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C. iBT (internet Based Test) TOEFL

O iBT-TOEFL adalah bentuk TOEFL Test terbaru yang
TOEFL (Test of English as o Foreign Zongoage) adalah dikeluarkan ETS .
lest bahasa Inggris yang diciptakan dan dikembangkan oleh
O diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2005, di Indonesia diberlakukan
sejak tahun 1963. sejah tahun 2006 sebagai standar International TOEFL
Test yang diakui di dunia.
•• APA KEGUNAAN TOEFL ? O IBT-TOEFL Test meng,gunakan internet, peserta test
Test ini digunakan untuk mengukur kecakapan langsung on-lizie dengan ETS dan menjawab soal-
9roficiencv) berbahasa Inggris seseorang dalam soal test juga secara on-fizre.
konteks abademis.

0 ñ4atcil test ynag diajikna adalab Rea‹(ing, Srsrming,


TOEFL Test yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS, ada 3 O sedangkan .Structure melebur dalam 4 (empat)
(tiga) jenis: kesatuan materi lest yang diujikan tersebut

1. PBT (Paper-Based Test) O Lama waktu test adalah 4 ]am. Score range iBT-
TOEFL adalah 0 - 120
2. CBT (Computer-Based Test)
3. IBT (Internet-Based Tesi)

A. PBT (Paper Bssed Test) TOEFL ••• ITP - TOEFL adalah jenis test yang dikeluarkan ETS
O PBT - TOEFL adalah bentuk TOEFL Test yang pertama • khusus untuk wilayah Asia, terutama Indonesia. ITP
kali dikeluarkan oleh ETS. • (Institutional Test Program) TOEFL score bersifat
O Sistem menggunakan lembaran-lembaran kePas soal dan • tiisfirufionol, artinya hanya untuk penggunaan instiiusi
lembar jawaban yang hams diisi dengan pensil 2B. • tertentu atau n'ilayeh loknl tertentu khususnja di
O Materi yang diujikan adalah I.isteying, Structure, dan
lezrding dengan score ra•ge IU— 677. ••• Bentuk test menggunakan PBT.( Paper Based Test)

TEST TOEFL Paper-Based Test

Apañah yang dimaksud dengan lyteryatioiiaI / Official
- TOEFL Teslf

i. Listening Comprehension = 5o soal = 3o menit

z. Structure & Written Expression = go soal = z5 menit *• inrernnrionof Z0 eiof TOEFL Test adalah jenis TOE£L
3. Reading Comprehension — ';o scia ';'; menit
• Test yang dikeluarkan langsung oleh ETS.
Total = go soal = no menit Reading
dan lFrrfin,g dengan score rnngc 0 — 300. O
Total Nilai TOEFL setelah dikonversi:
Lama waktu test adalah 2 - 2,5 jam.
zi6 - 6y

B. CBT (Computer Based Test) TOEFL

O CBT - TOEFL adalah hcntuk kedua, menggantikan PBT-

O Di beberapa negara Asia, khususnya Indonesia masih

diperkenankan untuk menggunakan PBT (ITP-TOEFL)
sebagai standar International TOEFL Test.
O Materi yang diujikan adalah l isienizig, structure,
Islilah Jnlernoiioiiiil / O2}'icial diperkenalkan oleh

• beberapa lembaga TOEFL Test, untuk

membedakan antara TOEFL Test yang langsung

dikeluarkan oleh ETS

• dan TOEFL Test yang dikeluarkan oleh lenibaga selain

• ETS.
Apabil‹i saya ingin ke Lear Negeri, rorri Test
bagaimana yartg haruc caya jalani? Berapy biaya

• Score TOEFL yang berlaku di dunia tentu

saja score iBT-TOEFL Test yang saat ini
berlaku di dunia. Biaya test iBT-TOEFL test
kini adalah $
‘Kalau saya suJali pernalt menjalani TOEFL Test, !•Ri
vang PBT, *p*!Oh bisc diterima ii luor negeri?

• Tergantung pada persyarutan yang diminta oleh institusi

tersebut dan test PBT yang anda ikuti. Apakah ITP-TOEFL
dengan sertifikat yang dikeluarkan oleh ETS‘? Kalau bukan
ETS, berarti tidak munglun diterima. Begitu pula jika
persyaratan yang diminta bukan ITP-TOEFL score
mclainkan iBT-TOEFL score, tentu saja ITP-TOEFL score
tidak berlaku.

Bernpa standnr TOEFL score minimnl rata-rata untuk

melonjutkan sluJi ke lunar Negeri?

Standar minimal TOEFL score yang dibcrlakukan di berbagai

institusi di luar negeri beragam. Standar TOEFL score minimal

bisa berbeda-beda pada tiap institusi. Tapi, secara umum

OE FI. scoi e minimal yang disyaratkan bcrkisar antara iRJ“ 50

— 92 atau jika di cquivalcntkan kc PBT bcrkisar antara .$.SO

Bagaimana hubungan shor)›ang diperoleh dengan

Iingfi:aI penguasann bahnsa Inggris seseorang7

• Tingkat Dasar (Ele rrzer zta z y) : 3* S.d. go

Tingkat Menengah Bawah

(Low Intermediate) : go s.d. 4**O

- Tingkat Menengah
Atas (High Intermediate) : 4 0 s.d. go

• Tingkat Mahir (Advanced) : $z$ s.d. 6

1. A sentence in English must have at least one The plane_landing at the airport in the
subject and one verb five minutes
a. it is
Ex : I teach Toefl every monday
b. it really is
2. Common Types of problems are c. is descending
a. Subject is missing d. will be
b. Verb is missing
c. S dan V are missing 1. My best friend always helpful with
problems I
Subject: Verbs :
1. Noun (kata 1. To be : 2. The bus schedule has changed since
benda) am,is,are,was,were,be, last week C
car, been,being
house,boy,student 2. Modals 3. Acidentally dropped the glass on the
2. Noun phrase will,would,can,could,s floor I
(frase kata benda) hall,should,may,might,
a small car, the must 4. The costumer paying the clerk for
big house 3. K.kerja (v1,v2,vs/es) the clothes I
3. Pronoun (kata play,played,plays
ganti) 4. Have/has+v3 5. The professor handed the syllabus to
i, you, they, we, she, she has gone the students C
he, it
6. each day practiced the plano for hours I
example 1
..... was ringing continously for hours 7. the basketball player tossed the ball
(a) loudly into the hoop C
(b) in teh morning
(c) the bells 8. the new student in the class very talktive
(d) the phone and friendly I
example 2 9. walking with children to school I
newspapers_every morning
and every night 10. the whales headed south for the
(a)delivery winter C
(b) are delivered
(c) on time
(d) regularly
Preposition : in, on, at, under, behind, in fornt of, Exercise :
below above, across frm and etc. C- the name of the baby in the crib is
*An object of a prepositionis a noun or pronound
that comes after a preposition such as in, at, of, to, I- By the next meeting of the class need
by, behind, & to. to form a preposition phrase.
to turn in the papers
The price of the books in the store is very cheap I-The drection to the exercise on the
page twentyunclear
The strip to the island on saturday will las for
three hours C-Because oft he heavy rain throughtout
the night, the walkways are muddy
To mike _ as a big surprise I-During the eek eat lunch in the school
a. really cafteria
b. the party to tidak bisa jadi subject
c. funny I-In the morning after the concert was
d. when tired
A preposition is followed by anoun pr pronoun that C-In the summer the trip to the mountain
is called an object of the preposition. If a word is an is pur favorite trip
object of a preposition, it is not the subject.
I-In a box on the top shelf on the cabinet
onthe hallway of the house

I-with her purse in her hand ran through

the door

C-At 1:00 in the morning the alarm clock

on the table beside the bed rang
Present participle : Verb+ing
e.g arriving, teaching, studying I_2. The clothes are lying on the floor should go
into the washing machine
It can function as
1. a part of the verb
2. an adjective

1. as a part of the verb

if present particile (verb+ing) is accompanied
by be (am is are), it is a part of the Verb

1. The train is arriving at station on time
part of verb
2. The students are speaking englih with
the teacher part of verb

2. an adjective
If present participle (verb+ing) is not
accompanied by be, it is an adjective
1. The train arriving at station is now a
hour late

2. the student speaking with the teacher

are from class 10

The film _ appearing at the local theater
is my favorite
a. now
b. is
c. it
d. was

C_1. The crying baby need for the picked

I_3. The waitress bringing the
streaming soup to the waiting diners.
no verb

C_4. Most of the striking workers

are walking the picket line

C_5. For the birthday, the child is

getting a talking boy

I_6. The setting sun creating a rainbow

of colours in the sky

I_7. th ship is salling to mexico is

leaving tonight

C_8. The letters needing immediate

answers are on the desk

I_9. the boring class just ending a few

minutes ago
C_The fast moving clouds are
bringing freezing rain to the are
Past Participle : Regullar verb & irregular
verb(verb 3) I_1. the food is served inthis restaurant is
e.g studied, tought,played delicious

It can function as C_2. The plane baked on the deserted

1. a part of the verb runaway
2. an adjective
C_. 3. The unexpected gust arrived just
1. A part of Verb at dinnertime
- past participle is a part of verb if it appears
with have or be I_4. The courses are listed in the
- Past participle is a part of verb if it is catalogue are required course
accompanied by have or be
Ex: C_5. The teacher found the lost exam
1. The mailman has left a letter in the
mailbox I_6. The small apartment very crowded
and disorganized
2. The classes were tought by professor
smith C_7. The photograph seveloped
yesterday showed sam and his friends
2. As an adjective
- past participle in an adjective if it doesn`t C_8. The locked drawer contained the
appears with have or be unworn jewels
past participle is an adjective if it not
accompanied by have or be I_9. The tree was blown over int he strm
Ex: was cut into logs
1. The letter left in the mailbox was for me
C_The students registered in this course
2. The classes tought by professor smith are listed on the sheet of paper

The bread _ baked this morning smalled
a. has
b. was
c. it
d. just

‹C›p^'•**'•'•• pouh I fi09r\

5. Techiuqufi of brendi control f‹ n'

3. Simplfsnils owe made froiii cause oszi a framr. (gj y

6. Robvn E. Lee rbc Coafcdoau army la G«a«raJ Gzmzi
io 1s6S a tbc Appomaliox Cmultxnuc.

7 Ter piiuiinry gland, the brim red b‹ i owe io ‹x›aaas

‹fi iis foundaue bebw

Coordinate connectors : and, but, or, so
- Many sentencs in english have more than I_5. The patient took the medicine,
one clause he did not feel much better
- clause is a group of words containing a
subject and a verb C_6. The bill must be paid
- two clauses in english sentences are immediately, or the electricity will
connected by a coordinateconnector turned off
(and, but, or, so)
- jangan lupa I_7. The furnace broke so the house
koma(,) ex: got quite cool
1. the sun was shining, and the sky was
blue I_8. The dress did not cost too much,
2. the sky was blue, but it was bery cold but the quality it seemed excellent

Example : C_9. The leaves kept falling of the

I forgot my coat, _ I got very cold trees, and the boys kept raking them
a. then up, but the yard was still covered
b. so
c. later I_10. the postman has already
d. as a result delivered the mall, so the letter is not
jangan diartikan, tp pilih yang going to arrive today, it probably will
coordinate conector jawabannya so, tp arrive tomorrow
kalo diartikan yang paling masuk akan
yaitu as a resuslt.

exercise :

C_ 1. The lawn need water every day, or

it will turn brown

I_2. The book was not long, but it difficult

to read

I_3. It was raining, so decided not to go


C_4. The material has been cut, and the

pieces have been sewn together
C_4. The wavtes were - e amazingly high
when the stor hit the coastal town

I_5. We need to get a new car whether

is on sale or not

I_6. Just as the bread came out of the oven,

while a wonderful aroma filled the kitchen

C_7. evryone has spent time unpacking

boxes since the family moved into the new
- He is tire because he has been I_ 8. the area is a desrt many
working hard for plants bloom there in the springtime
- Because he has been working hard, he
is tire (Conjuction di depan, maka harus C_9. The drivers on the freeway drove
ada koma) slowly and crefully while the rain was
falling heavily because they did not want to
He is tired=averb clause have an accident
he has been working=adverb clause
I_10. If you plan carefully before you take
ex: a trip, will have a much better time because
... arrived at the library, he started to work the small details will not cause problem.
a. the students
b. when
c. he
d. after the students

C_1. after the plane circled the airport,

it landed on the main runway

I_2. The registration process took many

hours since the lines so long

I_3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it

can also have some bad side effects

t (
1. As_t freed froiii friction launched into specc.
IBI it is
iC l after is
iuox-rug of those

in rrex'ices
1 b on

IC I Lotisters blending
‹D) Because lobsters blend
tAy bears kave
.i. a 1mll-and- kci joint the chums » a simple hinge

i IH because of bears

Wt We shoulder is # t/

6. at itic lsihn of Panama animals were able to

\C \ A larul bridge
(I3) 6’ith x lzuul lx-idge

7. mostly mmdc of granite. it men c‹xiiaius s ••

ct nognify
(Ay The Erupizc Stair Buildiag

(I3 Althnuglt ‹he I:ittpiro State f3u‹Iding is


I D I the collisim of it›c Canon Diablo

NCC is a clause that functions as a noun
NCC has two functions: C_1. It is unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet
1. As an object of verb (if it follos a
VERB) I_ 2. She told me when should pick her up
2. As an object of preposition (if it
follows a PREPOSITION) I_ 3. The instructors explained where was the
computer lab located
- 1. As anknow
object pf averb (if it follow C_4.We could not believe wht he did to us
I don’t
- why did she like facebook?
I_5. Do you want to know if it going to rain
I don’t know why she liked facebook tomorrow
AS OBJECT OF C_6. We never know whether we will get pid or
VERB not

- I’m wondering I_7. This evening you can decide what do you
- How long have you lived in Tangerang want to do

I am wondering how long you have I_8. The manager explained how wanted the
lived in Tangerang worked done

C_9. The map showed where the party would be

2. As an Object
I_10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered
- I’m thinking about today?
- Why did he say such things

I’m thingking about why he said such

Example :
The citizen worry about _ is doing
a. what the goverment
b. the goverment
c. wht
d. waht the goverment it
what that/how
when why
where whether/if
Skill 8
Noun clause connector/subject
C_ 1. the tecaher heard who answered
in skill 7 NCC is used to introduce npun clause the questions
NCC is not just a connector but also a subject of
the clause at the same time I_2. I don’t understand what it went
- I know what happened yesterday
Noun clause as object of C_3. of the three movies, I can’t
verb decide which is the best

- I know what happened yesterday I_4. She did not remember who in her
apa yang membedakannya dari skill 6? kita harus
I_5. No one is sure what did it happen in
tau artinya
front of the building
C_6. We found out which was her
The company was prepared for _ happened with
favorite type of candy
the economy
a. it
C_7. Do you know what caused the
b. the problem
plants to die
c. what
d. when
I_8. I’m not sure which it is the most
important course un the program
S V Noun clause V
C_9. we tought about who would be the.
best vice president
Al told me what. happened
I_10.She saw what in the box int he

do not merupakan kata kerja bantu, mkanya butuh verb

sure bukan verb

An adjective clause describes a noun.

Because the clause is an adjective, it is
positioned directly after the noun that it

This is the house that i want to buy

The house that I want to buy is quite



Th job...started yesterday was rather

a. when
b. was
c. after
d. that he
Skill 10
Adjective Clause Connector/Subjects

- In skill 9, A'CC can be used to

introduce clauses that describe nouns
- in skill 10, ACC is not just a connector,ACC
can also be SUBJECT of the clause at the
same time

We. are looking at house that is quite


The house that is quite expensive seems

like a great house

.....Just dropped off the package for you is my
a. the woman
c. because the woman
the woman
the woman 4
Exercise skill 9 & 10
Skill 11
Agreement AFter Prepositional Phrase

- question 16 through 40 in the structure and

2. If the subject of se-ntence is plural,
writtern expression section of the TOEFL
then the verb must be plural
- It measures your knowledge of the correct way
to express yourself in engslih writting
- each question in his section consists of one
sentence in which four words or group of The dog barks at night
words have been underlined. You must choose
the letter of the word or group of word that is 3. Prepotional sometimes cause
not correct confusionin TOEFL TEST. Hhy?
its preposition is between SUBJECT
Example and VERB
The result of the study are not accurate incorrect
The door (to the rorooms) are locked

Jaabnnya adalah D karna the result The door (to the rooms) is locked
tunggal makanya to benya jg harus

1. If the subject of sentence is singular, the the verb must be singular


The dog barks at night

Kata kerja jamak tidak pake s

C 1.the ub Sof the lectures) uite interesting.
ply 2. (for tha camping trip) eta be packed.

3. The chain undar the table in the dining room is uite comfonable.

4. The players on the winning team in the compet”ition very talented.
5. The food for the guests at the party n the long tables.

6. The cost of the clotha igher than I had expected.

7. The rugs in the front rooms of the house going to be washed today.

8. Tha servers in this restaurant always chair job afficiantly.

9. The lights in the corner of the room a be kept on all night.
egin 10. The meeting of the
membersof the council at 3:00 in the afternoon.
Skiil 12
Agreement After Expression of Quantity
Skill 13
Agreement After Certain Words

Everybody bentuknya selalu tungggal

Nobody juga bentuknya selalu tunggal

Exercise Skill 11-13

Salah satu kata yang digaris bawahi sudah pasti salah, sedangkan yang tidak digaris bawahi
sudah pasti benar
Skill 14
Parallel structure with coordinate conjuctions -

Misalnya ving, terus kalimat

berikutnya v ing terus tbtb v3 itu
pasti ada yang salah
noun and noun
adjective and
ply 1. The pastrics in that shop arc ve cx psi tt›

£' 2. You can find snmc chaxgc to huy 2 pair in the drau'cr, on toy of

3. The lix' ing room xx-as decorated with expensive paintings nd

S. All day long during the Iziy lo the mountains. ihcv w re

skiing. sliding. yIay<d in the snow.

“ éF-\ ”
” b. The car needs ” tires ut o\ a new «ngin .

he has

8. To gel to ibc uhicr. y'ou should tbrougb

and continuation dov’n the hall. “

9. Fnr d seen u’r could scne lemon pie. fruit taxs. chocolate cake. or
buitcr cookies. m ” \-* m

1 10. The sick child note some medicine. some juice, jijyJ to rest.
Skill 15
(Parallel Structure with Paired Conjuctions)
Exercise Strucuture Skill 14 & 15
Sill 16
Past participles After Have
Skill 17
Present Particples or Past Participles after Be
Skill 18
Base Form Verbs After Modals
Exercise 16-18 -
Skill 19
Singular and Plural Nouns
Skill 20
Countable and Uncountable Noun
Skill 22
Skill 23 (Pronoun Reference)
Skill 24 (Adjectives and Adverbs)
SKILL 24 25

1. Sounds uigectr than 10 decibels aro i b for the human ear to hear

moderately cllijxiicalorb

4. An 18-wati Ouorescenl bulb seems as bri as a 75-watt incandescent bulb.

3. TM tclcphorx” works by ring the x'o c s sound wavy inlo clcctn slgnals.
& t*

' 6. In ihr nurlhem tJniteri Siaics. no I•uropean yes of smnll »niie birch err extensive planted

W 7. Fifty million ice contistie io smoke despite atnuulaai cede trim smoking is
A B -
ex iv uIQnh bnhi at Jq.


9. “M›e Erie C”aaaJ u so c ai providing cbcao uaospmntion iMi ii wss erea th'

ealaigod betawn 1835 aod I BO2.

. The Infra-Red Asimnomy Satellite (IRAS1. ini cbed in 1983. contained a soeciafted
A B C.
reflecting temoge \tia\ detected infrared rays.
Bank Soal TOEFL Structure #4

3 almost 274 square miles

but under water.

(A) Although Biscayne National Park encompasses

iscayne National Park encompasses
(C) Blscayne National Park encompassing
(D)Bisccyne National Perk

1. The sound high or
depending on the number of low
vibmtions. (A)it was passed

(D) passes
,{@} coming

(A)they used the home is named

(B)used (B)so the home is named
the use of (C) naming the home
(D) when they (D)the home's name

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