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letter written to an organisation or an individual for their participation or presence in an event or an occasion.
ain function of invitation is asking or requesting some one to go to a place, do something, or participate in certain event.
tion Letter
aimed to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something or ask someone to participate a particular event and activity.
: Materi Pembelajaran g.
ai dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks dengan kreatif, mandi
: Tujuan Pembelajaran f.
: 4 x 45 menit Alokasi Waktu e.
: Formal Invitation Materi Pokok d.
ebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/te
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi lisan dan tulis, terkait kegiatan sekolah/temp
i lisan dan tulis, terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, s
: Kompetensi Dasar c.
XI / Ganjil : Kelas / Semester b.
Bahasa Inggris : Nama Mata Pelajaran a.
Identitas 1.
(BING 3.3/4.3/3/3)
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
d people for their participation in various activities. Also referred as Business Invitation Letters, these follow a formal format with a f
bers, neighbours etc. for social occasions or events.  
ples of invitation letters to help you along.
eeting, a performance interview between a boss and employee, or a sales pitch with a prospect.  
n invitation to a person. Future tense represents that an invitee will definetely attend an event.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Peta Konsep

Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

tands for “Respondez S’il Vous Plait” (a French phrase). It means that the sender would like the recipient tell whether he decline or a

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

a. Pendahuluan
Sebelum belajar pada materi ini silahkan kalian mengamati gambar di bawah ini.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Untuk dapat memahami teks tersebut, silahkan kalian lanjutkan ke kegiatan belajar
berikut dan ikuti petunjuk yang ada dalam UKB ini.

b. Inti
1) Petunjuk Umum UKBM
Baca dan pahami materi pada Buku Teks Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
a) Setelah memahami isi materi dalam bacaan berlatihlah untuk berfikir
tinggi melalui tugas-tugas yang terdapat pada UKBM ini baik bekerja sendiri
maupun bersama teman sebangku atau teman lainnya.
b) Kerjakan UKBM ini di buku kerja atau langsung mengisikan pada bagian
yang telah disediakan.
c) Kalian dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan ayo berlatih,
apabila kalian yakin sudah paham dan mampu menyelesaikan
permasalahan dalam kegiatan belajar yang ada, kalian boleh sendiri atau
mengajak teman lain yang sudah siap untuk mengikuti tes formatif agar
kalian dapat belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.

2) Kegiatan Belajar

Get ready...!!!
Ayo…… ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh kesabaran dan penuh
konsentrasi ya !!!

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Sebelum melakukan kegiatan belajar 1, perhatikan dan amati teks dibawah ini

Dear Mr. Folder,

We would like to invite you to attend the (inauguration of our business) located at
(Lispher Bldg.) on (September 12, 20018) at (8:00AM). It is our honor to have you as our
loyal customer in our other business. We are hoping that we will get the same support from
you. We have been in this business for quite some time now yet we have always managed
to stay on top of our competitors.
This is not possible if not with your support to our business. We have prepared
something for you as our patrons as a way of saying thank you. Please come early so that we
can find a comfortable seat for you and so that you will be there as we acknowledge our
loyal customers and you are definitely in the list.
Please let us know  if you are attending the said event or not by (September 2,
Hoping for your presence on that day. We are looking forward to more fruitful business
deals with you.
Sincerely Yours,
(Larry House)
(General Manager)
(Metro Services Corp.)
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
Setelah membaca teks diatas kalian bentuk kelompok masing-masing
beranggotakan 5 orang. Diskusikan bersama anggota kalian :

How invitation letter is different from other texts?

What are the characteristics of invitation letter?
What events do in every day life deal with invitation letter?
Who is the inviter?
When and where is the event mentioned in invitation intended to take place?
Who is the invitee?
What is the function of writing that invitation ?
What invitation letter is about?

Let’s practice

Setelah kalian memahami materi pada kegiatan belajar 1 melalui literasi,

pengamatan dan diskusi dengan teman-teman, cobalah berlatih soal-soal berikut
ini ya..

somewhere or were invited to someplace by someone? Tell your partner about it using some of the ideas for the discussion below. Yo
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Fill in the blank to complete the invitation letter.

Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)
Subject:  Sample Business Event Invitation Letter
Dear _____(Sir or Madam),
We (name of the company) ……………………….on behalf of our management take immense
pleasure in inviting Mr……………………..(Name of the person or invitee) to attend the
inauguration function of our new office in …………..(venue) The inauguration will begin sharp at
……(time of the inauguration ceremony)
We have been running this company successfully from the past twenty years and after having 5
branches we are going ahead and opening a new branch. This would not have been possible
today because of the efforts and dedication of our management and employees. So we invite
each and every employee to attend this programme as they too are a vital part of this
Yours Truly,
Name of the organizer
Sign of the organizer

Kegiatan Belajar 2

Now, it’s your time to construct your invitation letter

located at < PLACE> on <DATE> at <TIME>.  It is our great honor to have you as out guest as we apreciate you as our <CLIENT/CUSTOM
ent to our most important  <CLIENT/CUSTOMER/PARTNER >.  Therefore this will be an outstanding opportunity for us to show apprec
We would appreciate if you can attend this event as you are one of out top  <clients/partners>.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Let’s practice

Task 1 : Read the text and answer the questions below

1. For which occasion was the invitation sent?
2. Who sent it ?
3. Who was invited to the party?
4. When will the party be held?
5. Why must the attendance of the guests be confirmed?

Task 2: Say if the following statements are true oe false

1. Francis John Waltz is two years old.
2. Mr. And Mrs. Francis Waltz are John’s uncle and aunt.
3. The party will be held in a restaurant.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Patricia Samonte will come to the party alone.
5. Mr. and Mrs. Patricia Samonte are expected to inform their presence.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Task 3 : Circle the best choice to complete the statements below.

1. In birthday parties people ...
 Quarrel with each other
 Enjoy themselves
 Take care of themselves
2. The person who celebrates his/ her birthday receives
 Gifts
 Congratulations
 Invitation cards
3. In birthday parties people eat...
 Barbecue
 Fruit salad
 Pieces of cake

Task 4: You are one of those who were invited to the party mentioned above and you want to
thank the Waltz for their invitation and confirm your attendance. Reorder the sentences below to
get a coherent thank-you letter.
a. My wife and I will be happy to attend
b. Thank you for your kind invitation to John’s party
c. and eagerly look forward to helping you celebrate this happy occasion.
d. on Friday, November 27 at 6.30 p.m

c. Penutup

Bagaimana kalian
Setelah kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan belajar 1 dan 2, berikut
diberikan Tabel untuk mengukur diri kalian terhadap materi yang sudah kalian pelajari.
Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi pada UKB ini di Tabel berikut.

Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak
1. Apakah kalian telah memahami pengertian invitation
letter ?
2. Apakah kalian telah memahami struktur teks invitation
letter ?
3. Apakah kalian telah memahami fungsi teks invitation
letter ?
4. Dapatkah kalian menyebutkan unsur kebahasaan teks
invitation letter ?
6. Dapatkah kalian menyusun teks invitation letter dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah kembali
materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1
dan 2 yang sekiranya perlu kalian ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau teman sejawat.
Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang lagi!. Dan apabila kalian menjawab “YA” pada
semua pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan berikut.

Dimana posisimu?
Ukurlah diri kalian dalam menguasai materi invitation letter dalam rentang 0 – 100,
tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.

Setelah kalian menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi invitation letter lanjutkan

kegiatan berikut secara mandiri untuk mengevaluasi penguasaan kalian!
Kerjakan di buku kerja masing-masing

Exercise 1
Match the informal expressions in the first coloumn with the formal expressions in the
second coloumn.

a. Let us know if you’re coming 1. Do not hesitate to ...

b. Feel free to ... 2. Regards
c. Can you please... 3. As requested
d. Best wishes. 4. I look forward to seeing you
e. I won;t be able to attend 5. Could you please confirm your attendance
f. As asked... 6. I will be unable to attend
g. I’m looking forward to seeing you 7. We would be grateful if you could
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
Exercise 2
In the following formal and informal emails, there are some missing words. Try to fill in
the gaps with appropriates words.

Appointment / could / unable/ hesitate / faithfully/ afraid / grateful/ please/

sincerely/ forward / due to

Dear Mr. Perkins,

I am writing in response to email I received from you on the 21st July 2018. I
am ... I will be ... to attend to our meeting ... a work meeting arrenged on the
same day. The only solution to discuss our differences would be to meet another
day. ... it be possible to arrange another ...? Do not ... to contact me whenever
you find a free day for our meeting. I would be ... if you could inform me about
the day as soon as possible.

I look ... to hearing from you,


Malcom Bross

Exercise 3
On behalf of the school, complete the following invitation letter.


City, State, Zip

Dear Name:

On (Month, Date , Year at Time) (school name) will be participating in ACES Day—All Children Exercising Simultaneously.
Your attendance and participation at this event will demonstrate to our students that local leaders in our community also
think physical activity and fitness are important.
ACES is a worldwide celebration involving millions of children and more than 400,000 students across the state of Michigan
who will all be physically active at (Time). A related story by the MSNBC News Service illustrates the severity of the
Heart disease and stroke kill about 40 percent of the population overall and heart disease is the No. 1 killer in most
industrialized countries. But the same factors that can produce heart disease–obesity, poor diet and a lack of
exercise–also can lead to diabetes, so people with diabetes carry an extra risk.
“Just walking 30 minutes a day, reducing your weight by 10 to 15 pounds, can reduce the incidence of diabetes by 58
percent,”said Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson.
Obviously, we want to motivate our children to be active everyday. There are a number of ways in which you can show
your support and participate in this event. I would be happy to discuss the details with you at your convenience. The
possibilities include:
· joining the children in our planned activities
· leading a group of children in a specific activity
· congratulating the children with high fives as they return to the school building after completing the event
· placing ACES With-a-Friend stickers on children
We look forward to including you in our celebration and hope you will be able to attend. Please call me at (your phone
number) and let me know if you will be joining us. Thank you.

Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
Your Name
Your Position With School
Setelah menyelesaikan soal di atas dan mengikuti kegiatan belajar, silahkan kalian
berdiskusi dengan teman lalu tuliskan penyelesaian permasalahan diatas ke buku
kerja masing-masing!
Ini adalah bagian akhir dari UKBM materi Invitation Letter, mintalah tes formatif
kepada Guru kalian sebelum belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.
Sukses untuk kalian!!!

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