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Jl.Hos Cokroaminoto No.100 Telp. 085103653081 Blandongan
Kecamatan Bugul Kidul Kota Pasuruan

Bidang Studi : PRAKARYA Hari/Tanggal : Senin / 6 Juni 2022

Kelas : VII (TUJUH) Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

I. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar!

1. Berikut yang termasuk bahan dari limbah lunak anorganik adalah ....
a. besi, rotan, dan tanah liat c. plastik kemasan dan kain perca
b. tanah liat, bubur kertas, dan lilin d. kayu dan gerabah

2. Limbah lunak organik disebut juga dengan limbah basah karena ....
a. kandungan oksigennya tinggi c. memiliki kandungan kimia yang tidak berbahaya
b. kandungan air tinggi dan mudah busuk d. kandungan airnya tinggi

3. Kemasan untuk benda kerajinan yang paling banyak digunakan adalah dari bahan ...
a. plastik b. kayu c. kertas d. kain

4. Limbah organik kulit jagung dapat dibuat menjadi karya kerajinan dengan teknik ...
a. dilem b. jahit c. lipat d. sulam

5. Sebuah sarana dengan struktur tertentu yang dibangun untuk menghubungkan dua atau lebih sungai, jurang,
teluk, lembah, dan jalan sehingga dapat melintas dengan lancar dan aman adalah .....
a. jembatan b. rumah c. teluk d. flyover

6. Berikut yang merupakan bagian bawah dari jembatan adalah ....

a. trotoar b. pangkal jembatan c. balok diafragma d. balok gelagar

7. Jambu biji selain sebagai obat demam berdarah, dapat juga dimanfaatkan sebagai obat ....
a. kolestrol b. sariawan dan panas dalam c. batuk d. hipertensi dan hepatitis

8. Jenis tanaman yang bunganya dapat digunakan seabagai obat adalah ....
a. rosela b.bangle c. sambiloto d. pule pandak

9. Rimpang yang siap panen berumur ....

a. 7 – 10 bulan b. 8 – 12 bulan c. 10 – 12 bulan d. 8 – 10 bulan

10. Tumbuhan berikut yang berguna untuk menyembuhkan penyakit insomnia adalah .....
a. pepaya b. pare c. kangkung d. kelor

11. Tanaman obat yang cocok untuk menyembuhkan mimisan adalah .....
a. rosela b. jambu biji c. kangkung d. sirih

12. Sayuran yang dihasilkan dari proses penyerbukan dan pertumbuhan pada tumbuhan adalah ....
a. jamur tiram b. bawang bombai c. terung d. brokoli

13. Berikut yang merupakan contoh sayuran bunga adalah ....

a. brokoli, kembang kol, dan kecombrang c. kapri, seledri, dan salam
b. turi, kubis, dan kapri d. brokoli, kubis dan kapri

14. Sayuran berikut yang memiliki kandungan klorofil tinggi adalah ....
a. bayam b. tomat c. paprika ungu d. wortel

15. Sayuran berikut yang berwarna kuning/oranye adalah ....

a. kubis merah, bit dan tomat c. ubi jalar, wortel dan biji mlinjo
b. cabe, labu dan paprika d. labu kuning, bit, dan bayam
16. Tanaman sayuran yang diambil manfaatnya pada bagian daunnya adalah ....
a. wortel b. brokoli c. singkong d. kubis

17. Berikut termasuk sayuran buah adalah ....

a. buncis, wortel, lobak dan ketela c. sawi, kubis, dan daun mlinjo
b. cabai, paprika, timun, dan pare d. rebung, lobak, brokoli, dan oyong

18. Diantara sayuran di bawah ini, yang mengandung antosianin adalah ....
a. wortel b. bayam c. jamur d. terung

19. Teknik memasak bahan makanan dengan mendidihkan bahan cair kemudian api dikecilkan di bawah titik didih
disebut ....
a. grilling b. baking c. simmering d. sauteing

20. Alat yang digunakan untuk penyajian dalam membuat minuman kesehatan adalah ....
a. gelas kaca b. gelas plastik c. ember d. baskom

21.Bagian talas yang dapat menimbulkan rasa gatal ....

a. buah b. akar c. daun d. batang

22. Hasil samping dari talas adalah .....

a. daun, batang, dan buah c. bunga, batang, dan akar talas
b. daun, batang dan akar talas d. bunga, batang, dan buah

23. Kulit bawang merupakan hasil samping dari sayuran ....

a. umbi jalar b. umbi lapis c. daun brokoli d. umbi kentang

24. Teknik dasar pengolahan pangan dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu teknik pengolahan makanan ....
a. panas basah dan kering c. dingin dan basah kering
b. dingin basah dan panas kering d. basah kering dan panas kering

25. Rebung, asparagus, dan kailan adalah contoh sayuran yang diambil manfaatnya pada bagian ....
a. daun b. akar c. batang d. umbi

26. Hasil samping dari bahan pangan untuk obat asam urat adalah ....
a. daun mlinjo b. biji mlinjo c. bunga mlinjo d. kulit mlinjo

27. Teknik pengolahan bahan makanan di dalam oven dengan panas dari segala arah tanpa menggunakan minyak
atau air disebut ....
a. shallow frying b. grilling c. baking d. sauteing

28. Bagian kulit ketang yang berguna untuk mencegah mutasi sel - sel yang mengarah pada kanker, karena
memiliki kandungan ....
a. flanovoid b. quercetin c. asam klorogenik d. minyak zaitun

29. Mengukus atau steaming adalah teknik memasak bahan makanan dengan menggunakan ....
a. air yang sudah mendidih c. uap air mendidih
b. sedikit cairan d. saus yang dididihkan dahulu

30. Adanya antosianin dalam tumbuhan sangat sensitif terhadap perubahan Ph. Bila dalam keadaan asam akan
menghasilkan pigmen berwarna ....
a. hijau b. kuning c. merah d. ungu

II. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!

1. Mengapa produk kerajinan yang akan dijual perlu diberi kemasan?

2. Apa tujuan melakukan penyelesaian akhir (finishing) dalam pembuatan miniatur jembatan ?
3. Bagaimanakah persiapan lahan dan cara pengolahan lahan budi daya jahe?
4. Apakah sayuran brokoli yang biasa dikonsumsi? Jelaskan kandungan dan khasiat hasil samping sayuran
5. Jelaskan hasil samping tanaman talas beserta kandungan nutrisi dan manfaatnya!
Jl.Hos Cokroaminoto No.100 Telp. 085103653081 Blandongan
Kecmatan Bugul Kidul Kota Pasuruan

Bidang Studi : PRAKARYA Hari/Tanggal : Senin / 6 Juni 2022

Kelas : VIII (DELAPAN) Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

I. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling benar!

1. Perhatikan data berikut!

1) Pecahan keramik
2) Pecahan kaca
3) Baja
4) Kulit sapi
5) Tempurung kelapa
6) Tulang belulang sapi
Berdasarkan data di atas, yang merupakan limbah keras organik adalah ....
a. 1,2 dan 6 b. 1,2 dan 3 c. 2,3 dan 4 d. 4,5 dan 6

2. Proses pengeringan bahan limbah bertujuan agar ....

a. kadar air dapat hialang dan bahan limbah dapat diolah dengan sempurna
b. bersih dari sisa - sisa bahan yang dimanfaatkan sebelumnya
c. terlihat lebih menarik
d.bahan limbah mudah diproses menjadi karya kerajinan tangan

3. Pemanfaatan batok kelapa dapat digunakan secara luas, khususnya untuk membuat perabotan rumah tangga
dan aksesori, hal tersebut disebabkan karena ....
a. sifat batok lunak b. sifat atok keras c. mudah terjangkau d. elastis

4. Proses akhir pemanfaatan limbah organik disebut ....

a. manufakturing b. finishing c. running d. starting

5. Di bawah ini benda kerajinan yang dihasilkan dari limbah cangkang kerang adalah ....
a.gelas b. tikar c. bingkai d. anyaman

6. Limbah keras yang berasal dari daerah pesisir adalah ....

a. cangkang kerang, sisik ikan, tempurung kelapa, dan tulang ikan
b. limbah kayu pinus, kayu albasia, dan kayu kamper
c. tulang ternak sapi, kerbau, dan kambing
d. pecahan kaca, pecahan keramik, dan potongan logam

7. Bersih tidaknya air hasil saringan air tergantung pada .....

a. mahal tidaknya harga kain c. batu yang digunakan
b. tingkat penyaringan d. jenis kapas

8. Pasir kasar dalam proses penjernihan berfungsi untuk .....

a. mengedapkan kotoran c. menyerap kotoran dan bahan kimia
b. menyaring partikel yang lebih kecil d. menyaring bahan bahan yang lolos dari bagian atas

9. Tahap atau proses pemisahan padatan yang terlarut di dalam air disebut pula proses ....
a. absorpsi b. filtrasi c. adsorpsi d. eliminasi

10. Kain kasa atau kapas pada proses penyaringan digunakan untuk ....
a. menghambat kotoran yang dapat lewat melalui saringan biasa c. meloloskan kotoran
b. menaikkan angka BOD d. sebagai serat optik aktif
11. Tahap keempat dalam penjernihan air adalah adsorpsi, yaitu proses penangkapan ion - ion yang terdapat di
dalam air. Zat penangkapan ion disebut sebagai adsorben. Adsorben yang biasa digunakan dalam proses
adsorpsi adalah ....
a. garam dapur dan gamping c. zeolit dan kaporit
b. batu bata dan batu bara d. zeolit dan resin

12. Arang yang baik untuk bahan menjernihkan air berasal dari .....
a. kayu jati b. kayu mahoni c. tempurung kelapa d. sabut kelapa

13. Teknik yang dapat dilakukan dengan mengelem, mengelas, menyekrup, mengikat, dan lainnya disebut
teknik ....
a. menyambung b. memotong c. melubangi d. menggambar

14. Bahan makanan lebah yang kaya akan protein adalah .....
a. nektar b.madu c. sari bunga d. pollen

15. Tempat hidup dan beraktivitas di dalam kandang ternak lebah disebut ....
a. kotak kandang b. tala c. setup d. frame

16. Selain madu, lebah juga menghasilkan ....

a. sengat b. lilin c. racun d. nektar

17. Telur dari semut rangrang dikenal dengan istilah ....

a. kroto b. polen c. kepompong d. pupa

18. Kunci utama dalam budi daya satwa harapan adalah .....
a. pemberantasan hama dan penyakit c. perawatan yang maksimal
b. pemilihan bibt yang baik d. proses pemanenan

19. Kotoran cacing tanah dapat membuat tanah menjadi subur karena kotoran cacing tanah banyak
mengandung ....
a. nitrogen b. oksigen c. hidrogen d. karbon dioksida

20. Jenis lebah madu yang berasal dari Asia adalah .....
a. Apis mellifera b. Apis adonsoniii c. Apis unicolor d. Apis dorsata

21. Jangkrik beraktivitas dimalam hari, seperti makan dan mengerik. Oleh karena itu, lingkungan budi daya jangkrik
sebaiknya .....
a. dibuat gelap c. diletakkan dibawah pohon
b. terhindar dari sinar matahari d. di tempat lembap

22. Di Indonesia, masyarakat hanya menjadikan gandum sebagai bahan pembuatan ....
a. minyak dan susu b. roti dan mi c. keju dan tempe d. kopi dan roti

23. Rengginang adalah salah satu contoh olahan pangan setengah jadi yang dibuat dari bahan ....
a. beras ketan b. singkong c. jagung d. gandum

24. Jenis jamur yang digunakan dalam fermentasi pembuatan oncom merah adalah ...
a. Rhizopus sp. b. Aspergillus oryzae c. Aspergillus niger d. Neurospora sitophila

25. Berikut merupakan bahan makanan yang tergolong serealia, kecuali ....
a. padi b. gandum c. pepaya d. ketela pohon

26. Untuk mendapatkan tepung yang putih dan bersih maka dilakukan proses yang disebut ....
a. bleaching b. pengeringan c. penggilingan d. pengayakan

27. Tujuan pemerasan ampas tahu dalam proses pembuatan kerupukampas tahu adalah ....
a. agar adonan kalis c. agar kerupuk renyah
b. untuk mengurangi airnya d. agar kerupuk rasanya enak

28. Berikut yang termasuk hasil samping dari tanaman serelia adalah .....
a. daun, kulit, dan umbi c. pakan ternak dan bio arang
b. batang, daun dan akar d. tongkol jagung dan kulit

29. Berikut bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat kue tradisional meniran, kecuali .....
a. menir b. kelapa parut c. santan kental d. tepung tapioka

30. Bahan yang digunakan untuk pembuatan brem adalah .....

a. sari tepung terigu b. sari tepung tapioka c. maizena d. sari tepung ketan

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!

1. Sebutkan proses pengolahan sederhana bahan limbah keras!

2. Sebutkan tujuan proses penjernihan air!
3. Apakah tujuan daripengemasan produk olahan pangan?
4. Ulat sutra dikatakan sebagai hewan polivoltin. Apa maksudnya?
5. Bagaimanakah pengemasan bahan pangan setengah jadi dari serelia, kacang - kacangan, dan umbi?
Jl.Hos Cokroaminoto No.100 Telp. 085103653081 Blandongan
Kecmatan Bugul Kidul Kota Pasuruan

Bidang Studi : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at / 3 Juni 2022

Kelas : VII (TUJUH) Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

I. Choose the best answer!

Look at the text below, this is for questions number 1 to 5.
I have a cat. His name is Eren. He has grey fur and long tail. He is so cute and playful. He drinks milk and eats cat
food. He always sleeps on my bed and plays in the living room. He also plays in the garden sometimes to catch
butterfly or insect. I love my cat.

1. What does the writer have?

a. a cat b. a horse c. a dog d. a butterfly

2. What does Eren look like?

a. He has brown fur and long tail c. He has grey fur and long tail
b. He has brown fur and short tail d. He has grey fur and short tail

3. What is Eren like?

a. He is ugly but playful c. He is cute but noisy
b. He is cute and playful d. He is ugly and noisy

4. Where does Eren usually sleep?

a. In the garden b. In the living room c. On sofa d. On bed

5. Does the writer love Eren?

a. Yes he does b. No he doesn’t c. Yes he is d. No he isn’t

6. A: What is your father’s job?

B: He is a doctor
A: What does he usually do?
B: ….
a. He goes to garden and plants the vegetables c. He goes to hospital and helps the patients
b. He goes to school and teaches the students d. He goes to bus station and drives the bus

7. A: I have a brother
B: Really, what does he usually do?
A: My brother is a teacher. Every day except Sunday …
a. He goes to garden and plants the vegetables c. He goes to hospital and helps the patients
b.He goes to school and teaches the students d. He goes to bus station and drives the bus

8. My mother always …. in the kitchen

a. Cook b. Cooked c. Cooking d. Cooks

9. My mother and I usually …. Korean drama in the living room.

a. Watched b. Watching c. Watches d. Watch

10. Fill the gaps below!

The butterfly …. beautiful and it …. in the garden.
a. are and flies b. is and flies c. am and flying d. is and fly

The text below for questions number 11 to 15

We are proud of our school. We have smart and kind teachers. We have many classes and a library. The library
has many books and computers. We always look for information and study there. Our school has 9 classrooms,
they are big, tidy and clean.
Our school has a canteen. There is not many food that we can buy, so we have to go outside to buy food and drink
that we want. But it is not big deal, we love our school.

11. The teachers are … and …

a. Beautiful and handsome c. Diligent and clever
b. Smart and kind d. Friendly and humble

12. Where do we study and look for the information?

a. Office b. Classroom c. Canteen d. Library

13. How many classrooms are at the school?

a. Nine b. Eight c. Seven d. Six

14. Why do they go outside to buy food and drink?

a. Because the canteen is small
b. Because in the canteen they can not buy food and drink that they want
c. Because the food is not delicious
d. Because they are lazy to go to the canteen

15. Do they love their school?

a. Yes they are b. No they are not c. Yes they do d. No they don’t

16. Doni :Do you know what animal that walks very slow?
Dono :Yes.It is a… c.turtle d. rabbit

17. Rina : What do you know about cobra?

Tina : Cobra is the king of snake. It is harmful animal because it…
a. bites c.walk down the floor very fast

The text for number 18 - 24!

           My name is Dewi. I live in a small house. It has five rooms. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a
kitchen. Indeed, it is a small house, but I like living in here for wasting my spare time. When the door is open, I can
see the living room. It is so small with only three chairs and a table. I prefer reading a novel in this room.
         My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room, there is a night table lamp next to the bed, a
television, a radio and a computer. When being bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my friends
via facebook.
 Next to my bedroom is my mother's room. In the right side of the living room is a kitchen. In the kitchen, I have
everything I need when I get hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks. The smell fills my whole house.
I love my house very much.

18 .What does the text talk about?

A. Dewi's house B. Dewi's room C. Dewi's bedroom D. Dewi's living room

19. Where is her bedroom?

A. It's in the right side of the kitchen C. It's in the left side of the kitchen
B. It's in the right side of living room D. It's in the left side of living room

20. Where does she read a novel?

She reads a novel in the ....
A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom D. living room

21. How many rooms are there in the house?

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

22. What does she do when she feels bored?

A. She plays with her friends C. She helps her mother
B. She cooks in the kitchen D. She plays online games
23. What do they say about the animals?
A. Sita says that giraffes have curly eyelashes C. Andri says that each zebra has the same pattern
B. Sita says that giraffes have black and white stripes D. Dini says that zebras have curly eyelashes
24. “Their eyelashes are adorable.”  What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Ugly B. Awful C. Beautiful D. Bad

The text is for no 25!

Hello ! My name is a Andri and this is my house. My house is a quite big. It has got two floors; a ground
floor and a first floor. It has also got an attic and a basement. On the ground floor there is the hall, the kitchen, a
pantry, the living room, a big dining room and a toilet. On the first floor there are three bedrooms, one bathroom
and a big corridor. My bedroom is between my parents’ bedroom and the bathroom. My sister’s bedroom is in
front of mine. 
I love my bedroom, but I also like the attic. In the attic I keep some of my books and my old toys. I like to
spend my time there because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where I sometimes take a nap. 
In the basement is where we keep the washing machine, the drying machine and old stuff. At the back of the
house there is also the garage, where my parents park the family car, and a lovely garden, with many green
spaces, flowers. Two swings and a small swimming pool. I love my house. It’s very comfortable and cozy. 

25. How many floors are there?

A. There are two floors C. There are two ground floors
B. There is one floor D. There are three floors

26. Where is the living room?

A. On the first floor C. On the ground floor
B. On the basement D. On the second floor
27. Why does he like to be in the attic?
A. Because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where he sometimes take a nap.
B. Because there are two swings and he sometimes play there.
C. Because there is a lovely garden
D. because it is very spacious and his parents keep washing machine there. 

28. “It is very comfortable and cozy.” (last paragraph)

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Feeling interested in something. C. Making somebody feel sad.
B. Making somebody feel relaxed. D. Not knowing what to do. 

The text is for number 29-30!

Sita : Look at the girrafes. They have curly eyelashes.
Dini : Yes, they do. Their eyelashes are adorable.
Sita : And look at the zebras. They have black and white stripes on their bodies.
Andin : Guys, do you know that each zebra hasdifferent pattern?
Sita : They do? That’s very interesting!

29. What do they say about the animals?

A. Sita says that giraffes have curly eyelashes
B. Andri says that each zebra has the same pattern
C. Sita says that giraffes have black and white stripes
D. Dini says that zebras have curly eyelashes
30. “Their eyelashes are adorable.”  What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Ugly B. Awful C. Beautiful D. Bad

Read the text below and answer the questions !

My name is Dini. I use the web only on weekends. I visit a lot of websites. My favorites websites are game
websites and science websites. I’d like to know about all the latest inventions. I like science very much.
Someday, I want to be a scientist. 
31. What kind of websites does she like?
32. When does she visit the websites ?
33. Why does she visit the science website ?
What is the object?  
34. It is a carnivore animal. It has four feet. It can live in the water and in the land. It is .....
35. It is an artificial body of water. It has wide and deep structure. It is filled with water. It is ....


Jl.Hos Cokroaminoto No.100 Telp. 085103653081 Blandongan
Kecmatan Bugul Kidul Kota Pasuruan

Bidang Studi : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at / 3 Juni 2022

Kelas : VIII (DELAPAN) Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

I. Choose the best answer!

The text is for no. 1 – 5!

Last holiday I went to Paris. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of
French. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about
postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big
decision, I got up early and bought thirty seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single

1. What is the text about?

a. Visiting museum b. Postcard c. Words of French d. Holiday

2. What is the generic structure (tenses) of the text above?

a. Simple present tense b. Simple past tense c. Present continues tense d. Simple future tense

3. Whom did the writer meet in Paris?

a. Friendly waiter b. His friends c. Postman d. Mother

4. What was the first place the writer visited?

a. Museum b. Public garden c. His room d. Post office

5. ‘I read a few lines, ...’

What does the underlined phrase mean?
a. Words in a postcard b. Text on the book c. Museum guiding d. Garden’s rules

Read the text then find the suitable words to complete the sentences as an answer of question
number 6 to 10.

Last week I .......(6) my grandmother’s house. I took public transportation to reach the house. On the trip, I .......(7)
so many beautiful scenery there. My grandmother greet me, when I ......(8) her house. She looked so glad. She .....
(9) me her delicious food, then we...........(10) together.

6.The suitable word for number 6 is...

a. go to b. goes to c. went to d. gone to

7. The suitable word for number 7 is...

a. See b. Seen c. Saw d. Sawed

8. The suitable word for number 8 is...

a. Came b. Come c. Comed d. was coming

9. The suitable word for number 9 is...

a. Give b. Gift c. Given d. Gave

10. The suitable word for number 10 is...

a. Eat b. Eated c. Ate d. Eating
11. She .... some food when I saw her
a. Is b. Are eating c. Were eating d. Was eating

12. They .... to the school together yesterday.

a. Are b. Went c. Go d. Were

Read the text to answer question number 13 to 16.

When I was in elementary school, I really loved football. Every Saturday afternoon I
practiced in school field with my team and my coach. They were strong and smart players.
The coach was couching very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late and not
obey the team rules.

13. When did the writer really love football?

a. When he was in elementary school c. Every Saturday afternoon
b. When he came late and not obey the team rules d. When he was in junior high school

14. Where the writer used to play football

a. In stadium b. In the sport hall c. In his own field d. In a school field

15. How was the couch coaching him?

a. Strong b. Smart c. Discipline d. Lazy

16. The coach grounded players because they.....

a. Smart b. Come late c. Cool d. Play footbal

The text is for no. 17 – 20!

It’s nice Sunday morning. Hasan’s family are doing separate activities. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan are on their bicycles.
They are going to the market groceries. Rama the oldest son. is playing guitar in the backyard. The twin daughters.
Ami and Irma are reading a book together in the backyard at the same place the youngest daughter Mona. Is
drinking a glass of milk.

17. What is Mr. and Mrs. hasan doing?

a. They are on their bike c. They are going to the market
b. They are doing anything d. They are keeping their child’s

18. What is the twin doing?

a. they are going to the market c. they are playing guitar
b. they are reading a book together d. they are drinking a glass of milk

19. Who is playing a guitar?

a. Hasan’s family b. Mona’s Brother c. Mona’s Sister d. Mona’s parent

20. They are going to the market. The underlined word is refers to . . . .
a. Rama and Mora b. Ami and Ima c. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan d. Hasan’s family

21. The girls . .  .about the new library in the school

a. Talks b. talking c. is talking d. are talking

22. Indah : Who . . .  beside Mr. Steward?

Rino : Mr. Rudi, in the new teacher.
a. is sitting b. sitting is c. are sitting d. sitting are

23. Ten years ago, I . . .only a baby

a. Is b. am c. was d. were

24. Dodi and I . . . in the garden

a. Is b. am c. was d. were

Text for no 25 – 26!



25. What should we do after reading the notice ?
a. Keep the toilet clean c. The toilet is being repaired
b. Use another toilet d. Don’t use the toilet

27. Where do you probably find the notice ?

a. In the classroom b. In the park c. In the rest room d. In the office room

28. Shinta : What do you think about this stitching class?

Amanda : I don’t really like it. I think cooking is ______ (easy) than stitching.
Shinta : I agree with you.
a. the easiest b. more easy c. the most easy d. easier

29. Lola : Do you think I am pretty?

Sam : Yes, but Jennifer is ______ than you.
Lola : Ok, fine.
a. the prettiest b. more pretty c. prettier d. the most pretty

30. My mother is 50 years old. My aunt is 45 years old. My grandmother is 70 years old.
Which statement is true?
a. My mother is older than my grandmother. c. My grandmother is younger than my aunt.
b. My aunt is older than my mother. d.My grandmother is older than my aunt.

Read the text and answer the questions!

My vacation in Lembah Hijau

Last Sunday, my family and I went to Lembah Hijau. We went there by my uncle’s car. We left home at 08.00 am.
We arrived there at 10.00 am. I saw many people. My family and I walked to see the animals. We saw some
camels, birds, and horse. We also looked many others animals like monkeys, rabbits, gibbon and so on. I went to
the swimming pool. I saw many people swam. Most of them are children and teenagers. They were so happy. I
joined with them. My family sat beside the swimming pool. They said “Hanif, have nice swimming with your new
At 04.00 pm we went home. We were very excited.
1.What does the story tell us about?

2.Did the writer go to Lembah Hijau by motorcycle?

3.What are the animals in Lembah Hijau?

4.What did the writer do in the swimming pool?

5…I joined with them. The word “them” refers to?

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