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“Jangan biarkan keterbatasan membuatmu tidak mampu

berbuat lebih dari yang orang lain pikirkan..”

Written Expression
Week 3

Ingat dan laksanakan selalu …

6 Kewajiban Siswa Sekolah TOEFL

 Siswa “WAJIB” mendownload dan mengerjakan Handbook Mingguan. Tidak

boleh minta handbook dengan siswa yang lain.

 Siswa “WAJIB” merespon “Questions of the Day” yang diberikan di

Facebook Group setiap 2 hari sekali.

 Siswa “WAJIB” mengikuti Temu Online setiap hari Minggu pukul 20.00 –
22.00 WIB di Facebook Group masing-masing. Bila siswa berhalangan hadir,
inbox mentor Budi Waluyo.

 Siswa “WAJIB” menge-like atau komen postingan yang disebar saat Temu
Online sebagai indikasi kehadirannya.

 Siswa “WAJIB” menge-like atau komen setiap kali ada postingan informasi
yang disebar di Grup FB agar keaktifan grup terjaga.

 Siswa “WAJIB” menjaga handbook dan materi lainnya yang dibagikan di

Sekolah TOEFL. Tidak membagi atau menggunakannya untuk kepentingan
yang lain.

Jika punya pertanyaan seputar materi yang dipelajari, bisa

hubungi Mentor Budi Waluyo sebelum Temu Online melalui
social media dibawah ini:
Budi Waluyo | BBM 58B28E56 | Line ID: @zux2328h | Twitter
@01_budi | Instagram: sdsafadg

* Cerita Hidup yang Tersembunyi *

Awalnya, melihat mereka bercanda dan tertawa cekikikan, dan melihat penampilan mereka,
langsung mengira hidup mereka enak dan berasal dari keluarga kaya. Biaya kuliah di Kampus
ini memang terkenal mahal; kendaraan mahasiswa S1-nya lebih keren dan mahal dari yang
digunakan dosen.

Tapi, setelah mendengar cerita pribadi mereka satu persatu, saya jadi malu; betapa sulitnya
hidup yang telah mereka jalani. Tidak sanggup saya menceritakannya.

Saya bilang ke diri sendiri, jangan lagi menilai orang dari penampilan dan perilaku mereka. Kita
tidak pernah tahu cerita hidup yang mereka sembunyikan dibalik itu.

Setiap orang memiliki cerita hidup yang harus mereka jalani; perjuangan yang harus mereka

Sebuah prestasi biasanya bisa terukir setelah berhasil melewati fase-fase tertentu dalam
menjalani cerita perjuangan hidup yang diberikan Tuhan.

Saya jadi ingat ketika mengumumkan hasil TOEFL Prediction TEST 3 di Sekolah TOEFL
beberapa hari lalu. Saya buat daftar siswa tersendiri yang berhasil mendapatkan skor dari 550
ke atas.

Tidak sedikit yang komentar: wah, hebat sekali mereka ini. Makan apa ya? Bagaimana
belajarnya ya? Otaknya pasti cerdas, dan lain sebagainya.

Saya jadi penasaran, adakah yang berpikir tentang perjuangan seperti apa yang mereka sudah
jalani agar bisa meraih skor yang tinggi seperti sekarang ini? Masalah seperti apa yang sudah
mereka hadapi hingga membuat mereka tidak menyerah dan terus belajar siang dan malam?

Coba, sekarang kita balik. Ketika melihat seseorang yang berhasil meraih sesuatu, lihat dan
pelajari tentang perjuangan seperti apa yang mereka sudah jalani. Biasanya, kita akan temukan
cerita yang bertabur keringat dan air mata, karena mereka juga manusia, kawan.. sama seperti

Ada alasan kenapa Tuhan menempatkan kita pada situasi yang sulit, dalam permasalahan
yang tak kunjung selesai. Ada yang selalu kesulitan dalam hal keuangan; ada yang kesulitan
belajar bahasa Inggris; ada yang kesulitan mencari pekerjaan; ada yang kesulitan dalam hidup
berkeluarga, dan lain-lain.

Biasanya, karena Dia ingin kita fokus meningkatkan potensi diri di area itu, jadi kalau sudah
berhasil, di masa depan tidak akan menghadapi masalah itu lagi.. ganti dengan permasalahan
yang baru, ganti dengan 'pertarungan' hidup yang baru. Memang tidak mudah, tapi bukankah ini
artinya setiap orang punya 'pertarungan hidup' masing-masing yang harus diselesaikan?

Yuk, semangat! Hidup hanya sekali dan sebentar. Mari menikmati perjuangan mendesainnya
menjadi lebih baik.

- - - - Budi Waluyo

W eek 3
Comparatives dan Superlatives

 Skills 27 -29
 Dari skill 27 sampai 29, kita akan membahas eror atau pun kesalahan yang
terjadi pada bentuk comparatives dan superlatives.
 Kalimat dengan pola comparative dan superlative yang salah sering muncul di
soal tes TOEFL.
 Oleh sebab itu, di skil bagian ini akan diajarkan bagaimana bentuk dan
penggunaan yang benar

Skil 27: Bentuk Comparatives dan Superlatives

 Soal yang muncul dalam tes TOEFL biasanya bentuk comparative dan superlative
yang dibuat tidak tepat.
 Soal bagian ini bisa menjadi sebuah kesempatan untuk meraih skor kalau kita
mengetahui bagaimana bentuk yang benarnya.
 Comparative bermakna ‘lebih’ dan superlative bermakna ‘paling’.
 Comparatives bisa dibentuk menggunakan: -er atau more, bergantung dengan
syllable dari kata yang mengikutinya. Hal yang sama juga berlaku di superlatives
yang menggunakan –est dan -most.
 Khusus untuk comparative, diikuti oleh kata than karena untuk menunjukkan
perbandingan, sedangkan pada superlative tidak digunakan than, tetapi biasanya
diikuti preposisi yang menyatakan dimana makna superlative ini, misal he is the
tallest student in his class. In his class disini menunjukkan makna
superlativenya di dalam konteks kelasnya. Selain preposisi in, bisa juga
digunakan preposisi of, among, dan lain-lain.
 Untuk kata yang memiliki satu syllable biasanya menggunakan –er atau -est,
seperti kata tall menjadi taller atau the tallest, high menjadi higher atau the
higest, short menjadi atau the shortest.
 Syllable adalah suku kata. Misal, untuk satu syllable kata, kalau kita
mengucapkan kata itu hanya sekali saja, tidak terpotong-potong. Contohnya
long, smart, soft, dan lain-lain.
 Untuk kata yang memiliki 3 syllable atau lebih biasanya menggunakan –more
atau most, seperti dangerous menjadi more dangerous atau the most dangerous,
beautiful menjadi more beautiful atau the most beautiful, dan lain-lain.
 Untuk kata yang memiliki 2 syllable, sebagian menggunakan –er dan sebagian
menggunakan –more, bergantung dengan apa akhiran kata tersebut.

 Umumnya kebanyakan 2 syllable kata menggunakan –er, kecuali kata yang
berakhiran -ish (more stylish), -some (more handsome), -ly (more slowly), -ow
(more narrow), -le(more simple), dan –er (more clever)

Andi is shorter than Susi.

Richard is more stylish than Alex.
Andi is the shortest student in his school.
Richard is the most stylish students among his friends.

 Penting untuk mengetahui jumlah syllable kata adjective yang digunakan di soal
karena akan menentukan apakah menggunakan –er/-more ata –est/most.
 Terdapat kata tidak beraturan dimana bentuk comparative dan superlativenya
tidak ditambah –er/more atau –est/most. Contoh:
Good Better Best
Bad Worse Worst
Little Less Least

Kerjakan Exercise 27, lalu siapkan saat Temu Online dengan Mentor.
Note: Maksimal salah 2. Jika lebih dari 2, ulangi baca materi kemudian kerjakan kembali

Exercise 27
Setiap kalimat dibawah ini berisi perbandingan comparatives atau superlatives.
Tentukan yang mana kata perbandingan ini dan indikasikan apakah kalimat benar atau
1. Oxygen is abundanter than nitrogen.
Answer: Bentuk perbandingan = abundanter than. Kalimat salah. Seharusnya more
anundnat karena kata abundant memiliki tiga suku kata (syllables).
2. The directions to the exercise say to choose the most appropriate response.
Answer: Bentuk perbandingan: the most appropriate. Kalimat benar.
3. The lesson you studying now is the most important test lesson that you will have.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Fashions this year are shorter and more colorful than they were last year.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. The professor indicated that Anthony’s research was more long than the other
students’ papers.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Alaska is the coldest than all the states in the United States.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. The workers on the day shift are more rested than the workers on the night shift.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. She was more happier this morning than she had been yesterday.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The quarterback on this year’s football team is more versatile than the quarterback on
the last year’s team.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. She always tries to do the best and more efficient job that she can do.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Skil 28: Menggunakan comparatives dan Superlatives dengan benar
 Di skill ini, akan dibahas pemahaman dasar tentang penggunaan comparatives
dan superlatives.
 Comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda yang setara. Misal,
The math class is more difficult than the English class. Pada contoh ini yang
dibandingkan adalah dua kelas (mata pelajaran). Perbandingan tidak bisa
dilakukan misalnya antara The math class dan Orange, karena kedua hal ini
 Superlative digunakan ketika ingin membandingkan sesuatu.seseorang dengan
banyak hal/ orang dan ingin menyatakan ‘paling’. Contohnya, the English class is
the largest in this school. Pada contoh ini, the English class dibandingkan dengan
kelas-kelas lainnya dan kelas ini yang terbesar.
Kerjakan Exercise 28, lalu siapkan saat Temu Online dengan Mentor.
Note: Maksimal salah 2. Jika lebih dari 2, ulangi baca materi kemudian kerjakan kembali
Exercise 28
Setiap kalimat dibawah ini berisi comparative atau superlative. Tentukan yang mana
kata-kata ini dan indikasikan apakah kalimat benar atau salah.
1. Harvard is probably the most prestigious university in the United States.
Answer: bentuk perbandingan = the most prestigious. Kalimat benar.
2. Rhonda is more hard working of the class.
Answer: Bentuk perbandingan = more hard. Kalimat salah. Seharusnya the most hard
working student of atau in the class. Digunakan bentuk superlative karena Rhonda
dibandingkan dengan siswa-siswa lain dikelas.
3. The engineers hired this year have more experience than those hired last year.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The graduate assistant informed us that the first exam is the most difficult of the two.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. He bought the more powerful stereo speakers that he could find.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. The afternoon seminar was much more interesting than the morning lecture.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. The food in this restaurant is the best of the restaurant we visited last week.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. The plants that have been sitting in the sunny window are far healthier than the other
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The photocopies are the darkest that they have ever been.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. The first journal article is the longest of the second article.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Skil 29: Menggunakan dua clausa comparative –er yang tidak beraturan
dengan benar
 Terdapat pola comparative yang tidak biasa, contoh:

The harder he tried, the further he fell be hind

The older the children are, the more their parents expect from them.

The more children you have, the bigger the house you need.

The harder your work, the more you accomplish.

 Dalam contoh-contoh diatas, terdapat penggunaan “the” disetiap awal kata

comparative dan setiap setelah kata adjective yang dibandingkan akan selalu
diikuti dengan subject dan verb dengan pola yang sama (ingat materi parallel
sebelumnya). Misal, setelah kata the harder, ada subject he dan verb tried, dan
setelah kata further, ada subject he dan verb fell. Subject di dua klausa ini boleh
berbeda dan boleh menggunkan to be atau verb, selama memiliki pola subject
dan verb yang sama.

Kerjakan Exercise 29, lalu siapkan saat Temu Online dengan Mentor.
Note: Maksimal salah 2. Jika lebih dari 2, ulangi baca materi kemudian kerjakan kembali

Exercise 29
Setiap kalimat dibawah ini berisi comparative yang tidak beraturan. Tentukan mana
perbandingan yang menggunakan the dan yang seharusnya parallel. Lalu, indikasikan
apakah kalimat benar atau salah.
1. The hotter the food is, harder it is to eat.
Answer. Bentuk comparative tidak beraturan = The hotter dan harder. Kalimat salah.
Seharusnya the harder it is to eat.
2. The warmer the weather, the greater the attendace at the ourdoor concert.
Answer: Bentuk comparative tidka beraturan = the warmer dan the greater. Kalimat
benar karena parallel pola kedua klausanya.
3. The more you say, the worst the situation will be.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The more time they have to play, the happier the children are.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. The thicker the walls, the noise that comes through is less.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. If you run faster, the earlier you’ll arrive.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. The more you use the phone, the higher the bill will be.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. The harder you serve, the easier it is to win the point.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The earliest you send in your tax forms, the sooner you will receive your refund.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. The more people there are at the party, you’ll have a good time.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise (Skills 27 – 29)
Tentukan yang mana bentuk comparatives dan superlatives dalam kalimat-kalimat
dibawah ini, lalu indikasikan apakah kalimat benar atau salah.
1. The coffee is more stronger today than it was yesterday.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. The tree that was struck by lightning had been the tallest of the two trees we had in
the yard.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. He will buy the most fuel-efficient car that he can afford.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The closest it gets to summer, the longest the days are.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. The business department is bigger of the departments in the university.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. I really do not want to live in the Southeast because it is one of the most hot areas in
the United States.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. It is preferable to use the most efficient and the most effective method that you can.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Tonight’s dinner was more filling than the last night’s.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. The sooner the exam is scheduled, the less time you have to prepare.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. The house is now the cleanest that it has ever been.
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

TOEFL Exercise (Skills 27-29)
Nomor 1 – 3 adalah soal structure dimana mencari pilihan yang benar untuk soal.
Nomor 4 – 10 adalah soal written expression dimana mencari yang salah didalam

1. The speed of light is _____ the speed of sound.

(A) Faster
(B) Much faster than
(C) The fastest
(D) As fast

2. The use of detail is _____ method of developing a controlling idea, and almost all students employ
this method.
(A) More common
(B) Common
(C) Most common
(D) The most common

3. _____ in Stevenson’s landscape, the more vitality and character the paintings seem to possess.
(A) The brushwork is loose
(B) The looser brushwork
(C) The loose brushwork is
(D) The looser the brushwork is

_____4. Certain types of snakes have been known to survive fasts more as a year long.
_____5. The grizzly bear, which can grow up to eight feet tall, has been called a more dangerous
animal of North America.

_____6. Climate, solid type, and availability of water are the most critical factors than selecting the
best type of grass for a lawn.

_____7. Peter Abelard, a logician and theologian, was the controversialist teacher of his age.
_____8. Protein molecules are the most complex than the molecules of carbohydrates.

_____9. The leek, a member of the lily family, has a mildest taste than the onion.
_____10. The widely used natural fiber of all is cotton.

TOEFL Review Exercise (Skills 1-29)
Nomor 1 – 3 adalah soal structure dimana mencari pilihan yang benar untuk soal.
Nomor 4 – 10 adalah soal written expression dimana mencari yang salah didalam
1. _____, a liberal arts college specifically for deaf people, is located in Washington D. C.
(A) Gallaudet College
(B) Gallaudet College is
(C) About Gallaudet College
(D) Because of Gallaudet College

2. _____ varieties of dogs at the show, including spaniels, poodles, and collies.
(A) The several
(B) Those
(C) Several
(D) There were several

3. While the discovery that many migratory songbirds can thrive in deforested wintering sports _____,
the fact remains that these birds are dying at unusual rates.
(A) It is heartening
(B) Hearten
(C) Heartening
(D) Is heartening

_____4. The coyote is somewhat smaller in size than a timber wolf.

_____5. The weather reports all showed that there were a tremendous storm front moving in.
_____6. Seldom cactus plants are found outside of North America.
_____7. In basketball game a player what is fouled receives one or two free throws.
_____8. Until recently, California was largest producer of oranges in the United States.
_____9. An understanding of engineering theories and problems are impossible until basic
arithmetic is fully mastered.
_____10. The earliest the CVS (chorionic villus sampling) procedure in the pregnancy, the greater the
risk to the baby.

Kerjakan Questions of the Week (QOW) untuk minggu ini.
1. For any adhesive to make a really strong bond, _____ to be glued must be absolutely clean and free
from moisture or grease.

(A) and surfaces

(B) when surfaces

(C) the surfaces

(D) surfaces that

2. Although still underwater, Loihi Seamount, the newest Hawaiian island, _____ closer to the surface
by frequent volcanic eruptions that add layers of lava to the island.

(A) brought

(B) to be brought

(C) being brought

(D) is being brought

3. ….. unstable and explodes as a supernova is not known.

(A) For a star to become

(B) How a star becomes

(C) A star becomes

(D) That a star is becoming

Written Expression
Pilihan yang digaris pertama adalah A, yang selanjutnya B, dan seterusnya. Jawab
dengan menggunakan abjad dan kata yang digarisbawahi, misal no.1 A. theirs.

16. Sea turtles date back 100 million year and are the only ancient sea reptiles to survive the present

17. At a first, the scientific method may appear to be a narrow and restrictive way of gaining

18. Since prehistoric times, artists have portrayed subjects that representative their culture.

19. The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2,020 miles from Maine to Georgia, is the longer
continuous marked footpath in the world.

20. Mammals lose body heat to them environment in cold weather more quickly than in hot weather.

21. Mahogany is often considered the finest cabinet wood because they has most of the qualities desired
for furniture making.

22. The situation comedy has proved to a remarkably durable commercial television format.

23. Calcium, the most abundantly mineral in the body works with phosphorus in maintaining bones and

24. Soil science begun with the formulation of the theory of humus in1808.

25. Scholars tend to cite 1831 as the started of the United States abolitionist movement.

26. Mary McDowell shared Jane Addam’s interest in social work also was a loyal supprter of the League
of Nations.

27. In adolescence, a young person may experience some stress emotional due to conflicting and
confusing social demands.

28. Situated in the heart of a grain-farming and livestock-raising region, Abilene, Kansas, is a prosperous
trading and distribute center.

29. A hologram is a pattern usually made on film in that can create a three-dimensional image of a scene.

30. The general sales tax has been a major source of income for state governments, much of which
derive more than half of their budgets from it.

31. Principal known for his dictionary, Noah Webster was also the first epidimiologist in the United States.

32. Liquid lubricants contrast widely in weighing, thickness, and boiling point.

33. Interest with major social events led to a period of growth in journalism after 1945.

34. Saint Elmo’s fire is a luminous blue discharge of electricity sometimes seen when a thunderstorm.

35. Almanacs in simple form have been known from the invention of writing.

36. If laid out in straight line, the human digestive tract would measure approximately thirty foot in length.

37. The relationship of Latin American music to Black music in the United States is clearly evident in the
unaccented beats that are common to either.

38. Today it is generally recognized as the primary function of the Federal Reserve System is to foster the
flow of credit and money that will eventually facilitate a balance in international payments.

39. Pure flint is too hard and even-grained that it chips in smooth curved flakes.

40. The typical Georgian-style house is rectangular in shape, at less two stories high, and designed
around a central stairway.

Tugas Baca esai (TBE) 3


 Baca esai dibawah ini

 Komentari isi esai dalam Bahasa Inggris. Minimal sebanyak 2 kalimat dalam Bahasa
 Komentar diberikan lewat status di social media masing-masing siswa.
 Komentar dapat berupa update status atau pun video singkat.
 Tag salah satu social media:

Line ID: @zux2328h | Twitter @01_budi dan @SekolahToefl |

Instagram: sdsafadg dan Sekolah_TOEFL
#learnforthefuture #ST

Who Says Asians Don’t Play Basketball?

I was the only Asian freshman to make the Junior Varsity basketball team. My teammates
questioned how I even became a Running Rebel. “Asians don’t play basketball.” This didn’t
anger me; it just compelled me to prove myself in the sport I love. A year later, I was named
captain of the team.
In the final game of our season, I look at the freshmen on the bench. Unlike me, they don’t have
anything to prove due to race. Yet, there is a yearning in their eyes. They want a chance to play
instead of sitting helpless in the last game.
We fall behind in the second quarter. Our starters, frustrated, argue on the court, blaming each
other for missed shots. Coach Barbin calls a timeout. He yells at me — the captain — and the
other starters. I cut him off and ask him to play the freshmen. His face says it all — who in their
right mind would put inexperienced freshmen in a game right now?
“The starters aren’t doing well at all and we’re down by 10. There’s nothing to lose,” I reason.
He agrees and benches all the starters minus me and picks the four freshmen. This is a
completely new team I’m leading now. My teammates listen and move the ball around. Despite
their inexperience, they cut, set screens, and shoot well. We win the game and I see the leader
in myself come alive.

For years, everyone pointed to me as a good leader — everyone but me perhaps. At my middle
school graduation, I expected to win an academic award but was shocked when my name was
called to the stage for the leadership award. It wasn’t until I played on a basketball team that I
really saw myself as a leader, which grew out of my tenacity and devotion to the sport. The
summer before I became captain, I went to Crocheron Park in Bayside, Queens daily to practice
and play. I had already overcome others’ doubts about me as a player due to my race, and
would play full court pickup games with the older guys. Whenever I performed poorly, I pushed

myself harder in drills to get better. After this regimen, I was able to shoot further, jump higher,
and dribble better.
When I returned to school, my teammates saw the improvement, acknowledging me as an
equal. Yet I struggled as leader of the team with the starters all season. They always played
every game despite poor performances. Perhaps the true lesson in the moment I pushed for the
freshman to play was directed at the starters. They never focused on the consequences of
playing poorly, not seeing how their bickering affected the team. By contrast, the freshmen
always looked for advice when they took bad shots. Rather than merely citing their mistakes, I
offered ways they could improve as players. In doing so, I experienced what I loved most about
leadership — helping anyone who wants to improve.
This central trait to my leadership — my desire to help people — continues to appear beyond
basketball. I apply the lessons of leadership on the courts as a volunteer tutor at a community
center. My first student, Vivian, a freshman who had difficulty in Algebra, was unsure in
approaching problems, often mixing up operations when solving equations. I recognized this
right away. I did not make her feel bad about her shortcomings. I looked for a solution to help
her as I did with the freshmen players. I immediately created a guide sheet for her, writing all of
the basic guidelines for solving equations.
In some ways I thank those who doubted my abilities as a player. They inspired me to push
myself harder as a basketball player. In the process, I discovered the leader in me and realized
the values of practice and tenacity. I know I will be able to apply these lessons to so many
avenues in my future.
Calvin Ng, a recent Stuyvesant High School graduate, will be attending Cornell University this fall.

----- End of Week 3 -----

Mohon, handbook ini tidak diberikan

atau dishare kepada siapapun.


Deborah Philips, The Huffington Post, dan beberapa sumber lain.


Anda mungkin juga menyukai