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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XII/2
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Standar Kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk
narrative dan review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
2. Memahami makna teks tulis monolog yang berbentuk narrative dan review secara
akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
Kompetensi Dasar
1. Memahami dan merespons makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks berbentuk: review
2. Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan
ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk review
1. Merespons wacana berbentuk review
2. Mengidentifikasi generic structure wacana review.
3. Mengidentifikasi tujuan wacana berbentuk review.
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat merespons wacana berbentuk review.
2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi generic structure wacana review.
3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan wacana berbentuk review.
Materi Pokok
Teks tulis berbentuk review, misalnya:

Jurassic Park Part II is a motion picture about an island populated with real dinosaurs.
Released in 1997, this science fiction adventure is the sequel to the box-office hit Jurassic
Park (1993), in which a scientist built a dinosaur theme park on a remote island. Although
those dinosaurs were destroyed, there were some left on another island. Dr. Sarah Harding
(played by Julianne Moore) and Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) travel to the island to
observe the dinosaurs and try to prevent Roland Tembo (Pete Postlethwaite) from rounding the
beasts up and taking them to a theme park in the United States. The weather turns bad, the
dinosaurs become violent, and one of the angry beasts makes its way to Los Angeles,
Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
Three-phase technique
Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
1. Kegiatan Awal (10’)
a. Siswa menonton video cutting film Jurasic Park
b. Siswa menjawab secara lisan beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan review.
2. Kegiatan Inti (70’)
 Secara klasikal siswa mendengarkan review berbentuk interview pendek sambil
 Siswa mengidentifikasi generic structure teks review.
 Siswa merespons wacana yang baru saja mereka dengar dan lengkapi dengan
menyatakan kesesuaian pernyataan dengan teks.
 Secara berpasangan siswa membaca kembali teks review yang baru saja mereka
dengarkan dengan memerhatikan generic structure teks dan fitur bahasanya.
 Siswa merespons wacana dengan menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan
teks review, termasuk menentukan tujuan.
 Secara klasikal siswa kembali mendengarkan teks monolog review sambil
 Siswa merespons wacana review yang baru saja mereka dengarkan dan lengkapi
dengan menjawab pertanyaan, termasuk menentukan generic structure-nya.
 Bersama guru siswa mencocokkan jawaban
 Guru memberi ulasan jawaban siswa

3. Kegiatan Akhir (10’)

Siswa membuat kesimpulan mengenai karakteristik teks review.
 Buku Look Ahead 3
 Developing English Competencies
 Kaset/CD
 Laptop
 Script dari Look Ahead 3
 Teknik: Tertulis
 Bentuk: Melengkapi teks, menyatakan benar atau salah, menjawab pertanyaan
 Pedoman Penilaian :
No Uraian Skor
I. Isi benar, tata bahasa benar 2
1,2,3,4,5, Isi benar, tata bahasa kurang tepat 1
Tidak menjawab 0
II. Isi benar, tata bahasa benar 2
1,2,3,4,5 Isi benar, tata bahasa kurang tepat 1
Tidak menjawab 0

Jumlah skor maksimal = I. 10 x 2 = 20

Penilaian : Jumlah skor perolehan
skor maksimal x 100

Singorojo, 1 Juli 2011

Kepala Sekolah Guru mata Pelajaran

Drs. Bagiyo Santoso. Ahmad Jamhuri M..Pd

NIP. 19581208 198603 1 014 NIP.19851129 200903 1 004
Lampiran 1
1. Listen to the following pieces of information. Guess what kind of entertainment they
are. Give a tick in the right column. Number 1 has been done for you.

 Fantastic! The Harry Potter series and all of the books will always hold a special place
in my heart!
 Great! I absolutely love Jurrasic Park, and all of the science fiction movies will
always please the fans, including me.
 Funny! Bajaj Bajuri, and all of the comedian series will always keep me stay at home.
 Extremely unhappy! Since the first production of Private Lives in 1930, the play has
tended not to be seen as a vehicle for being stars.
 Phew! Since the first album of Padi, Lain Dunia and the latest album Save My Soul,
the songs composed have blended a wide array of musical genres.

2. Listen carefully to the following short interview. While listening, fill in the blanks.
Then, answer the questions.

Jurrasic Park: The Lost World

A reviewer from Indonesia :

Good morning to all the fans of science-fiction movies. Welcome back with me, Putri
Made Lestari, in an adventure program, Science-fiction review. Do you still remember the
story of Jurassic Park I? Great! I absolutely love Jurassic Park and all the science fiction
movies will always please the fans, including me. The Lost World is Jurassic Park Part II,
which is still about an island populated with real dinosaurs. Released in 1997.
This science-fiction adventure is the sequel to the box-office hit Jurassic Park (1993),
in which a scientist built a dinosaur theme park on a remote island. Although those dinosaurs
were destroyed, there were still some left on another island. Dr. Sarah Harding, played by
Julianne Moore, and Dr. Ian Malcolm, played by Jeff Goldblum, travel to the island to
observe the dinosaurs and try to prevent Roland Tembo who is played by Pete Postlethwaite
from rounding the beasts up and taking them to a theme park in the United States. The
weather turns bad, the dinosaurs become violent, and one of the angry beasts makes its way to
Los Angeles, California. It’s very amazing, isn’t it?
Okay audience, with me this morning is Mr.Steven Spielberg, the director of the
Jurassic Park. Good morning and welcome to Indonesia. I’d be glad to have your view on
Jurassic Park.
Steven Spielberg: To be perfectly frank, this is not a science fiction, it’s science
eventually. This movie, however, wants you to learn one thing: you decide you can control
nature, and from that moment on you’re in deep trouble because you can’t do it. You can
make a boat, but you can’t make the ocean. You can make an aeroplane, but you can’t make
the air. Your powers are much less than your dreams would have you believe.
The reviewer from Indonesia: Wow, Jurassic Park really deserves the highest praise.
Thanks for joining with Mr. Steven Spielberg and me. See you tomorrow on the same
program. Bye.

3. Listen carefully to the following book review. While listening, fill in the blanks.
Then, answer the questions. Consult with your dictionary for the difficult words.

The Guy Next Door

Meggin Cabot

A novel normally consists of chapters. But you will find none in this book. Why?
Because it consists of e-mails. Yep, you read me right, they are a bunch of e-mails from
people who keep in touch with each other and talk about all kinds of seemingly unrelated
things, which somehow share a common thread, in a humorous way.
Melissa Fuller is a journalist working for the New York Journal. From her and her
friend’s e-mails, we get the impression that Melissa is an attractive, intelligent, red-haired
single girl with a kind heart toward her friends and animals. After an accident and some
arrangements, she ends up living next door to a handsome stranger whom she believes is the
nephew of her elderly neigbor. Actually, he is not what he admits he is. But before she knows
it, they fall in love with each other. Will she be able to accept the fact that the gorgeous guy
next door has been lying to her even though they both share the same feelings?
Meggin Cabot alias Meggin Patricia Cabot is also the writer of the successful teenage
series The Princess’ Diaries. The Guy Next Door is her debut in the genre of contemporary
adult novel. It discusses relationships, working environments, and solving a mystery from
many people’s different point of view. Just like her other books, The Guy Next Door is
amusing, refreshing, and enlightening altogether. I wonder what this and other writers will do
next, create a novel out of cluster of SMS’s, perhaps? THAT would be cool. Ully

Lampiran 2
Kunci jawaban
1. Listening

2. Book
3. Movie
4. TV Show
5. Plays
6. Music

2. Meilisa is reading a movie review about “Jurassic Park” when Arinda comes to visit her.
Arinda : Hello, how are you?
Meilisa : Fine. What about you? You look so happy.
Arinda : Yup. I want to go somewhere to relax but ….
Meilisa : What about watching “Jurassic Park” at the Plaza theater? It would be great.
Arinda : That’s a good idea. Don’t you think any movie directed by Steven Spielberg will be amazing. By
the way, who are the actors ?
Meilisa : Jeff Goldblum and Pete Postlewaite.
Arinda : And what is the movie about?
Meilisa : Have you see n “Jurassic Park 1”? It’s about an island populated with real dinosaurs.
Arinda : Is it a new film ?
Meilisa : No, it was released in 1997 but it’s still popular.
Arinda : It has to be a science-fiction movie.
Meilisa : Right. I think you should read this review before deciding whether
you’ll go or not.
Arinda : Thanks. It might be very good. A scientist built a dinosaur theme park o a remote island?
Dinosaurs? I don’t believe it in word. They must be very crazy to take the beasts to Los Angeles,
California. Let’s go now Mel, I can’t wait.
Meilisa : But you have to wait until tomorrow at 3 p.m
Arinda : What? I want to see it now.
Meilisa : Sorry, pal. Calm down. Hey, what about another movie?
Arinda : No, thanks. Oh, I almost forgot. I have to call my mother. Bye, Mel. See you
Meilisa : Bye.

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