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Name : Nur Sukma Almira Yasmin

Class :E
NIM : 2014026099
Translation : Short Story

Bakantan dan Burung Kangkaput

Di daerah Berau, bekantan sering disebut kera Belanda. Disebut demikian

karena monyet bekantan itu warnanya kuning kemerahan seperti kulit bangsa-
bangsa Barat, hidungnya pun mancung seperti orang Eropa karena pada umumnya
masyarakat Berau sangat kenal terhadap orang Belanda, bekantan disebut kera
Belanda. Bekantan hid up berkelompok di hutan-hutan muda dan di tepi-tepi

Bekantan tersebut jinak. Jika bertemu dengan manusia, binatang-binatang

tersebut tidak lari. Malah banyak yang berani mendekat. Jika ada perahu yang
lewat, bekantanbekantan tersebut sengaja melompat-lompat dan menggoyang
dahan-dahan pohon. Seolah hewan-hewan tersebut ingin bersahabat. Jenis
binatang liar satu ini akrab dengan manusia.

Dongeng mengenai bekantan sampai sekarang di daerah Berau termasuk

cerita rakyat yang populer di masyarakat. Dongeng yang satu ini cukup menarik
sehingga tetap hidup di hati rakyat.

Pada masa itu, man usia hidup dalam keadaan suci dan lugu. Mereka hidup
aman dan damai penuh semangat kekeluargaan dan gotong-royong. Kehidupan
diwarnai oleh semangat kebersamaan yang tinggi. Mereka masih kuat memercayai
adanya hukum karma, hukum dewata, dan hukum adat. Keyakinan agama dan
ibadah masih dipegang dengan kuat dan dilaksanakan dengan penuh rasa
tanggung jawab.

Konon, semua makhluk hidup dipercaya dapat berbicara. Manusia sering

berhubungan dengan hewan demikian pula sebaliknya. Kehidupan makhluk pada
masa itu penuh dengan rasa kasih sayang. Hukum dewata sangat dipatuhi dan
ditakuti. Orang-orang yang tidak mematuhi hukum sering mendapat kutukan.
Azab sengsara dianggap sebagai hukuman dewata atas kelalaian dan kesalahan

Dahulu hidup sepasang suami istri dalam keadaan sejahtera. Walaupun

hanya sebagai seorang petani, mereka hidup lebih 436 Cerita Rakyat Paser dan
Berau dari berkecukupan. Setiap tahun perolehan panen ladang mereka selalu
berlebihan. Rezeki yang melimpah temyata lama-kelamaan membuat kedua suami
istri itu lupa diri, lupa bahwa rezeki yang diperolehnya itu adalah karunia dewata
yang patut disyukuri.

Pada suatu tahun, hasilladangnya luar biasa. Keluarbiasaan itu berupa

suatu kejadian aneh. Padi yang sudah diketam berbuah lagi dan seketika itu juga
buah tersebut masak. Kedua petani itu kembali mengulangi menuai padi yang
menguning. Namun, setelah ditunai muncullagi buah yang baru. Demikian halnya
berbulan-bulan menuai tidak pemah selesai. Selalu saja muncul buah baru yang
siap ditunai. Karena sudah kewalahan dan hasil sudah melimpah ruah, ahkimya
suami istri itu malah merasa kesal.

Mereka mulai meneliti hal yang aneh itu. Temyata penyebab munculnya
buah padi baru itu disebabkan oleh seekor burung. Burung tersebut bertubuh lebih
besar dari burung dara, bulunya sangat indah berwarna merah hitam dan berkilat,
berparuh putih dan indah dan kepalanya berjambul putih. Suranya sangat merdu.
Apabila burung tersebut berbunyi, seketika itu juga muncul buah baru di batang
padi bekas dipanen. Setelah dibuktikan, maka tidak diragukan lagi bahwa burung
itulah penyebab keanehan itu yang membuat panen yang berlebihan.

Pada suatu waktu, ketika si burung berbunyi, muncul buah padi yang baru.
Karena kesal, si suami petani itu melempar dan tepat mengenai kaki burung
sehingga kakinya patah. Sempat beberapa saat si burung tak berdaya dan
menggelepar. Namun, akhimya tenaganya pulih kembali. Dengan suara yang
merdu si burung berpantun: "Kang kaput simpai dulang. Tana kaput kami
mulang". Arti pantun tersebut adalah setelah tanah ladang itu penuh padi, dia
Kemudian, si burung Kangkaput terbang ke angkasa menuju arah Timur,
semakin lama makin jauh dan akhimya menghilang dari pandangan mata.
Tinggallah si petani dan istrinya dengan berhati lega.

Setelah kepergian burung Kangkaput, kedua suami istri rnerasakan suatu

dosa telah diperbuat. Terbesitlah firasat di dalam hatinya bahwa akan terjadi
sesuatu yang buruk akibat perbuatan rnereka sendiri.

Sejak kepergian burung Kangkaput keadaan berubah. Negeri yang

rnulanya rnakrnur kini rnenjadi gersang dan ladang rusak binasa diserang harna.
Penyakit rnenular dan wabah tidak dapat dihindari. Rakyat banyak yang
rneninggal karena kelaparan dan sakit.

Musibah terjadi sepanjang tahun. Sudah ban yak orang rneninggal dan
tidak terhitung binatangyang rnati. Jangankan binatang kecil, gajah dan harirnau
pun tidak dapat bertahan oleh keadaan yang terjadi dan berkepanjangan itu.

Masyarakat Berau pada waktu itu rnenyadari bahwa rnalapetaka

diturunkan sebagai hukurnan bagi rnereka yang berbuat dosa. Mereka yakin pasti
ada yang telah rnelanggar larangan dewata sehingga diturunkan kutukan. Oleh
karena itu, orang-orang tua, para kepala suku, kepala adat, dan tokoh-tokoh
rnasyarakat selalu berdoa, bertapa sernbari rnernanjatkan perrnohonan kepada
dewata agar diarnpuni segala dosa dan rnernohon keselarnatan serta perlindungan
para dewa.

Sernentara itu, di dunia hewan, para binatang hutan rnenernukan sebuah

asarn besar yang dalarn bahasa Berau disebut assam payang. Penernuan itu
dianggap sebagai rezeki bersarna oleh sernua binatang yang ada di ternpat itu.
Agar lebih adil, rnereka bergantian rnenggigit rnasing-rnasing sekali. Tidak ada
yang boleh dua kali. Karena banyaknya jurnlah binatang pada waktu itu, rnaka
tentunya buah asarn yang hanya sebiji tidak rnungkin cukup. Walaupun hanya
satu gigitan bagi tiap-tiap binatang, tetapi sedikit derni sedikit akhimya habis juga.
Padahal, ada yang bel urn kebagian yaitu si Bekantan. Karena tidak kebagian, si
Bekantan sangat kecewa dan sedih. Padahal ia sudah berbulan-bulan tidak rnakan,
ketika ada rezeki bersarna ia tidak kebagian.
Bekantan menangis, tidak mampu menahan lapar dan haus. Tangisnya
semakin menjadi-jadi hingga terisak-isak. Tidak terasa air lendir (ingus) keluar
dari hidungnya sampai membasahi mulut. Sambil menangis ia membuang air
lendir hidungnya (dalam bahasa Berau disebut inggur). Karena banyak inggur
yang keluar dan dibuang terus dengan cara memencet hidung terus-menerus
sehingga hidungnya bertambah panjang. Itulah penyebab hidung bekantan

Keadaan bertambah lama tambah parah. Manusia dan hewan yang mati
semakin banyak. Penyakit semakin banyak dan mengganas. Waktu itu benar-
benar bala yang diturunkan oleh dewa tidak terpikul lagi.

Untuk mengatasi bala bencana dan memperbaiki keadaan, seluruh jenis

hewan berkumpul. Diadakan musyawarah mencari upaya yang terbaik dan
diharapkan dapat membawa hasil.

"Ternan-ternan, kita harus segera bertindak agar keadaan kita dapat segera
membaik," Harimau membuka pembicaraan. "Benar! Apa yang harus kita lakukan
untuk itu?" Badak menimpali perkataan Harimau.

"Saya rasa kita harus memanggil kembali burung Kangkapuut agar

tumbuhan dapat panen dan subur kembali," Kancil menjawab dengan

"Setuju," seluruh hewan di sana menyetujui pendapat Kancil. Akhirnya,

rapat dewan hewan itu mengambil keputusan akan mengunjungi burung
Kangkaput dan akan dibujuk agar mau kembali ke tanah Berau untuk
menyelamatkan man usia dan hewan serta alam yang sudah rusak binasa dan
porak-poranda. Sebagai utusan dipercayakan kepada burung Gagak. Burung ini
bertubuh kuat walaupun kecil. Gagak mampu terbang jauh dengan sayapnya yang
tegar itu.

Sementara itu, di tempat lain, Burung Kangkaput hidup di laut Pujanggi di

pusat air. Ternyata ia adalah ratu burung yang sangat disegani dan ditaati oleh
rakyatnya. Kehidupan di kampung burung itu tidak berbeda dengan kehidupan
man usia. Kehidupan berkelompok dan berkampung serta ada tata cara dan aturan
yang berlaku yang harus ditaati.

Burung Gagak disambut oleh keluarga burung Kangkaput dengan upacara

adat di kerajaan burung Pujanggi. Selama beberapa hari, Gagak dijamu dengan
makanan yang lezat seperti ikan-ikan kecil, buah jagung, dan gandum. Rasanya
sang utusan tidak ingin pulang lagi ke negerinya, Banua Berau. Namun, ia ingat
akan penderitaan ternan sejenisnya dan bintang-binatang lain yang mengharapkan
hasil usahanya.

Akhimya, dengan berat hati burung Gagak menceritakan kepada Ratu

Kangkaput mengenai bencana dan kesusahan yang dialami negerinya serta
penyebab kesusahan yang terjadi. Kedua suami istri yang telah melempar dan
mematahkan kaki Kangkaput sangat menyesal telah berbuat kesalahan. Kesalahan
itu mengakibatkan malapetaka berkepanjangan di Banua Berau. Sebenarnya,
walaupun Gagak tidak cerita, Ratu Kangkaput yang sakti itu sudah tahu. Gagak
menceritakan pula maksud kedatangannya bahwa ia diutus oleh sekalian binatang
untuk meminta maaf. Diharapkan Ratu Kangkaput menaruh belas kasihan dan
bersedia kembali ke negeri Berau. Banua Berau tidak akan kembali makmur
seperti sediakala jika Ratu Kangkaput tidak bersedia membantu.

Ratu Kangkaput mendengar cerita penderitaan negeri yang pemah

dikunjunginya itu dari mulut Gagak, ia merasa sangat sedih. Namun, ia tidak
dapat berbuat apa-apa. Bukan karena ia penyebab malapetaka itu, tetapi memang
itu sudah menjadi kehendak dewata.

Setelah Gagak bemegoisasi dengan Ratu Kangkaput selesai, sang utusan

berpamitan kepada ratu dan sang ratu dapat memenuhi keinginan Gagak untuk
kembali ke negeri Berau. Namun, ratu tidak mungkin ikut kembali ke Berau
karena rakyatnya juga perlu dibina dan dibimbing. Apabila ia kembali ke Berau
maka rakyatnya pasti akan kehilangan seorang pemimpin yang bijaksana dan
sakti. Sebagai bukti kepedulian dan pengabulan permintaan dewan hewan di
banua Berau, ratu laut Pujanggi itu mengirimkan sebutir telumya sebagai ganti
kehadiran dirinya untuk ditetaskan.
Selain mengirim telumya, Ratu Kangkaput menitipkan pesan agar semua
bangsa manusia bersyukur terhadap pemberian dewata dan jangan sombong.
Begitu juga bagi bangsa binatang harus selalu menyadari bahwa alam ini
diciptakan untuk dinikmati bukan untuk dirusak. Jika hal itu tidak diindahkan,
para dewa akan marah dan menurunkan bala atas kelalaian manusia. Demikian
nasihat si ratu burungyang dijadikan anutan masyarakat pada zaman itu. Hal itu
sejalan dengan ajaran agama dan ajaran moral bahwa sombong dan takabur adalah
sifat yang buruk.

Ketika si Gagak tiba kembali ke negeri Berau, telur yang dibawa gagak itu
pun menetas dan seketika menjadi burung Kangkaput yang indah dan gagah
seperti sang induk, si Ratu Laut Pujanggi.

Sejak saat itu, negeri Berau kembali makmur. Manusia dan seluruh jenis
binatang hid up seperti keadaan semula, damai, dan sejahtera.
The Proboscis Monkey and The Kangkaput Bird

In the Berau area, proboscis monkeys are often called dutch monkeys. It is
called so because the proboscis monkey is reddish yellow in color like the skin of
western nations, it is nose is sharp like a European because in general the people
of Berau are very familiar with the dutch proboscis monkeys are called dutch
monkeys. Proboscis monkeys live in groups in young forests and on forest edges.

The proboscis monkey is tame. If they meet humans, the animals do not
run away. In fact, many dared to approach. If a boat passes by, the proboscis
monkeys are deliberately jumped over and shake the tree branches. As if the
animals want to be friends. This type of animal liar is familiar with humans.

Fairy tales about proboscis monkeys until now in the Berau area include
folklore that is popular in the community. This fairy tale is interesting enough that
it lingers in the hearts of the people.

At that time, humans lived in a state of purity and innocence. They live a
safe and peaceful life, full of the spirit of kinship and mutual cooperation. Life is
colored by a high spirit of togetherness. They still strongly believe in the law of
karma, the law of the gods, and customary law. Religious beliefs and worship are
still firmly held and carried out with a full sense of responsibility.

It is said that all living things are believed to be able to speak. Humans
often relate to animals and vice versa. The life of creatures at that time was full of
love. The laws of the gods were obeyed and feared. People who disobey the law
are often cursed. The punishment of suffering is considered a divine punishment
for human negligence and error.

In the past, a husband and wife lived in a state of prosperity. Even though
they are only farmers, they lived more than they have enough. Every year the
harvest of their fields is always excessive. The abundant sustenance turned out to
be over time making the two husbands and wives forget themselves, forgetting
that the sustenance they got was a gift from the gods to be grateful for.

One year, the yield of the field was extraordinary. Extraordinary in the
form of a strange occurrence. The rice that has been planed bears fruit again and
immediately the fruit is ripe. The two farmers repeated harvesting the yellowing
rice. However, after being cashed out, new fruit emerges. Likewise, months of
harvesting are never finished. There are always new fruits that are ready to be
cashed. Because they were already overwhelmed and the results were abundant,
finally the husband and wife felt annoyed.

They started researching the strange thing. It turned out that the cause of
the emergence of new rice fruit was caused by a bird. The bird is larger than a
pigeon, its feathers are very beautiful and black and shiny red, white and beautiful
beak and white crested head. Her voice is very melodious. When the bird sounds,
immediately new fruit appears on the rice stalks that have been harvested. Once
proven, then there is no doubt that the bird is the cause of the oddity that makes
the over-harvest.

Once upon a time, when the bird sounded, a new rice fruit appeared.
Angry, the farmer's husband threw and hit the bird's leg so that it broke his leg.
For a while the bird was helpless and floundered. However, he finally recovered
his strength. In a sweet voice the bird rhymed: "Kang kaput simpai dulang. Tana
kaput kami mulang". The meaning of the rhyme is that after the field is full of
rice, he returns home.

Then, the Kangkaput bird flew into the sky towards the East, getting
farther and farther and finally disappeared from sight. Leaving the farmer and his
wife with a relieved heart.

After the departure of the Kangkaput bird, both husband and wife felt that
a sin had been committed. There was a feeling in his heart that something bad
would happen as a result of their own actions.

Since the departure of the Kangkaput bird, things have changed. The land
that was originally prosperous has now become arid and the damaged fields have
been destroyed by the harna. Infectious diseases and epidemics are unavoidable.
Many people died of hunger and illness.
Disasters happen all year round. Many people have died and countless
animals have died. Let alone small animals, elephants and tigers can not survive
by the circumstances that occurred and prolonged it.

The people of Berau at that time realized that calamity was handed down
as punishment for those who sinned. They believe there must be someone who has
violated the prohibition of the gods so that a curse is passed down. Therefore, old
people, tribal chiefs, traditional leaders, and community leaders always pray,
meditate while praying to the gods to forgive all sins and ask for the salvation and
protection of the gods.

Meanwhile, in the animal world, the forest animals found a large asarn
which in the Berau language is called assam payang. The discovery is considered
a shared sustenance by all the animals in the place. To be fair, they took turns
biting each other once. Nothing can be twice. Because of the large number of
animals at that time, of course, only one sardine may not be enough. Even if it's
only one bite for each animal, a little bit of it is finally gone. In fact, there are
those who have not yet received the Proboscis Monkey. Because it did not get, the
Proboscis monkey was very disappointed and sad. Even though he has not eaten
for months, when there is sustenance together he does not get it.

Proboscis monkeys cry, unable to withstand hunger and thirst. Her sobs
got louder and louder until she sobbed. He didn't feel the mucus (snot) coming out
of his nose until it wet his mouth. While crying he expels mucus from his nose
((in Berau languange it is called inggur). Because many of inggur which comes
out and is discarded continuously by squeezing the nose continuously so that the
nose grows longer. That is the cause of the long nose of the proboscis monkey.

The situation was getted worse and worse. More and more people and
animals died. Diseases are getted more and more ferocious. At that time really the
reinforcements that were sent down by the gods were not carried anymore.

To overcome calamities and improve the situation, all kinds of animals

gather. A deliberation was held to find the best effort and it was hoped that it
would bring results.
"Friends, we must act immediately so that our situation can improve
immediately," The tiger opened the conversation. "Right! What should we do
about it?" Rhino replied to Tiger's words.

"I think we have to call back the Kangkaput so that the plants can be
harvested and fertile again," Kancil answered excitedly.

"Agree," all the animals there agreed with Kancil's opinion. Finally, the
animal council meeting decided to visit the Kangkaput bird and be persuaded to
return to the land of Berau to save humans and animals and nature that had been
destroyed and destroyed. As a messenger entrusted to the Crow. This bird is
strong even though it is small. Crows are able to fly far with those strong wings.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, the Kangkaput Bird lives in the Pujanggi sea in the
center of the water. It turns out that she is the queen of birds who is highly
respected and obeyed by her people. Life in the bird village is no different from
human life. Group and village life and there are rules and regulations that must be

The crow is welcomed by the Kangkaput bird family with a traditional

ceremony in the Pujanggi bird kingdom. For several days, the Crow was treated to
delicious food such as small fish, corn, and wheat. It seemed that the envoy did
not want to return to his country, Banua Berau. However, he remembers the plight
of his comrades like him and the other stars who hope for the results of his efforts.

Finally, with a heavy heart, the Crow told Queen Kangkaput about the
disasters and hardships experienced by his country and the causes of the troubles
that occurred. The two husbands and wives who threw and broke Kangkaput's
legs were very sorry that they had made a mistake. The error resulted in a
prolonged catastrophe in Banua Berau. Actually, even though Crow didn't tell the
story, the powerful Queen Kangkaput already knew. The crow also told the
purpose of his arrival that he was sent by all the animals to apologize. It is hoped
that Queen Kangkaput will have mercy and be willing to return to the country of
Berau. Banua Berau will not prosper again as before if Queen Kangkaput is not
willing to help.
Queen Kangkaput heard the story of the suffering of the country she had
visited from Crow's mouth, she felt very sad. However, he couldn't do anything.
Not because he was the cause of the disaster, but indeed it was the will of the

After Crow's negotiation with queen of Kangkaput was over, the envoy
said goodbye to the queen and the queen was able to fulfill Crow's wish to return
to Berau. However, it is impossible for the queen to come back to Berau because
her people also need to be nurtured and guided. If he returns to Berau, his people
will surely lose a wise and powerful leader. As a proof of concern and granting
the request of the animal council in Banua Berau, the Pujanggi sea queen sent an
egg in exchange for her presence to be hatched.

In addition to sending eggs, Queen Kangkaput left a message that all

human races should be grateful for the gift of the gods and not be arrogant.
Likewise, the animal nation must always realize that this nature was created to be
enjoyed, not to be destroyed. If this is not heeded, the gods will be angry and send
down reinforcements for human negligence. Such was the advice of the queen of
birds who was used as a role model for society at that time. This is in line with
religious teachings and moral teachings that arrogant and arrogant are bad

When the crow came back to the land of Berau, the egg carried by the
crow hatched and instantly became a beautiful and dashing Kangkaput bird like its
mother, the Queen of the Sea Pujanggi.

Since then, the country of Berau has prospered again. Humans and all
kinds of animals live as they were before, peaceful and prosperous.

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