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Review Program Komunitas Masa Depan Provinsi Zhejiang Cina: Mewujudkan kota rendah

karbon dan kota pintar sekaligus.

Terdapat beragam masalah lingkungan hunian di Cina, walaupun seiring dengan perkembangan
urbanisasi secara bertahap menunjukan hasil pada pembangunan lingkungan hunian yang lebih
baik, tetapi demi memenuhi kebutuhan gaya hidup penduduk yang semakin tinggi, terlihat
bahwa banyak lingkungan hunian di Cina yang tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik, pemanfaatan
dan penghematan ruang tidak baik, efektifitas pelayanan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari sering
menimbulkan masalah. Oleh karenanya melalui riset yang dilakukan di seluruh provinsi di Cina
merefleksikan keinginan untuk adanya regenerasi Kawasan lama perkotaan, perbaikan
transportasi dan mobilitas, kehidupan yang lebih digital, konservasi budaya, pembangunan
infrastruktur yang lebih ramah lansia, dan hal-hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa pembangunan
lingkungan hunian bermasalah. Berangkat dari populernya pembangunan lingkungan
komunitas rendah karbon dan lingkungan komunitas pintar dunia saat ini. Pada awal tahun
2019, pemerintah provinsi Zhejiang secara resmi mengeluaran kebijakan dan perencanaan
proyek percontohan “Komunitas Masa Depan Provinsi Zhejiang” (Zhejiang Future Community).
Konsep Komunitas Masa Depan sendiri merupakan konsep gabungan yang melebur dari konsep
komunitas rendah karbon dan komunitas pintar. Latar belakang penerapan konsep ini adalah
keinginan untuk berinovasi dalam kebijakan dan menyelesaikan isi-isu lingkungan hunian
perkotaan, menghadapi tantangan kelangkaan sumber daya ekologi, serta semangat inovasi
lokal dan memberikan pondasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi swasta yang ada di provinsi
Zhejiang Cina. Implementasi komunitas masa depan terbagi menjadi dua mode yaitu
pembangunan baru dan regenerasi pembaharuan. Komunitas masa depan ini nantinya akan di
evaluasi dengan indicator eveluasi yang komprehensif, konsep ini dipromosikan berorientasi
pada nilai humanis, ekologis, dan digitalisasi diterapkan pada 9 aspek meliputi lingkungan
hunian, pemerintahan, layanan masyarakat, arsitektur dan bangunan, rendah karbon, lalu
lintas, kewirausahaan, kesehatan general, dan Pendidikan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji
program Komunitas Masa Depan Provinsi Zhejiang Cina ini dari segi teoritis untuk mengukur
kapasitas dan kelayakannya mewujudkan kota rendah karbon dan kota pintar sekaligus.
Kata Kunci: Review Program, Komunitas Masa Depan, Kota Rendah Karbon, Kota Pintar

柴彦威,郭文伯 2015 中国城市社区管 Sejak transformasi ekonomi China yang

理与服务的智慧化路径 berorientasi pasar, sistem unit yang dibentuk
di bawah sistem ekonomi terencana tidak
中国经济市场化转型以来,计划经济体 dapat memenuhi kebutuhan transformasi
制下形成的单位制无法满足经济社会转 ekonomi dan sosial, dan secara bertahap
型的需要,逐渐开始解体,单位制主导 mulai hancur. Masyarakat mendobrak
社会基层组织制度逐渐由社区制所取代 batasan-batasan spasial dari kesatuan
(何海兵, 2003)。社区冲破了传统单位大 kesatuan adat, dan secara bertahap
院的空间束缚,逐渐还社区以居住、生 mengembalikan esensi kesatuan organisasi
活功能为主的社会群体组织单元本质。 kelompok sosial masyarakat berdasarkan
在社区尺度内,土地混合化与功能综合 fungsi hidup dan kehidupan. Pada skala
化得到弱化,但在街道、区镇、城市更 komunitas, percampuran lahan dan integrasi
大尺度上却得到增强,土地资源和服务 fungsional melemah, tetapi pada skala yang
设施在市场化机制的推动下得到更优的 lebih besar dari jalan, distrik, kota, dan kota,
配置,城市空间结构发生重组,居民生 mereka ditingkatkan Sumber daya lahan dan
活跨出社区的物理围墙,出现多样化、 fasilitas layanan lebih baik dialokasikan di
bawah dorongan mekanisme berorientasi
pasar. struktur ruang telah ditata ulang, dan
kehidupan warga telah keluar dari dinding
(夏学銮, 2002; 陈岩, 2007),居民生活质
fisik komunitas, menghasilkan transformasi
yang beragam dan kompleks. Di bawah
(费孝通, 2002; 柴彦威等,2014)。
situasi baru perkembangan urbanisasi baru
China, pembangunan perkotaan secara
bertahap bergeser dari fokus pada
pertumbuhan ekonomi ke model
pembangunan baru yang berpusat pada
kehidupan penduduk (Xia Xueluan, 2002;
Chen Yan, 2007), dan peningkatan kualitas
penduduk. kehidupan telah menjadi inti dari
tujuan pengelolaan dan pelayanan
masyarakat (Fei Xiaotong, 2002; Chai
Yanwei et al., 2014).

未来社区在浙江的实践与 Kontradiksi antara kebutuhan The contradiction

启示--刘晶晶施楚凡 masyarakat akan kehidupan yang between the people's
lebih baik dan pembangunan yang ever-growing needs for a
人民日益增长的美好生活 tidak seimbang dan tidak memadai better life and
需要和不平衡不充分的发 telah menjadi masalah utama dalam unbalanced and
展之间的矛盾成为我国社 komunitas tiongkok. Sebagai tempat inadequate
会的主要矛盾。社区作为 utama kehidupan warga, kualitas development has
居民生活的主要场所,其 konstruksi komunitas menentukan become the main
建设品质决定着居民的生 kualitas hidup warga. Pembangunan contradiction in our
komunitas di Tiongkok dapat dibagi society. As the main
可以分成三个阶段: 第
一阶段即 1988 年之前, menjadi tiga tahap: tahap pertama place of residents' life,
这一时期建设的小区大多 adalah sebelum tahun 1988, the construction quality
是 低 矮 砖 混 结 构 ; 1988 sebagian besar komunitas yang of the community
年出台的《关于在全国城 dibangun selama periode ini adalah determines the quality
镇分期分批地推行住房制 bangunan bata-beton bertingkat of life of the residents.
度改革实施方案的通知》 rendah; Pada tahun 1988, Community construction
使得我国小区建设进入了 “Pemberitahuan Tentang Rencana in my country can be
新的阶段,新建小区开始 Pelaksanaan Reformasi Sistem divided into three
出现多层无电梯住宅; Perumahan di Kota-kota Nasional stages: the first stage is
1994 年和 1998 年相继发 Secara Bertahap” membuat before 1988, most of the
布的《关于深化城镇住房 pembangunan komunitas memasuki communities built
制度改革的决定》和《关 tahap baru, dan gedung gedung during this period were
hunian bertingkat tanpa lift mulai low-rise brick-concrete
知》又将我国小区建设带 bermunculan di area pembangunan structures; The “Notice
入全新的商业时代。前两 komunitas baru. Pada tahun 1994 of the Plan” has brought
个阶段的小区建设使得各 dan 1998, “Keputusan Penetrasi my country’s community
个城市积累了不少的老旧 Reformasi Sistem Perumahan construction into a new
小区,这些小区占据了城 Perkotaan” dan “Pemberitahuan stage, and multi-storey
市的核心地段,但土地利 tentang Penetrasi Lebih Lanjut walk-up residences have
用低效、配套设施缺乏、 Reformasi Sistem Perumahan begun to appear in
建筑性能退化、智能程度 Perkotaan dan Percepatan newly built
偏低,已成为现代化城市 Pembangunan Perumahan” communities. The
mentransformasi konstruksi "Notice of Reforming
质大幅提升但入住率却不 komunitas di Tiongkok ke era yang and Accelerating
断下降,并且邻里关系淡 baru. Dua tahap pertama Housing Construction"
漠,同样不适应高品质生 pembangunan komunitas telah has brought our
活向往的要求。 mengakibatkan akumulasi banyak country's community
komunitas lama di berbagai kota. construction into a new
Komunitas ini menempati area inti commercial era. The first
kota, karena penggunaan lahan yang two stages of
tidak efisien, kurangnya fasilitas community construction
pendukung, kinerja bangunan yang have resulted in the
menurun, dan rendah teknologi. Hal accumulation of a lot of
ini menjadikannya kekurangan yang old communities in
butuh direnovasi. Meskipun kualitas various cities. These
area komunitas hunian yang communities occupy the
dibangun pada tahap selanjutnya core areas of the city,
sudah lebih baik, namun tingkat but have become
okupansinya terus menurun, dan modernized due to
membuat interaksi sosial menjadi inefficient land use, lack
acuh tak acuh, yang juga tidak of supporting facilities,
memenuhi persyaratan kehidupan degraded building
berkualitas tinggi. performance, and low
intelligence. The city's
shortcomings are in
urgent need of
renovation. Although
the quality of the
residential areas
constructed in the later
stage has been greatly
improved, the
occupancy rate has
continued to decline,
and the neighborhood
relationship is
indifferent, which also
does not meet the
requirements of high-
quality life.

扎实推进“两个高水平”建 Mempromosikan secara kokoh Solidly promoting the

设成为当前浙江奋斗的主要 pembangunan "dua tingkat construction of "two high
目标。新时代下,面对新机 tinggi" telah menjadi tujuan levels" has become the
遇和新挑战,浙江省提出高 utama perjuangan Zhejiang saat main goal of Zhejiang's
水平全面建成小康社会和高 ini. Di era baru, menghadapi current struggle. In the
peluang baru dan tantangan new era, facing new
省出台了一系列重大方针政 baru, Provinsi Zhejiang telah opportunities and new
策,从“亩产论英雄”到 mengedepankan penyebaran challenges, Zhejiang
“亩均论英雄”,从获批首 strategis membangun Province has put forward
个“国家信息经济示范区” masyarakat yang cukup makmur the strategic deployment
到争创首个“国家数字经济 secara menyeluruh dan of building a moderately
示范区”。从“机器换人、 mempromosikan modernisasi prosperous society in an
电商换市、腾笼换鸟、空间 sosialis di tingkat tinggi. Untuk all-round way and
换地”到“互联网+、机器 tujuan ini, Provinsi Zhejiang telah promoting socialist
人+、标准化+”,一系列促 mengeluarkan serangkaian modernization at a high
进高质量发展的高招实招相 kebijakan dan kebijakan utama, level. To this end,
继推出。未来社区建设工作 mulai dari "Pahlawan per Hasil Zhejiang Province has
Mu" hingga "Pahlawan per Mu issued a series of major
“一招”。这一方面是由于 sama", dari persetujuan "Zona policies and policies,
新一轮科技革命与产业革命 Demonstrasi Ekonomi Informasi ranging from "Heroes per
正在到来,社会面临大变革 Nasional" pertama hingga Mu Yield" to "Heroes per
大调整,发达国家已率先提 pembentukan Kawasan "Zona Mu equals", from the
出建设智慧或未来社会, Peragaan Ekonomi Digital approval of the first
Nasional" pertama". Dari "mesin "National Information
日本的超智能 5.0 社会、新 untuk menggantikan manusia, e- Economy Demonstration
加坡的智慧国家战略为代 commerce untuk pasar, kandang Zone" to the creation of
表, 时代发展促使浙江需 burung, dan ruang untuk tanah" the first "National Digital
要紧紧抓住新机遇,积极利 hingga "Internet +, robot +, Economy Demonstration
用人工智能、云计算、物联 standardisasi +", serangkaian Zone" Area". From
网等先进技术赋能社区发 strategi praktis berkualitas tinggi "machines to replace
展,促进原有生活方式变 untuk mempromosikan people, e-commerce for
革;另一方面,2018 年浙 pembangunan berkualitas tinggi markets, cages for birds,
江省城镇化率已达到 telah dilakukan. diluncurkan satu and space for land" to
68.9%,省会城市杭州的城 demi satu. Pekerjaan "Internet +, robot +,
区面积不断拓展,从原来的 membangun komunitas di masa standardization +", a
5 个区增加到 10 个区,城 depan juga merupakan "satu series of high-quality
区面积已达 8 000 多平方公 gerakan" dalam rangkaian practical strategies to
里,城市发展已进入新阶 pukulan gabungan ini. Ini karena promote high-quality
babak baru revolusi ilmu development have been
新的动能。 pengetahuan dan teknologi dan launched one after
revolusi industri akan datang, another. The future
dan masyarakat menghadapi community building work
perubahan dan penyesuaian is also a "one move" in
besar.Negara-negara maju telah this series of combined
memimpin dalam mengusulkan punches. On the one
untuk membangun masyarakat hand, because a new
yang cerdas atau masa depan, round of scientific and
terutama strategi kota pintar technological revolution
Amerika Serikat. Serikat, strategi and industrial revolution
Inggris digital Inggris, dan is coming, and the society
strategi Jepang Diwakili oleh is facing great changes
masyarakat super-cerdas 5.0 dan and adjustments,
strategi negara pintar Singapura, developed countries have
perkembangan zaman taken the lead in
mendorong Zhejiang untuk proposing to build a
menangkap peluang baru, secara smart or future society,
aktif menggunakan teknologi especially the smart city
canggih seperti kecerdasan strategy of the United
buatan , komputasi awan, dan States, the digital UK
Internet of Things untuk strategy of the United
memberdayakan pengembangan Kingdom, and the
masyarakat dan strategy of Japan’s
mempromosikan transformasi Represented by the
gaya hidup asli; Di sisi lain, pada super-intelligent 5.0
tahun 2018, tingkat urbanisasi society and Singapore's
Provinsi Zhejiang telah mencapai smart country strategy,
68,9%. Wilayah perkotaan the development of the
ibukota provinsi Hangzhou telah times prompts Zhejiang
terus diperluas, dari 5 kabupaten to seize new
asli menjadi 10 kabupaten. opportunities, actively
Wilayah perkotaan telah use advanced
mencapai lebih dari 8.000 technologies such as
kilometer persegi. Memasuki artificial intelligence,
tahap baru, model cloud computing, and the
pengembangan ekstensif asli Internet of Things to
tidak berkelanjutan, dan empower community
konstruksi urbanisasi sangat development and
membutuhkan energi kinetik promote the
baru. transformation of original
lifestyles; On the other
hand, in 2018, the
urbanization rate of
Zhejiang Province has
reached 68.9%. The
urban area of the
provincial capital
Hangzhou has been
continuously expanded,
from the original 5
districts to 10 districts.
The urban area has
reached more than 8,000
square kilometers.
Entering a new stage, the
original extensive
development model is
unsustainable, and
urbanization construction
urgently needs new
kinetic energy.

社会治理和建设现代化生活 Tata kelola sosial dan Social governance and

平台成为促进浙江发展的重 membangun platform building a modern living
要途径。“枫桥经验”“三 kehidupan modern telah platform have become
治融合”等都是浙江在社会 menjadi cara penting untuk important ways to promote
治理中的生动实践。不过一 mempromosikan the development of Zhejiang.
些长期累积的社区治理顽疾 perkembangan Zhejiang. "Fengqiao Experience" and
仍然阻碍着浙江的现代化进 "Pengalaman Fengqiao" dan "Three Governance
程,亟待改革突破。这主要 "Tiga Integrasi Tata Kelola" Integration" are all vivid
体现在:一是物业、业委 adalah praktik nyata dalam practices in Zhejiang's social
会、居民之间存在多种矛 tata kelola sosial Zhejiang. governance. However, some
Namun, beberapa masalah chronic problems of
需要深化社区治理改革;二 kronis tata kelola masyarakat community governance that
是社区治理需要像绣花一样 yang telah terakumulasi have accumulated over a
精细,但目前社区服务精细 dalam jangka waktu yang long period of time still
化不足,主要原因是数字化 lama masih menghambat hinder the modernization
程度不高、智慧治理不足, proses modernisasi Zhejiang process of Zhejiang and
已成社区治理短板;三是社 dan sangat membutuhkan urgently need reform and
区之间人文关怀缺失,人文 reformasi dan terobosan. Hal breakthrough. This is mainly
氛围、传统文化等文化软实 ini terutama tercermin reflected in: firstly, there are
力较弱,需要重新重视“以 dalam: pertama, ada various contradictions among
berbagai kontradiksi antara the property management,
求、提升社会治理水平之 manajemen properti, komite property committees and
外,同时也是浙江为引进高 properti, dan residents. How to eliminate
端人才而创设一个现代化的 penduduk.Bagaimana the pain of tripartite
生活平台,该平台可提供更 menghilangkan rasa sakit governance and form a joint
好的生活和工作环境,从而 pemerintahan tripartit dan force of community
到达吸引更多人才落户的目 membentuk kekuatan governance requires
的。应当说,建设未来社区 bersama tata kelola deepening the reform of
不仅可以为浙江改善民生、 masyarakat membutuhkan community governance;
促进转型,也可为浙江带来 pendalaman reformasi tata secondly, community
kelola masyarakat; kedua, governance needs to be as
tata kelola masyarakat perlu delicate as embroidery.
sehalus sulam. Namun, However, the current lack of
kurangnya layanan refined community services is
masyarakat yang mainly due to the low level of
disempurnakan saat ini digitalization and lack of
terutama disebabkan oleh intelligent governance, which
rendahnya tingkat digitalisasi has become a shortcoming of
dan kurangnya tata kelola community governance;
yang cerdas, yang menjadi third, the lack of humanistic
kelemahan tata kelola care among communities,
masyarakat; ketiga, the weak cultural soft power
kurangnya kepedulian such as humanistic
humanistik di antara atmosphere and traditional
masyarakat , lemahnya soft culture, and the need to
power budaya seperti rebuild Pay attention to the
suasana humanistik dan concept of "people-
budaya tradisional, serta oriented". In addition to
kebutuhan untuk meeting the actual needs of
membangun kembali residents and improving the
Memperhatikan konsep level of social governance,
“people oriented”. Selain building a future community
memenuhi kebutuhan is also a modern living
penduduk yang sebenarnya platform created by Zhejiang
dan meningkatkan tata kelola for the introduction of high-
sosial, membangun end talents. This platform can
komunitas masa depan juga provide a better living and
merupakan platform working environment,
kehidupan modern yang thereby attracting more
dibuat oleh Zhejiang untuk talents. purpose of
memperkenalkan talenta settlement. It should be said
kelas atas. Platform ini dapat that building future
memberikan lingkungan communities can not only
hidup dan kerja yang lebih improve people's livelihood
baik, sehingga menarik lebih and promote transformation
banyak bakat.tujuan for Zhejiang, but also bring
penyelesaian. Harus talents, investment and
dikatakan bahwa industrial dividends to
membangun komunitas masa Zhejiang.
depan tidak hanya dapat
meningkatkan mata
pencaharian masyarakat dan
mendorong transformasi
untuk Zhejiang, tetapi juga
membawa bakat, investasi,
dan dividen industri ke


“十二五”以来,城市逐渐由大尺度规模扩张向小尺度空间调整转变 1, “十三五”提出
2016 年《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见(下称《意
见》)提出“窄马路、密路网”、提高路网密度、住区推广街区制等明确要求 2,还提出

2017 年党的十九大报告指出“我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需

2018 年,为满足人民对美好生活向往和坚持“以人民为中心”,浙江省首次提出未来社
区(Future Community)概念,在 2019 年于全国率先提出将建设未来社区,并将未来社
区写入《政府工作报告》,强调基于 5-10 分钟生活圈的生活需要进行试点创建,提出了
中心;“3” 是人本化、生态化、数字化 3 大价值坐标;“9”是指未来邻里、教育、健康、

Future community construction direction of Zhejiang Province
中共中央 国务院于 2021 年 12 月 21 日成文《关于支持浙江高质量发展建设共同富裕示
范区的意见》,充分关注发展不平衡不充分问题。2021 年 6 月,浙江省省委十四届九次
全体(扩大)会议作出了“全省域推进城镇未来社区建设”的决定。 2021 年“全省域推
2025 年)》(下称《方案》),《方案》提出将未来社区打造成共同富裕现代化基本单
就必须在建设过程中兼顾社区中不同阶层的利益。《方案》要求“到 2025 年共同富裕示
范区取得明显实质性进展,形成阶段性标志性成果”和“到 2035 年,浙江省高质量发展
2035 年的建设目标,如杭州到 2035 年底基本建成全域未来社区 3,温州市龙湾区计划到
2035 年底基本建成全域未来社区。2021 年 12 月,浙江省建设厅、浙江省自然资源厅、

Zhejiang province carries out future community construction

"Twelfth five-year" since the city was gradually changed from large-scale expansion to the small
scale space shift 1, "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" offered to people as the
core, "difference" livable appropriate industry put forward the perfect city function, improve
urban function optimization, such as target, the development of the city form gradually from
the incremental expansion to stock update. With the prominent contradiction between supply
and demand of public service and the change of urban development concept, the supporting
mode of urban community around material construction is gradually changing to people-
oriented supporting mode.

The Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Further Strengthening
urban Planning, Construction and Management in 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the
Opinions) put forward clear requirements of "narrow road and dense road network", improving
road network density and promoting the block system in residential areas 2, and also put
forward the concept and implementation vision of living circle. To promote the development of
open, convenient, appropriate scale, complete supporting facilities and harmonious
neighborhood living blocks, to solve the problem of transportation network layout and promote
the economical use of land guidance. So far, China has officially started the exploration of
"small blocks, dense road network" and community living circle planning mode from the
national level.
The report to the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017 pointed out that "the principal
contradiction in Chinese society has been transformed into a contradiction between
unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better
life", and placed great emphasis on all-round human development and all-round social
progress. In the new stage of development, the main contradiction of urban communities is
reflected in the imbalanced and inadequate service for community life, which is difficult to
satisfy people's yearning for a better life. Under the previous residential district planning mode,
the extension and extensive development make the quality of life, living environment, traffic
conditions and block vitality of urban communities face serious challenges, and people's pursuit
of high-quality life in urban communities is difficult to be realized.

In 2018, in order to meet people's yearning for a better life and adhere to "people-centered",
Zhejiang province put forward the concept of Future Community for the first time. In 2019,
Zhejiang province took the lead in proposing the construction of Future Community in China,
and wrote Future Community into the Government Work Report. It emphasizes the pilot
creation of life needs based on 5-10 minute life circle, puts forward the "139" top-level design
framework and carries out the future community series construction. The "1" in "139" is
centered on people's aspiration for a better life. "3" is humanization, ecologicalization and
digitization. "9" refers to the future neighborhood, education, health, entrepreneurship,
construction, services, low-carbon, transportation and governance of nine scenarios.

On December 21, 2021, the CPC Central Committee and The State Council wrote "Opinions on
Supporting The Construction of Zhejiang High-quality Development and Common Prosperity
Demonstration Zone", fully paying attention to the unbalanced and inadequate development.
In June 2021, the ninth plenary (expanded) meeting of the 14th Session of zhejiang Provincial
Party Committee made the decision of "promoting the construction of future urban
communities in the whole province". In 2021, "The whole province promotes the construction
of future urban communities" was written into the Implementation Plan of Zhejiang High-
quality Development and Construction of Common Prosperity Demonstration Area (2021-2025)
(hereinafter referred to as the Plan). The Plan proposes to build future communities into
modern basic units of common prosperity and provide high-quality public services for the
whole life cycle of people. In the future, the community will take the common prosperity
modernization unit as the construction goal, so the interests of different strata in the
community must be taken into account in the construction process. The plan calls for "obvious
and substantial progress in common prosperity demonstration zones by 2025, which will form
landmark achievements in the stage" and "greater achievements in high-quality development in
Zhejiang province by 2035, which will basically achieve common prosperity". It means that the
construction of future communities has become an important way to promote the construction
of common prosperity in Zhejiang Province and the main direction of urban modernization in
Zhejiang Province. Among them, some areas in Zhejiang province have made clear the
construction target of the future community by 2035. For example, Hangzhou plans to basically
complete the construction of the all-regional future community by the end of 2035, and
Wenzhou Longwan District plans to basically complete the construction of the all-regional
future community by the end of 2035. In December 2021, in zhejiang province, zhejiang
province, zhejiang provincial department of natural resources, style office issued "about to
speed up the special planning of urban community construction work of the notice,
comprehensively promote the future community construction means that the community will
largely affect the city of the future pattern of zhejiang province, zhejiang province community
construction mode to study in the future.



In the late 20th century, the construction of low-carbon society and "smart community" as the
starting point of the construction of the future community is characterized by relying on some
advanced technology to carry out the most representative model mainly includes "low-carbon
community" and "smart community" practical exploration
Low-carbon community: facing the ecological energy crisis faced by urban and rural society, all
walks of life around the "low-carbon community" to try to overcome the ecological energy
dilemma faced by human beings through the innovative application of ecological energy
technology. The so-called low carbon community in the academic world is "based on the
proposal of low carbon cities and the development of zero carbon community in Beddington,
UK, for example.

Smart community: In 1996, San Diego State University and the California government jointly
launched the first smart community project in the world, which emphasized the highly
integrated characteristics of smart community with technology and society, and defined it as
"within a region with a size ranging from neighborhood to multiple counties, Citizens, groups,
and municipal authorities are using information technology to dramatically, and even radically,
transform the areas in which they live. Instead of acting in isolation, partnerships between
government, industry, for example, in Dubuque, EDUCATORS, and citizens will work together

With the development of urbanization, historic achievements have been made in community
construction. However, in contrast to the people's demand for a high-quality life, most
communities in China still face outstanding problems such as inadequate governance, poor
intensive utilization of air resources and low efficiency of life services

70-80 - s of the 20th century, and even the city during the 90 s and extensive development
phase of the construction of the old village occupied city core area, but the level of quality and
service support serious don't adapt to the new times urban civilization development request,
2000 years after the start of the new community, affected by the real estate model commercial
overweight "invisible man", also do not meet the requirements for high quality life yearning,

In 2018, the urbanization rate of the province has reached 68%, with 56.57 million permanent
residents. The urbanization process has entered a new stage, and the extensive "spread out"
urban space resource utilization mode is no longer sustainable. It has become a top priority to
find a breakthrough for the transformation of high-quality urban development.

The questionnaire survey of the whole province reflected the four public demands of the
renovation of old residential areas, transportation improvement, intelligent life and cultural
endowment facilities, which clearly showed that the current situation of the community is far
from the people's yearning for a better life

Indikator evaluasi
 Lingkungan Hunian
 Pemerintahan
 Layanan Masyarakat
 Arsitektur dan Bangunan
 Rendah Karbon
 Lalu lintas
 Kewirausahaan
 Kesehatan Umum
 Pendidikan

改造更新社区历史传承 •


3 岁以下托育全獨盖
15 分钟社区学习圈

CIM 数字化建设平台应用




Future neighborhood indicators

Shared Neighborhood Space
Open community
Residents comprehensive points exchange mechanism
Transform and update the historical heritage of the
Community characteristic culture theme
Neighborhood community organization
Residents participate in neighborhood activities
Residents help each other and share resources

Business indicators
Shared space for innovation and entrepreneurship
Shared service digital platform
Hukou system for Talents
Entrepreneurship lianhua warm heart service
Characteristic talent introduction is opposite when real estate
Industry development support degree
Community crowdfunding platform activity

Low carbon index

Central heating and cooling
Fang there classification
Hooli mansion energy supply model
The reform of type
Unconventional water utilization
Near zero carbon emissions
The improvement rate of comprehensive energy conservation
in communities
Garbage resource utilization rate

Education indicators
All children under 3 years old are covered alone
Whole age learning mechanism
"Knowledge at your side" numbers
Learning platform
15 minute community learning circles
Community school activity
Cross-age interactive learning mechanism

Building indicators
Community Landmark
Community public space and architectural innovation
Full coverage of three-dimensional greening
Improvement rate of building green energy conservation
Prefabricated building and decoration integration
Application of CIM digital construction platform
Development intensity support capital flat street

Service indicators
Property kete line operation system
Community emergency response system
No blind zone safety protection
High word of mouth business service supply rate
Intelligent property service platform

Traffic metrics
External public transport street
Intelligent shared parking service
The supply of new energy vehicles is guaranteed
Fast response of logistics delivery service
People and cars diverted from the community
Community slow traffic network density
Community branch road traffic connectivity
Community Zeng Hui traffic technology penetration rate
Intelligent logistics distribution equipment coverage rate

Future governance Indicators

Governance organizations guided by Party building
Du autonomous carrier
Lean digital management platform
The level of influence of resident staff members
Cultivation of social organization
Community participation coverage rate
Joint mediation success rate

Residents' electronic health records (including physical health
Home care model has been implemented
Du District Hospital is connected with famous doctors and
Sports and fitness places
Du District Health Service
Health smart terminal coverage
First diagnosis rate in Du District
Suitable for aging residential ratio
Benefit degree of characteristic health care service
Population health index

Zhejiang Future Community

Zhejiang Future Community

The future community is another policy innovation and institutional innovation in Zhejiang
Province following the launch of the characteristic town concept in 2015. The policy is rooted in
the local spirit of Zhejiang and the foundation of the private economy. The macro background is
the country's housing system reform since the reform and opening up, especially since the late
1990s, and embedded in Zhejiang's local strategy in recent years. In the more than 3 years since
the future community first appeared in government documents in May 2018, the future
community practice has been rapidly advanced through three interrelated and mutually
reinforcing paths of policy, industry and research, and has passed the case pilot period and
entered the market. on the promotion stage. Like characteristic towns and other local
innovations in Zhejiang, future community policy innovations reflect institutional innovations
with Zhejiang characteristics emerging from the interaction between local governments and
private economic development [1], and these innovations are worthy of in-depth study. This
paper starts with the exploration of the macro housing system and the local innovation spirit of
Zhejiang, and analyzes the background of the future community in Zhejiang. Then, by sorting
out the three paths of policy, industry and research and their interweaving situation, the
characteristics and promotion process of future community practice are studied.

generate context
The emergence of future community as an urban residential area practice and policy innovation
in Zhejiang is rooted in the decades of housing system exploration since the reform and
opening up, as well as the local innovation spirit and private economic foundation of Zhejiang.

1.1 Exploration of Housing System

China's housing system reform, in step with the reform and opening up, began in the 1980s, but
breakthrough changes occurred in the late 1990s. In 1998, the State Council issued the "Notice
on Further Deepening the Reform of Urban Housing System and Accelerating Housing
Construction" (Guo Fa [1998] No. 23), and in 2003 issued the "Notice on Promoting the
Sustainable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market" (Guo Fa [2003] No. 18) ), real
estate was established as a pillar industry of the national economy, and Chinese housing began
to be industrialized, commercialized, and monetized [1]. In the initial stage of China's real
estate industry, Shenzhen and the coastal areas took the lead in introducing the Hong Kong
model of real estate development - the entire development process was completed by one
developer independently, and then extended to the whole country [2]. However, the Hong
Kong model was formed in the context of Hong Kong's own development, which is very
different from the macro environment of the mainland. After the introduction of the Hong Kong
model to the mainland, on the one hand, it promoted the reform of the housing system and the
prosperity of the housing market, but on the other hand, it also caused some problems. At the
same time, the mainland has fluctuated in housing policy regulation, leading to fluctuations in
housing development. The main problems caused by the combination of the two are:
①Learning from Hong Kong's real estate industry as a pillar industry[3], but excessive
marketization has led to serious imbalances in the housing market and skyrocketing housing
prices[1]; ②Hong Kong operates the whole process of real estate development with a single
developer[3] 2], and the real estate developer’s purpose is to make profits by buying land and
building houses, and it is difficult to achieve more public welfare purposes such as providing
residential services and creating an environment; 3. Operating the entire process as a single
developer will also lead to development Businesses undertake functions that are not their own
professional fields, and cannot form the division of labor, specialization, and industrial chaining
of the entire real estate development and operation process, making the mainland real estate
industry a long-term and extensive operation.
The city began to explore new directions and new paths for the development of urban
settlements. For example, based on its own urban volume of tens of millions of people, urban
development level higher than the national average, aging problems, and a more modern
lifestyle, Shanghai announced the "Shanghai Urban Master Plan (2016-2040) in August 2016. )"
proposed to create a 15-minute community life circle that is suitable for living, working,
traveling and learning - the basic unit of the city. The core of this vision is people of all ages,
community environment, housing supply and job-housing balance, and the policy design is
based on the characteristics of Shanghai. Chengdu, based on its characteristics as a land of
abundance and leisure capital, as well as the needs of industrial transformation and urban
governance, released the "Chengdu Urban and Rural Community Development and Governance
Master Plan (2018-2035)" in October 2019, and "Chengdu City" in October 2020. Urban Park
Community Planning Guidelines, defines park community as the basic unit of Chengdu, a park
city demonstration area, and divides park community into three categories: urban community,
industrial community and rural community. Zhejiang Province has also proposed future
community policies based on its own development foundation, advantages and current

1.2 Local innovation spirit in Zhejiang

The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council
on Supporting Zhejiang's High-quality Development and Construction of Demonstration Zones
for Common Prosperity" was released on June 10, 2021. The establishment of Zhejiang as a
pilot project for common prosperity is related to the fact that Zhejiang is a part of the region
that has become rich first since the reform and opening up. The reason why Zhejiang can get
rich first is closely related to its bottom-up innovation tradition in the fields of industry and
governance since the reform and opening up. In terms of industrial development, from the
agglomeration of similar product manufacturers, the Wenzhou model, to the characteristic
towns (small and medium-sized enterprises, liberating productive forces), they are all
outstanding achievements in the industrial field under local innovation. These continuous
innovations benefit from the liberation and stimulation of productive forces by reform and
opening up. It also liberates the model of government governance, such as the "four lists and
one network" created by Zhejiang, "run at most once", digital government ("city brain") and so
on. These traditions, as a preliminary exploration, are the embodiment of the local innovation
spirit in Zhejiang, and become a hotbed of innovation for the future community. Like the
Wenzhou model and characteristic towns, the future community is also a bottom-up civil
innovation through government. An urban policy innovation formed after policy design. The
difference is that the characteristic town is Zhejiang's exploration of industrial development and
industrial policy, while the future community is aimed at housing issues and housing policies.

2 Policy Paths
2.1 Policy Embedding
As a basic housing policy for all people, the future community is embedded in the provincial
strategies and basic policies issued by Zhejiang Province in recent years, and it is a micro-
reflection of a number of macro policies in Zhejiang Province in recent years. On March 25,
2021, the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial
Construction Department jointly issued the "Notice on Launching the Future Community
Creation in 2021" (Zhefa Gai Ji Comprehensive Letter [2021] No. 228, referred to as the
"Creation Notice") as the boundary, in Before this, the main lead unit of the policy was the
Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission. After that, as the future community
entered the general promotion stage, the lead unit gradually transitioned to the Zhejiang
Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development. Other provincial-level
relevant administrative departments in Zhejiang Province have also issued corresponding
policies. In 2003, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee,
proposed the "Eight-Eight Strategy". This strategy is not only a summary of the local
characteristics, advantages and existing achievements of Zhejiang Province, but also affirms
that reform and innovation are the reasons for Zhejiang Province to achieve the "three historic
changes"①, and it is also the general program guiding the future development of Zhejiang
Province. Innovation is an inevitable path for Zhejiang's future development. The first article of
the "Eight-Eight Strategy" affirms the advantages of Zhejiang Province's system and mechanism
- a multi-ownership economy with public ownership as the main body. It is a bottom-up
innovation characteristic of Zhejiang and a top-down policy-based institutional consolidation of
innovation. The precise summary of optimization and optimization, characteristic towns and
future communities are typical examples. Since 2018, Zhejiang Province has promulgated
several policies to pave the way for the launch of future communities. On March 18, 2019, the
Zhejiang Provincial Government issued the "Zhejiang Province Future Community Construction
Pilot Work Plan" (Zhezheng Fa [2019] No. 8, referred to as the "Plan"), and launched the "139"
top-level design of the future community and its "three modernizations". Nine Scenarios” (see
Section 2.2 for details), marking the full start of future community construction in Zhejiang
Province. In addition to the core policies promulgated by the provincial government and the
Provincial Development and Reform Commission, other administrative departments in Zhejiang
Province either jointly with the National Development and Reform Commission or
independently issued relevant policies to support future community practice (Table 1). In line
with the "139" top-level design, the "14th Five-Year" special plan formulated by various
departments and bureaus in Zhejiang Province in 2021 also conforms to the "three
modernizations and nine scenarios" requirements designed in the "Plan", and embeds the
relevant content of the future community ②.

2.2 Policy Design

The "Plan" positions the future community as a new urban functional unit, and establishes the
"139" top-level design of the future community policy - "1" is centered on the people's yearning
for a better life; "3" is people-oriented, ecological, and digital This three-dimensional value
coordinate; "9" refers to the nine future scenarios of neighborhood, education, health,
entrepreneurship, construction, transportation, low carbon, service, and governance; Focusing
on the top-level design, the "Plan" clarifies the direction of de-realization of future
communities, and sets up the "Zhejiang" which includes comprehensive indicators and sub-
indicators (9 first-level indicators and 33 second-level indicators corresponding to 9 major
scenarios). Provincial Future Community Pilot Creation Evaluation Index System (Trial)"
(referred to as "Pilot Index System"); established a decision-making, construction and operation
mechanism for the whole process, whole cycle and whole life chain; and clarified the 3-stage
promotion time of the future community Table, that is, to the end of 2019 is the stage of
accelerating the start-up, 2020 to the end of 2021 is the stage of adding points and expanding
the surface, and starting from 2022 is the stage of general promotion. However, in the actual
implementation, it entered the general promotion stage more than half a year earlier than the
original plan.

2.2.1 De-realization
One of the innovations of future community policy is de-realization, which is the local practice
of the country's housing policy. In 2016, the Central Economic Work Conference put forward for
the first time that "houses are for living in, not for speculation"; the report of the 19th National
Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017 further clarified the above-mentioned
principle of "housing and not speculation", and proposed "let all people live there". Under such
a positioning, urban housing construction has changed from building houses to building
communities, the investment and property attributes of housing have gradually weakened, and
the living attributes have been strengthened. The core of the policy of de-realization in the
future community is implemented through the following points:
(1) The capital balance of the whole cycle of the community, that is, the capital balance is
achieved in both the construction period and the operation period. The root of
community real estate is that the purpose of building and purchasing houses is not to
live but to make profits, and capital balance is a means to effectively eliminate the
strange phenomenon of real estate speculation and coordinate the interests of multiple
parties. According to the "Plan", for renovated communities, the main methods are to
reasonably measure the floor area ratio, moderately increase the intensity of mixed
development, and reasonably limit the sale and rent of the incremental area above and
below the ground. For newly built communities, refer to the “standard land” ③
practice, and implement the land transfer model with a plan to moderately reduce the
cost of land use and improve the comprehensive supporting level. In this way, the land
utilization rate can be improved by increasing the utilization rate of the stock land or
comprehensive development without adding new land supply. In addition, when the
implementation plan is prepared, a fund balance plan for the operation period should
be prepared at the same time to ensure that the community can achieve fund balance
after entering the operation period. (2) Restricted to the target purchase area. There is a
big difference from the traditional commercial housing that does not limit the identity of
the buyer. The human-oriented value dimension of the future community will make it a
priority to consider returning residents and introducing talents. The specific method is
to set a comprehensive indicator in the "Pilot Indicator System" - the number of directly
benefited residents (mainly refers to the number of resettled residents) + the number of
talents introduced, so as to measure the degree of humanism of the community, that is,
the degree of de-realization .
2.2.2 Full life cycle
In the future, the industrial practice of the community will form a stage model of "buying land -
building - selling", which is different from the previous commercial real estate, but advocates
the formation of "consultation - planning - design - construction - operation" for the whole life
of community building. A cycle model to achieve community sustainability, another innovation
in future community policy. The most important of these is the introduction and enhancement
of the weight of consulting and operations in the life cycle of the community. To this end, in the
policy design, various capitals are encouraged to participate in the whole life cycle of
construction, operation and management of future communities through "consulting
throughout the project process + general project contracting". Whole-process consulting refers
to the provision of partial or overall consulting and project management services during the
entire life cycle from project decision-making, design, construction to operation. This requires
changing the traditional single-developer-led model and development-sale-led model of real
estate, replacing it with an operation-led model, as well as a model of multiple service providers
such as real estate developers, digital developers, and life developers. The full life cycle of the
future community is also reflected in the community's full life chain, full function chain and its
seamless connection with the entire industry chain. The whole life chain refers to the full
coverage of service needs, full coverage of service population, and zero delay in service
response. The full-function chain refers to future community functions such as education,
medical care, elderly care, transportation, energy, logistics, commerce, social networking,
security, and fire protection. The whole industry chain refers to the industries that can support
the future community, such as science and technology, cultural and creative, construction,
equipment and service industries [5].

2.3 Policy Implementation

From March 2019, the pilot application was launched to
Today, the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission has issued 3 batches of
future community pilot applications and 1 batch of creation notification notices, and
announced the list of 2 batches of pilots and 1 batch of creation ④ (Table 2, Figure 1). The
following changes can be seen from the previous application notices: ① From the pilot
application to the creation of the application, it shows that the future community has
developed from the individual pilot period to the comprehensive promotion period. ②The
connotation of the future community will be richer. The attributes of its urban functional units
have not changed, but three connotations have been added: a green, low-carbon and
intelligent organic life, a living community that is livable, business and travel friendly, and a
society with efficient resource allocation Complex. ③ The types of community construction are
gradually refined, from 2 categories in the pilot application period to 5 categories in the
creation declaration period (full promotion period). The specific performance is that the new
category of the global category was added in the second batch of pilots, and the third batch and
the first batch of creation split the renovation and update category into 3 new community
reconstruction categories. ④ The 9 scenarios are divided into 6 types of soft scenarios and 3
types of hard scenarios in the creation declaration. ⑤ The scoping of the community has
added a relative standard, that is, a 5-10-15 minute life circle. These changes reflect the
pragmatic spirit of Zhejiang, which is to constantly adjust and refine policies flexibly in practice.
In addition, the release of the "Creation Notice" reflects three trends: ① The general
promotion phase is about half a year earlier than the original plan in 2022; ② the leading
department has changed from the Provincial Development and Reform Commission to the
Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development; ③ the original "Pilot
Indicator System" Changed to "Evaluation Indicator System for Future Community Creation in
Zhejiang Province (Trial)", that is, the word "pilot" was deleted, the five principles to be
followed when implementing the sub-indicators were clarified, and the creation of a "9+X"
scenario was encouraged. The above is the greatest flexibility to encourage future community

3 Industrial Paths
The industrial path of the future community follows that of Zhejiang
The consistent innovation path of local innovation is institutionalized. On the one hand, the
practice innovation of private enterprises affects the formation of policies; on the other hand,
under the guidance of policies, enterprises form new innovations in the practice of community
3.1 Local innovation of enterprises
The origin of the future community has elements of local practice and innovation in Zhejiang
Province. As one of the models of the future community "trying first", Qicai Community in Guali
Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City was launched in early 2016 as a project under the
framework of the Singapore-Zhejiang Economic and Trade Council. There are three sources of
innovation in the colorful community [6]. One is the Singapore Airport New Town, which is
connected to Changi Airport - Tampines New Town. , commercial centers, clean industries and
other facilities; ②Serving millions of people in a TOD mode; ③Comprehensive support for
community life, such as super-neighborhood centers, sports centers, hospitals, schools, parks,
etc. The three characteristics were all absorbed by the Qicai community and carried out fruitful
localized exploration. The second is Junyuanmei Village in Changsha City, which is an
exploration in the direction of building a colorful set of colorful communities in Hangzhou in the
direction of a town-level living supporting system. The third is the Liuyang River Wedding
Cultural Park in Changsha City, which is an exploration of the transformation from a real estate
developer to a development and operation service provider. As the Qicai community has
become one of the practical sources of policy innovation in Zhejiang's future community, the
exploration of 3 sources and 5 directions has influenced the formation of the "three
modernizations and nine scenarios" of the future community.

3.2 Industry Alliance

As private enterprises in Zhejiang have great potential for local innovation, Zhejiang Province
has also innovatively adopted the method of concluding industrial alliances to promote the
implementation of future community practices. The purpose of the establishment of the
industry alliance is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of future community market entities and
investment entities according to the principle of "government guidance and market operation"
established in the "Plan", and to mobilize the power of enterprises to better serve the future
community, especially the "three modernizations". "Nine Scenes". Among them, two types of
enterprises are very critical, one is the driving force of leading enterprises, and the other is the
tackling ability of technology and innovative enterprises. These enterprises either participate in
the whole life cycle of the future community, or provide precise services for one or several
scenarios, forming the synergy and alliance of the future community building industry, which is
another major innovation of the future community. In August 2019, the special event of
"Famous Central Enterprises Entering the "Big Four" Construction and Jointly Building Future
Communities" was held, and the Future Community Industry Alliance and the Future
Community Development Research Center were awarded and established in the event. In the
same month of the same year, the "Future Community Industry Alliance Enterprise Selection
Mechanism" was released, and the first batch of 112 units was selected into the industry
alliance. Among them, the chairman unit of the alliance is Alibaba Group, there are 16 vice
chairman units and 95 member units. In September 2020, another 214 units were selected into
the second batch of lists.

Academic Analysis
It has been more than three years since the introduction of the future community policy in
Zhejiang Province. As an academic concept, the time is still short, and the academic circles are
still in the aspects of interpretation of the concept connotation, challenges in construction and
corresponding countermeasures.
(1) Understanding of the specific connotation of the concept.
First, think that the core content of future community construction is to deal with the
relationship between people and space, taking into account humanistic care; think that digital
technology, Internet support, etc. are multi-technological means to provide residents with
intelligent systems [7-8].
Second, it is believed that the future community is the governance of smart cities at the
grassroots level, or that the future community governance is to solve the problems faced by
urban and rural communities in advance by introducing variables such as technology, ecology,
society, and life [9]. The values of "co-construction, co-governance and sharing" are helpful to
improve the cohesion of the social governance community [10].
Third, it is believed that the basic elements of future communities are environmental
friendliness and beauty and livability. By advocating green construction methods and green
buildings, the community can become a place to perceive nature and society [11].
(2) Challenges to construction and corresponding countermeasures
policy analysis. Scholars believe that the challenges will mainly exist in the potential
contradiction between neighborhood relations and digital construction, the lag of related
institutional design, and the balance between the future and tradition.
First, since the digitization and intelligence of neighborhood space are based on the transfer of
residents' information rights, the paradox between personal privacy and convenient sharing has
become a challenge for digital construction [12]. And because the communication in front of
the screen replaces the face-to-face communication, the neighbor relationship will be alienated
[11], and the speed of social network construction in the community will also be slowed down.
Therefore, scholars propose to build a new social model based on the application of new
technologies to bring the relationship between neighbors closer.
Second, the current system design is seriously lagging behind the construction and
development of future communities. For example, the future community, as a new community
form under artificial intelligence, has not yet introduced rules such as new technology access
system, security system and sharing system. There are also gaps in informal institutions such as
future community conventions, human-computer interaction guidelines, and AI ethics [12]. In
view of this, scholars propose to formulate policies and systems for information management
Third, it is not clear how to inherit traditions in future community building. As a social
grassroots organization, the community is the direct carrier of various cultural heritages, and
the continuity, continuity and accumulation of social development can be reflected through the
demonstration of community traditions [9]. The future community as a new urban functional
unit should especially shoulder the responsibility of inheriting intangible cultural assets, but
how to inherit intangible culture in a tangible community environment is difficult. Scholars
believe that the geocultural characteristics and natural conditions should be fully exploited,
combined with various elements such as community functions and morphological
characteristics, and the composition and needs of residents, so as to inherit cultural
characteristics and integrate into the innovation of the times [10].

1.1 Background Study 刘晶晶施楚凡(未来社区在浙江的实践与启示)

In 2018, China's urbanization level reached 59.58%, and its per capita GDP was close to us
$9,800. The rapid development of cities and the rapid improvement of residents' income
prompted residents to pursue higher and higher quality of life. However, the construction level
of new and old residential areas in China is uneven, the quality of community and supporting
services are far from the needs of residents, coupled with the outbreak of environmental
pollution, traffic congestion, housing shortage and other urban diseases, community
construction and the new era of urban civilization development requirements are not suitable.
To build future communities is to find a new path that not only meets the needs of residents,
but also contributes to the high-quality development of cities. After the characteristic town,
zhejiang province has put forward the construction of "future community", becoming the first
province in China to put forward this concept.

The contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-
growing needs for a better life has become the principal contradiction facing Chinese society. As
the main place for residents to live, the quality of community construction determines the
quality of life of residents. The community construction in China can be divided into three
stages: the first stage is before 1988, during which most of the communities built were low
brick and concrete structures; In 1988, the Notice on Implementing The Reform of Housing
System in Cities and Towns by Stages and in Batches made the construction of residential areas
in China enter a new stage, and multi-storey walk-up houses began to appear in newly-built
residential areas. The "Decision on Deepening the Reform of Urban Housing System" and
"Notice on Further Deepening the Reform of Urban Housing System and Accelerating Housing
Construction" issued in 1994 and 1998 brought the construction of residential areas into a new
commercial era. In the first two stages of community construction, many old communities have
accumulated in each city, which occupy the core area of the city. However, inefficient land use,
lack of supporting facilities, degradation of building performance and low intelligence have
become the shortcomings of modern cities and are in urgent need of renovation. Although the
quality of the community built in the latter stage is greatly improved, the occupancy rate is
constantly declining, and the neighborhood relationship is indifferent, which also does not meet
the requirements of high quality life.

2. We have made solid progress in developing the "Two high-level industries"

The main goal of Zhejiang's struggle. In the new era, facing new opportunities and challenges,
Zhejiang province has put forward the strategic deployment of building a moderately
prosperous society in a high level and promoting socialist modernization construction in a high
level. To this end, Zhejiang province issued a series of major policies, from the "per mu yield
hero" to "per mu average hero", from the approval of the first "National information economy
demonstration zone" to strive for the first "national digital economy demonstration zone".
From "machines for people, e-commerce for market, cage for birds, space for land" to "Internet
plus, robot plus, standardization plus", a series of practical measures to promote high-quality
development have been launched. Community construction in the future is also a "move" in
this series of combination. This was partly due to a new round of technological revolution and
industrial revolution is coming, the society faces big change a big adjustment, the developed
countries has already put forward the construction of wisdom or the future society, especially
the wisdom of the city in the United States strategy, Britain's digital strategy, Japan's super
smart 5.0 represented society, and the wisdom of the Singapore national strategy, The
development of The Times urges Zhejiang to seize new opportunities, actively use artificial
intelligence, cloud computing, Internet of things and other advanced technologies to empower
community development, promote the original way of life change; On the other hand, the
urbanization rate of Zhejiang province has reached 68.9% in 2018. The urban area of hangzhou,
the provincial capital city, has expanded from 5 districts to 10 districts, and the urban area has
reached more than 8,000 square kilometers. The urban development has entered a new stage,
and the original extensive development model cannot be sustained, and the urbanization
construction is in urgent need of new drivers.

3. Social governance and the construction of a modern living platform have become important
ways to promote the development of Zhejiang. The "Fengqiao Experience" and "Integration of
governance, Governance, and Governance" are all vivid practices in social governance in
Zhejiang. However, some long-term accumulation of community governance problems still
hinder the modernization process of Zhejiang, urgent reform breakthrough. This is mainly
reflected in the following aspects: first, there are various contradictions among property
management, industry authority and residents. It is necessary to deepen the reform of
community governance to overcome the pain of tripartite governance and form a joint force of
community governance; Second, community governance needs to be as delicate as embroidery,
but at present, community services are not refined enough, mainly due to the low degree of
digitalization and lack of intelligent governance, which has become a weak board of community
governance. Third, the lack of humanistic care between communities, cultural soft power such
as humanistic atmosphere and traditional culture is weak, and the "people-oriented" concept
needs to be re-emphasized. In addition to meeting the actual needs of residents and improving
the level of social governance, the construction of future community is also to create a modern
living platform for introducing high-end talents in Zhejiang. The platform can provide a better
living and working environment, so as to attract more talents to settle down. It should be said
that the construction of future communities can not only improve people's livelihood and
promote the transformation of Zhejiang, but also bring talents, investment and industrial
dividends to Zhejiang.

The definition of the future community

"Future community" belongs to new things, there has no unified, authoritative definition,
similar to the concept of a "smart communities" "Shared community" and so on, at the same
time with the current our country key features of the town and beautiful rural construction
phase difference, the former pay more attention to the cultivation and development of
characteristic industry, the latter paid more attention to the rural modernization, In the future,
the community pays more attention to the improvement of the quality of community life. At
present, the description of future community can be mainly carried out from the aspect of
"future life scenes". Although everyone's imagination of future life is different, from the trend
of social development, there are at least five different life scenes between future community
and current community, as shown in Table 1. Although the future community is not mature in
theory, from the perspective of practice, there are many precedents for the construction of
future communities both at home and abroad. Internationally: The European Block model, in
the form of square and street collocation layout to build cities; Singapore Complex mode, which
aims at "home ownership"; In the Japanese model of shared housing, residents trust each other
and take care of each other. Domestic perspective, guali town, xiaoshan by TOD mode will open
bus station rebuilds the transit center, treat life, wisdom management center, public service
center, business center, cultural center and social entertainment center, fitness center as one
of the multi-functional space, meet the needs of many local residents; In Liangzhu Cultural
Village of Yuhang, villagers are allowed to participate in community construction and
governance through the Villagers' Convention; Jiaxing Shihe Ideal Land integrates ecology into
architecture, using a large number of environmentally friendly building materials and green
technology elements, reflecting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. These practical
cases of the future community fully show the characteristics of the future community.

The future community construction in zhejiang province pilot work plan for the future of the
construction of the community in zhejiang made a clear definition, which centered on people's
happy life yearning, to focus on the humanistic value, ecology, digital three-dimensional
coordinates, with harmonious work, green intensive, intelligence sharing for connotation
characteristics, highlight the main shaft, high quality life To build an integrated system focusing
on the future neighborhood, education, health, entrepreneurship, architecture, transportation,
low-carbon, service and governance, to create a new type of urban functional unit with a sense
of belonging, comfort and future, and promote all-round human development and social
progress. From the concept definition, we can see that the future community construction in
Zhejiang Province is not simply building houses, but building communities, focusing on
providing intensive and cost-effective living facilities.


The "future community" mentioned in Zhejiang is based on a 10-15 minute community life
circle, constructed in accordance with the "139" construction concept, based on the pursuit of a
better life, with beautiful and livable, intelligent interconnection, green and low carbon,
innovation and entrepreneurship, harmony and common. It is a new type of urban functional
unit with a sense of belonging, comfort and future, characterized by governance, a new
platform for urban modernization, high-quality development and high-quality life with people
as the core, and a "beautiful home" that "makes people happy".

The future community has six main connotations, which are as follows: First, the pursuit of a
better life is the goal. Pay more attention to people's needs for a better life, and use the multi-
functional neighborhood center, nearby convenient living stations, and shared living rooms in
building units as carriers to organically superimpose high-quality public services such as
education, health, commerce, culture, sports, etc., to build a 24-hour The whole life chain
service system provides a friendly living environment for residents of all ages. The second is to
take beauty and livability as the background color of the environment. Pay more attention to
the creation of a beautiful environment in the community, rationally plan the layout of the
community space, make full use of new materials and technologies, advocate green
construction methods and green buildings, and create a diversified and personalized three-
dimensional green room system, so that residents can look at the stars, see greenery, and smell
to floral.

The third is the basic feature of intelligent interconnection. Pay more attention to the
application of digital technology in community construction and operation, use advanced
technologies such as the Internet, Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, artificial
intelligence to empower the community, and use the community digital CIM platform and
smart service platform as the center to achieve community precision. Services and refined
management form a digital "twin" community that coexists with reality. Fourth, the core
concept is green and low-carbon. Pay more attention to the promotion of low-carbon lifestyles
and production methods; implement public transportation-oriented development and advocate
low-carbon travel; apply the power supply system of "PV + energy storage" and the central
cooling (heating) system of "heat pump + cold storage and heat storage". ) system to reduce
the energy consumption level of the community; strictly implement waste classification,
promote the reduction of domestic waste at the source, and create a waste-free community.

Fifth, innovation and entrepreneurship are the fashion of the times. Pay more attention to mass
entrepreneurship and innovation, and establish a group of low-cost, ubiquitous, and open
community-based maker spaces to provide high-quality and cost-effective innovation and
entrepreneurship environments for start-ups. Relying on the community intelligence platform,
stimulate the potential of sharing economy, promote the comprehensive sharing of community
resources, skills and knowledge, and connect supply and demand with zero distance. The sixth
is to take harmony and co-governance as the governance method. Pay more attention to the
joint participation of multiple subjects, build a scientific, efficient, intelligent and convenient
community governance structure, make full use of public participation vehicles such as
community councils and people's livelihood talks, increase the participation of residents in
community affairs, and create a "co-construction, co-governance and sharing, A good
atmosphere for mingling and mingling”.

Construction concept - "139" overall structure

The overall framework of Zhejiang's future community construction concept can be
summarized as "139", of which: "1" refers to "centered on the people's yearning for a better
life", which is the fundamental goal orientation; "3" refers to people-oriented and ecological ,
The digital three-dimensional value coordinate is the basic action guide. "9" refers to nine
scenarios of future neighborhood, education, health, entrepreneurship, construction,
transportation, low carbon, service and governance, which are specific implementation carriers
(see Figure 1). The core of the "139" construction concept is "people-oriented", and the system
construction is realized by following the closed-loop logic of "people's needs-people's
experience-people's feelings". The first is to set up nine scene systems based on "people's
needs". From the three dimensions of lifestyle, social relations, and living environment, it can
be expanded into three types: people's living needs, people's social needs, and people's living
needs. Among them: (1) People's living needs, starting from the current focus on the education
of infants and young children, the well-being of the elderly, the entrepreneurship of young
people, and the life services of families, etc., to extend the formation of a group suitable for
people of all ages at the community level. four scenarios of education, health, entrepreneurship
and service. (2) To meet people’s social needs, a neighborhood scene is constructed around
promoting the relationship between people in the community; at the same time, a governance
scene is constructed to deal with the relationship between people and the government that
needs to be resolved at the community level. (3) People's housing needs, around the quality
requirements of people's living environment, three scenarios of construction, transportation
and low carbon have been set. The second is to set three basic principles based on "people's
experience". The satisfaction of human needs needs to be transformed into feelings through
personal experience, and human experience is the central link in the realization of the final
results. The future community is systematically constructed and integrated in nine scenarios,
following the three principles of "humanization, ecologicalization, and digitalization":
"humanization" emphasizes that the future community pays more attention to individual care
and human scale; "ecologicalization" emphasizes the future The community pays more
attention to a green and low-carbon lifestyle; "digitalization" emphasizes that in the future, the
community will pay more attention to the convenient life enabled by digital technology. And
the three are not isolated, but integrated into one.

The third is to achieve a central goal based on "people's feelings". The goal of building a future
community is centered on the people's yearning for a better life, and ultimately takes the
general public's sense of belonging, comfort and future in the community as the measure.
Because the feeling is dynamic and abstract, there is no fixed ultimate goal for future
community construction, but through continuous iteration and deepening of the "three
modernizations and nine scenarios" construction standards, staged concrete judgments are

Scenario System and Design Guidelines for Zhejiang Future Community

The so-called scene, the author understands, refers to the total reflection of the relationship
between all "human activities" and "functions of things" within a certain time and space. . The
scene system setting of Zhejiang Future Community deconstructs these relationships from nine
dimensions. Each scene consists of four parts: activity (or function) content, space, technical
means, and policy mechanism.

2.1 Target requirements of the nine scenarios

As the core carrier, the nine scenes focus on the main line of high-quality life and involve all
aspects of people's daily life.
(1) Neighborhood scene: It aims to create a new community friendly atmosphere of "distant
relatives are not as good as close neighbors". Based on the cultural heritage and reconstruction
of characteristic neighborhoods, through a unified neighborhood contribution point mechanism
and personalized neighborhood conventions, as well as the creation of "ubiquitous
communication spaces", a community life community in which neighborhoods help each other
is formed.
(2) Educational scene: It aims to create a "lifelong learning" community education for all
environment. Focusing on the full coverage of childcare for children under 3 years old, the
introduction of high-quality educational resources for school-age, and the sharing of knowledge
and skills among residents, we will create offline places such as childcare centers, happy
schools, and shared study rooms, and build an online youth education platform with "famous
teachers and schools around" and "Everyone is a teacher" shared learning platform to improve
the whole-age education service system in the community.
(3) Healthy scene: It aims to create a healthy life model for the "National Health Care"
community. Based on full coverage of basic health services and full coverage of home-based
elderly care and disability services, establish a full-life-cycle electronic health record system for
residents, improve the supply of community health service centers, day care centers, fitness
venues and other facilities, and explore the "time bank" pension mechanism, " Medical alliance
"remote diagnosis and treatment, two-way referral mechanism, creating a healthy service
experience of dynamic sports, high-quality medical care, and happy elderly care.
(4) Entrepreneurial scene: It aims to cultivate a new carrier of "mass innovation" community
entrepreneurship. Adapting to the development trend of "job-housing balance, integration of
industry and city, sharing economy, and remote office", focusing on "creating the needs of the
community and creating the expectations of life", focusing on the talent introduction
mechanism and the operation of entrepreneurial spaces, providing cost-effective
entrepreneurship and innovation space, openness and sharing The excellent entrepreneurial
services and warm-hearted entrepreneurial mechanism create more near, cheap and good
entrepreneurial opportunities for community residents.
(5) Architectural scene: It aims to create a community space form that "integrates art and
style". Advocate the intensive use of space and the combined use of functions, advocate the
shaping of individual features of buildings and places, and use the TOD public transportation-
oriented spatial organization model as a link to build a 10-15-minute walk life circle and a
resilient lifeline system in the community; apply the whole process of digital planning and
construction management ( CIM) platform, integrates new construction technologies such as
prefabricated buildings, green buildings, and building decoration integration, and implements
intelligent green construction; builds dense, green and livable communities that are conducive
to communication and recognition, with "both humanities and efficiency". physical space.
(6) Traffic scene: It aims to create a community "5, 10, 30 minutes" travel circle. Focusing on the
requirements of smooth travel and convenient circulation of vehicles, people and things, build a
smart parking system and a smart logistics service integration system, optimize the external
traffic connection and slow traffic system, and realize 5 minutes to park and pick up cars, 10
minutes to reach external traffic points, 30 minutes express delivery.
(7) Low-carbon scenario: It aims to create a “low-carbon and no-waste” community green living
environment. Focusing on multi-energy synergistic comprehensive energy conservation,
hierarchical and classified low-carbon recycling, comprehensive energy resource services,
innovative and integrated central heating and cooling, photovoltaic building integration, quality
recycling + sponge application, smart water affairs, garbage classification, comprehensive
energy smart management and other technologies solutions to form a healthy, economical,
low-carbon lifestyle and consumption pattern.
(8) Service Scenario: It aims to provide a community-based high-quality service experience of
"zero distance of high-quality life". Focusing on the 24-hour living service needs of residents,
based on the requirement of "zero charges" for basic property services, promote the "platform
+ housekeeper" service model, establish a community service system that is convenient for the
people and benefit the people, build a safety net without blind spots, and provide a "high cost-
effective" community Serve.
(9) Governance scenario: It aims to build a community governance solution of "leadership of
party building and self-governance of residents". Focusing on guiding residents to participate in
grassroots governance, improve the system of party building and group building, build
community foundations, community councils, community living rooms and other autonomous
carriers and spaces, build a digital lean management platform, introduce social organizations
and volunteer teams, and create government-led governance, A new grassroots governance
system featuring residents' autonomy and platform governance.

Target Module Construction Content Recommended minimum

Neighborhood scene Community Auditorium Indoor activity centers for all 600-800
ages, including community
interest clubs, community
cultural homes, elderly
activity rooms, multi-
functional auditoriums,
public fitness rooms, etc.
Community Park Outdoor social activity set on demand
center for all ages, providing
neighborhood theme
festivals and daily interest
activities, including central
parks, pocket parks, roof
gardens, greenways or
Tianjie parks, sky gardens,
Education Scene Happiness Academy Xingfu A community education 1000
Class public welfare platform
shared by "multi-age
groups" and a "lifelong
learning" base; it can include
classes at 4:30 to meet the
needs of school-age children
after school for tutoring and
care; as well as children's
education training,
vocational training, adult
interest class training and
elderly University and other
event venues
Nursing care site Childcare for 0-3 year olds, 200-500
infant parenting counseling.
kindergarten Preschool education for 3 to 2700-3200
6 years old; encourages the
integration of childcare.
There should be 9, 12 or 18
classes with 30 seats in each
community shared study An "upgraded version" of 200
room the community library, a
complex place for learning
and communication
Health Scene Community Health Service The "upgraded version" of 200-300
Station the current service station,
in addition to basic medical
services, can be equipped
with functions such as
mental health consultation,
family doctor guidance,
rehabilitation training
guidance, and traditional
Chinese medicine health
day care center A service guarantee center 300-400
for home-based elderly care
in the community, serving
the semi-disabled elderly,
providing day services such
as personal care, health care
and rehabilitation, food
supply, and companionship
Community Sports Center Including futsal, basketball, Set on Demand
badminton, basketball,
tennis and other fields
(halls), etc.; can rely on
school sports facilities to
share, or use independent
Roof space, etc.
fitness spot Decentralized and nearby 300 (Landuse)
small fitness activity places;
set up according to the
service radius of 200~300
meters; should be co-
constructed with the
greenway system.
Innovation Scene future living room The nearest community 300
entrepreneurial place
provides basic office services
and characteristic
entrepreneurial service
functions; it consists of co-
working spaces (office,
conference, supporting
facilities, etc.), as well as
communication spaces such
as entrepreneurial coffee,
roadshow halls, innovation
colleges, and shared
facilities. It can be set up
independently, or jointly
organized with other
modules such as talent
Service Scene talent Apartment Provide high-quality Set on Demand
residences for all kinds of
introduced talents, including
two types of lease and
property rights.
community canteen Affordable public canteen, 200
providing popular catering
services for community
Indoor vegetable market Community "vegetable 1500
basket" base, supplying
affordable non-staple food,
meat and poultry,
vegetables, fruits and
vegetables and other daily
Community Life Service It includes functions such as 200
Center property management
center, smart management
center, community
government affairs window,
etc., and provides public
services closely related to
the life of community
Huimin Commercial Breakfast shop, 24-hour Set on Demand
convenience store, express
delivery, pharmacy, beauty
salon, stationery store,
home appliance repair,
housekeeping, tailoring,
laundry, financial outlets,
postal outlets and other
convenient commercial
service facilities. Encourage
multi-business forms to
jointly form a "life station"
to become the "offline
service station" of the future
community smart service
community business Daily consumption and Set on Demand
commercial formats such as
chain supermarkets,
specialty restaurants, and
leisure shopping.
Governance Scenario community living room Places for residents' self- 150-200
governance consultation,
community governance
committee office, social
organizations and volunteers
to carry out activities,
community party-mass
work, police and public
security management, etc.
Options (N) Regional public facilities Secondary schools, Set on Demand
选配项(N) community health service
centers, urban libraries,
urban sports centers, urban
youth cultural activity
centers, and other public
facilities above the street
level; are planned and
arranged by the city, and are
generally configured within
a 15-minute travel range,
serving about 50,000
people. In addition, primary
schools are generally
configured in 10-minute
circles, but due to the
unified deployment of
educational points, they are
also included in optional
Community Business Mid-to-high-end service Set on Demand
Expansion Module formats such as health and
wellness, medical
rehabilitation, sports and
fitness, cultural experience,
brand education, leisure and
entertainment, fashion
catering, large-scale chain
shopping, etc

Remarks: (1) Zhejiang's future community pilot project, the planned unit is 50-100 hectares, of
which the implementation unit constructed within three years is not less than 20 hectares;
(2) The above module configuration list is required for the implementation unit, and the
planning unit is added as needed according to the situation, but the construction content and
scale should refer to the requirements in the table above.

2.2 Design principles of the scene system

Follow the "PETHRD" 6D principle to carry out scene system design, specifically:
(1) POD life circle-oriented development (pedestrian-scale oriented development): give priority
to the needs of activities, interactions and life services in the 5-10-minute walk of the
community life circle, make overall planning, and build a 10-15-minute community life circle as
a whole, focusing on improving the neighborhood scale The configuration of life service
facilities will be improved, and the sharing and introduction of urban public facilities resources
will be strengthened. The general planning unit size of Zhejiang Future Community is 50-100
hectares, involving a population of 15,000 to 30,000.
(2) EOD is ecology-oriented development:
Priority should be given to the introduction of natural resource endowments in the surrounding
areas and the construction of the ecological environment microcirculation of the site itself.
(3) TOD (transit-oriented development):
Priority should be given to the transportation organization mode of public transportation, and
the "dense and dense" mixed use of land and mixed use of functions should be carried out with
public transportation stations as the center.
(4) HOD humanistic-links oriented development: pay attention to the excavation and
inheritance of local regional culture and community memory, establish community emotional
links, create a new community culture for the new era, and shape the community’s common
values and sense of belonging.
(5) ROD resilience-oriented development:
Prioritize the response strategies for preventing and responding to major emergencies,
establish a sound emergency self-governance management system and disaster avoidance
system, as the "mirror" of the community in ordinary times, with the ability to "one-click
switching" in emergency situations.
(6) DOD digital twin orientation (digital-oriented development):
Pay attention to the role of digital technology in empowering life, establish a smart support
system for intelligent perception response and online and offline integration, connect the
"family cerebellum-community middle-brain-city brain", and build a "twin" digital community
with the real world.

2.3 Design Guidelines for Scenario System

2.3.1 Advocate "standard + customized" module configuration
Six "soft scenarios", including neighborhood, education, health, entrepreneurship, service, and
governance, are used to meet the daily needs of residents. The scenario functions are
configured in a "modular" way (see Table 1) to form a certain standard for facility configuration.
, which is conducive to the replication and promotion of the future community model.
Considering the large differences between cities in Zhejiang Province, in order to prevent the
"one thousand cities" in the renovation of old communities, the future community construction
will emphasize the balance between "common" fundamentals and "individual" characteristics,
and realize the realization on the basis of ensuring quality. "A hundred flowers bloom". On the
one hand, from the provincial level, a standardized "module list" for scene functional facilities is
issued to limit the selection range and basic requirements; on the other hand, the pilot level
can freely combine modules and tailor-made configurations within the scope of the standard
list and according to their own advantages and characteristics scale, form a personalized
"customized plan", and shape advantageous scenarios.
2.3.2 Advocating the functional organization method of "public welfare + business"
From the perspective of main operation, there are two ways of public welfare and commercial
for the module composition of scene function facilities. Among them, the public welfare
module, as a basic configuration, undertakes the function of guaranteeing people's livelihood.
The government should formulate a detailed directory and lead the construction and
management. It can be guaranteed by seeking corresponding special funds at the provincial,
municipal and county levels. The population size shall be allocated according to the standard of
not less than 80 square meters per 100 households, and the allocation standard shall be
appropriately raised. Commercial modules, as value-added configurations, are mostly
dominated by the market, and the government actively participates in and guides them.
Community operators can choose relevant formats to import, but the cost coverage of "basic
properties with zero fees" should be guaranteed; among them, should be reserved such as
Commercial projects with the nature of "benefiting the people" such as farmers' markets and
convenience businesses (see Figure 2).

2.3.3 Advocating the technology application method of "demonstration + promotion"

3 "hard scenes" including construction, transportation, and low carbon, involving green
buildings, prefabricated buildings, building decoration integration, photovoltaic building
integration, ultra-low energy buildings, central heating and cooling, sponge cities, artificial
intelligence, unmanned Many innovative technology applications such as distribution are the
technical support to provide residents with a high-quality living environment. Zhejiang's future
community construction encourages the integration and application of innovative technologies
to empower life, play a "demonstration" role, and stimulate the development of related
industries; but at the same time, it also emphasizes that technology selection must reflect high
cost performance, and must comprehensively consider the actual capital balance pressure in
various places And technology supply chain guarantee capabilities, "promotion" within our
capacity. A "technology list library" is set up at the provincial level to put forward "bottom line"
requirements for local community construction, such as the need for full coverage of digital
systems and the application of prefabricated building technologies. , do not control the "upper
limit", and encourage all localities to actively play their strengths and actively carry out
2.3.4 Advocating a "centralized + decentralized" spatial layout
According to the crowd utilization characteristics of the functional facilities in the scene,
combined with the site conditions of the community itself, plan the layout of supporting
facilities in the scene according to local conditions, and flexibly use various forms such as large-
scale independent buildings, small-scale street buildings, building overhead floors, and open
spaces. If conditions permit, encourage the construction of a "one-stop" comprehensive
neighborhood center, build a "home door, daily, high-quality" life service center and
community activity center for community residents, and create community cultural and
commercial landmarks. The convenience-type facilities can be arranged in a decentralized
manner in the commercial streets of the community considering the principle of proximity; the
street system should focus on the overall humanized design, be equipped with adequate
recreational facilities, build a complete pedestrian system, and actively introduce cultural and
artistic spaces to create People friendly street life atmosphere. High-quality use of building
courtyard space, building overhead floors, wind and rain corridors and other places to guide
scene terminal facilities such as unmanned vending machines and smart express cabinets to
enter, creating a new carrier for neighbor exchanges between buildings.
2.3.5 Advocate the sharing and utilization method of "integration + elasticity"
Encourage the efficient, intensive and flexible utilization of building (place) space resources,
actively guide the shared use of various facilities, and promote the vigorous development of the
sharing economy and mutual assistance and sharing in the future community. Encourage the
co-construction and sharing of compatible facility modules, create a number of "scenario
mixtures" such as "talent apartment + shared office + entrepreneurial services", and actively
explore new functions such as "cross-border integration" such as joint offices of elderly care
and early childhood education institutions. form, and improve the efficiency of mixed utilization
of facilities. Strengthen the integration of public welfare facilities and related commercial
activity spaces, trigger mutual "catalyst" effects, and improve facility management capabilities.
Advocate the wide application of the community O2O model, adopt the method of "online
reservation and use at the wrong time", open up "multi-time" shared activity space, and
improve the level of flexible utilization of facilities.

3 Models and mechanisms of future communities in Zhejiang

3.1 Features of the development model
Zhejiang Future Community adopts the development model of "intensive participation of the
market and the masses under the leadership of the government", adheres to the basic principle
of "houses are for living, not for speculation", and establishes a win-win cooperation
relationship between the government, the market and the masses to achieve " To build a life is
not to build a house" purpose.
(1) Coordinate old renovation and new construction, and implement classified policies to
promote urban renewal. right
Old communities with hidden safety hazards, or concentrated contiguous residential
communities with porous prefabricated panels before 2000, are mainly reconstructed, and low-
level repeated renovations are strictly prohibited to ensure “renovation at most once”. For old
communities with good building quality and environmental conditions, as well as communities
built after 2000, a combination of demolition and renovation will be implemented in
accordance with the current national guidance on renovation of old communities; measures
such as transfer of free plot ratio and smart renovation are encouraged. , add nine supporting
functions for scenarios, and gradually implement the requirements of future community
(2) Focusing on two groups of people, public participation ensures the attributes of people's
livelihood. The total number of direct beneficiary residents and various types of talents is a
prerequisite for the pilot project; the original demolition and relocation are encouraged, so as
to maximize the effectiveness of the renovation of the old city to benefit the aborigines; and
encourage talents to rent and sell with the same rights and settle down preferentially, and
actively introduce innovative talents . Adhere to the need to ask the people, ask the people's
plans, and ask the people for benefits, establish a whole-process public participation
mechanism, and take the residents' sense of gain, happiness, and security as the final yardstick.
(3) Emphasize the balance of funds and implement the integration of construction and
operation. Under the premise that traffic and environmental capacity allow, explore space
policy innovation, moderately increase development intensity, and ensure the overall balance
of construction and operation funds through reasonable price caps for above-ground and
underground incremental areas. The government moderately reduces the cost of land use,
gives priority to guaranteeing high-quality public service facilities in the incremental space, and
implements it through the "with plan" land transfer model. The main body of market
development has changed, and the traditional profit-making method of "one-shot buying and
selling" has been transformed into an urban operator, which is deeply involved in the long-term
operation of the community.

3.2 Policy Mechanism Guarantee

Zhejiang Province has established a "1+1+N" policy guarantee system, with the provincial
government's pilot work plan and the provincial government's general office's high-quality
opinions on accelerating the pilot construction work as the core, the provincial and municipal
levels have issued relevant supporting policies to continue Policies provide incentives to ensure
the orderly progress of community construction in the future.
(1) Spatial policy: Renovation and renewal projects should, on the premise of satisfying the
interests of the original residents and meeting the construction standards, increase the
revitalization and utilization of the stock land, break the “one-size-fits-all” management and
control model, and scientifically and reasonably determine the plot ratio, building High limit
planning technical indicators. Optimize the index calculation rules to support the reasonable
inclusion of public three-dimensional greening in the green space ratio, the area ratio of
disaster prevention safety passages, overhead space and public open space is not charged, and
the greening part of the balcony of the sky garden is not included in the construction area and
volume ratio.
(2) Land use policy: After the architectural design, construction and operation plan are
determined, the public land transfer with the plan will be supported. Eligible pilot projects for
efficient and compound utilization of land shall be included in the management of the stock
revitalization linking mechanism, and the planned indicators of new construction land shall be
added according to the regulations. The land transfer income of the pilot projects of renovation
and renewal, excluding the part handed over to the state, is used to support the construction of
the pilot project; among them, the part reserved for cities and counties is accrued according to
the regulations of the state and the province, and is applied for the pilot construction according
to the prescribed purpose.
(3) Fiscal and financial policies: outstanding achievements in pilot projects and benchmarking
Counties (cities, districts) that are leading demonstration projects will be rewarded by
provincial finance. Encourage the credit resources of financial institutions to tilt towards future
community pilot projects, implement differentiated credit management, implement special
credit lines, and provide interest rate concessions.


 袁奇峰,钟碧珠,贾 姗,唐 璇,李 刚

Beragam masalah lingkungan hunian:

Main history node

Survey studi membuktikan adanya keingan untuk ..

Dengan populernya konsep komunitas pintar dan rendah karbon maka…

1.2 Common Concept

1.3 Distinctive Part
1.4 Detail
1.5 Is it Possible to implement in Indonesia?


2022-05-21 23:13 北京人民出版社官方帐

城市是大尺度的建设空 A city is a large-scale Kota adalah ruang

间,社区是小尺度的生活 construction space, and a konstruksi skala besar,
场所。城市与社区的关 community is a small-scale living dan komunitas adalah
系,在一定程度上折射出 place. The relationship between tempat tinggal skala kecil.
发展过程中经济与社会的 city and community reflects the Hubungan antara kota
relationship between economy dan masyarakat
and society in the process of mencerminkan hubungan
的重要容器,城市开发成 development to a certain extent. antara ekonomi dan
为资本增殖的关键环节, masyarakat dalam proses
城市一度被视为“城市增 On the one hand, cities are pembangunan sampai
长机器”;另一方面,城 important containers for batas tertentu.
市是人们生活的家园,人 economic development, and
们在城市中学习、工作、 urban development has become Di satu sisi, kota
交往、游憩,经历生命的 a key link in capital proliferation. merupakan wadah
悲欢喜乐。 Cities were once regarded as penting bagi
"urban growth machines"; pembangunan ekonomi,
“一个伟大城市所依靠的是 Communication, recreation, dan pembangunan
城市居民对他们的城市所 experience the joys and sorrows perkotaan telah menjadi
of life. mata rantai utama dalam
于其他地方的独特感情。 proliferasi modal. Kota
最终必须通过一种共同享 “A great city depends on the pernah dianggap sebagai
有的认同意识将全体城市 unique deep attachment that its "mesin pertumbuhan
居民凝聚在一起。”人们 inhabitants have for their city, a perkotaan"; Komunikasi,
在城市中的生活以社区为 unique feeling that makes this rekreasi, pengalaman
具体载体,社区是人与他 place different from others. suka dan duka hidup.
人、人与城市、人与社会 Ultimately it must be through a
发生关联的生活空间与公 shared sense of identity that All "Sebuah kota besar
共空间。而社区最为重要 urban residents are united tergantung pada
together." People's life in the city keterikatan mendalam
社会治理的缩影,社区治 takes the community as the yang unik yang dimiliki
理牵动着党政、社会和市 specific carrier, and the penduduknya terhadap
场的多元力量。 community is the living space kota mereka, perasaan
and public space where people unik yang membuat
在我国,社区具有三重维 and others, people and cities, tempat ini berbeda dari
度,即作为适度物理空间 and people and society are yang lain. Pada akhirnya
的自然维度、作为人民生 related. The most important core harus melalui rasa
活共同体的社会维度以及 of the community is the identitas bersama bahwa
governance structure. As a Semua penduduk kota
window for the transition bersatu." di kota
中国社区的三重属性 between the state and society, mengambil komunitas
and the epitome of social sebagai pembawa
1 自然属性:适度物理空间 governance, community spesifik, dan komunitas
governance affects the multiple adalah ruang hidup dan
社区依附于一定的土地和 forces of the party, government, ruang publik di mana
空间,物理空间特征构成 society and market. orang dan orang lain,
了社区的第一属性。当社 orang dan kota, dan orang
区对服务的便利性和可达 In my country, the community dan masyarakat terkait.
度的重视程度超过对管理 has three dimensions, namely, Inti terpenting dari
效率的强调时,社区空间 the natural dimension as a masyarakat adalah
便不再是传统行政方式所 moderate physical space, the struktur
限定的空间范围,不再局 social dimension as the people's pemerintahan.Sebagai
living community, and the jendela transisi antara
种围绕服务人民而铺开、 management dimension as the negara dan masyarakat,
助益于城市良性发展的适 grassroots of the governance dan lambang
度空间尺度。 system. pemerintahan sosial, tata
kelola masyarakat
适度意味着人民在适度的 The triple attribute of the mempengaruhi berbagai
空间范围内能够享受到便 Chinese community kekuatan partai,
利的生活服务和公共服 pemerintah, masyarakat,
务,在适度的空间范围内 1 Natural attributes: Moderate dan pasar.
围绕服务和设施形成的社 physical space
区范围会迥异于传统社 Di negara saya,
区。成都 15 分钟生活圈和
The community is attached to a masyarakat memiliki tiga
certain land and space, and the dimensi, yaitu dimensi
成都社区 physical space characteristics alam sebagai ruang fisik
constitute the first attribute of moderat, dimensi sosial
基于适度空间的社区治理 the community. When the sebagai komunitas
不仅要管理社区实体空 community pays more attention kehidupan rakyat, dan
间,还要让空间包纳的硬 to the convenience and dimensi manajemen
件设施、软件印象都能满 accessibility of services than to sebagai akar rumput dari
足居民对于美好社区的预 the management efficiency, the sistem pemerintahan.
期。因而,社区公共空间 community space is no longer
设计与更新、社区空间综 limited by the traditional Atribut rangkap tiga dari
合体建设以及社区空间美 administrative methods, and is komunitas Tionghoa
no longer limited to the
的重要内容。 jurisdiction area delimited by the 1 Atribut alami: Ruang
neighborhood committee or fisik sedang
社区必须在适度的空间范 street. It has evolved into a
围内满足居民交通、服 moderate spatial scale that is Komunitas melekat pada
务、休闲、社交以及审美 spread around serving the tanah dan ruang tertentu,
等需求,否则社区和城市 people and contributing to the dan karakteristik ruang
healthy development of the city. fisik merupakan atribut
理,将自然属性带回社区 pertama komunitas.
建设,这是成都探索打造 Moderation means that people Ketika masyarakat lebih
社区治理标杆的关键。 can enjoy convenient life memperhatikan
services and public services kemudahan dan
2 社会维度:人民生活共同 within a moderate space, and aksesibilitas pelayanan
体 the range of communities daripada efisiensi
formed around services and pengelolaan, maka ruang
社交需求是人类天然的需 facilities within a moderate masyarakat tidak lagi
要,人们在国家与私域之 space will be very different from dibatasi oleh tata cara
间还要归属于某种身份认 traditional communities. administrasi tradisional,
同或交往丛结,于是社群 Chengdu's 15-minute life circle dan tidak lagi terbatas
与人的生命相连。但随着 and neighborhood center reflect pada wilayah yuridis yang
people's beautiful imagination of dibatasi oleh kelurahan
动、匿名和分异的演化, this kind of community. atau jalan. telah
现代社会已然成为由单向 Chengdu community berkembang menjadi
度的人组成的陌生人社 skala spasial moderat
会,多数社会成员沉浸在 Community governance based yang tersebar di sekitar
一种自由且孤独的状态。 on moderate space should not melayani masyarakat dan
only manage the physical space berkontribusi pada
在当代中国,单位制解体 of the community, but also make pembangunan kota yang
后,增长逻辑主导的城市 the hardware facilities and sehat.
规划、商业化的住宅开发 software impressions included in
以及职业化社会的形成导 the space meet the residents' Moderasi berarti
expectations for a beautiful masyarakat dapat
裂,对城市人居的交往与 community. Therefore, the menikmati pelayanan
城市治理构成了挑战。 design and renewal of kehidupan dan pelayanan
community public space, the publik yang nyaman
管理维度:治理体系的基 construction of community dalam ruang yang
层 space complex, and the moderat, dan jangkauan
application of community space komunitas yang terbentuk
社区治理是社会治理的基 aesthetics are important di sekitar layanan dan
础、城市治理的基石、国 contents of community space fasilitas dalam ruang
家治理的重点。十八大以 governance. moderat akan sangat
来,社区治理被提升至执 berbeda dengan
政战略的高度,习近平总 The community must meet the komunitas tradisional.
needs of residents' Lingkaran kehidupan dan
transportation, service, leisure, pusat lingkungan
大厦才能稳固。要将社会 social and aesthetics within a Chengdu selama 15 menit
治理的重心落在城乡社 moderate space, otherwise the mencerminkan imajinasi
区,社区是党和政府联系 community and the city will indah orang-orang
人民的“最后一公里”。 hardly be called livable. tentang komunitas
Therefore, bringing the spatial semacam ini.
社区治理的空前升格有其 dimension back to community komunitas Chengdu
现实关切——改革开放 40
governance and bringing natural
attributes back to community Tata kelola masyarakat
原子化、身份异质性、利 construction is the key to berbasis ruang moderat
益多元化带来的社会碎片 Chengdu's exploration of seharusnya tidak hanya
化,封闭社区象征的空间 building a benchmark for mengelola ruang fisik
碎片化,社区场域内居委 community governance. komunitas, tetapi juga
会、物业与业委会各行其 membuat fasilitas
是和政府内部相关部门条 2 Social dimension: people's perangkat keras dan
块分割共同导致的权力碎 living community perangkat lunak yang
片化,以及党组织的悬浮 disertakan dalam ruang
化等种种因素造成了社区 Social needs are the natural memenuhi harapan
needs of human beings. People penghuni untuk
also belong to a certain identity komunitas yang indah.
在横向联结疏离、纵向整 or association between the state Oleh karena itu,
合失序的治理体系中,社 and the private domain, so the perancangan dan
区陷入自下而上的居民诉 community is connected with pembaharuan ruang
求得不到有效回应,自上 human life. However, with the publik komunitas,
而下的政策政令难以落到 establishment of the modernity pembangunan kompleks
实处的困境,必须探索治 system, cities have evolved ruang komunitas, dan
理模式的创新以适应日趋 towards individualism, high- penerapan estetika ruang
复杂和多样的治理情境。 speed mobility, anonymity and komunitas merupakan isi
differentiation. Modern society penting dari tata ruang
社区的管理维度具有社区 has become a society of komunitas.
strangers composed of one-
而下)的双重意涵,因 dimensional people. Most Masyarakat harus
此,社区治理机制肩负着 members of society are memenuhi kebutuhan
化解内部冲突与支撑执政 immersed in a kind of freedom transportasi, pelayanan,
体系的双重使命。 and loneliness. status. rekreasi, sosial dan
estetika penduduk dalam
一方面,社区是居民生活 In contemporary China, after the ruang yang moderat, jika
和互动的场所,不可避免 disintegration of the unit system, tidak masyarakat dan kota
地成为利益冲突、权利冲 urban planning led by growth akan sulit disebut layak
突以及群体冲突的微政治 logic, commercialized housing huni. Oleh karena itu,
空间,如果这些小规模的 development, and the formation membawa dimensi spasial
of a professional society have led kembali ke tata kelola
韧性。没有治理主体的参 to the loss of grassroots social masyarakat dan
与,没有治理结构的优 capital and a certain degree of membawa atribut alam
化,没有治理议题的协 rupture in social relations. kembali ke konstruksi
商,没有治理过程的展 Governance poses a challenge. masyarakat adalah kunci
开,没有治理效能的提 eksplorasi Chengdu untuk
升,人民生活共同体也无 The management dimension: membangun tolok ukur
法存续,社区也就失去了 the grassroots level of the tata kelola masyarakat.
可持续发展的长效动力。 governance system
2 Dimensi sosial:
Community governance is the komunitas kehidupan
所有政策输出必然要落实 foundation of social governance, masyarakat
到最为基层的社区平台。 the cornerstone of urban
尤其是随着近几年中央推 governance, and the focus of Kebutuhan sosial adalah
进资源、服务向基层社区 national governance. Since the kebutuhan kodrati
下沉以及大力铸造党的执 18th National Congress of the manusia, manusia juga
政根基,越来越多的组织 Communist Party of China, memiliki identitas atau
力量与政治行动在社区汇 community governance has been asosiasi tertentu antara
聚与合拢,社区折射出更 elevated to the level of negara dan ranah privat,
强的国家治理意义。 governance strategy. General sehingga masyarakat
Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized terhubung dengan
that the community is the kehidupan manusia.
中枢。党建工作是基层治 grassroots foundation, and only Namun, dengan
理的核心抓手,社区是基 if the foundation is solid can the pembentukan sistem
层党建工作的主要阵地, national building be stable. The modernitas, kota telah
社区治理与国家治理由此 focus of social governance berevolusi menuju
达成相互嵌入和耦合。实 should be placed on urban and individualisme, mobilitas
践证明,凡是社区党建做 rural communities, which are the berkecepatan tinggi,
得越好的地方,其共建共 "last mile" for the party and the anonimitas dan
治共享效果就会越好。 government to connect with the diferensiasi.Masyarakat
people. modern telah menjadi
masyarakat orang asing
The unprecedented upgrade of yang terdiri dari orang-
community governance has its orang satu
practical concerns - over the past dimensi.Sebagian besar
40 years of reform and opening anggota masyarakat
up, under the sweep of tenggelam dalam
marketization, the social semacam kebebasan dan
fragmentation brought about by kesepian status.
population mobility, personal
atomization, identity Di Cina kontemporer,
heterogeneity, and setelah disintegrasi sistem
diversification of interests, unit, perencanaan kota
closed communities Symbolic yang dipimpin oleh logika
fragmentation of space, various pertumbuhan,
factors such as the pembangunan
fragmentation of power caused perumahan komersial,
by the different behaviors of dan pembentukan
neighborhood committees, masyarakat profesional
property and property telah menyebabkan
committees in the community, hilangnya modal sosial
and the fragmentation of akar rumput dan tingkat
relevant departments within the perpecahan tertentu
government, as well as the dalam hubungan sosial.
suspension of party menimbulkan tantangan.
organizations, have resulted in
the low organization and Dimensi manajemen:
governance of the community. tingkat akar rumput dari
Involute. sistem pemerintahan

In the governance system of Tata kelola masyarakat

horizontal connection and adalah dasar dari tata
alienation and vertical kelola sosial, landasan
integration and disorder, the tata kelola perkotaan, dan
community is caught in the fokus pemerintahan
predicament that the bottom-up nasional. Sejak Kongres
residents’ demands cannot be Nasional Partai Komunis
effectively responded to, and the Tiongkok ke-18, tata
top-down policies and decrees kelola masyarakat telah
are difficult to implement. diangkat ke tingkat
Increasingly complex and diverse strategi tata
governance scenarios. kelola.Sekretaris Jenderal
Xi Jinping menekankan
The management dimension of bahwa komunitas adalah
the community has the dual fondasi akar rumput, dan
meaning of internal community hanya jika fondasinya
governance (bottom-up) and a kokoh, bangunan nasional
specific part of national dapat stabil . Fokus tata
governance (top-down). kelola sosial harus
Therefore, the community ditempatkan pada
governance mechanism masyarakat perkotaan
shoulders the dual mission of dan pedesaan, yang
resolving internal conflicts and merupakan "jarak
supporting the ruling system. terakhir" bagi partai dan
pemerintah untuk
On the one hand, the community berhubungan dengan
is a place where residents live rakyat.
and interact, and inevitably
becomes a micro-political space Peningkatan tata kelola
for conflicts of interest, rights, komunitas yang belum
and group conflicts. If these pernah terjadi
small-scale conflicts are not sebelumnya memiliki
resolved in time, the keprihatinan praktisnya -
endogenous resilience of the selama 40 tahun terakhir
community will be damaged. . reformasi dan
Without the participation of keterbukaan, di bawah
governance subjects, without sapuan marketisasi,
the optimization of the fragmentasi sosial yang
governance structure, without disebabkan oleh mobilitas
the negotiation of governance penduduk, atomisasi
issues, without the development pribadi, heterogenitas
of the governance process, and identitas, dan diversifikasi
without the improvement of kepentingan, komunitas
governance efficiency, the tertutup Fragmentasi
people's living community ruang secara simbolis,
cannot survive, and the berbagai faktor seperti
community will lose the long- fragmentasi kekuasaan
term driving force for yang disebabkan oleh
sustainable development. perbedaan perilaku
komite lingkungan,
On the other hand, national komite properti dan
governance regards the properti di masyarakat,
community as the cornerstone at dan fragmentasi
the end of the sequence, and all departemen terkait dalam
policy outputs must be pemerintahan, serta
implemented on the most penghentian organisasi
grassroots community platform. partai, telah
Especially in recent years, as the mengakibatkan
central government has rendahnya organisasi dan
promoted the sinking of tata kelola masyarakat.
resources and services to
grassroots communities and Dalam sistem
vigorously forged the foundation pemerintahan hubungan
of the party's governance, more dan keterasingan
and more organizational forces horizontal dan integrasi
and political actions have dan kekacauan vertikal,
converged and converged in the masyarakat terjebak
community, and the community dalam kesulitan bahwa
reflects a stronger national tuntutan warga dari
governance significance. . bawah ke atas tidak dapat
ditanggapi secara efektif,
In fact, at the grassroots level, dan kebijakan dan
the party is the political link and keputusan dari atas ke
organizational center for bawah sulit untuk
integrating resources. Party dilaksanakan. skenario
building work is the core of pemerintahan yang
grassroots governance, and the kompleks dan beragam.
community is the main position
for grassroots party building Dimensi pengelolaan
work. Community governance masyarakat memiliki
and national governance thus makna ganda yaitu tata
achieve mutual embedding and kelola internal
coupling. Practice has proved masyarakat (bottom-up)
that the better the community dan bagian tertentu dari
party building is, the better the pemerintahan nasional
effect of co-construction, co- (top-down), oleh karena
governance and sharing will be. itu mekanisme tata kelola
masyarakat memikul misi
ganda menyelesaikan
konflik internal dan
mendukung keputusan.

Di satu sisi, masyarakat

merupakan tempat
tinggal dan berinteraksi
warga, dan mau tidak
mau menjadi ruang mikro
politik bagi konflik
kepentingan, hak, dan
konflik kelompok.
masyarakat akan rusak. .
Tanpa partisipasi subyek
pemerintahan, tanpa
optimalisasi struktur
pemerintahan, tanpa
negosiasi masalah
pemerintahan, tanpa
pengembangan proses
pemerintahan, dan tanpa
peningkatan efisiensi
pemerintahan, komunitas
yang hidup rakyat tidak
dapat bertahan, dan
masyarakat akan
kehilangan kekuatan
pendorong jangka
panjang untuk
Di sisi lain, tata kelola
nasional menganggap
masyarakat sebagai
landasan di akhir
rangkaian, dan semua
keluaran kebijakan harus
diimplementasikan pada
platform komunitas paling
akar rumput. Terutama
dalam beberapa tahun
terakhir, karena
pemerintah pusat telah
tenggelamnya sumber
daya dan layanan ke
komunitas akar rumput
dan dengan penuh
semangat membangun
fondasi pemerintahan
partai, semakin banyak
kekuatan organisasi dan
tindakan politik telah
berkumpul dan
berkumpul di komunitas,
dan komunitas
signifikansi tata kelola
nasional yang lebih kuat.

Bahkan, di tingkat akar

rumput, partai adalah
penghubung politik dan
pusat organisasi untuk
mengintegrasikan sumber
daya. Pekerjaan
pembangunan partai
adalah inti dari
pemerintahan akar
rumput, dan masyarakat
adalah posisi utama untuk
pekerjaan pembangunan
partai akar rumput.
Dengan demikian, tata
kelola komunitas dan
pemerintahan nasional
mencapai saling melekat
dan berpasangan. Praktek
telah membuktikan
bahwa semakin baik
pembangunan partai
masyarakat, semakin baik
efek dari co-construction,
co-governance dan


区规划建设的主流模式[5]。随着 1988 年土地有偿使用制度确立、1994 年分税制改革和
1998 年住房商品化制度改革,单位大院这一计划经济时代的社会空间组织才终于彻底解


中有更多获得感”。2016 年,中央政府在《关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若
干意见》( 中发〔2016〕6 号) 中指出:“新建住宅要推广街区制,原则上不再建设封闭住
宅小区,已建成的住宅小区和单位大院要逐步打开。”2018 年实施的《城市居住区规划
园布局,构筑 15 分钟、10 分钟、5 分钟生活圈。小地块的开发单元意味着更小的开发尺

回顾居住社区模式的演变历程( 图 1)不难发现,居住空间形态演变的背后折射出的是不同
中发〔2016〕6 号) 虽然明确了我国社区未来发展的方向是街区制,但对于实施街区制的

From the unit compound, residential area-residential community to the block system in the
early days of the founding of New China, the construction of residential communities has tried
the Soviet-style "neighborhood" and "expanded neighborhood", and there are also
"neighborhoods" and "expanded neighborhoods" like Shanghai Caoyang New Village.
Neighborhood Unit" mode. During the planned economy period, urban housing was
theoretically constructed and distributed uniformly by the government, but it was generally
restricted by limited financial resources and failed to carry out large-scale construction [2-3].
During the first "Five-Year Plan" period, in order to ensure the investment model of building
workers' residential areas near key industrial and mining projects, the state-owned enterprises
and institutions have achieved the unit compound that integrates work and housing, which is
the leading model of urban residential areas in my country before the reform and opening up.

The unit compound is built and managed by state-owned enterprises and institutions that can
obtain supporting funds, and provides a complete set of public services to provide nearby living
communities for the employees of the unit. It is a closed production and living complex [5] .
This "unit-run society" model meets the operational requirements of the planned economy
period when resources were scarce and the political and economic system was highly
concentrated [6]. After the reform and opening up, in order to solve the problem of lack of
urban housing, local governments adopted "comprehensive development and supporting
construction" into large-scale residential quarters, which were then purchased by various units
and allocated to employees to live in. Mainstream model [5]. With the establishment of the
paid land use system in 1988, the reform of the tax-sharing system in 1994, and the reform of
the housing commercialization system in 1998, the social space organization of the unit
compound in the planned economy era was finally completely disintegrated. The access control
community on the basis of "contract" appeared quietly and gradually occupied the mainstream
of the market[7].

An access control community is a residential area or group built by developers with residential
functions as its main function and is subject to closed management [8]. Its rapid expansion not
only reflects the social security problems brought about by the widening gap between the rich
and the poor during the social transition period, but also caters to the local government's goal
of rapidly accumulating financial funds [6]. From the perspective of urban management, the
local government has adopted the system of "who develops, who supports", requiring
developers to build community public facilities and provide property management services at
the same time as building housing. Therefore, developers with information and capital
advantages To become the "tyrant" of the access control community, the excessively large
population scale exceeds the scale of effective negotiation by the owners, which is not
conducive to the autonomy of the community owners and the prosperity of social capital [5].
However, this "market-run society" model to a certain extent makes up for the lack of functions
of the city government in the provision of public goods in the transition from a planned
economy to a market economy [9].

Residential-scale gated communities raise a number of issues. The roads in the community
occupy the space of the urban branch road system, which aggravates the urban road traffic
congestion [7]; the supporting public facilities and public green space become the “club
products” in the community [10]; and the privacy of the public space also weakens the vitality
of the city. [11], accelerated the fragmentation of urban social space and the privatization of
public space [12]. In addition, the large-scale homogeneity within the gated community and the
heterogeneity between settlements further exacerbates the urban spatial segregation and the
gap between the rich and the poor [13].

When formulating the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the state clearly proposed to "adhere to the
concept of shared development, so that the people will have a greater sense of gain in co-
construction and sharing." In 2016, the central government pointed out in "Several Opinions on
Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction" (Zhongfa [2016]
No. 6): "The block system should be promoted for new residential buildings, and closed
residential quarters will not be built in principle. Residential quarters and unit courtyards
should be gradually opened." The "Urban Residential District Planning and Design Standards"
implemented in 2018 clarified that my country's residential communities must adopt the
organizational model of "dense road network and small blocks", with smaller "residential
neighborhoods". "As the basic unit of residence and the scale of residential land transfer, the
residential community combines the layout of public service facilities and community parks to
build a 15-minute, 10-minute, and 5-minute living circle. The development unit of small plot
means smaller development scale and greater openness, which is conducive to the organization
of community negotiation, autonomy and diverse neighborhood exchanges, and promotes the
“big mix and small concentration” of residential communities of different social classes [5] . The
complete integration of the road traffic system, service facility system, and public space system
of the residential community with the city will promote the expansion of urban space publicity,
thereby improving the convenience of urban transportation, enhancing the economic vitality of
streets, and enhancing the diversity and quality of urban public life. quality [14-15].

Looking back at the evolution of the residential community model (Figure 1), it is not difficult to
find that behind the evolution of the residential space form reflects the value orientation of
different eras, and each evolution has its historical origin [16]. At present, my country has
entered a stage of high-quality development, and the urban development model has changed
to a sustainable development model that serves multiple goals such as society, economy,
culture, and ecology, which has established a macro policy basis for the block system [17].
Although the "Several Opinions on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning
and Construction" (Zhongfa [2016] No. 6) clarifies that the future development direction of
communities in my country is the block system, it does not provide any guidance on the
boundary shape, transportation organization and the future of the community that implements
the block system. Management methods and other issues have not given clear opinions [18-

Dari unit komplek, kawasan pemukiman-permukiman komunitas hingga sistem blok pada masa
awal berdirinya China Baru, pembangunan komunitas perumahan telah mencoba
"neighborhood" dan "expanded environment" ala Soviet, dan ada juga " lingkungan" dan
"lingkungan yang diperluas" seperti mode Shanghai Caoyang New Village. Neighborhood Unit".
Selama periode ekonomi terencana, perumahan perkotaan secara teoritis dibangun dan
didistribusikan secara merata oleh pemerintah, tetapi umumnya dibatasi oleh sumber daya
keuangan yang terbatas dan gagal melakukan konstruksi skala besar [2-3]. Selama periode
"Rencana Lima Tahun" pertama, untuk memastikan model investasi pembangunan kawasan
perumahan pekerja di dekat proyek industri dan pertambangan utama, perusahaan dan
lembaga milik negara telah mencapai kompleks unit yang mengintegrasikan pekerjaan dan
perumahan, yang adalah model kawasan hunian perkotaan terdepan di negara saya sebelum
reformasi dan keterbukaan.[4].

Kompleks unit dibangun dan dikelola oleh badan usaha milik negara dan lembaga yang dapat
memperoleh dana pendukung, dan menyediakan layanan publik yang lengkap, menyediakan
komunitas terdekat untuk karyawan unit, merupakan kompleks produksi dan kehidupan
tertutup [5 ] . Model "masyarakat unit-run" ini memenuhi persyaratan operasional periode
ekonomi terencana ketika sumber daya langka dan sistem politik dan ekonomi sangat
terkonsentrasi [6]. Setelah reformasi dan keterbukaan, untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan
perumahan perkotaan, pemerintah daerah mengadopsi "pembangunan komprehensif dan
konstruksi pendukung" ke dalam perumahan skala besar, yang kemudian dibeli oleh berbagai
unit dan dialokasikan untuk karyawan untuk tinggal di Model arus utama [5]. Dengan
pembentukan sistem penggunaan lahan berbayar pada tahun 1988, reformasi sistem bagi hasil
pada tahun 1994, dan reformasi sistem komersialisasi perumahan pada tahun 1998, organisasi
ruang sosial kompleks unit di era ekonomi terencana akhirnya sepenuhnya hancur Komunitas
kontrol akses atas dasar "kontrak" muncul diam-diam dan secara bertahap menduduki arus
utama pasar[7].

Komunitas kontrol akses adalah komunitas atau kelompok perumahan yang dibangun oleh
pengembang dengan fungsi perumahan sebagai fungsi utama dan menerapkan manajemen
tertutup [8]. Ekspansinya yang cepat tidak hanya mencerminkan masalah jaminan sosial yang
disebabkan oleh semakin lebarnya kesenjangan antara si kaya dan si miskin selama masa
transisi sosial, tetapi juga memenuhi tujuan pemerintah daerah untuk mengakumulasi dana
secara cepat [6]. Dari perspektif pengelolaan perkotaan, pemerintah daerah telah mengadopsi
sistem "siapa yang mengembangkan, yang mendukung", mengharuskan pengembang untuk
membangun fasilitas umum masyarakat dan memberikan layanan pengelolaan properti sambil
membangun perumahan. “tiran” dari komunitas kontrol akses, skala populasi yang terlalu besar
melebihi skala negosiasi efektif oleh pemilik, yang tidak kondusif bagi otonomi pemilik
komunitas dan kemakmuran modal sosial [5]. Namun, model “market-run society” ini sampai
batas tertentu menutupi kurangnya fungsi pemerintah kota dalam penyediaan barang publik
dalam transisi dari ekonomi terencana ke ekonomi pasar [9].

Komunitas berpagar skala perumahan mengangkat sejumlah masalah. Jalan-jalan di masyarakat

menempati ruang dari sistem jalan cabang perkotaan, yang memperparah kemacetan lalu lintas
jalan perkotaan[7]; fasilitas umum pendukung dan ruang terbuka hijau publik menjadi “produk
klub” di masyarakat[10]; dan privasi ruang publik juga melemahkan vitalitas kota [11],
mempercepat fragmentasi ruang sosial perkotaan dan privatisasi ruang publik [12]. Selain itu,
homogenitas skala besar dalam komunitas yang terjaga keamanannya dan heterogenitas antar
pemukiman semakin memperburuk segregasi spasial perkotaan dan kesenjangan antara kaya
dan miskin [13].

Ketika merumuskan "Rencana Lima Tahun Ketiga Belas", negara dengan jelas mengusulkan
untuk "mematuhi konsep pembangunan bersama, sehingga rakyat akan memiliki rasa
keuntungan yang lebih besar dalam pembangunan bersama dan berbagi." Pada tahun 2016,
pemerintah pusat menunjukkan dalam "Beberapa Pendapat tentang Penguatan Lebih Lanjut
Manajemen Perencanaan dan Konstruksi Kota" (Zhongfa [2016] No. 6): "Sistem blok harus
dipromosikan untuk bangunan tempat tinggal baru, dan tempat tinggal yang tertutup. tidak
akan dibangun pada prinsipnya. Permukiman perumahan dan halaman unit harus dibuka secara
bertahap." "Standar Perencanaan dan Desain Distrik Perumahan Perkotaan" yang diterapkan
pada tahun 2018 mengklarifikasi bahwa komunitas perumahan negara saya harus mengadopsi
model organisasi "jaringan jalan padat dan blok-blok kecil ", dengan "permukiman perumahan"
yang lebih kecil. "Sebagai unit dasar tempat tinggal dan skala pengalihan tanah perumahan,
komunitas perumahan menggabungkan tata letak fasilitas layanan umum dan taman komunitas
untuk membangun 15 menit, 10 menit, dan 5 menit. -Lingkaran hidup menit. Unit
pengembangan plot kecil berarti skala pembangunan yang lebih kecil dan keterbukaan yang
lebih besar, yang kondusif untuk organisasi negosiasi masyarakat, otonomi dan pertukaran
lingkungan yang beragam, dan mempromosikan "campuran besar dan konsentrasi kecil"
komunitas perumahan dari kelas sosial yang berbeda [5] . Integrasi lengkap sistem lalu lintas
jalan, sistem fasilitas pelayanan, dan sistem ruang publik komunitas perumahan dengan kota
akan mendorong perluasan publisitas ruang kota, sehingga meningkatkan kenyamanan
transportasi perkotaan, meningkatkan vitalitas ekonomi jalan, dan meningkatkan
keanekaragaman dan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat perkotaan yang berkualitas [14-15].

Melihat kembali evolusi model komunitas hunian (Gambar 1), tidak sulit untuk menemukan
bahwa di balik evolusi bentuk ruang hunian mencerminkan orientasi nilai dari era yang
berbeda, dan setiap evolusi memiliki asal-usul historisnya [16]. Saat ini, negara saya telah
memasuki tahap pembangunan berkualitas tinggi, dan model pembangunan perkotaan telah
berubah menjadi model pembangunan berkelanjutan yang melayani berbagai tujuan seperti
masyarakat, ekonomi, budaya, dan ekologi, yang telah membentuk dasar kebijakan makro
untuk sistem blok [17]. Meskipun "Beberapa Pendapat tentang Penguatan Lebih Lanjut
Manajemen Perencanaan dan Konstruksi Kota" (Zhongfa [2016] No. 6) menjelaskan bahwa arah
pengembangan masa depan masyarakat di negara saya adalah sistem blok, namun tidak
memberikan panduan tentang batas bentuk, organisasi lalu lintas dan perkembangan masa
depan masyarakat yang menerapkan sistem blok.Metode pengelolaan dan masalah lainnya
belum memberikan pendapat yang jelas [18-19].

规划单元: 1. 5-10 分钟生活圈服务需求; 2. 50-100 公顷; 3.考虑个、各场景功能完
试点实施单元: 1. 原则上不低于 20 公顷; 2. 1 个规划单元可包括 1 个或若干实施单

Berikut adalah enam makna kunci dari komunitas masa depan: Pertama dan terpenting,
tujuannya adalah untuk mengejar kehidupan yang lebih baik. Lebih memperhatikan
kebutuhan masyarakat untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik, dan menggunakan pusat lingkungan
serba guna, tempat tinggal praktis terdekat, dan ruang hidup komunal di unit bangunan
sebagai kendaraan untuk secara alami menempatkan layanan publik berkualitas tinggi seperti
pendidikan, kesehatan, perdagangan, budaya, olahraga, dll. untuk menciptakan komunitas 24
jam. Untuk penduduk dari segala usia, sistem layanan rantai kehidupan penuh menawarkan
lingkungan hidup yang ramah. Kedua, membuat latar belakang lingkungan menjadi menarik
dan layak huni. Berikan perhatian lebih untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang indah di
lingkungan sekitar, merencanakan tata letak ruang komunitas secara rasional, memanfaatkan
sepenuhnya bahan dan teknologi baru, mempromosikan praktik bangunan hijau, dan
menciptakan sistem ruang hijau tiga dimensi yang beragam dan disesuaikan sehingga
penghuni dapat menatap bintang-bintang, mengamati tanaman hijau di sekitar mereka, dan
mencium aroma bunga. Yang ketiga adalah karakteristik fundamental dari interkoneksi
cerdas. Lebih memperhatikan bagaimana teknologi digital digunakan dalam pengembangan
dan pengelolaan komunitas, memanfaatkan kekuatan alat mutakhir seperti Internet, Internet
of Things, data besar, komputasi awan, dan kecerdasan buatan, dan menggunakan CIM
digital komunitas platform dan platform layanan cerdas sebagai hub untuk mencapai presisi
komunitas. Komunitas "kembar" digital yang hidup berdampingan dengan realitas terbentuk
melalui layanan dan manajemen yang terampil. Keempat, ide dasarnya adalah ramah
lingkungan dan rendah karbon. Tingkatkan fokus Anda dalam mempromosikan cara hidup
dan produksi rendah karbon; mempromosikan perjalanan rendah karbon; menggunakan
sistem catu daya "PV + penyimpanan energi" dan sistem pendingin (pemanas) sentral
"pompa panas + penyimpanan dingin dan penyimpanan panas" untuk mengurangi konsumsi
energi masyarakat; menegakkan klasifikasi limbah secara ketat; mendorong pengurangan
sampah domestik pada sumbernya; dan banyak lagi. Kelima, kewirausahaan dan inovasi
sedang dalam gaya. Berikan lebih banyak perhatian pada kewirausahaan dan inovasi massal,
dan ciptakan jaringan ruang pembuat berbasis komunitas yang terjangkau, dapat diakses
secara luas, dan terbuka untuk menyediakan kondisi inovasi dan kewirausahaan yang
berkualitas tinggi dan terjangkau bagi perusahaan rintisan. Dengan menggunakan platform
intelijen komunitas, kita dapat mendorong potensi ekonomi berbagi, mendorong pembagian
sumber daya, bakat, dan keahlian lokal secara menyeluruh, dan membangun hubungan
langsung antara penawaran dan permintaan. Keenam adalah menggunakan tata pemerintahan
bersama dan harmoni sebagai sarana pemerintahan. Meningkatkan partisipasi warga dalam
urusan masyarakat, lebih memperhatikan partisipasi bersama dari berbagai mata pelajaran,
mengembangkan struktur pemerintahan masyarakat yang ilmiah, efisien, cerdas, dan praktis,
memanfaatkan sepenuhnya alat partisipasi publik seperti dewan komunitas dan pembicaraan
mata pencaharian masyarakat, dan menciptakan "ko-konstruksi, co-governance, dan berbagi,
Suasana yang baik untuk berbaur dan berbaur" lingkungan.

2.3.1 倡导“标准+ 订制”的模块配置方式
邻里、教育、健康、创业、服务、治理等 6 个“软场景”,用于满足居民日常生活需求,通过“模块化”方式进
行场景功能配置(见表 1),形成一定的设施配建标准,有利于未来社区模式复制推广。考虑浙江省内各地城市
2.3.2 倡导“公益+ 商业”的功能组织方式
金扶持,予以保障;根据整个社区总人口规模,按每百户不低于 80 平方米标准进行配置,适度提高配置标准。
导入,但需保障“基本物业基本 0 收费”成本覆盖;其中,应预留如农贸市场、便民商业等具有“惠民”性质的
经营性项目(见图 2)。
2.3.3 倡导“示范+ 推广”的技术应用方式
建筑、交通、低碳等 3 个“硬场景”,涉及绿色建筑、装配式建筑、建筑装修一体化、光伏建筑一体化、超低能
2.3.4 倡导“集中+ 分散”的空间布局方式
2.3.5 倡导“融合+ 弹性”的共享利用方式
互助共享事业蓬勃发展。鼓励兼容性设施模块的共建共享,打造一批如“人才公寓+ 共享办公+ 创业服务”等
强化公益性设施与相关商业化活动空间相融,引发相互间“触媒”效应,提升设施经营能力。倡导社区 O2O 模

Pedoman Desain untuk Sistem Pemandangan

2.3.1 Menganjurkan konfigurasi modul "standar + khusus"
Enam "skenario lunak", termasuk lingkungan, pendidikan, kesehatan, kewirausahaan, layanan, dan pemerintahan,
digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari warga. Fungsi skenario dikonfigurasikan secara "modular" (lihat Tabel
1) untuk membentuk standar untuk konfigurasi fasilitas. , yang kondusif untuk replikasi dan promosi model komunitas
masa depan. Mempertimbangkan perbedaan besar antara kota-kota di Provinsi Zhejiang, untuk mencegah "seribu kota"
dalam renovasi komunitas lama, konstruksi komunitas masa depan akan menekankan keseimbangan antara fundamental
"umum" dan karakteristik "individu", dan mewujudkan realisasi atas dasar memastikan kualitas "Seratus bunga mekar". Di
satu sisi, dari tingkat provinsi, "daftar modul" standar fasilitas fungsional adegan dikeluarkan untuk membatasi rentang
seleksi dan persyaratan dasar; di sisi lain, tingkat percontohan dapat dengan bebas menggabungkan modul dan konfigurasi
yang dibuat khusus dalam lingkup daftar standar dan sesuai dengan skala keunggulan dan karakteristik mereka sendiri,
membentuk "rencana khusus" yang dipersonalisasi, dan membentuk skenario yang menguntungkan.
2.3.2 Advokasi metode organisasi fungsional "kesejahteraan publik + bisnis"
Dari perspektif operasi utama, ada dua cara kesejahteraan masyarakat dan komersial untuk komposisi modul fasilitas
fungsi adegan. Diantaranya, modul kesejahteraan masyarakat sebagai konfigurasi dasar menjalankan fungsi menjamin
hajat hidup orang banyak, pemerintah harus merumuskan direktori yang rinci dan memimpin pembinaan dan
pengelolaannya, dapat dijamin dengan mencari dana khusus yang sesuai di tingkat provinsi, kota dan kabupaten. tingkat
kabupaten Jumlah penduduk harus dialokasikan menurut standar tidak kurang dari 80 meter persegi per 100 rumah tangga,
dan standar alokasi harus dinaikkan dengan tepat. Modul komersial, sebagai konfigurasi nilai tambah, sebagian besar
didominasi oleh pasar, dan pemerintah secara aktif berpartisipasi dan membimbing mereka. Operator komunitas dapat
memilih format yang relevan untuk diimpor, tetapi cakupan biaya "properti dasar dengan biaya nol" harus dijamin ; di
antaranya, harus dicadangkan seperti proyek Komersial dengan sifat "menguntungkan rakyat" seperti pasar petani dan
bisnis kenyamanan (lihat Gambar 2).
2.3.3 Menganjurkan penerapan teknologi metode "demonstrasi + promosi"
3 "adegan keras" termasuk konstruksi, transportasi, dan karbon rendah, yang melibatkan bangunan hijau, bangunan
prefabrikasi, integrasi dekorasi bangunan, integrasi bangunan fotovoltaik, bangunan energi ultra-rendah, pemanas dan
pendingin sentral, kota spons, kecerdasan buatan, tak berawak Banyak teknologi inovatif aplikasi seperti distribusi adalah
dukungan teknis untuk menyediakan penghuni dengan lingkungan hidup yang berkualitas tinggi. Konstruksi komunitas
masa depan Zhejiang mendorong integrasi dan penerapan teknologi inovatif untuk memberdayakan kehidupan,
memainkan peran "demonstrasi", dan merangsang pengembangan industri terkait; tetapi pada saat yang sama, ia juga
menekankan bahwa pemilihan teknologi harus mencerminkan kinerja biaya tinggi, dan harus secara komprehensif
mempertimbangkan tekanan keseimbangan modal aktual di berbagai tempat Dan kemampuan menjamin rantai pasokan
teknologi, "promosi" dalam kapasitas kami. Sebuah "perpustakaan daftar teknologi" didirikan di tingkat provinsi untuk
mengajukan persyaratan "garis bawah" untuk konstruksi masyarakat lokal, seperti kebutuhan untuk cakupan penuh sistem
digital dan penerapan teknologi bangunan prefabrikasi. , dan tidak mengontrol "batas atas", dan mendorong semua daerah
untuk secara aktif memainkan kekuatan mereka dan secara aktif melakukan eksplorasi.
2.3.4 Menganjurkan tata ruang "terpusat + terdesentralisasi"
Sesuai dengan karakteristik keramaian pemanfaatan fasilitas fungsional di tempat kejadian, dikombinasikan dengan
kondisi situs masyarakat itu sendiri, merencanakan tata letak fasilitas pendukung di tempat kejadian sesuai dengan kondisi
setempat, dan secara fleksibel menggunakan berbagai bentuk seperti bangunan mandiri skala besar , bangunan jalan skala
kecil, bangunan lantai atas, dan ruang terbuka. Jika kondisinya memungkinkan, dorong pembangunan pusat lingkungan
komprehensif "satu atap", bangun pusat layanan kehidupan "pintu rumah, setiap hari, berkualitas tinggi" dan pusat
aktivitas komunitas untuk penduduk komunitas, dan ciptakan landmark budaya dan komersial komunitas. Fasilitas tipe
kenyamanan dapat didistribusikan di jalan-jalan komersial masyarakat dengan mempertimbangkan prinsip kedekatan;
sistem jalan harus memperhatikan desain manusiawi secara keseluruhan, dilengkapi dengan fasilitas rekreasi yang
memadai, membangun sistem pejalan kaki yang lengkap, dan secara aktif memperkenalkan budaya dan ruang artistik
untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih menguntungkan Suasana kehidupan jalanan yang ramah orang. Penggunaan
berkualitas tinggi dari ruang halaman gedung, lantai atas gedung, koridor angin dan hujan, dan tempat-tempat lain untuk
memandu fasilitas terminal tempat kejadian seperti mesin penjual otomatis tanpa awak dan lemari ekspres cerdas untuk
masuk, menciptakan pembawa baru untuk pertukaran tetangga antar gedung.
2.3.5 Menganjurkan metode berbagi dan pemanfaatan "integrasi + elastisitas"
Mendorong pemanfaatan sumber daya bangunan (tempat) yang efisien, intensif dan fleksibel, secara aktif memandu
penggunaan bersama berbagai fasilitas, dan mempromosikan pengembangan ekonomi bersama dan saling membantu dan
berbagi dalam komunitas masa depan. Mendorong pembangunan bersama dan berbagi modul fasilitas yang kompatibel,
membuat sejumlah "campuran skenario" seperti "apartemen bakat + kantor bersama + layanan kewirausahaan", dan secara
aktif mengeksplorasi fungsi baru seperti "integrasi lintas batas" seperti kantor bersama panti jompo dan lembaga
pendidikan anak usia dini, membentuk, dan meningkatkan efisiensi pemanfaatan fasilitas secara terpadu. Memperkuat
integrasi fasilitas kesejahteraan publik dan ruang aktivitas komersial terkait, memicu efek "katalis" timbal balik, dan
meningkatkan kemampuan manajemen fasilitas. Advokasi penerapan luas model O2O komunitas, adopsi metode
"reservasi online dan gunakan pada waktu yang salah", buka ruang aktivitas bersama "multi-waktu", dan tingkatkan
tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas yang fleksibel.

遵循“PETHRD”6D 原则开展场景系统设计,具体为:
(1)POD 生活圈导向(pedestrian-scale oriented development):优先考虑 5 ~ 10 分钟步行社区生活圈的活动
交往与生活服务需求,统筹规划、整体营造 10 ~ 15 分钟社区生活圈,重点提升邻里尺度的生活服务设施配置,
并强化城市公共设施资源共享导入。浙江未来社区一般规划单元规模为 50 ~ 100 公顷,涉及人口在 1.5 万至 3
(2)EOD 生态为本导向(ecology-oriented development):
(3)TOD 公共交通导向(transit-oriented development):
(4)HOD 人文链接导向(humanistic-links oriented development):注重本土地域文化和社区场所记忆的挖掘
(5)ROD 韧性安全导向(resilient-oriented development):
(6)DOD 数字孪生导向( digital-oriented development):
Pedoman untuk pembuatan klasifikasi komunitas masa depan

Jenis-jenis penciptaan komunitas di masa depan terutama mencakup lima jenis: integrasi dan
peningkatan, pembongkaran dan rekonstruksi, kombinasi pembongkaran dan renovasi,
perencanaan dan konstruksi baru, dan tipe global. Atas dasar ini, pedoman klasifikasi dan
klasifikasi diusulkan.

(1) Integrasi dan promosi

Untuk komunitas stok yang secara keseluruhan kualitas bangunan dan kualitas lingkungan
baik, tetapi masih ada kesenjangan dari persyaratan "rumah indah", kami akan melakukan
penciptaan integrasi dan penataran. Ini terutama berfokus pada transformasi digital dan
cerdas dan penyematan fungsional "tiga modernisasi dan sembilan skenario" dalam bentuk
"memperbaiki kekurangan", mengintegrasikan sumber daya operasi masyarakat yang ada,
melengkapi fasilitas layanan publik masyarakat berkualitas tinggi, dan membentuk kembali
vitalitas lingkaran kehidupan masyarakat. Menerapkan persyaratan konstruksi masyarakat
digital komunitas masa depan, mewujudkan realisasi penuh skenario fungsi cerdas "online",
cakupan penuh unit implementasi aplikasi layanan, dan secara bertahap memperluas cakupan
ke unit perencanaan; mengoptimalkan dan meningkatkan konfigurasi fasilitas adegan lunak
dengan " memeriksa kebocoran dan mengisi celah", dan secara fleksibel mengambil tindakan
tambahan. Membangun, membeli, mengganti, menyewakan, mengubah dan fasilitas terkait
pendukung lainnya, sepenuhnya menanggapi persyaratan indikator yang mengikat,
memastikan inklusivitas dan berbagi fasilitas tempat kejadian, memenuhi persyaratan
pembukaan untuk semua orang di masyarakat, dan memastikan realisasi fungsi lingkaran
kehidupan masyarakat 10 menit; Sesuai dengan persyaratan standar konstruksi adegan,
transformasi dan peningkatan lingkungan masyarakat dan fasilitas perangkat keras harus
dilaksanakan sewajarnya.

(2) Pembongkaran dan rekonstruksi

Untuk komunitas lama yang dibangun sebelum tahun 2000, yang umumnya menggunakan
bahan bangunan papan berlubang dan memiliki potensi bahaya keselamatan yang besar,
konstruksi pembongkaran dan rekonstruksi harus dilakukan. Dikombinasikan dengan
renovasi daerah perkotaan lama di Zhejiang, bertujuan untuk membangun bentuk renovasi
tingkat tinggi dengan karakteristik Zhejiang, secara sistematis menciptakan sistem "tiga
modernisasi dan sembilan skenario", secara aktif menerapkan integrasi konstruksi dan
operasi, dengan mempertimbangkan ruang kosong yang sesuai untuk pengembangan masa
depan, dan mencapai "reformasi satu kali".

(3) Pembongkaran, modifikasi dan kombinasi

Untuk komunitas di mana komunitas lama dengan potensi kualitas dan bahaya keamanan
bercampur dengan tempat tinggal dengan kualitas lingkungan arsitektur yang lebih baik,
kombinasi pembongkaran dan renovasi akan dibuat. Mengkoordinir dan mengkoordinasikan
kawasan pelestarian dan pembongkaran, melaksanakan kombinasi renovasi komunitas
perkotaan lama dan pembaruan perkotaan bersama kawasan, dan secara sistematis
melaksanakan fungsi “tiga modernisasi dan sembilan skenario” dan implantasi format bisnis.
Metode "Hapus dan bangun kembali kelas". Melalui platform layanan cerdas komunitas
masa depan "online" terpadu, melapiskan fasilitas "offline" seperti pusat lingkungan dan
ruang layanan publik, mengintegrasikan area lama, direnovasi, dan baru menjadi satu,
mewujudkan berbagi fasilitas layanan online dan offline yang inklusif di seluruh komunitas ,
dan membangun lingkaran kehidupan masyarakat yang relatif Lengkap.

(4) Merencanakan kelas baru

Mengandalkan platform pembangunan utama provinsi, prioritas harus diberikan pada area
inti pembangunan perkotaan dengan potensi besar untuk aglomerasi penduduk, transportasi
umum yang nyaman, dan sumbangan yang baik untuk pengembangan gabungan ruang di atas
tanah dan bawah tanah. Secara sistematis membuat sistem "tiga modernisasi dan sembilan
skenario", berdasarkan integrasi investasi, konstruksi dan operasi, mengeksplorasi budaya
baru, teknologi baru, format baru, dan inovasi model baru dan aplikasi secara menyeluruh,
dan secara bertahap membentuk sistem standar konstruksi dan perencanaan masyarakat
"terdepan", menciptakan Tolok ukur demonstrasi rumah yang baik untuk perubahan gaya
hidup di masa depan.

(5) Kategori global

Di daerah perkotaan yang relatif mandiri atau platform utama dengan kondisi matang,
seluruh area menanggapi konsep, standar dan model konstruksi komunitas masa depan, dan
melakukan penciptaan seluruh area. Sistem ini merumuskan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan
rencana jangka menengah dan panjang untuk penciptaan masyarakat di masa depan,
pelaksanaan bergulir, dan promosi keseluruhan termasuk integrasi dan peningkatan,
pembongkaran dan rekonstruksi, kombinasi pembongkaran dan renovasi, perencanaan dan
konstruksi baru, dan jenis konstruksi kelompok proyek lainnya. . Di satu sisi, komunitas
masa depan global perlu merujuk pada empat jenis pertama untuk melakukan pekerjaan
dengan baik dalam menciptakan satu titik, di sisi lain, perlu mengoordinasikan penciptaan
fungsi layanan publik perkotaan dari kelompok proyek, menyoroti konstruksi bersama dan
berbagi, mengerahkan efek sinergi, dan membangun sembilan skenario lengkap Ruang
fungsional "jaringan topologi" dan sistem "otak perkotaan".

Pada tahap berikutnya, berdasarkan laporan umum penelitian masyarakat masa depan dan
pedoman konstruksi dan operasi, penelitian tentang pedoman pembuatan klasifikasi dan
indikator evaluasi penerimaan akan dilakukan untuk lebih memperjelas standar khusus untuk
klasifikasi dan klasifikasi ciptaan masyarakat masa depan.

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