Anda di halaman 1dari 56

Langkah 1: Tentukan ​w​px ​(ASCE 7-16 Bagian ​..................................

..................................... 6 ​Langkah 2: Tentukan ​Rs​ ​, Faktor Pengurangan Gaya Desain

Diafragma (ASCE 7-16 Tabel ​... 6 ​Langkah 3: Tentukan ​C​px,​Diafragma Desain
Percepatan (Force) Koefisien di level ​x ​(ASCE 7-16
Bagian ​....... ..................................................
.................................................. ...... 7

Langkah 4: Tentukan ​F​px​, Gaya Desain Diafragma di Level x​ ​(Bagian

........................ ......... 9

Perimeter Dinding Pracetak Struktur Parkir Beton Pracetak (SDC C, Knoxville)

......................... .... 21

4-Lantai Interior Dinding Pracetak Struktur Parkir Beton (SDC D, Seattle)

.............................. ........ 23

8-Lantai Precast Concrete Momen Bangunan Kantor Bingkai ​................................

................................. 24

8-Lantai Pra-cetak Beton Geser Dinding Kantor Bangunan ​....... ..................

............................................... 25

Baja- Struktur Perakitan Berbingkai di California Selatan ​............................................

...................... 27
Struktur Kantor Berbingkai Baja di Seattle, WA​.................. ..................................................
................ 29

Struktur Parkir Berbingkai Beton Cast-in-Place di California Selatan ​.....................

.................... 30

Struktur Perumahan Berbingkai Beton Cast-in-Place di California Utara ​.................

.................. 31

Struktur Perumahan Berbingkai Beton Cast-in-Place di Seattle, WA ​..................

............................. 32

Struktur Perumahan Berbingkai Beton Bertempat di Hawaii ​.........

.............................................. 33

Kantor Berbingkai Baja Struktur di California Selatan ​..................................................

.......................... 34

Langkah 1: Menentukan Level Permintaan Seismik Diafragma ​............... .............................

......................... 35



.................................................. 21
DESAIN SEISMIK DIAPHRAGET BETON PRECAST ​.............................................. 34
CONTOH BANGUNAN ​..................................................
.................................................. ............. 9
Contoh - Balai Kebaktian Kayu Satu Tingkat ​.............................
.......................................... 10

Contoh - Multi-Tingkat Tiga Tingkat Perumahan Keluarga

.................................................... ................. 13

Analisis Diafragma
SK Ghosh,

FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Rekomendasi Rekomendasi: Contoh
Langkah 2: Menentukan Opsi Desain Diafragma dan Konektor yang Sesuai

atauPenguatan Bersama.

Persyaratan Deformabilitas ​....................... ..................................................

....................... 36

Langkah 3: Mematuhi Prosedur Kualifikasi ​................... ..................................................

.............. 36

Langkah 4: Kuatkan Kekuatan Geser yang Diperlukan ​............................

.................................................. ............ 36


PROSEDUR KUALIFIKASI ​............................. .................................................. .................
37 ​UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH ​............................... ..................................................
......................... 39
Bab 6: Analisis Diafragma Horisontal

2015 ​Ketentuan Rekomendasi NEHRP ​(disebut sebagai ​Ketentuan)​ mencakup dua hal penting
item ficant terkait dengan desain diafragma, yang mewakili perubahan dari2009 ​Ketentuan​.
Pertama, ASCE 7-10 (disebut ​Standar)​ telah dimodifikasi untuk memasukkan Bagian 12.10.3
baru, Ketentuan Desain Alternatif untuk Diafragma termasuk Akord dan Kolektor, dalam Bagian
12.10, Akordeon dan Kolektor Diafragma. Modifikasi ini telah diterima untuk dimasukkan dalam
ASCE 7-16. Bagian baru menyediakan penentuan alternatif tingkat kekuatan desain diafragma,
yang wajib untuk diafragma beton pracetak pada bangunan yang ditugaskan untuk SDC C, D,
E, atau F. Alternatif ini diizinkan untuk digunakan untuk diafragma beton pracetak lainnya,
diafragma beton dalam pesawat, dan diafragma kayu didukung pada framing kayu. ​Standar
Bagian12.10.3 tidak berlaku untuk diafragma geladak baja. Kedua, ASCE 7-10 juga telah
dimodifikasi untuk menambahkan Bagian 14.2.4, yang berisi ketentuan desain seismik
terperinci untuk diafragma beton pracetak termasuk protokol kualifikasi konektor. Modifikasi ini
juga telah diterima untuk dimasukkan dalam ASCE 7-16.

Desain struktur seismik telah lama didasarkan pada perkiraan respon inelastik dari sistem
penahan gaya seismik. Perkiraan ini mengurangi hasil analisis elastis dengan
mempertimbangkan kekuatan cadangan, daktilitas, dan disipasi energi yang melekat pada
elemen vertikal dari sistem penahan gaya seismik. Pada tahun 1978, ATC-3 (ATC, 1978)
memberikan faktor reduksi gaya desain berdasarkan pertimbangan perilaku inelastis
elemen-elemen vertikal dari sistem penahan gaya seismik dan kinerja struktur dalam gempa
bumi masa lalu. Asumsi utama yang mengarah ke faktor-faktor ini adalah bahwa menghasilkan
elemen-elemen vertikal dari sistem penahan gaya seismik adalah mekanisme utama untuk
perilaku inelastik dan disipasi energi.
Sebaliknya, persyaratan desain untuk elemen horisontal dari sistem penahan gaya lateral
(diafragma) telah ditetapkan oleh pertimbangan empiris, bukan oleh pengurangan gaya
diafragma elastis karena aksi inelastis. Untuk tipe konstruksi diafragma yang sudah mapan,
pendekatan empiris ini secara umum memuaskan. Kinerja sistem yang memuaskan,
bagaimanapun, mensyaratkan bahwa diafragma memiliki kekuatan dan daktilitas yang cukup
untuk memobilisasi perilaku inelastis elemen-elemen vertikal.

Untuk membantu mencapai kinerja seismik yang diinginkan dari struktur, desain elemen
horizontal dan vertikal dari sistem penahan gaya seismik perlu dibuat lebih konsisten. Hasil
analitik serta hasil eksperimen dari uji shake-table di Jepang, Meksiko, dan Amerika Serikat
telah menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan diafragma lebih dari ketinggian struktur yang sebenarnya
dialami dalam gempa tingkat desain mungkin kadang-kadang secara signifikan lebih besar
daripada kode gaya desain diafragma -tingkat, terutama di mana respons diafragma mendekati
elastis. Namun, ada beberapa faktor spesifik material yang terkait dengan kekuatan yang
berlebihan dan kapasitas deformasi yang dapat menjelaskan kinerja diafragma yang
memuaskan. ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.10.3 mengaitkan desain diafragma dengan tingkat
kekuatan dan deformasi yang mewakili perilaku yang sebenarnya diantisipasi.

ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.10.3 menyajikan gaya diafragma elastis sebagai jumlah statistik dari efek
mode pertama dan efek mode yang lebih tinggi (Rodriguez et al., 2002). Efek mode pertama
dikurangi oleh faktor-R dari sistem penahan gaya seismik, tetapi kemudian diamplifikasi oleh
faktor kekuatan berlebih, Ω​0,​ karena kekuatan elemen elemen vertikal akan menghasilkan gaya
mode pertama yang lebih tinggi dalam diafragma. Efek yang disebabkan oleh respons mode
yang lebih tinggi tidak berkurang. Dalam pengakuan kapasitas deformasi dan kekuatan lebih
dari diafragma, gaya diafragma elastis dari mode pertama dan lebih tinggi dari respon
kemudian dikurangi dengan faktor reduksi kekuatan diafragma, ​Rs​ .

Dengan modifikasi oleh ​R​s,​tingkat kekuatan desain yang diusulkan mungkin tidak berbeda
secara signifikan dari tingkat diafragma kekuatan desain ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.10.1 dan
12.10.2 untuk banyak kasus praktis. Untuk beberapa jenis diafragma dan untuk beberapa
lokasi di dalam struktur, gaya desain diafragma yang diusulkan akan berubah secara signifikan,
menghasilkan perubahan nyata pada konstruksi yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan data dari

FEMA P-1051, ​Ketentuan yang Dianjurkan NEHRP: Desain

pengujian dan analisis dan pada pengamatan pembangunan kinerja, diyakini bahwa perubahan
ini dibenarkan.
Penjelasan terperinci dari ASCE 7-10 yang ditambahkan Bagian 12.10.3 disediakan di Bagian
2 (Komentar) untukNEHRP 2015 ​Ketentuan.​ Ini tidak diulang di sini. Tujuannya di sini adalah
untuk memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah untuk mengimplementasikan Bagian
12.10.3 dan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana perbedaannya dari implementasi Bagian 12.10.1
dan 12.10.2.

Tingkat kekuatan desain alternatif dari Bagian 12.10.3 didasarkan pada pekerjaan oleh
Rodriguez, Restrepo, dan Carr (Rodriguez et al., 2002), diverifikasi oleh karya yang lebih baru
oleh Fleischman et al. (Pankow, 2014), yang merupakan bagian dari upaya penelitian DSDM
(Metodologi Desain Seismik Diafragma) utama yang didanai oleh National Science Foundation,
Pracetak / Institut Beton Pracetak, dan Pankow Foundation. Penelitian ini dilakukan di
Universitas Arizona, Tucson, Universitas Lehigh, dan Universitas California di San Diego.

​ an ​Standar​, dokumen-dokumen berikut dapat dirujuk secara langsung

Selain ​Ketentuan d
atau dapat berfungsi sebagai alat bantu desain yang berguna:

ACI 318 American Concrete Institute. 2014. ​Persyaratan Kode Bangunan untuk
Beton Struktural.​

ATC 3-06 Dewan Teknologi Terapan. 1978. ​Ketentuan Tentatif untuk

Pengembangan Peraturan Seismik untuk

Rodriguez, Restrepo Rodriguez, M, Restrepo, JI dan Carr, AJ 2002. "Gempa bumi

percepatan horizontalpada bangunan", ​Teknik Gempa Bumi -
Structural Dynamics​, Vol. 31​, h
​ al.693-718.

Pankow Foundation Pankow Foundation, 2014. ​Dokumen Metodologi Desain Seismik

Beton Pracetak.

Laporan ATLSS Naito, C., Ren, R., Jones, C., Cullent, T., "PengembanganDesain Seismik
Metodologiuntuk Diafragma Precast - Konektor Kinerja Fase 1B,"
Laporan ATLSS No. 07-04, ATLSS Center, Universitas Lehigh,
Juni, 2007, 169 halaman.

Laporan ATLSS Naito, C., Peter, W., Cao, L., “PengembanganDesain Seismik
Metodologiuntuk Diafragma Pracetak - LAPORAN RINGKASAN 1
FASE 1,” Laporan ATLSS No. 06-03, Pusat ATLSS, Universitas
Lehigh, Januari, 2006, 118 halaman.
Ren dan Naito Ren, R., dan Naito, CJ, 2013. “PracetakKonektor Konektor Diafragma
Basis Data, ​Jurnal Teknik Struktural​, ASCE, Januari.

Berikut ini menjelaskan secara bertahap langkah-langkah penentuan gaya desain seismik
diafragma oleh ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.10.1 dan 12.10.2. Prosedur dalam bagian ini telah
digunakan sejak sebelum edisi pertama IBC dan, di masa lalu, telah berlaku untuk diafragma
semua bahan. ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.10.1 dan 12.10.2 tidak dapat digunakan untuk desain
diafragma beton pracetak pada bangunan ditugaskan untuk C, D, E, atau F.
Langkah 1: ​Tentukan ​w​px.​ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.7.2 mendefinisikan berat seismik efektif, W. ​wx​
adalah bagian dari ​W y​ ang merupakan anak sungai ke tingkat ​x.​ ​wp​ x ​berbeda dari ​w​x ​hanya
dalam bahwa bobot dari dinding sejajar dengan kekuatan gempa dapat dikecualikan dari ​wp ​ x.
Langkah 2: ​Tentukan ​w​i ​untuk semua level dari ​x ​ke ​n,​ ​n m
​ enjadi level atap. Tentukan jumlah
w ​i.
dari atas, ​ n​xi =​ ​
Gambar 6.1-1 Bobot seismik dan gaya lateral yang diperoleh dari distribusi vertikal geser
dasar desain pada berbagai tingkat lantai
Langkah 3: ​Tentukan geser dasar desain seismik, ​V,​ dari ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.8.1.
Langkah 4: ​Tentukan porsi ​V yang ​diinduksi pada level ​i​, ​Fi​ ​, untuk semua level dari ​x k​ e ​n,​ dari

ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.8.3. Tentukan jumlah dari atas, ​ Σ​ ​


F i​ .

Langkah 5: ​Tentukan gaya desain diafragma pada level ​x,​ ​Fp​ x,​ dari:
∑​ ​F ​ ​F ​
n i px ​

∑​ ​ ​n​
xi =

px ​wi ​xi ​=

Bab 6: Analisis Diafragma Horisontal

FEMA P-1051, ​Ketentuan Rekomendasi NEHRP : Desain Contoh
Langkah 6: ​Periksa ​Fp​ x ​terhadap nilai-nilai maksimum dan minimum. ​Fp​ x ​tidak boleh kurang dari
Fx​ ​atau 0,2​SD​ S​I​e​w​px F ​ x ​tidak boleh lebih besar dari 0,4​SD​ SI​ e​ ​w​px
​ p


Berikut ini dijelaskan dalam langkah- fashion bertahap penentuan kekuatan desain seismik
diafragma oleh ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.10.3.
Perbedaan antara prosedur dalam Bagian 12.10.1 dan 12.10.2 dan penentuan gaya desain
oleh Bagian 12.10.3 menjadi jelas dari tinjauan sisi-sisi Bagian 6.1 di atas dan bagian ini.
Langkah 1: Tentukan ​w​px ​(ASCE 7-16 Bagian ​ASCE 7-16 Bagian 12.7.2
mendefinisikan berat seismik efektif, W. ​w​x a ​ ang merupakan anak sungai
​ dalah bagian dari ​W y

ke tingkat ​x.​ ​wp​ x ​berbeda dari ​wx​ h

​ anya dalam bahwa bobot dari dinding sejajar dengan

kekuatan gempa dapat dikecualikan dari ​w​px.

Langkah 2: Tentukan ​R​s,D ​ iafragma Desain Angkatan Pengurangan Factor (ASCE 7-16

ASCE 7-16Tabel ​faktor PenguranganDiafragma Desain Force, ​R​s
Shear- ​
Diafragma Sistem ​ Controlled​sebuah ​6- 6
Flexure- ​
- 1.5 2
Cast-in-place concrete yang dirancang sesuai dengan Bagian 14.2 dan ACI 318 ​
Pracetak beton dirancang sesuai dengan Bagian 14.2.4 dan ACI 318
EDO​1, b ​0.7 0.7
BDO​2, b ​1.0 1.0
RDO​3 , b ​1.4 1.4 Pelapis kayu yang dirancang sesuai dengan Bagian 14.5 dan AF&PA (sekarang
AWC) Ketentuan Desain Khusus untuk Angin dan Seismik
- 3.0 NA

EDO adalah diafragma beton pracetak Opsi Desain Elastis. 2​ ​BDO adalah diafragma beton

Opsi Desain Dasar. 3​ ​RDO adalah Opsi Desain Reduksi diafragma beton pracetak. sebuah

diafragma Lentur-dikontrol dan Shear-dikendalikan didefinisikan dalam ASCE 7-16 Bagian

11.2. b​ ​Pilihan desain yang elastis, dasar, dan tereduksi didefinisikan dalam ASCE 7-16 Bagian

The Diafragma Desain Angkatan Pengurangan Factor, ​Rs​ ,m ​ enyumbang diafragma kekuatan

lebih dan / atau kapasitas perpindahan inelastis dari diafragma. Untuk sistem diafragma
dengan kapasitas deformasi inelastis yang cukup untuk memungkinkan respon inelastis pada
gempa rencana, ​R​s b
​ iasanya lebih besar dari 1,0, sehingga ​F​px b
​ erkurang relatif terhadap

permintaan tenaga desain untuk diafragma yang tetap linear elastis pada gempa rencana.
Untuk sistem diafragma yang tidak memiliki deformasi inelastis yang cukup
Bab 6:Analisis Diafragma
kapasitasHorizontal, ​Rs​ ​harus kurang dari 1,0, atau bahkan 0,7, sehingga respon
kekuatan-deformasi elastis linear dapat diharapkan di bawah MCE tersebut.
Langkah 3: Tentukan ​C​px,​Diafragma Desain Percepatan (Force) Koefisien di Level ​x
(ASCE 7-
16 Bagian ​Dalam rangka untuk menentukan ​Cp ​ x, ​Cp​ 0
​ , ​C​pi,​dan ​C​pn ​perlu terlebih

dahulu ditentukan.
Langkah 3A: ​Tentukan ​Cp​ 0​ ,​Diafragma Desain Percepatan (Force) Koefisien di Pangkalan
Struktur (ASCE 7-16 Bagian
C​ = 40 ​IS. ​
​ ​
p0 eDS ​Langkah 3B: ​Tentukan ​C​pi,​ Percepatan Desain Diafragma (Angkatan)
Koefisien pada 80 persen dari ​h​n (​ ASCE 7- 16 Bagian
C​pi ​adalah nilai yang lebih besar yang diberikan oleh:
CC ​ = ​ .C ​ = 90 Γ ​ Ω ​C ​
pi ​ 0​p ​ pi ​ ​ 1​
m0 s ​di mana:
Γ​m1​ ​adalah modus pertama kontribusi faktor

​ + z.
Γ ​m = ​ ⎞ │​⎠​zs​ ​= modal kontribusikoefisien tergantung pada sistem
​ s​ ​6-7 ​│⎝- ​⎛ ​N ​1 ​1501 1

gaya-tahan gempa pengubah (lihat Tabel di ​ bawah).

Tabel 6.2-1 Modifikasi Koefisien Kontribusi Modal, ​z​s
Keterangan ​z​s -​ nilai ​Bangunan yang dirancang dengan sistem Rangka Braces yang Ditahan
Buckling didefinisikan dalam Tabel 12.2-1
Bangunan yang dirancang dengan sistem Rangka Penahan Momen yang didefinisikan dalam
Tabel 12.2-1 0.70 Bangunan yang dirancang dengan Dual Sistem yang didefinisikan dalam
Tabel 12.2-1 dengan Frame Momen Khusus atau Menengah yang mampu menahan
setidaknya 25% dari gaya seismik yang ditentukan
Bangunan dirancang dengan semua sistem penahan gaya seismik lainnya. 1.00
Langkah 3C: Tentukan ​Cp​ n,​ Percepatan Desain Diafragma (Gaya) Koefisien pada ​hn​ ​(ASCE
7-16 Bagian
C​ =
pn ​

​C ​
( Γ​ ​m 0​ 1 Ω
​ s ​) ​2

+​ Γ​
(​ ​ 2
sm 2

FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Ketentuan yang Disarankan: Desain Contoh di
mana: Γ​m2​ ​adalah faktor kontribusi mode lebih tinggi

Γm​ 2​ ​= 190
​ ​z. ​s ASCE
​ 7-16 Gambar 12.10.3-1 Menghitung percepatan desain koefisien ​C​px
di gedung-gedung dua cerita atau kurang tinggi dan di gedung-gedung bertingkat tiga
atau lebih tinggi
Distribusi pasukan desain diafragma sepanjang ketinggian bangunan agak berbeda dalam
Ketentuan ​dari yang diberikan dalam ASCE 7-16 Gambar 12.10.3-1. Distribusi NEHRP
ditunjukkan di bawah ini dalam ​Ketentuan G ​ ambar 12.10-2. Untuk bangunan bertingkat tiga
atau lebih tinggi, parameter ​C​pi ​tidak digunakan. Parameter ​Cp​ x t​ etap konstan dan sama dengan
C​p​0 ​dari dasar sampai 80% dari ketinggian struktural, ​hn​ ,d
​ i atas dasar. Juga, dalam ASCE 7-16,

parameter ​Cp​ n ​tidak boleh kurang dari ​C​pi.​ Namun, tidak ada batas bawah tersebut dikenakan
pada ​C​pn d ​ i ​Ketentuan.​Akibatnya, adalah mungkin untuk memiliki gaya diafragma yang lebih

rendah di atas 20% dari ketinggian bangunan dibandingkan dengan mereka yang berada di
bawah 80% dari ketinggian bangunan ketika mengikuti persyaratan ​Ketentuan​. Ini dapat dilihat
pada Gambar 6.4-13 dan 6.4-14 nanti di bab ini.
6-8 ​│⎝- ​⎛ ​N ​ ⎞ │​⎠​C​s2 a
​ dalah modus yang lebih tinggi koefisien respon seismik. ​Cs​ 2 ​adalah yang

terkecil dari nilai yang diberikan oleh

​ =​
C ​s 2​ ​= ​ (​ 150 ​SI.N. +
​ ​250) ​DSe SIC
​ ​ ​ DSe ​
C ​s ​2 ​= 030

SI ​De ​ ​(1 ​ -)​
​ 1 ​Untuk N ≥ 2
C s​ 2​ ​= 0 ​untuk N = 1
Langkah 3D: ​Gunakan Gambar 12.10.3-1 untuk menentukan ​C​px (​ ASCE 7-16 Bagian
Langkah 4: Tentukan ​F​px,​Diafragma Desain Angkatan di level ​x ​(Bagian
Langkah ​ 1 ​ Langkah 3 ​
​ Step2 ​ F ​px ​=
C ​px ​ w ​
Rs​ ​ px
​ 0​
≥ ​wIS.2
Detail perhitungan kekuatan desain seismik diafragma di sepanjang ketinggian bangunan beton
pracetak yang ditugaskan untuk Desain Seismik Kategori B, mengikuti prosedur langkah demi
langkah yang diberikan di atas, ditunjukkan dalam Bagian hingga dari
​ agian12.10.1 dan 12.10.2 serta prosedur dalam ​Standar
publikasi ini. Prosedur dalam ​Standar B
Bagian12.10.3 diilustrasikan, karena diafragma beton pracetak pada bangunan yang
ditugaskan untuk SDC B memenuhi syarat untuk dirancang oleh keduanya. Bagian
menggambarkan perhitungan rinci gaya desain diafragma di sepanjang ketinggian bangunan
yang ditugaskan ke SDC C mengikuti prosedur pada Bagian 6.2 di atas; diafragma ini tidak
memenuhi syarat untuk dirancang oleh prosedur dalam Bagian 6.1. Ilustrasi perhitungan rinci
gaya desain diafragma di sepanjang ketinggian bangunan beton pracetak yang ditugaskan
untuk SDC D, mengikuti prosedur dalam Bagian 6.2 di atas, ditemukan di Bagian 11.1.2.
Selain di atas, perhitungan level gaya desain untuk dua bangunan rangka kayu diilustrasikan di
bawah ini dalam Bagian 6.3.1 dan 6.3.2.
Ketentuan G ​ ambar 12,10-2 Menghitung percepatan desain koefisien ​C​px ​di
gedung-gedung dengan ​N ≤ ​ 2 dan di gedung-gedung dengan ​N ≥ ​ 3
Bab 6: Horizontal Diafragma Analisis
Contoh - Cerita Assembly Wood Hall
Gedung Konfigurasi
Cerita Majelis digunakan, ​sayae​ ​= 1.25 Tinggi atap rata-rata = 25 kaki Panjang = 90 kaki Lebar
= 40 kaki ​SD​ S ​= 1.0, ​SD​ ​1 ​= 0.60 Diafragma panel struktural kayu Dinding geser panel struktural
kayu - ​R​= 6.5, Ω​0​= 3
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Ketentuan yang Disarankan: Contoh Desain
Berat untuk Analisis Seismik
Atap + langit-langit = 15 psf Hanya atap = 8 psf Dinding = 10 psf
Berat seismik - Atap: (15 psf) (40 kaki) (90 kaki) (90 kaki) = 54.000 lb
Overhang: (8 psf) (2 kaki) (41 kaki) (91 kaki) (2 sisi) = 4.200 lbs Dinding samping: (10 psf) (10
kaki) (90 kaki) (90 kaki) (2 sisi) = 18.000 lbs Dinding ujung : (10 psf) (25 kaki / 2) (40 kaki) (2
sisi) = 10.000 pon TOTAL = 86.200 pon yang bekerja di atap

ASCE 7-16 Basis Geser ​hCT ​a = ​ ​

​ x​ nt = 2520.0 ​ ​ ​= 0.22
() 75.0 ​ dtk (12,8-7)

C s​ ​= ​s ​DS ​IR​/ ​e

25,1 / 5,6 = 6-10 00,1 0,192 (

Cha pter 6: Horizontal Diafragma Analisis
C​s ​kebutuhan tidak melebihi:
C ​s ​ IRT ​ ​(S D​ /​ ​


= 25,1 / 5.624.0 (60,0)

V=​ ​C​sW
​ ​= (0,192) (86.200 ) = 16.550 lbs (12,8-1)
Berat Diafragma, ​w​px​, padaAtap
berat Diafragma= Berat seismik total - berat dinding yang menahan gaya seismik
= 86.200 - 10.000 = 76.200 lbs (untuk gaya seismik yang bekerja dalam arah melintang)
= 86.200 - 18.000 = 68.200 lbs (untuk gaya seismik yang bekerja dalam arah longitudinal)
ASCE 7-16 Desain Diafragma Atap Tradisional Gaya
Kekuatan Kekuatan diafragma tingkat desain:
​ ​= ​i n
i px ​

(Persamaan. 12.10-1)
Untuk bangunan bertingkat tunggal, ​F​px ​= ​V = ​ 16.550 lbs
Nilai minimum ​Fp​ x =
​ 0.2​S​DSI​ e
​ ​w​px ​(Persamaan 12.10-2)
= 0.2 (1.0) (1.25) (76.200 lbs) = 19.050 lbs (arah transversal)
= 0.2 (1.0) (1.25) (68.200 lbs) = 17.050 lbs (arah longitudinal)
Nilai maksimum ​Fp​ x ​= 0.4​S​DSI​ e​ ​w​px ​(Persamaan 12.10-3)
= 0.4 ( 1.0) (1.25) (76.200 lbs) = 38.100 lbs (arah melintang)
= 0.4 (1.0) (1.25) (68.200 lbs) = 34.100 lbs (arah longitudinal)
Mengatur gaya desain diafragma pemerintahan = 19.050 lbs (arah transversal)
= 17.050 lbs ( arah longitudinal)
Gaya desain diafragma ASD Level:

F​pr ​= 0,7 (19,050) = 13,335 lbs (arah transversal) F

​ ​pr =
​ 0,7 (17,050) = 11,935 lbs (arah

6-11 ​ x​ ∑
​ ​ix ​FF ​=​w
i px

w =​
ASCE 7-16 Alternatif / 2015NEHRP ​Ketentuan ​Pasukan Desain Diafragma Atap
Untuk bangunan dua lantai atau kurang, penentuan gaya diafragma sama dengan ASCE 7-16
dan2015 NEHRP ​Ketentuan,​ yang diilustrasikan di bawah ini. Persamaan dan nomor tabel
yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini berasal dari ASCE 7-16.
N=​ 1
zs​ ​= 1,0 (untuk bangunan kayu shear wall)

R​s ​= 3,0 (dari Tabel

Γ ​m ​1 ​= 15,01 + z​ ​s ​│⎝- ​⎛ ​N ​1 │⎠ ​⎞= 100.15.01 + × × │⎝-

​ ​⎛ 1
​ ​1​⎞ │​⎠​= 0,1 (Persamaan 12.10.3 10.) - ​Γ ​m ​1
│⎞​ = ​
= 19,0 z​ s​ │⎝-
​ ​⎛ ​N 100.19.0
​ 11 ​ ​ 2​ ​1​0 (Persamaan 12.10.3 11.) - │⎠ ​⎞​2 ​= × × ⎝-│​
​ ⎛ ​ ⎠​ C​p0​ ​=

0,4​S​DSI​ e​ =
​ 0,4 (1,0) (1,25) = 0,50 (Persamaan. 12.10.3-3)

C p​ n
​(Γ ​m ​01
Ω ​C ​ ​s) ​2
+ ​ (​ Γ ​sm 2​ 2
​ )
(Persamaan 12.10.3 4) - =desain:.
​(Γ ​m
Ω ​C
s​ ) ​= 576,0) 192,0) (0,3 (0,1 = ​kekuatan Tingkat diafragma kekuatan
= ​C ​pr
F ​pr ​
Rs​ =
​ 576.0 ​
0.3​200.68 094,13 lbs (arah longitudi nal) ​ =​Tetapi tidak kurang dari:
px ​

F​pr ​= 0,2​S​DS​Ie​ w ​ x ​(Persamaan 12.10.3-2)

​ p

= 0.2 (1.0 ) (1.25) (76.200) = 19.050 lbs (arah melintang)

= 0.2 (1.0) (1.25) (68.200) = 17.050 lbs (arah longitudinal)
Gaya desain diafragma ASD Level:

F​pr ​= 0,7 (19.050) = 13.335 lbs (transversal) arah) F​

​ pr ​= 0,7 (17,050) = 11,935 lbs (arah

(Persamaan 12.10.3 1) - 576,0 ​0,3​200,76 630,14 lbs (transvers e direc tion) =

Menghitung percepatan desain koefisien ​Cp​ x ​di gedung-gedung dengan ​N ​≤ 2
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Direkomendasikan Ketentuan: Contoh Desain
Transverse Longitudinal

w​ASD​= 13.335 lbs / 90 ft = 148 plflbs. ​w​ASD = ​ ​V ​= 148 plf (90

​ 11.935 / 40 ft. = 298 plf ​R =

ft./2) = 6660 lbs ​R ​= ​V =

​ 298 plf (40 ft./2) = 5968 lbs ​v =
​ ​V / b =
​ 6660/40 ft. = 167 plf ​v ​= ​V /
b ​= 5968/90 ft. = 66 plf

Desain Selubung per SDPWS - Tabel 4.2C - Diafragma Tanpa

Blok: Selubung 3/8

inci dengan paku umum 8d di tepi yang didukung 6 inci, bidang 12 inci
yang didukung Melintang - Selubung Muatan 1 - kapasitas = 430 plf / 2 =
215 plf> 167 plf OK Longitudinal - Kasing 3 - kapasitas = 320 plf / 2 =
160 plf> 66 plf OKTingkat

Contoh -TinggalMulti-Keluarga


TigaTiga Story Standard Occupancy, ​I​e ​= 1.0

Tinggi atap = 31 kaki Panjang = 192 kaki
Lebar = 54 kaki ​S​DS ​= 1.0, ​S​D1​ ​= 0.60
Diafragma panel struktural kayu Dinding
geser panel struktural kayu - R = 6.5, Ω​0​= 3
Bab 6: Analisis Diafragma Horisontal

Berat untuk Analisis


Atap + langit-langit = 15 psf

Lantai + langit-langit = 10
Dinding eksterior = 15
Dinding interior = 10
Berat seismik di
Atap: (15 psf) (54 kaki) (192 kaki) (192 kaki) = 155,5 pip
Dinding eksterior memanjang: (15 psf) (192 kaki) (4 kaki) (2
sisi) = 23,0 kips Dinding eksterior melintang: (15 psf) (54 kaki)
(4 kaki) (2 kaki) (2 sisi) = 6,5 kips Dinding interior memanjang:
(10 psf) (192 kaki) (4 kaki) (2 baris) = 15,4 kips

FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Ketentuan yang Dianjurkan: Contoh Desain Desain
Dinding interior melintang: (10 psf) (24 kaki) (4 kaki) ft) (14 baris) = 13,4 kips TOTAL = 214 kips
bertindak di atapFloor:...
berat seismik pada 2​nd ​dan 3​rd ​lantai
(10 psf) (54 ft) (192 ft) = 103,7 kips longitudinal dinding eksterior: ( 15 psf) (192 kaki) (8 kaki) (2
sisi) = 46,0 kips Dinding eksterior melintang: (15 psf) (54 kaki) (8 kaki) (2 sisi) = 13,0 kaki
Dinding interior memanjang: ( 10 psf) (192 kaki) (8 kaki) (2 baris) = 30,8 kips Dinding interior
melintang: (10 psf) (24 kaki) (8 kaki) (14 baris) (14 baris) = 26,8 kali TOTAL = 220 kips
bertindak di lantai
Berat seismik TOTAL = 21 4 + 220 + 220 = 654 kips

ASCE 7-16 Basis Geser ​hCT a​ =

​ x​ ​nt ​= 3120.0 ​ ​ ​= 0.26
() 75.0 ​ dtk (12.8-7)

​ ​S ​DS ​IR​/ ​e
C ​s =

​ ​6-14 ​00.1
= ​00.1 / 5.6 =

C​s ​tidakkebutuhan melebihi:
C ​s ​
​() = 00,1 / 5.626.0 (60,0 ​ =​ ​s D​ 1​ ​IRT

0,355 (12,8-3)
V=​ ​C​sW
​ ​= (0,154) (654) = 101 kips(12,8-1)
berat Diafragma, ​w​px,d
​ i atap:

total berat seismik - berat dinding menahan gaya gempa

= 214 - 6,5-13,4 = 194,1 kips (untuk gaya gempa yang bekerja di arah melintang)
= 214 - 23-15,4 = 175,6 kips (untuk gaya gempa yang bekerja dalam arah longitudinal)
nd ​ rd ​
berat Diafragma, ​w​px,d ​ i 2​ dan 3​ lantai:

total berat seismik - berat dinding menahan gaya gempa

= 220 - 13-26,8 = 180.2 kips (untuk gaya seismik yang bekerja dalam arah melintang)
= 220 - 46 - 30,8 = 143,2 kips (untuk gaya seismik yang bekerja dalam arah longitudinal)
Bab 6: Analisis Diafragma Horisontal
ASCE 7-16 Gaya Desain Diafragma Atap Tradisional Kekuatandiafragma
distribusigeser dasar eismik:
Gaya seismik lateral pada setiap tingkat ditentukan sebagai
F​x ​= ​Cv​ x​V (​ Persamaan. 12,8-11)

v​ ​ ​k​Σ​nhw
= ​hw xx ​ i​ i

​ Persamaan. 12,8-12)

Untuk ​T ​≤ 0,5 detik., ​k =
​ 1,0
DistribusiAngkatan sepanjang ketinggian bangunan ditunjukkan pada tabel di bawah
Level ​x
6-15 ​w​x

w​x​hx​ k​ (kips)
C​vx ​F​x

(kips​) ​3 ​2 1
214 214 220 220 654

31 ​18 9
6634 3960 1980 12,574
0,53 0,31 0,16 1,00
53,4 31,4 16,2 101
1,0 kip = 4,45 kN, 1,0 kaki = 0,3048 m, 1,0 kaki-kip = 1,36 kN-m
Gaya kekuatan diafragma tingkat kekuatan: Gaya desain diafragma
diberikan oleh ukuran ​F​x yang ​ditentukan di atas dan ​F​px yang d
​ itentukan di bawah ini .


​ ​= i​ x ​
i px ∑
​ ​ix ​FF ​=​w
i px
w =​
(Persamaan 12.10-1)
Kekuatan diafragma level kekuatan ditentukan pada tabel di bawah ini.

ii ​=​x ​w​px

F​px (​ kips)
Trans. Panjang. Trans. Panjang.
Atap 214 214 53.4 53.4 194.1 175.6 48.4 43.8 2 220 434 31.4 84.8 180.2 143.2 35.2 28.0 1 220
654 16.2 101 180.2 143.2 27.8 22.0 ​1.0 kip = 4.45 kN.

F ​ = ​V ​
i​ ​ ​x ​(kips)
ii = (kips)
F​i ​(kips) (kips)
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Ketentuan yang Disarankan:
Contoh-contoh Desain

F​px d
​ i atap tidak boleh

kurang dari:

F​pr ​= 0,2​SD​ S​I​ew ​ r (Persamaan

​ p ​ 12.10-2)
= 0.2 (1.0) (1.0) (194.1) = 38.8 kips (arah

= 0.2 (1.0) (1.06) (175.6) = 35.1 kips (arah


F​px d
​ i tingkat lantai tidak boleh

kurang dari:

​ 0,2​S​DS​I​ew ​ x ​(Persamaan 12.10-2)
​ p

= 0,2 (1,0) (1,0) (180,2) = 36 kips (arah


= 0,2 (1,0) (1,0) (143.2) = 28.6 kips (arah


F​px d
​ i atap tidak perlu


F​pr ​= 0.4​SD​ S​I​ew ​ r (Persamaan

​ p ​ 12.10-3)1.01 (1.01) (1.01) (77.1)77.6 pip)
= 0.4 (1.0) (1.0) (1.0) (=arah melintang)

= 0,4 (1,0) (1,0) (175,6) = 70,2 kips (arah


F​px d
​ i lantai tidak perlu melebihi:

F​px = ​ S​I​ew
​ 0,4​SD ​ x (Persamaan
​ p ​ 12.10-3)
= 0.4 (1.0) (1.0) (180.2) = 72 kips (arah

= 0.4 (1.0) (1.0.2) (143.2) = 57.3 kips (arah


Gaya desain diafragma ASD


F​px,​ ASD ​= 0.7 (​Fp​ x,​


Ringkasan kekuatan desain diafragma


Tr ansverse Arah Longitudinal Arah Kekuatan Tingkat ASD Tingkat

Kekuatan Tingkat ASD Tingkat Atap 53,4 37,4 53,4 37,4 3​rd ​Floor
36,0 25,2 31,4 22,0 2​nd ​Floor 36,0 25,2 28,6 20,0

ASCE 7-16 Atap Diafragma Desain Force - ASD ​Transverse - Atap Longitudinal - Atap
w​ASD​= 37.400 lbs / 192 ft. = 195 plf w​ASD ​= 37.400 lbs / 54 ft. = 693 plf R = V = 195plf (48
kaki / 2) = 4680 lbs R = V = 693 plf (24 kaki / 2) = 8316 lbs v = V / b = 4680/54 kaki. = 87
plf v = V / b = 8316/192 kaki. = 43 plf
Desain Selubung per SDPWS - Tabel 4.2C - Diafragma Tanpa Blok: 5/16-inch Selubung
dengan paku umum 6d pada tepi yang didukung 6 inci, bidang 12 inci Transverse - Load Case
1 - kapasitas = 300 plf / 2 = 150 plf> 87 plf OK Longitudinal - Case Load 3 - kapasitas = 220 plf
/ 2 = 110 plf > 43 plf OK Selubung yang
sama OK untuk lantai kedua dan ketiga dengan inspeksi, lebih tebal dari selubung 5/16-inci
akan digunakan berdasarkan persyaratan beban gravitasi.
ASCE 7-16 Alternatif Angkatan Desain Diafragma
Persamaan dan nomor tabel yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini dari ASCE 7-16.
N= ​ 3
zs​ ​= 1.0 (untuk bangunan dinding geser kayu)
R​s ​= 3.0 (dari Tabel
Bab 6: Analisis Diafragma Horisontal

z. ​
1 ​= 1501
​ ​+ ​ sM
​ enghitung percepatan desain koefisien ​Cp​ x ​di gedung-gedung dengan ​N ​≥ 3
​ ​ ⎞ │​⎠​(Persamaan 12.10.3 10.) - ​=
│⎝- ​⎛ N


​ ​× × │⎝-
+ .. ​ ​⎛ 1 ​ ​m 2​ ​= 19,0
​ ​3​⎞ │​⎠​= 331 ​. Γ
│⎞​ = ​
z​s 100.19.0
​ ​ ​2 ​3​4,0 (Persamaan 12.10.3 11.) - ​6-17 ​│⎝- ​⎛ ​N ​│⎠ ​⎞​2 ​= × × ⎝-│​
1​1 ​ ⎛​ ⎠​ Cp​ ​0 ​= 0,4​SD​ SI​ ​e

= 0,4 (1,0) (1.00) = 0,40 (Persamaan. 12.10.3-3)

C​pi​ ​= ​C​p0​ ​= 0,40 (Persamaan. 12.10.3-5)
C​pi​ ​= 0.9Γ​m​1​Ω​0​Cs​ ​= 0,9 (1,33) (3,0) (0,154) = 0,55 (Persamaan. 12.10.3-6)
C ​s 2​ = ​ 150 ​SI.N. ​+ ​250)
​ ​ ( ​DSe ​= ​ ​(7001012503150 ​×. ​ ​ +
​ .) ​× ​.. ​× = ​. ​(. Persamaan 12.10.3 7) - ​SIC ​s ​2 =

DSe ​= ​ = (Persamaan 12.10.3 8.) - ​C s​

010.101 ​... ×

​ 030

SI ​De ​ ​(1 ​- ​ ​1) ​= 6001

​ ​
2030 ​ ...
10 -(Persamaan 12.10.3
× ​×​= ​
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Direkomendasikan Ketentuan9.):Contoh Desain
C​ =
pn ​
(Γ ​ Ω ​C ​
​ m ​01 ​ s​ ) ​2
+ ​ (Γ ​
​ sm ​22

​ ​ ​. ​ 2 +
C) ​ ​ ​ ​(15.403.331 ×.

) ​ ​ ​( ​6807040 ..​ ×​ ​) 2​ =​ ​. (Persamaan

12.10.3 4) - ​Kekuatan desain

diafragma Level Kekuatan: ​F pr


C pr
​ R ​
​ ​ -18 ​w pr

(Persamaan 12.10.3 1) - = 680

​ ​441194 ​. ​= kips (arah transversal e) =
. 03.
​ ​8396175 .​ ​= ​. ​kips (arah longitudi nal) Tetapi
. 03. ​ tidak kurang dari:

F​pr ​= 0,2​SD​ S​I​ew ​ r (Persamaan

​ p ​ 12.10.3-2)
= 0.2 (1.0) (1.0) (1.0.1 (194.1) = 38.8 kips (arah transversal)
= 0.2 (1.0) (1.0) (175.6) = 35.1 kips (arah longitudinal)
F ​p ​ 3
= ​C p​

3​Rs​ ​ p

3​ (Persamaan 12.10.3 1) - = 51.0 ​0.3​6.302.180 = kips (transversing e direction) =

51.0 ​0.3​3.242.143 = kips (arah longitudi nal) ​Tetapi tidak kurang dari:
F​p3​ ​= 0,2​S​DSI​ e​ ​w​p3​ ​(Persamaan 12.10.3-2)
= 0.2 (1.0) (1.0) (180)) = 36 kips (arah melintang)
= 0,2 (1,0) (1,0) (143,2) = 28,6 kips (arah longitudinal)

F ​p
​ 60 ​03​9.212.143 kips (longitudi arah nal) ​C ​p ​R​s​2

2 ​(Persamaan. 12.10 .3 1) - = 460

​ ​6272180 ​. ​= ​. ​kips (arah transversal) =
. 03.

. .​ ​. =
​ ​. T
​ etapi tidak kurang dari:
F​p2​ ​= 0,2​S​DSI​ e​ ​w​p2​ ​(Persamaan 12.10.3-2)
= 0.2 (1.0) (1.0) (180.2) = 36 kips (arah melintang)
Bab 6: Analisis Diafragma Horisontal

= 0,2 (1,0) (1,0) (143,2) = 28,6 kips (arah


Gaya desain diafragma ASD


F​px,​ ASD ​= 0,7 (​Fp​ x,​


Ringkasan gaya desain diafragma


Arah MelintangArah Longitudinal

Kekuatantingkat ASD tingkat Kekuatan tingkat ASD


atap 44 30,8 39,8 27,9

3​rd ​Floor 36 25,2 28,6 20,0

2​nd ​Floor 36 25,2 28,6 20,0

ASCE 7-16 atap Diafragma Desain - ASD ​Transverse - atap longitudinal - atap w​ASD​=
30.800 lbs / 192 ft. = 160 plf w​ASD ​= 27.900 lbs / 54 ft. = 517 plf R = V = 160plf (48 ft./2) =
3840 lbs R = V = 517 plf (24 ft/2) = 6204 lbs v = V / b = 3840/54 ft. = 71 plf v = V/b =
6204/192 ft. = 32 plf

Sheathing Design per SDPWS - Table 4.2C - Unblocked Diaphragms:

5/16-inch Sheathing with 6d common nails at 6-inch supported edge, 12inch
field Transverse - Load Case 1 - capacity = 300 plf/2 = 150 plf > 71 plf OK
Longitudinal - Load Case 3 - capacity = 220 plf/2 = 110 plf > 32 plf OK

Same sheathing OK for second and third floors by inspection, thicker than 5/16-inch
sheathing will be used based on gravity load requirements.

2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​Diaphragm Design

Equation and table numbers shown below are from the 2015 NEHRP

FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples
N ​≥ 3
Calculating the design acceleration coefficient ​Cp​ x ​in buildings with ​N ≥
​ 3
z​ 1​
n =3 z​s ​= 1.0 R​ ​ ​m1 =
​ s ​= 3.0 Γ ​ +​
​ 1
2 ⎛​ ​│ ⎝ 1-
​ ​ n
⎞ ​│ ⎠ = 1 + 2 1
​ ⎛ ​│ ⎝ 1 - 3 1
​ ⎞ ​│ ⎠

= 133 .​ (​ 12.10-11)
Γ​ =​ z​
2​ m2 ​ 0.9 ​ s​ (12.10-12)
(12.10-8) (12.10-9)
(12.10-7) ​⎛ ​│ ⎝ 1-

n ​ ⎞ ​│ ⎠
= 09 (​ ​10 )​ ​⎛ ​│ ⎝ 1 - 3 1 ⎞​ ​│ ⎠ 2​ ​= 040 C ​ s2 ​ (
​ = ​ .15 ​n+ 0​ .25 ​) ​I ​e ​S DS
​ 0 ​ =​ ​( ​0.15 ​*3+ ​0.25 ​)( 1 ​ 00 ​. ​)( ​100 ​. )​
I​ S​ 1.00 ​ 100 ​. ​
=0.70-controls C ​ s2​ =I
​ ​ ​S ​DS ​= 100 ​. (​ ​100 ​. )​ ​= 100 ​. C
e ​ s​ 2 ​= ​ e ​ D1 ​0.03 ​(n- 1
​ ​) ​= ​ 0.03 ​( ​(3- ​ )

​ 167
. ​For n ​≥ ​2 C
​ p0
​ = ​ .4 ​S DS
​ 0 ​ I​ e​ = ​ 0 .​ )​ ( 1​ 00 ​. )​ =​ 040 ​.
​ 04 ​. ​( 1

C​ =​
pn ​ ( ​Γ ​m1 ​Ω ​0 ​C ​s ​) 2​ ​+ (​ ​Γ ​m2 C

​ ​
s2 )
2 ​= ​ 133 ​. * ​30 ​. * 0
(​ ​ 154 ​. ​ 2 ​+ ​
) ​ ( ​0.40*0.70 ​) 2​
= 0672 ​. ​ pr
​ ​ = ​C ​
Roof - Strength Level: ​F pr

Rs​ w


= 680
​ ​ .​441194 ​. ​= kips
​. 03​ ​ ​(12.10-4) ​But not less than: ​F​pr = ​ S​I​e​w​pr =
​ 0.2​SD ​ 0.2(1.0)(1.0)(194.1) =

38.8 kips (12.10-5) ​Roof - ASD Level: ​F​pr ​= 0.7(44 kips) = 30.8 kips
3rd Floor - Strength Level: ​C​p​3 ​= 0.40 ​F p​ 3​ ​ C ​p

Rs​ w
​ ​
=​ .​
40 ​ 03
. ​= ​
.​242180 ​ kips ​(12.10-4) But
​ ​ ​p3 =
not less than: F ​ 0.2​S​DSI​ e
​ ​w​p3 =
​ 0.2(1.0)(1.0)(180.2) = 36 kips

Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm Analysis
3rd Floor - ASD Level: ​F​p3​ =
​ 0.7(36.0 kips) = 25.2 kips

2nd Floor - Strength Level: ​Cp​ ​2 ​= 0.40 ​F p​ 2​ ​ C ​p

Rs​ w
​ ​
=​ .​
40 ​ 03
. ​= ​
.​242180 ​ kips ​(12.10-4) But
​ ​ ​p2 =
not less than: F ​ 0.2​S​DSI​ e
​ ​w​p2 =
​ 0.2(1.0)(1.0)(180.2) = 36 kips

(12.10-5) 2nd
​ Floor - ASD Level: ​F​p2​ ​= 0.7(36.0 kips) = 25.2 kips
Comparison Summary - ASD Level F​px ​Forces (#)
Level ASCE 7-16 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​Roof ​30,800 30,800 ​3rd ​25,200 25,200 2
​ nd
25,200 25,200
Comparisons of diaphragm seismic design force levels along the heights of a number of
buildings of various materials and assigned to various SDC's are shown in this section.
4-Story Perimeter Wall Precast Concrete Parking Structure (SDC C, Knoxville)
The structure for Example 1 is a 4-story perimeter shear wall precast concrete parking garage.
As seen in the plan view of Figure 6.4-1a, the parking structure has three bays with a central
ramp. The structural plan has a footprint of 300 ft × 180 ft, resulting in 300 ft × 60 ft dimensions
for each sub-diaphragm. The floor- to-floor height is 10.5 ft for the typical story and 16 ft for the
first story. The lateral force-resisting system (LFRS) in the transverse direction is composed of
four 25-ft long perimeter precast walls, two at each end of the structure. The LFRS in the
longitudinal direction consists of 34 interior lite walls flanking the central ramp (see elevation in
Figure 8.4-1b).
The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure of Figure 6.4-1 by ASCE
7-16 Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked
ASCE 7 Alt., and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions (​ labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure
6.4-2. EDO, BDO, and RDO in the figure stand for Elastic, Basic, and Reduced Design Options,
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples
L​beam​=48' L'=204' 48'
DT-IT Joint
Ramp Landing
Joint #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(a) Typical floor plan

(b) Ramp elevation ​Figure 6.4-1 Example 1 : 4-story perimeter wall precast concrete
204' ​

parking structure
Figure 6.4-2 Design force level comparisons for Example 1 structure ​(All references to
ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions,​ respectively)
8' ​Lite wall ​ Transverse
South ​ Ramp Span ​
25' ​Shear wall Longitudinal

Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm Ana lysis

4-Story Interior Wall Precast Concrete Parking Structure (SDC D, Seattle)
The structure for example 2 is a 4-story interior wall precast concrete partaking garage. As seen
in the plan view of Figure 6.4-3a, the parking structure has three bays with a central ramp. The
structural plan has a footprint of 300 ft × 180 ft, resulting in 300 ft × 60 ft dimensions for each
sub-diaphragm. The floor-to- floor height is 10.5 ft for the typical story and 16 ft at the first story.
The LFRS in the transverse direction is composed of four 25-ft long interior reinforced concrete
walls. The LFRS in the longitudinal direction consists of 34 interior lite walls flanking the central
ramp (see elevation in Figure 6.4-3b).
The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure of Figure 6.4-3 by ASCE
7-16 Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked
ASCE 7 Alt., and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions (​ labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure
6.4-4. EDO, BDO, and RDO in the figure stand for Elastic, Basic, and Reduced Design Options,

L​seam​=48' L'=204' 48'

DT-IT Joint
(a) Typical floor plan
6-23 ​8' Lite

Transverse ​
Ramp Span ​ Landing
Shear wall
Joint #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

(b) Ramp elevation ​Figure 6.4-3 Example 2: 4-story interior wall precast concrete
204' ​

partaking structure
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples
Figure 6.4-4 ​Design force level comparisons for Example 2 structure. (All references to ASCE 7
and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions,​ respectively)
8-Story Precast Concrete Moment Frame Office Building
The structure for example 3 is an 8-story precast concrete moment frame office building. As
seen in Figure 6.4-5, the structure has three bays with a footprint of 230 ft × 147 ft. The story
height is 13 ft for the typical floor and 15 ft for the first floor. The LFRS in the transverse as well
as in the longitudinal direction is composed of intermediate moment frames for SDC C,
Knoxville, and special moment frames for SDC D, Seattle. The precast floor system consists of
double tees with a 3 in. toping.
The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure of Figure 6.4-5 by ASCE
7-16 Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked
ASCE 7 Alt., and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions (​ labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure
6.4-6. EDO, BDO, and RDO in the figure stand for Elastic, Basic, and Reduced Design Options,
24.5' ​49'
West East
West East
Joint # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Joint # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 ​
30' ​ 30' 20' ​230'

(a) SDC C (b) SDC D

230' ​

Figure 6.4-6 Design force level comparisons for Example 3 structures ​(All references to
ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions,​ respectively)
8-Story Precast Concrete Shear Wall Office Building
The structure for example 4 is an 8-story precast concrete perimeter shear wall office building.
As seen in Figure 6.4-7, the structure has three bays with a footprint of 230 ft × 147 ft. The story
height is 13 ft for th e typical story and 15 ft for the first story. The LFRS in the transverse
direction is composed of two perimeter ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls for SDC C and
four perimeter special reinforced concrete shear walls for SDC D. The LFRS in the longitudinal
direction is composed of four perimeter ordinary reinforced
30' 20' 20' 30' 30' 30'
20' 20' 30' 13' 13'
13' ​106'
40' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 40'

(c) SDC C (d) SDC D ​Figure 6.4-5 Example 3: 8-story moment frame office building of
precast concrete
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm Analysis
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples
concrete shear walls for SDC C, Knoxville and 4 perimeter special reinforced concrete shear
walls for SDC D, Seattle. The precast floor system consists of double tees with a 3-in. toping.
The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure of Figure 6.4-7 by ASCE
7-16 Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked
ASCE 7 Alt., and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions (​ labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure
6.4-8. EDO, BDO, and RDO in the figure stand for Elastic, Basic, and Reduced Design Options,

West East
West East
7 8 9 10 11Joint # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

230' ​ (a) SDC C (b) SDC D

40' 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' 40'
Joint # 1 2 3 4 5 6 ​230'
13' 106'
(c) SDC C and D Figure 6.4-7. Example 4: 8-story precast concrete shear wall office
Steel-Framed Assembly Structure in Southern

The structure for Example 5 is a 3-story buckling-restrained braced frame assembly structure in
southern California. The following information is relevant.

Risk Category III Seismic

Design Category D Base
Shear Coefficient, ​Cs​ =
​ 0. 212

Design Base Shear, ​V = ​ 7,311

kips Building Height, ​hn​ ​= 60 ft

The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure by ASCE 7-16 Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked ASCE 7 Alt.,
and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​(labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure 6.4-9. All three
sets of requirements produce the same diaphragm design forces throughout the height of the
structure, because the minimum diaphragm design force controls at every level.
Figure 6.4-8 Design force level comparisons for Example 4 structures ​(All references to
ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions,​ respectively)
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design

Figure 6.4-9. Design force level comparisons for 3-story steel-framed assembly
6-28 ​
structure ​
(References to ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP
Provisions​, respectively)
Steel-Framed Office Structure in Seattle,

The structure for Example 6 is a 12-story buckling-restrained braced frame office building in
Seattle, WA. The following information is relevant.

Risk Category II Seismic

Design Category D Base
Shear Coefficient, ​Cs​ =
​ 0.059

Design Base Shear, ​V = ​ 3,150

kips Building Height, ​h = ​ 156 ft

The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure by ASCE 7-16 Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked ASCE 7 Alt.,
and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​(labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure 6.4-10. All three
sets of requirements produce the same diaphragm design forces through most of the height of
the structure, because the minimum diaphragm design force controls, except that ASCE 7-16
Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 produce slightly higher than minimum diaphragm design forces at
and near the very top.

Figure 6.4-10. Design force level comparisons for 12-story steel-framed office
structure ​(References to ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP
Provisions​, respectively)
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Parking Structure in Southern

The structure for Example 7 is a 3-story reinforced concrete special shear wall parking structure
in southern California. The following information is relevant.

Risk Category II Seismic

Design Category D Base
Shear Coefficient, ​C​s ​= 0.249
Design Base Shear, ​V = ​ 7,145
kips Building Height, ​h = ​ 38.5 ft

The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure by ASCE 7-16 Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked ASCE 7 Alt.,
and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​(labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure 6.4-11. By ASCE
7-16 Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2, the minimum diaphragm design force levels govern
throughout the height for shear-controlled as well as flexure-controlled diaphragms. By ASCE
7-16 Section 12.10.3 and the ​Provisions,​ the diaphragm design force levels are the same at the
first two floor levels and are higher at the roof level; they are higher than minimum for
shear-controlled diaphragms. By ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 and the ​Provisions​, the diaphragm
design force levels are the minimum values at all floor levels other than the roof, where they are
higher, for flexure-controlled diaph ragms.
Figure 6.4-11. Design force level comparisons for 3-story special shear wall parking
structure ​(References to ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015 NEHRP
Provisions​, respectively)
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Residential Structure in Northern

The structure for Example 8 is a 15-story reinforced concrete special shear wall residential
structure in northern California. The following information is relevant.

Risk Category II Seismic

Design Category D Base
Shear Coefficient, ​C​s ​= 0.104
Design Base Shear, ​V = ​ 4,439
kips Building Height, ​h = ​ 160 ft

The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure by ASCE 7-16 Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked ASCE 7 Alt.,
and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​(labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure 6.4-12. There is
very little difference between the design force levels by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 and the
Provisions​. These force levels are higher than those given by ASCE 7-10 Sections 12.10.1 and
12.10.2 – throughout the building height for shear- controlled diaphragms and only near the top
for flexure-controlled diaphragms.
Figure 6.4-12. Design force level comparisons for 15-story concrete shear wall
residential structure ​(References to ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015
NEHRP ​Provisions,​ respectively)
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Residential Structure in Seattle,

The structure for Example 9 is a 40-story reinforced concrete special shear wall residential
structure in Seattle, WA. The following information is relevant.

Risk Category II Seismic

Design Category D Base
Shear Coefficient, ​C​s ​= 0.042
Design Base Shear, ​V = ​ 3,696
kips Building Height, ​h = ​ 407 ft

The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure by ASCE 7-16 Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked ASCE 7 Alt.,
and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​(labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure 6.4-13. The
minimum design force level governs for all flexure-controlled shear walls by all three sets of
requirements. It also controls for shear-controlled shear walls, when forces are calculated by
ASCE 7-16 Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2. For shear-controlled walls, the design force levels
are higher by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 and the ​Provisions.​ They are the same at every floor
level by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3, but turn a little lower at the top level by the ​Provisions.​
ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 does not allow this to happen, because ​Cp​ n ​is restricted to be no
lower than ​Cp​ i
Figure 6.4-13. Design force level comparisons for 40-story special shear wall
residential structure ​(References to ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015
NEHRP ​Provisions,​ respectively)
Cast-in-Place Concrete Framed Residential Structure in

The structure for Example 10 is a 24-story reinforced concrete shear wall residential structure in
Hawaii. The following information is relevant.

Risk Category II Seismic

Design Category C Base
Shear Coefficient, ​C​s ​= 0.021
Design Base Shear, ​V = ​ 2,982
kips Building Height, ​h = ​ 248 ft

The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structureby ASCE 7-16 Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked ASCE 7 Alt.,
and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​(labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure 6.4-14. The
minimum design force level governs for all flexure-controlled shear walls by all three sets of
requirements. It also controls for shear-controlled shear walls, when forces are calculated by
ASCE 7-16 Sections 12.10.1 and 12.10.2. For shear-controlled walls, the design force levels
are higher by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 and the ​Provisions,​ because of the low ​Rs​ -​ value
assigned. They are the same at every floor level by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3, but turn a little
lower at the top level by the ​Provisions​. ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 does not allow this to
happen, because ​Cp​ n ​is restricted to be no lower than ​Cp​ i

Figure 6.4-14. Design force level comparisons for 24-story concrete shear wall
residential structure ​(References to ASCE 7 and NEHRP are to ASCE 7-16 and the 2015
NEHRP ​Provisions,​ respectively)
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design
Steel Framed Office Structure in Southern

The structure for Example 11 is a 3-story steel special moment frame office building in southern
California. The following information is relevant.

Risk Category II Seismic

Design Category D Base
Shear Coefficient, ​C​s ​= 0.062
Design Base Shear, ​V = ​ 467
kips Building Height, ​h = ​ 47 ft

The comparison of diaphragm design force levels for the structure by ASCE 7-16 Sections
12.10.1 and 12.10.2 (marked ASCE 7), by ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 (marked ASCE 7 Alt.,
and by the 2015 NEHRP ​Provisions ​(labeled NEHRP), are illustrated in Figure 6.4-15. The
minimum diaphragm design force governs throughout the height by all three sets of
requirements for flexure-controlled as well as shear- controlled diaphragms.

Figure 6.4-15. Design force level comparisons for 3-story steel SMF
office building

The following describes in a step-by-step fashion the seismic design of topped or untopped
precast concrete diaphragms by ASCE 7-16 Section 14.2.4, Additional Design and Detailing
Requirements for Precast Concrete Diaphragms. Seismic design by ASCE 7-16 Section 14.2.4
is required when the design force lev el of ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 is used. For precast
concrete diaphragms in buildings assigned to SDC C, D, E, or F, the design force level of
ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 is mandated. For precast concrete diaphragms in assigned to SDC
B, the design force level of ASCE 7-16 Section 12.10.3 is
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm Analysis
optional. These requirements are in addition to the seismic design requirements for reinforced
concrete set forth in ASCE 7-16 and ACI 318-14 Section 18.12, Diaphragms and Trusses. The
design methodology of ACE 7-16 Section 14.2.4 is illustrated in Chapter 8 of this publication. It
is based on work by Fleischman et al., which was part of the extensive DSDM (Diaphragm
Seismic Design Methodology) research effort (Pankow, 2014).
Step 1: Determine Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level
There are three “Diaphragm Seismic Demand Levels”: low, moderate and high. The Diaphragm
Seismic Demand Level is a function of the seismic design category a building is assigned to,
the number of stories in the building, the diaphragm span as defined in Section, and
the diaphragm aspect ratio as defined in Section It leads to the selection of the
Diaphragm Design Option. In fact, the Diaphragm Design Option cannot be chosen without the
Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level. For structures assigned to SDCs B and C, the Diaphragm
Seismic Demand Level is automatically designated as low. For structures assigned to SDC D,
E, or F, the Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level is determined from Figure 14.2.4-1.
8 76​ 5432​
High ​ Low
6-35 ​Moderate
75 140 190 00 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Diaphragm Span L (ft) ​Standard ​ igure 14.2.4-1 Diaphragm
seismic demand level
1. If aspect ratio, ​AR, i​ s greater than or equal to 2.5 and the Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level
is ​Low a ​ ccording to Figure 14.2.4-1, the Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level needs to be
changed from ​Low t​ o ​Moderate​.
2. ​If ​AR ​is less than 1.5 and the Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level is ​High ​according to Figure
14.2.4-1, the Diaphragm Seismic Demand Level can be changed from ​High ​to ​Moderate.​
Diaphragm Seismic Demand
What does it mean?
Level ​
Low seismic vulnerability; automatically assigned to
Low ​
SDC B and C diaphragms
Moderate Moderate seismic vulnerability
High High seismic vulnerability
Step 2: Determine Diaphragm Design Option and Corresponding Connector or Joint
Reinforcement Deformability Requirement
The Diaphragm Design Option addressed in Section provides a mechanism for
selecting the target performance of a diaphragm when subject to earthquake excitation. There
are three diaphragm design options: Elastic, Basic, and Reduced. The Elastic Design Option
(EDO) seeks to keep the diaphragm elastic in the MCE. The Basic Design Option (BDO) seeks
to keep the diaphragm elastic in the design earthquake while permitting controlled inelastic
behavior in the MCE. The Reduced Design Option (RDO) permits controlled inelastic behavior
even in the design earthquake.
The flow chart below illustrates 1) which Diaphragm Design Option is permitted to be used
when, and 2) the corresponding minimum precast concrete diaphragm connector or joint
reinforcement classification that would need to be used per Section
Low •Seismic Dem and

•​Moderate Seismic Desig n Level

High Seismic Design Lev el with a penalty of 15% diaphragm design forc e increase
Step 3: Comply with Qualification Procedure
This step is to ensure that the selected connector or joint reinforcement meets connector or
joint reinforcement qualification requirements per Section
See separate step-by-step instructions for Qualification Procedure.
Step 4: Amplify Required Shear Strength
Determine the diaphragm force reduction factor, R​s​, from Table
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design Examples
Elastic Design Option (EDO) Basic Design Option (BDO) Reduced Design Option
Permitted for: Permitted for: (RDO) Permitted for:
• Low Seismic Dem and
All Seismic Demand Levels Level
• Moderate Seismic Design Level with a penalty of 15% diaphragm design force increase
Any type of connector or joint Connectors or joint Connectors or joint ​reinforcement may be
used reinforcement qualifying as reinforcement qualifying as including Low Deformability
Moderate Deformability High Deformability Elements Elements (LDE)* Elements (MDE)* need
to be (HDE)* need to be used
used as a minimum exclusively *see below table
Diaphragm Design Options

Amplify the required shear strength for the diaphragm by the diaphragm shear overstrength
factor, Ω​v,​ which is to be taken equal to 1.4 R​s​.



Precast concrete diaphragm connector or joint reinforcement is assigned a deformability

classification based on tests. The testing is to establish the strength, stiffness, and deformation
capacity of the element. As a minimum, in-plane shear tests and in-plane tension tests need to
be conducted. The procedure is based on work by Naito et al., which was part of the extensive
DSDM (Diaphragm Seismic Design Methodology) research effort (Naito et al., 2006, Naito et
al., 2007, Ren and Naito, 2013).

Step 1: ​Construct test modules in conformance Section

Step 2: ​Evaluate test results based on the number of tests in accordance with Section

Step 3: ​Use test configuration as required by Section

Step 4: ​Use instrumentation (displacement and force transducers) as required by Section

Step 5: ​Conduct the following


1. Monotonic and cyclic tests under displacement control as described in Section, Item 1. 2. A monotonic test to determine the reference deformation (as defined
in Section, Item
2) in compliance with Section, Item 2. 3. In-plane cyclic shear test in
accordance with Section, Item 3. 4. In-plane cyclic tension/compression
tests in compliance with Section, Item 4.

Step 6: ​Construct an envelope of the cyclic force-deformation response from the force
corresponding to the peak displacement applied during the first cycle of each increment of
deformation. Simplify the envelope to a backbone curve consisting of four segments in
accordance with Figure 14.2.4-2.
Standard ​Figure 14.2.4-2. Backbone qualification

​ igure
Step 7: ​Classify the backbone curve as one of the types indicated in ​Standard F
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm
FEMA P-1051, ​NEHRP Recommended Provisions: Design
Standard ​Figure 14.2.4-3 Deformation curve

Step 8: ​Determine if the connector being tested is a deformation-controlled or a

force-controlled element.

Deformation-controlled elements conform to Type 1 or Type 2, but not Type 2 Alternate,

response with ∆​2 ​larger than or equal to ∆​1​. All other responses are classified as

Step 9: ​Quantify the following performance characteristics of the connector or joint

reinforcement from the backbone curve:

1. Effective yield (reference deformation)

2. Tension deformation capacity 3. Tensile
strength 4. Shear strength

Determine all quantities as the average of values obtained from the number of tests required
by Section

Determine the effective yield (reference deformation), ∆​1​, corresponding to Point 1 on the
backbone curve.

The tension deformation capacity corresponds to Point 2 for deformation-controlled

connections. It corresponds to Point 1 for force-controlled connections except that for
force-controlled connections exhibiting Type 2 Alternate response, tension deformation
capacity corresponds to Point 1'.

The tensile strength of the connector or joint reinforcement is the force corresponding
to Point 1.

If the shear deformation, ∆​1,​ is less than 0.25 inch, the shear strength is the force at the Point
1. If the shear deformation, ∆​1​, is greater than or equal to 0.25 inch, the shear strength is the
force at 0.25 inch of shear deformation. This shear strength is equal to the stiffness, ​K​e ​(see
Figure 14.2.4-2), multiplied by 0.25 inch.

Step 10: ​Classify the connector or joint reinforcement as a Low Deformability Element (LDE),
a Moderate Deformability Element (MDE), or a High Deformability Element (HDE) based on
the tension deformation capacity ranges given Section (see table below).
Chapter 6: Horizontal Diaphragm Analysis
Tension Deformation Capacity Determined
Type of Connector or Joint Reinforcement ​

Section ​Low Deformability Element (LDE) < 0.3 inch Moderate Deformability
Element (MDE) 0.3 inch ≤ tension deformation capacity < 0.6 inch High Deformability Element
(LDE) ≥ 0.6 inch
The two wood diaphragm design examples in Section 6.3 were updated from material originally
developed by Kelly Cobeen of Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., Emeryville, CA. Dr.
Dichuan Zhang of Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan provided the design force level
comparisons for precast concrete structures in Section 6.4. Tom Meyer of Magnusson
Klemencic Associates, Seattle, WA provided preliminary versions of the other design force level
comparisons. Dr. Pro Dasgupta of SK Ghosh Associates Inc. (SKGA) thoroughly reviewed the
document and contributed in many other ways. He also reviewed the tags prepared by Dr. Ali
Hajihashemi of SKGA. The contributions of all these individuals are gratefully acknowledged.

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