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Overview of the Programme.....................................................................................................................................6
Guidelines for the Programme.................................................................................................................................7
Tips for Staying Motivated Throughout the Programme..........................................................................................9
Programme Commitment.......................................................................................................................................10
Office Orientation...................................................................................................................................................12
Academy Training..................................................................................................................................................15
24-Week Planning Calendar..................................................................................................................................17
Week One: Your Business Plan............................................................................................................................23
Week Two: Prospecting I......................................................................................................................................39
Week Three: Prospecting II...................................................................................................................................46
Week Four: Personal Promotion...........................................................................................................................53
Week Five: Time Management.............................................................................................................................61
Week Six: Technology and You............................................................................................................................69
Week Seven: Open Homes...................................................................................................................................78
Week Eight: Buyer’s Book.....................................................................................................................................86
Week Nine: Qualifying...........................................................................................................................................93
Week Ten: Preparing to Buy...............................................................................................................................102
Week Eleven: Showing Property by Private Viewing..........................................................................................110
Week Twelve: Closing the Sale...........................................................................................................................118
Week Thirteen: Understanding Personality Profiles............................................................................................125
Week Fourteen: Seller’s Book / Pre-Listing Package.........................................................................................135
Week Fifteen: Preparing for the Listing Interview...............................................................................................142
Week Sixteen: The Listing Interview I.................................................................................................................151
Week Seventeen: The Listing Interview II...........................................................................................................160
Week Eighteen: The Marketing Appointment......................................................................................................168
Week Nineteen: Service to Sellers......................................................................................................................177
Week Twenty: Negotiating a Sale.......................................................................................................................189
Week Twenty-One: Sale to Settlement...............................................................................................................198
Week Twenty-Two: Creating Clients For Life......................................................................................................205
Week Twenty-Three: Accountability Systems For You.......................................................................................213
Week Twenty-Four: Build Around Your Strengths..............................................................................................222
In Closing.............................................................................................................................................................238

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


Selamat datang di iStart24.

Sebagai Head of The Harcourts Academy, suatu kehormatan bagi saya dapat menyambut anda ke dalam
Harcourts Family. Kami tahu bahwa bahwa pilihan anda masuk ke dunia property belum dilakukan dan kami
menghargai keputusan ada menjadi bagian dari Company yang menakjupkan ini.

Harcourts memegang kuat nilai corporate yaitu mencakup keunggulan individubaik untuk Sales dan kehidupan
keseharian anda. Sebagai perusaan yang besar yang berkembang cepat di seluruh dunia, misi kami
“menciptakan kesuksesan”, mengingatkan anggota masing-masing individu yang terkait bahwa mereka baru saja
memasuki perjalaan ke property atau telah menjadi bagian dari Harcourts untuk waktu yang lama.

Buku ini, Program iStart24, mencerminkan keinginan kami untuk membantu anda dalam mencapai kesuksesan
dengan menawarkan sebuah praktis kemitraan antara anda, principal anda dan Harcourts Academy. Hal ini
merupakan kesempatan penting untuk proses pengembangan anda, pengetahuan tentang sistem unik kami dan
proses penting yang terlibat dalam menjadi efektif di real estate.

Kami percaya bahwa mereka yang ingin mencapai tingkat tertinggi akan merangkul dan bekerja melalui bahan
yang terlampir. Buku ini telah di persiapkan dengan menggabungkan kolektif pelatih kita sendiri, top
salespersons and principal kami. Meskipun begitu hanya anda yang benar-benar dapat menentukan masa
depan anda sendiri, kami mengetahui bahwa buku ini akan membantu anda memulai perjalanan anda.

Saya berharap anda semua mendapatkan yang terbaik dalam karir property anda dan berharap untuk bertemu
anda secara pribadi.

Hormat kami,

Irene Green
Head of Academy
Harcourts International Ltd

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


iStart24 adalah program 24-minggu yang akan membantu Anda mencapai kesuksesan seumur hidup dalam
bisnis real estat. Program ini memerlukan komitmen waktu dan kemauan untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas,
termasuk Catatan Kegiatan Harian.

Selama program ini kami menyediakan contoh-contoh kehidupan nyata yang telah diterapkan untuk penjualan
beberapa Sales Consultant kami yang paling sukses. Biarkan pengalaman mereka memandu anda sepanjang
perjalanan anda.

Diasumsikan bahwa semua orang telah mengikuti program iStart24 telah menyelesaikan the Getting Started The
Harcourts Way programme dan mereka mempunyai pondasi awal dari bisnis real estate. Beberapa dari anda
mungkin saat ini sudah memiliki listing dan program ini tidak dirancang untuk menggantikan kegiatan bisnis yang
ada, melainkan untuk membawa anda melalui proses penelitian secara mendalam dari setiap elemen dari bisnis
anda. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk memastikan bahwa pada akhir dari 24 minggu, anda memiliki semua
bidang bisnis anda di tempat dengan cara yang jauh lebih komprehensif.

Topic Overview (Topik Tinjauan Selanjutnya)

Program ini disusun untuk fokus pada aspek tertentu dari bisnis real estate setiap minggunya dan diuraikan
sebagai berikut:

Minggu 1 Your Business Plan – Rencana Bisnis Anda

Minggu 2 Prospecting I – Prospecting I
Minggu 3 Prospecting II – Pros peksi II
Minggu 4 Personal Promotion – Promosi Pribadi
Minggu 5 Time Management – Manajemen Waktu
Minggu 6 Technology and You – Teknologi dan Anda
Minggu 7 Open Homes – Open House
Minggu 8 Buyer's Book – Buku para Pembeli
Minggu 9 Qualifying – Kualifikasi
Minggu 10 Preparing to Buy – Persiapan membeli
Minggu 11 Showing Property by Private Viewing – Menunjukkan Properti dengan penglihatan pribadi
Minggu 12 Closing the Sale – Menutup Penjualan
Minggu 13 Understanding Personality Profiles – Memahami Profil Kepribadian
Minggu 14 Seller's Book / Pre-Listing Package – Penjual Buku / Pra-Daftar Paket
Minggu 15 Preparing for the Listing Interview – Mempersiapkan Wawancara untuk Listing
Minggu 16 The Listing Interview I – Wawancara untuk Listing I
Minggu 17 The Listing Interview II – Wawancara untuk Listing II
Minggu 18 The Marketing Appointment – Membuat janji pemasaran
Minggu 19 Service to Sellers – Layanan untuk si-penjual
Minggu 20 Negotiating a Sale – Negosiasi dalam Penjualan
Minggu 21 Sale to Settlement – Melakukan Penjualan
Minggu 22 Creating Clients for Life – Membantu klien
Minggu 23 Accountability Systems for You – Akuntabilitas Peluang untuk anda
Minggu 24 Build Around Your Strengths – Membangun kekuatan anda

Sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, elemen dari masing-masing topik harus berada di tempat dalam bisnis anda,
tapi dengan fokus mingguan, pada akhir 24 minggu, setiap daerah akan beroperasi seefektif mungkin.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Task Icons

Selama program, anda akan menemukan berbagai ikon dengan instruksi yang menyertainya untuk
menyelesaikan tugas. Setiap ikon mewakili berbagai jenis tugas. Mereka adalah:

Complete a written task Complete a role play or follow scripts

(Menyelesaikan tugas tertulis) (Menyelesaikan atau mengikuti script
role play)

Read information Schedule a task

(Membaca informasi) (Menjadwalkan tugas)

Watch a video Prepare material

(Menonton video) (Menyiapkan bahan material)

Watch a tutorial Send a letter

(Menonton tutorial) (Mengirim surat)

Go online Purchase a product

(Membeli produk)

Access a form or template Say affirmations

(Akses form atau template) (Mengatakan afirmasi)

Our Goal (Tujuan Kami)

Tujuan Academy: "Untuk pertumbuhan anggota Harcourts.”

Nia-nilai yang terkandung didalamnya:

 Teaching – Pengajaran.
 Sharing – Berbagi.
 Guiding – Panduan.
 Inspiring – Inspiring.
 Helping others to be great – Membantu orang lain untuk menjadi lebih baik.

Dengan program ini, tujuan utama kami harus memasukkan alat yang diperlukan dan sistem yang akan
memungkinkan anda untuk:
 Menciptakan kebiasaan prospekting yang sehat.
 Memberikan presentasi dengan teguh keyakinan.
 Bertekunlah melalui tantangan.
 Dapatkan lebih banyak bisnis dengan pembeli dan penjual.

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Start Each Day with the Right Mind-set (Di mulai dengan mind-set yang baik setiap hari)

Bagaimana perasaan anda tentang anda dan bisnis anda mempengaruhi kemampuan anda untuk sukses.
Setiap pagi, memulai dengan mengucapkan afirmasi positif. Beberapa orang menolak afirmasi karena mereka
pikir mereka dangkal, itulah penegasan. Jika anda mengatakan afirmasi tidak bekerja, itu juga penegasan.
Pikiran anda adalah spons; terlepas dari apakah anda memberi makan pikiran positif atau negatif, membasahi

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh afirmasi. Pilih lima atau lebih, atau menulis sendiri. Menjadikannya bagian dari
ritual pagi anda melakukan afirmasi setiap hari.
 Saya menikmati telah menjual dua rumah seminggu!
 Saya membuat klien saya merasa penting dengan apa yang saya katakan dan lakukan.
 Setiap orang yang saya temui mendapatkan perhatian.
 Saya menjalani hidup bisnis saya dengan sikap "Ini merupakan kebanggaan Saya"..
 Saya telah menetapkan tujuan (goals) yang dapat saya perbaiki.
 Bisnis saya ini disusun untuk kesuksesan tak terbatas!
 Saya fokus pada produktif aktifitas.
 Saya menyambut setiap hari, keluarga saya, dan klien dengan senyum besar!
 Sistem penting bagi saya, dan saya bekerja untuk mengembangkannya setiap hari.
 Aku seorang pemenang!

Plan Daily Doses of Motivation (Rencanakan Motivasi harian)

Bayangkan motivasi harian anda seperti vitamin penting, dengan positif, baik untuk mental anda. Rencanakan
Motivasi harian anda dengan mendengarkan CD di mobil atau dengan membaca buku motivasi - hanya
beberapa baris di sini atau akan pergi jauh. Bahkan buku yang anda telah membaca di masa lalu dapat memiliki
efek baru pada semangat anda.

Stay Accountable (Tetap Akuntabel)

Meskipun mungkin tidak alami untuk mencari akuntabilitas, lihat saja apa yang terjadi dalam keseharian. Tiger
Woods - pegolf terbesar di dunia - merindukan keberhasilannya pada 2009 British Open. Kebetulan bahwa itu
adalah pertama kalinya dalam lima tahun yang dia tidak mengambil pelatih untuk turnamen.

Anda harus tetap bertanggung jawab! Banyak orang menjalani pengalaman serupa ketika mereka memanggil
pelatih pribadi mereka dan memberitahu mereka bahwa mereka tidak lagi membutuhkan jasa mereka, supaya
mereka dapat melatih diri mereka sendiri. Namun, tanpa akuntabilitas yang tidak butuh waktu lama untuk skala
ke ujung terhadap mereka. Mereka ingin percaya bahwa mereka tidak perlu akuntabilitas tetapi tubuh mereka
yang cepat untuk menunjukkan kepada mereka kesalahan berpikir itu!

Siapa yang akan bertanggung jawab? Pilihlah orang dapat dipercaya dan kemudian berilah mereka izin untuk
membantu anda bertanggung jawab dengan menempatkan pelaporan rutin.

Brainstorm and Network with Others (Bertukar Pikiran dan Jaringan dengan Pihak Lain)

Bertukar Pikiran dan jaringan dengan orang lain adalah penting untuk bisnis anda. Kita manusia melakukan jauh
lebih baik ketika kita melakukannya bersama, oleh karena itu kami memfasilitasi jaringan di acara-acara
perusahaan kami, serta dalam program pelatihan kami. Jika ada orang-orang positif di kantor anda yang memiliki
ide-ide baik, dapat bekerja sama dengan mereka. Mencari orang-orang di komunitas anda yang mencoba untuk
mengembangkan bisnis mereka, bukannya menunggu pasar atau ekonomi berubah. Kirim mereka bisnis dan
meminta mereka untuk menghubungi anda kembali. Kelilingi diri anda dengan hal positif, akal, orang sukses,
karena mereka akan mengangkat anda ke atas daripada menyeret anda.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Prospect Daily (Prospek Harian)

Setiap hari, Senin sampai Jumat, anda diminta untuk membuat panggilan telepon. Ini dapat tindak lanjut
panggilan ke klien anda bekerja dengan calon pelanggan atau panggilan untuk menghasilkan bisnis baru.
Selama program ini, anda akan mengembangkan teknik dan menggunakan script untuk mendukung upaya calon
pelanggan anda.

Berkomitmen untuk satu jam calon pelanggan tiap hari, dan menetapkan tujuan (goal) yang ingin anda lakukan
pada hari itu. Anda dapat memilih untuk memanggil For Sale By Pemilik, Daftar kadaluarsa, ofInfluence Sphere
anda, atau berbagai sumber daya lainnya. Pastikan untuk menggunakan Rekam Aktivitas Harian anda untuk
melacak panggilan tersebut, dan membuat catatan pada apa yang anda temukan untuk menjadi usaha anda
yang berhasil dan mengapa.

Daily Thank-You Notes (Catatan Ucapan Terima kasih Harian)

Dari hari pertama, membangun disiplin ucapan terima kasih kepada orang-orang yang ada di kontak pada setiap
hari kerja. Real estate terbesar Bob Wolffhas telah melakukan ini selama bertahun-tahun dan kredit mayoritas
kesuksesan untuk kegiatan ini sangat sederhana.

Pastikan bahwa anda selalu meminta rekomendasi - PS merupakan cara alami untuk memasukkannya!

Scheduling Open Homes (Penjadwalan Open house)

Open house membawa dua manfaat utama:, pertama kesempatan untuk memberikan eksposur pemasaran
terhadap anda dan listing anda, yang kedua, kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pembeli maka anda dapat

Ketika membangun bisnis anda, Open house adalah cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan pengakuan nama anda
dan klien akses untuk bekerja dengan. Program ini mengharuskan anda untuk mengadakan Open house
minimal satu per minggu, untuk total 24 rumah terbuka selama program.

Pertanyaan yang umum ditanyakan:

Kapan saya harus open home?

Secara tradisional, open home diselenggarakan pada akhir pekan. Hal ini tentu pilihan yang dapat diterima.
Ketika satu sukses penjualan konsultan pindah dan mulai lebih di pasar baru, ia memutuskan untuk
mengadakan open home setiap hari kerja selama periode makan siang-jam, dari pukul 11:00 am 1:00 pm Ia
menemukan bahwa ia mampu membangun banyak pengakuan nama dalam waktu singkat melalui visibilitas
tinggi. Dia juga membuat panggilan calon selama open home.

Bagaimana jika saya tidak memiliki listing?

Ketika bisnis ini baru untuknya, sebuah "rookie" diberikan untuk sales consultant baru dan untuk sales
consultant lain di kantornya yang memiliki beberapa properti dan bertanya apakah dia dapat melakukan
open home untuk mereka. Karena sebagian besar sales consultants memiliki listings pribadi untuk open
house, dan penjual sering mengharapkan sales consultants untuk melakukan open house, banyak yang
bersedia untuk membiarkan dia melakukan hal ini. Dia mampu mengembangkan dasar yang kuat dari si-
pembeli. Bahkan jika perencanaan listing sales consultant untuk open house selama akhir pekan, tanyakan
apakah anda bisa melakukan open home pertengahan minggu - waktu yang tepat untuk menarik pembeli

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1. Set goals (Tetapkan tujuan):

Ini jauh lebih mudah untuk tetap termotivasi ketika anda merasa telah mencapai sesuatu. Menetapkan
tujuan memberi anda sesuatu untuk bekerja menuju dan mencapai.

2. Stack the deck:

Menetapkan tujuan yang realistis membantu mencapai keberhasilan dalam mendukung dan memberikan
motivasi anda untuk mencapai tujuan berikutnya.

3. Build the right environment (Membangun lingkungan yang tepat):

Membuat tempat kerja yang nyaman sehingga anda dapat menikmatinya, fokus untuk mencapai tujuan
anda dengan gangguan yang minimal.

4. Retreat, but don’t surrender (Retreat, tapi jangan menyerah):

Jika anda mengalami hambatan, menjauh untuk sementara waktu. Jika anda dapat kembali lagi dengan
solusi, keyakinan dan pengetahuan akan terus membangun, sehingga mudah untuk mengatasi kendala

5. Find your rhythm (Cari ritme anda):

Sama seperti tubuh anda yang memiliki waktu yang optimal untuk tidur dan makan, ada juga waktu yang
optimal bagi tubuh anda untuk beroperasi.

6. Find your accountability partner (Cari mitra akuntabilitas anda):

Pergi sendiri akan memberikan lebih banyak energi daripada yang anda miliki. Bersandar ke dalam
kelompok rekan terpercaya atau pelatih untuk membantu anda tetap termotivasi dan terarah.

7. Record your success (Catat keberhasilan anda):

Gunakan jurnal - kertas atau elektronik - untuk merekam kemajuan anda. Melihat seberapa jauh anda telah
dapat menjadi alat motivasi yang sangat baik ketika anda melanjutkan dalam perjalanan anda telah
memetakan untuk diri sendiri.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


Ahli dalam bisnis real estate membutuhkan dedikasi yang luar biasa, fokus, dan investasi waktu. Karena anda
telah membuat investasi di program ini, anda telah menunjukkan komitmen pribadi untuk jangka panjang, bisnis
real estate menguntungkan.

Kami telah menemukan bahwa memiliki komitmen total dan dukungan dari orang terdekat anda sangat
mempengaruhi kemampuan anda untuk berhasil dalam program ini. Baik itu pasangan anda, pasangan hidup,
penting lainnya, orang tua, saudara, atau teman dekat, menentukan orang yang komitmen untuk mendukung
anda di jalan anda untuk sukses adalah yang paling penting bagi anda. Kemudian, mintalah mereka membaca
program ini secara keseluruhan dan menandatangani komitmen di bawah ini bersama dengan anda. Langkah ini
penting untuk memastikan kemungkinan keberhasilan anda.

Demikian pula, penting bahwa anda memiliki komitmen dan dukungan dari manajer anda. Seperti orang yang
mendukungan anda, minta manager anda membaca program ini secara keseluruhan dan menandatangani
komitmen di bawah ini. Langkah ini penting untuk memastikan kemungkinan keberhasilan anda.

Langkah pertama: Identify Your Motivations (Identifikasi Motivasi anda)

Gunakan ruang berikut untuk menuliskan tiga alasan utama anda untuk memulai program ini.
Sebagai contoh, motivasi anda mungkin termasuk menghasilkan pendapatan untuk mewujudkan
impian anda, mendapatkan pemenuhan pribadi dari mencapai produksi anda sebelumnya tidak
mungkin, penataan diri anda untuk sukses jangka panjang dalam karir anda menemukan yang anda
cintai, dan sebagainya.

Motivasi saya:




Langkah dua: Make Your Commitment (Membuat Komitmen anda)

Dengan menandatangani di bawah ini, anda dengan ini berkomitmen untuk rajin menyelesaikan 100
persen dari tugas dan menerapkan oftechniques orang banyak belajar di seluruh program.

Tanda tangan anda: ______________________________

Tanggal: _____/_____/_____

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Langkah Tiga: Your Support Person's Commitment (Komitmen Orang yang Mendukung anda)

Dengan menandatangani di bawah ini, anda sebagai orang pertama yang mendukung untuk pihak di
atas yang ditandatangani dengan ini berkomitmen untuk menawarkan 100 persen dukungan kepada
orang itu saat ia / dia bekerja tekun untuk menyelesaikan tugas dan menerapkan teknik di seluruh
program. Selain itu anda mengakui bahwa ini akan membutuhkan investasi besar waktu orang itu
selama 24-minggu dan, setelah membaca program ini secara keseluruhan, anda berkomitmen untuk
mendukung untuk investasi waktu.

Tanda tangan anda: ______________________________

Tanggal: _____/_____/_____

Langkah Empat: Your Manager's Commitment (Komitmen Manager anda)

Dengan menandatangani di bawah ini, anda, sebagai Manager untuk pihak di atas yang
ditandatangani dengan ini berkomitmen untuk menawarkan 100 persen dukungan kepada orang itu
saat ia / dia bekerja tekun untuk menyelesaikan tugas dan menerapkan teknik di seluruh program. Ini
termasuk berpartisipasi dalam mingguan catch-up dengan orang tersebut untuk memudahkan proses
belajar. Selain itu anda mengakui bahwa ini akan membutuhkan investasi besar waktu orang itu
selama 24-minggu dan, setelah membaca program ini secara keseluruhan, anda berkomitmen untuk
mendukung investasi waktu.

Tanda tangan anda: ______________________________

Tanggal: _____/_____/_____

Langkah Lima: Your Accountability Buddy’s Commitment (Komitmen Akuntabilitas Buddy anda)

Dengan menandatangani di bawah ini, anda, sebagai teman pertanggungjawaban pihak di atas yang
ditandatangani dengan ini berkomitmen untuk memantau kemajuan bulanan orang itu dan melakukan
kontak laporan terlambat atau tidak lengkap 'mengejar' bulanan untuk jangka waktu enam bulan.
Selain itu anda mengakui bahwa ini akan membutuhkan investasi besar waktu orang itu selama 24-
minggu dan, setelah membaca program ini secara keseluruhan, anda berkomitmen untuk mendukung
investasi waktu.

Tanda tangan anda: ______________________________

Tanggal: _____/_____/_____

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


Sebelum memulai program ini sangat penting bahwa anda menetapkan diri anda di lingkungan kantor anda.
Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari 24 minggu berikutnya anda harus merasa nyaman di kantor anda dan
mendapat dukungan dari rekan kerja anda.

Bicara dengan masing-masing anggota tim di bawah ini untuk memastikan bahwa tugas-tugas berikut
telah dibahas.


o Memastikan Persediaan meja, kursi dan telephone.

o Semua file yang bersifat pribadi terorganisir dengan baik.
o Surat perjanjian dan kontrak kerja yang dikeluarkan.
o Rekening bank : kantor, Sales consultant
o Menjelaskan fasilitas kantor yang bisa dipergunakan.
o Kantor parkir mobil menjelaskan / diterbitkan.
o Perusahaan lemari pakaian menjelaskan / dipesan.
o Jadwalkan pertemuan One-on-one / tanggal yang telah ditentukan dengan Manajer.
o Menjelaskan peraturan dan kebijaksanaan Kantor

o Selamat Datang dan pengenalan tim kantor.

Manager and Office Administrator

o Penjelasan prosedur kantor – Sistem untuk Listing.

o Penjelasan prosedur kantor - Pemasaran dan Iklan.
o Penjelasan prosedur kantor - Sistem untuk Penjual.
o Penjelasan prosedur kantor - Sistem untuk Pembeli.
o Penjelasan prosedur kantor – Kontrak ( misalnya : PAP, KJB ).
o Penjelasan prosedur kantor - Tim komunikasi / meeting.

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Office Administrator

o Pengambilan foto.
o Membuat name tag.
o Pendaftaran untuk training.
o Penjelasan pedoman penggunaan Telepon, mesin fotokopi dan komputer.
o Penjelasan Pemasok/distributor yang dipilih dan diskonnya.
o Penjelasan papan untuk In / out.

Technology / IT Administrator.

o Menjelaskan Akses Komputer kantor dan sruktur organisasi.

o Alamat email Harcourts diterbitkan.
o Username dan password Harcourts One diterbitkan.
o Penjelasan Harcourts One - Produk dan Layanan, Akademi, People Search, Perpustakaan, Belajar /
Bantuan dll.

o Profil online yang dibuat pada Harcourts One dan website kantor.

Banyak tugas dalam program ini mengharuskan anda untuk mengakses materi dan alat-alat di Harcourts One.
Sangat penting bahwa seseorang di kantor anda telah meluangkanl waktu untuk membiasakan anda dengan
bagian Harcourts Salah satu yang telah disorot di bawah ini.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Penjualan terbaik sales consultant tidak pernah berhenti menghadiri pelatihan. Mereka mengakui bahwa konstan
up-Skilling tidak hanya berharga pada tingkat pribadi, tetapi yang diharapkan dari mereka oleh klien mereka.
Disarankan agar anda membuat komitmen untuk mengikuti pelatihan secara teratur.

Akademi ini menawarkan kelas pelatihan real estate, disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan spesifik anda. Ketika
membuat rencana bisnis anda, membuat target untuk menghadiri salah satu program berikut setiap kuartal.

Harcourts and You Day (Keseharian Anda menggunakan Harcourts)

Program ini telah dirancang untuk memberikan pengenalan mendalam untuk Harcourts - siapakah kita, di mana
kita berada di dunia, apa yang kita tawarkan, mengapa kita melakukan apa yang kita lakukan, dan bagaimana
kita beroperasi sebagai sebuah organisasi. Semua orang bergabung dalam Harcourts tim, tidak peduli peran,
yang disambut hangat sampai hari ini interaktif dan mencerahkan.

Sales Programme – Getting Started the Harcourts Way (Program Penjualan – Mulai Menggunakan Harcourts)

Program ini dirancang untuk orang yang ingin terdaftar menjadi Sales Consultant real estate, telah pindah
negara atau antar negara, atau beroperasi sebagai asisten pribadi. Sebuah program belajar yang
menggabungkan belajar online, di kelas pelatihan dan di-bidang-proyek, program ini memberikan kualifikasi yang
diperlukan untuk sertifikasi industri.

Memberikan ketrampilan, sistem, pengetahuan dan alat untuk menghasilkan bisnis, properti pasar dan
menyediakan layanan pelanggan, program ini mencakup beragam topik dari pemahaman orang-orang untuk
menyelesaikan dokumen hukum.

Sales Programme – Succeeding the Harcourts Way (Program Penjualan - Berhasil Menggunakan Harcourts)

Program ini memberikan pelayanan bagi konsultan yang berpengalaman untuk membantu mereka membawa
bisnis mereka ke tingkat berikutnya keberhasilan, dan untuk semua orang Harcourts untuk dipeluk oleh budaya

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Harcourts dan dibuat sadar akan dukungan yang luas dan dalam-bidang-sumber daya yang tersedia bagi
mereka. Membawa sumber daya offline dan pemasaran online anda pribadi inline; memeriksa kemampuan
daftar dan konsistensi layanan, dan belajar bagaimana mengelola waktu anda lebih efektif dan mendapatkan

Technology Programme (Program Teknologi)

Program Teknologi menyediakan penjualan konsultan dan manajer dengan pemahaman tentang sistem
elektronik Harcourts 'dan melengkapi mereka dengan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk beroperasi secara
efektif. Program ini terdiri dari tiga workshop spesialis: Manajemen Kampanye, Email Marketing, dan Manajemen
Web Page.

Ini adalah program pelatihan yang menyediakan peserta dengan kepercayaan diri untuk menavigasi dan efektif
menggabungkan surat-surat penting dalam praktek bisnis sehari-hari.

Property Management Programme (Program Manajemen Properti)

Program Manajemen Properti tersedia untuk manajer properti baru dan mereka belajar untuk mencapai real
estate mereka lisensi untuk dilatih dalam praktek The Harcourts Way terbaik untuk memastikan kepatuhan,
maksimum produktivitas dan optimal layanan pelanggan. Mendapatkan pengetahuan mendasar dalam semua
bidang bekerja dengan pemilik properti dan penyewa. Pelajari cara systemise dan menyederhanakan setiap
tugas manajemen properti termasuk mediasi klien dan menghasilkan laporan yang berarti.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Auction Programme (Program Pelelangan)

Program dua hari ini memberikan keterampilan, pengetahuan dan sumber daya untuk memungkinkan sales
consultants, office managers dan support staff dapat mendata dan menjual properti menggunakan metode lelang
pemasaran. Program ini juga melayani bagi mereka yang ingin pindah ke suatu peran pelelangan. Hari pertama
mencakup semua detail dari bagaimana mempersiapkan untuk lelang dan melaksanakan penjualan. Hari kedua
berfokus pada bagaimana melakukan lelang dari perspektif pelelangan.

Specialist Programmes (Program Spesialis)

Pada Akademi kami memberikan pengetahuan untuk memberikan orang-orang kita lebih banyak pilihan. Kami
menyediakan program perkenalan berbagai divisi khusus seperti Komersial, Proyek Perkotaan dan Pedesaan
Program Real Estate.

Office Administration Programme (Program Kantor Administrasi)

Berdasarkan banyak konsep layanan pelanggan Disney Program Administrasi Office menyediakan lini depan
administrator dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sumber daya untuk membantu tim kantor untuk
memberikan layanan berkualitas untuk melebihi harapan pelanggan. Menggabungkan kemampuan komunikasi
canggih dan teknik untuk meningkatkan lingkungan kantor, peserta juga akan mengembangkan keterampilan
untuk manajemen waktu pribadi dan efisiensi.

Real Estate Licence Programme (Program Lisensi Real Estate)

Untuk orang sibuk di real estate yang ingin memajukan karir mereka tanpa tekanan dari komitmen studi besar.
Sebuah program interaktif yang disediakan oleh sarana fleksibel termasuk online sendiri mondar-mandir belajar,
kehadiran di kelas dan belajar melalui korespondensi. Program anda dapat dibuat khusus sesuai dengan
kebutuhan anda dan mengurangi biaya dan waktu yang dihabiskan untuk belajar.

Untuk detail lebih lanjut mengenai pelatihan yang ditawarkan oleh Akademi, kunjungi: atau hubungi Administrator Akademi lokal anda.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


Minggu Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu

Minggu 1: Perencanaan Bisnis Anda

Minggu 2: Prospek I

Minggu 3: Prospek II

Minggu 4: Personal Promosi

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Minggu Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu
Minggu 5: Management Waktu

Minggu 6: Technologi and Anda

Minggu 7: Open House

Minggu 8: Buyer's Book

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Minggu Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu
Minggu 9: Qualifikasi

Minggu 10: Persiapan untuk Membeli

Minggu 11: Menampilkan Properti dengan Pengelihatan Pribadi

Minggu 12: Closing / Transaksi

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Minggu Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu
Minggu 13: Mengerti Profile Personaliti

Minggu 14: Seller's Book / Pre-Listing Package

Minggu 15: Persiapan Wawancara untuk mendapatkan Listing

Minggu 16: Wawancara untuk mendapatkan Listing

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Minggu Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu
Minggu 17: Wawancara untuk mendapatkan Listing

Minggu 18: Mambuat Janji

Minggu 19: Layanan untuk si-Penjual

Minggu 20: Negosiasi Penjualan

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Minggu Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu
Minggu 21: Menyelesaikan Pembayaran

Minggu 22: Mencari Klient

Minggu 23: Sistem Accountabilitas Anda

Minggu 24: Membangun Kekuatan/Kelebihan Disekeliling Anda

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Agenda minggu ini:
 Setting Goals (Menetapkan Tujuan)
 Don’t Plan – Schedule (Jangan Rencanakan – Jadwal)
 The Business Planning Process (Proses Bisnis Perencanaan)
 Week One Assignments (Tugas Minggu Pertama)
 Manager Catch-up: Week One (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu Pertama)

Starting Off Right: Developing Your Business Plan

Mulai aktif dalam: Mengembangkan Rencana Bisnis anda
Dasar dari sukses jangka panjang dalam real estate adalah rencana bisnis anda. Hal ini merupakan peta bagi
anda, sehingga untuk berbicara, dalam hal ini meminjamkan arah dan menyediakan detail yang anda inginkan.
Rencana bisnis meliputi volume kotor penjualan, jumlah transaksi, jumlah biaya, tujuan bulanan, dan banyak

Ketika proses berlangsung anda akan menambahkan rencana bisnis anda, sehingga pada akhirnya selama 24
minggu, anda akan memiliki dasar yang kokoh dalam rencana masa depan dibangun. Di luar program, anda
harus meninjau rencana bisnis anda minimal setiap bulan, untuk menilai dan membuat penyesuaian yang
diperlukan untuk membantu anda mencapai tujuan.

Setting Goals (Menetapkan Tujuan)

Tidak ada pelayanan yang terikat tanpa particular tertentu.

- Peribahasa Perancis

Tanpa mengetahui apa yang ingin saya capai, hal ini seperti meluruskan kursi geladak di Titanic.
– Stephen Covey

Tujuan kami hanya dapat dicapai melalui perencanaan, di mana kita sungguh-sungguh harus percaya, dan
di mana kita harus bertindak dengan penuh semangat. Tidak ada rute lain menuju sukses.
– Pablo Picasso

Kutipan ini membantu untuk berkomunikasi bagaimana penetapan tujuan penting adalah untuk dapat tetap
berada di jalur. Sangat penting bahwa anda meluangkan waktu untuk memprioritaskan usaha anda dan memiliki
kejelasan tentang apa yang anda inginkan capai. Uang jarang memotivasi individu - mendapatkan jelas tentang
apa yang paling penting bagi anda serta untuk daerah mana yang paling menantang bagi anda. Catat penilaian
untuk memindahkan anda ke depan dan tongkat yang akan mendorong anda ke sana. Sebagian besar
mengalahkan kami karena kurangnya visi dan perencanaan yang disengaja. Bayangkan berapa kali kita
mungkin sudah menyerah pada keinginan hanya malu terobosan karena kami tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas.
Meskipun anda mungkin menderita kekalahan sesaat sepanjang perjalanan anda, terus bekerja menuju tujuan
anda dan selalu percaya.

Gunakan hal ini untuk memudahkan mengingat singkatan yang telah membantu ribuan orang menulis dan
mencapai tujuan mereka (goals):

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Specific: Spesifik, Pastikan tujuan anda adalah sebagai spesifik dan seakurat mungkin.

Measureable: Terukur, Tentukan bagaimana anda akan memantau kemajuan anda, apakah yang
mencakup mitra akuntabilitas, jurnal, bagan, grafik, spreadsheet atau cara-cara kreatif lain
untuk melacak bagaimana anda melakukannya.

Accountable: Akuntabel, Tetapkan tujuan kepada siapa anda memberikan tanggung jawab - akuntabel
kepada diri anda dengan cek kemajuan. Cek akuntabilitas dua kali dengan menunjuk pihak
ketiga yang dapat membantu akuntabilitas anda.

Realistic: Realistis, Miliki mimpi dan cita-cita yang tinggi, tapi pastikan tujuan anda adalah realistis
sesuai situasi anda, kapasitas pribadi dan prioritas lain.

Time-bound: Terikat waktu, Berikan diri anda tenggat waktu yang dapat digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan
anda, jika tujuan jangka panjang, pertimbangkan untuk menetapkan target menengah
(mingguan atau bulanan) untuk membantu anda tetap di jalur.

Goals Exercise (Tujuan Latihan)

Ada kutipan terkenal yang menyatakan: "Mimpi BESAR. Mimpi tidak ada biaya apapun, dan yang besar menjadi
kenyataan hanya sesering yang kecil "Untuk apa anda bekerja.? Richard Flint, USA-based Life Coach, berbicara
tentang empat ruang hidup anda - Keluarga, Personal, Sosial, dan Bisnis. Apa tujuan anda dari ke-empat hal

Inilah saatnya ketika anda mungkin ingin duduk dengan orang yang dapat mendukung anda dan
mengembangkan tujuan anda bersama-sama. Ambil minimal 30 menit minggu ini untuk serius
mempertimbangkan apa yang anda ingin mereka lakukan. Gunakan ruang ini untuk menuliskan
tujuan untuk empat ruang dalam hidup anda.

My Family Goals (Tujuan Keluarga Saya)

(misalnya membawa keluarga anda dengan kapal pesiar, mendanai pendidikan perguruan tinggi anak anda)






Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

My Personal Goals (Tujuan Pribadi Saya)

(misalnya mendapatkan mobil baru yang selalu anda impikan, berinvestasi dalam rumah kedua, mengikuti
pelatihan pengembangan pribadi)






My Social Goals (Tujuan Sosialita Saya)

(misalnya menghabiskan akhir pekan pergi dengan teman-teman)






My Business Goals (Tujuan Bisnis Saya)

(misalnya membeli iPad untuk presentasi daftar besar, mempekerjakan Asisten Pribadi, mencapai posisi tempat
kerja yang lebih baik)






Baca informasi tentang tujuan pengaturan, dan sumber daya yang terkait, di: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Managing Yourself > A Life Worth Working For.

Menonton video pada setting goals, dengan mencari di Harcourts One Library for: “Bob Wolff (USA)
at Conference ’07".

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Don't Plan – Schedule (Jangan Rencanakan – Jadwal)

Sekarang anda sudah menulis beberapa tujuan anda, anda perlu membuat timeline untuk mencapainya.
Realistis, semuanya tidak dicapai secara bersamaan. Menentukan tujuan yang ingin anda capai tahun ini dan
kapan. Misalnya, jika anda ingin mengambil hari libur, bulan apa anda akan pergi? Untuk berapa lama? Tulislah
dalam kalender anda pada awal tahun. Berapa perkiraan yang realistis untuk biayanya? Pikirkan tentang hal ini -
ketika anda menjadwalkan janji untuk bertemu klien, anda menghormati janji. Mengapa tidak memperlakukan
waktu pribadi anda dengan sama pentingnya?

The Business Planning Process (Proses Perencanaan Bisnis)

Perencanaan Bisnis Harcourts ada sebagai program pembelajaran diri yang serba online, yang tersedia bagi
anda untuk menyelesaikannya di mana saja, kapan saja, dengan kecepatan anda sendiri. Dalam program ini
anda akan menyelesaikan satu halaman rencana bisnis anda secara online di bawah bimbingan 'Chairman of
the Board, Paul Wright, dan Harcourts' Harcourts General Manager, Gilbert Enoka.

Untuk menyelesaikan program perencanaan bisnis online, kunjungi: Atau, anda dapat
menyelesaikan complete the business planning process (proses perencanaan bisnis) secara manual
di bawah ini.

Stage 1: The Navigational Check (Rencana bisnis anda)

Pemeriksaan navigasi mengharuskan anda untuk berpikir tentang anda dan kinerja anda dalam satu tahun
terakhir sehingga anda dapat memanfaatkan pengalaman ini untuk memiliki tahun yang baik bahkan lebih kuat.
Pemeriksaan navigasi akan sangat bermanfaat untuk anda tahun depan, setelah anda telah menyelesaikan
tahun pertama anda di real estat. Namun, kami sarankan anda menyelesaikan tahap awal perencanaan bisnis
(business planning) bahkan jika anda baru di real estate.

Cari pada Perpustakaan (Library) Harcourts One untuk " Business Planning for Sales Consultants –
Centang dokumen Navigational". Download dan cetak.

Dalam pemeriksaan navigasi:

 Refleksikan pada hal positif dari kinerja anda dalam satu tahun terakhir dan tulis dalam cek
navigasi anda di bawah Positif.
 Refleksikan pada hal-hal yang mencegah anda dari memenuhi potensi anda dalam satu tahun
terakhir dan tulis dalam cek navigasi anda di bawah Restrainers.
 Merefleksikan pada, jika ada, akan membuat perbedaan besar bagi keberhasilan anda dalam
satu tahun terakhir dan tulis dalam cek navigasi anda di bawah Hilang (Missing).
 Merefleksikan apa masalah yang ada dalam bisnis anda dalam satu tahun terakhir (personal dan
profesional) dan tulis mereka ke cek navigasi anda di bawah Isu (Issues).

Periksa setiap bagian dari cek navigasi. Buatlah catatan dari review ini:
 Menentukan setiap tujuan atau tindakan yang diperlukan.
 Menentukan siapa yang bertanggung jawab untuk ini.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Stage 2: The Success Equation (Persamaan Sukses)

Sekarang saatnya untuk menggunakan Persamaan Sukses untuk menghitung target untuk tahun depan
berdasarkan kegiatan tahun ini dan rencana tahun depan.

Di bawah ini, lengkapi pengeluaran bisnis anda sampai akhir tahun; kemudian gunakan informasi
biaya tahun lalu untuk membantu anda dalam menyelesaikan biaya anggaran bisnis anda untuk
tahun ini.

Bagi mereka yang baru dalam bidang real estate, angka-angka yang tercantum di kolom 'rata-rata'
dapat digunakan sebagai panduan untuk membantu Anda dalam menyelesaikan biaya anggaran
Anda tahun ini. $ 0 telah ditempatkan di kolom rata-rata untuk item-item biaya yang lebih berlaku
untuk sales consultants yang lebih berpengalaman.

● Periklanan - Bluebook / Majalah $0 $ $
● Periklanan - Brosur $4,500 $ $
● Periklanan - Direct Mail $70 $ $
● Periklanan - Internet / Website / TV / Radio $540 $ $
● Periklanan - koran / Rahasia $200 $ $
● Automobile - Service / Petrol $700 $ $
● Business Cards $150 $ $
● Pakaian - Gugatan Perusahaan $500 $ $
● Komputer - Pembelian / Layanan / Software / Persediaan $700 $ $
● Kontribusi / Hadiah $2,300 $ $
● Dry Cleaning $150 $ $
● Iuran / Keanggotaan / Langganan $300 $ $
● Pendidikan / Pelatihan / Konferensi $600 $ $
● Internet $500 $ $
● Makanan - Bisnis $700 $ $
● Kebutuhan Kantor $500 $ $
● Biaya Asisten Pribadi $0 $ $
● Pos $500 $ $
● Printing $1,000 $ $
● Signs $1,500 $ $
● Special Promotion / Contest / Client Event $500 $ $
● Taxes / Accountant $400 $ $
● Telephone $4,500 $ $
● Travel $500 $ $
● Lainnya: - $ $
● Lainnya: - $ $
● Lainnya: - $ $

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Di bawah ini, lengkapi pengeluaran pribadi anda untuk tahun terakhir kemudian menggunakan
informasi biaya tahun lalu untuk membantu anda dalam menyelesaikan pengeluaran pribadi anda
dianggarkan untuk tahun ini.


● Alkohol $ $
● Otomotif - Bensin / Layanan dan Perbaikan $ $
● Otomotif - Pembayaran kembali $ $
● TV Kabel atau satelit $ $
● Biaya Anak dan Bayi - Perawatan Anak $ $
● Busana $ $
● Dining Out dan Hiburan $ $
● Listrik dan Gas $ $
● Makanan dan Bahan makanan (bukan makan di luar) $ $
● Keanggotaan Gym $ $
● Home Improvement - Perbaikan / Berkebun $ $
● Keamanan Rumah $ $
● Asuransi - Mobil / Home / Contents / Pendapatan / Medis / Hidup $ $
● Akses Internet $ $
● Kredit - Pribadi $ $
● Mortgage / Disewakan $ $
● Hewan Peliharaan - Perawatan / Makanan $ $
● Tabungan $ $
● Telepon - Depan $ $
● Telepon - Mobile $ $
● Perjalanan dan Liburan $ $
● Air, Tarif, Badan Usaha $ $
● Lainnya: $ $
● Lainnya: $ $
● Lainnya: $ $

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Selanjutnya, melengkapi bagian 'Kembali Mencari' dan ikuti perhitungannya sehingga anda dapat
menyelesaikan bagian 'Hasil Tahun lalu,' untuk menganalisa angka untuk tahun sebelumnya.

Bagi mereka yang baru di dunia real estate, gunakan angka yang tercantum di kolom 'rata' di mana
anda tidak dapat memberikan data anda sendiri.


● Berapa bulan, dari 12 sebelumnya, anda secara aktif menjual real estate? 12 A
● Berapa banyak Listing yang anda capai? 30 B
● Berapa banyak penjualan yang anda miliki? 15 C
● Berapa nilai total harga atas penjualan yang anda selesaikan? $6,000,000 D $
● Berapa total komisi yang dibayarkan kepada kantor? $141,075 E $
● Berapa penghasilan yang anda peroleh dari penjualan menetap? $70,538 F $
● Berapa biaya total bisnis? $21,310 G $
● Berapa biaya total Anda pribadi? - H $

● Daftar Listing per bulan untuk tahun sebelumnya: 2.5 B÷A I
● Penjualan per bulan untuk tahun sebelumnya: 1.25 C÷A J
● Listing untuk menilai tingkat penjualan konversi: 50% (C ÷ B) x 100 K %
● Rata-rata harga per penjualan diselesaikan: $400,000 D÷C L $
● Rata2 pendapatan kantor dihasilkan per penjualan: $9,405 E÷C M $
● Rata2 p’dptan pribadi yg diperoleh per penjualan: $4,703 F÷C N $
● Biaya Bisnis % dari total pendapatan: 30% (G ÷ F) x 100 O %
● Biaya Pribadi % dari total pendapatan: - H÷F P %

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Di bawah ini, lengkapi 'Looking Forward' (Melihat Ke Depan) dan ikuti perhitungannya sehingga anda
dapat menyelesaikan bagian 'Target Tahun Ini' untuk menganalisa angka anda dan menghasilkan
KPI anda untuk tahun mendatang.

LOOKING FORWARD: Selama 12 bulan ke depan … TAHUN INI

● Berapa bulan, dalam 12 berikutnya, anda berencana untuk aktif menjual real estate? Q
● Berapa banyak yang anda anggarankan untuk biaya bisnis untuk tahun mendatang? R $
● Berapa banyak yang anda anggarankan untuk pengeluaran pribadi utk thn m’datang? S $
● Apakah tujuan pendapatan anda untuk tahun mendatang? T $

SASARAN INI TAHUN'S: Untuk mencapai tujuan pendapatan, Anda perlu … CALCULATION TAHUN INI
● Jumlah total volume penjualan tahunan: WxL U $
● Total komisi tahunan dibayar ke kantor: WxM V $
● Penjualan Tahunan: T÷N W
● Listing Tahunan: W÷K X
● Penjualan Triwulan W÷4 Y
● Listing Triwulanan: X÷4 Z
● Penjualan Bulanan W ÷ 12 a
● Listing Bulanan: X ÷ 12 b
● Menyisihkan dari bulanan untuk biaya bisnis Bulanan: R ÷ 12 c $
● Menyisihkan dari bulanan untuk biaya pengeluaran pribadi: S ÷ 12 d $

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Stage 3: The Business Plan (Rencana Bisnis)

Sekarang anda memiliki informasi inti untuk memulainya dengan …

Cari dalam Harcourts One Library untuk " Business Plan BLANK " dan " Business Plan for Sales
Consultants – Sample Completed”. Download, print, dan lengkapi rencana kosong tsb dengan
memanfaatkan panduan berikut. Pastikan untuk memasukkan tujuan (the goals) yang anda hitung
dalam Persamaan Sukses diatas. Anda dapat mengacu pada contoh rencana sebagai bimbingan.

Langkah 1: The Business Plan Form (Formulir Rencana Bisnis)

Halaman pertama form Business Plan memungkinkan anda untuk melihat bisnis anda sekilas; setiap
pendorong utama untuk sukses sudah jelas. Tujuan, target dan prioritas dan akuntabilitas yang jelas, seperti
juga tanggung jawab dan tenggat waktu untuk mencapainya.

Langkah 2: Period of Application (Periode Aplikasi)

Lengkapi bagian pertama dari rencana dengan mengisi panel dengan nama anda, nama kantor anda dan
tanggal rencana itu berlaku. Periode aplikasi yang biasanya untuk tahun depan. Dan juga selesaikan
tanggal tinjauan perencanaan – Perencanaan harus ditinjau 'resmi' setiap triwulan.

Tulis nama, kantor dan tanggal dalam perencanaan anda.

Langkah 3: Values and Purpose (Nilai dan Tujuan)

Nilai Harcourts adalah:

 People First (Orang Pertama)
 Doing the Right Thing (Melakukan Hal yang Benar)
 Being Courageous (Menjadi Berani)
 Fun and Laughter (Hiburan dan Tertawa)

Ini sudah dicetak dalam rencana. Dalam menyelesaikan rencana anda, anda mungkin ingin menambahkan
nilai-nilai pribadi yang anda jalani. Hidup dan mendemonstrasikan Nilai Harcourts dapat membantu kita
untuk mengembangkan budaya integritas.

Tujuan Harcourts adalah:

 To Create Success

Dalam hal ini bagian dari rencana anda mungkin ingin menyatakan 'tujuan' anda. Mengapa anda melakukan
apa yang anda lakukan?

Langkah 4: Goals for the Year (Tujuan untuk tahun ini)

Isi daftar rencana tersebut dengan daftar tujuan anda untuk tahun depan. Tujuan bisnis mungkin mencakup:
 Income / Penghasilan
 Exclusives
 Auctions / Lelang
 Sales / Penjualan
 Database
 Referral – Jasa keuangan, jasa convincing services, penjualan lainnya
 Prospek panggilan telepon
 Promosi Pribadi (emails)

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

 Promosi Pribadi (cetak)
 Seller paid advertising
 Open House / homes
 Kartu Terima kasih
 Harcourts Foundation

Tujuan pribadi mungkin termasuk fokus pada:

 Hubungan dan keluarga
 Kesehatan / kebugaran / kesejahteraan
 Rencara Liburan
 Keterlibatan masyarakat
 Kekayaan penciptaan

Isilah daftar Tujuan (goals) untuk tahun ini.

Langkah 5: Key Focus Areas for the Year (Kunci Fokus Area Tahun ini)

Kunci Fokus Area adalah kunci inisiatif tujuan dalam satu tahun. Apa prioritas utama untuk tahun berikutnya
yang sekali dicapai akan memastikan anda mencapai 80% dari tujuan anda menyatakan untuk tahun ini? Ini
adalah cara memprioritaskan tujuan anda.

Isi daftar Kunci Fokus Area Tahun ini.

Langkah 6: BHAG

BHAG berarti Besar, Berbulu, Tujuan audacious. Tujuan begitu besar itu benar-benar menakut-nakuti anda
– sesuatu yang, jika dapat anda raih bagaimanapun, akan benar-benar luar biasa.

Refleksikan pada bisnis anda dan di mana anda berada dan putuskan apa yang benar-benar penting yang
ingin anda capai, belum tentu tercapai tahun depan tetapi mengatakan dalam satu sampai tiga tahun

Isi BHAG anda.

Langkah 7: Personal Development (Pengembangan Pribadi)

Kunci area untuk Pengembangan Pribadi dan Professional. Apakah bidang pengembangan pribadi yang
ingin anda fokuskan pada tahun mendatang untuk mengatur mengembangkan keahlian anda, industri dan
pengetahuan umum; secara pribadi dan profesional?

Isi kunci area Pengembangan Pribadi dan Professional.

Langkah 8: Opportunities and Threats (Peluang dan Ancaman)

Peluang dan Ancaman dapat mempengaruhi rencana anda. Sebutkan satu, dua atau tiga peluang dalam
perencanaan anda selama satu sampai tiga tahun berikutnya? Sebutkan satu, dua atau tiga ancaman
dalam mencapai rencana anda selama satu sampai tiga tahun ke depan?

Isi Peluang dan Ancaman.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Langkah 9: Quarterly Targets (Target Triwulan)

Pastikan anda telah mengisi tanggal review dalam rencana anda, seharusnya sekitar 3 bulan dari tanggal
hari ini. Sekarang mengisi panel target triwulanan dari rencana yang telah anda targetkan untuk kuartal
depan. Kalkulasi jumlah goals tahunan dalam perencanaan anda untuk menargetkan kuartal ini. Target
triwulanan mungkin mencakup:
 Income / Penghasilan
 Exclusives
 Auctions / Lelang
 Sales / Penjualan
 Database
 Referral – Jasa keuangan, jasa convincing services, penjualan lainnya
 Prospek panggilan telepon
 Promosi Pribadi (emails)
 Promosi Pribadi (cetak)
 Seller paid advertising
 Open House / homes
 Kartu Terima kasih
 Harcourts Foundation

Tujuan pribadi mungkin termasuk fokus pada:

 Hubungan dan keluarga
 Kesehatan / kebugaran / kesejahteraan
 Rencara Liburan
 Keterlibatan masyarakat
 Kekayaan penciptaan

Isilah daftar Tujuan (goals) untuk tahun ini.

Langkah 10: Key Focus Areas – Quarter (Bidang Fokus Utama – Triwulan)

Hal ini adalah prioritas kuartal depan anda. Laporan menguraikan tiga hal penting yang harus dilakukan
untuk mencapai target triwulanan anda.

Membuat daftar Kunci Fokus triwulanan anda.

Langkah 11: Scoreboard (Papan Skor)

Papan Skor adalah alat bantu visual untuk membantu anda dan / atau tim anda 'melihat' bahwa anda
berada di jalur. Contohnya bisa menjadi Penjualan atau 'Saluran' daftar Dewan pelacakan dan target
penjualan dan prestasi, atau termometer di dinding menunjukkan kemajuan untuk target tertentu.

Tentukan bentuk papan skor anda dan seperti apa bentuknya dan isi panel ini dalam rencana anda.

Langkah 12: Celebration/Reward (Perayaan / Reward)

Perayaan dan Hadiah memperkuat pencapaian target dan tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Bagaimana anda
akan merayakan atau apa yang akan menjadi hadiah untuk mencapai kunci target kuartal?

Tulis dalam rencana anda reward yang ingin dicapai dalam target kuartal anda.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Langkah 13: Actions to Live Values

Lihatlah nilai yang anda miliki, menentukan tindakan apa yang dapat anda ambil kuartal ini yang
menunjukkan dan memperkuat nilai anda. Sebagai contoh, 'Orang Pertama' bisa ditunjukkan dengan
memastikan bahwa anda berkomitmen untuk komunikasi. Ini bisa berarti menelepon, mengirim email atau
SMS umpan balik ke penjual setelah setiap pemeriksaan atau Open House dalam satu jam. 'Fun dan
Tertawa "dapat diperkuat dengan memperkenalkan cara khusus untuk merayakan ulang tahun klien anda.

Tulislah bagaimana anda akan menghidupkan nilai yang anda miliki pada kuartal berikutnya dalam tindakan
Live Values panel.

Langkah 14: Accountability (Akuntabilitas)

Melengkapi pertanggungjawaban daftar tugas dengan mengacu pada:

 Tindakan dari Tujuan Tahunan.
 Tindakan dari Target Triwulan.
 Tindakan dari peluang melebihi rencana.
 Tindakan dari Ancaman terhadap Rencana.
 Tindakan dari "Living Values Anda”.
 Tindakan dari Pengembangan Pribadi dan Profesional anda.

Lengkapi panel dengan daftar setiap tindakan utama yang harus selesai pada kuartal ini - memastikan anda
menyelesaikan tugas (deskripsikan tindakan yang akan dilakukan), Tanggal (ketika tugas tidak akan
selesai), dan Siapa (yang bertanggung jawab untuk tugas tersebut – bisa anda atau seseorang yang anda
delegasikan atau seseorang yang akan b erbagi tanggung jawab dengan anda) Lihat di bawah untuk daftar
tugas akuntabilitas yang dapat anda gunakan.

Langkah 15: Plan your Review (Masukkan Review dalam Perencaaan Anda)

Pastikan bahwa tanggal Review Perencaaan anda sudah disetujui dan transfer dalam daftar buku
perencanaan anda.

Tambahkan Tanggal Rencana Tinjauan anda dalm buku harian anda.

Selama program, anda akan mengembangkan tingkat yang jauh lebih dalam dari rencana anda – dari anggaran
biaya dan tujuan bulanan anda untuk proyeksi musiman, calon pelanggan, dan tatap muka tujuan pengangkatan
berdasarkan rasio konversi, dan banyak lagi. Ingatlah hal ini satu halaman Rencana Bisnis dekat dengan anda
atau dengan anda setiap saat. Untuk sampai ke tujuan anda, anda perlu peta. Rencana Bisnis akan berfungsi
sebagai peta anda.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Membaca informasi tentang Perencanaan Bisnis, dan sumber daya yang terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library >
Sales > Managing Yourself > The Working Landscape.

Menyaksikan video ‘succeeding’ dalam tahun pertama anda di real estate, dengan mencari Harcourts
One Library for:
 “Megan Tamlin - Brock Harcourts Adelaide (Aus)”
 “Mary Turnbull - Gold Office Christchurch (NZ) at Conference '08”
 “Alex Ouwens - Brock Harcourts Adelaide (Aus)”

Menyaksikan tutorial yang menunjukkan langkah-demi-langkah (demonstrasi) bagaimana Mengelola

Tugas dalam Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Tambahkan masing-masing tugas dari rencana bisnis anda dalam Harcourts One Tasks.
Tambahkan masing-masing tugas dari rencana bisnis anda dalam Harcourts Satu Tugas. Sertakan
tanggal jatuh tempo dan mengelola tugas-tugas. Sebagai tugas baru muncul, menambahkannya ke
sistem manajemen tugas.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week One Assignments (Tugas-tugas Minggu Pertama )

Di bawah ini adalah daftar tugas yang harus anda selesaikan minggu ini. Tulislah tanggal jatuh tempo berikutnya
untuk setiap tugas dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

This Week’s Focus Tasks (Fokus Tugas Minggu ini) Minggu ini Pembeli Tugas Kapan Selesai
Tuliskan lima alasan mengapa anda percaya akan berhasil dalam karir baru
anda dengan Harcourts dan menampilkannya di tempat yang menonjol di kantor.

Tuliskan tujuan anda (goals) sesuai petunjuk di bagian "Setting Goals" di Minggu

Bacalah informasi tentang tujuan pengaturan, dan sumber daya yang terkait, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Yourself > A Life Worth Working

Menonton video pada tujuan pengaturan, dengan mencari di Harcourts One
Library for: “Bob Wolff (USA) at Conference ’07".

Carilah dalam Harcourts One Library dalam document “Business Planning for
Sales Consultants – Navigational Check”. Download, dicetak, dan lengkapilah

sesuai petunjuk dalam bagian “The Business Planning Process” Minggu 1.
Lengkapilah PersamaanKesuksesan anda seperti yang diarahkan dalam bagian
"The Business Planning Process" dalam Minggu 1.

Carilah dalam Harcourts One Library dalam document “Business Plan BLANK
(A3)” dan “Business Plan for Sales Consultants (A3) – Contoh Selesai”.

Download, dicetak, dan lengkapi sesuai petunjuk dalam bagian “The Business
Planning Process” dalam Minggu 1.
Bacalah informasi tentang Perencanaan Bisnis, dan sumber daya yang terkait,
di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Yourself > The Working

Saksikan video di succeeding dalam tahun pertama anda di real estate, dengan
mencari Harcourts One Library:

 “Megan Tamlin - Brock Harcourts Adelaide (Aus)”
 “Mary Turnbull - Gold Office Christchurch (NZ) at Conference '08”
 “Alex Ouwens - Brock Harcourts Adelaide (Aus)”
Saksikan tutorial yang menunjukkan langkah- langkah bagaimana Mengelola
Tugas dalam Harcourts One, di: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Tambahkan masing-masing tugas dari rencana bisnis anda dalam Harcourts One
Tasks. Sertakan tanggal jatuh tempo dan mengelola tugas-tugas. Sebagai tugas

baru muncul, menambahkannya ke sistem manajemen tugas.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks (Tugas ke Pembeli Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Mintalah untuk membantu dalam Open House yang dijalankan oleh kantor anda
minggu ini. Menuliskannya pada 24-Minggu Kalender Perencanaan anda. Baca

informasi tentang mempersiapkan dan memfasilitasi sebuah Open House, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks (Tugas Prospek Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Melakukan panggilan telepon untuk 25 orang yang anda kenal (lima per hari)
menginformasikan mereka tentang karier baru anda bersama Harcourts.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Menindaklanjuti panggilan telepon di atas dengan mengirimkan masing-masing
"terima-kasih atas dukungan Anda" kartu ditulis tangan. Bacalah informasi

tentang menulis catatan tulisan tangan, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
This Week’s Self-Management Tasks (Tugas Management diri Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Carilah dalam Perpustakaan Satu Harcourts untuk "Rekam Aktivitas Harian"
dokumen. Download, dicetak, dan selesaikan catatan setiap hari untuk melacak

kegiatan sehari-hari.

Sementara berbicara dengan Manajer anda, anda mungkin setuju pada tugas-tugas tambahan yang harus di
selesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tugas-tugas di bawah ini, menulis tanggal jatuh tempo berikutnya untuk setiap
tugas, dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

Other Tasks for This Week (Tugas lain Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week One (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu Pertama)

Mintalah Manajer anda untuk menggunakan tabel berikut untuk melakukan kasual satu lawan satu dengan anda
mengikuti kegiatan minggu ini.

Manager: Harap membuat catatan rincian dan mengambil tindakan jika diperlukan.

Waktu dan

Topik minggu ini, sebagai berikut:

Your Business Plan
 Setting Goals (Menetapkan Tujuan)
 Don’t Plan – Schedule (Jangan Rencanakan – Jadwal)
 The Business Planning Process (Proses Perencanaan Bisnis)
Apakah anda dapat menyelesaikan semua kegiatan yang diperlukan?

Apakah semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana?

Apakah anda ada waktu akhir minggu ini untuk pergi bersama saya?

Apa, jika ada anda mempunyai waktu luang minggu ini?

Dapatkah anda merasakan manfaat dari kelanjutan diskusi minggu ini secara berkelanjutan?

Apakah ada hal lain yang ingin dibahas pada saat ini?

Selamat atas penyelesaian minggu 1!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


Agenda minggu ini:

 Building Your Prospect Base (Membangun Basis Prospek anda)
 Different Ways to Prospect (Berbagai Cara untuk Prospek)
 Week Two Assignments (Tugas Minggu 2)
 Manager Catch-up: Week Two (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu 2)

Mastering the Basics (Menguasai Dasar-dasar)

Sebagai Sales Consultant real estate, anda memiliki empat kegiatan primer, kegiatan yang menghasilkan rupiah
anda perlu fokus pada: prospeksi, listing, negosiasi, dan selling. Hal pertama - calon - penting untuk
menciptakan dan memelihara aliran bisnis yang akan memberi makan anda pipa atas seluruh karir anda.
Mengapa, kemudian, bahwa mayoritas orang tidak hanya tidak menikmati prospeksi, tetapi menghindarinya
sama sekali?

Intinya begini: kebanyakan orang baik tidak dapat memulai prospecting karena mereka belum mengembangkan
teknik untuk melakukannya, atau mereka telah berhenti karena mereka tidak berhasil pada calon pelanggan.
Pada akhir minggu ini, anda akan memiliki keterampilan dasar untuk calon pelanggan secara efektif.

Building Your Prospect Base (Membangun Basis Prospek Anda)

Where to Start (Mulai dari mana)

Membuat buku bisnis anda dimulai dengan orang yang anda sudah tahu. Sebagai pengaruh bagi anda atau
Lingkaran Kontak. Menggunakan saran pengaruh di bawah ini sebagai titik awal, mulai mendata semua orang
yang anda kenal.

Sebagai saran:

Keluarga dan Teman Mitra / Rekan kerja Dokter Hewan Organisasi masyarakat
Tetangga Tukang kebun Pelukis / Decorators Listrik
Dokter Anggota Gereja Tukang pipa Penata rambut
Pengacara Toko Bunga Agen asuransi Handymen
Dokter Gigi Dry cleaners Penasehat Keuangan Tilers / Concreters
Kontraktor Auto perbaikan teknisi Anggota klub sosial Carpet layers

How to Build (Cara Membangun)

Berbagai kontak-aplikasi manajemen perangkat lunak ada yang akan memungkinkan anda untuk
membuat dan membangun dasar bagi anda dari klien. Harcourts telah merancang satu khusus untuk
anda. Di dalam Harcourts One. Mengaksesnya dengan memilih " Contacts " tab pada menu bar.

Memaksimalkan penggunaan jenis klien dan kategori dalam sistem Harcourts One Contacts. Menawarkan
beberapa lapisan mengkategorikan, sehingga klien dapat diidentifikasi sebagai prospek penjual, prospek
pembeli, klien masa lalu, dan bagian dari kelompok jaringan bisnis, semua pada waktu yang sama.

Bacalah informasi tentang cara membuat dan kategorisasi database anda, dan sumber daya yang
terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11
Menonton tutorial yang menunjukkan langkah-demi-langkah bagaimana Tambah Kontak, Mengelompokkan
Kontak, dan Mengelola Kontak dalam Harcourts One, di: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.
Tontonlah video untuk membangun database klien, dengan mencari di Harcourts One Library for:
“John Beal - Harcourts Redcliffe (Aus)”

Tambahkan masing-masing Sphere kontak anda ke database Harcourts One database dan
mengkategorikan mereka sesuai. Ketika anda bertemu orang baru, menambahkannya ke kategori
database anda setiap minggu.

Different Ways to Prospect (Berbagai cara yang berbeda untuk Prospecting)

Face to Face (Berhadapan Muka)

Ada dua cara yang sangat sederhana untuk prospek ketika keluar di publik. Pertama, memakai papan nama
anda di mana saja anda pergi, bahkan ke toko kelontong. Orang secara alami ingin tahu dan dapat memulai
percakapan dengan anda tentang real estate. Kedua, selalu memiliki kartu bisnis dengan anda dan
meninggalkan mereka dengan semua orang yang berinteraksi dengan anda. Jika berbicara langsung dengan
seseorang, selalu memberi mereka setidaknya dua kartu, dan meminta mereka untuk berbagi ekstra dengan
orang berikutnya yang mereka hadapi yang menyebutkan minat dalam membeli atau menjual real estat. Bahkan
di restoran, pastikan untuk meninggalkan kartu nama anda. Letakkan catatan yang ditulis tangan di bagian

Mail Campaigns (Surat Menyurat)

Prospecting melalui pos mungkin merupakan metode yang paling umum. Pikirkan surat pribadi anda sendiri:
berapa banyak yang anda terima setiap mingguan, atau bahkan setiap hari? Ada beberapa faktor penting untuk
meningkatkan kesuksesan anda ketika Prospecting melalui pos. Pertama, selalu memberikan sesuatu yang
bernilai ketika meminta untuk bisnis. Misalnya, ketika menyurati FSBO, anda mungkin ingin menyertakan daftar
untuk memegang Open House atau tips tentang showing Open House. Hukum Timbal Balik berlaku di sini: hal
itu - ketika anda memberikan sesuatu yang berharga kepada seseorang, mereka merasa berkewajiban untuk
membalas, apakah itu membiarkan anda mendapatkan bisnis mereka atau mereferralkan anda kepada
seseorang yang mereka tahu siapa yang membeli atau menjual.

Kedua, konsisten. Membangun sistem untuk surat menyurat anda sehingga anda dapat menghubungi prospek
secara teratur. Jelajahi surat menyurat secara otomatis, seperti pra-instal yang dalam sistem Satu Kontak
Harcourts untuk menyederhanakan upaya calon pelanggan Anda. sistem Satu Kontak Harcourts untuk
menyederhanakan upaya calon pelanggan anda.

Faktor penting lain yang meningkatkan upaya surat menyurat anda adalah penambahan tindak lanjut panggilan
telepon selama dan pada akhir kampanye.

Email Campaigns(Email)

Harcourts One Email Marketing is a series of templates that you can use to easily send professional looking,
interactive emails to your client database.

Anda dapat memilih dari beberapa template yang ada:

 E-Newsletters – make your own newsletter or send Harcourts Home and Property
 Property information emails – New Listings, Just Sold, Open Homes
 Greetings emails – birthday, anniversary, congratulations, thank you, keep in touch
Harcourts One Email Marketing memberikan kesempatan interaktif dengan klien anda. Mereka mampu
menjawab pertanyaan, masukkan link, download dokumen dan mengirimkan komentar. Harcourts One Email

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Marketing kemudian mengumpulkan informasi ini dan memberikan laporan yang berguna dan grafik kembali
kepada anda. Anda akan menemukan rincian seperti kapan, siapa dan seberapa sering klien membaca
newsletter anda, alamat email yang tidak terkirim dan yang tidak ingin menerima email anda.

Material Email marketing adalah kesempatan untuk informasi target atau pasar massal di sebagian kecil dari
biaya ongkos kirim tradisional dan kertas – untuk lebih efektif.

Menonton tutorial yang menunjukkan langkah-demi-langkah bagaimana untuk menavigasi melalui

Email Marketing, Kirim Surat via Email Marketing, dan Kirim Properti via Email Marketing dalam
Harcourts One, di: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Menonton video untuk membangun manajemen kontak dengan strategi online seperti email
marketing, dan menggunakan database klien, dengan mencari di Harcourts One Library for: “Hamish
Mill – Success Using Email”.

What to Send (Apa yang harus Kirim)

Sebuah program mail baik langsung (entah itu melalui pos atau email) meliputi satu item per bulan, seperti
brosur, buletin, atau kartu pos.

Beberapa contoh surat yang efektif adalah:

 Buletin Perumahan & Properti
 Bluebook (majalah)
 Kartu ucapan Liburan
 Kartu ucapan Ulang Tahun
 Kartu ucapan Anniversary
 Kartu Post
 Profil pribadi
 Buletin Pribadi
 Kalendar event untuk publik
 Buletin Perusahaan atau kantor
 Listing terbaru
 Penjualan terbaru
 Melihat materi Lingkungan sekitar
 Artikel dan statistik Real estate
 Kalender
 Tips keamanan rumah
 Tips Pemeliharaan Rumah
 Tips Landscaping
 Mencari listing / buyers flyers
 Internet artikel
 Informasi Kebakaran
 Testimonial dan kantor atau penghargaan prestasi pribadi.

Membaca informasi tentang calon pelanggan melalui surat dan email, dan sumber daya terkait, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.

Ke Harcourts One Email Marketing, membuat marketing piece untuk dikirim ke database anda, dan

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Apakah anda seorang sales consultant baru atau lama, ponsel prospeksi sering terbukti menjadi metode yang
paling hemat biaya dari calon pelanggan. Dengan menggunakan script yang solid dan memiliki sistem khusus di
tempat, banyak top sales telah sukses besar prospek melalui telepon.

Melakukan panggilan 25phone kepada orang yang anda kenal (lima per hari) menginformasikan
mereka tentang karir baru anda dengan Harcourts dan meminta mereka untuk memberikan referral.
Memanfaatkan script untuk membantu anda dengan telepon calon pelanggan, di: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Prospecting > Scripts > Client Database and Client Contact.

Always Ask for Referrals

Tip lain untuk minggu ini: apapun situasinya, memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk selalu meminta referral. Jika
calon prospek tidak ada perhatian, tanyakan, "Dari semua orang yang anda kenal di daerah, siapa yang anda
anggap paling mungkin berpikir untuk membeli atau menjual di akhir (tahun / enam bulan / dll)?”

Cara terbaik untuk mengatasi ketakutan anda prospek dari ponsel adalah untuk angkat telepon dan mulai
telepon! Membangun lingkup pengaruh anda dan telepon orang-orang yang sudah mengenal anda dan apa
yang telah anda lakukan.

Membaca informasi tentang berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan klien, dan sumber daya terkait, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Consultative Real Estate > Building Relationships with Clients.

Menonton video di maintaining consistent client contact and the success it brings, dengan mencari di
Harcourts One Library for:
 “Carolyn Evans - Hamilton Glenview (NZ)”
 “Andrew Proud - Harcourts Frankston – Aus”

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Two Assignments (Tugas-tugas Minggu ke 2 )

Di bawah ini adalah daftar tugas yang harus anda selesaikan minggu ini. Tulislah tanggal jatuh tempo berikutnya
untuk setiap tugas dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

This Week’s Focus Tasks (Fokus Tugas Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Membaca informasi tentang cara membuat dan kategorisasi database anda, dan
sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client

Database and Client Contact.
Menonton tutorial yang menunjukkan langkah-demi-langkah bagaimana Tambah
Kontak, Mengelompokkan Kontak, dan Mengelola Kontak dalam: Harcourts One

> Learn / Help.
Menonton video bagaimana membuat database klien, dengan mencari di
Harcourts One Library for: “John Beal - Harcourts Redcliffe (Aus)”

Menambahkan masing-masing kontak ke database Harcourts One anda dan
menyesuaikan kategori mereka. Saat anda bertemu orang baru,

menambahkannya ke kategori database anda setiap minggu.
Menonton tutorial yang menunjukkan langkah-demi-langkah bagaimana untuk
menavigasi melalui Email Marketing, Kirim Surat via Email Marketing, dan Kirim

Properti via Email Marketing dalam Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn /
Menonton video bagaimana membangun manajemen kontak dengan strategi
online seperti email marketing, dan menggunakan database klien, dengan

mencari di Harcourts One Library for: “Hamish Mill – Success Using Email”.
Membaca informasi tentang calon pelanggan melalui surat dan email, dan
sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client

Database and Client Contact.
Menggunakan Harcourts One Email Marketing, membuat marketing piece untuk
dikirim ke database anda, dan mengirim.

Melakukan panggilan telepon ke 25 orang yang anda kenal (lima per hari)
menginformasikan mereka tentang karir baru anda dengan Harcourts dan

meminta mereka untuk referral. Memanfaatkan script untuk membantu anda
dengan telepon calon pelanggan, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Prospecting > Scripts > Client Database and Client Contact.
Membaca informasi tentang berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan klien, dan
sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Consultative Real

Estate > Building Relationships With Clients.
Menonton video dalam maintaining consistent client contact and the success it
brings, dengan mencari di the Harcourts One Library for:

 “Carolyn Evans - Hamilton Glenview (NZ)”
 “Andrew Proud - Harcourts Frankston – Aus”
This Week’s Buyer Tasks (Tugas ke Pembeli Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Mintalah Asst. untuk membantu dalam Open House yang dijalankan oleh kantor
anda minggu ini. Menuliskannya pada 24-Minggu Kalender Perencanaan anda.

Baca informasi tentang mempersiapkan dan memfasilitasi sebuah Open House,
di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

This Week’s Prospecting Tasks (Tugas Prospek Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Tulislah lima ucapan terima kasih setiap hari, untuk total 25 minggu ini, kepada
orang-orang yang telah ajak bicara. Membaca informasi tentang menulis catatan

tulisan tangan, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client
Database and Client Contact.
This Week’s Self-Management Tasks (Tugas Management diri Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Dalam Minggu pertama anda menuliskan lima alasan mengapa anda percaya
bahwa anda akan sukses dalam karir baru anda dengan Harcourts dan

ditampilkan mereka di tempat yang menonjol di kantor anda. Bacalah alasannya
keras setiap pagi.
Carilah dalam Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Tambahkan masing-masing tugas dari minggu ini dalam Harcourts One. Sertakan
tanggal jatuh tempo dan mengelola tugas-tugas yang sesuai. Sebagai tugas baru

muncul, menambahkannya ke sistem manajemen tugas.

Sementara berbicara dengan manajer, anda mungkin setuju pada tugas-tugas tambahan yang harus
diselesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tugas-tugas di bawah ini, menulis tanggal jatuh tempo samping setiap tugas,
dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

Other Tasks for This Week (Tugas lain Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Two (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu ke 2)

Mintalah Manajer anda untuk menggunakan tabel berikut untuk melakukan kasual satu lawan satu dengan anda
mengikuti kegiatan minggu ini.

Manager: Harap membuat catatan rincian dan mengambil tindakan jika diperlukan.

Waktu dan

Topik minggu ini, sebagai berikut:

Prospek I
 Building Your Prospect Base (Membangun Basis Prospek anda)
 Different Ways to Prospect (Macam-macam Cara ke Prospect)
Apakah anda dapat menyelesaikan semua kegiatan yang diperlukan?

Apakah semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana?

Apakah anda ada waktu akhir minggu ini untuk pergi bersama saya?

Apa, jika ada anda mempunyai waktu luang minggu ini?

Dapatkah anda merasakan manfaat dari kelanjutan diskusi minggu ini secara berkelanjutan?

Apakah ada hal lain yang ingin dibahas pada saat ini?

Role plays membuat panggilan telepon ke orang yang anda tahu, menginformasikan mereka tentang karir baru anda
dengan Harcourts dan meminta mereka untuk memberi referal. Manager: Memberikan umpan balik jika diperlukan.

Selamat telah menyelesaikan minggu 2 !

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Agenda Minggu ini:
 Targeting Priority Customers (Prioritas Target Pelanggan)
 Geographic Farm (Geografis Pertanian)
 Tips for Prospecting (Tips untuk Prospek)
 Developing Your Systems (Mengembangkan Sistem anda)
 Tips on Technique (Tips Teknik)
 Week Three Assignments (Tugas-tugas Minggu ketiga)
 Manager Catch-up: Week Three (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu Ketiga)

Building Your Foundation (Membangun Prondasi Anda)

Ketika anda menguasai keterampilan dasar untuk sukses prospek, Anda bisa mulai membangun fondasi yang
kuat untuk membantu calon memajukan bisnis anda dalam jangka panjang. Anda telah menempatkan beberapa
blok fondasi penting di tempat - telepon sehari-hari anda dan ucapan terima kasih, misalnya. Sekarang saatnya
untuk mulai menempatkan beberapa rencana jangka panjang ke dalam tindakan.

Targeting Priority Customers (Prioritas Target Pelanggan)

Menargetkan pelanggan dengan tepat dapat berdampak besar pada bisnis anda. Sales consultants yang tidak
aktif selama bertahun-tahun mengubah bisnis mereka dalam semalam hanya dengan mengubah siapa mereka
dipasaran. Penargetan orang-orang yang akan membeli atau daftar yang anda miliki juga akan menghemat
terbuangnya biaya iklan. Beberapa contoh menargetkan pasar anda adalah:
 Dijual oleh Pemilik - FSBO (mereka ingin menjual)
 Listing Kadaluarsa (mereka ingin menjual)
 Pemilik properti Absentee (mereka mungkin ingin trade, exchange, divest,, atau menambah portfolio
 Spesifik lingkungan atau pelanggan
o Dimana anda membangun profil anda
o Hanya Sold di daerah yang didefinisikan
o Dokter, pengacara, pengusaha, dan profesional lainnya untuk high-end properti
o Lingkungan sekitar dengan harga yang tepat dapat "naik"
o listing anda. (Survey menunjukkan konsumen akan membeli rumah dari 50 hingga 75 persen lebih
tinggi daripada tempat tinggal mereka sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, jika anda memiliki listing
rumah yang seharga $ 600.000, anda akan menargetkan flyer "Hanya Dipasang / Just Listed"
untuk rumah kisaran harga $ 345.000 - $ 400.000)
 Penyewa (pertama kali pembeli)
 Pedagang lokal dan pebisnis yang dapat menjadi anggota potensial networking group anda

Baca informasi tentang calon, prospek yang ditargetkan, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One
> Library > Sales > Prospecting > Working Your Trade Area.

Baca informasi tentang telepon calon, prospek dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library
> Sales > Prospecting > Telephone Prospecting.

Membuat panggilan 25 telepon untuk pelanggan yang dipeprioritaskan (lima per hari) menjelaskan ke
mereka jika anda dapat membantunya dalam kebutuhan real estat. Memanfaatkan script untuk
membantu anda dengan calon nasabah prioritas, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >
Scripts > Working Your Trade Area.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Geographic Farm (Geografis Pertanian)

Geografis Pertanian memilih daerah definitif atau lingkungan di mana untuk mengkhususkan. Idenya adalah
untuk mengenal dan membangun hubungan profesional jangka panjang dengan setiap pemilik rumah atau
penyewa di setiap properti residensial atau bisnis di daerah itu. Anda sedang mempersiapkan dan berusaha
untuk menjadi spesialis daerah.

Sebuah wilayah pertanian juga dapat dikenal sebagai daerah pengembangan bisnis atau area perdagangan.

Penelitian menunjukkan hubungan langsung antara ukuran data base penjualan Sales Consultant dan
keberhasilan jangka panjang mereka. Dengan meliputi area geografis tertentu:
 Membangun profil anda di daerah itu
 Memperpanjang kontak klien anda
 Meningkatkan kualitas basis klien anda
 Keuntungan kredibilitas sebagai spesialis daerah
 Menghasilkan lebih mengarah untuk listing dan pembeli di daerah anda
 Aman loyalitas lebih dari pesaing anda

Daerah pertanian geografis biasanya dialokasikan, jika tersedia, oleh Business Owner atau Sales Manager.

Preferensi dapat diberikan kepada konsultan yang tinggal di daerah, atau yang memiliki pangsa pasar yang baik.
Jumlah properti dialokasikan per konsultan akan bervariasi tergantung pada ukuran daerah waralaba kantor dan
tim konsultan. Rata-rata adalah 300 - 400 dan mungkin termasuk bisnis lokal di dekatnya.

Menyarankan kegiatan untuk daerah Geografis Pertanian anda:

 Penurunan Letterbox bulanan.
 Doorknock secara terencana.
 Mengirim catatan pribadi (tulisan tangan) kepada orang-orang yang anda ajak berbicara dengan pada
hari itu. Catatan ini dapat berupa ucapan terima kasih kepada orang tersebut untuk waktu mereka atau
untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada mereka.
 Tambahkan orang-orang baru yang anda temui untuk data base anda, dengan izin mereka.
 "Hanya Dipasang " dan "Hanya Terjual " flyer.
 Menetapkan tempat penyebaran Bluebook, misalnya makanan cepat saji toko, dokter, pusat
 Memperkenalkan diri anda pada Pemilik Bisnis lokal.
 Mengorganisir acara komunitas, misalnya lelang amal, barbekyu lingkungan.
 Mengorganisir perkumpulan lingkungan tempat tinggal untuk sampah anorganik.
 Melakukan Open House di daerah sekitar dan undangan untuk menghadiri Open House.
 Tempatkan papan nama untuk semua listing yang ada.
 Bergabung dalam perkumpulan / klub.
 Memberikan dan mengirim "Selamat Datang di Rumah Anda / Welcome to Your Home" paket untuk
SEMUA penduduk baru yang pindah ke daerah.
 Menindaklanjuti penjualan di daerah tersebut.
 Menyelesaikan survei pasar sebulan sekali pada daerah sekitar (menggunakan Daftar "Properties Dijual
dalam bentuk Area).
 Hubungi penjual swasta seminggu sekali.
 Menulis pesan di kartu Harcourts kepada calon prospek dan kirim surat.
 Menulis pesan pada punggung kartu nama anda "Maaf aku rindu padamu" atau "Silahkan hubungi saya
mengenai properti Anda" dapat digunakan saat door knocking dan bila tidak ada orang di rumah.
 Memperkenalkan diri anda ke sekolah-sekolah lokal dan taman kanak-kanak.
 Memberikan souvenir untuk promosi, misalnya kalender, pena, memo pad.
 Sponsor tim lokal.
 Beriklan di kendaraan yang melintasi daerah sekitar, misalnya bus, van pengiriman.
 Meminta testimonial dari orang yang anda kenal dan semua orang yang telah anda prospek, terutama
di daerah utama yang menonjol.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Baca informasi tentang geografis pertanian, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library >
Sales > Prospecting > Geographic Farming.

Mencari Harcourts One Library untuk dokumen " Market Study / Studi Pasar" dan "List Properti Dijual
dalam Area". Download, cetak, dan lengkapi dua dokumen pada daerah geografis pertanian anda.
Statistik Google pasar lokal dan beritakan ke Manager anda untuk informasi yang akurat.

Menulis sebuah perencana kegiatan untuk daerah peternakan anda selama seminggu.

Tips for Prospecting (Tips untuk Prospekting)

Ketika anda mengembangkan rencana yang lebih definitif bagaimana anda berniat untuk prospek, ada beberapa
tips yang berguna untuk membimbing usaha anda.

Buyers Buy Houses; Sellers Buy Brand (Pembeli Beli Rumah, Penjual Beli Merek)

Pertimbangkan siapa calon pelanggan anda. Jika anda menargetkan pembeli, anda perlu membandingkan
keinginan membeli mereka. Mengetahui inventaris anda, menyediakan informasi agi pembeli tentang proses
membeli rumah, apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengajukan pinjaman, manfaat dari memiliki / membeli
dibandingkan menyewa, dan sebagainya.

Ketika menargetkan penjual, mereka perlu tahu tentang layanan yang anda tawarkan, bagaimana perbedaan
anda dari pesaing anda, apa yang membuat anda menjadi seorang profesional yang diinginkan untuk pekerjaan
ini, bahwa anda mudah didekati dan di ajak bekerjasama, dan bahwa anda akan membereskan pekerjaan ini.

Developing Your Systems (Mengembangkan Sistem anda)

Enquiry Sheets (Lembar Pertanyaan)

Dalam rangka untuk lebih efektif melacak panduan anda dan menjaga informasi klien anda, anda perlu
menggunakan bentuk pra-cetak penyelidikan untuk calon pembeli dan penjual. Lembar yang sama dapat
digunakan ketika anda mencari prospek dalam upaya anda menelepon. Dengan menggunakan bentuk standar,
anda akan memiliki pengingat satu halaman untuk mengajukan pertanyaan kunci untuk mendapatkan semua
informasi berharga yang anda butuhkan untuk melayani klien yang terbaik dan meningkatkan rasio konversi

Contoh lembar penyelidikan untuk kedua calon pembeli dan penjual dapat ditemukan di Harcourts One Library.
Gunakan gaya yang disediakan, atau membuat sendiri. Kode warna bentuk-bentuk, mengatakan hijau untuk
penjual dan kuning untuk pembeli, untuk lebih meningkatkan sistem anda dari penggunaan.

Mencari di Harcourts One Library untuk dokumen " Seller Enquiry Form / Formulir Pertanyaan
Penjual" dan " Buyer Requirements Form / Pembeli Formulir Persyaratan". Download, cetak, dan
praktek menggunakan mereka ketika berbicara dengan penjual dan calon pembeli.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Tips on Technique

Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang akan menyebabkan rasio konversi yang sehat.

Open-Ended Questions (Pertanyaan Pembuka – Akhir)

Ketika bekerja dengan calon klien, anda harus fokus pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan terbuka. Caranya selama
percakapan dan pada penutupannya anda harus memberikan keyakinan yang mudah kepada prospek anda,
atau ya / tidak, pertanyaan. Berfokus pada mengajukan pertanyaan dengan cara yang menyebabkan mereka
untuk memberikan informasi lebih lanjut. Gunakan kata-kata kunci Siapa, Apa, Kapan, Dimana, Mengapa, dan
Bagaimana mengubah pertanyaan tertutup anda menjadi terbuka yang. Beberapa contoh utama dari hal ini
adalah sebagai berikut:


“Berapa kisaran harga yang anda inginkan?" “Berapa kisaran harga anda?”
“Jika anda pindah, daerah manakah yang anda inginkan?” “Apakah anda ingin pindah?”
“Bagaimana anda berencana untuk membiayai pembelian?” “Apakah anda mempunyai dana?”
“Dari semua orang yang anda kenal, siapa yang anda piker “Apakah anda tahu siapa pun yang ingin
ingin pindah?” pindah”

Setiap kali anda mengajukan pertanyaan yang bisa dijawab ya atau tidak, anda berisiko mengakhiri pembicaraan
dengan cepat. Dengan mengajukan pertanyaan terbuka, anda akan memperoleh informasi penting sementara
membangun hubungan melalui diskusi dibandingkan interrogation. Ini sangat penting terutama pada saat
prospek. Pertimbangkan skenario seseorang menelepon dan meminta harga properti. Menggunakan pertanyaan
tertutup, percakapan anda bisa agak pendek:

Caller: “Halo, saya melihat rumah untuk dijual di 123 Maple. Berapa harganya?”
Anda: “Harganya $ 419.900. Apakah harga ini merupakan harga yang anda cari?”
Caller: “Tidak. Terima kasih.”(Mereka menutup telepon.)

Sekarang, perhatikan percakapan yang sama dengan menggunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan terbuka. Kurang
lebih seperti ini:

Caller: “Halo, saya melihat rumah untuk dijual di 123 Maple. Berapa harganya?”
Anda: “Harganya $ 419.900. Berapa ini merupakan harga kisaran yang anda cari?”
Caller: “Sebenarnya, kami berharap menemukan harga sekitar $ 395.000 - $ 410.000.”
Anda: “Kami memiliki beberapa property di kisaran harga itu. Apakah anda keberatan jika saya
mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan untuk membantu menemukan apa yang anda cari?”

Baca informasi tentang calon prospek, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales
>Working With Buyers.

Menonton video untuk calon prospek, dengan mencari di Harcourts One Library:
 “James Tostevin (Keynote Speaker) at Conference '10”
 “Steven Marshall - Harcourts Fendalton – NZ”
 “Stephen Venn - BrockHarcourts Colonel Light Gardens – Aus”
 “Nicky Rhodes - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Mathew Lee - BrockHarcourts Golden Grove – Aus”
 “Mark O'Loughlin - Harcourts Papanui – NZ”
 “Andrew Simpson - BrockHarcourts Holden Grove – Aus”
 “An Interview with Nicky Rhodes”
 “Alex Baker - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Abi Koellner - Harcourts Capricorn Coast – Aus”
 “Tony Morrison - Harcourts Launceston – Aus”

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Three Assignments (Tugas-tugas Minggu 3 )

Berikut adalah daftar tugas yang anda harus selesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tanggal jatuh tempo di samping
tugas masing-masing dan ketika atnda menyelesaikannya, centang!

This Week’s Focus Tasks (Fokus Tugas Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Baca informasi tentang calon prodpek yang ditargetkan, dan sumber daya terkait,
di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Working Your Trade Area.

Baca informasi tentang calon telepon, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts
One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Telephone Prospecting.

Membuat panggilan 25 telepon untuk pelanggan yang di prioritaskan (lima per
hari) bertanya kepada mereka jika anda dapat membantu mereka dalam

kebutuhan real estat. Memanfaatkan script untuk membantu anda dengan calon
nasabah prioritas, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Scripts >
Working Your Trade Area.
Baca informasi tentang geografis pertanian, dan sumber daya terkait, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Geographic Farming.

Mencari dokumen di Harcourts One Library " Market Study (Studi Pasar)" dan "
List of Properties for Sale in My Farm Area (Daftar Properti Dijual di Area)".

Download, cetak, dan lengkapi dua dokumen pada daerah geografis pertanian
anda. Google Statistik pasar lokal dan refer ke Manager anda untuk informasi
yang akurat.
Menulis sebuah rencana kegiatan untuk daerah anda selama seminggu.

Mencari dokumen di Harcourts One Library " Seller Enquiry Form (Formulir
Pertanyaan Penjual)" dan " Buyer Requirements Form (Formulir Persyaratan

Pembeli )". Download, cetak, dan praktek menggunakannya ketika berbicara
dengan penjual dan calon pembeli.
Baca informasi tentang calon pembeli, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts
One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers.

Menonton video di calon pelanggan, dengan mencari Perpustakaan Satu
Harcourts untuk: Harcourts One Library untuk:

 “James Tostevin (Keynote Speaker) at Conference '10”
 “Steven Marshall - Harcourts Fendalton – NZ”
 “Stephen Venn - BrockHarcourts Colonel Light Gardens – Aus”
 “Nicky Rhodes - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Mathew Lee - BrockHarcourts Golden Grove – Aus”
 “Mark O'Loughlin - Harcourts Papanui – NZ”
 “Andrew Simpson - BrockHarcourts Holden Grove – Aus”
 “An Interview with Nicky Rhodes”
 “Alex Baker - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Abi Koellner - Harcourts Capricorn Coast – Aus”
 “Tony Morrison - Harcourts Launceston – Aus”
This Week’s Buyer Tasks (Tugas ke Pembeli Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Bertanya untuk melakukan Open House yang dijalankan oleh kantor anda
minggu ini jika anda sedang tidak melakukan Open House. Catat dalam agenda

anda 24-minggu Calendar Perencanaan . Baca informasi tentang untuk
persiapan dan fasilitas untuk Open House, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Managing Listings > Open Homes.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks (Tugas Prospek Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Menulis lima ucapan terima kasih setiap harinya, untuk total 25 minggu ini,
kepada orang-orang yang telah anda ajak bicara. Baca informasi tentang menulis

catatan tulisan tangan, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >
Client Database and Client Contact.
Saat anda bertemu orang baru, tambahkan dalam kategori database anda setiap

Membuka Harcourts One Email Marketing, membuat bagian pemasaran untuk

mengirim ke database anda, dan kirim.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks (Tugas Management diri Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Dalam Minggu pertama anda menuliskan lima alasan mengapa anda percaya
bahwa anda akan sukses dengan karir baru anda bersama Harcourts dan

tampilkan mereka di tempat yang menonjol di kantor anda. Bacalah alasannya
setiap pagi.
Carilah dokumen dalam Harcourts One Library " Daily Activity Record (Rekaman
Aktivitas Harian)". Download, cetak, dan lengkapi catatan setiap hari untuk

melacak kegiatan sehari-hari anda.
Tambahkan tugas masing-masing dari minggu ini untuk Harcourts One Tasks.
Sertakan tanggal jatuh tempo dan kelola sesuai tugas masing-masing. Sebagai

tugas baru yang datang, tambahkan ke dalam sistem tugas manajemen.

Sementara berbicara dengan Manajer anda, anda mungkin setuju pada tugas-tugas tambahan yang harus di
selesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tugas-tugas di bawah ini, menulis tanggal jatuh tempo berikutnya untuk setiap
tugas, dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

Other Tasks for This Week (Tugas lain Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Three (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu ke 3)

Mintalah Manajer anda untuk menggunakan tabel berikut untuk melakukan kasual satu lawan satu dengan anda
selama mengikuti kegiatan minggu ini.

Manager: Diharapkan membuat catatan rincian dan mengambil tindakan jika diperlukan.

Waktu dan

Topik minggu ini, sebagai berikut:

Prospek II
 Targeting Priority Customers – Target Pelanggan Prioritas
 Geographic Farm – Geografis Pertanian
 Tips for Prospecting – Tips untuk Prospecting
 Developing Your Systems – Pengembangkan Sistem anda
 Tips on Technique
Apakah anda dapat menyelesaikan semua kegiatan yang diperlukan?

Apakah semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana?

Apakah anda ada waktu akhir minggu ini untuk pergi bersama saya?

Apa, jika ada anda mempunyai waktu luang minggu ini?

Dapatkah anda merasakan manfaat dari kelanjutan diskusi minggu ini secara berkelanjutan?

Apakah ada hal lain yang ingin dibahas pada saat ini?

Role play menghubungi nasabah prioritas, bertanya bila anda dapat membantu mereka dalam kebutuhan real estat.
Manager: Memberikan umpan balik jika diperlukan.

Selamat telah menyelesaikan minggu ke 3!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Agenda minggu ini:
 Personal Promotion Principles (Prinsip Promosi Pribadi)
 Foundation Promotions (Yayasan Promosi)
 Personal Promotion Schedule (Jadwal Promosi Pribadi)
 Prospecting Blueprint (Prospek Blueprint)
 Week Four Assignments (Tugas Minggu ke 4)
 Manager Catch-up: Week Four (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu ke 4)

Building Your Presence (Membangun Keberadaan Anda)

Anda telah membuka bisnis baru. Sama seperti toko pakaian baru, layanan dry cleaning, atau pedagang.
Pertanyaan setiap wajah bisnis baru adalah: "Bagaimana pasar tahu siapa saya, keberadaan saya, dan apa
yang saya jual?" Kami menutupi elemen calon pemasaran, sekarang kita akan membahas promosi pribadi. Batu-
batu tikungan pertama promosi pribadi anda meliputi:
1. Semua orang pada database klien anda sudah tahu siapa anda dan telah di informasikan bahwa anda
sekarang bekerja di bidang real estat.
2. Setiap orang, termasuk teman-teman dan keluarga, menerima korespondensi rutin merinci keberhasilan
anda tumbuh.

Personal Promotion Principles (Prinsip Promosi Pribadi)

Budget (anggaran belanja)

Saatnya anggaran belanja, selalu menentukan anggaran belanja pada pendapatan anda diperkirakan untuk
tahun depan. Dengan kata lain, jika prediksi anda adalah untuk menghasilkan $ 100.000 dalam pendapatan
untuk bisnis anda dan anda ingin anggaran sepuluh persen, anggaran pemasaran anda akan menjadi $ 10.000.
Namun, ketika memulai di real estate dapat mengambil waktu sebelum anda mendapatkan penghasilan rutin jadi
di sini adalah beberapa metode biaya promosi yang efektif.

Client Base Email Personal Promotion (Email Klien Database Promosi Pribadi)

Use the Strength of Others Until You Establish Your Own Credentials
(Gunakan kekuatan lain sampai anda Menetapkan Kredensial sendiri)

Ketika mulai keluar, anda akan ingin memanfaatkan kekuatan waralaba anda, perusahaan, atau kantor dengan
kata-kata "kami" dan "kita" versus "I" dan "saya", terutama di bidang hasil. Sebagai contoh:
 “Kami baru saja menjual …”
 “Kami baru saja melisting …”
 “Bantu aku membantu pembeli ini …
 “Kami akan Open House Sabtu – Minggu ini…”

Personal Brochure and Online Profile (Brosur pribadi dan Profil online)

What to Say if You Are New (Apa yang harus di Katakanh jika anda masing orang baru)

Menekankan latar belakang pribadi anda:

 Di mana anda dilahirkan dan dibesarkan.
 Pendidikan dan kualifikasi.
 Pekerjaan yang dulu, yang berkaitan dengan real estate atau tidak
 Berapa lama anda bekerja untuk atasan anda yang dulu.
 Mayor prestasi atau hasil.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

 Tanda-tanda stabilitas yang dapat anda tawarkan.
 Usia daerah sekitar – penduduk lokal, pengetahuan masyarakat, apa yang anda sukai di daerah ini.
 Kepentingan Pribadi termasuk hobi, olahraga, perjalanan, bahasa, dll.
 Penghargaan dan pengakuan yang diterima.
 Anda bagian dari anggota Organisasi...
 Jumlah anak yang anda miliki.
 Berapa lama anda telah menikah.

Buatlah daftar, apa saja yang akan anda lakukan untuk penjual dan pembeli anda:
 Tersedia tujuh hari seminggu dalam seminggu melalui telepon seluler, telepon rumah, email, dan
 Jika anda telah menerima pelatihan, memberitahu mereka tentang hal ini dan bagaimana hal itu dapat
memberikan keuntungan untuk mereka.
 Merekomendasikan dan membangun kepercayaan, keterampilan berdagang, termasuk listrik, tukang
ledeng, tukang bangunan, tukang kebun dll.
 Memberikan informasi, penelitian lokal dan tren saat ini.
 Mengaturtur valuasi, bangunan dan inspeksi hama dll.
 Mengatur pembiayaan yang kompetitif dan tindak lanjut bagi mereka.
 Memberikan marketing profil.
 Layanan Janji Harcourts:
o Tulis rencana pemasaran.
o Pos pemeriksaan umpan balik.
o Laporan mingguan pemasaran tertulis.
o 21 hari meeting tinjauan pemasarn.
o Semua menawarkan tertulis.

Kenapa anda di bidang real estate? Mengapa anda tinggal di daerah ini? Taruh jawabannya dalam materi
promosi pribadi anda. Ingat, orang ingin tahu tentang anda, bukan hanya anda sebagai sales consultant!

Get Your Picture on Everything (Tampilkan Photo Anda)

Pasar tidak akan mengenal anda jika mereka tidak tahu seperti apa rupa anda. Ambil setiap kesempatan untuk
menampilkan photo anda pada papan tanda, alat tulis, kartu nama, mail, brosur, kendaraan, halte bus, billboard,
papan pengumuman, testimonial, dan website anda. Ini adalah bisnis anda dan anda ingin orang-orang
mengenali anda. Ini adalah bisnis orang.

Orang lebih cenderung untuk mengingat anda, merefer anda, dan menghubungi anda jika foto anda ada pada
kartu nama anda.

Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang dapat dipertimbangkan saat anda mengambil photo:
1. Apakah akan dilakukan oleh seorang profesional. Tidak perlu yang terlalu glamor, kenapa harus
mengejutkan klien anda saat bertemu pertama kali, menampilkan photo anda yang sebenarnya akan
lebih baik?
2. Terlihat bahagia. Salah satu sales consultant bersumpah bahwa senyum cerianya dapat membuatnya
melakukan transaksi setidaknya empat transaksi setiap tahun.
3. Untuk profil anda gunakan photo seluruh tubuh (setidaknya pinggang ke atas). Hal ini membuat anda
terlihat lebih mudah didekati.
4. Memiliki photo bagus, atau ambil beberapa gaya yang berbeda yang dapat digunakan untuk surat kabar
atau promosi. Misalnya, beberapa lembar photo di area market penjualan.
5. Setelah anda menampilkan photo "terlihatlah" anda di pasar, pertahankan.

Baca informasi tentang prinsip-prinsip promosi pribadi, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Prospecting > Personal Profile Marketing.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Foundation Promotions

Create Personal Postcards (Buatlah Personal Kartu pos)

This is a postcard with your picture, company, phone number, and address information pre-printed and produced
in large quantities. Space is left to print different messages, like Just Sold, Just Listed, Thank You, We did it
again, we’ve been selected to sell, Welcome your new neighbour, or any message that is applicable to your
market. This is a very cost-effective marketing strategy.
 Kartu Baru Terjual menghasilkan dua kali respon dari kartu Listing Baru karena mereka menunjukkan
 Selalu minta hasil akhir kartu post yang akan di cetak atau materi cetak yang akan anda kirim ke pasar,
karena setelah tercetak, anda tidak dapat membuat perubahan.
 Gunakan heavier-stockpaper. Gunakan Kertas Glossy untuk mereproduksi baik photo berwarna dan
hitam-putih karena hasilnya akan lebih baik daripada non-gloss. Printer anda dapat memberikan
rekomendasi sesuai dengan anggaran anda.

Use the Strength of Your Company Brand (Gunakan Kekuatan Merek Perusahaan Anda)

Harcourts mempunyai nama baik di banyak negara, dengan reputasi yang baik untuk standar kualitas dan hasil.
Setiap bagian dari pemasaran anda dan mencakup logo Harcourts.

Kunjungi Harcourts Brand Standards website, di:

Create Your Own Slogan (Membuat Slogan Anda)

Sebuah slogan menjadi pasak memori untuk pasar anda untuk mengingat siapa anda dipasaran. Hal ini dapat
digunakan sebagai bagian dari logo anda sendiri dan berada di semua materi pemasaran anda. Slogan dapat
berasal dari nama anda, orientasi hasil, atau sudut generik. Setelah anda mendapatkan slogan anda, jalankan
ide anda dengan beberapa teman, rekan, atau klien anda untuk mendapatkan pendapat mereka. Anda akan
menemukan bahwa slogan yang tepat untuk anda. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh untuk membantu anda
mulai berpikir:

Memasukan nama anda: Hasil-orientasi:

Tupper Briggs – "Berbicara dengan Tupper" Reputasi untuk hasil
Wade Micoley – "Hubungi Micoley" Terpenting menjual rumah di sekitar ... ANDA!
Marsha Sell – "Tutup penjualan dengan Marsha Sell " Besar atau kecil, semua dapat saya jual
Jack Cotton – "100%Cotton " Berfokus pada hasil – Dibayar pada kinerja
Aku bergerak cepat maka anda juga!

Sudut Generic:
Bekerja untuk melindungi nilai-nilai lingkungan anda Sales consultant keluarga anda
Melayani dengan senyuman Bila anda serius untuk menjual rumah

Create an Emotional Appeal (Membuat perbandingan Emosional)

Jika ada satu hal yang mencegah keberhasilan promosi yang paling pribadi dan iklan, hal ini merupakan
kegagalan untuk menjual manfaat. Apa itu dalam pemasaran anda yang berfokus pada apa yang akan menarik
bagi pelanggan? Mereka hanya ingin tahu WIIFM - Apa kegunaannya untuk saya?

 “Panggilan/telephone untuk laporan gratis yang mengungkapkan 21 tips untuk menjual rumah anda.”
 “Evaluasi Komputer GRATIS rumah anda saat ini.”

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


 “Menyimpan uang rahasia untuk pembeli pertama.”

 “Laporan Baru mengungkapkan bagaimana untuk menghindari trauma anak-anak yang anda alami.”

Masyarakat menyukai anak-anak dan hewan peliharaan. Lihatlah iklan yang diproduksi oleh biro iklan besar
untuk televisi, majalah, atau koran, dan anda akan melihat banyak hewan peliharaan atau anak-anak. Kenapa?
Ini menarik bagi konsumen. Pertimbangkan foto promosi anda dengan hewan peliharaan anda atau keluarga,
atau mendukung sekolah setempat.

Add “Shelf Life” to Your Pieces (Tambahkan “Shelf Life" didalamnya)

Apa yang akan menjadi alasan bagi orang-orang di pasaran ingin menyimpan barang yang anda kirimkan
kepada mereka? Beberapa contoh informasi – beberapa photo yang dimuat adalah:
 Favourite Restoran (buat daftar restoran terbaik di wilayah anda)
 Penting untuk mengetahui nomor (daftar doktor, Pemadam Kebakaran, Polisi, Relasi untuk ditelephone,
telephone kantor, dll, dan beri tempat untuk untuk menulis didalam)
 Nomor yang dapat dihubungi oleh sekolah (dapat dihubungi ketika anak-anak sakit)
 Evakuasi gempa (dengan tindakan yang harus diambil sebelum, selama, dan sesudah)
 Jadwal Events (Symphony, atletik untuk sekolah tinggi, perguruan tinggi, atau profesional)
 Kalender Sekolah
 Kalender Reguler

Ensure Quality (Pastikan Kualitas)

Jangan pernah berkompromi pada warna, kualitas, atau desain.

Be Consistent and Frequent (Konsisten dan Frekuensi)

Anda pernah mendengar ungkapan, "Jauh di mata, jauh dari pikiran." Terlalu sering sales consultant
mengharapkan hasil instan ketika mengirimkan sesuatu. Efektivitas dari setiap kampanye promosi pribadi secara
langsung berkaitan dengan konsistensi dan frekuensi. Sebagian besar sales consultant memastikan bahwa
pasar mereka mendengar tentang dirinya minimal sebulan sekali dengan beberapa bentuk komunikasi atau
promosi. Beberapa contoh kontak tepat waktu adalah:
 Liburan (Tahun baru, Paskah, Hari Ibu, Natal, dan Lebaran).
 Statistik data di pasaran (No. terdaftar dan / atau rata-rata harga jual dibandingkan dengan jangka
waktu sebelumnya, pasaran sehari-hari atau perubahan tren pasar)
 Artikel dan/atau ucapan inspiratif kampanye surat 21 hari:
o Pilih 16 cerita pertahun dari Chicken Soup untuk seri jiwa yang akan dikirimkan setiap 21 hari.
o Menuliskan cerita ke surat anda.
o Catatan dan kredit sumber cerita atau materi.
o Tempatkan “kami menyukai referral” stiker di surat
o Kirim surat / kirim email ke data base.
o Kirim surat yang menyentuh hati banyak penerima, yang membawa mereka ke pekerjaan mereka,
menyalinnya dan membaginya dengan orang lain.
Hal ini adalah program yang sangat baik untuk menghasilkan arahan-arahan salah satu specialis
pembelian kantor lebih dari $100,000 dalam komisi yang langsung dapat melacak kampanye mailing
pada tahun pertama menggunakannya!

Membaca informasi tentang kegiatan promosi pribadi, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Melihat contoh dan kualitas profesional pemasaran, di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Marketing.

Personal Promotion Schedule (Jadwal Promosi Pribadi)

Mencari di Harcourts One Library untuk dokumen " Annual Marketing Plan – Blank” and “Annual
Marketing Plan – Sample “ (Rencana Pemasaran Tahunan - Kosong" dan "Rencana Pemasaran
Tahunan – Contoh). Download, cetak, dan lengkapi dengan menciptakan jadwal sederhana kegiatan
pemasaran untuk tahunan (bulan di bagian atas, kegiatan di sisi kiri) untuk merencanakan
pemasaran apa yang akan anda lakukan dan kapan akan anda lakukan. Hal iIni dapat memberikan
panduan untuk anda men jalankannya, serta memeriksa cek list dan mengulas kembali apa yang
telah dikirim. Semua mengacu pada the Annual Marketing Plan – Sample as a guide..

Menonton video pada marketing yourself (pemasaran diri sendiri) sebagai sales consultant, dengan
mencari di Harcourts One Library for: “Leigh Moore - Creating and Building a Profile”

Prospecting Blueprint

Sekarang kita telah mengcover kunci area dari prospecting dan personal promotion yang anda buat
dalam“blueprint untuk prospecting” Anda. Siapa target anda? Berapa orang yang akan anda prospek? Sistem
apa yang anda gunakan? Bagaimana anda membuat proses yang konsisten dan lebih optimal untuk memastikan
lebih baik hasilnya untuk jangka panjang?

Mencari dalam Harcourts One Library untuk "Rencana Prospecting" dokumen. Download, cetak, dan
melengkapi rencana Prospecting untuk membuat Blueprint Prospecting anda.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Four Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks (Fokus Tugas Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Membaca informasi tentang prinsip-prinsip personal Promotion, dan sumber daya
terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Personal Profile

Kunjungi situs Harcourts Brand Standards website, di:

Membaca informasi tentang kegiatan promosi pribadi, dan sumber daya terkait,
di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client

Melihat contoh dan kualitas profesional pemasaran, di: Harcourts One > Products
and Services > Marketing.

Mencari dalam Harcourts One Library untuk dokumen " Annual Marketing Plan –
Blank” dan “Annual Marketing Plan – Sample ". Download, cetak, dan lengkapi

sesuai petunjuk dalam bagian " Schedule” section in Week Four.
Menonton video pada marketing yourself sebagai sales consultant, dengan
Harcourts One Library for: “Leigh Moore - Membuat dan Membangun Profile”

Mencari Harcourts One Library f untuk “Prospecting Plan” dokumen. Download,
cetak, dan melengkapi rencana Prospecting untuk membuat Blueprint

Prospecting anda.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks (Tugas ke Pembeli Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Bertanya untuk mengadakan Open House yang akan dijalankan oleh kantor anda
minggu ini jika anda tidak sedang melakukan Open House. Tulis dalam 24-

Minggu Kalender Perencanaan anda. Baca informasi tentang persiapan dan
memfasilitasi Open House, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing
Listings > Open Homes.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks (Tugas Prospek Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Membuat 25 panggilan telepon calon prospek (lima per hari). Memanfaatkan
script untuk membantu anda dengan telepon calon pelanggan, di: Harcourts One

> Library > Sales > Prospecting > Scripts > Working Your Trade Area dan/atau
Client Database and Client Contact.
Menulis 5 kartu ucapan terima kasih setiap hari, total 25 kartu minggu ini, kepada
orang-orang yang telah anda prospek. Baca informasi bagaimana menulis kartu

ucapan, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database
and Client Contact.
Menulis sebuah rencana kegiatan untuk daerah pasaran anda selama seminggu.

Saat anda bertemu orang baru, tambahkan ke kategori database anda setiap

Menggunakan Harcourts One Email Marketing, membuat suatu promosi
pemasaran untuk dikirim ke database anda, dan mengirimnya.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11
This Week’s Self-Management Tasks (Tugas Management diri Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Dalam Minggu pertama anda menuliskan lima alasan mengapa anda percaya
bahwa anda akan sukses dalam karir baru anda dengan Harcourts dan

ditampilkan mereka di tempat yang menonjol di kantor anda. Bacalah alasannya
keras setiap pagi.
Carilah dalam Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, lengkapi catatan setiap harinya untuk melacak kegiatan sehari-

hari anda.
Tambahkan masing-masing tugas dari minggu ini dalam Harcourts One. Sertakan
tanggal jatuh tempo dan mengelola tugas-tugas yang sesuai. Sebagai tugas baru

muncul, menambahkannya ke sistem manajemen tugas.
Menjadwalkan janji dengan manajer anda untuk meninjau bisnis target rencana
anda. Jika anda telah mengamankan setiap daftar atau penjualan, memastikan

kemajuan anda telah diperbarui di Harcourts One.

Sementara berbicara dengan manajer, anda mungkin setuju pada tugas-tugas tambahan yang harus
diselesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tugas-tugas di bawah ini, menulis tanggal jatuh tempo samping setiap tugas,
dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

This Week’s Other Tasks (Tugas lain Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Four (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu ke 4)

Mintalah Manajer anda untuk menggunakan tabel berikut untuk melakukan kasual satu lawan satu dengan anda
mengikuti kegiatan minggu ini.

Manager: Harap membuat catatan rincian dan mengambil tindakan jika diperlukan.

Waktu dan

Topik minggu ini, sebagai berikut:

Personal Promotion (Promosi pribadi)
 Personal Promotion Principles (Prinsip Promosi Pribadi)
 Foundation Promotions (Yayasan Promosi)
 Personal Promotion Schedule (Jadwal Promosi Pribadi)
 Prospecting Blueprint (Prospek Blueprint)
Apakah anda dapat menyelesaikan semua kegiatan yang diperlukan?

Apakah semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana?

Apakah anda ada waktu akhir minggu ini untuk pergi bersama saya?

Apa, jika ada anda mempunyai waktu luang minggu ini?

Dapatkah anda merasakan manfaat dari kelanjutan diskusi minggu ini secara berkelanjutan?

Apakah ada hal lain yang ingin dibahas pada saat ini?

Selamat telah menyelesaikan minggu 4!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Agenda minggu ini:
 Big Rocks
 Develop a Morning Ritual (Mengembangkan Ritual Pagi)
 Create An Ideal Week (Membuat Sebuah Minggu yang Ideal)
 Week Five Assignments (Tugas Minggu ke 5)
 Manager Catch-up: Week Five (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu ke 5)

Working with Discipline (Bekerja dengan Disiplin)

Salah satu aspek yang paling menantang dari menjual real estate adalah menjaga kontrol waktu anda. Ini terlalu
mudah untuk memungkinkan orang lain untuk mendikte anda berinvestasi atau membuang waktu anda.
Rencana bisnis anda membantu untuk manajemen waktu dalam menciptakan struktur awal dimana seluruh
kegiatan bisnis anda bermula, namun sangat penting bahwa anda menempatkan penekanan pada mengelola
waktu anda secara terus menerus.

Luangkan waktu minggu ini untuk masuk ke dalam tempat beberapa elemen kunci yang akan meningkatkan
efisiensi anda dan membantu anda dengan disiplin sehari-hari. Unsur-unsur tersebut diuraikan di bawah ini.

Big Rocks

Stephen Covey, otoritas kepemimpinan internasional yang dihormati, ahlinya, guru, konsultan organisasi, dan
penulis, menceritakan kisah terkenal tentang seorang profesor yang membawa sebuah guci besar dalam
kelasnya. Selain tabung, ia memiliki tumpukan batu-batu besar. Dia melanjutkan untuk mengisi tabung dengan
batu, dan kemudian meminta kelas, "Oleh menunjukkan tangan, berapa banyak dari anda akan mengatakan
toples ini sudah penuh?" Mayoritas tangan naik.

Dia kemudian menarik keluar sebuah kotak penuh kerikil kecil dan hasil untuk menuangkan mereka ke dalam
toples, berkala gemetar tabung untuk mendapatkan kerikil jatuh di sekitar batu-batu besar. Dia melanjutkan
sampai kerikil naik ke tepi tabung. Dia berbalik ke kelas dan berkata, "Sekarang, dengan menunjukkan tangan,
berapa banyak dari anda akan mengatakan jar sudah penuh?" Sekali lagi, sebagian besar dari tangan naik.

Dia mencapai di bawah meja dan mengeluarkan sekantong pasir dan mulai menuangkan ke dalam toples,
sesekali pergeseran tabung dan bergoyang untuk mendapatkan pasir di setiap sudut dan celah antara batu dan
kerikil. Dia melanjutkan sampai meluap. Dia berubah menjadi kelas bergumam dan berkata, "Sekarang berapa
banyak berpikir itu penuh?" Tangan naik lebih lambat saat ini, dengan keraguan, dan lebih sedikit mengangkat
tangan mereka. Sang profesor tersenyum sadar.

Dia mencapai satu waktu akhir di bawah meja dan mengeluarkan sebuah kendi berisi air. Dia kemudian perlahan
menuangkan air dalam, yang memungkinkan untuk meresap di antara butiran pasir, kerikil, dan batu-batu.
Setelah mencapai tepi tabung, ia berubah menjadi kelas dan mengumumkan, "Sekarang jar penuh.”

Lessons Learned (Pembelajaran)

Big Rocks (Batu besar)

Batu-batu besar mewakili apa yang benar-benar penting dalam hidup anda - kesehatan, karir, keluarga dan
teman-teman - serta kegiatan dolar produktif yang penting untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis anda.

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Pebbles (Kerikil)

Kerikil mewakili tugas dan tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mencapai batu-batu besar. Ini berarti bahwa
mereka berikutnya dalam prioritas untuk bebatuan besar.

Sand (pasir)

Pertimbangkan elemen ini seperti yang berorientasi pada detail tugas-tugas rutin - seperti mengisi formulir
undangkan - bahwa kita semua hadapi. Kecuali ada batas waktu menjulang, tugas ini harus diselesaikan
setelah gol-tugas yang terkait (kerikil) yang tampak setelah. Jika memungkinkan, mendelegasikan tugas
kepada orang lain.

Water (air)

Elemen ini dianggap sebagai hiburan yang diijinkan setiap hari. Ini termasuk kegiatan seperti rehat kopi,
surfing di net atau mengobrol tentang acara TV atau acara olahraga. Ini semua adalah hal positif untuk
dilakukan - tetapi hanya setelah prioritas lain yang tampak setelah.

Ada beberapa pelajaran penting yang harus dipelajari dalam latihan ini. Pertama, kita sering membatasi diri
dalam pemikiran kita tentang apa yang mungkin dan apa yang dapat kita capai. Berapa kali dalam hidup kita
telah kita merasa seperti kalender kita sudah penuh dan bahwa kita tidak mungkin muat apa pun di? Ketika anda
membuka pikiran anda dan menghapus sistem kepercayaan lama, anda belajar bahwa ada lebih banyak
kesempatan dalam hidup dari satu mungkin menganggap ada pada pandangan pertama.

Pelajaran kedua mengarah tepat dari sana: jika anda meletakkan Big Rocks di pertama, anda akan kagum pada
berapa banyak lagi yang dapat anda capai dalam sehari! Manajemen waktu adalah tentang bagaimana
mengembangkan lebih disiplin dan struktur dalam kehidupan bisnis anda, sehingga anda dapat mencapai jauh
lebih daripada yang pernah anda impikan.

Yang membawa kita pada pelajaran, ketiga sangat kritis: apa yang akan terjadi jika anda mulai dengan mengisi
tabung dengan kendi air atau kantong pasir? Apakah anda telah mampu menempatkan Rocks Besar? Tidak.
Disinilah mengetahui prioritas anda. Pelajarannya adalah, dalam rangka agar sesuai dengan Big Rocks ke
dalam hidup anda, anda harus menempatkan mereka dalam pertama. Dalam rangka untuk menempatkan
mereka dalam pertama, anda harus menentukan kebutuhan mereka.

Discover Your Big Rocks (Temukan Big Rocks anda)

Tuliskan 10 teratas Rocks Big Pribadi anda. Misalnya, bermain sepak bola setiap Selasa malam atau
makan dengan keluarga setiap Minggu malam. Kemudian, tuliskan 10 produktif Bisnis Rocks anda.
Misalnya, telepon prospeksi harian panggilan untuk mencapai target daftar.

Personal Big Rocks saya:






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Business Big Rocks saya:











Develop a Morning Ritual (Mengembangkan Ritual Pagi)

What Is a Morning Ritual? (Apa Itu Ritual Pagi?)

Sebuah ritual pagi rutin anda untuk memulai hari anda dengan positif pikiran-set. Apakah meditasi itu, olahraga,
menyanyi, mendengarkan kaset motivasi, atau membaca ayat-ayat dari buku favorit, ritual pagi anda
membersihkan pikiran dan semangat pikiran negatif dan membuka anda sampai dengan energi positif dan
kejelasan fokus dan tujuan.

Ritual setiap pagi individu adalah unik. Salah satu sukses penjualan konsultan, misalnya, mulai hari kerjanya off
dengan menyanyikan dua lagu dengan suara keras bahwa ia menemukan untuk menjadi semangat dan energi.
Lain dimulai hari liburnya dengan berjalan 30 menit sementara mental daftar apa yang dia syukuri, kemudian
beralih ke bisnis CD motivasi untuk mendapatkan dia dipompa untuk hari itu. Sementara yang lain menempatkan
CD blues di mobilnya bahwa ia mendengarkan perjalanan dari rumahnya ke sebuah kedai kopi tertentu dalam
perjalanan ke kantor. Begitu dia berhenti untuk minum kopi dan mendapatkan kembali ke mobil, ia menggantikan
musik dengan bisnis motivasi CD bergeser ke fokus bisnisnya untuk hari.

Perhatikan bahwa ketika anda mengambil waktu istirahat - pada hari-hari anda tidak bekerja - anda dapat
memilih untuk memiliki ritual pagi alternatif, atau anda bahkan mungkin mengambil hari libur dari ritual pagi.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Apapun yang anda pilih, membuatnya konsisten dan mengembangkannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan pribadi
anda dan keinginan.
Design Your Personal Morning Ritual (Desain Ritual Pagi Pribadi anda)

Temukan apa motivasi dan kegiatan inspirasional menempatkan anda dalam kerangka pikiran terbaik untuk hari.
Kemudian berkomitmen untuk melakukan ritual pagi anda setiap hari bahwa anda bekerja. Jika anda tidak yakin
apa yang harus digabungkan, cobalah kegiatan yang berbeda untuk mengidentifikasi apa yang terbaik untuk
anda. Anda dapat memilih berjalan-jalan di taman yang tenang, mendengarkan CD motivasi, atau membaca
afirmasi anda. Terlepas dari metode, berkomitmen untuk ritual dan tetap dengan itu dari waktu ke waktu untuk
mengalami manfaat sejati mengembangkan kebiasaan.

Desain dan mendokumentasikan ritual pagi pribadi anda.

My Personal Morning Ritual: (Personal Ritual Pagi saya)

Baca informasi tentang manajemen waktu, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library >
Sales > Managing Yourself > Staying Focussed Under Pressure.

Create An Ideal Week (Membuat Sebuah Minggu yang Ideal)

Rahasia dari manajemen waktu adalah dengan mengembangkan minggu yang ideal. Melekat dalam nama,
minggu ideal adalah, cukup cantumkan, sketsa bagaimana anda ingin menjalankan hari-hari setiap harinya.

Tujuan dari seminggu yang ideal tidak hidup dengan menit. Sebaliknya, itu menciptakan sebuah struktur yang
membawa organisasi untuk hidup anda. Para ahli mengatakan bahwa jika anda menekan hari ideal anda
setidaknya 60% dari waktu, anda harus sangat puas dengan prestasi anda. Membangun minggu yang ideal
memungkinkan anda untuk membebaskan energi mental untuk fokus hanya pada tugas di tangan.

Berikut merupakan kunci yang harus di jadwalkan dalam minggu ideal anda:
 Prospecting activities: (Prospecting kegiatan)
o Phone calls to client database. (Telepon o panggilan ke database klien)
o Phone calls to farm area. (Telepon o panggilan untuk pertanian daerah)
o Phone calls to networking group. (Telepon o panggilan ke grup jaringan)
o Email personal promotion. (promosi email pribadi)
o Email properties.
o Mail out / letterbox drop. (Surat keluar / drop surat)
 Buyer appointments: (membuat janji dengan pembeli)
o Open Homes. (open house)
o Private inspections. (inspeksi pribadi)
o Open for inspection follow-up phone calls. (Terbuka untuk melakukantindak lanjut dengan telepon)
o Buyer progress phone calls. (kemajuan si pembeli melalui telepon)
 Seller service: (layanan si penjual)
o Update written reports. (Pembaharuan laporan tertulis)
o Review meetings. (Review pertemuan)
o Progress phone calls. (Kemajuan panggilan telepon)

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o Sale settlement tasks. (tugas penjualan settlement)

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Here is a sample of an ideal day from one of our successful sales consultants:

Jam Aktifitas
07:30-09:00 Melakukan prospek melalui telepon dan temu langsung
09:00-10:30 Menghasilkan CMAS, Paket Pre-daftar, dan Jadwal Pemasaran untuk listing
10:30-13:00 Membuat janji untuk melisting
13:00-14:00 Makan siang – selalu bersama seorang rekan, klien masa lalu, atau rekan bisnis dengan saya!
14:00-16:00 Tampilkan dan / atau Preview Properti
16:00-17:00 Mengulas kembali panggilan klien; Update Report Penjualan
17:00-18:30 Lakukan setelah – Melisting dan temu janji dengan Buyer

Membaca informasi tentang minggu yang ideal, dan sumber daya terkait, di: Harcourts One > Library
> Sales > Managing Yourself > The Working Landscape.

Menonton video di manajemen waktu dan menyeimbangkan kehidupan dan pekerjaan, dengan
mencari di Harcourts One Library untuk:
 “Bob Wolff (USA) at Conference '07”
 “Darryl Davis (US) at Conference '08”

Mencari di Harcourts One Library untuk dokumen “Ideal Week – Blank (Minggu Ideal – Kosong)”.
Download, print, dan melengkapi minggu ideal anda dengan memulainya dengan template kosong
dan penjadwalan dalam keseharian yang anda inginkan. Sebagai contoh, anda mungkin paling
sukses dengan panggilan calon pelanggan anda 4:00-05:00, sehingga anda menjadwalkan jam itu
setiap hari untuk melakukannya. Pastikan untuk menjadwalkan Big Rocks anda ke minggu anda.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Five Assignments (Tugas-tugas Minggu ke 5 )

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks (Fokus Tugas Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Tuliskan 10 teratas Big Rocks Pribadi dan 10 Bisnis produktif Rocks teratas anda
sepuluh sesuai petunjuk dalam bagian "Big Rocks" dalam Minggu ke 5.

Desain dan mendokumentasikan ritual pagi pribadi anda sesuai petunjuk dalam
bagian "Mengembangkan Ritual Pagi" dalam Minggu ke 5.

Membaca informasi tentang manajemen waktu, dan sumber daya terkait, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Yourself > Staying Focussed Under

Membaca informasi tentang minggu yang ideal, dan sumber daya terkait, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Yourself > The Working Landscape.

Menonton video di manajemen waktu dan menyeimbangkan kehidupan dan
pekerjaan, dengan mencari di Harcourts One Library untuk:

 “Bob Wolff (USA) at Conference '07”
 “Darryl Davis (US) at Conference '08”
Mencari di Harcourts One Library untuk dokumen “Ideal Week – Blank (Minggu
Ideal - Kosong)". Download, cetak, dan lengkapi sesuai petunjuk "buatlah sebuah

minggu yang ideal" dalam minggu ke 5.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks (Tugas ke Pembeli Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Mintalah waktu untuk Open House yang dijalankan oleh kantor anda minggu ini
jika anda tidak kegiatan open house lainnya. Tulislah dalam 24-Minggu Kalender

Perencanaan anda. Baca informasi tentang mempersiapkan dan memfasilitasi
Open House, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks (Tugas Prospek Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Membuat panggilan 25 telepon untuk pelanggan yang di prioritaskan (lima per
hari) bertanya kepada mereka jika anda dapat membantu mereka dalam

kebutuhan real estat. Memanfaatkan script untuk membantu anda dengan calon
nasabah prioritas, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Scripts >
Working Your Trade Area.
Menulis lima ucapan terima kasih setiap harinya, untuk total 25 minggu ini,
kepada orang-orang yang telah anda ajak bicara. Baca informasi tentang menulis

catatan tulisan tangan, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >
Client Database and Client Contact.
Periksalah "Rencana Prospek" dan "Rencana Pemasaran Tahunan" anda buat
dalam Minggu ke 4 untuk memastikan bahwa anda telah mencapai kegiatan

dijadwalkan minggu ini.
Menulis sebuah rencana kegiatan untuk daerah pasaran anda selama seminggu.

Saat anda bertemu orang baru, tambahkan dalam kategori database anda setiap

Go to Harcourts One Email Marketing, create a marketing piece to send to your
database, and send.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks (Tugas Management diri Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Dalam Minggu pertama anda menuliskan 5 alasan mengapa anda percaya
bahwa anda akan sukses dalam karir baru anda dengan Harcourts dan

ditampilkan mereka di tempat yang menonjol di kantor anda. Bacalah alasan
keras setiap pagi.
Carilah dalam Harcourts One Library untuk “Daily Activity Record (Rekam
Aktivitas Harian)" dokumen. Download, cetak, dan lengkapi catatan setiap hari

untuk melacak kegiatan sehari-hari anda.
Tambahkan masing-masing tugas dari minggu ini untuk tugas Harcourts One.
Sertakan tanggal jatuh tempo dan bagaimana mengelolanya. Sebagai tugas baru

muncul, menambahkannya ke sistem manajemen tugas.

Sementara berbicara dengan manajer, anda mungkin setuju pada tugas-tugas tambahan yang harus
diselesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tugas-tugas di bawah ini, menulis tanggal jatuh tempo samping setiap tugas,
dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

Other Tasks for This Week (Tugas lain Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai

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Manager Catch-up: Week Five (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu ke 5)

Mintalah Manajer anda untuk menggunakan tabel berikut untuk melakukan kasual satu lawan satu dengan anda
mengikuti kegiatan minggu ini.

Manager: Harap membuat catatan rincian dan mengambil tindakan jika diperlukan.

Waktu dan

Topik minggu ini, sebagai berikut:

Time Management
 Big Rocks
 Develop a Morning Ritual (Mengembangkan Ritual Pagi)
 Create An Ideal Week (Membuat Sebuah Minggu yang Ideal)
Apakah anda dapat menyelesaikan semua kegiatan yang diperlukan?

Apakah semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana?

Apakah anda ada waktu akhir minggu ini untuk pergi bersama saya?

Apa, jika ada anda mempunyai waktu luang minggu ini?

Dapatkah anda merasakan manfaat dari kelanjutan diskusi minggu ini secara berkelanjutan?

Apakah ada hal lain yang ingin dibahas pada saat ini?

Selamat telah menyelesaikan minggu ke 5!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Agenda minggu ini:
 Technology Products (Teknologi Produk)
 Social Media (Social Media)
 Tying It All Together (Mengikat Ini Semua Bersama)
 Week Six Assignments (Minggu Enam Tugas)
 Manager Catch-up: Week Six (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu Enam)

Welcome to the 21st Century! (Selamat datang di Abad 21!)

Real estate adalah bisnis orang tetapi tidak ada keraguan bahwa teknologi memainkan peranan besar dalam
apa yang kita lakukan. Teknologi membawa banyak manfaat bagi real estat, serta beberapa tantangan.

Terus terang, itu semua bisa menjadi luar biasa. Apa yang anda investasikan didalamnya? Bagaimana anda
tinggal saat ketika segala sesuatu tampak usang sebulan setelah itu diperkenalkan? Dan kapan anda harus
berharap untuk melihat kembali pada apa yang anda telah investasikan?

Apa yang paling penting tentang teknologi saat ini tidak berapa banyak gadget yang anda miliki atau berapa
banyak uang yang anda belikan, melainkan, bagaimana memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi untuk tetap saat
ini, peningkatan pendapatan dan efisiensi, dan penurunan biaya.

Technology Products (Produk teknologi)

Dalam rangka untuk bersaing di pasar saat ini, anda perlu mengidentifikasi beberapa teknologi yang
memberikan dukungan penting bagi bisnis anda. Produk teknologi berikut telah dirancang khusus untuk tim

Harcourts Email Address

Harcourts menyediakan alat yang paling berharga selain ponsel anda dengan mudah. Siapapun dalam Grup
Harcourts dapat memanfaatkan alamat email standar kami (misalnya ).

Bacalah informasi tentang Harcourts Email Addresses di: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > Email Address.

Membuat Harcourts Email Address di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology >
Products > Email Address.

iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation

Anda dapat menggunakan kekuatan presentasi iPad untuk daftar presentations. Hai ini dirancang untuk
melakukan sinkronisasi dengan Harcourts One untuk rincian properti individu dan penjualan yang sebanding.

Fitur termasuk:
 Kemampuan untuk mengaji dan menyimpan presentasi beberapa properti
 Material Harcourts listing marketing
 Menunjukkan properti saat ini dijual dalam Google maps
 Upload perbadingan daftar penjualan dari Harcourts One
 Kemampuan untuk membuat rencana pemasaran dengan prin-out (cetak) dan materi pemasaran online

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

 Commission calculator
 Interaktif kalender dalam perencanaan tanggal pemasaran
 Link ke You Tube video (untuk menunjukkan pelelangan, pesan dari Business Owner atau CEOetc.)

Saksikan Daftar eCampaign Presentasi iPad “Overview Video” dan “Training Video” di: Harcourts
One > Products and Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

Baca informasi tentang the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation di: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

Membuat iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation di: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad

Mempunyai kontak Harcourts One / Tugas dan Properti di ujung jari anda ketika anda keluar dari kantor. Semua
yang anda butuhkan untuk menikmati semua manfaat ini meningkatkan produktivitas adalah iPhone atau iPad
ditambah Harcourts Mobile Agent software. Apakah anda dengan klien saat makan siang atau hanya keluar
menunjukkan properti, Mobile Agen anda selalu dapat diakses. Mobile Agen cocok untuk Harcourts’technology
products dan seiring sejalan bersama Harcourts One sebagai salah satu alat yang paling berharga dalam listing

Saksikan “Movie Clip of Mobile Agent in Action” at: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad.

Membaca informasi tentang the Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad di: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Products > Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad.

Membuat Mobile Agent untuk iPhone / iPad di: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad.

QR Codes

QR Codes adalah barcode matriks (atau dua-dimensi kode), dibaca oleh smartphone seperti iPhone, dengan
aplikasi gratis. Kode QR dicetak onsign papan luar properti.

Baca informasi tentang QR Codes di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology >
Products > QR Codes.

Membuat QR Codes anda di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology > Products >
QR Codes.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Virtual Tour Camera

The Virtual Tour Camera adalah, otonom yang mudah digunakan manajemen platform online untuk membuat,
mengelola dan menampilkan persentasi anda langsung.

Manfaat menggunakan solusi tur all-in-one virtual termasuk:

 Sesederhana mengambil gambar – hanya melampirkan ukuran saku untuk camera
 Tidak ada pengalaman fotografi yang diperlukan
 Hanya men-download gambar ke komputer anda, pasangkan ke platform manajemen online dan virtual
tour anda dan akan muncul dalam sekejap
 Upload URL tur virtual untuk Harcourts One – Link ke halaman web properti dan
 Meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan dengan menampilkan listing yang terbaik
 Menjual properti dengan harga lebih tinggi, karena peningkatan pengunjung akan menciptakan
peningkatan permintaan
 Hemat waktu dan meningkatkan efisiensi dengan memberikan gambaran yang lebih baik dari properti
kepada pembeli
 Tetap di atas kemampuan teknologi dan memodernisasi anda
 Buat loyalitas pengunjung dengan menyediakan konten interaktif yang terbaik

Membaca informasi tentang the Virtual Tour Camera di: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > Virtual Tour Camera.

Membuat the Virtual Tour Camera di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology >
Products > Virtual Tour Camera.

Your Own Website

Pembeli dan penjual menggunakan internet untuk mencari properti dengan menggunakan mesin pencari seperti
Google. Untuk memenangkan persaingan dan meningkatkan pemasaran anda kesempatan anda perlu memiliki
website pribadi anda. Anda dapat memilih dari template yang berbeda, dan manfaat dari akses administrasi
mudah untuk personalisasi atau memperbarui.

Fitur termasuk:
 Cari Properti: Menampilkan daftar baik listing aktif dan data yang terjual di wilayah anda menggunakan
perangkat lunak pemetaan terbaru. Biarkan klien anda tahu bahwa mereka dapat mengunjungi situs
web anda untuk melihat listing saat ini dan informasi property yang terjual di sekitarnya.
 Lihat Properti saya: Semua listing properti anda secara otomatis akan ter-upload ke website anda
dalam Harcourts One
 Tanda Properti: klien anda dapat mendaftar untuk informasi dengan email dari property yang Harcourts
tampilkan yang memenuhi kriteria pencarian mereka. Anda juga dapat mengakses rincian kontak dan
kriteria pencarian bagi para klien
 Tentang saya: Tampilan profil pribadi anda, penghargaan, prestasi profesional, testimonial, dan
informasi lainnya tentang diri anda
 Apakah Properti anda layak: menginformasikan klien untuk menghubungi anda untuk penilaian
 Fitur Bagian Properti: Kemampuan untuk memilih properti dari Harcourts One dan minta mereka muncul
di bagian properti fitur khusus dari situs anda
 Halaman Custom: Kemampuan menyesuaikan halaman untuk masyarakat, isi informasi lokal dan
pemasok jasa properti terkait
 Iklan Banner: Kemampuan untuk menampilkan hingga dua spanduk iklan di template yang dipilih

Pastikan untuk menyertakan alamat website anda pada segala sesuatu!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Membaca informasi tentang Website anda di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology
> Products > you’re Own Website.

Membuat Website anda di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology > Products > Your
Own Website.

Social Media

Social mediasites untuk interaksi sosial online menggunakan teknologi berbasis web untuk mengubah
komunikasi menjadi script interaktif.

Sebuah pandangan sederhana dari media sosial yang berkaitan dengan real estate adalah:
 Facebook: Database anda – Mengelompokkan, mengamati dan terhubung dengan orang dikenal.
 Facebook business page: Newsletter lokal anda – Profil keterlibatan komunitas anda.
 LinkedIn: Resume anda – Perkenalkan jaringan kontak bisnis anda dan mereka.
 Website: Tampilkan profile anda, produk dan jasa.
 Blog: Memberikan bukti keahlian anda dan menjawab pertanyaan.
 Twitter: Blogging lanjutan / hasil dari kemajuan – Link orang untuk artikel industri dan informasi.
 Google Alerts: Sebuah alat untuk memantau dan membangun reputasi online anda – Upload
testimonial klien untuk menghasilkan ulasan online yang besar.

Pastikan untuk memberikan pelayanan ke semua orang yang berkomunikasi di website anda.

Baca ulasan dari masing-masing situs social media, bagaimana untuk memulai masing-masing situs,
bagaimana cara menggunakan fitur kunci dari masing-masing situs, dan pedoman Harcourts’ social
media guidelines, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Social Media > Social Media Handbook.

Baca informasi tentang bagaimana menerapkan social media untuk bisnis sehari-hari anda, di:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Social Media – Online and Inline.

Menonton video tentang rahasia dari social media and Gen Y developments going mainstream,
dengan mencarinya dalam Harcourts One Library untuk:
 “Matthew Ferrara (Keynote Speaker) at Conference '10”
 “Peter Sheahan (Aus) at Conference '08”

Tentukan situs social media anda, bagaimana anda ingin menerapkan dan mengaturnya.

Tying It All Together (Mengikat Ini Semua Bersama)

Setelah anda mendapatkan inti pengetahuan teknologi inti di tempat, langkah kedua adalah untuk membuat
mereka bekerja sama dengan jumlah besar serta efisiensi. Setiap kali anda mempertimbangkan investasi,
pikirkan bagaimana hubungan dengan komponen yang ada dan bagaimana yang terbaik dapat memanfaatkan
kemampuan dari apa yang sudah anda miliki. Duduk dan tulislah penggunaan teknologi dan bagaimana setiap
penggunaan baik akan menghemat waktu, meningkatkan efisiensi, mengurangi biaya, atau meningkatkan
kemampuan anda untuk menghasilkan pendapatan. Jika manfaat lebih besar daripada biaya, itu adalah indikator
yang cukup baik bahwa anda harus membuat investasi.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Akhirnya, jangan mencoba untuk menerapkan semuanya sekaligus. Prioritaskan investasi mana yang akan
sangat membantu bagi anda sekarang, dan menambahkan waktu anda untuk menerapkannya.

Tuliskan produk teknologi yang anda rencanakan untuk memesan dan memanfaatkannya dalam
bisnis anda. Prioritaskan list anda dan termasuk pembelian produk ini dalam rencana bisnis anda.

My Technology Products (Produk Teknologi Saya):

Produk: Prioritas: Rencana tanggal pembelian:

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Week Six Assignments (Tugas-tugas Minggu ke 6)

Berikut adalah daftar tugas yang anda harus selesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tanggal jatuh tempo di samping
tugas masing-masing dan ketika atnda menyelesaikannya, centang!

This Week’s Focus Tasks (Fokus Tugas Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Baca informasi tentang Harcourts Email Addresses di: Harcourts One > Products
and Services > Technology > Products > Email Address.

Membuat Harcourts Email Address di: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > Email Address.

Menyaksikan iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation “Overview Video” dan
“Training Video” di: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology >

Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.
Baca informasi tentang iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation di: Harcourts One >
Products and Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing

Membuat the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation di: Harcourts One > Products
and Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

Menonton “Movie Clip of Mobile Agent in Action” di: Harcourts One > Products
and Services > Technology > Products > Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad.

Baca informasi tentang the Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad at: Harcourts One >
Products and Services > Technology > Products > Mobile Agent for iPhone /

Membuat Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad di: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Products > Mobile Agent for iPhone / iPad.

Baca informasi tentang QR Codes at: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > QR Codes.

Membuat QR Codes untuk sign board anda di: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Products > QR Codes.

Baca informasi tentag the Virtual Tour Camera di: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Products > Virtual Tour Camera.

Membuat the Virtual Tour Camera di: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > Virtual Tour Camera.

Baca informasi tentang Your Own Website di: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Products > Your Own Website.

Membuat Website sendiri di: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > Your Own Website.

Baca ulasan tentang situs social media, bagaimana untuk memulai masing-
masing situs, cara menggunakan fitur dari masing-masing situs, dan panduan

Harcourts sosial media, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Social Media >
Social Media Handbook.
Baca informasi tentang bagaimana menerapkan social media untuk bisnis sehari-
hari anda, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Social Media –

Online and Inline.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Menonton videorahasia dari social media dan Gen Y developments going
mainstream, dengan mencarinya di the Harcourts One Library untuk:

 “Matthew Ferrara (Keynote Speaker) at Conference '10”
 “Peter Sheahan (Aus) at Conference '08”
Tentukan situs social media yang anda ingin terapkan segera dan mengaturnya.

Tuliskan produk teknologi yang anda rencanakan untuk dipesan dan
dimanfaatkan dalam bisnis anda sebagai petunjuk dalam bagian “Tying It All

Together” di Minggu ke 6. Prioritaskan list anda dan termasuk pembelian produk
ini dalam rencana bisnis anda.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks (Tugas ke Pembeli Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Bertanya untuk mengadakan Open House yang akan dijalankan oleh kantor anda
minggu ini jika anda tidak sedang melakukan Open House. Tulis dalam 24-

Minggu Kalender Perencanaan anda. Baca informasi tentang persiapan dan
memfasilitasi Open House, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing
Listings > Open Homes.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks (Tugas Prospek Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Membuat 25 panggilan telepon calon prospek (lima per hari). Memanfaatkan
script untuk membantu anda dengan telepon calon pelanggan, di: Harcourts One

> Library > Sales > Prospecting > Scripts > Working Your Trade Area dan/atau
Client Database and Client Contact.
Menulis 5 kartu ucapan terima kasih setiap hari, total 25 kartu minggu ini, kepada
orang-orang yang telah anda prospek. Baca informasi bagaimana menulis kartu

ucapan, di: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database
and Client Contact.
Periksa "Rencana Prospecting" dan "Rencana Pemasaran Tahunan" yang anda
buat dalam Minggu ke 4 untuk memastikan bahwa anda telah mencapai kegiatan

dijadwalkan minggu ini.
Menulis sebuah rencana kegiatan untuk daerah pasaran anda selama seminggu.

Saat anda bertemu orang baru, tambahkan dalam kategori database anda setiap

Membuka Harcourts One Email Marketing, membuat bagian pemasaran untuk
mengirim ke database anda, dan kirim.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks (Tugas Management diri Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai
Dalam Minggu pertama anda menuliskan lima alasan mengapa anda percaya
bahwa anda akan sukses dalam karir baru anda dengan Harcourts dan

ditampilkan mereka di tempat yang menonjol di kantor anda. Bacalah alasannya
keras setiap pagi..
Carilah dalam Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, lengkapi catatan setiap harinya untuk melacak kegiatan sehari-

hari anda.
Tambahkan masing-masing tugas dari minggu ini dalam Harcourts One. Sertakan
tanggal jatuh tempo dan mengelola tugas-tugas yang sesuai. Sebagai tugas baru

muncul, menambahkannya ke sistem manajemen tugas.
Menjadwalkan janji dengan manajer anda untuk meninjau bisnis target rencana
anda. Jika anda telah mengamankan setiap daftar atau penjualan, memastikan

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

kemajuan anda telah diperbarui di Harcourts One.

Sementara berbicara dengan manajer, anda mungkin setuju pada tugas-tugas tambahan yang harus
diselesaikan minggu ini. Menulis tugas-tugas di bawah ini, menulis tanggal jatuh tempo samping setiap tugas,
dan ketika anda menyelesaikannya, centang!

Other Tasks for This Week (Tugas lain Minggu ini) Kapan Selesai

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Manager Catch-up: Week Six (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu ke 6)

Mintalah Manajer anda untuk menggunakan tabel berikut untuk melakukan kasual satu lawan satu dengan anda
mengikuti kegiatan minggu ini.

Manager: Harap membuat catatan rincian dan mengambil tindakan jika diperlukan.

Waktu dan

Topik minggu ini, sebagai berikut:

Teknologi dan anda
 Technology Basics (Teknologi Dasar)
 Social Media
 Tying It All Together (Mengikat Ini Semua Bersama)
Apakah anda dapat menyelesaikan semua kegiatan yang diperlukan?

Apakah semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana?

Apakah anda ada waktu akhir minggu ini untuk pergi bersama saya?

Apa, jika ada anda mempunyai waktu luang minggu ini?

Dapatkah anda merasakan manfaat dari kelanjutan diskusi minggu ini secara berkelanjutan?

Apakah ada hal lain yang ingin dibahas pada saat ini?

Selamat telah menyelesaikan minggu ke 6!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Agenda Minggu ini:
 Advantages of Open Homes (Keuntungan Open House)
 Preparing For Open Homes (Mempersiapkan Open House)
 Conducting Open Homes (Melakukan Open House)
 After the Open Home (Setelah Open House)
 Week Seven Assignments (Tugas-tugas Minggu ke 7)
 Manager Catch-up: Week Seven (Manajer Catch-up: Minggu Ke 7)

Step Right Up!

Advantages of Open Homes (Keuntungan dari Open House)

Open homes adalah salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk anda keluar bertemu dengan market pasar yang
sedang mempertimbangkan keputusan membutuhkan sebuah property. Keuntungan dari Open House meliputi:
 Sebuah kesempatan untuk melihat dan menjadi yang terbaik.
 Memperkuat profil anda di pasar lokal. Sebuah cara yang bagus untuk mendapatkan eksposur teratur
dan baik.
 Membangun database anda.
 Buat aktivitas, bahkan di pasar yang lambat.
 Temui orang-orang yang ingin membeli properti.
 Komentar dari pengunjung open home dapat memberikan daftar konsultan dan penjual umpan balik
yang sangat baik pada harga (memastikan itu memenuhi syarat), presentasi, dan daya tarik penjualan
 Tamu open House akan sering memeriksa anda untuk melihat, apakah anda adalah seorang konsultan
listing yang cocok untuk rumah mereka.
 Jual rumah!

Mintalah membantu acara open house di kantor anda pada saat anda tidak melakukan open House
property anda sendiri. Lakukan sebanyak yang anda bisa - pertengahan minggu dan akhir pekan.
Menuliskannya pada 24-Minggu Kalender Perencanaan Anda.

Preparing For Open Homes (Persiapan Untuk Rumah Terbuka)

Kit Inspeksi Boot Open House adalah cara yang bagus untuk memastikan bahwa Open House anda selalu
berjalan mulus. Kit Boot anda harus mengandung semua unsur penting Open House anda, seperti:
 Personal promotion material (materi promosi Pribadi)
 Bluebooks
 Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions brochures (Harcourts 'Spesialis Divisi brosur)
 Open home signs (tanda-tanda Open House)
 Open home questionnaires (kuesioner Open House)
 Open home registers (register Open House)
 Open home checklists (checklist Open House)
 Buying Property with Harcourts booklets (Membeli Properti dengan buklet Harcourts)
 Business cards (Kartu nama)
Sebelum memegang rumah terbuka Anda harus memastikan Anda siap. Tanyakan kepada diri Anda
pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini:
• Apakah konflik hari dengan acara khusus di daerah?
• Apakah saya mendapat tanda-tanda cukup dan mereka terletak dalam peraturan dewan lokal saya?
• Apakah saya menyampaikan selebaran undangan di daerah?
Before holding an open home you must make sure you are well prepared. Ask yourself these questions:

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

 Does the day conflict with any special events in the area?
 Have I got enough signs and are they situated within my local council regulations?
 Have I delivered invitation flyers in the area?

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

 Have I door-knocked 10x20x10 neighbours and asked them to bring along visitors to my open home?
 Do I know the property well so that I am able to answer any questions the buyers may ask?
 Have I prepared a file on the property so that I am able to answer any questions the buyers may ask?
 Have I anticipated any negative observations that the buyers may make and thought of ways to
overcome them?
 Do I know any other properties that may be for sale in the area? How do they compare with regard to
features and cost?
 Is the property easy to find? Are the instructions on my advertisements clear?
 Are there any minor repairs or tidying up that the seller should do prior to the open home? Are all small
valuable items out of sight?
 Is the time set for the open home the best one:
o for the seller?
o to show the home at its best?
 Have I proofread the advertisement for the local paper?
 Have I printed and copied enough Open Home Questionnaires?
 Do I have my Open Home Register ready?
 Have I printed and copied enough information flyers on the property?
 Do I have my best suit clean and ready to wear on the day with my corporate tie / scarf and name
 Do I have the keys and security codes?
 Have arrangements been made for pets so that they are away from the home while it is open?
 Have I got enough Bluebooks, Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions brochures, Buying Property with
Harcourts booklets, personal profile brochures, and business cards for my display table at the open
 If the property is large / two storeys have I arranged for a colleague to assist with security during the
open home?

You should be answering "yes" to all these questions.

You must also remember to remind your seller about each open home, the day before they are held.

Purchase a 50 litre plastic storage box, set it up as your “Open For Inspection Boot Kit” and keep it in
the boot of your car.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the documents “Open Home Questionnaire” and “Open Home
Register”. Download and print in preparation for your open homes this week.

Print the open home preparation questions listed above and add them to your Open For Inspection
Boot Kit so that you can refer to them for every open home that you conduct.

Conducting Open Homes

Check through the list below to ensure a trouble-free and well-run open home.
 Ensure open home signs are up before you start – pointing in the right direction, along the main and
closest arterial routes (if council allows).
 Erect the flag poles at the property gate, on the tow bar or under the left wheels only of your car.
 It is preferable that the seller is not at home during the open home. Encourage them to take a drive or a
walk, and if applicable, to take their dog with them or tie it up.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

 Ensure that the home is presented at its best.

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 Turn on lights where necessary.
 Fresh flowers and soft music playing in the background give a good impression.
 If cold outside, have a fire going or heaters on.
 Fresh coffee on the stove, vanilla in a slightly warm oven or on a hot element, or aromatherapy oil
burners give a very inviting smell and can sweeten stale and musty homes.
 Have flyers ready to hand out or available on a nearby table, with all the details on the property.
 Have plenty of business cards and your personal profile available.
 Display Bluebooks, and Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions brochures.
 You might post a sign at the front door requesting removal of shoes.
 Make all your open home guests feel welcome.
 As your visitors arrive, welcome them and introduce yourself, and ask the visitor for their name and
phone number which you then write in the register.
 Don't let the prospective buyers feel pressured in any way.
 Don't forget to qualify your visitors. Open the conversation and try to learn about them, why they are
there, and develop some rapport.
 Get feedback on the property, presentation and price only if you can do so discreetly. If there are
several visitors in the property at one time you could ask visitors to complete a written Open Home
Questionnaire. Otherwise always let your visitors know that you will be contacting them by phone soon
to get feedback for your sellers (you can seek honest feedback then).
 Be aware of security at all times; it is advisable that there is only one way in and out of the property and
that you are noticeably present.
 Always have at hand:
o your diary for scheduling appointments
o a contract of sale pre-prepared with the property and sellers’ details
o your CMA on the property
o property file with added information on the home and the area
o Buying Property with Harcourts booklets
o listing authorities
 For Auction property open homes you should also have at hand:
o auction particulars and conditions
o a copy of the property title
o auction buyers’ bidders pack

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Open Home Checklist”. Download and print in
preparation for your open homes this week.

Buyer Does Not Wish to Sign the Register

Ask; "You must have a reason for not wanting to sign the register, may I ask what it is?"

Possible reasons could be:

1. A neighbour not wanting the owner to know they have been through their home – You should offer to be
2. A buyer not wanting to be contacted (bothered) by a real estate consultant – You should offer to not
contact them.
3. A potential seller testing your security because they are shopping for a consultant – You should remain
4. An opposition real estate consultant unwilling for you to know – You should be welcoming.
5. A thief – You should remain firm and if suspicious, note their description and car registration.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Explain that for security reasons the seller requests all visitors to their home provide their details, and that you
have an obligation, as their sales consultant, to follow their instructions.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

If appropriate, acknowledge their wish not to be contacted by you after the open home and place an asterisk
beside their name on the register. Ask them instead to take a few minutes before they leave the open home to
give you their feedback.

If they still refuse to sign the register you must refuse them entry.

Practice your scripts with a colleague. The challenge of each role play is to discover which of the five
reasons they have for not wanting to sign the register.

Buyer Wants a Price Indication

On Priced Property

Question: “How much will they take?” Or; “What is it worth?”

Answer: “The property is listed at $xxx.” Then offer market research to the buyer.

On No Price Marketed Property

There are basically two types of buyers that may ask you for a price indication on a no-price property.
Type 1: The buyer that does not know property value in the area and genuinely has little or no idea
of the home's value.
Type 2: The buyer that knows property values in the area and is attempting to find out the seller's
expectation of price.

You need to determine which type of buyer you are dealing with by asking them some questions including
have they seen other properties for sale in the area.

Marketing without disclosing a price is your sellers’ choice and under no circumstances can you talk to a
buyer about the seller's price expectations. Your first duty is to your seller and they deserve the best
opportunity to achieve the most amount of money that a buyer is willing to pay.

When a buyer asks for a price indication or asks questions about the reserve for the auction or what the
price expectations are you can:
1. Explain that the sellers are seeking price opinion from current buyers in the market to avoid under
or over pricing their property.
2. Deflect a buyer’s direct price request by asking them what price they were looking to invest in a
3. Explain that the property is being marketed without a price and offer to assist them by sharing your
market value research on similar properties in the area.
4. Give them an indication of the minimum value required to buy into the area. Discuss this figure with
your Manager to ensure you have it right.

Read information about managing price requests, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One
>Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Managing Auction Buyers.

Locate scripts for handling price enquiry at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers
> Scripts >Managing Auction Buyers. Practice your favourites.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Prepare accurate CMAs for your open homes this week so that you may assist buyers with price
indication. Consult with the listing agent where appropriate.

After the Open Home

You must:
1. Leave a note to thank the seller - tell them how many visitor groups there were.
2. Report back to the seller briefly the same day and then with a more detailed report after you have
followed up with all the visitors.
3. Follow up quickly on any prospects who seemed interested. Arrange appointments for them to revisit
the property.
4. Work through the names and contact numbers on the Open Home Register and follow up on them all.
Make appointments to show them other properties. If appropriate, appraise and list their property.
5. Add all the open home visitors to your client database. Note Privacy Legislation requires you to ask
their permission.
6. You will have already set a time each week with the seller to discuss their report, feedback and

Read information about preparing for and facilitating an open home, at: Harcourts One > Library >
Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.

Read information about reporting open home feedback to sellers, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission from the listing
agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with follow-up calls to open home visitors,
at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.

Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors, with permission from the
listing agent if it is not your listing. Read the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Seven Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Ask to assist at open homes being run by your office this week if you do not have
any of your own open homes. Do as many as you can – mid-week and weekend.

Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
Purchase a 50 litre plastic storage box, set it up as your “Open For Inspection
Boot Kit” and keep it in the boot of your car.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the documents “Open Home Questionnaire”
and “Open Home Register”. Download and print in preparation for your open

homes this week.
Print the open home preparation questions listed above and add them to your
Open For Inspection Boot Kit so that you can refer to them for every open home

that you conduct.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Open Home Checklist”.
Download and print in preparation for your open homes this week.

Practice your scripts with a colleague. The challenge of each role play is to
discover which of the five reasons they have for not wanting to sign the register.

Read information about managing price requests, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Managing Auction

Locate scripts for handling price enquiry at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Managing Auction Buyers. Practice your

Prepare accurate CMAs for your open homes this week so that you may assist
buyers with price indication. Consult with the listing agent where appropriate.

Read information about preparing for and facilitating an open home, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.

Read information about reporting open home feedback to sellers, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Keeping In

Touch With Sellers.
Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors, with
permission from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Read the information

about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings >
Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Go to Harcourts One Email Marketing, create an open home invitation piece to
send to your database, and send.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Seven

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Open Homes
 Advantages of Open Homes
 Preparing For Open Homes
 Conducting Open Homes
 After the Open Home
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Congratulations on completing week seven of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 What Is a Buyer’s Book?
 Using the Buyer’s Book
 Week Eight Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Eight

Building Your Buyer Systems

Creating solid, professional, quality systems for the potential buyers you work with is critical. Your mission is to
create an environment for your buyers that fosters trust; loyalty; and a desire to buy, with you, in a time frame
that is acceptable to you both.

Those systems were started when you implemented the use ofa standardised enquiry sheet (“Buyer
Requirements Form”) back in Week Two: Prospecting I. Another important element in this system is your
Buyer's Book.

What Is a Buyer's Book?

Your Buyer's Book should be the complete resource for any homebuyer wanting to purchase a home with you.
Its contents will provide such value that clients will carry it with them, using it as a reference book, a shopping
guide, a workbook, and an anchor. This book also becomes a unique point of difference for you, because the
vast majority of real estate sales consultants still don't offer one.

Book Versus Package

The word “book” is used intentionally, rather than “package,” for a reason. A book can easily be opened to
specific information by locating the section and page number from the contents page. It can be carried in a
briefcase or bag without concern for the contents falling out. In addition, consider the professional image
conveyed by a bound, completed presentation.

Content Suggestions

Think about your own experience as a consumer buying real estate. What items would be important or useful to

Step 1: Begin with the generic Harcourts template of the Buyer’s Book, entitled “Buying Property With
Harcourts”. The template includes useful information grouped under the following sections:
 Finding Your Home
 Your Wish List
 Your Essentials
 Searching For Properties
 Inspecting Properties
 Going to Contract
 Common Conditions of Sale
 Multiple Offers
 Paying the Deposit
 Property Insurance

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 Buying at Auction
 Have You Arranged Your Finance?
 Property Purchase Costs
 Completing the Purchase
 For the Property Investor
 Real Estate Terms From A – Z

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Buying Property With Harcourts”. Download and

Step 2: Expand on your Buyer’s Book by adding useful information from your local market. Examples of
information you should add include:
 Details of local real estate related tradespeople from your networking group (e.g. builder,
plumber, electrician, gardener, tiler, painter etc.)
 Map of Local Area
 Q&A: Commonly Asked Questions By Buyers
 The Building and Pest Inspection
 Contracts and Legal Documents
 Local Market Study

Expand on your Buyer’s Book by adding useful information from your local market as detailed above.

Step 3: Expand on your Buyer’s Book by adding useful information about you and your office. Examples of
information you should add include:
 Your Personal Profile
 Your Office Profile
 Services Provided By Your Office
 Benefits of Working With Your Team

Expand on your Buyer’s Book by adding useful information about you and your office as detailed

Where to Find Content

Most of the content already appears in the “Buying Property With Harcourts” Book. Your local market content
can come from a variety of sources. Start with your Manager, and find out what information is available for your
use. Talk to Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions,Building and Pest Inspectors, your local Council, and local
tradespeople who may be willing to provide insert materials to you in order to gain exposure to more home-
buying clients. Check with other successful, like-minded sales consultants to see what they're using. And the
Harcourts One Library is also an invaluable resource for many items.

Read information about Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions at: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Specialist Divisions.

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Make phone calls to Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions and speak with representatives that operate in
your area. Introduce yourself and ask if they can provide you with material to include in your Buyer’s

Make phone calls to Building and Pest Inspectors that operate in your area. Introduce yourself and
ask if they can provide you with material to include in your Buyer’s Book.

Make phone calls to your networking group and ask if they can provide you with material to include in
your Buyer’s Book.

Points of Difference

 A quick way to add effectiveness to your Buyer’s Book is to customise the book for your buyers. You
could use a calligraphy pen to write the name of the buyers on the cover, giving the feel that each book
was custom-printed for that buyer; or put a custom introductory page in your book thanking the buyer for
their business
 Include photographs of your local area
 Include a section detailing a brief history of your local area
 Include testimonials from other buyers you or your office has worked with
 Include vouchers to receive gifts or discounts from local businesses

Colour print and bind at least 12 copies of your completed Buyer’s Book. Keep these Books at the
ready in your office, in your car, in your listing kit, and available to take to your open homes this week.

Using the Buyer's Book

Once you have your Buyer's Book assembled, how do you use it? This powerful tool has many advantageous

Qualified Buyers

Your Buyer’s Book should be provided to buyers you have met or spoken to that are in the market to buy now.

“FREE Gift” Concept

You can use the “free gift” approach as a tool when handling enquiries. The script: “Oh, you're calling in off a
For Sale sign – great! We're doing a special offer where everyone who calls in off a For Sale sign gets a
complimentary copy of our Home Buyer Workbook, free to you for calling in. What address should I send your
free book to?” (Now you can easily gain the prospect's contact information.) If the next call is from an ad, use
the same script, except it's now: “...anyone calling in offan ad todaygetsacomplimentarycopy...” Theimportance
ofthisistoprovidesomething ofvaluetothe client, thereby earning their trust to provide something of value back to
you – their business.

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Marketing Applications

Your Buyer's Book is an extremely useful tool to enhance marketing efforts. You can use it to generate warm
prospect enquiries by offering it through a tagline in your ads: “Call now to receive a FREE copy of my Home
Buyer Workbook.” In developing marketing that promotes your unique business characteristics, or points of
difference, your Buyer's Book is a prominent point of difference. Ifyou run image ads to promote yourself, include
these points of difference as selling features to your market.

Open Homes

Ensure you have a number of your Buyer’s Books on hand to give to select open home visitors – those who are
in the market to buy now.

Listing Presentations

When in discussions with potential sellers, they will be impressed to see the service you provide to buyers so be
sure to keep one of your Buyer’s Books in your listing kit. Remember, many sellers are also looking to buy!

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Week Eight Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Buying Property With
Harcourts”. Download and save.

Expand on your Buyer’s Book by adding useful information from your local market
as detailed in the “What Is A Buyer’s Book?” section in Week Eight.

Expand on your Buyer’s Book by adding useful information about you and your
office as detailed in the “What Is A Buyer’s Book?” section in Week Eight.

Read information about Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions at: Harcourts One >
Products and Services > Specialist Divisions.

Make phone calls to Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions and speak with
representatives that operate in your area. Introduce yourself and ask if they can

provide you with material to include in your Buyer’s Book.
Make phone calls to Building and Pest Inspectors that operate in your area.
Introduce yourself and ask if they can provide you with material to include in your

Buyer’s Book.
Make phone calls to your networking group and ask if they can provide you with
material to include in your Buyer’s Book.

Colour print and bind at least 12 copies of your completed Buyer’s Book. Keep
these Books at the ready in your office, in your car, in your listing kit, and

available to take to your open homes this week.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Ask to assist at open homes being run by your office this week if you do not have
any of your own open homes. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open home, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.

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Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

Go to Harcourts One Email Marketing, create a marketing piece to send to your
database, and send.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Schedule an appointment with your Manager to review your business plan
targets. If you have secured any listings or sales, ensure your progress has been

updated in Harcourts One.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Eight

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Buyer’s Book
 What Is a Buyer’s Book?
 Using the Buyer’s Book
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Congratulations on completing week eight of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 Overview
 The Qualifying Interview
 Your Buyer’s Book
 Open Versus Closed Questions
 Your Buyer Database
 Week Nine Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Nine

Be a Proactive, Not a Reactive, Consultant

These were the words of one successful sales consultant when asked the question, “Do you work with buyers
who haven't been qualified?” – “I'm not going to jump simply because someone wants to look at a property. Do
they have the money to buy? Can they get a loan? Are they simply looking for decorating ideas? What's their
urgency?” she continued. “They can come into my office and devote a few minutes to answering all those
questions. If they are a serious buyer, they'll get 100 per cent ofmy attention until their needs are met. Before
that, they're simply a suspect, and I need a lot of information to be able to properly help them.”


The next two weeks address the area of qualifying buyers – Working with a prospective purchaser to determine
when they need to buy (urgency), where they want to buy (location), why they are buying (dominant buying
motive), and how much home they are financially capable ofbuying (financial). In addition, a buyer qualifying
interview allows you to go over the purchase agreement, market conditions, deposits that are going to be
required, possession, andbuilding and pest inspection issues, and is an opportunity for you to answer many
buying objections in advance.

Consumer surveys repeatedly indicate time and stress as the two costliest items in any real estate transaction,
and anything you can do to reduce either or both adds value to the buyer. Think ofthe stressful questions going
through the mind of a buyer:
 “How much of a loan can I afford to service?”
 “What assurances do I have that the property is sound?”
 “What if the home has termites? How much does an inspection cost and who is reliable?”
 “I don't want to overpay for a home.”
 “What will the schools be like?”
 “Will this be a safe area to raise my family?”
 “Will the area hold or grow the property’s value?”

Think ofthe time wasters facing prospective buyers:

 Looking at homes they cannot afford.
 Looking at homes they don't like.
 Purchasing a home that doesn't clear building and pest inspection and starting over.
 Losing a “dream home”to another buyer.

A properly conducted qualifying interview will save you and your customer time, stress, and money.

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The Qualifying Interview

One sales consultant, recognised as one of the premier specialists in working with buyers, sets the stage by
telling prospective buyers how she works:
“Before we talk about any particular property, may I tell you how I like to work? First, I would like to take just
a few moments to find out a bit more about you and what you are looking for. Once I have done that, I will
be in a much better position to help you and can tell you about all of the properties we have that may interest
you. Is that okay with you?"

Your Buyer's Book

Last week you created your Buyer's Book. The “Buyer Wish List” within your Buyer’s Book and the “Buyer
Requirements Form” are most useful in determining buyer needs.

Open Versus Closed Questions

Any qualifying interview is better-served when your questions illicit informative responses from your prospects.
Questions that begin with “Is, Are, Do you, or Would you” will usually get a monosyllabic answer of yes or no and
are termed “closed questions.” Questions that begin with Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How are termed
“open questions” and will help you garner much more information.

Below is a series of questions you should ask to discover more about your buyer during the qualifying interview.

Discovering Urgency and Motivation

 “Do you have a home to sell if we found you the right property to buy? Can I help you with the sale of
your property?”
 “Are you currently in the market to buy a property?”
 “When would you like to move?”
 “What will happen if you haven’t found a property by that date?”
 “If we found the right property today would you be in a position to do something right away?”
 “How long have you been looking?”
 “Have you made an offer on any properties?”
 “Are you currently working with any other agents?”
 “How many properties have you inspected so far?”

Discovering Location Needs and Preferences

 “What schools do your children attend?”

 “What schools will your children be attending?”
 “Are you a member of any sporting clubs?”
 “Are you a member of any other types of clubs or associations?”
 “Where do you work?”
 “Do you work night shift?”
 “Do you rely on public transport for travel?”
 “Do you prefer quiet time at home or socialising, shopping and dining out?”
 “What sort of aspect would you like your home to have?”
 “Do you want your home to have a view of the city, the mountains, the ocean?”

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Discovering Physical Housing Needs

 “Describe your present home.”

 “What would you duplicate? Why?”
 “What do you have in your present home that must be in your next home?”
 “What would you not duplicate? Why?”
 “Do you have any special furniture that will move with you that we need to make sure fits in your new
 “Do you have any cars or boats to garage? How many and what size?”
 “Do you have any health issues that would make a house with stairs or a house on a steep block
 “What do you like to do during your down time? BBQ outdoors, swim in your pool, garden?”

One of the most effective methods to find out what NOT to show prospective purchasers is to ask them these
 “What features would immediately turn you off to a particular home?”
 “What is it that you absolutely want to avoid in your next home?”

Discovering Financial Needs

The first and most fundamental question to ask in order to avoid wasted time and embarrassment is, “Will you be
paying cash, or will you need financing?”

If they will need financing, give them a solid reason for your need to gather more information:
“I'll need to ask you some questions about your finances and there are some important reasons why we
need to talk about this. The first reason is that if we discover that your financial capacity is greater than what
we might perceive it to be, that opens up more homes in the market and gives us a greater chance of finding
the home that comes closer to fulfilling all your needs. If, however, your financial capability is less than what
we perceive it to be, there's a strong possibility that I could end up disappointing you by showing homes that
fill your needs, but you wouldn't be able to acquire them. By covering these things now, we can make sure
that we're looking in the right areas. I'll begin by getting some information, and then I'm going to ask you to
fill out this form on your own.”

Utilise a “Financial Information Form” to gather this information. Using forms works because it engages the
buyers in the process and gives you the information you need. The form covers questions such as:
 “What monthly loan repayments would you find acceptable?”
 “How much cash do you have available for a deposit?”
 “Do you have a home to sell before buying? How much do you think your home is worth?”
 “Are you current on all debts?”
 “Is there any problem with your credit?”
 “What is your monthly income?”
 “What is your spouse’s monthly income?”

You should also ask questions that may result in you being able to refer your buyers to Harcourts’ Specialist
Divisions for added service:
 “Do you have a loan provider?”
 “Would you like me to arrange a free service to research the best loan currently available to you?”

Write down your favourite questions for discovering urgency and motivation, location needs and
preferences, physical housing needs, and financial needs. Keep a copy of these questions by the
phone in your office, in your briefcase, in your car, in your Listing Kit, and in your Buyer’s Book.

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Read information about qualifying buyers, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library >
Sales > Working With Buyers > Qualifying.

Practice conducting buyer interviews, and qualifying buyers over the telephone and face-to-face.
Utilise the scripts to assist you with working with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Qualifying.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Buyer Requirements Form”. Download, print,
and practice using it when speaking with prospective buyers.

Complete the “Your Wish List” exercise (found within your “Buyer’s Book”) with prospective buyers to
determine wants versus needs.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Buyer Financial Information Form”. Download,
print, and practice using it when speaking with prospective buyers.

Your Buyer Database

Once you’ve conducted your buyer qualifying interview it’s important that you update your buyer database
immediately in Harcourts One Contacts. Now that you’ve fully qualified your buyers you should be able to
categorise them. Buyers in your database should be categorised by Area, Price, and Motivation.

When categorising buyers by motivation, use the following three categories:

'A' or Red Hot Buyers These buyers have a reason to move and a date. The main criteria for this category
is that they are ready to buy, want or need to buy, have a deadline, and are able to

They may be cash buyers or have finance prearranged or pre-approved. It can even
include people who must sell their present home, such as buyers being transferred,
as long as they fit the general criteria.

With these buyers, you would arrange to show properties as soon as possible.

'B' or Warm Buyers These buyers have a reason to move but no date. They are serious about buying but
do not have any definite deadline. They may not have made arrangements for
finance. If they must sell their present home, they may be waiting on a sale or have
yet to put it on the market.

You could make an appointment to show them properties or provide them with
property flyers and invite them to open homes.

'C' or Lukewarm Buyers These buyers would like to move sometime. They are dissatisfied with their present
situation and have an inclination to buy, but have not made a definite decision to do
so. They may have no idea what they want or what they can afford. Many have just
started looking to see what the market has to offer.

You might send these people flyers on several suitable properties and the dates of
scheduled open homes and auctions. Remember to ask them if they have a home
they need to sell in order to buy.

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The purpose of categorising buyers by motivation is:
 To work with people most likely to bring about a result.
 So that you can deal with them in the most efficient, cost-productive manner, once you have matched
them with appropriate properties.

Read information about creating and categorising your buyer database, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Qualifying.

Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to Add a Contact, Categorise Contacts, and
Manage Contacts within Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them accordingly.

Buyer Matching

Once you’ve updated your buyer’s details you can set up Buyer Matching in Harcourts One. This allows you to
easily match your buyer to Harcourts properties that match their needs. You can then send these properties to
your buyer and organise private viewings.

Watch the tutorial that demonstrates step-by-step how to Set up Buyer Matching within Harcourts
One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help > Setting up Buyer Matching.

Set up Buyer Matching for your qualified buyers.

Personal Notifier

Personal Notifier is the fastest way for you and your clients to get all the latest property listings and open homes.
Personal Notifier on the Harcourts public websites enables you and your clients to automatically receive the very
latest property listings and open homes as an email the moment they become available. It's a fully automated
service which takes all the hard work out of searching for property. You may choose to set-up Personal Notifier
with your clients during the buyer qualifying interview so that properties are sent directly to them. Alternatively,
you may set-up Personal Notifier so that the automatic emails are sent to you. This gives you regular
opportunities to contact your buyers with the latest listings so that you may arrange private viewings.

Read information about Personal Notifier, at: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology
> Services > Personal Notifier.

Set up Personal Notifier for your qualified buyers.

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Week Nine Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Write down your favourite questions for discovering urgency and motivation,
location needs and preferences, physical housing needs, and financial needs.

Keep a copy of these questions by the phone in your office, in your briefcase, in
your car, in your Listing Kit, and in your Buyer’s Book.
Read information about qualifying buyers, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Qualifying.

Practice conducting buyer interviews, and qualifying buyers over the telephone
and face-to-face. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working with buyers, at:

Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Scripts > Qualifying.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Buyer Requirements Form”.
Download, print, and practice using it when speaking with prospective buyers.

Complete the “Your Wish List” exercise (found within your “Buyer’s Book”) with
prospective buyers to determine wants versus needs.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Buyer Financial Information
Form”. Download, print, and practice using it when speaking with prospective

Read information about creating and categorising your buyer database, and
associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With

Buyers > Qualifying.
Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to Add a Contact, Categorise
Contacts, and Manage Contacts within Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One >

Learn / Help.
Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Watch the tutorial that demonstrates step-by-step how to Set up Buyer Matching
within Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help > Setting up Buyer

Set up Buyer Matching for your qualified buyers.

Read information about Personal Notifier, at: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Services > Personal Notifier.

Set up Personal Notifier for your qualified buyers.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >

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Scripts > Qualifying.
Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

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Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Nine

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

 Overview
 The Qualifying Interview
 Your Buyer’s Book
 Open Versus Closed Questions
 Your Buyer Database
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play conducting buyer interviews, and qualifying buyers over the telephone and face-to-face. Manager:
Provide feedback where appropriate.

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Congratulations on completing week nine of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 Market Conditions
 Legalities
 Auction
 Week Ten Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Ten

Knowledge Is Power
Once you have qualified your prospective buyers you can help them become more knowledgeable and ready to
buy when they find the property that they want.

Market Conditions

What will the buyer be facing when they get into the marketplace?


Over-abundance of listings Littleinventory
Interest rates are usually higher Interest rates are low
Credit is tighter; the economy is sluggish The economy is robust
New choices are coming on the market every day Optimism abounds
Few For Sale By Owners Multiple offers are common
Contingencies cause them to lose out in multiple-
offer situations
For Sale By Owners are plentiful
Valuations often lag behind the market

Your challenge in a buyer’s market is to create urgency in the prospect. Buyers are spoiled for choice and can
have difficulty making a decision only to miss out on the property that was just right for them. Here are some
strategies to increase urgency:
1. Show them statistical sales for the area they're interested in to show activity
2. Show (or take, if need be) them to a home that's under contract, to demonstrate what people are paying
for a similar property.
3. Review some historical data on home sales so that they can make an intelligent decision (number of
sales, price changes).
4. Show some history of fast sales and high list-to-sale-price ratios that have occurred when properties are
priced competitively.
5. Re-qualify: “Does this property meet your three top priorities on your wish list?”
“Does this property fall within your price range?”
“Is this property in one of your preferred locations?”
“Does this property meet your family’s needs?”
“Out of all the properties you have seen so far, is this the best? Would you be
disappointed if this property sold tomorrow?”

Conversely, your challenge in a seller’s market is to prepare the prospective buyer to act fast, accept what's
available in the current market, and be prepared for multiple offers and valuation difficulties.

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Scripts to indicate their need to act quickly:

“When you have more buyers than sellers, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it,
prices are on the increase every day.”

“In today’s current market we've got more buyers than sellers and so properties aren't on the market very
long. Buyers are competing with each other to obtain the best properties. What that means is that, when
you find a great property that you want to buy; you'll have to act quickly.”

Script to explain theirneed to make an offer in writing:

“Because supply is low, and demand high, don't be surprised if we find ourselves in a situation where we are
competing with other buyers for the same home. Submitting a written contract smartly can often avoid
multiple offer situations, as long as the offer is acceptable to the seller.”

Cover three real situations they may encounter; namely, paying more than list price, not having the home valued,
and the risk of including contingencies in their purchase agreement.

Offer market value:

“In a market where you have multiple-offer situations and more than one person bidding on a home, often
you may have to pay more than the list price in order to get your chosen home.”

Research today’s market:

(Research values in the area no further back than 3-6 months.) “Valuations are based on historical data
and, unfortunately, the historical data may not have caught up with the current rising market. When that
happens, you'll often find a home and the valuation will come in lower than what it is now worth. A property
is worth what a buyer in today’s market is prepared to pay.”

Few conditions:

“When buying homes in this type of market, any condition of sale written into an offer decreases your
chances of procuring that special home. Think about it, if you were a seller and you had two very similar
offers to consider but one had a condition of sale for loan approval, or for a home to sell first, and the other
offer had no conditions of sale, which one would you accept?”

Refer back to the “Market Study” you completed on your geographic farm area in Week Three:
Prospecting II. Update and expand on the list of past sales and utilise this data to educate buyers on
the state of the market in the area.

Role play educating buyers on market conditions and what it means to them. Ensure you refer to
statistical data.


Purchase Agreement

Introduce the purchase agreement early to prospective buyers. It allows you to answer many questions, relieves
the fear that can accompany “the signing of a contract,” and allows you to measure the seriousness of your
prospect. Use scripts like:

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“This is the agreement we'll be signing as an offer to purchase when we find your home. I want to cover it in
detail with you now for a variety of reasons: 1) It will help you be aware of the legal elements and
ramifications involved in the home purchase; 2) It will allow us to act quickly when we find the right home
because you'll be familiar with what you're signing, thus increasing the chances of you getting the home of
your choice before someone else.”

“Here on the contract is where you'll be putting your legal name(s), so you'll need to determine how you're
going to take title. Are you planning on taking the property in your names together?”

Building and Pest Inspections

Discuss the important role that building and pest inspections play in the buying process – that building
inspections are for the major mechanical and functional items and don't include normal wear and tear. Provide
examples of property problems so they are aware of and fully informed of the risks involved in not obtaining
these inspections.

Solicitor Costs

Discuss solicitor costs and the searches they will need their solicitor to perform.


Possession can be a strong negotiating tool for them when you negotiate with the seller. It's very helpful to
determine their time schedule and flexibility and to let them know that the possession date can often equate to
dollars saved on the agreed purchase price because of it being a critical issue for the seller.


Although a deposit may not be essential to create a valid contractual sale, it is seen as a buyer’s earnest desire
to proceed and is understandably expected by the seller. It is your job to encourage your buyer to include a
reasonable deposit as an acknowledgement of their intention to carry out the terms of the contract. Discuss
availability of funds for a deposit to be arranged now in readiness for making an offer or attending an auction.

Read information about the purchase agreement, possession, and deposits, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Getting an Offer.

Obtain a copy of the mandated Purchase Agreement used in your region. Familiarise yourself with
the content and clarify any points of confusion with your Manager. Practice writing up Agreements
and have your Manager check their accuracy.

Role play educating buyers on the legalities involved in purchasing a home. Ensure you cover every
section of the Purchase Agreement.

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Educate your buyers on purchasing at auction. It’s important that you remove any fears they may have about
buying at auction. The best way to do this is to take them to one of your office’s auctions. Explain the benefits to
buyers of buying at auction:
 A set auction date allows the buyer time to better plan and organise their finances and any searches or
specialist inspections before purchase so that they can have confidence in the property and the
 They know they are dealing with a seller who is ready and willing to make a decision on auction day.
 Buying at auction avoids the traditional offer / counter offer negotiation process. Everything is out in the
 They can see their competition on the day. Rather than missing out on the property to another buyer or
having to guess what they need to offer in order to win it, the open bidding arena of the auction allows
each buyer a fair opportunity to buy the property.
 On auction day they can feel confident of the property’s value as they witness other buyers bidding. If
successful, the buyer will have the satisfaction of knowing they have purchased at “true market value”.
 On the fall of the hammer the successful buyer can know that they now own the property.

Auction Bidder’s Package

The Auction Bidder’s Package is a prepared folder that is given to a buyer who has made a clear indication to
you that they are interested in the property and a verbal commitment to be there on auction day. The Bidder’s
Package may also be used to educate your buyers on purchasing at auction.

In the package is a clear and concise explanation of all the terms and conditions of the auction, as well as a copy
of the Agreement/Contract to be signed.

The package should include, but not be limited to, the following:
 Particulars and Conditions of Sale
 Harcourts Auction Buyers Notice Form
 Telephone Bidding Form
 Another Person to Bid on Behalf of Buyer Form
 Procedure for Pre Auction Offers
 Auction Code of Practice
 Purchaser Acknowledgement of Multiple Offer Presentation
 Deposit Requirements
 Settlement Terms
 Title
 Possession Dates
 Rental Details
 Your Personal Profile
 Your Business Card
 Auction Flyer
 “How to Buy at Auction” Brochure
 Council Rates Information
 “Auction Advantage” Brochure
 Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions Brochures

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Read information about managing auction buyers, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Managing Auction Buyers.

Arrange to take your qualified buyers to an auction being run by your office.

Work with the listing agent to prepare a Bidder’s Package for the auction you plan to take your
qualified buyers to. Provide the package to your buyers and explain the contents.

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Week Ten Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Refer back to the “Market Study” you completed on your geographic farm area in
Week Three: Prospecting II. Update and expand on the list of past sales and

utilise this data to educate buyers on the state of the market in the area.
Role play educating buyers on market conditions and what it means to them.
Ensure you refer to statistical data.

Read information about the purchase agreement, possession, and deposits, and
associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With

Buyers > Getting an Offer.
Obtain a copy of the mandated Purchase Agreement used in your region.
Familiarise yourself with the content and clarify any points of confusion with your

Manager. Practice writing up Agreements and have your Manager check their
Role play educating buyers on the legalities involved in purchasing a home.
Ensure you cover every section of the Purchase Agreement.

Read information about managing auction buyers, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Managing Auction

Arrange to take your qualified buyers to an auction being run by your office.

Work with the listing agent to prepare a Bidder’s Package for the auction you plan
to take your qualified buyers to. Provide the package to your buyers and explain

the contents.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.

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Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Ten

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Preparing to Buy
 Market Conditions
 Legalities
 Auction
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play educating buyers on market conditions, and the legalities involved in purchasing a home. Manager:
Provide feedback where appropriate.

Congratulations on completing week ten of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 Showing Principles
 Showing Procedure
 Week Eleven Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Eleven

It’s Showtime!
Showing Principles

Appointments to show property by private viewing should be scheduled in your ideal week as a block
appointment at the same time each week; for example, every Tuesday afternoon. Encourage buyers to attend
your open homes and reserve private viewing appointments for buyers who have been through the property at
your open home and would like to view again, plus the qualified buyers that you are working with.

A typical schedule to follow would be:

Weekend: Open homes

Monday: Follow-up calls to open home visitors
Tuesday: Private viewings generated from follow-up calls

The Purpose

During this phase of the process you're continually qualifying the prospective buyers, listening for further clues as
to their urgency and, most of all, determining their dominant buying motives. You're narrowing down their
choices. You're helping them make good decisions.

Let the prospective buyer(s) know that you're going out to “BUY” a home, not “LOOK” at homes.

The Decision Maker

Never assume who is the decision maker. It makes no difference who sits in the front seat of your car, who asks
most of the questions, or who defers to whom. When dealing with a family or couple, all will impact on the
decision to buy – a husband may want to please his wife, a wife may want to make her husband happy, or they
may both want to meet the needs of their teenager. The message here is, include everyone during the showing
and decision making process.

Communicate Honestly

While some purchasers don't need encouragement to open up to you, others will need permission. The scripts
that follow work well with either type and set the tone for candour, allowing you to meet their needs quicker.

“You need to tell me exactly what you like and dislike about each property, because based upon what you
tell me I'll select others for you to view.”

“Noneoftheseproperties are ownedbyme...youwon'toffendmewithany

ofyourcommentsabouttheproperty...please tell me your reactions so we can avoid those types ofthings in the

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Go to your Harcourts One database and select three qualified buyers. Use Harcourts One Buyer
Matching to match them to properties for sale.

Showing Procedure

1. Know the Property

Before you take a client to see a home, you should know the property well. Visit the site, noting points which
match the buyers' wants and needs, which you can then emphasise. You should also note the drawbacks as far
as your buyers are concerned, and be prepared to put them in perspective.

2. Set the Stage

There are four basic objectives to be accomplished as you introduce potential buyers to a property.
1. To continue qualifying buyers for any wants and needs you have not yet discovered.
2. To reinforce real estate values in the area. Your local knowledge will be invaluable here.
3. To sell the benefits of the neighbourhood in the immediate area of the home.
4. To prepare the buyers for any obvious negatives that they may see in the property (e.g. a steep
driveway). This will lessen the impact. Let the major benefits of the home surprise them and overcome
minor objections for which they are already prepared.

3. Do Your Pre-inspection Homework

If you are not the listing sales consultant, it is always preferable that you inspect the home before you show it.
 Encourage the seller to leave the home (and take the dog).
 If time does not permit you could phone the listing sales consultant and discuss the property and the
sellers' motivation. (Ask the listing consultant if they would prefer to arrange the viewing time with the
 If you are meeting the buyers there, you should arrive ten minutes early and have a pre-inspection.
 Sometimes you will be unable to do any preparation. When this happens, be honest with your buyers
and tell them that the listing sales consultant recommended the property and that you are both
inspecting it for the first time.
 Make sure you have the correct key, security code if alarmed, and any special instructions (e.g. cat left
in or out).

Contact your qualified buyers and the sellers of the matched properties to make appointments to
show by private viewing.

4. Approach the Property

Always select the best route to approach the home, if you are driving buyers there. Try to show nearby schools,
shops, etc. if that is what they are looking for. Plan your approach to the home according to the information you
gathered when qualifying the buyer. This may include driving past recent sales to confirm area values.

As you approach the property ask the buyer for their honest reaction to the home, to give you feedback and
ensure you are on the right track.

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Be sure that you know exactly where the key or lockbox is. If the key is around the back, leave the buyer at the
front door and get the key.

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Schedule time to drive the areas on your own prior to your appointments and decide the route you will
take, the amenities you will point out, and the sold property comparisons you will make.

5. When Meeting Buyers There

Arrive early and take the time to focus on the task at hand. Prepare the home ready for their inspection then
when they arrive take a moment to meet and greet them, re-establishing rapport.

You may decide to stand in an area that shows off the outside of the property, subtly drawing their attention to
something appealing. Ask them if they would like to have a look around the outside first or go directly inside.

6. At the Property

Upon entering the home, you may encounter a seller who's not been instructed to leave and wants to show the
home. Take control by saying at the outset:
“Hello, Mr Seller. My name is (name) with (company) and this is (prospective buyers). We appreciate the
opportunity to look at your home, and if it would be all right, we'll just go through ourselves. Where will you
be in case we have any questions?”

If the seller continues to accompany you, gently pull the seller off to the side and use this script:
“We don’t want the first impression of your home to be uncomfortable for these buyers. Having you present
in the home gives the impression that we are intruding on your privacy which makes them uncomfortable.
Are you able to pop out for a while?”

Remember that decisions in real estate are usually based first on emotion and second on fact. People buy with
emotion and justify with facts. Don't make the mistake of trying to sell to your clients. Instead look for signs that
they are interested and have some emotional involvement with the home.

1. Make the viewing of the home a relaxed and fun event. Set the pace to match your buyer, and
constantly maintain a pleasant atmosphere.
2. Show the highlights of the house first.
3. Remember that observations made before the whole house has been seen are not always valid.
4. Don't make obvious statements like "this is the kitchen" etc. Your statements should have real
significance to the buyers.
5. Discovery is a powerful tool. Peoples own discoveries are somehow more important to them than
something that has been pointed out, and tend to stay with them. Let the buyers find special features
themselves. Let silence sell for you.
6. Silence can also be important when closing. If you ask a closing question then you must keep quiet.
Often sales consultants feel uncomfortable with silence, and feel they should fill the gap with
conversation. Learn to be comfortable with silence; it can be a very rewarding technique.
7. Never defend the property against the buyer. You may win the argument but lose the buyer. If you
debate or defend an objection it usually reinforces it in the customer's mind. Be guided by their
8. Watch your prospect for signals that they want to buy.
 During the demonstration don't look at the home yourself – observe your buyers and their reactions
to the home. If you are perceptive their body language will reveal their level of interest.
 Buyers often solve their own objections if they are given an opportunity to do so. For example, say
to them "You're right, that porch is shaded, what do you think needs to be done there?" or “If it
wasn’t for ‘x’ would this property be of interest to you?”
 If their body language says "yes" and their attitude says "yes", the words they say can also be "yes".
9. Continually ask open questions to ensure you are on the right track, and to check their buying interest.
For example:

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 "How do you feel about this home?"
 "In your opinion do you feel this home suits your needs?"
 "Earlier you mentioned that you needed (list the features); this home has those features."
 "Can you see yourself living here?"
 "How would you place your furniture in this room?"
 "What do you like most about this home?"
 "Would you like to take another look around?"
 "How does this home measure in comparison to others we have seen – what rating would you give
it from 1-10?"

Sell Benefits – Not Features

This is an important lesson in the fundamentals of sales. So many sales have been lost because all that
was talked about were the features of the product. The difference is simple:
Features: A feature is attached to the product. It exists as part of or as an attribute of the product,
e.g., thick insulation, a redwood deck, or a large backyard.
Benefits: A benefit is attached to your client. It relates to the use of a home by someone. It only
happens when they buy the home and use it, e.g., “save money with lower utility bills,”
“watch the sunset while you relax after a busy day,” or “the kids will be able to run to their
hearts' content.”

Another way to remember the benefit/feature scenario is to utilise the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?) memory
peg. What about the home is going to benefit the buyers?

Make a list of the features of homes you’re going to show, along with a corresponding list of benefits
in preparation for your showing appointments.

#1: #1:

#2: #2:

#3: #3:

#4: #4:

#5: #5:

#6: #6:

#7: #7:

#8: #8:

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7. Narrow the Selections

The Buyer Scorecard

Before you leave the property have your buyers provide you with feedback (e.g. wants and needs this
property provides, minuses about this property, score out of ten etc.). Use a buyer scorecard to write pros
and cons beside the property address. At the conclusion of viewing three properties you can refer to the
scorecard and summarise:
“According to our records the third home is your favourite and the first house is your second choice. Is
that correct?” (Yes.) “So with these three choices, you'd never buy the second home we looked at. Is
that right?” (Yes.) “Okay, let’s put a line through that one and continue.”

This way, the prospective buyers, after discussing the pros and cons of each property, can delete those not
of interest and keep a short list of those that are.

The “Dream Home” Envelope

Another method utilised by a successful sales consultant is to give an envelope to the prospective buyers at
the beginning of showings and tell them, “You can only keep three property flyers in the envelope.” Upon
finishing with a showing, he asks, “Does this home go in the envelope?” Ifno, “Why?” Ifyes, “Why?”
Through the process, only three homes can go in the envelope so a decision takes place at each showing.
When the showings are completed, there will be three homes in the envelope.

Mastering the selection process will shorten your showing time substantially, because the prospective buyers are
making buying decisions all along the way.

Gather flyers on each of the properties you are going to show during the appointment plus blank
buyer scorecards for each of your qualified buyers.

Read information about showing properties by private viewing, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Showing the Property.

Role play showing properties by private viewing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working with
buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the

Conduct your showing appointments for your three sets of qualified buyers.

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Week Eleven Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Go to your Harcourts One database and select three qualified buyers. Use
Harcourts One Buyer Matching to match them to properties for sale.

Contact your qualified buyers and the sellers of the matched properties to make
appointments to show by private viewing.

Schedule time to drive the areas on your own prior to your appointments and
decide the route you will take, the amenities you will point out, and the sold

property comparisons you will make.
Make a list of the features of homes you’re going to show, along with a
corresponding list of benefits in preparation for your showing appointments.

Gather flyers on each of the properties you are going to show during the
appointment plus blank buyer scorecards for each of your qualified buyers.

Read information about showing properties by private viewing, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >

Showing the Property.
Role play showing properties by private viewing. Utilise the scripts to assist you
with working with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With

Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Conduct your showing appointments for your three sets of qualified buyers.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

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This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Eleven

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Showing Property by Private Viewing
 Showing Principles
 Showing Procedure
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play showing a property by private viewing. Manager: Provide feedback where appropriate.

Congratulations on completing week eleven of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 Closing Principles
 The Strongest Close
 Buyer’s Remorse
 Week Twelve Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Twelve

When They Want to Buy – Let Them

If you have spent the time qualifying your buyers and prepared them to buy (covering financial, urgency,
contingency, market, emotional, and legal issues); and if you have understood the needs of your prospective
buyers, the biggest key is to let them buy by not getting in the way. Rather than showing homes beyond the one
they want to buy; talking too much when they're making a decision, or offering objections like, “You might want to
sleep on it tonight,” utilise some trial closes and let them buy the home they want.

Closing Principles

When to Close

When the mood of acceptance is warm! It's called timing. If you ask too soon, you expose yourselfto the
criticism ofbeing too pushy. Ifyou wait until that moment when you’re sure they are ready and want to buy, they
could cool or become confused after seeing another home.

Closing takes place from the first moment you visit with the prospective buyers:

First phone call: “Oh, great! So you're interested in purchasing?”

During the qualifying interview: “One ofthe ways I can help you determine ifit's the right home or not is
to ask you to buy it. Will that be okay?”
“If we found the right home today, what would you do? What ifit's the
first home we look at?”
“Oh by the way, I don't intend to sell you a home today. My job is to
introduce you to properties, and when you see the right one, you'll buy

During the showing phase: “If it weren’t for the dated kitchen could you see yourselves living here?”

Buying Signals

Buyers emit “signals” when they find a home that they like. By recognising the signals, you'll be able to capitalise
on that moment, and begin asking some trial closes.

Following are some common signals which indicate the buyers like the home:
1. When they begin placing furniture (Bobbie's bed would fit in here perfectly).
2. When their eyes and whole demeanour brighten.
3. When they overcome their own objections (We could use bunk beds in this small bedroom).
4. When they request a fact sheet or seek detailed information on the property and area.
5. When they begin making favourable comments (The view is so private).

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6. When they use words like “Our” or “My.”

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7. When they sit down.
8. When they start offering objections (part of their subconscious is saying, “Are you sure you want to pay
this much money?”)
9. When they begin using the word “When” instead of “If' (When could we get possession?)

When you observe any of the above buying signals, it's time for you to begin some trial closes.

Observe open home visitors and private viewing buyers this week and write down what “positive
buying” and “negative not buying” signals you notice.

Trial Closes

Trial closes ask for opinions versus decisions. They usually begin with the word “If':
“If we could move the possession date up, would that be something you would be interested in?”

“If' questions can be phrased to reflect a broad-base interest, a narrower-base interest, or a specificproperty

 Broad-base (questions dealing with the city, the area, the types of financing):
“If you could live in this type of area, would that be of interest to you?”
 Narrower-base (specific neighbourhood, school district, recreational areas, or style of homes):
“If we could find a home in this school district, would you be happy with that?”
 Specific property interest (target the specific home):
“If we could get the carpet replaced with the same price, would you be interested in this home?”

Anytime you garner a yes response to one ofyour trial closes, move forward by asking them to purchase with any
number of closing statements or questions:
 “Would you like to see ifthey'll accept an offer that stipulates replacing the carpet?”
 “Let's see if they'll accept our offer to replace the carpet, what do you say?”
 “Do you want to buy it?”
 “How about we write up an agreement to purchase?”
 “Well, what do you want to do?”
 “Is there any other reason that would prevent you from moving ahead with buying this home?”
 “Just suppose the property (could have new carpet installed; possession dates could be worked out;
could be financed to meet your needs)? Would you want to go ahead?”
 “I have a sense that you need it, you like it, and you can afford it. All that's left is to buy it. Are you
ready to move ahead?”
 “I feel good about this one. How about you?”
 “I know you like this home. Why don't we go back to the office and figure out what it looks like on paper
and what it's going to cost you to buy this house?”

Useful Closes

Effective methods of closing include:

 Assumptive Close:
Here you simply assume they are going to buy, you pull out the purchase agreement you've already
covered with them in the qualifying interview, and you invite them to join you at the table to fill out the

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 Narrative Close:
This type of close is often used when the property meets all the criteria and the buyer is very keen;
however they want to sleep on it overnight. Here you tell a story about someone who missed out on a
home because she was hesitating in the same fashion as your prospects (Theyfelt they
hadplentyoftimeandthishappened...). You can also tell a very positive success story about someone
who was in a similar situation and how it all turned out for the good. Generally, the narrative story is
used to assure the hesitant buyer that it's okay to move ahead.

 Alternative-Choice Close:
This type of close relies on human nature – when given two choices, you will choose one of them.
“Would you prefer to do the paperwork back at the office or right here?”
“Did you want immediate possession at the end of the month, or would you be willing to wait an
additional 30 days?”
“Do you want to include the refrigerator in the offer or leave it out?”
“Would it be better for you to settle at the end of the month or in the third week?”

 Silence Close:
Ifyou've been talking about a home, and your prospects are going through a second time, be quiet
except at decision time; then offer:
“I’m excited. I think this is the one, but you've had enough input from me. You guys go ahead and
look through again. I'm here if you need me.”

 Opposite Close:
The opposite close is doing exactly the opposite ofwhat they expect. Once you've used the script in the
qualifying interview for gaining permission during each showing to ask them to buy, then ask them on
each showing except the one where the buying signals are strong. You'll find that they will say, “Well,
why haven't you asked us to buy this one. This is the one!”

One successful sales consultant tells her buyers:

“I think this is something we really need to go make an offer on. Let's go see exactly what they're
(sellers) willing to do. I think this is really a good deal. We ought to make an offer. Don't you think
we ought to go on back and make them an offer?”

 The Balance-Sheet Close:

Often called the Ben Franklin close, you begin by making a “T” on a paper. You say:
“Ben Franklin used to use this method when making decisions. He'd list all the reasons for going
ahead on one side of the T and all the reasons for not moving forward on the other side. So let's
go over the reasons why this home might be a good thing for you and your family.”

Once you cover all the positives, even helping them if appropriate, you then go to the reasons for not
moving forward. Ifthelist is decidedly strong on the positive side, you say, “It looks like it would be a
good decision to move forward; would you like to have possession so that it would coordinate with your

The Strongest Close

The strongest close takes place on the emotional Hot Button. People buy based on emotion and justify with
facts. Review the emotional areas in the Qualifying section, remembering that 85 per cent of buyers buy based
on emotion. Some examples:

 Love ofChildren
“The nicest part of this home is the area for your kids to play; that, and the quality of the schools.
They are the best. So what do you want to do?”

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 Prestige
“I imagine you’ll have some very talked about social events here. Would you agree?”

 Need for Financial Security / Gain

“This is an exceptional deal. When you look at the market and what properties are appreciating at,
along with the tax benefits, it’s a pretty solid return on your money. Would you put it on a 25 or
30year pay-off?”

 Earned Reward
“I guess you two have worked a lot of years to someday have all this. Your someday is here and
you deserve it.”

Read information about buying signals, asking for an offer, trial closing, and closing, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Getting an Offer.

Practice trial closing and closing when you notice buying signals during your property inspections this
week. Keep a record of the ones that worked well and discuss this with your Manager. Utilise the
scripts to assist you with working with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With
Buyers > Scripts > Getting an Offer.

Buyer's Remorse

A common phenomenon many buyers experience is buyer's remorse. They've often made the biggest financial
investment of their lives. They've possibly received input from parents, friends, associates, and neighbours that
they moved too fast, didn't get enough information, should have worked with another sales consultant, or should
get out of the deal.

Avoid buyer’s remorse through regular and positive contact with your buyers. Continue the excitement and
positive belief that they have found the perfect home. Begin by taking a “congratulations” card and gift around to
them in person and once again expressing your excitement and enthusiasm over their decision.

If a buyer shows signs of worry or fear you might say:

“Please know, you're going to sit up in bed tonight, and possibly tomorrow night, and say to yourself, 'I think
we paid too much for the house,' or 'We should have offered less.' At the same time, the sellers are sitting
up in their bed saying, 'I think we sold the house for less than we should have,' or 'We should have
countered back for a lot more.' It's pretty common and nothing to worry about. Just take a drink of water,
and know you're going to be happy. Make sense?”

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Week Twelve Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Observe open home visitors and private viewing buyers this week and write down
what “positive buying” and “negative not buying” signals you notice.

Read information about buying signals, asking for an offer, trial closing, and
closing, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Working With Buyers > Getting an Offer.
Practice trial closing and closing when you notice buying signals during your
property inspections this week. Keep a record of the ones that worked well and

discuss this with your Manager. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working with
buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Scripts >
Getting an Offer.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

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Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Schedule an appointment with your Manager to review your business plan
targets. If you have secured any listings or sales, ensure your progress has been

updated in Harcourts One.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Twelve

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Closing the Sale
 Closing Principles
 The Strongest Close
 Buyer’s Remorse
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play trial closing and closing. Manager: Provide feedback where appropriate.

Congratulations on completing week twelve of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Implement the Platinum Rule
 D-I-S-C: The Four Styles
 Further Identifying the D-I-S-C Styles
 Applying D-I-S-C Principles
 Week Thirteen Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Thirteen

Welcome to Social Intelligence

Have you ever had the experience of meeting someone for the first time and felt like you just hit it off? Was it
almost as if you'd known the person for years? Conversation flowed easily; you had instant comfort with that
person. Likewise, have you ever had a first encounter that went less than favourably?

You might be surprised to discover that only 25 per cent of the population is “like you” in their mannerisms and
general styles; and most of us never discover how to better relate to the other 75 per cent. Understanding that
there are four distinct personality styles, and developing the ability to interact with all of them, opens the door for
you to 75 per cent more clients than you currently serve!

Implement the Platinum Rule

We were all likely raised to support the Golden Rule; that is: do unto others as you would have done unto you.
The premise of the Golden Rule has served to bring much good to the world; it is time to graduate to the next

The Platinum Rule, simply put, is this: Treat Others As They Want To Be Treated. Understanding and learning
how to adapt and communicate with different personality styles will allow you to do this. This shift in thinking
creates tremendous opportunity for you, not only in business, but also in your personal life. When you gain
clarity of yourself and how you operate, then apply the knowledge of how the different personality styles behave
and process to enhance your interaction with clients and colleagues, you'll see that selling becomes enjoyable
and much more profitable!

Role versus Identity

Part of becoming socially intelligent is learning the difference between your role and your identity. Your identity is
who you are: how you feel and behave, and what you believe. Your role, on the other hand, is what is required
of you in your career. Your role requires you to prospect; your role requires you to accommodate less-than-
pleasant people from time to time; your role requires you to educate sellers, to ask people to buy, and to
negotiate between parties.

Our identity – who we are – may not approve of some decisions, situations, and behaviours of those we meet.
However, our role is to adapt to all types of clients and their varying situations. For example, you may not
approve of divorce yet your role is to respectfully help your clients; you may not like older, timber homes, but your
role is to market that property with enthusiasm for its features. Once you acknowledge and support that the
distinction exists and that true success hinges on your willingness to make the separation between the two, you
will move forward.

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D-I-S-C: The Four Styles

Before we can apply our knowledge to working with others, we first need to understand ourselves. The following
will walk you through a quick self-analysis. First, you'll need to select where you fall on a supporting versus
controlling continuum; then you'll choose where you fall on a direct versus indirect continuum. The combined
result for these two will define which of the four personality styles you relate most closely to – D, I, S, or C.

Self-Analysis: Supporting (Open) versus Controlling (Guarded)

Do you consider yourself to be more supporting or more controlling?

On the left are some indicators to help you distinguish between the two. On the right, mark a spot on
the continuum where you feel you fall.

 relaxed and warm
 opinion-oriented 4Very Supporting (Open)
 supportive
 flexible about time
 relationship-oriented
 share feelings easily
 sensitive
3Somewhat Supporting (Open)
 formal and proper
 fact-oriented
2Somewhat Controlling (Guarded)
 need to have control
 time-disciplined
 thinking-oriented
 keep feelings to self
1Very Controlling (Guarded)
 task-disciplined

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Self-Analysis: Direct versus Indirect

Do you consider yourself to be more direct or more indirect?

Here are some indicators to help you distinguish between the two. Below, mark a spot on the
continuum where you feel you fall.

 avoids risks  takes risks
 slow decision maker  swift decisions
 passive  aggressive
 easy-going  impatient
 listens well  talkative
 reserved  outgoing
 shy  bold
 keeps opinions to self  expresses opinions readily

Very Indirect Somewhat Indirect Somewhat Direct Very Direct

Self-Analysis: Combining the Continuums

Transfer the spots you marked on the continuums to this grid to discover your results.



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D – Director

If you were both direct and controlling, you possess the D personality style. D's are bottom-line people.
Common phrases you might hear from a D are, “Let's cut to the chase,” or, “Just get it done.” D's are often
perceived by others as impatient and insensitive. D's are often in sales or leadership positions because they
are strong closers and they are results-oriented.

I – Influencer

If you were both direct and supporting, you possess the I personality style. I's are the socialisers – the
people described as “the life of the party.” Common phrases you might hear from an I are, “Ooh – here's an
idea,” or, “Are we having fun yet?” I's are perceived as emotional and energetic. I's have great people skills
and gravitate toward sales and other positions with high profiles and frequent recognition opportunities.

S – Supporter

If you were both supporting and indirect, you possess the S personality style. S's are the nurturers and
relaters; they live to serve and please others. They thrive on predictability, comfort, and security. Common
phrases you might hear from an S are, “Are you sure that's safe?” “Whatever makes you happy,” or,
“Whatever you think is best.” S's are perceived as protective and supportive. S's gravitate toward positions
with low risk or long-term stability that offer an opportunity to help others.

C – Critical Analyst

If you were both indirect and controlling, you possess the C personality style. C's are perfectionists; they
crave and thrive on order and process. Common phrases you might hear from a C are, “I need more
information before I can make a decision,” or, “Getting it 100 per cent right is far more important than how
quickly it gets done.” C's are perceived as analytical, critical, and inflexible. C's gravitate toward positions
that require great attention to detail, thoroughness, and accuracy.

A section on behaviour styles is included at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Consultative Real Estate >
Building Relationships With Clients. Although a different model is used here, the two models have similarities
and the four behaviour / personality styles relate as follows:
 Director = Driver
 Influencer = Expressive
 Supporter = Amiable
 Critical Analyst = Analytical

Further Identifying the D-I-S-C Styles

Some people may possess strong qualities of two personality styles; for example, an Influencing Director.
What's critical is that you realise that all people possess all four of these styles. For a vast majority of the
population, one of the four is significantly more predominant than the others. You may find that when you're with
clients, for example, you display more I personality traits, and when you're home with your children, you are more
of an S. Approach each interaction with a person looking for cues – situations can arise, which cause a person
to be “out of character” at any given meeting. Exercise your common sense.

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Applying D-I-S-C Principles

Now that you have some background understanding of the four different personality styles, you can put the
information to work for you.

Voice Indicators

There are several cues you'll discover as you interact with others. Use these as additional indicators to help you
assess others:
 D's and I's tend to speak louder and faster; S's and C's tend to speak slower and softer.
 I's and S's tend to show more emotion, so they use more voice inflection, gestures, and body
movement; D's and C's are unemotional and, therefore, use little inflection and few gestures or body

What personality styles exist in your office? Use the two voice indicators above to try and analyse
each of the personality styles in your team. Check whether your analyses are correct by asking each
team member to complete the self-analysis in the “D-I-S-C: The Four Styles” section.

My Team Members’ Personality Styles:











Handling Enquiries

What's the application? When you receive an enquiry, does the person speak loudly? They're probably an I or a
D. Now analyse the level of emotion in their voice – if there's a lot of inflection and energy, they're probably an I.
Little inflection and more monotone? Probably a D.

Make your goal with enquiries to try to narrow your indicators down to a pair of styles. By speed, or by volume,
you can usually narrow it down to just two. Then look for indicators to differentiate between the two remaining

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Social intelligence comes into play when you learn to mirror the caller. Your greatest challenge is to step out of
your identity: your own personality style – and into your role: which is to mirror the style of the client. This will
be most challenging when moving between the D and the S styles, or between the I and the C styles.

Create a checklist to keep by the phone so that you can use voice indicators to determine which
personality style you are dealing with during enquiries. Structure your checklist as follows and circle
the qualities as you recognise them.

FAST (D or C) or SLOW (I or S)
LOUD (D or I) or SOFT (S or C)

Applying D-I-S-C

As you get better at recognising the different styles, you need to pro-actively seek out ways to adapt every action
you perform in your business. Here are some tips for each of the styles regarding the decision-making process.

To Buyers

D: D styles will make decisions quickly. Most important to a D in a negotiation is to feel they've won. Give
a D the bottom-line information; don't waste a D's time with too much information and detail. Especially
if you're an I, learn to listen more and talk less. When showing properties, observe more and be
comfortable with silence.

If you're showing property to a D and they tell you the kitchen's too small and that's a top priority, look
through the rest of the showings you have lined up and cancel any that have homes with kitchens that
are small or smaller. Be direct with a D; you can use scripts like: “This house has all you wanted at a
price you can live with. You should buy it.”

Make sure that printed material is concise and easily referenced. Include a Table of Contents and focus
on bullet-point items to assist a D.

I: I styles can also be quick decision makers. Most important to an I is to be involved and to express
opinion. Socialise, get them to share what they like most about the property, how best it meets their

Do not tell them they should buy but do create urgency. Use scripts like: “If you don't buy it, someone
else will as it is new to the market and there’s a lot of interest.”

Provide them with quality, coloured marketing materials that they can show to their friends.

S: S styles need time to make decisions. An S focuses on security, safety, and family. At the end of the
first viewing, make another appointment to return as soon as possible. Suggest they bring their children
or parents.

Make sure that your printed materials have a warm and personalised feel to them.

C: When working with a C, give them every bit of information available. C styles will not be rushed, and
they would rather make no decision than a wrong decision. Never be vague or guess with a C; you
need to be accurate and truthful. If you don't know an answer, say so; then promise to get the

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information and do it. C styles need to be thorough; don't rush their appointments. Give them ample
time to ask every question and explore every crevice.

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Printed materials should be neat, well-organised, accurate, and thorough. Have someone who's
qualified spell-check your letters, and reference resources for statistics and data you provide.

To Sellers

D: D styles will make decisions quickly. Give a D the bottom-line information; don't waste a D's time with
too much information and detail. Be clear, specific, and to the point. Come prepared with all you
require in a well organised package, and maintain an attitude of supportive service.

Make sure that printed material is concise and easily referenced. Include a Table of Contents and focus
on bullet-point items to assist a D.

I: I styles can also be quick decision makers. Most important to an I is to be involved and to express
opinion. Socialise, get them to share about their dreams and intentions, ask for their opinions and
ideas, provide ideas for implementing actions, and offer special incentives for their willingness to take

Provide them with quality, coloured marketing materials that they can show to their friends.

S: S styles need time to make decisions. An S focuses on security, safety, and family. When helping an S
reach a decision, utilise a harm's way approach: “I know how important it is for you to be able to move
your family together to your new job. If we price too high, we run the risk of sitting on the market for a
long time. Your family will be separated. You won't be able to buy the home you want when you find it,
because you run the risk of two house payments. The safest thing to do would be to price it to sell, and
then we can preserve your family's happiness.”

Be sure to give the S style ample time to reach decisions. At the same time, be in touch with them often
so they know you care and are looking out for them. Once you gain the trust of an S, you'll receive
incredible loyalty from them. Honour that trust.

In printed material, use testimonials to gain trust with an S. Make sure that your materials have a warm
and personalised feel to them.

C: To help a C make a decision, after providing them with all the data, say, “This is all the information. You
are well-prepared to make an intelligent decision. What additional questions might you have that are
preventing you from being able to reach a decision at this time?” Slow down with a C. They will not
appreciate abruptness or hurried manner. Stick to facts and don't embellish. Also, don't try to bond with
a C. They prefer to keep business relationships more businesslike.

Read information about behavioural styles and body language, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Consultative Real Estate > Building Relationships With Clients.

Watch the videos on understanding client needs, building trust, and the value of listening to clients, by
searching the Harcourts One Library for:
 “Carolyn Evans - Hamilton Glenview (NZ)”
 “David Knox (USA)”
 “Jonar Nader Part 1 - Logictivity (Aus) Conference 09”

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Thirteen Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Complete the personality profile self-analysis as directed in the “D-I-S-C: The
Four Styles” section in Week Thirteen.

Use the two voice indicators referenced in the “Applying D-I-S-C Principles”
section in Week Fourteen to try and analyse each of the personality styles in your

team. Check whether your analyses are correct by asking each team member to
complete the self-analysis in the “D-I-S-C: The Four Styles” section in Week
Create a checklist to keep by the phone so that you can use voice indicators to
determine which personality style you are dealing with during enquiries. Structure

your checklist as directed in the “Applying D-I-S-C Principles” section in Week
Read information about behavioural styles and body language, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Consultative Real Estate >

Building Relationships With Clients.
Watch the videos on understanding client needs, building trust, and the value of
listening to clients, by searching the Harcourts One Library for:

 “Carolyn Evans - Hamilton Glenview (NZ)”
 “David Knox (USA)”
 “Jonar Nader Part 1 - Logictivity (Aus) Conference 09”
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.

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Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

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This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Thirteen

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Understanding Personality Profiles
 Implement the Platinum Rule
 D-I-S-C: The Four Styles
 Further Identifying the D-I-S-C Styles
 Applying D-I-S-C Principles
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Using “Establishing Property Value” as the scenario, role play empathising with a client that possesses one of
the D-I-S-C personality styles. Repeat for each of the four personality styles. Manager: Provide feedback
where appropriate

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Congratulations on completing week thirteen of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 What is a Seller’s Book and Pre-Listing Package?
 The Book AND The Package
 Where to Find Content
 Promotional Applications for Your Seller’s Book
 Week Fourteen Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Fourteen

Pre-Selling YOU
What's the average time spent in a listing presentation? 90 minutes? Two hours? Longer?

What if you had a way of getting the sellers so well-informed about your systems, the steps involved in selling,
the importance of pricing, and more, that by the time you arrived for your listing appointment they were already
prepared to sign the paperwork? This is what having a solid Pre-Listing Package and Seller's Book will do for

What is a Seller’s Book and Pre-Listing Package?

Your Seller's Book should be a comprehensive introduction to you and the home-selling process. Great sales
consultants create tremendous perceived value with their well-developed Seller's Book and vastly shorten the
amount of time it takes to list a home. This book also becomes a unique point of difference for you, because
your competitors generally don't make this sort of a first impression – a lasting impression – on the clients.

Content Suggestions

Think about your own experience as a property owner selling real estate. What items would be important or
useful to you?

Step 1: Create the Seller’s Book.Begin with the generic Harcourts template of the Seller’s Book, entitled
“Making Decisions with Harcourts”.

Expand on your Seller’s Book by adding useful information from your local market. Examples of
information you should add include:
 Details of local real estate related tradespeople from your networking group (e.g. builder,
plumber, electrician, gardener, tiler, painter etc.)
 Map of Local Area
 Q&A: Commonly Asked Questions By Sellers
 Local Market Study / The Real Estate Environment in the Seller’s Area

Expand on your Seller’s Book by adding useful information about you and your office. Examples of
information you should add include:
 Your Personal Profile, a personal photo, and excerpts from your curriculum vitae
 Your Office Profile, and an office team photo
 A profile of the Auctioneer, including a photo
 Services Provided By Your Office
 A map showing your office's other branches (if applicable) or Harcourts offices (nationwide or

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

 Client Testimonials
 Key performance statistics for your office (e.g. homes sold that year, average days on market
 Harcourts’ Referral System information
 Promotional material on the Harcourts website

You may also wish to include material that addresses the following:
 Real estate myths
 The home-selling process
 Ways to sell your home faster
 Important points when showing your property
 Moving checklist
 Glossary of real estate terms

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Making Decisions with Harcourts”. Download
and expand on your Seller’s Book by adding useful information about your local market, you, and your
office, as detailed above.

The Book

Well-planned and thoughtfully assembled, your Making Decisions with Harcourts booklet will give potential
sellers a snapshot of information about you, your office, and the market. Like your Buyer's Book, it needs to be
accompanied by useful worksheets and process information.

The Book AND The Package

Step 2: Create the Package to go with your Seller’s Book. Your “book” is the pre-listing material itself, bound
and ready to use. The “package” is a gathering of additional materials, with a creative presentation.

The Package

The package may include such things as a Pricing Your Home DVD and a Staging the Home for Sale brochure.
In addition, you may choose to include some unique items. Some of our people include a package of microwave
popcorn for the sellers to enjoy while watching the DVD.

Presentation is important. Harcourts have developed a standard “shell” for the package, which we refer to as the
“Blue Box”. Most successful sales teams fill their Blue Box and have it delivered to their sellers. Others decorate
their Blue Box with a bow and helium-filled balloons and have it delivered, with the permission of their seller, to
that seller's office. They include a greeting card with a note such as; “Looking forward to meeting with you at
6:30 p.m., Thursday.”

First, you must gain permission to send them the package of information. Sending it to their place of work can
impress and get people talking about you but be careful; they may not want anyone to know that they're thinking
of selling. How many of your competitors are making this kind of impact before they've even met with the client?
You've instantly established your point of difference, tremendous attention to detail, and care for your clients.
And they are already mentally committing to have you as their sales consultant!

Find a creative way to customise the Blue Box for your seller. One successful sales consultant takes a digital
photo of the seller’s property prior to the listing appointment. They then download the photo and insert it at the

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

top of the cover page. Their Blue Box has a cut-out window and the picture is positioned on the inside cover
page to show through the cut-out. It adds a personal touch and creates added impact.

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Read information about the Blue Box and order at: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Marketing > Products > General Marketing > Pre List Boxes.

Content Suggestions

Several items are important to include in the Blue Box. Sample content includes:
 Making Decisions with Harcourts booklet personalized with your details and local market information as
outlined above.
 Harcourts Specialist Division brochures: Finance, Insurance, Conveyancing, and Harcourts Connect
 Company Profile
 The Harcourts Promise (A4 card)
 A mini Current Market Analysis (optional)
 Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™ and Luxury Portfolio information
 Profile Marketing options (optional)
 DVDs (e.g. "Pricing your Home", a DVD about auctions, or your own testimonial clips)
 The latest Bluebook
 Thank-you Card or Letter (including appointment date and time)
 Three Business Cards
 Gifts (e.g. personalised pens, notepads, Harcourts chocolates)

Where to Find Content

Your Seller’s Book and Blue Box / Pre-listing Package content will come from a variety of sources. Start with
your Manager, and find out what information is available for your use. Talk to Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions,
your local Council, and local tradespeople who may be willing to provide insert materials to you in order to gain
exposure to more home-selling clients. Check with other successful, like-minded sales consultants to see what
they're using. And the Harcourts One Library is also an invaluable resource for many items.

Read information about the Pre-Listing Book and the Pre-Listing Package, and associated resources,
at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Getting the Appointment.

Read information about Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions at: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Specialist Divisions.

Make phone calls to Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions and speak with representatives that operate in
your area. Introduce yourself and ask if they can provide you with material to include in your Blue

Make phone calls to your networking group and ask if they can provide you with material to include in
your Blue Box.

Gather the content listed above and prepare ten Blue Boxes to send to future prospective sellers.

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Promotional Applications for Your Seller's Book


A marketing technique you can use to generate warm-prospect enquiries is to offer it through a tagline in your
ads – “Call now to receive a FREE copy of my ‘Vital Information For Sellers’ Book (or my Seller’s ‘Making
Decisions’ Book).” In developing marketing that promotes your unique business characteristics or points of
difference, your Seller's Book is a prominent point of difference. If you run image ads to promote yourself,
include these points of difference as selling features to your market.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Fourteen Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Making Decisions with
Harcourts”. Download and expand on your Seller’s Book by adding useful

information about your local market, you, and your office, as detailed above.
Read information about the Blue Box and order at: Harcourts One > Products
and Services > Marketing > Products > General Marketing > Pre List Boxes.

Read information about the Pre-Listing Book and the Pre-Listing Package, and
associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Getting the

Read information about Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions at: Harcourts One >
Products and Services > Specialist Divisions.

Make phone calls to Harcourts’ Specialist Divisions and speak with
representatives that operate in your area. Introduce yourself and ask if they can

provide you with material to include in your Blue Box.
Make phone calls to your networking group and ask if they can provide you with
material to include in your Blue Box.

Gather the content listed in the “The Book AND The Package” section in Week
Thirteen and prepare ten Blue Boxes to send to future prospective sellers.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Fourteen

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Seller’s Book / Pre-Listing Package
 What is a Seller’s Book and Pre-Listing Package?
 The Book AND The Package
 Where to Find Content
 Promotional Applications for Your Seller’s Book
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Congratulations on completing week fourteen of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Market Knowledge
 Price Research
 Marketing Materials and Recommendations
 Proof of Your Success
 Presentation Resources
 Week Fifteen Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Fifteen

Preparation is the Key

The next few sectionsdeal with preparing for your face-to-face appointment; your listing interview.

To be able to confidently discuss issues with your seller, it takes preparation, along with an awareness that you
don't make or control the market. What you do is know, understand, and interpret the market so your sellers can
make intelligent decisions. Additionally, preparation ensures a smooth presentation, allowing you to cover the
seller's areas of concern. The Seller’s Book and Pre-listing Information Package you developed in Week
Fourteen is your first piece of preparation. The other elements you need to be well-prepared are:
 Market knowledge
 Price research
 Marketing materials and recommendations
 Proof of your success
 Presentation resources

Market Knowledge

During the appointment you will need to discuss the market factors that can impact a sale: the level of demand,
the average sale time, and the amount of competition presently on the market. Revealing your extensive
knowledge of the local market trends and requirements will help develop a very sound case as to why a seller
should deal with you.

Where to find the information to formulate your market study:

 Real Estate Institute records, property databases.
 Valuation statistics (all sales, including private sales, submitted by solicitors).
 Multi-listing records (where applicable).
 Your office's records.
 Talking to fellow sales consultants, valuers and your Manager.

Refer back to the “Market Study” you completed on your geographic farm area in Week Three:
Prospecting II. Update and expand on the list of past sales and how many days they took to sell, plus
those currently on the market, then utilise this data to educate sellers on the state of the market in the

Role play educating sellers on market conditions. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One
> Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

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Price Research

Understanding Market Appraisal

The asking price of a property will directly affect the amount of enquiry generated, the time spent on the market
and the ultimate sale price achieved. You need to attend the listing interview well prepared to help the seller
establish the price range in which the property can reasonably be expected to sell. A price range that you can be
confident will be attainable.

Appraisal is not an exact science, but it is an objective, logical and professional process. Your appraisal helps the
seller set a price range based on the interpretation of present market conditions and the facts we have at hand.

In the end, it is the seller and buyer in negotiation who put the final selling price on any real estate transaction.
There are four principles of an appraisal to consider:

Cost: The amount the seller paid for the property, plus any improvements they've made.
Price: The amount they'd like to ask when they put it on the market.
Value: What one person might pay for the property, and is the market value to them.
Market Value: The amount that would appeal to many people to affect a sale in a reasonable period of

In establishing the likely selling range, the upper figure may be the one where you find a qualified buyer who
wants exactly that style of property, in exactly that location. The lower figure, however, must be one at which the
property will sell within a reasonable timeframe, according to current market conditions.

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

The quality of the comparisons you use in your Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is much more important
than the quantity. Equally important is your ability to discuss the comparisons with assurance and confidence. In
most cases this means seeing a comparison home before you discuss it with a seller.

A CMA can contain three groups of comparable properties:

Recent Sales: Comparable properties recently sold in the area.

Current Competition: Comparable properties currently for sale in the area.
Failed to Sell: Comparable properties in the area that have been for sale for a long period of
time or have been withdrawn from the market without selling.

You should obtain as much information as possible before completing your market appraisal - remember you are
representing yourself as the local expert.
 Do you have the correct address?
 Do a title search, if appropriate.
 Get the rating details from the council or a rate roll in your office.
 Has anyone in your office marketed this property before?
 Has anyone in your office done a market appraisal on a similar property in this area?
 Where are the local shops, schools, buses, churches, etc.?
 Have there been any relevant recent sales? What properties in the area have sold in the last six
months? How long did they take to sell? Have any homes been withdrawn from the market?
 Are there any properties on the market likely to be competition? How many homes in the area are for
sale? Do many or only a few homes come on the market in the area? What’s the average selling price
and activity level in the neighbourhood?

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Get into the habit of calculating value by summation. The result is less important than the credibility you achieve
with your seller, especially if they are analytical in their personality style. Determine the following:
1. Land value
2. Replacement cost of the dwelling
3. Depreciation
4. Improvements

Calculate: Land value + Replacement cost + Improvements – Depreciation= Summation

Determining value by summation can never be accurate as location, zoning, style, presentation, quality and
demand all impact on value.Summation is very much a price guide not an exact calculation.It is simply one more
tool to add to many to help you determine value.

Valuing Income Generating Property

An investment buyer will calculate the value of a property based on its capitalisation of net return. In other words
how much will it cost to purchase the property and service the mortgage compared to what it will rent for and the
potential capital gain to be had each year.

Calculate: Gross rental income - loan repayments and any other ongoing expenses like rates, water or
body corporate fees = Net Rental Income for the property

The annual income of the property divided by the value of the property equals the capitalisation rate or
percentage of annual net return.

Who Can Do Appraisals?

All sales staff must learn to put together professional appraisals. However, sales consultants with less than six
months experience may not be permitted to sign an appraisal without their Manager's approval.

Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to Create Appraisals and Create CMAs within
Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Letter Offering Free Market Appraisal”.
Download and personalise this letter and letterbox drop it to properties in two streets in your farm
area. Follow-up the letter with a phone call to each owner, utilising the script at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Prospecting > Scripts > Working Your Trade Area. Conduct any appraisals

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in preparing appraisals for any upcoming listing
interviews they have scheduled. Go to Harcourts One Appraisals and create a residential appraisal
and a residential CMA for each of the upcoming listing interviews.

Marketing Materials and Recommendations

Marketing resources to prepare and take to your presentation include:

 Different ways to sell.
 High profile marketing options.

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 Checklist of marketing activities.
 Personal Marketing Calendar.

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 Preparing Your Home for Sale brochure.

 Marketing samples.

The marketing plan is created in consultation with the seller during the listing interview, so there are a few things
you need to consider to prepare for this. Give some thought to what your recommendations will be:
 Date and time for a team inspection.
 Date and time for a property preview for your office's prospective buyers.
 Date and time for the open homes.
 At least the first month's calendar laid out with the starting date, advertising and open home schedule,
plus the listing review meetings or pre-auction meetings.
 Advertising type, placement and schedule (size and cost will be determined in consultation with the
 Where to position the sign on their property and possible photos to appear on it.
 The brochures and flyers available, and when they should be produced.
 Placement on the internet with a listing on the Harcourts site, including the option of virtual tours.
 Pre-release marketing to existing buyers and to client database.
 Optional additional marketing packages (subject to seller funding).
 Window and office displays.
 Budget you are hoping to achieve.

The property owner will choose, with your help, what they feel is best from what you recommend. The important
thing is to offer a marketing plan that fits each individual client, rather than trying to fit all your clients into a
standard plan.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in preparing their marketing plans.

Read information about preparing for the listing interview, and associated resources, at: Harcourts
One > Library > Sales > Listing > Preparing for the Presentation.

Compile a kit of marketing resources to take to future listing interviews. Ask your Manager and find
out what information is available for you to use. Include office standard marketing packages if
available. These range from the cheapest minimum marketing requirements to the most expensive
high profile marketing investments.

Proof of Your Success

Your Proof of Success Folder (or Brag Book) should include:

 Of most importance, copies of marketing campaigns employed by past clients with accompanying
marketing, inspection and sold data. For example:
o Copy of marketing campaign used.
o Copies of buyer inspection register and enquiry generated.
o Number of days spent on the market.
Use those of your office if you do not yet have your own.
 Your personal profile.
 A photo of yourself.
 Certificates of achievement.
 Photos of you receiving awards.
 Letters and cards of thanks.
 Testimonials.

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 Your personal Guarantee of Service.

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 Your office profile.
 Your Property Management Service Division.
 A photo of your team (a collection of their business cards).
 A list of all Harcourts offices.

Compile your Proof of Success Folder and add to it as you make sales and collect testimonials from

Presentation Resources

Prepare your visual presentation, either in a book or on your laptop. Marketing with Harcourts” is available in
print copy and your iPad. It acts as a guide for you to conduct professional listing conversations and to provide
your sellers with a quality product that they may refer to later. It is available in two designs: contemporary and
classic; and may be customised to suit your needs and those of your customer.

Read information about the Marketing with Harcourts booklets, view samples, and order at:
Harcourts One > Products and Services > Marketing > Products > Listing Booklets.

Customise the following items in your “Marketing with Harcourts” presentation:

 Your profile.
 Your office profile.
 Market statistics.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Fifteen Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Refer back to the “Market Study” you completed on your geographic farm area in
Week Three: Prospecting II. Update and expand on the list of past sales and

how many days they took to sell, plus those currently on the market, then utilise
this data to educate sellers on the state of the market in the area.
Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to Create Appraisals and
Create CMAs within Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Letter Offering Free Market
Appraisal”. Download and personalise this letter and letterbox drop it to

properties in two streets in your farm area. Follow-up the letter with a phone call
to each owner, utilising the script at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Prospecting > Scripts > Working Your Trade Area. Conduct any appraisals
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in preparing appraisals for
any upcoming listing interviews they have scheduled. Go to Harcourts One

Appraisals and create a residential appraisal and a residential CMA for each of
the upcoming listing interviews.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in preparing their marketing

Read information about preparing for the listing interview, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Preparing for the

Compile a kit of marketing resources to take to future listing interviews. Ask your
Manager and find out what information is available for you to use. Include office

standard marketing packages if available. These range from the cheapest
minimum marketing requirements to the most expensive high profile marketing
Compile your Proof of Success Folder and add to it as you make sales and collect
testimonials from clients.

Read information about the Marketing with Harcourts booklets, view samples, and
order at: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Marketing > Products >

Listing Booklets.
Customise the following items in your “Marketing with Harcourts” presentation:
 Your profile.

 Your office profile.
 Market statistics.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Fifteen

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Preparing for the Listing Interview
 Market Knowledge
 Price Research
 Marketing Materials and Recommendations
 Proof of Your Success
 Presentation Resources
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Congratulations on completing week fifteen of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Overview
 The Tour and Dressing Your Home For Success
 Topic One – You – The Seller and Their Needs
 Topic Two – Why Us – Your Office Services and Reasons to Choose You
 Week Sixteen Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Sixteen

Work WITH Them, Not AT Them


Your purpose is to achieve written authority from a property owner to market and sell their property through you
and your company. Your objective is to list a saleable property.

Having done your preparation for the listing presentation you are now ready to:
 Present your recommendations to the seller.
 Answer any questions.
 Discuss any concerns they may have.

The best commitment you can ask of the seller is to:

1. List exclusively with you.
2. Choose the best method of sale for their situation, the property and the market (e.g. by private treaty or
by auction).
3. Allow enough time (e.g. agreement to a 60-day agency or longer in some regions).
4. Make an effort to present their property well.
5. Invest in high profile marketing.
6. Be committed to selling.
7. Be prepared to listen to feedback and meet the market.

The only commitment you need initially is number 1 and 2 on the list above; for the seller to agree that you are
the right person for the job and sign an exclusive agency with you for an adequate length of time.

To achieve this you must work with them in the consultative selling approach, not at them. The right person for
the job:
 Asks many questions to clearly understand the seller’s situation.
 Shows enthusiasm about their property.
 Builds genuine rapport, adjusting to different personality types.
 Is knowledgeable and provides valuable information, research, and evidence of their success.

Develop your presentation techniquebypracticing often. There are several important areas you need to cover
during that presentation. Some clients will require more thorough explanation ofpoints; others will want the “short
and sweet” version. Ifyou master your key points, you can then learn to tweak your presentation to be as long or
as short as it needs to be.

In Week Six: Technology and You we introduced the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation. If you haven’t
already done so, now is the time to order it and start using it.

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Your listing presentation should address the following five topics of conversation:
 Topic One – You – The seller and their needs (covered this week).
 Topic Two – Why Us – Your office services and reasons to choose you (covered this week).
 Topic Three – Price Expectation – Pricing research and recommendations (covered in Week
 Topic Four – Method of Sale – Without a price marketing methods (covered in Week Eighteen).
 Topic Five – Marketing – Marketing resources and schedule (covered in Week Eighteen).

However, before you begin your conversation you need to tour the home.

Watch the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation “Overview Video” and “Training Video” at: Harcourts
One > Products and Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

Read information about the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation at: Harcourts One > Products and
Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

Order the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation at: Harcourts One > Products and Services >
Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

The Tour and Dressing Your Home For Success

Five factors impact the sale of a property – location, condition, price, terms, and the sales consultant who
markets the home. Location cannot be changed, and the seller selects the sales consultant and sets the price.
What remains, and are also in the seller's control, are the physical condition of the property and the terms or
conditions under which they will allow the home to be shown.

Making recommendations for home improvements uninvited by the seller can undo any rapport you have built.
Ask permission to make suggestions and keep the majority for discussion at another time once you have already
secured the listing.

The Tour

When you arrive at the property use the following process:

1. Knock on the door
2. Compliment something you have noticed so far, e.g. their front gardens.
3. Introduce yourself and where you are from.
4. Get permission to proceed and leave your briefcase near the dining table, where you will conduct the
5. Tour the home and ask questions about the property as you go. Be sure to take notes.

Dressing Your Home For Success

At this point you can share some simple presentation tips with your seller to help present their home to its best
advantage. It is often the little things that can make the biggest impact.First impressions really do count. It is
estimated that over 50% of houses are sold before the buyer steps through the front door.These are just a few
practical ways in which you can make an instant, positive impression with prospective buyers.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Outside appeal:
 Remove bikes, tools, and any clutter.
 Keep lawns mowed, paths edged, hedges trimmed, and gardens weeded.
 A few well-positioned flowering potted plants can create a welcoming appearance.
 Having the house washed and windows cleaned can make an enormous difference.
 Paint or wash fences, gates, screens, steps, and the front door.
 Ensure your pets are secured so that they won’t pose a threat or annoy visitors.
 Outside lighting is a must for evening inspections.

Positive first impressions:

 The front door and entranceway can be powerful first impression areas.
o A newly decorated front door with attractive topiary shrubs either side can be effective.
o Properties yet to be renovated can visually show buyers the home’s potential by decorating the
walls, ceiling, and floor of the front entrance.
o Position an attractive houseplant or piece of art to add that final touch.

Appeal to the senses:

 A general spring clean will freshen the look and the air.
 Turn on sufficient lights when showing to compensate for any dark areas.
 Use odour neutralisers to dispel any cigarette or animal smells. The delicious aroma of brewing coffee
or freshly baked bread will convey the impression that you enjoy your home.
 Bathrooms should be gleaming. Repair any broken tiles and reseal around the bath and basin if
necessary. A dish of scented potpourri or soaps add a nice touch.
 Place freshly cut flowers throughout your house.
 Interesting knick-knacks, books or artwork in feature areas around your home can encourage visitors to
 Turn the radio or TV off, maybe in favour of a restful CD.
 Make sure the temperature inside is comfortable – even light the fire in winter.

It’s the little things that count:

 Attend to any small maintenance jobs such as sticking doors or windows, dripping taps, squeaking
hinges, loose door handles, blown light bulbs, or faulty switches.

Create a feeling of spaciousness:

 Ensure your kitchen is spotless, the working areas are uncluttered with tidy cupboards and pantry.
 Make sure wardrobes are tidy – they’ll look larger.
 Mirrors in smaller rooms can convey the feeling of more space.
 Store some furniture and ornaments to enlarge room size appearance.

 Allow your buyers the time and relaxed atmosphere to become emotionally involved in your home by
leaving the premises during inspections. Your consultant will maintain security at all times.

Role play speaking with your sellers about presenting their home favourably to buyers.

Create and print a “Dressing Your Home For Success” sheet. Include it in your Pre-listing Package /
Seller’s Book and refer to it during your listing interviews.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Topic One – You – The Seller and Their Needs

The purpose of this topic is to uncover the client’s situation.To do this you must differentiate yourself and
Harcourts from other consultants and companies, by finding out all you can about your potential clients and their
home. Understand what they want by asking questions and listening attentively to their responses.Too many
sales consultants focus on the house or property and ignore the client's needs and wants.

Immediately after your tour, use the following process:

1. Sit at the dining table and introduce yourconsultative approach of how you work with people.
2. Uncover their wants and needs.
3. Discover their situation.
4. Use open questions to determine their motivation.
5. Reaffirm that you have heard theirwants and needs and understand their situation.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Service Survey for Sellers at the 1 st Visit”.
Download, print, and utilise during your listing interviews to uncover your sellers’ wants and needs.

Role play speaking with your sellers about their wants and needs. Utilise the “Service Survey for
Sellers at the 1st Visit” and the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing >
Scripts > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Topic Two – Why Us – Your Office Services and Reasons to Choose You

This is where you provide information about Harcourts and evidence that you are the best agency for the job. If
you have used active listening skills and understand their situation you now need to match the client’s wants and
needs to the services you and your company can provide. You may need to ask yourself if you are the right
sales consultant for them or whether the involvement of one of your team members may be required.

Introduce the positive reasons for dealing with you and your company that meet their desired criteria, the key
services and resources you can offer to help them achieve not only what they want but what they need. It's
important to know these but you have your prepared presentation to refer to.

Write down why sellers should list with you. Ask yourself, are these reasons different to your
competition? Are these compelling reasons? Practice saying these reasons aloud with conviction.

Why Sellers Should List With Me:

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Have any brochures and reference material available. Be effective and to the point.

Remember our points of difference:

 Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™
 Luxury Portfolio and Harcourts Bluebook magazine
 Website hit rates / visitors
 Google optimisation and local brand awareness
 Harcourts Foundation
 Specialist Divisions: Finance, Insurance, Conveyancing and Harcourts Connect Services
 Global reach
 Advanced buyer matching and automatic communication

Here are the top questions you could expect to be asked by a client during the “Why Us” stage of the interview.
It is important that you are able to answer each question confidently.
 What were your last sales in my area and how long did they take to sell?
 What is your auction clearance rate?
 How many homes are you currently marketing?
 What is your average marketing campaign in dollars?
 How many homes have you sold in this area?
 Give me five reasons we should list with you.
 Of the recent sales you have shown me on this CMA, are you able to tell me more detail about them?
 How do you attract the most buyers?
 How do you handle two offers on one property?
 Will you negotiate on your fee?
 Why do you work for Harcourts?
 How many buyers do you have on your database?
 How much of the marketing do you do at no cost? I.e. How much do you pay for?

Role play speaking with your sellers about your office services and reasons they should choose you.
Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts > The
Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Read information about conducting the listing interview, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One
> Library > Sales > Listing > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing interviews, if you
do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Watch the videos on listing tips, by searching the Harcourts One Library for:
 “Steven Marshall - Harcourts Fendalton – NZ”
 “Stephen Venn - BrockHarcourts Colonel Light Gardens – Aus”
 “Ray Bayakly - GBT Mindarie (Aus) at Conference '08”
 “Nicky Rhodes - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Mathew Lee - BrockHarcourts Golden Grove – Aus”
 “Mark O'Loughlin - Harcourts Papanui – NZ”
 “Andrew Simpson - BrockHarcourts Holden Grove – Aus”
 “An Interview with Nicky Rhodes”
 “Alex Baker - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Abi Koellner - Harcourts Capricorn Coast – Aus”
 “Tony Morrison - Harcourts Launceston – Aus”

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Sixteen Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Watch the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation “Overview Video” and “Training
Video” at: Harcourts One > Products and Services > Technology > Products >

iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.
Read information about the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation at: Harcourts
One > Products and Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing

Order the iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation at: Harcourts One > Products
and Services > Technology > Products > iPad eCampaign Listing Presentation.

Role play speaking with your sellers about presenting their home favourably to

Create and print a “Dressing Your Home For Success” sheet. Include it in your
Pre-listing Package / Seller’s Book and refer to it during your listing interviews.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Service Survey for Sellers at
the 1st Visit”. Download, print, and utilise during your listing interviews to uncover

your sellers’ wants and needs.
Role play speaking with your sellers about their wants and needs. Utilise the
“Service Survey for Sellers at the 1 st Visit” and the scripts to assist you, at:

Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing
Write down why sellers should list with you. Ask yourself, are these reasons
different to your competition? Are these compelling reasons? Practice saying

these reasons aloud with conviction.
Role play speaking with your sellers about your office services and reasons they
should choose you. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library

> Sales > Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.
Read information about conducting the listing interview, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > The Harcourts Listing

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Watch the videos on listing tips, by searching the Harcourts One Library for:
 “Steven Marshall - Harcourts Fendalton – NZ”

 “Stephen Venn - BrockHarcourts Colonel Light Gardens – Aus”
 “Ray Bayakly - GBT Mindarie (Aus) at Conference '08”
 “Nicky Rhodes - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Mathew Lee - BrockHarcourts Golden Grove – Aus”
 “Mark O'Loughlin - Harcourts Papanui – NZ”
 “Andrew Simpson - BrockHarcourts Holden Grove – Aus”
 “An Interview with Nicky Rhodes”
 “Alex Baker - Harcourts Remuara – NZ”
 “Abi Koellner - Harcourts Capricorn Coast – Aus”
 “Tony Morrison - Harcourts Launceston – Aus”

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Schedule an appointment with your Manager to review your business plan
targets. If you have secured any listings or sales, ensure your progress has been

updated in Harcourts One.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Sixteen

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

The Listing Interview I
 Overview
 The Tour and Dressing Your Home For Success
 Topic One – You – The Seller and Their Needs
 Topic Two – Why Us – Your Office Services and Reasons to Choose You
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play speaking with your sellers about presenting their home favourably to buyers, speaking with your sellers
about their wants and needs, and speaking with your sellers about your office services and reasons they should
choose you. Manager: Provide feedback where appropriate.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Congratulations on completing week sixteen of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 Topic Three – Price Expectation – Pricing Research and Recommendations
 Closing
 Week Seventeen Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Seventeen

Price It Right and It Will Sell

Last week we covered the beginning of the listing interview:
 The Tour and Dressing Your Home For Success
 Topic One – You – The seller and their needs.
 Topic Two – Why Us – Your office services and reasons to choose you.

This week we cover the next section of the listing interview:

 Topic Three – Price Expectation – Pricing research and recommendations.

Even if a no price marketing method is to be used, such as auction, you still need to establish what price
expectation your seller has long before the auction day. This week we will look at helping sellers who wish to sell
by private treaty with an advertised price.

Topic 3 – Price Expectation – Pricing Research and Recommendations

For most people, one of the most crucial and difficult aspects of selling a home is setting the price. The moment
they decide to sell, they are immediately confronted with two very important questions:
1. What is my home really worth?
2. What should the asking price be?

As sales consultants our aim is to achieve for our sellers the most amount of money in the shortest possible time.

Before you even begin talking about price you need to ask your sellers the questions:
“Do you have a figure in mind that you hope to achieve?” And may I ask you how you came to decide upon
that amount?”

Follow with this script:

“The most difficult task for sellers is determining the value of their home. Uninformed and optimistic opinion,
the cost of improvements you hope to recover, or the final amount needed to realise future plans do not
enter the pricing equation. Your priceneeds to be competitive with other similar homes for sale in your area

Real Estate Institute research also clearly shows that properties priced to meet the market sell more quickly
and closest to their initial asking price. The best method of setting a sale price is to study the current real
estate market facts and figures. I have all those here for you to look at. So that’s what we’ll do now if that’s
okay with you.”

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Pricing It Right

Pricing is critical in the listing process; price a home too high and you'll exhaust your marketing dollars trying to
promote something that you'll never get paid on. Price it too low and you'll earn a reputation for short-changing
clients in order to get sales. Pricing is more than a learned skill; it can be an art form when you practice
technique and continue to improve.

Mastering the Essential Elements

In order to become an expert on pricing, you need to develop competency in key areas. First, you must
understand the reasons why sellers are inclined to want to overprice their homes. Next, you must have a clear
understanding ofyour market and the trends of properties that are selling. Then, you must incorporate scripts
and techniques that communicate your confidence to sellers of your ability to help them price their homes.
Finally, you have to adopt the mind-set that you can walk away from clients who are not willing to price their
homes to sell.

Why Do Sellers Overprice?

Fundamental to proper pricing is knowing the motivation behind a seller's desire to overprice the home. There
are seven main reasons why this occurs. Consider how you might address the reason with a script or dialogue
to bring the seller into better understanding.
 They want to recover the costs of improvements that they have made.
 They need the money.
 They're moving to a higher-priced property.
 They paid too much when they bought.
 They lack factual data.
 They want negotiating room.
 They're unmotivated.

Incorporating Scripts

The more scripts you have for handling pricing objections, the better able you'll be to successfully obtain listings
at the right price.

Read information about price expectation, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library >
Sales > Listing > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Role play handling the seven “Why Do Seller’s Overprice?” situations. Utilise the scripts to assist
you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Understanding Your Market

Now that you know the seven main reasons a seller might want to overprice, you need to develop and maintain a
solid understanding of what's happening in your market. How often did you notice in those seven reasons that
presenting factual data about the market would help overcome those reasons? Following are various statistics
you should compile as you prepare for the listing interview, and how they tie in with pricing.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

List-Price-to-Sales-Price History

This data illustrates for the seller a reasonable percentage for negotiation. Anything priced over 10% of the
property value will not sell.

Listing Inventory Compared to Unsold Inventory

By providing evidence ofhow many homes were listed that never sold, you can support the need for the
seller to price property at the outset.

Absorption Rate – Months’ Supply of Inventory

Absorption rate is the number ofhomes that were purchased (absorbed) in a certain time period. Showing
the overall market-absorption rate gives more factual data for the seller to consider when pricing.

If30 per month are being absorbed, and there are currently 120 active listings that they're competing with,
that means a four-month supply. Are they willing to wait four months, or are they ready to price the home
where it will sell?

Refer back to the “Market Study” you completed on your geographic farm area in Week Three:
Prospecting II. Expand on your market study by researching the following market data:
 List-Price-to-Sales-Price History.
 Listing Inventory Compared to Unsold Inventory.
 Absorption Rate – Months’ Supply of Inventory.

Include your updated “Market Study” in your Listing Kit.

Establishing Control

Sellers will place the determination of price in the hands of a proven, competent professional, just as you would
trust the prescription your doctor writes for you based on his knowledge and expertise. You accomplish this
through your use of strong, consistent pre-listing material, standardised questions prior to the appointment, and
being assertive when you arrive at the appointment.

Pricing Strategies

Provide meaningful CMAs to accompany your other market research. Use the Harcourts CMA structure of sold
properties, your competition for sale, and properties that have failed to sell.

Follow the process:

1. Ask what they hope to achieve and why.
2. Discuss the CMA sold properties and market facts.
3. Involve the seller – How do they think their home compares?
4. Use overpriced unsold listings as examples of why not to overprice.
5. Show them their competition.
6. Ask for their price in comparison.
7. Use a market study and handle their concerns.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Read information about using a CMA, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales
> Listing > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Practice creating meaningful CMAs and accurate evidence to help you determine the value of new
listings coming into your office. Keep a record of your research and price opinion, and then record
the eventual selling prices so you can see your progress in determining value.

Role play presenting your CMA. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales
> Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.


The Exclusive Agency Option

Outline the limitations of general / open listing and how important it is for them to appoint one agency responsible
for their sale.

Seller Paid Advertising

Educate sellers on the benefits of high profile marketing and the concept that marketing is essential to attract
buyers for you to negotiate with. Once a seller understands this concept and agrees that some form of monetary
investment will be required then it is possible to list the property and schedule a second appointment to go
through marketing in detail.

The Close

Once you’ve covered the first three topics of conversation (You, Why Us, and Price Expectation) you should be
able to close the interview.

The purpose of the close is to ensure you secure the listing. There are four basic methods of close:
 Asking “Are you happy for me to proceed on your behalf?”
 Directing “Perhaps we should get the paperwork done now.”
 Assuming “If you are happy with these dates and times, why don’t I come back
tomorrow with the first advertising proofs for your approval.”
 Progressive Questioning "Are you happy with this marketing campaign? Are you happy with
these dates and times for your open homes? Would you prefer 11am or
11.30am as an auction time? That's tremendous, why don’t we book
the auction for Saturday, the 16th of May at 11am?"

Once you have a signed listing authority you can schedule a further appointment to address the next two topics
of conversation:
 Topic Four – Method of Sale – Without a price marketing methods.
 Topic Five – Marketing – Marketing resources and schedule.

Role play closing the listing interview using the Asking, Directing, Assuming, and Progressive
Questioning methods.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Seventeen Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Read information about price expectation, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Role play handling the seven “Why Do Seller’s Overprice?” situations. Utilise the
scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts >

The Harcourts Listing Presentation.
Refer back to the “Market Study” you completed on your geographic farm area in
Week Three: Prospecting II. Expand on your market study by researching the

following market data:
 List-Price-to-Sales-Price History.
 Listing Inventory Compared to Unsold Inventory.
 Absorption Rate – Months’ Supply of Inventory.
Include your updated “Market Study” in your Listing Kit.

Read information about using a CMA, and associated resources, at: Harcourts
One > Library > Sales > Listing > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Practice creating meaningful CMAs and accurate evidence to help you determine
the value of new listings coming into your office. Keep a record of your research

and price opinion, and then record the eventual selling prices so you can see your
progress in determining value.
Role play presenting your CMA. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts
One > Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Role play closing the listing interview using the Asking, Directing, Assuming, and
Progressive Questioning methods.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.

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Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Seventeen

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

The Listing Interview II
 Topic Three – Price Expectation – Pricing Research and Recommendations
 Closing
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play handling the seven “Why Do Seller’s Overprice?” situations, presenting your CMA, and closing the
listing interview using the Asking, Directing, Assuming, and Progressive Questioning methods. Manager:
Provide feedback where appropriate.

Congratulations on completing week seventeen of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Topic Four – Method of Sale – Without a Price Marketing Methods
 Topic Five – Marketing – Marketing Resources and Schedule
 Week Eighteen Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Eighteen

Getting the Property Seen

In the previous two weeks we covered the following sections of the listing interview:
 The Tour and Dressing Your Home For Success
 Topic One – You – The seller and their needs.
 Topic Two – Why Us – Your office services and reasons to choose you.
 Topic Three – Price Expectation – Pricing research and recommendations.

After closing the listing interview and obtaining a signed listing authority it’s recommended that you hold a second
appointment with your sellers to discuss:
 Topic Four – Method of Sale – Without a price marketing methods.
 Topic Five – Marketing – Marketing resources and schedule.

Topic 4 – Method of Sale – Without a Price Marketing Methods

The Auction Option

Auctions are an extremely effective way of marketing. This option gives the seller the greatest opportunity to
obtain a premium or a fair market value. It creates buyer competition by putting buyer against buyer and
provides an open and fair arena for competition on the auction day.

Auction provides a structure to the listing process, and is regarded as the premium choice of marketing. Should
an auction listing not sell during the auction programme, you will have increased your chances to sell the
property as an exclusive (price by negotiation or fixed price) due to the enquiry and buyer activity generated.

Your purpose at this point is to educate and discuss the benefits of the auction option. You will need to provide
statistics on the success rate of your office auctions.

Explain the benefits of choosing auction and if the seller objects to auction make sure you find out all their
concerns before answering any of them. You may suggest involving an auction marketing expert from your office
and co-listing the property together.

Topic 5 – Marketing – Marketing Resources and Schedule

The appointment to discuss marketing should follow a clear process. With some modification the following can
apply to most types of listing.

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One: Revisit

Quite often a seller will assume their buyer will come from the local area and therefore feel it unnecessary to
advertise outside of their local paper whilst relying mainly on their local sales consultant to bring his or her buyers
through the property. Explain to your seller that it is essential to reach as many buyers as possible from a
greater area to increase our chances of generating multiple buyer competition. It may well be a local buyer who
purchases their property but it could be a buyer from farther afield that causes the successful buyer to pay more.

Everyone in your team has a client base that through personal contact and direct marketing generates buyer

A sign board acts as a 24 hour silent sales consultant. Pictorial signage is recommended not only for greater
results but also allows passing buyers to view key selling features of the home, thus encouraging inspections.
However, by far the largest amount of buyer enquiry comes from the marketing campaign and open homes.

Two: Marketing

Run through marketing offered by you and your office, including:

 Office window display (more than one office, if applicable)
 Standard signage
 Standard flyers
 Door to door canvassing
 Local letterbox drop
 Harcourts One Email Marketing contact
 Pre-marketing buyer database invitations
 Photography
 Team inspection report
 National referral network
 Other agency contact
 Local paper editorial submission
 Target advertising material design and script
 Internet websites – www.harcourts and other
 Intranet property system
 Open home invitations
 Auction invitations
 Private inspection appointments

Prepare a list of the standard marketing tools that are offered by your office to all sellers. Confirm
your list with your Manager and familiarise yourself with each of the marketing tools.

Three: Run Through Marketing They Can Purchase

At this point you need to talk advertising budgets with your sellers.

 Select the Marketing Programme and various marketing combinations that you have put together for
your area. The prices and variations will change constantly so you will need to keep these updated.
 Show actual pages from newspapers, Bluebook, brochures. Spread them out on the table and get your
seller involved.
 Use your own or your office's experience to demonstrate effective advertising. For example, “We had x
amount of people through from this particular ad and sold the home in x amount of days."

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 Explain your recommendations using circulation and readership statistics for the different publications.
You could present it using a simple table like the one below.

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Professional photography
Artist impression
Standard colour marketing flyers
Professional colour brochures
www.harcourts feature page
Virtual tour
www.leadingre feature page
Pictorial signage
Target market mail out
Provincial newspaper pictorial
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Provincial newspaper classified x3
Local newspaper pictorial
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Local newspaper classified x3
Luxury Portfolio real estate magazine x3
Professional journalist for ad scripts
Radio or TV opportunities

Complete the table provided with data about circulation, readership, and cost, for each of the
marketing options available in your region.

Ensure samples of each of the marketing options detailed above are included in your previously
compiled kit of marketing resources.

Four: Advertisement

Let them choose the size of their advertisements.

 Explain how increasing the ad size increases the enquiry generated.

 Explain how the value of their home can be reflected by the size of their pictorial ad.
 Show the actual publication their ad will appear in so that they can judge for themselves the impact the
larger ads have and how small ads compare unfavourably on the page.
 Recommend set marketing campaign packages or tailor design the campaign with your seller.

Collect samples of the property section of newspapers circulated in your area and include them in
your previously compiled kit of marketing resources.

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If your office uses set marketing campaign packages, obtain details about them from your Manager.
Otherwise create your own by searching the Harcourts One Library for the document “Marketing
Schedule”. Download and personalise.

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Five: Personal Marketing Calendar

Introduce their personal marketing calendar and together with your sellers plot the dates of advertising, open
homes, etc. over the next few weeks. Involve them on the dates that will be most convenient to them, and show
how they can help sell their home.

The personal marketing calendar, when used correctly, will help you list more property. It is an interactive and
visual tool to demonstrate to a seller the extensive service you provide. Also, plotting agreed upon dates on a
calendar with your seller acts as an effective assumptive closing technique.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the documents “Promise Marketing Calendar” and “Promise
Marketing Calendar – Sample”. Download, print, and utilise when working with your sellers.

Six: Marketing Budget

Indicate to the sellers that most people spend around 1% to 2% of the value of their home in order to market
effectively. Give them reasons for investing in their sale and show examples.

On completion of the campaign design, calculate the seller’s investment in the promotion of their home and
submit it for their approval. Keep in mind that you are recommending the best marketing campaign for the
property and therefore it is more likely to be around 2% of the value of their home. Be respectful if a seller
wishes to make alterations to the campaign to reduce their investment but also be prepared to state which
marketing options you feel they should not compromise on.

Some sellers are unwilling to invest in their marketing campaign for a variety of reasons.
 They do not understand or believe in the need for profile marketing.
 They believe they cannot afford the marketing investment.
 They believe the commission they pay the agency should cover all marketing expenses.
 They lack strong motivation to sell.

To overcome:
 Work on establishing the problem.
 Seek a beneficial solution together.
 Sell the concept – out-price or out-profile other homes for sale.
 Separate commission, and marketing fees.
 Show your previous marketing successes.
 Demonstrate your belief in high profile marketing.

Explain to the seller the importance of profiling their property, the need to expose it fully, that it is an investment
they need to make in order to attract the maximum number of buyers to their property, in order to achieve their
premium sale price.

Explain the separation of commission and marketing fees. The commission is a fee for service, payable only on
the sale of the property. Half of the commission fee goes to running the agency and maintaining the valuable
network that helps sell the home. The other half goes to the sales consultant for his/her service and hours
invested. Marketing, however, is paid to a third party to attract buyers to the property.

Your own personal belief in the concept of marketing as an absolute essential will help you to discuss any
concerns sellers may have. You have an ethical obligation to offer your clients the most effective methods and
resources to achieve a successful sale.

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Read information about handling the topic of marketing, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One
> Library > Sales > Listing > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

Role play conducting marketing appointments. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing Presentation.

With your Manager, identify no compromise or essential marketing options to recommend to all

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Week Eighteen Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Prepare a list of the standard marketing tools that are offered by your office to all
sellers. Confirm your list with your Manager and familiarise yourself with each of

the marketing tools.
Complete the table detailed in “Three: Run Through Marketing They Can
Purchase” with data about circulation, readership, and cost, for each of the

marketing options available in your region.
Ensure samples of each of the marketing options detailed in “Three: Run
Through Marketing They Can Purchase” are included in your previously compiled

kit of marketing resources.
Collect samples of the property section of newspapers circulated in your area and
include them in your previously compiled kit of marketing resources.

If your office uses set marketing campaign packages, obtain details about them
from your Manager. Otherwise create your own by searching the Harcourts One

Library for the document “Marketing Schedule”. Download and personalise.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the documents “Promise Marketing
Calendar” and “Promise Marketing Calendar – Sample”. Download, print, and

utilise when working with your sellers.
Read information about handling the topic of marketing, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > The Harcourts Listing

Role play conducting marketing appointments. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Listing > Scripts > The Harcourts Listing

Presentation. Complete a sample Promise Marketing Calendar during the role
With your Manager, identify no compromise or essential marketing options to
recommend to all sellers.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

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Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Eighteen

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

The Marketing Appointment
 Topic Four – Method of Sale – Without a Price Marketing Methods
 Topic Five – Marketing – Marketing Resources and Schedule
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play conducting marketing appointments. Manager: Provide feedback where appropriate.

Congratulations on completing week eighteen of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Systems
 Wowing the Seller
 Working With Your Clients
 Daily Phone Calls
 Weekly Written Reports
 Weekly Review Meetings
 Presenting Feedback
 Being Evaluated
 Week Nineteen Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Nineteen

You Got the Listing! Now What?

Many sellers complain about the lack of delivery of the service promised once a sales consultant has listed the
home. The challenge is that many sales consultants over promise during the listing interview, then under deliver
once they have the authority signed. Your decided advantage is in determining how to make the process from
listing to settlement an interactive and enjoyable one for that seller. Accomplish this, and you'll build a base of
repeat and referral business that will create long-term success for your business.

Note: If you happen to miss out on securing the listing, phone the seller and ask them if they would mind helping
you improve your business by sharing their reasons not to list with you. Diarise the week before their listing with
your competition is due to end and phone them again. You may pick up the listing.


The first step is to put your systems in place. That means, entering your new listing into Harcourts One and
creating your listing file.

The purpose of the listing file is to keep together all information relating to the listing over the course of the
marketing programme. Having this information contained in a folder allows easy access not only for you but also
for anyone in the office who may be asked to help you if you're away on holiday or sick leave.

An important part of the listing file is the Transaction Report. It’s a record of all the interaction between you and
the seller(s) and buyer(s) during the listing, negotiation and sale of a property. You must note what was
discussed and actioned every time you deal with each of them. If, in future, there is a query or dispute about the
property transaction, you have a sound record of what went on during your dealings with these clients.

The listing file should include:

 The signed Listing Authority
 Copies of any correspondence relating to the sellers
 Government Valuation / Copy of rates demand
 Copy of Title
 Budget of seller spending
 A copy of the sellers’ receipt for marketing funds
 Slides, photographs, line drawings, virtual tours or data show of the property (or reference to file
 Copies of all marketing material used

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o cut out advertisements from publications and newspapers

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o internet advertising
o letterbox drop information, invitations and flyers
 Team Inspection Sellers Report Form / Letter
 Open Home Register
 All relative sales consultant and buyer feedback on the property
 Zoning and any other relative information
 Sign order forms
 Window cards
 Auction / Exclusive Marketing Calendar
 Transaction Report
 LIM / PIM reports (NZ only & optional)
 Approved permit information (optional)
 Bidders Package

Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to Create Listings within Harcourts One, at:
Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in creating listings within Harcourts One for any
listings that they have just secured, if you do not already have your own. Go to Harcourts One
Appraisals and create a residential listing for each of the new listings.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in creating listing files for any listings that they
have just secured, if you do not already have your own.

Wowing the Seller

The Post Listing Package– Selling with Harcourts

Presented in the Harcourts Promise folder, “Selling with Harcourts” provides your sellers with useful information,
guidance and advice. Included are the Harcourts Promise and Marketing Calendar. As soon as you have
secured the listing make sure you take this package to your sellers in person. It is the immediate delivery of your
promised service that will assure your sellers they have made the right decision in choosing you.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Selling with Harcourts”. Download, and
customise to you and your office.

Adding Value

How do you thank your sellers for placing their trust in you to market their home? One sales team has a system
in place so that immediately following every listing appointment, whether they obtain the listing or not, a box of
chocolates is delivered. The accompanying card states: “Thank you for allowing me to visit your lovely home
today. Working with you will be a real treat!” Other wows could be:
 Office Manager calls or writes to thank the seller for entrusting Harcourts with the marketing of their
 Advertisements are couriered to the sellers for approval.
 Sellers receive a small gift on open days to thank them for preparing the home for presentation.
 Office provides a cleaning service to the sellers.

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 Office provides a maintenance person to the sellers.
 Sales consultant provides a slideshow of photos of the property set to music to play during open homes.

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Phone members of your networking group and make enquiries for a reliable cleaner and handyman.

Create a slideshow to music of one of your office listings to show during the open home.

Working With Your Clients

Once you have a signed listing authority, explain to the sellers how you like to operate as their sales consultant,
and outline events that could happen leading up to and during a sale, and how these will be handled.

1. Remind them they have listed with your whole team.

2. Ask them to contact you at any time if they are not sure of something – give them your home and mobile
phone numbers.
3. Emphasise that if anyone comes to the house and tries to talk details or price directly with them, they
should refer them to you.
4. Assure them that once you begin marketing the home, they'll be given all feedback – good, bad and
indifferent – that you receive from the market. Remind them that you are the messenger between them
and the buyers, and that any negative comments are from the buyers, not you.
5. Ask if they want you to call them within 24 hours after a buyer has been through the property, and let
them know the feedback.
6. Explain the importance of their absence during open homes.
7. Explain to them why the first offer can often be their best. Your role is to keep them well informed and
help them to make the correct decision when the right buyer comes along. Tell them you will be gauging
buyer activity and price very quickly in the campaign.
8. Let them know that all offers should be considered seriously, and that when you bring them an offer you
will ensure they have all the feedback on the market value available to assist them with their decision.
9. Outline how you will deal with early offers and multiple offers, if they occur, and the difference between
sellers' expectations of the market value of their own home and buyers' price.
10. Discuss buyer behaviour and enquiry trends during the listing period.
11. Discuss a short or long settlement:The ideal settlement is between 30-150 days. The short settlement
suits those who have sold; the long settlement gives those with a house to sell time to organise their
finances. This is a consideration to be thought out carefully. You don't want to turn away any committed
12. Establish dates for the rest of the meetings on your personal marketing calendar, if you have not done
so earlier. Allow 15-30 minutes per week to overview what is in your report and to take instructions from
them as to how you will approach the following week. Emphasise that with on-going feedback and
constant contact these dates will be monitored and can be changed further into the programme, if a
different approach is required. The review meetings will be held in your office.
13. Briefly overview the marketing plans for the next week.
14. Finally, make it clear that your job is to get for them the very best price that the market will pay, and to
that end you will be working very hard, as their partner.

Read information about establishing a working relationship with your clients throughout the marketing
campaign, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings >
Establishing the Working Relationship.

Role play “establishing the working relationship”. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Scripts > Establishing the Working Relationship.

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Daily Phone Calls

During the course of the listing, phone your sellers each day, and at the same time, as arranged. The purpose of
these calls is to confirm with your sellers that you are working on their behalf every day. They are crucial in
building rapport and trust and developing a sound relationship, while also providing excellent service to your
clients. This solid foundation will then enable you to guide your clients during your review meetings, toward a
more realistic price expectation.

Examples of reasons to call would be:

Monday: People through open home.
Tuesday: Will drop off report.
Wednesday: Confirm review meeting appointment time.
Thursday: Recap last night’s meeting (“I am doing the things we discussed…”).
Friday: Confirm open home time and when I’ll put signs up.
Saturday: Early visit before open home.
Sunday: No call.
Monday: “How was your weekend? Did Bobby win his football game? Now, this week…”

There are literally hundreds of reasons for you to call your sellers. A few other reasons to call your sellers and
what to say when you do:
 The photographs have been taken of your property and I’d like you to see how they turned out. Would
you like me to drop over and show them to you?
 Just calling to see if you’re happy with the position of the signboard.
 I have sent letters to several people on our database inviting them to view your property privately. I
trust we’ll have a few interested parties when I follow them up in the next couple of days. I’ll keep you
 Our direct mail campaign on your property has worked well. I have received xxx calls already.
 My Manager was very impressed with your property when he/she visited yesterday. I hope you were as
impressed with him/her. Please feel free to call him/her any time, as they are here to help provide
assistance in the selling process of your home.
 I have just written the wording for the brochure on your property. Would you like to hear it or would you
just like me to show you the completed brochure when it’s done?
 The brochures are out today. When would be a good time for me to come over to show them to you?

Make daily phone calls to each of your sellers.

Weekly Written Reports

These serve to summarise marketing progress and inform the seller what the market is stating about their
property. The sellers have your feedback on hand to refer back to, if needed, as they take on board your
comments in their own time.

Written reports should follow these headings:

 Marketing / advertising run to date.
 Enquiry generated and buyer inspections.
 Buyer feedback.
 Concerns.
 Interested parties.
 Price feedback.
 Marketing / advertising to run.

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 Confirmation of dates and times for review and other meetings, stating what you will cover at the

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Locate seller report templates in the Harcourts One Library, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Managing Listings > Letters > Keeping In Touch With Sellers. Download and familiarise yourself with
the content of each of the weekly reports.

Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to create Listing and Seller Reports within
Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in creating listing and seller reports within
Harcourts One for any listings that they are currently working on, if you do not already have your own.
Go to Harcourts One Reports and create the applicable reports for each of the listings.

Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors following your open for
inspection follow-up phone calls. Read the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Weekly Review Meetings


The purpose of a review meeting is for you and your seller to review and evaluate progress to date and what
adjustments to the marketing programme and/or price are required, if any, to remain competitive in the

Conducting a Seller Review Meeting

The time and place for these meetings should already be arranged and shown on your Marketing Calendar. The
sellers should have been phoned daily, as agreed, and if possible they should have your weekly written report
confirming the day, time and venue for this review meeting.

Be prepared for the meeting with your up-to-date Property Folder and your own copy of the weekly report. This is
your opportunity to give the sellers both the positive and negative feedback obtained from potential buyers. This
includes not only accurate information on what price the market is prepared to pay, but also suggestions on how
to further improve the property's sales appeal.

The meeting should be lead professionally by you. Always start your meeting with asking the sellers if they have
any questions or thoughts on the marketing process so far. Ask for their input, e.g. "Mr and Mrs Seller, thank you
for taking the time for this meeting. As we discussed when listing your home I like to keep you right up to date
with the marketing process. Do you have any questions or thoughts we need to discuss first?"

The key to conducting good review meetings is to be thoroughly prepared and to follow a set agenda (see below)

After you have re-established rapport, work methodically through your agenda. Always allow the sellers to have
their say, then continue directing the discussion using the agenda or with lead-in comments such as:
 "The market suggests..."
 "The research suggests..."
 "The evidence illustrates..."
 “The buyer’s perception may be…”

Keep it in the third person, i.e. "The market suggests..." rather than "I suggest..."

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Most of all, ensure that this time with the seller is spent in building their confidence in you. They need to feel and
to know that you are honest, reliable, enthusiastic, hard-working, and knowledgeable, and that their property and
the sale of it is the most important event in your life at the moment.

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Review Meeting Agenda

1 Re-establish rapport Example: Complement their efforts to make the home saleable, how do you
feel about the report?
2 Review marketing carried  number of advertisements that have been placed and where
out to date  number of open days that have been held
 number of flyers, brochures that have been distributed
 other promotional work
3 Present response from  number of people that have inspected the home by appointment
the current marketing  number of people that have attended each open day
 details of interest - name, address, financial background, and current
status, e.g. keep a list of all interested buyers, add to or delete from the
list weekly informing the sellers of the reasons why
 positive and negative comments.
4 Provide a real estate  any changes to the market since the home was listed or since the last
market update review meeting
 number of homes on the market since they listed
 number of sales since they listed
 give comparisons of properties
 average sale time
5 Discuss the service Is there anything else we can do for you that we have not done already?
6 Discuss price feedback Don't give feedback to sellers about your colleague's indications of price;
from people who have only use the qualified prices from active and knowledgeable buyers. Finally
inspected the home ask "If I brought you an offer at $x (Buyer Hope To Get price) would you take
it?" If necessary make a price adjustment.
7 Make recommendations Example: “This information prompts me to suggest…”
8 Discuss the marketing If necessary adjust the Marketing Calendar and your diary, e.g. "Are you
planned for the remainder happy with the marketing? Is there anything else you want done? Would you
of the listing period like to run more advertising?"
9 Future action Overview the following week’s plan of activities and be positive.

Locate review meeting templates in the Harcourts One Library, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Managing Listings > Forms > Keeping In Touch With Sellers. Download and familiarise yourself with
the content.

Role play conducting review meetings using the following scenarios:

 Week Two – Lots of people through the property.
 Week Four – Very few people through the property.
Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >Managing Listings> Scripts
>Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled seller review meetings, if
you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

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Presenting Feedback

Consistency is key. Place this activity on an automatic follow-up system to ensure it gets done. Combine these
meetings with mailings and phone calls to stay on top of feedback.

Always give sellers concise, honest feedback. Attempting to sugar-coat feedback can actually backfire on you,
and you may eventually lose the listing as a result. Keep in mind the personality types when giving feedback.

Read information about communicating with and reporting to your clients throughout the marketing
campaign, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings
>Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Being Evaluated

Essential to all aspects of your development is the willingness to open yourself up to input from your clients.
Rather than wait until settlement, or worse yet lose a listing, to find out how you're doing, get a pulse on your
performance now. Some sales consultants send out a “How Am I Doing So Far?” survey at 30 days after listing.
This gives them an opportunity to discover how they can improve while they are still employed by the seller.
Beyond that, they make a strong impression on their sellers that they genuinely want to improve. The result of
this effort is that their repeat and referral business continues to strengthen.

Below is a sample survey which you could adapt to fit your own style.

Are you satisfied with the number of visitors to your home?  Yes  No
If no, please share what you think we could do more of:

Are you satisfied with the frequency of the marketing of your home?  Yes  No
If no, please share why and what you'd like to see changed:

Do you like the content of your home's ads?  Yes  No

If no, please tell us why and what features you'd prefer we advertise:

Are you satisfied with your weekly feedback reports?  Yes  No

If no, please tell us what you'd like to see done differently:

How do you rate our service at this point?  Above average  Average  Below average
What can we do to improve our service level to you?

Other comments:

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Create your own “How Am I Doing So Far?” Survey to use with your clients.

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Week Nineteen Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to Create Listings within
Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in creating listings within
Harcourts One for any listings that they have just secured, if you do not already

have your own. Go to Harcourts One Appraisals and create a residential listing
for each of the new listings.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in creating listing files for any
listings that they have just secured, if you do not already have your own.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Selling with Harcourts”.
Download, and customise to you and your office.

Phone members of your networking group and make enquiries for a reliable
cleaner and handyman.

Create a slideshow to music of one of your office listings to show during the open

Read information about establishing a working relationship with your clients
throughout the marketing campaign, and associated resources, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Establishing the Working
Role play “establishing the working relationship”. Utilise the scripts to assist you,
at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Scripts > Establishing

the Working Relationship.
Make daily phone calls to each of your sellers.

Locate seller report templates in the Harcourts One Library, at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Letters > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Download and familiarise yourself with the content of each of the weekly reports.
Watch tutorials that demonstrate step-by-step how to create Listing and Seller
Reports within Harcourts One, at: Harcourts One > Learn / Help.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them in creating listing and seller
reports within Harcourts One for any listings that they are currently working on, if

you do not already have your own. Go to Harcourts One Reports and create the
applicable reports for each of the listings.
Locate review meeting templates in the Harcourts One Library, at: Harcourts One
> Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Forms > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Download and familiarise yourself with the content.
Role play conducting review meetings using the following scenarios:
 Week Two – Lots of people through the property.

 Week Four – Very few people through the property.
Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing
Listings > Scripts > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled seller
review meetings, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-

Week Planning Calendar.
Read information about communicating with and reporting to your clients
throughout the marketing campaign, and associated resources, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Create your own “How Am I Doing So Far?” Survey to use with your clients.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

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Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Nineteen

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Service To Sellers
 Systems  Weekly Written Reports
 Wowing the Seller  Weekly Review Meetings
 Working With Your Clients  Presenting Feedback
 Daily Phone Calls  Being Evaluated
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play conducting review meetings. Manager: Provide feedback where appropriate.

Congratulations on completing week nineteen of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 The Appointment to Present
 Presenting the Offer
 Negotiating Between Parties
 Bridging the Last Little Gap
 Week Twenty Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty

Bringing the Sale Together

All ofyour hard work will pay offwhen you can bring the sellers together with potential buyers and their offer to
purchase. A little finesse and a dose of reality will do volumes in this regard.

Prior to any negotiations commencing, contact your Manager to ensure that you are operating within office
procedure and legislative policy. If not legally required, it is certainly advisable to involve your Manager or an
experienced agent when taking offers and negotiating a sale.

The Appointment to Present

Contact your seller to make an appointment to present the offer to them.

"I'm about to meet Mr and Mrs Buyer to formulate an offer. Could I make a time to see you when I have the
paper work done?"

By explaining it this way, you are not in a position to give any details of the offer, if the sellers ask.

It's important to arrange a meeting in a place that will be quiet and private. Try and get them to your office.

Information you should have with you:

 A recent Comparative Market Analysis.
 Seller feedback reports.
 Recent sales of competing properties since entering the market.
 Knowledge of the buyers’ situation, i.e. length of time spent looking for a property, previous attempts to
purchase, financial approval, and wants and needs.
 Knowledge of the sellers’ situation, i.e. length of time on market, motivation to move, deadlines, and
previous offers received.

Prior to presenting the offer memorise all the details of the agreement, such as the possession date, special
conditions, chattels, etc. This will enable you to discuss the variables of the contract with your clients before
presenting the written document with the price being offered.

Presenting the Offer

When you arrive at the house create empathy and confidence. Sit the sellers at a table where you can speak to
both of them and watch their reactions.

Pre-empt objections by preparing your responses in advance for the most common and expected objections.
Brainstorm these objections with your Manager or a colleague and practice effective responses.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Role play presenting offers. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Presenting and Negotiating.

Negotiating Between Parties

Negotiating, like pricing, is a critical area that can prove challenging for many sales consultants. Many typical
sales negotiating methods or techniques taught are not suitable for real estate situations and are often
counterproductive. More often than not they can damage or destroy your client relationships because they either
involve manipulating or tricking one or both parties, or you become a dominant third party in what should be a
two party negotiation.

Because we have a financial and personal stake in the outcome, it is easy to let our own emotions and egos get
tangled up in the process. The best two rules for negotiating in real estate are:
 Stay completely impartial.
 Facilitate agreement, don't manipulate it.

Staying Impartial

In other words, STAY OUT OF IT!

Many sales consultants think it is part of their job to take control and direct negotiations between the two parties.
People who work this way use statements similar to these:
 "If you increase your offer another $....., I know they will accept it."
 "I got you another $3,000 but that is all we are going to get."
 "They absolutely will not offer any more than this!"

The problem with this kind of negotiating is that it is based on opinion, not fact. It also appeals to emotion, not
reason and often results in the consultant being proved wrong, the loss of credibility and client trust or the
collapse of the sale.

Remaining impartial means you do not express your personal judgments and opinions either in words or body

Stay impartial by:

1. Concentrating on the facts: When you are taking an offer from a buyer or presenting one to a seller,
remain absolutely neutral and concentrate on the actual details of the offer, not on the motivation or
intentions of the parties involved.
2. Explaining the options and possible consequences: When presenting an offer to a seller or a counter-
offer to a buyer, there are generally only three options available:
 To accept the offer as given. The sale is complete and the property sold (or, in the case of a
conditional offer, will be sold if the conditions are met).
 To reject the offer. The offer is now null and void.
 To make a counter-offer. The current offer is null and void. The other party now has the same
three options; to accept, reject or to counter-offer.
3. Ask for instructions: Once you have gone over the details and options, never forget that the decision
should always be made by the client. Simply ask, "What do you want me to do?"

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The Power of Silence

Do not underestimate the power of silence. Silence is a great tool of the skilled negotiator. Sometimes jumping
in too soon with a comment or a suggested solution can jeopardise successful negotiations. If allowed to think
and come up with their own solution people are more likely to act upon it. Being too quick to solve the problem
for them can also make parties feel dictated to or coerced. Be comfortable with silence and allow people to
ponder before answering. Let them be involved in the process and take ownership of solutions.

Educating Buyers and Sellers on Low Offers

When a buyer makes a very low offer they risk:

 The seller not taking their intent to purchase seriously and so rejecting the offer.
 The seller counter-offering at full price.
 The seller taking offence and refusing to negotiate further.

When a seller rejects an offer or counters back at full price they risk:
 The buyer thinking they are not serious about selling and so reject the counter offer.
 The buyer withdrawing their offer.
 The buyer taking offence and so becoming difficult to negotiate with further.
 The buyer purchasing another property.

The Variables of a Contract

Too often customers, clients and consultants alike will focus only on the price offered on a contract. A skilled
negotiator will draw their clients’ and customers’ attention to the many variables of a contract. These variables or
negotiables can be equally as important as price and can directly affect the value of the contract.

Some sample variables that can be negotiated and included in a contract are:
 Settlement date extended or brought forward.
 No conditions of sale.
 Cash or pre-approved finance.
 Included chattels of substantial value.
 Buyer is to use the property in a favourable way to the seller (e.g. not removing the sellers’ home to
 Buyer waives the cooling off period (only applicable in some regions).
 Improvements or repairs made by the seller before settlement.

Always research the local market and your buyers’ and sellers’ situation before entering into negotiations.

A buyer may be more willing to pay more if market research shows rapid value growth in the area. A seller may
accept less for their home if they can pay less for their next property. A buyer who has missed out on a previous
property or a seller who has an inflexible deadline to move are all important factors to take into account during
the process.

Role play negotiating with both a buyer and a seller. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts
One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Scripts > Presenting and Negotiating.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Bridging the Last Little Gap

A problem that occurs in many negotiations is often called the 'last little gap'. In real estate this happens most
often when negotiations seem to come to a halt at a point where the parties are only a few thousand or hundred
dollars apart.

No one quite knows why this happens over such a small percentage of the overall money involved. If it happens
to you, this is the only time you may need to step slightly out of the impartial facilitator's role.

1. Describe the reality of the situation

For example:
"I think under the circumstances, we should look at where we really are here. My concern is you have
had your home on the market for X weeks now. Certainly we can go back on the market but the reality
is that next week, next month or even three months from now I may be sitting here with another offer
and it may be for one or two thousand dollars more than this one but it could also be for less."

2. Focus on where they really want to be, not where they presently are

For example, a seller who is on transfer and has a deadline to meet:

"We are down to a difference of $........... Your job in Sydney starts next month and you want to get the
family moved and settled before school starts in five weeks. Although this may be a little less money
than you wanted, it does allow you to get where you are going in the time frame you have."

"It's possible you could make up this difference when you are negotiating from a cash position for a new
home. My concern is that in a short while you are going to start incurring the costs and inconvenience
of maintaining two households while you wait to sell. "

The decision is still theirs but by projecting them into the future you can show them that holding out now for a
relatively small sum can actually move them away from their goal, not closer to it.

3. Remember, it's never over until everyone has said "no" at least twice

This is a very important part of successful negotiating. The fact is that sometimes people say "no", not
because they won't change their position but because they believe or hope it will force the other party into
changing theirs first.

If this does not happen, they may very well reconsider the offer, but often only if they are given the
opportunity and an acceptable way to reopen negotiations. You are the key to reopening that door. Most
people will simply let the negotiations die rather than make the effort to resurrect it themselves.

The following is a typical example of how this kind of situation should be handled:

Your sellers have refused the buyers' last offer. You have returned to relay this to the buyer.

"I am sorry but the sellers do not feel they can accept your offer. What would you like to do?"

The buyers state that is their final offer and they will not alter or increase it. You return to your seller and

"I have explained your position to the buyers but they do not feel they can change their offer. What
would you like to do?"

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

If the seller still says no, they have said no twice but you still need to return to the buyer once more.

"I have explained your position to the sellers but they still do not feel they can accept your offer.
What would you like to do?"

Consultative negotiating does require skill and effort, but it is probably the easiest and most effective way
you will find to negotiate successfully. It produces not only results but also happier and more satisfied
clients - and that is worth more in the long term than the sale itself.

4. Make sure that all changes to the agreement/contract are initialled by all parties

Read information about presenting offers, negotiating between parties, and bridging the last little gap,
and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Presenting
and Negotiating.

Obtain a copy of the mandated Purchase Agreement used in your region. Familiarise yourself with
the content and clarify any points of confusion with your Manager. Practice writing up Agreements
and have your Manager check their accuracy.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their appointments to present offers and
their negotiation appointments, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week
Planning Calendar.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Twenty Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Role play presenting offers. Utilise the scripts to assist you, at: Harcourts One >
Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Scripts > Presenting and Negotiating.

Role play negotiating with both a buyer and a seller. Utilise the scripts to assist
you, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Scripts >

Presenting and Negotiating.
Read information about presenting offers, negotiating between parties, and
bridging the last little gap, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library

> Sales > Working With Buyers > Presenting and Negotiating.
Obtain a copy of the mandated Purchase Agreement used in your region.
Familiarise yourself with the content and clarify any points of confusion with your

Manager. Practice writing up Agreements and have your Manager check their
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their appointments to
present offers and their negotiation appointments, if you do not already have your

own. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.
Make daily phone calls to each of your sellers.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled seller
review meetings, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-

Week Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Schedule an appointment with your Manager to review your business plan
targets. If you have secured any listings or sales, ensure your progress has been

updated in Harcourts One.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Negotiating a Sale
 The Appointment to Present
 Presenting the Offer
 Negotiating Between Parties
 Bridging the Last Little Gap
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Role play presenting offers, and negotiating with both a buyer and a seller. Manager: Provide feedback where

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Congratulations on completing week twenty of the programme!

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This week’s agenda:

 The Sale is Made
 Sale to Settlement Tasks
 After Sales Service
 Week Twenty Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty

Seeing the Sale Through – Effortlessly

Have you ever watched a duck on a pond? Ducks seem to float effortlessly on the water, gliding along
gracefully, and with no apparent labour. In reality, underneath the surface of the water, the duck's legs are
paddling furiously, working overtime to keep that duck moving along. Your mission as a real estate professional
is to create the same image for your market as the duck – that graceful, effortless movement. That appearance
requires great attention to every detail, from beginning to end.

The Sale is Made

After your successful negotiation process, you will have obtained all the sellers' and the buyers' signatures on the
agreement/contract, with all changes initialled. All parties have been notified. This is a now a legally binding
document that, when unconditional, will be a completed sale.

What Now?

 Diarise the possession date and enter all the details onto your client database. As the sales consultant
involved in the contract you may be called upon throughout the conditional period until the sale reaches
an unconditional state.
 Ensure the buyer has a copy of the agreement/contract and that this is dated.
 Give the deposit cheque to your office administrator for processing and receipting.
 Change the status of the listing on the office board. Follow your office procedures.
 Complete the Transaction Report fully and give it to your office administrator for filing.
 Affix a 'Sold' sticker to the For Sale sign, if appropriate.
 Send thank you notes and congratulate the listing sales consultant, if applicable.
 Deliver 'Just Sold' flyers to the neighbourhood if it was your listing.

Sale to Settlement Tasks

1. Check signatures, price and dates on contract.

2. Register sale in office sales ledger.
3. Prepare sale file.
4. Complete a settlement instruction sheet with all contact details for sellers, buyers and solicitors.
5. Diarise key dates including unconditional date and settlement.
6. Ensure all dates are realistic, allowing adequate time for conditions of sale to be met, lenders to value
the property and arrange the loan, solicitors to complete searches and complete reports – in other
words settlement is highly likely to be achieved.
7. Liaise with any tenants if applicable and advise them of their rights and obligations.
8. Bank deposit into office trust account and issue a trust account receipt to buyers.

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9. If split deposit diarise 2nd deposit due date and request balance when due.
10. Provide seller with a copy of the contract plus a letter confirming the sale and explaining the selling
11. Provide the buyer with a copy of the contract plus a letter confirming their purchase and outlining the
sale process. Be sure to clarify critical dates for finance and meeting conditions of sale.
12. Provide contract to buyer’s solicitor plus a letter and copy of the settlement instruction sheet.
13. Provide copy of contract to seller’s solicitor.
14. Keep the buyer and the seller regularly informed of the progress of the transaction.
15. Arrange inspection of the property with the lender’s valuer.
16. Arrange access to the property for specialist inspections such as building and pest.
17. Follow up inspection reports have been received and accepted.
18. Coordinate agreement and help arrange any action to be taken, e.g. structural repairs to meet with
building compliance.
19. Follow up that finance has been obtained.
20. Provide assistance and advice if settlement extension is required for any reason. Communicate any
problems, seek resolution and advise action needed for settlement to proceed on time.
21. Receive confirmation from buyer’s and seller’s solicitors that all conditions of the contract have been
met then notify buyer and seller by letter.
22. Arrange for final inspection of the property for the buyer within 5 days prior to settlement.
23. Advise buyers to insure their new property and sellers to transfer their existing insurance.
24. Ensure water and council rates are up to date by settlement.
25. Apply sold sticker to property sign and office window card. Remove from website.
26. Confirm marketing fees paid are correct –refund unspent or recoup unpaid money from seller.
27. Prepare disbursement cheques, balance of deposit, office commission and settlement invoice. Arrange
transfer of funds and exchange of keys.
28. Send letter of settlement confirmation to solicitors.
29. Congratulate buyers and sellers and seek testimonial or referral.
30. Coordinate moving dates and times to ensure the seller has adequate time to move out before the
buyer arrives to move in. Movers are paid by the hour.
31. Check that keys, remote controls, security codes and the like are available to the buyer on moving day.
32. Update client database with buyer and seller new address details and anniversary of sale date.
33. Update key register.
34. Archive property sale file.

Read information about sale to settlement, and associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library >
Sales > Working With Buyers > Presenting and Negotiating.

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Sale to Settlement Checklist”. Download, print,
and ensure a copy is attached to your Listing Files to assist you during the sale to settlement process.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them with sale to settlement tasks for any sales that
they have recently secured, if you do not already have your own. Write the tasks on your 24-Week
Planning Calendar.

After Sales Service

Now is the perfect opportunity to wow your clients and give them reason to enthusiastically refer you to others,
and come back to you in the future.

You could add to your seller's after sales service experience with you by:

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 Scheduling a handyman to make a house call to them, offering to do one hour's worth of work on any
minor repairs they may want done. Arrange for a discounted fee, or possibly even a free hour.
 Send a small bouquet of flowers as a thank you for their business.

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You could add to your buyer's after sales service experience with you by:
 Printing “We've Moved!” announcement cards and return-address labels for your buyers as soon as
their offer is accepted. An added bonus here is that cementing the ownership in their minds will make
them more likely to work through any challenges that arise during the transition to settlement.
 Creating a “We've Moved!” email postcard for your buyers with a photo of their new home.
 Sending a handyman out one week after the buyers move into the property to help with picture hanging
and odd jobs in the home, with the first hours’ worth of work on you.

Brainstorm ideas for adding to your seller’s and buyer’s after sales service experience.

My After Sales Service to Sellers:






My After Sales Service to Buyers:






Read information about providing exceptional service to sellers and buyers, and associated
resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Consultative Real Estate > Providing Service That

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them with after sales service tasks for any sales that
they have recently secured, if you do not already have your own. Write the tasks on your 24-Week
Planning Calendar.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Twenty-One Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Read information about sale to settlement, and associated resources, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers > Presenting and

Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Sale to Settlement
Checklist”. Download, print, and ensure a copy is attached to your Listing Files to

assist you during the sale to settlement process.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them with sale to settlement tasks
for any sales that they have recently secured, if you do not already have your

own. Write the tasks on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
Brainstorm ideas for adding to your seller’s and buyer’s after sales service

Read information about providing exceptional service to sellers and buyers, and
associated resources, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Consultative Real

Estate > Providing Service That Satisfies.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can assist them with after sales service tasks
for any sales that they have recently secured, if you do not already have your

own. Write the tasks on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.
Make daily phone calls to each of your sellers.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled seller
review meetings, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-

Week Planning Calendar.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their appointments to
present offers and their negotiation appointments, if you do not already have your

own. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty-One

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Sale to Settlement
 The Sale is Made
 Sale to Settlement Tasks
 After Sales Service
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Congratulations on completing week twenty-one of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Adopting an “It’s My Pleasure” Attitude
 Creating Added Value
 Work that Digital Camera
 Some Final Ideas
 Week Twenty-Two Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty-Two

Creating Clients for Life through the Finest Service

Having reached week 22 you will have enjoyed some success along the way. However, long-term success and
increasing volume in real estate requires that you keep clients coming back to you in the future and referring
others to you. Successful consultants who have reached a steady and reliable volume report anywhere from 50
to 90 per cent of their business coming from repeat clients and referrals from those clients.

At Harcourts we adopt a best practice contact schedule. Our sales consultants contact each of their past
customers using the following schedule and scripts:

One Day after Closing and again One Week after Closing
“I want to give you a quick call and thank you very much for your business and to see if you have any
questions, problems or concerns regarding your new home (or sale transaction) that I might be able to
help you with. If anything comes up please don’t hesitate to call, we are here to help. By the way, if you
have any family or friends we can help please keep us in your thoughts.”

Thirty Days after Closing – Buyer

“It’s already been a month since you moved and I am still in touch with the seller. Do you have any
questions, problems or concerns regarding your new home that I might be able to help you with?”

Thirty Days after Closing – Seller

“It’s already been a month since your move. I was just calling to see if you had any questions or
concerns regarding your sale transaction that I might be able to help you with?”

Six Months after the Purchase

“It’s hard to believe that it’s already been six months since you bought your new home. I trust you are
adjusting to the change well. I just wanted to call to see if you had any questions regarding your new
neighbourhood. I’ve been working in this area for some time and know it quite well so if there’s anything
I can help you with please don’t hesitate to call.”

On the Anniversary of the Purchase

“Just a quick call to let you know we haven't forgotten you or your [no.] anniversary. Yes, [no.] years
have passed since you bought your home at [address]. Does it seem that long, or longer? Whichever
way, no doubt you have well and truly settled in and we trust that you are enjoying your home and your
neighbourhood. Remember, if you ever have any questions about real estate, please don’t hesitate to

It is so important to provide consistent, regular follow-up to past clients. They have to be kept informed about the
market and reminded that you are the one to consult when the time comes for them, or anyone they know, to
make a move.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Adopting an “It's My Pleasure” Attitude

If you've had the good fortune to stay at a Ritz-Carlton™ Hotel, then you will have experienced “It's My Pleasure”
service at its finest. From the moment your vehicle approaches the hotel, every step of the process is a positive
experience that leaves a lasting impression. The attention to detail, the manner in which your possessions are
handled, the courtesy of the staff – it's obvious that great preparation and continued tweaking is a natural part of
this organisation's business model.

When a challenge arises at the Ritz-Carlton™, it's part of their corporate mission that “the person who receives
the complaint, owns the complaint.” Everyone on staff is solution-oriented; they greet all client needs with grace
and an “It's My Pleasure” response.

What does it mean to your business? Remember, your competition is anyone the customer compares you with.
How does your real estate service measure up?

In Script

Have you ever responded to a “Thank you” with, “No problem,” “No big deal,” or “Sure”? Start practicing using
the phrase, “It's my pleasure,” in response instead. Watch the reactions of people when you do. Read these out
(Thanks a lot.) “It's my pleasure!”
(Can you show us this house?) “It would be my pleasure.”

On your voice-mail message, you could close with, “... Please leave a detailed message, and it will be my
pleasure to return your call as soon as possible.”

In Practice

“It's My Pleasure” is more than a phrase; it's a mind-set. Let your actions demonstrate your attitude.

Creating Added Value

It's the multitude of little gestures, when drawn together, which can create the largest impact with your clients.
Let your creative brain flow freely here; what can you provide to your clients that they won't get from other real
estate sales consultants? Following are some ideas to get your creative thoughts flowing.

Closing Gifts

The day buyers move in to their new property, one successful sales consultant delivers a complete roast-chicken
dinner to them. Another sales consultant provides her buyers with a gift basket full of small, essential products
that may come in handy whilst they unpack their belongings (e.g. toilet paper, bottled water, hand soap etc.).

Other gifts might include dinner gift certificates, free pizza (delivered to their door) coupons, snacks, toys for the
children, or fruit and cheese.

Handyman Service

Send a capablehandyman out to buyers the week after the move to provide an hour's worth of free picture
hanging and other handiwork.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Best-Client Perks Card

Another successful sales consultant gives all her clients a “perks card” that offers them a free faxing and copying
service anytime, just by stopping at her office. In addition, she has negotiated discounts on a variety of services
from carpet installation to food purchases.

Preferred-Supplier Service

Negotiate relationships with your favourite suppliers to give preferred rates or discounts of some sort to your
clients. Then prepare a list or booklet of those suppliers that you can give to your clients. Items that maybe
negotiated could range from a free dessert with the purchase of a dinner at a restaurant, 10% off an appliance
purchase, $100 off new-carpet installation, and so on. The suppliers pay to advertise in many places and will
appreciate the opportunity to be exposed to your best clients. You could start by referring to your “Harcourts and
You” booklet for a list Harcourts’ Business Partners and Preferred Suppliers.

Client-Appreciation Event

Consider planning an annual event that you can invite all your past customers to. Whether it's cricket in the local
park, a trip to a football game, a dinner dance, an outdoor barbeque, a private viewing of a new release movie at
a local boutique theatre, or a two-hour charter cruise, show your clients how much you appreciate their business.
People who accept the invitation generally had a good experience working with you and will spend the evening
discussing their positive experience with others.

An interesting event that one successful sales consultant held was a raffle offered to clients who had given her
referrals throughout the year. Every referral earned the client one ticket in the raffle, thereby increasing their
chances of winning if they referred multiple clients.

Special Occasion Gifts

One sales consultant orders fruit hampers every Christmas through a local small business to send to all her
sellers that sold with her during the year. The local business does all the packaging and shipping, including a
personalised note thanking them for their business.

Give to Receive

Another unique idea implemented: A sales consultant sent a postcard into his farm neighbourhood with the
message that an ice cream truck would be by on a particular date with free ice cream for anyone interested. He
made arrangements with a local ice cream company to provide the ice cream in exchange for advertising space
on the postcard sent and the ice-cream truck. The sale consultant then loaded up his 4WD with his team and
family and the ice cream and signs on the vehicle to identify them as the ice cream truck from the Harcourts Real
Estate Team, and then headed out to the neighbourhood. He believes that giving back to his community has
been a driving force for continual referral business coming in.

Another Harcourts sales consultant organises huge skips each summer holidays to be placed in council
approved locations in her neighbourhood. The skips are there for a week or two for people to throw away their
unwanted home furnishings, left-over building supplies, and other unwanted items. The skips are blue with a
giant photo of the sales consultant and her contact details.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Brainstorm some different added-value gifts or services that you could incorporate into your business.
Use the space to include items needed by successful sellers and buyers, how each would be used,
who might help to bring it together, and so on.

My Added-Value Ideas:






Work that Digital Camera

Marry Your Buyers to the Home

One successful sales consultant takes photos of the whole family in the home that they've written an offer on –
the kids in their chosen bedrooms, for example, or playing in the yard. She prepares a collage, and then sends it
to the clients within one day.

What she discovered was that the buyers instantly placed themselves in “their new home” and worked much
harder to keep the contract together and settle on time.

For the children of sellers relocating, you can take a series of pictures of the kids in front of their old home, then
create either a hard-copy scrapbook they can take with them, or give them a DVD with a “slide show” for them to

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Some Final Ideas

Here are some additional thoughts on different things you can do throughout the year to stay in touch with past
clients. Select from these, or come up with your own. Test ideas to see if they work; if they do, keep doing them!
If they don't, try something else.

Seasonal Cards/Postcards

Many of our successful team members send birthday cards, anniversary cards, and so on. In order to make your
efforts unique and memorable, try some of these:
 Send cards on holidays that no one else sends on, for example, April Fool’s Day and St Patrick’s Day.
 Send an anniversary card for the anniversary of the home purchase.
 Send birthday cards to the kids or the pets.
 Develop a full year's worth of postcards with a theme for each month. One sales consultant constructed
this campaign featuring her in a costume reflecting each theme: New Year's, Back to School,
Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, April Fool’s Day, Halloween, Graduation, Christmas etc. Put added-
value information on the reverse side, with a request for referrals.

Raffles or Contests

One successful sales consultant likes to run raffles for past clients; he'll send a postcard with a drawing number,
and then send a follow-up postcard announcing who won. The drawing might be for a free hamper at Christmas
or a $50 gift certificate to a jeweller on Valentine's Day. The postcard also then promotes a Just Listed or Sold
property or some other service.

Another successful sales team did a colouring contest for Easter, with two bicycles being given away. They
worked with a large department store to distribute the colouring-contest entry sheets and performed the awarding
of the bicycles on the department store’s property. Alternatively, outside the front doors of your office sure draws
a crowd and has them talking about Harcourts in your local area.

Moving Trucks

Offering the use of a moving truck free to your clients and to community organisations is a wonderful added-
value benefit to clients and creates tremendous goodwill with civic and community groups.

Watch the video on the “Bullseye” concept of targeting business activity towards groups of clients
according to how valuable they are to your business, by searching the Harcourts One Library for:
“Rick DeLuca (Keynote Speaker) at Conference '10”.

Return to the “Prospecting Plan” you created in Week Four and update it to include the Added Value
items that you plan to implement.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Week Twenty-Two Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Brainstorm some different added-value gifts or services that you could incorporate
into your business. Include items needed by successful sellers and buyers, how

each would be used, who might help to bring it together, and so on.
Watch the video on the “Bullseye” concept of targeting business activity towards
groups of clients according to how valuable they are to your business, by

searching the Harcourts One Library for: “Rick DeLuca (Keynote Speaker) at
Conference '10”.
Return to the “Prospecting Plan” you created in Week Four and update it to
include the Added Value items that you plan to implement.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.

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Make daily phone calls to each of your sellers.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled seller
review meetings, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-

Week Planning Calendar.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their appointments to
present offers and their negotiation appointments, if you do not already have your

own. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty-Two

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Creating Clients For Life
 Adopting an “It’s My Pleasure” Attitude
 Creating Added Value
 Work that Digital Camera
 Some Final Ideas
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Congratulations on completing week twenty-two of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Creating Business Accountability
 Creating Family, Personal and Social Accountability
 Week Twenty-Three Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty-Three

“I'm in Charge!”
One ofthe perceived perks ofbeing in real estate is actually the biggest danger. Often no one is holding you
accountable! There's rarely anyone checking on the hours you are (or are not) working. You have no project
deadlines, no team project commitments, and only your own set KPIs to meet.

Therein lies the danger. Without accountability, how will you reach your goals? When will you improve your
systems? What urgency will appear to help you set time lines to complete your tasks?

Accountability Buddy

Being held accountable to someone is the greatest support you can receive. Consider empowering a team
member or business colleague to be your accountability buddy – someone who regularly checks on your
progress, helps you stay on schedule, keeps you accountable to your goals, and reminds you of the highest and
best use of your time. This requires in you a willingness to allow someone else to provide that accountability.
Seek out someone you respect along with your Manager to hold you accountable, not only to your business
goals, but also to your family goals, personal goals, and social goals.

Schedule meetings for next week with your Accountability Buddy, your Support Person, and your
Manager, to discuss both your progress over the last 24 weeks and where to from here.

Creating Business Accountability

Incorporate systems to keep yourself on target. The main focus areas are listed here, with tips on each.

Rewards and Consequences

You established your goals way back in the beginning of this programme. What rewards can you establish for
accomplishing your objectives, and what consequences do you face if you don't?

A reward might be a special restaurant lunch on a weekday for making all your prospect calls for the week. For
the consequence on the flip side, one successful sales consultant wrote out a cheque to his biggest competitor
for a sizeable amount. If he didn't make his prospecting calls for the week, his accountability buddy would mail
the cheque with a thank-you note to that competitor.

Organise to receive your planned reward next week at the end of your 24-week programme.

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Teleconferencing or Chat Forum Group

Find ways to create a network ofpeers in other markets, even in other states. Schedule a monthly time to meet
on a teleconference or in a chat forum online and share ideas, troubleshoot solutions to challenges, and so forth.
Some events for finding like-minded people in your industry would be the Harcourts Annual Conference, your
regional awards evenings, Academy training events, and any Real Estate Industry functions, to name a few.

Have a different person be responsible for each month's call, to facilitate all of the following:
 Send an agenda to all members ofyour group prior to the call.
 Arrange the call with a teleconference call company.
 Direct, or facilitate, the flow of the call.
 Appoint the director of the next month's call.
 Request topic suggestions / needs to be covered on the next call.
 Send summary notes out afterwards.

Some tips on increasing the success of your teleconference group:

1. Keep the group small. Somewhere between three and seven usually works best.
2. Have your facts ready. Always prepare for the call; know what questions you want to ask and what
ideas you're going to share. Have any supporting data you'll need to illustrate your point.
3. Encourage free exchange of ideas and feelings. In a pure brainstorming environment, no idea is shot
down or lessened. You might even want to establish some rules of etiquette for your calls.
4. Seek the opinions of others. This call is your opportunity to get objective outside perspectives!
5. Keep clarifying. If someone makes a comment that you don't understand, or doesn't provide specifics to
an idea, ask for further explanation.
6. Keep summarising. In order to ensure that you received the communication the way the sharing party
intended, summarise the information and repeat it back. You may find that there was more information
that should've been given to draw a better picture.
7. Use the right people. Make sure all participants are actively engaged and sharing as well as asking.

Local Group of Peers – “Networking Group”

Forming mutually beneficial business associations with local trade and business people can be very successful
for all involved. Both associates agree to actively refer each other to their clients. Make sure you are confident
in their ability and quality of service before you agree to any such association.

Choose only one person from each of the following trades / businesses:
 Builder
 Lawn Mower
 Gardener
 Plumber
 Electrician
 Flooring – Carpet and Tiles
 Decorator
 Painter
 Handyman
 Pool Maintenance

Other associates could include:

 Accountant
 Hairdresser
 Restaurant Owner
 Newsagent

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What you could do for each other:
 Hand out each other’s business cards.
 Provide names and contact details of the people you refer to them.
 Swap discount vouchers to give out.
 Market them to your farm area and client database.
 Have lunch once a month.
 Offer your clients for you to arrange quotes for the work to be done.

You may like to arrange an end of year or mid-year social function to strengthen relationships within the group.
Something as simple as drinks at the local helps to cement ongoing referrals and is an opportunity to say thank
you to those sending you business.

Identify and contact five members to join your networking group.

Driving Numbers

Decide what numbers really drive you – your settledsales, or your total sales volume, for example. Review your
numbers often. Schedule a time each month for your business plan and budget review. It's important to stay on
top of the financial health picture of your business.

Keep Your Targets Visible

There are several tips for keeping your “targets” visible – that is, your success benchmarks, whether they're
personal or business goals, numbers or statements. Following are some suggestions that you could use to keep
your targets visible:
 Print your KPI target progress graphs from within Harcourts One and take them to each of your review
meetings with your Manager.
 Laminateyour goals and hang them in your shower so that you can review them each morning.
 Have a wall chart to track your KPIs. You could use a thermometer that looks like the temperature is
rising as youcolour in to represent settled sales etc.
 Use affirmations to keep yourself on target.
“I sell houses, that is what I do!”
“I am the best marketer in town!”

Print your KPIs for your one-on-one meetings, and laminate your goals and place them somewhere
where you can view them daily.

Creating Family, Personal and Social Accountability

Just as important (if not more so), yet most often neglected, are your family, personal and social goals. Treat
your family, personal and social goals with the same respect and attention you do your business goals. When
considering your long-term success for the future, attaining balance by honouring family, personal and social
goals is critical.

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Don't Plan – Schedule

Where most failures occur in the reaching of family, personal and social goals is in the transition from planning to
do something to actually scheduling it in so it happens. Was one of your family goals to take a vacation? When
are you going? Is it on your year planner?

You schedule appointments with buyers and sellers; why wouldn't you schedule in your family, personal and
social appointments as well? On your ideal week, you should have blocked in time for exercise, family time, and
so forth. One of the pitfalls of being in real estate is that most sales consultants let the business control them,
rather than taking control and running the business the way they want.

There are countless stories of real estate sales consultants who have missed their child's football game or dance
recital because an appointment “came up” that they couldn't miss. Learn to weigh the importance of these
appointments rather than sacrificing what is important to you for a possible sale.

Most clients have a tremendous amount of respect for a professional who is honest about keeping their promises
to family and operates a business this way, and it draws clients to them. Many state that once they started
establishing control over their time, business got much more enjoyable and their volume increased. People want
to work with people who are un-conflicted, happy, healthy, and positive, with high energy and strong personal

Schedule a social outing with someone important to you. Write it on your 24-Week Planning

Involve the Family in Business Planning

The best way to get someone's support is to involve them in the decision-making process. Sit down with your
spouse, partner, family members, and loved ones and have them participate in your planning process. Work
together to determine your family goals. Share the responsibility of constructing a business plan. You could
even invite their suggestions and input as to how your business can be improved. Discuss the benefits to all of
you of achieving those business goals.

Remember at the beginning of the programme, you were asked to have your significant other or person who
would provide support to you during this programme to review it and sign off on it? If you completed that step,
you probably have found that person has been understanding and supportive ofyour efforts. If so, involve them
in your progress review and future planning.

Schedule a time to share and involve those close to you in your business plan review.

Educate Your Market

A common complaint by the average real estate sales consultant is that they have to work when the market
wants them to. This is never more true than in your first year as you are establishing your new career and
wanting to generate regular income as soon as possible. One successful sales consultant has a wonderful script
for getting sellers to schedule listing appointments during the business day, rather than in the evening:
“Mr/Ms Seller, I need to see your home at the same time the buyers will be seeing it – during regular daylight
hours. I need to be able to look at every facet ofyour home through the buyers' eyes. What time would work
better for you – 11:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m., Thursday?”

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Think of it this way: ifyou need to see the doctor, do you find a way to get off work, or do you ask the doctor to
see you at 7:00 p.m.? View yourself as what you are – a business professional.

There will always be extenuating circumstances for some clients who can't meet during the business week. Tell
your market how you work, and why, and they'll respect you. Another script from a sales consultant: “You know,
Mr/Ms Buyer, I have a soccer game at 12:00 on Saturday, and my family is very important to me. I'm sure you
can appreciate that. So we can either meet at 8:00 a.m., Saturday, or 12:00, Friday – which would be better for
you?” She, like other sales consultants, find the clients are impressed with her commitment to her life balance
and are very cooperative and satisfied with alternative times.

Utilise Voice Mail

Inform your market through your voice-mail message as well. If you'll be out of the office and only checking
voice mail at a certain time, tell them. Why keep it a secret, and then have them disappointed because you didn't
call back as quickly as they expected you to? Ifnecessary, arrange for someone to assist you with your business
when you're out oftown, and inform clients who to contact and how for immediate needs.

Return to “Date Nights”

The spouse or significant other of a real estate sales consultant probably weathers the most inconvenience.
Make a commitment to that relationship by creating a designated “date night” that you always keep sacred. Take
turns holding the responsibility ofplanning the evening, or make the plans together. Above all, always honour
that time. Don't allow business to interfere with this time.

Read information about personal and career balance, and preventing and combating stress, at:
Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Yourself > A Life Worth Working For.

Make a list of at least eight things you can implement or tweak to improve your accountability
systems; business accountability and family, personal and social accountability. Go through your list
and identify your top three, and then the next three, you'll work to implement. Plan to implement them
by adding them to your business plan.

Watch the video on balancing life and work, and the beating stress attitudes of top performers, by
searching the Harcourts One Library for: “Darryl Davis (US) at Conference ‘08”.

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Week Twenty-Three Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Schedule meetings for next week with your Accountability Buddy, your Support
Person, and your Manager, to discuss both your progress over the last 24 weeks

and where to from here.
Organise to receive your planned reward next week at the end of your 24-week

Identify and contact five members to join your networking group.

Print your KPIs for your one-on-one meetings, and laminate your goals and place
them somewhere where you can view them daily.

Schedule a social outing with someone important to you. Write it on your 24-
Week Planning Calendar.

Schedule a time to share and involve those close to you in your business plan

Read information about personal and career balance, and preventing and
combating stress, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Yourself > A

Life Worth Working For.
Make a list of at least eight things you can implement or tweak to improve your
accountability systems; business accountability and family, personal and social

accountability. Go through your list and identify your top three, and then the next
three, you'll work to implement. Plan to implement them by adding them to your
business plan.
Watch the video on balancing life and work, and the beating stress attitudes of
top performers, by searching the Harcourts One Library for: “Darryl Davis (US) at

Conference ‘08”.
This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.
Make daily phone calls to each of your sellers.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled seller
review meetings, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-

Week Planning Calendar.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their appointments to
present offers and their negotiation appointments, if you do not already have your

own. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty-Three

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Accountability Systems For You
 Creating Business Accountability
 Creating Family, Personal and Social Accountability
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

Congratulations on completing week twenty-three of the programme!

Copyright © - Harcourts International Ltd – v21Feb11


This week’s agenda:

 Signature Strengths
 Self Study
 Analysis
 Planning Around Your Strengths
 Your Unique Signature
 Business Plan Review
 Welcome to the Finish (or is it the Start?)
 Tips for Staying Motivated Throughout Your Career
 Week Twenty-Four Assignments
 Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty-Four

Do What Makes You Happy

Signature Strengths

Positive psychology research studies indicate that people are happier, more creative, and more productive when
utilising what psychologists call their signature strengths. Identifying your personal strengths and then
consciously incorporating them into daily activities will bring greater happiness and life satisfaction.

How to Discover Your Strengths

Because you're so used to your special abilities, you may not recognise them as unique strengths. One reason
is that the things you do using your personal strengths seem easy, therefore causing you to falsely believe that
anyone can do what you do. Consciously identifying your unique strengths and embracing them as something
that makes you unique and special will help you appreciate these special abilities and put them to work for you.

This week we’ll discover what your strengths are and implement strategies to build your business around them.

Self Study

A self-study will help you measure your ability to perform the key tasks required to meet your role’s
responsibilities. The responsibilities of a sales consultant are:
1. Prospect for listing opportunities.
2. List properties.
3. Market properties.
4. Provide customer service to buyers and sellers.
5. Negotiate sales.
6. Manage yourself.

Each of these responsibilities can be broken down into a number of key tasks / skills.

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Assess yourself against each of the tasks / skills listed in the table below. You’ll need to rate yourself
on two dimensions for each task / skill. They are:

1. Ability: In the column labelled “Ability”, rate your ability to perform the task / skill using the
following scale:
1 2 3 4 5
Very Difficult Difficult Average Easy Very Easy

2. Enjoyment: In the column labelled “Enjoyment”, rate your enjoyment for performing the task /
skill using the following scale:
1 2 3 4 5
Hate Unpleasant Average Enjoy Love

Task / Skill Ability Enjoyment

Responsibility 1. Prospect for listing opportunities
Farm/Trade Area
Confidence with strangers
Door knocking
Telemarketing and asking for leads
Networking with others from related industries
Staying current with local area property and market knowledge
Research and statistics knowledge
Approaching open/general listings
Interest in community clubs or schools
Conversation and socialising
Personal Promotion
Marketing design, i.e. quality brochures
Marketing ideas – creative thinking
Online profile – website, blog, social media
Email marketing
Public speaking
Writing skills
Personal presentation – dress and manner
Client Base
Memory for names and particulars
Phoning past clients for a chat
Quality newsletter production
Letter writing

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Task / Skill Ability Enjoyment
Phone call manner
Asking for referral
Operating the client database
Maintaining current client information
Thoughtful gestures and interest in others
Relationship building
Current Listings
Questioning skills
Listening skills and empathy
Welcoming open home visitors
Open home visitor follow-up
Systematic strategic farming around a listing
Responsibility 2. List properties
Discovering people’s needs and preferences one on one
Communicating information clearly
Genuine care for others
Ability to build trust quickly
Belief in what you do for people
Belief in your own ability
Belief in your company
Educating and guiding others respectfully
Research and knowledge of the market
Preparation of marketing proposals
Listing presentations
Property appraisal
Pricing property
Knowledge of listing options and marketing methods
Negotiating marketing investments
Handling client concerns and objections
Asking for the listing authority
Responsibility 3. Market properties
Selling advertising campaigns
Knowledge of marketing options, readership and circulation.

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Task / Skill Ability Enjoyment
Designing effective marketing campaigns
Knowledge of advertising media effectiveness – colour, size vs. results
Writing advertising prose
Taking photos
Flyer page layouts
Creativity and originality
Monitoring and changing a campaign to alter buyer response
Belief in marketing and associated investments
Eye for property features to highlight
Interior design, home presentation improvement ideas
Personal contact marketing – calls to buyers
Email marketing
Responsibility 4. Provide customer service
Written reports to sellers
Regular calls to sellers
Progress review meetings with sellers
Obtaining price reductions
Obtaining further marketing investment when required
Handling seller concerns and emotions
Ability to empathise
Listening skills
Qualifying buyers as to their wants, needs and financial position
Matching buyers to appropriate property
Systematic tracking of buyers
Providing information by mail, email, phone
Preparing for and conducting open homes
Showing property by private viewing
Handling buyer concerns and objections
Maintaining contact through to settlement
Responsibility 5. Negotiate sales
Encouraging a buying decision
Preparing a contract of sale
Knowledge of contracts, the law, and special conditions of sale
Handling objections
Tactful communication
Creating confidence in others
Encouraging decision making

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Task / Skill Ability Enjoyment
Compromising – coming up with win/win solutions
Empathy and understanding under stress
Bridging the last gap
Creating a sense of urgency
Attention to detail
Ethical decision making
Working the floor at auction
Responsibility 6. Manage yourself
Systematic approach to work
Independence, self-motivation and accountability
Planning ahead – yearly, monthly, weekly, daily
Other Responsibility:

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Analysing how you rate yourself on key tasks / skills will reveal a lot about your strengths and passions as well as
areas where you may need to up-skill or delegate.


In the table below, record the tasks / skills that you have scored as a 4 [Easy] or 5 [Very Easy] in the
“Ability” column.

Strengths and Talents

Tasks and skills that you find easy or very easy may be personal strengths and talents of yours. They may be
competencies that others do not have that you may take for granted.

In the table above, highlight those strengths and talents that you will employ more of.

In the table below, record the tasks / skills that you have scored as a 1 [Very Difficult] or 2 [Difficult] in
the “Ability” column.

Up-skill or Seek Assistance

Tasks and skills that you find very difficult or difficult may be areas where you may need to up-skill or seek

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In the table above, highlight those areas where you plan to up-skill in.

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In the table below, record the tasks / skills that you have scored as a 4[Enjoy] or 5 [Love] in the
“Enjoyment” column.

Job Satisfaction and Passions

Tasks and skills you enjoy or love usually indicateswhat you are passionate about.

In the table above, highlight those enjoyable tasks / skills that you will employ more of.

In the table below, record the tasks / skills that you have scored as a 1 [Hate] or 2 [Unpleasant] in the
“Enjoyment” column.

Areas to Delegate or Seek Accountability

Tasks and skills you hatemay be tasks that are better to be delegated to a personal assistant or someone skilled
and passionate about the tasks you are not.

Tasks and skills that are unpleasant or even average may be areas of apathy where tasks hold no challenge for
you. You may have become bored with these tasks or avoid doing them. Some tasks, no matter how uninspiring,
are required to achieve our job’s responsibilities so you may need to seek help with accountability.

In the table above, highlight those tasks that you can delegate and place an asterisk next to those
tasks that you will seek accountability for.

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Planning Around Your Strengths

Complete the table below based on the information you uncovered in the self-study and analysis.

Actions that I need to take and people who can help me achieve my plan:

What Who When

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Your Unique Signature

The following are some examples of how some of our people have applied their strengths and talents to build
their business – developing a marketable profile around their unique signature in everything they do.


 Prepare homes for sale.
 Take before and after photos for your promotional folder.
 Conduct stunning open for inspections.
 Gather testimonials re. brilliant home preparation and sale results.
 Design a personal logo and brochure, i.e. “changing rooms”.
 Promote your specialised added value service at presentations and in the media.


 Prospect using personal contact via door knocking and phone calls.
 Join Toastmasters to develop public speaking skills.
 Speak at community events, clubs, schools, colleges, and meetings.
 Get a personal assistant to prospect for opportunities for you to do listing presentations.
 Get a buyer’s agent to prospect for opportunities for you to negotiate.
 Design a personal logo and brochure, i.e. “negotiation specialist”.

Unique signature: SKILLED MARKETER

 Research every media for advertising – their benefits, readership, and circulation.
 Record statistics regarding pictorial colour, size and results gained.
 Source professionals for photography, artist impressions, virtual tours, video, and journalism.
 Produce an impressive and unique marketing portfolio including samples of campaigns you have
designed, the results generated, and testimonials from your clients regarding your marketing expertise.
 Have your own high standard website.
 Use the advertising media that you sell to promote yourself as the marketing expert.
 Continue to study advertising and marketing – books, courses.


 Door knock regularly in your area.
 Telemarket your local area.
 Join networking groups and attend their monthly meetings.
 Meet and stay in contact with the locals in the area.
 Meet and regularly visit the local business owners.
 Develop relationships with local real estate associated services – promote each other.
 Approach local stores to donate goods to your buyers’ welcome gift basket.


 Become the area expert while creating opportunities to prospect for business.
 Know the area history.
 Research your area – map, facilities, benefits, schools, clubs etc.
 Research property statistics – number and types of property, turnover, prices achieved, average time on
market, comparisons with rest of state, with previous years, predicted trends, influencing factors.
 Produce an information pack for new residents and deliver in person.
 Mail and email a monthly newsletter of local news, coming events and real estate statistics / results.
 Using old photos of the area produce “did you know?” prospecting material.
 Specialise in a particular high-rise building or farm area.
 Take detailed notes and photos of every property in your specialist area – keep on hand for any enquiry.

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 Conduct door to door surveys and produce reports on results – most favoured schools, restaurants,
shops, parks etc. Add all to your database.

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Do you relate to any of these examples? Having completed your self-analysis and knowing your strengths,
talents, and passions; what is your unique signature? It may not be unique in the world but it may be a point of
difference in your market.

Write your unique signature below, based on the information you uncovered in the self-study,
analysis, and planning, and then complete the table with ideas on how you can apply your unique

My Unique Signature:

The talent or ability that I could market as unique to me within my office or local market is:

Applying My Unique Signature:

How can I apply my unique signature in my day-to-day activities to start building a reputation for my point of

Core Business Area My Unique Signature Plan

When prospecting:

When listing:

When working with buyers:

When marketing:

When working with sellers:

When negotiating:

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When providing after sales

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Business Plan Review

In week one you created a business plan, and over the past 24 weeks you’ve been learning new skills and
performing new tasks. Moving forward, it’s essential that you continue working from a business plan and
completing the same core tasks on a regular basis.

Below is a list of the core tasks that should be included on your business plan. Against each task,
where possible, allocate a number (i.e. a KPI), which will be your target for the quarter. For example,
against “Write thank you notes” your target could be 300 for the quarter; which would equate to 100 /
month = 25 / week = 5 / day.

Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily

Core Task
Target Target Target Target
Phone past clients
Make prospecting calls
Add new prospects to database
Email to database
Mail out to farm area
Phone ‘A’ buyers
Email new listings to prospects
Letter box drop streets around my listings
10-20-10 contacts around my listings
Add 10-20-10 contacts to database and invite to open homes
Conduct open homes
Phone all visitors after open homes
Conduct buyer private viewing appointments
Conduct buyer qualifying interviews
Write thank you notes
Phone all sellers daily
Send weekly written reports to sellers
Hold weekly review meetings with sellers
Hold price reduction meetings with existing listings
Hold seller paid advertising investment meetings
10-20-10 contacts around my sales
Letter box drop streets around my sales
Update social media sites
Make referrals to Harcourts Specialist Divisions
Attend an Academy training programme
Watch a video in the H1 Media Library

Schedule an appointment with your Manager to review your business plan. Be sure to incorporate
both the above “Core Tasks and Targets” and your “Unique Signature” actions into your plan.

Welcome to the Finish (or is it the Start?)

You're here. You made it. Twenty-four weeks later, and much better for it!

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The work doesn't stop today, however. Being successful in real estate requires a never-ending drive and
commitment to constant improvement. Continue to practice; to learn; to implement; and most of all, to enjoy this
rewarding career where no two days are alike!

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Avoid Drift

Drifting away from good habits can and does happen to all of us. The key to staying on track is to consciously
recommit to working proven lead-generation activities. When you observe successful people, you’ll notice that
success is possible in any economy if you just follow a systematic formula of predictable, repeatable (and
profitable) activities.

The less disciplined will go looking for “new ways” and try the latest fad. The wise and successful continue to
prospect consistently, provide great service, and keep in touch with their clients on a regular basis. Ask for
referrals every day and allow someone to keep you accountable to your business plan.

Stay Positive

It’s important to mastermind and synthesise with those you wish to emulate. By surrounding yourself with other
positive thinking, like-minded people, you can give and receive positive energy from each other on a daily basis.

Stay Committed

Maintaining motivation is an ongoing endeavour that can rarely be achieved for long periods of time when going
it alone. Remember, you are in business for yourself, not by yourself! Staying committed requires:
 Revisiting your business plan and goals – revisit what you are working toward and ensure that they’re
still important to you.
 Reviewing and measuring your business regularly – Utilise KPIs in Harcourts One, and schedule regular
one-on-one meetings with your Manager.
 Encouragement and reward – Treat yourself at key milestones achieved.
 Staying focussed on the high-impact activities required for long-term success.

Tips for Staying Motivated Throughout Your Career

1. Set monthly goals: It’s a lot easier to stay motivated when you feel like you’ve accomplished something.
Setting goals gives you something to work towards and achieve.

2. Stack the deck: Setting realistic goals helps tilt success in your favour and feeds your motivation to achieve
the next goal.

3. Build the right environment: Create a place you enjoy being so you can focus on reaching your goals with
minimal distractions.

4. Retreat, but don’t surrender: If you run into obstacles, step away for a while. If you’re able to come back to
it with a solution, your confidence and knowledge will continue to build, making it easy to tackle the next

5. Find your rhythm: Just as your body has optimal times for sleeping and eating, there’s also an optimal time
for your body to operate at it’s sharpest.

6. Find your accountability partner: Going it alone will take more energy than you have. Lean into a trusted
group of colleagues or a coach to help you stay motivated and directed.

7. Record your success: Use a journal – paper or electronic – to record your progress. Seeing just how far
you’ve come can be an excellent motivational tool as you continue on the journey you have charted for

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Watch the video on the eight key factors that lead to success, by searching the Harcourts One Library
for: “Gilbert Enoka (NZ) at Conference '08”.

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Week Twenty-Four Assignments

Below is the list of tasks that you must complete this week. Write a due date next to each task and when you
complete it, tick it off!

This Week’s Focus Tasks By When Done

Complete the Self Study, Analysis, Planning Around Your Strengths, Your Unique
Signature, Applying Your Unique Signature, and Business Plan Review tasks as

detailed in Week Twenty-Four: Build Around Your Strengths.
Schedule an appointment with your Manager to review your business plan. Be
sure to incorporate both the “Core Tasks and Targets” and your “Unique

Signature” actions into your plan.If you have secured any listings or sales, ensure
your progress has been updated in Harcourts One.
Watch the video on the eight key factors that lead to success, by searching the
Harcourts One Library for: “Gilbert Enoka (NZ) at Conference '08”.

This Week’s Buyer Tasks By When Done
Conduct showing appointments with three sets of qualified buyers.

Prepare for your open homes this week. Write them on your 24-Week Planning
Calendar. Read the information about preparing for and facilitating an open

home, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Managing Listings > Open Homes.
Seek to secure three buyer qualifying appointments this week. Write them on
your 24-Week Planning Calendar. Utilise the scripts to assist you with working

with buyers, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Working With Buyers >
Scripts > Qualifying.
Schedule meetings with three of your qualified buyers and prepare them to buy.
Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.

Update your buyer’s details in your Harcourts One database and categorise them

Conduct open home follow-up phone calls to open home visitors, with permission
from the listing agent if it is not your listing. Utilise the scripts to assist you with

follow-up calls to open home visitors, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >
Working With Buyers > Scripts > Showing the Property.
Phone your current buyers and update your buyer database if any have (a)
purchased since you last spoke, (b) changed their price range, (c) increased their

motivation / urgency to buy, or (d) widened their location preferences.
Match and email new listings to buyers according to price, style, and location.

This Week’s Seller Tasks By When Done
Update seller reports with feedback obtained from your open home visitors. Read
the information about written reports, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales >

Managing Listings > Keeping In Touch With Sellers.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled listing
interviews, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-Week

Planning Calendar.

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Make daily phone calls to each of your sellers.

Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their scheduled seller
review meetings, if you do not already have your own. Write them on your 24-

Week Planning Calendar.
Ask a fellow sales consultant if you can attend and observe their appointments to
present offers and their negotiation appointments, if you do not already have your

own. Write them on your 24-Week Planning Calendar.
This Week’s Prospecting Tasks By When Done
Make 25 prospecting phone calls (five per day). Utilise the scripts to assist you
with phone prospecting, at: Harcourts One > Library > Sales > Prospecting >

Scripts > Working Your Trade Area and/or Client Database and Client Contact.
Write five thank-you notes daily, for a total of 25 this week, to people you have
spoken to. Read the information about writing handwritten notes, at: Harcourts

One > Library > Sales > Prospecting > Client Database and Client Contact.
Check the “Prospecting Plan” and “Annual Marketing Plan” you created in Week
Four to ensure that you’ve achieved the scheduled activities this week.

Write a plan of activity for your farm area for the week.

As you meet new people, add them to your database categories each week.

This Week’s Self-Management Tasks By When Done
In Week One you wrote down five reasons why you believe you will succeed in
your new career with Harcourts and displayed them in a prominent place in your

office. Read these reasons aloud each morning.
Search the Harcourts One Library for the document “Daily Activity Record”.
Download, print, and complete the record each day to track your daily activities.

Add each of the tasks from this week to Harcourts One Tasks. Include due dates
and manage the tasks accordingly. As new tasks arise, add them to the task

management system.
Check the “Ideal Week” you created in Week Five to ensure that you’ve achieved
the scheduled activities this week.

Whilst speaking with your Manager you may agree on additional tasks that you should complete this week. Write
these tasks below, write a due date next to each task, and when you complete it, tick it off!

Other Tasks for This Week By When Done

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Manager Catch-up: Week Twenty-Four

Ask your Manager to use the following table to conduct a casual one-on-one with you following this week’s

Manager: Please take detailed notes and take action where required.

Time and date:

This week you worked on the following topics:

Build Around Your Strengths
 Signature Strengths
 Self Study
 Analysis
 Planning Around Your Strengths
 Your Unique Signature
 Business Plan Review
 Welcome to the Finish (or is it the Start?)
 Tips for Staying Motivated Throughout Your Career
Were you able to complete all of the required activities?

Did anything get in the way of doing what was asked of you?

Is there anything from this week that you would like to go over with me?

What, if anything, did you find really valuable this week?

Can you see benefit in continuing to use the practices discussed this week on an ongoing basis?

Is there anything else you would like to discuss at this time?

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Congratulations on completing week twenty-four, and the entire programme!

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Congratulations! You’ve completed iStart24 and are now well on your way to becoming a successful sales
consultant in your own right.

Over the past 24 weeks you’ve covered a lot. Take some time to reflect on all that you’ve done and
complete the sections below.

Which sections of iStart24 do you think were most valuable to your growing business and you?

Did you find any of the iStart24 tasks unachievable? If so, which ones?

Can you offer any suggestions for improvement to iStart24 that would assist others that are new to real estate
and the Harcourts Academy in continuing to develop this programme?

The Harcourts Academy would love to hear from you. Please email us at with your
feedback so that we can continue to develop this programme.

Thank you and once again, CONGRATULATIONS!

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