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Dari aspek ekonominya

pada tahun 2022, jumlah akomodasi hotel berbintang di Provinsi Lampung sebanyak 28 unit
dengan tingkat hunian sebesar 55,67 persen. Sedangkan jumlah akomodasi hotel non bintang
sebanyak 360 unit dengan tingkat hunian sebesar 2.887 persen. Jumlah rumah makan/restoran
di Provinsi Lampung mengalami kenaikan dari tahun 2019. Pada tahun 2022, jumlah rumah
makan/restoran mencapai 1.975 unit, dimana 29,32 persennya berada di Kota Bandar
Lampung. Kabupaten yang memiliki rumah makan/restoran terbanyak adalah Kabupaten
Lampung Tengah dengan jumlah 283 unit.

Data di atas membuktikan bahwa peminat pariwisata di lampung semakin meningkat setiap

Dari aspek Islamnya

Sudah banyak pariwisata di provinsi lampung yang sudah menggunakan konsep wisata halal atau wisata
islam agar dapat meningkatkan daya tarik wisatawan, seperti fasilitas mandi cuci kakus yang memadai,
fasilitas ibadah untuk sholat dan wudhu, serta pengawasan terhadap tempat wisata supaya tidak
dijadikan tempat untuk melakukan hal-hal yang negatif oleh para wisatawan.

Dalam konsep wisata halal di Lampung ini, hal yang menjadi dasar soal ketentuan syariahnya yang
mencakup kehalalan makanan dan minuman, memiliki tempat untuk beribadah, kawasan yang tidak
boleh untuk minum minuman mengandung alkohol dan sebagainya. Selain itu strategi pengembangan
wisata syariah sebagai daya tarik wisatawan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi kemasyarakatan dalam
perspektif ekonomi Islam memiliki nilai positif, karena dijalankan dengan cara yang baik untuk mencapai
tujuan yang juga baik.

Berikut beberapa pariwisata halal di Lampung

1. Pulau Pahawang
2. Pantai Marina
3. Villa Gardenia
4. Pantai Sari Ringgung
5. Destinasi Pesisir Barat dll.
 Lampung is one of the provinces in Indonesia, precisely on the island of Sumatra, with the
capital city of Bandar Lampung. Born on March 18, 1964. It has 13 regencies and 2 cities namely
Bandar Lampung City and Metro City. With a population of 9,176,546 people.
 Lampung Province has many comparative advantages geographically, demographically and
natural wealth.
 Geographically, Lampung is the main gate of the island of Sumatra. Demographically, it has the
largest population of productive age in Sumatra. Natural Wealth, Lampung has natural beauty
which is a tourism potential.
 Lampung Province has fertile land which makes the area a major producer of agricultural
commodities and is one of the national food storages and a supplier of 40% of the capital's food
 Lampung Province also has a culture that is superior, such as traditional houses, traditional
clothing and traditional arts.
 The Teasure of Sumatra is a tourism brand from Lampung province. Tourism is one of the
biggest opportunities to improve the economy in Lampung. The seven leading destinations set
by the Lampung Provincial Government through the Lampung Province Tourism and Creative
Economy Office, include:
 Bakauheni Tourism Area and Siger Tower
 Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park Tourism Area
 Tourism Area of Mount Krakatau and Subesi Island
 Krui and Tanjung Setia Marine Tourism Areas
 Way Kambas National Park Tourism Area
 Kiluan Bay Tourism Area
 Bandar Lampung City Tourist Area
 In tourism management

Tourism in Lampung has potential according to the level of tourism product:

1. Attractions

Lampung Province has tourist attractions, namely in terms of nature, culture, and historical

Nature in the form of beaches, mountains, and waterfalls

Culture in the form of Lampung oral literature, Lampung language, customs, Lampung cloth,
and Lampung traditional houses.

And historic buildings include the Lampung Museum and the Brak Scale Palace.
2. Amenities or Facilities

Lampung province has adequate accommodation, places to eat and transportation that are
easy to find.

3. Accessibility

Lampung Province has air and land infrastructure that is in accordance with operational
procedures from government support.

Of the three levels above, it can be said that Lampung Province has good tourism potential.

 From an economic aspect

In 2022, the number of star-rated hotel accommodations in Lampung Province will be 28 units
with an occupancy rate of 55.67 percent. Meanwhile, there were 360 non-star hotel
accommodation units with an occupancy rate of 2,887 percent. The number of
restaurants/restaurants in Lampung Province has increased from 2019. In 2022 the number of
restaurants/restaurants will reach 1,975 units, of which 29.32 percent are in Bandar Lampung
City. The regency that has the most restaurants/restaurants is Central Lampung Regency with a
total of 283 units.

The data above proves that tourism enthusiasts in Lampung are increasing every year.

 From an Islamic perspective

There has been a lot of tourism in Lampung Province that uses the concept of halal tourism or
Islamic tourism to increase tourist attractiveness, such as adequate toilet washing facilities,
prayer room facilities for prayer and ablution, as well as supervision of tourist attractions to
keep them awake. not used as a place to do negative things by tourists.
In the concept of Halal tourism in Lampung, things that form the basis of sharia provisions
include halal food and drinks, having places of worship, areas where alcohol-containing drinks
are not permitted and so on. In addition, the sharia tourism development strategy as a tourist
attraction to improve the people's economy in an Islamic economic perspective has a positive
value, because it is done in a good way to achieve good goals.
Here are some halal tours in Lampung
 1. Pahawang Island
 2. Marina Beach
 3. Villa Gardena
 4. Sari Ringgung Beach
 5. West Coast Destinations, etc.

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