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RECOUNT: Diary - History - Biography - Spoof – News Item

Purpose: Retell events or experiences in the past


27th January 2020

Text Structure
ORIENTATION Ketika saya masih kelas 1 SD, saya punya pengalaman mengerikan. Waktu
(introduce topic= itu saya lewat depan rumah tak berpenghuni karena ibu meminta saya
what, time= when, membelikan minyak tanah dan minyak goreng untuk menggoreng pisang.
place= where,
Kebetulan minyak tanah dan minyak gorengnya habis dan kami kedatangan
participant = who)
tamu ayah yang datang dari Paris.

EVENTS/ 1. Saya terpaksa melewati rumah tak berpenghuni tersebut karena

(Chronological jalan tersebut lebih dekat dengan warung yang masih buka. Saat
order) lewat saya melihat sesosok makhluk yang berpakaian putih dan
berambut panjang yang terbang dengan kaki tak menjejak tanah.

2. Ketika melihat sosok tersebut, merindinglah bulu jaketku. Ingin

rasanya aku berlari sekencang mungkin namun kakiku seperti diikat
tak bergerak dan kaku. Semakin aku mencoba berlari semakin kaku
3. Kemudian, aku melihat celana ku pun basah tercium bau pesing.
Tapi aku tak peduli karena sosok tersebut makin mendekat dan mau
menghampiriku dan itu lebih kutakuti daripada bau pesing dari
4. Setelah itu, entah kenapa sosok tersebut hilang begitu saja, …..
Temporal conjunction in events: [Kata Penghubung Waktu dalam Events]

Diary = next, after that, then, before, suddenly, finally

History = 27 Oct 1945 > 30 Oct 1945 > 10 Nov 1945

Biography: date of birth (she was born on 23rd April 1980), childhood (when she was child, SD
( She studied in SDN 09878, SMP, SMA, university, marriage period, until die

Ketika saya masih kelas 1 SD, saya punya pengalaman mengerikan. Waktu itu saya lewat depan
rumah tak berpenghuni karena ibu meminta saya membelikan minyak tanah dan minyak
goreng untuk menggoreng pisang. Kebetulan minyak tanah dan minyak gorengnya habis dan
kami kedatangan tamu ayah yang datang dari Paris.

When I was still in grade 1 of elementary school, I had a scary experience. At that time, I passed
in front of an uninhibited house because my mother asked me to buy gasoline and palm oil to
fry banana. It happened that the gasoline and the palm oil ran out and we had a guess of my
father from Paris.

Don’t follow mix = Jangan ikut campur

= Don’t interfere

Your children fruit stupid not play = Anak buahmu bodohnya bukan main

= Your employee/ staff is so stupid

Saya terpaksa melewati rumah tersebut karena jalan tersebut lebih dekat dengan warung yang
masih buka. Ketika lewat saya melihat sesosok makhluk yang berpakaian putih dan berambut
panjang yang terbang dengan kaki tak menjejak tanah.

I had to pass the house because the way was nearer with the shop which still opened. When I
passed, I saw an astral creature wearing white clothes and having long hair, flying without
stepping on the ground.


Reformation of Indonesia
For more than 30 years, Indonesia was governed by Suharto as the president after the era of
President Soekarno. As the people started to feel injustice, several cracks emerged that shake
politic condition. Political tensions in the capital city increased by the numerous riots occurred
in several cities and violent ethnic clashes.

The government became unstable and struggled as monetary crisis hit Asia in the second half of
1997. Indonesia was one of the suffered most. Prices rose massively and many businesses went
bankrupts. As the economy fall down, people got angry and protests occurred everywhere. The
protests became bigger and riots started in many parts of Indonesia.

During the monetary crisis, Suharto could maintain his position as president when he was re-
elected on March 1998. However, Suharto did not do anything that could help the economy. As
the government seemed helpless in bringing the economy back, people demanded President
Suharto to step down.

Demonstrations were held everywhere and it became the peak with Trisakti incident on 12 May
1998. Four students were shot out to death when demonstrating at Trisakti University at
Jakarta and 9 students were killed at Semanggi. The incident leaded huge riots in Jakarta and
various cities all over Indonesia.

Finally, Suharto was pushed to step down and reformation era begun in Indonesia.

Analysis on the Generic Structure

All recount texts should be arranged based on three elements. They are:
1. Orientation: The people started to feel injustice, several cracks emerged that shake politic
2. Series of events:

 The government became unstable and struggled as monetary crisis

 The government seemed helpless in bringing the economy back
 Demonstrations were held everywhere and it became the peak with Trisakti incident

3. Reorientation:  The president was pushed to step down and reformation era begun in

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