 1eaders should not ha&e to
reach !or a magni!ying glass to make out the details. <ompound !igures
may reOuire a !ull page.
<olor or no colorM Most o!ten black and white is pre!erred. .he rationale
is that i! you need to photocopy or !aF your paper, any in!ormation
con&eyed by colors will be lost to the reader. -owe&er, !or a poster
presentation or a talk with projected images, color can be help!ul in
distinguishing di!!erent data sets. E&ery aspect o! your 5igure should
con&ey in!ormationJ ne&er use color simply because it is pretty.
.itle or no titleM :e&er use a title !or 5igures included in a paperJ the
legend con&eys all the necessary in!ormation and the title just takes up
eFtra space. -owe&er, !or posters or projected images, where people may
ha&e a harder time reading the small print o! a legend, a larger !ont title
is &ery help!ul.
8!!set aFes or notM Elect to o!!set the aFes only when data points will be
obscured by being printed o&er the B aFis.
Error bars or notM ,lways include error bars (SD or SEM) when plotting
means. *n some courses you may be asked to plot other measures
associated with the mean, such as con!idence inter&als.
.ick marks - Use common sense when deciding on major (numbered)
&ersus minor ticks. Major ticks should be used to reasonably break up
the range o! &alues plotted into integer &alues. +ithin the major
inter&als, it is usually necessary to add minor inter&al ticks that !urther
subdi&ide the scale into logical units (i.e., a inter&al that is a !actor o! the
major tick inter&al). 5or eFample, when using major tick inter&als o! 26,
minor tick inter&als o! 2,4, or ; might be used, but not 7.
C&2 S<a!!er5l1!
$hese are plots o% M,1 coor&inates sho'ing each in&ivi&ualNs or sampleNs
score on t'o varia)les. When plotting &ata this 'ay 'e are usually
intereste& in "no'ing 'hether the t'o varia)les sho' a ?relationship?,
i.e. &o they change in value together in a consistent 'ay>
<atatan untuk gambar ini
each aFis is labeled (including units where appropriate) and includes
numbered and minor ticks to allow easy determination o! the &alues o!
plotted pointsJ
sample siNe is included in the legend or the body o! the graphJ
i! the data ha&e been analyNed statistically and a relationship between
the &ariables eFists, it may be indicated by plotting the regression line
on the graph, and by gi&ing the eOuation o! the regression and its
statistical signi!icance in the legend or body o! the !igureJ
the range o! each aFis has been care!ully selected to maFimiNe the
spread o! the points and to minimiNe wasted blank space where no
points !all. 5or instance, the L aFis is truncated below ;6 g because no
plants smaller than ;4 g were measured. .he ranges selected also
result in labeled ticks that are easy to read (;6, 266, 2;6W, rather than
7H, AC, 277W)
C&2 Line /ra5h
/ine graphs plot a series o% relate& values that &epict a change in 1 as a
%unction o% M. $'o common e.amples are a gro'th curve %or an
in&ivi&ual or population over time, an& a &ose4response curve sho'ing
e%%ects o% increasing &oses o% a &rug or treatment.
<atatan penting
a di!!erent symbol is used !or each group (species), and the key to the
symbols is placed in the body o! the graph where space permits. Symbols are
large enough to be easily recogniNable in the !inal graph siNeJ
each point represents a mean &alue, and this is stated in the legend. Error
bars are there!ore plotted !or each point and de!ined in the legend as well.
because measurements were taken on independent groups !or each species,
the points are :8. connected dot-to-dotJ instead a cur&e is !itted to the data
to show the trend.
5igure A. ,erial photo o! the study site ca. 2A7A and in 2AAH (inset)
showing the regeneration o! the !orest. /hotos courtesy o! the
USD, 5ield 8!!ice, ,uburn, Maine.
Beberapa catatan
, photograph is a %igure.
,ny photograph !rom another source reOuires attribution in the legend.
/hotos must ha&e su!!icient resolution to reproduce well by standard
+.(. Penuli"an Nama
/enulisan nama dalam suatu tulisan ilmiah mencakup nama penulis
yang disitir hasil karyanya, baik nama di dalam naskah maupun nama dalam
da!tar pustaka. :ama yang lebih dari satu suku kata, nama dengan garis
penghubung, nama yang diikuti dengan singkatan dan sebagainya akan
dibahas lebih lanjut dalam bab berikutnya.
+.,. Be0era5a Hal Pen!in3
,da beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam penulisan karya
ilmiah, yaitu
2. *stilah asing dicetak miring dan dituliskan dengan benar
misal )ase station
Wcell sites ------------------= Wcell site
&o'nlin"nya ----------------= &o'nlin"-nya
4. /enggunaan kata RdimanaS
misal ..................teknik dimana digunakan.................(salah)
WWWW....teknik yang digunakan....................(benar)
pada persamaan
F X y Y N
dimana @-- keterangan (sebaiknya kata IdimanaI diganti dngan IketeranganI)
yX nilai asumsi
NX nilai hitungan
3. Sebaiknya tidak menggunakan kata RkitaS,SsayaS (kata ganti orang)
dalam karya ilmiah.
misal ......... dapat kita asumsikanW(salah)
......... dapat diasumsikanW(benar)
7. Menggunakan kalimat pasi!. (seperti contoh no 3 di atas)
;. /ersamaan diberi nomor sesuai bab dan urutan serta tidak dicetak
misal c X a Z b (4.3)
C. Gambar, tabel, persamaan, dan pernyataan0kutipan diberi sumber
?. "ekonsistenan dalam penulisan.
misal ...perkembangan selular..............W (kalimat ke 4)
...seluler..............W(kalimat ke 26)
H. .ulislah kata dengan lengkap.
misalnya T ---------------------= dan
yg ---------------------= yang
A. Singkatan diikuti kepanjangannya dan untuk kalimat berikutnya
cukup singkatannya saja.
MU (mo)ile unit)W (kalimat ke 3)
...perawatan perangkat MU tidaklah terlalu sulit....... (kalimat ke 26)
26. Gunakan EBD
misal bilangan 26,666 km ---------------= 26.666 km
WdidapatW ---------------------= WdiperolehW
Wterdiri dariW-------------------= Wterdiri atasW
/enggunaan huru! besar di awal kalimat.
/enempatan titik (.) dan koma (,) yang sesuai.
22. *kuti tata cara0!ormat penulisan karya ilmiah yang berlaku (yang
dikeluarkan oleh institusi)
= ukuran margin
ukuran kertas
jenis huru!
24. /enulisan tanda baca sesuai dengan /edoman Umum Ejaan
Bahasa *ndonesia yang Disempurnakan.
23. <ek penulisan sebelum diserahkan.

Seringkali seorang penulis mendapatkan bahwa pada waktu naskah
karangannya dikembalikan oleh pengulas atau editor, ia tidak mampu
memperbaikinya karena ia merasa karangannya itu sudah tidak mempunyai
kesalahan lagi. *a tidak mampu mengidenti!ikasi kesalahan dalam
karangannya. "esulitan seorang penulis untuk menemukan kesalahan-
kesalahan dalam karangannya sendiri atau selalu membuat kesalahan yang
sama, pada umumnya disebabkan karena penulis itu menggunakan cara
ber!ikir terpancang %conditioned thinking). <ara ber!ikir ini adalah apabila
setiap kali pikiran mengambil arah tertentu, lebih banyak kemungkinan arah
pikiran itu pulalah yang akan diambil pada waktu berikutnya. Dapat
dikatakan bahwa pemikiran yang terpancang itu timbul sebagaimana halnya
sikap yang mewatak karena kebiasaan.
,pabila seorang penulis sudah terjebak pada pemikiran terpancang
maka akan sulit sekali mengadakan perbaikan terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan
yang telah dibuatnya. /engalaman menunjukkan terdapat dua jalan utama
yang dapat ditempuh untuk membebaskan cara berpikir dari pancangan
ialah (2) meninggalkan persoalan untuk sementara waktu dan (4) bertukar
pikiran. Dengan meninggalkan persoalan selama beberapa hari atau minggu
dan barunanti ditelaah kembali maka sebagian pemikiran yang telah
dilakukan pada waktu lampau atau pemikiran yang dulu sudah menjadi
kurang meyakinkan, dapat dilupakan. Dengan ddemikian, persoalan dapat
dipandang dari singkapan yang baru. Selain itu, mengendapkan persoalan
juga akan dapat mengundang imajinasi atau intuisi yang menyegarkan tata
Mekanisme pengkomunikasian buah pikiran merupakan bantuan yang
berharga untuk menerobos garis pemikiran yang mandul, yang telah terpateri
%fi.ed) dalam diri seseorang. Sewaktu menjelaskan suatu persoalan kepada
orang lain, khususnya kepada orang yang kurang mengenal bidang yang kita
asuh, rantai pemikiran yang biasa kita pakai harus diubah supaya orang lain
itu lebih mudah mengikuti persoalannya. .idak jarang terjadi, bahwa pada
waktu kita menerangkan persoalan itu dengan cara lain , tiba-tiba timbul
pikiran baru dalam diri kita , sekalipun orang lain yang kita ajak bertukar
pikiran itu belum lagi mengucapkan sepatah katapun.
,nonymous. 466H. -ow to +rite a /aper in Scienti!ic $ournal Style and
5ormat. , Strategy !or +riting Up 1esearch 1esults. Department o!
Biology, Bates <ollege, #ewiston, ME 67476.
,shby, Mike. 4666. -ow to write a paper. <ambridge Engineering
Department, Uni&ersity o! <ambridge. 3? p.
Bem, D. $. 2AA;. +riting a re&iew article !or @sychological Bulletin.
@sychological Bulletin, 88F, 2?4-2??.
Bem, D. $. 4663. Writing the empirical ,ournal article. 8n 36 8ctober 466?
deri&ed !rom http00dbem.ws0+riting,rticle.4.pd!
Bem, S. #. 2AH;. ,ndrogyny and gender schema theory , conceptual and
empirical integration. *n .. B. Sonderegger (Ed.), ;e)ras"a symposium
on motivation 82F<9 $he psychology o% gen&er. #incoln Uni&ersity o!
:ebraska /ress.
DS-oker, Eric. 4667. Guideline !or scienti!ic writing. #os ,ngeles Uni&ersity
o! <ali!ornia, Department o! /hisic and ,stronomy. A p.
Dharma, Surya. 4664. "ebijakan pengembangan jurnal ilmiah di /erguruan
.inggi.. Disajikan Dalam rangka /elatihan /enulisan ,rtikel *lmiah
42-4; 8ktober 4664.di Uni&ersitas .anjungpura. Departemen
/endidikan :asional
D*.$E: D*".*. 466A. /E.U:$U" .E":*S /rogram /ercepatan /ublikasi
pada $urnal *lmiah Bereputasi *nternasional bagi para /enerima -ibah
/enelitian "ompetiti! D*1E".81,. $E:DE1,# /E:D*D*",:
.*:GG* DE/,1.EME: /E:D*D*",: :,S*8:,# 466A.
DiFon, :. 4662. Methodology matters - writing !or publication - a guide !or
new authors. (nternational Journal %or Ouality in =ealth Care, 23,
Gopen, George D and $udith ,. Swan. 2AA6. .he Science o! scienti!ic
writing. American :cientist, ?H(:o&-Dec) ;;6-;;H. 1etype in
-ermanto. 4667. 5aktor penghambat pustakawan menulis artikel di surat
kabar. Jurnal @erpusta"aan @ertanian, 23 (4) 4;-34
-olliday, ,. 466?. Doing an& 'riting -ualitative research (4nd. ed.).
#ondon S,GE.
$enkins S. 2AA;. -ow to write a paper !or a scienti!ic journal. ,ustralian
$ournal o! /hysiotherapy 72(7) 4H; - 4HA
#ester, $. D., $r., T #ester, $. D., Sr. 466;. 7esearch paper han&)oo"9 1our
complete gui&e (3rd. ed.). .ucson, ,Q Good Bear Books.
Murray, 1. 466;. Writing %or aca&emic ,ournals. Maidenhead 8pen
Uni&ersity /ress.
:ederhoed, /. 4667. =el&er rapporteren9 een han&lei&ing voor het op6etten
en schri,ven van rapporten, scripties, notaNs en arti"elen (He druk).
-outen Bohn Sta!leu 9an #oghum.
1*-/erpustakaan :asional.4667. "eputusan "epala /erpustakaan :asional
1* :o. 26 .ahun 4667. .entang /etunjuk .eknis $abatan 5ungsional
/ustakawan dan ,ngka "reditnya. 23; hlm.
Schulman, E 1obert. -ow to +rite a Scienti!ic /aper. Annals o% (mpro)a)le
7esearch 4 (;) H
Strunk, +. $r., T +hite, E. B. 466?. $he elements o% style. :ew Bork
/enguin /ress.
Sulistyo-Basuki. 2AA?. /enulisan Makalah dan buku *lmiah. Makalah
disampaikan untuk Seminar Sehari /enulisan *lmiah dan
/opuler. */* $akarta Selatan.
.hody, ,. 466C. Writing an& presenting research. #ondon S,GE.
.urabian, ". #., Booth, +. <., T <olomb, G. G. 466?. A manual %or 'riters
o% research papers, theses, an& &issertations9 Chicago style %or
stu&ents an& researchers (?th. ed.). <hicago, *# <hicago Uni&ersity
Lam5iran 1. Au!h1r /uieline" 71r Dinal Manu"<ri5! Pre5ara!i1n
Journal of Agribusiness. Department o! ,gricultural and ,pplied
Economics, 327 <onner -all, Uni&ersity o! Georgia ,thens, G, 36C64-?;6A.
GE:E1,# *:S.1U<.*8:S
/lease pro&ide a double-spaced copy o! your !inal manuscript (using 2'
margins, 24-point .imes 1oman !ont,
;A right-margin justi!ication, and ;A end-o!-line hyphenation in Microso!t
+ord. Be sure to include your e-mail address and !aF0phone numbers so that
the technical editor can contact you regarding any Ouestions. .he manuscript
should be sent as an attachment with your email to $,BSubmit[
GU*DE#*:ES 581 M,:US<1*/. <8M/8:E:.S
(2) .itle /age
(a) 5ull title o! manuscript
(b) ,ll author names eFactly as you wish them to appear (i.e., 1yan ..
Smith or 1. .. Smith)
(c) ,bbre&iated manuscript title to be used as running head
(d) ,uthor titles, a!!iliations, any acknowledgments, and !unding
source *D, i! you wish to include them
(4) ,bstract /age
(a) 5ull title o! manuscript
(b) ,bstract (double-spaced, 24-point !ont), not to eFceed 266 words
(c) "ey +ords /ro&ide up to H key words (or short phrases), in
alphabetical order
(3) .eFt ,ll teFt (including abstract, endnotes, re!erences, appendices)
should be double-spaced, using a 24-point .imes 1oman !ont siNe and
2' margins on e&ery side.
Iery (mportant9
(a) /lease do not use right-margin justi!ication (since it makes it &ery
di!!icult !or the technical editor to intuit spacing, especially o!
math notations).
(b) Do ;A$ use end-o!-line hyphenation !eature.
(c) 5ootnotes0Endnotes Do ;A$ use the +ord/er!ect (or Microso!t
+ord) !ootnote0endnote !eature when preparing your teFt. *nstead,
insert superscript numbers within the teFt (numbering
consecuti&ely throughout the manuscript), and then prepare a !ull
listing o! your !ootnotes0endnotes (to be placed on a separate page
immediately preceding the re!erence section). Do not place
!ootnotes at the bottoms o! manuscript teFt pages.
(7) SeOuence o! Manuscript <omponents
(a) .itle page (unnumbered)
(b) ,bstract page (unnumbered)
(c) .eFt narrati&e (commence page numbering o! teFt with page 2)
(d) 5ootnotes0Endnotes page
(e) 1e!erence section
(!) ,ppendiF (i! more than one appendiF, label ,ppendiF ,,
,ppendiF B, etc.J assign titles to all appendices)
(g) .ables (each table should be on a separate page)
(h) 5igures (each !igure should be on a separate page)
(;) -eading #e&els So that the technical editor can clearly identi!y your
heading le&els, please use the !ollowing !ormat
(a) .itle X <entered, bold!ace, initial caps
(b) #e&el \2 X 5lush le!t, bold!ace, initial caps
(c) #e&el \4 X 5lush le!t margin, italics, initial caps
(d) #e&el \3 X 5lush le!t margin, plain type!ace, initial caps
(C) Math0EOuations +hen numbering eOuations, use ,rabic numbers
enclosed in parentheses. EOuation numbers should appear at !lush le!t
margin. :umber only those eOuations that are re!erred to within the
teFt, and number them consecuti&ely]i.e., (2), (4), (3), etc.]
throughout the manuscript. .he math notations0eOuations should be
centered between the #01 margins. Use italic type!ace !or all varia)les,
and use bold!ace (no italics) !or all &ectors and matrices]both within
eOuations and within narrati&e.
(?) +ithin-.eFt <itations <itations may appear parenthetically or as part
o! the narrati&e. +ithin the teFt, use parentheses ( ) rather than
brackets U V !or citations.
(a) Spell out up to 3 author last names (i.e., use %et al.' only !or 7 or
more authors).
(b) *nclude the year o! publication !or all within-teFt cites. *! there is
more than one work by the same author(s) in the same year,
please designate, !or eFample, as 2AA;a, 2AA;b, etc. Make sure
the corresponding listings in the re!erence section also show the
%a' and %b' designations.
(c) Iery (mportant9 +hen citing a direct Ouotation, be sure to include
the page number(s) !rom the authorSs work.
(H) /ercent &s. > 8ur journal style does not spell out %percent.' *nstead,
use %>' throughout.
(A) .ables /lace each table on a separate page. 5or tables it is permissible
to use single spacing and a smaller !ont siNe as needed. Use decimal
indents, not tables with cells, to align numbers. .ables should not be
integrated into your teFt (but all tables should be introduced within the
narrati&e discussion by table number). .ables should be numbered
consecuti&ely (2, 4, 3, etc.) and should be placed at the end o! the
manuscript. 5ootnotes within tables should be identi!ied by superscript
alphabetical letters (a, b, c, etc.) rather than ,rabic numbers. +hen
using asterisks (Z, ZZ, ZZZ) to denote le&els o! signi!icance0probability,
a single asterisk is used !or the lowest le&el, two asterisks !or the neFt
highest, etc. 5or eFample Z X .26 le&el (26>), ZZ X .6; le&el (;>), ZZZ
X .62 le&el (2>) (26) 5igures 5igures should be placed at the end o!
the manuscript (on unnumbered pages) immediately !ollowing tables.
Do not place %igures 'ithin the manuscript te.t %ile. /re!erred (but not
reOuired) so!tware !or !igure preparation is Microso!t EFcel, <orel
^uattro /ro, or <orel /resentations (through +ord/er!ect).
1egardless o! the so!tware you ha&e used in preparing your graphics, you are
reOuested to pro&ide the !ollowing
(a) Camera4rea&y (i.e., run on laser printer . . . with a minimum o! C66 dots
per inch resolution reOuired) copies o! your !igures, each on a separate,
unnumbered page. .he !igure title can be included on the page with your
graphicJ howe&er, ma"e certain the %igure title &oes ;A$ appear 'ithin the
graphic image itsel% (since the title will be typeset in our precise journal
!ont0!ormat in the !inal layout). *t is help!ul (but not reOuired) i! the camera-
ready hard copies o! your graphics are siNed to !it the margin constraints o!
the JAB journal page (i! we cut0paste your !igures, we can a&oid loss o!
clarity through secondgeneration photocopies that must be scaled to !it.).
*! the graphic is to appear in portrait !ormat, make sure the graphic image is
no more than 7.?;" wide (height may &ary as needed, but should not eFceed
*! the graphic is to appear in landscape (turned sideways on page) !ormat,
the image width should not eFceed C" and height should not eFceed 7.4;".
(b) (3@A7$A;$9 /lease submit your !igure graphics with your manuscript,
being sure to include spreadsheet data (i.e., the spreadsheet &alues used
in constructing the graphic image). .he spreadsheet is critical because it
is !reOuently impossible to make e&en small cosmetic changes to the
!igure without the presence o! the spreadsheet data !ile.
.-E 1E5E1E:<E SE<.*8:
,ll citations within the manuscript must appear in the re!erence list . . . and
all listings in the re!erence section must be cited somewhere within the
manuscript. 1e!erences should be in alphabetical order by authorSs last
name. 5or clarity, please &o ;A$ use any a))reviations (such as !or journal
names) in the re!erences. 8ur journal style uses !ully spelled-out journal
Special notes Do not use %et al.' (either !or authors or editors) in the
re!erence listJ all author (editor) names should be spelled out. Use only
author0editor !irst and0or middle initials (we do not spell out !irst or middle
names in re!erence section).
@lease loo" at the re%erence samples )elo' to %ormat your re%erences
correctly. .he most critical concern is that all re!erence components are
present in case the technical editor needs to make adjustments. .he JAB
re!erence style is adapted !rom the @u)lication 3anual o% the American
@sychological Association (,/,). , number o! sample re!erence citations
are pro&ided below (as generally !ictitious illustrations only), showing the
components needed !or &arious types o! sources.
<remlyn, 1. $. (2AA2). Agrochemicals9 @reparation an& 3o&e o% Action, 3rd
ed. <hichester, England $ohn +iley and Sons.
<-,/.E1 *: B88"
Green, 1. E., $. M. Da&idson, and $. +. Biggar. (2AH6). %Methods !or
determining adsorption-desorption o! organic chemicals ,n
assessment.' *n ,. D. Banin and U. 5. "a!ka!i (eds.), Agrochemicals in
:oils (pp. 4?3-4H4). Elms!ord, :B /ergamon /ress.
ED*.ED B88" (citing entire book rather than indi&idual authors)
Bredahl, M. E., /. <. ,bbott, and M. 1. 1eed, eds. (2AA7). Competitiveness
in (nternational *oo& 3ar"ets. Boulder, <8 +est&iew /ress.
$8U1:,# ,1.*<#E (:ote *U//1 :@E// AU$ name o! journalJ be sure to
include &olume number and inclusi&e page numbers.) .he !irst two eFamples
shown below use 2AH;%a' and %b' designations to illustrate more than one work by
same authors in same yearJ the third illustration shows inclusion o! the journal
issue number as well as &olume number
,ddiscott, .. M., and 1. $. +agenet. (2AH;a, March). %<oncepts o! solute
leaching in soils , re&iew o! modeling approaches.' Journal o% :oil
:cience 3C, 722-747.
,ddiscott, .. M., and 1. $. +agenet. (2AH;b). %, simple method !or
combining soil properties that show &ariability.' :oil :cience :ociety
o% America Journal 7A, 23C;-23CA.
,nderson, $. #. (2AA;, +inter). %.he en&ironmental re&olution at twenty-
!i&e.' 7utgers /a' Journal 4C(4), 3A;-736.
/,/E1S, 1E/81.S, BU##E.*:S
,lam, ,., and S. 1ajapatirana. (2AA3). %.rade policy re!orm in #atin
,merica and the <aribbean in the 2AH6s.' /olicy 1esearch +orking
/aper :o. 2267, *nternational .rade Di&ision, .he +orld Bank,
+ashington, D<.
SchatNer, 1. $., M. +ickwire, and D. .illey. (2AHC). %Supplemental &egetable
enterprises !or cow-cal! and grain !armers in southeastern 8klahoma.'
1esearch 1eport :o. .-H?7, ,gricultural EFperiment Station,
Department o! ,gricultural Economics, 8klahoma State Uni&ersity,
/,/E1 /1ESE:.ED ,. MEE.*:G
Eginton, <., and #. .weeten. (2AH4, 5ebruary 24). %*mpacts o! national
in!lation on entrance and eOuity growth]8pportunities on typical
commercial !arms.' /aper presented at the annual meetings o! the
Southern ,gricultural Economics ,ssociation, ,tlanta, G,.
Badger, D. D. (2AH2). %Economics o! manure management.' *n /ivestoc"
WasteKA 7ene'a)le 7esource9 @rocee&ings o% the *ourth
(nternational :ymposium on /ivestoc" Wastes (pp. 4?;-4A2). -eld in
,marillo, .L, $uly 2623, 2AH6. #ubbock, .L .eFas .ech Uni&ersity
Lam5iran 2. Su0mi""i1n 17 ar!i<le"
Journal of Sociology is the o!!icial journal o! .he ,ustralian Sociological
,ssociation. *t carries peer re!ereed articles o! sociological research and theory on
issues o! interest to ,ustralian sociology and aims to promote dialogue and
eFchange between ,ustralian sociologists and the international community o!
Pre5ara!i1n 17 <156
.he $ournal o! Sociology is a peer-re&iewed publication. ,rticles between
7666-?666 words (double spaced pages) including tables, notes and
re!erences, are accepted !or re&iew. .he Editors reser&e the right to return
papers to authors where they eFceed this word limit. Submission o! a
manuscript to another journal while under re&iew by the $ournal o!
Sociology is unethical. Breach o! this principle will result in the paper being
remo&ed !rom consideration !or publication in the $8S. Each manuscript
must be accompanied by a signed statement that it has not been published
pre&iously and that it has not and will not be sent !or consideration by
another journal while submitted to the $ournal o! Sociology.
/repare copy as !ollows
2. Manuscripts should be double spaced and should not include page
numbers as the S,GE.1,<" system will create these automatically.
4. Manuscripts should be submitted with the name and a!!iliation o! the
author as a supplementary document to preser&e anonymity. /lease
pro&ide the word count on the manuscript.
3. ,ll manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract o! 266-2;6
words plus ; or C key words.
7. 5ootnotes should be numbered serially, typed double-spaced, and
should be listed at the end o! the article or research report, and should
be kept to a minimum.
;. Each table should be typed on a separate page. *nsert a guideline, e.g., 2 about hereV at the appropriate place in the manuscript.
<ompleF tables can present problems in the con&ersion !rom one
program to another. /lease key tables into the teFt using one tab only
between columns. Do not use spaces between columns. Do not worry
about the alignment o! columns, but indicate on the printout how the
table should appear. "ey in a return at the end o! a line. Do not tab to
C. 5or general style con&entions please consult the Style Manual !or
,uthors, Editors and /rinters, <anberra ,ustralian Go&ernment
/ublishing Ser&ice, ;th Edition (re&ised) 2AAH.
?. /lease pro&ide a separate brie! (no more than ;6 words)
autobiographical note with your contribution and ensure that a !ull
mailing address and email address is included.
1e!erences in the teFt
,ll re!erences to books, articles and other sources are to be identi!ied at an
appropriate point in the teFt by name o! author, year o! publication, and
pagination (within parentheses). 5ootnotes are to be limited to substanti&e
obser&ations only. .here is no need !or IibidI, Iloc citI or Iop citI.
5or eFample
2. *! the authorIs name is in the teFt, !ollow it by the year o! publication and
a page re!erence ,s Brown (2AAA 4C?) has shown in her case
study . . . . *! the authorIs name is not in teFt, insert at an appropriate
point surname, year o! publication and page re!erence, !or eFample
,ustralian research on changes to the middle class suggests W.
(Solomon 2AAH 23;). :ote that pagination, author and year are
separated by a colon.
4. +here two authors are in&ol&ed, cite both surnames. +here more than
two authors are in&ol&ed, cite the !irst surname !ollowed by et al. 5or
institutional authorship, supply only su!!icient in!ormation !or positi&e
identi!ication .he aim o! this working paper is to eFplore the !uture o!
sociology in ,ustralia (Department o! Sociology, 5linders Uni&ersity,
3. Separate multiple citations by semicolons .he pro!essions are the subject
o! considerable sociological attention (e.g., <hagnon 2AA7J #orber 2AA4J
9assiliou 2AAA).
7. +here there is more than one re!erence in an article to the same author
and year, use letters (a, b, etc.) to distinguish them one !rom the other.
5or eFample (1oberts 2AAAaJ 2AAAb).
5ormat o! re!erences
#ist all items cited in the teFt alphabetically by author and !or each author,
by year o! publication in an appendiF titled 1e!erences. #ist all authors by
name - do not use et al. or ampersands (T). 5or eFample
Burke, M. (4664) IGlobal Boom and Bust 5ollowing the +orld .rade <entre
<ollapseI, $ournal o! Sociology 3H 23;-;2.
Shaw, M. $. (4666) #i!e as a Graduate Student in ,ustralian Uni&ersities.
#ondon Sage.
.hompson, M. and $. Smith (2AAA) IGender and +ealth Beyond the
/atterns and the /aradoFI, pp. 2;C-H? in $. Montague (ed.) +ealth in
,ustralia Sociological <oncepts and *ssues, 4nd edn. Sydney /rentice
Lam5iran #. Au!h1r /uieline"
The Journal of Management Studies is now one o! the
premier management journals. *t represents a collection o! cutting edge
studies o! organiNational issues that most importantly are not constrained by a
parochial mentality. +ork published in J3: is an essential re!erence point !or
the conduct o! eFcellent research by both micro and macro 8rganiNation
researchers. Chung3ing /au, Department o% 3anagement, Chinese
University o% =ong Pong.
/re-Submission English #anguage Editing
,uthors !or whom English is a second language may choose to ha&e their
manuscript pro!essionally edited be!ore submission to impro&e the English. ,
list o! independent suppliers o! editing ser&ices can be !ound at
www.blackwellpublishing.com0bauthor 0english_language.asp. ,ll ser&ices are
paid !or and arranged by the author, and use o! one o! these ser&ices does not
guarantee acceptance or pre!erence !or publication.
/reparation o! Manuscripts
<ontributors should submit their manuscripts by e-mail to $o Brudenell
,ll manuscripts must be accompanied by a letter which indicates brie!ly why
the article is suitable !or publication in the Journal o% 3anagement :tu&ies
and attests that the article has not been pre&iously published or is under
re&iew elsewhere.
,ll manuscripts must be prepared according to the !ollowing guidelines
2. Manuscripts must be double-spaced throughout (this includes :otes and
1e!erences) with generous margins. .hey should be sent in MS +ord
4. /apers should be between ;666 and H666 words in length. /apers should
be care!ully cra!ted and succinctly presented.
3. .o permit anonymity, the authorIs names should not appear on the
manuscript. *nstead, a co&er page gi&ing the title o! the article and !ull
identi!ying in!ormation (name, address, telephone and !aF numbers and
e-mail addresses) must be attached. .he title o! the manuscript should be
on the !irst page o! the paper along with the abstract and keywords.
#anguage within the teFt that suggests the authorIs identity should be
a&oided. *n addition, the manuscript I/ropertiesI, under I5ileI in Microso!t
+ord, should be erased prior to submission. ,ny identi!ying in!ormation
!rom I.rack <hangesI should be remo&ed.
7. .he co&er page should be !ollowed by an in!ormati&e abstract o! no more
than 2;6 words double-spaced. , list o! 7-C key words, in alphabetical
order should be pro&ided below the abstract. "ey words should eFpress
the precise content o! the manuscript as they are used !or indeFing
;. 5ootnotes should not be used. Endnotes should be pro&ided on a separate
page immediately !ollowing the teFt under the heading :8.ES.
Endnotes should o!!er signi!icant comment, not merely cite re!erences.
.hey should be kept to a minimum.
C. ,uthors must pro&ide high Ouality artwork !or all illustrations. /oor
de!inition reproductions are not suitable. .ables and !igures should be
numbered separately. .ables use roman numerals and !igures use arabic
numerals (.able *, .able **WJ 5igure 2, 5igure 4W). Each table and
!igure should be gi&en a title and should be presented on a separate page
at the end o! the manuscript. 5igures and tables reproduced !rom already
published work must be accompanied by permission o! the original
publisher (or copyright holder, i! not the publisher). /lease indicate the
position o! !igures and tables in the teFt .
?. 1e!erences should be listed alphabetically by author at the end o! the
$ournal re!erences should be listed as !ollows
<hild, $. and Smith, <. (2AH?). I.he conteFt and process o!
organiNational trans!ormation - <adbury #imited in its sectorI.
Journal o% 3anagement :tu&ies, 47, ;C;-A3.
Book re!erences should be listed as !ollows
#aw, $. (2AA7). Argani6ing 3o&ernity. 8F!ord Blackwell /ublishing.
<hapters in books should be listed as !ollows
+ilson, M. (2AAC) I,sking OuestionsI, in Saps!ord, 1. and $upp, 9. (Eds),
Data Collection an& Analysis. #ondon Sage.
<on!erences proceedings should be listed as !ollows
Smith, ,. G. and $ones, <. -. (4664). @resentation5@aper $itle in (talics.
<on!erence .itle, Uni&ersity, <ity.
+orking papers should be listed as !ollows
$ones, ,. and Brown, B. (4667). $itle o% Wor"ing @aper in (talics. +orking
/aper :o. 243, Uni&ersity, <ity.
+ebsite re!erences should be listed as !ollows
Smith, ,. (2AAA). Select committee report into social care in the
community. http00www.dhss.go&.uk0reports0report62;4H;.html
(accessed on ? :o&ember 4663).
*n the teFt, where the authorIs name appears, the date should !ollow in
parentheses, e.g., MintNberg (2AH;). *! the authorIs name is not present in
the teFt, insert it with the authorIs name and date in parentheses, e.g.,
(MintNberg, 2AH;).
/rocessing o! Manuscripts and /roduction
+hen a paper is recei&ed the Editors will read it and decide whether to
send it out to re!erees. .ypically this decision takes no more than two
weeks. .hree re!ereesI reports are sought and an initial decision should
take no more than three months.
Submission o! a manuscript implies commitment to publish in the
$ournal. Submission to the Journal o% 3anagement :tu&ies implies that
the manuscript has not been published elsewhere, nor is it under
consideration by another journal. ,uthors in doubt about what constitutes
prior publication should consult one o! the General Editors.
,uthors who submit manuscripts to the Journal o% 3anagement :tu&ies
are eFpected to reciprocate by ser&ing as re&iewers !or the Journal o%
3anagement :tu&ies i! called upon to do so.
.he !ile should be MS word. ,uthors are encouraged to try and include
tables and !igures as part o! the main !ile.
<opyright ,ssignment 5orm
,uthors will be reOuired to assign copyright in their paper to +iley-Blackwell.
<opyright assignment is a condition o! publication and papers will not be
passed to the publisher !or production unless copyright has been assigned. .o
assist authors, an appropriate copyright assignment !orm will be supplied by
the editorial o!!ice when a paper has been accepted. Go&ernment employees
need to complete the ,uthor +arranty sections, although copyright in such
cases does not need to be assigned.
Lam5iran *. Pa5er Su0mi""i1n /uie
International Journal of conomics and Finance
!IJF" is a peer-re&iewed journal, published by <anadian <enter o! Science
and Education. .he journal publishes research papers in the !ields o!
economics, accounting and !inance..he journal is published in both printed
and online &ersions. .he online &ersion is !ree access and download. /lease
click on "about" abo&e to see in!ormation on editorial board, policies,
submissions etc
Submission o! an article implies that the work described has not been
published pre&iously (eFcept in the !orm o! an abstract or as part o! a
published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration !or
publication elsewhere, that its publication is appro&ed by all authors and
tacitly or eFplicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried
out, and that, i! accepted, will not be published elsewhere in the same !orm, in
English or in any other language, without the written consent o! the /ublisher.
.he Editors reser&e the right to edit or otherwise alter all contributions, but
authors will recei&e proo!s !or appro&al be!ore publication.

<opyrights !or articles published in <<SE journals are retained by the
authors, with !irst publication rights granted to the journal. .he
journal0publisher is not responsible !or subseOuent uses o! the work. *t is the
authorIs responsibility to bring an in!ringement action i! so desired by the
,ll manuscripts should be submitted electronically in MS-+ord !ormat to the
E-mail address which appears on the journal webpage.
Pa5er Sele<!i1n an Pu0li<a!i1n Pr1<e""
a) Upon receipt o! paper submission, the Editor sends an E-mail o!
con!irmation to the corresponding author within 2-3 working days. *!
you !ail to recei&e this con!irmation, your submission0email may be
b) /eer re&iew. +e use single-blind system !or peer-re&iewJ the re&iewersI
identities remain anonymous to authors. .he paper will be peer-
re&iewed by three eFpertsJ one is an editorial sta!! and the other two are
eFternal re&iewers. .he re&iew process may take 2-4 weeks.
c) :oti!ication o! the result o! re&iew by E-mail.
d) .he authors re&ise paper and pay publication !ee.
e) ,!ter publication, the corresponding author will recei&e two copies o!
printed journals, !ree o! charge. *! you want to keep more copies, please
order at $
!) E-journal in /D5 a&ailable on the journalSs webpage, !ree o! charge !or

/lease write your teFt in good English (,merican or British usage is accepted,
but not a miFture o! both)J decimal points (not commas)J use a space !or
thousands (26 666 and abo&e). +e only accept manuscripts in English
/ength o% paper9 3666-H666 words are pre!erred.

Ti!le Pa3e
.itle page is a separated page be!ore the teFt. /ro&ide the !ollowing
in!ormation on the title page (in the order gi&en). *t should include
<oncise and in!ormati&e. .itles are o!ten used in in!ormation-retrie&al
systems. ,&oid abbre&iations and !ormulae where possible.
Author0s names an& a%%iliations
/lease indicate the gi&en name and !amily name clearly. /resent the authorsI
a!!iliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names.
*ndicate all a!!iliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately a!ter
the authorIs name and in !ront o! the appropriate address. /ro&ide the !ull
postal address o! each a!!iliation, including the country name, and, i!
a&ailable, the e-mail address, and telephone number o! each author.
Correspon&ing author
<learly indicate who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages o!
re!ereeing, publication and also post-publication. Ensure that telephone
numbers (with country and area code) are pro&ided in addition to the e-mail
address and the complete postal address.
:ponsoring in%ormation
*! the research is sponsored or supported by an organiNation, please indicate it.

/eneral Rule" 71r TeA!
/lease use the !ollowing rules !or whole teFt, including abstract, keywords,
heading and re!erences.
5ont .imes :ew 1omanJ SiNe 26
/aragraph Spacing ,bo&e paragraph D 6 ptJ Below paragraph D 7 pt
#ine Spacing !iFed D 24 pt
-eading 2 .imes :ew 1omanJ SiNe-26J BoldJ !or eFample, 1.
-eading 4 .imes :ew 1omanJ SiNe-26J *talicJ !or eFample, 8.8
7esearch 3etho&s
-eading 3 .imes :ew 1omanJ SiNe-26J !or eFample, 2.2.2 ,nalysis

Pre5ara!i1n 17 !eA!
, concise and !actual abstract is reOuired (maFimum length o! 2;6 words).
.he abstract should state brie!ly the purpose o! the research, the principal
results and major conclusions. ,n abstract is o!ten presented separate !rom the
article, so it must be able to stand alone. 1e!erences should there!ore be
a&oided, but i! essential, they must be cited in !ull, without re!erence to the
re!erence list.
*mmediately a!ter the abstract, pro&ide a maFimum o! H keywords, a&oiding
general and plural terms and multiple concepts (a&oid, !or eFample, IandI,
Io!I). Be sparing with abbre&iations only abbre&iations !irmly established in
the !ield may be eligible.
:u)&ivision o% the article
Di&ide your article into clearly de!ined and numbered sections. Subsections
should be numbered 2., 4., (then 2.2, 2.2.2, 2.2.4), 2.4, etc. (the abstract is
not included in section numbering). Use this numbering also !or internal
cross-re!erencing do not just re!er to Ithe teFt.I ,ny subsection, ideally, should
not be more than C66 words. ,uthors are urged to write as concisely as
possible, but not at the eFpense o! clarity.
*igure legen&s, %igures, schemes
/resent these, in this order, at the end o! the article. .hey are described in
more detail below. -igh-resolution graphics !iles must always be pro&ided
separate !rom the main teFt !ile.
/resent tables, at the end o! the article. :umber tables consecuti&ely in
accordance with their appearance in the teFt. /lace description to tables below
the table body. ,&oid &ertical rules. Be sparing in the use o! tables and ensure
that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere
in the article.

.he teFt siNe o! !ormula should be similar with normal teFt siNe.

1esponsibility !or the accuracy o! bibliographic citations lies entirely with the
Citations in the te.t
/lease ensure that e&ery re!erence cited in the teFt is also present in the
re!erence list (and &ice &ersa). ,&oid citation in the abstract. Unpublished
results and personal communications should not be in the re!erence list, but
may be mentioned in the teFt. <itation o! a re!erence as Iin pressI implies that
the item has been accepted !or publication.
Citing an& listing o% 'e) re%erences
,s a minimum, the !ull U1# should be gi&en. ,ny !urther in!ormation, i!
known (author names, dates, re!erence to a source publication, etc.), should
also be gi&en. +eb re!erences can be listed separately (e.g., a!ter the re!erence
list) under a di!!erent heading i! desired, or can be included in the re!erence
<itations in the teFt should !ollow the re!erencing style used by the ,merican
/sychological ,ssociation. Bou can re!er to the /ublication Manual o! the
,merican /sychological ,ssociation, 5i!th Edition, *SB: 2-;;?AH-?A6-7,
copies o! which may be ordered !rom http00www.apa.org0books074666C2.html
or ,/, 8rder Dept., /.8.B. 4?26, -yatts&ille, MD 46?H7, US, or ,/,, 3
-enrietta Street, #ondon, +<3E H#U, U". Details concerning this
re!erencing style can also be !ound at
http00humanities.byu.edu0linguistics0-enrichsen0,/,0,/,62.html .
/ist9 1e!erences should be arranged !irst alphabetically and then !urther sorted
chronologically i! necessary. More than one re!erence !rom the same author(s)
in the same year must be identi!ied by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed
a!ter the year o! publication.


7e%erence to a ,ournal pu)lication9
9an der Geer, $., -anraads, $. ,. $., T #upton 1. ,. (4666). .he art o!
writing a scienti!ic article. Journal o% :cienti%ic Communications,
2C3, ;2-;A.
7e%erence to a )oo"9
Strunk, +., $r., T +hite, E. B. (2A?A). $he elements o% style. (3rd ed.).
:ew Bork Macmillan, (<hapter 7).
7e%erence to a chapter in an e&ite& )oo"9
Mettam, G. 1., T ,dams, #. B. (2AA7). -ow to prepare an electronic
&ersion o! your article. *n B. S. $ones, T 1. Q. Smith (Eds.),
(ntro&uction to the electronic age (pp. 4H2-367). :ew Bork E-
/ublishing *nc.
7e%erence to a 'e) source9
Smith, $oe, (2AAA), 8ne o! 9ol&oIs core &alues. U8nlineV ,&ailable
http00www.&ol&o.com0en&ironment0indeF.htm ($uly ?, 2AAA)

a). /lease present the .ables and 5igures at the end o! the paper.
b). /lease a&oid using !ootnotes. <hange !ootnotes to endnotes. *nsert "(:ote
2, :ote 4)" in normal teFt, and eFplain the note a!ter 1e!erences. /lease
see %EFample /aper' and %.emplate'.
c). /lease do not use any colors more than white and black in paper. .he
layout o! paper is only in white and black.
Lam5iran +. In"!ru<!i1n" !1 Au!h1r"
International Journal of Medical Sciences is a peer-re&iewed
journal publishing papers o! signi!icance in all areas o! medical sciences. ,rticles
include original research papers, re&iews and short research communications.
Submissions o! basic and clinical research are both considered.
8riginal research papers, re&iews, and short research communications can be
submitted to the $ournal on the understanding that the work has not been published
pre&iously in whole or part and is not under consideration !or publication
elsewhere. .here is no limit on the length o! papers, eFcept !or short research
communication that is restricted under 4;66 words (eFcluding re!erences and
abstract). ,uthors are encouraged to be concise.
5or general in!ormation about preparing biomedical manuscripts, please consult the
"Uni!orm 1eOuirements !or Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical $ournals +riting
and Editing !or Biomedical /ublication", a&ailable !rom http00www.icmje.org0.
Manuscripts (other than those that are o! insu!!icient Ouality or unlikely to be
competiti&e enough !or publication) will be re&iewed and a decision typically
returns to the authors within one month. Manu"<ri5!" @i!h "i3ni7i<an! re"ul!" @ill
0e re$ie@e an 5u0li"he a! !he hi3he"! 5ri1ri!6 an "5ee. /ossible decisions
on manuscripts are accept as is, minor re&ision, major re&ision, or reject. 1e&ised
manuscripts should be returned within 2 month in the case o! minor re&ision, or 3
months in the case o! major re&ision.
1uthor 2iography
,uthors can publish a biography together with the paper, with in!ormation such as
MD0/hD degree, past and present positions, research interests, awards, etc. .his
increases the pro!ile o! the authors. ,uthor biography can be added at the end o!
paper. +e !ind that this section is &ery well recei&ed by readers. (% you 'oul& li"e to
pu)lish an author )iography, please su)mit it to the e&itorial team as soon as the
paper is accepte& %or pu)lication..
3ormat for ubmission
,uthors can !ormat their papers in any con&enient style !or submission and re&iew
purpose. /lease embed !igures and tables in the manuscript to become one single
!ile !or submission. Submission instructions can be !ound in the submission page.
3ormat for ,ublication
/lease number the re!erences consecuti&ely in the paper.
J1urnal Pa5er
/lease use the /ubMed citation !ormat. $ournal paper should ha&e journal
name0abbre&iation, year, &olume and page numbers. /lease use "" to separate
&olume and !irst page number. 8mit any "." in the journal abbre&iations. .he
seOuence is as
U,uthor surnameV U,uthor initialsV, U8ther author surnames T initialsV. U,rticle
titleV. U$ournal name abbre&iationV. UBearVJ U9olumeV U5irst page numberV-U#ast
page numberV.
Eknoyan G, Beck G$, <heung ,", et al. E!!ect o! dialysis dose and
membrane !luF in maintenance hemodialysis. : Engl $ Med. 4664J
37? 4626-A.
"iloh #G, Smith $S, $ohnson G5, et al. /hysical treatment in psychiatry.
Boston, US, Blackwell Scienti!ic /ublisherJ 2AHH.
:ha5!er" in Ei!e B11k
Beckenbough 1D, #inscheid 1#. ,rthroplasty in the hand and wrist. *n
Green D/, ed. 8perati&e -and Surgery, 4nd ed. :ew Bork <hurchill
#i&ingstoneJ 2AHH 2C?-427.
Be0 Si!e
U*nternetV +-8 Gene&a, SwitNerland. Summary o! probable S,1S cases
with onset o! illness !rom 2 :o&ember 4664 to 32 $uly 4663. 1e&ised 4C
September 4663. http00www.who.int0csr0sars0country0table4663_6A_430en0
U*nternetV "ornberg 1.
/lease do not include unpublished obser&ations, personal communications,
con!erence abstracts or con!erence papers as re!erences.
Ti!le& Au!h1r& A0"!ra<!
.he !irst page should include the article title, authorIs name(s), a!!iliation(s)
with complete addresses, corresponding authorIs phone0!aF number and email
address. ,bstract should be no more than 4;6 words with no citation to
re!erences. /lease pro&ide ;-C keywords a!ter the abstract.
8riginal !iles !rom the drawing so!tware (e.g. /ower/oint, /hotoshop,
Microso!t EFcel, ...) that was used to create the !igures are acceptable. /hoto
images should be o! high resolution - e.g. C66dpi in ti!!0jpeg !ormat.
:i!a!i1n 17 Ta0le" an Di3ure"
.ables and 5igures should be numbered consecuti&ely. <itation o! tables and
!igures in the main teFt should use the !ormat .able 2, 5igure 2, or 5ig. 4,
5ig. 3. .he abbre&iation o! ".able" by ".ab.", !or eFample, ".ab. 2" should be
a&oided. /arts in a !igure can be identi!ied by a, b, c, d, ... . and the citations
5igure 4a, 5igure 4b, 5igure 4c.
Ma!h D1rmula" an S6m01l"
Simple mathematical !ormulas should be constructed using superscript, subscript,
italic, and symbols in the Microso!t +ord.
Use symbols in the 5onts (normal teFt) or Symbol !onts. .o insert a
symbol, use *nsert0symbol in the +ord menu.
Use 0 !or "di&ide" or "o&er". 5or eFample, 20?, ;0(7YC).
Use Symbol !onts !or "`"J "a" and "b" (a&oid underline).
#thics 4ommittee 1pproval and ,atient 4onsent
EFperimental research in&ol&ing human or animals should ha&e been
appro&ed by authorIs institutional re&iew board or ethics committee. .his
in!ormation can be mentioned in the manuscript including the name o! the
board0committee that ga&e the appro&al. *n&estigations in&ol&ing humans will
ha&e been per!ormed in accordance with the principles o! Declaration o!
-elsinki. ,nd the use o! animals in eFperiments will ha&e obser&ed the
(nter&isciplinary @rinciples an& Hui&elines %or the Use o% Animals in
7esearch, $esting, an& E&ucation by the :ew Bork ,cademy o! Sciences, ,d
-oc ,nimal 1esearch <ommittee.
*! the manuscript contains photos or parts o! photos o! patients, in!ormed
consent !rom each patient should be obtained. /atientIs identities and pri&acy
should be care!ully protected in the manuscript.
4onflict of $nterests
<on!lict o! interests that might inter!ere with the objecti&e presentation o! the
research !indings contained in the manuscript should be declared in a
paragraph heading "<on!lict o! interests" (a!ter ,cknowledgment section and
be!ore 1e!erences). EFamples o! con!lict o! interests are ownership o! stock in
a company, grants, board membership, etc. *! there is no con!lict o! interests,
please use the statement ".he authors ha&e declared that no con!lict o! interest
,ublication 3ee
.he $ournal charges a publication !ee o! 2266 US dollars (HA6 Euro) when an
article is accepted !or publication. /ublished articles o! the $ournal are open
access and !ull teFts appear in /ubMed <entral. .his e!!ecti&ely remo&es the
barriers !or timely distribution o! the articles and ensures that they can be read
by as many people as possible. .he amount o! publication !ee charged is lower
than many other /ubMed <entral journals (comparing to the !ees charged by
BioMed<entral and /#8S). /ublication !ee is reOuired to co&er the cost o! the
publication. /ayment can be made by credit card, bank trans!er, money order
or check.
1eprints can be ordered at the time o! publication. 1eprints are o! pro!essional
Ouality suitable !or scienti!ic corresponding.
Lam5iran (. /uie !1 Au!h1r"
International Journal of Agricultural #esearch publishes
original research papers on all aspects o! animal and pastoral science rele&ant
to temperate and subtropical regions. Subject matter includes soil science,
!ertiliNers, insect pests, plant pathology, weeds, !orage crops, management
systems, and agricultural economics as well as agronomy and animal science.
*nternational $ournal o! ,gricultural 1esearch is a uniOue !orum !or
disseminating current in!ormation to researchers in uni&ersities, research
institutes, and other centers concerned with animal and pastoral science and
its application. /apers will be accepted only a!ter peer-re&iew.
/eneral D1rma!
Be!ore submission o! the new manuscript authors should consider the
!ollowing general rules !or preparation o! the manuscript. /lease read these
instructions care!ully and !ollow the guidelines strictly.
D1n!"9 Im51r!an! D Use .imes or .imes :ew 1oman 24 point siNe only (other
siNes as speci!ied), and Symbol !ont !or mathematical symbols (in the teFt and
in the !igures).
$usti!ication should be set to !ull (or le!t only, i! pre!erred).
Do not underline Use italics, bold or bold italics instead.
#ine spacing should be set at 4 (Double).
#ea&e a line space between paragraphs and sections.
#ea&e a line space between section titles and teFt.
#ea&e only one space a!ter a !ull stop.
Manuscripts must be typed on ,7 (426 c 4A? mm) paper, double-spaced
throughout and with ample margins o! at least 3.; cm. ,ll pages must be
numbered consecuti&ely. Starting with the title page as p.2, the teFt, which
begins with p.4, is to be arranged in the !ollowing order abstract, brie!
introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements,
re!erences, !igure legends, tables.
.he !irst page o! the !ull manuscript must begin with the title o! the paper
centered on the page in 27 point Bold .itle <ase (title case means !irst letter o!
each main word capitaliNed), the names o! the authors (*nitials D !ollowed by a
period each D 5amily :ame) with the main authorSs name mentioned !irst, the
names and locations o! the authorsS a!!iliations (.itle <ase), and the e-mail
address o! the main author. .he title page must pro&ide the title in English, a
short title o! not more than 7; characters (including spaces) to be used as
running head, up to !i&e topical key words in English !or subject indeFing, the
!ull postal address o! the corresponding author to whom proo!s will be sent.
.he title should be brie! and should indicate the species studied.
Subtitles are not encouraged.
.he abstract should not eFceed 4;6 words, should be one paragraph
and should be !ree o! re!erences and abbre&iations. *t should indicate
clearly the scope and main conclusions o! the paper.
.he introduction should gi&e the pertinent background to the study and
should eFplain why the work was done.
.he materials and methods (or methodology) should gi&e essential
details, including eFperimental design and statistical analysis.
.he results should present the !indings o! the research. .hey should be
!ree !rom discussion. 1esults should be written in the past tense.
.he discussion should co&er, but not simply repeat the new !indings
and should present the authorIs results in broader conteFt o! other work
on the subject interpreting them with a minimum o! speculation.
.he acknowledgements should be as brie! as possible.
Re"ear<h Ar!i<le"
1esearch articles present original research and address a clearly stated
speci!ic hypothesis or Ouestion. /apers should pro&ide no&el
approaches and new insights into the problem addressed. 1esearch
,rticle should arrange in the !ollowing order abstract, brie!
introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion,
acknowledgements, re!erences, !igures, tables.
Lam5iran ,. IJME Re$ie@ Su0mi""i1n
The International Journal of Modern ngineering
!IJM" is the !irst o!!icial and !lagship journal o! the *nternational ,ssociation o!
$ournals and <on!erences (*,$<). *$ME is a highly-selecti&e, peer-re&iewed print
journal, co&ering topics that appeal to a broad readership o! &arious branches o!
engineering and related !ields.
*$ME is steered by a distinguished Board o! Directors and is supported by an
international re&iew board consisting o! prominent indi&iduals representing many
well-known uni&ersities, colleges, and corporations in the United States and
.o maintain a high-Ouality journal, manuscripts that appear in the *$ME
Articles section ha&e been subjected to a rigorous re&iew process. .his includes
blind re&iews by three or more members o! the international editorial re&iew board,
!ollowed by a detailed re&iew by the *$ME editors.
*$ME 1e&iew Submission

Manuscript Guidelines to Submit a /aper !or 1e&iew to *$ME
2. +ord Document /age Setup .op X 2", Bottom X 2", #e!t X 2.4;", and
1ight X 2.4;". .his is the de!ault setting !or Microso!t +ord. Do :ot Use
-eaders or 5ooters
4. .eFt $usti!ication Submit all teFt as "#E5. $US.*5*ED" with :o
/aragraph *ndentation.
3. /age Breaks :o page breaks are to be inserted in your document.
7. 5ont Style Use 22-point .imes :ew 1oman throughout the paper eFcept
where indicated otherwise.
;. *mage 1esolution *mages should be AC dpi, and not larger than 7C6 L 37;
C. *mages ,ll images should be included in the body o! the paper. (.jpg or
.gi! !ormat pre!erred)
?. /aper .itle <enter at the top with 2H-point .imes :ew 1oman (Bold).
H. ,uthor and ,!!iliation Use 24-point .imes :ew 1oman. #ea&e one blank
line between the .itle and the ",uthor and ,!!iliation" section. #ist on
consecuti&e lines the ,uthorIs name and the ,uthorIs ,!!iliation. *! there
are two authors !ollow the abo&e guidelines by adding one space below the
!irst listed author and repeat the process. *! there are more than two
authors, add on line below the last listed author and repeat the same
procedure. Do not create a table or teFt boF and place the ",uthor and
,!!iliation" in!ormation horiNontally.
A. Body o! the /aper Use 22-point .imes :ew 1oman. #ea&e one blank line
between the ",uthorIs ,!!iliation" section and the body o! the paper. Use a
one-column !ormat with le!t justi!ication. /lease do not use space between
paragraphs and use 6.; indentation as break between paragraphs.
26. ,bstracts ,bstracts are reOuired. Use 22-point .imes :ew 1oman *talic.
#imit abstracts to 4;6 words or less.
22. -eadings -eadings are not reOuired but can be included. Use 22-point
.imes :ew 1oman (,## <,/S ,:D B8#D). #ea&e one blank line
between the heading and body o! the paper.
24. /age :umbering .he pages should not be numbered.
23. Bibliographical *n!ormation #ea&e one blank line between the body o! the
paper and the bibliographical in!ormation. .he re!erencing pre!erence is to
list and number each re!erence when re!erring to them in the teFt (e.g.
U4V), type the corresponding re!erence number inside o! bracket U2V.
<onsider each citation as a separate paragraph, using a standard
paragraph break between each citation. Do not use the End-/age
1e!erence utility in Microso!t +ord. Bou must manually place re!erences
in the body o! the teFt. Use !ont siNe 22 .imes :ew 1oman.
27. .ables and 5igures <enter all tables with the caption placed one space
abo&e the table and centered. <enter all !igures with the caption placed
one space below the !igure and centered.
2;. /age limit Submitted article should not be more than 2; pages.
2C. /ublication charges ,ccepted articles are subject to mandatory publication
2?. Email your paper to the manuscript editor /hilip +einsier at
sFa2;[ and a copy to the editor at editor[ .
The Journal of $riminal %aw and $riminology
!J$%$" has played a uniOue role in the history o! criminology in ,merica.
$<#< continues to pro&ide a !orum !or dialogue and debate on such topics as
white-collar crime, constitutional Ouestions, international law, e&idence,
jurisdiction, and securities regulation. .he $ournal remains one o! the most
widely circulated law journals in the country with a broad readership that
includes judges and legal academics, as well as practitioners, criminologists,
and police o!!icers.
S!6le /uieline" 71r !he Pre5ara!i1n 17 Manu"<ri5!"
/eneral In71rma!i1n
/lease submit your manuscript as word-processing !iles on a <D, USB !lash
dri&e, or !loppy disk accompanied by one double-spaced, unbound copy (letter-
Ouality printout) that eFactly matches the !iles. Submission o! electronic !iles &ia e-
mail is not acceptable eFcept under special circumstances and only with the prior
appro&al o! your acOuiring editor. #abel the disk or !lash dri&e with your name,
type o! hardware (/< or M,<), type o! so!tware (program and &ersion), and date.
8ur guidelines !or the electronic preparation o! manuscripts pro&ide detailed
in!ormation about !ormatting. *n general, your printout should look as plain as
possible, as i! you used a typewriter to prepare your manuscript. .his means
a&oiding the desktop publishing (i.e., !ancy !ormatting) !eatures that ha&e been
incorporated into most word-processing programs. +hen considering graphs, line
drawings, maps, photographs, and tables !or inclusion in your manuscript, you
should bear in mind that the trim siNe o! most books we publish is C F A inches,
which means a type page (i.e., usable space) o! about 7204 F ?207 inches, including
captions. 5or o&ersiNed or highly detailed illustrati&e material, itIs best to reduce it
on a photocopier to determine whether it will be readable on a book page.
.he number and kinds o! photographs to be reproduced in your book are
subject to appro&al by the /ress. /hotographs should be glossy black-and-white
prints o! good reproducti&e Ouality, pre!erably H F 26 inches in siNeJ black-and-
white or color slides are also acceptable, though not pre!erred. <olor transparencies
or high-Ouality prints are reOuired i! the photographs will be reproduced in color
(in the book or on the jacket or co&er). .o a&oid damaging photographs, ne&er write
on them (!ront or back) or use paperclips to attach captions or eFplanatory notes
about cropping or placementJ instead, number them 5ind this document online at by a!!iFing to the back a premarked
label, indicate pre!erred cropping on a photocopy, and pro&ide a separate list o!
captions !or all illustrati&e material. 5or manuscript re&iew purposes, photocopies
o! photographs will su!!ice. .he actual photographs and permission to reproduce
them must accompany the !inal manuscript (prior to copyediting). +hen seeking
permission to reproduce photographs that are co&ered by copyright, you should ask
!or world rights in all languages and editions. Do not obtain or pay !or photographs
until youI&e been told by your sponsoring editor that they will be used in the book.
5or additional in!ormation about photographs, including captions, see our
guidelines !or the electronic preparation o! manuscripts.
/ra5h"& Line Dra@in3"& an Ma5"
.he number and kinds o! graphs, line drawings, and maps (i.e., !igures) to
be reproduced in your book are subject to appro&al by the /ress and must be in a
!orm that is suitable !or photoreproduction or scanning. +e discourage the
inclusion o! simple pie charts and three-dimensional bar graphs. 8ur guidelines !or
preparing charts, diagrams, and maps pro&ide detailed in!ormation about the !inal
!orm !or all !igures that do not already eFist in printed !orm (whether pre&iously
published or not). 5or manuscript re&iew and copyediting purposes, you should
submit dra!t (not !inal) &ersions o! these !igures, since changes may be reOuired.
5or !igures that are already in published !orm, you should submit clean, high-
Ouality photocopies or H F 26-inch black-and-white glossy prints, along with
permission to reproduce the !igures in your book. +hen seeking permission to
reproduce !igures that are co&ered by copyright, you should ask !or world rights in
all languages and editions. Do not obtain or pay !or graphs, line drawings, or maps
until youI&e been told by your sponsoring editor that they will be used in the book.
5or additional in!ormation about !igures, including !igure captions, see our
guidelines !or the electronic preparation o! manuscripts.
.he number and kinds o! tables to be included in your book are subject to
appro&al by the /ress. +hen seeking permission to reproduce tables that are
co&ered by copyright, you should ask !or 5ind this document online at world rights in all languages and
editions. Do not obtain permission or pay !or tables until youI&e been told by your
sponsoring editor that they will be used in the book. ,ll tables, whether taken !rom
another source or written by you, will be re!ormatted to the /ressIs house style and
there!ore must be submitted in electronic !orm. 5or additional in!ormation about
tables, including notes and sources, see our guidelines !or the electronic preparation
o! manuscripts.
,s the author or editor o! the manuscript, it is your responsibility to obtain,
or to instruct the contributors to an edited collection to obtain, and to acknowledge
at the appropriate place in the manuscript, such permissions as may be reOuired to
reprint any copyrighted material, whether pre&iously published or not, that !alls
outside the bounds o! !air use (i.e., reprinting material without recei&ing permission
!or usage). .his includes but is not limited to graphs, line drawings, maps,
photographs, tables, musical scores or eFamples, portions o! or entire chapters, and
Ouoted prose, poetry, or song lyrics. Such permissions must be obtained in writing
and submitted with the !inal &ersion o! the manuscript (5ri1r !1 <156ei!in3). Bou
should reOuest world rights in all languages and editions. /lease remember to allow
adeOuate time !or a response to your permissions Oueries, at least two weeks. <lick
on the links below !or samples o! permission reOuest !orms
1eOuest !or .eFtual Material
1eOuest !or Modi!ied ,rticle
1eOuest !or *llustration0,rt (!ormal)
1eOuest !or *llustration0,rt (in!ormal)
1eOuest !or Unpublished Material
1eOuest !or <Ds
*nter&iew 1elease 5orm (in!ormal)
*nter&iew 1elease 5orm (!ormal)
Section 26? o! the <opyright #aw o! 2A?C indicates that the !ollowing
!actors must be taken into consideration when determining !air use
5ind this document online at
2) the purpose o! the use, including whether such use is commercial or
4) the amount Ouoted in relation to the copyrighted work as a wholeJ
3) the nature o! the copyrighted workJ
7) the e!!ect o! the use upon the market !or or &alue o! the copyrighted
*n deciding what constitutes !air use, it is reasonable to eFpect that a book o!
readings may be more commercially pro!itable than a critical study and that using
one 7-line section o! a 266- line poem is less signi!icant than using 7 lines !rom a
24-line poem. Bou must also take into account the !amiliarity o! the poem or poet.
E&en i! you may be Ouoting two lines !rom, !or instance, a Gwendolyn Brooks
poem, you are better o!! reOuesting permission !rom the estate. #yrics and music
almost always reOuire permission, no matter how much you are reprinting, because
o! their strictly en!orced copyrights. ,S<,/ and BM* represent most songwriters,
composers, and music publishers. *! some o! your own writing in the manuscript
has been pre&iously published, either in journals or books, you may need
permission or assignment o! copyright !rom the earlier publisher, depending on the
length and nature o! the reprinted material.
+ith regard to pre&iously unpublished material, in general a small,
noncontro&ersial Ouotation used without permission may be acceptable, whereas a
substantial or contro&ersial Ouotation reOuires permission !rom the author or the
authorIs heirs, unless all rights ha&e been yielded to another, such as an archi&e, in
which case the archi&e is empowered to grant and must be approached !or
permission. 8wnership o! a physical item (such as a letter) does not gi&e ownership
o! the intellectual property (the letterIs contents). Barring clear and unambiguous
assignment o! copyright, all copyrights belong to the author, whether or not the
material in Ouestion has been published.
.hese same general rules apply to Ouotation o! inter&iews. *t is ad&isable, at
the time an inter&iew is conducted, to ask the inter&iewee to sign a brie! statement
"* gi&e Uinter&iewerV permission to use my inter&iew(s) with him0her in his0her
publication Uworking titleV." See abo&e !or a sample inter&iew release !orm. ,s a
practical matter, short, ino!!ensi&e Ouotations !rom inter&iews may be used without
5ind this document online at
*llustrati&e materials present another type o! problem. Some are indeed in
copyrightJ others, particularly those in the hands o! a repository, may be in the
public domain but totally inaccessible to the general public, in which case the
repository can claim rights based on possession and access. ,ny payments reOuired
are essentially payments !or ser&ices rendered, e&en though the !orms stating the
conditions under which publication may be made read much like copyright
permissions. /lease bear in mind that although you may ha&e recei&ed permission
to photocopy or use materials !rom libraries or archi&es, the permission does not
eFtend to reprinting the material in an article or book.
5or additional in!ormation on copyrights and permissions, you may wish to
consult $he Chicago 3anual o% :tyle, 2;th ed. (<hicago Uni&ersity o! <hicago
/ress, 4663). Bou may also wish to consult the ,ssociation o! ,merican Uni&ersy
/ress web site at http00aaupnet.org0aboutup0issues0copyright0indeF.html !or
answers to your copyright and permissions Ouestions.
Lan3ua3e an S!6le
.he /ress urges authors to write direct and clear English in a style that is
accessible to the broadest possible audience !or a gi&en work. /lease be sensiti&e to
the social implications o! language and seek wording that is !ree o! discriminatory
or seFist o&ertones. 8ur house style is based on but does not rigidly adhere to $he
Chicago 3anual o% :tyle on matters o! bibliographic and note style, punctuation,
capitaliNation, hyphenation, number treatment, and so !orthJ on matters o! spelling
we consult 3erriam We)sterNs Collegiate Dictionary, 26th ed. (Spring!ield, Mass.
Merriam-+ebster, 2AA3). 5or some works the basic parenthetical re!erence style,
with eFplanatory notes and works cited list, o! $oseph GibaldiIs 3/A =an&)oo" %or
Writers o% 7esearch @apers, ;th ed. (:ew Bork Modern #anguage ,ssociation,
2AAA) is acceptable. *n general the /ress does not consider unre&ised doctoral
dissertations !or publication. *! youIre writing a book based on your dissertation,
youIll !ind use!ul ad&ice in $he $hesis an& the Boo", edited by Eleanor -arman and
*an Montagnes (.oronto Uni&ersity o! .oronto /ress, 2A?C).
/lease check, correct, and bring your manuscript and disk up to date be!ore
!inal submission. *t is your responsibility prior to copyediting]not the copy editorIs
or e&entually the proo!readerIs responsibility]to &eri!y !acts, including dates, and
to check each Ouotation against the original source. Bou should check and correct
the spelling o! all personal and place names as well as all !oreign-language terms,
inserting accents marks as needed. :otes should be read against the teFt and the
bibliography (i! there is one) !or correct and consistent citation o! author, publisher,
place and date o! publication, and to &eri!y that each note corresponds to the section
o! teFt indicated. *! short titles are used in the notes or the teFt, please make sure
that they are consistent !rom one chapter to the neFt.
Re7eren<e S6"!em"
:otes, i! any, will likely appear either at the end o! the book (with running
heads that pro&ide inclusi&e page numbers relating the notes to the teFt) or at the
ends o! chapters (reOuired !or edited collections). *! you ha&e a pre!erence !or one
placement or the other you should discuss it with your sponsoring editor. Bear in
mind that we rarely set notes at the !oot o! the page. Below are some eFamples o!
re!erence styles that are acceptable to the /ress.
En&note :ystem 'ithout Bi)liography
2. $ohn 5riedman, ?, <onceptual Model !or the ,nalysis o! /lanning
Beha&ior," A&ministrative :cience Ouarterly 24 (Sept. 2AC?) 44;-;4.
4. *bid., 4C2.
3. <. E. #indblom, $he @olicy43a"ing @rocess (Englewood <li!!s, :.$.
/rentice -all, 2ACA), 33.
7. ,nn E. Gordon and Mari $o Buhle, "SeF and <lass in <olonial and
:ineteenth-<entury ,merica," in /i)erating WomenNs =istory9
$heoretical an& Critical Essays, ed. Berenice ,. <arroll (Urbana
Uni&ersity o! *llinois /ress, 2A?C), 4?H-366.
;. #indblom, @olicy43a"ing @rocess, 463-7.
C. Gordon and Buhle, "SeF and <lass," 4H6-H3.
:ote the inclusion o! publishersI names (not mandatory but strongly
pre!erred) and the a&oidance o! op. cit. in notes ; and C. +hen the state or country
is needed in publication in!ormation, you should use the standard abbre&iation, not
the two-letter Q*/ code abbre&iation. *! your notes will appear at the ends o!
chapters, a !ull citation is needed the !irst time a work is cited in each chapterJ i!
your notes will be gathered at the end o! the book, a !ull citation at !irst appearance
in each chapter is optional (i.e., once you ha&e gi&en a !ull citation !or a work, you
may therea!ter, in subseOuent chapters, use only the shortened !orm).
En&note :ystem 'ith Bi)liography
*! your manuscript includes a bibliography that is primarily a single
alphabetical list o! sources, then shortened citations can be used throughout the
notes (i.e., no !ull citations in the notes), as !ollows
2. 5riedman, "<onceptual Model."
4. *bid., 4C2.
3. #indblom, @olicy43a"ing @rocess, 33.
7. Gordon and Buhle, "SeF and <lass."
;. #indblom, @olicy43a"ing @rocess, 463-7.
C. Gordon and Buhle, "SeF and <lass," 4H6-H3.
.he rele&ant bibliographic entries would be as !ollows (where books, journal
articles, and chapters in edited collections appear in the same alphabetical list)
5riedman, $ohn. ", <onceptual Model !or the ,nalysis o! /lanning
Beha&ior." A&ministrative :cience Ouarterly 24 (Sept. 2AC?) 44;-;4.
Gordon, ,nn E., and Mari $o Buhle. "SeF and <lass in <olonial and
:ineteenth-<entury ,merica." *n /i)erating WomenNs =istory9
$heoretical an&Critical Essays. Ed. Berenice ,. <arroll. 4?H-366.
Urbana Uni&ersity o! *llinois /ress, 2A?C.
#indblom, <. E. $he @olicy43a"ing @rocess. Englewood <li!!s, :.$.
/rentice -all, 2ACA.
Lam5iran .. /uie 71r Au!h1r"
The International Social Science Journal & !ounded by
U:ES<8 in 2A7A, is published Ouarterly in siF language editions English, 5rench,
Spanish, ,rabic, <hinese and 1ussian. *ts purpose is to bridge di&erse communities
o! social scientists, working in di!!erent problems and disciplines, !rom di!!erent
parts o! the world. *t pro&ides in!ormation and debate on subjects o! interest to a
broad international readership, written by an eOually international range o! authors.
.he *SS$ has a particular interest in policy-rele&ant Ouestions and interdisciplinary
approaches. *t ser&es as a !orum !or re&iew, re!lection and discussion in!ormed by
the results o! rele&ant research, rather than as an outlet o! %!irst publication' !or the
results o! indi&idual research projects. .he Editor will be pleased to comment on
the possible suitability o! material in ad&ance o! submission.
M8DE 85 SUBM*SS*8:
,rticles should be submitted as email attachments readable by +ord !or
+indows and addressed to issj[ *! this is not possible, a diskette may
be accepted. :ormally, hardcopy is not necessary. *! neither o! the abo&e is possible,
the author should contact the editorial o!!ice be!orehand.
#E:G.- 85 M,:US<1*/.S
Unsolicited manuscripts !or the %8pen 5orum' section should normally be
between C,666 and H,666 words, including all notes, tables, graphics and
re!erences. ,uthors considering submission or longer or shorter pieces are ad&ised
to discuss the matter with the Editor in ad&ance o! submission. Shorter pieces are
welcome !or the %<ontinuing debate' and %Social science sphere' sections.
GE:E1,# /8*:.S .8 BE,1 *: M*:D +-E: +1*.*:G
d *n line with the pro!ile o! the Journal, articles should be appealing and
accessible to those not specialised in their particular subjects. EFcessi&e
technicality, jargon and methodological protocol are to be a&oided in
!a&our o! direct, clear language.
d Since the (::J is translated into siF languages, and moreo&er is read by
many persons in what, to them, is a !oreign language, the eFposition
should be as clear as possible, a&oiding colloOuialisms and eFplaining
any local circumstances, terms or concepts which might not be widely
d +hilst the editorial sta!! &eri!ies the stylistic acceptability o! teFts, and
authors may be consulted on any problems which arise, it is important
that manuscripts be presented in !ully !inished !orm. U:ES<8 also
reser&es the right to editorial re&ision and abbre&iation o! the teFt,
although any re&ision in&ol&ing substantial change will be !orwarded to
the author !or accord be!ore publication.
d *t is not the policy o! the (::J to publish articles that ha&e already been
published elsewhere, or which are in press or under consideration by
other journals. ,uthors are reOuested to honour this rule when
submitting manuscripts.
d <ontro&ersial ideas or doctrines should, as !ar as possible, be discussed
in a positi&e manner, and in such a way as to a&oid the imputation o!
ulterior moti&es to those who hold di!!erent &iews.
d .eFts should not contain passages likely to cause o!!ence to Member
States o! U:ES<8 and should not impair the spirit o! international
understanding and cooperation.
d ,cceptance o! an article and payment o! the honorarium !or work done
does not commit U:ES<8 to publish.
,uthors should consult a recent issue o! the *SS$ to ser&e as a guide !or
presentation. :ote in particular
.itle should be clear and in!ormati&e, without straining !or literary e!!ect or
allusion. :ot too long (should pre!erably !it into one line, without
subtitle), without Ouotation marks within it, and not in interrogati&e
!orm. :otes should not be multiplied unreasonably. *t is generally
possible and o!ten pre!erable to integrate elegantly much note material
(and indeed, sometimes all o! it) as asides in the teFt itsel!. .hey should
not be used as a means o! calling re!erences, which should instead be
called directly !rom the teFt. +hen used, notes should be numbered
consecuti&ely, called at the appropriate point o! the teFt with the call
number raised one space thus2, and presented in numerical order at the
end o! the teFt (not at the bottom o! the page). ,uthors are reOuested
not to use special endnote !ormatting systems, as this creates
di!!iculties o! manuscript manipulation !or the editorial o!!ice,
translators, publisher, and printer. :otes should be in plain teFt, the
same !ont as the main teFt (24 point .imes :ew 1oman) and should
not be automatically numbered.
,cknowledgements i! any, they should be placed in a note, marked by an
asterisk rather than a numeral, at the beginning o! the notes section,
and called !rom the article title.
1e!erences gi&en the pro!ile o! the Journal, in general authors should not
seek to compile comprehensi&e re!erence lists. .he re!erences should be
restricted to those that are really use!ul to the readers or necessary !or
authenti!ication. :ormally, the list should not eFceed 4; items. *! the
author belie&es that there is a need to go beyond that limit, the editorial
o!!ice should be contacted be!ore submission o! the article.
,s with notes, authors are reOuested not to use special re!erence
!ormatting systems, as this creates di!!iculties o! manuscript
manipulation !or the editorial o!!ice, translators, publisher, and printer.
1e!erences should be in plain teFt, the same !ont as the main teFt (24
point .imes :ew 1oman).
Bi0li13ra5hi<al e!ail" "h1ul 0e <1m5le!e an <1rre<!. .hey should be
gathered at the end o! the article (not at the !oot o! each page) a!ter the
notes (i! any) in the !ollowing !orms !or articles and !or books. , more
detailed guide to citation o! other kinds o! sources is a&ailable !rom the
editor on reOuest.
#*, ..M., 2AAC. *mages o! community Discourse and strategy in
property relations. Development an& Change, 4?(3), ;62-4?.
-8B, D.<., 2AHC. /ower, repression, progress 5oucault, #ukes and
the 5rank!urt School. (n9 D.<. -oy, ed., *oucault9 A Critical
7ea&er. 8F!ord Basil Blackwell, 243-7H.
,1MS.18:G, $., 2AH;. /ong47ange *orecasting9 *rom Crystal
Ball to Computer. .oronto +iley.
ME1<E1, /.,. ,:D SM*.-, G., 2AA3. @rivate Iie'&ata in the UP.
4nd ed. #ondon #ongman.
Eu1!a!i1n". .hey should be as !ew as possible and should not eFceed one
paragraph in length. %"eynote' Ouotations are not accepted.
^uotations should be in the same language as the main teFt o! the
article. +hen the Ouotation has been translated by the author, it must
be accompanied (on a separate sheet !or the editor) by the !ull
original language &ersion. .he (::J is translated into siF languages
(one o! which may e&en be the original language o! the Ouotation),
and chain translation produces linguistically unacceptable and
bibliographically incoherent results.
S5ellin3. ,pply the spell-check and grammar-check o! the word-processing
system be!ore submission. 5or articles written in English, please use
English rather than ,merican spelling (e.g. labour, centre, through,
analyse). 8ptional spelling !or words like globalise0globaliNe.
Lar3e num0er". *! the article uses the term RbillionS in the teFt or tables,
please make it clear to the reader whether this is meant as Rthousand
millionS (US usage) or Rmillion millionS (U" usage). Both are accepted,
but the meaning must be clear.
Em5ha"i". ,&oid eFcessi&e use o! emphasis D too much emphasis destroys
its e!!ect. *t should be eFpressed by italics (rather than bold or
D1rma!!in3. Use 24 point type in .imes :ew 1oman with standard margins
at one-and-a-hal! line spacingJ justi!ied teFtJ one eFtra space between
D1 n1! inen! 5ara3ra5h". /ut emphasis and !oreign words in italics.
,ll titles and headings should be in the same !ont and siNe as the teFt. .itle
and author name should be bold and centred. Main headings in bold
!lush le!tJ second le&el o! headings in italic !lush le!t, third le&el in
italic underlined indented 2.; cm. .ry to a&oid !urther layers o!
,s indicated abo&e, notes and re!erences should be in the same
type!ace as the main teFt, 'ithout automatic !ormatting systems.
Ta0le" an 7i3ure". .hey may be included but should not be multiplied
beyond necessity. :one should reOuire more than one printed page and
each should carry a number (e.g. .able 2) and title abo&e, and a source
below. 5ootnotes should not be attached to !igures or tablesJ such
in!ormation should be incorporated into the caption or source. .ables
should normally be presented in the same word-processing so!tware as
used !or the main teFt (e.g. +ord), and presented with that teFt in a
single !ile. .hey may be placed in the teFt, or grouped at the end (a!ter
the notes but be!ore the re!erences).
*! there are !igures, they should be in so!tware readable by Microso!t 8!!ice,
and should be presented in a separate electronic !ile. *! scanned or otherwise
digitally captured, these must be pro&ided !or publication in high resolution (H66
dpi). -owe&er, in order to !acilitate !ile eFchanges, lower resolutions are
recommended at the submission 0 e&aluation stage. .heir placement in the teFt (or
at its end) should be indicated clearly (e.g. %5igure 2 about here'). *t is understood
that problems o! pagination may oblige the printer to relocate slightly.
<8M/#EME:.,1B *.EMS .8 BE SUBM*..ED +*.- .-E .EL.
,bstract o! less than 466 words. *t is not necessary to list key words. Short
biographical note o! less than ?; words, gi&ing the authorSs name, institutional
a!!iliation and e-mail address, main research interests and (optionally) most recent
and0or !orthcoming publication with date only. .his will be published in a boF with
a !iFed limit (;C6 signs and spaces) on the !irst page o! the article.
SE^UE:<E 85 /1ESE:.,.*8:
/lease order the material o! the article as !ollows, beginning each item on a
new page
d ,bstract (with title o! article and authorSs name)
d Biographical note
d Body o! the teFt (with title and authorSs name repeated at top o! !irst page)
d :otes i! any
d 8ther auFiliary material e.g. appendices, tables, !igures, i! any
d 1e!erences
*! a manuscript is accepted, under the contract signed by U:ES<8 and the
author (U:ES<8 contract !orm 46;<, article ***), copyright is &ested in U:ES<8,
with eFclusi&e right to print or publish the teFt in whole or in part in any language
and in any !orm, including electronically. .his has the !ollowing corollaries
d *! the copyright !or certain incidental elements o! the teFt (such as
!igures, tables, graphic materials) is held by a third party, the author
must signal this !act to the editor at the time o! submission.
d *! the copyright !or the teFt as a whole is held by a third party, the author
must also signal this !act to the editor at the time o! submission.
:ormally, the (::J does not accept to publish such teFts, but in &ery
eFceptional instances it may agree to do so.
d *n both o! the abo&e cases, it is the authorIs responsibility to take !ull care
o! all matters and eFpenses relating to copyright clearance !or
publication in the (::J co&ering all its siF languages, both in hardcopy
and electronically. +ritten permission must be recei&ed by the editorial
o!!ice be!ore the article concerned can be accepted !or publication in the
*llustrations !or each issue o! the (::J are selected by the editorial o!!ice,
which retains entire responsibility !or their choice and location. -owe&er, i! an
author does not wish the article to be accompanied by any illustrations, he0she
should in!orm the Editor 'hen the article is su)mitte&. Suggestions !rom authors
about illustrations !or their contribution are welcome they will be used at the
EditorSs discretion. Due attention should be paid in such cases to the technical
Ouality o! the material submitted and to copyright issues.
U:ES<8 translations are carried out by highly Ouali!ied pro!essional
translators, and are re&iewed by senior in-house re&isers. +hen the article contains
technical terms, and the author knows their best rendering into one o! the
languages o! the journal, the editorial o!!ice is e.tremely grate%ul !or any note !or
the translator (on a separate page with the article).
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to
$ohn <rowley
Editor, (nternational :ocial :cience Journal
<hie!, S-S0<*/, U:ES<8, 2 rue Miollis, ?;?34 /aris <edeF 2;, 5rance
5aF ne Y33 2 7; CH ;? 47
.el ne Y 33 2 7; CH 3H 4H
Email j.crowley[
.el ne Y 33 2 7; CH 3? 33 (Editorial ,ssistant <armel 1ochet)
Email c.rochet[

Lam5iran 1'. In"!ru<!i1n" !1 Au!h1r"
$anadian Journal of $ivil ngineering
Par!" 17 manu"<ri5!
.he manuscript should be double-spaced, on paper H.; in. c 22 in. (or
*S8 ,7). Each page should be numbered, beginning with the title page. 5or
material that is to be set in italics, use an italic !ontJ do not underline. Use capital
letters only when the letters or words should appear in capitals. .he manuscript
will include, in the !ollowing order, title page, abstract, main body o! the teFt,
acknowledgements, re!erences, list o! symbols, tables, list o! !igure captions, and
#ength ] ,rticles should normally be limited to A666 words or word
eOui&alents, including tables and !igures. (,s a guide, a typical !igure should be
counted as 4;6 words.) .echnical notes, discussions, and book re&iews should
normally be limited to 3666, 4666, and 2666 words, respecti&ely.
Spelling should !ollow that o! We)ster0s $hir& ;e' (nternational Dictionary
or the A.%or& English Dictionary. ,uthors are responsible !or consistency in
,bbre&iations, nomenclature, and symbols !or units o! measurement should
con!orm to international recommendations. S* units (Systfme international
dSunitgs) should be used or S* eOui&alents should be gi&en. .his system is eFplained
and other use!ul in!ormation is gi&en in the Cana&ian 3etric @ractice Hui&e
(4666) <,:0<S,-Q437.2D26, published by <anadian Standards ,ssociation (;6C6
Spectrum +ay, Suite 266, Mississauga, 8: MA+ 213, <anada). 5or practical
reasons, some eFceptions to S* units are allowed. ,cronyms should be de!ined
when they are !irst mentioned in the teFt.
.he title page should contain the !ollowing. (i ) .he !ull title o! the paper.
(ii ) ,uthors listed in the order in which they are to appear at the head o! the
printed article. (iii ) ,!!iliation and address !or each author. .his should re!lect the
a!!iliation and address at the time o! the study. *ndicate current a!!iliations and
addresses that di!!er !rom those in the by-line in a !ootnote. (iv ) :ame, address,
telephone number, !aF number, and e-mail address o! the author responsible !or
correspondence. (v ) +ord count.
.he ,bstract should not be more than 2;6 words (shorter !or notes), and on
a separate page. .he concise abstract should present the paper content accurately
and should supplement, not duplicate, the title in this respect. 1e!erences should
not be cited in the abstract. ,uthors able to submit abstracts in both !luent English
and 5rench are encouraged to do so. "ey words should not eFceed 26 and should be
placed directly below the abstract. *deally, all key words used will be re!erenced in
the $hesaurus o% Engineering an& :cienti%ic $erms, published by the ,merican
,ssociation o! Engineering Societies, +ashington, D.<.
5ootnotes to material in the teFt should not be used unless they are
una&oidable, but their use is encouraged in tables. +here used in the teFt, !ootnotes
should be cited in the manuscript by superscript ,rabic numbers (eFcept in the
tables, see below) and should be numbered serially beginning with any that appear
on the title page. Each !ootnote should be typed on the manuscript page upon which
the re!erence is madeJ !ootnotes should not be included in the list o! re!erences.
EOuations should be presented clearly, triple-spacing should be used i!
superscripts and (or) subscripts are in&ol&ed. Superscripts and subscripts should be
legible and care!ully placed. Distinguish between lowercase l and the numeral one,
and between capital A and the numeral 6ero. , letter or symbol should represent
only one entity and be used consistently throughout the paper. Each &ariable must
be de!ined in the teFt, or in a #ist o! symbols to appear a!ter the re!erence list.
9ariables representing &ectors, matrices, &ector matrices, and tensors must be
clearly identi!ied. :umbers identi!ying eOuations must be in sOuare brackets and
placed !lush with the le!t margin. *n numbering, no distinction is made between
mathematical and chemical eOuations.
,cknowledgements should be written in the third person and kept to a
concise recognition o! rele&ant contributions.
1e!erences ] .he author is responsible !or &eri!ying each re!erence against
the original article. Each re!erence must be cited in the teFt using the surnames o!
the authors and the year, !or eFample, (+alpole 2AH;) or Green and Brown (4667).
Depending on the sentence construction, the names may or may not be in
parentheses, but the year must be. *! there are three or more authors, the citation
should gi&e the name o! the !irst author !ollowed by et al. (e.g., Green et al. 4662).
*! re!erences occur that are not uniOuely identi!ied by the authorsS names and year,
use a, ), c, etc., a!ter the year, !or eFample, Green 2AA3a, 2AA3)J Green and Brown
2AAHa, 2AAH), !or the teFt citation and in the re!erence list.
/eneral 3uieline" 1n re7eren<e"
1e!erences to nonre!ereed documents (e.g., contract reports) must include
the address where they can be obtained.
EFamples o! types o! re!erences, including electronic re!erences
.he !ollowing bibliographic citations illustrate the punctuation, style, and
abbre&iations !or re!erences.
Journal article9
1edwood, 1.G., and $ain, ,.". 2AA4. <ode pro&isions !or seismic design !or
concentrically braced steel !rames. <anadian $ournal o! <i&il
Engineering, 2A(C) 264;D2632.
Journal article availa)le online only ('ith U7/!9
&an der Sanden, $.$., and -oekman. D.-. 466;. 1e&iew o! relationships
between grey-tone co-occurrence, semi&ariance, and autocorrelation
based image teFture analysis approaches UonlineV. <anadian $ournal o!
1emote Sensing, 32(3) 46?D423. ,&ailable !rom pubs.nrc-
cnrc.gc.ca0cjrs0rs3-6;.html Uaccessed A September 466;V.
Journal article availa)le online only ('ith DA(!9
&an der Sanden, $.$., and -oekman. D.-. 466;. 1e&iew o! relationships
between grey-tone co-occurrence, semi&ariance, and autocorrelation
based image teFture analysis approaches UonlineV. <anadian $ournal o!
1emote Sensing, 32(3) 46?D423. doi26.223A0rs63-622.
Sanders, +.+., $r., and Elleby, -.,. 2A?6. Distribution o! wheel loads in
highway bridges. :ational <ooperati&e -ighway 1esearch /rogram
1eport H3, .ransportation 1esearch Board, :ational 1esearch <ouncil,
+ashington, D.<.
+illiams, 1.,. 2AH?. <ommunication systems analysis and design. /rentice-
-all, *nc., Englewood <li!!s, :.$.
@art o% )oo"9
-ealey, M.<. 2AH6. .he ecology o! ju&enile salmon in Georgia Strait, British
<olumbia. (n Salmonid ecosystems o! the :orth /aci!ic. E&ite& )y +.$.
Mc:eil and D.<. -imsworth. 8regon State Uni&ersity /ress, <or&allis,
8reg. pp. 463D44A.
@aper in con%erence procee&ings9
-ardin, B.8. 2A?H. .he nature o! stressDstrain beha&iour !or soils. State-o!-
the-art report. (n /roceedings o! the Specialty <on!erence on
EarthOuake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, /asadena, <ali!., 2AD42
$une 2A?H. ,merican Society o! <i&il Engineers, :ew Bork, pp. 3DA6.
(nstitutional pu)lications an& pamphlets9
DNikowski, /.,., "irby, G., 1ead, G., and 1ichards, +.G. 2AH7. .he climate
!or agriculture in ,tlantic <anada. ,&ailable !rom the ,tlantic
,d&isory <ommittee on ,grometeorology, -ali!aF, :.S. /ubl. ,<, H7-
4-;66. ,gdeF :o. 6?6.
Corporate author9
,merican /ublic -ealth ,ssociation, ,merican +ater +orks ,ssociation,
and +ater /ollution <ontrol 5ederation. 2A?;. Standard methods !or
the eFamination o! water and wastewater. 27th ed. ,merican /ublic
-ealth ,ssociation, ,merican +ater +orks ,ssociation, and +ater
/ollution <ontrol 5ederation, +ashington, D.<.
"eller, <./. 2AH?. .he role o! polysaccharidases in acid wall loosening o!
epidermal tissue !rom young @haseolus vulgaris #. hypocotyls. M.Sc.
thesis, Department o! Botany, .he Uni&ersity o! British <olumbia,
9ancou&er, B.<.
Electronic citation9
^uinion, M.B. 2AAH. <iting online sources ad&ice on online citation
!ormats UonlineV. ,&ailable !rom
worldwidewords.org0articles0citation.htm Ucited 46 8ctober 466;V.
Citation inclu&ing U7/9
.remblay, 1. 2AAH. De&elopment o! design spectra !or long-duration ground
motions !rom <ascadia subduction earthOuakes. <anadian $ournal o!
<i&il Engineering, 4;(C) 26?HD26A6. ,&ailable !rom pubs.nrc-
Uaccessed 46 8ctober 466;V.
Citation inclu&ing DA(9
.remblay, 1. 2AAH. De&elopment o! design spectra !or long-duration ground
motions !rom <ascadia subduction earthOuakes. <anadian $ournal o!
<i&il Engineering, 4;(C) 26?HD26A6. doi26.223A0#67-6?A.
.ables must be typed on separate pages, placed a!ter the list o! re!erences,
and numbered using ,rabic numerals in the order cited in the teFt. .he title o! the
table should be a concise description o! the content. <olumn headings should be
brie!, but may be ampli!ied by !ootnotes. 9ertical rules should not be used. , copy
o! the $ournal should be consulted to see how tables are set up and where the lines
in them are placed. 5ootnotes in tables should be designated by symbols (in the
order Z, h, i, j, ll, k, \) or superscript lowercase italic letters. Descripti&e material
not designated by a !ootnote may be placed under a table as a :ote. :umerous
small tables should be a&oided, and the number o! tables should be kept to a
5igure captions should be double-spaced and listed on a separate page and
placed a!ter the tables.
,ppendices ] 5igures and tables used in an appendiF should be numbered
seOuentially but separately !rom those used in the main body o! the paper, !or
eFample, 5ig. ,2, .able ,2, etc. ,n appendiF should ha&e its independent list o!
<omputer programs ] *t is not the policy o! the $ournal to publish detailed
printouts o! computer program statements. +here the a&ailability o! these details
enhances the use!ulness o! the paper, the author should submit two copies o! the
program !or deposit (see %Supplementary material').
Supplementary material ] Supplementary material (or data) consists o!
eFtra tables, !igures (maps), detailed calculations, and datasets produced by the
authors as part o! their research, but not essential !or understanding or e&aluating
the paper, and not published with the article in the print edition o! the journal. .his
material is ne&er edited, con&erted, or scanned, and there!ore will appear eFactly as
submitted. .his is to pre&ent any errors !rom being inad&ertently introduced during
!ile manipulation or printing. .ables and !igures should be numbered in seOuence
separate !rom those published with the paper (e.g., 5ig. S2, .able S2) and all
supplementary material should be re!erred to in the manuscript by !ootnotes.
Supplementary material must be submitted with the article in electronic !ormat.
During +eb submission (8S/1EB), rele&ant !iles should be attached under
%Supplementary data'.
Each !igure or group o! !igures should be planned to !it, a!ter appropriate
reduction, into the area o! either one or two columns o! teFt. .he maFimum
!inished siNe o! a one-column illustration is H.C cm c 43.? cm (3.7 in. c A.3 in.) and
that o! a two-column illustration is 2H.4 cm c 43.? cm (?.4 in. c A.3 in.). .he
!igures (including hal!tones) must be numbered consecuti&ely using ,rabic
numerals, and each one must be re!erred to in the teFt and must be sel!-eFplanatory.
,ll terms, abbre&iations, and symbols must correspond with those in the teFt. 8nly
essential labelling should be used, with detailed in!ormation gi&en in the caption.
.he same in!ormation should not be presented in both graphical and tabular !orm.
#ine drawings should be computer-generated graphics. ,ll lines must be
su!!iciently thick (6.; points minimum) to reproduce well, and all symbols,
superscripts, subscripts, and decimal points must be in good proportion to the rest
o! the drawing and large enough to allow !or any necessary reduction without loss
o! detail. ,&oid small open symbolsJ these tend to !ill in upon reproduction. .he
same !ont style and lettering siNes should be used !or all !igures o! similar siNe in
any one paper
/hotographs should be continuous tone, o! high Ouality, and with strong
contrast. 8nly essential !eatures should be shown. , photograph, or group o! them,
should be planned to !it into the area o! either one or two columns o! teFt with no
!urther reduction. Electron micrographs or photomicrographs should include a
scale bar directly on the print. .he best results will be obtained i! the authors match
the contrast and density o! all !igures arranged as a single plate.
Multimedia ] ,udio and &ideo clips in the major multimedia !ormats are
now accepted !or :1< 1esearch /ress journals published in !ull-teFt -.M#. 5or
accepted !ormats, see #ist o! ,ccepted Graphic 5iles at pubs.nrc-
<olour illustrations will be at the authorSs eFpense. 5urther details on prices
are a&ailable !rom $enni!er Stewart, ,cting Managing Editor o! the $ournal (C23-
AA6-37?7J !aF C23-A;4-?C;CJ e-mail jenni!er.stewart[
Lam5iran 11. In"!ru<!i1n" !1 Au!h1r"
International Journal of &iological Sciences
Pu0li"he 06 I$6"5rin3 In!erna!i1nal Pu0li"her. ISSN9 1**.;22--.
*nternational $ournal o! Biological Sciences publishes peer-re&iewed
scienti!ic papers o! signi!icance in all areas o! biological sciences. .he $ournal
targets wide ranges o! international audiences o! researchers and biotechnology
company employees. .he scope o! the $ournal includes cell biology, de&elopmental
biology, structural biology, microbiology, molecular biology T genetics,
biochemistry, biotechnology, biodi&ersity, ecology, marine biology, plant biology,
and bioin!ormatics. ,rticles o! cross-disciplined research between biology and
mathematics, physics, in!ormation science, material science and others are also
considered. Selected papers !rom scienti!ic meetings may be published as special
issues o! the $ournal.
In"!ru<!i1n" !1 Au!h1r"
8riginal research papers, short research communications, re&iews or mini-
re&iews, letters to the editor can be submitted to the $ournal on the understanding
that the article has not been pre&iously published in any other !orm and is not under
consideration !or publication elsewhere.
1esearch /aper *t should ha&e a set o! keywords (up to C) and an abstract
(under 4;6 words and contains no citation to re!erences), !ollowed by *ntroduction,
Materials and Methods, 1esults, Discussion, ,cknowledgments, <on!lict o!
*nterests, and 1e!erences (the order o! sections may be arranged di!!erently). .here
is no limit on the length o! research papersJ howe&er, authors are urged to be
5or general in!ormation about preparing biomedical manuscripts, please
consult the "Uni!orm 1eOuirements !or Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical
$ournals +riting and Editing !or Biomedical /ublication", a&ailable !rom
Manuscripts (other than those that are o! insu!!icient Ouality or unlikely to
be competiti&e enough !or publication) will be re&iewed and a decision typically
returns to the authors within one month. Manu"<ri5!" @i!h "i3ni7i<an! re"ul!" @ill
0e re$ie@e an 5u0li"he a! !he hi3he"! 5ri1ri!6 an "5ee. /ossible decisions
on manuscripts are accept as is, minor re&ision, major re&ision, or reject. 1e&ised
manuscripts should be returned within 2 month in the case o! minor re&ision, or 3
months in the case o! major re&ision.
1uthor 2iography
,uthors can publish a biography together with the paper, with in!ormation
such as MD0/hD degree, past and present positions, research interests, awards, etc.
.his increases the pro!ile o! the authors. ,uthor biography can be added at the end
o! paper. +e !ind that this section is &ery well recei&ed by readers. (% you 'oul& li"e
to pu)lish an author )iography, please su)mit it to the e&itorial team as soon as
the paper is accepte& %or pu)lication. See a sample o! author biography.
3ormat for ubmission
,uthors can !ormat their papers in any con&enient style !or submission and
re&iew purpose. /lease embed !igures and tables in the manuscript to become one
single !ile !or submission. Submission instructions can be !ound in the submission
3ormat for ,ublication
/lease number the re!erences consecuti&ely in the paper.
J1urnal Pa5er
/lease use the /ubMed citation !ormat. $ournal paper should ha&e journal
name0abbre&iation, year, &olume and page numbers. /lease use "" to separate
&olume and !irst page number. 8mit any "." in the journal abbre&iations. .he
seOuence is as
U,uthor surnameV U,uthor initialsV, U8ther author surnames T initialsV.
U,rticle titleV. U$ournal name abbre&iationV. UBearVJ U9olumeV U5irst page
numberV-U#ast page numberV. EFample
Eknoyan G, Beck G$, <heung ,", et al. E!!ect o! dialysis dose and
membrane !luF in maintenance hemodialysis. : Engl $ Med. 4664J
37? 4626-A.
Su55lemen! EFample
9olk -D, 1einke /, "rausch D, et al. Monocyte deacti&ation-rationale
!or a new therapeutic strategy in sepsis. *ntensi&e <are Med.
2AACJ 44 (Suppl 7)S7?7-S7H2.
N1 au!h1r 3i$en EFample
U:o authors listedV. Medicare programJ criteria !or Medicare co&erage
o! adult li&er transplants--<5,. 5inal notice. 5ed 1egist. 2AA2J
In 5re"" EFample
<heung .M., et al. E!!ecti&eness o! non-in&asi&e positi&e pressure
&entilation in the treatment o! acute respiratory !ailure in se&ere
acute respiratory syndrome. <hestJ in press.
E5u0 ahea 17 5rin! EFample
#i +, <hen B, <ameron D$, et al. Elo&l7 haploinsu!!iciency does not
induce early onset retinal degeneration in mice. 9ision 1es 466?J
UEpub ahead o! printV.
*t is not necessary to highlight or italiciNe the title, journal name,
or any part o! re!erences.
"iloh #G, Smith $S, $ohnson G5, et al. /hysical treatment in
psychiatry. Boston, US, Blackwell Scienti!ic /ublisherJ 2AHH.
:ha5!er" in Ei!e B11k
Beckenbough 1D, #inscheid 1#. ,rthroplasty in the hand and wrist.
*n Green D/, ed. 8perati&e -and Surgery, 4nd ed. :ew Bork
<hurchill #i&ingstoneJ 2AHH 2C?-427.
Be0 Si!e
U*nternetV +-8 Gene&a, SwitNerland. Summary o! probable S,1S
cases with onset o! illness !rom 2 :o&ember 4664 to 32 $uly 4663.
1e&ised 4C September 4663.
U*nternetV "ornberg 1. http00nobelpriNe.org0nobel_priNes0chemistry0
/lease do not include unpublished obser&ations, personal
communications, con!erence abstracts or con!erence papers as
Ti!le& Au!h1r& A0"!ra<!
.he !irst page should include the article title, authorIs name(s), a!!iliation(s)
with complete addresses, corresponding authorIs phone0!aF number and email
address. ,bstract should be no more than 4;6 words with no citation to re!erences.
/lease pro&ide ;-C keywords a!ter the abstract.
8riginal !iles !rom the drawing so!tware (e.g. /ower/oint, /hotoshop,
Microso!t EFcel, ...) that was used to create the !igures are acceptable. /hoto
images should be o! high resolution - e.g. C66dpi in ti!!0jpeg !ormat.
:i!a!i1n 17 Ta0le" an Di3ure"
.ables and 5igures should be numbered consecuti&ely. <itation o! tables and
!igures in the main teFt should use the !ormat .able 2, 5igure 2, or 5ig. 4, 5ig. 3.
.he abbre&iation o! ".able" by ".ab.", !or eFample, ".ab. 2" should be a&oided.
/arts in a !igure can be identi!ied by a, b, c, d, ... . and the citations 5igure 4a,
5igure 4b, 5igure 4c.
Ma!h D1rmula" an S6m01l"
Simple mathematical !ormulas should be constructed using superscript,
subscript, italic, and symbols in the Microso!t +ord.
Use symbols in the 5onts (normal teFt) or Symbol !onts. .o insert a
symbol, use *nsert0symbol in the +ord menu.
Use 0 !or "di&ide" or "o&er". 5or eFample, 20?, ;0(7YC).
Use Symbol !onts !or "`"J "a" and "b" (a&oid underline).
#thics 4ommittee 1pproval and ,atient 4onsent
EFperimental research in&ol&ing human or animals should ha&e been
appro&ed by authorIs institutional re&iew board or ethics committee. .his
in!ormation can be mentioned in the manuscript including the name o! the
board0committee that ga&e the appro&al. *n&estigations in&ol&ing humans will ha&e
been per!ormed in accordance with the principles o! Declaration o! -elsinki. ,nd
the use o! animals in eFperiments will ha&e obser&ed the (nter&isciplinary
@rinciples an& Hui&elines %or the Use o% Animals in 7esearch, $esting, an&
E&ucation by the :ew Bork ,cademy o! Sciences, ,d -oc ,nimal 1esearch
<ommittee. *! the manuscript contains photos or parts o! photos o! patients,
in!ormed consent !rom each patient should be obtained. /atientIs identities and
pri&acy should be care!ully protected in the manuscript.
4onflict of $nterests
<on!lict o! interests that might inter!ere with the objecti&e presentation o!
the research !indings contained in the manuscript should be declared in a
paragraph heading "<on!lict o! interests" (a!ter ,cknowledgment section and
be!ore 1e!erences). EFamples o! con!lict o! interests are ownership o! stock in a
company, grants, board membership, etc. *! there is no con!lict o! interests, please
use the statement ".he authors ha&e declared that no con!lict o! interest eFists".
,ublication 3ee
.he $ournal charges a publication !ee o! 2266 US dollars (HA6 Euro) when
an article is accepted !or publication. /ublished articles o! the $ournal are open
access and !ull teFts appear in /ubMed <entral. .his e!!ecti&ely remo&es the
barriers !or timely distribution o! the articles and ensures that they can be read by
as many people as possible. .he amount o! publication !ee charged is lower than
many other /ubMed <entral journals (comparing to the !ees charged by
BioMed<entral and /#8S). /ublication !ee is reOuired to co&er the cost o! the
publication. /ayment can be made by credit card, bank trans!er, money order or
Lam5iran 12. Ti5" 1n S<ien!i7i< Bri!in3. Mi<hael A. M1rri"1n.
8er"i1n *.#9 Januar6 21& 2''*
1. Elemen!" an "!ru<!ure.
E&erything you writelpapers, letters, your thesis, books, reports, proposals, etc.
should contain
at least the !ollowing elements
2) *ntroduction
4) Body
3) <onclusion
Scienti!ic papers also contain re!erences, !igures and0or tables, acknowledgements
and, sometimes, appendices.
In!r1u<!i1n. -ere you pro&ide the conteFt !or your paper. Bour introduction is
your only chance to catch your readerIs attention. -ere you must make your
topic sound so interesting that your reader will want to learn about it. Bou
must also describe clearly and succinctly the topic o! your paper. .his
description must be speci!ic and !ocused, not &ague and allencompassing.
*t must gi&e your reader a clear idea o! precisely what your paper is about.
5inally, your introduction must !ocus your readerIs attention inward towards
the detailed discussion that will comprise the Body o! your document.
B16. -ere you de&elop a logical seOuence o! ideas that will lead your reader to an
understanding o! the points youIre trying to make. Depending on the topic o!,
constraints on, and &enue !or your paper, the Body might contain historical
background, details about eFperimental apparatus and measurements, rele&ant
physical concepts, necessary mathematics and deri&ations (as !ew as possible),
!igures, tables, and so !orth. .he Body o! your paper must be organiNed
logically, not chronologically. Bour paper is not a diary. *ts job it to eFplain
your !indings, not narrate the seOuence o! e&ents that led you to them.
:1n<lu"i1n. -ere you mo&e your readerIs !ocus outward !rom the detailed
discussion in the Body o! your paper. -ere you also bring the paper to closure.
8ne o! the worst mistakes a writer can make is to end a paper without a
conclusion. +hat you write in your conclusion is what your readers will
remember. *! you just stop, your readers will remember nothing.
A55eni<e" %15!i1nal). ,ppendices contain in!ormation that doesnIt belong in the
Body o! your paper. 5or instance, appendices are good places !or mathematical
deri&ations, apparatus details, or additional tabulated data.
Re7eren<e". Bour re!erence list ser&es three purposes. 5irst, your re!erence list
gi&es credit where credit is due. Bou must pro&ide a re!erence !or e&ery
insight, paraphrase, result, deri&ation, idea, or direct Ouotation you take !rom
another source. 5ailure to properly cite the literature you used constitutes
plagiarism, one o! the most heinous crimes in science. Second, your re!erence
list pro&ides your reader with care!ully selected background re!erences. Doing
so is important, because one o! your jobs is to enable your reader to gain the
background reOuired to understand your work. .hird, your re!erence list
contributes to the conteFt o! your paper, situating it in the !ield in which
youIre working.
5igures. +hene&er possible, use !igureslrather than tableslto illustrate, clari!y, and
emphasiNe the points you want to get across. But use !igures selecti&ely. DonIt
show absolutely e&ery result you generated. Some results (especially !rom tests
youI&e done) can be summariNed in the test. +hen preparing !igures !or your
paper, !ollow these !our rules. 5irst, each !igure caption must identi!y
unambiguously each element (points, lines, etc.) in the !igure. .he caption
must also eFplain briey the content o! the !igure, so a reader can understand
the essence o! the !igure !rom the caption alone. Second, each !igure must be
cited and discussed in the Body o! your paper. :e&er include a !igure without
eFplicitly discussing it. .hird, aFes on each !igure must be labelled, including
units where&er reOuired. 5ourth, make your !igures consistent. .hat is, in all
!igures that show data o! the same type, use the same line types and symbols.
.ables. .ables in a scienti!ic paper ser&e two purposes. .he primary purpose o! a
table is archi&al.
,s a permanent record o! the hard work youI&e done, !igures are not su!icientm
Bou must include tables o! selected or complete results !or any data you want
anyone to use in the !uture. (Many journals ha&e on-line resources where they
will make a&ailable data you pro&ide. Use these resources when you ha&e so
much data that it makes no sense to try to include it all in your paper. *! youIre
in this situation, though, you should consider including a table o! selected
results in the paper.) .he secondary purpose o! tables in a scienti!ic paper is to
make a point you canIt make in a !igure. EFcept to accomplish these two
purposes, a&oid tables.
.ables are almost always much less e!ecti&e than !igures. 5igures are much
easier !or readers to assimilate and authors to discuss. , !ew pointers E&ery
table must ha&e a caption. ,ll tables must be cited and discussed in your
paper. :e&er include a table without eFplicitly discussing it. .ake eFtra care
when you write the caption to a table. 5uture students and scientists will use
data you tabulate. *! you are not &ery care!ul and eFplicit in describing the
precise content o! a table, they will (unintentionally) misunderstand and
misuse your results.
,lways include units (as appropriate) !or e&ery column (or row) o! your table.
2. Prin<i5le".
1. D1n>! F@ri!e.? Re@ri!e.
.here is no !inal dra!t" o! a paper. /lan !rom the outset to re&ise your
paper many times. "eep re&ising until you run out o! time or get so sick o!
your paper that you just Ouit.
2. D1 1ne !hin3 a! a !ime.
+riting a paper (a letter, a proposal, a OuiN, instructions, etc.) reOuires lots
o! steps. Bou need to organiNe your ideasJ !igure out how to eFplain your
ideasJ decide how to illustrate your ideasJ choose the eOuations, !igures,
and tables youIll includeJ decide how youIre going to say what youIre going
to sayJ de&ise e!ecti&e transitions between items youIre discussingJ check
spellingJ !iF grammarJ polish your proseJ include re!erencesJ and lots
more. .he longer the document, the more steps you must complete. *t
should come as no surprise that to try to do all these things at the same
time is to in&ite con!usion, stress, and disaster. Do !irst things !irst.
Brainstorm your ideas. .hen organiNe them into a logical seOuence. .hen
write about your ideas in general terms, not worrying about technicalities.
then look at what youI&e written to see i! your ideas !ollow one another
logically. *! they donIt, rearrange them and try again. .hen decide what
!igures, tables, eOuations, etc. you must include to eFplain your ideas. .hen
write a dra!t. 1e&ise it a couple o! times. ,nd again. ,nd so !orth. *!
possible, get input !rom other readers. 1e&ise again.
#. De$el15 61ur 5a5er 7r1m !he in"ie 1u!.
+rite the Body !irst. Bou canIt write the <onclusion be!ore you write the
Body. ,nd itIs much easier to write the *ntroduction once you know what
youIre introducing. +rite the abstract and title last.
7. DonIt try to write %polished" early dra!ts.
E&ery dra!t should be readable and !ree o! grammatical errors. But donIt
waste time trying to per!ect early dra!ts. .he purpose o! an early dra!t is to
get your ideas on paper in some sensible seOuence. /olish during late
#. S!ra!e3ie" an Ta<!i<".
.here is no trick to writing an e!ecti&e paper. .he more you re&ise your
paper, the more e!ecti&e your paper will be. ,t some step in the
de&elopment o! your paper, you need constructi&e !eedback !rom someone
else. <hoose your reader care!ully. Bour reader should be someone in the
audience youI&e de!ined !or the paper, someone who can be objecti&e and
constructi&e, and someone whose judgement you trust. DonIt gi&e your
reader an early dra!t o! your paperm Bour readerIs time is &aluable. Gi&e
your reader a dra!t only when youIre reasonably satis!ied that your paper
does what you think it does. .he goal o! getting !eedback is to !ind out
whether your paper actually does what you think it does.
+rite in your own &oice.
Bour prose should be in&isible. *ts only job is to communicate to your
reader clearly and interestingly. DonIt use !ancy words. Use as little
specialiNed technical jargon as possible. DonIt be cute. DonIt use colloOuial
eFpressions or slang. Strike a balance between con&ersational in!ormality
and arch !ormality. Use acti&e &oice eFcept when you really mean to imply
passi&ity. .hat is, a&oid the stilted, dull %passi&e &oice" construction o!ten
!ound in (bad) science papers. *! youIre the sole author, use %*" when
discussing your ideas and conclusions.
,lways keep your audience in mind.
1emember, your reader knows (much) less about your topic than you do.
De!ine all symbols, specialiNed terms, and abbre&iations.
:e&er use a symbol or acronym that you ha&e not de!ined. DonIt use specialiNed
jargon that you ha&e not de_ned. Use as !ew acronyms as possible. 1ule o!
thumb introduce an acronym only !or a long phrase that youIre going to
use many times throughout the paper. 5or each acronym you do use, gi&e
its !ull name the !irst time (and only the !irst time) you use it.
DonIt pad your paper.
*nclude what you need to make your points. <ut e&erything else.
Discuss each table, !igure, or eOuation you present.
:e&er include a table, !igure, or eOuation that isnIt clearly and eFplicitly
related to the points youIre trying to make. +hatIs %ob&ious" to you will
almost certainly not be e&ident to your reader. 5or each such !igure or
table, always eFplicitly state what you want your reader to notice or
conclude !rom the item. *! you canIt do this, cut the table or !igure.
DonIt lose !ocus. Be selecti&e.
"now in ad&ance what points you want to make. ,s you dra!t your paper,
construct a line o! argument that aims straight towards those points. Bou
must justi!y, back up, and support e&ery point you make. DonIt wander
!rom the main line o! argument.
:o tangents. :o detours. E&erything ion your paper should contribute to
making, supporting, or pro&iding a conteFt !or your points.
Be speci!ic.
:e&er generaliNe. ,s you re&ise, scrutiniNe e&ery paragraph and cut all
generaliNations and &ague statements.
.ell a story.
.he best papers ha&e an internal logic that makes readers want to read
them. E&en when writing a research paper or a technical report, you can
(almost always) organiNe your material so your paper has a well-de_ned
beginning, middle, and end. <onstruct the Body in such a way that e&ery
step !ollows logically !rom the one be!ore it. :e&er organiNe your paper
*. D1rma!.
Bour paper must be completely !ree o! typographical, mathematical, and
grammatical errors.
/ro!essionals do not submit error-ridden documents. Bou can almost
guarantee that your paper will antagoniNe readers, re&iewers, and editors
by lea&ing technical errors in it. Eliminating technical errors !rom a paper
reOuires time, e!!ort, patience, and persistence. *t is hard work that you
must do. 1un each dra!t through a spell checker. <heck your !igures.
<heck your tables. <heck your re!erences. Get a !riend or two to proo! it
!or you. Do whate&er is necessary. But ne&er submit a sloppy, error-ridden
paper. BouI&e in&ested precious time and energy in your workJ your work
deser&es the best presentation you can gi&e it.
Be sure your paper adheres to the !ormatting reOuirements o! the journal to
which youIre submitting it.
Bou can !ind this in!ormation online. *! you ignore it, then youIll look like
an idiot to the editor, and the journalIs processing o! your paper will be
delayed. :either outcome is desirable.
<hecklist o! things to a&oid.
-ereIs a short list o! things that turn re&iewers, editors, and readers o!
typographical errorsJ gross grammatical errorsJ the words %ob&iously,"
%clearly," %easily,"J paddingJ jargonJ lots o! acronymsJ unde!ined acronymsJ
inconsistent notationJ unde!ined notationJ inconsistent jargon or acronymsJ
missing unitsJ huge paragraphsJ paragraphs that make no pointJ run-on or
&ery complicated sentencesJ pointlessly intricate mathematical notation,
unnecessary deri&ationsJ !igures that contain so many cur&es or symbols
that readers canIt tell one data set !rom the otherJ !igures that contain
cur&es or symbols that arenIt identi!ied on the !igure or in the captionJ
captions to !igures or tables that donIt eFplain the contentJ tiny !igures o!
data you should ha&e tabulatedJ papers that bury the points theyIre trying
to make.
Lam5iran 1#. 2+ Ti5" Menuli" Ar!ikel Ilmiah
/8S.ED BB S*-,M ,5,.., ,. , .uesday, 47 March 466A
2. "etika ,nda duduk dan siap menulis, ada seseorang yang sangat penting
dalam hidup anda, namun ,nda tidak akan pernah menjumpainya, disebut
sebagai I/embacaI.
4. ,nda menulis bukan untuk membuat kagum ilmuwan yang baru saja ,nda
temui, atau dosen yang membimbing sarjana ,nda, atau rekan kerja yang
selalu merendahkan ,nda, atau juga meyakinkan seseorang di sebuah
pertemuan bahwa ,nda seorang penulis. ,tau bahkan orang tua ,nda.
,nda menulis untuk menjamin mata /embaca tidak terlepas dari posting
tulisan ,nda, yang dalam sepersekian detik bisa lepas, teralihkan pada
salah satu dari milyaran in!ormasi lainnya di internet.
3. $adi, kalimat pertama, kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya adalah kalimat
terpenting dalam hidup ,nda. *ni dikarenakan, meskipun ,nda - seorang
karyawan, mahasiswa, praktisi ilmiah - merasa berkewajiban untuk
menulis, tidak ada seorangpun yang merasa berkewajiban untuk membaca.
<erita adalah sesuatu yang "ita katakan, walaupun dalam sebaris kalimat
saja, namun bisa membuat /embaca meminta lagi dan lagi dan lagi.
7. Senang atau tidak, jurnalisme itu penting. :amun jangan sampai dipenuhi
dengan kepentingan-diri ,nda saja. .idak ada yang membuat /embaca
lari dari Blog anda, menuju banner blog lain, atau beralih ke Google
kecuali ketidak acuah ,nda dengan mereka. Maka kata-kata sederhana,
ide yang jelas, dan kalimat pendek itu penting dalam bercerita.
;. Satu lagi yang mungkin penting untuk diukir ditepi monitor anda. ".ak
seorang-pun aka mengeluh karena ,nda membuat sesuatu terlau mudah
untuk dimengerti". "ata "Siapa, ,pa, Dimana, Bagaimana dan "apanM"
adalah peralatan yang dibutuhkan dalam riset kita.
C. 8h ya, satu lagi yang perlu diingat ketika ,nda duduk, siap dengan
keyboard ada suara halus berkata ".ak seorang-pun juga diharuskan
membaca tulisan ini".
?. $ika bimbang, anggap /embaca tidak tahu apa-apa. :amun, jangan
sampai menganggap /embaca itu bodoh. "esalahan klasik $urnalisme
ialah terlalu berharap akan apa yang sudah diketahui /embaca dan
merendahkan intelegensi /embaca.
H. -idup ini rumit, namun ,nda jangan menyampaikan tulisan dengan
rumit. Banyak wacana dan isu - kedokteran, akuntansi, biologi,
lingkungan, keuangan, politik - yang memang rumit sehingga membawa
/embaca menuju ke tempat seperti, Bahoom, Google,
dll., mencari seusatu yang simpel, sederhana untuk dicerna
A. "etika sebuah isu0topik terlalu rumit bagaikan kusutnya sepiring mie
goreng, walaupun yang ,nda bahas hanya sehelai mie, selalu perlahan
angkat pembahasan dari gambaran besar sepiring mie goreng itu. /embaca
juga akan senang mendapat bagian yang singkat, sederhana, bukan
keseluruhan yang rumit. *ni dikarenakan a) /embaca tahu bahwa hidup itu
rumit, namun bersyukur jika setidaknya salah satu kisah bisa diceritakan
dengan jelas, dan c) tak seorang-pun akan membaca cerita yang berkata
"*su dibawah akan kami paparkan secara kompleks...".
26. $adi peraturannya begini. Sebuah cerita0tulisan0artikel akhirnya hanya
akan berkata satu hal yang besar. $ika (contohnya) ,nda ingin mengambil
empat cerita yang berbeda untuk satu pernyataan besar tulisan. ,nda
boleh mengambil bagian-bagian kecil dari tiap cerita itu, namun tidak
boleh lepas darisatu pernyataan narati! yang ,nda telah tetapkan
22. Dari beberapa pengamatan. $angan pernah memulai menulis jika ,nda
belum bisa menentukan pernyataan besar apa yang akan jadi nantinya, dan
mengatakannya pada diri ,nda hanya dalam satu kalimat. #alu tanyakan
pada diri ,nda bagaimana caranya nenek ,nda mau menyimak kalimat
tersebut selama lebih dari satu milisekon sebelum dia kembali dengan hobi
menyulamnya. Sama halnya jika ,nda ingin memposting artikel dalam
blog, perhatianyang sama mungkin akan ,nda dapat dari salah satu jutaan
pengguna internet - maka perhatikan baik-baik dalam menyusun kalimat
pertama itu. Sering kali - namun tidak selalu - itu menjadi kalimat
pertama dalam artikel ,nda.
24. "alimat pertama - intro, pengantar - yang ideal akan selalu ada bagi ,nda.
,kan sangat membantu jika ,nda memikirkan ini sebelum memulai
menulis, karena nantinya kalimat berikutnya yang mengiringi akan
bermunculan dengan cepat. *ni bukan berarti ,nda terlalu Iberkata-kataI,
Ibertele-teleI, Itidak !okusI, atau Iberlagak pintarI. :amun tidak juga
IberbakatI. *tu hanya menunjukkan ,nda mendapat kalimat pertama yang
23. "ata-kata seperti Iberkata-kataI, Ibertele-teleI, Itidak !okusI, atau Iberlagak
pintarI bukanlah hinaan bagi jurnalis. Bang melandasi orang membayar
untuk sebuah koran, majalah, atau browsing blog di internet ialah karena
kita ingin in!ormasi yang meluncur ke benak kita dengan mudah dan
nyaman, tanpa !ootnote, da!tar re!erensi yang hambar, bahkan !ootnote
dalam !ootnote. :amun tetap tergantung target /embaca ,nda, khususnya
dalam bahasan ilmiah.
27. "ata-kata seperti IsensasionalI ataupun Ibiasa sajaI keduanya bukan hinaan
ataupun pujian bagi penulis. "ita membaca bacaan - cerita wayang, no&el
#upus, komik Doraemon, sejarah politik *ndonesia, buku teks Biologi -
sesuai dengan selera humor, romans, ironi atau kesenangan kita.
$urnalisme yang baik juga akan memberi "ita sensasi baik humor,
kesenangan, iba atau semangat.
2;. Ka!a memiliki makna. <ari mereka dalam kamus, lihat dimana mereka
biasa muncul. #alu gunakan mereka dengan sesuai. $angan paparkan
kepenulisan ,nda dengan memaparkan ketidakpedulian kita. $angan gali
tanah tandus keras tanpa mengetahui bagaimana menggali tanah tandus
2C. Ka!a Kli"e - hindarilah kata, !rase, atau opini yang berulang
penggunaanya dan mengurangi orisinalitas tulisan. "ecuali dalam
penempatan kata klise yang sesuai. ,nda akan heran bagaimana sebuah
klise bisa berman!aat, dalam penekanan yang tepat. Dalam konteks
jurnalistik, terkadang ,nda tidak harus selamanya pintar namun harus
selamanya lugas (sangat klise).
2?. Me!a71ra i!u 0aik. :amun, jangan, jangan masukkan meta!ora yang
konyol. /ara pengumpul aspirasi rakyat di tingkat /ropinsi Banten sempat
mengangkat sayembara untuk mencari siapakah dikalangan penyumbang
suara yang berwajah mirip dengan tokoh wanita pemegang tongkat
kegubernuran saat ini. MengertiM
2H. Ha!i;ha!i en3an krei0ili!a" kaki lima. "etika penjual bakso melihat
tukang copet ditengah pasar hanya kata-kata sederhana terucap olehnya
antara lain copet, topi merah, rambut gondrong. :amun didukung suara
lantang, mata melotot, tangan menunjuk seseorang memakai topi merah
dan rambut panjang. -ati-hati, bahasa tulisan tidak memilik aksen, tidak
ada alunan nada menegaskan ironi, komedi, marah, atau takut. .ulisan
harus tegas, jelas dan lugas. Untuk tegas dan jelas ikutilah tatanan bahasa
2A. Hinari ka!a 6an3 5an4an3 an !iak ma"uk akal. -ati-hati
menggunakan jargon. Untuk yang ini sudah pasti penting penting jika
,nda penulis ilmiah. $ika anda penulis ilmiah, mau tidak mau ,nda akan
memaparkan kata-kata yang mana tak seorang-pun di dunia pernah
dengar seperti !ekunditas, resilien, pertumbuhan lateral, NooFanthellae,
iterasi, di!erensial, distribusi gausian. Dengan ini berarti ,nda tidak perlu
selalu bergelora dan bersahaja. Merasa senang dan sederhana sudah cukup
46. *ngat selalu kapan kita tidak perlu merangkai kalimat puitis dan menirukan
tatanan bahasa alkitab.
42. *ngat, orang akan lebih merespon sesuatu yang dekat dengan mereka. Masyarakat
*ndonesia akan lebih merespon dampak krisis ekonomi terhadap gejolak politik
lokal, ketimbang pemilihan perdana menteri ,ustralia.
44. Baca. Bacalah berbagai ragam bacaan. Baca kisah Siti :urbaya, baca puisi dari
+.S. 1endra, baca artikel jurnal Science, baca no&el $.". 1owling, baca no&el
#upus, dsb. #ihat berbagai macam hal menakjubkan yang bisa kita buat dengan
kata-kata. #ihat bagaimana mengagumkan mereka menata kata dalam separuh
43. -ati-hati dengan de!initi!. "alimat "Beliau sebagai kandidat politik merupakan
sosok yang kuat, tua, berpengalaman, dan cekatan dalam masalah pengelolaan
partai maka..." bisa ,nda persingkat dengan "Beliau memulai karir politiknya
sejak 2A7? sesuai catatan kepengurusn partai maka... ". Gunakan re!erensi,
terkhususkan bagi yang menulis artikel dalam konteks ilmiah.
47. ,da beberapa hal jika diutarakan terasa enak namun situasi tidak
memperkenankannya untuk ditulis. Dalam Bahoom :ews I*ndonesia rentan akan
pemanasan globalI, namun dalam sebuah jurnal ilmiah I,ncaman baru bagi
lingkungan laut *ndonesia peningkatan rata-rata temperatur permukaan bumiI.
Selalu coba dan usahakan mengatur kata agar sesuai dengan konteks
permasalahan, namun tetap melihat /embaca dan media dimana kita melepas
tulisan "ita.
4;. /enulis memiliki tanggung jawab, tidak hanya dalam hukum saja. Selalu
berorientasi pada kebenaran. $ika dirasa sulit, berorientasilah pada kesetaraan, dan
kesadartahuan akan selalu adanya sisi lain dari sebuah cerita. -ati-hati dengan
pernyataan yang obyekti!. *nilah yang disebut dengan IdodgyI. ,nda mungkin bisa
mengatakan bahwa terumbu karang bisa beradaptasi dengan peningkatan suhu
pemanasan global, namun jangan katakan mereka bisa bertahan dari pemanasan
global. "enyataanya akselerasi suhu rata-rata global lebih cepat dari kapasitas
mereka beradaptasi. IberadaptasiI dan IbertahanI keterkaitan mereka memang bisa
dikendalikan obyekti!itas kita.
1e!erensi $he =an&s4An Hui&e %or :cience Communicators9 A :tep4)y4:tep
Approach to @u)lic Autreach oleh #ars #inberg <hristensen
Lam5iran 1*. Ti5" menuli" Jurnal Ilmiah
enin5 6778 9uni 68
,pakah menulis itu sulitM /asti banyak pendapat untuk menjawab
pertanyaan ini. Mungkin bagi sebagian besar orang (termasuk saya juga),
menulis bukanlah hal yang mudah, apalagi menulis karya ilmiah.
Saya cuma sekedar ingin sharing saja, karena saya memang bukan ahli
menulis di bidang karya tulis ilmiah, hanya saja sekarang saya memang lagi
berkecimpung di dunia tulis menulis yang "berbau" karya ilmiah.
Untuk menulis artikel ilmiah khususnya untuk dimuat di jurnal, penting
bahwa artikel yang diteliti merujuk pada sumber-sumber pustaka yang up to
date, contoh sumber pustaka yang up to date dan tersedia dalam jumlah
yang cukup banyak adalah artikel jurnal. Untuk penelitian yang sulit
mendapatkan re!erensinya mungkin bisa dilakukan wawancara dengan
pakar atau juga melakukan penelitian.
*si dari jurnal pada umumnya sama dengan karya ilmiah pada umumnya,
ada abstrak, pendahuluan, kajian pustaka, tinjauan pustaka, metodologi,
hasil dan pembahasan, kesimpulan, dan re!erensi.
,bstrak berisi intisari artikel yang ditulis, meliputi ringkasan latar
belakang, penekanan tujuan dan rumusan permasalahannya, metode, dan
juga kesimpulan. /ada akhir abstrak, penulis juga diminta untuk
memberikan kata kunci, yaitu kata yang sering muncul dan menjadi
penekanan penelitian0penulisan.
/endahuluan berisi latar belakang yang menceritakan alasan kita tertarik
untuk melakukan penelitian dan penulisan. Selain latar belakang,
pendahuluan juga membahas rumusan masalah, tujuan dan man!aat
penelitian. 1umusan masalah umumnya dinyatakan dalam kalimat
pertanyaan (namun tidak harus kog), dan berisikan !okus penelitian.
Seringkali kita bingung antara tujuan dan man!aat. .ujuan adalah hal yang
ingin dicapai dari penelitian0penulisan, misalnya, tujuan penelitian ini
adalah ingin mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan antara F dan y. Sedangkan
man!aat ya berbicara mengenai man!aat yang diberikan oleh
penelitian0penulisan yang dilakukan, misal penelitian ini berman!aat untuk
memberikan masukan kepada F mengenai y.
Lam5iran 1+. Ti5" D1r Bri!in3 A J1urnal Ar!i<le
Ra<hel Pe!ke@i<h
:hem. G En3ineerin3 Ne@". Au3u"! 1#& 2'', & 81lume -+& Num0er ## 559 *(;
Ti5 1. :1nu<! !h1r1u3h li!era!ure "ear<he" an <i!e 5re<een!".
"Good literature searching allows you to pro&ide a cogent paper that is well-
thought-out and well-organiNed, and it also keeps you !rom embarrassing
yoursel!," says analytical chemist +. $e!!rey -urst at the -ershey <o. 5or
eFample, it behoo&es you to disco&er earlier rather than later "that what you
thought was seminal work has been reported on 24 times" already, he says.
Ti5 2. Rea "<ien!i7i< li!era!ure 71r <1n!en! an "!6le.
Study lots o! articles !or technical material, but keep an eye out !or
particularly clear writing styles and incorporate them into your work, says
catalysis chemist Gregory <. 5u at Massachusetts *nstitute o! .echnology.
<rystallographer ,nthony #. Spek at Utrecht Uni&ersity, in the :etherlands,
also suggests reading well-written papers in the speci!ic journals you want to
publish in.
Ti5 #. :lari76 au!h1r"hi5 <are7ull6.
Sometimes the authorship is straight!orwardJ sometimes itIs not. ,uthorship
on journal articles can become an ethical issue, and in certain cases, disputes
ha&e cost scientists their jobs and reputations. "Be meticulous and make sure
that authorship is correct," recommends Sean B. Seymore, a pro!essor o!
patent law at :orthwestern Uni&ersity who holds a doctorate in chemistry and
has written about authorship abuse
Ti5 *. /e! 1r3aniHe n1@.
Most authors de&elop a plan !or organiNing a paper sometime near the end o!
completing the lab work. Some researchers pull out the original research grant
proposal, scribble the main points on a whiteboard, or take a stab at an
8ther authors use writing as a tool to guide their research. <hemist George M.
+hitesides at -ar&ard Uni&ersity ad&ocates early outlining so strongly that he
wrote a paper about it (A&v. 3ater. 2''*& 8G, 23?;).
, !ormer +hitesides postdoc, .eri +. 8dom, adopted the process !or her
materials research group at :orthwestern Uni&ersity. ".he principle o! the
+hitesidesI paper-writing process]that outlines and dra!ts should be
constructed in the course o! sol&ing a problem rather than a!ter all the data
ha&e been analyNed]has been use!ul."
She says her group will o!ten go through about eight outlines be!ore dra!ting
the manuscript. ,s an eFercise, 8dom also reOuires students to complete a
!ully re!erenced paragraph written in the ;ature !ormat
Ti5 +. All1@ m1n!h" 71r re$i"i1n.
<ornell Uni&ersity chemistry pro!essor 1oald -o!!mann, a :obel #aureate,
goes through many dra!ts o! a manuscript with his students. ", typical
number is 43," he says.
Ti5 (. Kn1@ 61ur auien<e.
:onspecialists will read your journal article. -o!!mann ad&ises scientists to
"write the manuscript !or an intelligent graduate student, not a pro!essor."
+hen writing up interdisciplinary work, take nothing !or granted and eFplain
e&erything, says Uni&ersity o! *owa physical chemist 9icki -. Grassian, who
works on en&ironment-related sur!ace science and nanotechnology. 5or
eFample, she has had re&iewers repeatedly Ouestion particular calculations !or
atmospheric reactions that ha&e been "routinely done in heterogeneous
catalysis !or more than ;6 years," she says.
Ti5 ,. Tell <lear an <1n<i"e "!1rie".
Many researchers re!er to journal articles as the "stories" o! their research. :o
one likes a long-winded, disorganiNed, tangential, and con!using story.
<hemists and engineers suggest !ocusing on critical content and succinct
sentences. "<reate no mysteries]those that nature pro&ides are su!!icient,"
-o!!mann says.
Ti5 -. Seek hel5 @i!h 3rammar an lan3ua3e.
"8ne o!ten hears that English has become the de !acto language o! science,"
says /atrick -. 9accaro, a physical chemist at Bale Uni&ersity. ",s a re&iewer
!or se&eral journals, it o!ten seems more appropriate to state that Ibad EnglishI
has become the lingua !ranca o! modern science." 9accaro and other
pro!essors direct both nati&e and nonnati&e English speakers with poor basic
writing and grammar skills to uni&ersity writing centers and language classes.
Ti5 .. Learn 7r1m !he 0e"!.
Graduate and postdoctoral ad&isers are just two sources o! writing ad&ice.
"DonIt be a!raid to ask other researchers who ha&e been success!ul in
achie&ing top-tier publications and !unding or who are known as good writers
to re&iew your material," says chemical engineer .homas -. Epps *** at the
Uni&ersity o! Delaware.
Ti5 1'. Din "e$eral reaer".
$ournal articles contain a !ew big concepts and many small details that an
author could miss. Gabriela <. +ea&er, a chemical education researcher at
/urdue Uni&ersity, pairs up her graduate students as "writing buddies." .hey
read each otherIs work be!ore she pro&ides comments. Utrecht Uni&ersityIs
Spek sends his manuscripts to colleagues who are not coauthors so they can
comment on them be!ore he submits them to journals.
Because mistyping a number can cast doubt on the rest o! the results, organic
chemist 1oman Dembinski at 8akland Uni&ersity in 1ochester, Mich., has
e&ery member o! his group proo!read each manuscript]whether they are
authors on it or not. <hemist .homas -iggins o! <hicagoIs -arold
+ashington <ollege points out that "colleagues in the humanities make good
Ti5 11. Bri!e 17!en.
<hemists say putting down just one paragraph o! obser&ations each day can
help impro&e writing. "Get as much eFperience writing as you absolutely can,"
says <ynthia S. Dowd, who recently joined the chemistry !aculty at George
+ashington Uni&ersity. "Some /*s donIt IallowI you to write, but take a stab at
writing the eFperimental section, introduction, results, and discussion
Ti5 12. Tr6 i77eren! 3enre".
+riting !or the layman about nonscience topics can be a !un and help!ul way
to impro&e your writing. 5or eFample, Michelle 5rancl, a theoretical chemist
at Bryn Mawr <ollege, in /ennsyl&ania, has published essays on topics
ranging !rom parenting to music. -o!!mann has published so many scienti!ic
and literary works, among them poems and plays, that he now describes
himsel! as a "theoretical chemist and a writer."

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