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Marwan Olii


Michael Jackson Biography

Michael Joseph Jackson (lahir di Gary, Indiana, Amerika Serikat, 29
Agustus 1958 meninggal di Los Angeles, California,Amerika Serikat, 25
Juni 2009 pada umur 50 tahun) adalah penyanyi dan penulis lagu dari Amerika
Serikat. Ia terkenal sebagai the "King of Pop" dan memopulerkan gerakan dansa
"Moonwalk" yang telah menjadi ciri khasnya. Albumnya yang dirilis pada
tahun1982, Thriller, adalah album terlaris di dunia, dengan penjualan melebihi 104
juta kopi di seluruh dunia. Ia mulai karier bernyanyi pada usia lima tahun sebagai
anggota kelompok vokal keluarga Jackson (kelak menjadi the Jackson 5) sebelum
meluncurkan album solo pertamanya Got to Be There pada tahun 1971. Sebagai
anak ketujuh dari keluarga Jackson, dia membuat debut di musik profesional pada
umur 11 tahun sebagai anggota dari Jackson 5.
Pada awal tahun 1980-an, dia menjadi figur yang sangat dominan dalam musik pop
and musisi Afrika-Amerika pertama yang mempunyai crossover kuat di MTV.
Popularitas dalam musiknya menanjak saat ditayangkan di MTV, antara lain "Beat
It," "Billie Jean," dan "Thriller" dianggap telah mengubah video klip menjadi sebuah
bentuk karya seni dan sebagai alat promosi untuk memopulerkan sebuah channel tv.
Video-video seperti "Black or White" dan "Scream" membuat Jackson menjadi
andalan utama MTV pada tahun 1990-an. Lewat penampilan panggung dan video-
video klipnya, Jackson memopulerkan sejumlah teknik menari seperti robot
dan moonwalk. Suara dan gaya vocal Jackson memengaruhi dan diikuti oleh banyak
penyanyi hip hop, pop dan R&B.
Penghargaan - penghargaan yang telah dia raih termasuk beberapa kali Guinness
World Recordstermasuk thriller sebagai album terlaris di dunia 13 Grammy
Awards, 13 buah single nomor 1 dalam solo kariernya dari musisi pria lainnya dalam
Hot 100 eradan penjualan 750 juta unit di seluruh dunia. Hidup Jackson sangat
terkenal di seluruh dunia, didampingi dengan kariernya yang sangat sukses,
membuatnya menjadi bagian dari kebudayaan pop selama 4 dekade. dalam
beberapa tahun dia sering disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu pria paling terkenal di

Kehidupan dan karier

195875: Masa kecil dan the Jackson 5
Michael Joseph Jackson lahir pada tanggal 29 Agustus 1958 di Gary, Indiana,
sebuah daerah industri di pinggiran Chicago.[2] Ia adalah keturunan seorang Afrika-
AmerikaJoseph Walter "Joe" Jackson dan Katherine Esther Scruse.[2] Ia adalah anak
ke-7 dari 9 bersaudara. Saudaranya antara lain Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, La

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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Toya, Marlon,Randy, dan Janet.[2] Joseph Jackson pernah bermain di sebuah band
R&B bernama The Falcons, bersama saudaranya Luther.
Jackson pernah menyatakan bahwa sejak kecil ia mengalami kekerasan dari
ayahnya, baik secara fisik maupun mental, seperti latihan yang tak henti-henti,
cambuk, dan memanggilnya dengan panggilan kasar. Namun demikian, ia juga
mengakui bahwa kedisiplinan yang diterapkan ayahnya membawa pengaruh besar
bagi kesuksesannya. [3][4]Marlon Jackson menceritakan, pernah dalam suatu
perselisihan, Michael diangkat terbalik kemudian dipukuli di punggung dan
pantatnya.[5] Pernah pula di suatu malam, ketika Michael sedang tidur, Joseph
memanjat dari kamarnya ke pintu kamar Jackson. Dengan mengenakan topeng
menakutkan, ia masuk ke kamar, berteriak keras menakut-nakuti Michael. Joseph
mengatakan bahwa ia melakukan itu untuk mengajarkan anak-anaknya agar tidak
membiarkan jendela kamar terbuka ketika tidur. Selama bertahun-tahun setelah
peristiwa tersebut, Michael sering mengalami mimpi ia diculik dari kamarnya.[5] Pada
tahun 2003, Joseph mengakui pernah mencambuk Michael ketika iamasih kecil. [6]
Jackson pertama kali membicarakan masalah kecilnya ketika ia diwawancara
oleh Oprah Winfrey pada tahun 1993. Ketika itu ia juga berkata bahwa pada saat
kecil, ia sering menangis kesepian dan kadang-kadang muntah ketika melihat
ayahnya. Pada acara Living with Michael Jackson (2003), Michael terlihat menangis
menutupi wajahnya ketika ia menceritakan tentang masa kecilnya. [5]
Jackson menampilkan bakat musiknya di usia belia ketika ia menyanyi di depan
teman-teman sekelasnya pada resital Natal di usia lima tahun.[2] Pada tahun 1964,
Michael dan Marlon bergabung dengan the Jackson Brotherssebuah band yang
didirikan oleh saudara-saudaranya: Jackie, Tito, dan Jermainesebagai musisi
pendukung, Michael memainkan congas sementara Marlon tambourine. Beberapa
lama kemudian, ia mulai mengambil peran sebagai penyanyi latar dan ikut menari.
Dan akhirnya pada umur 8 tahun, ia dan Jermaine menjadi penyanyi utama, dan
nama kelompok musik ini diganti menjadi The Jackson 5. Band ini melakukan tur di
bagian tengah Amerika Serikat secara ekstensif pada tahun 1966 hingga 1968.
Pada tahun 1966, mereka memenangi beberapa acara pencari bakat tingkat lokal.
The Jackson 5 telah merekam berbagai lagu, termasuk "Big Boy", untuk label
rekaman lokal Steelwotn pada tahun 1967 dan menandatangani kontrak
dnegan Motown Recordspada tahun 1968. Majalah Rolling Stone ketika itu
menggambarkan Michael sebagai "sebuah keajaiban" (prodigy) dengan "bakat
musik yang luar biasa".[11] The Jackson 5mulai masuk pada chart ketika empat
single pertamanya ("I Want You Back", "ABC", "The Love You Save," dan "I'l Be
There") menempati tangga pertama pada Billboard Hot 100. Pada masa awal The
Jackson 5, bagian relasi publik Mowton mengklaim bahwa Michael berumur 9 tahun,
meskipun sebenarnya ia berumur 11 tahun ketika itu.[12] Mulai tahun 1972, Michael

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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merilis empat album solo dengan Motwon, di antaranya Got to Be There dan Ben.
Penjualan band ini menurun pada tahun 1973.
197581: Pindah ke Epic dan Off the Wall
The Jackson 5 menandatangani kontrak baru dengan CBS Record pada bulan Juni
1975, dalam divisi Philadelphia International Records, yang kemudian diubah
namanya menjadi Epic Records.[13] Nama grup ini pun diubah menjadi The Jacksons
dan menghasilkan enam album antara tahun 1976 hingga 1984, di mana sebagian
besar lagunya di tulis oleh Michael Jackson.[14] Hits yang dilahirkan oleh band ini
antara lain "Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)", "This Place Hotel" dan "Can
You Feel It."[15] The Jacksonjuga memiliki acara TV sendiri di CBS, The
Jacksons, yang mengudara dari tahun 1976 hingga 1977.
Pada tahun 1978, Jackson berperan sebagai Scarecrow pada film musikal The
Wiz.[16] Musik dalam film ini diaransemen oleh Quincy Jones, yang kemudian
menjalin kerjasama dengan Jackson untuk membuat album solonya, Off the Wall.[17]
Penulis lagu di album ini antara lain Jackson, Rod Temperton, Stevie Wonder,
dan Paul McCartney. Dirilis pada tahun 1979, empat lagu dalam album ini
menempati peringkat pertama tangga lagu di Amerika Serikat termasuk "Don't Stop
'Til You Get Enough" dan "Rock with You."[18] Off the Wall menempati peringkat
ketiga dalam Billboard 200 dan terjual 7 juta kopi di Amerika Serikat dengan total
penjualan di seluruh dunia mencapai lebih dari 20 juta kopi.[19][20]
Pada tahun 1980, Jackson memenangi tiga penghargaan di American Music
Awards untuk penampilan solonya: Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Favorite Male
Soul/R&B Artist, danFavorite Soul/R&B Single untuk "Don't Stop 'Til You Get
Enough".[18] Pada tahun yang sama, ia juga memenangi Billboard Music
Awards untuk kategori Top Black Artist dan Top Black Album serta sebuah Grammy
Award untuk Best Male R&B Vocal Performance (untuk lagu "Don't Stop 'Till You Get
Enough")[18] Meskipun sukses secara komersil, Jackson merasa Off the Wall belum
memenuhi harapannya untuk menciptakan album yang luar biasa. [21] Pada tahun
1980, Jackson menjadi musisi dengan penerimaan royalti tertinggi di industri musik:
37% dari keuntungan album secara keseluruhan.[22]
198283: Thriller dan Motown 25
Pada tahun 1982, Epic merilis album kedua Jackson, Thriller. Kemunculan album ini
dianggap sebagai puncak karier Jackson. Album kedua ini bertahan di 10
besar Billboard200 selama 80 minggu berturut-turut. Tujuh lagu dari album ini secara
bersamaan masuk dalam sepuluh besar Billboard Hot100, tiga di antaranya "Billie
Jean," "Beat It," dan "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'."
Periode ini adalah periode yang luar biasa menguntungkan bagi Jackson. Melalui
pengacaranya John Branca, Jackson berhasil mendapatkan royalti tertinggi dalam
industri musik, sekitar $2 per album. Di saat yang sama, ia juga meraup keuntungan

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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dari The Making of Michael Jackson's Thriller, sebuah film dokumenter yang dibuat
oleh Jackson dan John Landis yang terjual lebih dari 350.000 kopi.[23]
Pada 25 Maret 1983, Michael Jackson tampil live dalam acara televisi
spesial Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever. Pada acara inilah ia pertama kali
menampilkan gerakan tari nya yang terkenal, moonwalk.[24] Penampilannya di acara
ini ditonton oleh sekitar 47 juta orang, dan hanya dapat disamai oleh
penampilan Elvis Presley dan The Beatles danamThe Ed Sullivan Show. The New
York Times menulis, "The moonwalk that he made famous is an apt metaphor for his
dance style. How does he do it? As a technician, he is a great illusionist, a genuine
mime. His ability to keep one leg straight as he glides while the other bends and
seems to walk requires perfect timing." (Indonesia: "Moonwalk yang telah
membuatnya terkenal adalah perubahan yang tepat dalam gaya menarinya.
Bagaimana dia melakukannya? Sebagai seorang teknisi, ia adalah ilusionis yang
hebat, badut (mime) yang sesungguhnya. Kemampuannya untuk membuat satu kaki
lurus sambil menggesernya, sementara satu kaki lainnya menekuk, membuatnya
terlihat berjalan, membutuhkan ketepatan waktu yang sempurna."[25]
198485: Pepsi, We Are the World, dan karier bisnis
Jackson mengalami kecelakaan pada 27 Januari 1984. Dalam proses pembuatan
iklan Pepsi Cola di Shrine Auditoriam, Los Angeles, ia mengalami luka bakar tingkat
dua di kulit kepalanya setelah rambutnya terbakar akibat sebuah kecelakaan.
Kejadian ini segera menjadi perhatian publik dan mendatangkan banyak
simpati.[26] Pepsi kemudian menyelesaikan tuntutan hukum di luar pengadilan. Untuk
mengobati luka bakarnya ini, Jackson memberikan $1,5 juta kepada Brotman
Medical Center di Culver City, California, sehingga rumah sakit itu dapat membeli
peralatan penyembuhan luka bakar berteknologi paling tinggi ketika itu; Brotman
kemudian mengubah nama kamar perawatan luka bakarnya menjadi "Michael
Jackson Burn Center" untuk menghormati Jackson.[26] Setelah kejadian ini, Jackson
mulai memperhatikan penampilan dan mengoperasi plastik hidungnya. [17]

Pada 14 Mei 1984, Jackson diundang ke White House untuk menerima

penghargaan yang diberikan langsung oleh Presiden Amerika Serikat Ronald

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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Reagan. Penghargaan ini diberikan atas sumbangan Jackson untuk badan amal
yang membantu orang untuk keluar dari ketergantungan alkohol dan
penyalahgunaan narkoba.[27] Pada tahun yang sama, ia memenangi 8 penghargaan
pada Grammy Awards 1984. Pada tahun ini pula ia menyelenggarakan tur
bertajuk Victory Tour yang secara total ditonton oleh lebih dari 2 juta orang. [28] Ia
mendonasikan $5 juta pendapatan dari Victory Tour untuk amal.[29]
Jackson, bersama Lionel Richie, juga membuat single "We Are the World" yang
dirilis ke seluruh dunia untuk tujuan amal, yaitu membantu rakyat miskin di Afrika
dan Amerika Serikat. Single ini dinyanyikan oleh 39 selebritis, termasuk Jackson.
Single ini juga menjadi single dengan penjualan terbaik sepanjang masa, dengan
total penjualan 20 juta kopi.[30]
Saat bekerja bersama Paul McCartney dalam dua hit singlenya, "The Girl Is Mine"
dan "Say Say Say", keduanya mulai menjalin persahabatan dan saling mengunjungi
satu sama lain. Pada suatu diskusi, McCartney menceritakan kepada Jackson
bagaimana ia mendapatkan jutaan dolar dari katalog musik; ia mendapatkan sekitar
$40 juta pertahun dari lagu yang dinyanyikan orang lain. Jackson pun tertarik dan
mulai menjalani karier bisnisnya dengan membeli, menjual, dan mendistribusikan
hak penerbitan dari banyak artis. Tak lama kemudian, ATV Songssebuah katalog
musik yang berisi ribuan lagu, termasuk lagu-lagu besutan Lennon-McCartney yang
ditulis antara tahun 1963 hingga 1973mulai dijual.[31][32]
198687: Penampilan, tabloid, Bad, otobiografi, dan film

Selama masa mudanya, Jackson memiliki kulit coklat, namun sejak awal tahun
1980-an, kulitnya tampak semakin memutih. Perubahan warna kulit ini memancing
pertanyaan media dan memunculkan rumor-rumor, di antaranya rumor yang
mengatakan bahwa Jackson sengaja memutihkan kulitnya (bleaching)[7]. Menurut
biografi yang ditulis oleh J. Randy Taraborrelli, pada tahun 1986, Jackson
didiagnosis menderita vitiligo dan lupus; penyakit vitiligo membuat kulitnya terlihat
putih di beberapa bagian. Kedua penyakit ini mengakibatkan Jackson sensitif
terhadap sinar matahari. Perawatan yang diberikan kepada Jackson untuk
penyakitnya tersebut turut mengakibatnya kulitnya semakin memutih.[33] Selain
perubahan pada warna kulit, ia juga diketahui melakukan operasi plastik pada
bagian hidung, jidat, bibir, dan tulang pipi.[34]

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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Berat badan Jackson turus drastis pada awal tahun 1980-an. Hal ini disebabkan
karena diet dan keinginan untuk mendapatkan "tubuh pedansa" ("dancer's
body")[35] Beberapa saksi mengatakan bahwa seringkali Jackson merasa pusing dan
menduga dirinya menderita anorexia nervosa; gejala medis kehilangan nafsu
makan.[36] Beberapa ahli mengatakan bahwa Jackson menderita body dysmorphic
disorder, kondisi psikologis di mana penderita merasa kurang suka dengan
penampilannya.[33] Tahun 1986 ia mengoperasi lagi hidung dan dagunya.[17][37]
Selama tahun 80-an ini kisah Jackson semakin menjadi perhatian publik. Pada
tahun 1986, The National Enquirer mempublikasikan beberapa foto yang
menggambarkan Jackson sedang tidur di hyperbaric oxygen chamber, dan
mengatakan bahwa Jackson tidur di situ untuk memperlambat proses
penuaan.[38] Jackson membeli seekor simpanse bernama Bubbles dari sebuah
laboratorium, dan pada tahun 2003 ia mengklaim bahwa Bubbles bisa menggunakan
toilet dan membersihkan kamarnya sendiri.[38] Jackson juga dikabarkan menawar
tulang Joseph Merrick, si "Manusia Gajah", seharga $1 juta.[39] Laporan itu melekat
dalam ingatan masyarakat, dan menginspirasi nama panggilan "Wacko Jacko"
(Jacko Sinting), yang kemudian sering disingkat sebagai "Jacko" di headline tabloid.
Seorang biografer pada tahun 2004 mengatakan bahwa rumor-rumor tersebut di
ciptakan oleh bagian publikasi Jackson sendiri untuk tujuan promosi.[40]. Jackson
mengatakan kepada reporter:

Mengapa Anda tidak melaporkan saja ke masyarakat bahwa saya adalah

alien dari Mars. Bilang kepada masyarakat bahwa saya memakan ayam
hidup-hidup, dan melakukan tarian voodoo di malam hari. Tentu masyarakat
akan percaya dengan yang Anda katakan karena Anda adalah seorang
reporter. Tetapi bila saya, Michael Jackson, yang mengatakan, "Saya adalah
alien dari Mars, saya memakan ayam hidup-hidup, dan saya melakukan
tarian voodoo di malam hari," masyarakat akan berkata, "Ya ampun, Michael
Jackson sudah gila, dia hancur. Lebih baik kamu tidak mempercayai

Pada tahun 1987, Jackson merilis album Bad, yang merupakan album pertamanya
setelah vakum selama lima tahun.[42] Total penjualan album yang banyak ditunggu

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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oleh penggemar ini tidak setinggi album Thriller, namun tetap saja dapat dianggap
sukses secara komersil, serta berhasil menelurkan tujuh hit single di Amerika
Serikat, lima di antaranya ("I Just Can't Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way You
Make Me Feel", "Man in the Mirror" dan "Dirty Diana") pernah menempati peringkat
satu daftar Billboard Hot 100, lebih banyak dari album-album lainnya.[43] Hingga
tahun 2008, album ini telah terjual lebih dari 30 juta kopi di seluruh dunia.[44]
Pada tahun 1987, Jackson menyatakan diri keluar dari agama yang di anutnya,
Saksi-saksi Jehovah, sebagai respon dari ketidaksetujuan agama tersebut terhadap
video klip Thriller.[45] Pada tanggal 12 September, Jackson memulai Bad World
Tour hingga tanggal 14 Januari 1989.[46] Di Jepang saja, tur ini berhasil menarik
570.000 penonton.[47] Ia juga memecahkan Guiness World Record ketika 504.000
orang menghadiri shownya di Wembley Stadium. Secara total, ia tampil di 123
konser, di hadapan 4,4 juta orang, dan memecahkan Guinness World
Record lainnya ketika tur tersebut memberikan pendapatan senilai $125 juta.
Selama perjalanannya, ia mengundak anak kecil yang berasal dari keluarga
ekonomi lemah untuk menonton konsernya secara gratis, dan memberi donasi ke
rumah sakit, yayasan yatim piatu, dan badan amal lainnya.[46]
Autobiografi, perubahan penampilan dan Neverland
Pada 1988, Jackson merilis autobiografi pertamanya, Moonwalk, yang
membutuhkan 4 tahun untuk menyelesaikannya. Jackson menulis tentang masa
kecilnya, The Jackson 5, dan perlakuan kejam yang dideritanya. Dia juga menulis
kalau dia hanya menjalani dua operasi plastik pada mukanya. Jackson kemudian
merilis film yang disebut Moonwalkeryang berisi kumpulan rekaman - rekaman dan
film pendek yang dibintangi Michael Jackson sendiri, dan Joe Pesci. Pada bulan
Maret 1988, Jackson membeli tanah di dekatSanta Ynez, California untuk
membangun Neverland Ranch dengan harga sebesar $17 juta. Dia memasang
berbagai atraksi permainan dan sebuah Teater. Disana juga terdapat 40 staf
keamanan yang selalu berpatroli. Pada 1989, pendapatan tahunannya dari hasil
penjualan album dan konser - konsernya, diperkirakan mencapai $125 juta hanya
untuk tahun itu sendiri. Michael Jackson dilantik sebagai King of Pop. Nama
panggilan tersebut dipopulerkan oleh Elizabeth Taylor. Dari tahun 1985 sampai
1990, Jackson telah mendonasikan $500,000 ke United Negro College Fund. Pada
saat ini juga Michael mulai menjalin persahabatan dengan aktor cilik, Macaulay
1988: Moonwalker
Moonwalker adalah sebuah film yang dibintangi Michael Jackson sendiri. Film ini
terdiri dari klip singkat mengenai riwayat Michael Jackson, kumpulan beberapa video
klip dari album Bad, serta adegan-adegan tambahan yang merangkai klip-klip
tersebut menjadi alur cerita yang utuh. Judul film ini diambil dari jargon Moonwalk,
teknik tarian yang dipopulerkan oleh Jackson dalam penampilannya pada

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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acara Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever. Meskipun sebenarnya jargon tersebut
dipopulerkan oleh media massa, namun Jackson sendiri memilih nama tersebut
untuk judul filmnya itu.
Pada awalnya film ini dirilis bersamaan dengan diluncurkannya album Bad pada
tahun 1987. Namun pada akhirnya film ini diluncurkan sebagai bagian dari
konser Bad World Tour. Film ini pertama kali ditayangkan di bioskop-
bioskop Inggris pada 26 Desember 1988. Pada awalnya film ini direncanakan diputar
di bioskop-bioskop Amerika dan Kanadapada hari Natal tahun 1988. Namun terjadi
penundan sehingga film ini baru dirilis pada 10 Januari 1989 dalam bentuk Home
Video setelah Jackson menyelesaikan Bad World Tour. Bedasarkan data 17 April
1989, video film ini telah terjual hingga 800.000 copy.

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

Marwan Olii

Michael Jackson Biography

Michael Joseph Jackson (born in Gary, Indiana, United States, August 29,
1958 - died in Los Angeles, California, United States, June 25, 2009 at the age of 50
years) [1] is a singer and songwriter from the United States. He is known as the
"King of Pop" and popularized the dance movements "Moonwalk" which has become
his trademark. The album was released on tahun1982, Thriller, is the best-selling
album in the world, with sales exceeding 104 million copies worldwide. He began his
singing career at the age of five years as a member of the Jackson family vocal
group (later became The Jackson 5) before launching his first solo album Got to Be
There in 1971 as the seventh child of the Jackson family, he made his debut in
professional music at the age of 11 years as a member of the Jackson 5.

In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first
African-American musicians who have strong crossover on MTV. The rising
popularity of his music while airing on MTV, such as "Beat It," "Billie Jean," and
"Thriller" is considered to have changed the music video into an art form and as a
promotional tool to popularize a tv channel. Videos such as "Black or White" and
"Scream" made Jackson became the mainstay of MTV in the 1990s. Through stage
performances and her music videos, Jackson popularized a number of dance
techniques such as the robot and the moonwalk. Jackson's voice and vocal style
influence and followed by many singers hip hop, pop and R & B.

Awards - awards including several times he achieved the Guinness World

Records-including the thriller as the best-selling album in the world-13 Grammy
Awards, 13 number one singles pieces in the solo career of musicians other men in
the Hot 100 era-and the sale of 750 million units in the whole world. Jackson's life is
very famous all over the world, accompanied by a very successful career, making it a
part of pop culture for four decades. within a few years he was often touted as one of
the most famous men in the world.

Life and career

1958-75: Early life and The Jackson 5

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana, an
industrial suburb of Chicago. [2] He was a descendant of an African-AmerikaJoseph
Walter "Joe" Jackson and Katherine Esther Scruse. [2] He was the 7th child of 9
siblings. His brother, among others, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, La Toya, Marlon,
Randy, and Janet. [2] Joseph Jackson never played in an R & B band called The
Falcons, along with his brother Luther.

Jackson has said that from childhood she experienced violence from her
father, both physically and mentally, such as exercise incessantly, whip, and calling
with a rough call. However, he also acknowledged that his father applied discipline

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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that brings great influence to his success. [3] [4] Marlon Jackson told, never in a
dispute, Michael lifted upside down and then beaten on the back and buttocks. [5]
Once also in one night, while Michael was asleep, Joseph climbed up to the door of
her room room Jackson. By wearing a scary mask, he entered the room, shouting
loudly to scare Michael. Joseph said that he did it to teach his children not to leave
the window open when sleeping. For many years after the event, Michael often had
a dream he was kidnapped from his room. [5] In 2003, Joseph admitted to whipping
Michael while iamasih small. [6]

Jackson talked about his first time when he was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey
in 1993 when he also said that when a child, she often cried lonely and sometimes
throw up when he saw his father. [7] [8] [9] [10 ] In the event of Living with Michael
Jackson (2003), Michael is seen crying over his face when he told me about his
childhood. [5]

Jackson displays his musical talent at a young age when he sang in front of
her classmates at a Christmas recital at the age of five. [2] In 1964, Michael and
Marlon joined the Jackson Brothers-a band that was founded by his brothers: Jackie
, Tito, and Jermaine-as backup musicians, Michael plays congas and tambourine
while Marlon. Some time later, he began to take a role as a backup singer and
danced. And finally at the age of 8 years, he and Jermaine became the lead singer,
and the band's name was changed to The Jackson 5 [2] The band toured in the
central part of the United States extensively in 1966 to 1968 In 1966, they won
several local talent show.

The Jackson 5 have recorded a variety of songs, including "Big Boy", for the
local record label Steeltown in 1967 and signed with Motown in 1968 Recordspada
[2] Rolling Stone Magazine when it describes Michael as "a miracle" (prodigy) with
"extraordinary musical talent". [11] the Jackson 5mulai entry on the chart when the
first four singles ("I Want You Back", "ABC", "the Love You Save," and "I'l Be There")
occupies first rung on the Billboard Hot 100 [2] in the early days of The Jackson 5,
the public relations Mowton claimed that Michael was 9 years old, even though he
was 11 years old at the time. [12] beginning in 1972, Michael released four solo
albums with Motwon, among them Got to Be There and Ben. Sales of this band
decreased in 1973 [13]

1975-81: Move to Epic and Off the Wall

The Jackson 5 signed a new contract with CBS Records in June 1975, the
Philadelphia International Records division, which later changed its name to Epic
Records. [13] The name of this group was changed to The Jacksons and produced
six albums between 1976 and 1984, in where most of the songs written by Michael
Jackson. [14] Hits born by the band include "Shake Your Body (Down to the
Ground)", "this Place Hotel" and "Can You Feel it." [15] the Jacksonjuga has his own
TV show on CBS, the Jacksons, which aired from 1976 to 1977.

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

Marwan Olii
In 1978, Jackson's role as the Scarecrow in the film musical The Wiz. [16] The
music in this film was arranged by Quincy Jones, who later formed a partnership with
Jackson to make his solo album, Off the Wall. [17]

Songwriters on this album include Jackson, Rod Temperton, Stevie Wonder,

and Paul McCartney. Released in 1979, the four songs in the album charts is ranked
first in the United States, including "Do not Stop 'Til You Get Enough" and "Rock with
You." [18] Off the Wall ranks third in the Billboard 200 and sold 7 million copies in the
United States with total worldwide sales reached more than 20 million copies. [19]

In 1980, Jackson won three awards at the American Music Awards for his
solo: Favorite Soul / R & B Album, Favorite Male Soul / R & B Artist, danFavorite
Soul / R & B Single for "Do not Stop 'Til You Get Enough". [18] in the same year, he
also won Billboard Music Awards for Top Black Artist and Top Black Album and a
Grammy Award for Best Male R & B Vocal Performance (for the song "Do not Stop
'Till You Get Enough") [18] Despite the success commercial, Jackson felt Off the
Wall should have to meet expectations to create an outstanding album. [21] in 1980,
Jackson became a musician with the highest royalty rate in the music industry: 37%
of the overall album profit. [22]

1982-83: Thriller and Motown 25

In 1982, Epic released the second album Jackson, Thriller. The appearance
of this album is regarded as the peak of Jackson's career. The second album in the
top 10 Billboard200 survive for 80 consecutive weeks. Seven songs from the album
simultaneously entered in the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100, three of which are
"Billie Jean," "Beat It," and "Wanna Be Startin 'Somethin'."

This period was a period of tremendous benefit for Jackson. Through his
lawyer John Branca, Jackson managed to get the highest royalties in the music
industry, about $ 2 per album. At the same time, he also reap the benefits of The
Making of Michael Jackson's Thriller, a documentary made by Jackson and John
Landis which sold more than 350,000 copies. [23]

On March 25, 1983, Michael Jackson performed live in a television special

Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever. In the event this is the first time he displays
his famous dance move, the moonwalk. [24] His performance on the show was
watched by approximately 47 million people, and can only be equaled by the
appearance of Elvis Presley and the Beatles danamThe Ed Sullivan Show. The New
York Times wrote, "The moonwalk that he made famous is an apt metaphor for his
dance style. How does he do it? As a technician, he is a great illusionist, a genuine
mime. His ability to keep one leg straight as he glides while the other bends and
seems to walk requires perfect timing. "(Indonesian: "Moonwalk that made him
famous are the exact changes in the style of dancing. How'd he do it? As a
technician, he is a great illusionist, clown (mime) true. Ability to make a straight leg

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

Marwan Olii
while sliding, while one foot other bend, making it look run, requires perfect timing.

1984-85: Pepsi, We Are the World and business career

Jackson had an accident on January 27, 1984 In the process of making Pepsi
Cola advertisement in Auditoriam Shrine, Los Angeles, he suffered second-degree
burns on his scalp after his hair on fire due to an accident. This incident immediately
to the attention of the public and bring a lot of sympathy. [26] Pepsi then settle
lawsuits out of court. To treat this burn, Jackson gave $ 1.5 million to the Brotman
Medical Center in Culver City, California, so the hospital was able to purchase the
equipment healing burns the most high tech when it; Brotman then rename the burn
treatment room into a "Michael Jackson Burn Center" in honor of Jackson. [26] After
this incident, Jackson began to notice the appearance and plastic operated on his
nose. [17]

On May 14, 1984, Jackson was invited to the White House to receive an
award that is given directly by the President of the United States Ronald Reagan.
The award was given for Jackson donation to a charity that helps people to get out of
alcohol dependence and drug abuse. [27] In the same year, he won 8 awards at the
1984 Grammy Awards this year he also organized a tour titled the Victory Tour
watched by a total of more than 2 million people. [28] He donated $ 5 million in
revenues from the Victory Tour to charity. [29]

Jackson, along with Lionel Richie, also makes the single "We Are the World"
which was released to the world for charitable purposes, namely to help the poor in
Africa and the United States. The single was sung by 39 celebrities, including
Jackson. The single also became the best-selling singles of all time, with total sales
of 20 million copies. [30]

While working with Paul McCartney in the two hit singles "The Girl Is Mine"
and "Say Say Say", the two began a friendship and visiting each other. At one
discussion, McCartney told Jackson how he earned millions from music catalogs; he
gets about $ 40 million per year of the song sung by someone else. Jackson was
interested and began the business career by buying, selling, and distributing
publishing rights of many artists. Shortly afterwards, ATV Songs-a music catalog that
contains thousands of tracks, including songs made by Lennon-McCartney were
written between 1963 to 1973-went on sale. [31] [32]

1986-87: Appearance, tabloids, Bad, autobiography and films

During his youth, Jackson has brown skin, but since the early 1980s, his skin
looks more white. This skin discoloration and bring into question the media rumors,

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

Marwan Olii
including rumors that Jackson intentionally skin whitening (bleaching) [7]. According
to a biography written by J. Randy Taraborrelli, in 1986, Jackson was diagnosed with
vitiligo and lupus; vitiligo disease makes skin look white in some parts. Both of these
diseases result in Jackson sensitive to sunlight. The care given to Jackson for his
illness helped mengakibatnya the whitened skin. [33] In addition to changes in skin
color, he is also known to perform plastic surgery on the nose, forehead, lips, and
cheek bones. [34]

Jackson pillar drastic weight loss in the early 1980s. This is due to diet and a
desire to get a "dancer's body" ("dancer's body") [35] Several witnesses said that
Jackson was often dizzy and speculated he was suffering from anorexia nervosa;
medical symptoms of loss of appetite. [36] Some experts say that Jackson suffered
from body dysmorphic disorder, a psychological condition in which people feel less
happy with his performance. [33] In 1986 he was operated on again nose and chin.
[17] [37]

During the 80s Jackson's story to the attention of the public. In 1986, The
National Enquirer published a few photos depicting Jackson was sleeping in a
hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and said that Jackson slept in there to slow down the
aging process. [38] Jackson bought a chimpanzee called Bubbles from a laboratory,
and in 2003 he claimed that Bubbles could use the toilet and to clean his own room.
[38] Jackson also reportedly bid on the bones of Joseph Merrick, the "Elephant
Man", for $ 1 million. [39] the report was inherent in the public memory, and inspiring
the nickname "Wacko Jacko" (Jacko Crazy), which then often abbreviated as "Jacko"
in the tabloid headlines. A biographer in 2004 saying that the rumors created by the
publication of Jackson himself for promotional purposes. [40]. Jackson told the

"Why did you not report it to the community that I was an alien from Mars. Say
to the people that I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at night. Of course
people will believe what you say because you are a reporter. But if I, Michael
Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars, I eat live chickens, and I do a voodoo
dance at night," the people will say, "Oh my God, Michael Jackson was mad, she
was devastated. you better not believed him.

In 1987, Jackson released the album Bad, which is the first album after a
hiatus for five years. [42] The total sales of the album is much awaited by fans of the
album Thriller is not as high, but still can be considered a commercial success, as
well as successfully spawned seven hit singles in the United States, five of which ("I
Just Can not Stop Loving You", "Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "Man in the
Mirror" and "Dirty Diana") ever was ranked the list Billboard Hot 100, more than any
other album. [43] Until 2008, the album has sold over 30 million copies worldwide.

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

Marwan Olii
In 1987, Jackson declared themselves out of the religion in anutnya,
Jehovah's Witnesses, in response to the religious disapproval of the Thriller video.
[45] On September 12, Jackson's Bad World Tour begin until January 14, 1989 [46]
in Japan alone, the tour attracted 570,000 spectators. [47] He also broke the
Guinness World Record when 504,000 people attended her show at Wembley
Stadium. In total, he appeared in 123 concerts, in front of 4.4 million people, and the
other to break the Guinness World Record when the tour is to provide revenue worth
$ 125 million. During his journey, he mengundak small children from low-income
families to watch the concert for free, and gave donations to hospitals, orphanages,
and other charities. [46]

Autobiography, changing appearance and Neverland

In 1988, Jackson released his first autobiography, Moonwalk, which requires

4 years to complete. Jackson wrote about his childhood, The Jackson 5, and the
abuse he suffered. He also wrote that he just underwent two plastic surgery on his
face. Jackson then released a film called Moonwalkeryang contains a collection of
recordings - recordings and short film starring Michael Jackson himself, and Joe
Pesci. In March 1988, Jackson purchased land in dekatSanta Ynez, California to
build Neverland Ranch at a price of $ 17 million. He put up a variety of attractions
and a theater game. There also are 40 security staff were always on patrol. In 1989,
his annual earnings from album sales and concerts - concerts, estimated at $ 125
million just for that year alone. Michael Jackson was inaugurated as the King of Pop.
The nickname was popularized by Elizabeth Taylor. From 1985 to 1990, Jackson
has donated $ 500,000 to the United Negro College Fund. At this time Michael also
began a friendship with a child actor, Macaulay Culkin.

1988: Moonwalker

Moonwalker is a movie starring Michael Jackson himself. This film consists of

a short clip about the history of Michael Jackson, a collection of some video clips
from the album Bad, and additional scenes were stringing these clips into a whole
storyline. The film's title is taken from the jargon Moonwalk, a dance technique
popularized by Jackson in his performance at the Motown 25: Yesterday, Today,
Forever. Although the exact jargon popularized by the mass media, but Jackson
himself chose the name for the title of the film.

Initially the film was released in conjunction with the launch of the album Bad
in 1987, but in the end the film was launched as part of the Bad World Tour concert.
The film was first screened in UK cinemas on December 26, 1988 At the beginning
of this movie is planned played in American theaters and Kanadapada Christmas
Day in 1988, but the case penundan so this new movie was released on January 10,
1989 in the form of Home Video after Jackson completed the Bad World Tour. Based
on the data 17 April 1989, the video of this movie has been sold up to 800,000

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

Marwan Olii

Michael Jackson; Black or White

English Indonesia
I took my baby on a Saturday bang Aku menjemput sayangku pada Sabtu riuh
Boy is that girl with you Pria adalah gadis itu yang bersamamu
Yes we're one and the same Ya kita adalah satu dan sama

Now I believe in miracles Kini aku percaya pada keajaiban

And a miracle has happened tonight Dan sebuah keajaiban telah terjadi malam
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white Tapi jika kau berpikir tentang sayangku
Itu tidak masalah jika kau hitam atau putih
They print my message in the Saturday
Sun Mereka mencetak pesan ku di matahari
I had to tell them I ain't second to none sabtu
Aku harus mengatakan kepada mereka
And I told about equality and it's true aku
Either you're wrong or you're right
Dan aku mengatakan tentang
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby persamaaan dan itu adalah benar
It don't matter if you're black or white Apakah kau salah atau kau benar

I am tired of this devil Tapi jika kau berpikir tentang sayangku

I am tired of this stuff Itu tidak masalah jika kau hitam atau putih
I am tired of this business
Sew when the going gets rough Aku lelah dengan si jahat ini
I ain't scared of your brother Aku lelah dengan urusan ini
I ain'ts scared of no sheets Aku lelah dengan bisnis ini
I ain't scared of nobody Jahit ketika
Girl when the goin' gets mean Aku tidak takut kepada saudaramu
Aku tidak takut akan tanpa selimut
Protection Aku tidak takut pada siapapun
For gangs, clubs, and nations Gadis, ketika mendapatkan sebuah
Causing grief in human relations makna
It's a turf war on a global scale
I'd rather hear both sides of the tale Perlindungan
See, it's not about races Dari geng,klub, dan bangsa
Just places Mengakibatkan kesedihan dalam
Faces hubungan manusia
Where your blood comes from Itu adalah lapangan rumput perang dalam
Is were your space is skala bumi
I've seen the bright get duller Aku memilih mendengarkan kisah dari
I'm not going to spend my life being a kedua sisi
color Lihat, itu bukan tentang suku atau ras
Hanya tempat
Don't tell me you agree with me Wajah
When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye Darimana darahmu kau peroleh
Adalah dimana hunianmu

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

Marwan Olii
But, if you're thinkin' about my baby Aku telah melihat kecerahan berubah
It don't matter if you're black or white semakin menjemukan
Aku tidak akan menghabiskan hidupku
I said if you're thinkin' of being my baby menjadi sebuah warna
It don't matter if you're black or white
Jangan bilang kau setuju denganku
I said if you're thinkin' of being my Ketika aku melihatmu menendang lumpur
brother ke mataku
It don't matter if you're black or white
Tapi jika kau berpikir tentang sayangku
Ooh, ooh Itu tidak masalah jika kau hitam atau putih
Yea, yea, yea now
Ooh, ooh Aku bilang jika kau berpikir menjadi
Yea, yea, yea now sayangku
Itu tidak masalah jika kau hitam atau putih
It's black, it's white
It's tough for them to get by Aku bilang jika kau berpikir menjadi
It's black, it's white, whoo saudaraku
Itu tidak masalah jika kau hitam atau putih

Ooh, ooh
Yea, yea, yea kini
Ooh, ooh
Yea, yea, yea kini

Itu hitam, itu putih

Itu sulit untuk mereka mengatasinya
Itu hitam, itu putih, whoo

Biography and Popular Song of Michael Jackson

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