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What would youdo?
Tarisya Septi P
Xll MIPA 3
1. IdentiTAs
a. Nama MataPelajaran : Bahasa Inggris XII(Peminatan)
b. Semester : Ganjil
c. AlokasiWaktu : 2 x 2pertemuan
d. KompetensiDasar :

3.4 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis y
4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta info

e. MateriPokok : memberi dan meminta informasi terkaitpengandaian

terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada saat ini
dan pada waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya (Conditional sentence tipe 2 dan 3)
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, analisis, dan presentasi peserta didik dapat menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur k

g. MateriPembelajaran
Teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak
nyata pada saat ini dan pada waktu lampau (conditional sentence tipe 2 dan 3)
2. PeTAKonsep

Sentence type 2 and3

social structureof language

function text feature

3. ProsesPeMBELAjARAn
a. Pre-activity
Please read quickly the overview about the use of conditional sentence in the transactional
Transactional Text
Conversation using Conditional Sentence

SocialFunction : Telling and asking about information that is contrary to reality at

present or pasttime.

Structureoftext :
1. Grammar : a. Type 2 : Simple Past, PastFuture
b. Type 3 : Past Perfect, Past Future
Perfect 2.G.Structure : If Clause, MainClause

LanguageFeatures :
 Kata kerja yang sesuai dengan tenses yangdigunakan
 Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas danrapi.
 Ucapan, tekanan, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secaralisan.
Commonexpression :
To tell idea using conditional sentence
 If I had wings, I would go around theworld
 We could have finished this report on time if we had had enough time togather
To ask intention
 What would you do if you wereme?
 If you had passed across this heavy current, what would have happened toyou?
Well, how would you think about it? Have you got the idea of how expression ? Let us
continue how to work with it!

b. Mainactivity
1) General guideline of learning unit
a) Through this learning unit, you will develop your skill in oral and written of how
to tell and ask information using conditional sentence type 2 and 3. You will
bedirected through some situational context. This is meant at giving you the
opportunity to enhance your analytical skill and critical thinking towardthe
situation around. Therefore, you are required not only mastering only for the
knowledge about the language expression, but also the way how you have to
use it in its proper context both oral and witten. You need to set yourself
patiently, and prepare yourself of the way you think critically the situation
b) Read through the material from thissource:
 Sudarwati Th.M dan Grace Eudia. 2017. Pathway To English untuk SMA/MA
Kelas XII. Jakarta: Erlangga, page 49 dan69;
c) Do this learning unit in the worksheet or directly answer and do the given
instruction in the space proovided. In one occasion you are requested to work of
your own, but the other will make you in group work, therefore set yourself
forgood cooperation with yourfriend.
d) inthecaseoforalproductionofhowtheexpressionisused,youwillbeaskedto
work with your pair presenting your dialogue.

2) LearningActivity
Take your time to begin studying of conditional sentence uses with your full patience
and concentration, not forgetting that this is fun!!!

Learning Activity 1

In this part, you will experience the learning activity focusing on the knowledge about
expression of intention.

A. Read the following dialogues and pay attention to the bold words, phrases, orsentences!

Dialogue 1
Billy : Hi look at the sky! It is so clear andcompatible.
Ruth : Yeah,, so lovely and i can inhale with a very fresh air. If i had a lot of money, i
would move to Bali. There, i could feel the fresh air. Bill, Bill, wakeup!
Billy : OOpps sorry i fall asleep. Whatta chill and relax here. I’m listening to you though. Yepp, i’ll
Ruth : If you lived in another country, where would yougo?
Billy : Ahahahaa is it kind of dreaming? I would choose Japan because i like the culture,
cuisine, traditionalpalace.
Ruth : Yepp, i have one interesting question for you.
Billy : It’s interesting for you but is it interesting forme?
Ruth : If you could change a part of your body, what would itbe?
Billy :hahahawhatsortofquestionisthat?Wellbecauseihavefairskinsoiwouldchangethe colour
of my skin. I like a bit darker. How boutyou?
Ruth : Hahahha ok it would be my nose. See! i don’t have nose as sharp-edge as you.
Billy : hhahaa anyway.. whatta day. Love it somuch.

Dialogue 2
Jason : I am so sad. Why can it be happened to me?
Mike : What has happeneddude?.
Jason : It was my fault. I wouldn’t have done this.
Mike : It seems soserious.
Jason : Definitely it is. I am failed in SNMPTN.
Mike : Howcome?
Jason : If i had changed my learning method, I wouldn’t have got “C” mark on my report
Mike : What sort of problem that youhad?
Jason : It was just about my activities on organization. I really drain my energy on organization. I
used to have many dispensations. If i had known it would happen like this, i would have
taken care of my study.
Mike : Regret always come late, doesn’t it?.
Jason : Yes it’strue.

After reading these dialogues, open Pathway book on page 57 and compare their usages on the

B. Identify the problems (Social Function, Structure of text, Language Features) you have
after you read thedialogues!
Answer :
- Function : Condition sentence means a conditional sentence that ia used to express cause and
effect or the possibility of something happening.
- Structure : if clause, Main clause
- Language Features : If clause or conditional clause (if clause or conditional clause) that
begins with the word if. Main clause (main clause) that talks about the outcome or situation
that will occur.

C. In a group of four, answer the following questions based on the dialogues and Pathway
book on page 56 and74!
1. What is the social function of conditional sentence type 2 and3?
2. What are the expressions used to tell condition from the textabove?
3. What are the expressions used to ask condition from the textabove?
4. Who are the speakers in the dialogue using conditional sentence type2?
5. Who are the speakers in the dialogue using conditional sentence type3?
Answer :
1. Social Function of conditional sentence type 2 : type 2 conditional refers to an unlikely or
hypothetical condition and its probable result. These sentences are not based on the actual
situation. Social Function of conditional sentence type 3 : type 3 conditional refers to an
impossible condition in the past and its probable result in the past. These sentences are truly
hypothetical and unreal, because it is now too late for the condition or its result to exist. There
is always some implication of regret with type 3 conditional sentences(Dialogue 1 telling us
about Ruth and Billy’s conversation about countries, culture, and body)(Dialogue 2 telling us
about Jason and Mike’s conversation about Jason that fails his SNMPTN and his study

2. Expressions
o Hi look at the sky! It is so clear and compatible.
o Yeah,, so lovely and i can inhale with a very fresh air
o I am so sad

3. Expression to ask
o If you lived in another country, where would you go?
o If you could change a part of your body, what would it be?
o What has happened dude?
o How come?

4. Who are the speakres in the dialogue using conditional sentence type 2 whics uses the word
“if” clause is a simple past. The answer is Jason

5. Who are the speakres in the dialogue using conditional sentence type 3 whics uses the word
“if”. The answer is Ruth
D. Read the text above once again, then explain it in your own word about telling and
asking using conditional sentence involving social function, , Structure of text, and
Telling and and asking using conditional sentence is all about a conversation that predicts what
will happen if the person do other things. With the social function is to describe everything
such as expression, story so the reads can know what we describe.

E. Use the correct expression based on the contextgiven.

1. What would you like to say when there are many puddles on the road? (CS type2)
If only i manage to Dodge the puddles, i won't have an accident.
2. What would you like to say when your friend can’t do his report on time? (CS type2)

If you can submit your report on time, you could have get the perfect scare
3. What would you like to ask when you face a big problem on math ? (CS type 2)

Hey any tips on studying math so that i'm not getting a C?

4. Would you like to ask when you can’t bring the stuffs alone? (CS type2)

Can you help me bring all this stuffs so my stuff Don't fall?
5. What would you like to say when your friend is sad because of having dismissal letter
from his office? (CStype3)

Hey buddy ITS okay, but if you work seriously, you won't get dismiddes by the boss.

6. What would you like to say when your partner is down because of his bankruptcy?
(CS type 3)
If you di not put all the money on the line, you Will not get bankrupt.

7. What would you like to say when the fact that your brother was careless on driving
the car? (CS type3)
If only you can take care of yourself driving, you wojldn't have an accident
8. What would you like to say when the fact that some cattles were out from the shed?
(CStype 3)
If only you put good fence, the cattles Will not ran out from your Shed.

F. Change this facts into appropriate ConditionalSentence!

Example : The fact that he can’t do it professionally.
CS = If he did it professionally, he would get the best result.
1. The fact that we have good talent to win
CS = If we didn't have good talent, we wouldn't be the winner
2. The fact that we left the room uncontrolled
CS = If we didn't leave, the room would be
under control
3. The fact that the fire burnteverything
CS = If we didn't played with fire, it wouldn't have Burnt everything.
4. The fact that the bird lost theirhomes
CS = If no cut the trees, the bird would not lose their home.
5. The fact that the machine can’t work well
CS= If they fixed it, the machine would
work well.

3. Provided with the picture below, use the expression of telling and asking information
using conditional sentence appropiately completed with the factualcondition!

Fact : The plane ia going down.

CS : If only the turbin doesn't explode, the plane Will
landed safely
Have you used the expression using conditional
sentence? Do you use correct tenses on CS type 2 and

Learning Activity 2

After knowing the knowledge about Conditional Sentence, you will begin to prepare yourself for oral
production of how to use the expression in speaking session.

A. Read the following dialogue! Pay attention to the bold words, phrases, orsentences!
Milly : Hi did you meet with Carol when she washere?
Ruth : What! When did she come?! I didn’t know if she was here. Why didn’t you tell
me? Milly : I was just met heronce.
Ruth : If i had met her, i would have taken her to my house and met my parents. I really
Milly : So sorry for that i would have told you at that time.
Ruth : No worries. I will ask her then. ThanksMilly.

B. Find a partner, then construct a dialogue involving the expression using conditional
sentence! Choose one of the given situation below for yourdialogue!
1. You have national football competition tomorrow. Today, there are many school duties
thatshould be submitted tomorrow. The fact that you can finish your duty before the match
begins. Make a dialogue using conditional sentence type 2inside.
2. Two days ago, an art teacher gave you homework to make a hand-made art. With, a rush time
you had, you tried to do it as good as possible. Finally, you can submit it on time. Make a
dialogue using conditional sentence type 3inside.
3. In rainy season, there are many puddles on the road that have caused accidents occured. The
fact that there is no any attention from government toward this case. Make a dialogue using
conditional sentence type 2inside.
4. Pollution is a major problem happened in Jakarta. One of causes is coming from the increase of
private car users who are reluctant to use public transportation when they want to go to their
offices. Make a dialogue using conditional sentence type 3inside.

C. Act out the dialog you have just created with your partner in front of theclass.
Consider the following elements before performing your dialogue, you will be scored on the basis of
these elements. Prepare better by knowing exactly oh how to achieve the best score and maximize
all the potency you have.


5 The pronunciation and intonation are excellent and are well accepted
4 Errors on pronunciation and intonation are quite rare
Errors on pronunciation and intonation never interfere understanding and
Fluency 3
the accent may be foreign
2 The accent is intelligible
Errors on pronunciation and intonation are frequent and the accent is
5 Errors on the use of grammar and vocabularies are unobserved
4 Errors on the use of grammar and vocabularies are quite rare
Accuracy 3 Errors on the use of grammar and vocabularies are fair
2 Errors on the use of grammar and vocabularies are frequent
1 The use of grammar and vocabularies are somewhat intolerable
Performance 5 Very good (expression, attitude, and gesture)
4 Good (expression, attitude, and gesture)
3 Fairly good (expression, attitude, and gesture)
2 Poor (expression, attitude, and gesture)
1 Very poor (expression, attitude, and gesture)
5 Complete and orderly text structure
4 Complete but not orderly text structure
Generic Structure 3 Incomplete text structure
2 Incorrect text structure
1 No text structure

How is thing going for you now?

After completing three different activities, now answer honestly about your mastery toward
the material of expressing using conditional sentence by putting a check (√) in either excellent,
good, fair, bad or poor column corresponding your situation toward the givenstatement

No Item excellent good fair bad poor

1. Mastery on the social function of the
conditional sentence type 2 and 3
2. Mastery on the structure ofthe
conditional sentence type 2 and 3
3. Mastery on the language features of
the conditional sentence type 2 and
4. Fluency on using the conditional
sentence type 2 and 3
5 Accuracy on using the expression of
conditional sentence type 2 and 3
6 Performance on using the
conditional sentence type 2 and3
If you put a check in fair, bad or poor in most parts of the elements, you should take your time
to review again the material or consult further to your teacher about your deficiency. You may
also ask the assitance from your peer. Do not be hopeless and keep trying until you reach the

Now check your mastery when you are ready!

1. Why do people need to use conditional sentence in theirdialogue?
2. How do you begin your interaction during the talk on using conditionalsentence?
3. How do you end the conversation during the talk on using conditionalsentence?
4. Are there any differences the use of conditional sentence type 2 and type3?
5. Explain the most possible situation on the usage of conditional sentence type 2 and3?

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