Anda di halaman 1dari 366

tangki penyimpanan bahan baku n-butanol (C4H9OH)

tipe: fixed cone roof tank

kondisi operasi:
suhu 30 oC
tekanan 1 atm
material : carbon steel SA-283 Grade C ullmann's, 2011

perhitungan dimensi tangki:

waktu penyimpanan 14 hari 1
336 jam

umpan :
C4H9OH 2565.06092575 kg/jam
H2O 5.1404026568 kg/jam
total 2570.20132841

kapasitas massa = 863587.64635 kg

densitas cairan (pL) = 0.8025006763 kg/L

total volume cairan = 1076120.7708 liter
jumlah tangki = 1 unit

volume cairan tiap tangki = 1076120.7708 liter

1076.1207708 m3

over design = 20%

volume tangki = 1291.3449249 m3

341137.23607 gallon
10829.753622 bbl

Ditinjau dengan ukuran tangki standar, dipilih berdasarkan

Brownell and Young hal 346, diperoleh volume tangki standar :
Vt 11900 bbl
(volume vessel standar)

D 45 f
(diameter) 540 in
13.716 m

H 42 f
(height) 504 in
12.8016 m

height of liquid in tank = 7.2867925291 m

Tebal Tangki
Dari Tabel 13.2 Brownell & Young 1959 hal 254
Digunakan bahan Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C
Tekanan design (p) = 12.65 psi
Allowable stress (S) = 18750 psi
Efisiensi sambungan (e) = 0.85
Faktor korosi = 0.125 in

tebal shell (pers. 3.18) :

t= L . (H-1) . 12. D +c
2 . S .e . 144

keterangan :
t = ketebalan shell (in)
H = tinggi (f)
D = diameter dalam (f)
e = corrosion allowance (in)
pL = densitas cairan (kg/L)

t= 0.1288708856 in
dari tabel disamping dipilih tebal shell standar yang dipakai = 0.1875

calculation per plate

ukuran plate standar = 6, 8 dan 10 feet dengan tinggi sebesar 42 feet, maka lebih baik digunakan :
width of plate 6f
jmlah plate = 7 plates
height (f) thickness (in)
plate-1 6 0.125472
plate-2 12 0.126039
plate-3 18 0.126605
plate-4 24 0.127171
plate-5 30 0.127738
plate-6 36 0.128304
plate-7 42 0.128871

t head = 0.339323 in thickness of plate (inches)
distandarkan t head jadi (t roof)= 0.375 in 0.1875

pers. 4.6 browell

sin = D D =tank diameter (f)
430. t roof t roof = inch unit

sin = 0.2790697674
= 16.2046933767 DERAJAT

radian = 0.2828252537

tinggi head (h) = D/2 * tan

h= 1.9930423871 m

Rule of Thumb (walas)

m3 = 264.17205 gallon US fluid
m3 = 8.38641436 bbl barrel US fluid
yaws, 1999
T = 30 C 303.15 K
komponen kg/jam BM (g/mol) kmol/jam A B n Tc (K) (kg/L)
C4H9OH 2565.06093 74.123 34.6054656 0.26891 0.26674 0.2457 562.93 0.802059
H2O 5.14040266 18.015 0.28534014 0.3471 0.274 0.28571 647.13 1.022875
total 2570.20133 34.8908057

1f= 12 in
0.3048 m
in (for every single plate built the storage tank)

thickness of plate (inches)

3/16 "
1/4 "
5/16 "
3/8 "
7/16 "
1/2 "
mass frac mix (kg/L)
0.998 0.800454926
0.002 0.002045751

Fungsi: Mengalirkan n-butanol dari mobil tangki menuju Tangki-1 dengan kapasitas
104803.95 kg/jam
Jenis alat = Pompa sentrifugal


1 meter 3 meter

kapasitas cairan dari tangki mobil 130596.70771378 L 34500 gal (gal tank cars), Wallas, h
130.59670771 m3

suhu 30 C 303.15 K

Waktu pengisian 20 menit

0.3333333333 jam
densitas & viskositas
Komponen fraksi massa rho (kg/lt) vis (cP)
N-Butanol 0.9980 0.8020590439 2.27E+00 0.8005
H2O 0.0020 1.0228752672 8.15E-01 0.0020
jumlah 1.0000 0.8025

densitas 0.80 kg/l

802.5006763201 kg/m3

viskositas 2.27 cP
0.0023600288 kg/m.s

massa cairan dalam tangki 104803.94626549 kg

Kecepatan volume cairan (Q) 391790.123141339 L/jam
391.7901231413 m3/jam
0.1088 m3/detik
1725.0003 gallon/menit

Kecepatan massa cairan 314411.8388 kg/jam

Menentukan titik pemompaan

Titik 1 suction
Titik suction head 4m
- Tekanan permukaan cairan suction head 1.0000 atm
1.0133 bar
Titik 2 discharge 1
- Tinggi discharge head 13.3016 m
- Tekanan permukaan cairan discharge head 1.0000 atm
1.0133 bar

Pemilihan pipa
Ukuran pipa optimum
Digunakan pipa stainless steel dengan diameter optimum

Diopt 0.363 Ql 0.45 l 0.13 (pers. 15 p.496 Peter & Timmerhaus)

Dengan hubungan :
Diopt : Diameter pipa optimum [ m]
Ql : kecepatan vulume fluida [ m3 /s ]
l : Rapat massa fluida [ kg /m3 ]

Di opt = 0.3192 m
12.5658 in

Pemilihan pipa standar (kern, hal 844)

Nominal pipe size 14 in
Sch No, = 40
OD = 14 in 0.3556 m
ID = 13.25 in 0.33655 m
at' = 138 in2 0.08903208 m2
Kecepatan linier cairan dalam pipa =
1.2223750109 m/s 4.0104168308 f/s

Dari Schweitzer, P.A., p: 1-523 kecepatan linear umpan disyaratkan 2-5 f/detik
Reynold number =
Re = 139888.547949992 Transition flow

Bahan konstruksi pipa :

Dipilih bahan pipa dari Comercial Steel
sehingga /D (kekasaran relatif) = 0.00012 fig.126 p.141 Brown
Besarnya Faktor friksi (f) = 0.02 fig. 125 Brown
Memilih panjang ekuivalen (Le) dan panjang pipa dari Brown, G.S., 1987
fig. 127 diperoleh :
jumlah Le (f) sig Le (f) sig Le (m)
Sudden enlargement 1 20 20 6.096
Sudden contraction 1 13 13 3.9624
Standard elbow 5 33 165 50.292
Check valve 1 80 80 24.384
Gate valve fully open 2 7 14 4.2672
Panjang pipa lurus ( L ) 17.3016 m

L + Le = 106.3032 m
Menentukan head pompa
Head pompa dihitung dengan persamaan Bernoully :
P1 v 21 P2 v22
z1 hf hman z2
2g 2g
Dengan hubungan:
g : percepatan gravitasi normal [ m /s 2 ]
hf : head karena friksi [ m]
hman : Head pompa [ m]
P1 : Tekanan pada titik 1 [ Pa ]
P2 : Tekanan pada titik 2 [ Pa ]
v1 : kecepatan linear pada titik 1 [ m /s ]
v2 : kecepatan linear pada titik 2 [ m /s ]
z1 : elevasi titik 1[ m ]
z2 : elevasi titik 2[ m ]

Pressure head
Hp = (P2 - P1) 0m
rho. g

Velocity head

Static head
9.3016 m

Friction head
0.4815923654 m

Total head pompa :

H total = Hp + Hv + Hs + Hf
H total = 9.7832 m
32.0970888402 f

Menentukan kecepatan spesifik (ns)

Putaran pompa (n) 3500 rpm (Fig 5.6 Coulson, berdasarkan kapasitas
head pompa (Hman) 32.0970888402 f
Debit cairan 1607.4632895494 Gpm

ns 10406.1322953931 rpm

Dari fig. 3-47 Ludwig vol.1 digunakan

pompa sentrifugal dengan tipe axial-flow field

Menentukan brake horse power

Debit cairan (Q) 0.1088 m3/detik 3.8433196282 f3/s
Total head pompa 32.0970888402 f
Densitas () 802.5006763201 kg/m3 50.0984801213 lb/f3
Effisiensi 0.8 (sinnott and towler fig. 10.63)
7725.1462791715 lb.f/s
14.0457219122 Hp

Effisiensi motor
Diperoleh dari fig 14.38 Peters, M.S., K.D., timmerhaus edIV (1991) halaman 521
Effisiensi motor 87%
Daya yg diperlukan (MHP) = 16.144507945 Hp
Motor standart: Dipilih Motor Induksi
Digunakan motor standar dengan daya 20 Hp (Ludwig, hal. 331)
Komponen massa dlm tangki mobil (kg) fraksi massa Pv (mmHg) Pv (atm)
N-Butanol 104594.3384 0.9980 14.8960 0.0194
H2O 209.6079 0.0020 33.3666 0.0434
jumlah 104803.9463

NPSH : Net Positive Suction Head

Perhitungan NPSH atau tinggi tekan hisap digunakan untuk mengetahui terjadinya atau tidaknya kavitasi.
Jika NPSH yang tersedia (HsV) lebih besar dari NPSH yang diperlukan berarti tidak terjadi kavitasi
=(+/)1+1/(. )/(. )
Menentukan head friksi pada daerah hisap (hf1)

jumlah Le (f) sig Le (f) sig Le (m)

Sudden enlargement 0 20 0 0
Sudden contraction 1 13 13 3.9624
Standard elbow 2 33 66 20.1168
Gate valve fully open 1 7 7 2.1336
TOTAL 26.2128
Panjang pipa lurus (L) 4m
L + le 30.2128 m
0.1368750312 m
hs 4m

h absolute 12.8838342688 m

h vapor 0.2501115409 m

NPSH available 16.4968476967

N = Kecepatan putaran (rpm) 3500 rpm

Q = Kapasitas pompa (m /men)
6.5298353857 m3/mnt

HsVN (NPSH requires) 8.2257895453 m

NPSH available (HsV) > NPSH requires (HsvN), maka tidak terjadi kavitasi.
1 m3 = 264.1721 gallon US fluid
l (gal tank cars), Wallas, halama 1 m3 = 8.386414 bbl barrel US fluid massa dlm tangki mobil (kg)

2.2654 104594.3384
0.0016 209.6079
2.2671 104803.9463
Pa = 1 kg/m s2
atm = 101325 Pa = 101325 kg/m s2
.126 p.141 Brown
g. 125 Brown
, berdasarkan kapasitas m3/jam nya)

391.7901231413 m3/jam

udwig, hal. 331)


nya kavitasi.

/(. )
komponen A B n Tc (K)
C4H9OH 0.2689 0.2667 0.2457 562.9300
H2O 0.3471 0.274 0.28571 647.13

komponen A B C D
C4H9OH -5.3970 1325.6000 0.0062 0.0000
H2O -10.2158 1.79E+03 1.77E-02 -1.26E-05

vapor pressure
komponen A B C D E
C4H9OH 109.2803 -6306.0000 -36.9470 0.0145 -3.9480E-13
H2O 29.8805 -3.15E+03 -7.3037 2.42E-09 1.81E-06
tangki penyimpanan asam akrilat

tugas : menyimpan bahan baku C2H3COOH

Tipe Alat : tangki silinder vertikal (Fixed cone roof tank)
kondisi operasi :
suhu 30 oC ullmann's 2011
tekanan 1 atm
material : stainless steel type 316 dan 304 (kirk & othmer 2004)

perhitungan dimensi tangki :

waktu penyimpanan = 14 hari

336 jam

umpan :
C2H3COOH 2472.2536522395 kg/jam
H2O 2.4722031476 kg/jam
Total 2474.7258553871

Kapasitas massa = 831507.88741005 kg

densitas cairan (pL) = 1.0398848062 kg/L

total volume cairan = 799615.382815805 L
jumlah tangki = 1 unit

volume cairan tiap tangki = 799615.382815805 L

799.6153828158 m3

over design = 20%

volume tangki = 959.538459379 m3

253483.241867983 gallon
8047.087114708 bbl

Ditinjau dengan ukuran tangki standar, dipilih berdasarkan

Brownell and Young hal 346, diperoleh volume tangki standar :
Vt 8390 bbl
(volume vessel standar)

D 50 f
(diameter) 600 in
15.24 m
H 24 f
(height) 288 in
7.3152 m

height of liquid in tank = 4.385726547 m

Tebal Tangki
Dari pers. 3.18 Brownell & Young 1959 untuk hidrostatic test
Digunakan bahan Baja Stainless stell SA 167 grade 3
Tekanan design (p) 14.7 psi
Allowable stress (s) 18750 psi
Efisiensi sambungan (e 0.85
Faktor korosi (C) 0.125 in

tebal shell (pers. 3.18) :

t= L . (H-1) . 12. D +c
2 . S .e . 144

keterangan :
t = ketebalan shell (in)
H = tinggi (f)
D = diameter dalam (f)
e = corrosion allowance (in)
pL = densitas cairan (kg/L)

t= 0.1281265 in
dari tabel disamping dipilih tebal shell standar yang dipakai = 0.1875

calculation per plate

ukuran plate standar = 6, 8 dan 10 feet dengan tinggi sebesar 24 feet, maka lebih baik digunakan :
width of plate 8f
jmlah plate = 3 plates
height (f) thickness (in)
plate-1 8 0.125952
plate-2 16 0.127039
plate-3 24 0.128126

t head = 0.401731 in thickness of plate (inches)
distandarkan t head jadi (t roof)= 0.4375 in 0.1875

pers. 4.6 browell

sin = D D = diameter tank (f)
430. t roof t roof = inch unit

sin = 0.2657807
= 15.413349 DERAJAT

radian = 0.2690137

tinggi head (h) = D/2 * tan

h= 2.1008079 m
hmer 2004)

1 m3 = 264.17205 gallon US fluid

1 m3 = 8.38641436 bbl barrel US fluid

komponen kg/jam BM (g/mol) kmol/jam A B n
C2H3COOH 2472.25365 72.064 34.30636174 0.34645 0.25822 0.30701
H2O 2.47220315 18.015 0.137230261 0.3471 0.274 0.28571
total 2474.72586 34.443592

1f= 12 in
0.3048 m
in (for every single plate built the storage tank)

thickness of plate (inches)

3/16 "
1/4 "
5/16 "
3/8 "
7/16 "
1/2 "
yaws, 1999
30 C
303.15 K
Tc (K) (kg/L) mass frac mix (kg/L)
615 1.039902 0.999001 1.038862974
647.13 1.022875 0.000999 0.001021833

Fungsi: Mengalirkan asam akrilat dari mobil tangki menuju Tangki-02 dengan kapasitas
135805.53 kg/jam
Jenis alat = Pompa sentrifugal


1 meter 3 meter

kapasitas cairan dari tangki mobil 130596.70771378 L 34500 gal (gal tank cars), Wallas, h
130.59670771 m3

suhu 30 C 303.15 K

Waktu pengisian 20 menit

0.3333333333 jam
densitas & viskositas
Komponen fraksi massa rho (kg/lt) vis (cP)
C2H3COOH 0.9990 1.0399018154 1.02E+00 1.0389
H2O 0.0010 1.0228752672 8.15E-01 0.0010
jumlah 1.0399

densitas 1.04 kg/l

1039.8848062201 kg/m3

viskositas 1.02 cP
0.001064179 kg/m.s

massa cairan dalam tangki 135805.532093931 kg

Kecepatan volume cairan (Q) 391790.123141339 L/jam
391.7901231413 m3/jam
0.1088 m3/detik
1725.0003 gallon/menit

Kecepatan massa cairan 407416.5963 kg/jam

Menentukan titik pemompaan

Titik 1 suction
Titik suction head 4m
- Tekanan permukaan cairan suction head 1.0000 atm
1.0133 bar
Titik 2 discharge 1
- Tinggi discharge head 7.8152 m
- Tekanan permukaan cairan discharge head 1.0000 atm
1.0133 bar

Pemilihan pipa
Ukuran pipa optimum
Digunakan pipa stainless steel dengan diameter optimum
Diopt 0.363 Ql 0.45 l 0.13
(pers. 15 p.496 Peter & Timmerhaus)
Dengan hubungan :
Diopt : Diameter pipa optimum [ m]
Ql : kecepatan vulume fluida [ m3 /s ]
l : Rapat massa fluida [ kg /m3 ]

Di opt = 0.3301 m
12.9963 in

Pemilihan pipa standar (kern, hal 844)

Nominal pipe size 14 in
Sch No, = 40
OD = 14 in 0.3556 m
ID = 13.25 in 0.33655 m
at' = 138 in2 0.08903208 m2
Kecepatan linier cairan dalam pipa =
1.2223750109 m/s 4.0104168308 f/s

Dari Schweitzer, P.A., p: 1-523 kecepatan linear umpan disyaratkan 2-5 f/detik
Reynold number =
Re = 401998.674677922 Turbulen

Bahan konstruksi pipa :

Dipilih bahan pipa dari Comercial Steel
sehingga /D (kekasaran relatif) = 0.00012 fig.126 p.141 Brown
Besarnya Faktor friksi (f) = 0.01625 fig. 125 Brown
Memilih panjang ekuivalen (Le) dan panjang pipa dari Brown, G.S., 1987
fig. 127 diperoleh :
r jumlah Le (f) sig Le (f) sig Le (m)
Sudden enlargement 1 20 20 6.096
Sudden contraction 1 13 13 3.9624
Standard elbow 5 33 165 50.292
Check valve 1 80 80 24.384
Gate valve fully open 2 7 14 4.2672
Panjang pipa lurus ( L ) 11.8152 m

L + Le = 100.8168 m
Menentukan head pompa
HeadPpompa dihitung
v 21dengan persamaan Bernoully
P : v22
z1 hf hman 2 z 2
2 g 2g

Dengan hubungan:
g : percepatan gravitasi normal [ m /s 2 ]
hf : head karena friksi [ m]
hman : Head pompa [ m]
P1 : Tekanan pada titik 1 [ Pa ]
P2 : Tekanan pada titik 2 [ Pa ]
v1 : kecepatan linear pada titik 1 [ m /s ]
v2 : kecepatan linear pada titik 2 [ m /s ]
z1 : elevasi titik 1[ m ]
z2 : elevasi titik 2[ m ]

Pressure head
Hp = (P2 - P1) 0m
rho. g

Velocity head

Static head
3.8152 m

Friction head
0.371098786 m

Total head pompa :

H total = Hp + Hv + Hs + Hf
H total = 4.186298786 m
13.734576509 f

Menentukan kecepatan spesifik (ns)

Putaran pompa (n) 3500 rpm (Fig 5.6 Coulson, berdasarkan kapasitas
head pompa (Hman) 13.734576509 f
Debit cairan 1607.4632895494 Gpm

ns 19668.7663552062 rpm

Dari fig. 3-47 Ludwig vol.1 digunakan

pompa sentrifugal dengan tipe Axial-flow field

Menentukan brake horse power

Debit cairan (Q) 0.1088 m3/detik 3.8433196282 f3/s
Total head pompa 13.734576509 f
Densitas () 1039.8848062201 kg/m3 64.9178870873 lb/f3
Effisiensi 0.8 (sinnott and towler fig. 10.63)
4283.4743049846 lb.f/s
7.7881358788 Hp

Effisiensi motor
Diperoleh dari fig 14.38 Peters, M.S., K.D., timmerhaus edIV (1991) halaman 521
Effisiensi motor 86%
Daya yg diperlukan (MHP) = 9.0559719521 Hp
Motor standart: Dipilih Motor Induksi
Digunakan motor standar dengan daya 10 Hp (Ludwig, hal. 331)
Komponen massa dlm tangki mobil (kg) fraksi massa Pv (mmHg) Pv (atm)
C2H3COOH 135669.8650 0.9990 5.4828 0.0071
H2O 135.6671 0.0010 33.3666 0.0434
jumlah 135805.5321

NPSH : Net Positive Suction Head

Perhitungan NPSH atau tinggi tekan hisap digunakan untuk mengetahui terjadinya atau tidaknya kavitasi.
Jika NPSH yang tersedia (HsV) lebih besar dari NPSH yang diperlukan berarti tidak terjadi kavitasi
=(+/)1+1/(. )/(. )
Menentukan head friksi pada daerah hisap (hf1)

jumlah Le (f) sig Le (f) sig Le (m)

Sudden enlargement 0 20 0 0
Sudden contraction 1 13 13 3.9624
Standard elbow 2 33 66 20.1168
Gate valve fully open 1 7 7 2.1336
TOTAL 26.2128
Panjang pipa lurus (L) 4m
L + le 30.2128 m
0.1112109629 m
hs 4m

h absolute 9.9427221673 m

h vapor 0.0712287032 m

NPSH available 13.7602825013

N = Kecepatan putaran (rpm) 3500 rpm

Q = Kapasitas pompa (m /men)
6.5298353857 m3/mnt

HsVN (NPSH requires) 8.2257895453 m

NPSH available (HsV) > NPSH requires (HsvN), maka tidak terjadi kavitasi.
1 m3 = 264.1721 gallon US fluid
l (gal tank cars), Wallas, halama 1 m3 = 8.386414 bbl barrel US fluid massa dlm tangki mobil (kg)

1.0215 135669.8650
0.0008 135.6671
1.0223 135805.5321
Pa = 1 kg/m s2
atm = 101325 Pa = 101325 kg/m s2
.126 p.141 Brown
g. 125 Brown
, berdasarkan kapasitas m3/jam nya)

391.7901231413 m3/jam

udwig, hal. 331)


nya kavitasi.

/(. )
komponen A B n Tc (K)
C2H3COOH 0.3465 0.2582 0.3070 615.0000
H2O 0.3471 0.274 0.28571 647.13

komponen A B C D
C2H3COOH -15.9215 2440.8000 0.0344 -2.7677E-05
H2O -10.2158 1.79E+03 1.77E-02 -1.26E-05

vapor pressure
komponen A B C D E
C2H3COOH 23.0607 -3.13E+03 -4.8813 4.37E-04 -4.9161E-13
H2O 29.8805 -3.15E+03 -7.3037 2.42E-09 1.81E-06
tangki penyimpanan produk n-butil akrilat

tipe: fixed cone roof tank

kondisi operasi:
suhu 9 oC ullmann's, 2011
tekanan 1 atm
material : Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C ullmann's, 2011

perhitungan dimensi tanki:

waktu penyimpanan = 14 hari

336 jam

Umpan :
C2H3COOC4H9 4397.095959596 kg/jam
C4H9OH 22.095959596 kg/jam
Total 4419.1919191919

kapasitas massa = 1484848.4848485 kg

Densitas cairan (L) = 0.9095838044 kg/L

Volume cairan total = 1632448.2446222 L
Jumlah tangki = 1 unit

Volume cairan tiap tanki = 1632448.2446222 L

1632.4482446222 m3

Over design = 20%

Volume tangki = 1958.9378935466 m3

517496.63916089 gallon
16428.464880788 bbl

Ditinjau dengan ukuran tangki standar, dipilih berdasarkan

Brownell and Young hal 346, diperoleh volume tangki standar :
Vt 16790 bbl

D 50 f
600 in
15.24 m

H 48 f
576 in
14.6304 m

height of liquid in tank 8.9536441605 m

Tebal Tangki
Dari Tabel 13.2 Brownell & Young 1959 hal 254
Digunakan bahan Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C
Tekanan design (p) = 12.65 psi
Allowable stress (s) 18750 psi
Efisiensi sambungan (e)= 0.85
Faktor korosi (C) 0.125 in

tebal shell (pers. 3.18) :

t= L . (H-1) . 12. D +c
2 . S .e . 144

keterangan :
t = ketebalan shell (in)
H = tinggi (f)
D = diameter dalam (f)
e = corrosion allowance (in)
pL = densitas cairan (kg/L)

t= 0.130588 in
dari tabel disamping dipilih tebal shell standar yang dipakai = 0.1875 in (for every single plate b

calculation per plate

ukuran plate standar = 6, 8 dan 10 feet dengan tinggi sebesar 48 feet, maka lebih baik digunakan :
width of plate 8f
jmlah plate = 6 plates
height (f) thickness (in)
plate-1 8 0.125832
plate-2 16 0.126783
plate-3 24 0.127735
plate-4 32 0.128686
plate-5 40 0.129637
plate-6 48 0.130588

t head = 0.363137 in thickness of plate (inches)
distandarkan t head jadi (t roof)= 0.375 in 0.1875

pers. 4.6 browell

sin = D D = diameter tank (f)
430. t roof t roof = inch unit

sin = 0.310078
= 18.0639 DERAJAT

radian = 0.315275

tinggi head (h) = D/2 * tan

h= 2.485287 m
1 m3 = 264.1721 gallon US fluid
1 m3 = 8.386414 bbl barrel US fluid

yaws, 1999
input 282.15 K
komponen kg/jam BM (g/molkmol/jam A B n Tc (K) (kg/L)
C2H3COOC4H9 4397.096 128.171 34.30648 0.29947 0.25838 0.30843 598 0.910038
C4H9OH 22.09596 74.123 0.298099 0.26891 0.26674 0.2457 562.93 0.81914
total 4419.192

1f= 12 in
0.3048 m
in (for every single plate built the storage tank)

thickness of plate (inches)

3/16 "
1/4 "
5/16 "
3/8 "
7/16 "
1/2 "
mass frac mix (kg/L)
0.995 0.9054881
0.005 0.0040957
material = Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)

dimensi reaktor

waktu tinggal (t)

liquid flow rate Fv

liquid volume VL

reaktor volume 20% over capacity


asumsi comparison = Tinggi (H) =

Diameter (D)

V Reaktor = V Shell + 2. V Head

= /4 ^3 H + 2 ( /24 ^3)

VR = 0.785 D^3 + 0.2616666667

18.3329866545 = 1.0466666667 D^3
D^3 = 17.5155923451 m3
D= 2.5970178997 m
jadi, diameter inside of shell D = 2.5970178997

dan H = 2.5970178997

working pressure = 1
working temperature = 99

head thickness

pressure is designed over 20%

pressure design= working pressure x 1,2
pressure design = 1.2000

base on pressure design, we can use torispherical dished heads, because it has working range betwwen 15 psig-20 p

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)
f (allowable stress) 17000 psia
c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000
D (Inside diameter) 108.0000 in

head thickness is calculated by equation (brownell page 256)

thickness = P.D +C
2.f.E - 0,2 . P

thickness = 0.1950 in

then we followed standard of thickness (t head) = 0.3750

Height of Head

IDs = 108.0000 in
2.7432 m

ODs = IDs + 2 . Shell thickness

108.7500 in
2.7623 m

base on table 5.7 (brownell page 90) for OD 102,245 inches (being standarized to 108 in), we got

icr (inside-corner radius) =

r (radius of dish) =
thickness =

b = r - (BC2 - AB2)1/2
a= ID shell / 2
a= 54.0000 in

AB = a - icr
AB = 51.0000 in

BC = r - icr
BC = 99.0000 in

b= 17.1472 in

base on table 5.6 (brownell page 88) standard Straight Flange for 3/8 in thickness is between 1,5-3 inches then we c
thus,height of head (OA)= thickness of head + b + SF

Liquid Height at Inside of the reactor

wide of reactor's longitudinal section

A= 5.9072397984 m2

liquid volume at bottom head=bottom head volume

V Head= ( /24 ^3)

liquid volume at bottom head (VH) = 2.7008 m3

liquid volume at shell (VS ) = total liquid volume - liquid volume at bottom head
12.5767 m3

height of liquid at shell = liquid volume at shell/wide of reactor's longitudinal section

2.1290 m

Height of Reactor

hR = h shell + 2. (height of head)

hR = 3.7603270619 m
148.0443725152 in

Shell Thickness

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >

Pressure design = working pressure x 120% = 1.2


f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000
r inside 54.0000 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.1951 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness =

Reactor's Stir Rod Dimension

Viskositas ----> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2 yaws, 1999

T operasi 99 C 372.15
P operasi 1 atm 101.325

Komponen output (kmol/jam) Fraksi mol (xi) A

Asam Akrilat 5.6010386514 0.065271194 -15.9215
N-Butanol 19.5615363714 0.2279585833 -5.397
Asam Sulfat 1.2320495466 0.0143575772 -18.7045
N-Butil Akrilat 29.4460301823 0.3431466321 -6.9308
Air 29.9711453101 0.3492660134 -10.2158
Total 85.8118000618 1

camp = 0.3456181663 cP
0.000232245 lbm/ft.s
0.8363959625 lbm/ft.jam
dari hasil viskositas, dipilih pengaduk 6 flat turbine impeller dgn 4 baffle

Dt (Diameter of reactor) 2.7432 m

Da (impeller diameter) 0.9144 m
E (stir distance from bottom of reactor) 0.9144 m
L (width of blade) 0.2286 m
W (height of blade) 0.18288 m
J (width of baffle) 0.2286 m

The Velocity of Stir Rod

mixture 0.8375 kg/L 0.0008

52.2846 lbm/f3

water 1.0000 kg/L

62.4279 lbm/f3

mixture 0.3456 cP
2.3225E-04 lbm/f.s
ID reactor 9.0000 f

N = 500/ phi. Da
N= 53.0786 rpm

from chemical process equipment by walas page 288, we choose standard impeller speed at, N =

baffle's height= height of liquid at shell

Power Number

N Re = N Da2

N Re = 1891066.56779611

dari fig 8.8 rase, diperoleh harga Np sebesar = 5.5 (untuk rentang N Re antara 550 - 10^7)

Agitation Power

P = daya pengaduk, hp
N = kecepatan pengaduk = 56 rpm
= densitas cairan = 52.2846 lbm/f3
Di = diameter pengaduk = 36 in
Np = power number = 5.5

P= 3.2033367667 hP

untuk perancangan motor pengaduk ditambah 10% dan 0,5 hp

P= 3.2033367667 hp + 0.3203336767
P= 4.0236704433 hp
3.0004510496 kW
dipilih motor pengaduk (standar berdasarkan Rase hal 358) dengan daya =


HoRTotal = delta H in - delta H out + delta Hrx total

-4840443.34858486 kj/jam
4840443.34858486 kj/jam
1156120.03166735 kkal/jam
4587855.40019 btu/jam
cooling agent : water
water in temperatur (t2) 30 C
water out temperatur (t1) 44 C
average temperatur 37 C

Solution inside the reactor (hot fluid)

hot fluid-in (T1) 99 C
hot fluid-out (T2) 99 C

water properties at 37 C 4178 J/

Cp 4.178 kj/K. Kg 0.999
1016.4209496536 kg/m3 63.4246672584
0.7041 cp 1.7032

water necessary for cooling

Wa 182439.331981984 lb/jam 82753.938121194
(water flow rate)Q 81.4169937656 m3/jam 0.0226158316
hot fluid
Temperature in (T1) 99.0000 C 372.1500
Temperature out (T2) 99.0000 C 372.1500

cool fluid
temperature in (t2) 30.0000 C 303.0000
temperature out (t1) 44.0000 C 317.1500

(T1-t1) 99.0000 F
(T2-t2) 124.2000 F

T LMTD 111.1242 F

Ud (from table 8 kern page 840) 150.0000 btu/jam.f2. F

(light organic 0,345 cP ; Ud (75-150)
Necessary area for heat transfer
Q = Ud. A . T LMTD
A= 275.2389 f2
25.5697 m2

Reactor blanket area = A tersedia

A tersedia = 284.9441 f2 At Dt H Dt 2
26.4713 m2
A yang dibutuhkan < A tersedia maka di pakai jaket pend

base on ludwig vol.3 ed.2 page 85 Diopt = 3,9qf0,45 f0,13

water speed 3.0000 m/detik mcgrawhill p.496
Longitudinal area 0.0075 m2 Diopt : diameter pipa optimum [in]
qf : kecepatan volume fluida [f3/s]
ID coil 6.0454 in
f : rapat massa fluida [lb/f3]

base on table 11 page 844 kern the we used 40 NPS

ID 6.0650 in 0.5052
OD 6.6250 in 0.5519
At 28.9000 in2 0.2007
At' 1.7340 f2/f

Thermal Conductivity (k) pada T 99 C 372.15 K

Component A B C
C2H3COOH -1.6101 0.9742 615.0000
C4H9OH -1.3120 0.6190 562.9300
C2H3COOC4H9 -1.6774 0.9946 598.0000
H2O (unorganic comp) -0.2758 0.0046 0.0000
H2SO4 (unorganic comp) 0.1553 0.0011 0.0000

= (0.87 . )/ ((^2 )/) ^(2/3) ( (.

)/) ^(1/3) ( /) ^0.14

0.032270554 15288.42811749 1.3572386525

k 0.3338 btu/f2.jam.F
Di (inside diameter of reactor) 9.0000 f
L (diameter of agitator) 3.0000 f
N (agitator windlass) 3360.0000 rev/jam

(solution density) 0.8375 kg/L

837.5201 kg/m3
52.2847 lbm/f3

Cp mixture 1.4356 btu/lbm .F

Cp 0.9979 btu/lbm .F
(viscosity of solution) 0.3456 cP
0.8364 lbm/f.jam

w (viscosity of water) 1.7032 lbm/f.jam

hc 606.1595 btu/jam.f2. F

inside of coil
Re 593229.7622

from fig.24 page 834 kern

jh 1000.0000

= ( . )/ ( (. )/) ^(1/3)
( /) ^0.14
660.7754074539 1.3572386525 0.9052352372
hi = 811.8420486561 btu/Jm.f2.F

Dcoil = 0.5 Di reactor - height of blade + 0.5 Da impeller

1.6459 m
5.4000 f

hio = hi + (1+ (3.5 Di reactor/Dcoil) )

818.6754 btu/Jm.f2.F


hio. Hi 664635.0993 btu/Jm.f2.F
hio+hi 1630.5174 btu/Jm.f2.F

Uc 407.6222 btu/Jm.f2.F

Rd liquid organic materials 0.0010 (kern p.845)

Rd refrigerating liquid 0.0010
Rd total 0.0020

Ud 224.5550 btu/jam f2. F


Q = Ud. A. T LMTD
Ao 183.8563 f2
17.0802 m2

heat transfer area per coil

A' = At' . Phi. Dcoil
A' 29.4017 f2
2.7314 m2

coil windlass (Nt = Ao/ A' )

Nt 6.2533
7.0000 windlass

total length of caoil

L= Ao/At'
L 106.0301 f
32.3180 m

minimum height of coil without space between

Hmin = Nt. OD coil
Hmin 3.8630 f
1.1775 m

height of coil with SPACE (pt) 1.0000 in between

0.0833 f

H=Hmin+ (Nt-1) .pt

H 4.3630 f
1.3298 m

height of liquid at shell 2.1290 m







1) T liquid = T outside-wall
2) heat transfer occur along the shell

cold fluid mass ( kebutuhan air pendingin) = H rx/ (Cp air@37C*(t1 temperatur out air - t
82753.9381 kg

V cold fluid = m /
81.4170 m3

Hshell total = Hshell+ 2. Sf

113.0000 in
2.8702 m

V cold fluid = Vreaktor+jaket - Vreaktor

81.4170 (1/4 . Phi . Dji^2 . Hshell total) - (1/4 . Phi . Do^2 . Hshell total)
81.4170 2.253107 Dji^2 - 17.1912628786
98.6083 2.253107 Dji^2
Dji^2 = 43.7654566091
Dji = 6.6155465843 m
260.4540690242 in

Jaket thckness = Dji - Do 3.8533 m

151.7042865238 in

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >
Jacket wall thickness
Pressure design = working pressure x 120% = 1

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000
r inside 130.2270 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.2940 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness is 0.3125

input and output pipe size

Plant Design and Economics for chemical engineering Mc Graw Hiil,1991,Hal 496

Diopt = 3,9qf0,45 f0,13

Diopt : diameter pipa optimum [in]

qf : kecepatan volume fluida [ft3/s]
f : rapat massa fluida [lb/ft3]

Diopt 6.0454 in
base on table 11 page 844 kern the we use
Inside Diameter 6.0650 in
Outside Diameter 6.6250 in
2 jam
7.6387444394 m3/jam 7638.7444393766 L/jam

15277.4888787531 L 1 m3 = 264.17205
15.2774888788 m3
4035.8855559524 gallon

18332.9866545037 L
18.3329866545 m3
4843.0626671429 gallon

1m= 39.37007874

m OD standar pada brownell hal 90 dan diambil D standar :



atm 14.69595001 Psi

C 372.15 K


rking range betwwen 15 psig-20 psig (page 88 brownell and young)

(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)
(Brownell, hal. 344)
(Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)

thickness of plate (inches)

0.1875 3/16 "
0.2500 1/4 "
0.3125 5/16 "
0.3750 3/8 " yang tersedia ini di table hal 90 uat 108
in 0.4375 7/16 "
0.5000 1/2 "

108 in), we got

3 in
102 in
0.375 in

s between 1,5-3 inches then we choose Sf =


8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi


(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
(Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)
0.375 in


B C D Visc (cP) xi/visc

2440.8 0.034383 -0.000027677 0.3977734695 0.1640913711
1325.6 0.0062223 -5.5062E-06 0.522455032 0.4363219211
3496.2 0.03308 -0.000017018 4.4045591674 0.0032597081
1168.9 0.013471 -0.000012339 0.3269436885 1.0495588206
1792.5 0.01773 -0.000012631 0.2816355667 1.240134609
5.9333669241 2.89336643

we use strandard from Rase p.342

9.0000 f Da/Dt
3.0000 f 36 in H/Dt
3.0000 f J/Dt
0.7500 f E/Dt
0.6000 f W/Da
0.7500 f L/Da

r speed at, N = 56 rpm
0.9333 rps

rentang N Re antara 550 - 10^7)

1 hp = 0.7457 kW

hp + 0.5 hp ( Rase, hal. 349 )

5 hp
303.15 K 86 F dt =
317.15 K 111.2 F
98.6 F

372.15 K 210.2 F
372.15 K 210.2 F

kcal/K kg 0.997898588 btu/lb.F (

lb/f3 (yaws,1999)
lb/f.jam 0.7725 kg/f.jam (yaws,1999)


K 210.2000 F
K 210.2000 F

K 86.0000 F
K 111.2000 F

in T1 T2 out
----> ---->
reactan (99 C) reactan (99 C)

outt1 t2 in
<---- <----
water 44 C) water (30 C)

Dt H Dt 2
A tersedia maka di pakai jaket pendingin

opt = 3,9qf0,45 f0,13

rawhill p.496
t : diameter pipa optimum [in]
ecepatan volume fluida [f3/s]
apat massa fluida [lb/f3]



k kg/jam mass fraction(x) x.k

0.1370735713 2522.7078086125 0.4011609477 0.0549885638
0.1387996972 3629.5801472554 0.577175766 0.0801118215
0.1190289371 5.2008282666 0.0008270356 9.84411698231E-05
3.303651119 10.1909484051 0.0016205644 0.0053537795
2.7236384378 120.8381874828 0.0192156863 0.0523365817
6288.5179200225 0.1928891877 W/m.K
0.3338333171 btu/f2.jam.F

( (.


Components Cp (kJ/kmol.K) mol fraction of input x. Cp Mr

C2H3COOH 162.6160 0.4079 66.3384 72.0640
C4H9OH 650.3521 0.5706 371.1119 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 149.1675 0.0005 0.0705 128.1710
H2O 284.3957 0.0066 1.8748 18.0150
H2SO4 75.5163 0.0144 1.0842 98.0790
TOTAL 1.0000 440.4799

Cp mixture 440.4799 kJ/kmol.K

6.0107 kJ/kg.K
1.4356 BTU/lb F





r@37C*(t1 temperatur out air - t2 temperatur in air))

hi . Do^2 . Hshell total)

8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi


(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
(Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)



108 in
2.7432 m
edia ini di table hal 90 uat 108 in diameter

2.5 in
1/ 3 Da = diameter pengaduk
1 Dt = diameter dalam reaktor
1/12 E = jarak pengaduk dari dasar reaktor
1/3 H = tinggi cairan dalam reaktor
1/ 5 W = tinggi impeller
1/4 L = lebar impeller ( walas hal. 287 )
J= lebar baffle
(McCabe figure 9.7 halaman 242)
(McCabe halaman 243)
25.2 f
W/m. K = 1.7307 btu/f.jam.F

T= 372.15

Komponen A B C D
Asam Akrilat -18.242 1.2106 -0.00312 3.14E-06
N-Butanol 83.877 0.56628 0.001721 2.28E-06
Asam Sulfat 26.004 0.70337 -0.00139 1.03E-06
N-Butil Akrilat 101.239 1.1519 -0.00324 3.95E-06
BM mix Air 92.053 -0.03995 -0.00021 5.35E-07
material = Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)

dimensi reaktor

waktu tinggal (t)

liquid flow rate Fv

liquid volume VL

reaktor volume 20% over capacity


asumsi comparison = Tinggi (H) =

Diameter (D)

V Reaktor = V Shell + 2. V Head

= /4 ^3 H + 2 ( /24 ^3)

VR = 0.785 D^3 + 0.261666667

18.3408761183 = 1.0466666667 D^3
D^3 = 17.5231300493 m3
D= 2.5973903821 m
jadi, diameter inside of shell D = 2.597390382

dan H = 2.597390382

working pressure = 1
working temperature = 99

head thickness

pressure is designed over 20%

pressure design= working pressure x 1,2
pressure design = 1.2000

base on pressure design, we can use torispherical dished heads, because it has working range betwwen 15 psig-20 p

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)
f (allowable stress) 17000 psia
c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000
D (Inside diameter) 108.0000 in

head thickness is calculated by equation (brownell page 256)

thickness = P.D +C
2.f.E - 0,2 . P

thickness = 0.1950 in

then we followed standard of thickness (t head) = 0.3750

Height of Head

IDs = 108.0000 in
2.7432 m

ODs = IDs + 2 . Shell thickness

108.7500 in
2.7623 m

base on table 5.7 (brownell page 90) for OD 102,245 inches (being standarized to 108 in), we got

icr (inside-corner radius) =

r (radius of dish) =
thickness =

b = r - (BC2 - AB2)1/2
a= ID shell / 2
a= 54.0000 in

AB = a - icr
AB = 51.0000 in

BC = r - icr
BC = 99.0000 in

b= 17.1472 in

base on table 5.6 (brownell page 88) standard Straight Flange for 3/8 in thickness is between 1,5-3 inches then we c
thus,height of head (OA)= thickness of head + b + SF

Liquid Height at Inside of the reactor

wide of reactor's longitudinal section

A= 5.9072397984 m2

liquid volume at bottom head=bottom head volume

V Head= ( /24 ^3)

liquid volume at bottom head (VH) = 2.7008 m3

liquid volume at shell (VS ) = total liquid volume - liquid volume at bottom head
12.5833 m3

height of liquid at shell = liquid volume at shell/wide of reactor's longitudinal section

2.1301 m

Height of Reactor

hR = h shell + 2. (height of head)

hR = 3.7603270619 m
148.0443725152 in

Shell Thickness

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >

Pressure design = working pressure x 120% = 1.2


f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000
r inside 54.0000 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.1951 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness =

Reactor's Stir Rod Dimension

Viskositas ----> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2 yaws, 1999

T operasi 99 C 372.15
P operasi 1 atm 101.325

Komponen output (kmol/jam) Fraksi mol (xi) A

Asam Akrilat 0.7001298314 0.0081588993 -15.9215
N-Butanol 14.6606275514 0.1708462885 -5.397
Asam Sulfat 1.2320495466 0.0143575772 -18.7045
N-Butil Akrilat 34.3469390023 0.4002589268 -6.9308
Air 34.8720541301 0.4063783082 -10.2158
Total 85.8118000618 1

camp = 0.3313513446 cP
0.0002226582 lbm/ft.s
0.8018702539 lbm/ft.jam
dari hasil viskositas, dipilih pengaduk 6 flat turbine impeller dgn 4 baffle

Dt (Diameter of reactor) 2.7432 m

Da (impeller diameter) 0.9144 m
E (stir distance from bottom of reactor) 0.9144 m
L (width of blade) 0.2286 m
W (height of blade) 0.18288 m
J (width of baffle) 0.2286 m

The Velocity of Stir Rod

mixture 0.8375 kg/L 0.0008

52.2846 lbm/f3

water 1.0000 kg/L

62.4279 lbm/f3

mixture 0.3314 cP
2.2266E-04 lbm/f.s
ID reactor 9.0000 f

N = 500/ phi. Da
N= 53.0786 rpm

from chemical process equipment by walas page 288, we choose standard impeller speed at, N =

baffle's height= height of liquid at shell

Power Number

N Re = N Da2

N Re = 1972489.23305104

dari fig 8.8 rase, diperoleh harga Np sebesar = 5.5 (untuk rentang N Re antara 550 - 10^7)

Agitation Power

P = daya pengaduk, hp
N = kecepatan pengaduk = 56 rpm
= densitas cairan = 52.2846 lbm/f3
Di = diameter pengaduk = 36 in
Np = power number = 5.5

P= 3.2033367667 hP

untuk perancangan motor pengaduk ditambah 10% dan 0,5 hp

P= 3.2033367667 hp + 0.320333677
P= 4.0236704433 hp
3.0004510496 kW
dipilih motor pengaduk (standar berdasarkan Rase hal 358) dengan daya =


HoRTotal = delta H in - delta H out + delta Hrx total

-3277252.95111086 kj/jam
3277252.95111086 kj/jam
782758.419583181 kkal/jam
3106236.67435875 btu/jam
cooling agent : water
water in temperatur (t2) 30 C
water out temperatur (t1) 44 C
average temperatur 37 C

Solution inside the reactor (hot fluid)

hot fluid-in (T1) 99 C
hot fluid-out (T2) 99 C

water properties at 37 C 4178 J/

Cp 4.178 kj/K. Kg 0.999
1016.4209496536 kg/m3 63.42466726
0.7041 cp 1.7032

water necessary for cooling

Wa 123521.709909372 lb/jam 56029.08006
(water flow rate)Q 55.1238933861 m3/jam 0.015312193
hot fluid
Temperature in (T1) 99.0000 C 372.1500
Temperature out (T2) 99.0000 C 372.1500

cool fluid
temperature in (t2) 30.0000 C 303.0000
temperature out (t1) 44.0000 C 317.1500

(T1-t1) 99.0000 F
(T2-t2) 124.2000 F

T LMTD 111.1242 F

Ud (from table 8 kern page 840) 150.0000 btu/jam.f2. F

(light organic 0,345 cP ; Ud (75-150)
Necessary area for heat transfer
Q = Ud. A . T LMTD
A= 186.3523 f2
17.3121 m2

Reactor blanket area = A tersedia

A tersedia = 285.0258 f2 At Dt H Dt 2
26.4789 m2
A yang dibutuhkan < A tersedia maka di pakai jaket pendingin

base on ludwig vol.3 ed.2 page 85 Diopt = 3,9qf0,45 f0,13

water speed 3.0000 m/detik mcgrawhill p.496
Longitudinal area 0.0051 m2 Diopt : diameter pipa optimum [in]
qf : kecepatan volume fluida [f3/s]
ID coil 5.0723 in
f : rapat massa fluida [lb/f3]

base on table 11 page 844 kern the we used 40 NPS

ID 6.0650 in 0.5052
OD 6.6250 in 0.5519
At 28.9000 in2 0.2007
At' 1.7340 f2/f

Thermal Conductivity (k) pada T 99 C 372.15 K

Component A B C
C2H3COOH -1.6101 0.9742 615.0000
C4H9OH -1.3120 0.6190 562.9300
C2H3COOC4H9 -1.6774 0.9946 598.0000
H2O (unorganic comp) -0.2758 0.0046 0.0000
H2SO4 (unorganic comp) 0.1553 0.0011 0.0000

= (0.87 . )/ ((^2 )/) ^(2/3) ( (.

)/) ^(1/3) ( /) ^0.14

0.0749888762 15724.18163877 1.010392553

k 0.7757 btu/f2.jam.F
Di (inside diameter of reactor) 9.0000 f
L (diameter of agitator) 3.0000 f
N (agitator windlass) 3360.0000 rev/jam

(solution density) 0.8375 kg/L

837.5201 kg/m3
52.2847 lbm/f3

Cp mixture 1.0119 btu/lbm .F

Cp 0.9979 btu/lbm .F
(viscosity of solution) 0.3314 cP
0.8019 lbm/f.jam

w (viscosity of water) 1.7032 lbm/f.jam

hc 1072.1447 btu/jam.f2. F

inside of coil
Re 401649.9831

from fig.24 page 834 kern

jh 800.0000

= ( . )/ ( (. )/) ^(1/3)
( /) ^0.14
1228.3843711764 1.0103925527 0.8999085033
hi = 1116.9218172874 btu/Jm.f2.F

Dcoil = 0.5 Di reactor - height of blade + 0.5 Da impeller

1.6459 m
5.4000 f

hio = hi + (1+ (3.5 Di reactor/Dcoil) )

1123.7552 btu/Jm.f2.F


hio. Hi 1255146.6450 btu/Jm.f2.F
hio+hi 2240.6770 btu/Jm.f2.F

Uc 560.1640 btu/Jm.f2.F

Rd liquid organic materials 0.0010 (kern p.845)

Rd refrigerating liquid 0.0010
Rd total 0.0020

Ud 264.1874 btu/jam f2. F


Q = Ud. A. T LMTD
Ao 105.8069 f2
9.8295 m2

heat transfer area per coil

A' = At' . Phi. Dcoil
A' 29.4017 f2
2.7314 m2

coil windlass (Nt = Ao/ A' )

Nt 3.5987
4.0000 windlass

total length of caoil

L= Ao/At'
L 61.0189 f
18.5986 m

minimum height of coil without space between

Hmin = Nt. OD coil
Hmin 2.2075 f
0.6728 m

height of coil with SPACE (pt) 1.0000 in between

0.0833 f

H=Hmin+ (Nt-1) .pt

H 2.4574 f
0.7490 m
it's mean coil immerse/submerged/submersib
height of liquid at shell 2.1301 m







1) T liquid = T outside-wall
2) heat transfer occur along the shell

cold fluid mass ( kebutuhan air pendingin) = H rx/ (Cp air@37C*(t1 temperatur out air - t2 tem
56029.0801 kg

V cold fluid = m /
55.1239 m3

Hshell total = Hshell+ 2. Sf

113.0000 in
2.8702 m

V cold fluid = Vreaktor+jaket - Vreaktor

55.1239 (1/4 . Phi . Dji^2 . Hshell total) - (1/4 . Phi . Do^2 . Hshell total)
55.1239 2.253107 Dji^2 - 17.19126288
72.3152 2.253107 Dji^2
Dji^2 = 32.0957487881
Dji = 5.6653110054 m
223.0432942833 in

Jaket thckness = Dji - Do 2.9031 m

114.2935117829 in

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >
Jacket wall thickness
Pressure design = working pressure x 120% = 1

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000
r inside 111.5216 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.2697 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness is 0.3125

input and output pipe size

Plant Design and Economics for chemical engineering Mc Graw Hiil,1991,Hal 496

Diopt = 3,9qf0,45 f0,13

Diopt : diameter pipa optimum [in]

qf : kecepatan volume fluida [ft3/s]
f : rapat massa fluida [lb/ft3]

Diopt 5.0723 in
base on table 11 page 844 kern the we use
Inside Diameter 6.0650 in
Outside Diameter 6.6250 in
18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)

2 jam
7.6420317159 m3/jam 7642.0317159472 L/jam

15284.0634318943 L 1 m3 = 264.17205
15.2840634319 m3
4037.6223691336 gallon

18340.8761182731 L
18.3408761183 m3
4845.1468429603 gallon

1m= 39.37007874

m OD standar pada brownell hal 90 dan diambil D standar :



atm 14.69595001 Psi

C 372.15 K


it has working range betwwen 15 psig-20 psig (page 88 brownell and young)

47 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)
(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)
(Brownell, hal. 344)
(Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)

thickness of plate (inches)

0.1875 3/16 "
0.2500 1/4 "
0.3125 5/16 "
0.3750 3/8 " yang tersedia ini di table hal 90 uat 108
in 0.4375 7/16 "
0.5000 1/2 "

arized to 108 in), we got

3 in
102 in
0.375 in

hickness is between 1,5-3 inches then we choose Sf =


dinal section

47 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi


(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
(Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)
0.375 in


B C D Visc (cP) xi/visc

2440.8 0.034383 -0.000027677 0.3977734695 0.0205114214
1325.6 0.0062223 -5.5062E-06 0.522455032 0.3270066858
3496.2 0.03308 -0.000017018 4.4045591674 0.0032597081
1168.9 0.013471 -0.000012339 0.3269436885 1.2242442382
1792.5 0.01773 -0.000012631 0.2816355667 1.4429225432
5.9333669241 3.0179445967

we use strandard from Rase p.342

9.0000 f Da/Dt
3.0000 f 36 in H/Dt
3.0000 f J/Dt
0.7500 f E/Dt
0.6000 f W/Da
0.7500 f L/Da

d impeller speed at, N = 56 rpm
0.9333 rps

ntuk rentang N Re antara 550 - 10^7)

1 hp = 0.7457 kW

hp + 0.5 hp ( Rase, hal. 349 )

5 hp
303.15 K 86 F dt =
317.15 K 111.2 F
98.6 F

372.15 K 210.2 F
372.15 K 210.2 F

kcal/K kg 0.997898588 btu/lb.F (

lb/f3 (yaws,1999)
lb/f.jam 0.7725 kg/f.jam (yaws,1999)


K 210.2000 F
K 210.2000 F

K 86.0000 F
K 111.2000 F

in T1 T2 out
----> ---->
reactan (99 C) reactan (99 C)

outt1 t2 in
<---- <----
water 44 C) water (30 C)

At Dt H Dt 2
n < A tersedia maka di pakai jaket pendingin

Diopt = 3,9qf0,45 f0,13

mcgrawhill p.496
Diopt : diameter pipa optimum [in]
qf : kecepatan volume fluida [f3/s]
f : rapat massa fluida [lb/f3]



k kg/jam mass fraction(x) x.k

0.1370735713 403.633249378 0.0641860518 0.0087982113
0.1387996972 1449.9597604585 0.2305736517 0.032003553
0.1190289371 3774.1271344895 0.6001644315 0.0714369344
3.303651119 539.9301827608 0.0858600889 0.2836517787
2.7236384378 120.8381874828 0.0192157761 0.0523368265
6288.4885145695 0.4482273039 W/m.K
0.7757469949 btu/f2.jam.F

^(2/3) ( (.


Components Cp (kJ/kmol.K) mol fraction of input x. Cp Mr

C2H3COOH 162.6160 0.0653 10.6141 72.0640
C4H9OH 650.3521 0.2280 148.2533 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 149.1675 0.3431 51.1863 128.1710
H2O 284.3957 0.3493 99.3298 18.0150
H2SO4 75.5163 0.0144 1.0842 98.0790
TOTAL 1.0000 310.4678

Cp mixture 310.4678 kJ/kmol.K

4.2366 kJ/kg.K
1.0119 BTU/lb F
mean coil immerse/submerged/submersible in liquid






Cp air@37C*(t1 temperatur out air - t2 temperatur in air))

/4 . Phi . Do^2 . Hshell total)

47 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi


(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
(Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)


il,1991,Hal 496


108 in
2.7432 m
edia ini di table hal 90 uat 108 in diameter

2.5 in
1/ 3 Da = diameter pengaduk
1 Dt = diameter dalam reaktor
1/12 E = jarak pengaduk dari dasar reaktor
1/3 H = tinggi cairan dalam reaktor
1/ 5 W = tinggi impeller
1/4 L = lebar impeller ( walas hal. 287 )
J= lebar baffle
(McCabe figure 9.7 halaman 242)
(McCabe halaman 243)
25.2 f
W/m. K = 1.7307 btu/f.jam.F

T= 372.15

Komponen A B C D
Asam Akril -18.242 1.2106 -0.00312 3.14E-06
N-Butanol 83.877 0.56628 0.001721 2.28E-06
Asam Sulfa 26.004 0.70337 -0.00139 1.03E-06
N-Butil Akr 101.239 1.1519 -0.00324 3.95E-06
BM mix Air 92.053 -0.03995 -0.00021 5.35E-07
material = Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)

dimensi reaktor

waktu tinggal (t) 2

liquid flow rate Fv 7.6420317159

liquid volume VL 15284.063432

reaktor volume 20% over capacity
VR 18340.876118
asumsi comparison = Tinggi (H) = 1
Diameter (D) 1

V Reaktor = V Shell + 2. V Head

= /4 ^3 H + 2 ( /24 ^3)

VR = 0.785 D^3 + 0.26166667 D^3

18.3408761183 = 1.0466666667 D^3
D^3 = 17.5231300493 m3
D= 2.5973903821 m
jadi, diameter inside of shell D = 2.59739038 m
8.52162199 f
102.259464 in

dan H = 2.59739038 m
8.52162199 f
102.259464 in

working pressure = 1 atm

working temperature = 99 C

head thickness

pressure is designed over 20%

pressure design= working pressure x 1,2
pressure design = 1.2000 atm
17.6351 Psia

base on pressure design, we can use torispherical dished heads, because it has working range betwwen 15 psig-20 p

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)
f (allowable stress) 17000 psia (Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)
c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in (Brownell, hal. 344)
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)
D (Inside diameter) 108.0000 in

head thickness is calculated by equation (brownell page 256)

thickness = P.D +C
2.f.E - 0,2 . P

thickness = 0.1950 in

then we followed standard of thickness (t head) = 0.3750 in

Height of Head

IDs = 108.0000 in
2.7432 m

ODs = IDs + 2 . Shell thickness

108.7500 in
2.7623 m

base on table 5.7 (brownell page 90) for OD 102,25946 inches (being standarized to 108 in), we got

icr (inside-corner radius) =

r (radius of dish) =
thickness =

b = r - (BC2 - AB2)1/2
a= ID shell / 2
a= 54.0000 in

AB = a - icr
AB = 51.0000 in

BC = r - icr
BC = 99.0000 in

b= 17.1472 in

base on table 5.6 (brownell page 88) standard Straight Flange for 3/8 in thickness is between 1,5-3 inches then we c
thus,height of head (OA)= thickness of head + b + SF
20.0222 in
0.50856353 m

Liquid Height at Inside of the reactor

wide of reactor's longitudinal section

A= 5.9072397984 m2

liquid volume at bottom head=bottom head volume

V Head= ( /24

liquid volume at bottom head (VH) = 2.7008 m3

liquid volume at shell (VS ) = total liquid volume - liquid volume at bottom head
12.5833 m3

height of liquid at shell = liquid volume at shell/wide of reactor's longitudinal section

2.1301 m

Height of Reactor

hR = h shell + 2. (height of head)

hR = 3.7603270619 m
148.0443725152 in

Shell Thickness

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >

Pressure design = working pressure x 120% = 1.2 atm

17.63514 Psia

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia (Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in (Brownell, hal. 344)
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)
r inside 54.0000 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.1951 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness = 0.375

Reactor's Stir Rod Dimension

Viskositas ----> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2 yaws, 1999

T operasi 99 C 372.15 K
P operasi 1 atm 101.325 KPa

Komponen output (kmol/jam) Fraksi mol (xi) A B

Asam Akrilat 0.7001298314 0.0081588993 -15.9215 2440.8
N-Butanol 14.6606275514 0.1708462885 -5.397 1325.6
Asam Sulfat 1.2320495466 0.0143575772 -18.7045 3496.2
N-Butil Akrilat 34.3469390023 0.4002589268 -6.9308 1168.9
Air 34.8720541301 0.4063783082 -10.2158 1792.5
Total 85.8118000618 1

camp = 0.3313513446 cP
0.0002226582 lbm/ft.s
0.8018702539 lbm/ft.jam
dari hasil viskositas, dipilih pengaduk 6 flat turbine impeller dgn 4 baffle we use strandard from Rase p.342

Dt (Diameter of reactor) 2.7432 m 9.0000

Da (impeller diameter) 0.9144 m 3.0000
E (stir distance from bottom of reactor) 0.9144 m 3.0000
L (width of blade) 0.2286 m 0.7500
W (height of blade) 0.18288 m 0.6000
J (width of baffle) 0.2286 m 0.7500

The Velocity of Stir Rod

mixture 0.8375 kg/L 0.0008 kg/m3

52.2846 lbm/f3

water 1.0000 kg/L

62.4279 lbm/f3

mixture 0.3314 cP
2.2266E-04 lbm/f.s
ID reactor 9.0000 f

N = 500/ phi. Da
N= 53.0786 rpm

from chemical process equipment by walas page 288, we choose standard impeller speed at, N =

baffle's height= height of liquid at shell

Power Number

N Re = N Da2

N Re = 1972489.23305104

dari fig 8.8 rase, diperoleh harga Np sebesar = 5.5 (untuk rentang N Re antara 550 - 10^7)

Agitation Power

P = daya pengaduk, hp
N = kecepatan pengaduk = 56 rpm
= densitas cairan = 52.2846 lbm/f3
Di = diameter pengaduk = 36 in
Np = power number = 5.5

P= 3.2033367667 hP 1 hp =

untuk perancangan motor pengaduk ditambah 10% dan 0,5 hp

P= 3.2033367667 hp + 0.32033368 hp +
P= 4.0236704433 hp
3.0004510496 kW
dipilih motor pengaduk (standar berdasarkan Rase hal 358) dengan daya = 5
m3/jam 7642.031716 L/jam

L 1 m3 = 264.17205 gallon


1m= 39.37007874 in
3.280839895 f

OD standar pada brownell hal 90 dan diambil D standar : 108


14.69595001 Psi
372.15 K

working range betwwen 15 psig-20 psig (page 88 brownell and young)

ownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)
ownell, hal. 344)
ownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)

thickness of plate (inches)

0.1875 3/16 "
0.2500 1/4 "
0.3125 5/16 "
0.3750 3/8 " yang tersedia ini di table hal 90 uat 108 in diameter
0.4375 7/16 "
0.5000 1/2 "

d to 108 in), we got

3 in
102 in
0.375 in

s is between 1,5-3 inches then we choose Sf = 2.5

r-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi

ownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

ownell, hal. 344)
ownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)

C D Visc (cP) xi/visc

0.034383 -0.000027677 0.39777347 0.0205114214
0.0062223 -5.5062E-06 0.522455032 0.3270066858
0.03308 -0.000017018 4.404559167 0.0032597081
0.013471 -0.000012339 0.326943688 1.2242442382 viskositas air pada 37 C
0.01773 -0.000012631 0.281635567 1.4429225432 0.7040556429
5.933366924 3.0179445967

use strandard from Rase p.342

f Da/Dt 1/ 3 Da = diameter pengaduk

f 36 in H/Dt 1 Dt = diameter dalam reaktor
f J/Dt 1/12 E = jarak pengaduk dari dasar reaktor
f E/Dt 1/3 H = tinggi cairan dalam reaktor
f W/Da 1/ 5 W = tinggi impeller
f L/Da 1/4 L = lebar impeller
J= lebar baffle
(McCabe figure 9.7 halaman 242)
(McCabe halaman 243)
ler speed at, N = 56 rpm
0.9333 rps

Re antara 550 - 10^7)

0.7457 kW

0.5 hp ( Rase, hal. 349 )

diameter pengaduk
diameter dalam reaktor
jarak pengaduk dari dasar reaktor
tinggi cairan dalam reaktor
tinggi impeller
lebar impeller ( walas hal. 287 )
lebar baffle
(McCabe figure 9.7 halaman 242)
(McCabe halaman 243)
kondisi operasi
Temperatur 99 C 372.15
Tekanan 1 atm
material = Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)
Komponen kmol/jam kg/jam mass fraction (f) (kg/L) 99 oC
Asam Akrilat 0.7001 50.4542 0.0080 0.9588
N-Butanol 14.6606 1086.6897 0.1728 0.7405
Asam Sulfat 1.2320 120.8382 0.0192 1.7404
Air 34.8721 628.2201 0.0999 0.9566
N-Butil Akrilat 34.3469 4402.2815 0.7001 0.8159
Total 85.8118 6288.4836 1.0000

input = 0.8358 kg/L

52.1788 lbm/f3
835.8232 kg/m3

Q input = 7523.7004 L/jam

0.0021 m3/detik
0.0738 f3/detik

light produk
upper produk
komponen kmol/jam kg/jam mass fraction (f) (kg/L) 99 oC
N-Butil Akrilat 34.3469 4402.2815 0.8068 0.8159
N-butanol 14.2199 1054.0223 0.1932 0.7405
Total 48.5668 5456.3038 1.0000

L = 0.8013 kg/L
50.0245 lbm/f3
801.3156 kg/m3

QL= 6809.1816 L/jam

0.0019 m3/detik
0.0668 f3/detik

L= 0.3647 cP
0.0004 kg/m.detik

Heavy Produk
bottom produk
komponen kmol/jam kg/jam mass fraction (f) (kg/L) 99 oC
N-Butanol 0.4407 32.6674 0.0393 0.7405
Asam Akrilat 0.7001 50.4542 0.0606 0.9588
Asam Sulfat 1.2320 120.8382 0.1452 1.7404
Air 34.8721 628.2201 0.7549 0.9566
Total 37.2450 832.1798 1.0000

H = 1.0621 kg/L
66.3033 lbm/f3
1062.0771 kg/m3

QH= 783.5400 L/jam

0.0002 m3/detik
0.0077 f3/detik

H= 0.8968 cP
0.0009 kg/m.detik

Determining dispersed phase

= (QL / QH) (L H/H L) 0.3

= 8.6903 1.2037
= 10.4605 the heavy phase dispersed
: Parameter dispersi
< 0,3 Fase ringan terdispersi
0,3-0,5 Fase ringan mungkinterdis
0,5=2,0 phase inversion probable

Handbook of separation process technology, Roussea

Terminal Velocity of granular dispersed

dp 150.0000 micrometer Handbook of separation technology, Roseau halaman

0.0002 m

c ( L) 0.3647 cP
0.0004 kg/m.det

g (gravity) 9.8100 m/s2 coulson, hal 440

D (H) 1062.0771 kg/m3

C (L) 801.3156 kg/m3

Ud = g dp2 ( D - C)
18. c
Ud = 0.00000022 39721.0973
Ud = 8.7674E-03 m/det (droplet velocity)

Nre = Ud .dp . rho heavy phase/miu light phase

Nre = 3.8298

Nre =<10 maka aliran bergarak secara laminer sehingga dapat terjadi pemisahan anta
(handbook of separation technology by ronald w.rousseau p.152)

Interface Area

the separation purpose is not allowing heavy phase granular brought out of decanter accidentally in continuous pha
(coulson 1983 p.440)

Uc = Qc / Ai Ai = interface area
Uc = velocity of continuous phase (m/det)

Ai = Qc/Ud
Qc 6809.1816 L/jam
6.8092 m3/jam
0.0019 m3/det

Ai 0.2157 m2

Dekanter Size
comparison for vertical decanter (Coulson 1999 p.441)
in this case we use vertical decanter. Vertical area of decanter is equal with interface area, so
Ai = ID2 / 4
ID^2 = 0.2748 m2
ID = 0.5242 m

H/D = 2.0000 (asumsi, bisa beraa aja yang penting ga pecahan)

H 1.0485 m

Dekanter Volume

V dec = V shell + 2 Vhead

we use torispherical head

V head= phi.(D2/4)(D/6)

2 Vhead = phi D3/12

0.0377 m3

Vshell= phi/4 (D2 H)

0.2262 m3

Vdec = 0.2639 m3

Resident time in dekanter

t = Vdek/ (Qd + Qc)

t= 125.1199 detik
2.0853 menit (coulson p.442 resisdent time antara 2-5 menit norm
0.0347555337 jam

Liquid volume in decanter

Fv INPUT = feed mass/ mixture feed density
Fv 7523.7004 L/jam
7.5237 m3/jam
VL = Fv . T
VL = 0.2615 m3

then decanter volume is 20% overdesign of liquid volume

Vdec 0.3138 m3 1
82.8941 gallon

Diameter dan Tinggi Dekanter

V dec = V shell + 2 Vhead

we use torispherical head H/D= 2/1

V head= phi.(D /4)(D/6)

2 Vhead = phi D3/12

Vshell= phi/4 (D2 H)

V dec = ((phi/4)*D^2*H) + (phi/12)*D^3

Vdec = 1.57 D^3 + 0.2616666667 D^3
Vdec = 1.8316666667 D^3
0.1713 = D^3
D= 0.5554 m 1m= 39.37007874
21.8657 in

H= 1.1108 m 3.64436 f
43.7314 in

V shell = 0.2690 m3

V bottom head = 0.0224 m3

Ai= (phi/4) D2
Ai = 0.2421381179 m2

Shell thickness of dekanter

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >

Pressure design = working pressure x 120% = 1.2 atm

17.635140012 Psia

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia (Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in (Brownell, hal. 344)
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)
r inside 0.2777 m
10.9328412133 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.1392 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness = 0.1875

Head Thickness of decanter

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >

Pressure design = working pressure x 120% = 1.2 atm

17.635140012 Psia
base on pressure design, we can use torispherical dished heads, because it has working range betwwen 15 psig-20 p

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia (Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in (Brownell, hal. 344)
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)
D inside diameter 0.5554 m
21.8656824265 in
head thickness is calculated by equation (brownell page 256)
thickness = P.D +C
2.f.E - 0,2 . P

0.1392 in
Head thickness standard = 0.1875 in

Height of head

ID shell 0.5554 m
21.8657 in

OD shell = ID shell + 2. shell thickness

22.2407 in
0.9304 m

base on brownell table 5.7 p.89 dengan OD 22,2407 in dipakai standard OD =

r (radius of dish) 24.0000 in
icr (inside corner radius) 1.5000 in

a= ID shell / 2
a= 10.9328 in

b = r - (BC2 - AB2)1/2

AB = a - icr
AB = 9.4328 in

BC = r - icr
BC = 22.5000 in

b= 3.5728 in

base on table 5.6 (brownell page 88) standard Straight Flange for 3/16 in thickness is between 1.5 - 2 inches then we

sf = 2 in
thus, height of head (OA)= thickness of head + b + SF
OA = 5.7603 in 1m=
0.1463 m

The velocity of Continuous Phase

Uc = QL/Ai
Uc 0.0088 m/det SETTLING TIME
Heavy Phase Volume

VB = QH t
VB 0.0272 m3

heavy phase volume at shell

VB shell = VB - Vhead
VB shell 0.0048 m3

height of heavy phase at shell

H B shell = VB shell

H B shell 0.0199 m
0.7835 in

Total Height of Decanter

H decanter total = Hshell + 2 H head

H decanter total = 1.4034 m
55.2519 in

Height of Heavy phase

HB =Hbshell + b + Sf
HB 6.3563 in
0.1614 m

Light pase volume

light phase volume at decanter

VA = QVA . t
0.2367 m3

height of light phase

HA = VA /Ai
0.9774 m
38.4788 in

Height of liquid in decanter

Hliquid= HA + HB
1.1388 m
44.8351 in

Height of interface (Hinterface) = height of inlet = height of heavy phase =

Coulson p. 438 :

Decanter space from the ground = 1.0000 m

39.3701 in

Light phase outlet pipe

Z1 = 90% of (space+total height of liquid)
Z1 = 1.9249 m

Z3 = space+Hinterface
Z3 = 1.1614 m

Z2 = (Z1-Z3) rhoHeavy + Z3

Z2 = 2.1734 m

Resident time droplet

resident time at dispersion band

tdf = dispersion band/Ud base on coulson p.440. dispersion band thickness is 10% of height of decanter

dispersion band = Hdec total x 0,1

0.140339866 m
tdf 16.0069 detik
size of inlet pipe

ID = 3.9 (Qf^0.45) (^0.13) timmerhaus 1991 p.496

ID = inside diameter of pipe (in)

Qf = feed flow rate (f3/det)
=feed density (lb/f3)

ID 2.0183 in

standard size from kern page 844. Table 11 Dimensions of steel Pipe (IPS)
ID 2.0670 in
OD 2.3800 in
A 3.3500 in2
NPS (nominal pipe size) 2.0000 in
Schedule no 40.0000

size of outlet pipe for light phase

ID = 3.9 (Qf^0.45) (^0.13) timmerhaus 1991 p.496

ID = inside diameter of pipe (in)

Qf = feed flow rate (f3/det)
=feed density (lb/f3)

ID 1.9191 in

standard size from kern page 844. Table 11 Dimensions of steel Pipe (IPS)
ID 2.0670 in
OD 2.3800 in
A 3.3500 in2
NPS 2.0000 in
Schedule no 40.0000

size of outlet pipe for heavy phase

ID = 3.9 (Qf^0.45) (^0.13) timmerhaus 1991 p.496

ID = inside diameter of pipe (in)

Qf = feed flow rate (f3/det)
=feed density (lb/f3)

ID 0.7524 in
standard size from kern page 844. Table 11 Dimensions of steel Pipe (IPS)
ID 0.8240 in
OD 1.0500 in
A 0.5340 in2
NPS 0.7500 in
Schedule no 40.0000
18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)

.f (cP)at 99oC . f
0.0077 0.3978 0.0032
0.1280 0.5225 0.0903
0.0334 4.4046 0.0846
0.0956 0.2816 0.0281
0.5712 0.3269 0.2289
0.8358 0.4351

.f (cP)at 99 oC . f
0.6583 0.3269 0.2638
0.1431 0.5225 0.1009
0.8013 0.8494 0.3647

.f (cP)at 99 oC . f
0.0291 0.5225 0.0205
0.0581 0.3978 0.0241
0.2527 4.4046 0.6396
0.7222 0.2816 0.2126
1.0621 0.8968

meter dispersi
ase ringan terdispersi
Fase ringan mungkinterdispersi
phase inversion probable
fase beratmungkin terdispersi
fase berat terdispersi

rocess technology, Rousseau halaman 150

echnology, Roseau halaman 150

pat terjadi pemisahan antara fase ringan dan fase berat

dentally in continuous phase, so we are setting up the velocity of continuous phase (Uc) lower than Ud
me antara 2-5 menit normal direkomendasikan)

m3 = 264.17205 gallon US fluid

) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi

1 atm = 14.69595001 Psi

ell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

ell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)

thickness of plate (inches)

0.1875 3/16 "
0.2500 1/4 "
0.3125 5/16 "
0.3750 3/8 "
in 0.4375 7/16 "
0.5000 1/2 "

) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi

1 atm = 14.69595001 Psi

ange betwwen 15 psig-20 psig (page 88 brownell and young)

ell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

ell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)

24 dengan head 3/16 r dan icr :

ween 1.5 - 2 inches then we choose

39.37007874 in

89.8075 detik
0.1614 m

f height of decanter
menghitung konstanta underwood, menghitung perbandingan refluks minimal ada di NE

feed temperatur 134.4637748881

tekanan operasi 1


xlk xhk
Log[( )D ( )B ]
N min xhk xlk

x lk 344.1041
x hk Distillate

N min 11.6049

feed is SATURATED LIQUID (kondisi cair j
q 1.0000
1-q 0.0000

Component fraksi mol (xi) feed

1 q F C4H9OH 0.2928
C2H3COOC4H9 0.7072
TOTAL 1.0000

Di x Di
R min 1 1 Di

Component xd d = Kd/Khk
C4H9OH 0.9971 2.3815
C2H3COOC4H9 0.0029 1.0000
R min + 1 = 3.6940
R min = 2.6940

dipilih refluks operasi = 1.2

optimum refluks (R) = 3.2327749198

Ideal Plate Amount

Rop R min

Rop 1

Diperoleh dengan korelasi Gilliand

grafik diperoleh dari ludwig E.E Applied process design for chemical and petrochemical plant, 1994 ed 3 vol 2 halam

(N-Nmin)/(N+1) = 0.5
N- 11.6049 =
0.5 N = 12.1049
N= 24.2098241648
N ideal = 24.2098241648


Didekati dengan cara O'Connell

Henley dan Seader (1981), halaman 510 tentang hubungan antara viskositas, komponen penyusun dan effisiensi pla

f = Volatilitas relatif dalam umpan

f = Viskositas rerata dalam umpan

T feed 134.4638

Component (feed) x A
C4H9OH 0.2928 -5.3970
C2H3COOC4H9 0.7072 -6.9308

from the figure we have an efficiency about



N actual = N ideal / Ef

N actual = 40.3497
41.0000 plates


Dihitung dengan persamaan Kirk Bridge

Towler, G., Ray Sinnot, Chemical Engineering Design, Elsevier, San Diego, (2008), halaman 676

dengan hubungan:
B: Kecepatan mol residu (kmol/jam)
D: Kecepatan mol distilat (kmol/jam)
Nr: Jumlah plate pada rectifying (top plate)
Ns: Jumlah plate pada stripping (bottom plate)
b: Residu(Bottom)
d: Distilat
f: Umpan
hk: Komponen kunci berat
lk: Komponen kunci ringan

log (Nr/Ns) = 0.3550

Nr/Ns = 2.2649
Nr = 2.2649 Ns

Nr + Ns
2.2649 Ns + Ns
3.2649 Ns


then distillation column has :

Ns 13.0000
Nr 28.0000
so the feed is entering column by plate 13rd from bottom
Diameter and height of Column

a. Upper diameter

T 118.0989 C
391.2489 K

P 1.0000 atm

Neraca massa:
V1 = Lo + D
V2 = L1 + D
V3 = L2 + D
Vn = Ln-1 + D
Vn + 1 = Ln + D

Neraca komponen pada puncak menara

V y 1,l = L x0,l + D xdi

D: Kecepatan mol distilat, kmol/jam

V: Kecepatan mol uap, kmol/jam
xo: Fraksi mol masing-masing komponen pada airan refluks
xd: Fraksi mol masing-masing komponen pada distilat

V = Lo + D
Lo/D = Rop
V = Rop .D + D
V = (Rop+1)D
V= 59.0991 kmol/jam

mol fraction of vapor = mol fraction distillate , it cause using of "kondensor total"
so vapor composition can be calculated by Vi = yi. V
V: Kecepatan mol uap(fase gas) total (kmol/jam)
Vi: Kecepatan mol masing-masing komponen uap (kmol/jam)
yi: Fraksi mol masing-masing komponen

V= 59.0991 kmol/jam

vapor composition
Component yi Vi (kmol/jam)
C4H9OH 0.9971 58.9279
C2H3COOC4H9 0.0029 0.1713
TOTAL 1.0000 59.0991


Pressure 1.0000 atm

Temperature 118.0989 C
391.2489 K
Mass mixture molecule
Mwv = total mass vapor = 74.2796
total mol vapor

Density of Vapor
its value is calculated by ideal gas equation
v = Mwv . Pt
Rg . T

Dengan hubungan:
pg: Rapat massa fase uap (kg/m3)
Mwv: Massa molekul uap (kg/kmol)
Pt: Tekanan total (atm)

v= 2.3012


it is calculated by equation below
Li = Vi - Di
Li = rate of each component (kmol/jam)

Component kmol/jam BM
C4H9OH 45.0061 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 0.1308 128.1710
TOTAL 45.1369

Component A B
C4H9OH 0.2689 0.2667
C2H3COOC4H9 0.2995 0.2584

Density of liquid phase

Component kg/jam liquid (kg/m3)
C4H9OH 3335.9854 721.5786
C2H3COOC4H9 16.7637 794.1817
TOTAL 3352.7492

liquid = total mass rate/ total volume rate

liquid = 721.9086 kg/m3

Surface tension
T 391.2489 K

Component A Tc
C4H9OH 64.5260 562.9300
C2H3COOC4H9 62.5960 598.0000

Component kg/jam mass fraction (x)

C4H9OH 3335.9854 0.9950
C2H3COOC4H9 16.7637 0.0050
TOTAL 3352.7492 1.0000
V 4389.8610 kg/jam
L 3352.7492 kg/jam
vapor 2.3012 kg/m3
liquid 721.9086 kg/m3

(liquid-vapor factor)Flv 0.0431211634

we choose plate spacing 0.2500 m

we have given K1 value by figure (ebook Towler)
K1 0.0520

l g 0.5
Uf K 1 ( ) ( ) 0.2
g 20 dyne / cm

(flooding velocity) Uf 0.8695 m/s

Usually vapor velocity 80-85% of flooding velocity

Uv = 0.8000 Uf
Uv 0.6956 m/s

(Liquid flow rate) QL 0.0013 m3/detik

(Vapor flow rate) Qv 0.5299 m3/detik

Sieve tray (plate dimension)

Anet = 0.7618

we choose donwcomer type, vetical apron

Adowncomer = 12% Acolumn

Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet
0.8800 Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet

Acolumn= 0.8656

Adowncomer = 0.1039

Dcolumn = 1.0501

Aactive = Ac-2 Ad
Aactive = 0.6579

Ahole= 8%
Ahole= 0.0526

weir length

Ad/Ac = 0.1200

by the figure we have given

lw/Dc = 0.7600
lw = 0.7600 Dc

(wier length) lw = 0.7981 m

then we choose (from coulson p.571)

(weir height) hw = 40 mm
0.0400 m
coulson p.573
(hole diameter) dh = 3.5 mm

checking weeping

max liquid mass rate (Lmax) = 0.9313 kg/detik

min liquid mass rate (Lmin) = 90% Lmax

0.8382 kg/detik

liquid height at weir

at max liquid mass rate, how= 10.3302 mm liquid

at min liquid mass rate, how= 9.6295 mm liquid

at minimum mass rate

hw+how = 49.6295 mm

we have given K2 value by the figure 30

Uh (min)= 6.7832 m/s

Minimum actual vapor velocity

Uv 9.0612 m/s

so from aboe calculation Uv > Uh , this means no weeping

Manda :
make sure no weeping
max vapor velocity through the holes
Uh (max) = 10.0680 m/s

plate thickness=hole diameter = 3.5 mm

plate thickness/dh = 1.0000

Ah/Ap = Ah/Aa = 8.0000

by the fig, we have given Co value

Co 0.8350
then we calculate dry plate drop

hd 23.6357 mm liquid

then we calculate residual head

hr 17.3152 mm liquid

Total pressure drop at plate

ht 90.5803 mm liquid
Pt 641.4830 Pa
0.0063 atm

pressure loss at downcomer

hap = hw-(5 till 10 mm)
we take 5.0000 mm

hap 35.0000 mm
0.0350 m
area below the apron

Aap 0.0279 m

Adowncomer 0.1039 m

Aap < Ad, thus Am=Aap

Am 0.0279 m
hdc 0.3541 mm

backup downcomer

hb 140.5639 mm
0.1406 m

hb must be little than 1/2(plate spacing+hw)

1/2(plate spacing+hw) 0.1450 m

hb < 1/2(plate spacing+hw) , so it's acceptable

checking residence time

tr 11.3182 detik

if t > 3 second, the design is compatible

%flooding 80%
Flv = 0.0431
by the figure

trial layout

Unperforated strip 50.0000 mm

calming zone 50.0000 mm

lw/Dc 0.7600

from the figure, we have given value

c 100.0000
lh/Dc 0.1800

angle remains 80.0000

Mean length unperforated strip 1.40 m

Unperforated strip area 0.0698 m2
Mean length calming zones 1.1001 m
calming zone area 0.0550 m

Aperforated = Aa - Unperforated strip area - calming zone area

Ap 0.9253 m2

Ah/Ap 0.0569

by fig.11.35
lp/dh 3.6000

holes amount

hole diameter (dh) 3.5000 mm

0.0035 m

hole area 9.6163E-06 m2

holes amount = Ah/ hole area = 5473.1197

hole amount = 5474.0000

b.Bottom diameter
Outlet of reboiler (B)
P 1.0000
T 420.1205

Component kmol/jam BM
C4H9OH 0.2981 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 34.3065 128.1710
TOTAL 34.6046

inlet liquid of reboiler (LR)

LR= F + Lo
93.7037 kmol/jam

oulet vapor of rebloiler

V= LR- B
59.0991 kmol/jam

Vapor composition as outlet the reboiler

mol rate (Vo) = mol rate (V1), because it has contant flow
Vo = 59.0991 kmol/jam

Component yi Vi = yi. Vo (kmol/jam)

C4H9OH 0.0086 0.5091
C2H3COOC4H9 0.9914 58.5900
TOTAL 59.0991

Liquid composition as inlet the reboiler

Komposisi fase cair masuk reboiler

Dihitung dengan neraca massa, Li = Vi + Bi
Bi: kecepatan massa residu reboiler (kmol/jam)
Li: kecepatan massa fase cair masuk reboiler (kmol/jam)
Vi: kecepatan massa fase uap keluar reboiler (kmol/jam)

Component kmol/jam BM
C4H9OH 0.8072 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 92.8965 128.1710
TOTAL 93.7037

Temperature at entering reboiler

T 146.9705 C
420.1205 K
P 1.0000 atm

Component mol fraction (x) P uap (mmHg)

C4H9OH 0.0086 1938.7338
C2H3COOC4H9 0.9914 749.6774
TOTAL 1.0000


P 1.0000 atm
T bottom operation 420.1205 K
146.9705 C

mass mixture molecule

Mwv = total mass vapor = 7547.2793
total mol vapor 59.0991

Rapat massa uap

Didekati dengan persamaan gas ideal Dengan hubungan:
p g:


v 3.6845 kg/m3


Component A B
C4H9OH 0.2689 0.2667
C2H3COOC4H9 0.2995 0.2584

Density of liquid
Component kg/jam (kg/m3)
C4H9OH 59.8324 690.7525
C2H3COOC4H9 11906.6389 759.8348
TOTAL 11966.4713
l = 759.4550 kg/m3

Surface tension
T 420.1205 K

Component A Tc
C4H9OH 64.5260 562.9300
C2H3COOC4H9 62.5960 598.0000

Component kg/jam mass fraction (x)

C4H9OH 59.8324 0.0050
C2H3COOC4H9 11906.6389 0.9950
TOTAL 11966.4713 1.0000

V 7547.2793 kg/jam
L 11966.4713 kg/jam
vapor 3.6845 kg/m3
liquid 759.4550 kg/m3

liquid-vapor factor

Flv 0.1104

we choose plate spacing 0.2500 m

we have given K1 value by figure
K1 0.0400

l g 0.5
Uf K 1 ( ) ( ) 0.2
g 20 dyne / cm

(flooding velocity) Uf 0.5284 m/s

Usually vapor velocity 80-85% of flooding velocity

Uv = 0.8000 Uf
Uv 0.4227 m/s

(Liquid flow rate) QL 0.0044 m3/detik

(Vapor flow rate) Qv 0.5690 m3/detik
Sieve tray (plate dimension)
Anet = 1.3460

we choose donwcomer type, vetical apron

Adowncomer = 12% Acolumn

Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet
0.8800 Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet

Acolumn= 1.5295

Adowncomer = 0.1835

Dcolumn = 1.3959

Aactive = Ac-2 Ad
Aactive = 1.1624

Ahole= 8%
Ahole= 0.0930

weir length

Ad/Ac = 0.1200

by the figure we have given

lw/Dc = 0.7600
lw = 0.7600 Dc

(wier length) lw = 1.0608 m

then we choose (from coulson p.572)

(weir height) hw = 40 mm
0.0400 m

(hole diameter) dh = 3.5 mm

checking weeping

max liquid mass rate Lmax = 3.3240 kg/detik

min liquid mass rate Lmin = 90% Lmax

2.9916 kg/detik

liquid height at weir

at max liquid mass rate, how= 19.2930 mm liquid

at min liquid mass rate, how= 17.9844 mm liquid

at minimum mass rate

hw+how = 57.9844 mm

we have given K2 value by the figure 30

Uh (min)= 5.3607 m/s

Minimum actual vapor velocity

Uv 5.5068 m/s

so from aboe calculation Uv > Uh , this means no weeping

max vapor velocity through the holes

Uh (max) = 6.1186 m/s
plate thickness=hole diameter = 3.5 mm

plate thickness/dh = 1.0000

Ah/Ap = Ah/Aa = 8.0000

by the fig, we have given Co value

Co 0.8350

then we calculate dry plate drop

hd 13.2858 mm liquid

then we calculate residual head

hr 16.4592 mm liquid

Total pressure drop at plate

ht 87.7293 mm liquid
Pt 653.6056 Pa
0.0065 atm

holes amount

hole diameter (dh) 3.5000 mm

0.0035 m

hole area 9.6163E-06 m2

holes amount = Ah/ hole area 9670.4314

hole amount 9671.0000

the diameter
D top 1.0501 m
41.3428 in
3.4452 f

D bottom 1.3959 m
54.9548 in
4.5796 f

then we use standar diameter (for top 6.0000 f

and bottom) van winkle p.574 72.0000 in
1.8288 m

the height

empty side above the first plate = 0.5000 m

empty side above the last plate = 0.5000 m

Total column height 11.0000 m

36.0892 f

shell thickness

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >

Pressure design = working pressure x 120% =

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (double-welded butt joint brownell table 13.2 pag
r inside 0.9144 m
36.0000 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.1717 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness = 0.25

Head thickness

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >
Pressure design = working pressure x 120% =

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (double-welded butt joint brownell table 13.2 pag
D (inside diameter) 1.8288 m
72.0000 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . D +C
2.f. E - 0.2 P

thickness= 0.1717 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness = 0.25

head height

IDs = 72.0000 in
1.8288 m

ODs = IDs + 2 . Shell thickness

72.3435 in
1.8375 m

base on table 5.7 (brownell page 90) for OD 72 inches

a= ID shell / 2
a= 36.0000

b = r - (BC2 - AB2)1/2 AB = a - icr

AB = 31.6250

BC = r - icr
BC = 67.6250

b= 12.2254
base on table 5.6 (brownell page 88) standard Straight Flange for 3/16 in thickness is between 1.5 - 2.5 inches then w

thus,height of head (OA)= thickness of head + b + SF

14.3971 in
0.3657 m


11.7314 m

inlet and outlet nozzle

Plant Design and Economics for chemical engineering Mc Graw Hiil,1991,Hal 496

Diopt = 2.2 (G/1000)0,45 f(-0.31)

Diopt : diameter pipa optimum [in]

qf : kecepatan massa fluida [lb/jam]
f : rapat massa fluida [lb/ft3]

feed pipe
G 5456.3038 kg/jam
12028.9673 lb/jam

T 407.6138
Component mol fraction A
C4H9OH 0.2928 0.2689
C2H3COOC4H9 0.7072 0.2995

Diopt 2.0412 in
standar pipe


vapor pipe at TOP

G 4389.8610 kg/jam
9677.8876 lb/jam

rho 2.3012 kg/m3

0.1437 lb/f3
Diopt 11.1493 in
standar pipe

reflux pipe

G 3352.7492 kg/jam
7391.4709 lb/jam

rho 721.9086 kg/m3

45.0673 lb/f3

Diopt 1.6621 in


liquid outlet pipe

G 11966.4713 kg/jam
26381.2825 lb/jam

rho 759.4550 kg/m3

47.4113 lb/f3

Diopt 2.9006 in

vapor inlet pipe (to column)

G 7547.2793 kg/jam
16638.7320 lb/jam

rho 3.6845 kg/m3

0.2300 lb/f3

Diopt 12.2965 in

feed =k lk/ k hk
top =k lk/ k hk
bottom =k lk/ k hk


x hk 115.0843560556
x lk Bottom

is SATURATED LIQUID (kondisi cair jenuh)

i= Ki/Khk i .xi i - i xi/i -

2.5065 0.7339 0.7672 0.9566
1.0000 0.7072 -0.7393 -0.9566

d xd d - d xd/d -
2.3746 0.6421 3.6979
0.0029 -0.7393 -0.0039
Rmin Refluks rasio operasi berkisar antara 1.2 sampai 1.3 Rmin (for water as cooling agent)
Berdasarkan Kister, H.Z., Distillation Operation, Mc Graw Hill, New York, (1991) , halaman

mical plant, 1994 ed 3 vol 2 halaman 30

Nmin = 11.6049
0.5 N + 0.5
ponen penyusun dan effisiensi plate

K Viskositas ----> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2

B C D log10
1325.6000 0.0062 0.0000 -0.5235
1168.9000 0.0135 0.0000 -0.6223
= 41.0000
= 41.0000
= 41.0000
= 12.5579

= 13.0000
Untuk aliran konstan molal:
V1 = V2 = V3 = Vn = Vn+1 = V
L0 = L1 = L2 = L3 = Ln = L

ada airan refluks

en uap (kmol/jam)

BM kg/jam mass fraction

74.1230 4367.9117 0.9950
128.1710 21.9493 0.0050
4389.8610 1.0000


Rg: Konstanta gas ideal

se uap (kg/m3) 0.0825 L atm/mol K
uap (kg/kmol) 0.0825 m3 atm/kmol K
T: Suhu operasi (K)

kg/jam mol fraction (x) mass fraction
3335.9854 0.9971 0.9950
16.7637 0.0029 0.0050
3352.7492 1.0000 1.0000

T 391.2489 K
n Tc (gr/ml) (kg/m3)
0.2457 562.9300 0.7216 721.5786
0.3084 598.0000 0.7942 794.1817

V(m3 /jam)

n (dyne/cm)
1.2222 15.1150
1.2737 16.1826

(dyne/cm) x.
15.1150 15.0394
16.1826 0.0809
1.2194 kg/detik
0.9313 kg/detik


(coulson hal 572)

+ Adowncomer
+ 0.1200 Acolum




coulson, halaman 572

L1 : kecepatan massa cairan kg /jam

Vo : kecepatan massa uap kg /jam

B : kecepatan massa residu kg /jam

xi : fraksi mol pada fase cair

yi : fraksi mol pada fase uap
xb : fraksi mol masing2 komponen
pada residu

kg/jam mol fraction

22.0960 0.0086
4397.0960 0.9914
4419.1919 1.0000

BM kg/jam
74.1230 37.7364
128.1710 7509.5429

kg/jam mol fraction (x)

59.8324 0.0086
11906.6389 0.9914
11966.4713 1.0000
P uap (atm) Ki = Puap/Ptotal yi=Ki. Xi
2.5510 2.5510 0.0220
0.9864 0.9864 0.9779

kg/jam = 127.7054 kg/kmol


Rapat massa fase uap (kg/m3)

Massa molekul uap (kg/kmol)
Tekanan total (atm)
Konstanta gas ideal
0.0825 L atm/mol K
0.0825 m3 atm/kmol K
Suhu operasi (K)

T 420.1205 K
n Tc (gr/ml) (kg/m3)
0.2457 562.9300 0.6908 690.7525
0.3084 598.0000 0.7598 759.8348

V (m3/jam)
n (dyne/cm)
1.2222 12.0691
1.2737 13.3613

(dyne/cm) x.
12.0691 0.0603
13.3613 13.2945

2.0965 kg/detik
3.3240 kg/detik

+ Adowncomer
+ 0.1200 Acolum




1m= 39.37007874

8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi

1.2 atm
17.6400 Psia

(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
butt joint brownell table 13.2 page 254) (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)


8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi

1.2 atm
17.6400 Psia

(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
butt joint brownell table 13.2 page 254) (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)


icr (inside-corner radius) 4.3750 in

r (radius of dish) 72.0000 in
thickness 0.2500 in (1/4 in)




is between 1.5 - 2.5 inches then we choose Sf = 2.0000

B n Tc rho (gr/ml)
0.2667 0.2457 562.9300 0.7045
0.2584 0.3084 598.0000 0.7750

mpai 1.3 Rmin (for water as cooling agent)
on, Mc Graw Hill, New York, (1991) , halaman 102
sitas ----> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2

(cP)at 134,4638 C (volatility) x

0.2996 2.5065 0.2199
0.2386 1.0000 0.1688
0.5382 0.3886
trial the temperature untill it's 1
Perubahan kondisi operasi karena pressure drop

Kondisi umpan
P 1.1773 atm
T 127.3417 C (setelah digoal seek terhadap Yi=1)
400.4917 K

Component fraksi mol(X) A B

LK C4H9OH 0.2928 109.2803 -6306.0000
HK C2H3COOC4H9 0.7072 2.7565 -2767.9000
TOTAL 1.0000

Kondisi residu
P 1.2611 atm
T 375.8181 C (setelah digoal seek terhadap Yi=1)
648.9681 K
Component fraksi mol(X) A B
LK C4H9OH 0.0086 109.2803 -6306.0000
HK C2H3COOC4H9 0.9914 2.7565 -2767.9000
TOTAL 1.0000

Kondisi masuk reboiler

P 1.2611 atm
T 375.8200 C (setelah digoal seek terhadap Yi=1)
648.9700 K

Component fraksi mol(X) A B

LK C4H9OH 0.0086 109.2803 -6306.0000
HK C2H3COOC4H9 0.9914 2.7565 -2767.9000
TOTAL 1.0000

rho (lb/f3) rho. X

43.9856 12.8786
48.3874 34.2200
47.0986 lb/f3
telah digoal seek terhadap Yi=1)

C D E Po (Puap) (mmHg) Po (Puap) (atm) Ki = Puap /Ptotal Y i = K i Xi

-36.9470 0.0145 -3.9480E-13 1474.1561 1.9397 1.6476 0.4824
4.7435 -0.0174 9.9204E-06 655.9422 0.8631 0.7331 0.5185
telah digoal seek terhadap Yi=1)

C D E Po (Puap) (mmHg) Po (Puap) (atm) Ki = Puap /Ptotal Y i = K i Xi

-36.9470 0.0145 -3.9480E-13 111044.2114 146.1108 115.8577 0.9980
4.7435 -0.0174 9.9204E-06 3.5075 0.0046 0.0037 0.0036

telah digoal seek terhadap Yi=1)

C D E Po (Puap) (mmHg) Po (Puap) (atm) Ki = Puap /Ptotal Y i = K i Xi

-36.9470 0.0145 -3.9480E-13 111046.5054 146.1138 115.8601 0.9981
4.7435 -0.0174 9.9204E-06 3.5074 0.0046 0.0037 0.0036
i = Ki / Khk
i = Ki / Khk

i = Ki / Khk
menghitung konstanta underwood, menghitung perbandingan refluks minimal ada di NE

feed temperatur 101.5548128671

tekanan operasi 1


xlk xhk
Log[( )D ( )B ]
N min xhk xlk

x lk 0.0202
x hk Distillate

N min 1.3829


q 1.0000 manda:
1-q 0.0000 feed is SATURATED LIQUID (kondisi cair je

Component fraksi mol (xi) feed

1 q F Asam Akrilat 0.0188
N- Butanol 0.0118
Asam Sulfat 0.0330796377
Air 0.9363
TOTAL 1.0000

Di x Di
R min 1
1 Di

Component xd d = Kd/Khk
Asam Akrilat 0.0195 632.1883
N- Butanol 0.0123 1297.4353
Asam Sulfat 0 1
Air 0.9682 2225.4374
TOTAL 1.0000
R min + 1 = 1.0005
R min = 0.0005

dipilih refluks operasi = 1.2

optimum refluks (R) = 0.000590314

Ideal Plate Amount

Rop R min

Rop 1

Diperoleh dengan korelasi Gilliand

grafik diperoleh dari ludwig E.E Applied process design for chemical and petrochemical plant, 1994 ed 3 vol 2 halam

(N-Nmin)/(N+1) = 0
N- 1.3829 =
1N= 1.3829
N= 1.3828887388
N ideal = 1.3828887388


Didekati dengan cara O'Connell

Henley dan Seader (1981), halaman 510 tentang hubungan antara viskositas, komponen penyusun dan effisiensi pla

f = Volatilitas relatif dalam umpan

f = Viskositas rerata dalam umpan

T feed 101.5548

Component (feed) x A
Asam Akrilat 0.0188 -15.9215
N- Butanol 0.0118 -5.3970
Asam Sulfat 0.0330796377 -18.7045
Air 0.9363 -10.2158
TOTAL 1.0000

from the figure we have an efficiency about



N actual = N ideal / Ef

N actual = 1.9756
2.0000 plates


Dihitung dengan persamaan Kirk Bridge

Towler, G., Ray Sinnot, Chemical Engineering Design, Elsevier, San Diego, (2008), halaman 676

dengan hubungan:
B: Kecepatan mol residu (kmol/jam)
D: Kecepatan mol distilat (kmol/jam)
Nr: Jumlah plate pada rectifying (top plate)
Ns: Jumlah plate pada stripping (bottom plate)
b: Residu(Bottom)
d: Distilat
f: Umpan
hk: Komponen kunci berat
lk: Komponen kunci ringan

log (Nr/Ns) = 0.3550

Nr/Ns = 2.2649
Nr = 2.2649 Ns

Nr + Ns
2.2649 Ns + Ns
3.2649 Ns


then distillation column has :

Ns 1.0000
Nr 1.0000
so the feed is entering column by plate 1st from bottom
Diameter and height of Column

a. Upper diameter

T 118.0989 C
391.2489 K

P 1.0000 atm

Neraca massa:
V1 = Lo + D
V2 = L1 + D
V3 = L2 + D
Vn = Ln-1 + D
Vn + 1 = Ln + D

Neraca komponen pada puncak menara

V y 1,l = L x0,l + D xdi

D: Kecepatan mol distilat, kmol/jam

V: Kecepatan mol uap, kmol/jam
xo: Fraksi mol masing-masing komponen pada airan refluks
xd: Fraksi mol masing-masing komponen pada distilat

V = Lo + D
Lo/D = Rop
V = Rop .D + D
V = (Rop+1)D
V= 13.9705 kmol/jam

mol fraction of vapor = mol fraction distillate , it cause using of "kondensor total"
so vapor composition can be calculated by Vi = yi. V
V: Kecepatan mol uap(fase gas) total (kmol/jam)
Vi: Kecepatan mol masing-masing komponen uap (kmol/jam)
yi: Fraksi mol masing-masing komponen

V= 13.9705 kmol/jam

vapor composition
Component yi Vi (kmol/jam)
C4H9OH 0.9971 13.9300
C2H3COOC4H9 0.0029 0.0405
TOTAL 1.0000 13.9705


Pressure 1.0000 atm

Temperature 118.0989 C
391.2489 K
Mass mixture molecule
Mwv = total mass vapor = 74.2796
total mol vapor

Density of Vapor
its value is calculated by ideal gas equation
v = Mwv . Pt
Rg . T

Dengan hubungan:
pg: Rapat massa fase uap (kg/m3)
Mwv: Massa molekul uap (kg/kmol)
Pt: Tekanan total (atm)

v= 2.3012


it is calculated by equation below
Li = Vi - Di
Li = rate of each component (kmol/jam)

Component kmol/jam BM
C4H9OH 0.0082 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 0.0000 128.1710
TOTAL 0.0082

Component A B
C4H9OH 0.2689 0.2667
C2H3COOC4H9 0.2995 0.2584

Density of liquid phase

Component kg/jam liquid (kg/m3)
C4H9OH 0.6092 721.5786
C2H3COOC4H9 0.0031 794.1817
TOTAL 0.6122

liquid = total mass rate/ total volume rate

liquid = 721.9086 kg/m3

Surface tension
T 391.2489 K

Component A Tc
C4H9OH 64.5260 562.9300
C2H3COOC4H9 62.5960 598.0000

Component kg/jam mass fraction (x)

C4H9OH 0.6092 0.9950
C2H3COOC4H9 0.0031 0.0050
TOTAL 0.6122 1.0000
V 1037.7241 kg/jam
L 0.6122 kg/jam
vapor 2.3012 kg/m3
liquid 721.9086 kg/m3

(liquid-vapor factor)Flv 3.3309409590923E-05

we choose plate spacing 0.2500 m

we have given K1 value by figure (ebook Towler)
K1 0.0520

l g 0.5
Uf K 1 ( ) ( ) 0.2
g 20 dyne / cm

(flooding velocity) Uf 0.8695 m/s

Usually vapor velocity 80-85% of flooding velocity

Uv = 0.8000 Uf
Uv 0.6956 m/s

(Liquid flow rate) QL 0.0000 m3/detik

(Vapor flow rate) Qv 0.1253 m3/detik

Sieve tray (plate dimension)

Anet = 0.1801

we choose donwcomer type, vetical apron

Adowncomer = 12% Acolumn

Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet
0.8800 Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet

Acolumn= 0.2046

Adowncomer = 0.0246

Dcolumn = 0.5106

Aactive = Ac-2 Ad
Aactive = 0.1555

Ahole= 8%
Ahole= 0.0124

weir length

Ad/Ac = 0.1200

by the figure we have given

lw/Dc = 0.7600
lw = 0.7600 Dc

(wier length) lw = 0.3880 m

then we choose (from coulson p.571)

(weir height) hw = 40 mm
0.0400 m
coulson p.573
(hole diameter) dh = 3.5 mm

checking weeping

max liquid mass rate (Lmax) = 0.0002 kg/detik

min liquid mass rate (Lmin) = 70% Lmax

0.0001 kg/detik

liquid height at weir

at max liquid mass rate, how= 0.0538 mm liquid

at min liquid mass rate, how= 0.0424 mm liquid

at minimum mass rate

hw+how = 40.0424 mm

we have given K2 value by the figure 30

Uh (min)= 6.7832 m/s

Minimum actual vapor velocity

Uv 7.0476 m/s

so from aboe calculation Uv > Uh , this means no weeping

Manda :
make sure no weeping
max vapor velocity through the holes
Uh (max) = 10.0680 m/s

plate thickness=hole diameter = 3.5 mm

plate thickness/dh = 1.0000

Ah/Ap = Ah/Aa = 8.0000

by the fig, we have given Co value

Co 0.8350
then we calculate dry plate drop

hd 23.6357 mm liquid

then we calculate residual head

hr 17.3152 mm liquid

Total pressure drop at plate

ht 80.9933 mm liquid
Pt 573.5880 Pa
0.0057 atm

pressure loss at downcomer

hap = hw-(5 till 10 mm)
we take 5.0000 mm

hap 35.0000 mm
0.0350 m
area below the apron

Aap 0.0136 m

Adowncomer 0.0246 m

Aap < Ad, thus Am=Aap

Am 0.0136 m
hdc 0.0000 mm

backup downcomer

hb 121.0357 mm
0.1210 m

hb must be little than 1/2(plate spacing+hw)

1/2(plate spacing+hw) 0.1450 m

hb < 1/2(plate spacing+hw) , so it's acceptable

checking residence time

tr 12616.4985 detik

if t > 3 second, the design is compatible

%flooding 80%
Flv = 0.0000
by the figure

trial layout

Unperforated strip 50.0000 mm

calming zone 50.0000 mm

lw/Dc 0.7600

from the figure, we have given value

c 100.0000
lh/Dc 0.1800

angle remains 80.0000

Mean length unperforated strip 0.64 m

Unperforated strip area 0.0321 m2
Mean length calming zones 0.5606 m
calming zone area 0.0280 m

Aperforated = Aa - Unperforated strip area - calming zone area

Ap 0.4504 m2

Ah/Ap 0.0276

by fig.11.35
lp/dh 3.6000

holes amount

hole diameter (dh) 3.5000 mm

0.0035 m

hole area 9.6163E-06 m2

holes amount = Ah/ hole area = 1293.7968

hole amount = 5474.0000

b.Bottom diameter
Outlet of reboiler (B)
P 1.0000
T 420.1205

Component kmol/jam BM
C4H9OH 0.2981 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 34.3065 128.1710
TOTAL 34.6046

inlet liquid of reboiler (LR)

LR= F + Lo
48.5751 kmol/jam

oulet vapor of rebloiler

V= LR- B
13.9705 kmol/jam

Vapor composition as outlet the reboiler

mol rate (Vo) = mol rate (V1), because it has contant flow
Vo = 13.9705 kmol/jam

Component yi Vi = yi. Vo (kmol/jam)

C4H9OH 0.0086 0.1203
C2H3COOC4H9 0.9914 13.8502
TOTAL 13.9705

Liquid composition as inlet the reboiler

Komposisi fase cair masuk reboiler

Dihitung dengan neraca massa, Li = Vi + Bi
Bi: kecepatan massa residu reboiler (kmol/jam)
Li: kecepatan massa fase cair masuk reboiler (kmol/jam)
Vi: kecepatan massa fase uap keluar reboiler (kmol/jam)

Component kmol/jam BM
C4H9OH 0.4184 74.1230
C2H3COOC4H9 48.1566 128.1710
TOTAL 48.5751

Temperature at entering reboiler

T 146.9705 C
420.1205 K
P 1.0000 atm

Component mol fraction (x) P uap (mmHg)

C4H9OH 0.0086 1938.7338
C2H3COOC4H9 0.9914 749.6774
TOTAL 1.0000


P 1.0000 atm
T bottom operation 420.1205 K
146.9705 C

mass mixture molecule

Mwv = total mass vapor = 1784.1097
total mol vapor 13.9705

Rapat massa uap

Didekati dengan persamaan gas ideal Dengan hubungan:
p g:


v 3.6845 kg/m3


Component A B
C4H9OH 0.2689 0.2667
C2H3COOC4H9 0.2995 0.2584

Density of liquid
Component kg/jam (kg/m3)
C4H9OH 31.0165 690.7525
C2H3COOC4H9 6172.2851 759.8348
TOTAL 6203.3016
l = 759.4550 kg/m3

Surface tension
T 420.1205 K

Component A Tc
C4H9OH 64.5260 562.9300
C2H3COOC4H9 62.5960 598.0000

Component kg/jam mass fraction (x)

C4H9OH 31.0165 0.0050
C2H3COOC4H9 6172.2851 0.9950
TOTAL 6203.3016 1.0000

V 1784.1097 kg/jam
L 6203.3016 kg/jam
vapor 3.6845 kg/m3
liquid 759.4550 kg/m3

liquid-vapor factor

Flv 0.2422

we choose plate spacing 0.2500 m

we have given K1 value by figure
K1 0.0400

l g 0.5
Uf K 1 ( ) ( ) 0.2
g 20 dyne / cm

(flooding velocity) Uf 0.5284 m/s

Usually vapor velocity 80-85% of flooding velocity

Uv = 0.8000 Uf
Uv 0.4227 m/s

(Liquid flow rate) QL 0.0023 m3/detik

(Vapor flow rate) Qv 0.1345 m3/detik
Sieve tray (plate dimension)
Anet = 0.3182

we choose donwcomer type, vetical apron

Adowncomer = 12% Acolumn

Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet
0.8800 Acolumn = Anet
Acolumn = Anet

Acolumn= 0.3616

Adowncomer = 0.0434

Dcolumn = 0.6787

Aactive = Ac-2 Ad
Aactive = 0.2748

Ahole= 8%
Ahole= 0.0220

weir length

Ad/Ac = 0.1200

by the figure we have given

lw/Dc = 0.7600
lw = 0.7600 Dc

(wier length) lw = 0.5158 m

then we choose (from coulson p.572)

(weir height) hw = 40 mm
0.0400 m

(hole diameter) dh = 3.5 mm

checking weeping

max liquid mass rate Lmax = 1.7231 kg/detik

min liquid mass rate Lmin = 70% Lmax

1.2062 kg/detik

liquid height at weir

at max liquid mass rate, how= 20.1354 mm liquid

at min liquid mass rate, how= 15.8743 mm liquid

at minimum mass rate

hw+how = 55.8743 mm

we have given K2 value by the figure 30

Uh (min)= 5.3607 m/s

Minimum actual vapor velocity

Uv 4.2830 m/s

so from aboe calculation Uv > Uh , this means no weeping

max vapor velocity through the holes

Uh (max) = 6.1186 m/s
plate thickness=hole diameter = 3.5 mm

plate thickness/dh = 1.0000

Ah/Ap = Ah/Aa = 8.0000

by the fig, we have given Co value

Co 0.8350

then we calculate dry plate drop

hd 13.2858 mm liquid

then we calculate residual head

hr 16.4592 mm liquid

Total pressure drop at plate

ht 85.6192 mm liquid
Pt 637.8846 Pa
0.0063 atm

holes amount

hole diameter (dh) 3.5000 mm

0.0035 m

hole area 9.6163E-06 m2

holes amount = Ah/ hole area 2286.0039

hole amount 9671.0000

the diameter
D top 0.5106 m
20.1009 in
1.6751 f

D bottom 0.6787 m
26.7191 in
2.2266 f

then we use standar diameter (for top 6.0000 f

and bottom) van winkle p.574 72.0000 in
1.8288 m

the height

empty side above the first plate = 0.5000 m

empty side above the last plate = 0.5000 m

Total column height 1.2500 m

4.1010 f

shell thickness

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >

Pressure design = working pressure x 120% =

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (double-welded butt joint brownell table 13.2 pag
r inside 0.9144 m
36.0000 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . r inside +C
f. E - 0.6 P

thickness= 0.1717 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness = 0.25

Head thickness

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >
Pressure design = working pressure x 120% =

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000 (double-welded butt joint brownell table 13.2 pag
D (inside diameter) 1.8288 m
72.0000 in

shell thickness is calculated by equation 13.1 Brownell-young p.254

thickness = P . D +C
2.f. E - 0.2 P

thickness= 0.1717 in

base on standard of thickness of plate, then the thickness = 0.25

head height

IDs = 72.0000 in
1.8288 m

ODs = IDs + 2 . Shell thickness

72.3435 in
1.8375 m

base on table 5.7 (brownell page 90) for OD 72 inches

a= ID shell / 2
a= 36.0000

b = r - (BC2 - AB2)1/2 AB = a - icr

AB = 31.6250

BC = r - icr
BC = 67.6250

b= 12.2254
base on table 5.6 (brownell page 88) standard Straight Flange for 3/16 in thickness is between 1.5 - 2.5 inches then w

thus,height of head (OA)= thickness of head + b + SF

14.3971 in
0.3657 m


1.9814 m

inlet and outlet nozzle

Plant Design and Economics for chemical engineering Mc Graw Hiil,1991,Hal 496

Diopt = 2.2 (G/1000)0,45 f(-0.31)

Diopt : diameter pipa optimum [in]

qf : kecepatan massa fluida [lb/jam]
f : rapat massa fluida [lb/ft3]

feed pipe
G 5456.3038 kg/jam
12028.9673 lb/jam

T 407.6138
Component mol fraction A
C4H9OH 0.2928 0.2689
C2H3COOC4H9 0.7072 0.2995

Diopt 2.0412 in
standar pipe


vapor pipe at TOP

G 1037.7241 kg/jam
2287.7665 lb/jam

rho 2.3012 kg/m3

0.1437 lb/f3
Diopt 5.8262 in
standar pipe

reflux pipe

G 0.6122 kg/jam
1.3497 lb/jam

rho 721.9086 kg/m3

45.0673 lb/f3

Diopt 0.0345 in


liquid outlet pipe

G 6203.3016 kg/jam
13675.7987 lb/jam

rho 759.4550 kg/m3

47.4113 lb/f3

Diopt 2.1581 in

vapor inlet pipe (to column)

G 1784.1097 kg/jam
3933.2481 lb/jam

rho 3.6845 kg/m3

0.2300 lb/f3

Diopt 6.4256 in

feed =k lk/ k hk
top =k lk/ k hk
bottom =k lk/ k hk


x hk 9.0002447007
x lk Bottom

s SATURATED LIQUID (kondisi cair jenuh)

i= Ki/Khk i .xi i - i xi/i -

2422.5635 45.5393 2421.5293 0.0188
5033.3173 59.5592 5032.2831 0.0118
1 0.0331 -0.0342 -0.97
9843.5009 9216.3655 9842.4667 0.9364

d xd d - d xd/d -
12.3373 631.1541 0.0195
15.9384 1296.4011 0.0123
0.0000 -0.0342 0
2154.6690 2224.4032 0.9687

Rmin Refluks rasio operasi berkisar antara 1.2 sampai 1.3 Rmin (for water as cooling agent)
Berdasarkan Kister, H.Z., Distillation Operation, Mc Graw Hill, New York, (1991) , halaman

mical plant, 1994 ed 3 vol 2 halaman 30

Nmin = 1.3829
0N+ 0
ponen penyusun dan effisiensi plate

K Viskositas ----> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2

B C D log10
2440.8 0.034383 -0.000027677 -0.4100499949
1325.6000 0.0062 0.0000 -0.3008
3496.2 0.03308 -0.000017018 0.6319
1792.5000 0.0177 0.0000 -0.5620
= 2.0000
= 2.0000
= 2.0000
= 0.6126

= 1.0000
Untuk aliran konstan molal:
V1 = V2 = V3 = Vn = Vn+1 = V
L0 = L1 = L2 = L3 = Ln = L

ada airan refluks

en uap (kmol/jam)

BM kg/jam mass fraction

74.1230 1032.5355 0.9950
128.1710 5.1886 0.0050
1037.7241 1.0000


Rg: Konstanta gas ideal

se uap (kg/m3) 0.0825 L atm/mol K
uap (kg/kmol) 0.0825 m3 atm/kmol K
T: Suhu operasi (K)

kg/jam mol fraction (x) mass fraction
0.6092 0.9971 0.9950
0.0031 0.0029 0.0050
0.6122 1.0000 1.0000

T 391.2489 K
n Tc (gr/ml) (kg/m3)
0.2457 562.9300 0.7216 721.5786
0.3084 598.0000 0.7942 794.1817

V(m3 /jam)

n (dyne/cm)
1.2222 15.1150
1.2737 16.1826

(dyne/cm) x.
15.1150 15.0394
16.1826 0.0809
0.2883 kg/detik
0.0002 kg/detik


(coulson hal 572)

+ Adowncomer
+ 0.1200 Acolum




coulson, halaman 572

L1 : kecepatan massa cairan kg /jam

Vo : kecepatan massa uap kg /jam

B : kecepatan massa residu kg /jam

xi : fraksi mol pada fase cair

yi : fraksi mol pada fase uap
xb : fraksi mol masing2 komponen
pada residu

kg/jam mol fraction

22.0960 0.0086
4397.0960 0.9914
4419.1919 1.0000

BM kg/jam
74.1230 8.9205
128.1710 1775.1891

kg/jam mol fraction (x)

31.0165 0.0086
6172.2851 0.9914
6203.3016 1.0000
P uap (atm) Ki = Puap/Ptotal yi=Ki. Xi
2.5510 2.5510 0.0220
0.9864 0.9864 0.9779

kg/jam = 127.7054 kg/kmol


Rapat massa fase uap (kg/m3)

Massa molekul uap (kg/kmol)
Tekanan total (atm)
Konstanta gas ideal
0.0825 L atm/mol K
0.0825 m3 atm/kmol K
Suhu operasi (K)

T 420.1205 K
n Tc (gr/ml) (kg/m3)
0.2457 562.9300 0.6908 690.7525
0.3084 598.0000 0.7598 759.8348

V (m3/jam)
n (dyne/cm)
1.2222 12.0691
1.2737 13.3613

(dyne/cm) x.
12.0691 0.0603
13.3613 13.2945

0.4956 kg/detik
1.7231 kg/detik

+ Adowncomer
+ 0.1200 Acolum




1m= 39.37007874

8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi

1.2 atm
17.6400 Psia

(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
butt joint brownell table 13.2 page 254) (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)


8 Ni-Cb) dengan design tekanan >20% dari tekanan operasi

1.2 atm
17.6400 Psia

(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)

(Brownell, hal. 344)
butt joint brownell table 13.2 page 254) (Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)


icr (inside-corner radius) 4.3750 in

r (radius of dish) 72.0000 in
thickness 0.2500 in (1/4 in)




is between 1.5 - 2.5 inches then we choose Sf = 2.0000

B n Tc rho (gr/ml)
0.2667 0.2457 562.9300 0.7045
0.2584 0.3084 598.0000 0.7750

mpai 1.3 Rmin (for water as cooling agent)
on, Mc Graw Hill, New York, (1991) , halaman 102
sitas ----> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2

(cP)at 134,4638 C (volatility) x

0.3890 0.2461079193 0.0018
0.500 0.5113 0.0030
4E+00 0.0001015899 0.0000
0.2742 1.0000 0.2567
5E+00 2.616.E-01
trial the temperature untill it's 1

rho (lb/f3) rho. X

43.9856 12.8786
48.3874 34.2200
47.0986 lb/f3

Fungsi : untuk menampung destilat yang keluar dari condenser MD-01

Jenis : Horisontal Drum
Tipe head : Torispherical

Kondisi Operasi
P = 1 atm
T = 391.1762 K
= 118.0262 C
= 244.4472 F

Komposisi masuk accumulator

Komponen BM (gr/mol) Vn (gr/jam) V (mol/jam) xi(fraksi mol)
Butanol 74.1230 4367911.7343 58927.8865 0.9971
Butil akrilat 128.1710 21949.3052 171.2502 0.0029

total 4389861.0395 59099.1367 1

4389.8610 kg/jam
9677.9754 lb/jam

Menghitung densitas cairan

dalam gr/ml
A.B (1T / Tc )

T= 391.1762 K
komponen xi A B n Tc i
Butanol 0.9971 0.2689 0.2667 0.2457 562.9300 0.7217
Butil akrilat 0.0029 0.2995 0.2584 0.3084 598.0000 0.7943

L = 0.7219 gr/ml
= 721.8630 gr/L
= 45.0645 lb/f3

massa total
maka flow masuk Q =
densitas cairan
= 214.7585 f3/jam
= 6.0813 m3/jam = 6081.2939 L/jam
= 1.6892 L/sekon
= 1689.2483 mL/sekon 1013548.977

Viskositas cairan (m)

Log = A + B/T + CT + DT2 satuan = cp
= Centipoise

Komponen A B C D i x
Butanol -5.397 1325.6 0.0062223 -5.5062E-06 0.3830 0.3819
Butil akrilat -6.9308 1168.9 0.013471 -0.000012339 0.2747 0.0008
0 -16.7220 3.28E+03 2.94E-02 -1.93E-05


*** Waktu tinggal = 300 sekon = 0.0833 jam towler and sinnot .p772
Kapasitas tangki = volum total x waktu tinggal
= 0.5068 m3 =
506.7745 liter
V overdesign (20%) = 0.6081 m3
V= 21.4759 f3
*** L/D = 2,5 s/d 5
diambil L/D = 4 (walas p. xviii ) paling direkondasikan

Menghitung diameter dan panjang tangki

untuk torispherical
V head = 0,000049*(D3) (Brownell pers 5.11)
V dlm f3, D dlm in
V shell =

V dlm f3, D dlm f

Vt = Vshell + 2*Vhead
dengan D dan L shell dibagi 12 (konversi 1f = 12in)

Vt = =

Vt = 0.0018171296 D3 + 0.000098 D3
Vt = 0.0019151296 D3
Vt dalam f3 dan D dlm in
21.4759 = 0.0019151296 D3
D3 = 11213.8137
D = 22.3830 in = 0.5685 m
L = 89.5319 in = 2.2741 m

Pemilihan bahan konstruksi Accumulator

dipilih Carbon steel SA 283 grade C
spesifikasi Tensile strength 55000 lb/in2
Allowable stresses (f) 18750 lb/in2
Corrosion Allowance ( c ) 0.125 in
(sumber: brownell)
alasan temperature operasi -20 s/d 650F
tebal dinding tidak lebih dari 5/8 in
(equation 13.1 design of cylindrical vessel under Internal pressure)
Pressure design = working press
t = tebal shell (in)
P = internal pressure (psi) 17.6351
ri = inside radius shell (in) 11.1915
f = allowable stress (psi) 18750
e = joint eficiency = 85% (dipakai single welded butt joint)
C = corrosion allowance (in) 0.125
t= 197.3634 + 0.125

t= 0.1374 in
dipakai tebal shell standard, ts = 3/16 in = 0.1875 in


menghitung tebal head
OD = D + 2 .ts
= 22.3830 + 2 x 0.1875
= 22.7580 in
OD standar = 24 in

Tabel 5.7 & 5.8 (p.90) Brownell diperoleh :

OD = 24 in
icr = 1 1/2 in
rc = 24 in
sf = 1 1/2 - 3 1/2 dipilih sf = 2 in p.88 brownell

icr = 1 1/2
r 24
= 0.0625
= 6.25% > 6%

untuk icr/r > 6% :

= 1.7500 Eq. 7.76 Brownell

t head = { P. rc . W / (2. f. E - 0,2 . P)} + C Eq. 7.77 Brownell

= 0.1482 in

t head standar = 0.1875 in

outside diameter head = ID + 2(tebal head) t head yg buat di word (gausah p
Odh = 22.7580 in = 1.8965 f 0.137385
OD standar = 24 in


icr : inside-corner radius
sf : straight flange
r : radius of dish
OD : outside diameter (OD)
b : depth of dish (inside)
a : inside radius (ri)
dari tabel 5.8 Brownell and Young, untuk
t head =

dari persamaan untuk fig. 5.8 Brownell & Young :

a = ID/2 = 22.3830 in = 11.1915 in

AB = a - icr = 11.1915 in - 1 1/2 in 9.6915

BC = r - icr = 24 in - 1 1/2 in 22.5000
2 2
= 20.3058 in
b = r -AC = 24 in - 20.3058 in 3.6942

OA = sf + b + thead
= 2 in + 3.6942 in + 0.1875 in
= 5.8817 in
= 0.4901 f
= 0.1494 m 5.8817820646 in

maka, panjang total accumulator

panjang ACC-1 = L + 2(OA)
= 101.2953 in
= 2.5729 meter = 101.2955172901




Vs + Vh =
Vs + Vh =

trial = 115.181
Vs + Vh = 0.5068 m3
Vt = 0.5068 m3
beda V = 0.0000
cos = 1 - (H/R)
-0.4255 = 1 - (H/R)
H= 0.4052 m


L = 45.0645 lb/f3
= 3.82702E-04 kg/m.s
debit (Q) = F/
Q= 214.7585 f3/jam
Q= 0.0597 f3/sekon
jadi Di optimum = 3,9 . Q0,45 . 0,13 (Turbulen)
= 1.7993 in
maka, diameter pipa standar yang dipilih kern p.844
IPS = 2 in
Schedule Number (SN) = 40 ST 40 S
Outside Diameter (OD) = 2.38 in
Inside Diameter (ID) = 2.067 in
Flow area per pipe (A) = 3.35 in2

Cek jenis aliranv = Q / A 2.56428 f/s

= 0.78160 m/s
NRe = D v / 77402.62 ( turbulen )

Kode : AC-01
Fungsi : untuk menampung destilat yang keluar dari condenser MD-01
Jenis : Horisontal Drum
Jumlah : 1.00 buah
Volume : 0.6081 m^3
Kondisi P= 1.00 atm
T= 118.0262 C
waktu tinggal = 300.00 sekon
Diameter : 0.5685 m
Panjang : 2.2741 m
Bahan konstruk : Carbon steel SA 283 grade C
Tebal shell : 0.1875 in
Tebal head : 0.1875 in
Tinggi head : 0.1494 m
Panjang total : 2.5729 m
1000-10000 gal pake horizontal
diatas 10.000 gal pake vertikal tank


0.7219 gr/ml

mL/600 sekon

towler and sinnot .p772

Pressure design = working press 1 atm
17.63514 Psia

Dari Tabel 13.2 Brownell & Young 1959 hal 254

Digunakan bahan Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C
Tekanan design (p) = 12.65 psi
Allowable stress (s) = 18750 psi
Efisiensi sambungan (e)= 0.85
Faktor korosi (C) = 0.125 in

t head yg buat di word (gausah pake cara excel ini yg t headnya)

0.1875 in



Fungsi : Mengkondensasikan hasil atas menara distilasi 1

Tujuan : 1. Menentukan tipe kondensor
2. Memilih bahan konstruksi
3. Menentukan spesifikasi kondensor

1. Data yang diperlukan

a. Fluida Panas (Hasil atas Menara Distilasi )
Suhu masuk = 118.099
Suhu keluar = 118.026
TAVG = 118.063
Tekanan Operasi = 1.000
Laju Alir Massa (W) = 4,389.861
Laju Alir molar (n) = 59,099.137
Beban Panas Kondensor (Qc) = 2,552,548.874

b. Fluida dingin ( air laut )

Suhu masuk = 30.000
Suhu keluar = 45.000
TAVG = 37.500
Kapasitas panas (Cp) fluida dingin pd TAVG = 1.130

laju alir massa pendingin = Qc


laju alir massa pendingin

2.Menentukan Tipe Kondensor

Tipe kondensor yang dipilih adalah : Shell and Tube
Pertimbangannya :
1. HE shell and tube paling umum digunakan
2. paling umum digunakan jika pendinginnya air
3. Mempunyai area transfer panas yang besar (A > 200ft2)

3.Menentukan Bahan Konstruksi

Bahan untuk Shell : Digunakan bahan Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C
Alasan :
1. tahan korosi
(Brownell, p.253)
Bahan untuk Tube : Digunakan bahan Carbon Steel SA-283 Grade C
Alasan :
1. pendingin yang digunakan adalah air
2. tidak terkorosi oleh air
(Brownell, p.253)

4.Menentukan Spesifikasi Kondensor

a. Penentuan TLMTD
Fluida Panas T1 = 244.578 F
T2 = 244.447 F
Fluida Dingin t1 = 86.000 F
t2 = 113.000 F

dipilih aliran counter current karena T LMTD-nya lebih besar sehingga perpannya lebih b

b. Penentuan harga Ud
Untuk fluida panas adalah light organics dan fluida dingin adalah water
Ud = 75 - 150 Btu/ (tabel 8 Kern)
diambil harga Ud = 75.000 Btu/

c. Penentuan Luas Perpindahan Panas

A = Q / ( Ud * delta T LMTD )
= 2,419,340.013
75.000 * 144.597
A = 223.088 ft 2

d. Memilih Spesifikasi Tube

Dari tabel 10 kern dipilih pipa dengan spesifikasi
0.025 OD tube = 1 in
0.022 ID tube = 0.856 in
BWG = 15
0.000 A't = 0.576 in2
Ao = 0.2618 ft2/ft
6.096 L = 20.000 ft =
Jumlah tube (Nt)= A/( L * Ao )
= 223.088
20.000 * 0.262
= 42.607
diambil Nt = 44.000 buah tube

Dari tabel 9 Kern dipilih untuk Odt = 1.000 in

Pola tube : Triangular pitch
Alasan : 1. Kapasitas fluida yang akan didinginkan besar sehingga dengan susunan
ini akan lebih banyak tube terpasang pada shell
2. Pressure drop rendah
0.032 Pt = 1 1/4 in
IDs = 12 in OD untuk ID 12,09 in =
Baffle spacing = Ids * 0,75 = 9.000 in
Nt = 44.000
pass(n) = 2.000
C' = Pt - Odt = 0.250 in

e. Koreksi Harga A
A' = Nt * Ao * L
A' = 230.384 ft2
A' = 21.403 m2
f. Koreksi harga Ud
Ud = Q
Ud = 72.625 Btu/
1,484.581 kJ/h.m2.K

Shell side = fluida panas, hasil atas MD

g. Menghitung flow area
IDs = 12.000 in
Pt = 1.250 in
B= 9.000 in
c' = 0.250 in

As = ID shell * c' * B (Kern, pers 7.1)

144 * Pt
As = 0.150 ft2

h. Menghitung Gs
Gs = W / As (Kern, pers 7.2)
Gs = 64,519.251 lb/ft2.jam


asumsi = ho = 99.903 Trial

dari perhitungan (k) bagian tube diperoleh
ho 99.903 Btu/hr.Ft2 F

Tw = wall pipe temperature (Kern, pers 5.31)

Tavg = 99.500 F
Tv = 244.513 F
Tw = 108.282 F

Tf = ( Tv + Tw )/2 (Kern, pers 12.19)

( Tf = film temperature )
Tf = 176.397 F
353.371 K
kf = 0.039 W/m.K
= 0.023 Btu / hr .ft.F
= 0.382 cp
= 0.924 lb/ ft . hr
f = 297.118 kg/m3
= 18.548 lb / ft3
g= 32.200 ft/s2
= 417,312,000.000 ft/hr2
h= (1,5*(4*G''/mf)^(-1/3))/(m2/(kf^3*rf^2*g))
#NUM! (Kern, 12,42)
h = ho = 99.903 Btu/hr.Ft F 2
(dr fig, 12.9)
567.249 J/s.m2.C
n. Mencari clean overall corfficient (Uc)
Uc = ( hio * ho )
(hio + ho)
= 93.853 Btu/hr.Ft2 F
1,918.510 kJ/h.m2.K
o. Mencari Dirt Factor
Rd = (Uc -Ud) Rd yang diijinkan =
(Uc * Ud)
= 0.0031 hr.ft2.F/Btu
0.000 h.m2.K/kJ
( shell side, fluida panas, hasil atas MD1 )
p. Menentukan faktor friksi
Pada Tavg = 244.513 F
vapor = 0.382 cP = 0.924 lb/
De = 0.990 in 0.083 ft
Re s = De * Gs

= 5,762.725
f= 0.0025 (Kern, fig.29)

q. Mencari jumlah crosses

N+1 = 12 * ( L / B ) (Kern, pers 7.43)
N+1 = 26.667

r. Menghitung nilai Ps
uap = kg/m3
air pada Tavg = 26.264 lbm/ft3

s.g (s) = uap

pada Tavg
= -

Ds = 1.000

( kern 12.47)
= 0.064 psi 0.004 atm

Ps yang diijinkan = 2psi


Shell Side Tube side

Fluida Panas (Hasil atas Menara Distilasi ) Tube side = fluida ding
h outside
99.903 Btu/hr.Ft2 F
Uc = 93.853
Ud = 72.625
Rd perancangan = 0.0031
Rd yang diijinkan = 0.0005
0.064 Psi delta P perhitungan
10.000 Psi delta P diijinkan
0.305 ID = 12.000 in
0.229 Baffle = 9.000 in
Passes = 1.000
C 391.249 K 244.578 F
C 391.176 K 244.447 F
C 391.213 K 244.513 F
kg/jam 9,677.888 lb/jam
kJ/jam 2,419,340.013 Btu/jam

C 303.150 K 86.000 F
C 318.150 K 113.000 F
C 310.650 K 99.500 F
kJ/mol.K = 1,129.668 kJ/kmol.K 62.759 kJ/kg.K

= 2,552,548.874 kj/j
62.759 * 15.000 kj/kg

= 2,711.467 kg/jam
= 2.711 ton/jam
= 1,229.894 lbm/jam
untuk co current untuk counter current
t1 = T1 - t1 158.578 t1 = T1 - t2 131.578
t2 = T2 - t2 131.447 t2 = T2 - t1 158.447

maka T LMTD = 144.589 maka T LMTD = 144.597

T LMTD-nya lebih besar sehingga perpannya lebih besar pula
R= T1-T2 0.005
S= t2-t1 0.170
Ft = 1.000 (Fig 16.17 Kern, p.549)
TLMTD = 144.597


kelipatan panjang pipa di pasaran 6,8,12,16,20,23

At = flow area per tube

Ao = surface per lin ft
6.096 m = 240.000 in
12.75 in (kern, hal. 844)

Tube side = fluida dingin, air laut

g. Menghitung Flow Area
A't = 0.576 in2
Nt = 44.000
n= 2.000
At = Nt * A't (Kern, pers 7.48)
144 * n
At = 0.088 ft2

i. Menghitung Gt
Gt = W / At
= 13,976.072 lb/ft2.jam

Velocity (V)
V = Gt/(3600*)
= 26.264 lb / ft3
V= 0.148 fps
j. Mencari Bilangan Reynold
= 0.697 cp
= 1.683 lb/

Dt = 0.856 in 0.071 ft
Re t = (Dt * Gt)

= 592.283

k. L/D = 280.374
Jh = 900.000 (Kern, fig 24)

L. Mencari hi
c= 0.015 Btu/lb.oF
k= 0.360 Btu / hr .ft.F
BM = 18.015 Kg/Kmol (Kern, pers 6.15a)

= 1,810.376 Btu/hr.Ft2 F

m. Mencari nilai hio

(Kern, pers 6.5)

= 1,549.681 Btu/hr.Ft2 F

air laut
0.0005 (Kern, tabel 12)
0.000 h.m2.K/kJ
(Tube side, Fluida dingin, air sungai)
p. Menentukan faktor friksi
Re t = 592.283
(Kern, fig28 untuk OD tube 1 in) f= 0.001 (Kern, fig.26)

q. Menghitung nilai Pt
air laut = 26.264 lbm/ft3
s.g air sungai = 1.000

(Kern, pers 7.45)

= 0.002 psi

r. Menghitung nilai Pr
Gt = 13,976.072 lb/ft2.jam
V2 = 1.000 (Kern, fig 27)

= 8.000 psi

s. Menghitung nilai PT
PT = Pt + Pr

= 8.002 psi 0.545 atm

PT yang diijinkan = 10 psi

Tube side
Tube side = fluida dingin, air laut

Btu/hr.Ft2 F
hr. ft2 . F / BTU
hr. ft2 . F / BTU
8.002 Psi 0.544
10.000 Psi (kern 477)
Nt = 44.000
Length = 240.000 in 6.096
OD = 1.000 in 0.025
BWG = 15.000
passes = 2.000
Densitas cairan (r)
= AB (1 T/Tc)n
= gr/ml 310.650 K
Komponen n Tc n Tc
H2O 0.3471 0.274 0.28571 647.13

Viskositas Liquid--> log = A + B/T + C.T + D.T2

T= 310.650 -10.2158 1792.5 0.01773

Konduktivitas panas cairan

k = A + BT + CT^2
k = W/m.K

Komponen A B C k
H2O -0.276 0.004612 -0.0000055390 6.22E-01

Konduktivitas panas gas

k = A + BT + CT2
k = W/m.K 391.213 K
Komponen A B C k
Butanol 0.01783 -4.83E-05 1.63E-07 2.39E-02
Butil akrilat -0.0081 5.59E-05 1.01E-08 1.53E-02

Viskositas viskositas = A + B/T + CT + DT^2

T= 391.2126 K
Komponen xi A B C
Butanol 0.997 -5.397 1325.6 0.0062223
Butil Akrilat 0.003 -6.9308 1168.9 0.013471

Densitas cairan (r)

= AB (1 T/Tc)n
= gr/ml 391.2126 K
xi massa A B n
butanol 0.995 0.26891 0.26674 0.2457
butil akrilat 0.005 0.29947 0.25838 0.30843

L =
L = 0.297

4.207E-01 g/mL
4.207E+02 kg/m3

-0.000012631 0.6970262176


D cP xi . cP
-5.5062E-06 0.3828002198 0.3816909887
-0.000012339 0.2745768026 0.0007956347

Tc (K) i xi/pi
562.93 0.2969073852 3.351213374
598 0.3459701328 0.0144521146
3.3656654886 g/ml

kg/L = 297.118 kg/m3

Kode : RB-01
Fungsi : Menguapkan sebagian hasil bawah menara distilasi 1 (MD-01)
Tujuan : 1. Menentukan tipe reboiler
2. Memilih bahan konstruksi
3. Menentukan spesifikasi reboiler

1. Data yang diperlukan

a. Fluida yang diuapkan (Hasil bawah Menara Distilasi 1)
Suhu masuk = 146.9705
Suhu keluar = 147.2878
TAVG = 147.1292
Tekanan Operasi = 1
Laju Alir Massa (W) = 11966.4713
= 26381.2825
Laju Alir molar (n) = 93703.7161
Beban Panas Reboiler (Qr) = 2187000.5261

= 2072868.39244757

b. Pemanas ( steam )
Tekanan steam = 65.40
Suhu masuk = 148.00
Suhu keluar = 148.00
TAVG = 148.00
panas laten uap () = 911.2218
laju alir massa steam = Qr

2. Menentukan Tipe Reboiler awal

Tipe reboiler yang dipilih adalah : Kettle reboiler (shell n tube)
Pertimbangannya :
a. Kontruksinya sederhana
b. Paling umum digunakan

3. Memilih Bahan Kontruksi

Bahan untuk Shell : Carbon Steel SA 283 grade C
Alasan :
1. Harganya murah
2. Mudah dalam fabrikasi
3. Paling umum digunakan
4. Untuk proses pada tekanan moderat dan suhu kurang dari 900F
(Brownell, p.253)

Bahan untuk Tube : Carbon Steel SA 283 grade C

Alasan :
1. Harganya murah
2. Mudah dalam fabrikasi
3. Paling umum digunakan
4. Untuk proses pada tekanan moderat dan suhu kurang dari 900F
(Brownell, p.253)
4. Menentukan Spesifikasi reboiler
a. Penentuan TLMTD
Fluida Panas T1 = 298.4 F
(steam) T2 = 298.4 F
Fluida Dingin t1 = 296.5468 F
(bottom product) t2 = 297.1181 F

untuk counter current

T1 = T1 - t2 =
T2 = T2 - t1 =

untuk co current
T1 = T1 - t1 =
T2 = T2 - t2 =

karena T LMTD lebih besar counter curent maka dipilih co

perpindahan panas akan lebih efektif


Ft =
b. Penentuan harga Ud
untuk pemanas adalah steam dan fluida dingin adalah light organic
Ud = 100 - 200 Btu/ (Table 8 Kern, p.840)
diambil harga Ud = 150 Btu/
c. Penentuan Luas Perpindahan Panas

= 2072868.3924
150 * 1.5500
= 891.5508 f 2

d. Memilih Spesifikasi Tube

Dari tabel 10 kern hal 843 dipilih pipa dengan spesifikasi
OD tube = 1 in
ID tube = 0.856 in
BWG = 15
A't = 0.576 in2
Ao = 0.2618 f2/f
L = 20 f =
Jumlah tube (Nt)= A/( L * Ao )
= 891.5508
20 * 0.2618
= 170.2733
diambil Nt = 188 buah tube

Dari tabel 9 Kern dipilih untuk Odt = 1

Pola tube : Triangular pitch
Alasan : 1. Kapasitas fluida yang akan didinginkan besar sehingga dengan susunan
ini akan lebih banyak tube terpasang pada shell
2. Pressure drop rendah

Pt = 1 1/ 4 in
IDs = 21 1/4 in Table 9 hal 842 Kern
= 54 cm
Baffle spacing = 0.75 x IDs
= 15.94 in 40.48125
Nt = 188 0.4048125
pass(n) = 1
C' = Pt - Odt
= 1/ 4 in

e. Koreksi Harga A
A' = Nt * Ao * L
= 984.368 f2

f. Koreksi harga Ud
Ud = Q
= 1358.563319496 Btu/

Shell side = fluida dingin, hasil bawah MD

g. Menghitung flow area
IDs = 21.25 in
Pt = 1.25 in
B= 15.94 in
c' = 0.25 in

As = ID shell * c' * B (Kern, pers 7.1, p.138)

144 * Pt
= 0.4703776042 f2

h. Menghitung Gs
Gs = W / As (Kern, pers 7.2, p.138)
= 56085.32868718 lb/f2.jam

j. Mencari ho

asumsi ho = 0.003449398 Btu/hr.Ft2 F

tw = tc+ ( hio /(hio + ho )) ( Tc - tc )

tc (t avg liq) = 296.832 F

Tc (t avg steam) = 298.400 F

tw = 298.4000 F

D t w = tw-tc
= 1.56751 F
dari fig. 15.11 Kern hal 474 diperoleh :

sehingga bisa digunakan

ho = 0.003449398 Btu/hr.Ft2 F
k. Mencari clean overall corfficient (Uc)
Uc = ( hio * ho )
(hio + ho)
= 3.449.E-03 Btu/hr.Ft2 F 429.025

l. Mencari Dirt Factor

Rd = (Uc -Ud) Rd yang diijinkan =
(Uc * Ud)
= 0.0034 hr.f2.F/Btu

m. Check Maksimum fluk :

Q/A = 2105.79 BTU/ hr. Ft2

shell side, campuran hasil bawah MD

Pressure drop untuk shell side diabaikan .


Shell Side
shell side, campuran hasil bawah MD
h outside
0.0034493981 Btu/hr.Ft2 F
Uc =
Ud =
Rd perancangan =
Rd yang diijinkan =
diabaikan delta P perhitungan
diabaikan delta P diijinkan
ID = 21.25 in

Baffle = 15.94 in

Passes = 1

Kode RB-01
Fungsi Menguapkan sebagian hasil bawah menara distilasi 1 (MD-01)
Tipe Kettle reboiler (shell n tube)
> Beban Panas RB-01 = 2072868.3924
> Luas Transfer Panas = 984.37
> Nt = 188
> Panjang = 20
> Shell
* Fluida = shell side, campuran hasil bawah MD
* Tekanan = 14.7
* Suhu = 296.55
* Kapasitas = 26381.2825
* Material = Carbon Steel SA 283 grade C
> Tube
* Fluida = Tube side , saturated Steam
* Tekanan = 65.40
* Suhu = 298.40
* Kapasitas = 2274.8231
* Material = Carbon Steel SA 283 grade C

C 420.1205 K 296.5468 F
C 420.4378 K 297.1181 F
C 420.2792 K 296.8325 F


psi = 4.45 atm
C 421.1500 K 298.4 oF
C 421.1500 K 298.4 oF
C 421.1500 K 298.4 oF
Btu/lb = 2119.5 KJ/Kg
= 2072868.3924 Btu/jam
911.2218 Btu/lb
= 2274.8231 lb/jam
= 1031.8598 kg/jam

= 1.03186 ton/jam
1.2819 oF
1.8532 oF

T LMTD = 1.5500 oF

1.8532 oF
1.2819 oF

TLMTD = 1.5500 oF

D lebih besar counter curent maka dipilih counter curent

anas akan lebih efektif
= 0
= 0.3083
1 (Fig 18 Kern, p.828)
1.5500 oF
1 1/2

At = flow area per tube

Ao = surface per lin f kelipatan panjang pipa di pasaran 6,8,12,16,20,23

6.096 m = 240 in

Table 9 hal 842 Kern


ar sehingga dengan susunan

OD untuk ID 21,25 in = 22 in (kern, hal. 844)

Table 4-12 Ulrich hal 152-153
asil bawah MD Tube side =fluida panas,saturated steam
g. Menghitung Flow Area
A't= 0.576 in2
Nt = 188.0000
n= 1
At = Nt * A't
144 * n
At = 0.7520 f2

h. Menghitung Gt
Gt = W / At
= 3025.0307 lb/f2.jam

i. Mencari Bilangan Reynold

Tav = 298.4 oF
= 0.0135 cp
= 0.0326 lb/

Dt = 0.856 in
= 0.0713 f

Re t = (Dt * Gt)

Trial = 6618.9544

(5.31 a kern, p.96) j. Mencari nilai hio dan hi

hot fluid in the pipe
hi=hio= 1500 Btu/hr.Ft2 F
*untuk steam

ho > 300
0.003 hr.f2.F/Btu
rule of thumb hal 38 Rd yg diijinkan untuk reboiler streams

hal 459 , satisfactory for organic max 12.000 BTU/ hr. Ft2

Pressure Drop

l bawah MD Tube side , saturated Steam

kern p.475 1. Mencari faktor friksi (f)

Ret = 6618.9544
f= 0.0003

2. Mencari delta Pt
Untuk kondensasi vapour :

Pt = 0.5*f*Gt^2*L*n

untuk air ,
s = spesifik gravity
= viscocity ratio = /w
Pt = 7.37255140993288E-06 Psi

3. Mencari delta Pr

Gt = 3025.0307
(V^2/2.g')*(62.5/144)= 0.001
Pr = 0.004

4. Mencari delta Pt
PT = Pr + Pt
= 0.00401 Psi

Tube side
Tube side , saturated Steam
h outside
Btu/hr.Ft2 F 1500
0 Btu/hr.Ft2 F
1359 Btu/
-0.0034 hr. f2 . F / BTU
0.003 hr. f2 . F / BTU
delta P perhitungan 0.0040 Psi
delta P diijinkan 2 Psi (kern 477)
Nt = 188
Length = 240 in
OD = 1 in
BWG = 15
passes = 1

Btu/jam = 2187000.5261 kJ/jam

ft2 = 91.4508 m2

ft = 6.096 m

mpuran hasil bawah MD 11966.4713 kg/jam

psi = 1 atm
F = 146.9705 oC
lbm/jam = 11966.4713 kg/jam
SA 283 grade C

urated Steam 1031.8598 kg/jam

psi = 4.4511 atm
F = = 148.00 oC
lbm/jam = 1031.8598 kg/jam
SA 283 grade C
ated steam

(Kern, pers 7.48)

(Kern, Fig 15 hal 825)

(Kern, hal 164)

Kern fig 26, hal 836

(kern pers. 12.48, p.273)

tabel 6, kern, p.808

(kern, 7.46, p.148)

lb / f2.jam
fig.27 kern, p.837
Jenis : Long tube vertical evaporator
material : Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C

Kondisi Operasi
T Feed (Tf) = 99 C
T operasi = 145.7325 C
P operasi = 1 atm

Perhitungan dimensi Evaporator

1. Perhitungan Dimensi Deflector

T= 418.8825263904 K
senyawa A B n
asam akrilat 0.34645 0.25822 0.30701
n-butanol 0.26891 0.26674 0.2457
asam sulfat 0.42169 0.19356 0.2857
air 0.3471 0.274 0.28571

L = 1010.8036771606 kg/m3

densitas uap air pada T = 418.8825 K

v = 2.1024 kg/m3

Coulson, 1999

u= 0.7674 m/s
2,762.7963 m/jam

laju volumetrik uap = 297.6162 m3/jam

Menentukan diameter shell (D)

diameter deflector dihitung dengan persamaan :
Q = 1/4 phi D^2 u
297.6162 sama dengan 2,082.0433 D^2
0.1429443104 sama dengan D^2
D= 0.3780797673 m
1.2404191841 f
14.8850302087 in

Menentukan volume shell

diasumsikan H = ID
H= 1.2404191841 f
waktu tinggal cairan = 5 menit
jumlah cairan yang ditampung = 206.4789304248 kg/jam x (1jam/60 menit) x 5 menit =
volume cairan yang ditampung evaporator = massa cairan/densitas liquid

tinggi cairan dalam evaporator :

V = 1/4 phi D^2 ZL
ZL = 0.151701946 m
0.4977097967 f

menentukan tebal shell

pressure is designed over 20%
pressure design= working pressure x 1,2
pressure design = 1.2000

base on pressure design, we can use torispherical dished heads, because it has working range betwwen 15 psig-20 psig (page 8

then we use material construction Stainless steel SA-240 Grade C Type 347 (18-Cr-8 Ni-Cb)

f (allowable stress) 17000 psia

c (corrosion factor) 0.1250 in
E (joint efficiency) 0.8000
jari jari dalam = 7.4425 in

head thickness is calculated by equation (brownell page 254)

t= P . ri +C
f.E - 0,6 . P

thickness = 0.1347 in
diambil tebal shell standar = 0.1875 in

menentukan dimensi tutup atas dan bawah

tutupatas dan bahwah berbentuk torispherical. Tebal dan tinggi head dihitung dengan menggunakan persamaan berikut :
head thickness is calculated by equation (brownell page 256)
thickness = P.D +C
2.f.E - 0,2 . P
th = 0.1346519719 in

diambil tebal head standar = 0.1875 in

Tinggi dish head

IDs = 0.3781 m
14.8850 in

ODs = IDs + 2 . Shell thickness

15.2600 in
0.42037 m

base on table 5.7 (brownell page 89) for OD 15,26 inches (being standarized to 16 in), we got

icr (inside-corner radius) =

r (radius of dish) =
thickness =

b = r - (BC2 - AB2)1/2
a= ID shell / 2
a= 7.4425 in

AB = a - icr
AB = 6.4425 in

BC = r - icr
BC = 14.0000 in

b= 2.5704 in

base on table 5.6 (brownell page 88) standard Straight Flange for 3/18 in thickness is between 1,5-2 inches then we choose Sf
thus,height of head (OA)= thickness of head + b + SF

tinggi total deflector = tinggi cairan + tinggi dish head + H shell

Perancangan Heat Exchanger Evaporator

menentukan luas bidang transfer panas (A)
untuk pemanas adalah steam dan fluida dingin adalah light organic
UD = 100 - 200 Btu/ (Table 8 Kern, p.840)
dipilih UD = 150 Btu/f^2 F h
Keluaran Dekanter (Fluida Dingin, di shell)
Suhu masuk = 99.0000
Suhu keluar = 145.7325
TAVG = 122.3663
Tekanan Operasi = 1
Laju Alir Massa (W) = 206.4789
= 455.2035
Laju Alir molar (n) = 2.5127
Beban Panas Evaporator (Q) = 1343596.4881

= 1273478.7482286

Pemanas ( steam ), di tube

Tekanan steam = 61.94
Suhu masuk = 146.00
Suhu keluar = 146.00
TAVG = 146.00
panas laten uap () = 2125.7000
laju alir massa steam = Q


4. Menentukan Spesifikasi reboiler

a. Penentuan TLMTD
Fluida Panas T1 = 294.8
(steam) T2 = 294.8
Fluida Dingin t1 = 210.2000
(bottom product) t2 = 294.3185
b. Penentuan harga Ud
untuk pemanas adalah steam dan fluida dingin adalah light organic
Ud = 100 - 200 Btu/ (Table 8 Kern, p.840)
diambil harga Ud = 150 Btu/

c. Penentuan Luas Perpindahan Panas

= 1273478.7482
150 *
= 521.6813 f2

d. Memilih Spesifikasi Tube

Dari tabel 10 kern hal 843 dipilih pipa dengan spesifikasi
OD tube = 1 1/2
ID tube = 1.36
BWG = 15
A't = 1.44
Ao = 0.3925
L = 20
Jumlah tube (Nt)= A/( L * Ao )
= 521.6813
20 *
= 66.4562
diambil Nt = 70 buah tube

Dari tabel 9 Kern dipilih untuk Odt =

Pola tube : Triangular pitch
Alasan : 1. Kapasitas fluida yang akan didinginkan besar sehingga dengan susun
ini akan lebih banyak tube terpasang pada shell
2. Pressure drop rendah
Pt = 1 7/ 8 in
IDs = 23 1/4 in
= 59.055 cm
Baffle spacing = 0.75 x IDs
= 17.44 in
Nt = 70
pass(n) = 1
C' = Pt - Odt
= 3/ 8 in

e. Koreksi Harga A
A' = Nt * Ao * L
= 549.5 f2

f. Koreksi harga Ud
Ud = Q
= 142.4061862358 Btu/

Shell side = fluida dingin, keluaran bawah dekanter

g. Menghitung flow area
IDs = 23 1/4 in
Pt = 1 7/ 8 in
B= 17.44 in
c' = 3/ 8 in

As = ID shell * c' * B
144 * Pt
= 0.5630859375 f2

h. Menghitung Gs
Gs = W / As
= 808.4084856311 lb/f2.jam

j. Mencari ho
asumsi ho = 158.0432675375

tw = tc+ ( hio /(hio + ho )) ( Tc - tc )

tc (t avg liq) = 252.259

Tc (t avg steam) = 294.800

tw = 290.7450543231

D t w = tw-tc
= 38.48578
dari fig. 15.11 Kern hal 474 diperoleh :

sehingga bisa digunakan

ho = 158.0432675375

k. Mencari clean overall corfficient (Uc)

Uc = ( hio * ho )
(hio + ho)
= 143 Btu/hr.Ft2 F

l. Mencari Dirt Factor

Rd = (Uc -Ud)
(Uc * Ud)
= 0.0020 hr.f2.F/Btu

m. Check Maksimum fluk :

Q/A = 2317.52 BTU/ hr. Ft2

shell side, keluaran bawah dekanter

Pressure drop untuk shell side diabaikan .

1. mencari faktor friksi :
viskositas = A + B/T + CT + DT^2
T avg = 395.5163 K
komponen A B C
N-Butanol -5.397 1325.6 0.0062223
Asam Akrilat -15.9215 2440.8 0.034383
Asam Sulfat -18.7045 3496.2 0.03308
Air -10.2158 1792.5 0.01773
= 0.3406039603 0.823

De = 1.480 in
Re s = De * Gs

= 121.217

f= 0.0058 (Kern, fig.29)

q. Mencari jumlah crosses

N+1 = 12 * ( L / B )
N+1 = 13.763

Ds = 1.938

= 1.5700.E-05 psi

Ps yang diijinkan = 10 psi

372.15 K
418.8825 K

Tc (K) 1-(T/Tc)^n densiti (kg/dm3) densiti (kg/m3)

615 0.7041 0.8987 898.7482
562.93 0.7154 0.6921 692.1373
925 0.8417 1.6800 1679.9991
647.13 0.7425 0.9077 907.6540

tempereatur density (kg/m3)

123.3 1.23 ektrapolasi 2.102375
128.7 1.44

1f= 12 in
0.3048 m

(5-10 menit, ulrich,1984)

x (1jam/60 menit) x 5 menit = 17.2065775354 kg
airan/densitas liquid


ing range betwwen 15 psig-20 psig (page 88 brownell and young)

1 atm
(Brownell, Appendix D, hal. 342)
(Brownell, hal. 344)
(Brownell, tabel 13.2, hal. 254)

an menggunakan persamaan berikut :

1 in
15 in
0.1875 in

between 1,5-2 inches then we choose Sf =


2.1346 f
0.6506 m
25.6155 in
C 372.1500 K 210.2000
C 418.8825 K 294.3185
C 395.5163 K 252.2593
kmol/jam 2512.7336783244 mol/jam


psi = 4.2151 atm
C 419.1500 K 294.8
C 419.1500 K 294.8
C 419.1500 K 294.8
KJ/Kg = 913.8873211 Btu/lb
= 1343596.4881 kJ/jam
2125.7000 KJ/Kg
= 632.0725 kg/jam
= 0.6321 ton/jam

= 1393.46701 lb/jam


untuk counter current

T1 = T1 - t2 = 0.4815 oF
T2 = T2 - t1 = 84.6000 oF

T LMTD = 16.2740

untuk co current
T1 = T1 - t1 = 84.6000 oF
T2 = T2 - t2 = 0.4815 oF
TLMTD = 16.2740

karena T LMTD lebih besar counter curent maka dipilih counter curent
perpindahan panas akan lebih efektif
R= = 0
S= = 0.9943
Ft = 1 (Fig 18 Kern, p.828)
TLMTD = 16.2740 oF

Kern, p.840)


in (OD biasanya 1 1/4 - 2 in, Kern,hal 404, 1965)

At = flow area per tube
in 2
Ao = surface per lin f kelipatan panjang pipa di pasaran 6,8,12,16,20,
f = 6.096 m = 240


Table 9 hal 841 Kern

1 1/2 in

dinginkan besar sehingga dengan susunan

sang pada shell
Table 9 hal 841 Kern

Table 4-12 Ulrich hal 152-153

fluida dingin, keluaran bawah dekanter Tube side =fluida panas,s

g. Menghitung Flow Area
Nt =
At =

(Kern, pers 7.1, p.138) At =

h. Menghitung Gt
Gt =
(Kern, pers 7.2, p.138)
i. Mencari Bilangan Reynold
Tav =

Dt =

Re t =
Btu/hr.Ft2 F Trial =

hio + ho )) ( Tc - tc ) (5.31 a kern, p.96) j. Mencari nilai hio dan hi

hot fluid in the pipe
F hi=hio=
F *untuk steam

ho > 300

Btu/hr.Ft2 F

Rd yang diijinkan = 0,001

hal 459 , satisfactory for organic max 12.000 BTU/ hr. Ft2

side, keluaran bawah dekanter Tube side , saturated St

kern p.475 1. Mencari faktor friksi (f)

Ret =

D xi cP . Xi 2. Mencari delta Pt
-5.5062E-06 0.0118329961 0.0042396737 Untuk kondensasi vapour :
-0.000027677 0.0187979784 0.0062118695
-0.000017018 0.0330796431 0.1191642548 Pt =
-0.000012631 0.9362893825 0.2109881623
lb/ untuk air ,
0.123 ft (Kern, fig28 untuk OD tube 1 in) =
Pt =

3. Mencari delta Pr

Gt =
(Kern, pers 7.43) (V^2/2.g')*(62.5/144)=

Pr =

4. Mencari delta Pt
( kern 12.47) PT =
1.0683.E-06 atm =

PT memenuhi karena max yang di

Fraksi massa densiti (kg/m3)
0.0606 54.4901
0.0393 27.1700
0.1452 243.9474
0.7549 685.1962
1 1010.8037

14.69595001 Psi
2 in
T= 395.5163 K
Data kapasitas panas cair diambil dari Yaws, 1999
Cp cair = A+B*T+C*(T^2)+D*(T^3)
F Komponen A B C D
F Asam Akrilat -18.242 1.2106 -0.003116 3.1409E-06
F N-Butanol 83.877 0.56628 0.0017208 0.000002278
Asam Sulfat 26.004 0.70337 -0.0013856 1.0342E-06

Air 92.053 -0.03995 -0.00021103 5.3469E-07



n panjang pipa di pasaran 6,8,12,16,20,23

in (panjang baiknya 20 - 24 f, kern halaman 404, 1965)

hal 841 Kern

hal 841 Kern

12 Ulrich hal 152-153

Tube side =fluida panas,saturated steam

hitung Flow Area
1.44 in2
Nt * A't (Kern, pers 7.48)
144 * n
0.7000 f2

W / At
1990.6672 lb/f2.jam

ari Bilangan Reynold

294.8 oF
0.0135 cp (Kern, Fig 15 hal 825)
0.0326 lb/

1.36 in
0.1133 f

(Dt * Gt)


ri nilai hio dan hi Konduktivitas panas cairan

1500 Btu/hr.Ft2 F (Kern, hal 164) K organik =

k anor=
k =
Asam akrilat
Asam sulfat

sifat fisik
asam akrilat
asam sulfat

Tube side , saturated Steam

ari faktor friksi (f)

0.0003 Kern fig 26, hal 836

ari delta Pt
ondensasi vapour :

0.5*f*Gt^2*L*n (kern pers. 12.48, p.273)

spesifik gravity
1 tabel 6, kern, p.808
viscocity ratio = /w
2.00951101210385E-06 Psi

ari delta Pr
Pr=(4*n/s)*(V^2/2*g')*(62.5/144) (kern, 7.46, p.148)

Gt = 1990.6672 lb / f2.jam
(V^2/2.g')*(62.5/144)= 0.001 fig.27 kern, p.837

Pr = 0.003 Psi

ari delta Pt
Pr + Pt
0.00300 Psi

PT memenuhi karena max yang diizinkan = 2 psi

Cp feed pada Tavg
167.45766857 3.1478656382
717.98410637 8.4959031091
151.43240848 5.0093300194
76.321113187 71.4586479355
0 #REF!
duktivitas panas cairan

A + B [1-T/C]^2/7
A + BT + CT^2 T= 395.5163 K
A B C k
-1.312 0.619 562.93 -0.874260821
-1.6101 0.9742 615 -0.884330418
0.1553 0.0010699 -1.2858E-06 3.77E-01
-0.276 0.004612 -0.0000055390 6.82E-01
-6.99E-01 W/m.K
-4.04E-01 Btu/

BM (kg/kmol) BM
72.064 1.354657516
74.123 0.8770971677
98.079 3.2444183111
18.015 16.8672532252
262.281 22.34342622

Anda mungkin juga menyukai