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Wafiq Rofikoh



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Nama : Wafiq Rofikoh

NIM : A12118054

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi ini benar tulisan saya dan bukan
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Palu, 07 Februari 2022

Wafiq Rofikoh
NIM. A12118054




By :
Wafiq Rofikoh

Has fulfilled the requirements and passed the Skripsi Examination

Approved by :

Supervisor Co-supervisor

Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum Mashuri, S.Pd., M.A

NIP. 196308101989032002 NIP. 197805282005011002

Acknowledged by :
Coordinator of English Education Study Program

Dr. Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed.

NIP. 196707151993032002


Panitia ujian skripsi strata satu (SI) Universitas Tadulako, Fakultas keguruan dan
Ilmu Pendidikan, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Program Studi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris, menerima dan mengesahkan skripsi dengan judul "STRATEGIES
DISABILITIES" yang telah di pertanggung jawabkan oleh mahasiswa atas nama
Wafiq Rofikoh, dengan nomor stambuk A12118054, pada hari Senin, tanggal 7
Februari 2022, maka atas nama panitia ujian skripsi strata satu (S1) menerima dan

No. Jabatan Nama Tanda Tangan

1. Ketua/ Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman M.Hum. 1.

Penguji 1 NIP. 196308101989032002 ………………….

2. Sekretaris/ Mashuri, S.Pd., M.A. 2.

Penguji 2 NIP. 197805282005011002 ………………….

3. Anggota/ Nadrun., S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed. 3.

Penguji 3 NIP. 197301162000032007 ………………….

Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Tadulako

Dr. Ir. Amiruddin Kade, S.Pd., M.Si

NIP. 196907031994031004


Wafiq Rofikoh, 2022. “Strategies in Teaching English Vocabulary for Students

with Disability at 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk”. English Education Study
Program, Language and Art Education Department, Teacher Training and
Education Faculty, Tadulako University, Supervisor (1) Sriati Usman (2) Mashuri.
This research is based on the framework of thinking that teaching strategies
are very influential on the achievement of learning objectives. This study was aimed
to find out strategies used by the teacher in teaching English vocabulary for disable
students at the 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk. The researcher used the qualitative
method by employing case study design. The data were taken from interview and
observation. The subject was the English teacher of SLB Negeri Luwuk. The
finding indicated there are 4 strategies used by the teacher in teaching English
vocabulary. The strategies include Cooperative Learning, Sign language, Lip-
Reading, and Visual Scaffolding.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Sign language, Lip-Reading, Visual Scaffolding.


Wafiq Rofikoh, 2022. “Strategi Pengajaran Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Bagi Siswa
Disabilitas Kelas 7 SLB Negeri Luwuk”. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan, Universitas Tadulako, Pembimbing (1) Sriati Usman (2) Mashuri.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kerangka berpikir bahwa strategi mengajar
sangat berpengaruh terhadap pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi yang digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar
kosa kata bahasa Inggris untuk siswa penyandang disabilitas di kelas 7 SLB Negeri
Luwuk. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus.
Data diambil dari wawancara dan observasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah
guru Bahasa Inggris SLB Negeri Luwuk. Temuan menunjukkan ada 4 strategi yang
digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar kosa kata bahasa Inggris. Strategi tersebut
meliputi Cooperative Learning, Sign language, Lip-Reading, and Visual
Kata kunci: Cooperative Learning, Sign language, Lip-Reading, and Visual


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirabil'aalamiin, the researcher would like to express her

gratitude and deepest gratitude to Allah SWT., for the blessings, health, kindness,

generosity, and many others that the researcher cannot replace all that has been

given to her during the preparation of this final project and do not forget to pray and

salute our great prophet of Allah SWT., the prophet Muhammad SAW. because of

him we can feel the pleasures of the blessings of Islam in this world until the

hereafter with his friends, family, and followers until the end of time.

The researcher would like to thank both parents, Naryono and Rahmatul

Umah who have given everything the researcher needs both physically and

spiritually, motivation, love, and enthusiasm that has no limit. The researcher also

did not forget to thank her siblings, Hasan and Hasim, aunty Mar’atus Sholikah,

Grandmother Mariyam, and don't forget thank to my beloved friend, Pratu. Agung

Nugroho T. S. has supported and reminded when the researcher is down, so the

researcher can be enthusiastic to complete their final project. Then, thanks to all the

big family who provide support and love to the researcher.

The researcher would like to thank Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum. as a

supervisor and Mashuri, S.Pd., M.A. as a co-supervisor. Both of the supervisor has

given me a lot of direction, ideas, suggestions, input, motivation, and comments

that can help me to correct any mistakes that the researcher need to correct in the

process of writing the final project. A big thank you to my reviewer, Nadrun, S.Pd.,

M.Pd., M.Ed., for the input and direction, so the researcher was able to complete

her final assignment.

The researcher also expresses gratitude and appreciation to the Rector of

Tadulako University, Prof. Dr.Ir.H. Mahfudz, MP, Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Dr. Ir. Amiruddin Kade, S.Pd., M.Si., Head of the Department

of Language and Arts Education, Dr.Hj. Sriati Usman, M, Hum, and Coordinator

of English Education Study, Dr.Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed., along with all staff and

lecturers of the English Education Study Program for their help and cooperation in

the academic field.

Furthermore, the researcher also did not forget to express their deepest

gratitude to the Principal of SLB Negeri Luwuk, Esron Yukulan, S.Pd., M.Pd. who

had allowed the researcher to research at the school, and Mrs. N as the English

teacher who allowed the researcher to did the interview and observation in the class,

all of the teacher and staff of SLB Negeri Luwuk who have kind and helped me in

many times. Finally, thanks to the 7th grade students of SLB Negeri Luwuk, for

their time and participation in the class.

The last but not least, the researcher also thanks herself for persisting this

far, never breaking no matter what, and standing after the storm. Then, thank all of

my friends especially Muh. Ridwan Malik, S.T., Anugrah Mustika Maizu, Kur’ana

Said, Renilza Nurshiyam, Nurul Darajatun H., Rahmania, Indah Putri H., Esti

Amanda, Khusnul Arifah, Sri Wahyuni, Rezki Aprilia, Iga Mawarni, Rif’atul

Jannah, Safira, Asifa Kafsa, and Rezkiyana who have provided motivation, given a

suggestion, shared smiles, accompanied meaningful days, and we did many things


Finally, from the deepest of my heart, the researcher would like to thank all

those who have played an important role in writing this final assignment. The

researcher hopes that Allah SWT will repay all of your kindness with the best


Palu, February 7th, 2022

Wafiq Rofikoh
NIM. A12118054


CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ..................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives of the Research ........................................................ 3
1.4 Significance of the Research...................................................... 3
1.5 Scope of the Research ................................................................ 4
1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms ........................................ 4

CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................... 6
PREVIOUS STUDIES AND LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................ 6
2.1 Previous Studies.......................................................................... 6
2.2 Teacher........................................................................................ 7
2.3 Learning ...................................................................................... 7
2.4 Teaching English for Disable Students ....................................... 8
2.5 Hearing Impairments or Deafness .............................................. 9
2.6 The Concept of Teaching English to Deaf Students ................... 9
2.7 Strategies................................................................................... 10
2.8 Strategies for Deaf Students ..................................................... 12
2.9 Vocabulary ................................................................................ 13

CHAPTER III........................................................................................................ 15
RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................................................ 15
3.1 Research Design ....................................................................... 15
3.2 Data Sources and Research Data .............................................. 15
3.3 Research Time and Setting……………………………… 16
3.4 Technique of Data Collection ................................................... 16
3.5 Technique of Data Analysis...................................................... 17
3.6 Trustworthiness of the Data 18

CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................... 19
RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................................... 19
4.1 Research Findings ..................................................................... 19
4.2 Research Discussion……………………………… … …… .21

CHAPTER V ......................................................................................................... 31
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................................. 31
5.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………... 31
5.2 Suggestion…………………………………………………… 31

REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 33


4.1 Observation Sheet 19


4.1 Grouping by Dominant Disability 23
4.2 Sign-Letter Board 24
4.3 The Pictures as The Learning Media 26


1. Interview Guide 37
2. Interview Transcript 38
3. Observation Sheet 42
4. Findings of Observations 43
5. Lesson Plan 44
6. Interview Process 51
7. Pre-activity in Learning Process 51
8. Main-activity in Learning Process 51
9. Post-activity in Learning Process 52
10. Curriculum Vitae 53



1.1 Background

Every person is entitled to an education. Then, everyone has the right to get

an education without hindrance. There are a variety of ways to obtain an education.

Formal education, nonformal education, and informal education are the three forms

of education in Indonesia. Each type of schooling in Indonesia has its specific


School is one of the formal educations. In school, students can seek

information and share their viewpoints. In addition, education is no longer belongs

to a society or certain groups. In Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik

Indonesia, No. 20 of 2003, especially in Chapter IV article 5 states that every citizen

has the right to have the opportunity to improve lifelong education. Based on it, we

can see it includes people with special needs. Even though some people still believe

that people with impairments or disabilities are powerless.

According to Yusuf (2003), the student with disabilities are students who

are different from other students in specific ways. A disability student is a person

who has a condition that causes disruptions in daily tasks, particularly in learning.

In Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia, No. 18 of 2016, article 10,

states that people with disabilities have the right to obtain educational services. The

right includes having equal opportunities to obtain quality educational services in

all types, pathways, and levels of education.

Rahmatunnisa (2019) states that one of the factors involved in teaching and

learning activities is teaching strategy. Learning strategies are including the main

component of English learning. In addition, approaches, methods, techniques, and

media used, the success of learning is also very dependent on the strategies used by

teachers in schools. The approach, strategy, method, technique, and media are

inseparable in unity and must support one another. This includes teaching to

extraordinary students with special needs.

Teaching students with special needs will be different from teaching

students in general. Learning design for students with special needs is based on an

analysis of their learning needs and barriers. By determining the right learning

design, the learning process will be more structured and learning objectives can be

achieved properly. In this case, the role of the teacher is very big considering that it

has its challenges.

Teaching English for deaf students in junior high school of 7 th grade is done

once a week with each meeting about 2x40 minutes, and the material should be used

according to the syllabus. The material in the 2013 curriculum is learning to express

or hint a phrase, but at SLB Negeri Luwuk only about 40-50 minutes in each

meeting, and the material are not synced to the syllabus.

Based on the problem above, the researcher has done research on "Strategies

in Teaching English Vocabulary for Students with Disabilities".

1.2 Problem Statement

In the learning process, teachers are always required to be proficient in

choosing strategies so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally. As in

teaching students with special needs, appropriate strategies are needed according to

the needs of each student. Based on the problem, the researcher raised two

problems, namely:

1. What strategies do the English teacher at SLB Negeri Luwuk implement in

teaching English for disabled students?

2. How does the English teacher at SLB Negeri Luwuk implement the strategies?

1.3 Objectives of the Research

Based on the problem in the introduction before, the researcher raises two

objectives of the research, there are to find out the strategies are used in teaching

English at SLB Negeri Luwuk and describe the implementation of the strategies in

teaching English at SLB Negeri Luwuk.

1.4 Significance of the Research

The significance of the research was divided into two categories. The first

was theoretical significance. It was expected to develop insight especially for

researchers and general readers about English teaching strategies for students with

special needs. The second was practical significance. The researcher hoped that the

findings of the research would be useful for the teachers and come up with new

ideas for educating students with special needs, the students could increase their

enthusiasm to learn English, and also the researcher could learn about English

teaching for students with special needs.

1.5 Scope of the Research

In this research, the researcher limited the research to only one English

component, namely Vocabulary focusing on nouns. The research was conducted at

SLB Negeri Luwuk with deaf students in 7th grade.

1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms

To prevent misunderstanding the meaning of the title of this research, the

researcher clarified the essential key terms. The following definitions of key terms


1. A teaching strategy is a broad plan for a lesson. It includes a structure for

expected learner behavior in terms of instruction and a list of techniques and

tactics that will be used to carry out the learning objectives (Sarode, 2018).

2. Vocabulary mastery is learning or understanding something fully and having

no difficulty in using it in writing or speaking context (Procter, 2001).



2.1 Previous Studies

Rahmatunnisa (2019) used qualitative methods and used a case study design

with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation.

The population of the study was students of the Indonesian Special Needs School.

The result of the study showed that the teaching strategy often used by teachers for

deaf students were direct teaching and cooperative learning. The study also revealed

several challenges faced by teachers in teaching deaf students. Sometimes students

misunderstand words because of lip movements that are similar to other words.

Hadi (2019) used qualitative methods and used a case study design with data

collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The

research was carried out in a Special Education School in Surakarta. The study

showed that strategies used by the teacher were Drilling and Visual Scaffolding.

The use of drilling helps students keep in mind new vocabularies that they have

learned from the teacher. Visual scaffolding was utilized by the teacher to help the

students get the topic or the materials.

Based on the gap between the two studies above, the researcher was

interested in researching with the same method and design, but with different

instruments and samples. The instruments of this research were an interview guide

and observation checklist and the data sources of this research were the teacher and

students of SLB Negeri Luwuk.

2.2 Teacher

According to Kirom (2017), the function of the curriculum in the learning

process becomes a tool to achieve educational goals, then as an educational tool,

the curriculum has supporting components that support each other. One of these

components is a component of the learning process. The ultimate goal of the

teaching and learning process is the occurrence of a change in students' behavior.

In addition, an educator is a foremost role. This role is more visible as role models

for students, as role models, providing examples in terms of attitudes and behavior,

and shaping the personality of students (Sopian, 2016).

2.3 Learning

Arifin (2010) states that learning is a systematic process or activity that is

interactive and communicative between teachers and students, learning resources,

and the environment to create a condition that allows student learning actions to

occur. In another opinion, Ayuningrum (2012) defines teaching as a process to

transfer knowledge to the students by using some method.

Based on the definitions above, teaching is a process for learners to facilities

students to guide know about anything and previously unknown things, so the

students can learn well. Teaching is a process transfer material, where the process

is continuous.

2.4 Teaching English for Disable Students

English learning for students with special needs is designed based on an

analysis of their learning needs and barriers. By determining the appropriate

learning plan, the learning process will be more directed and learning objectives

can be achieved with good results. Sometimes, in teaching English for disabled

students the teacher difficult to determine the learning approach, method, and

strategies because there are varied types of needs in the class (Zulfi, 2017).

Six things must be considered in developing English teaching for students

with special needs; teachers, training, curriculum, learning resources and facilities,

evaluation, and learning strategies (Bishaw, 2012). In addition, the teacher must be

able to know the goals or targets of learning English that will be given to their

students with special needs. By knowing the target learning, the teacher will be able

to design a learning approach, method, strategy, and the media the most suitable for

the students (Hallagan, 2005).

Berent (2000) argues that there is evidence that teaching English as a foreign

language to disable students can effectively increase English's implicit knowledge

of lexical, grammatical, and discourse features of English. Students with disabilities

also have the right to the development of cognitive academic skills including the

acquisition of skills such as reading, writing, organizing, and developing ideas

(Carrasquillo, 2006).

2.5 Hearing Impairments or Deafness

Winarsih (2007) argues that deaf are people who have lost or cannot hear

partially or totally. This has an influence on their life, particularly his language

abilities, which is a communication tool. Deafness is an invisible handicap. The

teacher can be forgotten that the student is deaf and then treat the deaf student as a

regular student (Marzal, 2014).

Hearing impaired students or deaf students have a different learning way

than normal students. When the teacher teaches English for regular students, the

teacher uses Oral-based teaching. While teaching English students with a hearing

impairment must use language they can understand because they cannot rely on oral

learning (Hadi, 2019).

2.6 The Concept of Teaching English to Deaf Students

The teacher who educates disabled students must understand their students

one by one. The success of educating students depends on the competence of the

teacher and educational efforts. There are several instructions to teach students with

hearing impairment or deafness (Thompson, 2012).

1. Planning the materials and the methods that consider or depend on the need

of students.

2. Optimizing the situation and being firm that the students focus on the

teacher's explanation in front of the class.

3. Explaining the materials, the teacher must be spoken aloud and clearly.

4. Using instruction and repetition in every word or sentence with wrote down

the keyword on the board.

5. During the teaching and learning process, the teachers use sign language,

notes, and pictures to deliver the material.

6. Optimizing the students can communicate with the teacher in

communicating their idea or to ask about the materials.

7. Developing the communication used facial expression and body language

in explaining the material.

8. Using visual media to make the students understand what the teacher says.

2.7 Strategies

In the learning process, there is a concept map that needs to be considered.

If the concept map is suitable for students, the learning outcomes will be maximized

and learning objectives will be achieved. Senjaya (2006) argues that approach refers

to a generalized perspective of the occurrence of a process. Under the approach,

there is a strategy or way that will be chosen and used by a teacher to make it easier

for students to understand learning materials (Djamarah, 2014). While method and

technique are included in the strategy. The learning method is more procedural,

which contains certain stages. While the technique is the way that teacher used,

which is implementable (Sudjana, 2005). Then, the learning media are all tools or

objects used in teaching and learning activities, to convoy learning messages from

learning sources (Rusdiana, 2015).

Sanjaya (2007) states there are several strategies used in the teaching and

learning process, as follows: (1) Expository Learning Strategy stresses the act of

presenting content vocally from a teacher for students, (2) Inquiry Learning

Strategy is a set of activities that stress the process of critical thinking and analysis

to explore and identify solutions to a problem, (3) Problem Based Learning Strategy

(PBL) is a strategy of teaching that involves presenting students with real problems

to investigate, (4) Cooperative Learning Strategy is a learning model using a

grouping system, which consists of several students who have different gender,

academic, racial, or ethnic groups, and the last strategy is (4) Contextual Teaching

and Learning (CTL) is a learning strategy that emphasizes the full involvement of

students to find the material they are learning and relate it to their real situations, so

the students are encouraged to apply it in their daily lives.

2.8 Strategies for Deaf Students

Strategies used to teach students with hearing impairments are different

from regular classes. Here are several strategies usually used by the teacher in

teaching disabled students.

a. Lip-reading

Lip-reading is how deaf students recognize the spoken language by

looking at the teachers’ speaking. The students give attention to the teacher

by watching the teachers’ lips to understand the movements, expressions, and

speech patterns of the spoken language had shown (Marc, 2003).

b. Sign language

In Indonesia, the sign languages used are BISINDO (Bahasa Isyarat

Indonesia) and SIBI (Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia). Sign language also

has no grammar, no prefix, and suffix, and also there is no part of speech.

Sign language is a language that is used and formed by the disabled

community as a way to communicate with each other (Romana, 2012).

c. Visual Scaffolding

Lestari (2016) states that visual scaffolding is an English teaching

strategy that utilizes images, photos and other visuals to help students better

understand language.

2.9 Vocabulary

We must learn vocabulary before acquiring English skills. Vocabulary is the

most fundamental part of the language. Some experts have provided vocabulary

definitions. According to Hornby (2006), vocabulary is the entire vocabulary that

knows and used by a person in a particular language. In addition, Hatch (1995)

states vocabulary is a list or collection of terms for a certain language or a collection

of words that a speaker of that language may employ. At the same time, Alawad

(2018) states that vocabulary development is the process of expanding vocabulary

and refers to all the words that a person knows.

a. The Significance of Vocabulary

Learning vocabulary is the first and most essential element of learning

English. In addition, by having a large vocabulary, learners can master four English

skills: writing, speaking, reading, and listening. A person who has a broad

vocabulary will be effective in using English as a second language because they

will not be able to use the structures or the functions if they do not have the

vocabulary (Nunan, 1991).

b. The Aspects of Vocabulary

Referring to Mardianawati (2012), there are several things to consider when

acquiring vocabulary. The first is meaning. When teaching students about the

meaning of a word, the teacher should clarify that a word can have multiple

meanings depending on the context. The second is spelling. Spelling is essential in

acquiring vocabulary since it assists in reading and serves as a link between letters

and sounds (Kareem, 2000). The third is pronunciation. The pronunciation of a

word refers to how a person pronounces words in a language (Hornby, 2006). The

fourth is word classes. Word classes are different types of words. words are

classified according to their purpose, which is referred to as part of speech (Hatch,

1995). The last is word use. The way a word, phrase, or notion is utilized in a

language is referred to as word usage. The usage of words may also include

grammar, and therefore be the topic of in-depth examination (Mardianawati, 2012).



3.1 Research Design

This research used the qualitative method by employing case study design.

According to Saryono (2010), qualitative is the research used to study, discover,

describe, and explain the quality or privilege of social impact that cannot be

quantified or explained using a quantitative manner. Then, the case study is a design

used to understand an individual or group in depth. This is done to determine the

character of an individual or group in detail (Rahardjo, 2011).

In this case, the qualitative method was applied to find out what strategies

were implemented in the English learning process. In addition, it was to identify

how the strategies implemented by the English teacher at SLB Negeri Luwuk. For

these purposes, the researcher collected the data from the teacher through

interviews and direct observations.

3.2 Data Sources and Research Data

The data source in this research was the English teacher at SLB Negeri

Luwuk. While the data of this research were the findings of the interview with an

English teacher at SLB Negeri Luwuk. The interview was used to find out the

strategies implemented by the teacher in teaching English for deaf students. Then,

the researcher did direct observations when the teacher taught in the class to identify

how the implementation of the strategies.

3.3 Research Time and Setting

The research was held from August until September 2021 and conducted at

SLB Negeri Luwuk. SLB Negeri Luwuk was opened on July, 1986. This school is

authorized to provide educational services from Extraordinary School, Junior High

School, and Senior High School. The school caters to some special needs, namely

A (blindness/visual impairments), B (deaf/hearing impairments), C (mental

retardation), D (physical impairments), E (voice defects), Q (autism), and P (Down

Syndrome). SLB Negeri Luwuk uses the 2013 curriculum for special needs


The number of teachers and employees of SLB Negeri Luwuk in the

academic year 2021/2022 is 23 people. While the number of students consists of 67

students which are spread from elementary school until senior high school. There

are 28 students of the elementary school, 22 students of the junior high school, and

17 students of senior high school.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

The purposes of this research were to analyze the strategies implemented by

the English teacher in teaching English vocabulary for students with disabilities,

especially for students with hearing impairment or deafness, and to identify how

the implementation of the strategies in the class. In obtaining the data, many

procedures took in the data collection process. Firstly, to find out the strategies used

by the teacher, the researcher interviewed the English teacher of SLB Negeri Luwuk

by using the interview guide as the instrument. Next, the researcher did a direct

observation in the class by using an observation sheet to see the implementation of

the strategies.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

Referring to Sugiyono (2011), analysis begins with the formulation and

explanation of the problem before going into the field and continues until the study

results are written. In this research, the data were focused on the field process along

with data collection. There are 3 stages in analyzing the data, namely: data

reduction, data presentation, and concluding.

The first was reducing the data. The researcher summarized and selected the

things that were important from the data. The second was the presentation of the

data. In this stage, the researcher presented the data then categorized it according to

the subject problems and made in the descriptions to provide an overview of the

relationship between one another. The third stage was concluding and verifying the

findings presentation of the data.

3.6 The Trustworthiness of The Data

Triangulation is a technique of examining the trustworthiness of the data by

using something excluding the data to check or to compare the data. There are

several triangulations, namely by using methods, resources, investigators, and

theories (Moleong, 2010). In this research, the researcher used triangulation by

using the methods. The researcher compared and check the credibility of

information found in the observation with data interview, then compare it with the

real situation in the class.



4.1 Research Findings

The researcher interviewed Mrs. N as the English teacher at 7th grade

students of SLB Negeri Luwuk. The interview was held on Thursday, August 04,

2021, at SLB Negeri Luwuk. The interview lasted about 1 hour. The following data

from the researcher's interview showed that Cooperative Learning, Lip-reading,

Sign Language, and Visual Scaffolding were used to teach English vocabulary for

deaf students. The following is the interview transcript.

1. Researcher : What material usually do you teach for deaf students at 7th grade?
Teacher : For 7th grade, they are still learning vocabularies items.
2. Researcher : Do you have specific strategies to teach deaf students?
Teacher : I use group learning to easily coordinate all of the students in class
and for deaf and mental retardation students. Then, I use pictures to help them
understand the material. I use sign letters and lip reading to teach them how the
spell the word and we use sign language to tell them what the words mean.
3. Researcher : Can you explain the step of implementing the strategies?
Teacher : I usually prepare the teaching materials and the media in advance
for all groups, especially for deaf students and physically disabled, for blindness
students they already have their teaching media, so we as teachers just teach.
Then, I enter the class and set the situation. Next, I do pre-teaching such as
praying before beginning the learning process, saying hello and asking how they
are, and checking the attendant. Then I share the pictures with them and I ask
them to pay attention to me, then I explain to each group one by one. I usually
use riddles, then which group can answer first I will teach first. For the deaf
students, I always try to speak it aloud and clearly because the deaf students
relied on our lip-reading. Why? Because not all people understand Sign
Language. Then, I write down the letter on the board and put the signed letter on
the board SL. Then, I repeat it until I think they can do it by themselves. I always
try my best to explain the material. You may check the lesson plan later to know
well because that will be too long if I explain to you now.
4. Researcher : Have you ever tried another strategy?

Teacher : I have used PBL in the first semester of 2018, but my students did
not understand and were confused by the directions I gave.
5. Researcher : Where did you get the strategies from?
Teacher : From deaf certification training and from several seminars I
attended, mostly online. There are so many disability foundations that often hold
online seminars. Then, from YouTube, sometimes I watch ice breaks for deaf
students because they are very susceptible to boredom.
The researcher also did a direct observation to see the implementation of the

strategies. The following are the findings from direct observation.

Table 4.1 Observation Sheet

NO Activity Indicator Option Description
Yes No
1 Pre- The teacher opens the lesson √
activity by greeting the students
Pray before study √
The teacher checks the √
student's attendance list
The teacher tells the aim of √
the subject that will be
2 Main The teacher shares the √
Activity learning media (pictures)
Teacher gives stimulate √
The teacher explains the √
picture one by one using lip-
reading & sign-language
The students try to name √
objects that are nearby
The students answer teacher √
questions by the teacher
The teacher gives a response √
to the students’ answer

3 Post- The teacher invites students √
Activity to conclude with the material
Reflection on learning √
The teacher tells the students √
the planning on next meeting
Closing the activity √

4.2 Research Discussion

Mrs. N has started teaching English in SLB Negeri Luwuk since 2012. Mrs.

N taught for elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school, but in

2015 Mrs. N did not teach the elementary school anymore because the English

subject has been removed from the elementary school. The abolition of the subject

was because lacked teachers and more students registered in that year. In SLB

Negeri Luwuk, English was only an additional lesson (Mulok), so English was

removed because it was very impossible to delete other lessons.

SLB Negeri Luwuk has 18 teachers with 67 students consisting of

elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. From the total

number of teacher and students, the researcher concludes that at SLB Negeri Luwuk

lack teacher. The statement is along with the teacher's answer. In this case, the role

of the government is needed, both the central government and regional

governments. The lack of teachers at SLB Negeri Luwuk must be addressed

immediately because it affects the learning and teaching process, as we know

teaching disabled students require more effort than teaching regular students

without special needs.

Teaching and learning English at SLB Negeri Luwuk is done once a week

with each meeting 40x2 minutes. The process of learning and teaching is not always

like that because the teacher is very dependent on the students. Sometimes any

students do not want to enter the class, so the time is run out just to persuade the

student. In addition, teachers should also pay attention to the students in class

because students with disabilities are prone to boredom and when they are bored,

they will get angry and tantrum.

SLB Negeri Luwuk uses the 2013 curriculum for the extraordinary school.

In the curriculum at the first semester of 7 th grade in English subject, they should

have learned about the short conversation about self-introduction. While the

English material at 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk is English vocabulary. As we

can see, it was so far from the curriculum. It is not a big problem because the

extraordinary curriculum is flexible and depends on the students.

a. Strategies Used by the Teacher at the 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk in

Teaching English Vocabulary

From the interview and direct observations, the researcher found there were

4 strategies used by the teacher in teaching English for deaf students in 7th grade of

SLB Negeri Luwuk, namely (1) Cooperative Learning, (2) Lip-reading, (3) Sign

Language, and (4) Visual Scaffolding. There are 10 students in 7th grade, consisting

of 6 students with deafness/hearing impairment, 2 students with blindness/visual

impairment, and 2 students with mental retardation.

The first strategy applied by the teacher in teaching English is Cooperative

Learning. It is applied to make it easier to coordinate students in the classroom.

Besides it, Cooperative Learning makes students easier to develop their ideas when

they gather with their friends who have the same way of communication. The

strategy is in line with research conducted by Rahmatunnisa (2019). It shows that

cooperative is also an effective strategy for students with special needs. In addition,

Celce-murcia (2000) states that cooperative strategy using peer and teamwork in

the learning process help evolved students' ideas. It emphasizes motivation between

students to maximize students' understanding of the lesson faster with a discussion

between students.

Figure 4.1 Grouping by Dominant Disability

The next strategies used by the teacher are Lip-reading and Sign-Language.

Some of the students have more than one disability. So, the use of Lip-reading is

expected to help the students who have hearing impairments. Lip-reading is the

most important for students with hearing impairments or deaf. They rely on

someone's lips because they cannot hear clearly. Hearing impairments are students

who lose some of their hearing function but can still hear partially. Lip-reading

helps hearing impaired students to clarify words or sentences they have heard.

However, lip-reading is not enough for deaf students. Deaf students are students

who cannot hear at all or lose their hearing fully. Therefore, Sign Language is

expected to help them understand what the teacher was saying about vocabulary

lessons. Lip-reading and Sign Language support each other in English learning for

disabled students.

Figure 4.2 Sign-Letter Board

Sign language is used in teaching vocabulary because deaf students are not

only required to be able to write the word but can also express it in nonverbal

language (sign language). Nonverbal communication has a communicative nature.

Nonverbal communication conveys information without using spoken or written

words. Gestures, appearance characteristics, sound characteristics, use of space, and

time are types of nonverbal communication. This communication is very attached

to students with special needs (Agustina, 2021).

Sign language is unique in each country. Sign language may be different in

countries that speak the same language (Branson, 1996). In Indonesia, there are two

sign languages, namely Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (BISINDO) and Sistem Isyarat

Bahasa Indoenesia (SIBI). BISINDO is considered a language that can represent

the deaf culture of Indonesia. While SIBI is a sign language adapted from American

Sign Language (ASL). Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia is a sign system made by

hearing people without involving deaf people in special education (Rahagiyanto,


All of the extraordinary school has the freedom to choose their Sign-

language used in the school. SLB Negeri Luwuk uses SIBI Alphabet Sign Language

both in the teaching and learning process or daily communication. The reason is

that SIBI is easier to remember for the students. In addition, SIBI is more widely

used because it has been recommended by the government.

The last strategy used by the teacher in teaching English for disabled

students is Visual Scaffolding. The media of the strategy are pictures, video, photos,

images, etc. English teacher of SLB Negeri Luwuk chooses pictures as the media.

The pictures used by the teacher are from textbooks and the internet. The teaching

media is also matched to the learning materials. The pictures help the students to

memorize the vocabularies they have learned. On the other hand, pictures can

reduce their boredom. As the researcher mentioned before, students with disabilities

are different from regular students because they are very susceptible to boredom.

Octaberlina (2020) argues that implementing the picture contains so many

advantages for the students. The students enjoy visual strategies such as pictures,

film, short movies, etc. They feel happy, understand, easier to know the meaning,

and so on. The picture makes them interact independently without following

specific guidelines (Nikolaraizi, 2013).

Figure 4.3 The Picture as the Learning Media

Rahmatunnisa (2019) found that the learning strategies used by the teachers

for deaf students are the Direct Teaching and Cooperative Learning strategy. While

the research conducted by Hadi (2019) shows that the strategies used by English

teachers in teaching English for deaf students are Drilling and Visual Scaffolding

strategies. The use of drilling helps students remember the new vocabulary they

have learned from the teacher. Visual scaffolding is used by the teacher to help

students get the topic or material.

In this research, the researcher found that in the teaching and learning

English for students with disabilities at SLB Negeri Luwuk combined the two

research findings from the two previous studies, namely Cooperative Learning

strategy and Visual Scaffolding. The teacher uses Cooperative Learning to easier

coordinate all of the students. The teacher also adds two other strategies, namely

Lip-reading and Sign language. Lip-reading and Sign-language are used because

some of the students cannot hear fully, so it can help deaf students understand the

material well. In the teaching and learning process, Lip-reading and Sign-language

are support each other. Then, Visual Scaffolding is used to help students remember

the material given by the teacher. In this research, Visual Scaffolding is used to help

students remember and understand the materials.

b. The implementation of the strategies used by the teacher at 7th grade of SLB

Negeri Luwuk in teaching English vocabulary

The followings are the implementations of the strategies in teaching English

vocabulary for deaf students at 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk. The steps are

written based on the teacher's explanation and the lesson plan used. Firstly, the

teacher opens the class by saying greeting and asking students' conditions. After

that, the teacher chooses one of the students to lead a prayer. Then, the teacher

checks the attendant of the students. After that, the teacher divides the students into

a group and asks the students to keep calm. The teacher also asks students about the

previous lesson to review, so the students will not forget.

The first step indicates that the teacher uses the Cooperative Learning

strategy because she divides the students into several groups based on their

disability. The teacher inculcates polite greetings by giving a smile to the students

when entering the classroom and saying "Assalamu'alaikum”. We can analyze that

the opening activity of the teacher inculcates the religious attitude, polite, and

logical thinking to reach the learning objectives. The teacher instills a religious

attitude by choosing one of the students to pray together. Then, the students read

the prayer before studying.

Secondly, the teacher does the main activity. The teacher asks all of the

students to pay attention to her. After that, the teacher shares the learning media

(pictures) for the deaf student group and asks them to look at their picture. Then,

the teacher gives a stimulus to stimulate students to be enthusiastic and ask

questions about the pictures that have been shared. Lip-reading plays a big role here.

The teacher must speak slowly, clearly, and loudly. It needs to be considered by the

teacher because students will have difficulty receiving material when the teacher

conveys the material quickly and in a hurry. The reason for choosing the Lip-

reading strategy is because in communicating with people who are not deaf, they

only rely on lip-reading. After all, not everyone understands sign language.

Thirdly, the teacher explains the meaning of each picture and teaches the

Sign-letter to the students. The teacher also teaches the Sign-language if the word

has Sign-language. It is taught repeatedly until the teacher feels the student can do

it by themselves. After that, the teacher asks the student to state an object that is

near them without holding the object but only matching it with the picture they

have. Students are prohibited from holding objects because all students in the class

will follow and this will make the class chaotic.

Last, the teacher does the post-activity. It consists of (1) the teacher inviting

students to conclude the material, (2) reflection, (3) the teacher telling the students

the planning on next meeting, and (4) closing activity. From the observation

findings, she invites the students to conclude the material with repeat the material.

In the next step, the teacher should be doing reflection and telling the next material,

but the teacher did not do it. The last of the post-activity was closing. The teacher

closes the class with shake the students' hands and saying goodbye to build an

emotional feel to the students.

Each strategy has its own steps. The following are the steps of some of the

strategies mentioned above. The researcher describes the strategy above based on

the results of interview and some details obtained in the field through direct


1) Cooperative Learning

- The teacher opens the class by saying "Assalamu'alaikum".

- The teacher asks all of the students to pay attention to her by saying

"pay attention to me please", whilst waving as a sign-language to

help deaf students understand instructions.

- The teacher checks the attendant of the students. For deaf students,

the teacher calls their name whilst spelling their nickname using sign


- The teacher gives a gesture such as a swimming stroke as a sign that

they must separate themselves according to their group.

2) Lip-Reading

- The teacher comes to the deaf students group to make sure that they

can see clearly the teacher’s lip movements.

- The teacher tell the students “ready”, then the students give a respon

such as nod their head for students who cannot speak, for those who

can speak they say “yes”.

- The teacher speaks and spell the material slowly, clearly, and loudly.

3) Sign-Language

- The teacher aks to the deaf group to pay attention and focus by using

the sign language, namely straightening the middle finger and index

finger and pointing the finger at the student and then at the teacher

as a sign that the lesson will really begin.

- The teacher explains the vocabulary one by one using sign letter. For

example; B-R-U-S-H, the teacher spell the sign letter one by one.

First is B, secong is R, third is U, and bla bla bla.

- The teacher asks the students to follow her.

- The teacher repeats it until the students understand.

- The teacher makes sure that the students understand by asking them

try to spell one of the vocabularies.

4) Visual Scaffolding

- The teacher shares the pictures to the deaf students.

- The teacher lifts the picture so that it is level with the chest

- The teacher explains all of the pictures one by one using Lip-reading

and Sign Language.

- The teacher repeats it untill she feels that the students can do that by




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion in chapter IV, the researcher concludes

that the strategies used by the teacher in teaching English vocabulary for disabled

students at SLB Negeri Luwuk are Cooperative Learning, Lip-reading, Sign-

Language, and Visual Scaffolding. The implementations of the strategies are (1) the

teacher doing pre-teaching, (2) the teacher divides the students based on their

disabilities then shares the pictures for each group, (3) the teacher explains the

material by using lip-reading and sign language slowly and loudly, and (4) the

teacher doing post-activity.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would offer some

suggestions. The first is for the teacher. The researcher hopes that this research can

improve the quality of the English teacher in teaching English. The second is for

the students. The researcher hopes the students more understand English vocabulary

and enjoy the lesson. The third is for the next researcher. The researcher wishes that

other researchers could conduct this research in the wider area and the next

researcher can conduct the research about the teaching strategies used by an English

teacher which is important in the teaching and learning process. The last suggestion

is for the governments. The researcher hopes the government can pay more

attention to extraordinary schools because students with disabilities also have the

same rights in learning and teaching. The implementation of education in Indonesia

must be more evenly distributed, both in terms of teachers and infrastructure.


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1. Appendix 1 (interview guide)
Teacher’s name : ____________________________
Years teaching at this school : ____________________________
Grade : ___________________________
1. Do you teach English?

2. How long have you been teaching at SLB Negeri Luwuk?

3. What class do you teach?

4. How many students are at 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk?

5. Are they separated? Based on what?

6. How many times a week do you teach English?

7. How many times in each meeting?

8. What material do you teach for deaf students in 7th grade?

9. Do you have specific strategies to teach deaf students?

10. Why do you choose the strategy?

11. Can you explain the step of implementing the strategies?

12. Have you ever tried another strategy?

13. Where did you get the strategies from?

2. Appendix 2 (interview transcript)
Teacher’s name : N.
Years teaching at this school : Since 2012
Grade : 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk
Date : 04 August 2021, Classroom
6. Do you teach English?

= Yes, I do.

7. How long have you been teaching at SLB Negeri Luwuk?

= Maybe about 8 or 9 years, since 2012

8. What classes do you teach?

= I teach junior and senior high school. I used to teach Elementary school

too, but since 2015 the elementary school has not learned English anymore.

9. How many students are at 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk?

= For the 7th grade there are 8 students and they are divided into 3 study


10. Are they separated? Based on what?

= They are separated according to their dominant disability. There are the

deafness group, mental retardation group, and blindness group.

11. How many times a week do you teach English?

= only once a week

12. How many times in each meeting?

= For junior high school it should be 40x2 minutes and for senior high

school is about 45x2 minutes. It all back to the students, as I said earlier,

SLB learning depends on the students. Sometimes we have prepared lesson

plans as well as possible but the problems in the class are very far from

expectations, not even a few students don't want to come to class. So,

sometimes our time runs out to persuade them, it can even be learning in

class for only 40 minutes or even less.

13. What material do you teach for deaf students at 7th grade?

= For 7th grade, they are still learning vocabularies items that they often

encounter in school and some words that are often used only because they

did not learn English at all in elementary school. If we follow the existing

curriculum, they should have learned a short conversation about self-

introduction in the first semester, but for SLB the curriculum is very flexible

because SLB learning is very dependent on students. It's very unlikely that

they are just learning English and are suddenly taught about self-

introduction. So, for the first half-semester, I only focus on vocabulary, and

for the last half-semester, I start teaching short conversations.

14. Do you have specific strategies to teach deaf students?

= I use group learning to easily coordinate all of the students in class and

for deaf and mental retardation students. Then, I use pictures to help them

understand the material because for deaf students and mental retardation

pictures are the most fun things.

= we use sign letters to teach them how the spelling of the word and we use

sign language to tell them what the words mean.

= so, in this school always used SIBI Sign language. Actually, schools have

the freedom to choose which Sign language they want to use. Our school

chose SIBI because most schools in Indonesia use SIBI and also SIBI is

usually easier for students to remember.

15. Why do you choose the strategies?

= first, for students who are deaf it can make it easier for them to understand

when my lip movements are not clear. Second, for mental retardation

students, it helps them remember well because mental retardation students

easily forget, even what they just said.

16. Can you explain the step of implementing the strategies?

= I usually prepare the teaching materials and the media in advance for all

groups, especially for deaf students and physically disabled, for blindness

students they already have their own teaching media, so we as teachers just

teach. Then, I enter the class and set the situation. Next, I do pre-teaching

such as praying before beginning the learning process, saying hello and

asking how they are, and checking the attendant. Then I share the pictures

with them and I ask them to pay attention to me, then I explain to each group

one by one. I usually use riddles, then which group can answer first I will

teach first. For the deaf students, I always try to speak it aloud and clearly

because the deaf students always rely on our lip-reading. Why? Because not

all people understand Sign Language. Then, I write down the letter on the

board and put the signed letter on the board SL. Then, I repeat it until I think

they can do it by themselves. I always try my best to explain the material.

You may check the lesson plan later to know well because that will be too

long if I explain to you now.

17. Have you ever tried another strategy?

= Of course, but I think using pictures is the best strategy to teach them.

= I have used PBL, in the first semester of 2018, but my students did not

understand and were confused by the directions I gave.

18. Where did you get the strategies from?

= Of course, from deaf certification training and from several seminars I

attended, mostly online. There are so many disability foundations that often

hold online seminars. Then, from YouTube, sometimes I watch ice breaks

for deaf students because they are very susceptible to boredom.

3. Appendix 3 (observation sheet)
Teacher’s name : _____________________________
Grade : _____________________________
NO Activity Indicator Option Description
Yes No
1 Pre- The teacher opens the lesson
activity by greeting the students
Pray before study
The teacher checks the
student's attendance list
The teacher tells the aim of
the subject that will be
2 Main The teacher shares the
Activity learning media (pictures)
Teacher gives stimulate
The teacher explains the
picture one by one using lip-
reading and sign-language
The students try to name
objects that are nearby
The students answer teacher
questions by the teacher
The teacher gives a response
to the students' answer
3 Post The teacher invites students
Activity to conclude with the material
Reflection on learning
The teacher tells the students
the planning on next meeting
Closing the activity

4. Appendix 4 (finding of observation sheet)
Teacher’s name :N
Grade : 7th grade of SLB Negeri Luwuk
NO Activity Indicator Option Description
Yes No
1 Pre- The teacher opens the lesson √
activity by greeting the students
Pray before study √
The teacher checks the √
student's attendance list
The teacher tells the aim of √
the subject that will be
2 Main The teacher shares the √
Activity learning media (pictures)
Teacher gives stimulate √
The teacher explains the √
picture one by one using lip-
reading and sign-language
The students try to name √
objects that are nearby
The students answer teacher √
questions by the teacher
The teacher gives response √
to the students' answer
3 Post The teacher invites students √
Activity to conclude with the material
Reflection on learning √
The teacher tells the students √
the planning on next meeting
Closing the activity √

5. Appendix 5 (lesson plan)
Nama Sekolah : SLB Negeri Luwuk
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VII SMP-LB Tunarungu / Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Things in The Class, Things Near Me and What I Wear in School
Alokasi Waktu : 2 jam pelajaran x 4 pertemuan
Pertemuan Ke- : 1, 2, 3 dan 4

A. Kompetensi Inti:
3. Memahami pengetahuan faktual 4. Menyajikan pengetahuan faktual
dengan cara mengamati (melihat, dalam bahasa yang jelas, sistematis,
membaca) dan menanya dan logis, dalam karya yang estetis,
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu tentang dalam gerakan yang mencerminkan
dirinya, makhluk ciptaan Tuhan dan anak sehat, dan dalam tindakan
kegiatannya, dan benda-benda yang yang mencerminkan perilaku anak
dijumpainya di rumah di sekolah, beriman dan berakhlak mulia.
dan tempat bermain.
B. Kompetensi Dasar:
3.1 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 4.1 Menyatakan dan menanyakan
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari tentang deskripsi benda-benda,
teks deskriptif untuk menyatakan yang dijumpainya di rumah,
dan menanyakan benda-benda yang sekolah, dan tempat bermain
dijumpainya di rumah, di sekolah dengan pendek dan sederhana
dan tempat bermain dengan pendek sesuai konteks penggunaannya.
dan sederhana sesuai konteks

C. Assesmen kemampuan awal peserta didik

1) Peserta didik mampu menyimak dan memahami penjelasan guru dengan
membaca bibir dan isyarat dengan bahasa yang sederhana.
2) Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi sederhana menggunakan isyarat dan
3) Peserta didik mampu membaca.
4) Peserta didik mampu menulis.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1) Peserta didik dapat menuliskan kosa kata benda yang ada di sekitarnya dan
yang mereka pakai saat ke sekolah
2) Peserta didik dapat memahami kosa kata benda yang ada di sekitarnya dan
yang mereka pakai saat ke sekolah
3) Peserta didik dapat menggunakan kosa kata benda yang ada di sekitarnya
dan yang mereka pakai saat ke sekolah
E. Materi Pembelajaran
a. Things in The Class
b. Things Near Me
c. What I Wear in School
F. Pendekatan, Metode
Pendekatan : Scientific
Metode : Penugasan dan Ceramah.
G. Media Pembelajaran
- Gambar
- Foto
H. Sumber Belajar
1) Buku guru
2) Buku siswa
3) Ensiklopedia
4) Kamus
5) Internet
I. Karakter yang Dikembangkan
1) Religius
2) Peduli Lingkungan
3) Teliti
J. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
1. Pendahuluan
- Guru mengucapkan salam, menyapa siswa.
- Peserta didik berdoa sebelum mulai pembelajaran.
- Guru mendata kehadiran peserta didik.
- Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk berkumpul sesuai dengan
kelompoknya masing-masing.
- Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang tujuan
pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai.
- Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang materi yang akan
2. Inti
- Guru membagikan beberapa gambar “Things in The Class” kepada

- Peserta didik mengamati gambar yang dibagikan oleh guru
mengenai “Things in The Class”
- Guru memberi stimulus untuk merangsang peserta didik bertanya
tentang gambar tersebut
- Guru menjelaskan masing-masing dari gambar yang dipegang dan
mengajarkan ejaan sign letter dan mengajarkan sign language dari
benda tersebut (jika ada).
- Peserta didik mencoba menyebutkan benda yang terdekat dengan
mereka menggunakan sign letter, lisan, dan tulisan
- Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan yang disajikan guru terkait
dengan “Things in The Class” yang telah dipelajari.
- Guru memberikan tanggapan terhadap jawaban peserta didik.
3. Penutup
- Kegiatan pembelajaran diakhiri dengan menyimpulkan secara
- Refleksi terhadap materi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.
- Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang rencana
tindak lanjut dan kegiatan selanjutnya.

1. Pendahuluan
- Guru mengucapkan salam, menyapa siswa.
- Peserta didik berdoa sebelum mulai pembelajaran.
- Guru mendata kehadiran peserta didik.
- Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk berkumpul sesuai dengan
kelompoknya masing-masing.
- Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang tujuan
pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai.
- Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang materi yang akan
2. Inti
- Guru membagikan beberapa gambar “Things Near Me” kepada
- Peserta didik mengamati gambar yang dibagikan oleh guru
mengenai “Things Near Me”
- Guru memberi stimulus untuk merangsang peserta didik bertanya
tentang gambar tersebut
- Guru menjelaskan masing-masing dari gambar yang dipegang dan
mengajarkan ejaan sign letter dan mengajarkan sign language dari
benda tersebut (jika ada).

- Peserta didik mencoba menyebutkan benda yang terdekat dengan
mereka menggunakan sign letter, lisan, dan tulisan
- Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan yang disajikan guru terkait
dengan “Things Near Me” yang telah dipelajari.
- Guru memberikan tanggapan terhadap jawaban peserta didik.
3. Penutup
- Kegiatan pembelajaran diakhiri dengan menyimpulkan secara
- Refleksi terhadap materi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.
- Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang rencana
tindak lanjut dan kegiatan selanjutnya.

1. Pendahuluan
- Guru mengucapkan salam, menyapa siswa.
- Peserta didik berdoa sebelum mulai pembelajaran.
- Guru mendata kehadiran peserta didik.
- Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk berkumpul sesuai dengan
kelompoknya masing-masing.
- Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang tujuan
pembelajaran yang ingin dicapai.
- Peserta didik menyimak penjelasan guru tentang materi yang akan
2. Inti
- Guru membagikan beberapa gambar umum tentang “What I
Wear in School” kepada siswa.
- Guru memberikan stimulus untuk merangsang peserta didik
bertanya tentang “What I Wear in School”
- Guru menjelaskan masing-masing dari gambar yang dipegang dan
mengajarkan ejaan sign letter dan mengajarkan sign language dari
benda tersebut (jika ada).
- Peserta didik menyebutkan benda apa saja yang mereka pakai saat
ke sekolah di hari itu menggunakan sign letter, lisan dan tulisan.
- Guru memberikan tanggapan terhadap benda-benda yang telah
dituliskan peserta didik.
3. Penutup
- Kegiatan pembelajaran diakhiri dengan menyimpulkan materi yang
dibahas (mengkomunikasikan).

- Refleksi terhadap materi pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan.
- Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang rencana
tindak lanjut dan kegiatan selanjutnya.
K. Penilaian
1. Penilaian Sikap
Berilah tanda centang (v) pada kolom yang sesuai!
Perubahan Tingkah Laku
No Nama Percaya Diri Disiplin Tanggungjawab
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Keterangan :
BT : Belum Terlihat
MT : Mulai Terlihat
MB : Mulai Berkembang
SM : Sudah Berkembang

Kriteria Penilaian
Percaya diri Belum berani Mulai berani Berpendapat Berpendapat
berpendapat berpendapat atau melakukan atau
atau melakukan atau melakukan kegiatan melakukan
kegiatan kegiatan dengan kegiatan tanpa
dengan dengan instruksi guru ragu-ragu
ragu motivasi guru.
Disiplin Tidak Mengikuti Mengikuti Mengikuti
mengikuti pembelajaran pembelajaran pembelajaran
pembelajaran. dengan dengan dari awal
motivasi dan beberapa kali hingga akhir
bantuan motivasi guru. dengan
fisik dari guru. baik.

Tanggungjawab Tidak Mengerjakan Mengerjakan Mengerjakan
mengerjakan tugas dengan tugas dengan tugas dengan
tugas. banyak sedikit baik
bantuan bantuan
guru. guru.

Pedoman penskoran
Skor maksimal = 12
Skor = Skor yang diperoleh x 100 Skor maksimal

Skor Predikat Klasifikasi

81-100 A Sangat baik
66-80 B Baik
51-65 C Cukup
0-50 D Kurang

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan benar sesuai dengan yang kamu
jumpai atau kamu gunakan! Tulisakan jawabanmu dalam bahasa inggris!
1. Apa yang kamu pakai untuk melindungi kakimu?
2. Apa yang kamu pakai untuk melindungi kepalamu?
3. Tuliskan benda yang kamu gunakan untuk menulis!
4. Tuliskan benda yang digunakan untuk membersihkan lantai!
5. Apa yang kamu gunakan agar celana atau rokmu tidak turun?

Kunci jawaban:
1. Shoes
2. Hat
3. Pen/book/pencil
4. Broom/Mop
5. Belt

Kriteria Penilaian
No Kriteria Skor
Menjawab benar 5 soal 100
Menjawab benar 4 soal 80
Menjawab benar 3 soal 60
Menjawab benar 2 soal 40
Menjawab benar 1 soal 20

Pedoman penskoran
Skor maksimal = 100
Skor Predikat Klasifikasi
81-100 A Sangat baik
66-80 B Baik
51-65 C Cukup
0-50 D Kurang

3. Penilaian Keterampilan
Kriteria Penilaian
No. Kriteria Skor
1. Memperagakan 7 sign letter dari Things in The 100
Class and What I Wear in School
2. Memperagakan 5 sign letter dari Things in The 80
Class and What I Wear in School
3. Memperagakan 3 sign letter dari Things in The 60
Class and What I Wear in School
4. Memperagakan 2 sign letter dari Things in The 40
Class and What I Wear in School
5. Memperagakan 1 sign letter dari Things in The 20
Class and What I Wear in School

Pedoman penskoran
Skor maksimal = 100
Skor Predikat Klasifikasi
81-100 A Sangat baik
66-80 B Baik
51-65 C Cukup
0-50 D Kurang

6. Appendix 6 (interview process)

7. Appendix 7 (pre-activity)

8. Appendix 8 (main-activity)

9. Appendix 9 (post-activity)


Wafiq Rofikoh was born in Sukamaju, May 2, 2001, the eldest of 3 children of the

couple Naryono and Rahmatul Umah.

Primary school at SD Inpres Batui Kayoa SPB and graduated in 2012. Junior

high school at SMP Negeri 3 Batui and graduated in 2015, then continued at MA

Darul Ulum Toili and graduated in 2018 majoring in Social Sciences. After

graduating MA in 2018, through the SNMPTN, she was registered as a student of

the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Tadulako University.


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