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Ninuk Hariyani, drg., M.Kes., MPH., PhD.

Dini Setyowati, drg., MPH., PhD.

Dr. Taufan Bramantoro, drg., M.Kes.
Prof. Dr. R Darmawan Setijanto, drg., Mkes.
Gilang R. Sabdho Wening., drg., M.Kes.
 Limeback H, Comprehensive preventive dentistry. Wiley-blackwell. The United
Kingdom. 2012.
 John J, Textbook of preventive and community dentistry-Public health dentistry. 3rd
ed. CBS publisher. India. 2017.
 Haris NO., Garcia-Godoy F., Nathe CN. Primary preventive dentistry. 8th ed. Pearson.
America. 2017.

 14 x materi, online class melalui zoom, aula unair, google meet atau platform
Komponen Nilai
Tugas/Kuis/Nilai diskusi (dari semua dosen) + UTS + UAS

Final index
 A : 100 ≥ FI ≥75
 AB : 75 > FI ≥ 70
 B : 70 > FI ≥ 65
 BC : 65 > FI ≥ 60
 C : 60 > FI ≥ 55
 D : 55 > FI ≥ 50
 E : 50 > FI
 The mission of dental care focuses on the ability to help individuals achieve and
maintain maximum oral health throughout their lives.
 the mouth is the show window in which the body displays its physical wares = the
mouth is the mirror (the 2000 report of oral health in America)
Abad ke-14/15 Eropa
“Telah didapatkan aturan-aturan yang pasti
tentang kebersihan mulut yang didasarkankan
pada literatur-literatur Arab, yakni tentang diet
dan anjuran membersihkan gigi menggunakan
pasta gigi”

Abad ke-9
Penggunaan Siwak sebagai alat
pembersih gigi oleh Masyarakat
Arab Abad ke-10/11
Abulcasis Al-Zarahwi mengenalkan untuk
pertama kalinya bahwa pengambilan
deposit kalkulus adalah faktor yang
penting di dalam kontrol penyakit
460-377 SM periodontal
Hippocrates is credited with writing about preventive medicine.
He and his followers were very concerned about preserving
health through proper diet and activities, such as exercise
and getting enough rest.
Tahun 1945, USA
“Hasil fluoridasi air minum ini mampu
menurunkan prevalensi karies gigi pada anak-anak
sampai separuhnya dan berlangsung dengan aman
dan murah”
Abad ke-18, Perancis
”Pierre Fauchard telah
menekankan pentingnya untuk
menjaga gigi supaya selalu
bersih apabila ingin mencegah
penyakit gigi”
Abad ke 19, sebelum Perang Dunia I
“Rhein dan USA telah menciptakan istilah “Oral
hygiene” yang terbukti sangat popular sampai
sekarang. Rhein juga mendesak para dokter gigi
untuk mengajar pasiennya cara-cara menyikat gigi
Abad ke-16 yang layak”
“Seorang dokter gigi Belanda telah menulis tentang
efek buruk gula dan semua makanan manis-
 dental diseases are still widespread problems worldwide.
 More money is spent in dentistry on treating patients than treating all cancer
patients combined (Baldota and Leake, 2004).
 As decay rates decline, dentists turn their interest to previously underutilized
therapies such as cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, third molar extractions, implant
dentistry, and so on.
 People are keeping most of their teeth into old age and living longer, which means
that preventing root caries, periodontal disease, and oral cancer will be even more
important than before.
1. Promosi Kesehatan (Health promotion) Primary prevention  pre-
2. Perlindungan khusus (Specific protection) phatogenesis period

3. Diagnose dini & pengobatan segera (Early recognition and prompt

Secondary prevention 
4. Pembatasan kecacatan (Disability limitation) phatogenesis period

5. Rehabilitasi (Rehabilitation) Tertiary prevention

 Primary prevention employs strategies and agents to prevent the onset of disease,
to reverse the progress of the disease, or to arrest the disease process.
 e.g the use of a topical fluoride gel to prevent caries.

 Secondary prevention employs action which halts the progress of a disease at its
incipient stage and prevents complications.
 e.g use of remineralizing agents in incipient carious lesions.

 Tertiary prevention employs measures necessary to replace lost tissues and to

rehabilitate patients to the point that physical capabilities and/or mental attitudes
are as near normal as possible after the failure of secondary prevention
 e.g fixed bridge.
Period of pre-pathogenesis Period of pathogenesis
(primary prevention) (Secondary prevention) (Tertiary prevention)
Health Specific Early diagnosis Disability Rehabilitation
promotion protection and prompt limitation
• Health • Good oral hygiene • Periodic • Treatment of Replacement of lost
education • Fluoridation of public detailed oral well tooth structures by
in oral water Supplies examinations developed appropriate
hygiene • Topical fluoride with X-rays Lesions appliances (bridge,
• Periodic Application • Compulsory • Pulp Capping dentures, etc) to
screening • Avoidance of sticky examinations • Root-canal restore harmony and
or foods, particularly of Therapy function
Inspection between Meals schoolchildren • Orthodontic
• Diet • Tooth brushing or • Attention to treatment
planning rinsing after eating developmenta
• Good • Sealants l defects
standard of • Preventive
nutrition orthodontics

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