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Bing Peminatan MLM 101
Identitas UKBM :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Peminatan
Code : MLM 101
Semester : 1
Tahun Pelajaran : 2018 - 2019

I.KD ( Kompetensi dasar ) :

3.5. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
recount lisan dan tulis dalam bentuk biografi dengan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait tokoh terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.5.Teks recount dalam bentuk biografi
4.5.1.Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk biografi terkait
tokoh terkenal
4.5.2.Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk biografi, terkait tokoh
terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

II. IPK ( Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi ) :

Siswa diharapkan dapat :

3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi pola kalimat tentang hal-hal lain yang belum dipahami
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari materi tentang
Biography Recount texts terkait tokoh terkenal .
3.5.2. Menjelaskan gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu dari materi
Biography Recount texts terkait tokoh terkenal.
3.5.3. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks recount lisan dan tulis dalam bentuk biografi dengan memberi dan
memintainformasi terkait tokoh terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks
3.5.4. Menjawab berbagai jenis pertanyaan bacaan dari Biography Recount texts.
3.5.5. Merubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif atau sebaliknya dari semua
Biografi Recount texts.
3.5.6. Merubah kalimat dari Adjective Clause menjadi Phrase dari semua Biografi
Recount texts.

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3.5.7. Menggunakan pola Conditional Sentences Type 3 dan Adverbial Clause
menjadi Adverbial Phrase dalam Biography Recount dari Cut Nyak Dhien.
3.5.8. Menggunakan pola dengan tenses : Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past
Perfect Tense dan Past Future Tense.
3.5.9. Menentukan Pronouns yang tepat yang digunakan dalam Biography
Recount Texts.
3.5.10. Mengidentifikasi Adverbs yang tepat yang digunakan dalam Biography
Recount Texts.
4.5. 1.1. Menemukan informasi rinci secara tersurat dalam Biography Recount texts.
4.5. 1. 2. Menemukan informasi rinci secara tersirat dalam Biography Recount texts.
4.5.1. 3. Menemukan informasi rinci tentang makna kata dalam Biography Recount
texts. Membuat Biography Recount texts sederhana terkait tokoh terkenal. Mempresentasikan Biography Recount texts lisan dan tulis terkait tokoh
terkenal di depan kelompok lain di depan kelas.

III. Materi Pokok : “ Biografi Recount texts terkait tokoh terkenal .”

IV. Alokasi waktu : 18 x 45 menit (6 kali pertemuan ).

V. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Siswa diharapkan dapat :
Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik dapat
menyusun atau membuat teks Biography Recount, lisan dan tulisterkait tokoh
terkenal , sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama
yang dianutnya, mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta
dapat mengembangankan kemampuan berpikir kritis, komunikasi, kolaborasi,
kreativitas (4C).

VI. Materi Pembelajaran :


Biography is the story of a person’s life written by somebody else.

Biography = buku yang menguraikan riwayat hidup seorang tokoh.
Biography Recount = usually retells account of a person’s life.
Biography Recount texts can be from the person who is still alive or the person who

The purpose of the biography is to inform, by retelling past events and now
including achievements in a person’s life.

Subject matter ( field ) :

Focus on the life of a person ( individual human participant ) including specific
events, experiences and achievements.

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Generic Structure :
 Orientation : Name the person, tell when and where he / she lived ( lives )
and state why he / she is famous.
 Series of Events : List important events in life in chronological order, and
people or experiences that may have influenced and may influence his / her
 Reorientation : Restate why he / she is famous. Tell of his / her contribution
to society ( science ) today.

Examples of Biography :
Cut Nyak Dhien , Nelson Mandela , Martha Christina Tiahahu , Mahatma Gandhi,
Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare, I Gusti Ngurah Rai , Pattimura, Ismail Marzuki ,
Raden Ajeng Kartini, Adam Malik , Marie Curie, Abraham Lincoln, Sanusi Pane,
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Helen Keller, Barack Obama, BJ. Habibie, Susilo Bambang
Yudoyono, Joko Widodo, Dewi Sartika, Gus Dur, Megawati, Ir Soekarno, Suharto,
Moh Hatta, Prabowo, Dewi Sartika, Mahathir Muhammad, Quraish Shihab, Raja
Salman, etc.

Grammatical features related to Biography Recount texts are :

 Tenses : Present ( Present tense, Present Future tense, Present Perfect
tense, Present Continuous tense, Present Future Perfect tense ) and Past (
Past tense, Past Future tense, Past Perfect tense, Past Continuous tense, Past
Future Perfect tense ) : Active and Passive Voice.
 Adjectives
 Pronouns
 Adverb
 Compound and Complex Sentences.
( Compound sentence : both ...and...., either....or...., neither.....nor....,
....and so..., ....and too, .....and.....either, ....and neither, ...not only...but
also...., but , or, well as.....,etc).
( Complex sentence : Adjective Clause : Present Participle Phrase & Past
Participle Phrase ), Adverbial Clause & Adverbial Phrase , Conditional
Sentences : Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, etc).



I.A Biography text :

Look at this picture on the left side !
a). What do you know about him ?
b). What was the name of the school that he ever established
c). What was the principle of the school that he ever
established ?

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Life and Times of

Ki Hajar Dewantara
(Raden Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat)

The development of good character should be the heart and soul of

education, and should dominate the spirit of teaching. This was the philosophy of
the “Father of Education” in Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara. The reason, he said,
was that teaching and character building are like two sides of a coin and cannot, and
should not be separated.
Education, by definition, means guiding student lives in a strong foundation of
good character, so that they would be civilized humans of highest moral fibre, thus
laying the foundation of a great nation without distinction of religion, ethnicity,
customs, economic and social status.
Ki Hajar Dewantara was born in the royal family of Yogyakarta on 2 May
1889. His given name was Raden Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat which he later changed
to renounce his connections with the royal family. He transformed himself into an
activist, columnist, politician and pioneer of education for Indonesians. He fought for
rights of Indonesians during Dutch and Japanese colonial eras
( ).
He was born into an aristocratic family that granted him the privilege of free
access to education of his choice. He got his primary education from ELS
(Europeesche Lagere School), then he continued his education at Stovia (Java
Medical School) but due to health reasons he couldn't finish it. He started writing for
newspapers and eventually all his writings were focused on Indonesian patriotism,
thus anti Dutch. He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and the
Indiesche Party, which were both important in the early development of the
pergerakan, the “movement” that grew up with a nascent Indonesian national
political consciousness (
He was exiled between 1913 and 1919 following the publication of two of his
articles: “Als ik eens Nederlander” (If I was a Dutchman) and “Eén voor allen enallen
voor één” (One for all and all for one). He used his time in exile to learn more
about education and obtained a Europeesche certificate (
Following his return, he focused more on cultural and educational efforts
paving way to develop educational concepts in Indonesia. He believed that
education is very important and the most important means of freeing Indonesians
from clutches of colonization. He played a leading role in establishing “ National
Onderwijs Institut Taman Siswa” in 1922. This institution was established to educate
native Indonesians during colonial times. This institution was based on these
1. Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha (the one in front sets example).
2. Ing Madya Mangun Karsa (the one in the middle builds the spirit and
3. Tut Wuri Handayani (the one at the back gives support)

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As Ki Hajar believed that character was not merely a theoretical concept, but
a practical and living concept, he embodied his vision in his school, Taman Siswa.
The central goals of Taman Siswa emphasized character building, including traits
such as patriotism and love for the nation, and a sense of national identity. His
vision was that Indonesians would be free from colonial powers, to fight for
independence and have good character. He continued writing but his writings took a
turn from politics to education. These writings later laid foundation of Indonesian
education. Froebel, Montessori and Tagore influenced his educational principles and
in Taman Siswa he drew some inspiration from Tagore's Shantiniketan
After independence, he was given the office of Minister of Education and
Culture. For his efforts in pioneering education for the masses, he was officially
declared Father of Indonesian Education and his birthday is celebrated as National
Education Day. His portrait was on 20,000 rupiah note till 2002. He was officially
confirmed as a National Hero of Indonesia by the 2nd President of Indonesia on 28
November 1959 ( mia d
Ki Hajar Dewantara passed away on 26th April 1952 at the age of 69 years.
His wife donated all Ki Hajar's belongings to Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum,
Yogyakarta. He was a great man who spent his whole life for serving his people and

( Source : The English book for Year XI ; Published by “ PUSAT KURIKULUM DAN

New vocabularies :
civilized = memperadabkan
fibre = serat
distinction = perbedaan
renounce = menolak , meniadakan , meninggalkan
royal = raja ( kerajaan )
aristocratic = bangsawan
granted = memberikan, mengaruniakan
privilege = hak istimewa
eventually = akhirnya
nascent = timbul
paving = membuka
clutches = genggaman
colonization = jajahan
encouragement = dorongan , pemberian semangat
merely = hanya
embodied = membentuk = form
traits = sifat , ciri2, characteristic.
patriotism = kecintaan kepada tanah air
sense = pengertiaan / perasaan
declared = menyatakan
portrait = gambar
confirm = disyahkan , ditegaskan
donated = memberi

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Questions : 1
1. What should be ( become ) the heart and soul of education and should dominate
the spirit of teaching ?
2. What was the philosophy of Kihajar Dewantoro ?
3. What was the reason why Ki Hajar Dewantoro had that phylosophy ?
4. What is the definition of education according to Kihajar Dewantoro ?
5. When was Ki Hajar Dewantoro born ?
Where was he born and from what family was he born ?
6. What was his real name ?
7. Did he leave his royal family later ?
8. What did he do after he abandoned his royal family ?
9. a).What could he get by being born from an aristocratic family ?
b). Where did he study his primary education ?
10.a). Where did he continue his secondary education ?
b). Why couldn’t he finish continuing his education at Stovia ?
11. What were all his writings focused on after studying in Stovia although he could
not finish it ?
12. In what activities did Ki Hajar Dewantoro join which were important for the
development of the movement of a nascent Indonesian national political
consciousness ?
13. When was he exiled ?
14. What articles could he publish before he was exiled ?
15. What did he use his time in exile ?
16. What did he do after returning from his exile ?
17. Why did he believe in doing so ?
18. Did he play an important role to be a leader in establishing “ National Onderwijs
Institut Taman Siswa ?”
19. When was “ The National Onderwijs Institute Taman Siswa “ established ?
20. What was the reason why “ The National Onderwijs Institute Taman Siswa “
established ?
21. What were the principles of “ The National Onderwijs Institut Taman Siswa ?”
22. What did Ki Hajar Dewantoro believe about character ? And what did he do after
he believed about that ?
23. What were the goals of “ Taman Siswa ?”
24. What was his vision in “ Taman Siswa ?”
25. Did he continue writing in politics field when he focused in Taman Siswa ?
26. Who influenced him in his educational principles ?
27. What did he get after independence ?
28. Why was he officially declared as the Father of Indonesian Education ?
29. What do people call in celebrating his birthday ?
30. Until what year was his portrait on the money of 20.000 rupiah note ?
31. Who officially confirmed him as a “ National Hero of Indonesia ?”
32. When was he officially confirmed as a “ National Hero of Indonesia ?”
33. In what year ( when ) did he die ?
34. How old was he when he died ?
35. What did his wife do after her husband died ?
36. Why was he a great man ?

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Questions : 2
Read the questions carefully. Note down your opinions and reactions to the
questions. During the discussion with your teacher and classmates, offer your
personal reaction and understanding of the text !
1. Why do we need biographies? What is their purpose?
2. What information can we find about a person by reading a biography?
Discuss !
3. From Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography, how would you describe him?
4. Can you find any similarities between Ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself?
Describe ! sampai disini x mia c
5. Responsibility is being accountable to God and to others as you do your duties or
obligations in a faithful way. Do you think Ki Hajar Dewantara was
a responsible person? How did he show it ? Discuss !
6. Think of an example of task or event in your life that required responsibility. Were
you responsible in fulfilling this duty or obligation? Share your example !
7. Do you think there were some significant events that changed Ki Hajar
Dewantara's life? How did those events shape or change him? Discuss !
8. What kind of impact did Ki Hajar Dewantara have on people? Discuss.
9. Ki Hajar Dewantara has had great impact on Indonesian struggle for freedom,
especially education. Discuss with your peers what may have been different if he
was not there !
10. Ki Hajar made lot of sacrifices for his country. If you were in his place, what
would you do? Describe !

11. What did you know about Ki Hajar Dewantara prior ( lebih dahulu ) to reading
biography? Did you learn anything new about him? Did anything you read
change your opinion about him?

The anwer :
10.a).Conditional sentences Type 2 ( Contrary in the fact in present ): If we
were in his place, we would support and help him.
Or : We would support and help him if we were in his place.
The two sentences mean : We are not in his place, so we don’t
support and help him.
Or : We don’t support and help him because we are not in his place.

b). If we were in his place, we might do the same thing like Ki Hajar
Or : We might do the same thing like Ki Hajar Dewantoro if we were
in his place.
The two sentences mean : Maybe / Perhaps we don’t do the same
thing like Ki Hajar Dewantoro because we
are not in his place.
Or : We are not in his place so, maybe /Perhaps we don’t do the
same thing like Ki Hajar Dewantoro .

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Conditional Sentences Type 2 : Improbable Condition (: Contrary to the
facts in present).= berlawanan kenyataan di waktu sekarang.

If clause : Past tense ( to be : were ) ===If we were in his place.

Main clause : Past Future tense ( S + modal past + V1 ) ===we would
support and help him.
The sentence means : We are not in his place, so we don’t support and help
Or : We don’t support and help him because we are not in his place.

The other example :

Fact : The students study their lessons, so they will succeed.
Or : The students study their lessons, so they succeed.
Or : The students will succeed ( succeed ) because they study their lessons.

1.= If the students did not study their lessons, they would not succeed.
Or : 2.The students would not succeed if they did not study their lessons.

What do the two sentences above mean ?

They mean :
1.The students study their lessons, so they will succeed.
Or : The students will succeed because they study their lessons.
2.The students study their lessons, so they succeed.
Or : The students succeed because they study their lessons.

New vocabularies :
faithful = beriman , setia
prior = lebih dahulu

Questions :
I. Change the Active Sentences below into Passive ones , based on the
Biography Recount text of Ki Hajar Dewantara !
1.Paragraph 1 :The development of good character should be the heart and soul of
education, and should dominate the spirit of teaching. ( =Past
Future Tense active : S + modal past + V1 ).
Passive : The development of good character should be the heart and soul of
education, and the spirit of teaching should be dominated by the
development of good character. ( Past Future Passive : S + modal
past + be + V3).

2.Paragraph 4 : He got his primary education from ELS (Europeesche Lagere

School), then he continued his education at Stovia (Java Medical
School) but due to ( because of ) health reasons he couldn't finish
it. ( Past Tense active + Past Future tense active ).
Passive : His primary education was got ( gotten ) from ELS, then his
education was continued at Stovia by him, but due to ( because of )
health reasons, it could not be finished by him. ( Past tense passive :
S + was / were + V3 dan past future tense passive : S + modal
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past + be + V3 ).

3. Paragraph 5 : Ki Hajar Dewantoro used his time in exile to learn more about
education and obtained a Europeesche certificate. ( Past Tense
active : S + V2 + O +....).
Passive : Ki Hajar Dewantoro’s time was used (by him) in exile to learn more
about education and a Europeesche certificate was obtained (by him)
.(Past tense passive : S + was / were + V3 ).

4.Paragraph 7 : As Ki Hajar believed that character was not merely ( only ) a

theoretical concept, but a practical and living concept, he embodied
his vision in his school, Taman Siswa. ( Past tense active : S + V2
+ O +.....).
Passive : As Ki Hajar believed that character was not merely a theoretical
concept, but a practical and living concept, his vision in his school,
Taman siswa was embodied by him. ( Past tense passive : S + was /
were + V3 ).

5. Paragraph 7 : The central goals of Taman Siswa emphasized character building,

including traits such as patriotism and love for the nation, and a
sense of national identity. ( =Past tense active : S + V2 + O
Passive : Character building, including traits such as patriotism and love for
the nation, and a sense of national identity were emphasized by the
central goals of Taman Siswa. (Past tense passive : S + was / were + V3

6. Paragraph 7 :Froebel, Montessori and Tagore influenced his educational

principles in Taman Siswa.( =Past tense ACTIVE )
Passive : His educational principles in Taman Siswa were influenced by Froebel,
Montessori and Tagore. ( Past tense passive : S + was / were + V3).

7. Paragraph 7 : He drew some inspirations from Tagore's Shantiniketan.(=Past

tense ACTIVE ).
Passive :Some inspirations from Tagore's Shantiniketan were drawn ( by
him).(Past tense passive : S + was / were + V3 ).

8. Paragraph 9 :His wife donated all Ki Hajar's belongings to Dewantara Kirti

Griya Museum, Yogyakarta.( =Past tense active ).
Passive :All Ki Hajar's belongings were donated by his wife to Dewantara Kirti
Griya Museum, Yogyakarta.( Past tense passive : S + was / were + V3 ).

II. Change the Passive Sentences below into Active ones , based on the
Biography Recount text of Ki Hajar Dewantara !
Tenses : Past tense.
1.Paragraph : 6: This institution was established to educate native Indonesians
during colonial times. ( = Past Tense passive ).
Active : Ki Hajar Dewantoro established this institution ( Taman Siswa ) to

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educate native Indonesians during colonial times.

2. Paragraph 8 :After independence, he was given the office of Minister of

Education and Culture. (= Past Tense passive ).
Active : After independence, the Indonesian Government gave him the office of
Minister of Education and Culture.

3. Paragraph 8 : For his efforts in pioneering education for the masses, he was
officially declared Father of Indonesian Education and his birthday
is celebrated as National Education Day. (= Past tense passive
and Present tense passive ).
Active : For his efforts in pioneering education for the masses, the Indonesian
Government declared him as Father of Indonesian Education officially
and the Indonesian people celebrate his birthday as National Education

4. Paragraph 8 : He was officially confirmed as a National Hero of Indonesia by

the 2nd President of Indonesia on 28 November 1959. ( =Past tense
passive ).
Active : The 2nd President of Indonesia ( President Soeharto ) confirmed him as a
National Hero of Indonesia officially on 28th of November 1959.

Conclusion : Passive Voice in the text above .

1. Present tense : Passive : S + am / is / are + V3
Example :
a). Positive sentence (+):
Active :The students study English well every day.
Passive : English is well studied by the students everyday.
b). Negative sentence (-):
Active : The students don’t play their handphones during the lesson.
Passive : The students’ handphones are not played by the students during
the lesson.
c). Interrogative sentence (?):
Active : Does Mr. Usrok play the games during his break time ?
Passive : Are the games played by Mr. Usrok during his break time ?
d). Negative Interrogative sentence (-)(?):
Active : Doesn’t Miss Ucrit bring her food when she goes to school ?
Passive : Aren’t Miss Ucrit’s food brought by her when she goes to school ?
e). Active : The students give me a book.
Passive : 1. Iam given a book by the students.
2. A book is given to me by the students.
e).Wh – questions : What, when, where, why, whose, whom , which, how
long, how many, how much, etc.
1.Active : Who writes these articles ?
Passive : Who are these articles written by ?
2. Active : What causes this crack ?
Passive : What is this crack caused by ?

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2.Past Tense : Passive : S + was / were + V3
E.g :
Active : The students did not sing a song beautifully yesterday.
Passive : A song was not beautifully sung by the students yesterday.

3. Past Future tense : Passive : S + modal past + be + V3

Example :
Active : Could the students do the test carefully last week ?
Passive : Could the test be carefully done by the students last week ?

Note :
a).The agent must be written if the agent has already been clear.
e.g : by the students, by Mr. Usrok, ( by him ).
Example :
Active : The students practice their speaking skills well.
Passive : The students’ speaking skills are well practiced by the students.

b). by him, by her, by me, by us, by them, by it, by you, etc ( “by “ followed
by pronouns ) can be written or can be omitted ( left out ).
Example :
Active : They do their tests well.
Pasiive : Their tests are well done ( by them ).

c). The agent that must be omitted ( left out ), such as : by someone, by
somebody, by people, by something.
Example :
Active : People speak English all over the world.
Passive : English is spoken all over the world.

III. Give the meaning from Adjective Clause into Present Participle Phrase ,
based on The Biography Recount text of Ki Hajar Dewantoro below ! “

1.Paragraph 4 : He was born into an aristocratic family that granted (granting )

him the privilege of free access to education of his choice.(=
complex sentence = kalimat majemuk bertingkat ).

Or : He was born into an aristocratic family granting him the privilege of

free access to education of his choice.(= Present Participle

Adjective Clause : He was born into an aristocratic family ( who ) that granted
him the privilege of free access to education of his

This complex sentence comes from two simple sentences. They are :

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1. He was born into an aristocratic family.
2. An aristocaric family granted him the privilege of free access to education of
his choice.

Present Participle Phrase : He was born into an aristocratic family granting him
the privilege of free access to education of his

This complex sentence comes from two simple sentences. They are :
3. He was born into an aristocratic family.
4. An aristocratic family granted him the privilege of free access to education of
his choice.

2. Paragraph 4 : He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and the
Indiesche Party, which were both important in the early
development of the pergerakan, the “movement” that grew up(
= growing up ) with a nascent Indonesian national political
consciousness. ( = Complex sentence ).

Adjective Clause : He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and the
Indiesche Party, which were both important in the early
development of the pergerakan, the “movement” which
grew up with a nascent Indonesian national political
consciousness. (= There are 2 adjective clauses ).

This complex sentence comes from 3 simple sentences. They are :

1. He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and Indiesche Party.
2. Budi Utomo and Indiesche Party were both important in the early
development of the pergerakan ( the movement ).
3. The development of the pergerakan ( the movement ) grew up with a
nascent Indonesian national political consciousness.

Present Participle Phrase :He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and
the Indiesche Party, which were both important in the early
development of the pergerakan, the “movement” growing
up with a nascent Indonesian national political

This complex sentence comes from 3 simple sentences. They are :

4. He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and Indiesche Party.
5. Budi Utomo and Indiesche Party were both important in the early
development of the pergerakan ( the movement ).
6. The development of the pergerakan ( the movement ) grew up with a
nascent Indonesian national political consciousness.

3.Paragraph 6 : Following his return ( = After he returned from his exile ), he

focused more on cultural and educational efforts paving way(

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= which / that paved way ) to develop educational concepts
in Indonesia.( = Complex sentence ).

Adjective Clause : Following his return, he focused more on cultural and educational
efforts which / that paved way to develop educational
concepts in Indonesia.

This complex sentence comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :

1. Following his return , he focused more on cultural and educational efforts.
2. Cultural and educational efforts paved way to develop educational concepts in

Present Participle Phrase : Following his return, he focused more on cultural and
educational efforts paving way to develop educational
concepts in Indonesia.

This complex sentence comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :

1.Following his return , he focused more on cultural and educational efforts.
2.Cultural and educational efforts paved way to develop educational concepts in

4.Paragraph 9 : He was a great man who spent ( = spending ) his whole life for
serving his people and country. ( =complex sentence ).

Adjective clause : He was a great man who ( that ) spent his whole life for
serving his people and country.

This complex sentence comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :

1. He was a great man.
2. He spent his whole life for serving his people and country.

Present Participle Phrase : He was a great man spending his whole life for
serving his people and country.

This complex sentence comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :

1.He was a great man.
2.He spent his whole life for serving his people and country.

Summary : Adjective Clause :

A).Defining Relative Clause :
For persons :
As : Subject : who / that
Object : whom / who / that / -
Possessive : whose

For things :
As : Subject : which / that

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Object : which / that/ -
Possessive : whose / of which

B).Non Defining Relative Clause :

For persons :
As : Subject : who
Object : whom / who
Possessive : whose

For things :
As : Subject : which
Object : which
Possesive : whose ( for animals ) ; of which ( for things )

TEXT : 2
A biography text :

Look at the picture on the left side !

a). What do you know about her ?
b). Who was her first and second husband of Cut Nyak Dhien ?
c). Who was her daughter ?
d). Do you know several important dates that Cut Nyak Dhien’s
war ?


Cut Nyak Dhien was a leader of the Acehnese guerrilla forces during the Aceh
War. She was born in Lampadang in 1848. Following the death of her husband
Teuku Umar, she led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years. She was
awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero on 2 May 1964 by the Indonesian
Cut Nyak Dhien was born into an Islamic aristocratic family in Aceh Besar. Her
father, Teuku Nanta Setia, was a member of the ruling Ulèë Balang aristocratic class
in VI mukim, and her mother was also from an aristocratic family. She was educated
in religion and household matters. She was renowned for her beauty, and many men
proposed to marry her. Finally, she married Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga, the son of
an aristocratic family, when she was twelve.
On 26 March 1873, the Dutch declared war on Aceh. In November 1873,
during the Se-cond Aceh Expedition, the Dutch successfully captured VI mukim in
1873, followed by the Sultan’s Palace in 1874.In 1875, Cut Nyak Dhien and her
baby, along with other mothers, were evacuated to a safer location while her
husband Ibrahim Lamnga fought to reclaim VI mukim. Lamnga died in action on
June 29, 1878. Hearing this, Cut Nyak Dhien was enraged and swore to destroy
the Dutch.

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Some time later, Teuku Umar proposed to marry her. Learning that Teuku
Umar would allow her to fight, she accepted his proposal. They were married in
1880. This greatly boosted the morale of Aceh armies in their fight against Dutch.
Teuku Umar and Cut Nyak Dhien had a daughter, Cut Gambang.
The war continued, and the Acehnese declared Holy War against the Dutch,
and were engaged ( = diikutsertakan ) in guerrilla warfare. Undersupplied, Teuku
Umar surrendered to the Dutch forces on September 30, 1893 along with 250 of his
men. The Dutch army welcomed him and appointed him as a commander, giving
him the title of Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan. However, Teuku Umar secretly
planned to betray the Dutch. Two years later (1895 ) Teuku Umar set out to assault
Aceh, but he instead deserted with his troops taking with them heavy equipment,
weapons, and ammunition, using these supplies to help the Acehnese. This is
recorded in Dutch history as “Het verraad van Teukoe Oemar” (the treason of Teuku
The Dutch general Johannes Benedictus van Heutsz sent a spy to Aceh.
Teuku Umar was killed during a battle when the Dutch launched a surprise attack on
him in Meulaboh. When Cut Gambang cried over his death, Cut Nyak Dhien slapped
her and then she hugged her and said: “As Acehnese women, we may not shed
tears for those who have been martyred.”
After her husband died, Cut Nyak Dhien continued to resist the Dutch with
her small army until its destruction in 1901, as the Dutch adapted their tactics to the
situation in Aceh. Furthermore, Cut Nyak Dhien suffered from nearsightedness and
arthritis as she got older. The number of her troops was also decreasing and they
suffered from lack of supplies.
One of her troops, Pang Laot, told the Dutch the location of her headquarters
in Beutong Le Sageu. The Dutch attacked, catching Dhien and her troops by
surprise. Despite desperately fighting back, Dhien was captured. Her daughter, Cut
Gambang, escaped and continued the resistance. Dhien was brought to Banda Aceh
and her myopia and arthritis slowly healed, but in the end she was exiled to
Sumedang, West Java because the Dutch were afraid she would mobilize the
resistance of Aceh people. She died on 6 November 1908.
(Adapted from:

( Source : The English book from the Government; PUSAT KURIKULUM dan

Note: Mukim is an area consisting of 5 villages.

guerrilla forces : tentara perang gerilya
aristocratic : bangsawan
household matters : persoalan – persoalan rumah tangga.
was renowned : terkenal
reclaim : merebut kembali
declare : mengumumkan
Holy War : perang suci (jihad)
surrender : menyerah
betray : melawan = resist

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assault : menyerang = attack
treason : perlawanan/kudeta
shed tears : menumpahkan air mata
martyred : mati syahid
resist : melawan = betray
was exiled : diasingkan
was enraged : dibuat marah sekali
swore : bersumpah
boosted : menaikkan
were engaged : diajak , diikutsertakan
nearsightedness : rabun jauh
arthritis : radang sendi
myopia : rabun jauh/lamur
mobilize : mengerahkan
healed : menjadi sembuh
deserted : meninggalkan
undersupplied : kurang persediaan
welcome : menyambut, menerima dengan senang hati = greet
set out : berangkat
slap : menampar
hug : memeluk
adapted : mengubah , menyesuaikan
troops : pasukan – pasukan tentara
furthermore : selanjutnya

Answer the following questions by referring to the reading text about Cut Nyak
Dhien !

Questions : 1: The questions from Ibu. Endang Rokhimaningsih .

1. Why was Cut Nyak Dhien famous / popular /well – known according to the
Acehnese people ?
2. What did Cut Nyak Dhien do after her second husband , Teuku Umar died ?
3. What happened on 2 May, 1964 to Cut Nyak Dhien ?
4. From what family was Cut Nya’ Dhien born ?
5. When Cut Nyak Dhien was still young , what education did she get ?
6. Why did many men propose to marry her ?
7. How old was she when she got married with Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga ?
8. From what family did Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga come from ?
9. What happened on 26 March, 1873 according to the text ?
10. What happened in November 1873, exactly during the second Aceh
expedition ?
11. When did the Dutch successfully capture the Sultan’s Palace ?=1874.
12. What happened in 1875 according to the text ?
13. Why and when did Teuku Cik Abraham Lamnga die ? on June 29th, 1878.
14. What was Cut Nyak Dhien’s reaction when she heard that Teuku Cik Ibrahim
Lamnga died ?
15. Why did Cut Nyak Dhien accept the proposal from Teuku Umar to marry her ?
16. When were they married ?in 1880.

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17. What was the effect of getting married between Cut Nyak Dhien and Teuku
Umar ?
18. Who was Cut Gambang ?
19. When did Teuku Umar and his 250 men surrender to the Dutch ?==on
September 30th, 1893.
20. What did the Dutch do after Teuku Umar was welcomed by the Dutch in
September 30, 1893 ?
21. Did Teuku Umar secretly plan to betray the Dutch ?
22. In what year did Teuku Umar set out to assault Aceh again as his treason to
the Dutch ?==in 1895
23. Where and when was Teuku Umar killed ?
24. What did Cut Nya’ Dhien do when Cut Gamblang cried over his father’s death
25. What did Cut Nyak Dhien do after Teuku Umar died ?
26. What happened after the year 1901 according to the text ?
27. Who told the Dutch that the location of Cut Nyak Dhien ‘s headquarters in
Beutong Le Sageu ?
28. What did the Dutch do in Beutong Le Sageu ?
29. What did Cut Gambang do after Cut Nyak Dhien was captured ?
30. Where were Cut Nyak Dhien’s diseases healed ?
31.Why was Cut Nyak Dhien exiled to Sumedang, West Java ?
32. When did Cut Nyak Dhien die ?= on 6 th of November, 1908.

Questions 2 :The questions from the Government’s book .

1. When was Cut Nyak Dhien awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero? =on 2nd
of May, 1964.
2. Tell your friends about Cut Nyak Dhien’s parents!
3. What education did she receive when she was young?
4. Who was Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga?
5. When did the Aceh war start? = on 26 th of March, 1873.
6. What happened in Aceh in 1874?
7. Why did Cut Nyak Dhien swear to destroy the Dutch?
8. What was the effect of Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage to Teuku Umar on the Aceh
9. Why did Teuku Umar surrender to the Dutch in 1893?
10. How was Teuku Umar killed?
11. According to the text, how should an Acehnese woman respond to the death of
her family member in a war?
12. What did Cut Nyak Dhien suffer from when she was old?
13. What was done by Cut Gambang after Cut Nyak Dhien was captured?
14. When Cut Nyak Dhien was brought to Banda Aceh, was her nearsightedness
getting better?
15. Why did the Dutch put her into exile to Sumedang?
16. Had you lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien, what would you have done to support
her efforts in fighting against the Dutch colonialization?
a). Imagine that you had lived in Cut Nyak Dhien’s era. What would you have
done? Why?
b). Can you imagine what would have happened without the presence of people

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like Cut Nyak Dhien?
c).Do you feel thankful to her and her people? How will you express your

I.Grammar : Active and Passive sentences :

Change the Active Sentences below into Passive ones , based on the
Biography Recount text of Cut Nyak Dhien !

1.Active :Following the death of her second husband ( Teuku Umar ), Cut Nyak
Dhien led guerilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years.( Paragraph 1 : Past
tense active : S + V2 + O +.....)
Passive : Following the death of her second husband ( Teuku Umar ), Guerilla
actions against the Dutch were led by Cut Nyak Dhien for 25 years. ( Passive past
tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

2. Active :On 26th March 1873, the Dutch declared war in Aceh. ( P.3 : Past tense
active ).
Passive : On 26th March 1873, war was declared by the Dutch in Aceh.

3. Active :In November 1873, during the 2nd Aceh Expedition, the Dutch successfully
captured VI Mukim. ( P.3 : Past tense active).
Passive : In November 1873,during the 2nd Aceh Expedition, VI Mukim was
successfully captured by the Dutch. ( Passive past tense : S + was / were +
V3 ).

4. Active :Learning that Teuku Umar would allow Cut Nyak Dhien to fight, she
accepted his proposal to get married. (P.4 : Past future active and past tense
active ).
Passive : Learning that Cut Nyak Dhien would be allowed by Teuku Umar to fight,
his proposal to get married was accepted by Cut Nyak Dhien.( Passive Past Future
tense : S + modal past + be + V3 dan Passive Past tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

5. Active :Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage with Teuku Umar greatly boosted the morale
of Aceh armies in their fight against the Dutch. ( P.4 : Past tense active ).
Passive : The morale of Aceh armies in their fight against the Dutch was greatly
boosted by Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage with Teuku Umar. ( Passive past tense : S +
was / were + V3 ).

6. Active :The War continued, and the Acehnese declared Holy war against the
Dutch,and were engaged in guerilla warfare. ( P. 5 : Past tense active).
Passive : The war continued, and Holy war against the Dutch was declared by the
Acehnese, and were engaged in guerilla warfare. ( Passive past tense : S + was /
were + V3 ).

7. Active :The Dutch army welcomed him ( Teuku Umar ) and appointed him as
a commander, giving (= who gave ) him the title of Teuku Umar Johan
Pahlawan.( P. 5 : Past tense active).
Passive : He was welcomed and ( he was ) appointed by the Dutch army as a

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commander, giving him the title of Teuku Umar Johan Pahlawan. ( Passive past
tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

8. Active :The Dutch general Johannes Benedictus Van Heutz sent a spy to Aceh.
(P.6 : Past tense active ).
Passive : A spy was sent by the Dutch general Johannes Benedictus Van Heutz to
Aceh. ( Passive past tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

9. Active :When Cut Gambang cried over his father’s death, Cut Nyak Dhien
slapped her and then hugged her, and said…. ( P.6 : Past tense active).
Passive : When his father’s death was cried over by Cut Gambang , she ( Cut
Gambang ) was slapped and then ( she was) hugged by Cut Nyak Dhien,
and said…..( Passive past tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

10. Active :After her second husband (Teuku Umar ) died, Cut Nyak Dhien
continued to resist the Dutch with her small army until its destruction in
1901, as the Dutch adapted their tactics to the situation in Aceh. ( P.7 : Past
tense active).
Passive : After her second husband died, Cut Nyak Dhien continued to resist the
Dutch with her small army until its destruction in 1901, as ( because )
their tactics were adapted by the Dutch to the situation in Aceh. ( Passive past
tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

11. Active :One of her troops, Pang Laot told the Dutch the location of her
headquarters in Beutong Le Sageu.( P.8 : Past tense active ).
Passive :
1. The Dutch was told ( about ) the location of her headquarters in Beutong Le
Sageu by one of her troops , Pang Laot.
2. The location of her headquarters in Beutong Le Sageu was told to the Dutch
by one of her troops, Pang Laot.

II. Grammar : Present Participle Phrase, Past Participle Phrase and

Adverbial Clause ):
Give the meaning from Adverbial Phrase into Adverbial Clause , based on
the Biography Recount text of Cut Nyak Dhien below !

1.Following the death of her second husband ( Teuku Umar ) , Cut Nyak
Dhien led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years. ( =Adverbial Phrase ).

The sentence means : After it was followed by the death of her second
husband ( Teuku Umar ) (Or : After her second husband ( Teuku Umar )
died, Cut Nyak Dhien led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years.

Note :
a). Following the death of her second husband ( Teuku Umar ) , Cut Nyak
Dhien led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years. ( =Complex
Sentence ).

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b). Following the death of her second husband ( Teuku Umar )(=Adverbial
Phrase ).

c).After it was followed by the death of her second husband ( Teuku Umar
) (Or : After her second husband ( Teuku Umar ) died,( =Adverbial
Clause ).

2.Being successful in fighting against the Dutch in Aceh, Cut Nyak Dhien was
awarded to become the Indonesian National Hero by the Indonesian government on
2nd May 1964.
The sentence means : Because Cut Nyak Dhien was successful in fighting
against the Dutch in Aceh, she was awarded to become the Indonesian National
Hero by the Indonesian government on 2nd May 1964.

3.When still being young, Cut Nyak Dhien was educated in religion and
household matters by her parents.
The sentence means : When Cut Nyak Dhien was still young, she was educated
in religion and household matters by her parents.

4.Being beautiful, many men wanted to propose and marry Cut Nyak Dhien.
The sentence means : Because Cut Nyak Dhien was beautiful, many men
wanted to propose and marry her.

5.Fighting to reclaim VI Mukim, Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga was killed.

The sentence means : When Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga fought to reclaim VI
Mukim, he was killed.

6.Hearing this, Cut Nyak Dhien was enraged and swore to destroy the Dutch.
The sentence means : When Cut Nyak Dhien heard this (= that her first
husband died ), she was enraged and swore to destroy the Dutch.

7.Learning that Teuku Umar would allow her to fight, Cut Nyak Dhien
accepted his proposal.
The sentence means :When Cut Nyak Dhien learned that Teuku Umar
would allow her to fight, she accepted his proposal.

8. Undersupplied, Teuku Umar surrendered to the Dutch.( =Adverbial Phrase ).

The sentence means :Because Teuku Umar was undersupplied( = Because
Teuku Umar was lack of his weapons and armies ), he surrendered to the

9. Launching a surprise attack on him in Meulaboh, Teuku Umar was killed

during a battle by the Dutch.
The sentence means : When the Dutch launched a surprise attack on him in
Meulaboh, Teuku Umar was killed during a battle.

10. Hearing that Teuku Umar was killed during a battle with the Dutch, her
daughter ( Cut Gambang ) cried.

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The sentence means : When Cut Gambang ( her daughter ) heard that Teuku
Umar was killed during a battle, she cried.

11. Crying over her father’s death, Cut Nyak Dhien slapped her, and then
hugged her by saying……
The sentence means : When Cut Gambang cried over because of (= due to )
her father’s death, Cut Nyak Dhien slapped her,and then hugged her by saying...

12. Having died of her second husband ( Teuku Umar ), Cut Nyak Dhien
continued to resist the Dutch with her small army until its destruction in 1901.
The sentence means : After her second husband ( Teuku Umar ) had died (=
died ), Cut Nyak Dhien continued…..

13. Adapting new tactics, the Dutch were successful in capturing Cut Nyak
The sentence means : Because the Dutch adapted new tactics, they were….

14. Suffering from nearsightedness and arthritis, Cut Nyak Dhien could not
fight the resistance to the Dutch maximally.
The sentence means : Because Cut Nyak Dhien suffered from
nearsightedness and arthritis, she could not fight the resistance to the Dutch

15. Being old, Cut Nyak Dhien suffered from nearsightedness ( myopia ) and
The sentence means : Because Cut Nyak Dhien was old, she suffered from….

16. Telling to the Dutch ( about ) the location of her headquarters in

Beutong Le Sageu by Pang Laot, the Dutch attacked and then captured Cut
Nyak Dhien and her troops by surprise.
The sentence means : When the Dutch were told the location of her
headquarters in Beutong Le Sageu by Pang Laot, they attacked….
( Or : When Pang Laot told to the Dutch about…, …. ).

17. Captured by the Dutch in Beutong Le Sageu by surprise to Cut Nyak

Dhien, her daughter ( Cut Gambang ) escaped and then continued the
resistance to fight against the Dutch. =Adverbial Phrase ).
The sentence means : When Cut Nyak Dhien was captured by the Dutch in
Beutong Le Sageu by surprise, Cut Gambang escaped and then …..

===18. Despite desperately fighting back, Dhien was captured.

The sentence means : Although (Though) Cut Nyak Dhien fought back
desperately, she was captured.

19. Having taken (= brought ) to Banda Aceh, Cut Nyak Dhien’s illnesses could
be healed ( cured ).
The sentence means : After Cut Nyak Dhien had been taken (= brought ) to
Banda Aceh, her illnesses could be healed ( cured ).

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Or : ( It means : After Cut Nyak Dhien was taken ( = brought ) to Banda
Aceh, her illnesses could be healed ( cured ).

20. Being afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the resistance of
Aceh people, the Dutch exiled her to Sumedang, West Java.
The sentence means : Because the Dutch were afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien
would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people, the Dutch exiled her to
Sumedang, West Java ( = She was exiled by the Dutch to Sumedang, West Java).

III. Grammar Conditional Sentences Type 3 :

= TIDAK MUNGKIN TERLAKSANA ( Type 3 ) : Contrary to the fact in the past.
The answer for the Government’s question number : 16.
1. = If we had lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien, we would have helped to support
her efforts in fighting against the Dutch colonialization.
( Conditional Sentences with if : Type 3 : Impossible Condition ).
Or : We would have helped her to support her efforts in fighting against the
Dutch colonialization if we had lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien.
2. = Had we lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien, we would have helped to support
her efforts in fighting against the Dutch colonialization.( Conditional
Sentences Without If : Type 3 : Impossible condition)
Note : “Conditional sentences without if “, like Type 3 must be in initial / in
the beginning position.
( And also “Main clause” must be in the last position ).


CONDITION . It is contrary to the fact in the past.( = berlawanan dengan kenyataan
di waktu lampau ).
If Clause : Past Perfect Tense : S + had + V3 + O +..... .
Main Clause : Past Future Perfect Tense : S + modals past (would, should, could,
might, ought to ) + have + V3 + O +....
The sentence number 1 and 2 mean : We didn’t live close to Cut Nyak Dhien, so
we didn’t help to support her efforts in fighting against the Dutch colonialization.
Or : We didn’t help to support her efforts in fighting against the Dutch
colonialization, because we didn’t live close to Cut Nyak Dhien.

a). Imagine that you had lived in Cut Nyak Dhien’s era. What would you have done?

= If we had lived in Cut Nyak Dhien era, we would have helped to support her
efforts in fighting against the Dutch colonialization.
Or : We would have helped to support her efforts in fighting against the Dutch
colonialization if we had lived in Cut Nyak Dhien era.

The answer is the same as the above answer.

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b). Can you imagine what would have happened without the presence of people
like Cut Nyak Dhien?

Unless = if not
1.= If there hadn’t been people like Cut Nyak Dhien , our country would not
have got (Verb : 3) its Independence. ( Or : Our country would not have
got (Verb : 3) its Independence if there had not been people like Cut Nyak
Dhien ).

Or : = If there hadn’t been people like Cut Nyak Dhien , our country would not
gotten(Verb :3 ) its Independence. ( Or : Our country would not have
gotten (Verb : 3 ) its Independence if there had not been people like Cut
Nyak Dhien ).

2. = Had there not been people like Cut Nyak Dhien, our country would not have
got ( gotten ) its Independence.
3. = Unless there had been people like Cut Nyak Dhien, our country would not
have got ( gotten ) its Independence.( Or : Our country would not have
got ( gotten ) its Independence unless there had been people like Cut Nyak

The sentences number 1,2 and 3 mean : There were people like Cut Nyak Dhien,
so our country got its Independence.
Or : Our country got its Independence because there were people like Cut Nyak

Note :
Unless = if not

How to form / make the conditional sentences with if into without if in Type 3 ?
1. By placing if – clause in front of the main clause.
2. By placing auxiliary “ Had “ in front of the subject.

c).Do you feel thankful to her and her people? How will you express your
= Yes, I do
= To express our thankfulness :
1. By saying thanks to the God, Alhamdulillah, e.g for Moslem.
2. By doing good activities , such as : by studying hard, by working hard,by
obeying to our parents, by respecting to our teachers, by appreciating each
other ( don’t underestimate each other ), by enjoying discipline behavior, by
reminding the history which is / are good, by trying to become a person who
has a good character, by trying to become a person who does not do bad
activies ( the activities which are contary to the GOD’s teaching ), etc, etc,


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Name : Cut Nyak Dhien
Place of birth : Lampadang
Date of birth : 1848
Place of death : Sumedang
Date of death : 6 November 6 1908
Parents + Origins : Teuku Nanta Setia, Aceh Besar class in VI mukim
Names of husband : Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga, Teuku Umar
Name of daughter : Cut Gambang
Important Dates on War :
- 26 March 1873 : Dutch declared war on Aceh
- 30 September 1893 : Teuku Umar surrendered to Dutch
- 1895 : Teuku Umar betrayed the Ducth
- 1901 : Distruction of Tjut Nyak Dhien’s army.

TEXT : 3
A biography text :

Look at the picture on the left side !

a). What do you know about him ?
b). Who is the name of Habibie’s wife and children ?
c). What work experiences of Habibie before he became the
President of RI ?

Prof. Dr. Ir. B.J. HABIBIE

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie known as BJ. Habibie was born on 25 June 1936.
He was the Third President of the Republic of Indonesia (1998–1999). Habibie was
born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti
Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an agriculturist from Gorontalo of Bugis descent
and his mother was a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta. His parents met while
studying in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie’s father died.
Following his father’s death, Habibie continued his studies in Jakarta and then
in 1955 moved to Germany. In 1960, Habibie received a degree in engineering in
Germany, giving him the title Diplom-Ingenieur. He remained in Germany as a
research assistant under Hans Ebner at the Lehrstuhl und Institut für Leichtbau,
RWTH Aachen to conduct research for his doctoral degree.
In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During
this time, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R. Mohamad
Besari. The two married on 12 May 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards.
Habibie and his wife settled in Aachen for a short period before moving to
Oberforstbach. In May 1963 they had their first son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later
another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie.
When Habibie’s minimum wage salary forced him into part-time work, he
found employment with the Automotive Marque Talbot, where he became an
advisor. Habibie worked on two projects which received funding from Deutsche

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Bundesbahn. Due to his work with Makosh, the head of train constructions offered
his position to Habibie upon his retirement three years later, but Habibie refused.
Habibie accepted a position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow- Blohm in Hamburg.
There, he developed theories on thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics
known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively.
He worked for Messerschmit on the development of the Airbus A-300B aircraft. In
1974, he was promoted to become as vice president of the company.
In 1974, Suharto requested Habibie to return to Indonesia as part of
Suharto’s drive to develop the country. Habibie initially served as a special assistant
to Ibnu Sutowo, the CEO of the state oil company Pertamina. Two years later, in
1976, Habibie was made Chief Executive Officer of the new state-owned enterprise
Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN). In 1978, he was appointed as Minister
of Research and Technology. Habibie was elected as vice president in March 1998.
On 21 May 1998, Suharto publicly announced his resignation and Habibie was
immediately sworn in as president. Habibie’s government stabilized the economy in
the face of the Asian financial crisis and the chaos of the last few months of
Suharto’s presidency.
Since relinquishing the presidency, Habibie has spent more time in Germany
than in Indonesia. However, he has also been active as a presidential advisor during
Susilo Bambang Yudoyono’s presidency. In September 2006, he released a book
called Detik- Detik Yang Menentukan: Jalan Panjang Indonesia Menuju Demokrasi
(Decisive Moments: Indonesia’s Long Road Towards Democracy). The book recalled
the events of May 1998.
(Adapted from:

( Source : The English book from the Government; PUSAT KURIKULUM dan

descent : keturunan
sick leave : cuti sakit
reacquainted : berteman kembali
settled in : menetap, tinggal
respectively : secara berurutan
retirement : pensiun
resignation : pengunduran diri
sworn in : disumpah
relinquishing : meninggalkan/menyerahkan
release : menerbitkan
initially : pada awalnya / permulaannya
enterprise : perusahaan
publicly : didepan umum
chaos : kekacauan
recalled : mengingatkan = reminded
shortly afterwards : tak lama sesudah itu
upon : on
undergraduate educaton : pendidikan tingkat prasarjana

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Answer the following questions by referring to the reading text about B.J. Habibie !
Questions : 1: The questions from Ibu. Endang Rokhimaningsih.
1. When was BJ Habibie born ? on 25 th of June, 1936.
2. In what year did he become as the President of RI ?=1998-1999.
3. Where was he born ?
4. What are her parent’s name ? ( = Who are his parents ?)
5. What was his father’s job?
6. From what family did his parents come from ?
7. When did Habibi’s parents meet each other before getting married ?
8. How old was BJ Habibie when his father died ?
9. After Habibi’s father died, where did he continue his study before he moved
to German?
10. In what year did Habibie move to Germany ?in 1955.
11. In 1960, what did Habibie receive in Germany ?
12. What did BJ Habibie do in Germany under Hans Ebner ?
13. What happened to BJ Habibie in 1962 ?
14. What happened to BJ Habibie and his wife in May, 1963 ?
15. What forced BJ Habibie into part time job ?
16. What kind of job position when he worked with the Automative Marque Talbot
17. How many projects did BJ Habibie work on which received funding from
Deutsche Bundesbahn ?
18. Did BJ Habibie accept job position offer on his retirement from the head of
train constructions when he worked with Makosh ?
19. Where did BJ Habibie develop theories on thermodynamics, construction, and
aerodynamics ?
20. What are theories on thermodynamics , construction , and aerodynamics also
called ( known ) as ?
21. On what position did BJ Habibie work for Messerschmitt – Bolkow – Blohm in
Hamburg ? = What did BJ Habibie do when he worked in Messerchmitt –
Bolkow – Blohm in Hamburg ?
22. When was he promoted to become vice president of that company above (
according to number 20 ) ?
23. Why did the President Suharto ask BJ Habibie to return to Indonesia ?
24. What kinds of job did BJ Habibie have before he was elected as vice
president in March 1998 ?
25. When did the President Suharto announce his resignation publicly ?=21st of
May ,1998.
26. What happened to BJ Habibie on 21th of May 1998 ?
27. What could Habibie’s government do during his presidency ?
28. What has BJ Habibie done since relinquishing his presidency ?
29. What has BJ Habibie done during Susilo Bambang Yudoyono’s presidency ?
30. What did BJ Habibie do in September 2006 ?

Gus Dur and Megawati = for 2 years as the fourth President and Vice President of
RI= (1999 – 2001)
Megawati and Hamzah Haz = for 3 years as the fifth President and Vice President of
RI= (2001 – 2004)

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Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Yusuf Kalla = for 5 years as the sixth President and
Vice President of RI = ( 2004 – 2009)
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Budiono = for 5 years as the sixth President and
Vice President of RI = ( 2009 – 2014 )
Jokowi ( Joko Widodo and Yusuf Kalla ) =

Questions : 2 :The questions from the Government’s book :

1. When did Habibie’s father die? = 1950.
2. Why did Habibie move to Germany?
3. When did Habibie receive a degree in engineering in Germany? =1960.
4. Why did Habibie remain in Germany after getting a Diplom’s degree?
5. What happened to Habibie in 1962?
6. Had Habibie met Ainun before meeting her in 1962?
7. Where did the new couple settle in after getting married in May 1962?
8. What was Habibie’s role in Talbot?
9. What theory was developed by Habibie?
10. What was Habibie’s first position when he returned to Indonesia?
11. When was Habibie appointed CEO of IPTN?
12. What had happened before Habibie was sworn in as a president?

I.Grammar : Passive Voice :

Change the Active Sentences below into Passive ones , based on the
Biography Recount text of B.J Habibie !
1.Active :Following his father’s death, Habibie continued his studies in
Jakarta and then in 1955 moved to Germany. ( P.2 : Past tense active
Passive : Following his father’s death,his studies were continued by Habibie in
Jakarta and then in 1955 moved to Germany.( Passive Past tense : S
+ was / were + V3 ).

2.Active :In 1960, Habibie received a degree in engineering in Germany, giving

him the title Diplom-Ingenieur. ( P. 2: Past tense active ).
Passive : In 1960, a degree in engineering was received by Habibie in Germany,
giving him the title Diplom – Ingenieur. ( Passive Past tense : S
+ was / were + V3 ).

3. Active : When Habibie’s minimum wage salary forced him into part-time work, he
found employment with the Automotive Marque Talbot, where he
became an advisor. ( P.4 : Past tense active ).

Passive : When Habibie was forced by his minimum wage salary into part – time
work, employment with the Automotive Marque Talbot was found by
him, where he became an advisor. ( Passive Past tense : S + was /
were + V3 ).

4. Active : Habibie worked on two projects which received funding from Deutsche
Bundesbahn. ( P. 4 : Past tense active ).
Passive : Two projects were worked on by Habibie which received funding from

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Deutche Bundesbahn. ( Passive Past tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

5. Active :Habibie accepted a position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow- Blohm in

Hamburg. ( P. 5 : Past tense active ).

Passive : A position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow- Blohm in Hamburg was accepted

by Habibie. ( Passive Past tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

6. Active :In Missermich Bolkow Bloom , Habibie developed theories on

thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics known as the Habibie Factor,
Habibie Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively. ( P. 5 : Past tense active ).

Passive =In Missermich Bolkow Bloom, theories on thermodynamics, construction,

and aerodynamics known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie Theorem, and
Habibie Method were respectively developed by Habibie. ( Passive Past tense
: S + was / were + V3 ).

7. Active :In 1974, Suharto requested Habibie to return to Indonesia as part of

Suharto’s drive to develop the country. ( P.6 : Past tense active ).

Passive : In 1974, Habibie was requested by Suharto to return to Indonesia as

part of Suharto’s drive to develop the country. ( Passive Past tense :
S + was / were + V3 ).

8.Active : On 21 May 1998, Suharto publicly announced his resignation and

Habibie was immediately sworn in as president. ( P. 6 : Past tense
active ).

Passive : On 21 May 1998, Suharto’s resignation was publicly announced by

him and Habibie was immediately sworn in as president. ( Passive Past
tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

9.Active : Habibie’s government stabilized the economy in the face of the Asian
financial crisis and the chaos of the last few months of Suharto’s
presidency. (P. 6 : Past tense active ).

Passive : The economy in the face of the Asian financial crisis and the chaos of the
last few months of Suharto’s presidency were stabilized by Habibi’s
government. ( Passive Past tense : S + was / were + V3 ).

10.Active : In September 2006, he released a book called (=which / that was

called ) Detik- Detik Yang Menentukan: Jalan Panjang Indonesia Menuju
Demokrasi (Decisive Moments: Indonesia’s Long Road Towards
Democracy).( P. 7 : Past tense active ).

Passive : In September 2006, the book called( = which / that was called )
Detik- Detik Yang Menentukan: Jalan Panjang Indonesia Menuju Demokrasi
was released ( = published ) by Habibie. ( Passive Past tense : S

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+ was / were + V3 ).

Name : B.J. Habibie
Place of birth : Parepare
Date of birth : 25 June 1936
Parents + Origins : His father was Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie, an agriculturist from
Gorontalo of Bugis descent. His mother was R. A. Tuti Marini
Puspowardojo, a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta
Education : His senior high schools was in Jakarta and his undergraduate
education was in engineering in Germany. His doctoral program
was in Germany, too.
Marriage date : 12 May 1962
Name of wife : Hasri Ainun
Name of sons : Ilham Akbar Habibie and Thareq Kemal Habibie.
Work Experience :
- Avisor in Talbot
- Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg, promoted as vice president of the
company in 1974 .
- Special Assistant to CEO of Pertamina (1974-1976)
- CEO IPTN (1976-1978)
- Minister of Research and Technology (1978)
- Vice President of RI (March 1998)
- President of RI (May 1998)
- Presidential advise (Sby’s era)

Sampai disini x mia A dan C

GRAMMAR related to Biography Recount texts :
Present : Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Future Tense, Present
Perfect Tense, Present Future Perfect Tense, etc.

In Biography Recount text , we commonly use sentences in the past tenses, such
as : Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Tense, and sometimes
Future in the past form ( would , for example) and also use past sentences, such as
Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Future Tense, Present Perfect
Tense, Present Future Perfect Tense, etc.

Indicates that an activity /situation / happening which began and ended at a
particular / certain time in the past. ( Or : Expresses an action which happened at a
specific time in the past and now it is finished ).
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Form of Past Tense active : S + V2( linking be : was / were ).
For intransitive verbs : S + was / were + ( adjective / noun / adverb ) + .....
e.g : 1.We were lazy last year. ( adjective )
2. Mr. Usrok was a Junior High School student last year.( noun )
3. We were in this classroom last week.( adverb )

Transitive verb : S + V2 ( regular / irregular verbs ) + O + ......

e.g : We also studied English in this classroom last time. ( = This sentence can be
made into passive ).

Adverbial of time : yesterday, .... ago, last......,this........( .......tadi ), in......,

just now ( tadi ).
Examples :
1. The students operated their laptop yesterday. ( + ).
The students didn’t operate their laptop yesterday.( -).
Did the students operate their laptop yesterday ?( ? ).
Didn’t the students operate their laptop yesterday ?= (-) (?) ========
Or : =( Did the students not operate their laptop yesterday ?)= ( - ) ( ? )
= Did not the students operate their laptop yesterday ? = (-)(?)

2. The students were very tired because they did many activities.(+).
The students were not very tired because they did many activities. (-).
Were the students very tired because they did many activities ? (?)
Weren’t the students very tired because they did many activities ?=( -) ( ?)====
= Were the students not very tired because they did many activities ? =( -) (?)
= Were not the students very tired because they did many activities ? =( -) (?)

WAS and WERE are followed by :

For example : Mr. A was talkative.
For example : I was the University Student of IKIP Semarang.( =UNNES
Semarang ).
For example : Mr.A was at school yesterday.

If a sentence contains “when” and has the simple past in both clauses, the action in
the “ when clause “ happens first.
Example :The students had their lunch when they were hungry.
Or : When the students were hungry, they had their lunch.
1 st : The students were hungry. =====the first action/ event.
2 nd :They had their lunch.

Some exercises of past tense sentences :

1. We invited them to our party, but they decided not to come.
2. She passed her examination because she studied very hard.
3. Yesterday I went to London to see a friend of mine.
4.The police stopped me on my way home last night.

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5.This house cost $ 35,000 in 1980.
6. Did you go out last night, Tom ?
Yes, I went to the cinema. But I didn’t enjoy the film.
7. When did Mr. Edwards die ?
8. What did you do at the week-end ?
9. We didn’t invite her to the party, so she didn’t come.
10. I didn’t have enough money to buy anything to eat.
11. Why were you so angry ?
12. They weren’t able to come because they were very busy.
13.Tom did not shave this morning because he didn’t have time.
14. We didn’t eat anything because we weren’t hungry.
15. I didn’t rush because I wasn’t in a hurry.
16. She wasn’t interested in the book because she didn’t understand it.
17. I was hungry, so I bought something to eat in the shop.


Form :S + was / were + V3
For example :
Active : Bob mailed the package.
Passive : The package was mailed by Bob.


Form active : S + was / were + Ving + O +......
The usage :
a). Past Continuous indicates that two actions occured at the same time,
but one action began earlier and was in progress when the other action
occured in the past. ( Or : Expresses an activity happening at a particular
time in the past and expresses an activity that was interrupted ).

1. a).Past Continuous tense – when – past tense.

b). When – past tense , past continuous

2. a). While- past continuous tense , past tense.

b). Past tense – while – past continous tense.

3. a).While- past tense , past continuous tense.

b). Past Continuous tense – while – past tense.

4.a). Past tense – when – past continuous tense.

b). When – past continuous tense , past tense.

Examples :
1. The students were studying English in the classroom when the teacher arrived
at it.
Or : When the teacher arrived at the classroom, the students were studying

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The 1st action : The students were studying English in the classroom.
The 2nd action :The teacher arrived at it.

2.While the students were studying English in the clasroom, the teacher arrived
at it.
Or : The teacher arrived at the classroom while the students were studying
3. While the teacher arrived, the students were studying English in the
Or : The students were studying English in the classroom while the teacher
4.a).The TV screen became unclear when he was watching the news.
Or : When he was watching the news, the TV screen became unclear.
b). The teacher arrived at the classroom when the students were studying
Or : When the students were studying English in the classroom, the teacher

b). Past Continuous indicates that an activity was in progress at a certain

time in the past.( = suatu tindakan yg berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di
waktu lampau ).

Example :
e.g : At eight o’clock last night, the students were studying their subjects.
( Their studying began before 8, was in progress at that time, and probably
continued ).

c). Past Continuous indicates that two activities or actions were in

progress simultaneously in the past ).

Example :

While a boy student was studying in his room, his mother was studying too.
Or : The boy’s mother was studying in her room while the boy himself was
studying in his room, too.


FORM : S + was / were + being + V3
Examples :

1. Active : The students were playing football happily at Kebumen Stadium when
it was a holiday.
Passive : Football was being happily played by the students at Kebumen
Stadium when it was a holiday.


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Form active : S + had + V3 + O +......
The Usage :
Past Perfect Tense expresses an activity that was completed before
another activity happened in the past.
(=Kalau dalam waktu lampau ada dua kegiatan atau kejadian yg terjadi pada waktu
yg tidak bersamaan, tetapi ada hubungannya satu sama lain, maka yang lebih
dahulu terjadi harus dinyatakan dalam Past Perfect Tense, sedang kegiatan yang
terjadi kemudian harus dinyatakan dalam Past Tense).

Example :
We had taken a bath before we went to school.
= We took a bath before we went to school
Or : After we had taken a bath, we went to school.
= After we took a bath, we went to school.
= After taking a bath, we went to school.
= We had taken ( took ) a bath before going to school.
= Before going to school, we had taken ( took ) a bath.


Examples :
1. When Mr. Usrok woke up , his father had left .
2. Mr. Usrok had taken a nap when his friend arrived in his house.
3. After we had driven for three hours, the rain started to fall.
4. When the police checked my driving lisence, I had brought it .
5. By the time she arrived, her mother had cooked dinner.
6. The rain had started before we went home.

If either “ before “or “ after “ is used in the sentence, the past perfect is often not
necessary because the time relationship is already clear.
Examples :
Sam had left before we got there = Sam left before we got there. ( have the same
meaning ).
After the guests had left, I went to bed = After the guests left, I went to bed. (
have the same meaning ).


FORM : S + had + been + V3
Example :
Active : Mr. A had eaten lunch before he went to sleep.
Passive :Lunch had been eaten by Mr. A before he went to sleep.(= before going
to sleep).


Expresses an activity that was planned in the future, but it happened in the past
time. ( = is used to express “ Future Plan happening ( which happened ) in
the past “. This form is commonly used in a story that happened in the past.
Examples :

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a). She thought that she would sell the eggs in the market.
b). She was sure that all the eggs would hatch soon.

The pattern :
Active : S + modal past ( would, could, should, might, ought to )+ V1 +
Passive : S + modal past ( would, could, should, might, ought to ) + be +

Example :
Active : Cinderela would wear a beautiful dress when she wanted to go
the party to meet the Prince.
Passive : A beautiful dress would be worn by Cinderella when she wanted to go to
the party to meet the Prince.

V . Past Future Perfect Tense.

The pattern :
Active : S + ( modals past : would, could, should, might, ought to ) + have
+ V3
Passive : S + ( modals past : would, could, should, might, ought to) +
have + been + V3

The usage :
Is used to express or indicate the activities / situations / happenings
which would be completed in the past before another time in the future.

Example :
Active : Cinderella would have met the Prince at the party.
Passive : The Prince would have been met by Cinderella at the party.

Present : Present tense, Present Future tense, Present Continuous tense,

Present Perfect tense.


Form : Subject + V1
For third person :singular = S + V1 +s/es + O +...... ( Transitive verbs ).
For intransitive verbs = S + linking be ( am/is / are ) + ( adjective / noun /
adverb ).
Simple present tense is used to express special meanings related with activity,
happening , or condition.
= ( digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sejumlah makna khusus yang
berkaitan dengan ciri atau aspek suatu perbuatan ( aktifitas ), kejadian
atau keadaan).

According to the meaning or the definition above, so Simple Present Tense is divided
into :

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To express about the facts which happen now or at the moment of speaking.
(= yakni bentuk Simple Present Tense yang mengungkapkan bahwa perbuatan,
kejadian atau keadaan yang merupakan makna suatu Verb adalah suatu Fakta
yang terjadi sekarang, yakni saat kita berkomunikasi ).

Adverbials of time which are used in this tense are : now, at this moment, at
present, today, for the time being (= untuk sementara waktu ).
Or in another word, Simple Present Tense is used to express condition in the present
For example : - Iam hungry now.
- It is very hot today.
Verbs which are used in this tense are verbs which are not common used in
Present Continuous Tense, such as : Linking be ( am , is , are ), see, hear,
want, like, hate, love, know, understand, remember, notice, etc.

For example :
1. We are well today.
2. One of your friends is happy now.
3. The teacher knows English very well at this moment.
4. Her sister likes poetry at present.
5. All of us understand it for the time being.

b). NEUTRAL PRESENT : is used to talk about things in general.( General

Truth ).
(= mengungkapkan bahwa perbuatan, kejadian atau keadaan yang merupakan
makna suatu Verb adalah suatu hal yang umum,yakni yang tidak terikat oleh
waktu dan tempat tertentu ).

For examples :
1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
2. A horse has four legs.
3. Flowers look beautiful.
4. Birds fly.
5. There are seven days in a week.
6. The earth goes around the sun.
7. Whales are mammals.
8. The blue whale is the largest animal ever known.
9. Spiders belong to arachnids.
10. A komodo looks like a dragon.
11. A spider has eight legs.
12.Deer feed on young leaves. ( A deer feed on young leaves ).
13. Rabbits burrow in the ground.
14. Bees suck honey from flowers.
15. Birds perch on trees.
16. Two multiplied by three equal six.
17. Gravity approximated by Newton’s law universal gravitation is a natural

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18. Most of the liquids in the world made by two hydrogens and one oxygen
are water.
19. The mosquitoes biting some blood through a person’s skin or animal skin are
female mosquitoes.

c). HABITUAL PRESENT : is used to express habitual activities.(=

mengungkapkan bahwa perbuatan, kejadian atau keadaan yang
merupakan makna suatu Verb adalah suatu hal yang berulang secara
Adverbial of frequency which are used in this tense ( in habitual present ) such
as : always, often, sometimes, frequently, usually, now and then (=
kadang- kadang ), occasionally, rarely, seldom, never, everyday, on
Sundays, twice a week, once a month, three times in a year, four times in
a year, etc.

For examples :
1. He gets up very early every morning.
2. The students always come on time.
3. We rarely go to the movies.
4. She usually has breakfast at 6.30.
5. He often mentions his name.

Question :
Tell me about your daily activities from waking up until going to sleep again !
For example :
This article was edited on Thursday, November 16 th, in 2017.


My day sometimes begins at 04.00 A.M . I get up and turn on the television
to watch the “ Pengajian “ program or another program that I select and do some
activities including do Subuh prayer for about one hour. Then, I take a bath. After
taking a bath, I get dressed and have breakfast. Last time, I usually had breakfast
together with my son before going to school, but now I sometimes have breakfast
alone while watching television, because now my son, Narendra Sava Hanung
Sunartoyo who is as a Geodetic Engineer of UNDIP Semarang, is in Cibinong and he
works there. Now, if he has a holiday in his job or if he misses me or if I miss him,
he goes home to visit me and then we gather at our old and comfortable house.
At 06.00 A.M I leave for school.I generally take a motor cycle to go to school.
My first class is at 07.00 o’clock A.M.and sometimes I finish my teaching at 03.30.
I sometimes reach home at around 04.30.P.M . When I get home, I like to
take a rest on the bed for a while. Then, I start my homework again if Iam not tired
and sleepy. Sometimes too, I have dinner at 07.00 o’clock P.M. After that , usually, I
read some books or something else related to my tasks as an English teacher or the
jobs in our house and if I feel sleepy I go to sleep.

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Written by :
Ibu. Dra.Endang Rokhimaningsih
Abdul Rozaq
(The Narendra’s Mom )
Kebumen, November 19th, 2018.

d). FUTURE PRESENT : is used to express the activities which have not
happened yet, but it is supposed to be happened soon. The activities /
happenings / situations have already been scheduled.(= mengungkapkan
bahwa perbuatan, kejadian atau keadaan yang merupakan makna suatu
verb adalah sesuatu yang belum terjadi , namun diperkirakan akan segera
terjadi. Kegiatannya sudah dijadwalkan. Bentuk ini sering digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan makna kedatangan atau kepergian.

Adverbial of time which are used in this tense ( in Future Present ) such as :
tonight, tomorrow, next week, On Sunday, this afternoon ( nanti siang ),
in a few minutes later ( sebentar lagi ), etc.

For examples :
1. Father leaves for USA tonight.
2. The train arrives here at five A.M tomorrow.
3. The plane lands at two fifteen next week.
4. They go to USA on Sunday.
5. Our new program starts this afternoon.
6. The train arrives here in a few minutes later.

Exercises :

I. Read this paragraph below and then change Subject “I “ in every sentence with
subject “ Rano “ or “ He “.

I get up at six o’clock every morning. After breakfast I walk to school. At two
o’clock I get home and have lunch. After lunch I take a rest. At five o’clock I do my
homework. At seven o’clock in the evening I have dinner. After dinner, I watch TV
for about an hour. At eleven o’clock I go to bed.

The answers :
Rano gets up at six o’clock every morning. After breakfast he walks to school. At
two o’clock he gets home and has lunch. After lunch he takes a rest. At five o’clock
he does his homework. At seven o’clock in the evening he has dinner. After dinner,
he watches TV for about an hour. At eleven o’clock he goes to bed.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the “ Simple Present Tense “ form !
1. Water ....( boil ) at 100 degrees centigrade.
2. George ......( not /go ) to the cinema very often.
3. How many languages ..... ( you / speak )?
4. What time ..... ( the banks / close ) in Britain ?

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= What time do the banks close in Britain ?
5. Tukul has a car, but he........( not / use ) it very often.
6. How many cigarettes ......( he / smoke ) a day ?
7. “What.........( you / do )?” “ I’m an English teacher “.
8. “ Where ......( your father / come ) from ?” He ....( come ) from USA “.
9. If you need money, why ....( you / not / get ) a job after graduating from
University ?
10. The swimming bath ....... ( open ) at 09.00 and .......( close ) at 18.30
= The swimming bath opens at 09.00 and closes at 18.30 everyday.

9 .a) ......don’t you get ....?

b) you not get.....?
c). not you get....?

The answers :
11. Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.
12. George doesn’t go to the cinema very often.
13. How many languages do you speak ?
14. What time ..... ( the banks / close ) in Britain ?
= What time do the banks close in Britain ?
15. Tukul has a car, but he doesn’t use it very often.
16. How many cigarettes does he smoke a day ?
17. “What do you do ?” “ I’m an English teacher “.
18. “ Where does your father come from ?” He comes from USA “.
19. If you need money, why ....( you / not / get ) a job after graduating from
University ?
.a) ......don’t you get ....?
b) you not get.....?
c). not you get....?

20. The swimming bath ....... ( open ) at 09.00 and .......( close ) at 18.30
= The swimming bath opens at 09.00 and closes at 18.30 everyday.

Conclusion :
Simple Present Tense :
Active :
The pattern : Transitive verbs : S + V1 ( +s/es ) + O +.......
Or : Intransitive verbs : S + linking be ( am / is / are ) + (
adjective / noun/ adverb )

Example of transitive verbs:

1. (+ ) : The students always study their lessons regularly everyday.
( -) : The students don’t play the games all day long everyday.
(?) : Do the students always study their lessons regularly everyday ?
(-)(?) : Don’t the students always study their lessons regularly everyday ?
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= Do the students not always study their lessons regularly everyday ?
= Do not the students always study their lessons regularly everyday ?

Example of intransitive verbs:

2. (+ ): The students are smart and dilligent.
(-) : The students are not lazy.
(?) : Are the students smart and dilligent ?
(-)(?) : Aren’t the students smart and dilligent ?
= Are the students not smart and dilligent ?
= Are not the students smart and dilligent ?

Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense :

The pattern : Transitive verbs : S + am/is / are + V3
Example :
1. Active : The students study their lessons well.
Passive : The students’ lessons are well studied ( by them ).
Or : Their / The lessons are well studied by the students.

2. Active : Noone operates handphone during the lesson.

Passive : Handphone is not operated during the lesson.

3. Active : Who writes the articles ?

Passive : Who are the articles written by ?

4. Active : What causes being smart ?

Passive : What is being smart caused by ?

5. Active : People say that turtles live longer than human beings.
Passive : 1. It is said that turtles live longer than human beings.
2.Turtles are said to live longer than human beings.
3. Turtles are supposed to live longer than human beings.(
= dikira / diduga ).

6. Active : People say that being dilligent is better than being lazy.
Passive : 1. It is said that being dilligent is better than being lazy.
2.Being dilligent is said to be better than being lazy.
3. Being dilligent is regarded to be better than being lazy.

7. Active : The students give me kind attention.

Passive : 1. Iam given kind attention by the students.
2.Kind attention is given to me by the students.

“It “ functions as “ Impersonal It “ or “ Introductory It “

Note :
1. The agents that must be written are the agents that have
already been clear, such as : by Mrs. Endang, by the students, by
Mr. Usrok, by Miss / Mrs Ucrit, etc.

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2. The agents which are usually omitted / left out are the
agents, such as : by someone, by somebody, by people, by
3. The agents which can be written or can be omitted/ left out
are the agents , such as : by me, by you, by him, by her, by us, by
them, by it.


The pattern =
Active = S + will / shall ( or the other modals present : can, may, must ) +
V1 + O +.....
Or : S + be going to + V1 + O +.....

Or :
Will = be going to
Must = have to
Can = be able to

When we talk about future events, we can use auxiliary “ will “ or “ be going to “.
a). “ Will + V1“ is used :
1. To express a decision one makes at the moment of speaking or
express willingness ( kerelaan / spontanitas ).
e.g :
a). It’s getting cold. I’ll close the windows.
b). A : I don’t understand this problem.
B : Ask your teacher about it. She’ll help you. ( In the sentence, speaker
B feels sure about the teacher’s willingness to help ).
c). Student 1 : “ Excuse me, mom. I will go to the toilet or to the rest room.”
The teacher : “ Yes, please . Go ahead.”

2. To express predictions or personal opinions about the future.

e.g : a).He thinks will win the volleyball match.
b). In my opinion, you will be successful students / persons.
( = In my opinion, you will succeed in the future. / you will
become successful persons ).
c. From my point of view, he will be able to get a good job after
graduating from University.

b). “ be going to “ is used :

1. To express predictions based on evidence.
e.g :1). The sun is shining, it is going to be a lovely day.
2). Based on his Science and Mathematics marks in his raport which are good
and his strong self confidence, he is going to choose / select the (
Chemical / Civil /Electrical / Industry / Environment / Geology / Physics /
Architecture , Geodetic Engineering department /, Medical School (

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Department), and the other departments which are relevant or the
departments that he wants to.

3). Based on his language marks in his raport which are good and his strong
self confidence, so he is going to choose language ( English, France,
Japanese, Jerman, Mandarin, Korean, etc ) Department, Social Politics
Department and the other Departments which are relevant.

2.To express plans or decisions that have already been made.

e.g :
a). I’m going to take a rest after arriving home from school.
b). Iam going to make the English students’ worksheets for my own students next
c). I talked to Bob yesterday.He is tired of taking the bus to work.He is going to
buy a car. That’s what he told me. ( In the sentence, the speaker knows Bob’s
intention to buy a car. Bob made the decision in the past and he intends to act on
this decision in the future ).

Pattern :
Passive Voice = S + modals present ( will,shall,must,may,can ) + be + V3
Or = S + (am/is /are ) going to + be + V3 = will

Will = be going to
Can = be able to
Must = have to

The examples :
1.a) Active : The students are going to carry out the odd semester final assessment
next month.
Passive : The odd semester final assessment is going to be carried out by the

b).Active : The students will carry out the odd semester final assessment next
Passive : The odd semester final assessment will be carried out by the
2).a).Active : The students can do the test.
Passive : The test can be done by the students.

b). Active : The students are able to do the test.

Passive : The test is able to be done by the students.

3).a) Active : The students must study their lessons.

Passive : The students’ lessons must be studied ( by them ).

b). Active : The students have to study their lessons.

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Passive : The students’ lessons have to be studied ( by them ).

c). Active : The students don’t have to finish their tasks.

Passive : The students’ tasks don’t have to be finished ( by them ).

d). Active : Noone has to carry out that activity.

Passive : That activity does not have to be carried out.

e). Active : He has to clean his house.

Passive : His house has to be cleaned ( by him ).

f). Active : He does not have to clean his house.

Passive : His house does not have to be cleaned ( by him ).

4) a). Active : The students can not finish their tasks.

Passive : The students’ tasks can not be finished ( by them ).

III. Present Perfect Tense.

The pattern :
Active : S + have/ has + V3 + O + ....
Passive : S + have / has + been + V3

The usage :is used to indicate / express the activities / situations/

happenings which began ( beginning ) in the past and continues at
present. ( = untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan/ situasi / kejadian yang
mulai di waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang hasilnya

The example :
Active : Most of the students have eaten breakfast deliciously.
Passive : Breakfast has been deliciously eaten by most of the students.

IV. Present Continuos ( Progressive )Tense.

The usage : is used to express / indicate activies / happenings/ situations
which is taking place ( occuring / happening ) now or at the moment of
speaking. ( digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang sedang
berlangsung sekarang atau pada saat berbicara ).

The adverbial of time which are used in this tense, such as : now, at
present, at this moment, for the time being, today.

e.g : We are studying English now.

But we use the verbs which are not common used in present tense ( in
factual present ), such as : linking be ( am, is, are ), verbs of senses ( hear,
notive, observe, see, etc ), remember, understand, like, hate ,etc.

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So we use the verbs such as : learn , study, read , borrow, etc.

The pattern :
Active : S + am/ is / are + Ving + O +........
Passive : S + am / is / are + being + V3

The example :
Active : We are studying English happily now.
Passive : English is being happily studied now.

V. Present Future Perfect Tense.

The pattern :
Active : S + ( modals present : will, can , may , shall , must ) + have + V3
Passive : S + ( modals present : will, can, may, shall, must ) + have + been
+ V3

The usage :
is used to express or indicate an activity that will be completed before
another time or event in the future.
=menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan sudah selesai pada waktu
tertentu di waktu yang akan datang.
Examples :
1. Mr. Usrok will have studied English for three years by the end of this year.
( = Mr. Usrok akan sudah belajar Bahasa Inggris selama 3 tahun menjelang
akhir tahun ini ).

Example : Active : The students will have done the tasks by the end of this month.
Passive : The tasks will have been done by the students by the end of
this month.

II. PRONOUNS. ( = kata ganti ).


I me my mine myself
We us our ours ourselves
You ( Sgl ) you your yours yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its - itself
You ( Plural ) you your yours yourselves
They them their theirs themselves

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Note : “ Its “ can be used as a possessive , but never as a pronoun . Or : The
possessive “ its “ is used only with a noun following it.
Examples :
1. I have a book. Its cover is black . But not :Its was black .

Examples :
As subject :
1. Did we help those people ?
2. Where did you go yesterday ?

As object :
1. Mary saw him on the street.
2. John talked to her for a while.
3. When Miss Ucrit goes shopping to buy the cloth, she is interested in it.

As possessive adjective :
1.a).That was my book . Where was your book ?
b). That is my motorcycle.
2.Those were their books.
3. Those are my son’s ( his ) books.
4. The students are studying in their classroom.

As possessive pronoun :
1. This pen is mine, but that one on the table is yours.
2.a). What was lovely your name ? Mine was“ Didit and Dinda “.
b). What is your lovely name ? Mine is “ Ibs or Ibsbaaak , sometimes“. “ His “ is “
Nanang or nang or Bagus “ ( his = his name = Narendra’s name ).

As reflexive and emphatic pronoun :

1. Mrs. Ucrit herself went to the market sometimes.
2. Mr. Usrok drove his car to his office by himself. ( = alone ).
3. Aziz borrowed a book himself at the library.

Words that modify verbs are called adverbs.
For example : She ran quickly.
The word “ quickly “ explains the way how she ran.
Most adverbs are formed by adding “ ly “ to an adjective ( especially adverb of
manner ).

e.g :
slow slowly
quick quickly
calm calmly

The normal position of adverb is Manner, Place and Time ( MPT ).

e.g :

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1. She studied hard in her room last night.( MPT ).
2. The grasshopper sang joyfully in the forest last harvest season.
3. Miss Ucrit sings a song beautifully in her room every day.

But the position may change into Place, Manner and Time ( PMT ) when
there are verbs such as :go , reach , leave , arrive , come , return , get , walk
, run, etc.
e.g :
1. She arrived home early yesterday.( PMT ).
2. George and William came to school late last night.
3. Did Alex go to school early two days ago ?
4. Joseph didn’t reach home quickly last week.
5. Didn’t Rudolf leave the mosque slowly after doing Asyar prayer ( yesterday ) ?
6. Melany returned to her house slowly yesterday.
7. Usrok got home slowly yesterday.
8. Unyil walked to the store calmly last week.
9. Ucrit ran away fast last Sunday morning.

Adverbs of manner, such as : well, quickly, early, badly, hard, warmly,

calmly,slowly, late, etc.
Adverb of place, such as : at home , in front of her house , at the foot of the
hill , there , here , at the station , inside the house ,
at the bottom of the sea , behind the garden, etc.
Adverb of time , such as : yesterday , in the morning , in the evening , last
night , two days ago , during the daylight, in the
early spring , in October , in the year of 2004,etc.


The main kinds of adjectives :

1. Quality : square , good , golden , fat , heavy , dry , clever , etc.

2. Demonstrative : this , that , these , those.
3. Distributive : each , every , either , neither.
4. Quantitative : some , any , no , few , many , much , one , twenty , etc.
5. Interrogative : which , what , whose , etc.
6. Possessive : my , your , his , her , its , our , your , their.


1. Determiner : a, an , the, both the , those , her, several, every, Jane’s, etc.
2. Opinion : beautiful, excellent, expensive, well – known, etc.
3. Size : small , large, etc.
4. Age : old, young, etc.
5. Shape : rectangular, square, round, etc
6. Color : blue, red, green, etc
7. Origin : German, Indonesian, England,etc
8. Material : wooden, textile, etc

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9. Purposes : dining, etc

Examples :

1. Mr. Usrok wants to buy a beautiful medium new green Indonesian catoon batik
cloth when he goes to Malioboro, Jogja.
2. Mrs. Tika bought an expensive medium black Italian shoes when she went to Jogja
last week.
3. Mr. Giri wants to buy a good large blue Indonesian batik cloth when he wants to go
to Jogja.

Sampai disini x mia b

Addition / review :
There are 3 kinds of Conditional Sentences “ with If “ and “ without If ” in English.=


1. Possible Condition. = real possibility = harapan besar terlaksana.
Example = If my son gets a good job, I will be happy.
Or = I will be happy if my son gets a good job.
= Or = Iam going to be happy if my son gets a good job.
= Provided that my son gets a good job, I will be happy.

I will be happy = Main clause = induk kalimat

My son gets a good job = if clause = anak kalimat

Unless = if not = jika tidak.

The other example :

1. If the students do not study hard, they will not be successful.
Or : If the students do not study hard, they are not going to be
Or = The students will not be successful if they do not study hard.
= Unless the students study hard, they will not be successful.
= The students will not be successful unless they study hard.

2. If Miss Ucrit does not bring her driving licence card, she will feel
so worried.
= Miss Ucrit will feel so worried if she does not bring her driving
licence card.
= Unless Miss Ucrit brings her driving licence card, she will feel
so worried.
= Miss Ucrit will feel so worried unless she brings her driving

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licence card.

In if clause, we use Present tense.

In Main Clause, we use Present Future Tense.

Exception 1 :
TRUE in the present or Future :
1. If He doesn’t eat breakfast, he always gets hungry during class.
= The simple present is used in the result clause to express a habitual activity or

2.Water freezes ( will freeze ) if the temperature goes below 320 F / 00 C.

= Either the simple present or the simple future is used in the result clause to
express an established, predictable fact.= fakta yang tak dapat dipungkiri
Established fact = fakta yang tak bisa dipungkiri lagi / fakta yang telah

Note : The simple present, not the simple future, is used in the “ if” clause.

Provided that = if
1.Provided that he does not study hard, he will not be successful.
= If he does not study hard, he will not be successful.

= Unless he studies hard, he will not be successful.

Unless = if not

2. He will not be successful provided that he does not study hard.

= He will not be successful if he does not study hard.
= He will not be successful unless he studies hard.

Questions : Conditional Sentences Type I :

1. What will you do if ...... ?
2. What will happen if.......?

What will happen = supposing.

Examples :
1.What will you do if you don’t study hard ?
The answer : If we don’t study hard, we will not be successful.

2.What will happen if the driver drives his car so carelessly and so fast ?

The answer : If the driver drives his car so carelessly and so fast, the

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accident will happen.

Question : Supposing the driver drives his car so carelessly and so fast ?
Or = What will happen if the driver drives his car so carelessly and so fast ?
The answer = If the driver drives so carelessly and so fast, the accident
will happen.

Sampai disini x mia d

II. Conditional sentences Type II : Improbable Condition : Contrary to the facts
in present. ( = berlawanan dengan kenyataan di waktu sekarang ).

Examples :

1.Fact / meaning : The students don’t study Maths because they learn English.
Or : The students learn English , so they don’t study Maths.

= If the students studied Maths, they would not study English.

= The students would not study English if they studied Maths.

If clause : Past tense ( to be : were ) for all of the subject.

Main Clause : Past Future Tense.

2.Fact / meaning : The students are dilligent, so they are smart/ clever.
Or : The students are smart / clever because they are dilligent.

= If the students were not dilligent, they would not be smart / clever.
Or : The students would not be smart / clever if they were not diiligent.

Questions : Conditional Sentences Type II :

1. What would you do if ......?
2. What would happen if.......?
Example :
1. What would you do if you didn’t study hard ?
2. What would happen if you drove your motorcycle so fast and so carelessly ?

Questions : Conditional Sentences Type III : Impossible Condition :

Contrary to the facts in the past. ( = berlawanan dengan
kenyataan di waktu lampau ).

1. What would you have done if ........?

2. What would have happened if ........?
Example :
1. What would you have done if you had not studied hard ?
2. What would have happened if you had driven your motorcycle so fast and so
carelessly ?

Review :

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The two simple sentences :
a).The Dutch were afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the resistance of Aceh
b).They exiled her to Sumedang, West Java.

Adverbial Phrase : Being afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the
resistance of Aceh people, the Dutch exiled her to
Sumedang, West Java.

What does the sentence above mean :

The sentence means or the sentence above has the same meaning with :
Adverbial Clause :
1.=Because the Dutch were afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the
resistance of Aceh people, they exiled her to Sumedang, West Java.
2.=As the Dutch were afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the
resistance of Aceh people, they exiled her to Sumedang, West Java.
3.=Since the Dutch were afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the
resistance of Aceh people, they exiled her to Sumedang, West Java.
4.= The Dutch exiled Cut Nyak Dhien to Sumedang, West Java because they were
afraid that she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.
5.= The Dutch exiled Cut Nyak Dhien to Sumedang, West Java as they were
afraid that she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.
6.= The Dutch exiled Cut Nyak Dhien to Sumedang, West Java since they were
afraid that she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.
7.=Because of being afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the
resistance of Aceh people, the Dutch exiled her to Sumedang, West Java.
8.= The Dutch exiled Cut Nyak Dhien to Sumedang, West Java because of being
afraid that she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.
9.= Due to being afraid that Cut Nyak Dhien would mobilize the resistance
of Aceh people, the Dutch exiled her to Sumedang, West Java.
10.= The Dutch exiled Cut Nyak Dhien to Sumedang, West Java due to being
afraid that she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.

etc.11,12,13, etc

Complex sentence :
The underlined words below are Adverbial Clauses ( 1-10 )
= Karena dia ( laki laki ) berlari sangat jauh kemarin ( waktu lampau ), dia merasa
1.Because he ran so far, he felt tired.
2. He felt tired because he ran so far.
3. As he ran so far, he felt tired.
4. He felt tired as he ran so far.
5. Since he ran so far, he felt tired.
6. He felt tired since he ran so far.
7. Because of running so far, he felt tired.
8. He felt tired because of running so far.

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9. Due to running so far, he felt tired.
10. He felt tired due to running so far.

Adverbial Phrase :
11. Running so far, he felt tired.

Etc, 12, 13,14 , etc.......

Note :
Conjunction ( kata sambung ) = 1.because /as/since = karena.====followed by a
complete sentence( S +V +O +.....).
= 2. because of = due to = karena. ===followed by

Conjunctions which are often used in Adverbial Clauses are such as : when,
because, since, as, if , until, before, after.

Review =
Complex sentence :
Adjective Clause / Present Participle Phrase / Past Participle Phrase.
Active :
1.Adjective clause : Ki Hajar Dewantoro was a great man who ( that ) spent his
whole life for serving his people and country.

2.= Present Participle Phrase : Ki Hajar Dewantoro was a great man spending
his whole life for serving his people and country.

This complex sentence comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :

1. Ki Hajar Dewantoro was a great man.
2. He spent his whole life for serving his people and country.

Passive =
2. Adjective Clause : The books which are provided by the bookstores are all
kinds of books.
Past Participle Phrase : The books provided by the bookstores are all kinds of

That complex sentence comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :

1.The books are all kinds of books.
2.They are provided by the bookstores.

The other example:

Active =
1. Present Participle Phrase :The boy sitting in front of the class is Mr.
Adjective Clause :
1. The boy who sits in front of the class is Mr. Usrok.
2. The boy who is sitting in front of the class is Mr. Usrok.

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Present Participle Phrase = sitting in front of the class
Adjective Clause = 1. who sits in front of the class
2.who is sitting in front of the class

That complex sentence above comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :
1. The boy is Mr. Usrok.
2. He sits in front of the class.

Or =
1.The boy is Mr. Usrok.
2.He is sitting in front of the class.

2. Present Participle Phrase :The boy sitting in front of the class was Mr.
Adjective Clause :
1.The boy who sat in front of the class is Mr. Usrok.
2.The boy who was sitting in front of the class is Mr. Usrok.

Present Participle Phrase = sitting in front of the class

Adjective Clause = 1. who sat in front of the class
2.who was sitting in front of the class

That complex sentence above comes from 2 simple sentences. They are :
3. The boy was Mr. Usrok.
4. He sat in front of the class.

Or =
1.The boy was Mr. Usrok.
2.He was sitting in front of the class.

3. Two simple sentences :

The boy is Mr. Usrok. He never sits in front of the class.
= The boy is Mr. Usrok. He does not ever sit in front of the class.

Adjective Clause : The boy who never sits in front of the class is Mr.

Present Participle Phrase : - ( nothing ) = tidak ada/ tidak bisa.

Review : Passive Voice :

1. Active : Unyil buys snacks cheaply.
Passive : Snacks are cheaply bought by Unyil.

2. Active : Unyil buys snacks quite cheaply.

Passive : Snacks are bought quite cheaply by Unyil.

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Review :
Present Future tense, Past Future tense, Present Future Perfect Tense,
Past Future Perfect tense.

1.Present Future tense :

Active : S + modals present ( will, can, shall, must, may ) + V1 + O + .....
Passive : S + modals present ( will, can, shall, must, may )+ be + V3

Examples :
1. Active : Tika will clean the whiteboard.
Passive : The whiteboard will be cleaned by Tika.

2. Active : Tika is going to clean the whiteboard.

Passive : The whiteboard is going to be cleaned by Tika.

3. Active :Bella can sing a song beautifully.

Passive : A song can be beautifully sung by Bella.

4. Active : Bella is able to sing a song beautifully.

Passive : A song is able to be beautifully sung by Bella.

5. Active : Hamid must do the task.

Passive : The task must be done by Hamid.

6. Active : Mr. Usrok has to do the task.

Passive : The task has to be done by Mr. Usrok.

7. Active : We shall not eat the snacks in the classroom now.

Passive : The snacks shall not ( = shan’t ) be eaten in the classroom now (by
us ).

8. Active : Noone may borrow the books at the bookstores.

Passive : The books may not be borrowed at the bookstores.

9. Active : Nadora may borrow the books which are provided at the
school library.
= Nadora may borrow the books provided at school library.
Passive : The books provided at school library may be borrowed by

10. Active : He will be able to do the test.

Passive : The test will be able to be done ( by him ).

11. Active : He is going to be able to do the test.

Passive : The test is going to be able to be done by him.

Passive of :
Must = be forced to / be obliged to
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May = be allowed to / be permitted to

Examples :
1.The students are forced to study hard to face the Odd Semester Final Assessment.
2.The students will be forced to study hard to face the Odd Semester Final
3.The students have been forced to study hard to face the Odd Semester Final

1.The students are permitted to carry out the “ Field Trip .”
2. The students will be permitted to carry out the “ Field Trip “.
= The students are going to be permitted to carry out the “ Field Trip.”
3.The students have been permitted to carry out the “ Field Trip.”


The pattern :
Active : S + modals past ( would, should, might, could, ought to ) + V1 + O +....
Passive : S + modals past ( would, should, might, could, ought to )+ be + V3

The example :
1.Active : The students could do the test.
Passive : The test could be done by the students.

2.Active : The students ought to ( = should ) pay the school payment before carrying out
the test.
Passive : The school payment ought to ( should ) be paid by the students before carrying
out the test.


The pattern :
Active : S + modals present ( will, can, must, may, shall ) + have + V3
Passive : S + modals present ( will, can, must, may, shall )+ have + been + V3

Active : The students will have studied their lessons by the end of this month.
Passive : The students’ lessons will have been studied (by them) by the end
of this month.


The pattern :
Active : S + modals past ( would, could, might, should, ought to ) + have
+ V3.
Passive : S + modals past ( would, could, might, should, ought to ) + have
+ been + V3

Examples :

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Active : Mrs. Unyil could have made problems by the end of last week.
Passive : Problems could have been made by Mrs. Unyil by the end of last week.


1.Instrument Test Pengetahuan.
a) Read this Biography Recount texts first, and then answer the following
questions !

A Biography recount text :


In 1894, when Albert Einstein was 15, his father lost money and could not
support him any longer. Other boys would have left school and stopped studying.
Not Albert. He left school for some time, but he later managed to go to a better
school, the Polytechnic in Zurich, Switzerland.
On leaving the institute, he discovered that no one offered him the kind of job
he wanted. At last he found a suitable one at the patent office in Bern. Einstein’s
task at the patent office was to make investigations on new products that were sent
to his office. The job did not require much of Einstein’s time, so he was able to write
some scientific articles. He published them in 1905. Scientists were surprised by
what he had written. They were even more surprised when they knew that these
articles, which could have been written by a university professor, were actually
written by an official at a patent office.kelas x mia c
Investigations were made and it was decided that Einstein should be given a
more suitable job. A few years later, Einstein became a professor at the university of
Zurich. In 1911 he taught in Prague and later at the Polytechnic Institute in
Switzerland, where he had been a student. Then he was requested to move to
Einstein stayed in Berlin for 20 years, from 1913 to 1933. During that period
he worked on this famous Theory of Relativity. He gave a simple example, in a
simple language, to explain the idea of relativity. A man riding on a train drops a
stone out the window. To the man on the trains, it seems that the stone follows a
straight path as it drops. However, to the man outside the train, the path of the
stone does not seem straight; it looks like a parabola. The theory expands those of
Newton and Galileo, which are correct only under certain conditions.
Einstein made very important contributions in the field of physics. The Nobel
Prize that he won in 1912 at the age of 42 was no surprised to the scientific world.
No scientists beat him in his field. What beat him was time. He died in Princeton in
the U.S.A in 1955. People believed that he was the century’s greatest man of


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path = garis edar
beat = mengalahkan

Questions : 1 : The questions from Ibu. Endang Rokhimaningsih.

1. In what year was Albert Einstein when his father lost money and could not
support him any longer ?=1894.
2. Did Albert Eintein leave his school forever after that ?
3. Where did he continue his study later ( after that ) ?
4. Was there anyone who offered him the kind of job he wanted after he left from
the Institute ?
5. What kind of office did he find finally after graduating from Politechnic , Zurich,
Switzerland and after noone offered him a kind of job ?
6. What was Einstein’s task when he worked at the Patent Office ?
7. Why could Einstein write some scientific articles when he worked at the Patent
Office ?
8. When did Einstein publish his scientific articles ?===1905.
9. Why were scientists surprised to Albert Einstein which were related to his articles?
10. What was the decision after the investigations were made to Albert Eistein ?
11. At what University did Albert Einstein become the professor ?
12. What happened in 1911 to Albert Einstein ?
13. How long did Albert Einstein stay in Berlin ?
14. What did he do during he stayed in Berlin ?
15. From whose theory did Albert Eintein expand his’ ?
16. In what field did Albert Einstein make his contributions ?
17. When did he win the Nobel Prize ?
18. Were there any scientists who beat him in his field ?
19. What could beat him ?
20. Where and when did he die ? 1955.
21.What did People believe to Albert Einstein ?

Questions : 2 : The questions from English National Examination.

1. Which of the following statements is “TRUE “ according to the text ?

A. Many articles on Einstein’s life were published.=F
B. Einstein refused the theories of Newton and Galileo.=F
C. Einstein became famous for his “ Theory of Relativity “.===T : E =
D. Einstein left the Polytechnic Institute to be a professor at Zurich University=F
E.Einstein wrote articles when he taught at the Polytecnic Institute in

2. Which of the following best describes paragraph four ?

A. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity=F .
B. Einstein stayed in Berlin for 20 years.===T
C. The theories of Newton and Galileo.=F
D. Einstein’s lectures in Berlin.=F

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E. Einstein’s work in Berlin.=F

3. The text tells about……..

A. Albert Einstein’s childhood=F
B. Albert Einstein Relativity.=F
C. Albert Einstein’s life.===T
D. Albert Einstein’s Nobel Prize.=F
E. Albert Einstein’s family.=F

4. Why were scientists surprised by what Albert Einstein had written ?

A. the content of the articles was not scientific.=F
B. the articles were written by a university professor.=F
C. the articles were written by a well – known scientist.=F
D. the articles were written by an official at a patent office.===T
E. the articles were written by a university student.=F

5. “ Then he was requested to move to Berlin “. ( Paragraph 3 ).

The word “ requested “ is closest in meaning to……
A. set=F
B. believed=F
C. forced=F
D. transferred.F
E. asked===T

2). Instrument Test Psychomotor.

Write down your own Biography Recount text from famous person that you want to
!Elaborate your supporting sentences by giving data , examples, etc ! Then, practice
your speaking of your own creation about Biography Recount Text in front of your
class !

The assessment of writing will be on :

 Language ( Grammar, Vocabularies, Punctuation, Accuracy and Fluency ).
 Content ( Organization, Coherence and Authenticity ).
 Generic Structure (Orientation , Events and Reorientation).
 The neatness of your writing.

The assessment of speaking will be on :

 Language ( Grammar, Pronounciation, Vocabulary , Accuracy and Fluency ).
 Content ( Organization, Coherence and Authenticity / Originality ).
 Performance ( Manner , Creativity and Public Speaking ( eye contact, voice
gesture and body language ).

The answer : The example of my own creation about Biography Recount text is “
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Djaeni S.T, M.Eng.” And I will show you about him
through LCD.

A Biography Recount text of :

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“ PROF. DR. Mohamad Djaeni ,ST, M.Eng ”
( Created by : Ibu. Dra. Endang Rokhimaningsih)

Prof. Djaeni was born in Kebumen, on February 7th, 1971 to Mr. Saeri Tjokro
Soewignjo ( his father who died ) and Mrs. Hj. Juhriyah , his mother who is still
alive now. His parents always love him so much, always educate him , always guide
him and his family sincerely until the determined and limited time. Prof. Djaeni has a
wife and five children whom he loves them so much.
Prof. Djaeni’s first education was at State Elementary School Kebulusan One
,Kebumen. After graduating from that school, he continued his study at State Junior
High School One Pejagoan, Kebumen. Then, he preferred choosing to continue his
study at Senior High School One Kebumen , because at that time there were no
difficult requirements that were offered by SMANSA Kebumen to new students.
When he was as Senior High School student, he liked studying about sciences. Prof.
Djaeni belongs to a very smart person or a very excellent man. He also has good
character and good traits. Having finished graduating from State Senior High School
One Kebumen, Prof. Djaeni continued his study at Chemical Engineering of UNDIP
Semarang from S1 until 1995. After that, he continued his study in his S2 at the
Process Control University Technology Malaysia until he could get his degree in
2000. And his doctoral degree could be reached by him at System and Control
Group, Wageningen University, Netherlands until 2008. When he studied in
Netherlands, he asked his wife to educate their children alone in Semarang.
Prof.Djaeni belongs to an active and creative person, because there were so
many courses , trainings, organizations , researches, etc,etc,etc that have ever been
joined by him. A kind of course and training that he ever joined, such as : Scientific
Writing, Renewable Energy, etc,etc, etc. A kind of organization that he also ever
joined, such as : PPI Wageningan Organization, etc, etc,etc . Before he became as a
Professor, he ever got additional jobs at UNDIP Semarang too, such as : as the
leader of S2 Programme for Chemical Engineering, etc, etc,etc . And there were still
so many experience researches which were related to his scientific articles and were
ever made by him too . He also had an experience related to his dedication in his
society by making scientific articles too. Most of his position or comission was as a

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leader at that time. He also often joined at the Scientific Publications either at the
International or National Journals and Seminars, including he ever got HKI/ Paten in
so many scientific researches.
Prof. Djaeni could reach his degree to become a Professor when he delivered
his inauguration speech in front of the audiences formally at UNDIP Semarang, on
July 26th, 2016 with the title : “ INNOVATION AND APPLICATION OF DRYER
PRODUCT QUALITY “ . His research that has been found and made by him when he
was inaugurated or appointed to become the Professor is acknowledged
At the end of his inauguration speech, Prof. Daeni also reminded us as
lecturers and teachers to improve our capabilities in our subjects through research,
formal education, and learning by doing. He said like that, because there are so
many things that can be learned and can be useful in our life. He also reminded us
to make and create or produce research which is /are able to make changes or
significant differences for our remedial quality in humans life. In his inauguration
speech, he also suggested the University students to learn for all of the subjects , to
be serious for what they like from the sciences which is/ are useful for the society in
order to become perfect human beings. He also suggested them to have a good
character or high moral, to be honest, to be confident and to improve their ability in
communication in order to be able to compete in era globalization.
Now, Prof.Dr. Mohamad Djaeni, ST,M.Eng is as the great lecturer and
extraordinary lecturer of Chemical Engineering Department of UNDIP Semarang.

That’s all and thank you so much.

( Created by : Ibu. Dra. Endang Rokhimaningsih )
(The English teacher of State Senior High School One Kebumen )
( NIP. 19640318 198803 2 005 )
( Kutowinangun, Kebumen, September,Friday 9th, 2016.)

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VIII. Rubrik Evaluasi Diri

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak
1. Apakah anda telah mampu menjelaskan pengertian,
communicative purpose, generic structure dan
grammatical features tentang Biography Recount Text ?
2. Dapatkah anda memahami isi, idea utama serta informasi
rinci dari semua bacaan Biography Recount Texts pada
UKBM 5 ?
3. Dapatkah anda mengubah dari kalimat aktif menjadi
kalimat pasif dari semua Biografi Recount Texts diatas ?
4. Dapatkah anda mengubah dari kalimat pasif menjadi
kalimat aktif dari semua Biografi Recount Texts diatas ?
5. Dapatkah anda mengubah dari Adjective Clause menjadi
Phrase dalam Biography Recount Texts diatas ?
6. Dapatkah anda memahami tentang Conditional Sentences
Type 3 dan Adverbial Phrase menjadi Adverbial Clause
dari reading tentang Cut Nyak Dhien ?
7. Dapatkah anda memahami grammar tentang Past Tense ,
Past Continuous Tense , Past Perfect dan Past Future
Tense ?
8. Dapatkah anda memahami grammar tentang Pronouns ?
9. Dapatkah anda memahami grammar tentang Adverbs ?
10. Dapatkah anda membuat Biography Recount Text dari
orang terkenal sendiri ?

Jika Anda menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah
kembali materi tersebut dalam UKBM 5 Bahasa Inggris Peminatan tentang“ Biografi
Recount Text terkait tokoh terkenal “ dengan bimbingan teman sejawat
ataupun guru Anda. Apabila Anda menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan, maka
lanjutkanlah dengan meminta penilaian harian kepada guru Anda.

There are 16 tenses : FUTURE – PERFECT – CONTINUOUS.
1. Present tense.
2. Past tense.
3. Present Future tense.
4. Past Future tense.
5. Present Perfect tense.
6. Past Perfect tense.
7. Present Continuous tense.
8. Past Continuous tense.
9. Present Future Perfect Tense.
10. Past Future Perfect tense.
11. Present Perfect Continuous tense.
12. Past Perfect Continuous tense.

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13. Present Future Continuous tense.
14. Past Future Continuous tense.
15. Present Future Perfect Continuous tense.
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous tense.

The tenses that are not used in passive voice :

1. Present Perfect Continuous tense : S + have / has + been + Ving.
2. Past Perfect Continuous tense: S + had + been + Ving.
3. Present Future Continuous tense : S + will + be + Ving.
4. Past Future Continuous tense : S + would + be + Ving.
5. Present Future Perfect Continuous tense: S + will + have + been +
6. Past Future Perfect Continuous tense : S + would + have + been +

The English teacher of SMANSA Kebumen
( Arranged by : Ibu. Endang Rokhimaningsih).
NIP. 19640318 198803 2 005

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