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Satuan Sekolah : SMK Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe

MataPelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Asking & Giving Opinions

AlokasiWaktu : 3x 45 Menit (1 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Dasar

3.14 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur 3.14.1. Menganalisis fungsi sosial,struktur teks,
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan
pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks pendapat dan pikiran sesuai konteks
penggunaannya. penggunannya (C4)

4.14 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, 4.14.1. Membuat teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan dan meminta informasi terkait
meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pendapat dan pikiran dengan
pikiran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
sosial,struktur teks, dan unsur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai dan sesuai konteks (P3)
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran problem based learning
peserta didik dapat :
1. Mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
pendapat dan pikiran dengan tepat.
2. Membuat teks interaksi transaksional dengan melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks dengan penuh tanggungjawab dan

C. Uraian Materi
 Read the dialogue below and practice with your friends!

Mr. Putra : What’s your opinion on studying abroad?
Abdul : In my opinion, it is a great opportunity.
Mr. Putra : Very good. What’s your view on this Putri?
Putri : Well, I think it’s not a good idea especially for girls.
Mr. Putra : Good. Any other opinions?
Siti : Sir, I strongly believe that going abroad is a great idea.
Mr. Putra : Excellent! All your answers are correct.
Students : Thank you, sir.

Berdasarkan percakapan tadi bisakan anda mengidentifikasi tindakan memberi dan meminta pendapar?
Great! Supaya kalian semakin paham berikut ini adalah pejabaran tentang ungkapan memberi dan meminta
pendapat serta bagaimana menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui suatu pendapat.
Now, read the material below!

 Definition :
An opinion is the way you feel or
think about something.Our opinion
about something or someone is
based on our perspective.

 Social function

 Inquiring Opinion is to ask

other peoples opinion on 1. What do you think of..
2. Is that right (true) that..
an issue.Some expressions
3. Do you think it’s going to be.....
we can use are: 4. Why do they behave like that?
5. Do you have any opinion?
6. Please give me your opinion
7. Have you got any comments on....
8. Do you have any idea?
9. What is your reaction to...
10. What are you feeling about...

Giving Opinion is to 1. In my opinion..

express an opinion on a 2. I think..
matter or issue 3. I feel...
4. I believe....
5. I personally feel...
6. I personally think
7. From my point of view..
8. It seems that...
9. I strongly believe that...
10. As I see it.....
 Giving agreement and Agreement:
disagreement of an 1. I agree with you
opinion 2. You can say that again
3. Off course
4. That’s a good point
5. I think so too
6. I could’t agree more
7. That’s absolutely right
8. Etc

1. I’m sorry I don’t agree with you
2. I disagree with you
3. I’m afraid I have to disagree with you
4. I think you are wrong
5. I can’t say I agree with you,and here
is why...

 Generic structure
of opinion and
 Language features
1. Use Simple present tense
2. Use mental verbs like: believe,
think, doubt,assume,feel

Contoh Teks Transaksional Asking and Giving Opinion:

1. What is the subject of the discussion?
2. Have they decided on their preffered destination?
3. Find twi example of an agreement in the dialog.
4. Tfind two the example of disagreement in the dialog.
5. Does this seem to be a dispute or a friendly discussion?
1. Warming up
Let’s play a game!
Tontonlah Video berikut untuk
menambah wawasan tentang
materi asking & giving opinions!



Please observe the video below using your smart phone and answer the following questions correctly!


1. What are they talking about?

2. Do you think the woman agree to give Walter a promotion?
3. What does the woman think about Julee?
4. What is the synonym of “As I see it” ?
5. What do you think the man will do next?


In pair please write a dialogue about Asking and Giving Opinion

*Choose one of the topics: Food, Fashion or Social Media.

*The dialogue should be in 5 excanges



Give your positive opinion and negative opinion to the following cases :

Number 1 has been done for the example.

1. What do you think about the singing competition program on television? (+) A: I
think it‟s good for young people to compete to be a famous singer (-) B :I don‟t
think I care for it. I like to watch news program on television
2. Learning from home is good for the students

(+) ………………………………………………

(-) ……………………………………………….

3. “English” should be used in school‟s activities every day


(-) ………………………………………………

4. Children are not allowed to watch TV after 6 pm. (+)


(-) ……………………………………………….

6.Internet helps us to have better living in the world (+)


Please record your conversation that you have made

with your friends and send the voice note to my WA


Good luck

No Indikator soal Tingkat soal No Kunci jawaban skor

1 Disajikan teks C4 What are they talking 1 They are talking about 20
transaksional asking about? Walter’s promotion.
& giving opinion
siswa dapat
menganalisis fungsi
sosial dari teks
2 Disajikan teks C4 Do you think the woman 2 I don’t think so. OR 20
transaksional asking agree to give Walter a I think she does not
& giving opinion promotion? agree.
siswa dapat
menganalisis struktur
teks dari teks tersebut
3 Disajikan teks C4 What does the woman 3 She thinks Julee is 20
transaksional asking think about Julee? much more qualified
& giving opinion than Walter,she also
siswa dapat has better work habit
menganalisis struktur than Walter.
teks dari teks tersebut
4 Disajikan teks C4 What is the synonym of 4 In my opinion, from 20
transaksional asking ‘”As I see it”? my point of view,etc
& giving opinion ( expressions of giving
siswa dapat opinion).
menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan dari teks
5 Disajikan teks C4 What do you think the 5 I think he will give 20
transaksional asking man will do next? Julee a promotion.
& giving opinion
siswa dapat
menganalisis struktur
teks dari teks tersebut

No Indikator soal Tingkat soal No Kunci jawaban skor

1 Disajikan beberapa P5 pendek dan sederhana, 1 .Student’s creation. 100
topik diskusi, siswa yang melibatkan
bersama teman tindakan memberi dan
pasangan nya diminta meminta informasi
membuat sebuah teks terkait pendapat dan
transaksional tulis pikiran, dengan
pendek dan sederhana memperhatikan fungsi
yang melibatkan sosial,struktur teks, dan
tindakan memberi dan unsur kebahasaan yang
meminta informasi benar dan sesuai konteks.
terkait pendapat dan
pikiran dengan
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial,struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai

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