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Active Participle / Present Participle :

Present Participle adalah kata kerja yang bentuk –ing yang berfungsi sebagai frase kata kerja
dan bermakna aktif.

Misalnya : Running child yang berarti anak yang sedang berlari.

Terdapat 5 penggunaan Present Participle, yaitu :

 Ap- noun modifier – before noun yaitu sebagai penjelas kata benda ( noun
modifier) yang letaknyta di belakang.
Examples : - The standing student is clever.
- The screaming child always distrubs me every night.
- Smiling girl, crying boy, singing bird, dancing girl, ect.

 Ap- noun modifier – after noun yaitu sebagai kata penjelas kata benda (noun
modifier) yang letaknya di depan.
Examples : - I saw the children playing in the yard yesterday
- The teacher teaching in the class is Mr.John
- The bird flying on the sky is very beautiful
 Ap as clause modifier / adverb yaitu menjelaskan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi secara
Examples: - Going home, I saw an accident.
- Drinking a cup of coffee, my mother spoke to me
- Not doing the homework, i got punishment.
- Sitting near the bridge, they saw many people.

 Menjelaskan suatu pristiwa yang terjadi secara berturutan. Dalam hal ini, penggunaan
Present Participle diawali dengan “Having + Verb3” dan makna Present Perticiple
menggunakan “After” .
Examples : - Having done the home work, I wacthed TV program.
(After i had done the home work , I wathed TV program)
- Having locked the door, the leaves her home.
(After she had locked the door, she leaves her home)

 Menjelaskan sebab akibat. Dalam hal ini, makna Preasent Participle menggunakan
“Because/As/For/Since” .
Examples : - Studying hard, I pass the exam.
( Because I study hard , I pass the exam )
- Not knowing what to do, he still kept quite )

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