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Satuan Pendidikan : SMKN 26 Kompetensi Dasar : 3.16 dan 4.16

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Materi Pokok : Teks khusus undangan
resmi memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait
kegiatan sekolah/tempat
Kelas/Semester : XI/1 Alokasi waktu : 12 JP

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui model pembelajaran Discovery Learning, peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan dan melengkapi teks khusus
undangan resmi memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja secara
benar dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, disiplin selama proses pembelajaran,
bersikap jujur, percaya diri dan pantang menyerah, serta memiliki sikap responsive (berpikir
kritis) dan proaktif (kreatif) serta mampu berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan baik.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Melalui aplikasi WAG Guru mengkondisikan kesiapan fisik dan psikis siswa (salam, doa,
cek kebersihan, dan kerapian) dan mengisi link absensi yang telah diberikan oleh guru
berupa google form.
2. Melakukan apersepsi pelajaran yang telah lalu melalui pertanyaan yang disampaikan
3. Melalui WAG Guru menyampaikan KD, tujuan pembelajaran, kebermanfaatan materi,
dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.

Kegiatan Inti

 Pemberian stimulus terhadap siswa, Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan
untuk memusatkan perhatian pada materi yang akan dipelajari dengan cara
mengamati teks bacaan singkat melalui Video YouTube terkait teks khusus undangan
resmi memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja.
Dengan link:

 Identifikasi masalah, melalui Google Classroom dan Power Point, Guru

memfasilitasi peserta didik memahami masalah yang disajikan yaitu mengidentifikasi
apa yang mereka ketahui, apa yang mereka perlu ketahui, dan apa yang perlu
dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah terkait materi tentang teks khusus undangan
resmi memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja.
 Pengumpulan data, melalui Google Classroom dengan mengirimkan worksheet,
Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk menjawab pertanyaan
yang berhubungan dengan teks khusus undangan resmi memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja.
 Pengolahan data & pembuktian, dengan mengerjakan tugas masih melalui Google
Classroom. Peserta didik membuat sebuah teks undangan resmi serta responnya
terkait meminta dan memberi informasi kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja.
 Menarik Kesimpulan, melalui Google Classroom Peserta didik menganalisa dan
menyimpulkan masukan, tanggapan dan koreksi dari guru terkait pembelajaran yang
telah dilakukan tentang Teks khusus undangan resmi memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja. Serta mengumpulkan tugas tertulis melalui
Google Classroom.

Kegiatan Penutup

1. Guru melakukan refleksi pembelajaran dengan membimbing peserta didik

menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran melalui WAG
2. Guru menyampaikan tindakan lanjut dan rencana pertemuan yang akan datang
melalui WAG.
3. Guru dan peserta didik menutup kegiatan dengan mengucapkan rasa syukur kepada
Tuhan YME bahwa pertemuan kali ini telah berlangsung dan lancar melalui WAG

Penialain Pembelajaran

Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sikap

1. Pada akhir pertemuan setiap Selama kegiatan siswa dinilai Dengan observasi,
KD diberikan post-test kemampuannya dalam dilakukan penilaian
berupa tes PG dan menulis teks dan percakapan sikap setiap siswa baik
penugasan utuk mengukur tentang saran dan tawaran dalam individu ataupun
pengetahuan apakah siswa sebagai Penilaian Kinerja. kelompok.
mampu menganalisis
ungkapan yang berhubungan
dengan saran dan tawaran.
2. Melaksanakan Remedial dan
Pengayaan jika dipelukan
sesuai dengan capaian sisa
pada poin 1 di atas.

Jakarta, ……… 2020


Kepala Sekolah SMKN 26 Jakarta Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Purwasusilo, M.Pd Dra. Winartiningsih



The following questions are based on the text below!

1. Why did the writer create this kind of letter?

A. Because the writer wants to tell the reader about the annual function in the public school
B. Because the writer wants to describe the reader about the detail of the occasion
C. Because the writer wants to invite the reader to attend the annual function
D. Because the writer wants to persuade the reader to attend the annual function
2. How can the reader confirm his attendance to this event?
A. The reader can tell Mr Chauhan to confirm his attendance
B. The reader can reply this letter to public school official email
C. The reader can tell the admin of the D.A.V public school that he can join this event
D. The reader can confirm his attendance by replying it to the number phone given in the letter
3. Based on the invitation letter above, we can conclude that…
A. The annual function will be hosted by the principal
B. Mr O P Chauhan, DM will be a guest star in this event
C. The principal will give away the prizes to the students
D. The annual function will be held in the morning
4. “…request your benign presence..” the word ‘benign’ can be replace with, except…
A. Kindly
B. friendly
C. Hostile
D. Indulgent
5. “…your benign presence of auspicious ocassion.” The word ‘auspicious’ is synonim with…
A. Dobious
B. Favorable
C. wrecthed
D. bearish

The folllowing questions are based on the following text below!

6. The purpose of the invitation text above is…

A. To describe a certain event
B. To persuade the reader to attend the Sports Day
C. To invite the reader to attend the Sport Day
D. To tell the reader about the Sports Day event

7. From the letter above, we can conclude that…

A. Sports Day will be started at 9.00 pm
B. Ms. Damayanti is one of the judges in Sports Day
C. Sports Day will be located in the school
D. Ms. Damayati is the honouree in Sports Day
8. From the letter above, we know Ms. Damayanti is…
A. The person who hosted Sports Day
B. A Sports Day Awardee in the school
C. The recepient of an Arjuna Award
D. One of the judges in Sports Day

9. “… high kindly consented to be the Chief Guest.” The word ‘consented’ can be replaced with,
A. Allow
B. Permit
C. Dissent
D. Favor

The following questions are based on the letter above!

10. What is the purpose of the letter above?

A. To tell all of Star Shine Inc staffs to join Glow Strong Inc’s anniversary celebration
B. To describe Mr Daniel Smith about the date and time of Glow Strong Inc’s anniversary
C. To persuade Mr Daniel Smith to join Glow Strong Inc’s anniversary celebration
D. To invite Mr Daniel Smith and his wife to attend Glow Strong Inc’s anniversary celebration

11. From the invitation text above, we can say that…

a. Alex Lambart is a General Manager of Star Shine Inc
b. The party will be ended at 11 p.m.
c. The party will be held in Grow Strong Hotel, 7th floor
d. Mr. and Mrs. Smith is invited to join Grow Strong’s anniversary celebration
12. Based on the letter above, we can conclude that….
A. The dresscode of Grow Strong Inc’s anniversary celebration is formal
B. Grow Strong Inc has been built since 1992
C. Mr Daniel can confirm his attendance by replying the letter to Grow Strong Inc official email
D. The event will last for 4 hours
13. “…In order to request your prestigious presence” the word ‘prestigious’ can be replaced with…
A. Important
B. Bearish
C. Honorable
D. Enthusiastic

The following questions are based on the text below!

The Board of Visitors and Faculty of

The University of Michigan
Cordially invite you to attend
The graduation of

Joshua Micharl Adams

A candidate for
The Bachelor of Arts Degree
In Civil Engineering
At his Commencement Ceremony
On Saturday, the fifth of June
At ten o’clock in the morning
Univeristy Auditorium

14. Why did the writer create this kind of letter?

A. The writer wants to persuade the reader to join the graduation party
B. The writer wants to invite the reader to attend the graduation ceremony
C. The writer wants to invite the reader to attend the graduation party
D. The writer wants to describe a certain event
15. Based on the letter above, we know that…
A. Joshua Micharl Adams is a student of Civil Engineering program
B. The graduation ceremony will be held at 10 p.m.
C. The graduation will be held in the Unversity hall
D. After the graduation, the reader is invited for attending the graduation party

16. “…cordially invite you to attend…” the word ‘cordially’ can be replaced with, EXCEPT…
A. Kindly
B. Warmly
C. Affable
D. Frigid

The following questions are based on the text below!

Global Vision International

Requests the pleasure of your company
At our
Product Launching Night

Thursday, the tenth of January

At seven o’clock in the evening
The River Plaza Hotel
Williamsburg Room
One River Street
Riverside, Delaware
Kindly confirm your acceptance by 7th January.

Phone: 06086203579

17. What is the purpose of the letter above?

A. The writer wants to inform the reader about the ocassion
B. The writer wants to share a certain detail of the event
C. The writer wants to invite the reader to attend his company’s product launching night
D. The writer wants to tell the reader about his his company’s product launching night
18. If the reader wants to reply the invitation and confirm he cannot attend the event, the best
expression to express is…
A. I regret I could not attend the event. I will attend my Grandson’s birthday.
B. Sorry, I can’t attend the meeting. I will go on trip on January 10 th
C. I have another ocassion on January 10th, Sorry.
D. I will have an important meeting on January 10 th, Sorry.
19. How can the reader confirm his attendance to this event?
A. The reader can confirm his attendance by contacting Banyu
B. The reader can confirm his attendance by sending an email to Global Vision International’s
official email
C. The reader can confirm his attendance by telling the admin of Global Vision International
D. The reader can confirm his email by sending a text message to the committee

20. Based on the letter above, we can conclude that…

A. The event will be held at 7
B. The event will be held in Global Vision International’s hall
C. The event will be held in The Rivel Plaza Hotel, 8 th floor
D. The reader should confirm his attendance after 7th January

The following questions are based on the text below!

Old Students’ Association

Global Islamic School
Dear Alumna/Alumnus,

The 20th Alumni Meet of Jakarta International School, Jakarta will be held on Sunday, the 31 st August
at 8 p.m at The Palace Hotel Jakarta. Old students, along with their spouses will be our guests of
Kindly assemble at 9 p.m. in the banquet hall for a dance and dinner party. Please confirm your seats
by sending IDR 500.000 to the undersigned.

Sarah Blackstone (0823846374972)

21. Why did the writer create this kind of letter?

A. The writer wants to invite the reader to attend the 20 th Alumni meet
B. The writer wants to share the details of the event to the reader
C. The writer wants to persuade the reader to join a dinner party of 20 th Alumni Meet
D. The writer wants to describe the events to the Alumna/Alumnus
22. How can the reader confirm his seat in this event?
A. The reader can confirm his seat by sending the money to Sarah
B. The reader can confirm his seat by replying the letter to Sarah
C. The reader can confirm his seat by replyin the letter to the Old’s School Association
D. The reader can confirm his seat by booking it
23. Based on the letter above, we can conclude that…
A. The 20th Alumni meet will be held at 9 o’clock in evening
B. The 20th Alumni meet will be held in The Palace Hotel Jakarta at 8 o’clock in evening
C. The dinner party will be held at 8 o’clock in evening
D. The reader must attend with his partner
24. “…. Along with their spouses will be our guests of honour.” The word ‘spouses’ is similar with
these word, EXCEPT….
A. Mate
B. Mandate
C. Consort
D. Wife
E. Mandate
25. “… Kindly assemble at 8 p.m. in the banquet hall for a dance and dinner party.” The word
‘assemble’ can be replaced with, EXCEPT….
A. Gather
B. Get together
C. Convence
D. Render

B. Answer the following questions based on the text below!

1. What kind of invitation is it?
2. When will the celebration be held?
3. Where will the celebration be held?
4. Where is the location of Gazibu Ave?
5. Who is Sonya Ekarina?
1. Who is the sender of the invitation above?
2. What occasion will be held?
3. Where should the invitee come to?
4. Who gets married according to the text?
5. When will the party be held?

C. Write an invitation letter by choosing the following situation:

1. Your company’s anniversary celebration
2. Wedding Anniversary
3. Wedding Party
4. School Anniversary
5. Your department annual meeting (office)

D. Write an invitation letter with your partner as well as the response, you can write an acceptance
to invitation letter or a decline to invitation letter
Answer Key

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. D

1. Wedding invitation.
2. Sunday, the fifth of June. Two thousand and sixteen.
3. “Gedung Wanita” Reception Hall Gazibu Ave.
4. North Jakarta, Jakarta.
5. Mr and Mrs, Arman Depari’s daughter.

1. Mr and Mrs Johny Waltz
2. The wedding of their daughter
3. They should come to hall room of Gardenia Hotel
4. Evelyn Waltz and James Collin
5. At 7 p.m.

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