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57 Tips Menulis

Skripsi, Thesis, Dissertasi

& Jurnal Ilmiah
Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Abu Maryam

When your language skills are not perfect, organizing your information in a
conventional way and using conventional language are very important.

Hilary Glasman-Deal

Berbagai usaha untuk meningkatkan mutu akademik dan kualitas
Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia telah banyak dilakukan. Salah satu upaya tersebut
adalah peningkatan kualitas penulisan skripsi, thesis, dissertasi dan jurnal ilmiah
dalam bahasa Inggris. Sayangnya, hingga kini masih sedikit mahasiswa dan
akademisi di Indonesia yang mampu menghasilkan tulisan dalam bahasa Inggris
dengan kaedah tata bahasa yang baik dan benar.
Walaupun tidak berbahasa ibu bahasa Inggris, para peneliti di Jepang,
Jerman, Prancis, Italia dan Korea sangat produktif dalam menghasilkan tulisan
ilmiah dalam bahasa Inggris. Mereka memiliki kiat tersendiri untuk menyiasati
kekurangan bahasa. Professor Antonio Strozzi, pengarang buku How to Write a
Technical Paper in English memberikan tips berikut:

I learned to write engineering papers in English by collecting useful phrases

from every article in English that I read. I have used these phrases throughout my
career in academia, and I believe that they have served both me and my students
very well.
Sangat sulit untuk mengumpulkan berbagai useful phrases yang dimaksud
oleh Professor Strozzi diatas. Frase-frase tersebut tersebar di berbagai jurnaljurnal internasional dari berbagai bidang kelimuan. Buku yang sekarang Anda
pegang ini berupaya untuk menghadirkan frase dan ungkapan bahasa Inggris
tersebut ke hadapan Anda. Frase-frase yang kami susun adalah ungkapan yang

sering digunakan oleh para peneliti kelas dunia. Kami memberikan banyak variasi
untuk satu bahasan tertentu, sehingga Anda akan mampu menghasilkan rangkaian
kata dan kalimat yang dinamis, tidak diulang-ulang dan monoton.
Akhir kata, keberhasilan dunia pendidikan Indonesia adalah keberhasilan
bangsa Indonesia untuk dapat berdiri sejajar dalam peta persaingan ilmu
pengetahuan dunia. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi perkembangan ilmu
pengetahuan di Indonesia.
Jakarta, September 2014



Tips#1. Mengapa Topik Penelitian Anda Begitu Penting? .................................................. 6

Tips#2. Kilas Balik Penelitian Yang Berkaitan dengan Topik Anda...................................... 9
Tips#3. Gambaran Peluang Riset Lanjutan di Masa Depan .............................................. 11
Tips#4. Keterbatasan dan Tantangan Dalam Topik Penelitian Yang Anda Pilih ............... 13
Tips#5. Tujuan dan Kontribusi Yang Akan Anda Berikan .................................................. 17
Tips#6. Beberapa Konsep Penting .................................................................................... 20
Tips#7. Penggunaan Beberapa Istilah dan Singkatan ....................................................... 22
Tips#8. Struktur Penulisan Laporan Anda ......................................................................... 24
Tips#9. Literatur Yang Berkaitan Dengan Topik Anda ...................................................... 26
Tips#10. Literatur Mngenai Trend Yang Berlangsung Di Masa Lalu ................................. 28
Tip#11. Literatur Mengenai Trend Yang Berlangsung Saat Ini ......................................... 30
Tips#12. Beberapa Pernyataan Penting Dari Peneliti Lain................................................ 32
Tips#13. Kontribusi Dari Peneliti Lain ............................................................................... 34
Tips#14. Keterbatasan Penelitian Sebelumnya (Nama Peneliti Tidak Disebutkan) .......... 35
Tips#15. Keterbatasan Penelitian Sebelumnya (Nama Peneliti Disebutkan) ................... 37
Tips#16. Gunakan Pendapat Orang Lain Untuk Mendukung Pernyataan Anda ............... 40
Tips#17. Metode Yang Anda Gunakan.............................................................................. 42
Tips#18. Kesamaan Sistem atau Model dengan Peneliti Lain .......................................... 43
Tips#19. Alat dan Material Yang Anda Gunakan .............................................................. 45
Tips#20. Tentang Software Yang Anda Gunakan .............................................................. 47
Tips#21. Modifikasi atau Perubahan Yang Anda Lakukan ................................................ 48
Tips#22. Rumus, Persamaan, dan Teori Yang Anda Gunakan .......................................... 50
Tip#23. Mengapa Anda Memilih Metode, Model, dan Alat Tertentu Dibanding Yang
Lainnya .............................................................................................................................. 52
Tips#24. Bagaimana Anda Menyiapkan Sampel & Bagaimana Solusi Didapatkan ........... 54
Tips#25. Prosedur Pemilihan Sampel Yang Anda Gunakan .............................................. 55
Tips#26. Gunakan Past Tenses Untuk Menjelaskan Apa Yang Telah Dilakukan Di Masa
Lalu .................................................................................................................................... 57
Tips#27. Gunakan Present Tenses Untuk Menjelaskan Apa Yang Telah Anda Lakukan ... 59

Tips#28. Peringatkan Kepada Pembaca Agar Berhati-Hati Dalam Melakukan Eksperimen

.......................................................................................................................................... 61
Tips#29. Apa Manfaat Metode dan Alat Yang Anda Gunakan?........................................ 62
Tips#30. Adakah Pendekatan Alternatif? ......................................................................... 64
Tips#31. Bagaimana Anda Mendapatkan Hasil Akhir? ..................................................... 65
Tips#32. Hasil Kuesioner & Interview ............................................................................... 66
Tips#33. Apa Yang Anda Temukan? .................................................................................. 68
Tips#34. Apa Yang Tidak Anda Temukan? ........................................................................ 69
Tips#35. Tekankan Hasil Signifikan Dari Penelitian Anda ................................................. 70
Tips#36. Apakah Penelitian Anda Sejalan Dengan Penelitian Sebelumnya? .................... 73
Tips#37. Apakah Penelitian Anda Berlawanan Dengan Penelitian Sebelumnya? ............ 75
Tips#38. Dukungan Dari Peneltian Lain Terhadap Hasil Penelitian Anda ......................... 78
Tips#39. Berhati-Hati Dalam Menterjemahkan Hasil Penelitian ...................................... 80
Tips#40. Hasil Penelitian Anda Yang Tidak Diharapkan .................................................... 82
Tips#41. Keterbatasan Cakupan Penelitian Anda ............................................................. 84
Tips#42. Alasan Terhadap Hasil Yang Tidak Diharapkan .................................................. 86
Tips#43. Minimalkan Hasil Yang Tidak Diharapkan .......................................................... 89
Tips#44. Berikan Pendapat Terhadap Aumsi & Kemungkinan ......................................... 91
Tips#45. Berikan Rangkuman dan Kesimpulan ................................................................. 93
Tips#46. Tegaskan Hasil Penting Yang Anda Dapatkan (Bagian Kesimpulan) .................. 94
Tips#47. Tekankan Mengenai Pencapaian Yang Anda Dapatkan (Bagian Kesimpulan) ... 95
Tips#48. Garisbawahi Keterbatasan Penelitian (Bagian Kesimpulan) .............................. 97
Tips#49. Penerapan dan Applikasi Hasil Penelitian Anda ................................................. 99
Tips#50. Saran Untuk Riset Lanjutan di Masa Depan (Part1) ......................................... 102
Tips#51. Saran Untuk Riset Lanjutan di Masa Depan (Part2) ......................................... 103
Tips#52. Kata Sambutan (Ucapan Terima Kasih) ............................................................ 106
Tips#53. Jelaskan Tabel dan Gambar Yang Anda Sertakan............................................. 108
Tips#54. Buat Transisi Yang Baik Untuk Beralih Pada Topik Yang Baru .......................... 110
Tips#55. Merujuk Pada Paper Anda Sendiri.................................................................... 111
Tips#56. Merujuk Pada Tujuan Riset Paper Anda ........................................................... 112
Tips#57. Merujuk Pada Sumber Yang Lebih Lengkap ..................................................... 113

Tips#1. Mengapa Topik Penelitian Anda Begitu Penting?

Sebuah karya tulis baik itu skripsi, thesis, dissertasi ataupun jurnal ilmiah
memiliki ciri khasnya sendiri-sendiri. Meskipun sedikit berbeda satu sama lain,
semua jenis karya tulis di atas memiliki beberapa kesamaan yang cukup
Salah satu kesamaan tersebut terletak pada penekanan betapa pentingnya
kemampuan penulis untuk menarik perhatian pembaca sejak pandangan pertama.
Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menonjolkan sisi keterbaruan dari riset yang
sedang Anda lakukan. Anda harus menjual penelitian Anda dengan memberikan
latar belakang mengapa Anda memilih topik itu. Apa saja fitur dan karakteristik
utama yang menjadikannya layak untuk diangkat menjadi sebuah topik penelitian.
Mengapa banyak peneliti lain yang juga tertarik melakukannya?
Selain itu, Anda juga perlu menjelaskan jenis dan model yang umum
digunakan berkaitan dengan topik tersebut. Paparkan juga secara ringkas
mengenai trend apa saja yang saat ini sedang populer. Peran dan kontribusi dari
peneltian tersebut juga perlu Anda jabarkan secara singkat agar pembaca
memahami aplikasi nyata dari hasil studi tersebut. Dengan menceritakan hal-hal
di atas, bukan hanya para pembaca yang dapat merasakan betapa pentingya topik
yang sedang Anda geluti, tetapi Anda juga sebagai penulis akan merasakan hal
yang sama sehingga akhirnya memotivasi Anda secara tidak langsung.
Untuk menuliskan secara detil tentang mengapa topik penelitian Anda
begitu penting bukanlah pekerjaan yang mudah. Terlebih jika harus ditulis dalam

bahasa Inggris. Ketepatan tenses dan pemilihan kata yang sesuai kerap membuat
pusing kepala. Untuk mengatasi keterbatasan tersebut, berikut ini disajikan frasefrase yang Anda dapat gunakan untuk menjelaskan mengapa penelitian yang Anda
lakukan begitu penting. Anda cukup mengganti X dengan nama penelitian Anda
dan menyisipkan karakteristik penelitian Anda ke dalam titik-titik yang telah

a) X is recognized as being the most important

X is believed to be the most important
X is widely considered to be the most important
b) It is well known that X is
It is generally accepted that X is
It is common knowledge that X is
c) X is the main cause of . . .
X is the leading cause of
X is the primary cause of
X is the major cause of
d) The main characteristics of X are:
The principal characteristics of X are;
The fundamental characteristics of X are;
e) X accounts for
X is responsible for
f) A striking feature of
A useful feature of
A remarkable feature of
g) X is increasingly becoming a vital factor in
X set to become a vital factor in
h) X is a common part of
X is useful part of
X is critical part of
i) X is among the most widely used types of

X is among the most commonly discussed types of

X is the most well-known types of
X is the most well-documented types of
X is the most widespread types of
X is the most commonly investigated types of
j) X is undergoing a revolution interest in terms of
X is generating considerable interest in terms of
k) X is attracting considerable interest due to
X is attracting increasing interest due to
X is attracting widespread interest due to
l) X has many uses in the field of
X has many roles in the field of
X has many applications in the field of

Tips#2. Kilas Balik Penelitian Yang Berkaitan dengan Topik

Sejarah dan kilas balik penelitian harus diberikan dengan ringkas namun
tetap menyeluruh. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan mereview dan membuat
ringkasan topik kajian Anda sejak minimal 10 tahun penelitian ke belakang.
Dengan cara ini, Anda sebagai peneliti diharapkan tidak melakukan sesuatu yang
sebenarnya telah dilakukan oleh peneliti lain di belahan dunia yang berbeda.
Seperti anjuran lama yang berbunyi Do not reinvent the wheel!
Selain perkembangan terkini yang perlu diberikan secara singkat, Anda
harus dapat menceritakan siapa, kapan dan dimana tepatnya topik yang sedang
Anda teliti tersebut pertama kali dilakukan. Hal ini dapat memberikan gambaran
secara global tentang siapa sebenarnya pemain-pemain besar yang
berkecimpung di dalam topik yang sedang Anda pelajari. Di masa depan,
informasi ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi Anda untuk mencari sponsor, Professor
atau supervisor untuk studi Anda berikutnya jika ingin melanjutkan S2, S3 atau
bahkan post-doc.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan
sejarah dan kilas balik penelitian yang berkaitan dengan topik studi Anda;

a) In the history of X, the focus has always been

Traditionally X, the focus has always been
b) Initial studies of X considered it to be
Preliminary studies of X considered it to be
The first studies of X considered it to be
c) Until now, X has been considered as

For many years, X has been considered as

Since 2010, X has been considered as
d) Scientists have always seen X as
Researchers have always seen as
Experts have always seen X as
e) Last century X was considered to be the most
Last century X was viewed as the most
Last century X was seen as the most
f) X has become a central issue in
X has become an important issue in
X has a critical issue in
g) The last two years have witnessed a huge growth in X
The last two years have seen a huge growth in X ...
h) X has received much attention in the last two years . . .
X has received much attention in the past decade . . .
X has received much attention over the last two decades
i) For the past five years, there has been a rapid rise in the use of X.
Since 2012, there has been a rapid rise in the use of X.
j) The past decade has seen a renewed importance in X.
Last year has seen a renewed importance in X.
k) Recent developments in X have led to
Recent findings regarding X have led to

Tips#3. Gambaran Peluang Riset Lanjutan di Masa Depan

Setelah menggiring pembaca dengan menjelaskan mengapa topik

penelitian yang Anda pilih begitu penting. Dilanjutkan dengan uraian singkat
dengan kilas balik penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Point
penting berikutnya adalah penjelasan tentang gambaran peluang riset lanjutan di
masa depan.
Bagian ini sangat penting untuk disajikan agar penulis dan pembaca
memahami dimana sebenarnya posisi penelitian tersebut berada dan kemana arah
selanjutnya akan bermuara. Seseorang akan bersemangat untuk berbuat sesuatu
jika ada manfaat dan peluang besar di masa depan. Begitupun dengan penelitian,
dengan adanya informasi tentang gambaran peluang di tahun-tahun mendatang,
fokus penelitian dapat diarahkan kepada hal-hal yang memiliki implikasi yang
nyata dan feasible untuk dijalankan.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan
mengenai gambaran peluang riset lanjutan di masa depan;
a) X will soon shortly be an issue that
X will soon rapidly be an issue that
X will inevitably be an issue that
b) The next decade is likely to see a considerable rise in X.
The next decade is likely to witness a considerable rise in X.
c) Within the next few years, X is set to become an important component in

Within the next few years, X is destined to become an important in

Within the next few years, X is likely to become an important component

d) By 2020, X will have become

Within the next ten years, X will have become
e) In the next few years X will become
In the next few years X is likely to have become

Tips#4. Keterbatasan dan Tantangan Dalam Topik Penelitian

Yang Anda Pilih

Keterbatasan dan tantangan telah menginspirasi kemajuan riset di seluruh

dunia. Berbagai upaya pendekatan pun dilakukan dengan beberapa alasan
kepraktisan. Para peneliti di berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu menggunakan asumsi
yang berbeda-beda untuk memodelkan suatu fenomena yang ingin dikaji.
Semakin sedikit asumsi yang digunakan, semakin banyak pula variabel yang
harus diperhitungkan. Namun, hal ini akan memberikan hasil yang mendekati
kondisi ideal.
Oleh karena itu, bahasan mengenai ruang lingkup dan asumsi apa saja
yang membatasi penelitian-penelitian yang sudah ada perlu dijelaskan dengan
singkat. Apakah saat ini batasan ruang lingkup tersebut masih ada atau sudah
mulai berkurang, sehingga metode yang ada sekarang ini mendekati model yang
Fitur penting yang sering menjadi kendala pada penelitian-penelitian
sebelumnya perlu Anda singgung di bagian ini. Apakah Anda mengalami hal yang
sama atau memiliki solusi untuk mengatasi isu tersebut?
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan
keterbatasan dan tantangan dalam topik penelitian yang Anda pilih.
a) A challenging area in the field of
An intriguing area in the field of
An important area in the field of
A neglected area in the field of
b) Few researchers have addressed the problem of

Few researchers have addressed the issue of

Few researchers have addressed the question of
c) Previous work has only focused on . . .
Previous work has been limited to . . .
Previous work has failed to address
d) A basic issue of X is
A common issue of X is
A fundamental issue of X is
A crucial issue of X is
A major issue of X is
e) The central of X is
The core problem of X is
f) Current solutions to X are inconsistent.
Current solutions to X are inadequate.
Current solutions to X are incorrect.
Current solutions to X are ineffective.
Current solutions to X are inefficient.
Current solutions to X are over-simplistic.
Current solutions to X are unsatisfactory.
g) Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be ill-defined.
Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be unfounded.
Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be not well grounded.
Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be unsupported.
Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be questionable.
Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be disputable.
Many hypotheses regarding X appear to be debatable.
h) The characteristics of X are not well understood.
The characteristics of X are misunderstood.
The characteristics of X have not been dealt with in depth.
i) It is not yet known whether X can do Y.
It is has not yet been established whether X can do Y.
j) X is still poorly understood.
X is not widely understood.
k) X is often impractical . . .
X is often not feasible . . .
X is often costly

l) Techniques to solve X are

computationally demanding.
Techniques to solve X are subject to high overheads.
Techniques to solve X are time consuming.
Techniques to solve X are impractical.
Techniques to solve X are frequently unfeasible.
m) A major defect of X is
A major difficulty of X is
A major drawback of X is
A major disadvantage of X is
A major flaw of X is
n) Although this approach is interesting, it suffers from
Although this approach is interesting, it fails to take into account
Although this approach is interesting, it does not allow for
o) In spite of its shortcomings, this method has been widely applied to
Despite its shortcomings, this method has been widely applied to
p) However, there is still a need for
However, there has been little discussion on
q) Moreover, other solutions have failed to provide
Moreover, other research programs have failed to provide
Moreover, other approaches have failed to provide
r) Most studies have only focused on
Most studies have tended to focus on
s) To date
this methodology has only been applied to
Until now this methodology has only been applied to
t) There is still some controversy surrounding
There is still much controversy surrounding
There is still considerable controversy surrounding
u) There has been some disagreement concerning whether there is little
general agreement on
There has been some disagreement concerning whether there is no general
agreement on
There has been some disagreement regarding whether there is little general
agreement on
There has been some disagreement regarding whether there is no general
agreement on

There has been some disagreement with regard to whether there is little
general agreement on
There has been some disagreement with regard to whether there is no
general agreement on
v) The community has raised some issues about
The community has raised some concerns about
w) Concerns have arisen the validity of
Concerns have been raised which question the validity of
Concerns have call into question the validity of
x) In the light of recent events in x, there is now some concern about
In the light of recent events in x, there is now much concern about
In the light of recent events in x, there is now considerable concern about

y) One of the main issues in our knowledge of X is a lack of

One of the main issues in what we know about X is a lack of
z) This particular area of X has been overlooked
This particular area of X has been neglected
This particular area of X remains unclear
This specific area of X has been overlooked
This specific area of X has been neglected
This specific area of X remains unclear
aa) Despite this interest, no one to the best of our knowledge has studied
Despite this interest, no one as far as we know has studied

Tips#5. Tujuan dan Kontribusi Yang Akan Anda Berikan

Karya tulis ilmiah yang baik dapat dilihat dari kejelasan tentang tujuan dan
kontribusi yang diberikan dari penelitian tersebut. Menulis tujuan penelitian yang
jelas dan mudah dimengerti bukan hanya bermanfaat bagi penulis untuk tetap
berada pada fokus penelitian namun juga membantu pembaca mengidentifikasi
kontribusi penelitian Anda terhadap ilmu pengetahuan. Hal ini akan membantu
karya tulis dan untuk secara luas dikutip dan dikembangkan lebih jauh oleh para
peneliti lain yang telah membaca tulisan Anda.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang Anda dapat gunakan untuk menulis tujuan
dan kontribusi yang akan Anda berikan melalui peneltian yang Anda lakukan;
a) X is presented in order to
X is described in order to
X is analyzed in order to
X is computed in order to
X is investigated in order to
X is examined in order to
X is introduced in order to
X is discussed in order to
b) In this report we
In this paper we
In this review we
In this study we
c) This paper examines how to solve
This paper seeks to address how to solve
This paper focuses on how to solve
This paper discusses how to solve
This paper investigates how to solve
d) This paper is an overview of
This paper is a review of
This paper is a report on

This paper is a preliminary attempt to

e) This paper outlines a new approach to
This paper proposes a new approach to
This paper describes a new approach to
f) The present paper aims to validate Budis findings regarding
The present paper aims to call into question Budis findings regarding
The present paper aims to refute Budis findings regarding
g) Our knowledge of X is largely based on very limited data. The aim of the
research was thus to
Our knowledge of X is largely based on very limited data. The aim of the
research was therefore to . . .
Our knowledge of X is largely based on very limited data. The aim of the
research was consequently to . . .

h) The aim of this study is to study . . .

The aim of this study is to evaluate . . .
The aim of this study is to validate . . .
The aim of this study is to determine . . .
The aim of this study is to examine . . .
The aim of this study is to analyze . . .
The aim of this study is to calculate . . .
The aim of this study is to estimate . . .
The aim of this study is to formulate
i) This paper calls into question
This paper takes a new look at
This paper re-examines
This paper revisits
This paper sheds new light on
j) With this in mind we tried to
Within the framework of these criteria we tried to
In this context we tried to
k) We undertook this study to
We initiated this research to
We developed this methodology to
l) We describe solution for
We present solution for
We consider solution for

We analyze a novel solution for

We simple solution for
We radical solution for
We interesting
solution for
m) We believe that we have found an innovative solution to
We believe that we have developed an innovative solution to
We believe that we have discovered an innovative solution to
We believe that we have designed an innovative solution to
n) The aim of our work was to further current knowledge of
The aim of our work was to extend current knowledge of
The aim of our work was to widen current knowledge of
The aim of our work was to broaden current knowledge of
The aim of our study was to further current knowledge of
The aim of our study was to extend current knowledge of
The aim of our study was to widen current knowledge of
The aim of our study was to broaden current knowledge of
The aim of our research was to further current knowledge of
The aim of our research was to extend current knowledge of
The aim of our research was to widen current knowledge of
The aim of our research was to broaden current knowledge of
The aim of our analysis was to further current knowledge of
The aim of our analysis was to extend current knowledge of
The aim of our analysis was to widen current knowledge of
The aim of our analysis was to broaden current knowledge of

Tips#6. Beberapa Konsep Penting

Dengan semakin banyaknya penelitian-penelitian multi-disiplin yang

melibatkan banyak ilmuwan dari berbagai latar belakang disiplin ilmu, penjelasan
beberapa konsep dasar perlu diberikan di awal.
Selain untuk memfasilitasi bagi peneliti yang cukup asing dengan konsepkonsep tertentu, cara ini juga sangat baik untuk menyegarkan ingatan dan
pemahaman bagi mereka yang sudah familiar dengan istilah-istilah tersebut.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk memberikan
penjelasan tentang konsep-konsep penting yang berkaitan tentang topik penelitian

a) X is defined by Bambang [2014] to refer to . . .

X is defined by Bambang [2014] to to mean . . .
b) The term X is generally understood to mean . . .
The term X has come to be used to refer to . . .
The term X has been applied to
c) In the field of X, several definitions of Y can be found.
In the field of X, various definitions of Y can be found.
In the field of X, many definitions of Y can be found.
d) The term X is used by Bambang [2013] to refer to
The term X was used by Bambang [2013] to refer to
The term X has been used by Bambang [2013] to refer to
e) In the literature, X
usually refers . . .
In the literature, X often refers . . .
In the literature, X tends to be used to refer to
f) Bambang [2012] has provided a new definition of X, in which
Bambang [2012] has put forward a new definition of X, in which
Bambang [2012] has proposed a new definition of X, in which

g) X is defined as [Bambang 2010].

X is identified as [Bambang 2010].
X is described as [Bambang 2010].
h) In the literature there seems to be no general definition of X
In the literature a general definition of X is lacking
In the literature there is no clear definition of X.
i) Several authors have attempted to define X, but as yet there is still no
accepted definition
Several authors have attempted to define X, but currently there is still no
accepted definition
Several authors have attempted to define X, but at the time of writing there
is still no accepted definition
j) In broad terms, X is as a way to
In broad terms, X can be defined as a way to
In general terms, X is as a way to
In general terms, X can be defined as a way to
k) The broad use of the term X refers to
The general use of the term X refers to
The generally accepted
use of the term X refers to
l) X is sometimes equated with a series of
X is sometimes embodies a series of
m) X, Y and Z are three kinds of
X, Y and Z are three types of
X, Y and Z are three categories of
X, Y and Z are three classes
n) There are three kinds of languages: X, Y and Z.
The three kinds of languages are: X, Y and Z.
Languages can be divided into three kinds: X, Y and Z.
o) Bambang uses the term X [2011] to refer to . . .
Bambang uses the term X [2011] to denominate

Tips#7. Penggunaan Beberapa Istilah dan Singkatan

Sama halnya dengan konsep penting yang perlu dijelaskan untuk merefresh ingatan pembaca, penggunaan istilah dan singkatan juga wajib untuk
diberikan di awal. Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat digunakan untuk
menjelaskan istilah dan singkatan-singkatan yang terdapat pada tulisan Anda;

a) The acronym ABC stands for . . .

The acronym ABC denotes . . .
b) The subjects hence forth named X are
The subjects hereafter X are
c) Throughout this paper/section we use the terms X and Y
interchangeably, following the practice of this department where this study
was conducted.
Throughout this paper/section we use the terms X and Y
interchangeably, in accordance with the practice of this department where
this study was conducted.
d) There are three different types, namely: X, Y and Z.
There are three different types, specifically: X, Y and Z.
e) Throughout the paper, we use/will use the term X to refer to
In this paper, we use/will use the term X to refer to
f) In this chapter X is used refer to
In this chapter X will be used to refer to
g) This aspect is with in more detail in Sect. 3.
This aspect will be dealt with in more detail in Sect. 3.
h) We will see how relevant this is in the next subsection.
We will learn how relevant this is in the next subsection.
We will appreciate how relevant this is in the next subsection.
i) The subject, which we shall call as X, is
The subject, which we shall refer to as X, is

j) In this paper the standard meaning of X is used . . .

In this paper the standard meaning of X will be used . . .

Tips#8. Struktur Penulisan Laporan Anda

Kerangka dan organisasai tulisan merupakan menu wajib yang biasanya
ada di awal sebuah karya tulis. Bagian ini memberikan gambaran singkat dan alur
cerita tentang isi keseluruhan karya tulis tersebut. Untuk thesis dan disertasi yang
jumlah halamannya melebihi 100, bagian ini berperan seperti iklan singkat
tentang kandungan bab-bab berikutnya yang akan datang.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menjabarkan
struktur penulisan karya tulis Anda;

a) We propose a new procedure in Section 2.

I propose a new procedure in Section 2.
b) A new methodology is described in the fourth section
A new methodology is outlined in the fourth section
c) This paper is organized as follows.
This paper is divided into five sections.
d) The first section gives a brief overview of
Section 1 gives a brief overview of
e) The second section examines . . .
The second section analyses . . .
f) In the third section a case study is presented
In the third section a case study is analyzed
g) The next chapter looks at the question of
The next chapter examines the question of
The next chapter investigates the question of
h) Problems regarding X are discussed in later sections.
Questions regarding X are discussed in later sections.
Issues regarding X are discussed in later sections.
i) A discussion of Y is the scope of this paper.
A discussion of Y falls outside the scope of this paper.

j) For reasons of space, Y is not addressed in this paper.

For reasons of space, Y is not dealt with in this paper.
For reasons of space, Y is not considered in this paper.
k) Some conclusions are drawn in the final section.
Our conclusions are drawn in the final section.
l) This paper begins by examining
This chapter begins by examining
This section begins by examining
This subsection begins by examining

Tips#9. Literatur Yang Berkaitan Dengan Topik Anda

Literature study adalah bagian tak terpisahkan dari sebuah karya tulis
ilmiah. Layaknya seorang pendatang baru di sebuah komunitas. Mendengar
adalah sikap terbaik untuk dapat diterima menjadi anggota baru pada komunitas
tersebut. Sama halnya bagi seorang peniliti dan akademisi, langkah yang paling
baik sebelum memulai melakukan riset adalah mendengar, membaca, dan
memetakan topik yang sedang ramai dikaji pada bidang yang menjadi fokusnya.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membahas
literatur yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian Anda.

a) Many studies have been published on [Ref]

Few studies have been published on [Ref]
b) There is a considerable amount of literature on
There is vast amount of literature on
c) In the literature there are many examples of
In the literature there are several examples of
In the literature there are a surprising number of
In the literature there are few examples of
d) What we know about X is largely based on
What is known about X is largely based on
e) Much is known about
Not much is known about
Very little is known about
f) Various approaches have been proposed to solve this issue [Ref].
Various approaches have been put forward to solve this issue [Ref].
Various approaches have been suggested to solve this issue [Ref].
Various approaches have been hypothesized to solve this issue [Ref].
g) X has been identified as being [Ref]
X has been indicated as being [Ref]

h) X has been shown to be [Ref]

X has been demonstrated to be [Ref]
X has been proved to be [Ref]
X has been found to be [Ref]
i) X has been widely investigated [Ref]
X has been widely studied [Ref]
X has been widely addressed [Ref]
j) In recent years there has been considerable in [Ref]
In recent years there has been growing interest in [Ref]
k) A growing body of literature has examined X. [Ref]
A growing body of literature has investigated X. [Ref]
A growing body of literature has studied X. [Ref]
A growing body of literature has analyzed X. [Ref]
A growing body of literature has evaluated X. [Ref]
l) Much work on the potential of X has been carried out [Ref], yet there are
still some critical issues [Ref]
Much work on the potential of X has been carried out [Ref], however there
are still some critical issues [Ref]
m) X has been receiving much attention due to
X has been gaining much attention due to
n) In the traditional approach, X is used to
In the classical approach, X is used to

Tips#10. Literatur Mngenai Trend Yang Berlangsung Di Masa


Di dalam skripsi, thesis, ataupun dissertasi, review literatur dapat

memenuhi 50% dari total jumlah halaman keseluruhan. Pada banyak kasus,
mengingat bagian literature study menjabarkan masalah apa yang sedang hot
dibicarakan saat ini, maka banyak penulis yang berhasil menjadikan bab ini
tersendiri sebagai bahan untuk publikasi sebuah review jurnal ilmiah. Ada banyak
jurnal-jurnal international yang menerima review dari sebuah topik tertentu yang
memiliki potensi riset yang besar di masa mendatang.
Mempublikasi sebuah jurnal international yang berkategori review banyak
dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari negara berkembang yang terbatas dengan
ketersediaan alat dan teknologi yang canggih. Dengan cara ini, peneliti dari India,
Indonesia, Brasil banyak yang berhasil menembus jurnal jurnal bergengsi di
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membahas
literatur yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian Anda.
a) The first investigations into X found that
The first studies on X found that
b) In their seminal paper of 2009, Budi and Bambang
In their groundbreaking paper of 2009, Budi and Bambang
In their cutting edge paper of 2009, Budi and Bambang
c) Initial work in this field focused primarily on
Preliminary work in this field focused primarily on
d) The first systematic study/report on X was carried out in 2005 by
The first systematic study/report on X was conducted in 2005 by

The first systematic study/report on X was performed in 2005 by

e) An increase in X was first noted by
An increase in X was first reported by
An increase in X was first found by
f) Some preliminary work was carried out in the early 1990s
Some preliminary work was carried out several years ago
g) Bambang in 2010 was among the first to
Bambang in 2010 was one of the first to

Tip#11. Literatur Mengenai Trend Yang Berlangsung Saat Ini

Sama halnya dengan review literatur terhadap trend di masa lalu, review
yang sama terhadap trend yang sedang berlangsung saat ini juga sangat penting
untuk dibahas. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memahami perubahan trend yang terjadi
dari kurun waktu tertentu.
Mengingat porsinya yang dapat mencapai 30-50 halaman, mengerjakan
bab ini di awal penelitian akan sangat membantu Anda untuk fokus terhadap apa
yang sedang Anda kaji tanpa kehilangan konsentrasi dengan menyimpang ke arah
pembahasan yang tidak berhubungan. Selain itu, menyelesaikan bab ini di awal
juga akan mampu meringankan beban tugas menulis di akhir-akhir studi Anda,
terlebih menjelang deadline pengumpulan manuskrip tulisan.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membahas
literatur saat ini yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian Anda.

a) Budi and co-workers [2011] measured . . .

Budi and co-workers [2011] calculated . . .
Budi and co-workers [2011] estimated
b) Experiments on X were conducted in 2009 by a group of researchers from

Experiments on X were carried out in 2009 by a group of researchers from

Experiments on X were performed in 2009 by a group of researchers from

c) In a major advance in 2010, Bambang et al. surveyed

In a major advance in 2010, Bambang et al. interviewed
d) In [7] the authors investigated
In [7] the authors studied

In [7] the authors analyzed

e) A recent review of the literature on this topic [2012] found that
A recent review of the literature on this subject [2012] found that
A recent review of the literature on this matter [2012] found that
A recent review of the literature on this area [2012] found that
f) A number of studies have found that
An increasing number of studies have found that
g) Since 2011, much more information on X has become available
In the last few years, much more information on X has become available

h) It has now been suggested [Budi 2010] that

It has now been hypothesized [Budi 2010] that
It has now been proposed [Budi 2010] that
It has now been shown [Budi 2010] that
It has now been demonstrated [Budi 2010] that
i) Many attempts have been made [Budi 2013, Lina 2014, Shinta 2012] in
order to . . .
Many attempts have been made [Budi 2013, Lina 2014, Shinta 2012] with
the purpose of . .
Many attempts have been made [Budi 2013, Lina 2014, Shinta 2012]
aimed at
j) Several studies, for example/instance [1], [3], and [5], have been carried
Several studies, for example/instance [1], [3], and [5], conducted.
Several studies, for example/instance [1], [3], and [5], performed on X.
k) More recent evidence [Bambang, 2013] shows that
More recent evidence [Bambang, 2013] suggests that
More recent evidence [Bambang, 2013] highlights that
More recent evidence [Bambang, 2013] reveals that
More recent evidence [Bambang, 2013] proposes that

Tips#12. Beberapa Pernyataan Penting Dari Peneliti Lain

Dalam membahas literature study, beberapa penelitian mungkin memiliki

satu atau dua point penting yang menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Frase-frase di
bawah ini dapat digunakan untuk menyoroti pernyataan khusus dari peneliti lain.

a) Bambang [6], an authority on X, notes that

Bambang [6], an authority on X, mentions that
Bambang [6], an authority on X, highlights that
Bambang [6], an authority on X, states that
Bambang [6], an authority on X, affirms that
b) In her analysis of X, Bambang [2] questions the need for
In her review of X, Bambang [2] questions the need for
In her overview of X, Bambang [2] questions the need for
In her critique of X, Bambang [2] questions the need for
c) In his introduction to X, Bambang [3] shows that
In his seminal article on X, Bambang [3] shows that
In his investigation into X, Bambang [3] shows that
d) Dewi [4] developed on a new method for X and concluded that
Dewi [4] reported on a new method for X and concluded that
e) Indo Risets group [5] calls into question some past assumptions about X.
Indo Risets group [5] calls into question some past hypotheses about X.
Indo Risets group [5] calls into question some past theories about X.
f) She questions whether [or not] X can
She wonders whether [or not] X can
She considers whether [or not] X can
She investigates whether [or not] X can
g) He traces the advances in X.
He traces the development of X.
He traces the history of X.
He traces the evolution of X.
h) They draw our attention to X.
They draw our focus on X.

i) She concludes that

She underlines that
She comes to the conclusion that
She reaches the conclusion that
j) Lee [2014] lists several reasons for
Lee [2014] outlines several reasons for
Lee [2014] describes several reasons for
Lee [2014] provides several reasons for
k) His theory is based on
His solution is based on
His proposal is based on
His method is based on
His approach is based on
l) They make a distinction between
They draw a distinction between
m) He claims that
He argues that
He maintains that
He suggests that
He points out that

Tips#13. Kontribusi Dari Peneliti Lain

Lupa untuk mengutip kontribusi hasil penelitian orang lain dapat berujung
pada tuduhan tindakan plagiat. Untuk menghindari hal yang tidak diinginkan
tersebut, Anda harus mengutip kontribusi dari peneliti lain baik itu berupa hanya
berupa asumsi, model, formulasi rumus, atau metodologi tertentu.
Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menyertakan
hasil kontribusi peneliti lain dalam tulisan Anda.

a) The equations given in [4] are accurate.

The equations given in [4] are comprehensive.
b) Budis [2] use of X is fully justified by experience.
Budis [2] use of X is very plausible by experience.
Budis [2] use of X is endorsed by experience.
c) It has been suggested [5] that and this seems to be a reliable approach

It has been suggested [5] that and this seems to be a useful approach
It has been suggested [5] that and this seems to be a innovative
d) Budis [3] assumptions seem to be realistic
Budis [3] assumptions seem to be well-founded
Budis [3] assumptions seem to be well-grounded
Budis [3] assumptions seem to be plausible
Budis [3] assumptions seem to be reasonable
Budis [3] assumptions seem to be acceptable.

Tips#14. Keterbatasan Penelitian Sebelumnya (Nama Peneliti

Tidak Disebutkan)

Perbaikan demi perbaikan adalah karakteristik utama yang ada di dalam

dunia ilmu pengetahuan. Sebuah model atau metode yang diterima dengan baik
pada satu massa akan menjadi suatu pendekatan yang ketinggalan zaman di
periode tertentu. Lewat perbaikan yang berkelanjutan inilah science dan teknologi
terus mengalami perbaikan dan pengembangan yang mengagumkan. Oleh karena
itu, keterbatasan yang ada pada penelitian sebelumnya adalah sebuah keniscayaan.
Meskipun demikian, kekurangan tersebut perlu dibahas agar penelitian di masa
depan tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
membahas keterbatasan penelitian sebelumnya tanpa menyebutkan nama

a) A well-known criticism of X is
Major criticism of X is
Serious criticism of X is
b) Research has tended to focus on X rather than Y. An additional problem is
Research has tended to focus on X rather than Y. Moreover X is
c) The main limitation of X is
The main downside of X is
The main disadvantage of X is
The main pitfall of X is
The main shortfall of X is
d) One of the major drawbacks to adopting this system is
One of the major drawbacks to using this system is
One of the major drawbacks to exploiting this system is

e) This is something of a pitfall . . .

This is something of disadvantage
f) A key problem with much of the literature on X is that
A key problem with much of the literature regarding X is that
A key problem with much of the literature in relation to X is that
g) This raises many questions about whether X should be used for
This raises many questions as to whether X should be used for
This raises many questions regarding whether X should be used for
h) One question/issue that needs to be asked is
One question/issue that needs to be raised is
i) There is still considerable ambiguity with regard to
There is still considerable disagreement with regard to
There is still considerable uncertainty with regard to
j) Many experts contend, however, that this evidence is not conclusive.
Many experts contend, instead, that this evidence is not conclusive.
Many experts contend, on the other hand, that this evidence is not
k) A related hypothesis holds that X is equal to Y, suggesting/indicating that

A related hypothesis maintains that X is equal to Y, suggesting/indicating

l) Other observations indicate that this explanation is insufficient
Other observations would seem to suggest that this explanation is
m) Unfortunately, it does not explain why
Unfortunately, it fails to explain why
Unfortunately, it neglects to explain why
n) This method suffers from a number of pitfalls.
This method suffers from series of pitfalls.
This method suffers from plethora of pitfalls.

Tips#15. Keterbatasan Penelitian Sebelumnya (Nama Peneliti


Seperti telah disebutkan pada bab sebelumnya tentang keharusan

membahas keterbatasan penelitian terdahulu. Berikut ini adalah beberapa frase
yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membahas kekurangan pada penelitian
sebelumnya dengan menyebutkan nama penelitinya.

a) Their approach is not well suited to . . .

Their approach is not well appropriate for . . .
Their approach is not well suitable for
b) Lina [3] claimed that X is, but she failed to provide adequate proof of this
Lina [3] contended that X is, but she failed to provide adequate proof of
this finding.
c) Bambangs findings do not seem to support his conclusions.
Bambangs findings do not appear to support his conclusions.
d) This has led authors such as Budi [32], Dewi [34] and Shinta [35] to
This has led authors for example Budi [32], Dewi [34] and Shinta [35] to
This has led authors for instance Budi [32], Dewi [34] and Shinta [35] to
e) The shortcomings of their method have been clearly recognized.
The pitfalls of their method have been clearly recognized.
The flaws of their method have been clearly recognized.
f) A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that
A serious limitation with this argument, however, is that
A serious drawback with this argument, however, is that
g) X is the major flaw in their experiments.
X is the major drawback to their experiments.
X is the major disadvantage of their experiments.

h) The major defect in their experiments is that they entail tedious

calculations with regard to
The major defect in their experiments is that they entail repetitive
calculations with regard to . . .
The major defect in their experiments is that they entail time-consuming
calculations with regard to . . .
The major defect in their experiments is that they entail laborious
calculations with regard to . . .
The major defect in their experiments is that they entail labor-intensive
calculations with regard to . . .
i) Such an unreasonable assumption can lead to serious/grave consequences
with regard to
Such an unjustified assumption can lead to serious/grave consequences
with regard to
Such an inappropriate assumption can lead to serious/grave consequences
with regard to
Such an unsuitable assumption can lead to serious/grave consequences
with regard to
Such an misleading assumption can lead to serious/grave consequences
with regard to
j) Their claims seem to be somewhat exaggerated . . .
Their claims seem to be somewhat inaccurate . . .
Their claims seem to be somewhat unreliable . . .
Their claims seem to be somewhat speculative . . .
Their claims seem to be somewhat superficial . . .

k) In our view, their findings are only conjectures/speculations based on

unjustified assumptions.
In our view, their findings are only conjectures/speculations based on
ambivalent assumptions.
In our view, their findings are only conjectures/speculations based on
unsatisfactory assumptions.
In our view, their findings are only conjectures/speculations based on
implausible assumptions.
In our view, their findings are only conjectures/speculations based on
unsubstantiated assumptions.
l) Their explanations are superficial.
Their explanations are impenetrable.
Their explanations are doubtful.
Their explanations are confusing.
Their explanations are misleading.
Their explanations are irrelevant.

m) Their paper might have been more

interesting/innovative/useful/convincing/persuasive if
Their work might have been more
interesting/innovative/useful/convincing/persuasive if
Their study might have been more
interesting/innovative/useful/convincing/persuasive if
Their research might have been more
interesting/innovative/useful/convincing/persuasive if
Their approach might have been more
interesting/innovative/useful/convincing/persuasive if
Their findings might have been more
interesting/innovative/useful/convincing/persuasive if
Their results might have been more
interesting/innovative/useful/convincing/persuasive if
n) Their attempts to do X are cumbersome
Their attempts to do X are unnecessarily complicated
Their attempts to do X are financially unfeasible
o) Another weakness is
An additional weakness is
p) The main weakness in their study is that they make no attempt to
The main weakness in their study is that they offer no explanation for
The main weakness in their study is that they overlook
q) Their experiments were marred by X.
Their experiments were flawed by X.
Their experiments were undermined by X.
r) An even greater source of concern is
An even greater source of issue is
An even greater source of problem is

Tips#16. Gunakan Pendapat Orang Lain Untuk Mendukung

Pernyataan Anda

Meraih dukungan dengan cara mengutip pendapat orang lain untuk

mendukung pernyataan Anda adalah cara jitu untuk menguatkan hipotesis yang
Anda buat. Semakin banyak pendapat dari peneliti lain yang Anda cantumkan,
semakin kuat pula hipotesis Anda, apalagi kutipan tersebut berasal dari peneliti
kelas dunia. Namun perlu diingat, sebuah publikasi karya ilmiah yang memiliki
inovasi baru justru biasanya memiliki sedikit atau bahkan tidak ada sama sekali
kutipan pendapat dari peneliti lain yang menguatkan pernyataannya. Justru
peneliti tersebutlah yang pendapatnya akan banyak digunakan oleh peneliti lain.
Berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
menggunakan pendapat orang lain untuk mendukung pernyataan Anda.

a) Budi [2010] has already noted an inconsistency with Lees claim . . .

Budi [2010] has already noted an inconsistency with Lees methodology . .
Budi [2010] has already noted an inconsistency with Lees method . . .
Budi [2010] has already noted an inconsistency with Lees results . . .
Budi [2010] has already noted an inconsistency with Lees approach
b) As mentioned by Lee [2011], Budis argument relies too heavily on
As mentioned by Lee [2011], Budis approach relies too heavily on
As mentioned by Lee [2011], Budis reasoning relies too heavily on
c) As others have highlighted [4, 5, 6], Budis approach raises many doubts .
As others have highlighted [4, 5, 6], Budis approach is questionable
d) Several authors/experts/researchers/analysts have expressed doubts about
Lee on the grounds that
Several authors/experts/researchers/analysts have called into question
doubts about Lee on the grounds that . . .

Several authors/experts/researchers/analysts have challenged doubts about

Lee on the grounds that . . .
e) Bambangs approach [2013] has not escaped criticism and has been
strongly/vigorously challenged.
Bambangs approach [2013] has been subjected to much criticism and has
been strongly/vigorously challenged.
f) Many experts now contend that rather than using Alis approach it might
be more useful to
Many experts now believe that rather than using Alis approach it might be
more useful to
Many experts now argue that rather than using Alis approach it might be
more useful to
g) Their analysis has not found general acceptance
Their analysis has not met with general acceptance
Their analysis has not received general acceptance
h) The most well-known critic of Budis findings is who argued that an
alternative explanation might be that/could be found in
The most well-known critic of Budis findings is proposed that an
alternative explanation might be that/could be found in
The most well-known critic of Budis findings is suggested that an
alternative explanation might be that/could be found in
i) Some recent criticisms of on Bambangs work are summarized in [15].
Some recent critical comments on Bambangs work are summarized in

Tips#17. Metode Yang Anda Gunakan

Terdapat mungkin puluhan atau bahkan ratusan metode untuk melakukan
satu jenis penilitian saja. Pada bagian ini, Anda bukan hanya perlu menyebutkan
metode yang Anda pilih, namun Anda juga harus menjelaskan mengapa Anda
memilih metode tersebut dibandingkan dengan metode-metode lainnya yang ada.
Sebutkan pula apa saja kelebihan-kelebihannya. Adapun dengan keterbatasannya,
Anda tidak perlu menjelaskannya pada bagian ini, Anda dapat menguraikan hal
tersebut secara singkat pada bagian asumsi.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
menjelaskan metode yang Anda gunakan.
a) In order to identify X
In order to understand X
In order to investigate X
In order to study X
In order to analyze X
b) To enable us to , we
To allow us to , we
c) To see whether
To determine whether
To check whether
To verify whether
To determine whether
d) To control for X, Y was done.
To test for X, Y was done.
e) So that we could we
So that we would be able to do X, we
f) In an attempt to do X, we
In an effort to do X, we
g) X was done order to
We did X in order to

Tips#18. Kesamaan Sistem atau Model dengan Peneliti Lain

Antara satu penelitian dengan penelitian lainnya mungkin memiliki

kesamaan dalam beberapa hal. Untuk menghindari tuduhan terhadap tindakan
menjiplak karya orang lain. Alangkah bijaknya jika Anda menjelaskan di awal
tentang kesaamaan sistem atau model dengan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh
peneliti lain.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
memberikan penjelasan tentang kesamaan sistem atau model dengan peneliti lain.

a) The set up we used can be found in [Ref 2].

The set up we used is reported in [Ref 2].
The set up we used is detailed in [Ref 2].
b) Our experimental set up bears a close resemblance to the one proposed by
Kim [2014].
Our experimental set up is reminiscent of the one proposed by Kim
Our experimental set up is based on the one proposed by Kim [2014].
Our experimental set up is a variation on the one proposed by Kim [2014].
Our experimental set up was inspired by the one proposed by Kim [2014].
Our experimental set up owes a lot to the one proposed by Kim [2014].
Our experimental set up is more or less identical to the one proposed by
Kim [2014].
Our experimental set up is practically the same as the one proposed by
Kim [2014].
c) We used a variation of Budis procedure. In fact, in our procedure we
We used a variation of Budis procedure. Specifically, in our procedure we

d) Our steps proceed very much in the same way as indicated in [Ref. 2].
Our steps follow what is indicated in [Ref. 2]. First,
e) The procedure used is as described by Bambang [2013].
The procedure used is as explained by Bambang [2013].

The procedure used is as reported by Bambang [2013].

The procedure used is as proposed by Bambang [2013].
f) The method is in line with a variation of that used by Budi [2009] with
some changes/modifications/alterations/adjustments.
The method is essentially the same as that used by Budi [2009] with some
g) We refined/altered/adapted/modified/revised the method used by Bambang
We refined/altered/adapted/modified/revised the method reported by
Bambang [2012].
We refined/altered/adapted/modified/revised the method suggested by
Bambang [2012].
We refined/altered/adapted/modified/revised the method explained by
Bambang [2012].
We refined/altered/adapted/modified/revised the method proposed by
Bambang [2012].
We refined/altered/adapted/modified/revised the method put forward by
Bambang [2012].
h) Our technique was loosely based on
Our technique was partially based on
Our technique was partly based on
Our technique was to some extent based on
i) More details can be found in our previous paper [5].
More details are givenin our previous paper [5].
j) This component is fully compliant with international norms.
This component is fully compliant with international regulations.
This component is fully compliant with international standards.

Tips#19. Alat dan Material Yang Anda Gunakan

Sama halnya dengan metodologi yang Anda gunakan. Alat, material, atau
instrumen yang Anda pilih dan gunakan juga harus dijelaskan secara jelas.
Kemampuan Anda menuliskan latar belakang penggunaan alat dan material
menunjukkan kapabilitas Anda sebagai peneliti.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat gunakan untuk
menjelaskan alat dan material yang Anda gunakan pada penelitan Anda.
a) The instrument used was
The instrument utilized was
The instrument adopted was
The instrument employed was
b) The apparatus consists of . . .
The apparatus is made up of . . .
The apparatus is composed of . . .
The apparatus is based on . . .
c) The device was designed in order to
The device was developed in order to
The device was set up in order to
d) X incorporates the latest technological advances.
X exploits the latest technological advances.
X makes use of the latest technological advances.
e) The system comes complete with a
The system is equipped with a
The system is fully integrated with a
The system is fitted with a
f) It is mounted on . . .
It is connected to . . .
It is attached to . . .
It is fastened to . . .
It is fixed to . . .
It is surrounded by . . .

It is covered with . . .
It is integrated into . . .
It is embedded onto . . .
It is encased in . . .
It is housed in . . .
It is aligned with
It is located in . . .
It is situated in . . .
It is positioned on .
g) X was obtained from PT. Indoteknik.
X was supplied by PT. Indoteknik.
h) X was kindly provided by Prof. Bambang.
X was kindly supplied by Prof. Bambang.

Tips#20. Tentang Software Yang Anda Gunakan

Untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang software atau perangkat lunak yang

Anda gunakan pada penelitian, frase-frase berikut ini dapat Anda gunakan.

a) The software application used to analyze the data was Software A

(Software A, Singapore).
The software program used to analyze the data was Software A (Software
A, Singapore).
The software package used to analyze the data was Software A (Software
A, Singapore).
b) The data were obtained using Software A.
The data were collected Software A.
c) Data management was performed by Software A.
Data analysis was performed using Software A.
d) X was carried out using Software A.
X was performed using Software A.
X was analyzed using Software A.
X was calculated using Software A.
X was determined using Software A.
e) Statistical significance was analyzed by using Software A.
Statistical significance was analyzed through the use of Software A.
f) We used commercially available software
We used a commercially available software package.
g) Free software, downloaded from, was used to
Free software, downloaded from, was adopted to

Tips#21. Modifikasi atau Perubahan Yang Anda Lakukan

Meskipun tidak harus lengkap, modifikasi dan perubahan yang Anda
lakukan pada penelitian Anda harus dijelaskan dengan singkat. Hal ini agar kaidah
keterbukaan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang berkelanjutan tetap
terjaga. Dengan menginformasikan modifikasi dan perubahan yang Anda lakukan,
hasil penelitian Anda dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Jika tidak, seandainya karya
ilmiah Anda telah berhasil dipublikasikan secara luas dan secara kebetulan ada
peneliti lain menggunakan metode dan cara yang sama namun mendapatkan hasil
yang berbeda. Anda akan menuai banyak kritikan dan pertentangan pada jurnaljurnal ilmiah di masa mendatang. Hal ini tentunya dapat merusak kredibilitas
seorang ilmuwan.
Berikut adalah beberapa frase-frase untuk menjelaskan tentang modifikasi
atau perubahan yang Anda lakukan pada penelitian Anda.
a) X was tailored for use with
X was customized for use with
b) X can easily be customized to suit all requirements.
X can easily be adapted to suit all requirements.
X can easily be modified to suit all requirements.
c) Measurements were taken using purpose-built equipment.
Measurements were taken using custom-built equipment.
Measurements were taken using customized equipment.
d) The apparatus was adapted as in [Ref] as follows:
The apparatus was adapted in accordance with [Ref] as follows:
e) The following changes were made:
The following modifications were made:
f) The resulting ad hoc device can . . .

The resulting ad hoc device is able to . . .

The resulting ad hoc device has the capacity to

Tips#22. Rumus, Persamaan, dan Teori Yang Anda Gunakan

Untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang rumus, persamaan, dan teori yang
Anda gunakan pada penelitian Anda, frase-frase di bawah ini dapat digunakan.

a) This problem can be outlined in terms of

This problem can be phrased in terms of
This problem can be posed in terms of
b) The problem is ruled by . . .
The problem is governed by . . .
The problem is related to . . .
The problem is correlated to
c) This theorem asserts that
This theorem states that
d) The resulting integrals/solution to X can be expressed as where Y stands
for ...
The resulting integrals/solution to X can be expressed as where Y denotes
for ...
The resulting integrals/solution to X can be expressed as where Y
identifies for ...
The resulting integrals/solution to X can be expressed as where Y is an
abbreviation for
e) By substituting into
Substituting into
Substitution into
f) Combining . . . we have that:
Integrating . . . we have that:
Eliminating . . . we have that:
g) Taking advantage of we
Exploiting we
Making use of X, we
h) On combining this result with X, we deduce that
On combining this result with X, we conclude that
i) Subtracting X from Y, we have that
Subtracting X from Y, we obtain that
Subtracting X from Y, we get that

j) Equation 6 shows that . . .

Equation 6 reveals that . . .
k) This gives the formal solution to be found
This allows a formal solution to be found
l) It may easily verified that
It may simply verified that
m) It is straightforward to verify that
It is easy to verify that
It is trivial to verify that
n) For the sake of simplicity, we
For reasons of space, we

Tip#23. Mengapa Anda Memilih Metode, Model, dan Alat

Tertentu Dibanding Yang Lainnya
Terdapat mungkin puluhan atau bahkan ratusan metode untuk melakukan
satu jenis penilitian saja. Pada bagian ini, Anda bukan hanya perlu menyebutkan
metode yang Anda pilih, namun Anda juga harus menjelaskan mengapa Anda
memilih metode tersebut dibandingkan dengan metode-metode lainnya yang ada.
Sebutkan pula apa saja kelebihan-kelebihannya. Adapun dengan keterbatasannya,
Anda tidak perlu menjelaskannya pada bagian ini, Anda dapat menguraikan hal
tersebut secara singkat pada bagian asumsi.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
menjelaskan metode yang Anda gunakan.

a) The aim/purpose of X is to do Y. Consequently we . . .

The aim/purpose of X is to do Y. As a result we . . .
The aim/purpose of X is to do Y. Therefore we . . .
The aim/purpose of X is to do Y. We thus
b) This method/model/system was chosen because it is one of the most
practical ways to
This method/model/system was chosen because it is one of the most
feasible ways to
This method/model/system was chosen because it is one of the most
economic ways to
This method/model/system was chosen because it is one of the most rapid
ways to
c) We chose this particular apparatus because . . .
We chose this particular apparatus on account of the fact that . . .
We chose this particular apparatus due to . . .
We chose this particular apparatus since
d) It was decided that the best procedure for this investigation/study was to
It was decided that the best method for this investigation/study was to

It was decided that the best equipment for this investigation/study was to
e) An X approach was chosen in order to
An X approach was selected in order to
f) The design of the X was based on towards
The design of the X is geared towards
g) We chose/opted for a small sample size because . . .
We chose/opted for a small sample due to . . .
We chose/opted for a small sample on the basis of
h) By having X, we were able to
By exploiting X, we were able to
Through the use of X, we were able to
i) Having an X enabled us to do Y.
Having an X allowed us to do Y.
Having an X meant that we could do Y.

Tips#24. Bagaimana Anda Menyiapkan Sampel & Bagaimana

Solusi Didapatkan
Pada setiap penelitian baik dalam ilmu science, engineering maupun social
study yang melibatkan percobaan di laboratorium atau survey lapangan, sampel
yang ada pada eksperimen tersebut harus dijelaskan bagaimana ia disiapkan dan
solusi yang didapatkan dari sampel tersebut.
Di baawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
menjelaskan bagaiman cara menyiapkan sampel dan bagaimana solusi didapatkan.
a) We used reliable techniques based on the recommendations of
We used innovative techniques based on the recommendations of
We used classic techniques based on the recommendations of
We used traditional techniques based on the recommendations of
b) X was prepared as described by Budi [2013].
X was prepared according to Budi [2013].
X was prepared following Budi [2013].
c) X was prepared in accordance with . . .
X was prepared in compliance with . . .
X was prepared as required by.
d) Y was prepared using the same procedure as for X.
Y was prepared using a similar procedure as for X.
e) All samples were carefully checked for
All samples were thoroughly checked for
f) X was gradually heated
X was slowly heated
X was rapidly heated
X was gently heated
g) The final solutions contained
The resulting solutions contained
h) This was done by means of a calculator.
This was done using a calculator.
This was done with a calculator.

Tips#25. Prosedur Pemilihan Sampel Yang Anda Gunakan

Selain menjelaskan bagaimana cara menyiapkan sampel, satu hal yang

penting untuk dijabarkan berikutnya adalah penjelasan prosedur pemilihan sampel
dan struktur. Untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang pendekatan dan kriteria apa
saja yang dipilih pada penelitian Anda, berikut ini adalah beberapa frase-frase
yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) The traditional approach to sample collection is to
The classical approach to sample collection is to
The normal approach to sample collection is to
The usual approach to sample collection is to
b) The criteria for selecting Xs were:
The reasons for selecting Xs were:
c) The sample was selected on the basis of X and Y.
The sample was subdivided on the basis of X and Y.
d) The initial sample consisted of . . .
The initial sample was made up . . .
The initial sample was composed of . . .
e) Approximately a half of the sample were
Just over a third of the sample were
Slightly under a quarter of the sample were
f) A total of 500 Xs were recruited for this study.
A total of 500 Xs were recruited for this survey.
A total of 500 Xs were recruited for for interviews.
g) At the beginning of the study, all of the participants were aged
At the beginning of the study, all of the subjects were aged
At the beginning of the study, all of the patients were aged
h) In all cases patients consent was obtained.
In all cases subjects consent was obtained.
In all cases participants consent was obtained.
i) Interviews were performed informally

Interviews were conducted informally

Interviews were carried out informally
j) The interviewees were divided into two groups based on/on the basis of
The interviewees were split into two groups based on/on the basis of
The interviewees were broken down into two groups based on/on the basis

Tips#26. Gunakan Past Tenses Untuk Menjelaskan Apa Yang

Telah Dilakukan Di Masa Lalu

Untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai penelitian yang telah dilakukan

di masa lalu, baik yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti lain maupun Anda sendiri,
pastikan Anda menggunakan past tenses dan bukan present tense. Berikut ini
adalah beberapa contoh yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) Initial studies were made using the conditions described above over/for a
period of
Initial studies were performed using the conditions described above over/for
a period of
Initial studies were done using the conditions described above over/for a
period of
Initial studies were carried out using the conditions described above over/for
a period of
Initial studies were executed using the conditions described above over/for
a period of
b) X was collected during the first/initial step.
X was used during the first/initial step.
X was tested during the first/initial step.
X was characterized during the first/initial step.
X was assessed during the first/initial step.
c) Prior to X, we did Y.
Before doing X, we did Y.
d) First we estimated the value of X, then/subsequently we studied/analyzed
evaluated Y
First we determined the value of X, then/subsequently we studied/analyzed
evaluated Y.
e) Once X had been done, we then did Y.
As soon as X had been done, we then did Y.
After X had been done, we then did Y.
f) The levels were thus set at
The levels were consequently set at
The levels were therefore set at

g) After, X was subjected to Y.

Afterwards, X was subjected to Y.
Following this, X was subjected to Y.
h) The resulting X was then
The remaining X was then
i) The experiment was then repeated under conditions in which
The experiment was then replicated under conditions in which
j) Finally, independent tests were performed on the
Finally, separate tests were performed on the
Finally, further tests were performed on the
Finally, additional tests were performed on the

Tips#27. Gunakan Present Tenses Untuk Menjelaskan Apa

Yang Telah Anda Lakukan

Pada beberapa kasus yang bersifat fakta atau ketetapan yang sudah
disepakati kebenarannya, Anda dapat menggunakan present tenses untuk
menjelaskan penelitian Anda meskipun hal tersebut telah terjadi di masa lampau.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) In the first step of the process
During the first phase of the process
In the initial stage of the process
b) Once X has been done, we can then do Y.
As soon as X has been done, we can then do Y.
After X has been done, we can then do Y.
c) This sets the stage for the next step.
We are now ready for the next step.
d) At this point X can be
Now X can be
e) After these steps have been carried out, X
When these steps have been carried out, X
As soon as these steps have been carried out, X
f) With the completion of these steps, we are now ready to
When these steps have been completed, we are now ready to
g) This condition cannot be reached until X has been
This condition cannot be reached unless X has been
h) When X is ready, the final adjustments can be made.
As soon as X is ready, the final adjustments can be made.
i) The completed X can now be used to
The completed X can then be used to
The completed X can subsequently be used to
j) By reducing the amount of X, Y can then be done.

If the amount of X is reduced, Y can then be done.

k) To reduce the risk of Y, place all the Xs in a container.
The risk of X can be reduced by placing all the Xs in a container.
l) The experiment proceeds following the steps outlined below.
The experiment continues following the steps outlined below.

Tips#28. Peringatkan Kepada Pembaca Agar Berhati-Hati

Dalam Melakukan Eksperimen

Pada beberapa kasus penelitian tertentu, perubahan kecil pada satu

variabel saja dapat memberikan pengaruh yang besar pada hasil akhir penelitian
Anda. Oleh karena itu, kehati-hatian dalam melakukan eksperimen perlu
diperhatikan dengan cermat.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
memberikan penjelsan kehati-hatian dalam melakukan eksperimen.

a) To do this entails doing X.

To do this involves doing X.
To do this requires doing X.
b) It is seldom practical to
It is rarely practical to
It is usually practical to
It is generally practical to
It is often practical to
It is always practical to
c) Considerable care are must be taken/exercised when
Great care are must be taken/exercised when
d) A great deal of attention must be paid when
Considerable attention must be paid when
e) Extreme caution must be taken when
Extreme caution must be used when

Tips#29. Apa Manfaat Metode dan Alat Yang Anda Gunakan?

Untuk memberikan gambaran dan menjelaskan tentang manfaat metode

dan alat yang Anda gunakan, beberapa frase di bawah ini dapat Anda gunakan.
a) This method represents a viable alternative to
This method represents a valuable alternative to
This method represents a useful alternative to
This method represents a groundbreaking alternative to
This method represents a innovative alternative to
b) This equipment has the ability to outperform all previous Xs.
This equipment has the capacity to outperform all previous Xs.
This equipment has the potential to outperform all previous Xs.
c) This apparatus has several/many interesting features.
This apparatus has several/many interesting characteristics.
d) Our method has many interesting applications.
Our method has many attractive applications.
Our method has many beneficial applications.
Our method has many useful applications.
Our method has many practical applications.
Our method has many effective applications.
Our method has many valuable applications.
e) Of particular interest is
Of major interest is
Of fundamental interest is
f) The key advantages are:
The basic advantages are:
The chief advantages are:
The crucial advantages are:
The decisive advantages are:
The essential advantages are:
The fundamental advantages are:
The important advantages are:
The main advantages are:
The major advantages are:
The principal advantages are:

g) Our procedure is a clear improvement on current methods.

Our procedure is a clear advance on current methods.
h) We believe this solution will aid researchers to
We believe this solution will assist researchers to
i) This solution improves on previous methods by
This solution enhances previous methods by
This solution furthers previous methods by
This solution advances previous methods by
j) The benefits in terms of X far outweigh the disadvantages with regard to Y.
The advantages in terms of X far outweigh the disadvantages with regard to

Tips#30. Adakah Pendekatan Alternatif?

Untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai beberapa pendekatan alternatif,

Anda dapat menggunakan beberapa frase di bawah ini.
a) A less lengthy is
A less time-consuming is
A less cumbersome is
A less costly approach is
b) A neater solution for this problem
A more elegant solution for this problem
A simplified solution for this problem
A more practical solution for this problem
c) An alternative solution, though with high overheads is
An alternative solution, though with slightly more complicated is
An alternative solution, though with less exhaustive is
d) One way to avoid the use of X is to use Y instead.
One possible way to avoid the use of X is to use Y instead.
A good way to avoid the use of X is to use Y instead.

Tips#31. Bagaimana Anda Mendapatkan Hasil Akhir?

Untuk menjelaskan bagaimana Anda mendapatkan hasil akhir dari suatu

analisa atau percobaan, di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase yang dapat Anda
a) To assess X was used.
To evaluate X was used.
To distinguish between X and Y, Z was used.
b) X analysis was used to test Y.
X analysis was used to predict Y.
X analysis was used to confirm Y.
c) Changes in X were identified using
Changes in X were calculated using
Changes in X were compared using
d) The correlation between X and Y was tested.
The difference between X and Y was tested.
e) The first set of analyses investigated the impact of
The first set of analyses examined the impact of
The first set of analyses confirmed the impact of
The first set of analyses highlighted the impact of

Tips#32. Hasil Kuesioner & Interview

Pada beberapa bidang tertentu, kuesioner dan interview adalah metode
yang dapat digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dan memetakan suatu informasi
yang ingin dianalisa. Untuk menjelaskan hasil kuesioner dan interview yang Anda
lakukan, di bawah ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) Of the study population, 90 subjects completed and returned the
Of the initial sample, 90 subjects completed and returned the questionnaire.
Of the initial cohort, 90 subjects completed and returned the questionnaire.
b) The response rate was 80% at six months and
The response rate was 80% after six months and
The response rate was 80% for the first six months and
c) The majority of respondents felt that .
The majority of those who responded felt that .
d) Over half of those surveyed/questioned reported that
Sixty per cent of those surveyed/questioned reported that
e) Almost two-thirds of the participants (63%) said/felt/commented that
Just under two-thirds of the participants (63%) said/felt/commented that
Approximately two-thirds of the participants (63%) said/felt/commented
f) Only of those interviewed suggested/indicated/reported that
Just a small number of those interviewed suggested/indicated/reported that

Fifteen per cent of those interviewed suggested/indicated/reported that

g) Of the 72 subjects who completed the questionnaire, just under half/over
replied that
Of the 72 subjects who took part in the survey, just under half/over replied
Of the 72 subjects who agreed to participate, just under half/over replied
h) A small minority of participants (7%) indicated
Hardly any participants (7%) indicated
Very few participants (7%) indicated

i) In response to Question 1, most of those surveyed indicated that

In response to Question 1, nearly all of those surveyed indicated that
In response to Question 1, the majority of those surveyed indicated that
j) When the subjects were asked about X the majority commented that .
When the subjects were questioned on X the majority commented that .
k) The overall response to this question was surprisingly negative.
The overall response to this question was unexpectedly negative.
The overall response to this question was very negative.
The overall response to this question was quite negative.

Tips#33. Apa Yang Anda Temukan?

Pada setiap penelitian baik dalam ilmu sosial maupun science dan
technology, setiap apa yang Anda temukan dan TIDAK temukan harus dijelaskan.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan
apa yang Anda temukan dalam penelitian atau percobaan Anda.
a) These tests revealed that
These tests showed that
These tests highlighted that
b) Strong evidence of X was found
Some evidence of X was found
No evidence of X was found
c) Interestingly, for high values of X, Y was found
Surprisingly, for high values of X, Y was found
Unexpectedly, for high values of X, Y was found
d) There was a significant positive correlation between
There was no correlation between
e) On average, we found values for X of
Generally speaking, we found values for X of
Broadly speaking, we found values for X of
f) The average score for X was
The mean score for X was
g) This result is significant only at an X level.
This result is significant exclusively at an X level.
h) Further analysis showed that
Further analyses showed that
Further tests showed that
Further examinations showed that
Further replications showed that

Tips#34. Apa Yang Tidak Anda Temukan?

Sebagaimana disebutkan pada bab sebelumnya bahwa setiap apa yang
ditemukan dan TIDAK ditemukan pada sebuah penelitian harus dijabarkan
dengan jelas. Walaupun terkesan menjelaskan sesuatu yang sia-sia, menjelaskan
sesuatu yang Anda tidak temukan tetap memiliki kontribusi yang cukup penting.
Dengan menjelaskan hal tersebut, Anda dengan tidak langsung memberikan
informasi kepada orang lain untuk mencari cara alternatif karena apa yang telah
Anda lakukan tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase yang dapat digunakan untuk
menjelaskan hal yang telah disebutkan di atas.
a) No significant difference/correlation
No significant difference/correlation
No significant difference/correlation
No significant difference/correlation
No significant difference/correlation
No significant difference/correlation

was found between .

was identified between .
was revealed between .
was detected between .
was observed between .
was highlighted between .

b) There were no significant differences between X and Y in terms of Z.

There were no significant differences between X and Y with regard to Z.
There were no significant differences between X and Y as far as Z is
c) The analysis did not show any significant differences between
The analysis did not reveal any significant differences between
The analysis did not identify any significant differences between
The analysis did not confirm any significant differences between
d) None of these differences were statistically significant.
Not one of these differences was statistically significant.
e) Overall, our results show X did not affect Y.
Taken as a whole, our results show X did not affect Y.
Generally speaking, our results show X did not affect Y.
With a few exceptions, our results show X did not affect Y.

Tips#35. Tekankan Hasil Signifikan Dari Penelitian Anda

Setiap riset pasti memiliki beberapa hasil yang menjawab tujuan awal
mengapa studi tersebut dilakukan. Di antara hasil-hasil tersebut, tidak semuanya
mempunyai kontribusi yang signifikan. Untuk memberikan penekan hasil
penelitian Anda yang cukup penting, berikut ini adalah beberapa frase yang dapat
Anda gunakan.
a) The most striking result to emerge from the data is that
The most remarkable result to emerge from the data is that
b) Interestingly, this correlation is related to .
Curiously, this correlation is related to .
Remarkably, this correlation is related to .
Inexplicably, this correlation is related to .
c) Significantly, X is
Importantly, X is
Crucially, X is
Critically, X is
d) The correlation between X and Y is interesting because
The correlation between X and Y is of interest because
The correlation between X and Y is worth noting because
The correlation between X and Y is noteworthy because
The correlation between X and Y is worth mentioning because
e) The most surprising correlation is with the
The most remarkable correlation is with the
The most intriguing correlation is with the
f) The single most striking observation to emerge from the data was
The single most conspicuous observation to emerge from the data was
The single most marked observation to emerge from the data was
g) It is interesting to note that
It is critical to note that
It is crucial to note that
It is important to note that
It is fundamental to note that

h) We believe that this is the first time that X

As far as we know this is the first time that X
As far as we aware this is the first time that X
i) We believe that the result emphasizes the validity of our model.
We are of the opinion that the result emphasizes the validity of our model.
In our view the result emphasizes the validity of our model.
j) This result has further strengthened our confidence in X . . .
This result has further strengthened our conviction that X is . . .
This result has further strengthened our hypothesis that X is . . .
k) Our technique shows a clear has an advantage over
Our technique clearly has an advantage over
l) The importance of X cannot be stressed too much.
The importance of X cannot be emphasized too much.
m) This underlines just how important X is.
This highlights just how important X is.
This stresses just how important X is.
This proves just how important X is.
This demonstrates just how important X is.
n) The utility of X is thus underlined.
The utility of X is thus highlighted.
The utility of X is thus stressed.
The utility of X is thus proved.
The utility of X is thus demonstrated.
o) This finding confirms the usefulness of X as a
This finding points to the usefulness of X as a
This finding highlights the usefulness of X as a
This finding reinforces the usefulness of X as a
This finding validates the usefulness of X as a
p) Our study provides additional support for X.
Our study provides further evidence for X.
Our study provides considerable insight into X.
q) These results extend our knowledge of X.
These results further our knowledge of X.
These results widen our knowledge of X.
r) These results offer compelling evidence for

These results offer indisputable evidence for

These results offer crucial evidence for
These results offer overwhelming evidence for
These results offer powerful evidence for
These results offer invaluable evidence for
These results offer unprecedented evidence for
These results offer unique evidence for
These results offer vital evidence for

Tips#36. Apakah Penelitian Anda Sejalan Dengan Penelitian


Jika Anda memulai suatu riset di bidang yang sangat baru dimana belum
ada satu orangpun di dunia yang melakukannya, hasil penelitian Anda mungkin
akan memberikan inspirasi bagi banyak orang di seluruh dunia, baik itu berhasil
maupun gagal. Namun yang sering dan banyak terjadi adalah kita melakukan
sebuah penelitian yang merupakan pengembangan dari riset-riset sebelumnya.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian seperti itu tidaklah berdiri sendiri. Seorang peneliti
harus menjelaskan dimana posisi penelitiannya saat ini, apakah sejalan dengan
riset sebelumnya atau justru ia mendapatkan hasil yang kontradiksi.
Untuk menjelaskan apakah penelitian yang Anda lakukan sejalan
beriringan dengan penelitian sebelumnya, berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat
a) Our experiments confirm previous results [Bambang 2012].
Our experiments corroborate previous results [Bambang 2012].
Our experiments are in line with previous results [Bambang 2012].
Our experiments are consistent with previous results [Bambang 2012].
b) The values are barely distinguishable from [Tina 2010] who
The values are scarcely distinguishable from [Tina 2010] who
The values are hardly distinguishable from [Tina 2010] who
c) This value has been found to be typical of X.
This value is typical of X.
d) This is in good agreement with
This is in complete agreement with
This is consistent with
e) This fits with [5] and also confirms our earlier/previous findings [9].

This matches with [5] and also confirms our earlier/previous findings [9].
This concurs well with [5] and also confirms our earlier/previous findings [9].
f) This confirms previous findings in the literature
This supports previous findings in the literature
This lends support to previous findings in the literature
This substantiates previous findings in the literature
g) These values correlate favorably with Budi [2009] and further support the
idea/role/concept of
These values correlate satisfactorily with Budi [2009] and further support the
idea/role/concept of
These values correlate fairly well with Budi [2009] and further support the
idea/role/concept of
h) Further tests carried out with X confirmed with our initial findings.
Further tests carried out with X corroborated with our initial findings.
Further tests carried out with X concurred with our initial findings.
i) As proposed by Budi [2011], the evidence we found points to
As suggested by Budi [2011], the evidence we found points to
As reported by Budi [2011], the evidence we found points to
As indicated by Budi [2011], the evidence we found points to
As put forward by Budi [2011], the evidence we found points to
j) Our results share a number of similarities with Budi et al.s [2012] findings
Our results have a number of similarities with Budi et al.s [2012] findings

Tips#37. Apakah Penelitian Anda Berlawanan Dengan

Penelitian Sebelumnya?

Perbedaan bukanlah suatu aib yang harus ditutupi dalam sebuah penelitian.
Bukan pula ia harus dimanipulasi agar menjadi sama dengan hasil penelitian
lainnya. Selama metode dan seluruh proses penelitian yang Anda lakukan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan, perbedaan justru akan berkontribusi terhadap bidang
ilmu yang Anda geluti. Bisa jadi hal itu justru akan menginspirasi peneliti lain
untuk melakukan penelitian yang sama. Berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat
Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan mengapa penelitian Anda memberikan hasil
yang berbeda dengan penelitian-penelitian sejenis sebelumnya.
a) It was found that X = 2, whereas Bambang [2011] found that
It was found that X = 2, on the other hand Bambang [2011] found that
b) We found much higher values for X than those reported by Ali [2010].
We found much higher values for X with respect to those reported by Ali
c) Although that Li and Budi [2014] found that X = 2 we found that X = 3.
Despite the fact that Li and Budi [2014] found that X = 2 we found that X =
d) In contrast to with earlier findings [Bambang, 2009], we
Contradiction with earlier findings [Bambang, 2009], we
e) This study has not confirmed previous research on X. However,
serves to
This study has not confirmed previous research on X. Nevertheless, it serves
This study has not confirmed previous research on X. Despite this, it serves
f) Even though these results differ from some published studies (Ali, 2011;
Budi, 2012),they are consistent with those of

Even though these results differ from previous published studies (Ali, 2011;
Budi, 2012),they are consistent with those of
Even though these results differ from earlier published studies (Ali, 2011;
Budi, 2012),they are consistent with those of
g) Budi et al. noted that x = y. Our results do not support their observation, in
Budi et al. noted that x = y. Our results do not appear to corroborate their
observation, in fact
Budi et al. noted that x = y. Our results do not seem to confirm their
observation, in fact
h) Bambang is correct to argue that x = y.
Bambang is correct to propose that x = y.
Bambang is correct to claim that x = y.
i) However, his calculation only referred to the limited case of . and our
conclusion of x = z, would thus seem to be justified.
However, his calculation only referred to the limited case of . and our
conclusion of x = z, would thus seem to be justifiable.
However, his calculation only referred to the limited case of . and our
conclusion of x = z, would thus seem to be defensible.
However, his calculation only referred to the limited case of . and our
conclusion of x = z, would thus seem to be correct.
However, his calculation only referred to the limited case of . and our
conclusion of x = z, would thus seem to be acceptable.
However, his calculation only referred to the limited case of . and our
conclusion of x = z, would thus seem to be warranted.
j) Although our results differ slightly from those of Budi [2001], and Bambang
[2007], it can/could nevertheless be argued that
Although our results differ to some extent from those of Budi [2001], and
Bambang [2007], it can/could nevertheless be argued that
Although our results differ considerably from those of Budi [2001], and
Bambang [2007], it can/could nevertheless be argued that
k) Our findings do not support previous research in this area.
The current study does not support previous research in this area.
l) In fact, contrary to what was previously thought, we found that
In fact, unlike what was previously thought, we found that
In fact, in contrast with what was previously thought, we found that
m) These findings refute previous results reported in the literature.
These findings disprove previous results reported in the literature.
These findings are in contradiction with previous results reported in the

These findings contrast with previous results reported in the literature.

These findings significantly differ from previous results reported in the

Tips#38. Dukungan Dari Peneltian Lain Terhadap Hasil

Penelitian Anda
Seperti telah dijelaskan pada bab sebelumnya bahwa perbedaan hasil
penelitian yang Anda lakukan dengan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya bukanlah
sesuatu yang harus dipaksakan untuk menjadi sama. Sebaliknya, jika ternyata
hasil penelitian Anda banyak memiliki kesamaan dengan hasil penelitian yang
telah dilakukan para peneliti lain. Anda dapat menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk
mengkonfirmasi atau menguatkan hasil penelitian Anda. Di bawah ini adalah
beberapa yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mendukung hasil penelitian Anda dari
output penelitian orang lain.
a) As expected, our experiments show/demonstrate/prove that
As anticipated, our experiments show/demonstrate/prove that
As predicted, our experiments show/demonstrate/prove that
As forecast, our experiments show/demonstrate/prove that
As hypothesized, our experiments show/demonstrate/prove that
b) Our formula captures the response of
Our formula reproduces the response of
c) Apart from this slight discordance, the result is confirmation of
Apart from this slight discrepancy, the result is confirmation of
Apart from this slight disagreement, the result is confirmation of
Apart from this slight non-alignment, the result is confirmation of
d) Despite the lack of agreement, we believe our findings compare well with
Notwithstanding the lack of agreement, we believe our findings compare well
e) Although there was some inconsistency
Even though there was some inconsistency
Despite the fact that there was some inconsistency
f) There is satisfactory agreement between
There is good agreement between

There is exceptional agreement between

There is perfect agreement between
g) No significant differences were found
No substantial differences were found
No appreciable differences were found
No noteworthy differences were found
h) Our findings appear to be well substantiated by
Our findings appear to be well supported by
i) The number of Xs that confirmed our findings was appreciable.
The number of Xs that confirmed our findings was significant.
The number of Xs that confirmed our findings was substantial.

Tips#39. Berhati-Hati Dalam Menterjemahkan Hasil Penelitian

Mengingatkan para pembaca agar berhati-hati untuk menterjemahkan hasil
penelitian Anda adalah satu praktek yang mulai banyak ditinggalkan oleh banyak
penulis karya ilmiah. Meskipun demikian, hal ini merupakan satu pembahasan
yang penting untuk disertakan.
Pada sebuah riet atau studi, jumlah sampel yang kurang, versi perangkat
lunak atau software yang sudah ketinggalan zaman, dan berbagai keterbatasan
lainnya dapat mempengaruhi hasil penelitian. Oleh karena itu, peringatan kepada
pembaca agar berhati-hati dalam menterjemahkan hasil penelitian Anda adalah
hal yang cukup bijaksana untuk dituliskan. Berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat
Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan hal tersebut.
a) Initially we thought that x was equal to y. However, a more careful analysis
revealed that
Initially we thought that x was equal to y. However, a more closer inspection
revealed that
b) These results thus need to be interpreted with caution/care/attention.
These data thus need to be interpreted with caution/care/attention.
These findings thus need to be interpreted with caution/care/attention.
c) The conclusions of the review should be treated with caution.
The conclusions of the review should be interpreted
The conclusions of the review should be analyzed
The conclusions of the review should be read
d) However, due care must be exercised/paid in
However, careful attention must be exercised/paid in
However, extreme caution must be exercised/paid in
e) Given that our findings are based on a limited number of Xs, the results
from such analyses should thus be treated with considerable/the utmost

Given that our findings are based on a limited number of Xs, the results
from such analyses should consequently be treated with considerable/the
utmost caution.
Given that our findings are based on a limited number of Xs, the results
from such analyses should therefore be treated with considerable/the utmost
f) Other researchers have sounded a note of caution with regard to such
We should sound a note of caution with regard to such findings.

Tips#40. Hasil Penelitian Anda Yang Tidak Diharapkan

Hasil eksperimen tidak selamanya memberikan hasil yang memuaskan,
terkadang terdapat beberapa hasil temuan atau percobaan yang mengecewakan.
Untuk memberikan penjelasan terhadap hasil penelitian yang tidak memuaskan,
Anda dapat menggunakan beberapa frase-frase di bawah ini.
a) As was expected, our findings were often contradictory
As might have been expected, our findings were often contradictory
b) Contrary to expectations,we did not find a significant difference between
Unlike other research carried out in this area, we did not find a significant
difference between
c) Our results were disappointing. However,
Our results were poor. However,
Our results were inadequate. However,
Our results were unsatisfactory. However,
Our results were below expectations. However,
d) Our study was unsuccessful in proving that
Our study was not successful in proving that
e) Our research failed to account for the low values of
Our research failed to justify
Our research failed to explain
Our research failed to give an explanation for
Our research failed to give a reason for
f) Surprisingly, no signs of X were/evidence for X was found.
Unfortunately, no signs of X were/evidence for X was found.
Disappointingly, no signs of X were/evidence for X was found.
Regrettably, no signs of X were/evidence for X was found.
g) What is surprising is the fact that
What we were surprised to find is the fact that
What we are unable to account for is the fact that
h) A substantial disagreement is evident.
A appreciable disagreement is evident.
A noticeable disagreement is evident.

i) The X appears to be over-predicted

The X appears to be overestimated
The X appears to be overstated
j) This number is slightly lower than the value we expected and there is
certainly room for improvement
This number is slightly lower than the value we anticipated and there is
certainly room for improvement
This number is slightly lower than the value we predicted and there is
certainly room for improvement

Tips#41. Keterbatasan Cakupan Penelitian Anda

Setiap riset memiliki fokus yang spesifik. Ruang lingkup studi yang terlalu
luas memerlukan waktu dan resources yang sangat banyak. Oleh sebab itu,
keterbatasan adalah sebuah hal yang wajar dalam suatu penelitian. Meskipun
demikian, kita tidak dapat menjadikan limitasi tersebut menjadi sebuah excuse
terhadap kekurangan yang terdapat pada penelitian kita.
Untuk menjelaskan keterbatasan cakupan penelitian Anda, berikut ini
adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) We aware that our research may have two limitations. The first is/the second
b) These limitations highlight the difficulty of collecting data on .
These limitations reveal the difficulty of collecting data on .
These limitations underline the difficulty of collecting data on .
These limitations are evidence of the difficulty of collecting data on .
c) It is plausible that a number of limitations may have influenced the results
It is plausible that a number of limitations might have influenced the results
It is plausible that a number of limitations could have influenced the results
d) First possible source of error is
To begin with possible source of error is
An additional possible source of error is
Another possible source of error is
e) Since/given that/as the focus of the study was on X, there is a possibility
that dissimilar evaluations would have arisen if the focus had been on Y.
Since/given that/as the focus of the study was on X, there is some likelihood
that dissimilar evaluations would have arisen if the focus had been on Y.
Since/given that/as the focus of the study was on X, it is not inconceivable
that dissimilar evaluations would have arisen if the focus had been on Y.
f) The restricted use of X could account for . . .
The restricted use of X be the reason for . . .

The restricted use of X explain why . . .

g) There are several sources for possible error.
There are several causes of possible error.
There are several reasons for possible error.
h) A major source of unreliability is in the method used to
A major source of uncertainty is in the method used to
A major source of contamination is in the method used to
i) Unfortunately, it was not possible to investigate the significant relationships
of X and Y further because/due to the fact that Z is
Unfortunately, we were unable to investigate the significant relationships of
X and Y further because/due to the fact that Z is
j) Inevitably, there were some discrepancies/inaccuracies/problems due to
Not surprisingly, there were some discrepancies/inaccuracies/problems due
As expected, there were some discrepancies/inaccuracies/problems due to

As anticipated, there were some discrepancies/inaccuracies/problems due to

k) The performance was rather disappointing. This was probably as a result of

The performance was slightly disappointing. This was probably as a result of

The performance was a little disappointing. This was probably as a result of

l) One downside regarding our methodology is that

One disadvantage regarding our methodology is that
One negative factor regarding our methodology is that
m) Further data collection is required to determine exactly how X affects Y.
Further data collection would be needed to determine exactly how X affects

Tips#42. Alasan Terhadap Hasil Yang Tidak Diharapkan

Hasil akhir yang jauh dari harapan bukanlah akhir dari segalanya. Bahkan
bisa jadi hasil penelitian yang kurang memuaskan dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi
peneliti lain untuk mencoba cara dan pendekatan yang lebih baik atau minimal
tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama.
Meskipun demikian, Anda perlu memberikan alasan terhadap hasil yang
tidak diharapkan tersebut. Apa saja faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya
hasil tersebut. Berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
menjelaskan tentang hasil penelitian yang tidak diharapkan.
a) It is very likely that participants may have erroneously
It is probable that participants may have erroneously
It is possible that participants may have erroneously
b) and this may have led to changes in
and this may have brought about changes in
c) The prime cause of the discrepancy is due to/a result of/a consequence of X.
The primary cause of the discrepancy is due to/a result of/a consequence of
The foremost cause of the discrepancy is due to/a result of/a consequence
of X.
d) This apparent lack of correlation can be attributed to . . .
This apparent lack of correlation can be explained by . . .
This apparent lack of correlation can be justified by . . .
e) The reason for this rather contradictory result is still not entirely/completely
clear, but There are several possible explanations for this result.
The reason for this rather contradictory result is still not entirely/completely
clear, but There are several possible explanations for this finding.
The reason for this rather contradictory result is still not entirely/completely
clear, but There are several possible explanations for this outcome.
f) These differences can be explained in part by
These differences can be justified in part by
These differences can be accounted for in part by

g) It can thus be suggested that

It can thus be conceivably hypothesized that
It can thus be reasonably assumed that
h) The unexpectedly high/low level of X is undoubtedly due to
The unexpectedly high/low level of X is certainly due to
The unexpectedly high/low level of X is without any doubt due to
i) A possible explanation for X may be that .
A reasonable explanation for X may be that .
A satisfactory explanation for X may be that .
j) Another possible explanation for this is that
Another possible rationalization for this is that
Another possible reason for this is that
k) Clearly there may be other possible explanations.
Evidently there may be other possible explanations.
Naturally there may be other possible explanations.
l) This happened because we had not examined X sufficiently/in enough depth
due to
This occurred because we had not examined X sufficiently/in enough depth
due to
This may have happened because we had not examined X sufficiently/in
enough depth due to
This may have occurred because we had not examined X sufficiently/in
enough depth due to
m) The reasons for this result are not yet wholly understood.
The reasons for this result are not yet completely understood.
The reasons for this result are not yet entirely understood.
n) It cannot be ruled out that there was some unintended bias in
It cannot be ignored that there was some unintended bias in
o) An unintended bias cannot be ruled out consideration.
An unintended bias should be taken into consideration.
p) We cannot rule out that X might have influenced Y.
We cannot rule out that X may have influenced Y.
q) The observed increase in X could be attributed to being a result of
The observed increase in X might be explained by it being a result of
The observed increase in X could be interpreted as being a result of

r) Despite the fact that X was expected to do Y, it was not predicted that X
would also do Z.
Although X was expected to do Y, it was not predicted that X would also do
s) However, this is not particularly surprising that
However, this is not particularly given the fact that
However, this is not particularly in light of the fact that
However, this is not particularly if we consider that

Tips#43. Minimalkan Hasil Yang Tidak Diharapkan

Dalam beberapa kasus, hasil penelitian yang kurang memuaskan dan tidak
diharapkan adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat dihindarkan. Oleh karena itu,
menghindari dan mengabaikannya bukanlah solusi yang terbaik. Yang dapat Anda
lakukan adalah memberikan argumentasi dan penjelasan untuk meminimalkan
hasil yang tidak diharapkan tersebut. Anda dapat memberikan alasan yang logis,
memiliki korelasi yang jelas dan tidak dibuat-buat. Berikut ini adalah beberapa
frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) Although performance was not ideal, we still/nevertheless believe that
Although performance was not perfect, still/nevertheless believe that
Although performance was not optimal, still/nevertheless believe that
b) This poor performance was not unexpected. In fact
This poor performance was not surprising. In fact
This poor performance was not very significant. In fact
c) This result was not expected/predicted/anticipated. However, the reason for
this is probably that
This result was not expected/predicted/anticipated. However, it is likely that
the reason for this is that
This result was not expected/predicted/anticipated. However, it is probable
that the reason for this is that
d) Our investigations so far have only been on a small scale . . .
Our investigations so far have only been applied to
e) These discrepancies are negligible due to the fact that
These discrepancies can be neglected due to the fact that
These discrepancies considered as insignificant due to the fact that
These discrepancies are of no real consequence due to the fact that
f) Despite the limitations of this method, and consequently the poor results in
Test 3, our findings do nevertheless suggest that
Despite the limitations of this method, and consequently the poor results in
Test 3, our findings do in any case suggest that

Despite the limitations of this method, and consequently the poor results in
Test 3, our findings do however suggest that
g) Since this was only a preliminary attempt to do X it is hardly surprising that

Given that this was only a preliminary attempt to do X it is hardly surprising

On account of the fact that this was only a preliminary attempt to do X it is
hardly surprising that
h) As is well known, X is extremely hard to control, so/thus ...
As is well known, X is extremely difficult to control, so/thus ...
As is well known, X is extremely problematic to control, so/thus ...
As is well known, X is extremely consequently to control, so/thus ...
As is well known, X is extremely time-consuming to control, so/thus ...
As is well known, X is extremely cumbersome to control, so/thus ...
i) In fact, X was beyond the scope of this study.
In fact, X was not a primary goal in this research.
In fact, X was not the focus of this study.
In fact, X was not attempted in this study.
j) Consequently, it is inevitable . . .
Consequently, it is understandable . . .
Consequently, it is not hard to appreciate . . .
Consequently, it is not surprising that
k) Note that
It should be noted that
It is worthwhile noting that
l) A/One limitation of our research is that the surveys were not conducted in
the same period.
m) However, we can still state that
Nevertheless, we can still state that
Despite this, we can still state that
n) We failed to find a link between x and y, but this may/might depend on the
methodology chosen for our research.
We were not able to find a link between x and y, but this may/might depend
on the methodology chosen for our research.
We were unable to find a link between x and y, but this may/might depend
on the methodology chosen for our research.

Tips#44. Berikan Pendapat Terhadap Aumsi & Kemungkinan

Tulisan Anda akan sangat mempengaruhi persepi dan pandangan pembaca

terhadap penelitian yang Anda lakukan. Penelitian yang kurang bagus dengan
struktur penulisan yang baik memiliki impact yang lebih tinggi daripada
penelitian yang baik dengan penyampaian argumentasi yang buruk.
Pembaca akan mudah memahami tulisan yang terstruktur baik. Untuk
memberikan pendapat dan kemungkinan yang mungkin terjadi pada penelitian
Anda, berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) To the best of our knowledge no other authors have found that x = y.
As far as we know no other authors have found that x = y.
We believe that no other authors have found that x = y.
b) It would seem that
It would appear that
c) Our findings would seem to show that x = y.
Our findings would seem to demonstrate that x = y.
Our findings would seem to suggest that x = y.
Our findings would seem to imply that x = y.
d) This factor may be responsible for this result.
This factor is probably responsible for this result.
This factor could well be responsible for this result.
e) Presumably that this factor is
We hypothesize that this factor is
I argue that this factor is
f) We believe that our method could be used in
We believe that our method could probably be usefully employed in
g) Our approach would lend itself well for use by
Our approach may be useful for
h) In our opinion, this method could be used in
In our view this method could be used in

i) We believe that
We feel strongly that
j) There is evidence to suggest the hypothesis that
There is evidence to support the hypothesis that
k) It is proposed that
This may mean that
It seems likely that
It may be assumed that
l) This implies that
This suggests that
This would appear to indicate that
m) The results point to the likelihood that
The results point to the probability that
n) There is a strong probability that
There is a definite probability that
There is a clear probability that
There is a good probability that

Tips#45. Berikan Rangkuman dan Kesimpulan

Rangkuman dan kesimpulan memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam

sebuah karya tulis ilmiah. Meskipun terkadang hanya terdiri dari satu atau
beberapa halaman saja, bagian ini seringkali menjadi hal yang pertama kali
diperhatikan oleh para pembaca setelah membaca judul dan abstrak penelitian
Anda. Hal ini karena bab rangkuman dan kesimpulan memberikan implikasi nyata
terhadap hasil seluruh penelitian Anda. Apakah berhasil atau gagal?. Para
pembaca juga ingin mencari nilai-nilai yang bersifat baik kualitatif maupun
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
memberikan rangkuman dan kesimpulan pada tulisan Anda.

a) In conclusion, our work

In summary, our work
In sum, our work
To sum up, our work
b) Our work has led us to conclude that
Our work has led us to the conclusion that
c) We have presented . . .
We have outlined . . .
We have described
d) In this paper we have
In this study we have
In this review we have
e) This paper has investigated . . .
This paper has explained . . .
This paper has given an account of

Tips#46. Tegaskan Hasil Penting Yang Anda Dapatkan (Bagian


Di antara beberapa hasil penelitian Anda, mungkin terdapat satu atau dua
hasil yang signifikan dan menarik untuk dibahas. Berikut ini adalah beberapa
frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menegaskan hasil penelitian yang Anfa

a) The evidence from this study suggests that

The evidence from this study implies that
The evidence from this study points towards the idea that
The evidence from this study intimates that
b) The results/findings of this study indicate that
The results/findings of this study support the idea that
The results/findings of this study suggest that
c) In general, these results suggest that
Taken together, these results suggest that
In general, these results would seem to suggest that
Taken together, these results would seem to suggest that
d) An implication of this is the possibility that
A consequence of this is the possibility that
The upshot of this is the possibility that

Tips#47. Tekankan Mengenai Pencapaian Yang Anda Dapatkan

(Bagian Kesimpulan)

Inovasi yang Anda lakukan baik itu berupa strategi baru, metode alternatif
ataupun hasil yang memuaskan adalah nilai jual karya tulis Anda. Oleh karena itu,
penting untuk menegaskan kembali tentang pencapaian yang telah Anda lakukan
di bagian akhir kesimpulan. Di bawah ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda
gunakan untuk menggarisbawahi hal-hal penting pada penelitian Anda.
a) We have devised a methodology which
We have devised a procedure which
We have devised a strategy which
b) Our research/this paper has highlighted the importance of
Our research/this paper has stressed the importance of
Our research/this paper has underlined the importance of
c) We have managed to do X.
We have succeeded in doing X.
We have been able to do X.
We have found a way to do X.
d) We have found an innovative solution for
We have found a new solution for
We have found a novel solution for
We have found a cutting-edge solution for
e) We have obtained accurate results showing/proving/demonstrating that
We have obtained satisfactory results showing/proving/demonstrating that
We have obtained comprehensive results showing/proving/demonstrating
f) We have confirmed that
We have provided further evidence that
We have demonstrated that
g) Considerable progress has been made with regard to
Considerable insight has been gained with regard to

h) Our study provides the framework for a new way to do X.

Our study provides a springboard for a new way to do X.
Our study provides the backbone for a new way to do X.
Our study provides the basis for a new way to do X.
Our study provides a blueprint for a new way to do X.
Our study provides an agenda for a new way to do X.
Our study provides a stimulus for a new way to do X.
Our study provides encouragement for a new way to do X.
i) X provides a powerful tool for
X provides a powerful methodology for
j) X ensures that X will do Y, and it can be generalized to
X guarantees that X will do Y, and it can be generalized to
k) Our investigations into this area are still ongoing and seem likely to confirm
our hypothesis.
Our investigations into this area are still in progress and seem likely to
confirm our hypothesis.

l) These findings add to a growing body of literature on X.

These findings add substantially to our understanding of X.
m) The strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
The strong point strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
The value strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
The impact strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
The benefit strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
The usefulness strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
The significance strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
The importance strength of our work/study/contribution lies in
n) Taken together, these findings suggest a role for X.
Taken together, these findings implicate a role for X.
Taken together, these findings highlight a role for X.

Tips#48. Garisbawahi Keterbatasan Penelitian (Bagian


Walaupun hal mengenai keterbatasan dan kekurangan penelitian yang

dilakukan telah dibahas pada bagian sebelumnya, berikut ini adalah beberapa
frase yang dapat digunakan untuk menggarisbawahi berbagai keterbatasan pada
bagian kesimpulan.
a) The project was limited in several ways. First,
The analysis was limited in several ways. First,
The testing was limited in several ways. First,
The sampling was limited in several ways. First,
b) Despite the fact that there are limitations due to Y, we
In spite of the fact that there are limitations due to Y, we
Although there are limitations due to Y, we
c) The most important limitation lies in the fact that
The most important limitation is due to the fact that
The most important limitation is a result of the fact that
d) Our work clearly has some limitations. Nevertheless/despite this we believe
our work could be the basis for . . .
Our work clearly has some limitations. Nevertheless/despite this we believe
our work could be a framework for . . .
Our work clearly has some limitations. Nevertheless/despite this we believe
our work could be a starting point for . . .
Our work clearly has some limitations. Nevertheless/despite this we believe
our work could be a springboard for . . .
e) The present study has only investigated X. Therefore/consequently
The present study has only examined X. Therefore/consequently
f) Finally, a number of potential limitations points need to be considered. First,
Finally, a number of potential weaknesses points need to be considered. First,
Finally, a number of potential shortfalls points need to be considered. First, .

Finally, a number of potential shortcomings points need to be considered.

First, . . .
Finally, a number of potential weak points need to be considered. First, . . .
g) The picture is thus still incomplete.
The situation is thus still incomplete.
h) However, given the small sample size, caution must be exercised
However, given the small sample size, caution must be taken
However, given the small sample size, caution must be used
However, given the small sample size, caution must be applied.
i) The findings might not be transferable to
The findings might not be generalized to
The findings might not be representative of
j) The current study was limited by designed to
The current study was unable to designed to
The current study was not specifically designed to

Tips#49. Penerapan dan Applikasi Hasil Penelitian Anda

Isolasi hasil penelitian pihak akademisi dari dunia industri sering menjadi
topik hangat. Banyaknya hasil riset yang tidak dapat dimanfaatkan oleh sektor
industri kerap memburuk keadaan ini. Atas dasar itu, sangat penting bagi Anda
untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai penerapan dan aplikasi hasil penelitian
Berikut ini adah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menjelaskan
hal yang telah disebutkan di atas.
a) X is suitable for . . .
X has the potential to
b) This work has revealed that
This work has shown that
This work has highlighted that
This work has demonstrated that
This work has proved that
c) This study is the first step towards enhancing our understanding of
This study has gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of
d) These observations have several implications for research into
These observations have three main implications for research into
These observations have many implications for research into
e) The present findings might help to solve this problem.
The present findings might help have important implications for solving this
The present findings might help suggest several courses of action in order to
solve this problem.
f) Our method could be applied to
Our technique could be applied to
Our approach could be applied to
Our procedure could be applied to
g) One possible application of our technique would be

One potential application of our technique would be

One promising application of our technique would be
h) Results so far have been very promising and
Results so far have been very encouraging and
i) This approach has the potential to
This approach has the requirements to
This approach has the characteristics to
This approach has the features to
j) This could eventually lead to
This could conceivably lead to
This could potentially lead to
This could hypothetically lead to
k) We believe that our results may improve knowledge about
We are confident that our results may improve knowledge about
l) These early successes may hope to
These early successes may hope to
These early successes may hope to
These early successes may hope to

resolve . . .
tackle . . .
solve . . .
deal with

m) Another important implication is

An additional important implication is
A further important implication is
n) Our research could help makers because
Our research could be a useful aid for makers because
Our research could possibly support decision makers because
o) We think that our findings could be useful for
We think that our findings might be useful for
p) We hope that our research will be helpful in solving the difficulty of . .
We hope that our research will be useful in solving the difficulty of .
We hope that our research will be beneficial in solving the difficulty of .
We hope that our research will be constructive in solving the difficulty of .
We hope that our research will be valuable in solving the difficulty of .
q) At the same time we believe that
In addition we believe that
Further we believe that
Furthermore we believe that

r) Our research suggests that

the policy makers should encourage
stakeholders to
Our research suggests that it is important for policy makers to encourage
stakeholders to
s) The findings of my research have serious managerial implications.
The findings of my research have considerable managerial implications.
The findings of my research have important managerial implications.
t) In our view these results are an excellent initial step toward
In our view these results constitute an excellent initial step toward
In our view these results represent an excellent initial step toward
u) Our data suggest that X could be used to
Our data suggest that X could be exploited to
Our data suggest that X could be taken advantage of to
Our data suggest that X could be made use of in order to

Tips#50. Saran Untuk Riset Lanjutan di Masa Depan (Part1)

Setelah bagian kesimpulan, pokok bahasan yang juga seringkali terdapat
pada sebuah karya tulis ilmiah adalah pembahasan tentang peluang riset lanjutan
di masa depan. Seperti telah dibahasa pada bab-bab sebelumnya, keterbatasan dan
hasil yang tidak diharapkan kerap muncul pada sebuah penelitian. Oleh karena itu,
bagian saran untuk pengembangan riset di masa depan berperan penting untuk
mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik pada penelitian-penelitian berikutnya.
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
memberikan saran untuk pengembangan riset lanjutan di masa mendatang.
a) Future work will concentrate on . . .
Future work will focus on . . .
Future work will explore . . .
Future work will investigate . . .
Future work will look into . . .
b) These topics are reserved for future work.
These topics are deferred to future work.
c) We are currently investigating
We are now investigating
We are in the process of investigating
d) To further our research we plan to
To further our research we are planning to
To further our research we intend to
e) Further studies, which take X into account, will need to be undertaken.
Further studies, which take X into account, will need to be performed.
f) We hope that further tests will prove our theory.
We hope that further tests will confirm our findings.
g) Research into solving this problem is already underway.
Research into solving this problem is in progress.

Tips#51. Saran Untuk Riset Lanjutan di Masa Depan (Part2)

Penelitian yang Anda lakukan mungkin menginspirasi orang lain. Oleh

karena itu, rekomendasi dari Anda akan sangat menolong para peneliti lain yang
tertarik untuk melakukan riset yang sama. Walaupun nantinya, penelitian mereka
akan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik, karya Anda tentunya akan dikutip dan
dijadikan rujukan oleh mereka yang berusaha menyempurnakan penelitian yang
Anda lakukan.
Berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk
memberikan rekomendasi kepada peneliti lain untuk melanjutkan riset lanjutan di
masa depan.

a) More work on X, would help us to do Y.

Additional work on X, would help us to do Y.
Further work on X, would help us to do Y.
b) More broadly, research is also needed to determine .
On a wider level, research is also needed to determine .
c) Further work needs to be done to establish whether
Further work needs to be carried out to establish whether
Further work needs to be performed to establish whether
d) Further experimental investigations are needed to estimate
Further experimental tests are needed to estimate
Further experimental studies are needed to estimate
e) We hope that our research will serve as a base for future studies on
We believe that our research will serve as a base for future studies on
We are confident that our research will serve as a base for future studies on

f) We suggest that further research should be undertaken in the following areas:

We propose that further research should be undertaken in the following

We recommend that further research should be undertaken in the following
It is recommended that further research should be undertaken in the
following areas:
g) This research has raised many questions in need of further
This research has given rise to many questions in need of further
This research has thrown up many questions in need of further
h) The design and development of Xs will challenge for us for years.
The design and development of Xs will be a challenge for us for years.
i) Future work should concentrate on enhancing the quality of X.
Future work should focus on enhancing the quality of X.
j) Future studies on the current topic are therefore required in order to
Future studies on the current topic are therefore needed
in order to
Future studies on the current topic are therefore recommended in order to
Future studies on the current topic are therefore suggested in order to
k) The prospect of being able to do X, serves as a continuous incentive for
future research.
The prospect of being able to do X, serves as a continuous stimulus for
future research.
The prospect of being able to do X, serves as a continuous impulse for future
The prospect of being able to do X, serves as a continuous spur to future
l) Our results are encouraging and should be validated by a larger sample size.
Our results are promising and should be validated by a larger sample size.
m) These findings suggest the following directions for future research: .
These findings suggest the following opportunities for future research: .
n) An important issue to resolve for future studies is
An important matter to resolve for future studies is
An important question to resolve for future studies is

An important problem to resolve for future studies is

o) This is an important issue for future research.
This is a fundamental issue for future research.
This is a vital issue for future research.
p) Future studies should target X.
Future studies should aim at X.
Future studies should examine X.
Future studies should deal with X.
Future studies should address X.

Tips#52. Kata Sambutan (Ucapan Terima Kasih)

Walaupun tidak wajib, bagian kata sambutan untuk menyampaikan rasa

terima kasih dapat Anda tuliskan di bagian awal skripsi, thesis, dan dissertasi atau
bagian akhir pada sebuah jurnal ilmiah. Ucapan terima kasih tersebut bisa
ditujukan kepada orang-orang yang telah membantu penelitian Anda, atau kepada
pihak sponsor atau pemberi beasiswa yang telah membantu dalam bentuk
Untuk memberikan kata sambutan atau ucapan terima kasih kepada pihakpihak yang telah membantu keberlangsungan dan keberhasilan penelitian Anda,
berikut adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan.

a) This research was made possible by a grant from

This research benefited from a grant from
b) This work was carried out within the framework of an Indo project and was
partly sponsored by ...
This work was performed within the framework of an Indo project and was
partly sponsored by ...
c) We gratefully acknowledge the help provided by Dr. Budi.
We gratefully acknowledge the constructive comments of the anonymous
d) Support was given by the Institute of X, who funded the work in all its
Support was given by the Institute of X, who funded the work in all its initial
e) We thank the following people for their support, without whose help this
work would never have been possible:
We would like to thank the following people for their support, without
whose help this work would never have been possible:

f) We thank Dr. Lina for her help/valuable suggestions and discussions.

We are grateful to Dr. Lina for her help/valuable suggestions and
We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Lina for her help/valuable suggestions and
g) We are indebted to Dr. Bambang for
We are particularly grateful to Dr. Bambang for
h) Thanks are also due to thank Prof. Budi, who gave us much valuable advice
in the early stages of this work.
The authors wish to thank Prof. Budi, who gave us much valuable advice in
the early stages of this work.
i) We also thank Prof. Budi for his ongoing collaboration with our department.
We also thank Prof. Budi for his technical assistance in all our experimental
j) Dr. Ali collaborated with our staff during this research project.
Dr. Ali worked alongside our staff during this research project.

Tips#53. Jelaskan Tabel dan Gambar Yang Anda Sertakan

Untuk menjelaskan tabel dan gambar yang ada pada laporan penelitian
Anda, berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan.

a) Table 1 proves that X is

Table 1 shows that X is
Table 1 demonstrates that X is
Table 1 illustrates that X is
Table 1 highlights that X is
b) Table 2 compares the data on X.
Table 2 lists the data on X.
Table 2 details the data on X.
Table 2 summarizes the data on X.
c) As shown in Fig. 1, the value of
As highlighted in Fig. 1, the value of
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the value of
As detailed in Fig. 1, the value of
As can be seen in Fig. 1, the value of
d) Figure 4 presents the data on X.
Figure 4 reports the data on X.
Figure 4 shows the data on X.
Figure 4 details the data on X.
e) The results on X can be seen in Fig. 1.
The results on X are compared in Fig. 1.
The results on X are presented in Fig. 1.
f) Figure 5 pinpoints exactly where X meets Y.
Figure 5 indicates exactly where X meets Y.
g) The value of X is greater when Y = 2 (Fig. 1 / Eq. 2)
h) From the graph we can see/note that
From the photo we can see/note that
From the chart we can see/note that
From the histogram we can see/note that
i) It can be seen in from Fig. 6 that

It is apparent from Fig. 6 that

j) Figure 5 shows a clear trend difference in
Figure 5 shows a clear significant difference in
k) We observe from Table 1 that ..
We note from Table 1 that ..
l) The graph above shows that
The graph below shows that
The graph to the left shows that
The graph to the right shows that
m) The table is revealing in several ways. First
The table is interesting in several ways. First

Tips#54. Buat Transisi Yang Baik Untuk Beralih Pada Topik

Yang Baru
Untuk beralih dari satu topik pembahasan ke pembahasan berikutnya,
diperlukan transisi yang baik agar alur informasi yang ingin Anda sampaikan
menjadi jelas. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa frase yang Anda gunakan untuk
membuat transisi yang baik untuk beralih kepada topik yang baru.

a) As far as X is concerned
As far as Xs are concerned
b) If we now turn to the second part
Turning now to the second part
Let us now look at the second part
c) As regards, it was found that
Regarding, it was found that
Regarding the use of, it was found that
As for X, it was found that

Tips#55. Merujuk Pada Paper Anda Sendiri

Ketika membahas tentang analisa dan kesimpulan, mungkin Anda ingin
merujuk kembali kepada beberapa pernyataan yang telah Anda sebutkan di
bagian-bagian sebelumnya. Untuk melakukan itu, berikut ini adalah beberapa
frase yang dapat Anda gunakan.
a) As mentioned in the literature review
As stated in the literature review
As outlined in the literature review
b) As was mentioned in the Methods,
As was stated in the Methods,
As was noted in the Methods,
As was discussed in the Methods,
As was reported in the Methods,
c) More details on this will be given below.
More details on this will be given in the next section.
More details on this will be given in the appendix.
d) As reported above . . .
As reported previously . . .
As reported earlier . . .
As reported before
e) Please refer to Appendix 3 for.
Please refer to Table 1 for.
Please refer to the Supplementary Material for.
f) The above-mentioned X is
The afore-mentioned X is
g) The following is a list of
Here follows is a list of
Below is a list of

Tips#56. Merujuk Pada Tujuan Riset Paper Anda

Tujuan riset biasanya terdapat di awal. Pada pembahasan bab-bab

berikutnya sampai kesimpulan, alangkah baiknya jika tujuan riset yang telah
disinggung di bab awal kembali diingatkan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membantu
mengingatkan diri Anda sendiri sebagai penulis dan para pembaca laporan riset
Anda agar tetap berada pada fokus yang telah digariskan di awal.
Berikut ini adalah frase-frase yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk merujuk
kembali tujuan riset paper Anda.
a) Given that our main aim was, as mentioned in the Introduction, to
Since our main aim was, as mentioned in the Introduction, to
b) Before interpreting our results, we remind the reader of our main aims.
Before interpreting our results, we would just like to restate
c) As stated in the Introduction, our main aim was to
As stated in the Introduction, our main objective was to
As stated in the Introduction, our main target was to
As stated in the Introduction, our main purpose was to
As stated in the Introduction, our main goal was to
d) As stated in the Introduction, the research was conducted in order to
As stated in the Introduction, the research was undertaken in order to
As stated in the Introduction, the research was carried out in order to
e) Returning to the hypothesis posed at the beginning of this study, it is now
possible to state that
Returning to the question posed at the beginning of this study, it is now
possible to state that

Tips#57. Merujuk Pada Sumber Yang Lebih Lengkap

Pada beberapa kasus, Anda dapat merujuk beberapa sumber yang lebih
detil dan lengkap pada laporan penelitian Anda. Hal ini dilakukan agar para
pembaca mendapatkan sumber informasi yang lebih komprehensif.

a) For a detailed review on this topic see [Ref].

b) See the respective handbook [Ref] for a description of X.
c) More details on this topic can be found in [Ref].

Daftar Pustaka
Goldbort R. Writing for Science, Yale University Press. 2006
Day R. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, Cambridge University
Press. 2006
Highman N. Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, SIAM. 1998
Maeve OConnor, Writing Successfully in Science, HarperCollinsAcademic
Ken Lertzmans Notes on Writing Papers and Theses.

Sebelum menulis skripsi, thesis, ataupun jurnal ilmiah, Anda tentunya
menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membaca tumpukan jurnal dalam bahasa
Inggris yang berhubungan dengan topik penelitian Anda. Sedikit demi sedikit
Anda mulai menemukan dan mengumpulkan frase dan ungkapan penting yang
sering Anda temui. Frase-frase tersebut bersifat generic. Artinya Anda tidak akan
melanggar hak cipta dan dianggap melakukan tindakan plagiat karena
menggunakannya. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menyisipkan data dan hasil
penelitian Anda ke dalam ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut. Hilary Glasman-Deal,
pengarang buku Science Research Writing For Non-Native Speakers of English
dan seorang trainer penulisan karya tulis ilmiah di Imperial College London
memberikan kiat jitu berikut ini:
When your language skills are not perfect, organizing your information in a
conventional way and using conventional language are very important.
Sayangnya, banyak diantara kita yang salah dalam memilih frase-frase
tersebut. Ironisnya, frase tersebut bahkan digunakan dalam konteks yang tidak
tepat. Buku ini menyajikan berbagai macam ungkapan-ungkapan penting dalam
bahasa Inggris dengan kaidah tata bahasa yang sesuai. Penting juga untuk
mengetahui bahwa para dewan juri dalam sebuah jurnal internasional akan merasa
risih dengan penggunaan istilah yang jarang digunakan atau terdengar aneh. Oleh
karena itu, buku ini juga memberikan banyak variasi ungkapan yang sering
digunakan oleh peneliti kelas dunia, sehingga Anda mampu menghasilkan

rangkaian kata dan kalimat yang mengalir dinamis dan tidak diulang-ulang. Anda
dapat menggunakan frase-frase yang ada dalam buku ini sebagai template untuk
nantinya dapat Anda gunakan kembali pada riset-riset selanjutnya.


Penulis menempuh pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Burlington School, London UK

setelah menamatkan kuliah di Institut Teknologi Bandung tahun 2007. Alumni
SMA 78 ini kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan postgraduate di Kings College,
University of London.
Beberapa profesi dijalani penulis selama menetap di UK. Mulai dari seorang
pegawai sebuah perusahaan distributor di daerah Arsenal, London Utara sampai
menjadi staf pada sebuah drugstore di daerah Fulham, London Selatan. Pekerjaan
lain yang penulis geluti adalah sebagai chef di sebuah take-away restaurant di
kawasan yang tak jauh dari markas klub sepakbola Chelsea, Stamford Bridge.
Sekembalinya ke Indonesia, selain menjadi dosen teknik mesin, penulis giat
menulis buku dan beberapa artikel di media massa. Di samping itu, penulis juga
mengajar IELTS serta aktif sebagai instruktur bahasa Inggris di sejumlah institusi
dan perguruan tinggi.
Penulis dapat dihubungi lewat alamat email:

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