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Nama : Neng Eka Lisnasari

NPM : FB22028
Kelas :C
Mata Kuliah : English In Midwifery Practice
Pertemuan : 11-12 Midwifery Care
Tanggal : 01 April 2023
Dosen : Anne Loisza, S.S.T., Bd., M.Tr.Keb.

I. Midwifery Care Part 1

Pertanyaan untuk mengetahui kondisi pasien
1. What’s your problem ?
2. How are you feeling today ?
3. What makes you call me ?
4. What’s your chief complaint ?
5. What’s troubling you ?
6. What’s the matter with you ?
7. What’s wrong with you ?
8. What seems to be bothering you ?
9. Doctor “ what are the symptoms?/what is she complaining about ?

Cara pasien menjawab :

1. I have a problem with nausea and vomiting
2. I always feel mausea and vomiting
3. I think you can help me about my problem
4. My chief complaint is that I can’t eat compfortably because of nausea and vomiting
5. My troubling is nausea and vomiting
6. I have a matter with nausea and vomiting
7. I am not comportable with the condition of my body
8. I want to get rid of the complaints that I feel
9. She has commplaints of nausea and vomiting
QUIZ ( Apakah Artinya )
1. Toothache : Sakit gigi
2. Backache : Sakit punggung
3. Headache : Sakit kepala
4. Sore arm : Sakit Lengan
5. Sore knee : Sakit lutut

II. Midwifery Care Part 2

Make an example of a short conversation from persuading, counseling, motivating and advising.
The topics must be related with midwifery case

Pasien : Assalamualaikum,
selamat siang
Bidan : Waalaikumsalam,
selamat siang juga, silakan
masuk bu. Nama ibu siapa?
Pasien : Nama saya Nadia
Mukarramah bu
Bidan : Ibu tinggal di mana?
Pasien : Saya tinggal di Aceh
Selatan bu
Bidan : Ada yang bisa saya
bantu bu? Apa keluhan yang ibu
rasakan sekarang?
Pasien : Beberapa hari ini saya
sering pusing bu, dan tidak enak
tidur bu
Bidan : Ini kehamilan yang ke
berapa bu?
Pasien : Ini kehamilan yang
pertama bu
Bidan : baik bu, jadi pusing
yang ibu rasakan merupakan hal
yang normal bagi ibu hamil
pada trimester 1 bu
Pasien : apakah ini berbahaya
bagi kehamilan saya bu?
Bidan : tidak bu, hanya saja ibu
perlu banyak beristirahat, saya
akan memberikan vitamin
pada ibu dan juga ibu harus
mengurangi aktivitas yang
Pasien : Baik bu, saya mengerti
Bidan : vitaminnya diminum 2
kali sehari ya bu, jika ada
keluhan yang lain, silakan
lagi ya bu
Pasien : baik bu, saya akan
kembali lagi jika terjadi apa-
apa, terimakasih bu. saya pamit
Bidan : Waalaikumsalam, sama-
sama bu. Hati-hati ya b
Patient : Assalamuaikum, Good Morning
Midwife : Wa’alaikumsalam, good morning too, please come in ma’am.
What’s your name ma’am?
Patient : My name is Nina
Midwife : Ok, Mrs. Nina, can I help you? What complaints do you feel now?
Patient : These few day, I always have nausea and vomiting, and I cant eat properly.
Midwife : how many children do you have? And when did you get the first time period?
Patient : this is the first pregnancy, and I get the first time period was two months ago.
Midwife : ok ma’am, the compaints that you feel are normal for preagnant women in the
trimester 1. You need to adjust your diet to be a little bit but often. And, if you
cant eat at all, you need further treatment.
Patient : ok, I understand
Midwife : I will give you vitamins, if there are other complaints, you can call me back.
Hope it gets better soon
Patient : ok, thank you for your attention

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