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UU No 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta

Fungsi dan Sifat Hak Cipta Pasal 4

Hak Cipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 huruf a merupakan hak eksklusif yang
terdiri atas hak moral dan hak ekonomi.
Pembatasan Pelindungan Pasal 26
Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 23, Pasal 24, dan Pasal 25 tidak berlaku
i. Penggunaan kutipan singkat Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait untuk pelaporan
peristiwa aktual yang ditujukan hanya untuk keperluan penyediaan informasi aktual;
ii. penggandaan Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait hanya untuk kepentingan
penelitian ilmu pengetahuan;
iii. penggandaan Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait hanya untuk keperluan
pengajaran, kecuali pertunjukan dan Fonogram yang telah dilakukan Pengumuman
sebagai bahan ajar; dan
iv. penggunaan untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan
yang memungkinkan suatu Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait dapat digunakan
tanpa izin Pelaku Pertunjukan, Produser Fonogram, atau Lembaga Penyiaran.
Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 113
1. Setiap orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara
Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau
pidana denda paling banyak Rp100.000.000,00 (seratus juta rupiah).
2. Setiap orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang
Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan
Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun
dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).

Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum.

Ernita Daulay, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Maisyaroh Tanjung, S.Pd.


Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum.

Ernita Daulay, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Maisyaroh Tanjung, S.Pd.

Deasy Yunita Siregar, M.Pd
Siti Ismahani, M.Hum


Sumber kover:

Penata Letak:
Yelmi Permata Sari


viii, 72 hlm., 14,8x21 cm


Cetakan Pertama :
September 2022

Hak Cipta 2022, pada Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum., Ernita Daulay, S.Pd.,
M.Hum., dan Maisyaroh Tanjung, S.Pd.

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang

Dilarang keras menerjemahkan, memfotokopi, atau
memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini
tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.

Anggota IKAPI: 027/SBA/21


Perum Gardena Maisa 2 C.12, Koto Baru, Kecamatan Kubung,

Kabupaten Solok, Provinsi Sumatra Barat – Indonesia 27361
HP/WA: 0823-9205-6884

Author’s Preface vii

Chapther I. Introduction 1
Chapther II. Concept of Speaking 3
Chapther III. Component of Speaking Skill 13
Chapther IV. Concept of Teaching Speaking 21
Chapther V. Concept of Learning Speaking Difficulty 27
Chapther VI. Some Difficulties in Learning Speaking 37
Chapther VII. Students Difficulties in Learning Speaking 43
Chapther VIII. Conclusion 49
References 51
Appendix 57
Teacher’s Interview 61
Authros’ Profile 69

vi | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

Alhamdulillah, all praises is due to Allah Azza wa Jalla, The

Most Gracious, The Most Merciful and The Most Beneficent who
has given me love and blessing that make us able to finish the
book under title Introduction to Linguistics. Peace and salutation
be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and
companions who is always be a true inspirator for all human
Speaking ability can be characterized as a student's
ability to communicate ideas orally utilizing appropriate
pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary in order to achieve
spoken goals. From the theory, author argues that speaking is the
act of communicating one's thoughts, ideas, and feelings by
employing one's capacity to enunciate words, organizing them
into phrases or sentences, and selecting words that are pertinent
to the subject. Students find it difficult to communicate in
English because they must study diligently in order to attain
fluency and good comprehension, which needs a greater
understanding of vocabulary and pronunciation.
Finally, we are grateful to Deasy Yunita Siregar and Siti
Ismahani for her kindness, support, patience to edit our draft,
especially alerted us to various errors in this book. Thank you.

Medan, 28 Agustus 2022

Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay

Ernita Daulay
Maisyaroh Tanjung

viii | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking


Speaking is the process of transmitting language through the

mouth. Speaking is one of the skills that students must develop
when studying English. "Speaking" refers to the act of delivering
language using the mouth. Sound is produced by the lungs, vocal
tract, voice cords, tongue, teeth, and lips, among other organs.
According Putra (2017:39) That the ability to engage in
a productive activity that requires one person to contact with
another is referred to as speaking ability. Speech is one of the
components of a language. Speaking is necessary, and it is
inextricably linked to the presence of a language. It indicates that
if no one speaks, there will be no interaction. When it comes to
learning English, speaking is the most significant part for
students. In addition, the Qur’an also explains how important is it
to establish a good relationship between human beings without
look at the difference. This is explained in the suroh Al-Isra
‫۞ َوقَضٰ ى َربُّكَ ا َ اَّل ت َ ْعبُد ُْْٓوا ا اَِّلْٓ اِيااهُ َوبِ ْال َوا ِلدَي ِْن اِ ْحسٰ نً ۗا اِ اما يَ ْبلُغ اَن ِع ْندَكَ ْال ِكبَ َر‬
ٍّ ُ ‫ا َ َحدُهُ َما ْٓ ا َ ْو ك ِٰل ُه َما فَ ََل تَقُ ْل لا ُه َما ْٓ ا‬
‫ف او ََّل تَ ْن َه ْرهُ َما َوقُ ْل لا ُه َما قَ ْو ًَّل ك َِر ْي ًما‬
The meaning: And your Lord has decreed that you not
worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one
or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them
[so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a
noble word. ( Al-Isra :23 )

Speaking English is taught to verbally express his
desires and opinions to others, but the talent of Speaking is
difficult to master if not practiced on a regular basis. Learning
difficulties are student condition that cause student not to study
well or as they should. and learning difficulties are also the
inability of students to accept or absorb the subject matter
presented by the teacher. This issue stems from a lack of student
motivation to improve their English speaking abilities. True or
false, because English is not one's native tongue, learning to
communicate in a foreign language (English) can be difficult.
In the school, students' ability to learn speaking is still
low. The students' vocabulary mastery is still lacking so that
students have difficulty in saying something, while the
vocabulary mastery itself affects the students' abilities in reading
(reading), writing (writing), listening, and speaking as well as
pronunciation. There are those who say that it is difficult for
students to learn speaking because students' willingness to learn
speaking is low, Students have trouble remembering the meanings
of English words., there are also those who say that students'
difficulties are because students are still reluctant or shy in
speaking English, learning English is very difficult. Boring and
the short hours of English lessons do not optimize learning
English at school.
From the background above, it can be concluded that
the identification of the problem is as follows:
1. Students' vocabulary mastery is still lacking.
2. Lack of student motivation to improve English speaking
3. Students' willingness to learn speaking is low.
4. Students are still reluctant or embarrassed to speak

2 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking



1. Definition of Speaking

The entire world has become a global village in today's culture,

with individuals speaking in a common language, English.
Because it is extensively spoken all across the world, the English
language has earned the title of global language. Scientific
research, trade, the internet, travel and tourism, media and
newspapers, software, medical, engineering, information and
technology, entertainment, banking, and a wide range of other
industries all use English. In business correspondence and on the
internet, English is the most extensively used language. Even in
the IT business, the majority of applications are written in
English, and employees communicate with their coworkers and
other software professionals who work in English all over the
Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are the four
basic language talents. It's a way for students to communicate
with one another in order to attain specific goals or to express
their thoughts, intentions, hopes, and points of view. People who
are fluent in a language are frequently referred to as speakers.
Furthermore, speaking is the most extensively used language skill

in practically any situation. Since elementary school, it has been
instilled in youngsters. Speech is both a power and an act, as well
as a means of communication. People utilize their speaking
abilities to communicate with others, convey an idea, opinion,
message, or feeling to others, express their thoughts and desires,
and socialize.(Putra, 2017:36)
Speaking ability can be characterized as a student's ability
to communicate ideas orally utilizing appropriate pronunciation,
grammar, and vocabulary in order to achieve spoken goals. (S. A.
E. F. Torky, 2006). From the theory above author argues that
Speaking is the act of communicating one's thoughts, ideas, and
feelings by employing one's capacity to enunciate words,
organizing them into phrases or sentences, and selecting words
that are pertinent to the subject.
Brown (2007:4) describe that Speaking is defined as an
interactive process of producing meaning that uses speech as the
primary instrument for creation, reception, and processing..
According to Thornbury (2004:42). Definition of speaking based
on interactional abilities, which include making communication
decisions, in S. A. E. F. Torky (2006 33), This is referred
described as a "top-down view of speaking." "Speaking is so
much a part of daily life that we take it for granted. According to
the definitions of speaking skill presented above, speaking talent
is a useful skill that is a part of our daily lives and is difficult to
assess. This is also explained in Suroh An-Nisa verse 63 in the

ْ ‫ع ْن ُه ْم َوع‬ ٰٰۤ ُ
‫ِظ ُه ْم َوقُ ْل لا ُه ْم فِ ْْٓي‬ ‫ولىِٕكَ الا ِذيْنَ يَ ْعلَ ُم ه‬
ْ ‫ّٰللاُ َما فِ ْي قُلُ ْوبِ ِه ْم فَاَع ِْر‬
َ ‫ض‬ ‫ا‬
‫ا َ ْنفُ ِس ِه ْم قَ ْو ًَّل ۢ بَ ِل ْي ًغا‬

4 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

The meaning: “Those are the ones of whom Allah knows
what is in their hearts, so turn away from them but admonish
them and speak to them a far-reaching word.” (An-Nisa:63)
According to Bygate, (1987) Speaking is an
underestimated talent in many ways. Perhaps this is due to the
fact that we can practically all communicate and hence take the
ability for granted. Speaking is commonly regarded as a 'popular'
mode of expression that employs the less prestigious 'colloquial'
register; literary abilities are generally regarded as more valuable.
This omission could also be due to the fact that speaking is
sporadic and unplanned, making it appear easy, superficial, or
glib. Could it be that the drawbacks of behaviorist education
approaches, which focused primarily on teaching spoken
language, have been associated with the skill itself? Speaking, on
the other hand, is a talent that requires just as much attention in
both first and second languages. In order to carry out many of
their most fundamental interactions, our students frequently need
to be able to talk confidently. It's the ability by which they're most
typically rated, as well as the ability by which they may make or
lose friends. It's the most powerful weapon for creating social
harmony, social position, professional advancement, and
business. It is also a medium through which a significant deal of
language is learnt, and it is very beneficial to learning for many
people. Perhaps more thought should be given to speaking
One of the most important skills is the ability to
communicate or speak. (Bueno, A., Madrid, D., & McLaren,
2006: 321). Language learners must master tough abilities.
English has four language skills. Even after years of study,
learners find it difficult to speak the language in situations where
it is essential. There are numerous options. There are several
reasons to overcome this. First and foremost, ELS must

Chapter II. Concept of Speaking | 5

comprehend the significance of communicating. They must learn
new talents in order to compete in today's competitive world.
Speaking appears to be the most challenging of the four basic
talents of the English language since speakers must generate
sentences on the fly. Without initially grasping grammatical
structures and having a significant vocabulary, For foreign or
second language learners, composing sentences is incredibly
tough. As a result, EFL/ESL English language students find it
difficult to construct appropriate English phrases.Because
speaking skills play such an important role in communication,
people wish to improve these skills in order to communicate
effectively with the complete community all over the world.
The ability to speak is the most significant part of
acquiring a second or foreign language. Furthermore,
demonstrating ability in speaking in the target language improves
language success. Speaking skills are interactive processes that
originate, receive, analyze, and use verbal and nonverbal
components to construct meaning. Speaking skills, on the other
hand, talk with meaning and make active use of language to
explain intentions so that others can understand them. Speaking
skills are used in this situation to interpret the development of
means that comprise both verbal and non-verbal signals through
spoken exchanges using language interactively. Additionally,
speaking abilities are evident.
The two broad environments in which speaking is learned
are foreign language and second language situations. The target
language in a foreign language (FL) situation is not the society's
principal language of communication (e.g., learning English in
Japan or studying French in Australia). Because they have few
opportunities to use the target language outside of the classroom,
students in FL contexts struggle to develop speaking abilities.
When foreign language learners travel to locations where their

6 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

target languages are spoken, they may find that native speakers
are unable to understand or understand them. The target language
is the society's major language of communication in a second
language (SL) situation (such as English in the UK or Spanish in
Mexico). Those studying a second language include refugees,
international students, and immigrants. Some second language
learners (especially those who arrive in their new country as
children) develop exceptional speaking ability, but many others
attain a certain level of proficiency and then drop out. Their
speech appears to come to a halt at a point where flaws are still
visible and predictable. These can be grammar, vocabulary, or
pronunciation errors, or any combination of problems that make it
difficult for the students to communicate vocally.
According to Harmer (2007), Forcing Student to speak up
in class accomplishes three goals. For begin, speaking activities
provide opportunities for training - opportunities to practice
speaking in a safe environment. Second, students are given
speaking assignments in which they must employ one or more of
the languages. They can provide feedback to instructors and
students in a variety of languages. Everybody can see it. how well
they're doing: how successful they've been, as well as any
linguistic issues they've had. Finally, the more pupils who have
the opportunity to engage in varied activities, the better. The more
they employ components of the language they have stored in their
minds, the better, will automatically.
Speaking is a skill that may be broken down into two
types: accuracy and fluency. Accuracy emphasizes "the use of
vocabulary, syntax, and pronunciation over numerous tasks,"
whereas fluency considers "the capacity to keep going when
speaking spontaneously." (Derakhshan et al,2016). "It illustrates
that oral encounters can be characteristic in terms of routines,"
according to Sidik (2013), "which are traditional ways of

Chapter II. Concept of Speaking | 7

presenting information that can focus on information or
interaction." Speaking, according to Kosar, Gulten., & Bedir
(2014) is a two-way participatory process for creating and
receiving meaning.
One of the language abilities that focused on verbal
exchanges is speaking, as evidenced by the statement above. This
is capable of accurately producing, sending, and receiving data.
The speaker must be aware of his or her vocabulary, grammar,
and pronunciation.

2. The Function of Speaking

The function of speaking must be understood because it is mostly

determined by the communication goals established by the
speaker and the listener, the goal of speaking isn't just to inform,
persuade, or entertain, but also to elicit a physical reaction or
action from the speaker or listener. The transmission and
receiving of messages or news between two or more people is
known as communication. In order to properly deliver
communications, the speaker must first grasp what will be
conveyed or communicated. According to Tarigan (2008:16), A
speaker must be able to assess their communication's influence on
the listener and comprehend the principles that underlying all
speaking circumstances, both in general and in particular.
The function of speaking is separated into three sorts,
according to G. Brown & Yule, (1983), as mentioned by
Richards: Talk can be viewed as a conversation, a transaction, or
a performance. Each of these activities has its own form and
function, needing a variety of instructional approaches. Below are
some explanations the function of Speaking:

8 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

a. Talk as Interaction
Talk as interaction denotes primarily social engagement and
refers to what we generally refer to as "talk." To be respectful
and establish a pleasant contact zone, people exchange
pleasantries, engage in small talk, tell current happenings, and
so on when they meet up with one another. The focus is not on
the massage, but on the speakers and how they want to interact
with one another.
In Islam, interaction is done with the goal of forming
friendships or strengthening relationships of affection and
kinship, with the need to support one another in good deeds
and protect one another from danger. as stated in Suroh An-
Nisa verse 1 of the Qur'an:
‫ي َخلَقَ ُك ْم ِم ْن نا ْف ٍّس اواحِ دَةٍّ او َخ َلقَ مِ ْن َها‬ ْ ‫اس اتاقُ ْوا َربا ُك ُم الا ِذ‬ ُ ‫ٰ ْٓياَيُّ َها النا‬
‫س ٰۤا َءلُ ْونَ بِ ٖه‬
َ َ‫ي ت‬ َ ‫س ٰۤا ًء ۚ َواتاقُوا ه‬
ْ ‫ّٰللا الا ِذ‬ َ ِ‫ث مِ ْن ُه َما ِر َج ًاَّل َكثِي ًْرا اون‬ ‫زَ ْو َج َها َوبَ ا‬
‫علَ ْي ُك ْم َرقِ ْيبًا‬ َ ‫ام ۗ ا اِن ه‬
َ َ‫ّٰللا َكان‬ َ ‫َو ْاَّلَ ْر َح‬
The meaning: “O mankind, fear your Lord, who
created you from one soul and created from it its mate and
dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear
Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs.
Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.” (Qur’an.Suroh
An-Nisa: 1)
Some of the talents required to use teaching as an
interaction are listed below:
1) Initiate and end a conversation.
2) Pick a topic.
3) Strike up a conversation.
4) Crack a joke.
5) Relate personal anecdotes and experiences.
6) Take turns speaking.

Chapter II. Concept of Speaking | 9

7) Making use of adjacency pairs.
8) Make an interruption.
9) react to what's going on around you.
10) Speak in an acceptable tone of voice.

b. Talk as Transaction
The phrase "conversation as transaction" refers to a situation
in which all of the focus is on what is being said or done. The
main future of talk as a transaction are:
1) It is primarily concerned with information.
2) The massage is the major focus, not the participants.
3) In order to be understood, participants need communication
4) There could be a lot of questions, repeats, and compre-
hension tests like in the preceding classroom lesson's
5) There may be some wiggle room for discussion and
6) Linguistic precision isn't always necessary.
The primary goal of speaking is to convey informa-tion.
Speaking is a crucial tool for communicating or delivering mind-
blowing ideas regarding what the speaker will say to their
audience. As a result, communication is crucial.
In general, speech serves four purposes (Tarigan, 2008:
30-36), namely:
a. To Inform
To inform implies to convey information, facts, feelings, or
ideas to the audience, as well as to transfer knowledge for a
specific purpose. (Tarigan, 2008:30). The speaker is simply
presenting a fact in this case. thus Information or the news
conveyed to someone must be true and accurate. Accuracy of
information in communication is also seen from the extent to

10 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

which the information has been carefully and thoroughly so
that the information conveyed reaches accuracy.

b. To Entertain
To entertain means to want to make the audience pleased by
using objects selected for their entertainment value. (Tarigan,
2008:32). When the instructor recounted a story to the
students, the parents, for example, told their children a
humorous story. It will be more fun to listen to you if you
speak in this manner.

c. To Persuade
Persuade refers to the speaker's attempt to persuade the
audience to do a particular action. (Tarigan, 2008:35). By
providing an example in content delivery, the teacher must
provide great education to the students. By imitating the
example, students can grasp the course's mindset and become
active participants. To spark the listener's interest in
undertaking the acts that the speaker intends, the activities
demand actions.

d. To Discuss
Because the purpose of speaking is to create decisions and
plans, the speaker wants to talk about it. Because they must
solve a problem from a task assigned by the teacher, students
are supposed to pay more attention to discussion activities.
(Tarigan, 2008: 36).
From the theory above, the writer concludes Speaking
allows someone to express their sentiments, learn about
another's feelings by questioning him in their discourse, and
make decisions, as evidenced by the preceding paragraphs.

Chapter II. Concept of Speaking | 11

12 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking
COmponent OF
iIi SPEAKING skill

1. Communication

According to Andriani Putri et al. (2020), the main purpose of

speech is to communicate, many people believe that language is
a communication instrument. To effectively communicate ideas,
the speaker must first comprehend the significance of all that is
being said. He should be able to assess the impact of
communications to the audience, and they should be familiar with
the concepts that underpin all circumstances talks, both in general
and personally.
There are a lot of reasons why people communicate.
according to Harmer (2002:46):
a. They Want to Say Something
This is a generic method of implying that the speakers make
specific decisions about how to approach other individuals. Of
course, they may be forced to speak, However, we can argue
that they are obligated to talk since else they would keep mute.
They have several purposes for communication
Speakers make statements with the hopes that
something will happen as a result of their remarks. They might
want to fascinate their audience; they might want to inform or
pleasure them; they might want to be rude or flattering.

Whether they agree or disagree, they all seek to achieve the
same communicative goal, which is the message they want to
communicate and the effect they want it to have.

b. They Select from Their Language Store

Speakers can never run out of new sentences to make. They
will choose (from their "store" of language) the language they
believe is appropriate for this purpose in order to attain this
communication goal. This is a general way of expressing that
the speakers make specific decisions about how to interact
with other people. They may be obligated to speak, but we
may still claim that they feel driven to speak; otherwise, they
would keep silent.
According to Haris (1974), speaking ability consists of
five components: comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, pronun-
ciation, and fluency.
a. Comprehension
Both a subject who responds to speech and one who initiates it
are required for oral communication.

b. Grammar
In conversation, students must be able to compose a correct
sentence. learners' ability to change structure and understand
appropriate grammatical form in context. Grammar is also
useful for understanding the right approach for achieving
spoken and written competency in a language.

c. Vocabulary
The right diction employed in speaking is referred to as
vocabulary. It is impossible to communicate effectively or
express oneself in both oral and writing form without a
suitable vocabulary. Learners who have a limited vocabulary

14 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

confront an additional challenge when it comes to learning a
language. Little can be communicated without grammar, and
nothing can be communicated without vocabulary. As a result
of this logic, the researcher got to the conclusion that English
learners who do not have a good comprehension of vocabulary
will not be able to speak or write English successfully.

d. Pronunciation
Students use pronunciation to build clearer language when
communicating. It's about the phonological process, which is
an aspect of grammar that determines how sounds change and
pattern in a language. Two factors of pronunciation are
phonemes and supra segmental features. From the above
remark, the researcher determined that pronunciation is the
study of how words in a certain language are formed clearly
when people speak. Pronunciation is crucial in communication
since it allows others to understand what you're saying.

e. Fluency
The capacity to talk clearly and eloquently is characterized as
fluency. Many language learners desire to be able to
communicate fluently in their native tongue. Fluency is
characterized as a relatively rapid rate of speaking with few
pauses and "ums" or "ers." These signals imply that the
speaker has not spent much time searching for the linguistic
components required to convey the information. The study
discovered that fluency is another key component, based on
the notions indicated above.

Chapter III. Component of Speaking Skill | 15

On the other hand, speaking also has three components,
according to Vanderkevent (1990) are:
a. The Speaker
Speakers are the people who create the sound. They can be
used to communicate one's feelings or thoughts to the listener.
As a result, no one's point of view, feelings, or feelings will be
expressed if no one speaks.

b. The Listener
Those who understand or appreciate the speaker's point of
view or feeling are referred to as listeners. If there are no
listeners, speakers will scribble down their remarks.

c. The Utterance
Utterances are the words or sentences that speakers use to
communicate their thoughts. If no words are used, both the
speakers and the listeners will use sign language.

2. Types of Speaking

The five main types of speech are imitative, intense, responsive,

interactive, and extended. The ability to repeat (parrot back) a
word, phrase, or even a speech is known as imitative speaking.
Intensive speaking is a step up from imitative speaking, and it
refers to any type of speaking performance that aims to improve
phonological and grammatical skills. On a lesser scale,
interaction, such as a quick chat, a traditional greeting and small
talk, a simple comment or request, and so on, is referred to as
responsive speech. Speaking in an interactive manner is a
complex engagement that may comprise many exchanges and/or

16 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

multiple participants. Speeches, oral presentations, and tale telling
are examples of extensive speaking(H. D. Brown, 2004: 141-
142). As detailed in the following, Brown, H.D. and
Abeywikrama, (2010:184-185) offer five styles of speaking:
a. Imitative
The test takers must copy a word, phrase, or sentence in this
form of speaking. Although pronunciation is the most
important feature of the evaluation, grammar is also included
as a score criteria. What should be stressed in imitative
speaking is that linguistic communicative skill is not required.
They must gather knowledge and then verbally regurgitate it
without the need for additional explanation. What they say is
purely based on the information they receive.

b. Intensive
Unlike imitative speaking, intensive speaking does not place a
premium on phonological or aspect pronunciation. Certain
activities necessitate understanding meaning, although
interaction with the counterpart is minimal. Reading aloud,
sentence and conversation completion are examples of

c. Responsive
In a conversation, authenticity is crucial. As a result, the
speaker is encouraged to speak quickly. Making a basic
request statement in response to a short chat is an example of
this type of speaking activity.

d. Interactive
The key differences between responsive and interactive
speaking are the weight and complexity of the phrases.

Chapter III. Component of Speaking Skill | 17

Because certain arguments require more than two persons to
participate, the number of speakers is also important.

e. Extensive
A wide range of speech production strategies are used in
extensive speaking. The speaker will also need to
communicate with the counter-speakers, who may be
responding questions or engaging in debate. Extensive
speaking might be considered the pinnacle of speaking ability,
requiring significant language components.

3. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

Speaking should be taught through engaging and conversational

activities. There are many different types of speaking activities
that can be done in the classroom. According to J. Harmer
(2001:271-274), there are five types of classroom speaking
activities. Acting from a script, communication games,
discussion, problem solving, and role play are among the
activities they engage in.
a. Acting from a Script
In this sort of speaking, the teacher urges the students to put on
a play based on their own dialogues written in their course
books. In other words, the teacher must assist the pupils in
reading the scripts as if he were a theater director.

b. Communication Games
One of the things that might help students get more
comfortable while learning a language is playing a game. For
young pupils, games are a fantastic instructional tool. Games-

18 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

based speaking activities are a terrific way to get students to
improve their speaking skills. In games-based activities, oral
approaches such as oral description, forecasting, and asking
for feedback can be used.

c. Discussion
In an oral skills class, discussion is arguably the most popular
activity. A debate can be held for a variety of reasons. In their
discussion groups, students may try to reach a conclusion,
share their thoughts on an incident, or propose remedies. The
teacher must establish the aim of the activity before beginning
the chat. As a result, the topics of conversation are relevant to
the aim, and students do not waste time discussing other

d. Problem Solving
Students are expected to work in pairs or groups to solve
challenges. They talk about their issues, thoughts, and
feelings. In this situation, the teacher serves as a
communication link between the students. The pupils then turn
to one another and ask and answer questions. As a result of
this communication, students will be able to experience
speaking and expressing themselves in a spoken language.

e. Simulation and Role Play

Students can use simulation and role play to increase their oral
fluency in general or prepare for specific scenarios. Simulation
and role play are common activities in discussion or speaking
groups in which participants must rehearse and attempt to
carry out simulations as themselves or as a completely
different character, expressing thoughts and feelings as they
would in the real world. Role play is a great approach to

Chapter III. Component of Speaking Skill | 19

practice authentic communication skills that can be used to
real-life situations.

20 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking


1. Definition of Teaching Speaking

According to H.Douglas Brown (2000:7) stated that allowing

students to learn how to do something, offering instruction,
leading the study of something, and supplying knowledge that
allows students to know or grasp something is all part of the
teaching process. Teaching entails guiding, aiding, and enabling
students to learn, as well as creating conducive learning
environments. It denotes that teaching is an action or a process
that supports students in gaining information from the natural
world. The environment system is comprised of the educational
goal, the materials provided, policies, facilities, teachers, and
At the same time, teachers have two missions: religious
and scientific missions. Religious missions demand teachers to
instill in students the values of religious teachings so that they can
live according to religious norms. Teachers must impart
knowledge in accordance with current events as part of their
science mission (Nurdin, 2004:154) This is explained in QS Al-
Baqarah:31as follows:

‫علَى ْال َم ٰل ِٕى َك ِة فَقَا َل اَ ۢ ْنبِـُٔ ْونِ ْي‬
َ ‫ض ُه ْم‬ َ ‫علا َم ٰادَ َم ْاَّلَ ْس َم ٰۤا َء ُكلا َها ث ُ ام‬
َ ‫ع َر‬ َ ‫َو‬
ٰۤ َ ‫بِا َ ْس َم ٰۤا ِء ٰ ْٓهؤ‬
َ‫َُّل ِء ا ِْن ُك ْنت ُ ْم صٰ ِدقِيْن‬
The meaning: “And He taught Adam the names - all of them.
Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the
names of these, if you are truthful."(Al-Baqarah:31).
Speaking is sometimes thought to be an easy procedure to
teach. People with no training are hired to teach conversation at
commercial language schools all over the world. Although
speaking comes naturally to us, doing it in a language other than
our own is significantly more difficult. There are several
distinctions between spoken and written language. Here are a few
key contrasts to think about. (Van lier,1995:88).
A teacher is crucial to the teaching and learning process
since he or she is accountable for ensuring that pupils learn
English successfully. He or she can also control and manage the
material target for each meeting, ensuring that students meet their
target in mastering English within one semester. The length of
each meeting is also a role in teaching and learning success, if
each meeting is too short, it will have an impact on the students'
knowledge of the topic. The time is also supported by a location
where the teaching and learning process can take place. as well as
a comfortable environment that allows students to feel at ease and
absorb the subject presented. In addition, equipment such as
media in teaching in the classroom adds to the mix, allowing
students to acquire English quickly.
Teaching speaking, according to Nunan (2006:1),
requires instructing the listener on how to:
a. Generate the English speech sound and sound pattern.
b. Employ the second language's word and sentence structure,
stress intonation pattern, and rhythm.

22 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

c. Choose acceptable words and sentences for the social setting,
audience, scenario, and topic matter.
d. Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical order.
e. Express themselves using language.
They improve their oral fluency, which is described as
the ability to communicate clearly. Teachers are expected to
fulfill three fundamental roles, independent of their grade level,
topic areas, or types of schools in which they teach. The purpose
of teaching speaking ability, on the other hand, is to improve
communicative efficiency. Learners should be able to make
themselves understood to the fullest extent possible based on their
current skill level. They should aim to reduce message ambiguity
caused by incorrect pronunciation, syntax, or vocabulary, as well
as follow the social and cultural norms in each communication
According to the statements of the experts, teaching
speaking is teaching about speaking learning, which is a process
that helps students gain knowledge from the environment system
and is useful to inform, persuade the goal, express an idea,
communicate, and interact with a human being in daily activities.

Chapter IV. Concept of Teaching Speaking | 23

2. Teacher Problem in Teaching Speaking

According to Scoot Thornbury (2002), there are three aspects of

teaching a set of words that the instructor must consider when
teaching speaking:
a. Class Management
The speaking class (TC), for example, has more than 30 pupils
in one class. If the students are bored or exhausted of their
various duties, this condition will cause the entire class to
become rowdy and uncontrollable. It may be inferred that
having too many pupils in a class makes it difficult for the
instructor to control the class, and it also reduces the
effectiveness of teaching in the classroom.

b. The Motivation of Student

Students must be motivated in order to feel enthusiastic about
their studies. Students in the classroom are sometimes excited
to learn new topics, but they are also bored with the teaching-
learning process. This situation frequently occurs when the
educator delivers simple information to the understudies,
which causes them to dismiss it by not paying attention to the
teacher; regardless of whether the educator offered difficult
materials, the understudies do not pay attention to the
instructor's explanation. When they encounter difficult
materials, they will quickly become fatigued.

c. Student’s Laziness
Because this problem stems from the students' traits, student
laziness is one of the more challenging issues that teachers

24 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

face. As a result, the teacher cannot force the kids to be
diligent. The teacher must discover problem-solving
techniques that will encourage kids to be self-disciplined.

3. Concept of Learning Speaking

Learning is defined as a process or effort made by each individual

in order to produce a positive change in behavior as a result of
exposure to varied resources in the form of information, skills,
attitudes, and values. The term "learning" can alternatively be
defined as "any psychological activity carried out by each
individual so that behavior differs from that which existed prior to
the behavior research." Because of new experiences,
intelligence/knowledge after learning, and practice activities,
there are changes in behavior or response. The definition of
learning is a process of personality development in which a
person's behavior improves as a result of increased knowledge,
skills, thinking, understanding, attitudes, and a variety of other
abilities (Andriani Putri et al., 2020:6).
Language learning is a lengthy process that culminates in
the ability to converse in a foreign tongue. For young learners,
learning a foreign language is comparable to learning one's native
tongue: after a period of classroom exposure (exposure), students
seek to replicate some of the utterances they hear. Although the
repetition of predetermined sentences does not suggest that
children are learning a language, it does indicate that they are,
according to Salttery, M. & Willis (2001:43), it is nevertheless
According to Daulay (2018) teachers should be
innovative in their communication activities in the classroom,

Chapter IV. Concept of Teaching Speaking | 25

encouraging and pushing students to use the language actively
and productively as a key component of their success. Conducive
learning activities, for example, should be supplied to students in
a speaking class. Following that, students will be able to put their
English skills to the test. Students, on the other hand, frequently
struggle to speak for a variety of reasons, such as a lack of self-
confidence while speaking in front of the class, a lack of
instructor inspiration in the learning process, and so on.. When
pupils are studying English, they rarely use the language to
converse with their classmates. As a result, encouraging students
to participate in class discussions is critical.
There are a few different types of roles that students
might play in developing their speaking skills in the classroom
(H. D Brown, 1994) :
a. Intensive - It goes beyond imitative to encompass any
speaking performances aimed at improving phonological or
grammatical components of language.
b. Responsive - It comprises of brief responses to questions or
remarks posed by the teacher or students.
c. Transactional (dialogue) - Transactional language is an
expanded form of responsive language that is used to express
or exchange specific information.
d. Interpersonal (dialogue) - It served mostly to sustain social
ties rather than to transmit facts and information. Learners will
find these interactions more challenging because they may
include any or all of the following elements: a casual register,
colloquial language, emotionally charged language, slang, and
e. Extensive (monolog) - This is a more formal and deliberate
register. It can be planned or spontaneous.

26 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking


1. Definition of Learning Speaking Difficulty

Fluency in speaking English improves one's English skills and

allows one to sound more natural, fluid, and impressive to
listeners. Due to the lack of speech disturbances, it also allows for
more effective communication. Fluency, according to Luoma
(2004:88)), The flow, smoothness, and pace of speech, as well as
the length of utterances, the connection of ideas, the lack of
excessive pausing, and the absence of distracting hesitation
indicators, are all factors to consider. Furthermore, fluency is
reached when a person speaks a foreign language fluently with
the fewest number of silent pauses, filled pauses (ooo and emm),
self-corrections, false starts, and hesitations (Stockdale, 2009:1).
According to Mukarromah & Malang,(2022) English is a
widely established language over the world, it is now employed in
many sectors of human existence. Both native and non-native
speakers use this language as a means of communication around
the world. Non-native English speakers, on the other hand, must
study the language in order to communicate successfully and
without major errors. It is unavoidable that challenges may arise
during the learning process, particularly when it comes to
mastering speaking abilities.

Many people assume that learning a new language is
difficult than learning to read, write, or listen. Because of two
factors, To begin with, speaking, unlike reading or writing, occurs
in real time: the person with whom you're interacting is usually
waiting for you to say something. Second, speaking does not
allow you to modify and change what you wish to express, unlike
Learning difficulties is a circumstance in which students
are unable to study effectively due to some threat, hindrance, or
disruption to learning. (Ahmadi, 2013:77) define learning
challenges as the inability of students to learn as they should.
Learning difficulties are a condition that leads learners
not to learn properly, according to (Dalyono, 1997:229). The
difficulty of learners in receiving or digesting the lessons in
school, according to (Alisuf, 1995:88), is another definition of
learning challenges. While Blassic and Jones (1990: 83) stated
that "learning difficulties are the presence of a gap between
expected academic achievement and academic achievement,"
Warkitri (1990:83) stated that "learning difficulties are the
presence of a gap between expected academic achievement and
academic achievement."
Students find it difficult to communicate in English
because they must study diligently in order to attain fluency and
good comprehension, which needs a greater understanding of
vocabulary and pronunciation. According to (Alhosni, 2014),
common issues in English-speaking pupils include a lack of
confidence, low fluency, and a restricted vocabulary. The
difficulty in speaking English stems from a variety of factors, all
of which are dealt with differently by each individual. It is
something that everyone must solve and improve upon at all
times because these difficulties can come at any time and in any

28 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

location. Some people have issues with sentences, vocabulary,
grammar, and so forth. and must continue to practice.

2. The Factor of Learning Speaking Difficulty

Humans are frequently confronted with a variety of problem

during their lives. Problems are frequently linked to bad luck and
disaster. In fact, a closer examination of the problem's
fundamental structure reveals that the underlying issue has more
than negative consequences. Problems can often be viewed as a
chance to rectify numerous flaws inside a system. Despite the fact
that humans are constantly confronted with issues, many people
are unaware of the problem's definition.
According to Richards (2008), the best place to start
training ourselves to be more open is to identify the problem,
because every problem has a solution. Furthermore, speaking is a
basic need for every human being; every day, individuals must
expose all of the information that will assist them in living their
lives; if people are not adept at speaking, it will undoubtedly
become a problem. Speaking is not as simple as we may believe.
Some Student have trouble verbally expressing their thoughts.
When the teacher asks questions like "How do you feel about
your school?" or "What do you think about your school?" ”. The
Students actually understand what the teacher is saying, but they
remain silent in the classroom. Students find it difficult to
communicate in English because they must study diligently in
order to attain fluency and good comprehension, which needs a
greater understanding of vocabulary and pronunciation.

Chapter V. Concept of Learning.... | 29

Daulay (2021) argue that in increasing of English
speaking, many people or students face a challenging especially
when they are learning English. The following are some problems
of speaking skill in English language learning:
a. Inhabitation. Many students in the class are frequently settled
about effort to deliver their idea through spoken language
because of their worriedness when making mistakes, their
worry, fear of criticism and shame (Leong, 2017)
b. Nothing to say. The students tend unable to think before
saying; they do not have motivation because of their feeling
mistake in English speaking. Moreover, student cannot
remember what they have to say (Leong, 2017). In this case,
building of motivation is really needed toward students. The
students will be brave to express what they want to say
through motivation, either intrinsic or extrinsic (Rodriguez,
Eleana Lisseth Gutierrez, Hernandez, 2017).
c. Low or uneven participation. We knew that students will get a
very little chance to talk in a big class. This situation became a
problem because of the tendency of students who dominate in
the classroom (Leong, 2017).
d. Mother tongue use. Students tend to be easier and looks
natural when they are using of mother tongue. Therefore, this
case makes them difficult to speak in English (Leong, 2017).
There are also certain obstacles that students have when
speaking English, as evidenced by Afisa, P., & Yolanda (2015)
research :
a. The students' low vocabulary mastery was due to their
insufficient grasp of meaning words, which made it difficult
for them to follow the dialogue.
b. Due to the differences in pronunciation and spelling of English
terms, the students had difficulty pronouncing certain words.

30 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

c. The students were still unsure how to put words together. Then
there were a few more grammatical errors.
d. Students were often apprehensive about speaking English
because they were frightened of making mistakes.
Students struggle with speaking skills in a second or
foreign language because speaking a foreign language, such as
English, requires not just understanding of grammar but also the
application of English in a real-life setting. The act of choosing
proper words and sentences for the right social situation,
audience, scenario, and topic matter is known as speaking. A
thorough comprehension of the language learned and its
application in real-life situations is required to be a proficient
Psychological difficulties, such as nervousness, lack of
self-confidence, and fear of speaking, can obstruct students'
ability to become proficient English speakers. Psychological
difficulties are those that frequently interfere with your emotional
and physical health, your relationships, your work productivity, or
your life adjustment, such as nervousness, lack of self-confidence,
and fear of speaking. These difficulties may affect a student's
capacity to communicate.
Khan (2005) claims that some of his respondents had
psychological challenges with speaking. This shows how
psychological concerns might affect a student's capacity to
a. Linguistic Problem
Linguistics plays a significant part in language training, which
tries to prepare pupils to communicate effectively in a variety
of situations. ability to communicate effectively in a range of
settings (Daulay et al., 2021).
Linguistics is the study of language in its entirety,
including its structure (grammar), words, and phonology.

Chapter V. Concept of Learning.... | 31

General linguistics, according to (Spolky, Bernard. & Hult,
2008), offers intensive vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation instruction. Linguistic difficulties are those that
cause a decline in a student's ability to communicate. Bad
grammar, a lack of vocabulary, and poor pronunciation are all
linguistic difficulties that can affect someone's ability to talk.
According to Richards. (2008), when it comes to speaking,
there are a few frequent challenges that students face. These
frequent are:
1) a lack of conversational vocabulary.
2) bad grammar
3) poor pronunciation.

b. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the most significant aspects of language.
Aside from structure/grammar, pronunciation, and spelling,
vocabulary is considered the most important element because
it directly contributes to achieving the four language
competencies of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Apart from that, the language has the potential to extend
students' intellectual horizons. The greater the vocabulary of
the students, the more knowledge they can absorb. In a
nutshell, students will be able to improve their understanding
by expanding their vocabulary.(Sanjaya, 2017:1)
Actually, there are certain issues with delivering a
speech, such as the fact that people become apprehensive
when they try to talk. Actually, it is an internal component for
everyone who tries to speak; when they see individuals around
them, they would feel bad. It is influenced for their speaking;
suddenly, they forget what they are about to say, and the
information conveyed to the audience is confused or
ambiguous. Second, the students do not possess a large

32 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

vocabulary. It is the most important issue for pupils who want
to express their thoughts, opinions, or comments. It's a
nightmare for pupils who wish to speak in public but don't
have a large vocabulary (Daulay et al., 2018).
The difficulty of vocabulary arises when a person does
not have the appropriate vocabulary to communicate and does
not know how to combine such vocabularies into a coherent
phrase. The vast majority of students learning english as a
second language struggle to use words and idioms in everyday
speech. No one paid much attention to proper grammar
expression in real-life conversation, instead focusing on the
topic and how to reply. Students know exactly what they want
to express in the source language, but they frequently struggle
to combine and apply the relevant vocabularies in the target
language, such as English.

c. Grammar
Grammar is the study of how sentences are constructed and
written, and while it can be time consuming, it is well worth
the effort. Learners who do not comprehend grammar rules
will never be able to communicate effectively in English.
Grammar becomes tough, according to Celce (2001), because
students do not study structures one by one. Backsliding is
occurs when new forms are introduced to the learners' inter
language, even when they appear to have mastered a specific
structure. A learner who has mastered the third singular person
marker on a present tense verb, for example, is likely to
generalize the rule and apply it to newly developed modal
verbs, resulting in errors such as "she can speak English."
These errors may occur when the kids speak because they do
not understand English Grammar.

Chapter V. Concept of Learning.... | 33

d. Pronunciation
English has evolved into a language that brings people from
all over the world together. Learners of a second or foreign
language are also expected to speak English fluently, as if they
were native speakers. A second language learner, according to
Hinkel (2005:491), must grasp the unique characteristics of a
new language's sound. Furthermore, pupils will benefit from
being able to talk naturally like a native speaker.
Burns & Claire (2003) believes that it is more vital for
English speakers to be able to:
1) Perceptiveness (the spekers produces sound patterns that
are recognisable as English).
2) The ability to comprehend (the listener is able to under-
stand the meaning of what is said)
3) The ability to be understood (the listener is able to under-
stand the purpose of what is said).

For instance, a speaker might say, "It's as hot as it gets

today." Because of the inaccuracy of the noises, tension, and
patterns, this is unlikely to be understood. As a result, the
speaker is incomprehensible to the listener because the
meaning is unavailable. In communication, it is critical to have
clear communication. The following are the numerous
characteristics that make up the generation of sounds in
a. Supresegmental features: connecting, intonation, and word
stress (Burns & Claire, 2003).
b. Phonemes; consonant and vowel sounds are segmental
Pronunciation is equally important as other aspects of
foreign language learning, such as syntax and vocabulary.
You'll need to learn how to pronounce words correctly if you

34 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

want to improve your speaking ability. Pronunciation is linked
to other subjects like listening and even grammar. When a
person, for example, can correctly enunciate word endings, he
can also supply grammatical information.

e. Psychology Problem
The science or study of human and other animal brain
processes and behavior in their interactions with the
environment is known as psychology. Psychological problems
are those that interfere with one's emotional or physical well-
being on a regular basis. These psychological disorders may
impair a student's capacity to communicate.

f. Lack of Self Confidence

Over a quarter of a million people worldwide suffer from low
self-esteem. Two parts of self-confidence are knowing that we
have the power to accomplish well and thinking favorably.
Self-confidence refers to one's belief in one's own judgment,
ability, power, and so on, which can be overdone at times.
Self-confidence comes from a concentration on
oneself (self-consciousness). Shame, inward shyness, exagge-
rated expectations of perfection, a false sense of humility, fear
of change or making a mistake, unhappiness, and so on are all
symptoms of a lack of self-confidence. A lack of self-
confidence can contribute to depression.
Here are some of the signs and symptoms of low self-
1) A major confidence crisis
2) A lack of faith in themselves to take on new challenges
3) Difficulty of being assertive
4) Fear of confrontation
5) An extremely low opinion on themselves

Chapter V. Concept of Learning.... | 35

6) Difficulty in one area such as speaking in social group
7) Social phobia.

g. Anxiety
Anxiety is a fearful feeling that something dreadful is about to
happen (Nevid, J.S, Rathus, S.A., 2005). There are numerous
things to be concerned about, including one's health, social
relationships, exams, careers, and environmental concerns,
among others. It's quite acceptable, even adaptive, to be
concerned about such parts of life. Anxiety is useful when it
prompts you to do something, such as regular check-ups or
motivation to study for an anxiety exam, but it can become
abnormal if the level of anxiety does not match the proportion
of threats, or if it appears to have appeared without a cause –
for example, when it is not a response to environmental
changes (Nevid, J.S, Rathus, S.A., 2005).

36 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking


There are a variety of issues that make it difficult for students to

talk. The authors conducted observations to find out students'
difficulties in speak English. During the observation, the authors
asked permission from the English teacher and take notes during
the teaching and learning process of English to collect data.
The authors also discovered various difficulties that
students have when practicing their English. They have difficul-
ties saying words since they are not used to uttering them and are
also fearful of pronouncing them incorrectly. They continue to
mispronounce words when speaking English. When learning
English, students also rarely bring a dictionary. Of course, this
makes it difficult for students to pronounce the word because
there are several ways to pronounce the word correct in the
The students also lack of sufficient vocabulary and do not
understand the meaning of the terms, leaving them perplexed
while practicing speak. The authors also discovered that the
teacher always assigned students some language to memorize.
The pupils then memorized the terminology without trying to
apply it in class to practice speaking English with their
classmates. As a result, if student do not use their vocabulary in
communication, they will struggle to speak English and there are
also students who are very difficult to memorize vocabulary
because they are very difficult to pronounce and there are also

students who have memorized it today and then tomorrow they
have forgotten so they are very difficult to remember English
The other problem experienced by students, namely lack
of student motivation to improve speaking English. Low
motivation and speaking skills on suggestion material due to
student learning motivation in participating in learning and
methods used by the teacher is less attractive and motivates
students when learning. The method used is in the form of
lectures and assignments for students to discuss in analyzing the
monologue suggestion, it turns out unattractive. This causes
student boredom which results in students become less
concentrated, bored and lazy to follow the lesson so that the
material is not conveyed properly. Meanwhile, according to Uno
(2011: 5), motivation is a force that motivates someone to do
something in order to attain a goal; this power is fueled by a
variety of demands, including wants to be met, behavior, goals,
and feedback. Learning and motivation are two things that have a
mutual influence. As a result, when studying English, it is vital to
consider how to put it into practice in order to make English
language learning enjoyable and motivating for students.
Another problem experienced by students that they are
still reluctant or embarrassed to speak English. that is when they
are afraid of telling the teacher to read sentences in English or
come forward using English they do not believe in themselves
because they are laughed at by other friends when they are wrong
in pronunciation or pronounce words incorrectly.
The authors also found that their desire or willingness to
learn speaking was very low, because they think this lesson is not
important because of that they are indifferent when studying so
that when they get a low score it is no problem for them, they
were also used to their mother tongue (mandailing) so that when

38 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

they wanted to pronounce the word they had difficulty because
their accent was not used in speaking English..
The authors conducted interviews with students to find
out the difficulties they experienced when learning to speak
English and to find out the factors that caused them to have
difficulty learning to speak English and conducted interviews
with the teacher when the teacher has free time or is not in class.
In the interview process, the authors asked the English
teacher in advance what his opinion was about the difficulties
experienced by students learning to speak in class. interview with
English teacher about difficulties in learning speaking:
“After I've noticed so far, not all students are having a
hard time. There are some of them who really can and like to
learn English but that's only 10% and the remaining 90% they
have difficulties and are really having a hard time learning
English, don't you understand the material explained, they are
very difficult to understand vocabulary, Every time I enter the
class, I emphasize to students to memorize vocabulary, there are
students who really want to memorize it but after leaving the
class, the memorization is immediately lost and there are also
students who don't want to memorize it at all. I've made
punishments for students for those who don't memorize but it
doesn't affect them. And I have also given gifts, for example, to
students who know by heart or who can learn but that doesn't
motivate them because basically they don't have the will to learn
and maybe factors from their family or environment are like that.
Maybe there is no support from the family to study more
seriously, so most students are indifferent when studying and
think this lesson is not important. And there are some students
who cannot say it because they are still embarrassed because
they are not confident in what he says”.

Chapter VI. Some Difficulties in Learning.... | 39

Based on the interview above that students have difficulty
in pronuncing English due to their lack of vocabulary and the
teacher always tries to keep the students motivated so that they
continue to learn and understand the material presented and in
speaking English in various ways, namely the teacher always
gives the gifts to students who can memorize or answer when
learning is in progress and students have difficulty because of the
lack of support and encouragement from parents so that they
think English lessons are not important.
In the interview process with students, most of the
students thought that speaking English was very difficult. They
think that they have a lot of difficulty in memorizing vocabulary
because of difficulty in remembering vocabulary then they have
difficulty in pronuncing it as one student said:
“It's hard to understand, especially when I want to talk I
don't know what to say because I don't know English, sometimes
I've memorized it today, then the next day I forget it again. It's
hard to remember the vocabulary”
From the interview, it was found that the students had
difficulty in speaking English due to the lack of vocabulary, when
they want to try to say something but they don't know whether
English word is and students have also tried to memorize
vocabulary but they have difficulty memorizing it when they
already memorized the vocabulary they forgot again with the
On the other hand, there are also some students from the
interview who said that they lack of support and encouragement
to be able to learn speaking so they desire to learn to speak
English is very low because they think English lessons are not
important for them to learn.
“It's not because the lesson is difficult and in my opinion,
I don't need to learn this lesson.”

40 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

Another problem experienced by students when learning
speaking is that they are not confident and shy when they want to
say words in English.
“Friends in class often laugh when I want to speak
English and are embarrassed by the teacher afraid of being
And the teacher also thinks that his students are always
shy and not confident because they are afraid of being laughed at
by their friends.
“Students are embarrassed because maybe they are
afraid of making mistakes when they come forward and are
embarrassed if their friends laugh at them. What I see in class
when they are learning speaking is that there are always students
who laugh even though they can't even though I always enter the
class emphasizing not to confuse their friends, maybe they laugh
because they think it's very funny when they say English but with
their regional dialect.”
However, from the interview above that students are shy
when learning English because they are afraid to make mistakes
in pronuncing English words so that they are asked by their
teacher to come forward, they are not confident and also
embarrassed when they make mistakes, other friends laugh at
them. And when conducting interviews with the teacher, she also
told the reason they had difficulty speaking because of their thick
regional accent, so that they say words in English but always use
their own accent.
“They have difficulty because of all aspects, namely their
lack of vocabulary so that when they pronounce they don't know
what to say and their pronunciation is also very problematic
because of the very thick accent of their regional language. So

Chapter VI. Some Difficulties in Learning.... | 41

when they speak English, they pronounce it with their regional
The teacher explained that the students had difficulty
expressing their English because of their regional accent so that
they said words in English but expressed it with their distinctive
regional accent.
On the other hand, the authors also immediately did the
documentation namely taking photos by using cellphones during
learning activities and recording when students come forward to
read a dialogue about “expression of Surprise and Amusement” in
pairs and record their activities to know what problems and
students face when learning to speak.
It found that many students made mistakes in pronuncing
the conversation. for example, they say greetings in expressing
the word "bookstore" to "bokstore", "surprised" to "suprais",
"should" to "sould", etc.
In addition, many students could not answer the meaning
of the English word when asked by the teacher, for example "my
goodness", the students answered it with “kebaikanku”, and the
teacher asked them about the meaning of "really" then the
students are silent because they didn't know what the word means.
From this, it can be concluded that students have difficulty
understanding the explanation of the material from the teacher
because they do not understand the meaning of the word itself.

42 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking


Based on the study, students found so difficult to speak English.

They have difficulty because of their lack of vocabulary, their
lack of motivation to improve their English speaking skills, they
lack of willingness to learn speaking and they are not confident or
embarrassed when they want to say words in English because
they are afraid of being wrong and being laughed at by their
friends, the use of their mother tongue which is already thick so
that their accent is difficult to change.
Actually, there are 2 problems in speaking English
namely: linguistic problems and psychological problems.
1. Linguistic Problem
Linguistic issues are those that cause students' speaking ability
to deteriorate. Linguistics is a broad term that encompasses the
study of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. However, it
discovered four issues that students had in this study, such as:
a) Lack Vocabulary
Vocabulary problems occur when a person lacks the
necessary words to communicate and is unable to put those
words together into a cohesive statement. Most students
studying English as a second language have trouble using
words and idioms in conversation. In everyday conver-
sation, no one pay much attention to proper grammar
usage, instead concentrating on the subject at hand and how
to respond.

There are many students have difficulty speaking
in English because they do not have enough vocabulary,
and they also very rarely use the vocabulary in daily life so
it is very difficult for them to remember the vocabulary.
They always use Indonesian even though the teacher every
time enter the class always instructs them to memorize the
vocabulary, but they only memorize it not to use it outside
class. However, when they lack in mastering vocabulary
when the teacher explains the material being conveyed,
most of them do not understand what is conveyed by the
teacher therefore they are very difficult to understand the
While we know that language vocabulary is a very
important aspect in learning English. The more vocabulary
the students have, the better their knowledge and ability in
speaking English will be so that they understand the
meaning of the word when their interlocutor says the word
and they will find it easier to express the words they want
to convey.

b) Poor Pronunciation
One of the most difficult speaking abilities in English is
pronunciation because it takes a lot of time and effort to
learn how to pronounce words correctly. When speaking
English, there is a relationship of communication between
the speakers and the listeners. Pronunciation in speaking
English is very important and very influential. Whereas if
students' pronunciation skills are poor, they will be unable
to improve their speaking ability. It can be a major issue for
pupils if they do not master pronunciation because poor
pronunciation causes other people to misunderstand what

44 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

they are trying to say, despite the fact that it caused others
to misunderstand the meaning.
Based on the facts when students read scripts in
English, almost all students said words in English with
poor pronunciation. Their poor pronunciation is the result
of them rarely using the word and not wanting to know
how to pronounce it properly.

c) Mother Tongue
Mother tongue in various regions or countries has influence
in learning English. Sumatra itself has several regional
languages with strong accent. The same thing happened
when a stranger in the class, he meets a classmate who
speaks English without realizing his accent mother tongue
Mandailing language which most of the students
use since childhood or can be referred to as their mother
tongue which causes them to have difficulty pronuncing
words in English, the thick accent causes them difficult to
say a word in English by pronuncing it with their accent.
The teacher also explained that they use Mandailing
language in their daily lives at home and school.

2. Psychological Problems
Psychological problems are those that interfere with one's
emotional or physical well-being on a regular basis. These
psychological disorders may impair a student's capacity to
a) Lack of Motivation
The low motivation and speaking skills are caused by
motivation of students in participating in learning and the
methods used by the teacher are less attractive and motivate

Chapter VII. Students Difficulties in.... | 45

students when learning. This causes student boredom
which causes students to become less concentrated, bored
and lazy to follow the lesson so that the material is not
conveyed properly.
Students said that they were bored with the
teacher's way of teaching, so their desire to learn was very
low and the teacher also said that he had tried as much as
possible to make students in the class interested in learning
and the teacher also said they were less interested in
learning English because the lack of support from their
parents at home and they were very lazy and lack of
motivation from the teacher, he was less attractive to them.

b) Student Wilingness to learn speaking is low

Considering English as a second language in Indonesia,
many people use English in their daily life. This
phenomenon may help students improve their speaking
abilities. It discovered that students' communication skills
are still lacking in terms of productivity. Students may get
uninterested in studying when they are unable to speak in
class or did not give the opportunity to do so. On the other
hand, speaking in class may be quite enjoyable, boost
general learning motivation, and make language classes in
England a pleasant and engaging environment provided the
proper exercises are taught by That's correct.
The low desire of students to learn to speak English
is a determinant of students' ability to speak English, it is
likely that their ability will also be low. Your desire to
learn English speaking is the most important aspect to
achieve a good ability. They did not learn to speak English
because they had difficulty understanding the lesson and

46 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

they thought that this lesson was not important for them to

c) Reluctant or embarrassed to speak English

Students have difficulty learning to speak because they lack
of self-confidence. The author discovered that students
struggled to grasp English language abilities because they
believed it to be unattainable. Every time they can't explain
their ideas clearly, even in a very simple sentence, they are
quick to give up and don't want to keep studying. They lack
of the patience, self-confidence, and determination
necessary to overcome some of the challenges they faced
while studying.
Next, lack of self-confidence and shyness are the
reasons students have difficulty learning to speak English
in the classroom. They are also very difficult when they
want to speak English, they feel less confident because they
are afraid of making mistakes so that their friends laugh at
them. They are also very nervous when they come to class
to read conversations in English, they always laugh at their
friends and make this a joke.

Chapter VII. Students Difficulties in.... | 47

48 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking


Based on the study that has been described in the previous

chapter, it can be concluded that the difficulties experienced of
student include Linguitic problem, such as: lack of vocabulary,
poor pronunciation, and mother tongue. For psychological
problems such as: lack of motivation, student willingness to learn
speaking is low, reluctant or embarrassed to speak English.
For students have to be a very high willingness to learn to
speak English, never be lazy to always learn and it is better to
memorize the vocabulary every day and not to practice it and
continue to learn by participating in activities outside the
classroom that can improve speaking skills such as tutoring in
English, students do not need to be afraid when they make
mistakes in learning and always confident or not shy when
learning to speak English.
Give always motivate students to improve their ability to
speak English and never get tired, bored and always guide them
by giving the best because the teacher plays an important role in
their ability to speak English

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56 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

Scripts of Students Speaking Ability

Expression of Surprise and Amusement

Dialogue: Student 1
Lisa : Hello Jennie, where are you going?
Jennie : Hi Lisa, I'm going to the bookstore
(Bokstore). How surprised (Suprais) am I
seeing you here. Aren't you should (sould) be
in your dance class right now?
Lisa : Yes I should (sould) be, but the instructor
(instructor) are sick, so the class is closed
(klosed) today.
Lisa : Yes I am. How if I accompany (accompany)
you to the bookstore?
Jennie : Really ? You wanted to to that?
Lisa : Yes, why not? I'm on my free (Free) time
Jenny : Wow, this is amazing (amajing). How
about buy (bui) ice cream after this?
Lisa : It would (would) be great!

Dialogue: Student 2
Lisa : Hello Jennie, where are you going?
Jennie : Hi Lisa, I'm going to the bookstore. How surpri-
sed (Surpres) am I seeing (seing) you here.
Aren't you should (sould) be in your dance
(dance) class right now (nou)?
Lisa : Yes I should (sould) be, but the instructor
(instruktor) are sick, so the class is closed
(clos) today.
Lisa : Yes I am. How if I accompany (akkompani)
you to the bookstore ?
Jennie : Really ? You wanted (wanted) to that?
Lisa : Yes, why not? I'm on my free time now.
Jenny : Wow, this is amazing (amajing). How about
buy ice cream after this?
Lisa : It would (would) be great (gret)!

58 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

Dialogue: Student 3
Lisa : Hello Jennie, where are you going?
Jennie : Hi (hi) Lisa, I'm going to the bookstore (buks
tore). How surprised (Surpres) am I seeing
you here. Aren't (aren) you should (sould) be
in your dance class right now (nou)?
Lisa : Yes I should (sould) be, but the instructor
(instruktor) are sick, so the class is closed
(klosed) today (today).
Lisa : Yes I am. How if I accompany (acompani) you
to the bookstore ?
Jennie : Really (realli) ? You wanted (wanted) to that?
Lisa : Yes, why not? I'm on my free time now.
Jenny : Wow, this is amazing .How about (about) buy
ice cream after this?
Lisa : It would (would) be great (gret)!

Appendix | 59
60 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

NAME: Apriana Hasibuan, S.Pd


R Asslamualaikum wr.wb buk, Selamat siang buk?

T Waalaikum Salam wr.wb selamat siang

R Maaf ya buk menggangu waktunya, ibu apa kabar buk?

T Oh iya tidak apa apa, alhamdulilah sehat

R Oke buk langsung saja ya buk saya ingin bertanya

mengenai pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Apa metode yang
ibu gunakan yang ibu gunakan ketika mengajar bahasa

T Kalau untuk metode saya sering menggunakan yang

pertama metode ceramah yaitu saya menjelaskan
mengenai materi terlebih dahulu kemudian metode
diskusi dan Tanya jawab
R Menurut ibu apa kendala siswa sehingga mereka kesulitan
belajar buk?

T Setelah saya memperhatikan sejauh ini, bukan semua

siswa mengalami kesulitan. Ada beberapa di antara

mereka yang memang bisa dan suka belajar bahasa inggris
tapi itu hanya 10% dan 90% lagi sisanya mereka kesulitan
dan memang sangat kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa
inggris, jangan kan untuk paham dari materi yang
dijelaskan, paham vocabulary saja mereka sangat sulit,
saya setiap masuk kelas itu menekankan kepada siswa
untuk menghapal vocabulary ada siswa memang yang
betul2 mau hapal tetapi setelah keluar dari kelas
hapalannya langsung hilang dan ada juga siswa memang
sama sekali tidak ingin untuk menghapal. Saya sudah
membuat hukuman bagi siswa untuk yang tidak hapal
tetapi itu tak berpengaruh bagi mereka. Dan saya juga
sudah memberi hadiah misalnya kepada siswa yang hapal
atau yang bisa dalam belajar tetapi itu juga tidak
memotivasi mereka karena memang pada dasarnya
mereka tidak ada kemauan untuk belajar dan mungkin
faktor dari keluarga ataupun lingkungan yang mereka
seperti itu. Mungkin dari pihak keluarga pun tidak ada
dukungan untuk belajar lebih serius sehingga kebanyakan
siswa acuh tak acuh ketika belajar dan menganggap
pelajaran ini tidak penting.dan ada jusa siswa tidak bisa
mengucapkannya karena masih malu karena mereka tidak
percaya diri dengan apa yang dia ucapkan,

R Apa yang menyebakan siswa malu ketika belajar speaking


T Siswa malu karena mungkin dia takut salah ketika maju

kedapan dan malu kalau ditertawakan temannya. Yang
saya lihat di dikelas ketika mereka belajar speaking itu
selalu ada saja siswa yang menertawakan walaupun dia

62 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

tidak bisa meskipun saya setiap masuk kelas menekankan
agar tidak menertakan temannya mungkin mereka tertawa
karena menurut mereka sangat lucu ketika mengucapkan
bahasa inggris tetapi dengan logat bahasa daerah meraka.

R Menurut ibu apakah lingkungan berpengaruh terhadap

belajar speaking mereka?

T Ya, sangat berpengaruh karena misalnya ketika ada satu

temannya yang ingin belajar tapi karna melihat temannya
yang lain malas jadinya dia ikut terpengaruh juga. Dan ini
bukan hanya lingkungan sekolah saja linkungan diluar
sekolah juga sangat berpengaruh

R Dalam belajar speaking terdapat empat aspek diantaranya,

kosa kata, pengucapan, tata bahasa, pengucapan dan
kelancaran, menurut ibu aspek mana yang menyebabkan
siswa kesulitan dalam belajar speaking?

T Mereka mengalami kesulitan itu karna semua aspeknya

yaitu kosa kata mereka yang kurang sehingga waktu
pengucapan mereka tidak tau apa yang mau di ucapkan
dan pengucapan mereka juga sangat bermasah
dikarenakan logat bahasa daerah mereka yang sangat
kental. Nah ketika mereka mengucapkan bahasa inggris
itu mereka mengucapkan dengan logat daerah mereka.

R Bagaimana ibu menyikapi ketika mereka merasa


Teacher’s Interview | 63
T Ketika mereka misalnya saya lihat kira-kira mereka tidak
mengerti dengan apa yang saya jelaskan nah, disitu saya
akan bertanya balik kepada siswa ketika dia geleng kepala
dan bilang tidak tahu kemudian saya menjelaskan lagin
dengan contoh yang lebih mudah agar mereka paham dan
kalau misalnya mereka kesulitan dalam pengucapan ketika
mereka saya suruh maju kedepan saya langsung
mengoreksi apa yang mereka ucapkan.

R Bagaimana cara ibu memancing siswa untuk berbicara?

T Dengan cara mengikuti apa yang saya ucapkan dan

bertanya kepada meraka kemudian mereka yang

R Apa saja aktivitas ibu dalam pengajaran speaking?

T Untuk aktivitas pengajaran speaking saya lebih sering

menggunakan interactive learning yang mana siswa secara
berpasangan maju kedepan memerankan atau pun Tanya
jawab diantara mereka dan selain itu juga saya sering
membuat kegiatan dengan bernyanyi dan menonton dalam
bahasa inggris.

R Alat apa yang ibu gunakan ketika melakukan aktifitas


64 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

T Alat yang sering saya gunakan yaitu leptop kemudian

R Apakah menurut ibu pembelajaran bahasa inggris sudah


T Menurut saya pembelajaran bahasa inggrisnya belum

maksimal, apalagi didalam speaking mungkin karena
siswa tidak mempraktikkannya setiap hari apalagi saya
hanya masuk dua hari saja didalam kelas satu minggu jadi
menurut saya itu belum terlalu efektif.

R Apa tujuan utama ibu dalam pengajaran speaking?

T Tujuan saya adalah memang dasarnya agar siswa dapat

berbicara bahasa inggris dengan baik dan lancar

R Sudah berapa lama ibu mengajar bahasa inggris?

T Sudah hampir 10 tahun

R Bagaimana peran ibu didalam pengajaran speaking?

T Peran saya sangat penting ya didalam hal ini, yaitu saya

harus lebih memopong mereka agar terus termotivasi
sehinga mereka mampu berbicara bahasa inggris.

Teacher’s Interview | 65
R Bagaimana cara ibu mengevaluasi pembelajaran

T Untuk evaluasi speaking saya sering menyuruh mereka

untuk maju kedapan satu persatu untuk membacakan
kalimat dalam bahasa inggris. Dan saya juga
mengevaluasi mereka dengan Tanya jawab mereka satu
persatu ataupun Tanya jawab secara berpasangan dengan
maju kedepan.

R Apakah kelas mempengaruhi siswa dalam belajar buk?

T Iya sangat berpengaruh, apalagi kalau misalnya di dalam

kelas itu kebanyakan siswa yang potensinya bisa dalam
belajar mungkin siswa yang tidak bisa akan termotivasi
dengan siswa yang lain

R Menurut ibu apa faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan

dalam mengajar speaking?

T Faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi yaitu lingkingan ya,

terumata dari lingkungan keluarga karena dari yang saya
lihat ada memang murid yang potensinya didalam belajar
bahasa inggris dan semua pelajaran itu sangat bagus
dikarenakan dukungan dari orang tua dan sikap orang tua
mereka yang selalu mendorong mereka untuk tetap serius
belajar, dan dari yang saya lihat murid yang tidak ada
dukungan dan dorongan dari orangtua itu merasa acuh tak
acuh ketika belajar dan ketika dimarahi guru pun dia tidak

66 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

peduli dan ketika mendapatkan nilai yang rendah itu
mungkin tidak ada pengaruh terhadap orangtuanya,
karena pernah saya bertanya kepada salah satu murid yang
menurut saya memang nilainya sangat rendah “kamu tidak
dimarahi orangtua kamu kalau nilai kamu rendah?’’ terus
dia menjawab “ kata mama lulus saja pun sudah syukur
buk”, nah dari sinikan bisa kita lihat bahwa lingkungan
sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar mereka

Teacher’s Interview | 67
68 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking
Authors’ Profile

Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah

Daulay, M.Hum. lahir di
Surabaya pada tanggal 22 Juni
1975. Telah menyelesaikan
pendidikan S-1 di Jurusan
Tadris Bahasa Inggris Institut
Agama Islam Negeri Sumatera
Utara (IAIN SU) pada tahun
1999, kemudian melanjutkan S-
2 pada prodi Linguistik
Universitas Sumatera Utara
(USU) pada tahun 2002,
kemudian menyelesaikan S-3 pada prodi Ilmu Linguistik
Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) pada tahun 2014. Saat
ini penulis adalah dosen tetap pada Program studi Tadris
Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
(UIN SU) sejak tahun 2003 sampai dengan sekarang.
Penulis aktif melakukan penelitian dan menulis buku
diantaranya: Let’s Study English (Cita Pustaka, 2007),
Introduction to General Linguistics (La-Tansa, 2011),
Language and Society (LPPP Medan, 2019), Reading
Comprehension (Kencana, 2020), Basic Morphology
(UMSU Press, 2021), Developing Vocabulary by
Educational Game (Cakrawala Satria Mandiri, 2021),
Introduction to Linguistics (UMSU Press, 2022).
- E-mail:

Ernita Daulay, S.Pd., M.Hum. lahir
di Medan pada tanggal 01 Desem-
ber 1980. Telah menyelesaikan
pendidikan S-1 di Jurusan Pendi-
dikan Bahasa Inggris – Universitas
Negeri Medan (UNIMED) tamat
pada tahun 2003, lalu melanjutkan
Studi S-2 Linguistik Terapan
Bahasa Inggris pada Program Pasca
Sarjana Universitas Negeri Medan
(UNIMED) tamat pada tahun 2005,
kemudian melanjutkan Studi S-3
pada Prodi Ilmu Linguistik Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU)
Angkatan 2020 - sekarang. Saat ini penulis adalah Dosen tetap
pada Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam
Negeri Sumatera Utara (UIN SU) sejak tahun 2009 sampai
dengan sekarang. Penulis aktif dan telah mengikuti beberapa
konferensi International Seminar Language and Art, ISLALE
2019, Penelitian dan menulis dibeberapa Jurnal dan sebelumnya
penulis pernah menerbitkan Buku English For Spesific Purpose
pada Tahun 2014 Penerbit Naila Pustaka – Yogyakarta. Email:

70 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

Maisyaroh Tanjung, S.Pd. lahir di
Sampean pada tanggal 13
Oktober 1999. Telah menyele-
saikan pendidikan SD di SDN
115504 Sampean, dilanjutkan ke
tingkat MTs dan Aliyahnya pada
Ponpes Ahmadul Jariah Kota
pinang serta lulus pendidikan S1
pada prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris
FITK UINSU Medan pada tahun
2022. E-mail:

Authors’ Profile | 71
72 | Student Difficulties in Learning Speaking

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