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NIM. 20702251009

Judul Jurnal : The Effectiveness Of Content Based On Dynamic
Intellectual Learning With Visual Modality In
Vocational School
Efektivitas konten berdasarkan dinamis modalitas
visual intelektual dengan belajar di sekolah menengah
Tahun : 2019
Volume : 9 Nomor 1, Februari 2019
Halaman : 1-20
ISSN : ISSN 2088-2866 (cetak) ISSN 2476-9401 (online)
Terbit : Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi UNY

E-learning merupakan singkatan dari elektronic learning, yaitu proses pembelajaran

yang menggunakan media elektronik khususnya internet sebagai sistem pembelajarannya.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk menghasilkan konten simulasi dan komunikasi
berdasarkan Pembelajaran Intelektual Dinamis dengan Modalitas Visual untuk kelas sepuluh
di SMK Negeri 1 Seririt, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon guru dan siswa kelas 10 SMK Negeri
1 Seririt tentang Konten Simulasi dan Komunikasi Digital berdasarkan DIL dengan Visual
Modalitas yang telah dihasilkan. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan
yang dirujuk ke model Plomp. Ada berbagai percobaan telah dilakukan, yaitu: pengujian
validitas oleh para ahli dan pengujian efektivitas dengan menggunakan rumus Hake.
Sehingga pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penelitian ini valid, praktis dan efektif untuk
digunakan hal ini berdasarkan tanggapan guru dan siswa merespon secara positif dalam
proses pembelajaran secara daring berdasarkan karakteristik pada siswa. Hal ini berdasarkan
pemikiran kritis reflektif dari peniliti.

Selanjutnya peniliti tertarik akan masalah yang dihadapi para siswa dalam
pembelajaran daring dimana kurangnya daya serap dan minat membaca sehingga menjadi
karakteristik siswa saat ini, oleh karena itu perlunya perubahan dari segi media pembelajaran
yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran simulasi dan komunikasi digital menyesuaikan dengan
karakteristik siswa, sehingga siswa dapat belajar secara mandiri dan memahami materi
dengan baik. Hal ini termasuk pemikiran radikal dari peniliti.
Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, pembelajaran berfokus pada konten simulasi dan
komunikasi digital berdasarkan Dynamic Intellectual Learning with Visual Modality dapat
diterapkan dalam metode pembelajaran yang kemudian diterapkan dalam e-learning yang
dikembangkan oleh ADL dengan standar SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model).
Sehingga memberi manfaat bagi guru untuk memfasilitasi dan menyediakan materi pembelajaran
kepada siswa, dan siswa dapat mereview materi pembelajaran, tidak ada waktu yang terbuang
percuma saat proses pembelajaran. Hal ini menunjukan sikap ciri pemikiran universal dari peneliti.

Permasalahan yang diangkat oleh peneliti berdasarkan cara tenaga pendidik dalam
memberikan materi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi yaitu e-learning.Teori –
teori yang disampaikan sangat relevan dan sistematis, hasil penelitianpun dihasilkan sesuai dengan
tujuan. Hal ini menunjukan sikap ciri pemikiran konseptual dari peneliti.

Keterkaitan padapembahasan masalah sampai dengan metode kajian penelitian sehingga

menemukan sebuah hasil penelitian (Koheren) dan peneliti juga konsisten dengan pembahasan yang
diangkat, menerapkan metode pembelajaran daring kepada peserta didik.

Dalam penelitian ini penulisan dimulai dari studi kasus di pendahuluan yang menyajikan
kondisi pembelajaran yang saat ini terjadi di SMK yang sudah harus ditingkatkan melihat
perkembangan DUDI sekarang yang mengarah ke Revolusi Industri 4.0. Penyajian masalah beserta
teori serta penelitian mengungkap masalah yang runtut tentang pembelajaran SMK masih dalam
metode pembelajaran yang tidak variatif sehingga berdasarkan kuisioner yang disuguhkan kepada
peserta didik, mereka menginginkan adanya media pembelajaran yang ada dibuat tidak hanya dalam
bentuk teks, tetapi siswa memiliki fitur video dan gambar sehingga siswa belajar lebih banyak dan
tidak bosan dengan membaca bahan materi pelajaran. Dengan metode pembelajaran berfokus pada
konten simulasi dan komunikasi digital yang dikemas dalam elearning, peneliti dapat
memecahkan masalah terkait proses pembelajaran pada peserta didik sehingga dengan metode
tersebut siswa mampu menumbuhkan cara berpikir kritis dan kreatif pada siswa. Hal ini menunjukan
sikap ciri pemikiran sistematik dari peneliti.

Peneliti memiliki pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang pokok permasalahan yang dipaparkan
dimana setiap siswa berbeda dalam menyaring konsep dari hasil pembelajaran hal ini juga
dikarenakan berdasarkan metode cara mengajar dari guru yang tidak variatif. Hal ini menunjukan
sikap ciri pemikiran komprehensif dari peneliti.

Pemikiran bebas disini bahwa ciri filsafat merupakan pemikiran yang bebas dari prasangka-
prasangka sosial, historis, kultural, atau religius. berfikir dengan bebas itu bukan berarti sembarangan,
sesuka hati atau anarki, sebaliknya bahwa berpikir bebas adalah berfikir secara terikat, akan tetapi
ikatan itu berasal dari dalam, dari kaidah-kaidah, dari disiplin pikiran itu sendiri. Pada penelitian ini
berfokus pada pengembangan metode pembelajaran berfokus pada konten simulasi dan
komunikasi digital yang dikemas dalam elearning berttujuan untuk motivasi belajar siswa
tanpa menyinggung atau menginformasikan sara didalam pembahasan.

Hasil dari penelitian ini, berdasarkan pemikirian bertanggungjawab, bahwa hasil memotivasi
minat belajar siswa SMK bisa laksanakan dengan konsep metode pembelajaran elearning yang
berfokus pada konten simulasi dan komunikasi digital.
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Volume 9, No 1, February (11-20)


Ketut Agustini
Ganesha University of Education
I Gede Partha Sindu
Ganesha University of Education
Kadek Angga Kusuma
Ganesha University of Education

E-learning generally presented the same learning material because it considered the
characteristics of all users to be homogeneous. In fact, every student had different characteristics
in the learning process. The objectives of this study were: (1) To produce a simulation content and
digital communication based on Dynamic Intellectual Learning with Visual Modality for the tenth
grade at SMK Negeri 1 Seririt, (2) To find out the teacher's response and the tenth grade students
at SMK Negeri 1 Seririt on Simulation Content and Digital Communication based on DIL with
Visual Modality that had been generated. The method of this study was a research and
development referred to the plomp model. The subjects of this study were the tenth grade of
accounting program at SMK Negeri 1 Seririt in the academic year 2017/2018. There were various
try out had been carried out, namely: validity testing by experts and effectiveness testing by using
the Hake formula. The results showed that the simulation content and digital communication based
on DIL with Visual Modality was valid and practically use: the effectiveness testing produced N-
gain of 0.74 included in the effective category and the data analysis of the teacher and the students
respond showed that it was categorized in the positive category. It showed that the output was
valid, practical and effective to be used.
Keywords: content based, dynamic intellectual learning, modality visual


Contact Ketut Agustini

Ganesha University of Education, Pegok, Jalan Raya Sesetan
No.196, Sesetan, Denpasar Selatan, Pedungan, Denpasar Sel., Kota
Denpasar, Bali 80223, Indonesia

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

ISSN 2088-2866 (print) ISSN 2476-9401 (online)
12 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
SMK Negeri 1 Seririt is a Vocational
High School (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/
SMK) located in Lokapaksa Village, Seririt varied learning media, so that students could
District, Buleleng Regency. SMK Negeri 1 understand the material provided by the teach-
Seririt is an educational institution as a pro- er. Learners wanted the learning media that is
fessional generation developer in various de- made not only in the form of text, but students
partments, namely Cullinary/Restaurant, Hos- have video and picture features so students
pitality Accommodation, Boutique Clothing learn more and are not bored with reading
and Accounting. One of the subjects found in material.
the accounting department is Simulation and From those problems it can be con-cluded
Digital Communication. that the learning media used by the teacher has
Simulation and Digital Communication not been able to overcome the existing problems.
subjects become the basis for the use of com- The results obtained from the teacher who
puters and other ICT equipment to support the teaches the Digital Simulation and
mastery of vocational productive subjects. Communication subject agree with the
Teachers and students must relate the use of ICT development of Digital Simulation and Com-
tools with subjects in the areas of exper-tise, munication content that is packaged in e-learn-
expertise programs, and skill competencies they ing to suit the characteristics of students, name-
learned while in vocational high school. ly visual modality. As many as 81.67% of all
SMK N 1 Seririt has facilities that sup- respondents agreed to use Digital Simulation and
port the learning process such as LCD, Com- Communication content with visual mo-dality
puter laboratory and Wifi. However, the sup- that was packaged in e-learning.
porting facilities have not been used properly, so E-leaning is an internet-based learning
the learning process does not give a different media to help teacher interaction with students in
impression for students. Based on the results of the teaching and learning process. Students can
interviews with teachers of the Simulation and learn or review at any time and can be done
Digital Communication subject at SMK Negeri 1 anywhere. The increasing use of e-learning as a
Seririt, in the learning process the teacher uses learning media impact many applications are
the lecture method in which, the lecture method made that support web-based learning media,
is less flexible in accommodating the namely LMS (Learning Management System).
development of competency material because LMS is software that is used to create web-based
educators must intensively adjust the subject online lecture materials and manage learning
matter with the development of new technolo- activities and results (Hanum, 2013). The
gies one of which is e-learning. developed LMS makes many different features
Some students repeatedly read the appear in the learning process, espe-cially in the
material provided but unable to understand the problem of learning content. This then triggered
material being read. The tendency of students to the establishment of a new stan-dard which was
understand the material that only uses material then agreed to become an inter-national standard
will affect the absorption of students so that if known as Sharable Content Object Reference
students have the characteristics of laziness to Model (SCORM).
read, then the task for a teacher is to replace the SCORM (Sharable Content Object
learning media used in the learning process. Reference Model) was an e-Learning standard
Therefore it is deemed necessary to make developed by ADL (Advanced Distributed
learning media related to Digital Si-mulation and Learning) as a standard distribution of e-Learn-
Communication subjects adjust to the ing packages that could be used to accomodate
characteristics of students, so that stu-dents can various specification s and standards for web-
learn independently and understand the learning based e-Learning content. Content was defined
material well. as content or learning material. Content will give
Questionnaires distribution was con- a benefit to the teachers for facilitate and provide
ducted to students showed that students some- the learning material based on the standards
times get bored with the learning media used by competency, basic competencies and indicators
the teacher. Learners wanted teachers to use contained in the syllabus. The purpose was that
the teachers was not mistaken in giving material
to the students in teaching and learning process.
Mastery of information technology greatly
determines the extent of the

Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

content development in e-learning. Content in each student, so that what is obtained also
schools generally are not able adjusted becomes less optimal.
learning with basic competencies and Based on previous research related to
indicators. There-fore, there was a need for content research, several relevant research
development that is able adjusted to the results were found, including Nurcahyono &
indicators and basic com-petencies which Permanasari (2015) entitled The Use of Learn-
exist in the syllabus, namely by developing ing Content for Vocational High School Stu-
the content with the help of e-learning media. dents was declared effective. From the results
The learning model used in this study is of research that has been carried out the trend
the Dynamic Intellectual Learning (DIL) learn- of effectiveness in the use of e-leaning
ing model because DIL Model allowed the users learning at SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari Gunung
to explore a learning content according to the Kidul shows that the implementation of e-
characteristics of the students, the level of leaning learning as a learning medium in
knowledge and learning styles of the students. SMK N 2 Wonosari Gunung Kidul is quite
E-learning generally presents the same learn-ing effective with a tendency level of 78.15% but
material for each user because they as-sumed the still there 5.25% of the implementation of e-
characteristics of all users were homogeneous. leaning learning is not effective.
Homogeneity was a characteris-tics of e- Some studies also state that some of the
learning users who are considered the same, characteristics that influence student success
whereas in the reality each student has different in learning are motivation, knowledge ability
characteristics in learning. and learning style so that the elearning content
The advantages of e-learning that was developed is adaptive according to the chara-
homogeneous are (1) learners could review the cteristics of the students (Esichaikul, Lamnoi,
instructional material being studied, (2) not & Bechter, 2011; Sfenrianto, Hasibuan, &
wasted learning time if educators were unable to Suhartanto, 2013; Surjono, 2011; Suryani &
attend to teach in the class, (3) the students and Nasuha, 2014).
the educators could conduct the discus-sions Based on the description of the above
through the internet. E-learning deficien-cies problems, the researcher intends to develop
was homogeneous: (1) e-learning users was content that will be packaged in e-learning in
considered the same, (2) was unable to this study entitled: "Development of Content
distinguish learning styles from the students, Based on Dynamic Intellectual Learning with
(3) the students who was not in accordance Visual Modality at SMK Negeri 1 Seririt".
with the learning style, will be lazy to do the
tasks given by the educator.
Schools in general need to have e-learn-
ing was able accommodated the differences in The research method is the basis for de-
characteristics of the students, who could veloping a product that will be produced. This
understand the students and tried provided study used the design development of the
/delivered the learning content called adaptive Plomp model. The development design of the
learning. The students now needed saw the Plomp model is one of the systematic design
learning content that was appropriate to their models that is appropriate for use in educa-
taste, level of understanding, and personal tional development research. This model con-
traits, so that the learning process would be sists of five steps, namely: (1) preliminary
more efficient if the needs of students was investigation, (2) design, (3) realization/con-
met. Adaptive learning provided learning struction, (4) test, evaluation, revision, and (5)
material whose level of difficulty was in implementation. However, the researchers did
accordance with the user’s ability and how not carry out the implementation phase
presented the learning material in accordance because the researchers had limited time.
with the learning style users.
Learning style is the way for everyone
to absorb information through their senses.
Everyone has a different tendency to absorb
information. This causes the content learned is
not in accordance with the characteristics of

The Effectiveness of Content Based on Dynamic …

Ketut Agustini, I G. P. Sindu, Kadek A. Kusuma
14 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

Table 1. Table Diagram of Development data analysis technique used by researchers,

Phase of plomp models including:

No Plomp Phase Methods

Data analysis of content validity

1 Preliminary Collect the
Investigation Phase information Data analysis of content validity is
2 Design Phase Designing the products intended to determine the extent to which the
content that has been made meets the criteria
3 Realization Phase Producing the products
based on the expert's assessment that is
4 Test, Evaluation, Testing the validity of
appointed by using the expert validation sheet,
and Revision Phase product

functional testing sheet, and becomes the basis

for the revision.
Techniques of Data Collection
Qualitative and quantitative were used in Data analysis of teacher’s and student’s
order to collect the data. Techniques of data response
collection in this study were using interview
Data analysis of teacher’s and student’s
and questionnaires methods that researcher
response is intended to find out how the
took from the data of teacher and student.
teacher’s and student's response to the content
Questionnaires method was used in the
review activities of experts in the field of study,
expert of media-learning design, functional
Data Analysis of Content Validity
testing, individual try out, small group try out,
and field try out. The experts test and func- Content validation was tested by content
tional test consists of two choices, namely Ap- experts, media-design experts, functional
propriate and Not Appropriate. For individual testing, individual testing, small group testing,
try out, small group try out, field try out, and field testing, analyzing teacher’s and student’s
response tests consist of five choices, namely responses to the development of Digital
Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Less Agree Simulation and Communication content, as
(LA), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree described below.
(SD). Table 2 is the detail of data collection.
Expert Validation Content
This validation aimed to find out the
Techniques of Data Analysis contents contained in the learning content. The
assessment results of experts were cross-
In this development research, the data
tabulation, for example for two assessors as in
analysis aimed to answer the formulation of the
Table 3.
problem in conclusion. The following was the

Table 2. Data collection

No Data type Method Data source

1 Information about learning interview and Teacher of simulation and digital

resource questionnaire communication subject matter
2 Information related to interview Tearcher of simulation and digital
learning problem communication subject matter.
3 Learner characteristic interview and Leaner and teacher of simulation and digital
questionnaire communication subject matter
4 e-learning content validity questionnaire Instructional content expert, media expert and
instructional design expert
5 Fungsionality validity questionnaire PTI student
6 Leaner and teacher respon questionnaire Leaner and teacher of simulation and digital
communication subject matter

Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

Gain Score Test

Table 3. Gregory Test Tabulation
Calculation of the gain score test used
Assesor 1
calculations N-gain in which Gain was in-
creased ability of students after learning. Gain
was obtained from the difference between the
Not Appropriate (A) (B)
results of the pre-test and post-test. N-gain was
Assesor 2 Appropriate (C) (D) calculated by using the formula as follows:
− = −

Calculation of validity with the formula: −

Teachers’ and Students’ Response Test

Validity = A+B+C+D

A : Cell that shows disagreement Communication subjects. The formula used
between the two assessors to calculate the percentage of each subject
B, C : Cell that shows different views could be seen as follows:
between assessors Percentage = ∑ (Answers x weight of each choice) X 100% n x highest weight

D : Cell that shows valid agreement between Note: ∑= total

the two assessors. Next, to calculate the percentage of
Media-Design Expert Validation the whole subject, the formula used:
Persentase = (F ∶ N)

Media-design validation was carried Note:

out by learning media design experts. In this F : the total percentage of all subjects N :
case, there was validation of the exact layout the total subject
of the form of learning content writing and
structur-ing the elaboration of the material.
Assessment of the results of the learning
design expert test was calculated by the
Gregory formula which can be seen in table

Functional Testing
Functional testing is a method of
testing emphasizing on carrying out functions
and input checks and output data. Functional
test-ing includes features contained in the
system. This test was conducted to determine
the vali-dity of the system addressed to
respondents outside the researcher.

Individual Validation, Small Groups, Fields

Individual validation is carried out by
classes which have Simulation and Digital
=2 ( + )

To calculate the analysis of teacher and


=6( − )

student response data used descriptive statistics

and the conclusion was based on Mean Ideal FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS
(Mi) and ideal standard deviation (Si). Stu- Content created by using e-learning as
dents' responses were explored by using a a learning medium. E-learning as a place to
questionnaire with a 5 Likert scale (values from enter content created to help students in
1 to 5) which were analyzed descriptive-ly. The distance to learn by using the use case
class average of teachers’ and students’ diagram design which is then applied in
response scores was calculated by using the SCORM standard e-learning. SCORM
formula. ∑ (Sharable Content Object Reference Model)

is a standard distribution of e-learning

packages that can be used to accommodate
̅ : Class averages for teachers’ and
various specifications and stan-dards for web-
students’ response scores
∑ :The total scores of teachers’ and students’ response based e-learning content. The research model
̇ used in this study was the Plomp model. This
: the total number of teacher and student model has four stages, namely:
Whereas, to find the ideal mean (Mi) and
ideal standard deviation (SDi) the following
formula is used:

The Effectiveness of Content Based on Dynamic …

Ketut Agustini, I G. P. Sindu, Kadek A. Kusuma
16 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi E-

Preliminary Investigation phase

In the analysis phase, there were: (1)
analysis of the characteristics of the field of
study. The purpose of Simulation and Digital
Communication subject was providing an
understanding of concepts and practices re-
garding the use of technology and information.
The characteristic of Simulation and Digital
Communication subject was understanding
concept and practicum (2) analysis of students’
characteristics. In this analysis students wanted a
learning video or material in the form of images
to facilitate students’ understanding.
(3) Analysis of learning resources. In the
analysis of learning resources, teachers use
Students Worksheet (LKS), searching for
teaching materials on the internet and books from
the library.

Design Phase
This phase was making a design that
would be applied in the next phase. The
design made as follows

Figure 1. Use case diagram for system access

learning Input
Online hapus


Course /
ran hapus
Sekolah input


hapus Figure 3. Use case students diagram

edit Realization phase

At this stage, systems are developed such
as making access right to the school yard,
arranging displays in each learning activity,
Figure 2. Use case teacher diagram applying Simulation and Digital Communica-
tion content to e-learning system and applying
dynamic intellectual learning stages to e-learn-
ing systems. Presentation of content Digital
Simulation and Communication using a scorm
that was first made in the adobe captivate
application before being distributed to e-
learning. Content that has been created in the
adobe captivate application would be com-
pressed in zip form. Product development re-
sults can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4. The results of page development for

Digital Simulation and
Communication content

4. Test Phase, Evaluation and Revision

In the test phase of e-learning content in
accordance with the role and the function in the
learning process to determine the extent of the

Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

benefits of the products developed. The test students, there are two students give very
phase starts from the experts reviewed. good response were (20%) and eight students
The result of the content expert evalu- give a good response were (80%). The
ation by using Gregory test based on the ques- average ra-tings of ten students were 85.30%.
tionnaire indicate that the level of achievement If it con-verted into conversion tables that
of the content is "Very High" and deserves to be were in good category.
continued. It indicates that the learning material
that was implemented in e-learning content is Small group testing
relevant to use in learning Digital Simulation
and Communication.
The results of expert evaluation of
learning media by using Gregory test based on 60
the questionnaire indicate that the level of 40
achievement of content e-learning is declared 20
"Very High" and deserves to be continued. 0
This indicates that the application of intellec- Very good good enough less very less
tual learning dynamic in learning model is
appropriated to use in learning. Figure 6. Small group testing
After conducting an expert review, the
next step is to conduct the functional testing of After the small group trial was complet-
5 respondents from Informatics Engineering ed, it continued with field tests conducted by
student. The assessment results show that the twenty students of 10th grade students from
features and processes that contained in e- accounting program. From the results of the
learning are running well and that there are no field test questionnaire obtained two the stu-
errors or non-conformity of the results of the dents who gave very good responses were
process expected in e-learning. (10%), eighteen students who gave good
The next step is to do individual test. responses were (90%). The Average score of
The subjects of individual test were 3 students the total field test respondents were 84.25%.If
of 10th grade students from accounting it converted into conversion tables in the level
program. Based on the result of from Try-out of achievement is included in either category.
question-naire filled by each student, one
student who gave very good response was Field trial
(33.3), two students who gave very good
responses were (66.7%). The mean score of
students is 86.67%. If it converted into 80
conversion tables that were in good category. 60
One to one leaner testing 20
60 Very good good enough Less very less

40 Figure 7. Field trial

After that, a gain score test that was
0 carried out by giving the pre-test and post-test
Very good good enough less very less during the field test. For the N-Gain
calculation formula, it is calculated by using
Figure 5. One to one leaner testing. the following formula;
− −= −
8.4 − 3.9
= 10 − 3.9

After the individual test is finished, then =


6.1 = 0.74

followed by a small group test. Test subjects of

Individual test were 10th grade students from
accounting program. From the results of the
small group test questionnaire filled by each

The Effectiveness of Content Based on Dynamic …

Ketut Agustini, I G. P. Sindu, Kadek A. Kusuma
18 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
After the calculation was obtained, the N-
Gain value is 0.74, so the rate of increase in
the post-test results was included in the
medium criteria. For categories based on N- table the results were included in the positive
Gain criteria can be seen in table 4 and a category which means that students were very
comparison chart of the pre-test and post-test enthusiastic in using the e-learning system.
values can be seen on the Figure 8. Based on the results of teacher and student
responses, it can be categorized to help students
Table 4. Categories based on normalized gain understand the subjects of Simulation and Digital
criteria table. Communication subjects and gain-ed
successfully overcome from problems that exist
Index Criteria
in the teaching and learning process which has
0.70 < g < 1.00 effective been explained previously. From the acquisition
0.30 ≤ g ≤ 0.70 Effective enough of these responses, it indicate that the learning
0.00 < g < 0.30 Less effective media can increase students' motivation to learn
so that they get optimal learning outcomes. This
was evidenced in the study Hernawati & Aji
(2016) which states that the results of testing and
measuring e-leaning
Comparison Figure of Value on Pre Test and content in the database programming courses
Post Test can increase student learning interest by 87%
and 83% understand database programming
8,0 8,8 gained an average of 65.45, if con-verted into
8,3 8,4 8,4 the response classification criteria


4,0 4,8


Pre-Production Production Post-Production Presentation Presentation

Slide Making Technique


Pre Test Post Test

Figure 4. Comparison of pre-test and post-test


After that, the teacher's response was

taken due to the development of Digital Simu-
lation and Communication content which was
packaged in e-learning. The teacher response
test obtains an average of 45, if it is converted
into the response classification criteria table,
the results are included in the very positive
meaningful category, and this e-learning con-
tent was very helpful in the learning process in
school and understanding students to study
The next test process is carried out by
taking student responses. The subject of the
students' response test consisted of 20 students of
Grade X Accounting who had learned to use
Digital Simulation and Communication con-tent
packaged in e-learning. The results of the student
response questionnaire on the devel-opment of
Digital Simulation and Communica-tion content
material. While the results of testing on interest in Communication con-tent that is packaged in e-
e-leaning material content on average show a learning is very helpful in the learning process,
positive response. Besides that, it was also proven content that is packaged in e-learning is very
by Sindu & Paramartha (2018) which stated that useful and understand quickly in the teaching
the average value in learning achievement of and learning process, content packed in e-
students who learned from problem-based learning is very helpful in the teaching and
learning content was higher than those who learning process. This is evidenced in the
learned from using conven-tional models. research from Zyainuri
Problem-based learning content plays a role in & Marpanaji (2012) which states that the use
improving student learning achievement. of e-learning effectively improves students'
From the results and discussions that have cognitive learning outcomes.
been presented, assessments made by content This is evident from the results of
experts, learning media experts, indivi-dual tryout, differences in scores of increased pre-test and
small group tryout, field tests, and the results of post-test. Besides that, it is proven in the re-
teacher and student responses are categorized as search Tandirerung & Hadi (2014) which states
good and receive a positive response. This is the usefulness of e-learning is very beneficial
supported by a number of student statements,
namely the existence of Digital Simulation and

Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Volume 9, No 1, February 2019

for teachers and students and the implemen- veloped has not arrived at the implementation
tation of e-learning according to the teacher is stage. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct
increased while according to students is fixed. fur-ther studies on the effectiveness of the use
Based on these assessments, the development of of the simulation content and digital
Digital Simulation and Communication con-tent communica-tion relating to the measurement
based on Dynamic Intellectual Learning with of student learning outcomes using this
Visual Modality for class X at SMK Negeri 1 simulation con-tent and digital communication
Seririt broadly has shown success and is through the experimental research.
effectively used as a learning resource for class Third, product the simulation content
X students of SMK Negeri 1 Seririt. and digital communication based on Dynamic
Intellectual Learning with Visual Modality
CONCLUSIONS has not done the Index of Difficulties and
Diffe-rential Power Index. So, it is necessary
Based on the results and discussion to con-duct further studies on the items
which focused on a simulation content and di- through expe-rimental research.
gital communication based on Dynamic Intel-
lectual Learning with Visual Modality, the re-
searcher concludes that: Fisrt, the design REFERENCES
result and the realization of a simulation Esichaikul, V., Lamnoi, S., & Bechter, C.
content and digital communication based on (2011). Student modelling in adaptive e-
Dynamic In-tellectual Learning with Visual learning systems. Knowledge
Modality for the tenth grade at SMK Negeri 1 Management and E-Learning, 3(3), 342–
Seririt had been declared successful. The 355.
system design used in this research was the
Hanum, N. S. (2013). Keefetifan e-learning
use case diagram which was then applied in
sebagai media pembelajaran (studi
the SCORM stan-dard e-learning.
evaluasi model pembelajaran e-learning
Second, the teacher's response to a simu-
SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra
lation content development and digital commu-
Purwokerto). Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi,
nication based on Dynamic Intellectual Learn-
ing with Visual Modality for the tenth grade at
SMK Negeri 1 Seririt, from the average obtain-
ed was 45 included in the positive category. Hernawati, E., & Aji, P. (2016). Perancangan
While the students' response to the simulation dan penerapan konten e-learning melalui
content and digital communication from the learning management system dalam
average obtained is 65.45 included in the meningkatkan motivasi belajar studi
positive category. From the responds obtained, it kasus pada mata kuliah Pemrograman
indicates that the learning media can increase Basis Data. Journal of Information
students' motivation to learn. Systems Engineering and Business
Based on the researcher’s observation, Intelligence, 2(1), 23.
there were several things that could be taken
into consideration to be followed up. Fisrt, for
Nurcahyono, N., & Permanasari, A. E. (2015).
other content developers in order to manage
Pemanfaatan konten pembelajaran bagi
content packaged in e-learning is more user
siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan. In
friendly or easy to use by users who are still
Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi
unfamiliar with computer-based learning. In
Indonesia (SESINDO). Surabaya:
addition, it can regulate that each stage of
Departemen Sistem Informasi, Institut
Dynamic Intellectual Learning has features
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
that can provide challenges in the form of
games, badges or other forms so that students Sfenrianto, Hasibuan, Z. A., & Suhartanto, H.
do not feel bored while learning by using (2013). An automatic approach for
content packed in e-learning. identifying triple-factor in e-learning
Second, Product the simulation content process. International Journal of
and digital communication based on Dynamic Computer Theory and Engineering, 5(2),
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The Effectiveness of Content Based on Dynamic …

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(2018). The effect of problem-based e- pada e-learning dengan menggunakan
learning content on the learning Felder Silverman learning style model
achievement in basic computer system untuk sekolah menengah kejuruan. In
course (DSK) of the student of Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Teknik
informatics engineering education Informatik. Bali.
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8(1), 24. Tandirerung, V. A., & Hadi, S. (2014). Implementasi e-learning program
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Volume 9, No 1, February 2019



NIM. 20702251009

Judul Jurnal : Soft Skills Profile Of Vocational School Students In
Yogyakarta City For Entering The Industrial World
Profil Soft Skills Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Di Kota Yogyakarta Untuk Memasuki Dunia Industri
Tahun : 2019
Volume : 9 Nomor 3
Halaman : 217 - 228
ISSN : ISSN 2088-2866 (cetak) ISSN 2476-9401 (online)
Terbit : Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi UNY

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil dan tingkat soft skill siswa SMK di
Kota Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya pada tahun 2002 bahwa sekolah belum
mampu menjawab masalah tenaga kerja di Indonesia, banyak lowongan pekerjaan yang
belum penuhi. Sekolah sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan bertanggung jawab untuk
menghasilkan siswa yang matang siap untuk memasuki dunia kerja. Berawal dari inilah,
upaya pembangunan bangsa akan bergerak lebih cepat. Pada tahun 2010 berdasarkan
Komariah bahwa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan adalah sebuah lembaga nasional yang
bertanggung jawab untuk mengupas siswa untuk memasuki pasar tenaga kerja, yang
merupakan salah satu upaya pembangunan bangsa. Menurut Mariah dan Sugandi (2010),
menyatakan bahwa paling banyak lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Indonesia
kurang bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan operasi ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi. Lebih lanjut, Lulusan SMK di Indonesia juga lebih sedikit mampu
mengembangkan diri dan karir di bidang tempat mereka bekerja. Ini menunjukkan bahwa
lulusan siswa SMK di Indonesia belum memiliki potensi dalam kesiapan kerja. Kesiapan
kerja seseorang memasuki tenaga kerja menunjukkan pola. Polanya lengkap dikemukakan
dari beberapa faktor yang saling berhubungan dan pengaruh. Mariah dan Sugandi (2010)
menyatakan bahwa secara umum kesiapan kerja seseorang adalah terdiri dari tiga faktor.
Pertama, fisiologis faktor yang melibatkan beberapa aspek yaitu usia kematangan, kondisi
fisik, dan tubuh ataugans. Kedua, faktor pengalaman yang memperoleh pengalaman belajar
atau pekerjaan yang harus dimiliki oleh calon pekerja. Dalam pekerjaan ini faktor
pengalaman, kata seorang calon pekerja memiliki kesiapan kerja jika memiliki kemampuan,
pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Ketiga faktor psikologis yang melibatkan mental, emosi
kondisi nasional, dan sosial.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei dengan menggunakan pendekatan

kuantitatif. Penelitian hanya mendukung mengajukan dan meneliti tingkat soft skill Siswa
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (seberapa tinggi tingkat soft skill dengan menyajikannya dalam
bentuk diagram dan angka dengan deskripsi di bentuk kalimat). Populasi dalam penelitian ini
adalah semua siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (kelas XI) di Kota Yogyakarta.
Sampel dari Penelitian ini melibatkan 990 siswa. Soft skill yang paling menonjol pada siswa
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan berada di aspek keterampilan interpersonal, aspek soft skill
dalam profil Vocasoft skill SMA nasional di Yogyakarta sebagai berikut: (1) keterampilan
interpersonal; (2) keterampilan kepemimpinan / organisasi ; (3) keterampilan manajemen
kinerja; (4) keterampilan budaya; (5) keterampilan komunikasi/persuasi ; (6) keterampilan
pengembangan diri. Dengan penelitian tersebut dapat ambil kesimpulan pemikiran secara
kritis reflektif dimana pengembangan sekolah dari tahun ke tahun meningkat yang
sebelumnya bahwa lulusan dari SMK belum dapat memenuhi pangsa ketenagakerjaan dan
dengan pengembangan atas survei yang dilakukan penelitian lebih menitikberatkan untuk
membentuk soft skill siswa SMK sesuai dengan kebutuhan DUDI dan dari jurnal tersebut
peneliti sudah menerapkan kritis reflektif berdasarkan masalah yang ada peneliti
mendapatkan solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi pendidikan kejuruan (SMK).
Selanjutnya cara berpikir radikal berarti mampu berpikir hingga mendasar ke akarnya.
Melihat dari permintaan DUDI diera globalisasi saat ini lebih pada penerapan softskill,
pendidikan kejuruan memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan, pengetahuan
kepribadian, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan peserta didik untuk hidup mandiri dan
mengikuti pendidikan lebih lanjut sesuai dengan program kejuruannya. Dengan
mengembangkan softskill pada peserta didik maka peserta didik dibekali untuk siap terjun di
DUDI sehingga permintaan DUDI dapat dipenuhi, hal ini juga peneliti berpikir secara
universal dimana terwujudnya tujuan Negara yakni mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa,
pengembangan softskill sangat berpengaruh penting dalam sebuah pengembangan diri dan
diperlukan dalam sebuah pekerjaan serta salah satu syarat dari DUDI dalam rekrutmen

Peneliti sadar akan permintaan pangsa DUDI di Indonesia sebab pembelajaran tidak
hanya sekedar teori akan tetapi lebih dengan mengembangkan potensi diri / softskil yang
dimiliki setiap peserta didik (SMK). Hal ini menunjukan bahwa peneliti berpikir secara
koheren dan konsisten (logis). Berpikir sistemik adalah sebuah upaya untuk memahami
masalah ataupun keadaan dengan berpijak pada teori sistem. Berdasarkan pembahasan yang
dilakukan peneliti dimana pada kasus bahwa permintaan DUDI belum terpenuhi oleh
pendidikan kejuruan dan kesiapan peserta didik dalam pengembangan diri.

Peneliti memiliki wawasan luas tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi pendidikan kejuruan
agar dapat diterima di DUDI didukung dengan data yang sesuai pada penyajiannya dan
relevan membahas tentang softskill peserta didik secara menyeluruh berdasarkan aspek-aspek
pengembangan diri hal ini menunjukan peneliti memiliki pemikiran komprehensif, secara
pemikiran bebas, pembahasan penelitian ini berdasarkan analisis dengan menyebarkan
angket kepada peserta didik SMK di Yogyakarta tanpa menyinggung unsur budaya, sejarah
dan agama. Peneliti juga bertanggungjawab terhadap hasil penelitian melihat dari hasil
kuisioner yang diberikan kepada peserta didik, jika dilihat berdasarkan aspek soft skill Soft
skill tertinggi kejuruan siswa di Yogyakarta berada dalam aspek interketerampilan pribadi
dengan persentase 78,68% dengan nilai rata-rata 3,15, dan terendah aspek soft skill siswa
SMK di Yogyakarta ada pada aspek swakelola keterampilan manajemen dengan persentase
70,27% dengan nilai rata-rata 2.81. Keberadaan tingkat soft skill siswa pada SMK Kota
Yogyakarta harus menjadi faktor pendukung bagi siswa untuk mendapatkan hasil yang layak
bekerja dan sesuai dengan kompetensinya.
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi
Volume 9, No 3, November (217-228)


Tri Wulaningrum
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Samsul Hadi
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

This study aims to determine the profile and how much the level of soft skills of Vocational High
School students in Yogyakarta City. This study is survey research. The population of this study was
all students grade XI of State Vocational Schools in Yogyakarta City. The sample of this study was
990 students. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The data were then analyzed and
presented in a percentage form. The results of the study present that the percentage gain shows the
soft skill profile of Vocational High School students in Yogyakarta City in each aspect, namely
communication/persuasion skills of 75.19%; performance management skills of 77.22%; self
management skills of 70.27%; interpersonal skills of 78.68%; leadership/organizational skills of
77.85%; and cultural skills of 75.60%. Then, the level of soft skills ability of Vocational High
School students in Yogyakarta City is generally categorized in medium, which is in the profile
range between M-0.5SD and M + 0.5SD ( − 0.5 < ≤ + 0.5 ).
Keywords: vocational school students, industrial world, soft skills profile


Contact Tri Wulaningrum

Department of Educational Research and Evaluation,
Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No. 1, Karangmalang, Depok, Sleman,
Yogyakarta 55281 ,Indonesia

Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

ISSN 2088-2866 (print) ISSN 2476-9401 (online)
218 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Community needs always change.
One of the dynamic community needs is
employ-ment needs, which are related to
INTRODUCTION the avail-ability of jobs and the needs of
the workforce. The actual condition shows a
disharmony re-lationship between
employment and the needs of labor in
Indonesia. Data from the Indonesian Central graduate users. Those regulations become not
Bureau of Statistics (2017) state that “…in the only a legal regulation that must be respected
past year, unemployment increased by 10.000 but also the mandate of the state that needs to be
people, while the Open Unemploy-ment Rate guarded and taken care of as well as possible for
(Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka or TPT) fell the welfare of the people in Indonesia.
by 0.11 points”. Vocational High School is one of the
Those data are a problem for Indonesia. It alternative government policies in overcoming
shows that the implementation of employ-ment the problems of labor needs. Therefore, the
policies in Indonesia has not been opti-mal. existence of Vocational High School cannot
Therefore, we need a planned and system-atic be deprived of the development of workforce
problem-solving. One of the strategies for policies. It is in line with the idea of Pardjono,
solving labor problems is through education. Sugiyono, and Budiyono (2015), which high-
Educational institutions are institutions lights that vocational education cannot be
that aim to produce quality human resources and eliminated from the development of the work-
superior competency. Thus, the function of force. Although the existence of SMK does
educational institutions is to keep the improve- not necessarily solve existing problems,
ment process running well and produce gradu- through the skills taught to students in SMK,
ates who meet the needs of the community. indirectly, it will increase their productivity. It
Educational institutions consist of formal edu- will make vocational graduates have the skills
cational institutions, non-formal educational and abil-ities to create their own jobs. This
institutions, and informal education institu-tions. expectation is in line with the idea of
One of the formal education institutions that Thompson (1973) stating that vocational
specifically aims to produce a professional education enhances students' skills, which will
workforce in Indonesia is a vocational educa- ultimately increase their productivity.
tion institution held at the secondary education The existence of Vocational High School
level, namely Vocational High School (Seko-lah and the needs of the workforce are very relevant.
Menengah Kejuruan or SMK). The law has ruled Vocational High School as
The organization of Vocational High one of the educational institutions responsible
School is regulated in the Law of Republic of for producing mature students who are ready to
Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 on National Educa- enter the workforce. In this way, the nation's
tion System. The legal regulation asserts that development efforts will move faster. It is in
“...the construction of Vocational High School accordance with Komariah (2010) that
in all regions of Indonesia is intended to pre- Vocational High School is an edu-cational
pare graduates for being ready to work inde- institution that is responsible for pre-paring
pendently or work in certain industries or agen- students to enter the labor market, which is one
cies that need middle-level labor”. Further-more, of the nation's development efforts.
the sustainability of vocational schools in In fact, graduates of Vocational High
Indonesia is also regulated in a national School have yet to be able to answer the prob-
education standard listed in the Regulation of lems of labor in Indonesia. Supriyadi (2002)
the Minister of Education and Culture No. 34 of reveals that until now, there are still many job
2018 on the national standard of education in market offers that have not been filled. This
Vocational High School. This regulation states condition is supported by data published by the
that there are minimal criteria regarding the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (2017),
education system at the Vocational High School ”...seen from the level of education, TPT for
level in order to achieve the compe-tence of Vocational High School is the highest among
graduates according to the needs of other education levels, which is 11.41 percent”.
The empirical observation of the Depart-
ment of National Education (2004), as quoted by
Mariah and Sugandi (2010), states that most
graduates of Vocational High School (SMK) in
Indonesia are less able to adjust to the devel-
opment of science and technology. Further,
graduates of SMK in Indonesia are also less able
to develop themselves and careers in the

Volume 9, No 3, November 2019

places where they work. It shows that
gradu-ates of SMK in Indonesia do not yet
have ma-ture work-readiness so that their
existence has not been able to answer the 219
problems of labor in the country.
Work readiness of someone entering the
workforce shows a pattern. The pattern is com- work and competitive, always directs
posed of several factors that are interconnected graduates to be ready-to-work, smart, have
and influence. Mariah and Sugandi (2010) state competitive and comparative advantages and
that in general, a person's work readiness is have strong character as professional workers.
composed of three factors. First, physiological In fact, a study conducted by Ghufron et
factors which involve several aspects, namely al. (2017) found a discrepancy between Voca-
age maturity, physical condition, and body or- tional High School and the industrial world in
gans. Second, the experience factor that con- terms of understanding soft skills needs. It does
tains a learning experience or work that must be not just happen but has a cause. Some other
owned by a prospective worker. In this work studies, if analyzed, will provide answers to the
experience factor, a prospective worker is said causes of these inconsistencies. One of them is
to have work readiness if he has the ability, the study of Neff and Citrin (1999) in Mariah
knowledge, and skills, or hard skills. Third, and Sugandi (2010), which reveals the imbal-
psychological factors involving mental, emo- ance in the ratio between the needs of soft skills
tional, and social conditions. In this psycho- in the world of work and the soft skills taught at
logical factor contained the ability of soft skills school. Neff and Citrin (1999) in Mariah and
that must be possessed by a prospective worker Sugandi (2010) state that the ratio of the needs
who has work readiness. of soft skills and hard skills in the workplace/
Those three factors show that there is a business that is able to retain someone at work
pattern of relationships between hard skills is 80% determined by the mindset (soft skills)
and soft skills in a person who has work and 20% determined by technical skills (hard
readiness. The relationship between hard skills). However, the education system runs the
skills, soft skills, the world of work, and opposite, where the ratio of soft skills is only
education can be identified through the ratio given an average of 10% in the curriculum. The
of the needs of soft skills and hard skills to contradictory comparison between the needs of
the world of work and education. soft skills and hard skills in the world of work
Soft skills in humans include personal and educational institutions is shown in Figure
and interpersonal behaviors that develop and 1 and Figure 2.
maximize human performance, including:
“leadership, team building, decision making,
initiative, so it does not include technical skills
such as financial, computer or assembly skills”
(Bernthal, Weaver, & Wellins, 2002). Kaipa,
Milus, Chowdary, and Jagadeesh (2005) men-
tion that soft skills become essential compe-
tencies and are the key to success for a work-
force in the place where he works and also to Soft Skills
develop himself. It certainly strengthens the
importance of soft skills for someone in the
workforce. By having soft skills attributes that 80% Hard Skills
are in harmony with the needs of the world of
work, of course, a workforce will be able to
survive and develop themselves.
In certain fields of education, such as Percentage of Soft Skills as a
Vocational High School, soft skills cannot be Component of Success in the World of
revoked from the system of education. Voca- Work
tional High School, as an education system
oriented to produce graduates who are ready to

Our 10%
Soft Skills


System 90% Hard Skills

Portions of Soft Skills
Given in Education

Soft skills profile of vocational school students…

Tri Wulaningrum, Samsul Hadi
220 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

Problems do not only stop at the im- Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia or KKNI) re-
balance of the ratio of hard skills-soft skills lated to the need for industrial workforce soft
between the industrial world and the world of skills along with the soft skill profile of
education. Another problem is the lack of re- current Vocational High School students.
levance of understanding between the world of The absence of national standards gov-
industry and the world of education about the erning the soft skills needed by the industrial
soft skills needed by the world of work. The world and the lack of studies on soft skills
actual condition shows the gap between the soft profiles of current vocational students is un-
skills needed by the business/industry (Dunia doubtedly a challenge for vocational education
Usaha/Dunia Industri or DU/DI) and those institutions. Vocational education is required to
taught at school. Suryanto, Kamdi, and Sutrisno actively keep abreast of the development of the
(2013) state that there was a mismatch between needs of soft skills in the industrial world and to
soft skills needed by the industrial world and measure the achievements of their stu-dents' soft
those taught at Vocational High School, that (1) skills towards existing standards. The soft skill
the soft skills mostly needed by the industrial profile of Vocational High School (SMK)
world are communication skills; while (2) the students is essential to see. It re-lates to the
most important soft skills to be taught at relevance of the prospective soft skills of
Vocational High School, according to the workers with industrial needs. There-fore, today,
teacher, are honesty and good attitude and a study is needed to look at the pro-files and
according to students is time discipline. achievements of the soft skills of Vocational
Figure 1 and Figure 2, coupled with the High School students based on the needs of the
analysis of the results of the study related to the industrial world. This study indeed must be
lack of relevance of hard skills-soft skills be- preceded by a study of the basic stan-dards of
tween the world of work and the world of edu- soft skill needs in the industrial world.
cation, illustrate the existence of conditions that Regarding the standard urgency of the
should not occur. The world of work and needs of soft skills in the industrial world, a
educational institutions should develop with a soft skills measurement instrument needed by
balanced ratio. The imbalance of the ratio of the world of work has been developed, namely
hard skills and soft skills to educational institu- Kantrowitz’s Soft Skills Performance Mea-
tions and the world of work shows a problem surement (SSPM). Kantrowitz (2005) men-
that must be solved. In other words, the pattern tions that there are seven soft skills compo-
of imbalances in the ratio of hard skills and soft nents that must be possessed by a workforce
skills and the incompatibility of understanding in order to be able to survive in the workforce,
of the soft skills needed by the world of work namely (1) communication/persuasion skills,
with those given by the education system show (2) performance management skills, (3) self-
that education in Indonesia has not fully been management skills, (4) interpersonal skills,
able to improve national development. (5) leadership/organization skills, (6) political/
The disharmony of hard skills and soft cultural skills, and (7) counterproductive skills.
skills ratios, as well as the incompatibility of the SSPM is a soft skills measurement in-
understanding of prospective workers' soft skills strument used in general, not for particular fields
from vocational education with industrial needs, of expertise or specific levels of educa-tion
demands an immediate solution. These problems (Kantrowitz, 2005). It is motivated by the
can be solved if both of them have the required opinion of Boyatzis (1982) in Kantrowitz
soft skill standards or indicators as well as the (2005), who stated that soft skills broadly apply
soft skill profiles that are currently owned by to various jobs. Thus, all fields of work need a
Vocational High School students. The soft skill tendency for soft skills that can be generalized.
profile of Vocational High School students is SSPM is used to see the soft skills pro-
useful to provide an over-view of the readiness file of Vocational High School students. This
Vocational High School students to enter the profile can be used as a reference for detecting
industrial world, so judg-ment and soft skills in students. The results of this study
recommendations can be made. In fact, there is can be used as further study material (for exam-
no official standard released by the government ple, improving aspects of students' soft skills
through the Indonesian Na-tional Qualifications that are still low). The problem is that SSPM
Framework (Kerangka cannot be used directly. Detecting students'
Volume 9, No 3, November 2019

soft skills will be better if it is adapted to the RESEARCH METHOD

needs of soft skills in the business world and
industry. Ghufron et al. (2017) explain that: This study is survey research employing
a quantitive approach. The research only pro-
"work culture is soft skills possessed by filed and examined the level of soft skills
a group of prospective workers (who are Vocational High School students (how high level
in SMK) in order to be able to optimize of soft skills by presenting it in the form of
their hard skills. The profile of diagrams and numbers with a description in
vocational school graduates who have a sentence form). The population in this study is all
work culture in harmony with the of the students of State Vocational Schools
demands of the industry and or the (grade XI) in Yogyakarta City. The sample of
business world will definitely increase this study was 990 students. The sample size is
absorption". determined based on Roscoe's theory (1975),
which is taken 30 students in each department in
The results of a survey conducted by
eight schools. Then, the next step is deter-mining
Widarto (2011) show that the current profile
the sample in each department in each school by
of labor needed by the industrial world is a
using simple random sampling. The data
workforce that has strong, soft skills aspects.
collection technique used is questionnaire.
Widarto (2011) states that there are 13 work
cultures (soft skills) needed by the business The study used one variable described
world and the industrial world, namely: (1) into several aspects originating from SSPM and
reduced to only six indicators: communica-
discipline; (2) honesty; (3) commitment: (4)
tion/persuasion skills, performance manage-
responsibility; (5) confidence; (6) ethics; (7)
ment skills, self-management skills, interper-
manners; (8) cooperation; (9) creativity; (10)
sonal skills, leadership/organization skills, and
communication; (11) leadership; (12) entre-
cultural skills. The data were analyzed de-
preneurship; and (13) organizing.
scriptively. Analysis was used to calculate the
Based on some of the reviews previously
mean, median, mode, standard deviation, data
presented, this research was conducted to look
distribution table, profile percentage, and chart
at the profile and measure the level of Voca-
categories that show the level of student's soft
tional High School students' soft skills based on
skills. Profile percentage of soft skills was
industry needs. The instruments developed in
analyzed using the following formula:
this study used SSPM to be adapted to the work Profile Percentage = 100%

culture in Indonesia as a reference in looking at

the needs of soft skills in the busi-ness world n = empiric score N = Ideal Score
and industry. Soft skills instruments are reduced
to six aspects tailored to the work culture in Table 1. Calculation Formulas for Soft
Skills Level Categories
Indonesia. These six aspects are (1)
communication/persuasion skills; (2) perfor- Category
mance management skills, (3) self-manage- Calculation Formula
ment skills, (4) interpersonal skills; (5) leader- Level
ship/organization skills, and (6) cultural skills.
The selection of Vocational High School stu- Very Low ≤ − 1,5

dents as research respondents was motivated by Low − 1.5 < ≤ − 0.5

the main objective of Vocational High School Medium − 0.5 < ≤ + 0.5

as an educational institution that stan-dardized High + 0.5 < ≤ + 1.5

to produce graduates who were ready to work. Very High + 1.5 <

The soft skills that must be possessed by a M = Average of Ideal Score = 2 (

+ )

vocational graduate in entering the indus-trial SD = Ideal Standard Deviation =

6( − )

world are one indicator of work readiness. Data

acquisition related to the suitability of
Vocational High School graduates' soft skills The level category of soft skills,
with the needs of soft industrial sketches, of accord-ing to Azwar (2012), is divided into
course, can be used as material for scientific five: very low, low, medium, high, and very
studies in the improvement and development of
high. These five categories are obtained
through the calcu-lations presented in Table
vocational education systems in Indonesia.

Soft skills profile of vocational school students…

Tri Wulaningrum, Samsul Hadi
222 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 3 shows that interpersonal skills

are aspects of soft skills that have the highest
The results of the study are presented in
percentage achievement, while the lowest
the form of the results of calculations of central
percentage achievement is in aspects of self-
tendencies (mean, median, mode) and data dis-
management skills. In other words, in
tribution. The presentation of data distribution
Yogyakarta City, the most prominent soft skills
includes variants and standard deviations. Next
of Vocational High School students are on the
is the presentation of the size of the frequency
aspects of interpersonal skills. Based on the
distribution and interpretation of the research
achievements of the highest to lowest percent-
data, where interpretation refers to five-level
age, the soft skills aspect in the profile of Voca-
categories, namely, very low, low, medium,
tional High School soft skills in Yogyakarta is
high, and very high. The description of the
written as follows: (1) interpersonal skills; (2)
variable data on soft skills of students of State
leadership/organization skills; (3) perfor-mance
Vocational Students in Yogyakarta City con-
management skills; (4) cultural skills;
sists of six aspects: (1) communication/persua-
(5) communication/persuasion skills; (6) self-
sion skills, (2) performance management skills,
management skills.
(3) self management skills, (4) interpersonal
skills, (5) leadership/organization skills, and
Table 2. Comparison of the Aspect Levels of
(6) cultural skills.
Soft Skills of Students of State Vocational
Before the presentation of the profile and
School in Yogyakarta City
level of soft skills in each aspect, it will first be
presented the profile of Vocational High School Average
students' soft skills in Yogyakarta City in Aspects of Soft Skills Rank
general. In general, the profile of Voca-tional Values
High School student soft skills is shown by the Interpersonal Skills 3.15 1
percentage gain in each aspect, namely Leadership/organization Skills 3.11 2
communication/persuasion skills of 75.19%; Performance management skills 3.09 3
performance management skills of 77.22%; self Cultural skills 3.02 4
management skills of 70.27%; interperson-al Communication/persuasion skills 3.01 5
skills of 78.68%; leadership/organization skills Self management skills 2.81 6
of 77.85%; and cultural skills of 75.60%. This
percentage number does not indicate the number The same sequence of the highest and
of students, but rather the score of achievement lowest soft skills aspects was also obtained
of soft skills in each aspect. The general profile through the comparison of each aspect’s aver-
of Vocational High School stu-dents' soft skills age value. Table 2 shows the order of soft skills
is presented in Figure 3. aspects of students of Vocational High School in
Yogyakarta City viewed from the average value.
75.19% Furthermore, the levels of Vocational High
Communication/ School students' soft skills in Yogyakarta are
Persuasion Skills
presented in more detail in each aspect.
Interpersonal Skills
Cultural Skills Interpersonal skills measurement of
Management Skills students of Vocational High School in
Yogyakarta City used 20 questionnaire items.
The ideal maximum score on this aspect is 80,
77.85% 70.27% and the ideal minimum score is 20. The
Leadership/ Self-Management average score of students in this aspect is
Organization Skills Skills
62.94, with a maximum score of 80 and a
minimum of 23. The standard deviation in this
Interpersonal Skills aspect is 7.85. Based on the calculation results
using SPSS software, the percentage of score
tendency in the interpersonal skills aspects of
Profile of Soft Skills of the students of Vocational High School in
Vocational High School (SMK) Students Yogyakarta City can be seen in Figure 4.
in Yogyakarta City

Volume 9, No 3, November 2019


Figure 5 shows that in the aspect of the

37.68% leadership/organization skills, 5.35% of Voca-
24.44% 25.05% tional High School students in Yogyakarta have
5.66% 7.17% very low levels of achievement; 20.61% at the
low category level; 44.34% is in the me-dium
VeryLow Medium HighVery category level; 20.91% at the high cate-gory
Low High level; and 8.79% at the very high category level.
These results indicate that the level of
Interpersonal Skills Graph achievement of Vocational High School stu-
dents' soft skills in Yogyakarta on aspects of
Figure 4 shows that in the interpersonal leadership/organization skills, in general, is at
skills aspect, as many as 5.66% of Vocational the level of achievement of the medium.
High School students in Yogyakarta have very
low levels; 24.44% at the low category level; Performance Management Skills
37.68% is in the medium category level; The masurement of performance man-
25.05% at the high category level; and 7.17% agement skills of students of Vocational High
at the very high category level. These results School in Yogyakarta City used questionnaires
indicate that the level of achievement of as many as 21 items. The ideal maximum score
Vocational High School students' soft skills in this aspect is 84, and the ideal minimum
in Yogyakarta city is generally at the level of score is 21. The average score of students in this
achievement of the medium. aspect is 64.86, with a maximum score of 84
and a minimum of 21. The standard devia-tion
Leadership/Organization Skills in this aspect is 7.88. Based on the calcu-lation
Leadership/organization skills results using SPSS software, the percent-age of
measure-ment of students of Vocational High score tendency in the performance man-
School in Yogyakarta City used agement skills aspects of the students of Voca-
questionnaires as many as 17 items. The ideal tional High School (SMK) in Yogyakarta City
maximum score on this aspect is 68, and the can be seen in Figure 6.
ideal minimum score is 17. The average score
of students in this aspect is 52.94, with a
maximum score of 68 and a mini-mum of 17.
The standard deviation in this aspect is 7.33.
Based on the calculation results using SPSS
software, the percentage of score tendency in 42.02%
the leadership/organization skills aspects of 24.44%
the students of Vocational High School in 20.00%
Yogyakarta City can be seen in Figure 5. 6.16% 7.37%

Very Low Medium HighVery

Low High

44.34% Performance Management

20.61% 20.91% Skills Graph
5.35% 8.79%
Figure 6 shows that in the aspect of
VeryLow Medium HighVery per-formance management skills, 6.16% of
Low High Voca-tional High School students in
Yogyakarta have very low levels of
Leadership/Organization achievement; 20% are in the low category
Skills Graph level; 42.02% is in the level of the medium
category; 24.44% at the high category level;
and 7.37% at the very high cate-gory level.
These results indicate that the a-chievements
of Vocational High School stu-dents' soft
skills in aspects of management skills
performance, in general, are at the level of
medium achievement.
Soft skills profile of vocational school students…
Tri Wulaningrum, Samsul Hadi
224 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

Cultural Skills
Cultural skills measurement of students
of Vocational High School in Yogyakarta City 49.70%
used 13 questionnaire items. The ideal maxi-
mum score in this aspect is 52, and the ideal 17.98% 20.71%
minimum score is 13. The average score of 5.45% 6.16%
students in this aspect is 39.31, with a maxi-
mum score of 52 and a minimum of 16. The VeryLow Medium HighVery
Low High
standard deviation in this aspect is 5.03. Based
on the calculation results using SPSS
software, the percentage of score tendency in Communication/Persuasion Skills
the cultural skils aspects of the students of Graph
Vocational High School (SMK) in Yogyakarta
City can be seen in Figure 7. Figure 8 shows that in the aspect of
com-munication/persuasion skills, 5.45% of
Voca-tional High School students in
Yogyakarta have a very low level of soft skills
45.56% achieve-ment; 17.98% at the low category
level; 49.70% at the medium category level;
19.09% 20.51%
20.71% is in the high category level; and
6.36% 8.48%
6.16% at the very high category level. These
results indicate that the achievements of the
VeryLow Medium HighVery
Low High
vocational stu-dents' soft skills in the aspects
of communica-tion/persuasion skills are
Cultural Skills Graph generally at the medi-um level.

Figure 7 shows that in the cultural skills Self Managements Skills

aspect, as much as 6.36% of Vocational High Self-management skills measurement of
School students in Yogyakarta have very low students of Vocational High School (SMK) in
levels of achievement; 19.09% is in the low Yogyakarta City used ten questionnaire items.
category level; 45.56% are in the medium The ideal maximum score on this aspect is 40,
category level; 20.51% at the high category and the ideal minimum score is 10. The aver-
level; and 8.48% at the very high category age score of students in this aspect is 28.11,
level. These results indicate that the achieve- with a maximum score of 40 and a minimum
ments of Vocational High School students' of 14. The standard deviation in this aspect is
soft skills in the city of Yogyakarta are 3.86. Based on the calculation results using
generally at the medium level. SPSS software, the percentage of score ten-
dency in the self-management skills aspects of
Communication/Persuasion Skills the students of Vocational High School in
Communication/persuasion skills mea- Yogyakarta City can be seen in Figure 9.
surement of students of Vocational High
School in Yogyakarta City used 12 question-
naire items. The ideal maximum score on this
aspect is 48, and the ideal minimum score is
12. The average score of students in this 38.38%
aspect is 36.09, with a maximum score of 48 28.69%
and a minimum score of 15. The standard 17.58%
deviation in this aspect is 4.73. Based on the 6.36% 8.99%
calculation results using SPSS software, the
percentage of score tendency in the VeryLow Medium High Very
communication/persua-sion skills aspects of Low High
the students of Vocational High School in
Yogyakarta City can be seen in Figure 8. Self-Management Skills Graph
Volume 9, No 3, November 2019

Figure 9 shows that in the aspect of self- visioning and implementing plans and strate-
management skills, 6.36% of SMK students in gies. This aspect includes developing strate-
Yogyakarta have very low levels of achieve- gies/plans, showing a vision, providing solu-
ment; 28.69% is at the low category level; tions, and setting goals. Aspect 6 is termed
38.38% is in the medium category level; Political/Cultural Skills and involves demon-
17.58% at the high category level; and 8.99% is strating competence with respect to function-ing
in the very high category level. These results in the culture and climate of an organiza-tion.
indicate that the achievements of Vocational This aspect includes behaviors such as adapting
High School students' soft skills in Yogyakarta to environments and people, adjusting a
on the aspects of self-management skills, in message to an audience, learning unwritten
general, are at the medium level. rules, and modifying reactions to fit the culture.
The existence of soft skills in Vocational The six aspects of soft skills, according
High School (SMK) students to enter the to Kantrowitz (2005), have related to other
industrial world is very important. It is in line theoretical soft skills aspects, one of which is
with Evenson (1999) that soft skills have been Robles (2012). In more detail, Robles (2012)
around for a long time in the business and states that there are ten aspects of soft skills
education environment, in company meetings, needed to enter the workforce, namely: (1)
and curriculum development. communication, (2) courtesy; (3) flexibility;
The soft skills of Vocational High (4) integrity; (5) interpersonal skills; (6) posi-
School (SMK) students in Yogyakarta in this tive attitude; (7) professionalism; (8) responsi-
study were measured based on six aspects, bility; (9) teamwork; and (10) work ethic. If
namely, communication/persuasion skills, analyzed, between Kantrowitz (2005) and
per-formance management skills, self- Robles (2012), there are two similar aspects
manage-ment skills, interpersonal skills, related to the needs of the workforce's soft
leadership/ organization skills, dan cultural skills, namely communication skills and inter-
skills. These aspects are aspects obtained personal skills aspects.
through the theory of Kantrowitz (2005). The results of the study indicate that
Furthermore, six major aspects of soft the level of soft skills of Vocational High
skills in this study have a framework in gen- School (SMK) students in Yogyakarta City is
eral. Aspect 1 is labeled as Communication/ general-ly categorized as medium. If viewed
Persuasion Skills. It includes behaviors gener- from the level of student’s soft skills in each
ally aimed at communicating with others, in aspect, the highest soft skills of the vocational
terms of asking questions, delivering presen- student in Yogyakarta City is interpersonal
tations, influencing others, negotiating, per- skills with the percentage of the profile of
suading, and seeking information. Aspect 2 is 78.68%; and the lowest aspect of the
labeled as Performance Management Skills. student’s soft skills in
This cluster encompasses behaviors involved in Yogyakarta City is self-management skills with
managing the work of others and managing the percentage of the profile of 70.27%. If
projects. It includes activities such as analyzing sorted from aspects that have the best profile
needs, articulating expectations, coaching/ (high percentage), the profile of vocational
training, developing others, and evaluating per- students' soft skills in Yogyakarta is (1)
formance. Aspect 3 is labeled Self-Manage- interpersonal skills; (2) leadership/organiza-tion
ment Skills, which are aimed at managing, skills; (3) performance management skills;
controlling, and regulating one’s own behav- (4) cultural skills; (5) communication/persua-
iors. This aspect includes acting calm during a sion skills; and (6) self management skills.
crisis, controlling emotions, and tolerating Based on the above sequence, it is
stress. Aspect 4 is labeled Interpersonal Skills, known that the best soft skills in vocational
which describe work behaviors that involve students in Yogyakarta City are about abilities
interacting with others in work situations. It in work behaviors that involve interacting with
includes acting courteous and respectful, build- others in work situations. It includes acting
ing a network, complimenting others on valid courteous and respectful, building a network,
points, compromising, developing rapport, and complimenting others on valid points, compro-
reconciling opinions. Aspect 5 is called Lead- mising, developing rapport, and reconciling
ership/Organization Skills, which involve en- opinions. Meanwhile, the soft skills with the
lowest achievements include the ability in

Soft skills profile of vocational school students…

Tri Wulaningrum, Samsul Hadi
226 − Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi

managing, controlling, and regulating one’s initiative, so it does not include technical skills
own behaviors, acting calm during a crisis, such as financial, computer or assembly skills”.
controlling emotions, and tolerating stress. Nowadays, it is increasingly realized that
The results show that, in general, voca- soft skills in vocational students are so important
tional students in Yogyakarta City were at the in preparing graduates who are in accordance
level of achievement of the medium in all as- with the vision and mission of the Vocational
pects. Referring to the results of the study, it can School. It is evidenced by several studies related
be said that in the soft skills variable, SMK to the development of soft skills learning models
students in Yogyakarta City are considered to conducted at Vocational High School. Amin,
have the readiness to enter the industrial world. Zamroni, and Sofyan (2017) developed a soft
The level of vocational soft skills of students in skills learning model inte-grated with the
the medium category can be used as a sup- learning program. Furthermore, Hamidah (2013)
porting factor in entering the workforce. This is also developed a soft skills learning model that
in accordance with Pusriawan and Soenarto is integrated into vocation-al students in culinary
(2019) that it is not only hard skills that stu- study programs, which is a hypothesis learning
dents must have, but also soft skills. One form model. This learning model allows the mastery
of soft skills is employability skills (Pusriawan of soft skills in stu-dents to be consistent. The
& Soenarto, 2019). Employability skills of the integration process can start from student
students of State Vocational Schools should be a learning design, ongoing implementation, and
supporting factor for students to get decent work evaluation based solely on continuous
and in accordance with their competency skills so improvement or performance management.
that stakeholders can really use it well (Pusriawan Related to the importance of soft skills to
& Soenarto, 2019). prepare students to enter the work-force,
Pusriawan and Soenarto (2019) state that Abdullah-Al-Mamun (2012) states that
employability skills are non-technical skills education institutions should present a well-
needed by each individual, both job seekers and formed learning experience with enhancing
workers themselves, that can be transferred and graduate employability as a core constituent
learned through both habituation and train-ing. where soft skills are embedded in the curric-
There are nine aspects of employability skills ulum process.
according to Pusriawan and Soenarto (2019),
namely: (1) communication skills; (2)
collaboration skills with TIM; (3) problem-
solving skills; (4) skills in taking initiatives and The level of soft skills of Vocational High
trying; (5) skills in planning and organizing School students in Yogyakarta is general-ly
activities; (6) self management skills; (7) skills categorized at a medium level. If viewed from
in learning; (8) skills in using technology; and the level in each aspect, there are com-
(9) occupational health and safety skills. munication/persuasion skills of 75.19%; per-
The results of the study show that in vo- formance management skills of 77.22%; self-
cational students in Yogyakarta City, the inter- management skills of 70.27%; interpersonal
personal skills aspects became the most promi- skills of 78.68%; leadership/ organizational
nent aspect. The existence of interpersonal skills skills of 77.85%; and cultural skills of 75.60%.
aspects as the aspect with the highest The highest soft skills of vocational
achievement projects that vocational students in students in Yogyakarta are in aspects of inter-
Yogyakarta City have representation with the personal skills with a percentage of 78.68% with
needs of today's industry. It is in line with an average value of 3.15, and the lowest aspect
Sheikh (2009) that interpersonal skills are the of soft skills of vocational students in
most critical skills at all levels. In addition, Yogyakarta is on the aspect of self-manage-ment
Klaus (2010) states that companies assess em- skills with a percentage of 70.27% with an
ployee interpersonal skills as more important average value of 2.81. The existence of the level
than their analytical abilities. Bernthal et al. of soft skills of students in the medium in
(2002) state that soft skills include personal and vocational students of Yogyakarta City should
interpersonal behaviors that develop and be a supporting factor for students to get decent
maximize human performance, which include: work and in accordance with their competency
“leadership, team building, decision making, skills so that stakeholders really use it well.

Volume 9, No 3, November 2019

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Volume 9, No 3, November 2019

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