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1. Short Massage
Short massage (pesan pendek) adalah salah satu bentuk komunikasi tidak langsung yang disampaikan
secara tertulis dengan menggunakan bahasa yang singkat, padat, dan jelas dengan memperhatikan sopan
Contoh dari pesan pendek di antaranya adalah memo, SMS, dan kartu ucapan.
a. Memo
Pesan singkat yang dituliskan seseorang dengan singkat, jelasm dan mudah untuk dipahami.
Berdasarkan pemakiannya, memo terbagi menjadi memo resmi dan memo pribadi (tidak resmi). Memo
yang bersifat resmi dan memo pribadi (tidak resmi). Memo yang bersifat resmi dipakai sebagai surat
pernyataan dalam hubungan resmi dari seorang pemimpin kepada bawahannya. Sementara itu, memo
yang bersifat pribadi dipakai antara teman, saudara, atau orang lain yang memiliki hubungan akrab.
b. SMS (Short Massage Service)
SMS adalah layanan pesan pendek yang digunakan melalui telepon genggam.
c. Greeting Card
Kartu yang diberikan kepada seseorang untuk mengungkapkan perasaan dan perhatian pada
peristiwa-peristiwa khusus seperti ulang tahun, kelahiran bayi, tahun abru, kesuksesan, dan sebagainya.
Beberapa contoh yang greeteng card adalah sebagai berikut.
a) Brithday card, diberikan pada saat seseorang berulang tahun.
b) Happy New Yeae card, diberikan pada saat datangnya tahun baru.

2. Invitation
Invitation adalah surat yang berfungsi untuk mengundang seseorang agar menghadiri sebuah acara,
misalnya perayaan ulang tahun, ulang tahun perkawinan, undangan pernikahan, dan sebagainya.
Tenses yang digunakan dalam teks invitation adalah sebagai berikut.
 Present tense : untuk menyampaikan info tentang acara.
 Future tense : untuk memastikan tamu undangan akan hadir atau tidak
Sebuah teks dapat dikategorikan ke dalam jenis undangan apabila di dalamnya terdapat ajakan bagi orang
lain utnuk menghadiri suatu acara atau kegiatan. Teks undangan dapat dikenali dengan adanya
tempat/lokasi, waktu, dan tema acara yang akan diselenggarakan.

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3. Announcement
Announcement (pengumuman) adalah pernyataan dalam bentuk lisan atau tulisan yang digunakan
untuk memberitahukan sesuatu agar diketahui oleh banyak orang orang.
Jenis Pengumuman Fitur Bahasa
a. Institusi a. Presnt tense
b. Publik b. Imperative
c. Rahasia
Struktur Tujuan Sosial
a. Pembukaan
Untuk mengomunikasikan
b. Isi
informasi kepada orang lain.
c. Penutupan

Sebuah teks dapat dikatergorikan ke dalam jenis pemberitahuan/pengumuman apabila di dalamnya terdapat
pesan yang ingin disampaikan ke banyak orang. Teks jenis pemberitahuan umumnya diletakkan di tempat-
tempat publik yang mudah diakses dan berisi pesan-pesan positif atau informasi mengenai suatu acara.
a. Coution, Notice, Warning
Teks yang berisi pemberitahuan atau peringatan yang ditunjukkan sebagai informasi kepada orang
Ciri-cirinya antara lain sebagai berikut.
 Berupa teks singkat dan mudah dipahami.
 Ditulis dengan huruf kapital.
 Terkadang disertai gambar.
Teks ini merupakan larangan untuk orang lain karena suatu hal. Makanan dan minimum dilarang
karena tempat tersebut khusus menyimpan bahan-bahan kimia saja.
b) Sd

Teks ini merupakan pemberitahuan agar tidak membuang sampah di toilet. Kata kuncinya adalah :
“Do not” Dengan kata-kata kunci ini, kalian dapat mengetahui makna pemberitahuan yang ingin

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b. Shedule
Tabel atau daftar yang dibuat untuk menampilkan urutan atau rencana kegiatan dengan pembagian
waktu pelaksanaan yang terperinci. Jadwal umumnya hanya memuat teks singkat dan jelas, serta memuat
informasi waktu seperti jam, hari, tanggal, bulan, dan tahun. Contohnya adalah class schedule, flight
schedule, event schedule, dan bus schedule.

4. Advertisement
Advertisement (iklan) adalah pemberitahuan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong/membujuk orang untuk
membeli atau menggunakan barang/jasa yang ditawarkan. Iklan yang dipasang di media massa berbentuk
media cetak dan media elektronik, seperti pada baliho, brosur, majalah, internet, televisi, dan radio.
Jenis-jenis iklan adalah sebagai berikut.
a. Iklan produk (Product Advertisement)
Jenis iklan ini adalah jenis yang paling sering dijumpai. Tujuan dari iklan produk adalah untuk
membuat masyarakat mengetahui produk dan kemudian membelinya. Contoh : iklan provider
telekomunikasi di televisi.
b. Iklan Jasa (Service Advertisement)
Jenis iklan ini dibuat agar masyarakat sadar dan mengetahui tentang isu tertentu yang dapat menarik
perhatian mereka. Contoh: iklan penanganan pasien HIV/AIDS, ikan pencegahan demam berdarah, dan
iklan kampanye “Save our Earth” dan “Save our Enegery”.
Sebuah teks dapat dikategorikan ke dalam jenis iklan apabila muatan teks tersebut mengandung anjuran
atau ajakan kepada orang lain untuk membeli produk, menggunakan jasa, atau melakukan sesuatu. Teks
iklan dapat dengan mudah dijumpai di berbagai tempat umum dan fasilitas publik dalam bentuk poster,
brosur, atau kartu nama.

5. Letter/E-Mail
a. Letter (surat) merupakan sarana komunikasi tertulis yang ditulis suatu pihak kepada pihak lain yang
biasanya dikirimkan melalui kantor pos. Pada umumnya, untuk mengirimkan surat dibutuhkan prangko
dan amplop sebagai alat ganti bayar jasa pengiriman. Semakin jauh tujuan pengiriman surat, maka nilai
yang tercantum di prangko juga semakin besar.
Structure of Latter
68 Pine Zaggat Lane
Hampervile, NE 254385 Heading
April 15, 2014
Dear Joanne, } Greeting
I am sorry about forgetting our lunch date. It was
completely my fluIt; I was so busy at work that it must
have slipped my mind. How about I treat you to lunch
nect Wednesday at the new Italian restaurant Julie’s at Body
12:30 P.M.? I have marked this date in my planner so I
will not forget about it. I’d just like to apologize again
for missing the lunch date.
Your Friend, } Closing

xxx } Signature

Johnny } Name

Berdasarkan kepentingan dan pengirimnya, surat dapat dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu surat pribadi,
surat sosial, dan surat bisnis.
a) Surat Pribadi (Personal Latter)
Surat yang dikirimkan seseorang kepada orang lain atau suatu organisasi/intansi. Isi yang dimuat dalam
surat pribadi menyangkut masalah/kepentingan pribadi. Surat pribadi biasanya bersifat informal.
Contoh surat pribadi adalah surat undangan makan malam untuk rekan bisnis.

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b) Surat Sosial (Social Latter)

Surat yang ditulis untuk kerabat atau teman. Surat ini menggunakan bahasa yang santai dan cenderung
informal. Meskipun demikian, aturan struktur tata bahasa, tanda baca, dan pengejaan masih tetap
diperhatikan. Contohnya adalah surat ucapan selamat ulang tahun dan surat ungkapan turut berbela
c) Surat Bisnis (Busines Letter)
Surat yang ditujukan untuk kegiatan-kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan bisnis atau pekerjaan. Surat
digunakan sebagai alat korespendensi antara organisasi atau suatu perusahaan dengan klien atau rekan
kerja. Surat ini tergolong surat formal yang harus mengikuti peraturan atau format yang telah
ditentukan. Contohnya, surat bisnis untuk permintaan maaf, surat yang ditujukan untuk mempererat
hubungan dengan klien, dan surat perpisahan klien.

b. E-mail (Elektronic Mail)

Merupakan bentuk modern dari surat. Media e-mail tidak lagi menggunakan kertas tetapi dikirim
melalui jaringan internet. E-mail harus ditulis dengan bahasa sopan, namun level kesopanannya
berbeda bergantung pada siapa penerima e-mail dan tujuan dikirimkannya e-mail.
The Body of E-mail
From :
To : Heading
Subject : finel examination info
Dear Irsyad, Greeting
How are you ? Here are some information you’ll need for the upcoming final
exam. It will be started from June2nd. Calculator and dictionary are not Body
allowed. Lateness is nott tolerated. The first day will be Indonesia. It will be
held for four days. Don’t forget to bring your ecamination card. Good luck!
Takce care.

Regards, } Closing

Annisa } Name

Sebuah teks dikategorikan ke dalam jenis surat/e-mail apabila memiliki nama pengirim, nama
penerima, dan pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Ciri teks jenis surat lebih spesifik adalah tersedianya
alamat, baik di kepala surat atau amplop.

6. Descriptive
Teks deskriptif (descriptive) adalah teks yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan tempat, orang, atau
benda tertentu. Teks ini hampir sama dengan teks report. Ciri yang membedakan keduanya adalah teks
descriptive fokus pada hal yang spesifik. Sementara itu, teks report fokus pada hal yang lebih umum.
Contoh teks descriptive, antara lain ensiklopedia, teks historis, dan majalah.
Goal/Purpose of Text: Generic Structure: Language Features:
To describe a particular  Identification : introduce who, where a. Pronouns: I, you, he,
phenomenon of people, is being described. she, we, they.
thing, and landscape.  Description b. Nouns: book, thrits,
Part : size, volume, body. tablem etc.
Quality : standar, superiority. c. Noun Phrases: white
Character : attidute, behavior, act. house, green house,
Lasser Slow loris (Nycticebus pygmaesus) global warming, etc.
The Lasser Slow Loris is a mammal which can clamp onto d. Adjectives : hot, blue,
branches for long period of time. To help it do this, the Loris has a lazy, beautiful, etc.
network of blood vessel, called rate mirabile in its foreamrms and e. Preposition: in, at, on,
shanks. under, in front of.
It is a small mammal which is 7 – 10 inches long (175 – 250 f. Adverbs: eagerly,
mm) and can weigh as much as 12 ounces or 340 grams. Being happily, now.

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nocturnal, the Loris has large round eyes. The Loris has not tail but g. Lingking verb: is, am,
has broad grasping feet. On its second teo, it has a sharp claw. It also are.
has an enlarged thumb and a reduced index finger. h. Present tense : come,
The Lasser Slow Loris ia a plump animal with, think fur ranging visit, get.
in color from light brown-grey to deep reddish-brown with a dark i. Attribute: has, have.
stripe down the back and neck. It has a long snout with comb like
front teeth which are used in grooming.
It is found in Southern Asia, Vietnam, Borneo, and Sumatra. As
it is tree-living, it is restricted to tropical rain forest. The diet of the
Loris is made up fruit and leaves, tender shoots, insects, birds, small
mammals, and reptiles. It is nocturnal and sleeps by day, rolled up in
a ball.

Sebuah teks dapat dikategorikan ke dalam jenis deskriptif apabila berisi penjabaran lengkap dan mendetail
dari suatu hal, baik orang, binatang, barang, tempat, atau peristiwa. Teks deskriptif umumnya ditandai
dengan penggunaan istilah-istilah teknis tentang topik yang sedang dibahas.

7. Procedure
Teks prosedur (procedure) adalah teks yang berisi tentang bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan dengan cara
menjelaskannya dalam serangkaian tindakan atau langkah.
Goal/Purpose of Text: Generic Structure: Language Features:
Procedure is set of Goal : titile of the text (especially 1. The use of simple present tense,
steps which should be for a recipe). often in an impreative form e.g.
completed in the right Materials : Optional, not for all Add some sugar, prepare it.
sequence to get the procedural text. 2. Mainly use temporal conjunction
goal. Steps : a series of steps oriented to (or numbering to indicate
achieve the goal. sequence especially in written
How to Activate a Cell Phone text).
Nowdays, we need a cell phone to connect to uor a) Sentence intoducers
colleagues. We can get it easily in the shop. When we buy a (sequencers) especially in
cell phone, we also get a SIM card, a battery, and a charger. spoken text:
Steps: Firs . . . Firstly . . .
This is the way to activate the cell phone: Second . . . Secondly . . .
 Firsm open the cover of the call phone. Then . . . Thridly . . .
 Second, insert the SIM card after being installed. After that . . . Afterwards . . .
 Third, insert the lead the battery inside. Finally . . . Lasly . . .
 Fourthm close the battery with the phone cover. a.g. Firstly, prepare some
 Fifth, connect the lead from the charger to bottom of the water!
phone. b) Time introducers, especially
 Sixth, connect the charger to an AC wall outlet. Chrarging in written text.
the battery supplied with the phone may take four up to . . . before . . .
six hours. after . . .
When . . .
 Seventh, when the battery is fully charged, the bar stops
While . . .
scrolling. Disconnect the charger from the AC outlet and
. . . until . . .
the phone. Then we are ready to make a phone call.
Durning . . .

Sebuah teks dapat dikatergorikan ke dalam jenis prosedur apabila berisi langkah-langkah atau panduan
dalam melakukan sesuatu. Teks prosedur sering disertakan dalam barang-barang yang membutuhkan
petunjuk penggunaan atau urutan perakitan yang benar. Selain itu, teks prosedur juga umum digunakan
dalam resep-resep masakan, instruksi perakitan barang, dan panduan dalam mengonsumsi obat.

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8. Narrative
Teks naratif (narrative) adalah teks yang berisi tentang cerita imajinasi atau dongen dan bertujuan untuk
Goal/Purpose of Text: Generic Structure: Language Features:
To entertion or amuse 1. Orientation: sets the scene and 1. A narrative focuses on
the reader. introduces the participants (characters) specific participants.
of the story, the time and place where 2. There are many action
the story happaned (who, what, when verb, verbal, and mental
and where). processes.
2. Complication: a cricis aries. A seies 3. Direct and indirect
of events in which the main charcter speeches are often used.
attempts to solve the problem. 4. It usually uses Past
3. Resolution: the crisis is resolvedm for Tense.
better or worse. 5. Lingking words are
4. Re-orientation: it is optional. The used, related with time.
ending of the story. It sometimes 6. Sometimes the tense in
contains the solution. some dialogs can
A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she change.
was called Snow White. When the queen died, the king was married 7. Descriptive language is
again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow White. The queen used to create listener’s
gave orders that Snow White must be treated as a servant. or reader’s imagination.
Snow White grew up very beautiful, and one day a prince riding 8. Temporal conjunctions
by saw her at work and fell in love with her. are also used.
The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic
Mirror, “Who is the fairest in the land?” and the mirror always
answered, “ you are the fairest one of all.”
One day, the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the
land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsman to
take Snow White into the woods and kill her.
The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn’t do the deed, so he
told Snow White to run away. She fled into the woods where little
dwarfs lived in a small and strange house.
Jenis-jenis teks naratif adalah sebagai berikut.
a. Folklore (cerita rakyat) adalah salah satu jenis teks yang bermula dari penyampaian mulut ke mulut
tentang dongen atau cerita rakyat. Di Indonesia, banyak sekali teks yang berjenis folklore, antara
laincerita Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih, serta cerita Malin Kundang.
b. Legend (legenda) adalah salah satu jenis teks prosa rakyat yang dianggap oleh banyak orang sebagai
sesuatu yang benar-benar terjadi. Oleh karena itu, legenda sering kali dianggap sebagai ‘sejarah’
kolektif. Contoh cerita legenda adalah legenda Sangkuriang dan legenda Candi Prambanan.
c. Myth (mitos) adalah salah satu jenis teks naratif yang tokohnya adalah para dewa atau makhluk
setengah dewa yang terjadi di dunia lain pada masa lampau. Mitos pada umumnya menceritakan
tentang terciptanya alam. Contohnya adalah cerita Nyai Roro Kidul (Ratu Laut Selatan).
d. Fable (fabel) adalah salah satu teks naratif yang menggunakan hewan sebagai tokohnya utamanya.
Contohnya adalah cerita si Kancil.
e. Short Ctory (cerita pendek) adalah bentuk teks naratif yang bersifat fiktif dan merupakan bentuk teks
naratif yang paling mudah ditemukan. Contohnya adalah The Frog Prince dan Rapunzel.

9. Recount
Recount adalah teks yang ditujukan untuk menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu atau peristiwa sejarah.
Goal of Text: Generic Structure: Language Features:
To tell some events that 1. Orientation: an introduction 1. Recount focuses on a
happened in the past. that provides the setting and sequence of events, all of
introduces partcipant. which relate to a particular
2. Events: account that tells what occasion.
happened, in a sequence. 2. It introduces specific
 Event 1 participants.

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 Event 2 3. Frequent uses of simple

 Event 3 past tense.
Eid ul-Fitr 4. Past continuos tense is
On the first day of Eid ul-Fitr, my family woke up early. sometimes used.
First, we prayed together in the mosque and then we ate the 5. Temporal sequencers are
special meal preapared by mom and our aunties. also used in sentences to
Around 10 a.m., some family members came to visit, and show the events. They are
later after lunch we visited all our neighborhood friends. We listed below.
asked to be forgiven for any transgressions days, we went to our Before, After, When, While, . . .
grandparent’s house. We asked for their forgiveness too, and until . . .Durning . . ., As . . .,
spent a relaking time visiting other relatives and nearby tourist At that time, At that moment . . .,
sites, such as the beach and amusement park. After that . . ., Then . . .,
Firstly . . ., Secondly . . .,
Finally, etc.

Jenis-jenis teks recount adalah sebagai berikut.

a. Personal Recount : Jenis teks yang melibatkan langsung penulis cerita sebagai salah satu tokoh dalam
cerita yang ditulisnya. Contoh : diary entries, interview, dan conversation.
b. Factual Recount: Jenis teks recount yang menceritakan tentang sebuah kejadian yang terjadi. Contoh:
scientific experiment report, police report, dan newspaper report.
c. Imaginative Recount: Jenis teks recount yang menceritakan tentang kejadian, cerita yang tidak nyata
atau tidak sebenarnya terjadi. Contoh: teks dalam materi pembelajaran bahasa, misalnya teks prosa atau

10. Report
Teks Laporan (report) adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan serangkaian fakto logis tentang
hal/fenomena alam, benda buatan manusia, erta fenomena sosial.
Goal of Text: Generic Structure: Language Features:
To tell the pas event. 1. General Classifikasi: tell what 1. Report texts usually use
the phenomenon under simple present tense, and
discussion is. seldom use past tenses
2. Description: tell what the (only if the thing is
phenomenon under discussion exitinct).
is like in terms of: parts (and 2. The language is neutral or
their functions), qualities, and should be objective: no
habits or behavior. expression of opinions, no
What is Apiculture? reference to the reader (not
Apiculture is also called a bee-farming, the cultivation of using “1”, “we”or”you”).
bees on a commercial scale for the production of honey. Royal 3. Frequent use of Passive
jelly and bee pollen are the other products of it. There are many Sentence.
species of bee. Some of them are Apis Cerana, Apis Dorsata, Apis 4. Use of “be”” is, am, are,
Florae and Apis Malifera. Among those species, Apis Malifera is was, were for the
the most productive and the easiest to be cultivated. classifivation.
A bee colony Consists of one queen, a lot of worker bees, and 5. Use of verb”have”: have,
some drones and stingless male bees in a colony of social bees has, bad, in order to give
(especially honeybees) whose sole function is to mate with the detail description.
queen. Each group has its specific duty. The queen, for example, 6. Use of action verb related
inly lasy eggs, the drones have duty to copulate the queen, to the topic, especially
responsible for seeking flowes and nectar. when describing behaviors.
To obtain good production, the farmers have to be able to 7. Use of adjectivies in
provide the most productive flowes near to the cultivation or they describing, especially the
have to travel through forests, bushes, and plantations to find qualities.
them. The best flowers can produce ample material for bee 8. Often accmopanied by
products. Many people like to consume honey because it is photos, diagrams, maps,
believed it will give benefit for health. and illustrations.

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Sebuah teks dapat dikatergorikan ke dalam jenis laporan apabila fungsi utamanya adalah untuk melaporkan
dan mempeberitahukan suatu hal secara objektif dan faktual ke pembaca. Teks jenis banyak terdapat di
majalah iptek atau jurnal ilmiah.

11. Melengkapi Teks

Melengkapi teks adalah kegiatan melengkapi teks dengan kata yang sesuai dengan konteks yang ada.
Untuk dapat melengkapi sebuah teks, siswa wajib memahami konstruksi dari sebuah kalimat yang baik,
yaitu S + P + O.
Untuk dapat menjawab atau mengisi kalimat yang tidak lengkap, siswa harus mengetahui fungsi dari
kata yang hilang, entah itu sebagai kata kerja, kata benda, dan seterusnya. Fungsi-fungsi kata adalah sebagai
Part of Speech Function Ecample of Word Example of Sentences
Erlangga is a publisher.
(to) be, have, do, like,
Verb action or state I like books published by
work, sing, can, must
pen, work, music,
This is my teacher. He
Noun thing or person town, London, teacher,
lives in London.
good, big, red, well, My cat is Cute. I like cute
Adjective describes a noun
interesting, cute cats.
My brother eats quickly.
describes a verb, quickly, silently, wll,
Adverb When he is Very hungry,
adjective, or adverb badly, very, really
he eats really quickly.
Tara is Indian, She is
Pronoun replaces a noun I, you, he, she, some
links a noun to We went to school on
Preposition to, at, after, on, but
another word Monday.
I like dogs and I like cats.
joins clauses or I like cats and dogs.
Conjunction and, but, when
sentences of word I like dogs but I don’t like
short exclamation, Ouch! That hurts!
Interjection smoetimes inserted oh, ouch! Hi! well Hi! How are you?
into a sentence Well, I don’t know.

Tabel tersebut memberikan gambaran tentang kelas kata dan dapat membantu kita dalam menentukan
jenis kata apa yang sesuai dengan konteks kalimat yang belum lengkap.

12. Menyusun Kalimat

Menyusun kalimat adalah menentukan susunan kalimat berdasarkan pola kalimat S + P + O. Sebuah
kalimat akan tersusun dengan baik apabila memiliki makna.

13. Menyusun Paragraf

Paragraf adalah kumpulan kalimat yang terdiri atas pikiran utama, kalimat penjelas, dan kesimpulan.
a. Pikiran utama adalah tema utama yang dikembangkan dalam sebuah paragraf.
b. Kalimat penjelas adalah kalimat yang memberikan gambaran tentang tema.
c. Kesimpulan adalah inti pengembangan tema dalam paragraf.

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Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.
1. This means that the top the tower is 3.9 n if the tower stands perfectly vertivaly.
2. Between 1900 and 2011, the tower leaened at an angle of 5,5 degrees, but now it leans at about 3.99
3. The leaning tower of pisa or the tower of Pisa is the campanile of the cathedral and the third oldest
structure in Pisa’s cathedral squeare.
4. It is situated behind the cathedral and the third oldest structure in Pisa’s cathedral square.
5. The height of the tower is 55.86 m from the ground and the width of the wall is 4.09 m.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa or the Tower of Pisa is the campanile of the cathedral
and the third oldest structure in Pisa’s cathedral square.
It is situated behind the cathedral and the third oldest stucture in Pisa's cathedral
square. The height of the tower is 55.86 m from the ground and the width of the wall
is 4.09 m. Between 1900 and 2001, the tower leaned at an angle of 5.5 degress, but
now it leans at about 3.99 degrees. This means that the top of the tower is 3.9 if the
tower stands perfectly vertival.

Abila kita perhatikan urutan kalimat yang telah disusun, maka akan diawali dengan:
Mean Idea  The leaning Tower of Pisa
Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kalimat penjelas.  It is situated behind the cathedral

 The heigt of the tower is 85.86 m

Supporting sentences  The Tower leaned at an angle of 5.5 degrees

Ditutup dengan kesimpulan  This means that the top of the tower is 3.9 m

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 9


Choose the best answer.

Read the text to answer question 1

Congratulations Kaushik
Winner of the parent survey bike competition.
A big thankyou to all the parents who completed the survey.
The survey results will be made available in the coming weeks.

1. Why is the text written?

A. To congratulate the winner
B. To announce survey results
C. To complete the survey
D. To thank parents

Read the text to answer question 2

Last Day of Term

Today is the last day of Term 2. School Assembly at 1:45 pm. School finishes at 2:30 pm. Have a safe and
happy holiday.

2. What will the students do today?

A. Attend assembly
B. Study the whole day
C. Have holiday
D. Enjoy the last day

Read the text to answer questions 3 to 5

We’ve watched Elise grow throughout her academic career

The time has passed so quickly and now graduation is here
We’re proud to write you to a
Graduation Party
in her honor
Saturday, May 10th 2013 at 2 pm
101 South Country Road
Patchoque, NY
Rob and Terri Gross

3. Who has graduated? 4. Who will most probably attend the Graduation
A. Rob Party?
B. Terri A. Rob’s classmates
C. Gross B. Terri’s classmates
D. Elise C. Elise’s classmates
D. Gross’ classmates
5. What does “her” in the text refer to?
A. Elise
B. Rob

10 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


C. Terri
D. Gross
Read the text to answer questions 6 to 8
To keep everyone safe at the Park, each of our rides have height and health restrictions. Please read the
signs beside each ride carefully to make sure you can jump aboard without any concerns!

120cm and Over: Scenic Railway, Carousel, Coney Drop , Dodgem Cars , Ghost Train, Arabian Merry,
Blinky the Train, Enterprise, Holodeck, Mirror Maze , Pharaoh’s Curse, Power Surge, Silly Serpent, Sky Rider,
Spider, Twin Dragon

110cm to 119cm: Scenic Railway, Carousel, Coney Drop, Ghost Train, Arabian Merry, Blinky the
Train, Holodeck, Mirror Maze, Red Baron, Power Surge, Silly Serpent, Sky Rider, Spider, Twin Dragon, Mirror

6. What is the text about? 7. Who can ride Dodgem Cars?

A. Announcement at a theme park A. Children 120cm and over
B. Height restrictions ate theme park B. Children 110cm to 119cm
C. Kinds of rides children can take C. Children100cm to 109cm
D. Restrictions for taking rides D. Children under 100cm

8. Who are not allowed to jump aboard the Red Baron?

A. healthy men
B. 125 cm-tall boys
C. 110 cm-tall girls
D. pregnant women

Read the text to answer questions 9 to 11

9. What is not the feature of the shoes in the text? A. Lightweight

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 11


B. Full leather A. Go-Shu Legend Youth

C. Real leather B. Go-Shu Mary Jane
D. Anti-scuffed C. Go-Shu Senior
10. Which type of shoes is suitable for Adam Cloe, D. Go-Shu vocation
17 years old, whose feet size is 11?
11. What does “10-5” in “Gro-Shu Action Mary Jane shoes.10-5” mean?
A. For specific ages
B. Number of stocks
C. Reference number
D. Shoe sizes

Read the text to answer questions 12 to 15

Emmanuel Martinez
Av. Luis Bivar

Dear Emmanuel,
I want to thank you for your kind letter and your attempt to understand my Portuguese. I am very eager to meet
you and your family when I come to Lisbon in September.
I thought it would be a good idea to tell you a little about myself so we are not complete strangers when
I get to Lisbon. I am 16 years old and am one year away from graduating high school. I am planning on
continuing my education after that at Hometown College and majoring in Finance so that I work in the banking
field. I have been told that your father is a bank manager.
I have one older sister who is married with a child. I have an older brother who is graduating from
Boston College this spring and plans to also work in the financial field. He has no children yet, but is soon to be
married after graduation.
What I know about Lisbon I should tell you I learned from Google and History class. I have read that it
is a very lovely city. Does it snow much there? I look forward to your next letter.

Mary Ashton

12. What does the letter tell about? 14. What is implied in Mary’s statement “Does it
A. Mary’s introduction to Emmanuel snow much there”?
B. Mary’s offering help to Emmanuel A. She wants to see snow in Portugal
C. Emmanuel’s offering help to Mary B. She does not know much about Portugal
D. Mary’s reply to Emmanuel’s letter C. She knows Portugal has snow
D. She is not sure if Portugal is in Europe
13. What is Emmanuel’s father?
A. Finance officer 15. How many siblings does Mary have?
B. School principal A. 1
C. Bank manager B. 2
D. Student Exchange host C. 3
D. 4

12 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


Read the text to answer question 16

16. What does the text mean?

A. We cannot pick up children by phone
B. We should not drop up children at school
C. We must not keep our cell phone off
D. We should not drive while calling

Read the text to answer questions 17 to 18


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday ` Thursday

08:45 - 09:05 Registration/Tutorial 08:45 - 09:05 Registration/Tutorial
09:05 - 09:55 Lesson 1 09:05 - 09:50 Lesson 1
09:55 - 10:45 Lesson 2 09:50 - 10:35 Lesson 2
10:45 - 11:10 BREAK 10:35 - 11:00 Break
11:10 - 12:00 Lesson 3 11:00 - 11:45 Lesson 3
12:00 - 12:50 Lesson 4 11:45 - 12:30 Lesson 4
12:50 - 13:50 LUNCH 12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH
13:50 - 14:40 Lesson 5 13:30 - 14:15 Lesson 5
14:40 - 15:30 Lesson 6 14:15 - 15:00 Lesson 6

17. What time does the school begin? 18. What makes Thursday different from other
A. 09.05 days?
B. 08.45 A. More lessons
C. 13.30 B. Longer hours
D. 14.15 C. Shorter lessons
D. Earlier start
Read the text to answer questions 19 to 24

I remember one statement that some people often say, “my house is my heaven”. For some people,
house is the most comfortable place to do some activities or just to take a rest. Especially for us students, we
will always miss our lovely house in our hometown. Of course I do too. Now, I will tell you about my lovely
house. My lovely house is located in Tuban. You will find a house with green fence at Jalan Pramuka 9 number

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 13


My lovely house is not big, but large enough. From the front, there is a small garden on your right side
and a garage on your left side. The small garden makes my house looks more beautiful and fresh with some
flowers and trees. My mother and I always maintain this garden because we love planting and gardening. The
garage is not large. It just enough for three motorcycles. In front of my house, there is also a small terrace. In
this terrace, my family and I usually enjoy fresh air in the morning.

From the front, I will invite you to enter my house. Just one step from the terrace, you will look a
simple living room. In this room, there is just a carpet, not sofa. On your right corner, there is an ancient wooden
handicraft. There are three calligraphies on the wall. This room is often used as a place to gather with my big
family in every special moment.

Beside the living room, there is a large family room. There is a television in front of your side. There
are two big wardrobes on your left side and four wooden chairs beside those wardrobes. My mother and I
always keep tidy and clean this room to make our family feel comfort when they stay in this room. We usually
use this room for discussing anything with family and for watching television together.

Next to my family room, there are three bedrooms on your right side. They are mine, my brother’s and
my parent’s. Our bedrooms are not large, but so simple. There are one bed, one small wardrobe, and one
calligraphy in every bedroom. This simple bedroom makes us feel comfort to take a rest.

Then, the last is the back side of my house. There is a large kitchen. You can find one cupboard to save
many plates, glasses, spoons and ext on your left side. Beside the cupboard, there is a gas stove. This kitchen
always looks clean. Beside of the kitchen, there is a bathroom.

These are all areas of my lovely house. Although my house is not luxurious, it is comfortable for me
and my family because we always keep it clean and tidy. By Prisca Rizki Khalifah

19. What is the text about? 22. How many areas of the house are in the text?
A. A story of a house A. 4
B. A description of a house B. 5
C. A detail memory of a house C. 6
D. A house in Tuban D. 7

20. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? 23. Where is the writer when writing this text?
A. You will enter my living room A. In Tuban
B. Many things are in my living room B. In the house
C. Three calligraphies are in my living room C. Not in Tuban
D. My living room is simple D. Outside the house

21. Where is the kitchen? 24. What does “luxurious” in “Although my house
A. In the middle of the house is not luxurious” mean?
B. Next to my living room A. Expensive
C. At the back of the house B. Special
D. Next to my bedrooms C. Extraordinary
D. GorgeouS

Read the text to answer questions 25 to 29

There are about 5,000 different species of ladybugs in the world. These much loved critters are also
known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles. They come in many different colors and patterns, but the most
familiar in North America is the seven-spotted ladybug, with its shiny, red-and-black body.
The name “ladybug” was created by European farmers who prayed to the Virgin Mary when pests
began eating their crops. After ladybugs came and wiped out the invading insects, the farmers named them
“beetle of Our Lady.” This eventually was shortened to “lady beetle” and “ladybug.”

14 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


In many cultures, ladybugs are considered good luck. Most people like them because they are pretty,
graceful, and harmless to humans. But farmers love them because they eat aphids and other plant-eating pests.
One ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime!
Most ladybugs have oval, dome-shaped bodies with six short legs. Depending on
the species, they can have spots, stripes, or no markings at all. Seven-spotted ladybugs
are red or orange with three spots on each side and one in the middle. They have a black
head with white patches on either side.
Ladybugs are colorful for a reason. Their markings tell predators: “Eat something else! I taste terrible.”
When threatened, the bugs will secrete an oily, foultasting fluid from joints in their legs. They may also play
dead. Birds are ladybugs’ main predators, but they also fall victim to frogs, wasps, spiders, and dragonflies.
Ladybugs are happy in many different habitats, including grasslands, forests, cities, suburbs, and along
rivers. Seven-spotted ladybugs are native to Europe but were brought to North America in the mid-1900s to
control aphid populations.
Ladybugs are most active from spring until fall. When the weather turns cold, they look for a warm,
secluded place to hibernate, such as in rotting logs, under rocks, or even inside houses. These hibernating
colonies can contain thousands of ladybugs.

25. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? 27. What is not one of the characteristics of
A. Many cultures have ladybugs symbols ladybugs?
B. Ladybugs are symbols of good luck A. Dome-shaped bodies
C. People love ladybugs colors B. Seven spots
D. Farmers love ladybugs for eating insects C. Six short legs
D. Red-black heads
26. Which animal does not eat ladybugs?
A. Aphids 28. What do ladybugs do in winter?
B. Dragonflies A. Eating aphids
C. Frogs B. Laying eggs
D. Birds C. Hibernating
D. Looking for food
29. What does “they” in Birds are ladybugs’ main predators, but they also fall victim to frogs, wasps, spiders,
and dragonflies.” refer to?
A. Ladybugs
B. Birds
C. Frogs
D. Wasps

Read the text to answer questions 30 to 32

Charging an laptop battery is as easy as plugging the laptop into an electrical outlet and leaving the
machine off for a span of time. If the computer and battery are operating properly, the battery will charge during
this process. However, if the laptop is in use and the battery requires a charge, there are a few steps to take to
decrease the power demand from using the laptop and increase the power available to the battery charging
mechanism. The laptop’s “Power Plan” may be changed or customized with just a few
simple steps.
1. Right-click on the Power icon in the system tray at the bottom right of the Windows desktop. The Power
icon looks like a D-cell battery and may appear to have a power cord connector in front, if the laptop is
currently plugged into AC current.
2. Select “Power Options” from the context menu. The Power Options settings page will appear. Three power
plans are provided by default: Balanced, Power Saver and High Performance.
3. Click the radio button in front of the “Power Saver” option to increase power to the battery charger while
the laptop is in use.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 15


4. Close the Power Options window by clicking the “X” in the top right corner. The selection will save on
By Tammy Clevenger

30. What is modified in the text? 31. How many options are available to save power?
A. Laptop’s “power plan” A. 1
B. Laptop’s battery B. 2
C. Laptop’s “Power Saver” C. 3
D. Options settings D. 4

32. What does “span” in “a span of time ” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. point
B. Period
C. Particular
D. Specific

Read the text to answer questions 33 to 37

Maria’s hand glided through the warm clear water. Stroke after stroke she moved lazily in the
Australian summer. She wasn’t a good swimmer; swimming in the shallow creek brought both fear and
excitement. She didn’t bother with bathers, she just threw on a t-shirt and some shorts.
She cracked her neck and fingers and lay back floating on the water. Closing her eyes she started
humming, forgetting her life, forgetting about her parents arguing,
forgetting about her loss and sorrow. Forgetting everything.
Maria’s heart skipped a beat when a dark shadow lurked slowly around her. She stayed on her back not
daring to move.
The possibility of sharks was high. Her heart stopped. What was she supposed
to do? The shark would either attack or not, she was doomed if it did. Tears rolled down her cheek as she felt
something brush against her left shoulder.
Maria felt herself flying through the water. She gulped for air as she screamed.
Falling she grabbed a tuft of grass at the edge of the bank. Maria heaved herself up
and coughed out some water. Rolling over she peered into the water, adrenaline
pumping her veins.
She nearly kicked herself, a dolphin was grinning at her, its eyes sparkling. A huge grin spread across
her face, she had never seen such a magical creature so close before.
The dolphin echoed and splashed a huge gust of water at Maria. Giggling she
reached over and patted the slippery latex like surface of its head. Dolphins were always happy; they needn’t
worry about trouble. Maria played with her little friend for
ages until the horizon made a beautiful orange colour. “I have to go now, but I’ll be back tomorrow!” she
It appeared as if the dolphin knew what she had said. Maria would wait for another day of play and
By Emma Parker 7A

33. What is the text about? 34. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Maria’s meeting with dolphin A. Maria was afraid of shark
B. Maria’s fear about shark B. Maria was enjoying herself
C. Maria’s first swimming experience C. Maria saw fin in the water
D. Maria’s bad experience in the beach D. Maria was very scared

35. What did she think the dark shadow could be? B. a shark
A. a ghost C. a dolphin

16 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


D. whirlpool A. For her life

36. What does “for ages” in “Maria played with her B. For a short time
little friend for ages until the horizon made a C. For a long time
beautiful orange colour”, mean? D. As long as her age

37. What can we learn for the text?

A. Fears can turn happiness
B. We should be careful in the beach
C. Animals love humans
D. Dolphins are friendly animals

Read the text to answer questions 38 to 41

Now you must know that a Town Mouse once upon a time went on a visit to his cousin in the country.
He was rough and ready, but he loved his town friend and made him heartily welcome. Beans and bacon, cheese
and bread, were all he had to offer, but he offered them freely.
The Town Mouse rather turned up his long nose at this country fare, and said: “I cannot understand,
Cousin, how you can put up with such poor food as this, but of course you cannot expect anything better in the
country; come with me and I will show you how to live. When you have been in town a week you will wonder
how you could ever have stood a country life.”
No sooner said than done: the two mice set off for the town and arrived at the Town Mouse’s residence
late at night. “You will want some refreshment after our long journey,” said the polite Town Mouse, and took
his friend into the grand dining-room. There they found the remains of a fine feast, and soon the two mice were
eating up jellies and cakes and all that was nice.
Suddenly they heard growling and barking. “What is that?” said the Country Mouse. “It is only the
dogs of the house,” answered the other. “Only!” said the Country Mouse. “I do not like that music at my
Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge mastiffs, and the two mice had to scamper
down and run off. “Good-bye, Cousin,” said the Country Mouse, “What! going so soon?” said the other. “Yes,”
he replied; “Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear.”

38. What is the story in the text about? 40. What did the mice have for dinner?
A. Town and Country mice A. Beans and bacons
B. Town and country conditions B. Cheese and bread
C. Foods in town and country C. Fine feasts
D. Security in town and country D. Jellies and cakes

39. What does paragraph 2 tell about? 41. What are mastiffs?
A. Country mouse lived poorly A. Cats
B. Town mouse invited country mouse B. Dogs
C. Town mouse have long nose C. Mice
D. That country was dirty D. Humans

42. The moral value in the text is that we should…

A. like other people’s lives
B. find good food as long as we can
C. prioritize security over food
D. respect other people’s way of life

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 17


Fill in the blanks in the text with the words in the options to answer questions 43 to 45

A farmer planted a (43)…………... It got bigger and bigger and bigger. One day the farmer said, “I am
going to pull that (44)……….. turnip.” He pulled and pulled, but the turnip did not come up. The
farmer called his wife. “Please help me,” he cried. “Hold on to me. Pull when I pull.” The farmer
pulled the turnip. His wife pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled (45)…………, but the turnip did
not come up.

43. . …. 44. . ….
A. Carrot A. Small
B. Turnip B. Long
C. Cabbage C. Big
D. Potato D. Short

45. …
A. Fast
B. Strongly
C. Happily
D. Hard

Fill in the blanks in the text with the words in the options to answer questions 46 to 48

How to cook Swedish Nut Cake

First, (46)……………oven to 175 degrees C and Grease and flour a 9x13 inch baking pan. Second, in a
large bowl, mix flour, sugar, 1/2 cup nuts and baking soda. Add eggs, pineapple and 2 (47)
……………… vanilla. Beat until smooth and pour into the 9x13 inch baking pan.
Third, bake at 175 degrees C for 40 to 50 minutes (48)…………….., spread icing on hot cake.
Finally, for the icing: In a large bowl, mix cream butter or margarine, cream cheese, 1 teaspoon vanilla
and confectioners sugar until light and fluffy. Fold in 1/2 cup nuts. Spread on hot cake.

46. . …. 47. . ….
A. Clean A. bottles
B. Prepare B. teaspoons
C. Preheat C. glasses
D. Find D. saucers

48. …
A. Moreover
B. Therefore
C. Afterward
D. Thereafter

49. Arrange the following words into a meaningful sentence.

Gresik of the is big one in East Java towns
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 3-5-9-7-8-1-4-6-2
B. 1-4-6-2-3-5-9-7-8

18 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


C. 2-3-5-1-4-6-9-7-8
D. 9-7-8-1-4-6-2-3-5

50. Arrange the following sentences into a coherent paragraph.

1- It is often paired with onion, tomato, or ginger.

2- The parchment-like skin is much like the skin of an onion.
3- An alternative is to cut the top off the bulb, coat cloves of garlic by dribbling olive oil (or other oil
based seasoning) over them and roast them in the oven.
4- The flavour varies in intensity and aroma with cooking methods.
5- Its skin is typically removed before using in raw or cooked form.
6- Garlic is widely used around the world for its pungent flavor, as a seasoning or condiment.
7- The garlic softens and can be extracted from the cloves by squeezing the (root) end of the bulb or
individually by squeezing one end of the clove.

A. 6-2-4-1-5-3-7
B. 1-2-5-3-7-6-4
C. 6-4-1-2-5-3-7
D. 7-6-4-1-2-5-3

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 19


Choose the best answer.

Read the text to answer questions 1 and 2.

1. What is the text written for? 2. Who is the card for?

A. To describe a music show. A. Mom.
B. To promote an event. B. Seza.
C. To congratulate someone. C. Dad.
D. To inform about an exam. D. Mom and dad

Read the text to answer questions 3 to 4.

3. What makes Arifia give emotional arguments?

A. She is dissapointed.
B. She is happy.
C. She is busy.
D. She is tired.

4. From the text we can conclude that...

A. Arifia felt sorry.
B. Chacha is emotional.

20 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


C. Chacha usually acts rudely.

D. Arifia did not want to to beChacha’s friend.

Read the text to answer question 5.


5. Where can the students have lunch?

A. In the reception.
B. In the classroom.
C. In the dining room.
D. In the activity room.

Read the text to answer questions 6 and 7

6. What is the text written for? 7. What should we do to make a confirmation?

A. To describe the dance A. Contacting the United Dance Association.
B. To retell about the fundraising B. Coming to the event before Wednesday.
C. To inform someone about the dance C. Calling 661.333.1234.
D. Toinvite somebody to a fundraising event D. PayingUSD 50.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 21


Read the text to answer questions 8 to 9.

8. What is the text about? 9. When will the launching of GIS Sports
A. The opening of school garden. Academy conducted?
B. The launching of GIS sports academy. A. In an exciting time.
C. The detail of the sports academy program. B. In September 2013.
D. The integration of the recreational sports C. After all students are ready.
program. D. After the replacement of recreaional
Read the text to answer questions 10 to 12

22 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


10. How long will the sale last? 11. On what item does the shop give the most
A. Two days. discounts?
B. A week. A. School bags.
C. Three weeks. B. Exercise books.
D. A month. C. Deanna Mary Jane shoes.
D. Kids’ school clothing.

12. “4 pack licensed briefs.” The underlined word means....

A. wellknown
B. certified
C. various
D. cheap

Read the text to answer questions 13 to 15

Dear Swastika,

How’s life? Thanks for the letter telling about your holiday activities.
Last Lebaran holiday, my family and I went to the beach. We wanted to release the baby
sea turtles from the Goa Cemara shore.

Goa Cemara is located in Patihan, Gadangsari, Bantul. The walk to the beach was pretty, but very shady. It felt
like we’re in the Twilight movie scene, a great for photo shoots! We only adopted 5 baby turtles, each turtle cost
10.000 rupiahs. The baby turtles were just hatched. I thought they were cute. I chose my turtle and named him
Timothy. My sister Emma also chose one and named it Dora. Timothy and friends were very skittish in the box,
then right when we set them in the sand, they immediately got still.

We entered Timothy in the race. We were told by our guide, that before the race began, we should face the little
babies south, so that when they came out to shore at night, they would remember which way to go. Cool, isn’t
it? And the race began. I could see how energetic they were. What I noticed was that when they hit the water
and were pushed back by the waves, the turtles ran faster, as if knowing what’s ahead of them. They’re just
about to get swept away by the ocean. I really hated to watch them leaving. It was my unforgetable experience
with the baby sea turtles.

Best wishes,


13. What is the text about? 14. What is name of the the writer’s turtle?
A. Releasing turtle from Goa Cemara beach. A. Bella.
B. Buying baby turtle at Goa Cemara. B. Emma.
C. The beautiful Twilight movie scene. C. Dora.
D. The race on the beach. D. Timothy.

15. Why should we face the baby turtles to the south?

A. Because the race would begin soon.
B. Because they were very energetic.
C. To make them know their way.
D. To make sure they were swept away by the ocean.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 23


Read the text to answer question 16

16. The above caution means ...

A. weshould not drink the water
B. we should stay near wetted surfaces
C. the water is clean and fresh to drink
D. the fountain is not for recirculating water

Read the text to answer questions 17 to 19

Steven Spielberg is an American film director, screen writer, and producer. He is one of the most talented
and successful film makers today.
Steven Spielberg was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on December 8th, 1946. His full name is Steven Allan
Spielberg. He is son of Leak Adler, a computer engineer. Spielberg is very interested in reading, studying films
and television show and talking with other film makers. He, however, dislikes parties. He says that whenever he
comes to a party he will be guy at the corner.
Steven Spielberg has four luxurious houses in different places: in Pacific Palisades- California, in New
York, in East Hampton-New York, and in Naples-Florida. Forbes magazine places his net wealth at 3,1 billions.
Steven Spielberg married Kate Captshaw and they have seven children in their home. Besides, there are
several pets, including dogs, in his house. One of them is Mikhaila that started in several of his films.

17. What is the text about? 18. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A. The carier of a film director. A. Steven likes reading and dislikes parties.
B. The success of Spielberg’s film. B. Steven married Kate Captshaw and has a
C. The houses of the success director. happy family.
D. The description of Steven Spilberg. C. Steven has four luxurious houses in
different places.
D. Steven Spielberg is an American film

19. How many children does Steven’s have?

A. 3.
B. 4.
C. 5.
D. 7.

Read the text to answer questions 20 to 22.

Samas Beach is located at the west of Parangtritis beach, at Srigading village, District of Sanden, about
14 kilometres south of Bantul. From downtown Yogyakarta, you could travel to the southwest for 35 kilometres
to get to the beach. Samas Beach is easy to visit with private or public vehicles.

24 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


In the beach there are many estuaries which form into lake and used as a place for
cultivating fresh-water fish and shrimp. Besides its beauty, the specialty of this beach is sea turtles. Samas beach
is a beach often visited by sea turtles of many kinds like the Hawksbills sea turtle, the leatherbacks sea turtle,
and the green sea turtle. Those sea turtles come at a certain time and during the egg-laying season.
In this beach you will find a conservation area of sea turtle as a concern from the society and the
government toward this endangered species. In the conservation area, you will find a pool for the sea turtles’
babies. The babies will be kept in the conservation to avoid them from the predators, until it reached certain age
and ready to be released to the sea.
Besides seeing the sea turtles in the conservation, you can also go to the lake which is formed from the
rivers estuaries to fishing, or perhaps to ride boat in the lagoon. This beach is suitable as a natural tourist object
where you can enjoy the nature’s beauty, learn about the sea turtle or simply refresh your mind with your friends
or family.

20. How many kinds of turtle are mentioned in the 21. From the text we know that....
text? A. the society does not concern toward
A. Nine. endangered species
B. Five. B. the lake is used to cultivate fresh water fish
C. Three. and srimp
D. Two. C. the sea turtles’ babies were kept in the river
D. the turtles visit the beach anytime
22. “In the beach there are many estuaries which form into lake...”The underlined word means....
A. river mouths
B. lagoons
C. pools
D. marines

Read the text to answer questions 23 to 25

Swans are the largest members of the waterfowl family Anatidae, and are among the largest flying birds.
The largest species, including the mute swan, trumpeter swan, and whooper swan, can reach length of over 1.5
m (60 inches) and weigh over 15 kgs (33 pounds). Their wingspans can be almost 3 m (10 ft). Compared to the
closely related geese, they are much larger in size and have proportionally larger feet and necks. They also have
a patch of unfeathered skin between the eyes and bill in adults. The sexes are alike in plumage, but males are
generally bigger and heavier than females.
The Northern Hemisphere species of swan have pure white plumage but the Southern Hemisphere species
are mixed black and white. The Australian Black Swan (Cygnus atratus) is completely black except for the
white flight feathers on its wings; the chicks of black swans are light grey in color, and the South American
Black-necked Swan
has a black neck.
The legs of swans are normally dark blackish grey color, except for the two South American species,
which have pink legs. Bill color varies: the four subarctic species have black bills with varying amounts of
yellow, and all the others are patterned red and black. Although most birds generally do not have teeth, swans
are known to be an exception to this, having small jagged ‘teeth’ as part of their beaks used for catching and
eating fish. The Mute Swan and Black-necked Swan have a lump at the base of the bill on the upper mandible.

23. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? D. Different species of swan have different
A. Two South American species swan have color.
pink legs.
B. The swans are the largestflying birds. 24. What is the color of the Southern Hemisphere
C. The legs of swans are normally a dark species?
blackish grey. A. Pure white.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 25


B. Light grey. C. They have short but slender neck.

C. Completely black. D. Their beaks vary in color.
D. Mixed black and white.
26. “...except for the white flight feathers on its
25. What is not one of the characteristics of swans? wings;...” (Paragraph 2).The word its refers to...
A. The legs are normally a dark blackish grey A. Southern Hemisphere species’
color. B. Australian Black Swan’s
B. They have small jagged ‘teeth’ as part of C. The Mute Swan’s
their beaks. D. South American Black-necked Swan’s

Read the text to answer questions 27 to 30.

Making Goodie Bags for Party Favors

Party favors are traditional gifts for guests at a party. Purchasing an expensive item for each guest is
unnecessary, as you can make some simple but thoughtful party favors yourself at home. Whether you are
planning a party for adults or for children, explore how you can make your own favors and show your guests
your appreciation for their attendance.
Things You’ll Need
• Mesh fabric
• Scissors
• Candy
• Cut out one 3-inch square for each party favor out of mesh fabric using scissors.
• Place candies in the center of each mesh square. Use candies that match decor. For example, use pastel
colored jordan almonds for a baby shower or red and green candy-coated chocolates for a Christmas party.
• Pull up the sides of each square to create a satchel for the candy. Secure the pouches with 3-inch lengths of
ribbon by tying them into a bow just below the raised corners.
• Pass the candy goodie bags out to your guests as they leave or place them on each
table for guests to take as they sit

27. How can we make the bow? A. bag

A. By cutting out the mesh fabric. B. bow
B. By using the candies that match decor. C. picture
C. By pulling up the sides of each square. D. drawing
D. By tying the 3-inches lenghts of ribbons.
30. “... out to your guests as they leave or place
28. Where should we place the candy? them on each table ...”
A. On the table. The underlined word refers to....
B. Outside the satchel. A. pastel colored jordan almonds
C. Between the pouch and the bow. B. candy-coated chocolates
D. In the centre of each mesh square. C. candy goodie bags
D. all of the guests
29. “Pull up the sides of each square to create a
satchel for the candy.” The underlined word has
similar meaning with....

Read the text to answer questions 31 to 33

This was my second trip to Wakatobi, first July 2011 with 2 girl friends then back in Jan 2012 with
another friend. Both times I toured around Bali before the stay at the resort, visiting temples and my good friend
Amy who lives in Sanur.

26 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


The flight from Bali to the resort was 2.5 hours long and I saw beautiful sights on the way. On board, I
was served a snack and drinks, it was very good. Once I touched down a van was waiting for me to take me to
the dock to board a boat, about 5 min drive. The boat ride was 15 min long and then I was at my vacation
destination, Wakatobi!
A man carried my luggage to my hut and I was amazed how beautiful it was, wood
walls and flowing drapes around the bed. I did not have any problems with bugs of any type the 17 days I was
there. I had a small refrigerator and electric tea pot, I made coffee every day, I got up pretty early. I was in a
garden hut, but also had a partial view of the ocean. Air-conditioning was as cool as I would like, and a ceiling
fan was also available.
I like macro, but I also like wide angle, not a problem with the diving area. The reefs are the best I have
seen anywhere, and that is why I will return time after time.

31. What is the text about? 32. Where was the writer served a snack and drinks?
A. A trip to Wakatobi. A. In Wakatobi.
B. The flight from Bali. B. In Sanur.
C. Visiting Amy in Sanur. C. On board.
D. Visiting temples in Bali. D. On the boat.

33. How did the writer reach Wakatobi from Bali?

A. Directly by plane.
B. By plane and then took a taxi.
C. By taxi and then by boat.
D. By plane, take a van, and then by boat.

Read the text to answer questions 34 to 36

It began one afternoon, when I visited my grandmother for lunch. By the time I went home, she
hadbooked me a ticket to the neighbouring island of Lombok for her friend’s funeral. Couple of days later, I
found myself sitting inside a propeller plane for the first time. Anyway, we landed at an unexpected place. This
island has a better airport than the more popular. It didn’t stop there. The roads were big and clean. I mean
seriously. This island is quiet modern. Oh, I almost forgot to mention. We had hired a private driver for our
entire 3 day trip and he was extremely helpful. Not only is he a good and fast driver, but he knows his island.
Every question my curious dad asked him, he could answer. It felt like we had Wikipedia as a driver.
What I liked most about Lombok is that it’s not as directed towards international tourists, but locals,
the mindset of the people wasn’t as rough as of the Balinese. However, I
did come across one where a lady tried to sell cheap batik on a deserted beach for RP200, 000 (AUD$20). My
granddad almost bought it out of pity, but my grandma dragged him out of it. As he turned his back on her, the
lady said okay! RP15,000 (AUD$1.50). What a difference! But eventually, being the kind-hearted person my
granddad is, he bought 5 pieces.
That’s a great experience.

34. What is the text about? 35. What were the roads in Lombok like?
A. Visiting Bali A. Narow and winding.
B. Going to Lombok island. B. Wide and polluted.
C. Traveling by a propeller plane. C. Wide and clean.
D. My kind-hearted granddad. D. Quiet modern.

36. From the text we know that....

A. the writer booked a ticket to Lombok for his friend’s funeral.
B. the driver knows nothing about his island.
C. the mindset of the people was as rough as of the Balinese.
D. the writer’s granddad bought batik.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 27


Read the text to answer questions 37 to 39.

Always Stay Alert

Once upon a time there was a lion that grew so old that he was unable to kill any prey for his food. So,
he said to himself, I must do something to stay my stomach else I will die of starvation.
He kept thinking and thinking and at last an idea clicked him. He decided to lie down in the cave
pretending to be ill and then who-so-ever will come to inquire about his health, will become his prey. The old
lion put his wicked plan into practice and it started working. Many of his well-wishers got killed. But evil is
short lived.
One day, a fox came to visit the ailing lion. As foxes are clever by nature, the fox stood at the mouth of
the cave and looked about. His sixth sense worked and he came to know the reality. So, he called out to the lion
from outside and said, “How are you, sir?”
The lion replied, “I am not feeling well at all. But why don’t you come inside?” Then the fox replied, “I
would love to come in, sir! But on seeing, all foot prints going to your cave and none coming out, I would be
foolish enough to come in.”
Saying so, the fox went to alert the other animals.

37. What is the text about? 38. The second paragraph tells us that…
A. A stupid fox. A. the lion was unable to kill any prey for his
B. A poor prey. food
C. A starving animal. B. the fox told other animals about the
D. A cunning lion. dangerous lion
C. the old lion put his wicked plan into practice
D. a fox visited the ailing lion and called him
39. Where did the lion decide to lie down?
A. On the mouth of the cave.
B. Outside the cave.
C. Next to the cave.
D. In the cave.

Read the text to answer questions 40 to 42

Story of a Blind Love

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she’s blind. She hated everyone, except her loving
boyfriend. He’s always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her
boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she can see everything, including
her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked
when she saw that her boyfriend is blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in
tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying - “Just take care of my eyes dear”.

40. What did the boyfriend do after the girl refused to marry him?
A. He stayed there for her.
B. He was socked and cried.
C. He donated his eyes to her.
D. Hewalked away and wrote a letter to her.

28 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


41. Who donated a pair of eyes to the blind girl? 42. What can we learn from the story?
A. Herloving boy friend. A. You cannot please everyone.
B. Her little sister. B. Do not help someone that dissapoint you.
C. Her beloved father. C. Always ask help to our loyal friend.
D. Her brother. D. We should be thankful for everything.

For questions 43 to 45, complete the text with appropriate words.

Two men were (43)... along one summer day. Soon it became too hot to go any further and, seeing a large
plane tree nearby, they threw themselves (44)... on the ground to rest in its shade. Gazing up into the
branches one man said to the other, “What a (45)... tree this is. It does not have fruit or nuts that we can
eat and we cannot even use its wood for anything.”

43. ........ 44. .........
A. standing A. sadly
B. singing B. calmly
C. getting C. happily
D. walking D. easily

45. ........
A. useless
B. useful
C. beautiful
D. great

For questions 46 to 48, complete the text with appropriate words.

Place a big (46)..., like a sunflower, at the base of the big bowl and then place the smaller bowl on it in a
manner that the flower gets sandwiched between the two bases. After you have put the smaller bowl in
place, just (47)... the gap with chilled water. See to it that the water level makes it only halfway between
the two bowls and now let this arrangement stand in the freezer overnight.Then, early in the (47)..., push
vibrantly-colored flowers, nuts, herbs, fern, and even shrimp into the top empty area between the two
bowls and fill it with more cold water, just enough to cover your embellishments.

46. ........ 47. .........

A. bowl A. let
B. flower B. make
C. rose C. fill
D. plate D. cut

48. ...........
A. midnight
B. morning
C. midday
D. afternoon

49. Arrange these words into a meaningful sentence.

beautiful Green Canyon near beach is a very resort Pangandaran
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 29


A. 2 – 4 – 5 –8 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 9
B. 2–4–1–7–3–9–5–8–6
C. 2–5–6–7–1–8–3–9–4
D. 2–8–6–5–4–1–7–3–9

49. Arrange the following sentences into a coherent paragraph.

1) It lives in the jungles of South East Asia.

2) The ancestors of the Sumatran Rhinoceros died out long ago and it is the last of it’s a kind.
3) The main reason for this is because it is hunted by humans.
4) It is quite hairy, which is unusual for a rhinoceros.
5) The Sumatran Rhinoceros is the smallest of all rhinoceroses.
6) Unfortunately, it is now on the brink of extinction.

The best arrangement of the sentences is….

A. 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5
B. 3 - 4 - 1 – 5 – 2 – 6
C. 5 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 3
D. 5 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 3

30 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


Read the text to answer question 1.

1. The text above tells us that . . .

A. this wall is breakable
B. it is dangerous to stay in that area
C. the view from this place is amazing
D. the waves have already broken the wall

Read the text to answer questions 2 and 3.

2. The card is sent to . . . 3. Aunt Irfa and family sent the card because they .
A. wish Santi a recovery from her sickness ..
B. congratulate Santi on her feeling better A. were thoughtful
C. greet Santi on her happy thoughts B. feel better
D. send Santi some thoughtful gifts C. care about Santi
D. will be better soon
Read the text to answer questions 4 and 5.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 31


4. What is the purpose of the text? 5. From the text we can conclude that Andre
A. To inform about the graduation party. Gratandia is . . .
B. To invite someone to attend the party. A. doing his exercise
C. To retell Andre’s graduation party. B. getting a scholarship
D. To prepare the graduation party. C. achieving the best grade
D. going to celebrate his achievement
Read the text to answer questions 6 and 7.

6. Where can we probably find the text? 7. From the text we know that there is 10% off on
A. In newspaper. all ….
B. In a manual book. A. desktop computers
C. In a school handbook. B. notebooks
D. In an instruction manual. C. keyboards
D. monitors
Read the text to answer questions 8 to 10.


To: All Students of “Indonesia Hebat” Junior High School

Don’t miss the School Carnival, Thursday 8th , 2013, from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. at “Indonesia Hebat” Junior High
School, 10 Kartini Road. There will be food vendors selling chicken satay, hot dogs, hamburgers, beverages and
more. The various games will include blowing the balloons, marble on spoon walks, face-painting, inflatable
bouncers, raffles, and songs to name just some of the exciting activities being planned.

Come join us for an enjoyable evening, and help support the school. Volunteers to work at the carnival or work
at carnival vendors are always welcome. If you have any questions about this program, please contact the
carnival coordinator.

8. From the text we know that . . . 9. The text is written . . .

A. the carnival will begin at 9 p.m. A. to announce Indonesia Hebat JHS activities
B. the carnival needs some volunteers. B. to inform some activities in the school
C. there are seven games being planned carnival
D. the carnival will be held until mid night. C. to ask students to sell some foods in the
D. to invite the students to participate in the

32 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


10. “Come join us for an enjoyable evening . . .”

A. What does the word enjoyable mean?
A. Fun
B. Busy
C. Bright
D. Challenging

Read the text to answer question 11 and 12.

11. What should Andri do after getting the message? 12. When will the quiz be held?
A. Forwarding the message to others. A. 6 January.
B. Making the quiz schedule. B. 11 January.
C. Delaying the English quiz. C. 14 January.
D. Attending the conference. D. 18 January.

Read the text to answer questions 13 to 15.

Niigata, January 4, 2010

Dear Ketut,
How are you back there in your beautiful country-in Bali right? Miss you so much in this ski resort. I don’t have
anyone to be my racing partner... True, there are many people here, but we cannot compete people from
countries with no winter and people from Niigata right. So An Indonesian vs. A Pilipino, it was fair enough,
wasn’t it?

And this afternoon I had an unforgettable experience. I was cycling with my new roommate around the country
lane when we saw some children playing on a frozen pond.

Suddenly we heard a shout. One boy had fallen through the ice. We immediately rushed over to help, but it was
too dangerous to walk across the ice. My friend and I ran to borrow a ladder. I put the ladder on the ice and
crawled across it towards the boy. I caught hold of his hand and finally manage to pull him out of the icy water.
Luckily the boy wasn’t hurt, but he was very frightened.

His parents turned up about ten minutes later. When they saw him, they were shocked
and very angry with him! I felt a bit sorry for the boy. He had certainly learnt a lesson
the hard way.


Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 33


13. Where does Gene stay? 14. What is the topic of the third paragraph?
A. In Bali A. A holiday in Niigata
B. In Niigata B. Going skiing in winter
C. In Philipine C. Unforgetable Life in Niigata
D. In Indonesia D. Rescueing the boy fallen into the pond

15. “… and crawled across it towards the boy.” The underlined word refers to ….
A. the ice
B. the boy
C. the writer
D. the ladder

Read the text and answer questions 16 and 17.

16. The writer writes the text in order to give 17. How long does it take from Harlem-125TH to
information of . . . Botanical Garden?
A. the train schedule from Beacon to Botanical A. 10 minutes.
Garden. B. 11 minutes.
B. the travel time during the trip to Beacon. C. 89 minutes.
C. the trip to Harlem and Grand Central D. 98 minutes.
D. the stasions passed by the train.

18. “To help you plan your trip, . . .”

34 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


The underlined word can be replaced by . . .

A. journey
B. vacation
C. holiday
D. vacancy

Read the text and answer questions 19 to 22.

Felt Flower Bouquet

Felt fabric (different colors, since it is a bouquet you are making)
Green wire for stems and leaves
Needle and thread or fabric glue
Decorative buttons or beads

You can trace flower petal shapes of different sizes and shapes on the felt and cut it accordingly. Remember to
keep the size of petals between 1 to 5 inches. At least 6 petals of uniform size for each flower must be cut. The
petals can be sewn or glued at the center. You can make different designs by using different colored petals in the
same flower or changing the shape of petals for each flower.

You can sew the button or bead at the center of each flower. Cut two small holes next to each other in the center,
on the back side of the flower, just big enough for the wire to fit in. Once your flower is ready, push one end of
the green wire through one hole and take it out of the other. Twist the two ends together to form the stem. You
can also secure leaves in these stems while twisting. Green felt paper can be used to make the foliage.

Your felt flower bouquet is ready to be placed in a lovely vase without the worry of the
flowers wilting and dying off!


19. Why is the text written? 21. What do we need to make foliage?
A. To give instructions how to decorate A. Green wire.
flowers. B. Green felt paper.
B. To tell how to keep the flowers always C. Leaves and stems.
fresh. D. Button and fabric glue.
C. To show how to replace flowers in the vase.
D. To tell how to make felt flower bouquet. 22. “ ... the flowers wilting and dying off!”
The word ‘wilting’ has the same meaning as ....
20. What tools do we need to make it? A. falling
A. Wire. B. growing
B. Thread. C. dropping
C. Scissors. D. blooming
D. Fabric glue.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 35


Read the text and answer questions 23 to 26.

Henry Ford was a famous American engineer and car manufacturer. He was born on a farm in Dearborn
in Michigan in 1863.

He was the first man to mass produce cars at a price which people could afford. Although at first he made
automobiles that only rich people could afford, he wanted to build a car that was cheap enough for most families
to own and in 1903 he succeeded.

Ford was very interested in horseless carriages. He decided to build one himself. He began to experiment
with engines until his first car was made in 1893. Night after night he would work on it like a madman. At last
in 1896 the vehicle was ready for a trial run. He then ran it round the block. It went well. Finally, in 1903, the
Ford Motor Company was founded.

The thing that made his company famous was his mass production line. Instead of having each person
build the entire motor car, he had one person doing their own small job. Because this saved a lot of time and
money, Ford could offer more cars to the American public at a lower price than anyone before him.

23. What does the text tell us about? 25. “Because this saved a lot of time and money ,
A. A famous American engineer. ...”
B. Henry Ford and his company. A. The word this refers to….
C. The Ford Motor Company. A. the entire motor car
D. Ford cheap motor cars. B. mass production line
C. his famous company
24. “Ford successfully invented a car” is the main D. the workers’ small job
idea of paragraph….
A. 1 26. “The thing that made his company famous was
B. 2 ....”
C. 3 B. The word ‘famous’ can be replaced by ....
D. 4 A. well-known
B. unfamiliar
C. nameless
D. strange
Read the text and answer questions 27 to 30.

The Bogor Botanical Garden is located 60 km south of the capital of Jakarta in Bogor. The botanical
garden is situated in the city center of Bogor.
The garden covers more than 80 hectares. It was built by Java’s Dutch Governor General Gustaaf
Willem, Baron van Imhoff who was governor of Java at the time.
The garden officially opened in 1817. It was used to research and develop plants and seeds from other
parts of the Indonesian archipelago. This is a tradition that continues today and contributes to the garden
reputation as a major center for botanical research.
Today the garden contains more than 15,000 species of trees and plants. There are 400 types of palms.
These plants help the garden creates a refuge for more than 50 different varieties of birds and bats. The bats can
be known by the noise they make while competing for space.

27. What does the text mainly talk about? 28. How many types of palms are there in the Bogor
A. The garden founder. Botanical Garden?
B. The width of the garden A. 15 types.
C. The Bogor Botanical Garden. B. 50 types.
D. The plants and animals in the garden. C. 60 types.
D. 400 types.

36 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


29. From the text we may conclude that....

A. the garden is for recreation only
B. there is not enough space for the bats
C. Indonesia government built the garden in 1817
D. there are less than 50 different varieties of birds
30. “These plants help the garden create a refuge for ...”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Give.
B. Help.
C. Make.
D. Provide.

Read the text to answer questions 31 to 34.

A street sweeper was doing his job when he came across some money lying on the ground. He decided
to use it to buy a surprise present for his little daughter. He bought a jar of honey, rushed home and left it on the
table, so that his daughter would find it as soon as she came home from school. But, alas, it was the flies that ate
the honey.
The sweeper was so angry that he went to ask the judge to give orders for the flies to be arrested and
condemned to death.
“You are absolutely right,” smiled they judge, “but as you will well understand, we cannot mobilize the
army against these rascals. We shall see justice done in another way. Every time you see a fly, strike it down. I
authorize you to execute them yourself. Furthermore, I demand personally that you do not allow even a single
one of these thieving flies to escape.”
“Yes, your honor. You can count on me,” the sweeper assured him.
At that very moment, a fly decided to settle on the judge’s head and the sweeper did not hesitate: he
raised his brush and brought it crashing down on the judge’s head. The guards were about to arrest him, when
the judge recovered and intervened. “Leave him be,” he ordered, “he has taught me not to say foolish things to

31. The last paragraph of the text tells you about 33. “Yes, your honour. You can count on me,” ...
what the street sweeper … What does the phrase “count on” in the sentence
A. liked doing during his real life. mean?
B. did to carry out the judge’s order. A. Get
C. got as a result of his bad behaviour. B. Ask
D. made to buy honey for his daughter. C. Pay
D. Trust.
32. What is the moral value of the story?
A. There is no justice for foolish people. 34. “… that his daughter would find it as soon ... ”
B. It is dangerous to talk to street sweepers. What does the word “it” in the sentence refer to?
C. A judge should be careful with his or her A. The jar.
orders. B. The fly.
D. We must be careful with stupid persons in C. The money.
this life. D. The honey.

Read the text to answer questions 35 to 38.


Every part of this 12-inch plant is aromatic, creating an incredible effect in a mass planting!
Lavender angustifolia is one of the richest in essential oils, meaning more fragrance power both fresh
and dried. And this ‘Munstead’ cultivar has a more compact habit and earlier blooming lavender flowers. Fresh

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 37


flowers can be crystallized and used in candies and cakes; dried flowers are used in potpourris and sachets; oils
are used in creams and perfumes. And these are only some of the more common uses imagination can create
endless more!

35. What colour is the leaf when it opens firstly? 37. “And these are only some of the more … “
A. Blue The underlined word refers to … .
B. Green A. the usage of lavenders
C. White B. the usage of lavender oils
D. Pale gray C. the usage of lavender flowers
D. the fragrance power of lavender
36. The main idea of paragraph two is that lavender
…. 38. Based on the text, we know that …
A. is never ending A. lavender can be used in some foods.
B. has many uses B. lavender flowers has varieties of colors.
C. produces essential oils C. fresh lavender has more fragrance than the
D. flower can be used in perfumes dried one.
D. dried flower of lavender is needed to make
Read the text to answer questions 39 to 42.


Long time ago, there was a handsome young man who wanted to climb the Alp Mountain. The mountain
was so cold and covered with thick snow. People said that beautiful fairy lived in that mountain.
The young man wanted to marry the fairy. He also wanted to see the beautiful palace made of ice. Many
people tried to climb the mountain but all of them failed. Some of them gave up before they met the fairy and
some others could not stand the cold.
This young man was different. He could climb the mountain and did not give up. He climbed and climbed
for the whole week. The weather was so cold but he kept climbing for the fairy’s palace.
He finally met the beautiful fairy and they fell in love with each other. But the fairy was not happy.
“We can’t live together. My father would not allow me to marry a man,” said the lady.
“Why not?” asked the young man.
“Because we live in two different worlds. I can’t stay in your world because it is too hot. And you can’t
live at my palace because it’s too cold. I’m afraid you will die,” explained the fairy.
Therefore, they had to separate. Since that day, the young man promised to himself that he would not
marry anyone. The beautiful fairy was so sad that she cried every day. Every time her tears flowed down on the
mountain, it became a beautiful white flower called Edelweiss.

39. Who were the main characters of the story? 41. What does the story tell us about?
A. The villagers. A. The process of how to get Edelweiss.
B. Edelweiss and the fairy. B. The process of how to get a dream.
C. A father and his daughter. C. A young man and a white flower.
D. A young man and the fairy. D. The legend of Edelweiss.

40. Why did many people want to climb the 42. From the text, we learn that a young man should
mountain? have … fighting spirit.
A. They did it just for fun. A. strong motivation and high
B. They had nothing to do. B. strong motivation and low
C. They wanted to see the fairy. C. low motivation and high
D. They wanted to see the thick snow. D. low motivation and low

38 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


For numbers 43 to 45 choose the appropriate word to complete the text.

A Dog and a Cock became great friends. One day they travelled together. At night they sleep in the
forest. The Cock perched himself on the (43).... of a tree, while the Dog found a bed beneath in the
hollow trunk. When the morning dawned, the Cock, as usual, crowed very (44)... several times. A Fox
heard the sound, and wanted to eat the cock as breakfast. He came and stood under the branches, saying
how (45)... his voice was and he wanted to meet the cock.

43. ............. 44. ...........

A. roots A. loudly
B. trunks B. noisily
C. leaves C. strongly
D. branches D. forcefully

45. ........
A. soft
B. loud
C. hard
D. beautiful

For numbers 46 to 48 choose the appropriate word to complete the text.

In the middle of a bright day, I planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. I … (46) along the West Road
at a reasonable speed.

About fifty meters before the crossroad, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement … (47) ran
across the road in front of my car. I was so shocked that I braked as hard as I could. I was really … (48)
but I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car which was parked by the side of the road.

46. ............ 47. .............

A. walked A. gradually
B. drove B. suddenly
C. rode C. steadily
D. ran D. quickly

48. ...........
A. quiet
B. panic
C. stressed
D. tranquil

49. The best arrangement of the jumbled sentences below is …

1) “What nonsense,” retorted the fly. “They’re enjoying themselves! See they’re dancing!!”
2) “Don’t land!” warned a bee flying past. “ It’s flypaper. All those flies are stuck to it!”
3) It settled on the flypaper, and got stuck.
4) The fly streaked away. Presently, it came across a large number of flies sitting on a large piece of
5) A fly was flying around a web but it seemed reluctant to land, so finally the resident spider poked its
head out and invited it in.
6) “They’re not dancing! They’re trying to free themselves!!” yelled the bee, but the fly wasn’t listening.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 39


7) “No, thank you,” said the fly. “I was looking for other flies but I don’t see any. I only feel safe in a
A. 5–6–1–2–4–3–7
B. 5–2–3–7–1–6–4
C. 5–7–4–2–1–6–3
D. 5–3–1–7–2–6–4

50. a phone call her there for was the geography teacher was teaching while
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 9 – 6 – 7 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 8
B. 1 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 9 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 3
C. 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2
D. 3 – 5– 1– 9 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 4

40 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


The following notice is for question 1.


1. What does the caution mean?

A. This place is not only for toxic.
B. Toxic is not allowed to be wasted inside.
C. The area is forbidden because of the toxic waste.
D. This place is for wasting toxic.

The following text is for questions 2 and 3.

Dear Asfa,

My wedding would not be complete without your presence. With this letter, I want to thank you for the oven
you gave us. I really appreciate it. I could use it to make some healthy food. It was a thoughtful gift! If one day
you come to my house, I would cook my signature dish. I wish you can came to our house soon.
Thank you so much.


2. According to the text, we know that . . . . 3. "I would cook my signature dish."
A. Nisa got married to Asfa The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
B. Nisa got a wedding gift A. nice
C. Asfa is Nisa's husband B. special
D. Nisa loves to dance C. delicious
D. tasty

The following text is for questions 4 and 5.

Dear Haris,

I just wanna congratulate you on your success as the best poem reader in 2016.
I hope you always perform the best in the following shows.

Best wishes,

4. What is the purpose of the text? 5. What does Arif hope to Haris?
A. To invite Haris to practice poem. A. Success as the best poem reader in 2014.
B. To congratulate Arif on his success. B. Always perform the best next year.
C. To congratulate Haris as the winner. C. To win the next poem maker competition
D. To support Arif to be the best poem reader. D. Congratulate Arif on his success.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 41


The following text is for questions 6 to 8.

Hi Rizca,

I hope all is well in your new city. Everything here is passing by so quickly, and the holiday season has
almost passed. It's only been a little while since you left, but everything already feels different. I really do hope
that your new life is going well and you are ready to start senior high school!
Have you settled in already? And do you like your neighborhood? It must be nice staying in a new house
and has new friends.
A reunion has already been talked about, so look forward to the next holiday. We're thinking about a road
trip with a bunch of us, and it would be great if you tagged along. Location suggestions are welcome!
Again, I hope all is well with you. We all miss you tons, Rizca! Have a fun time in school. Please write back
when you get this. I'd love to hear all about how everything is going.

Your friend,


6. When does Rizca probably get the letter? 7. Asih feels everything different since . . .
A. In next month. A. they all move to another city
B. When she moves to a new city. B. she passes his study at junior high school
C. After she passed junior high school. C. a reunion has already been talked about
D. When she was in junior high shcool. D. Rizca left them to live at another city

8. Who will probably join the road trip for the next holiday?
A. Rizca.
B. Asih.
C. Rizca and Asih.
D. Rizca, Asih, and friends.

The following text is for questions 9 and 10.

Little Daniel is turning four and he wants to celebrate it with you!

Saturday, October 30 01:00 p.m.
Bogor Botanical Garden
Wear your favorite superhero costume because we'll save the town!

9. What is the invitation about? 10. According to the text, we can conclude that . . .
A. To join a play. A. Daniel has a superman costume
B. To wear superhero costume. B. the invitee should wear a red dress
C. To see Daniel's wedding. C. Daniel is a toddler
D. To celebrate Daniel's birthday. D. Daniel owns a botanical garden

The following text is for questions 11 to 13.


Semarang School Fair

So many good schools to choose!

When : May 25 and 26, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where : Java Mall at the first floor.

42 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


Why : Providing the best education for our children is a must. Many schools consider that they are the best
ones. They offer not only well educated skills and science but also good character building to the
children. The best one will always be costly, so you better prepare it as early as possible. Here you can
choose which schools will be best suited for your lovely children.

11. Good school needs a lot of money because . . . 12. Where will the school fair be held?
A. they have good education system A. In a book store.
B. they don't offer good skills and science B. At the school itself.
C. they have to buy tools for students C. At Semarang School fair.
D. they don't always provide anything to D. Java Mall at the first floor.
maximize the student's skills

13. "... best one will always be costly ..."

The underlined word is closest in meaning to____
A. cheap
B. fast
C. expensive
D. high

The following text is for questions 14 to 16.

English Expert 101

Take your English skill to the next level!

We are an English community based in Jakarta to help you enhance your English skill.
Join our community now for free in:
Taman Mampang
Every Sunday
Conversation class at 10 a.m.
Grammar class at 1 p.m.

To join, contact: 082197672175 (text only)

14. What does the advertisement offer? 15. What should we do to join the class?
A. English class. A. Text the number in the advertisement.
B. Conversation class. B. Call the number in the advertisement.
C. Grammar class. C. E-mail the number in the advertisement.
D. Community class. D. Copy the number in the advertisement.

16. When will the conversation class be held?

A. Friday at 10 a.m.
B. Friday at 11 a.m.
C. Sunday at 10 a.m.
D. Sunday at 11 a.m.

The following text is for questions 17 to 20.

Rujak Buah

 1 cucumber, peeled

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 43


 cup brown sugar
 1 mango, peeled and cubed
 3 tablespoons peanuts, fried
 1 papaya, cut into inch cubes
 1 hot chili peppers, seeded and sliced
 1 apple tart, cut into inch cube
 1 tablespoon tamarind, dissolved in cup of water and strained
 1 pineapple, cut into inch cubes (could use fresh or canned pineapple)
 Mix all the fruit together.
 Grind chilies and salt.
 Add brown sugar.
 Add fried roasted peanuts and grind completely.
 Pour some tamarind liquid.
 Mix the sauce and fruit together.
 Serve chilled.

17. What should you do with the peanut before you 19. What is the aim of the procedure text?
grind them? A. To inform about the deliciousness of rujak
A. Heat into the oil. buah.
B. Dilute to adhesive. B. To show how easy it is to taste rujak buah.
C. Set aside on the edge of the pan. C. To show the steps in making rujak buah.
D. Add sauce, salt, pepper powder, and sugar. D. To inform the materials used to make rujak
18. How many ingredients are there to make rujak
buah? 20. What ingredient should be mixed with the fruit?
A. Nine. A. Sauce.
B. Eleven. B. Mango.
C. Twelve. C. Tamarind.
D. Fourteen. D. Pineapple.

The following text is for questions 21 to 23.

Buddha was born around 563 BC in Nepal. His family were nobles and warriors. They wanted him to be a
warrior, but since childhood, Buddha was quiet and thoughtful. He did not like the privileged life at his father's
palace. He found it dull. So he began to wander around the countryside, thinking deeply about the right way to
live. One day, around 533 BC, Buddha came across three men. The first was old, the second was sick, and the
third was dead. Looking at them, Buddha saw that the world was full of suffering. Could it ever end?
Then Buddha met a fourth man: a Hindu monk who lived by begging. The monk was calm and serene, so
Buddha decided to try living like him. Buddha traveled through India, studying with Hindu teachers.
Nevertheless, their religious ideas did not satisfy him.
Buddha also spent time alone, thinking and meditating. In 528 BC, he was sitting under a tree when he
suddenly felt he understood suffering. It was caused by people themselves! If they lived better lives, it would
end. Buddha said that everyone should try to be humble, generous, and merciful. People should give up violence
and practice self-control.

44 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


Buddha spent the rest of his life teaching and preaching. Many people followed him. Some became monks
and nuns, others used his ideas to guide their everyday lives. A new religion called Buddhism grew and spread
to many parts of the world.
Buddha died in Nepal at about the age of 80. Today, he is still honored by millions of people in many lands.

Source: Microsoft • Encarta • 2009

21. What does the text tell us about? 22. Buddha disliked the privileged life at his father's
A. Buddha's family were nobles and warriors. palace because . . .
B. Buddha was born around 600 BC in Nepal. A. he found it dull
C. Buddha is a name of a place. B. Buddha was quiet and thoughtful
D. Nepal's history. C. his family wanted him to be a warrior
D. he was thinking deeply about the right way
to live

23. According to Buddha, what made people live in suffering? Because . . .

A. the religious ideas did not satisfy him
B. if people lived better lives, it would end
C. he suddenly felt he understood suffering
D. the suffering was caused by themselves

The following text is for questions 24 to 26.

Building a pyramid was an enormous project. The largest, the Great Pyramid of King Khufu, measured an
astonishing 482 feet (147 meters) high. That's 50 stories high! Thousands of laborers worked for years to build
it. They cut millions of huge stone blocks. These blocks could weigh as much as 33,000 pounds (15,000
kilograms)! The laborers dragged them up earthen ramps using ropes, wooden rollers, and muscle power.
The pyramids'shape developed from box-like brick tombs, built one on top of the other. The first true
pyramid was designed for the Egyptian king Sneferu, who died in 2551 BC. Workers laid stone blocks on a
square foundation, then added layers on top, each smaller than the one below. They covered the resulting stair-
step shape with stone slabs to create smooth, sloping sides.
Inside, each pyramid had rooms for the dead person and for the treasures to be used in the afterlife.
Entrances were hidden by secret passages and doors. Even so, most pyramids were looted by grave robbers. The
robbers found most of the hidden rooms and stole the treasures.
Source: Microsoft • Encarta • 2009

24. Which one is TRUE according to the text? 25. What was the function of the box-like brick
A. The largest, the Great Pyramid of King tombs?
Khufu is 50 stories high. A. To bury the king.
B. Thousands of laborers worked for years to B. To shape the pyramid.
destroy the pyramid. C. To build one on top of the other.
C. The first true pyramid was built by the D. To cover the resulting stair-step shape.
Egyptian king Imhotep.
D. Each pyramid had rooms for the dead
person outside.

26. How could the grave robbers probably loot the treasures?
A. By destroying the pyramid.
B. By asking the dead persons.
C. By solving the secret passages.
D. By digging under the pyramid.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 45


The following text is for questions 27 to 29.

Sunday, June 14th, 1942

On Friday, June 12th, I woke up at six o'clock and no wonder, it was my birthday. But of course I was not
allowed to get up at that hour, so I had to control my curiosity until a quarter to seven. Then I could bear it no
longer, and went to the dining room, where I received a warm welcome from Moortje (the cat).
Soon after seven, I went to Mummy and Daddy and then to the sitting room to undo my presents. The first
to greet me was you, possibly the nicest of all. Then on the table there were a bunch of roses, a plant, and some
peonies, and more arrived during the day.
I got masses of things from Mummy and Daddy, and was thoroughly spoiled by various friends. Among
other things I was given camera obscura, a party game, lots of sweets, chocolates, a puzzle, a brooch, Tales and
Legends of the Netherlands by Joseph Cohen, Daisy's Mountain Holiday (a terrific book) and some money.
Now I can buy The Myths of Greece and Rome - grand!
Then Lies called for me and we went to school. During recess, I treated everyone to sweet biscuits, and then
we had to go back to our lessons.
Now I must stop. Bye-bye, we're going to be great pals!
Source: 'The Diary of a Young Girl; Anne Frank

27. When is the writer's birthday? 28. The writer got many gifts, EXCEPT . . .
A. Friday, June 12th. A. camera
B. Friday, June 14th. B. puzzle
C. Sunday, June 12th. C. money
D. Sunday, June 14th. D. photo

29. "The first to greet me was you

The underlined word refers to . . .
A. the writer's dad
B. the writer's mom
C. the diary
D. the presents

The following text is for questions 30 to 32.

A long time ago, there was an ancient city-state on the coast of Turkey, across the sea from Sparta. The city-
state was named Troy. At one time, Troy and the other Greek city-states were pretty good friends. But times had
The city of Troy was protected by a high wall built around the city. Some parts of the wall were 20 feet
high! There were gates in the wall to let people in and out but it provided great defense for the people of Troy. It
gave the Trojan warriors a relatively safe place to stand, while they rained arrows down on the people below,
who were trying to break into the city.
The Greek warriors had been trying to breach the wall around Troy for about ten years. The Greeks could
not find a way in, and the Trojans did not seem able to drive the Greeks away.
Odysseus, a Greek general, had an idea. His plan was to build a horse, a beautiful and huge wooden horse,
and leave it outside the gate. Then, the entire Greek army would pretend to leave, as if they had finally admitted
defeat. But the horse would be hollow. Thirty men would be hiding inside. That's what they did.
As the Greek warriors sailed away, the people of Troy rushed outside, cheering. They found the horse.
Fortunately, they did not try to burn the horse. They dragged the horse inside the city gates to keep it on display,
which is just what the Greek general thought they would do - gloat.
That night, while the Trojan people were sleeping, the men hiding inside the wooden horse climbed out and
opened the gates. The waiting Greek army entered Troy. That was the end of Troy.

46 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


30. Why was the high wall built around Troy? 31. What was the Greek idea to break the wall?
A. To let the Greek warrior came in. A. They charged through to break the wall.
B. To break the city. B. They sailed away to call for back up.
C. To provide great defense for the people of C. They burned the wall down.
Troy. D. They built a big horse filled by men.
D. To make the city looked great.

32. What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

A. The high wall of Troy.
B. The description of Troy.
C. The end of Troy.
D. The attack of Troy.

The following text is for questions 33 to 36.

Built directly east of the Kremlin, Moscow's historical fortress and the center of the Russian government,
Red Square is home to some of the country's most distinctive and important landmarks. Its origins date to the
late 15th century, when the Muscovite prince Ivan III (Ivan the Great) expanded the Kremlin to reflect Moscow's
growing power and influence. An important public marketplace and meeting place for centuries, Red Square
houses the ornate 16th-century St. Basil's Cathedral, the State Historical Museum and the enormous GUM
Department Store, as well as a modernist mausoleum for the revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. During the
20th century, the square became famous as the site of large-scale military parades and other demonstrations
designed to show Soviet's strength.


33. What was the Red Square built for? 35. "the country's most distinctive and important
A. To reflect Moscow's growing power and landmarks"
influence. The underlined word means . . .
A. good
B. To celebrate the troop's victory.
B. fantastic
C. To be the Moscow's landmark. C. Huge
D. To be the center of the Russian government. D. Special

34. What cannot we find around the Red Square? 36. "Red Square houses the ornate 16th -century St.
A. Vladimir Lenin Memorial Building. Basil's Cathedral"
B. St. Basil's Cathedral. The underlined word means . . .
C. The State Historical Museum. A. covers
B. protects
D. GUM Department Store.
C. contains
D. restricts
The following text is for questions 37 to 40.

Honey bees are social insects that make honey. They live in hives, or nests, made of wax. Honey bees are
the best-known kind of bee. Beekeepers raise honey bees for honey and for pollinating farm crops.
Three types of honey-making bees live in each hive—queen, workers, and drones. Each type of bee has a
special job.
The queen is a female that lays all the eggs. There is only one queen for each hive.
Worker bees are females that do not lay eggs. Each nest has thousands of worker bees. Workers build the
nest from wax they make in their bodies. The nest has many cells with six sides. The cells are glued together to
make a comb. The queen lays eggs in some cells. Workers fill other combs with honey.
Workers collect nectar and pollen, make honey, and make a food called royal jelly to feed the larvae.
Workers guard the hive. They sting anything that threatens the hive. A worker bee can only sting once. It leaves
the stinger in its victim. Then the bee dies.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 47


Drones are male bees. Drones cannot collect nectar or pollen. Drones do not have stingers. The only job of
a drone is to mate with a queen.
The queen decides which eggs will become queens, workers, or drones. Only eggs fertilized with sperm
become females. A few fertilized eggs are put in special cells and fed lots of royal jelly. These eggs become the
When a honey bee finds food, it tells other honey bees. The bee comes back to the hive with nectar. It then
performs a dance. The bee's movements tell the other bees where to look for this nectar.

37. What does the text tell us about? 39. Which paragraph tells us about the queen
A. Honey bees. decision to make new queen, workers, or
B. Bees in general. drones?
C. Insects that make honey. A. Two
B. Four
D. Queen, workers, and drones bees.
C. Seven
D. Eight
38. What kind of bees whose job is to collect nectar
and pollen? 40. "The bee comes back to the hive with nectar".
A. The queen. The underlined word means . . .
B. The king. A. a few fertilized eggs in special cells
C. The drone. B. a container made for bees to live in
C. a large group of bees in a nest
D. The worker.
D. a place to save royal jelly
For questions 41 to 43, complete the following text with the correct words.

How to Use a Toaster

First, plug the toaster's cable into an electric socket so that it can work. Then (41) . . . the sliced bread
into the slots on top of the toaster.
Next, find the toast setting and (42) . . . the desired wellness of the toast. You can select the darkness of
the bread to be toasted using the adjustment knob. After that, push down into the toaster between the heating
When the toast is finished, the slices will pop up automatically. Finally, take the toasted bread out of
toaster and spread jam, honey, or anything else you may like to add to it. Now you can eat the (43) . . . toast you
have made.

41. A. explode 42. A. break

B. insert B. throw
C. give C. adjust
D. cut D. burn

43. A. poisonous
B. bitter
C. delicious
D. spoiled

For questions 44 to 46, complete the following text with the correct words.

When I (44) . . . to school by taking a bus, a beggar suddenly jumped in into the bus. He was a man around
40 who lost his right arm. He (45) . . . to all people in the bus but no one gave him money. I was so sad to see
that no one care to him, so I took my wallet and gave him Rp20.000,- without (46) . . . He thanked me so much
and took off the bus. Suddenly, I remembered that it was the only money I had. So, I did not have any money
left. I panicked and when the bus officer asked for money, I really beg him not to charge me and I told him
about the beggar. He just smiled to me and let me go. In the end, I felt like a beggar as well.

48 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


44. A. went 45. A. was begging

B. gone B. begged
C. is going C. beg
D. was going D. begging

46. A. thoughtful
B. thinking
C. think
D. thought

47. Arrange the jumbled words into the correct sentence.

Toothache to take a had to painkiller lessen I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 2 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 8 – 7 – 3 – 4
B. 6 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 4
C. 7 – 8 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 1
D. 8 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 1

48. Arrange the jumbled words into the correct sentence.

Stumpy tail powerful animals lots of and are thick fur Bears a short with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 7 – 8 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 1
B. 7 – 5 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 8 – 1
C. 4 – 8 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 9
D. 4 – 8 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 1

49. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a correct paragraph.

1) Then he set up a school in 387 BC.
2) He called his school the Academy.
3) Plato was born about 428 BC in Athens, Greece.
4) He became a pupil of Greek philosopher Socrates.
5) Pupils studied astronomy, biology, mathematics, politics, and philosophy at the Academy.
A. 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2
B. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4
C. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5
D. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5

50. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a correct paragraph.

1) The other flowers, called imperfect flowers, have only male reproductive organs (stamens) or only
female reproductive organs (ovary, style, and stigma).
2) Flowers usually have carpals, petals, sepals and stamens.
3) A flower is the reproductive unit of angiosperms.
4) Furthermore, some plants have both male and female flowers in one plant, while others have males on
one plant and females on another.
5) Some flowers, called perfect flowers, have both male and female reproductive organs.
A. 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4
B. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5
C. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5
D. 3 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 4

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 49


The following notice is for question 1.

1. What does the notice mean?

A. You cannot smoke in this area.
B. Everyone is not allowed to smoke here.
C. The area is forbidden for smokers.
D. It's a free area for anyone to smoke.

The following text is for questions 2 and 3.

3rd April, 2016

Dear Ann,

Congratulation for winning the Oxford scholarship. As your roommate, I have watched you fighting the dream
you want by studying a lot and pushing your limit. Now your struggle has been paid. I'm so proud of what you
have achieved. I hope your study will brighten your future.


2. According to the text, we know that . . . 3. “I hope your study will brighten your future”.
A. Irma is Ann's mother The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
B. Irma won the scholarship A. change
C. Ann is Irma's roommate B. enlight
D. Ann is in UK C. defense
D. decrease
The following text is for questions 4 to 6.

Dear friend Ronald,

I heard the good news and I was very delighted by it. I am very happy for you that you have become a
father. I want to convey my hearty congratulations to you regarding your new baby. It is really d good thing that
a baby boy has taken birth in your house. I know your joy will have no bonds. But now you have many
challenges to face for the upbringing of the child.
It is really good to know that your wife and your son is not having any complication regarding their health.
You too now need to take care of their health for a couple of months. Give proper medicines and vaccinations to
your child as the new borns are at a threat of being getting many diseases. I pray to god that It blesses your child
and gives him a good and bright future.

Your's affectionately,
Sausan Abdul

50 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


4. What is the letter about?

A. Someone is having a baby boy.
B. Congratulating someone for having a baby.
C. Someone is becoming the father of a baby boy
D. The health of the baby.

5. How is Ronald's wife condition?

A. She is good.
B. She needs a doctor.
C. She needs to be hospitalized more.
D. She has complication regarding her health.

6. What does NOT Sausan hope for Ronald's son?

A. Handsome son.
B. Good future.
C. Bright future.
D. God's bless

The following text is for questions 7 and 8.

Dear Mr. Waskito,

I apologize for not being able to attend your company's New Year Hijriyah's Dinner even though I had said
I would come. Last 23,d March, I suddenly received a telephone call at noon from my aunt in New York saying
that my uncle was seriously injured. So, I had to rush up to New York to see what I could. I am like a son to
them as they are childless. The following few days, I rushed back and forth between the hospital and my aunt's
house doing what I could for them
I am glad to say that my uncle is out of danger now. But, he has to stay in hospital for at least three months
for his broken bones to mend.
Anyhow, I hope you all had a successful dinner. Perhaps I can attend the next one.

Yours Sincerely,


7. Subarkah couldn't come to New Year Hijriyah's Dinner because . . .

A. he had a business in New York
B. he had to stay in hospital in New York
C. he had a call from his aunt to have dinner
D. he visited his uncle who had got an accident

8. How long does Subarkah's uncle have to stay in hospital?

A. More than three months.
B. Less than three months.
C. Exactly three months.
D. About three months.

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The following text is for questions 9 and 10.

Dear Marty,
How are you? I hope you are alwalys great. I wish you Eid Mubarok and may God showers us with Its mercy
and brings you great happiness. By the way, I will come to Solo next month and visit your family. Hope to see
you soon.
Best wishes.

Yours truly,


9. What will Musthofa do if he comes to Solo? 10. What does NOT Musthofa write in his letter?
A. Wishing her an Eid Mubarok. A. Asking about Marty's condition.
B. Bring some happiness. B. Promise to bring any present.
C. He will visit Marty's house. C. Going to Solo.
D. He will go shopping. D. Wishing an Eid Mubarok.

The following text is for questions 11 to 13.

SMK 15
Proudly present
Grey and White Soundsation
Feel the excitement of high school musical drama
Saturday, 15th December 2015
SMK 15 main auditorium
13.00 - 15.00
Early bird: IDR 25K
On the spot: IDR 50K
For more info: 0851839887667 (call only)

11. What is the announcement about? 12. What does this line means?
A. SMK 14 main auditorium "For more info: 0851839887667 (call only)"
B. Teachers and staff in SMK 15. A. It's the school's number.
C. Grey and white excitement. B. You cannot call that number.
D. Musical drama in SMK 15. C. You may text or call that number.
D. You will not get answer if you text that

13. "Feel the excitement of high school musical drama"

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
A. deed
B. thrill
C. sorrow
D. mean

52 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


The following text is for questions 14 and 15.

Dear all members,

Master of Wing Chun Donny Yen
warmly invites you in weekly regular exercise
Begin on
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2016 07.00 - 09.30 a.m.
Simpang Lima Square
Don't ever miss it. The greatest guidance from the greatest teacher of kung fu
14. When will the exercise take place? 15. According to the text, we know that the exercise
A. In the evening. will be held . . .
B. March 2nd, 2016. A. every week
C. 07.00 - 9.00 a.m. B. every month
D. In the second week. C. every Tuesday
D. in the second week
The following text is for questions 16 and 17.

Speed Shuttle Service

Enjoy an affordable shuttle from Serpong to Soekarno Hatta airport with only Rp50.000
Pick up point:
Mall Serpong Jl. Raya Serpong No. 100
Depart every 30 minutes from 04.00 a.m. to 23.00 p.m.
Bring your student card and enjoy 10% discount.
For more info, visit our website:

16. What was the text about? 17. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. Shuttle to airport. A. The shuttle departs from Depok.
B. Train schedule. B. It departs every 1 hour.
C. Pick up point. C. The students are only charged Rp45.000.
D. Soekarno Hatta airport. D. You can book the seat via telephone.

The following text is for questions 18 to 20.

Fluffy French Toast
 tsp ground cinnamon
 1 tsp vanilla extract
 1 tbsp white sugar
 12 thick slices of bread

1) Measure flour into a large mixing bowl. Slowly whisk in the milk. Whisk in the salt, eggs, cinnamon,
vanilla extract, and sugar until smooth.
2) Heat a lightly oiled girdle or frying pan over medium heat.
3) Soak bread slices in mixture until saturated.
4) Cook bread on each side until golden brown.
Serve hot.

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 53


18. We need to whisk these ingredients, EXCEPT . . 19. How many steps are there to make a French
. toast?
A. salt A. Three.
B. breads B. Four.
C. eggs C. Five.
D. cinnamon D. Six.

20. "Soak bread slices in mixture until saturated".

What does the instruction mean?
A. Soak the bread until the mixture absorbs the bread.
B. We should add a large amount of the mixture.
C. It is optional to add the mixture or not.
D. The bread should be in dry condition.

The following text is for questions 21 to 23.

Ka'bah, also spelled Kaaba, is a small shrine located near the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca and
considered by Muslims everywhere to be the most sacred spot on Earth. Muslims orient themselves toward this
shrine during the five daily prayers, bury their dead facing its meridian, and cherish the ambition of visiting it on
pilgrimage, or hajj, in accord with the command set out in the Qur'an.
The cube-shaped structure is roughly 50 feet (15 meters) high, and it is about 35 by 40 feet (10 by 14
meters) at its base. Constructed of gray stone and marble, it is oriented so that its corners roughly correspond to
the points of the compass. The interior contains nothing but the three pillars supporting the roof and a number of
suspended silver and gold lamps. During most of the year, the Ka'bah is covered with an enormous cloth of
black brocade, the kiswah.
Located in the eastern corner of the Ka'bah is the Black Stone of Mecca, whose now-broken pieces are
surrounded by a ring of stone and held together by a heavy silver band. According to tradition, this stone was
given to Adam on his expulsion from paradise in order to obtain forgiveness of his sins. Legend has it that the
stone was originally white but has become black by absorbing the sins of the countless thousands of pilgrims
who have kissed and touched it.
Every Muslim who makes the pilgrimage is required to walk around the Ka'bah seven times, during which
they kiss and touch the Black Stone. When the month of pilgrimages (Dhu'l-Hijja) is over, a ceremonial washing
of the Ka'bah takes place; religious officials as well as pilgrims take part.

21. Why does the Black Stone of Mecca turn into black while it was originally white? It is said that . . .
A. it absorbs the sins of the pilgrims who have kissed and touched it.
B. it was an absolution to Adam on his expulsior from paradise.
C. it was covered by black paint.
D. it naturally turns black by time.

22. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?

A. Kaaba is the largest mosque in the Saudi Arabia.
B. The Black Stone of Mecca is located in the center of the Ka'bah.
C. Kaaba has cube-shaped structure.
D. The pilgrims are required to walk around the Ka'bah six times.

54 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


23. " . . . the sins of the countless thousands of pilgrims . . . "

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
A. affordable
B. too many
C. heavy
D. up to date

The following text is for questions 24 to 26.

Arguably Indonesia's best-known writer, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, also known as Pramoedya or Pram
(1925-2006), was the author of novels that chronicled much of that Southeast Asian country's turbulent history.
His writing had special force because he lived that history, doing much of his best work while imprisoned as a
result of his dissident activities.
First it was Indonesia's Dutch colonizers who put Pramoedya in prison, then the independent country's
first two rulers. For a 10-year period beginning in 1969 he was held in a notorious prison camp on the island of
Buru, writing four novels while he was imprisoned, or narrating them orally when he had no access to writing
materials. He later documented his experiences in a memoir, Nyanyi sunyi seorang bisu (The Mute's Soliloquy,
1995, translated 1999). Pramoedya has often been compared with Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn and
other dissident writers around the world.

24. Who is Pramoedya Ananta Toer? 25. Why was he compared with Alexander
A. A novelist. Solzhenitsyn?
B. A prisoner. A. He wrote the great dissident theme like him.
C. A singer. B. He influenced Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
D. A historian C. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was his relative.
D. He lived in wealth to immitate him.

26. According to the text, we can conclude that . . .

A. Pramoedya was a criminal.
B. Pramoedya's works had been translated.
C. He was imprisoned once.
D. He was a relative of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

The following text is for questions 27 to 29.

Making Relations Special

When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast for dinner. I remembered one night in particular when
she made dinner after a long, hard day at work. On that evening, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and
extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remembered waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet, all dad did
was reaching for his biscuit, smiled at my mom and asked me how my day was at school. I didn't remember
what I told him that night, but I did remember watching him smeared butter and jelly on that biscuit and ate
every bite!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remembered hearing my mom apologized to my dad for
burning the biscuits. And I would never forget what he said: "Honey, I love the burned biscuits."
Later that night, I went to kiss daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his burned biscuits. He
hug me in his arms and said, "Your momma put in a hard day at work today and she's really tired. And besides,
a little burned biscuit never hurts anyone!"

Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi” 55


27. Why wasn't dad angry to mom for the burned 28. What is the main idea of the Paragraph 3?
biscuit? A. The writer hugged his dad.
A. He was so tired. B. The writer kissed his dad.
B. He appreciated mom's cooking. C. The writer's dad acted nice to his wife.
C. He did not notice. D. The writer's dad loved burned biscuits.
D. He was walking around.

29. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. The writer had a brother.
B. The writer's mom was a housewife.
C. The writer ate the biscuit.
D. The writer's dad ate the biscuits.

The following text is for questions 30 to 32.

Long time ago in a small village, there was an old woman, named Mbok Srini, who lived alone. Her
husband had died and she did not have a child. However, she really wanted to have a child. Until one day, Buto
Ijo, an evil giant, heard that wished. Buto Ijo gave her a cucumber seed. He said that if the cucumber seed was
planted, it would grow to be a big cucumber. Later, there would be a beautiful baby in the big cucumber.
However he would give the seed if Mbok Srini agreed to hand over the baby when she turned to 16 years old.
Mbok Srini was not sure about that, but she finally agreed.
She went back home and planted the seed in front of her house. When she saw the seed in the next
morning, she found a big gold cucumber in her yard. She was so happy and cut the cucumber instantly. When
she opened the cucumber, there was a beautiful baby girl. Mbok Srini named the baby Timun Emas. Mbok Srini
felt that she finally had someone to cherish, she and Timun Emas lived in happiness.
When Timun Emas turned 16 years old, her mom told her about the agreement she made with Buto Ijo.
Timun Emas was shocked to hear that. They decided to visit a hermit. The hermit then gave Timun Emas four
seeds to conquer Buto Ijo.
In the next day, Buto Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas immediately ran to the jungle. Seeing that, Buto
Ijo ran after her. Timun Emas threw the first seed, and it became a cucumber field which twisted the giant. She
threw the second seed, and it became needle field that hurt the giant. She threw the third seed, and it became a
sea that sank the giant. Finally, she threw the last seed, and it became a muddy lake that drowned the giant.
Timun Emas finally beat the giant and she went back home safely.

30. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? 31. What happened after Timun Emas and her mom
A. Buto Ijo was Timun Emas' father. visited the hermit?
B. Timun Emas was named after what she A. He gave Timun Emas four seeds.
came from. B. He asked Timun Emas to escape.
C. Mbok Srini loved the hermit. C. He prayed hard to God for help.
D. The giant asked for cucumber. D. He asked Timun Emas to run to the jungle.

32. " . . . and it became a sea that sank the giant."

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
A. saved
B. killed
C. go down below
D. unpleasant feeling

56 Bimbingan Belajar “Neo Edukasi”


The following text is for questions 33 to 35.

Snake are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (The scaled group
quamata) but form a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).
Snake have no legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They
are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the
snake slither along the ground.
Snake often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded and they need
the sun's warmth to heat their body up.
Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snake live in trees. Some live in water but most live on the
ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs.

33. What does the text tell us about?

A. Reptiles.
B. Snake in general.
C. A specific snake.
D. Cold-blooded creatures.
34. The snakes often sun bathe in the warm weather because . . .
A. they are warm-blooded
B. they are covered in scales
C. they are afraid of darkness
D. they need to heat their body up

35. “ . . . in deserted rabbit burrows . . .”

What does the underlined words mean?
A. A place where rabbits save food.
B. Tunnels where rabbits go pass through.
C. Holes where rabbits live.
D. Rabbits on bushes.

The following text is for questions 36 to 40.

Ever wondered who Madame Tussauds was and how our wax figures are actually made? Here's where
we tell you all our secrets in Madam Tussauds Museum. We'll take you on a journey, 200 years back in time
when Marie Tussaud first opened the doors to her Baker Street bazaar in London.
You'll get to explore her past and uncover the dark beginnings of the attraction. Our interactive story
tells the dramatic, and sometimes dark, story of Madame Tussaud's life and the legacy she left behind,
accompanied by authentic props from the Madame Tussauds archive.
You'll also learn what it takes to create one of our wax figures - explained by a celebrity who's been
made themselves. Every step of the process is explained; how we take the measurements, our detailed sculpting
process, the intricate moulding procedure, and the painstaking finishing touches required to complete a Madame
Tussauds figure look so lifelike.
You can feel actual celebrity hand casts and then test everything that you have learnt in our touch screen
quiz. Before you leave, why not create your own wax hand cast, for a very special and personal Madame
Tussauds memento? Come and visit us!

36. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Telling Madam Tussauds personal life.
B. Describing Madam Tussauds career.
C. Retelling Madam Tussauds' background.
D. Promoting Madam Tussauds Museum.

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37. What kind of activities that you cannot do there?

A. Creating your own wax figure.
B. Seeing celebrity hand casts.
C. Learning the process to create wax figures.
D. Exploring the legacy of Madam Tussauds.

38. How many steps are needed to create a wax figure?

A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.

39. What is the best title for the text?

A. Let's Visit Madam Tussauds Museum.
B. How to Create Wax Figures.
C. Seeing Madam Tussauds.
D. Madam Tussauds' Life.

40. " . . . the painstaking finishing touches required to . . . "

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .
A. serious
B. deadly
C. painfull
D. meticulous

For questions 41 to 43, complete the following text with the correct words.

Last Wednesday, I went to Malang with my sister. We (41) . . . Museum Angkut in Batu. There, we saw a
wide range of transport tools from all over the world ranging from the traditional to the modern. They displayed
the vehicles with unique background of of the original cities transport tool. They were divided into 9 zones
based on their original cities. My favorite zone is UK zone. I saw a Land Rover car that (42) . . . used by Queen
Elizabeth when the parade in Australia complete with the situation of the city of London in the evening and the
grandeur of Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, we (43) . . . ride the vehicle. However, my sister and I took a lot
of picture. When I arrive in Jakarta, I will post the pictures to my FB account.

41. A. went 42. A. when

B. visited B. with
C. searched C. by
D. took a look D. once

43. A. could
B. can
C. could not
D. cannot

For questions 44 to 46, complete the following text with the correct words.

1) Coat the beef with cornstarch, (44) . . . oil in the skillet. Saute beef until half done. Set aside.
2) Add peppers and onion, saute for 2 minutes, then add soy sauce, sesame oil, and salt for (45) . . .
3) Put the beef back in the skillet, stir until cooked (46) . . . and thickened. Serve hot.

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44. A. heat 45. A. feel

B. cut B. pinch
C. take C. taste
D. slice D. sweet

46. A. done
B. neatly
C. thoroughly
D. drink

47. Arrange the jumbled words into the correct sentence.

long 250 lions are sea about cm Australian
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 2 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 8 – 7 – 3 – 4
B. 6 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 4
C. 7 – 8 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 1
D. 8 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 1
48. Arrange the jumbled words into the correct sentence.
Seven p.m to for on Saturday come dinner pleased at my house
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 7 – 8 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 1
B. 7 – 5 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 8 – 1
C. 4 – 8 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 9
D. 4 – 8 – 2 – 9 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 1

49. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a correct paragraph.

1) Every Saturday afternoon I practiced in school field with my team and my coach.
2) He would punish anyone who came late and not obey the team rules.
3) I really loved football when I was in elementary school.
4) They were strong and smart players.
5) The coach was couching very discipline.
6) When you have finished cleaning the floor, turn off the power.
7) Contrary, he always gave us reward when we won every competition.
A. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 7
B. 3 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 7
C. 3 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 7
D. 3 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 7

50. Arrange the jumbled sentences into a correct paragraph.

1) Music gives us pleasure.
2) Music is part of every culture on Earth.
3) It can cheer us up, excite us, or soothe us.
4) Many people feel that music makes life worth living.
5) We can hear music on CDs and on radio or television.
6) We can make music ourselves if we play an instrument or sing.
A. 1 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 4
B. 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 3
C. 5 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
D. 6 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2

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