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School : SMP Negeri 11 Semarang

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : IX /I
Material : Drugs Labels
Time allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

A. Core Competencies
1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli, dan
bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan
anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar,
bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional.
3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan
metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin
tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dengan wawasan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadiantampak
4. Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif,
produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan
ranah abstrak sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama
dalam sudut pandangteori.

1. Basic Competencies and Indicator of Competency Achievements

Basic Competencies Indicator of Competency Achievements
3.3 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.3.1 Identify(C1) function and structures of
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks drug labels.
khusus dalam bentuk label, dengan 3.3.2 Compare(C4) various drug facts
meminta dan memberi informasi terkait information of drug labels.
obat/makanan/minuman, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
4.3 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual 4.3.1 Find (C1) general and specific
terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, information about drug labels.
dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam 4.3.2 Interpret (C6) information on drug
bentuk label pendek dan sederhana, terkait packaging.
obat/makanan/ minuman.

2. Learning Objectives
Through text-based approach, students are able to:
1. identify function and structures of drug labels accurately,
2. compare various drug facts information of drug labels accurately,
3. findgeneral and specific informationabout drug labels accurately,
4. interpret nutrition information on drug packaging accurately.

English Grade IX Chapter 3 1|Page

3. Material
Factual Drug label is a label found on a package of drug which contains a variety of
information about the facts of the drug item ().
Conceptual 1. Social Function
The function of a drug label is to provide the information that the consumers need
to make choices and understand about the drugs they consume. It's designed to
provide facts for ingredient/substance that impact common health concerns.
2. Text Structure
Drug label:
1. Product brand
2. Active ingradient
3. What the drug does (uses)
4. Form of the drug (liquid, tablet, drop, etc)
5. What the drug doesn’t contain (free from...)
6. Age of consumer
7. The flavor
8. Concenration of the medicine
9. Amount of the drug in the package
10. Active Ingradient (Therapeutic substance in the medicine)
11. Purpose (Product type)
12. Usage (medicine used to cure..)
13. Warning (effects of the medicine)
14. Direction (dossage table)
15. Other information ( how to store the medicine)
16. Innactive material (flavour, colour etc)
17. Expired date

English Grade IX Chapter 3 2|Page






Procedural  Building Knowledge of Field

 Modelling ofText
 Joint Construction ofText
 Independent Construction ofText

Metacognitive Find general and specific information about drug labels and interpret drug facts
information on packaging.

4. Learning Method
Approach Model Method
Text-Based  Think pair GBA:
Approach share 1. Building Knowledge ofField
 Windows 2. Modelling ofText
shopping 3. Joint Construction ofText
4. Independent Construction ofText

English Grade IX Chapter 3 3|Page

5. Learning Media
1. Media
PowerPoint, drug labels, worksheet (, Pictures
2. Tools
Marker & whiteboard, laptop & projector (LCD).

6. Learning Source
 KementerianPendidikandanKebudayaan. 2015. BukuSiswaBahasaInggris, Think
Globally Act Locally. Jakarta: KementerianPendidikandanKebudayaan.

7. Learning Steps
Syntax Activities Time
 Teacher prepares students for the learning process such as cleaning 10 minutes
the environment and praying.
 Teacher checks student’s attendance and prepares learning sources.
 Teacher creates a fun learning atmosphere and motivates students
contextually according to the benefits of learning about drug labels.
 Teacher prompts students to ask questions related to the material.
 Teacher explains the learning objectives or the basic competencies
to be achieved; also conveying the scope of the material and
explaining the description of activities according to the syllabus.
Main activities
Building 10 minutes
Knowledge  Teacher asks students to watch a video to build knowledge about
of the Field drug labels.

 Teacher asks students some questions (What do you see on the drug
package when you buy a medicine? What do you call them? Do you
usually look at the labels on drug before you buy them? What kind
of information can you get from a drug label?) to build their
knowledge about labels.

Main activities
Modelling of  Students watch a slide of PPT about drug facts label 20 minutes
text (
(Worksheet 1A)
 Students write down some words they have seen and say after
the teacher. (build vocabularies)
 Teacher explains to the students about the social function and
generic structures of labels.
 Teacher shows some analysed drug labels.
 Teacher explains the drug facts based on the medicine packages

English Grade IX Chapter 3 4|Page

Main activities
Joint  Students work in group to analyse the function and structures of 15 minutes
Construction drug labels given by the teacher. (Worksheet 2)
of the Text  Students share the result of the discussion to the other group.(every
group must stick the result of the work sheet on the wall)
 Students find another information of various drug facts by doing
windows shopping

Main activities
Independent  Students compare various drug facts information. 20 minutes
Construction  Students find general and specific information about drug labels
of the Text  Students interpret facts of drug labels. (Worksheet 3)
 Students share the result and teacher gives feedback.

 Teacher provides feedback on the learning process: Well, class, you 5 minutes
have done a very good job today. Most of you are active. I hope all
of you will actively participate in the next activities. How do you
feel during the lesson? Is there anyone who wants to say
 Teacher summarises today’s learning.
 Teacher plans for learning activities for the next meeting.

8. Assessment
No. Aspect ICA Assessment Assessment forms Assessment Rubrics
techniques instruments
1. Attitude Observation Teacher journal Attached Attached
2. Knowledge 3.3.1 Written test Worksheets Attached
3. Skill 4.3.1 Written test Worksheet Attached Attached
4.3.2 Presentation Performance

9. Follow up Program
1. Enrichment
For students who have passed the passing grade (75) are given enrichment in the form
of an independent task to give their opinion about prescription drug label which is
issued by doctor/ pharmacist.
2. Remedial
Students who have not yet reached the passing grade (75) are given the task of
analysing some labels based on its function and structures.

Semarang, 21st August 2019

The Examinator, English Teacher,

Dra. Nuning Purnamawati, M. Pd Candra Setiawan, S.Pd


English Grade IX Chapter 3 5|Page

Attitude Assessment Instrument (Teacher journal)
No. Day/date/period Name Description of students’ affectivity Positive/Negative Follow up

Rubric of Paired Discussion Assessment

Aspect Excellent Good Fair Poor Score
4 3 2 1
Following directions Always follow the Following the instructions Follow the directions that Did not follow the
directions that are that are given most of the are given occasionally. directions that are given.
given. time.
Contributing ideas to Contributed ideas to Contributed ideas to Contributed ideas to Do not contribute ideas
discussion discussion on excellent discussion on good discussion every now and to discussion at all.
amount. amount. then.
Listening to others Listen well to others all of Listen well to others most Listen well to others Do not listen well to
the time. of the time. occasionally. others.
Staying on task and On task and topic all of Mostly on task and topic. Occasionally on task and Do not stay on task and
topic the time. topic. topic.
Working with Work well with the Work well with the Work well with the Do not work well with
the desk mate pair/group all of the time. pair/group most of the pair/group the pair/group.
time. occasionally.
Grade: Total score x 10

English Grade IX Chapter 3 6|Page

Scoring table
No. Criteria Students’ number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1. Following directions
2. Contributing ideas to
3. Listening to others
4. Staying on task and
5. Working with the
desk mate

OUTLINE OF DAILY TEST (Please take a look at the worksheets) & SCORING GUIDE
Based Competence ICA Material Indicators Form Scoring
3.3 Membandingkan 3.3.1 Identify Worksheet 1. Students are able to answer Written Number of correct
fungsi sosial, struktur function and Find general and specific questions based on the picture answer x 20
teks, dan unsur structures of information about drug label given.
kebahasaan beberapa drug labels. based on audio listening.
teks khusus dalam 3.3.2 Identify Worksheet 2 Students are able to identify Written Maximum score
bentuk label, dengan various Identify function and structures function and structures of drug 100
meminta dan nutrition of drug labels. labels.
memberi informasi information of Worksheet 3 A Students are able to compare Written Number of correct
terkait drug labels. Compare various nutrition various nutrition information of answer x 20
obat/makanan/minum information of drug labels. drug labels.
an, sesuai dengan
Grade: Total score

English Grade IX Chapter 3 7|Page

OUTLINE OF SKILL ASSESMENT (Please take a look at worksheet) & SCORING GUIDE
Based Competence ICA Material Indicators Form Scoring
4.3 Menangkap makna 4.3.1 Answer Worksheet 3 B & C Students are able to find general spoken Number of correct
secara kontekstual comprehensive  Find general and specific and specific information about answer x 10
terkait dengan fungsi questions information about drug labels. drug labels and interpret drug
sosial, struktur teks, about drug  Interpret nutrition information facts information on drug Look at the rubrics
dan unsur labels. on drug packaging. packaging.
kebahasaan teks 4.3.2 Interpret
khusus dalam bentuk nutrition
label pendek dan information on
sederhana, terkait drug
obat/makanan/ packaging, e.g.
minuman. nutrition facts.
Grade: Total score

Rubrics for spoken presentation of interpreting drug based on its drug facts
Aspect Excellent Good Fair Poor Score
5 4 2 1
Knowledge/Understanding Demonstrates thorough Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited
of content knowledge/understanding knowledge/understanding of knowledge/understanding knowledge/understanding
of nutrition labels. nutrition labels. of nutrition labels. of nutrition labels.
Use of critical thinking Uses critical thinking Uses critical thinking Uses critical thinking Uses critical thinking
processes with a high processes with considerable processes with some processes with limited
degree of effectiveness to effectiveness to choose a effectiveness to choose a effectiveness to choose a
choose a healthy drug. healthy drug. healthy drug. healthy drug.
Expression and Expresses and organizes Expresses and organizes Expresses and organizes Expresses and organizes
organization ideas and information with ideas and information with ideas and information ideas and information with
a high degree of considerable effectiveness. with some effectiveness. limited effectiveness.
Application of knowledge Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and Applies knowledge and
skills in familiar contexts skills in familiar contexts skills in familiar contexts skills in familiar contexts

English Grade IX Chapter 3 8|Page

with a high degree of with considerable with some effectiveness with limited effectiveness
effectiveness to explain effectiveness to explain to explain healthy choice. to explain healthy choice.
healthy choice. healthy choice.
Grade: Total score x 10

English Grade IX Chapter 3 9|Page

Worksheet 1 Understanding Activites

A. Topic: Understanding drug labels

B. Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:find general and specific information about
drug label based on the picture
C. Activities:

 What do you see on the drug package when you buy medicine?
 What do you call them?
 Do you usually look at the labels on drug before you buy them?
 What kind of information can you get from them?

English Grade IX Chapter 3 10 | P a g e

Commonly drug label contains informations about :
1. Product brand
2. Active ingradient
3. What the drug does (uses)
4. Form of the drug (liquid, tablet, drop, etc)
5. What the drug doesn’t contain (free from...)
6. Age of consumer
7. The flavor
8. Concenration of the medicine
9. Amount of the drug in the package
10. Active Ingradient (Therapeutic substance in the medicine)
11. Purpose (Product type)
12. Usage (medicine used to cure..)
13. Warning (effects of the medicine)
14. Direction (dossage table)
15. Other information ( how to store the medicine)
16. Innactive material (flavour, colour etc)
17. Expired date

English Grade IX Chapter 3 11 | P a g e


1 DOCTOR ˈdäktər Dokter

2 PHARMACIST ˈfärməsist Apoteker

3 PRESCRIPTION priˈskripSHən Resep

4 MEDICINE ˈmedisən Obat

5 DRUG drəg Obat

6 FACT Fakt Fakta/data

7 INDICATION indiˈkāSHən Indikasi/gejala

8 ACTIVE ˈaktiv Aktif

9 INACTIVE inˈaktiv Tidak aktif

10 INGREDIENT inˈgrēdēənt Bahan penyusun

11 USAGE ͞
ˈyoosij Kegunaan

12 WARNING ˈwôrniNG Peringatan

13 DIRECTION diˈrekSHən Petunjuk

14 INFORMATION infərˈmāSHən Informasi

15 SYRUP ˈsirəp Sirup

16 CAPSULLE ˈkapsəl Kapsul

17 CONTAIN kənˈtān Isi

18 TABLET ˈtablit Tablet

19 SYMPTOMP ˈsim(p)təm Gejala

20 PAIN pān Sakit

21 RELIEF riˈlēf kelegaan

22 COMPOSITION kämpəˈziSHən Susunan(bahan)

23 STORE Stôr simpan

English Grade IX Chapter 3 12 | P a g e

24 DOSAGE ˈdōsij Dosis

25 FLU flo͞o Flu

26 COLD Kōld Dingin

27 FEVER ˈfēvər Demam

28 STOMACH ˈstəmək Sakit perut

29 COUGH Kôf Batuk

30 LAXATIVE ˈlaksətiv pencahar

31 DRAWSINESS ˈdrouzēnis mengantuk

English Grade IX Chapter 3 13 | P a g e

Identifying Function and Structures of Drug
Worksheet 2 Label

A. Topic: Identifyingfunction and structuresof drug labels

B. Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
3.3.1 Identify function and structures of drug labels
C. Activities:

Please take a look at the examples of drug labels below. Then, in group, try to analyse your drug
label. Give an arrow to match the left box item into the picture.

Structures Drug Label

1. Product brand
2. Active ingradient
3. What the drug
does (uses)
4. Form of the drug
(liquid, tablet,
drop, etc)
5. What the drug
doesn’t contain
(free from...)
6. Age of consumer
7. The flavor
8. Concenration of
the medicine
9. Amount of the
drug in the
10. Active
11. (Therapeutic
substance in the
12. Purpose
(Product type)
13. Usage
(medicine used to
14. Warning
(effects of the
15. Direction
(dossage table)
16. Other

English Grade IX Chapter 3 14 | P a g e

information ( how
to store the
17. Innactive
material (flavour,
colour etc)

English Grade IX Chapter 3 15 | P a g e

English Grade IX Chapter 3 16 | P a g e
WORKSHEET 3 Identifying Healthy-Eating Drug Label
1. How much ....?
2. How much...........?
A. Topic: Identifying healthy-eating drug labels
B. Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
3.3.2 Compare various information of drug facts labels
4.3.1 Find general and specific information about drug facts labels
4.3.2 Interpret information on drug packaging
C. Activities
Learn the drug facts label reference guide in the worksheet 2, by doing windows
shopping activity, compare two drug labels given to determine which drug is more
appropriate to take. And the last share your result in front of the Class.

1 2
your own picture your friend picture

name of the drug:

Drug facts; 1. name of the drug:
a 2. Drug facts;
b a
c b
d c
e d

Mr joko the policeman got back pain, in this case what is the most appropriate medicine
for him?

Answer: The most approprite drugs is........... it is based on the drug facts number......(write
the part of the drug fact)

*note: the question for every group are different based on the drugs fact and user

English Grade IX Chapter 3 17 | P a g e

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