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Macam Kode Error Mesin Foto Copy IR5000/6000

ini semua adalah daftar kode Error di Canon iR5000/iR6000, saya berharap mesin
Anda bekerja dengan baik dan tidak pernah mendapatkan error lagi, semoga saja
usaha anda jadi lancar dan mendapat keuntungan yang melimpah........
Penyebab utama: termistor utama (TH1) telah kontak miskin atau saklar termal terbuka
circuit.The (TP1) memiliki pemanas circuit.The terbuka memperbaiki memiliki circuit.The
terbuka RSK faulty.The DC pengendali PCB faulty.Mode deteksi : 0000 setelah saklar
daya utama dihidupkan, suhu terdeteksi oleh termistor utama tidak mencapai 70 º C.
Perhatian: kesalahan harus direset dalam modus layanan (COPIER> FUNGSI>

Penyebab utama: termistor utama (TH1) memiliki termistor sub singkat circuit.The
(TH2) telah mendeteksi overheating.The RSK adalah faulty.The DC kontroler PCB
faulty.Mode deteksi: 0001 Para termistor utama atau sub termistor telah mendeteksi
sekitar 230 º C atau lebih tinggi selama 2 sec.0002 ini termistor utama telah terdeteksi
230 º C atau lebih tinggi (deteksi sirkuit hard) 0003 ini termistor sub mendeteksi sekitar
236 º C atau lebih tinggi. Perhatian: kesalahan harus direset dalam modus layanan
Penyebab utama: termistor utama (TH1) telah kontak miskin atau saklar termal terbuka
circuit.The (TP1) memiliki RSK circuit.The terbuka faulty.The DC kontroler PCB
faulty.Mode deteksi: 0000 Suhu dari atas fixing roller tidak mencapai 100 º C dalam
waktu 2 menit setelah itu telah melampaui 70 º C. Perhatian: kesalahan harus direset
dalam modus layanan (COPIER> FUNGSI> CLEAR> ERR)

Penyebab utama: termistor utama (TH1) telah kontak miskin atau saklar termal terbuka
circuit.The (TP1) memiliki pemanas circuit.The terbuka memperbaiki memiliki circuit.The
terbuka RSK faulty.The DC kontroler PCB faulty.Mode dari deteksi: 0000 Suhu
terdeteksi oleh termistor utama adalah 70 º C selama 2 detik atau lebih setelah itu telah
reaced 100 º C. Perhatian: kesalahan harus direset dalam modus layanan (COPIER>
Penyebab utama: RSK memiliki sirkuit pendek. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode deteksi:
0000 Para RSK digunakan untuk memperbaiki drive pemanas yang ditemukan memiliki
sebuah sirkuit pendek (deteksi sirkuit keras). Perhatian: kesalahan harus direset dalam
modus layanan (COPIER> FUNGSI> CLEAR> ERR)

Penyebab utama: memperbaiki Web telah diambil. Web memperbaiki Panjang sensor
(PS45) adalah faulty.The DC kontroler PCB faulty.Mode deteksi: 0000 Panjang
memperbaiki web yang telah diambil adalah lebih dari panjang yang ditentukan.
Perhatian: Setelah mengganti web memperbaiki, pastikan untuk me-reset dua counter
web dalam modus layanan: COPIER> COUNTER> MISC> FIX-WEB dan COPIER

Penyebab utama: motor utama (M2) rusak. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode deteksi:
0000 pulsa clock yang tidak tiba selama 2 detik atau lebih setelah sinyal penggerak
motor utama (MMFG) telah dihasilkan.

Penyebab utama: Motor drum (M1) rusak. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode deteksi: 0000
Para pulsa clock tidak tiba selama 2 detik atau lebih setelah sinyal motor drive drum
(DMFG) telah dihasilkan.

Penyebab utama: feedscrew limbah toner rusak. Limbah toner Jam sensor (MSW2)
rusak. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode deteksi: 0000 Rotasi dari feedscrew toner limbah
keluar dari pesanan, dan saklar (MSW2) ditekan beberapa kali selama periode waktu

Penyebab utama: Motor memperbaiki (M19) rusak. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode
deteksi: 0000 Para sinyal clock motor terdeteksi selama 2 detik atau lebih terus
menerus setelah memperbaiki motor drive telah dihasilkan.

Penyebab utama: Konektor hopper dibiarkan terputus. Motor hopper (M9/M10) adalah
toner faulty.The sensor (TS1/TS2) rusak. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode deteksi: 0000
Saat mencetak, pasokan toner adalah '0 '(tidak adanya toner) selama 2 menit.

Penyebab utama: menyalin data controller atau perangkat diagnostik remote rusak.
Pengendali utama PCB faulty.Mode deteksi: 0001 Meskipun begitu terhubung, menyalin
data controlleror perangkat diagnostik jarak jauh telah menjadi terputus.

Penyebab utama: rana laser rusak. Unit laser rusak. Pengukuran potensial PCB rusak.
DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode deteksi: 0001 Sebagai hasil dari kontrol potensial,
potensi permukaan drum (VL2) dari latar belakang putih adalah sekitar 200V
(Menghasilkan gambar hitam padat) 0,0002 Output pengisian utama yang digunakan
untuk output cetak dan potensi permukaan drum setelah output laser telah dibuat
sekitar 200V (menghasilkan gambar hitam padat).

Penyebab utama: BD PCB rusak. Unit laser rusak. Laser driver PCB isfaulty. Kabel
rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka).Para controllerPCB DC faulty.Mode Deteksi:
0001 Dalam 100 msec setelah sinyal hard laser telah dihasilkan, sinyal tidak terdeteksi
BD adalah 50 kali atau lebih
dalam 40 msecs.0002 Sementara laser aktif, siklus sinyal BD ditemukan berada di luar
jangkauan aspecific 10 kali atau lebih.

Penyebab utama: scanner laser motor (M15) rusak. Kabel rusak (hubung singkat,
rangkaian terbuka). DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 0001 • Setelah laser
scanner bermotor sinyal drive telah dihasilkan, sinyal motorik siap (LMRDY *) tidak
datang untuk
15 detik atau lebih. (Berhenti - kecepatan penuh, setengah kecepatan - kecepatan
penuh) • Selama periode 'kecepatan penuh - kecepatan setengah', sinyal motor yang
siap tidak datang untuk 60 detik atau lebih setelah
sinyal mengubah kecepatan telah dihasilkan. • Selama periode 'rotasi kecepatan penuh
", sinyal motor yang siap tidak terdeteksi 50 kali atau lebih (t interval 100 msec).

Penyebab utama: pendingin fan controller (FM4) rusak. Kabel rusak (hubung singkat,
rangkaian terbuka). DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode dari Detection0001 Meskipun
pendingin fan controller (FM4) sedang didorong, sinyal clock (FM4LCK) tidak datang
selama 5 detik atau lebih.
Penyebab E196Main: EEPROM pada kontroler DC PCB rusak.Lokasi dari EEPROM
adalah salah. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 1abb Ketika data ditulis ke
EEPROM, data tertulis dan membaca data tidak match.2abb Ketika ID dibaca ke dalam
EEPROM dan ID ke dalam ROM dibandingkan, ketidaksesuaian adalah found.3abb
Ketika ID di EEPROM dan ID dalam ROM dibandingkan setelah saklar daya utama
dihidupkan, ketidakcocokan adalah found.a: No Chip 0 sampai 5 (0: IC104, 1: IC105, 2:
IC109, 3: IC110, 4: IC127, 5: IC130) bb: alamat rusak chip (bit)

Penyebab utama: sensor pemindai HP (PS39) rusak. Motor pemindai (M3) rusak.
Pembaca kontroler PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 0001 Sensor pemindai HP tidak
mematikan bahkan ketika pemindai telah dipindahkan 40 mm maju setelah saklar daya
utama telah diaktifkan atau tombol Start telah pressed.0002 Pemindai Sensor HP tidak
menyala bahkan ketika pemindai telah dipindahkan 450 mm kode reverse.Caution
Tidak diindikasikan, dan tombol terkunci. Kode tersebut dapat diperiksa dalam modus

Penyebab utama: ADF PCB kontroler rusak. Pembaca kontroler PCB faulty.Mode
Deteksi: 0001 Saat mencetak, gambar terkemuka tepi sinyal tidak datang dari kode
ADF.Caution Tidak diindikasikan, dan tombol terkunci. Kode tersebut dapat diperiksa
dalam modus layanan (COPIER> DISPLAY> ERR).

Penyebab utama: Lampu inverter PCB rusak. Pembaca kontroler PCB faulty.Mode
Deteksi: 0001 Lampu inverter PCB ditemukan memiliki kesalahan.
Penyebab utama: Lampu pemindaian (xenon tabung) rusak.PCB inverter rusak. CCD /
AP PCB rusak. Pembaca kontroler PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 0000 Sebuah level sinyal
tertentu tidak dapat dicapai oleh koreksi mendapatkan CCD pada daya-on.0002
Keuntungan tepi koreksi nilai berubah lebih dari tingkat tertentu dibandingkan dengan
nilai koreksi digunakan untuk lembar sebelumnya .

Penyebab utama: controller PCB utama. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 0000
Sebuah kesalahan telah terjadi dalam komunikasi antara PCB pengendali utama dan
CPU dari DC kontroler PCB.

Penyebab utama: Panel kontrol CPU PCB rusak. Pengendali utama PCB faulty.Mode
Deteksi: 0000 Sebuah kesalahan telah terjadi dalam komunikasi antara CPU dari panel
kontrol CPU PCB dan PCB pengendali utama.

Penyebab utama: EEPROM pada pembaca PCB kontroler rusak. Pembaca kontroler
PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 0001 ID membaca ke EEPROM ketika saklar daya utama
telah diaktifkan dan ID dalam ROM tidak match.0002 Ketika data ditulis ke EEPROM,
data tertulis dan membaca data tidak match.0003 Ketika data ditulis, ID di EEPROM
dan ID dalam ROM ditemukan tidak cocok.

Penyebab utama: CCD / AP PCB rusak. Kabel rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian
terbuka). Pembaca kontroler PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 0001 Selama shading, pembaca
PCB kontroler tidak berakhir shading dalam 1 sec.0002 Dalam membaca aliran,
akumulasi tepi putih (pengolahan) tidak berakhir setelah jangka waktu 10 detik.

Penyebab utama: kabel ini rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka). Drive hard disk
rusak. DC Controller PCB rusak.Pengendali utama PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi: 0000
pengendali utama PCB telah mendeteksi kesalahan dalam kontrol datawhile gambar itu
ditransmisikan antara PCBand pengendali utama hard disk controller utama drive.0001
PCB telah menemukan kesalahan dalam data kontrol intransfer gambar antara PCB
pengendali utama dan controllerPCB DC.

Penyebab utama kabel adalah rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka). Para isfaulty
hard drive disk. Pengendali utama PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Sebuah
kesalahan gunung terdeteksi ketika hard disk dimulai upfrom boot ROM.0002 Sebuah
kesalahan membaca data (dari hard disk) adalah terdeteksi ketika harddisk dimulai dari
boot ROM.

Penyebab utama Kipas hard disk (FM7) rusak. Kabel rusak (hubung singkat,
opencircuit). DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 Sementara kipas hard
disk (FM7) sedang didorong, sinyal clock (FM7CLK) tidak datang selama 5 detik atau

Penyebab utama Dewan berbagai printer (aksesoris) yang rusak. Pengendali utama
PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Sebuah kesalahan telah terjadi dalam komunikasi
antara berbagai

Penyebab Utama DC PCB kontroler rusak. Pembaca kontroler PCB faulty.The utama
kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Ketika daya utama dihidupkan, IPC
(IC5021) pada PCB readercontroller tidak dapat initialized.0002 Ketika daya utama
dihidupkan, IPC (IC120 ) pada PCB DCcontroller tidak dapat initialized.0003 Ketika
daya utama dihidupkan, IPC (IC1003) pada PCB maincontroller tidak dapat

Penyebab utama Konektor tidak terhubung dengan benar.Perangkat diagnostik jarak
jauh PCBis rusak. Data salinan PCB kontroler rusak. ADF kontroler isfaulty PCB. ADF
PCB kontroler rusak. Finisher PCB pengontrol isfaulty.Mode 0001 Deteksi data telah
ditulis untuk kesalahan register IPC (IC5021) onthe pembaca kontroler PCB empat kali
atau lebih dalam waktu 1,5 secs.0002 data telah ditulis untuk kesalahan register IPC
(IC120) onthe DC kontroler PCB empat kali atau lebih dalam 2 secs.0003 data telah
ditulis untuk kesalahan register IPC (IC1003) ofthe utama kontroler PCB empat kali atau
lebih dalam waktu 2 detik.

Penyebab utama Konektor tidak terhubung dengan benar. ADF 24-V daya isfaulty
pasokan. ADF PCB kontroler rusak. Pembaca PCB pengontrol isfaulty.Mode
Komunikasi ofDetection0001 tidak melanjutkan dalam 3 detik setelah data telah
writtento kesalahan register dari IC komunikasi (IPC) dari ADFcontroller PCB.0002 bit
transmisi tidak diaktifkan setelah jangka waktu 10 detik di thesync daftar IPC (IC5021)
pada pembaca PCB kontroler.

Penyebab utama Konektor tidak terhubung dengan benar.Finisher aksesoris
powersupply PCB rusak. Finisher PCB kontroler rusak. Para controllerPCB DC
faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 IC komunikasi (IPC) pada kontroler finisher telah goneout

Penyebab utama kabel adalah rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka). Data salinan
perangkat remote kontrol orthe diagnostik rusak. Pengendali utama PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 Para menyalin data controller atau controller NE rusak atau sirkuit
anopen telah detected.Caution Kesalahan harus direset dalam modus layanan

Penyebab utama kabel adalah rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka). Vendor koin
faulty.The utama kontroler PCB faulty.Mode dari Detection0001 Komunikasi antara
vendor koin dan controllerPCB utama telah interrupted.Caution Kesalahan harus direset
dalam modus layanan (COPIER> FUNGSI> CLEAR> ERR).

Penyebab utama Konektor ini memiliki kontak miskin. Pembaca kontroler PCB
faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 controller utama PCB telah mendeteksi kesalahan dalam
kontroler communicationbetween pembaca PCB dan controllerPCB utama.

Penyebab utama Konektor ini memiliki kontak miskin. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 controller utama PCB telah mendeteksi kesalahan dalam
communicationbetween DC kontroler PCB dan pengendali utama PCB.CLEAR> ERR).
Printer papan (aksesoris) dan pengendali utama PCB.

Penyebab utama Kartu LAN rusak. Pengendali utama PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 kesalahan terdeteksi pada kartu LAN di power-on (dengan
cardinserted) 0,0002 Sebuah alamat MAC ditemukan faulty.0003 kartu LAN mendaftar
tidak dapat dibaca.

Penyebab Utama koneksi bus PCI adalah tidak tepat.Pengendali utama PCB
faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 Sebuah kesalahan telah terjadi pada bus PCI.

Penyebab utama Dewan RIP1 (aksesori) rusak. Pengendali utama PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0000 Kesalahan telah terdeteksi oleh diagnosis diri dari dewan RIPI.

Penyebab utama Konektor ini memiliki kontak miskin.Pengendali utama PCB
faulty.Mode 0000 Deteksi Pembaca kontroler PCB telah mendeteksi kesalahan dalam
communicationbetween pengendali utama PCB dan controllerPCB pembaca.

Penyebab utama kabel adalah rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka). Pasokan
daya DC fan (FM6) rusak. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0000 Sementara
pasokan daya DC kipas yang didorong, sinyal clock (FM6CLK) tidak datang selama 5
detik atau lebih.

Penyebab utama kabel adalah rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka). Kipas pakan
(FM1) isfaulty. Pembuangan panas kipas (FM3) rusak. DC Controller PCB isfaulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 Sementara kipas pembuangan panas yang didorong, sinyal clock
(FM3CLK) tidak datang selama 5 detik atau more.0002 Sementara kipas pakan yang
didorong, sinyal clock (FM1CLK) tidak datang selama 5 detik atau lebih.

Penyebab utama kabel adalah rusak (hubung singkat, rangkaian terbuka). Pengisian
utama assemblycooling kipas (FM2) rusak.DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0000 Sementara pengisian perakitan kipas pendingin utama yang didorong,

Penyebab Utama kipas pendingin (FM1) rusak. ADF kontroler PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 Sementara kipas pendingin yang didorong, sinyal kunci (FMLCK) tiba
untuk 100 msec atau lebih.

Penyebab Utama EEPROM rusak. ADF kontroler PCB faulty.Mode Deteksi 0001 Ketika
tombol power mesin host adalah diaktifkan, backupdata dari EEPROM tidak dapat
dibaca atau data, jika membaca, memiliki kesalahan.

Penyebab Utama EEPROM rusak. ADF kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001
Backup data tidak dapat ditulis ke EEPROM atau data, jika ditulis, memiliki sinyal clock
error.the (FM2CLK) tidak datang selama 5 detik atau lebih.

Penyebab utama komunikasi IPC memiliki kesalahan. Garis komunikasi telah
opencircuit sebuah. ADF kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Sementara mesin
berada dalam siaga, komunikasi dengan hostmachine telah terganggu selama 5 detik
atau lebih. atau, sedangkan machineis dalam operasi, komunikasi dengan mesin host
hasbeen terganggu selama 0,5 detik atau lebih.

Penyebab Utama finisher PCB kontroler rusak. DC Controller PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 Komunikasi antara mesin host dan hasbeen finisher terputus;
kesalahan ini terdeteksi oleh mesin host.

Penyebab Utama pelana stitcher PCB kontroler rusak. Finisher PCB pengontrol
isfaulty.Mode ofDetection0002 Komunikasi antara sadel stitcher kontroler PCBand
finisher kontroler PCB telah terganggu.

Penyebab Utama Sensor tinggi (PS1) rusak. Finisher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 Komunikasi antara sensor ketinggian dan controllerPCB finisher tidak
mungkin, atau data komunikasi memiliki error.0002 Komunikasi antara sensor
ketinggian dan controllerPCB finisher tidak mungkin untuk jangka waktu tertentu
time.0003 Pada saat power-on, konektor dari sensor ketinggian ditemukan tobe
disconnected.0004 Bila sensor ketinggian sedang disesuaikan dengan menggunakan
DIP switch, anerror terjadi selama penyesuaian.

Penyebab Utama EEPROM rusak. Finisher PCB kontroler rusak.PCB puncherdriver
adalah faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Ketika saklar power dihidupkan, jumlah cek
theEEPROM pada kontroler finisher PCB ditemukan memiliki error.0002 Ketika saklar
power dihidupkan, jumlah cek theEEPROM pada pons yang PCB driver yang
ditemukan memiliki kesalahan.

Penyebab Utama Motor pengiriman Jam sensor (PI10) rusak.Pengiriman motor (M2)
rusak. Finisher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Ketika operasi dimulai,
sebagai jam yang diperlukan tidak arrivefrom pengiriman motor jam sensor.0002 Tidak
ada pulsa clock tiba sementara kertas sedang bergerak di atas 200 mm distanceof.

Penyebab utama Pelat keselarasan rumah sensor posisi (PI6) rusak. Para
alignmentmotor (M3) rusak. Finisher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Pelat
kesejajaran tidak meninggalkan posisi rumah ketika alignmentmotor telah didorong
untuk 2 secs.0002 Pelat keselarasan tidak kembali ke posisi asal ketika motor
thealignment telah didorong untuk 2 detik.

Penyebab Utama rumah stapler mendeteksi posisi switch (MS7) rusak. Motor stapler
(M6) rusak. Finisher kontroler PCB ofDetection0001 faulty.Mode stapler tidak
meninggalkan posisi rumah ketika stapler motorhas telah didorong untuk 0,5 sec.0002
stapler tidak kembali ke posisi rumah ketika stapler motorhas didorong selama 0,5

Penyebab Utama Pergeseran stapler rumah sensor posisi (PI7) rusak. Para stapler
pergeseran motor (M4) rusak. Finisher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Unit
stapler tidak meninggalkan posisi rumah ketika shiftmotor stapler telah didorong untuk 4
secs.0002 Unit stapler tidak kembali ke posisi rumah ketika motor staplershift telah
didorong untuk 4 detik.

Penyebab Utama Motor ayunan Jam sensor (PI20) rusak.Panduan ayunan Sensor
terbuka (PI18) rusak. Daerah keselamatan switch (MS3) rusak. Ayunan guideclosed
mendeteksi saklar 2 (MS6) rusak. Motor ayunan (M7) adalah finisher faulty.The
kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Panduan ayunan ditutup mendeteksi 2
switch tidak menyala pada motor ayunan whenthe telah diputar CCW selama 1
sec.0002 Panduan ayunan Sensor terbuka tidak menyala ketika ayunan motorhas telah
diputar CW untuk 1 sec.0003 Ketika motor mengangkat baki dalam operasi, panduan
ayunan ditutup detectingswitch 2 ditemukan untuk menjadi off sementara nampan 1 / 2
adalah di OFF positionof area keselamatan switch.0004 jam Tidak ada tiba untuk 200
msecs saat mesin beroperasi ayunan.

Penyebab Utama rumah Baki sensor posisi (PI8) rusak. Baki pengangkat Motor
clocksensor 1 / 2 (PI9/PI19) rusak. Batas atas nampan beralih mendeteksi (MS5) rusak.
Baki pengangkat motor (M5) rusak. Finisher PCB pengontrol isfaulty.0001 pendakian ini
tidak berakhir dalam 15 detik ketika mengangkat nampan isdriven motorik, atau, posisi
rumah nampan tidak dapat terdeteksi ketika motor traylift telah didorong untuk 15
secs.0002 Sementara baki bergerak naik, batas deteksi atas nampan switchis
ditemukan on.0003 Ketika motor mengangkat nampan didorong, jam pulsa tidak tiba
Sensor fromthe jam 1 / 2 untuk 200 msecs.

Penyebab Utama Sensor rana terbuka (PI5) rusak. Area keamanan beralih mendeteksi
(MS3) rusak. Rana tertutup mendeteksi switch (MS4) rusak. TheNo. 2 pakan bermotor
(M8) rusak. Finisher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 rana tertutup
mendeteksi switch tidak menyala saat motor pakan No.2 telah diputar CCW selama 1
detik atau more.0002 Sensor rana terbuka tidak menyala saat No 2 pakan motorhas
telah diputar CCW selama 1 sec.0003 Sementara motor angkat baki dalam operasi,
rana tertutup detectingswitch ditemukan untuk pergi ketika baki 1 / 2 adalah di OFF
positionof area keselamatan mendeteksi saklar.

Penyebab Utama rumah pukulan sensor posisi (PI3P) rusak.Motor pukulan (M1P)
rusak. Sopir PCB punch adalah faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 pons tidak meninggalkan
posisi rumah ketika punch motorhas telah didorong untuk 200 msecs.0002 pons tidak
kembali ke posisi rumah ketika punch motorhas telah didorong untuk 200 msecs.

Penyebab Utama Rumah pendaftaran sensor posisi horisontal (PI1P) rusak. Motor
horizontalregistration (M1P) rusak. Sopir PCB punch adalah faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 pons tidak meninggalkan posisi rumah ketika registrationmotor
horizontal telah didorong untuk 4 secs.0002 pons tidak kembali ke posisi rumah ketika
motor horizontalregistration telah didorong untuk 4 detik.

Penyebab Utama home plate kertas posisi sensor posisi (PI7S) rusak. Motor plat
paperpositioning (M4S) rusak. Pelana stitcher controllerPCB adalah faulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 Posisi kertas home plate sensor posisi tidak menyala onwhen posisi
piring kertas bermotor telah didorong untuk about1.3 secs.0002 Posisi kertas home
plate sensor posisi tidak berubah off1 detik setelah kertas posisi plat motor yang telah
didorong untuk 1sec.
Penyebab utama Jam sensor motorik lipat (PI4S) rusak. Para melipat kertas
homeposition sensor (PI21S) rusak. Motor lipat (M2S) rusak. Thesaddle stitcher
kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Jumlah pulsa deteksi sensordrops jam
motor yang melipat di bawah keadaan tertentu value.0002 ini dari sensor posisi melipat
kertas rumah tidak notchange saat motor lipat telah didorong untuk 3 detik.

Penyebab Utama rumah panduan sensor posisi (PI13S) rusak.Motor panduan (M3S)
rusak. Pelana stitcher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Rumah panduan
sensor posisi tidak menyala ketika guidemotor telah didorong untuk sekitar 0,5
sec.0002 Rumah panduan sensor posisi tidak mematikan ketika guidemotor telah
didorong untuk 1 detik.

Penyebab Utama rumah keselarasan sensor posisi (PI5S) rusak.Motor keselarasan
(M5S) rusak. Pelana stitcher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Pelat
keselarasan rumah sensor posisi tidak menyala pada motor keselarasan whenthe telah
didorong untuk 0,5 detik (awalnya, drivenfor sekitar 1,7 detik) 0,0002 Pelat keselarasan
rumah sensor posisi tidak mematikan whenthe keselarasan motorik telah didorong
untuk 1 detik.

Penyebab Utama rumah stitch sensor posisi (belakang, MS5S) rusak. Motor stitch
(belakang, M6S) rusak. Pelana stitcher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode 0001 Deteksi Rumah
stitcher sensor posisi (belakang) tidak mematikan ketika thestitch bermotor (belakang)
telah diputar CW selama 0,5 detik atau more.0002 Sensor posisi rumah tusuk
(belakang) tidak tidak menyala saat thestitch bermotor (belakang) telah diputar CCW
selama 0,5 detik atau lebih.

Penyebab Utama posisi rumah tusuk Senor (depan, MS7S) rusak. Motor stitch (depan,
M7S) rusak. Pelana stitcher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 Rumah stitch
sensor posisi (depan) tidak mematikan ketika thestitch bermotor (depan) telah diputar
CW selama 0,5 detik atau more.0002 Rumah stitch sensor posisi (depan) tidak menyala
pada saat thestitch bermotor (depan) telah diputar CCW selama 0,5 detik atau lebih.

Penyebab Utama push-jam di atas kertas sensor plat motor (PI1S) rusak. Para
paperpush-di piring ujung sensor posisi terdepan (PI15S) rusak. Para paperpush-pada
home plate sensor posisi (PI14S) rusak. Push-onplate kertas bermotor (M8S) rusak.
Pelana stitcher kontroler PCB faulty.Mode ofDetection0001 push-sensor di atas kertas
pelat posisi rumah tidak menyala onwhen kertas push-pada motor piring telah didorong
untuk 0,3 detik ormore.0002 push-sensor di atas kertas pelat rumah posisi tidak
gilirannya offwhen kertas push-pada motor piring telah didorong untuk 0,3 detik
ormore.0003 push-di atas kertas sensor tepi pelat posisi terdepan tidak belokan saat
push-di atas kertas piring bermotor telah didorong untuk 0,3 Secor more.0004 Nomor
pulsa deteksi kertas push-pada sensor motorclock piring turun di bawah value.0005
tertentu push-di atas kertas sensor tepi piring terkemuka tidak menyala onwhen kertas
push-pada motor piring telah didorong untuk 0,3 detik atau lebih.

Penyebab Utama rumah panduan sensor posisi (PI13S) rusak.Push-di atas kertas
sensor posisi platehome (PI14S) rusak.Push-di atas kertas sensor posisi plat
leadingedge (PI15S) rusak. Pelana stitcher PCB pengontrol isfaulty.Mode
ofDetection0001 Konektor dari sensor posisi rumah panduan ditemukan
bedisconnected.0002 Konektor kertas rumah positionsensor posisi home plate
ditemukan untuk menjadi disconnected.0003 Konektor kertas push-di piring
terkemukapositionsensor tepi ditemukan untuk menjadi puas.

Penyebab utama Pintu masuk switch (MS1S) rusak. Saklar depan pintu (MS2S)
isfaulty. Pintu pengiriman switch (MS3S) rusak. Sadel jahitan controllerPCB adalah
faulty.Mode Deteksi 0001 Bila penutup inlet, sampul depan, dan penutup pengiriman
foundto ditutup, saklar pintu masuk mendeteksi kondisi terbuka untuk 1sec atau lebih
dari awal rotasi awal tuan rumah machineor awal printing.0002 Bila penutup inlet,
sampul depan, dan mencakup pengiriman ditemukan tobe ditutup, saklar pintu depan
mendeteksi kondisi terbuka untuk 1 Secor lebih setelah dimulainya rotasi awal awal
tuan orthe mesin cetak 0,0003 Bila penutup inlet, sampul depan, dan mencakup
pengiriman ditemukan tobe tertutup, switch door mendeteksi kondisi terbuka untuk 1sec
atau lebih dari awal rotasi awal machineor tuan rumah mulai mencetak.
Daftar Kode Kesalahan Canon IR5000 IR6000 | List of
Error CodesIR5000/6000
Canon IR5000/IR6000 ini dilengkapi dengan mekanisme untuk menjalankan diagnosis diri untuk
mengetahui kondisinya (khususnya sensor nya): CPU pada PCB pengendali utama atau main board dan
CPU pada kontroler DC PCB. akan mendeteksi apabilah di temukan kesalahan, dan Kode Kesalahan ini
akan ditunjukkan/ditampilkan di layar kontrol panel.

Berikut ini adalah Daftar Kode atau Error Codes IR5000/6000 mesin Photocopy Canon dan
deskripsi (termasuk waktu deteksi); kode yang mungkin memiliki kode rinci, yang dapat diperiksa
dalam Service Mode (COPIER> DISPLAY> JAM / ERR).

Main Cause The main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit. The thermal
switch (TP1) has an open circuit. The fixing heater has an open circuit. The
SSR is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 After the main power switch is turned on, the temperature detected
by the main thermistor does not reach 70°C.
Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR).

Main Cause The main thermistor (TH1) has a short circuit. The sub thermistor (TH2)
has detected overheating. The SSR is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The main thermistor or the sub thermistor has detected about 230°C or higher for 2 sec.
0002 The main thermistor has detected 230°C or higher (hard circuit detection).
0003 The sub thermistor has detected about 236°C or higher.
Caution The error must be reset

Main Cause The main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit. The thermal
switch (TP1) has an open circuit. The SSR is faulty. The DC controller is
Mode of Detection
0000 The temperature of the upper fixing roller does not reach 100°C
within 2 min after it has exceeded 70°C.
Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR).

Main Cause The main thermistor (TH1) has poor contact or an open circuit. The thermal
switch (TP1) has an open circuit. The fixing heater has an open circuit. The
SSR is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The temperature detected by the main thermistor is 70°C for 2 sec
or more after it has reached 100°C.
Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR).

Main Cause The SSR has a short circuit. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The SSR used to drive the fixing heater is found to have a short circuit
(hard circuit detection).
Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR).

Main Cause The fixing web has been taken up. The fixing web length sensor (PS45) is
faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The length of fixing web that has been taken up is in excess of the
specified length.
Caution After replacing the fixing web, be sure to reset the two web counters in service

Main Cause The main motor (M2) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The clock pulses do not arrive for 2 secs or more after the main motor drive signal
(MMFG) has been generated.

Main Cause The drum motor (M1) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The clock pulses do not arrive for 2 secs or more after the drum motor drive signal
(DMFG) has been generated.

Main Cause The waste toner feedscrew is faulty. The water toner clock sensor (MSW2)
is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The rotation of the waste toner feedscrew goes out of order, and the switch (MSW2) is
pressed multiple times during a specific periodof time.
Main Cause The fixing motor (M19) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The motor clock signal is detected for 2 secs or more continuously after the fixing
motor drive signal has been generated.

Main Cause The hopper connector is left disconnected. The hopper motor (M9/M10) is
faulty. The toner sensor (TS1/TS2) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 During printing, the toner supply signal is '0' (absence of toner) for 2 mins.

Main Cause The copy data controller or the remote diagnostic device is faulty. The Main
controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 Although once connected, the copy data controller or the remote diagnostic device has
become disconnected.

Main Cause The laser shutter is faulty. The laser unit is faulty. The potential measurement
PCB is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 As the result of potential control, the drum surface potential (VL2) of the white
background is about 200 V (generating solid black images).
0002 The primary charging output used for print output and the drum surface potential after
laser output has been made are about 200 V (generating solid black images).

Main Cause The BD PCB is faulty. The laser unit is faulty. The laser driver PCB is
faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The DC controller
PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 In 100 msec after the laser drive signal has been generated, the BD signal is not
detected 50 times or more within 40 msecs.
0002 While the laser is on, the BD signal cycle is found to be outside a specific range 10
times or more.

Main Cause The laser scanner motor (M15) is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit,
open circuit). The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 • After the laser scanner motor drive signal has been generated, the motor ready signal
(LMRDY*) does not arrive for 15 secs or more. (stop full speed, half-speed full
• During the period of 'full speed half speed', the motor ready signal does not arrive for
60 secs or more after the speed change signal has been generated.
• During the period of 'full speed rotation', the motor ready signal is not detected 50 times or
more (t intervals of 100 msec).

Main Cause The controller cooling fan (FM4) is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit,
open circuit). The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 Although the controller cooling fan (FM4) is being driven, the clock signal (FM4LCK)
does not arrive for 5 secs or more.

Main Cause The EEPROM on the DC controller PCB is faulty. The location of the
EEPROM is wrong. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
1abb When data is written to the EEPROM, the data written and the data read do not match.
2abb When the ID read into the EEPROM and the ID into the ROM are compared, a ismatch
s found.
3abb When ID in the EEPROM and the ID in the ROM are compared after the main power
switch is turned on, a mismatch is found.
a: chip Nos. 0 through 5 (0: IC104, 1: IC105, 2: IC109, 3: IC110, 4:IC127, 5: IC130)bb: chip
faulty address (bit)

Main Cause The scanner HP sensor (PS39) is faulty. The scanner motor (M3) is faulty.
The reader controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The scanner HP sensor does not turn off even when the scanner has been moved 40 mm
forward after the main power switch has been turned on or the Start key has been pressed.
0002 The scanner HP sensor does not turn on even when the scanner has been moved 450
mm in reverse.
Caution No code is indicated, and keys are locked.
The code may be checked in service mode (COPIER>DISPLAY>ERR).

Main Cause The ADF controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 During printing, the image leading edge signal does not arrive from the ADF.
Caution No code is indicated, and keys are locked.
The code may be checked in service mode (COPIER>DISPLAY>ERR).

Main Cause The lamp inverter PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The lamp inverter PCB is found to have a fault.
Main Cause The scanning lamp (xenon tube) is faulty. The inverter PCB is faulty. The
CCD/AP PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 A specific signal level cannot be attained by CCD gain correction at power-on.
0002 The edge gain correction value changed more than a specific level compared with the
correction value used for the preceding sheet.

Main Cause The main controller PCB. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 An error has occurred in the communication between the main controller PCB and the
CPU of the DC controller PCB.

Main Cause The control panel CPU PCB is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 An error has occurred in communication between the CPU of the control panel CPU
PCB and the main controller PCB.

Main Cause The EEPROM on the reader controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller
PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The ID read into the EEPROM when the main power switch has been turned on and the
ID in the ROM do not match.
0002 When data is written into EEPROM, the data written and the data read do not match.
0003 When data is written, the ID in the EEPROM and the ID in the ROM are found not to

Main Cause The CCD/AP PCB is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit).
The reader controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 During shading, the reader controller PCB does not end shading in 1 sec.
0002 In stream reading, the edge white accumulation (processing) does not end after a period
of 10 secs.

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The hard disk drive is faulty.
The DC controller PCB is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The main controller PCB has detected an error in control data while an image was
transmitted between the main controller PCB and the hard disk drive.
0001 The main controller PCB has found an error in the control data in transfer of images
between main controller PCB and the DC controller PCB.

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The hard disk drive is
faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 A mount error was detected when the hard disk was started up from the boot ROM.
0002 A data read error (from the hard disk) was detected when the hard disk was started
from the boot ROM.

Main Cause The hard disk fan (FM7) is faulty. The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open
circuit). The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 While the hard disk fan (FM7) is being driven, the clock signal (FM7CLK) does not
arrive for 5 secs or more.

Main Cause The various printer board (accessories) are faulty. The main controller PCB
is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 An error has occurred in the communication between the various printer boards
(accessories) and the main controller PCB.

Main Cause The DC controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.
The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 When the main power is turned on, the IPC (IC5021) on the reader controller PCB
cannot be initialized.
0002 When the main power is turned on, the IPC (IC120) on the DC controller PCB cannot
be initialized.
0003 When the main power is turned on, the IPC (IC1003) on the main controller PCB
cannot be initialized.

Main Cause The connector is not connected properly. The remote diagnostic device PCB
is faulty. The copy data controller PCB is faulty. The ADF controller PCB is
faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is
Mode of Detection
0001 Data has been written to the error register of the IPC (IC5021) on the reader controller
PCB four times or more within 1.5 secs.
0002 Data has been written to the error register of the IPC (IC120) on the DC controller PCB
four times or more within 2 secs.
0003 Data has been written to the error register of the IPC (IC1003) of the main controller
PCB four times or more within 2 secs.

Main Cause The connector is not connected properly. The ADF 24-V power supply is
faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty. The reader controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 Communication does not resume in 3 secs after data has been written to the error
register of the communication IC (IPC) of the ADF controller PCB.
0002 The transmission bit is not enabled after a period of 10 sec at the sync register of the
IPC (IC5021) on the reader controller PCB.

Main Cause The connector is not connected properly. The finisher accessories power supply
PCB is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The communications IC (IPC) on the finisher controller has gone out of order.

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The copy data controller or the
remote diagnostic device is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The copy data controller or the NE controller is out of order or an open circuit has been
Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION> CLEAR>ERR).

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The coin vendor is faulty.
The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection 0001 The communication between the coin vendor and the main
controller PCB has been interrupted.
Caution The error must be reset in service mode (COPIER>FUNCTION> CLEAR>ERR).

Main cause The connector has poor contact. The reader controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The main controller PCB has detected an error in the communication between the
reader controller PCB and the main controller PCB.

Main cause The connector has poor contact. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The main controller PCB has detected an error in the communication
between the DC controller PCB and the main controller PCB.

Main cause The LAN card is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 An error is detected on the LAN card at power-on (with the card inserted).
0002 A MAC address is found to be faulty.
0003 The LAN card register cannot be read.

Main Cause The PCI bus connection is not proper. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 An error has occurred in the PCI bus.

Main Cause The RIP1 board (accessory) is faulty. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 An error has been detected by self diagnosis of the RIPI board.

Main cause The connector has poor contact. The main controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 The reader controller PCB has detected an error in the communication
between the main controller PCB and the reader controller PCB.
Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The DC power supply fan
(FM6) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 While the DC power supply fan is being driven, the clock signal (FM6CLK) does not
arrive for 5 secs or more.

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The feed fan (FM1) is faulty.
The heat discharge fan (FM3) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 While the heat discharge fan is being driven, the clock signal (FM3CLK) does not
arrive for 5 secs or more.
0002 While the feed fan is being driven, the clock signal (FM1CLK) does not arrive for 5
secs or more.

Main Cause The wiring is faulty (short circuit, open circuit). The primary charging assembly
cooling fan (FM2) is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0000 While the primary charging assembly cooling fan is being driven, the clock signal
(FM2CLK) does not arrive for 5 secs or more.

1.2 Self Diagnosis of the ADF

When the machine's self diagnosis mechanism has turned on, the condition can be reset
by turning off and then on the host machine's power switch.
If the machine must remain out of order, prints may still be made by disconnecting the
machine's lattice connector, and placing an original on the host machine's copyboard glass.

Main Cause The cooling fan (FM1) is faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 While the cooling fan is being driven, the lock signal (FMLCK) arrives for 100 msec or

Main Cause The EEPROM is faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 When the host machine's power switch is turned on, the backup data of the EEPROM
cannot be read or the data, if read, has an error.
Main Cause The EEPROM is faulty. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 Backup data cannot be written to the EEPROM or the data, if written, has an error.

Main Cause The IPC communication has an error. The communication line has an open
circuit. The ADF controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 While the machine is in standby, the communication with the host
machine has been interrupted for 5 secs or more. or, while the machine
is in operation, the communication with the host machine has
been interrupted for 0.5 sec or more.

1.3 Self Diagnosis of the Finisher

Main Cause The finisher controller PCB is faulty. The DC controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The communication between the host machine and the finisher has been interrupted;
this error is detected by the host machine.

Main Cause The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is
Mode of Detection
0002 The communication between the saddle stitcher controller PCB and the finisher
controller PCB has been interrupted.

Main Cause The height sensor (PS1) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 Communication between the height sensor and the finisher controller PCB is not
possible, or communication data has an error.
0002 Communication between the height sensor and the finisher controller PCB is not
possible for a specific period of time.
0003 At time of power-on, the connector of the height sensor is found to be disconnected.
0004 When the height sensor is being adjusted using the DIP switch, an error occurred
during the adjustment.
Main Cause The EEPROM is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty. The puncher
driver PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 When the power switch is turned on, the check sum of the EEPROM on the finisher
controller PCB is found to have an error.
0002 When the power switch is turned on, the check sum of the EEPROM on the puncher
driver PCB is found to have an error.

Main Cause The delivery motor clock sensor (PI10) is faulty. The delivery motor (M2)
is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 When operation starts, as many clocks as needed do not arrive from the delivery motor
clock sensor.
0002 No clock pulse arrives while paper is being moved over a distance of 200 mm.

Main Cause The alignment plate home position sensor (PI6) is faulty. The alignment
motor (M3) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The alignment plate does not leave home position when the alignment motor has been
driven for 2 secs.
0002 The alignment plate does not return to home position when the alignment motor has
been driven for 2 secs.

Main Cause The stapler home position detecting switch (MS7) is faulty. The stapler motor
(M6) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 The stapler does not leave home position when the stapler motor
has been driven for 0.5 sec.
0002 The stapler does not return to home position when the stapler motor
has been driven for 0.5 sec.
Main Cause The stapler shift home position sensor (PI7) is faulty. The stapler shift motor
(M4) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 The stapler unit does not leave home position when the stapler shift
motor has been driven for 4 secs.
0002 The stapler unit does not return to home position when the stapler
shift motor has been driven for 4 secs.

Main Cause The swing motor clock sensor (PI20) is faulty. The swing guide open sensor
(PI18) is faulty. The safety area switch (MS3) is faulty. The swing guide
closed detecting switch 2 (MS6) is faulty. The swing motor (M7) is faulty.
The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 The swing guide closed detecting switch 2 does not turn on when
the swing motor has been rotated CCW for 1 sec.
0002 The swing guide open sensor does not turn on when the swing motor
has been rotated CW for 1 sec.
0003 When the tray lift motor is in operation, the swing guide closed detecting
switch 2 is found to be off while the tray 1/2 is at OFF position
of the safety area switch.
0004 No clock arrives for 200 msecs while the machine is in swing operation.

Main Cause The tray home position sensor (PI8) is faulty. The tray lifter motor clock
sensor 1/2 (PI9/PI19) is faulty. The tray upper limit detecting switch (MS5)
is faulty. The tray lifter motor (M5) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is
0001 The ascent does not end in 15 secs when the tray lift motor is
driven; or, the tray home position cannot be detected when the tray
lift motor has been driven for 15 secs.
0002 While the tray is moving up, the tray upper limit detection switch
is found to be on.
0003 When the tray lift motor is driven, clock pulses do not arrive from
the clock sensor 1/2 for 200 msecs.]

Main Cause The shutter open sensor (PI5) is faulty. The safety area detecting switch
(MS3) is faulty. The shutter closed detecting switch (MS4) is faulty. The
No. 2 feed motor (M8) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 The shutter closed detecting switch does not turn on when the No.
2 feed motor has been rotated CCW for 1 sec or more.
0002 The shutter open sensor does not turn on when the No. 2 feed motor
has been rotated CCW for 1 sec.
0003 While the tray lift motor is in operation, the shutter closed detecting
switch is found to be off when the tray 1/2 is at OFF position
of the safety area detecting switch.

Main Cause The punch home position sensor (PI3P) is faulty. The punch motor (M1P)
is faulty. The punch driver PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 The puncher does not leave home position when the punch motor
has been driven for 200 msecs.
0002 The puncher does not return to home position when the punch motor
has been driven for 200 msecs.

Main Cause The horizontal registration home position sensor (PI1P) is faulty. The horizontal
registration motor (M1P) is faulty. The punch driver PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 The puncher does not leave home position when the horizontal registration
motor has been driven for 4 secs.
0002 The puncher does not return to home position when the horizontal
registration motor has been driven for 4 secs.

1.4 Self Diagnosis of the Saddle Stitcher

Main Cause The paper positioning plate home position sensor (PI7S) is faulty. The paper
positioning plate motor (M4S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller
PCB is faulty.
Mode of
0001 The paper positioning plate home position sensor does not turn on
when the paper positioning plate motor has been driven for about
1.3 secs.
0002 The paper positioning plate home position sensor does not turn off
1 sec after the paper positioning plate motor has been driven for 1
Main Cause The folding motor clock sensor (PI4S) is faulty. The paper folding home
position sensor (PI21S) is faulty. The folding motor (M2S) is faulty. The
saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The number of detection pulses of the folding motor clock sensor drops below a
specific value.
0002 The state of the paper folding home position sensor does not change when the folding
motor has been driven for 3 secs.

Main Cause The guide home position sensor (PI13S) is faulty. The guide motor (M3S)
is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The guide home position sensor does not turn on when the guide motor has been driven
for about 0.5 sec.
0002 The guide home position sensor does not turn off when the guide motor has been driven
for 1 sec.

Main Cause The alignment home position sensor (PI5S) is faulty. The alignment motor
(M5S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The alignment plate home position sensor does not turn on when the alignment motor
has been driven for 0.5 sec (initially, driven for about 1.7 sec).
0002 The alignment plate home position sensor does not turn off when the alignment motor
has been driven for 1 sec.

Main Cause The stitch home position sensor (rear, MS5S) is faulty. The stitch motor
(rear, M6S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The stitcher home position sensor (rear) does not turn off when the stitch motor (rear)
has been rotated CW for 0.5 sec or more.
0002 The stitch home position sensor (rear) does not turn on when the stitch motor (rear) has
been rotated CCW for 0.5 sec or more.

Main Cause The stitch home position senor (front, MS7S) is faulty. The stitch motor
(front, M7S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The stitch home position sensor (front) does not turn off when the stitch motor (front)
has been rotated CW for 0.5 sec or more.
0002 The stitch home position sensor (front) does not turn on when the stitch motor (front)
has been rotated CCW for 0.5 sec or more.
Main Cause The paper push-on plate motor clock sensor (PI1S) is faulty. The paper
push-on plate leading edge position sensor (PI15S) is faulty. The paper push-on plate home
position sensor (PI14S) is faulty. The paper push-on plate motor (M8S) is faulty. The saddle
stitcher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The paper push-on plate home position sensor does not turn on when the paper push-on
plate motor has been driven for 0.3 sec or more.
0002 The paper push-on plate home position sensor does not turn off when the paper push-on
plate motor has been driven for 0.3 sec or more.
0003 The paper push-on plate leading edge position sensor does not turn off when the paper
push-on plate motor has been driven for 0.3 sec or more.
0004 The number of detection pulses of the paper push-on plate motor clock sensor drops
below a specific value.
0005 The paper push-on plate leading edge sensor does not turn on when the paper push-on
plate motor has been driven for 0.3 sec or more.

Main Cause The guide home position sensor (PI13S) is faulty. The paper push-on plate
home position sensor (PI14S) is faulty. The paper push-on plate leading edge position sensor
(PI15S) is faulty. The saddle stitcher controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 The connector of the guide home position sensor is found to be disconnected.
0002 The connector of the paper home positioning plate home position sensor is found to be
0003 The connector of the paper push-on plate leading edge position sensor is found to be

Main Cause The inlet door switch (MS1S) is faulty. The front door switch (MS2S) is
faulty. The delivery door switch (MS3S) is faulty. The saddle stitch controller PCB is faulty.
Mode of Detection
0001 When the inlet cover, front cover, and the delivery cover are found to be closed, the
inlet door switch detects an open condition for 1 sec or more from the start of the initial
otation of the host machine or the start of printing.
0002 When the inlet cover, front cover, and delivery cover are found to be closed, the front
door switch detects an open condition for 1 sec or more after the start of the initial rotation of
the host machine or the start of printing.
0003 When the inlet cover, front cover, and delivery cover are found to be closed, the
elivery door switch detects an open condition for 1 sec or more from the start of the initial
rotation of the host machine or the start of printing

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