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untuk MA Kelas XI IIS Semester 2

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Alhamdullillah wa syukurillah puji syukur ke hadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan
Hidayah dan Innayah–Nya kepada kita semua sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan buku modul
Sederhana Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Lintas Minat Jilid 2 untuk MA Kelas XI IIS Semester 2 ini.

Buku ini kami susun sebagai upaya peningkatan belajar siswa dalam hal pelajaran bahasa Inggris
kelas XI semester 2. Penulis berharap agar buku yang sederhana ini mampu meningkatkan motivasi
belajar siswa.

Materi dan tugas pembelajaran mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat keterampilan
berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu materi dan tugas
pembelajaran secara integratif mengembangkan kecakapan hidup dalam arti luas dan meningkatan
kesadaran akan kebhinekaan.

Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam buku ini diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus
pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Siklus lisan menekankan pengembangan keterampilan
menyimak dan berbicara, sementara siklus tulis mengembangkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis.
Sesuai dengan prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan
keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi.

Materi dan kegiatan belajar dikembangkan dengan tujuan menjadikan siswa aktif belajar
bahasa Inggris, baik secara individu, berpasangan, maupun dalam kelompok kecil; melalui kegiatan
memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk mengekspresikan gagasan mereka. Guru lebih
bertindak sebagai fasilitator, pemberi feedback, dan pendorong siswa agar berani mengekspresikan
dirinya dengan tidak mengabaikan pentingnya akurasi berbahasa. Dengan kegiatan-kegiatan
pembelajaran dan peran guru yang demikian, siswa terbimbing dan terfasilitasi dalam berlatih
mengekspresikan dirinya sehingga secara bertahap akhirnya mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.

Sehubungan dengan terselesaikannya penulisan buku ini kami mengucapkan terima kasih
kepada berbagai pihak yang telah memberikan dukungannya selama proses penyusunannya. Secara
khusus kami mengucapkan terima kasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada ibu, suami
dan anak kami yang telah dengan sabar menyemangati langkah demi langkah dalam, penulisan buku
ini. Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih memiliki kekurangan-kekurangan. Masukan dari berbagai
pihak, terutama guru dan siswa pemakai bahan ajar ini, sangat kami harapkan untuk perbaikan di
kemudian hari. Semoga bahan ajar ini memberikan manfaat bagi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di tanah

Rembang, Desember 2016




Halaman Judul ……………………………………………………………… 1

Kata Pengantar ……………………………………………………………… 2

Daftar Isi …………………………………………………………………….. 3

 Chapter 1 Biographical text…..…………………………………………. 6

 Chapter 2 Conditional Sentence Type 1 &2…………….…………….. 14

 Chapter 3 Conditional Sentence Type 3………………………………… 16

 Chapter 4 Hortatory Exposition Text…………………………………… 20

 Chapter 5 Narrative text ……………………………………………… 25

 Chapter 6 Proverb, Riddles, and Poem……………………………… 29

 Chapter 7 Sing a Song………………………………………………… 37

 Evaluation ……………………………………………………………… 46

Listening Script ………………………………………………………………. 50

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………. 59





3.Memahami, menerapkan, 3.8. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1.Mengidentifikasi informasi gagasan utama dan
menganalisis pengetahuan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks informasi rinci teks biografi tentang tokoh terkenal
faktual, konseptual, prosedural biografi tentang tokoh terkenal, sesuai 3.8.2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya dengan konteks penggunaannya. bentuk kebahasaan serta format penulisannya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, 3.8.3. Membandingkan perbedaan antara teks biografi
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan tentang tokoh terkenal dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaannya
humaniora dengan wawasan dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, 4.11.1. Membacakan teks biografi tentang tokoh terkenal
kenegaraan, dan peradaban 4.11.2. Menyalin/menulis teks biografj tentang tokoh
terkait penyebab fenomena dan terkenal
kejadian, serta menerapkan 3.9.1. Mengidentifikasi teks lisan dan tulis untuk
pengetahuan prosedural pada menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
bidang kajian yang spesifik terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada saat
sesuai dengan bakat dan 3.9. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur ini
minatnya untuk memecahkan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan untuk 3.9.2.Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
masalah. menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang bentuk kebahasaan serta format penyampaian atau penulisan
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan
menyaji dalam ranah konkret sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada saat ini, tentang pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang
dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya tidak nyata pada saat ini
pengembangan dari yang 3.9.3. Menirukan pengucapannya teks lisan dan tulis untuk
dipelajarinya di sekolah secara menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
mandiri, dan mampu terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada saat
menggunakan metoda sesuai ini
kaidah keilmuan 3.9.4. Membandingkan perbedaan antara berbagai teks lisan
dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak
nyata pada saat ini dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaannya
dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
3.9.5.Mengidentifikasi pengucapan teks lisan dan tulis
untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada saat
3.9.6. Menemukan berbagai macam teks lisan dan tulis
untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada saat
ini dari berbagai sumber dalam konteks yang berbeda-beda
3.Memahami, menerapkan, 3.10. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur 3.10.1. Mengidentifikasi teks lisan dan tulis untuk
menganalisis pengetahuan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
faktual, konseptual, prosedural menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya waktu lampau
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada waktu 3.10.2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan lampau, sesuai dengan konteks bentuk kebahasaan serta format penyampaian atau
humaniora dengan wawasan penggunaannya penulisan teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, menanyakan tentang pengandaian terjadinya/ dilakukannya
kenegaraan, dan peradaban sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada waktu lampau
terkait penyebab fenomena dan 3.10.3. Menirukan pengucapannya teks lisan dan tulis
kejadian, serta menerapkan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
pengetahuan prosedural pada terjadinya/ dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada
bidang kajian yang spesifik waktu lampau.
sesuai dengan bakat dan 3.10.4. Membandingkan perbedaan antara berbagai teks
minatnya untuk memecahkan lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
masalah. pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan nyata pada waktu lampau dalam bahasa Inggris,
menyaji dalam ranah konkret 3.11. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur perbedaannya dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
dan ranah abstrak terkait teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks 3.10.5. Mengidentifikasi pengucapan teks lisan dan tulis
dengan pengembangan dari eksposisi hortatori tentang topik yang untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
yang dipelajarinya di sekolah hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan terjadinya/ dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada
secara mandiri, dan mampu konteks penggunaannya waktu lampau
menggunakan metoda sesuai 3.10.6. Menemukan berbagai macam teks lisan dan tulis
kaidah keilmuan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pengandaian
terjadinya/ dilakukannya sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada
waktu lampau dari berbagai sumber dalam konteks yang
4.13.1. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang pengandaian terjadinya/dilakukannya
3.12. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur sesuatu yang tidak nyata pada waktu lampau, dengan
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
naratif berbentuk cerita pendek, sesuai kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
dengan konteks penggunaannya 3.11..1. Mengidentifikasi informasi teks eksposisi hortatory
tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum
3.11.2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
bentuk kebahasaan serta format penyampaian atau penulisan
teks eksposisi hortatory tentang topik yang hangat


dibicarakan umum 3.11.3. Menirukan pengucapannya teks

eksposisi hortatory tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan
311.4..Membandingkan perbedaan antara berbagai teks
eksposisi hortatory tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan
umum dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaannya dengan yang ada
dalam bahasa Indonesia.
3.11.5.Mengidentifikasi pengucapan teks eksposisi hortatory
tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum
3.11.6. Menemukan berbagai macam teks eksposisi
hortatory tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum dari
berbagai sumber dalam konteks yang berbeda-beda
3.11.7. Menganalisis teks eksposisi hortatory tentang topik
yang hangat dibicarakan umumberdasarkan penggunaan.
4.14.1. Menyusun teks eksposisi hortatory tentang topik
yang hangat dibicarakan umum dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks
3.12.1. Mengidentifikasi informasi teks naratif berbentuk
cerita pendek
3.12.2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
bentuk kebahasaan serta format penyampaian atau penulisan
teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek
3.12.3. Menirukan pengucapannya teks naratif berbentuk
cerita pendek
3.12.4. Membandingkan perbedaan antara berbagai teks teks
naratif berbentuk cerita pendek dalam bahasa Inggris,
perbedaannya dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
3.12.5.Mengidentifikasi pengucapan teks naratif berbentuk
cerita pendek
3.12.6. Menemukan berbagai macam teks naratif berbentuk
cerita pendek dari berbagai sumber dalam konteks yang
3.12.7. Menganalisis tipe-tipe teks naratif berbentuk cerita
pendek dengan mengelompokannya berdasarkan
4.17.1. Menyusun teks naratif berbentuk cerita pendek,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
3.Memahami, menerapkan, 3.13. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur 3.13.1.Mengidentifikasi fun gsi sosial teks proverb, riddle,
menganalisis pengetahuan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks dan poem
faktual, konseptual, prosedural proverb, riddle, dan poem, sesuai dengan 3.13.2. Menemukan macam-macam proverb
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya konteks penggunaannya. 3.13.3. Menemukan makna proverb dan riddle
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, 3.13.4. Menemukan pesan yang terkandung dalam poem
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan 3.13.5. menemukan struktur teks poem
humaniora dengan wawasan 4.18.1. Menyusun teks proverb, riddle, dan poem
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaraan, dan peradaban 3.14. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur 3.14.1. Mengetahui struktur lagu sederhana
terkait penyebab fenomena dan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari lagu, 3.14.2. Mengetahui fungsi sosial dan unsure kebahasaan
kejadian, serta menerapkan sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. lagu
pengetahuan prosedural pada 3.14.3. Menemukan kosakata dalam lagu
bidang kajian yang spesifik 3.14.4. Mengidentifikasi pesan dan tujuan lagu
sesuai dengan bakat dan 4.19.1. Menemukan isi lagu
minatnya untuk memecahkan 4.19.2. Menyanyikan lagu.
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan
menyaji dalam ranah konkret
dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari
yang dipelajarinya di sekolah
secara mandiri, dan mampu
menggunakan metoda sesuai
kaidah keilmuan




Tujuan pembelajaran: Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa mampu:

1. Mendengarkan dan mengidentifikasi teks biografi dan mengucapkannya dengan benar.
2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi, susunan teks, ciri kebahasaan, dan kosakata yang berkaitan dari
teks biografi dengan benar.
3. Memahami penggunaan, dan menerapkan teks biografi tokoh terkenal dengan benar, baik
lisan maupun tulisan.


A biography is simply a bio that gives an account or detailed description about the life of a
person. It entails basic facts such as childhood, education, career, relationships, family and
death. Biography is a literary genre that portrays the experiences of all these events occurred
in the life of a person mostly in a chronological order. Unlike a resume or profile, biography
provides life story of a subject, highlighting different aspects of his/her life. The person or the
writer, who writes biographies, is called as a biographer.
Important points about biography:
1. The life story of a famous person or important public figure written by someone else.
2. Use of simple past tense and third singular pronoun,
3. Highlighting a person’s aspect (origin, life Story, education, contribution, achievement,
working experience, etc)


Do you know Princess Diana? Well, the following is the life story of her.
Princess Diana was an ________(1) figure of the late 20th century. During her life she was
often said to be the most photographed person. She was also _________(2) for her charity
work; in particular her work with AIDS patients and supporting the campaign for banning
Diana ____________(3) in the family home of Park House, before moving to Althorp in
1975. She did not shine as a student, but did well in music and ballet. When she _________(4)
her future husband, Diana was working as a part-time assistant in a nursery school in London.
In 1981, Diana _________(5) Prince Charles. During their marriage they _______(6) two
sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. However, not long after, strains________(7)to appear
in the marriage and under much publicity the marriage __________(8) up leading to a divorce
in 1992. During this period Diana was said to have suffered various health problems, such as
bulimia and depression.
As Princess of Wales, Diana was ________(9) to take part in various official
engagements, such as the opening of hospitals. This provided a natural outlet for her to
become involved in various types of charitable work. In 1987, Princess Diana was one of the
first __________(10) celebrities to be photographed with a victim of AIDS. This was
important in changing attitudes to the disease. At that time, many thought the disease could
spread by touch.

1. What is the type of text, the text you have listened?
2. Identify the part of the text above.
3. What is the function of the text above?
4. Where can you found the text in your daily life?
5. Who wrote the text?



1. Where did Diana work when she met her future husband, Prince Charles?
A. In a hospital.
B. At the palace.
C. In a company.
D. In a music studio.
E. In a nursery school.
2. How long was Diana married to Prince Charles?
A. Nine years. B. Ten years.
C. Eleven years. D. Twelve years.
E. Thirteen years.
3. What did Princess Diana do, which changed people’s view on AIDS?
A. She was photographed with a person who suffered from AIDS.
B. She built a hospital for people who suffered from AIDS.
C. She visited people who suffered from AIDS.
D. She treated patients who suffered from AIDS.
E. She lived with people who suffered from AIDS.
4. Who did Princess Diana meet shortly before her death?
A. Prince Charles.
B. Prince William.
C. Prince Harry.
D. Mother Teresa.
E. Queen Elizabeth.
5. What tense is mostly used in the text above?
A. Present Tense.
B. Simple Past Tense
C. Future Tense
D. Perfect Tense
E. Continuous tense
Text for numbers 6-10.
Orientation: the main character is introduced== Aristotle was a great Greek philosopher.
His father was a physician (doctor) to King
Amyntas of Macedonia.
Event 1 ============================== As a boy, Aristotle probably watched his
father treating patients and making medicines from
parts of plants and animals. From this, Aristotle
may have gained his interests in nature study,
biology and anatomy.
Events============================== Aristotle was away from Athens for
twelve years. First he went to Assos, to the court of
Hermias of Atarneua, part of what is now Turkey.
Here he studied politics and biology, taught pupils
and advised the rulers.
Events============================== During this time, Aristotle carried out
many observations and studies on nature, especially
fish and seashore creatures. He cut them open,
identified their parts and organs, and suggested
what these might do.
Events============================== This method of working was very unusual
for the time. Most of his colleagues did not ‘get
their hands dirty’. They were thinkers, not doers.
They rarely carried out tests, or observed the real
world closely, or made records of what they saw.

Aristotle was establishing a whole new tradition,

which for us today, is a central part of science.
6. Where did Aristotle come from?
A. United States. B. England.
C. Canada. D. Greece.
E. Japan.
7. What did his father do?
A. A scientist. B. A biologist.
C. A physician. D. A philosopher.
E. A fortune teller.
8. Why did most of Aristotle’s colleagues hesitate to work at that time?
A. They were thinkers, not doers.
B. They were not scientists.
C. They were not smart.
D. They were cowards.
E. They were lazy.
9. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. Aristotle carried out many observations, especially on fish.
B. Aristotle left Athens for twelve years.
C. Aristotle studied politics and biology in Assos.
D. Aristotle had interests in nature study, biology and anatomy.
E. Aristotle’s colleagues always observed the real world closely.
10. “He cut them open, . . . .” (Paragraph 4)
What does the word ‘them’ refer to?
A. Fish and seashore creatures.
B. Giant creatures.
C. Human bodies.
D. Big plants.
E. Pupils.

Biography presents a subject’s life story, highlighting various aspects of his/her life, the
details of experience and even the analysis of personality.
Along with the development of technology, multimedia biography became more popular than
the traditional literary form. Some of the biographies were also represented in major motion
An authorized biography is written with the permission, cooperation, and at times,
participation of a subject or a subject’s heirs
An autobiography is written by the person themselves, sometimes with assistance of a
collaborator or ghostwriter
Biography is a recount text, about the life story of a person. It tells about: *someone’s origin *
personal life * Educational background * Someone’s achievement

1. Read the text and then discuss the questions that follow.
Sanusi Pane was born on November 14, 1905, in Muara Sipongi, Tapanulli. He
attended primary school in Sibolga and middle school in Padang and Batavia. During his
studies in Jakarta, he published his first poem, “Tanah Air” (Homeland) in Jong Soematra
magazine. He finished secondary school in 1922. Then he attended Gunung Sari Teacher’s
College until 1925. Upon his graduation, he became a teacher in the college for several years
and studied law.
In 1929, he went to India to study Indian Culture. He returned from India in 1930 and
became a teacher and an editor in Timboel magazine. In 1933, he worked for a new literary

magazine, Poedjangga Baroe. In 1934, he was fired as a teacher because his membership in
Indonesian National Party.
After that, pane was active in literature. First, he worked for Kebangoenan, a Chinese-
owned magazine, in 1936-1941, together with Mohammad Yamin. On 13 December 1937, he
founded a news agency, Antara, together Armijn, Adam Malik and Sumanang. From 1941 to
1942, he worked for the state –owned publisher, Balai Pustaka, as an editor of the magazine
After the Japanese invasion of the East Indies, Pane led the Central Cultural Office. He died
on January 2, 1968 in Jakarta. (Source: Pathway to English X)

Answer the questions:

1). What happened to Sanusi Pane during the following years?
a). 1905:
b). 1922:
c) 1930:
d) 1936-1941:
e). 1968:

2). What is the social function of the text above?.

3). What is the type of the text above?
4). Mention the structure of the text above.
5) What tense is mostly used in the text above? Mention the verbs used in the text to support
your answer.
6. Find a biography of a public figure you known, write it and tell to your friends in front of
the class. Use the guidelines to tell your presentation:
1. Opening: - greeting and introducing
- explaining why you choose the public figure.
2. Content: - Begin with the orientation (telling who the character you want to tell,
where, when, )- then tell le chronological event, life story, personal
value, education, working , achievement, etc.)
3. Closing: saying thanks and leave taking.

1. Pola Kalimat
(+) S + V2 + 0 + keterangan waktu.
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O+ keterangan waktu.
(?) Did + S + V1 + O+ keterangan waktu?
Contoh :
(+) You visited my mother yesterday.
(-) You didn't visit my mother yesterday.
(?) Did you visit my mother yesterday?
a. Simple past tense menggunakan keterangan waktu lampau. Keterangan waktu yang sering
digunakan dalam simple past tense adalah:
b. Semua subject menggunakan DID untuk kalimat negative dan interrogative

2. Penggunaan
a. Simple past tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian, peristiwa atau keadaan
yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
 The children enjoyed the party last night.
 His father died when he was ten years old.
b. Simple past tense juga digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu terjadinya suatu kejadian atau

 When did you buy this new car?
 When did she get married?
 When did you buy this English dictionary?
 When did your brother leave for England?

I. Put the following sentences into simple past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses!

1. They …… (use) this room to discuss their plans last night.

2. The man …… (reserve) two double rooms last week.
3. Mr. Brown …… (return) from England last week.
4. My brother …… (apply) for a job last month and he was accepted.
5. They …… (finish) work at 5.50 yesterday afternoon.

II. Put the following sentences into simple past tense. Use the verbs in parentheses.

1. She … (take) the stamps from my drawer yesterday morning.

2. They … (spend) the night at one of my friend's last night.
3. My secretary … (bring) all the books home last week.
4. A friend of mine … (get) a job here a month ago.
5. My boss … (give) me a good dictionary for my birthday present.

III. Change the following sentences into negative!

1. Mr. Subkhan signed these two cheques last Monday.

2. I met them at the airport two weeks ago.
3. The bank debited the amount from my account last week.
4. We settled all the payments when I was abroad last month.
5. I decided to contact your service manager yesterday morning.

IV. Change the following sentences into Interrogative!

1. He promised to take me home last night.

2. Jane stopped working because she had got a better job.
3. She often had lunch late because she was very busy.
4. My sister took a bus because her driver was ill.
5. She went home late because she had to work overtime.

V. Fill the missing words below using simple past of present perfect. Use the words in the

1. What (you, learn) have you learned since you (come) ___________ here? And how many
new friends (you, make) ______________________?
2. Since classes began, I (have, not)______________________much free time. I (have)
_________________several big tests to study for.
3. Last night my friend and I (have) __________________ some free time, so we
(go)_________________to a show.
4. I admit that I (get) __ ______________ older since I last (see) ,__________________ you,
but with any luck at all, I (get, also) ______________________ wiser.
5. The science of medicine (advance) ______________________ a great deal in the 19th

6. In the last fifty years, medical scientists (make)__________________many important

7. Libraries today are different from those in the 1800s. For example, the contents of libraries
(change)______________________greatly through the years. In the 1800s, libraries (be)
___________ simply collections of books. However, today most libraries (become)
__________________ multimedia centers that contain tapes, computers, disks, films,
magazines, music, and paintings. The role
of the library in society (change, also) __________________In the 1800s, libraries (be)
___________ open only to certain people, such as scholars or the wealthy. Today libraries
serve everyone.
8. A: Are you taking Chemistry 101 this semester?
B: No, I (take, already)______________________it. I (take) __________________ it last
semester. This semester I'm in 102.
9. A: Hi, Judy. Welcome to the party, (you, meet, ever) --------------------------------- my
B: No, I__________________
10. A: Do you like lobster?
B: I don't know. I (eat, never) --------------------------------- it.

VI. Write the missing verbs in the sentences below in the Past Simple. Choose from the
call clean cry enjoy invite jump move need plan rain show stop talk
use wait
1. The weather was terrible in Ireland. It _ rained____nearly every day.
2. Why do the windows look dirty already? I______________ them yesterday.
3. He was only three when his parents______________from London to New York.
4. Yesterday Maria_______. me an amazing photo of you.
5. I _ ___to Karen at the party. She was really interesting.
6. She was really happy when she won the tennis match and she _____over the net.
7. I_________ _ you three times this afternoon, hut your phone was always engaged.
8. We______________forty people to the party, but only twenty came.
9. She went to the shops because she______________to buy some milk and eggs.
10. Thank you for a wonderful evening. 1 really______________it.
11. My little sister____________ when our cat died.
12. I _____________reading that computer book because it was so boring.
13. I didn't write in pen. I______________a pencil.
14. We______________for you for an hour outside the cinema. Where were you?
15. They looked at the map and______________their journey.


1. Pola Kalimat
(+} S + was/were + V-ing + O + keteran.gan waktu
(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing + 0 + keteran.gan waktu
(?} Was/were + S + V-ing + 0 + keterangan waktu?
Contoh :
{+) We were watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday.
(-) We weren't watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday
(?) Were we watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday?
a. Kalimat menyangkal (negative statement)
Kalimat menyangkal (negative statement) dibentuk dengan menambahkan "not" sesudah
"was/ were" (was not/wasn't, were not/weren't) dan ditempatkan sesudah subjek kalimat.
Contoh :
 I was not/wasn't waiting for a bus at 5 yesterday afternoon.
(Saya tidak sedang menunggu bis pada jam 5 sore kemarin.)

 She was not/wasn't doing her homework when mother called her last night. (Dia tidak
sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika ibu memanggilnya tadi malam.)
b. Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement)
Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan "was/were" di depan
kalimat. Dalam kalimat tanya, "was/were" berarti "apakah".
Contoh :
 Were you studying English at 6 o'clock p.m yesterday?
(Apakah kamu sedang belajar bahasa Inggris pada jam 6 kemarin sore?)
 Was she reading a book when you came to her house last night? (Apakah dia sedang
membaca buku ketika kamu datang ke rumahnya tadi malam?)
c. Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut :
WAS digunakan oleh subject I, she, he, dan it.
WERE digunakan oleh subject you, we, dan they
d. Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai dalam tenses ini adalah:
 … when : … ketika
 while … : sementara …
 At … o’ clock yesterday : pada pukul … kemarin
 All morning yesterday : Sepanjang pagi kemarin

2. Penggunaan
a. Untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan di masa lampau.
Contoh : I was studying, at eight o'clock last night
b. Past continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang
sedang terjadi pada suatu saat tertentu di waktu lampau.
Contoh :
 I was watching television at eight o'clock last night.
(Saya sedang menonton televisi pada jam delapan tadi malam. )
 She was doing her homework at 2 p.m. yesterday.
(Dia sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya pada jam dua sore kemarin.)
c. Past continuous digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang sedang
berlangsung pada waktu lampau dan kemudian kejadiaa atau peristiwa lainnya menyusul.
Contoh :
 When I came home last night, my little sister was watching television. (Ketika saya pulang
ladi malam,
adik saya sedang menonton televisi.)
 They were waiting for a bus when I met them yesterday afternoon. (Mereka sedang
menunggu bis
ketika saya be°temu mereka kemarin sore.)
 She was typing a letter when I wanted to see her. (Diasedang mengetik sepucuk surat ketika
saya ingin
bertemu dengannya.)
d. Past continuous tense juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan dua kejadian atau peristiwa yang
sedang berlangsung pada saat yang sama di waktu lampau.
Contoh :
 I was watching television while father was reading a book. atau While father was reading a
book, I was
watching television.
 The students were discussing their lesson while the professor was speaking to his guest.
atau While the professor was speaking to his guest, the students were discussing their lesson.


I. Put the following sentences into Past Continuous Tense. Use the words in parentheses!

1. Jane … (eat) breakfast when her friends called yesterday morning.

2. The students … (talk), when the teacher entered the room.
3. While Jane … (clean) the apartment, her husband … (read) a magazine.
4. She … (cook) the lunch when her friends came to her house.
5. We … (have) lunch when you came to my office yesterday.
6. Jack … (paint) the house when you called him yesterday afternoon.
7. When you came to my house last night, I … (type) this report.
8. They (discuss) their next plans while we … (prepare) something yesterday morning'
9. When he left me, I … (talk) to one of our customers.
10. I got a phone call from my father when I … (work) in the office yesterday morning.

II. Supply the correct past forms of the verbs, Simple Past or Past Continuous

1. I am sitting in class right now. I (sit)_____was sitting________ in class at this exact same
time yesterday.
2. I don't want to go to the zoo today because it is raining. The same thing happened yesterday.
I (want, not) __________________________to go to the zoo because it (rain)
3. I (call) _________________ Roger at nine last night, but he (be, not) ___________ at
home. He (study)
__________________________ at the library.
4. I (hear, not) __________________________ the thunder during the storm last night
because I
5. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun (shine)
__________________________A cool breeze (blow) __________________The birds
6. My brother and sister (argue) _______________ about something when I (walk)
_______________ into the room.
7. I got a package in the mail. When I (open)__________________ a surprise.
8. While Mrs. Emerson (read) __________________________the little boy a story, he (fall)
_____;________ asleep, so she (close) _________________ the book and quietly (tiptoe)
______________________ out of the room.
9. A: Why weren't you at the meeting?
B: I (wait) __________________________ for an overseas call from my family.
10. A; (you, hear) __________________________what she just said?
B: No, I (listen, not)_______________________I (think) about something else.



Tujuan pembelajaran: Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa mampu:

1. Mendengarkan dan memahami penggunaan kalimat pengandaian dengan benar.
2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi dan pola kalimat dari kalimat pengandaian dengan benar.
3. Memahami penggunaan kalimat pengandaian, dan menerapkannya dengan benar, baik
lisan maupun tulisan.

Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are
used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain
condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. Conditional Sentence, consist of two part: Main
Clause (will clause) and Sub Clause(if Clause.). There are three types of Conditional

Conditional Sentence Type 1

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 1 ini digunakan untuk menyampaikan pengandaian sesuatu yang
belum terjadi pada waktu sekarang, sehingga mungkin terjadi atau tidak terjadi pada waktu
yang akan datang.
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
if + Simple Present, will-Future

if + S + V1 + O, S + will V1+ O

Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.

(Fact: I don’t send her an invitation because I don’t find her address, but there is possibility
for me to find her address.)
I will send her an invitation if I find her address.

Conditional Sentence Type 2

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 2 ini digunakan untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang bertentangan
dengan kenyataan pada waktu sekarang, sehingga tidak mungkin terjadi atau kemungkinan
kecil terjadi pada waktu sekarang.
→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
if + Simple Past, Past Future

if + S + V2 + O, S + would V1 + O

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

(Fact: I don’t send her an invitation because I don’t find her address).
If she were poor, I would give her some money.
(Fact: I don’t give her some money because she isn’t poor).


1. Some friends are planning a party. Everybody wants to party, but nobody's really keen on
preparing and organizing the party. So everybody comes up with a few conditions, just to
make sure that the others will also do something.
Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.
a. If Caroline and Sue _____________the salad, Phil _______________ the house.

b. If Sue _________the onions for the salad, Caroline ______________ the mushrooms.
c. Jane _____________the sitting room if Aaron and Tim ______________ the furniture.
d. If Bob ___________up the kitchen, Anita ___________________ the toilet.
e. Elaine ___________the drinks if somebody ______________ her carry the bottles.
f. If Alan and Rebecca _______the food, Mary and Conor ______ the sandwiches.
g.. If Bob ___________after the barbecue, Sue________ the guests in.
h. Frank _______the DJ if the others _______ along their CDs.
i. Alan _______the drinks if Jane ______him some of her cocktail recipes.
j. If they all________ their best, the party__________ great.

2. Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery.
Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.
a. If I _______ the lottery, I _________ a chance to hit the jackpot.
b. If I _______ the jackpot, I would be rich.
c. If I ________ rich, my life would change completely.
d. I _________ a lonely island if I found a nice one.
e. If I ______ a lonely island, I would build a huge house by the beach.
f. I _______ all my friends if I had a house by the beach.
g. I _______ my friends up in my yacht if they wanted to spend their holidays on my
h. We ________ great parties if my friends came to my island.
i. If we ______ to go shopping in a big city, we would charter a helicopter.
j. But if my friends' holidays _____ over, I would feel very lonely on my lonely island.



1. If I were a rich man, I would buy a new car. ……

2. They will give the new data if they have time. ……
3. If he had worn his new shoes, he wouldn’t have broken his leg. …….
4. The polices would catch the robbers if they knew the news earlier. ……
5. Mr. Sudiro will take a vacation with his family this weekend if his doctor lets him to ……
do it.
6. The students would have studied more if they had owned more motivation. …..
7. Mr. Hikaru would arrive at Soekarno-Hatta Airport at 11 o’clock last Sunday if the
plane didn’t get any delay. ……
8. Tanto will be successful in his job if he works his job carefully and diligently. …….
9. If there were traffic light at this intersection, there wouldn’t happen so many …….
10. If Hillary Clinton had gotten the most votes; she would have been the President of …….



Tujuan pembelajaran: Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa mampu:

1. Mendengarkan dan memahami penggunaan too dan enough dan mengucapkannya dengan
2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi dan pola kalimat dari too dan enough dengan benar.
3. Memahami penggunaan too dan enough, dan menerapkannya dengan benar, baik lisan
maupun tulisan.


Conditional Sentence Type 3

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 3 ini digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaaian yang
bertentangan dengan kenyataan pada waktu lampau., sehingga tidak mungkin terjadi pada
waktu sekarang.
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
if + Past Perfect, Past Future perfect

if + S + had V3 + O, S + would have V3 + O

Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 3 ini, dan kalimat pengandaian tipe ke 2 dapat disimpulkan bahwa
keduanya bertentangan dengan kenyataannya. Olehkarena itu, untuk membantu pencarian
fakta atau kondisi riil dari pengandaian itu, dpat diperhatikan tabel berikut ini:


+ (positive) - (Negative)
- (negative) + (positive)
Past tense Present tense
Past perfect tense Past tense


What a match – your favorite team has lost again! So after the game, the supporters
discuss what could have been different.
Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.
1. If the midfielders __________(pass) the ball more exactly, our team would have had
more chances to attack.
2. If the forwards ___________(run) faster, they would have score more goals.
3. Their motivation would have improved if they _____(kick) a goal during the first half.
4. The fullbacks would have prevented one or the other goal if they __________(mark)
their opponents.
5. If the goalie_____________(jump) up, he would have caught the ball.
6. If the referee _________(see) the foul, he would have awarded a penalty kick to our
7. Our team would have been in better form if they _________(train) harder the weeks

8. The game would have become better if the trainer__________(send) a substitute in

during the second half.
9. If it ______________(be) a home game, our team would have won the match.
10. If our team ____________(win) the match, they would have moved up in the league.


1. If I were a rich man, I would buy a new car.

2. They would give the new data if they had time.
3. If he had worn his new shoes, he wouldn’t have broken his leg.
4. The polices would catch the robbers if they knew the news earlier.
5. Mr. Sudiro would take a vacation with his family this weekend if his doctor let him to do it.
6. The students would have studied more if they had owned more motivation.
7. Mr. Hikaru would arrive at Soekarno-Hatta Airport at 11 o’clock last Sunday if the plane
didn’t get any delay.
8. Tanto would have been successful in his job if he had worked his job carefully and
9. If there were traffic light at this intersection, there wouldn’t be so many accidents.
10. If Hillary Clinton had gotten the most votes; she would have been the President of USA.

D. Conditional Sentence Without IF

Kalimat pengandaian terutama tipe 2 dan tipe 3, dapat dituliskan dengan tanpa kata If. Dengan
ketentuan sebagai berikut:
 Bentuk inversi
 Kalimat pengandaian tipe 2 memakai were
 Kalimat pengandaian tipe 3
 Not diletakkan sesudah subject
 Anak kalomat mendahului induk kalimat
1. Were the economic condition better, they would invest in our country.
2. Had the company paid them higher, the workers would not have done a protest.


V1/Vs V2 V3 Meaning
be am, is, are Was, were, been ….
beat beats beat beaten ….
become becomes became become ….
begin begins began begun ….
bend bends bent bent ….
bite bites bit bitten ….
blow blows blew blown ….
break breaks broke broken ….
build builds built built ….
burn bums burnt burned ….
burst bursts burst burst ….
buy buys bought bought ….
catch catches caught caught ….
choose chooses chose chosen ….
come comes came come ….


creep creeps crept crept ….

cut cuts cut cut ….
dig digs dug dug ….
do does did done ….
draw draws drew drawn ….
drink drinks drank Drunk ….
drive drives drove Driven ….
eat eats ate Eaten ….
fall falls fell fallen ….
feed feeds fed fed ….
feel feels felt felt ….
fight fights fought fought ….
find finds found found ….
fly flies flew flew ….
forget forgets forgot forgotten ….
freeze freezes froze frozen ….
get gets got gotten ….
give gives gave given ….
go goes went gone ….
grow grows grew grown ….
have has had Had ….
hear hears heard Heard ….
hide hides hid hidden ….
hit hits hit hit ….
hold holds held hold ….
hurt hurts hurt hurt ….
keep keeps kept kept ….
kneel kneels knelt knelt ….
know knows knew known ….
lay lays laid Laid ….
lead lead led led ….
learn learns learned Learned ….
leave leaves left Left ….
lend lends lent lent ….
let lets let let ….
lie lies lay lain ….
light lights lit Lit/lighted ….
lose loses lost lost ….
make makes made Made ….
meet meets met met ….
pay pays paid paid ….
put puts put put ….
read reads read read ….
ride rides rode riden ….
ring rings rang rung ….
rise rises rose risen ….
run runs ran Run ….
say says said Said ….
see sees saw seen ….
sell sells sold sold ….
send sends sent sent ….
shake shakes shook shaken ….

shine shines shone shone ….

shoot shoots shot Hot ….
show shows showed shown ….
shut shuts shut shut ….
sing sings sang sung ….
sink sinks sank sunk
sit sits sat sat
sleep sleeps slept Slept ….
smell smells smelled Smelled ….
speak speaks spoke Spoken ….
spend spends spent Spent ….
spread spreads spread Spread ….
steal steals stole Stolen ….
stick sticks stuck Stuck ….
sweep sweeps swept Swept ….
swell swells swelled Swollen ….
swim swims swam Swum
swing swings swung Swung
take takes took Taken
teach teaches taught Taught ….
tear tears tore Torn ….
throw throws threw thrown ….
tell tells told Told ….
think thinks thought Thought ….
understand understands understood Understood ….
wake wakes Woke woken ….
wear wears wore Worn ….
weep weeps wept Wept ….
win wins won Won
write writes wrote written



Tujuan pembelajaran: Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa mampu:

1. Mendengarkan dan memahami penggunaan teks hortatory exposition dengan benar.
2. Membaca dan mengidentifikasi fungsi, struktur teks dan pola kalimat dari teks hortatory
exposition dengan benar.
3. Memahami bacaan dan penggunaan teks hortatory exposition serta menerapkannya
dengan benar, baik lisan maupun tulisan.


The Urgency of Wearing Helmet
We often hear lots of stories from road regarding people taking spill on motorcycle
when they are riding without using helmet. Mostly the riders badly end up in mess.
Wearing a fitted protective helmet offers many benefits which reduces the negative
aspects of riding. First and the most important is that wearing the correct helmet can save a
rider’s life, physical ability, family pain, and money. The recommended designs of motorcycle
helmets can provide total protection. They not only protect riders from getting a worse road
injured accident but also from flying bugs, such as rain, sleet, mud and other potential
Second, wearing a helmet can gives the raiders a matter of style. Helmets give the
opportunity for rider to express the image they may want to project when riding on they way.
This benefit may not be important to some people, but to others, it means a lot and important.
By choosing the most appropriate helmet from all of the various styles, such as beanie, shorty,
German, and many others, wearing a helmet which can projecting an image is an inherent
crucial part of motorcycling and help riders feel more confident when riding on the road.
However, what most important is wearing helmet when riding is a matter of using it
properly. Bikers should use the helmets which are fixed to their head. It is really not good if
they places simply the helmets on the head without settling them properly. The bikers should
fasten the helmet correctly to their head in order to get safe and comfort.
Decide the following part of the text above:
Paragraph 1 …..
Paragraph 2 ……
Paragraph 3 …..
Paragraph 4 …..

The text above is called a hortatory exposition text. It is a text which consists of argument
shared by the writer about an issue. In this text, the writer proposes some arguments which
support his/her point of view about the issue. At the end of this text, the writer gives some
suggestion related to the issue in order to keep his/her opinion about the issue previously.
Hortatory exposition is a text which is to persuade the reader/ the listener that something
should/ should not be the case That’ all now how can we see the generic structure of the
hortatory example above.
Thesis: the importance of wearing helmet which is stated in the first paragraph
Argumentative: Wearing helmet gives a total protection and giving a chance in imaging self
which presented in the second paragraph.
Recommendation: Bikers should wear helmet properly to get the benefits.
Language features: simple present tense, use of modality, especially should/shouldn’t, would
better to, etc.
Simply, it is a text which consists of thesis statement, arguments, and recommendation.
While we are sometime confusing with analytical exposition, so read again the text, if the text
gives us the suggestion or recommendation, thus it is a hortatory exposition, while if not it is

an analytical exposition. This kind of writing is very functional when you want to make
readers believe and follow what you have. Furthermore, this type of text is very useful for
making the speech text with the purpose of making audiences doing or not doing something.

Example of Speech text

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Excellency Mr. Wachid Anshory the head master of MAN 3 Kediri
Honorable …….
Respectable ……..
Dear ladies and gentlemen
First of all, let’s thank and pray unto our God Allah SWT, who hasgiven us mercies and blessings so
we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the last
messenger of God who has guided from stupidity to the cleverness, from jahiliyah era to islamiyah era
namely Islam religion that we love.
Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thank you very much to Master of ceremony who has given me time to
deliver my story in front of you all.
OK. Ladies and Gentlemen
In this occasion, I would like to deliver my speech under the title……
Ladies and gentleman,
That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in your life,
in this world and hereafter. If you found many mistakes in my story, please
forgive me.
And, the last I say Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.


Celebrating Kartini Day Appropriately

Thera are so many events to celebrate Kartini Day. Writing poetry and reading her
inspirational letter are some of them. However wearing Kartini dressing code in companies,
schools or government institutions are dominantly found to commemorate that Indonesian
heroen . There are various ways to celebrate appropriately and should not just simply wearing
kebaya and batik.
Kartini is an inspirational figure. She was born in the middle of an aristocratic
Javanese family on April 21, 1879. Her father was to be a district head of Jepara. Under the
old Javanese tradition, she was secluded at home to prepare for marriage. Kartini just attended
school until the age of 12 but she was very fluent in Dutch. Kartini could write letters to her
friends abroad. Later, the compilation of her letter was published and known as “Out of
Darkness Into Light”. It is really an unusual accomplishment for Javanese women at that time.
What should be appreciated from Kartini’s life is her dedication to improve the
conditions of Javanese women. In that time most of women in Java had low social status.


Kartini wanted to change that poor condition. She concerned about 3 things for her native
Javanese women; reaching dreams, attaining freedom, and obtaining legal equality. Because
she saw that education would help them to improve their condition, she later established a
school for women.
Well, Indonesians should be reminded that celebrating Kartini Day is not only
replicating Kartini’s attire by wearing kebayas and batik or arranging sanggul as hairstyles.
Celebrating that Indonesian heroine day should be more about:
1. How to remember her ideas and what she fought for.
2. How to apply her message in present-day Indonesia.

Generic Structure
That is the example of hortatory exposition about Indonesian heroine day. Do you
know what the generic structure of above exposition text is? Well, every exposition which
belongs to hortatory variety should cover the structure of:
Thesis: ……………………………………………….
Arguments: …………………………………………
Recommendation: …………………………………..


1. Essay
No Mobile Phone to School
Recently most people own mobile phone. Why does mobile phone user increase
dramatically in recent years?
First, the feature and functions has increased. Mobile phone is not used just for calling,
but sending text, taking pictures, recording videos, accessing internet, playing games and
much more. Second, mobile phone has also become a lot cheaper. Now this communication
device does not only fill the pocket of adult but also teenager and student. Even a lot phones
are intentionally designed to teenaged market. However should they be allowed to bring them
to school?
Many schools do not allow students to bring cell phones to school. It is very reasonable
because bringing phone to school potentially disrupts the learning process. Most students use
cell phones irresponsibly. They use cell phones to talk to their friend during class time. They
also use the calculator and camera features in the class as well. Those potentially lead less
concentration in the time of learning and teaching process.
Students go to school to learn and behave fair way. Mobile phones provide a large
temptation to cheat in tests. They can communicate to anyone and almost anywhere in the
world. Because of the small size of the cell phone, students can send a text quietly and
discreetly. The text can go unnoticed anywhere to get help on answering tests, homework, and
other class assignment. Learning in school is to behave fair not cheating.
Therefore, schools should ban students from bringing their cell phones. However it
should be done fairly. In case of an emergency some student need a call for help, providing
easy access to phone is better.
Answer the questions below:
1. Why can’t the student bring mobilephone to school?
2. How does the writer suggest to the reader about students bringing mobilephone in the
3. How many arguments are mentioned by the writer in the text above? What are they?
4. What is the purpose of the text above?
5. Mention the generic structure of the text above.

2. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e.

Text for numbers 1-7 Smoking in Restaurant


Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to
others and dangerous for the smokers.
Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people and
can turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul
smelling smoke.
Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to
others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma
attacks and even cancer.
Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart and
lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.
Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to the
smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.
1. Smoking in the restaurants must be avoided because……
a) It is harmful to others
b) It is impolite
c) It’s dangerous to the smokers
d) It can cause hearth and lung disease
e) All answers are correct
2. We have many reasons to say that smoking must be avoided. The word reasons mean…..
a) conclusion
b) point of view
c) argument
d) reinforcement
e) statement
3. Since we can find a thesis, arguments and reiteration in the text, so we can conclude that
this text belongs to…..
a) description
b) narration
c) anecdote
d) procedure
e) analytical exposition
4. What is the purpose of the text?
a) To inform the readers to the readers
b) To persuade to the readers
c) To describe to the readers
d) To tell a story to the readers
e) To argue about smoking to the readers
5. The synonym of the word dangerous in the text is……
a) rude
b) impolite
c) health risk
d) harmful
e) disease
6. Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to
others and dangerous for the smokers. The sentence above characterize as….. of the text.
a) thesis
b) arguments
c) reiteration
d) topic sentence
e) supporting details
7. Smoking in restaurant should not be allowed. It means that…..
a) people should do smoking in restaurant
b) people should not do smoking in restaurant

c) people must not smoking in restaurant

d) people must not smoke in restaurant
e) people should smoke in restaurant
Text 2 (for numbers 8-12) The Importance of Reading
I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so?
Firstly, by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as
Science, technology. Sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper,
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something
happening in any parts of the world which can we see directly.
Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books,
newspaper or magazine on the entertainment coloumn such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc.
To make us relaxed.
The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about
Irian Jaya we may feel we’re really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.
From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge,
information and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in
our life.
8. Why is reading very important in our life? Because…..
a) By reading, we can get a lot of friends, relatives, experience, etc.
b) By reading, we can get little knowledge but a lot of entertainment.
c) By reading, we are always relaxed.
d) By reading, we are always happy.
e) By reading we can get a lot of knowledge, news, information and entertainment
9. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?
a) buy a lot of books
b) borrow a lot of books
c) look for newspaper and magazine
d) sell and buy many expensive books
e) Read a lot of books and other printed materials.
10. What does the text tell us about?
a) The description of reading
b) The function of reading
c) The importance of reading
d) The disadvantages of reading
e) The purpose of reading

Write a hortatory exposition text on your own words; choose a topic you know a lot. Then,
expand it into a speech text and after that report it in front of the class.
Use the following guide line:
Opening: greeting
Opening salutation
Content : state the title/topic of your speech
Closing: Closing salutation- summary/ suggestion, thanking, apologizing

Perform your hortatory exposition text (speech text) in front of the class.



Tujuan pembelajaran: Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa mampu:

1. Mendengarkan dan memahami penggunaan teks narratif dengan benar.
2. Membaca dan mengidentifikasi fungsi, struktur teks dan pola kalimat dari teks narratif
dengan benar.
3. Memahami penggunaan teks narratif, dan menerapkannya dengan benar, baik lisan
maupun tulisan.

There are several types of narrative text for learning English. There are fable, myth,
legend, fairy tale, folktales, and even horror stories. Most of the stories have one or two
complications to engage readers. A narrative text is a text which has the purpose to entertain
the readers with vicarious stories. The language features of narrative texts: using past tense,
using past adverb of time, it is an imaginative story.
The Story of Sleeping Beauty
Long time ago, there is a king who held a festive party to celebrate the birth of his
daughter. All fairies in the kingdom were invited. They were asked to give bless.
Unfortunately, there was an old fairy that did not get the invitation; it is because everybody
thought that she was already dead.
In the party, each fairy gave bless. Before the last fairy gave her gift, the uninvited
fairy suddenly appears. She was furious because she was uninvited. Without saying a word,
the angry fairy blessed the princess with a curse. She cursed the princess that she will die on a
spinning wheel when she is 16. The fairy was then gone with a flash of light. The last fairy
who did not give any blesses yet stepped forward. She said that she could not eliminated the
curse but she could help prolong the princess destiny. The fairy said, “when the spindle pricks
the princess finger, she will not die. She will fall into a sleep and only a kiss from a person
who gives her a true love will wake her.”
To prevent the curse, the king ordered to destroyed all wheels and spindles. Over the
years, the princess grew into a beautiful girl. When her 16th birthday came, she decided to
explore the palace. She visited a tower that she never visited before. Inside the tower, she saw
an old woman playing something. The old woman played with a wheel and spindle. She talked
to the woman and asked if she could try it. The princess tried the spindle and suddenly her
middle finger was punctured leaving a small wound. And, the curse was happening. The
princess fell into a deep sleep so do all people who lived in the palace.
After thousand years, a prince explored the palace that had been covered by a jungle.
He walked through the trees and found a room where a beautiful girl was sleeping. He could
not hold his desire to kiss the princess, and he done it. Suddenly, the girl woke up and also all
people around the palace. Finally, they were married and lived happily ever after.

Analysis on Generic Structure of Narrative Text Sleeping Beauty

It is said that this story of sleeping beauty can be identified as narrative text genre
because it has at least 3 important elements. They are:
1. Orientation: This is the first information readers get what story about is.
Commonly it cover participant, time and place. Long time ago, there is a king who held a
festive party to celebrate the birth of his daughter.
2. Complication: This is the heart of any narrative genres. Without this complicates
element, the story cannot be identified as narrative. The complicated situation lead participants
face certain problem
a. To prevent the curse, the king ordered to destroyed all wheels and spindles.
b. The princess tried the spindle and suddenly her middle finger was punctured leaving a small

c. The princess fell into a deep sleep so do all people
3. Resolution: The last phase how a story is ended. There are two choices. Writer can
finish his story with good ending or he can make the story tragic by giving sad ending. Finally,
they were married and lived happily ever after.

Notes on Moral Lessons from Story of Sleeping Beauty

All stories for learning narrative should arouse some moral lesson for its readers, and
should be this sleeping beauty story. There are some notes on what moral value we can get
from that story. Some of them are listed below. You can add another one.
1. True love will win .It can conquer anything in its path
2. Home is where the heart is. So be nice with all family members
3. Angry people can do bad thing on us
4. Kids should be given knowledge on certain dangerous thing earlier


This text is for questions 1 to 4.
A long time ago, there was an old magician. One day a cruel king summoned him to his
So the magician went to the king, and the king said, “I have heard that you are a great
magician. Well, show me your art!”
“What do you want to see, my king?”
“Whatever you wish!” answered the king
“All right. Pour hot tea in a cup, put it here, and then go out of the door.”
The king did everything he said. When he went out of the door, he saw a beautiful black
horse. The king was very pleased with the horse. He jumped in the saddle and dashed off at a
He rode on and on, and arrived at an uninhabited place. Suddenly, the horse threw off its
rider and whirled away. The king remained alone in the desolate steppe. He had to drink water
from a puddle and eat grasshoppers.
One day he met an old woman with two small, skinny boys.
The woman told the king that the tax-collectors of the king had stripped her of all her
belongings. Now her children had nothing to eat. The king stayed together with them. One day
in spring, one of the boys became ill and died. The king was grief-stricken. He sat down on a
stone and cried bitterly.
It is not known how long the king had sat like that, but when he had calmed down and
looked around, he saw that he was sitting at home on his throne underneath the canopy. The
tea in the cup had not even cooled down.


“Well, king, have you seen enough of the people’s hardships?” asked the old magician.
“Now you see how hard life is for the people, whom you treat so badly!”
And the old magician left.
Adapted from: February 27, 2009
1. How was the character of the king?
A. He was powerful.
B. He was helpful.
C. He was cruel.
D. He was selfish.
E. He was clever.
2. What did the king learn from the journey?
A. He was able to eat grass on a steppe.
B. He was able to drink water from a puddle.
C. He was able to find something beautiful.
D. He was able to believe the magician’s statements.
E. He was able to feel his people’s hardships.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The king at the beginning was cruel.
B. One of the woman’s sons died in the winter.
C. The black horse brought the king to the desolate steppe.
D. The king was grief-stricken when the woman’s son died.
E. The king’s tax collectors had stripped all of the woman’s belongings.
4. “The king remained alone in the desolate steppe.”
The similar meaning of the word ‘desolate’ is ________.
A. uninhabited
B. crowded
C. infertile
D. remote
E. busy

The Story of BauNyale in Lombok (for question number 5-8)

Once upon a time, in Lombok, there was a kingdom named Kuripan that was led by a
wise king. The princess or the daughter of the king was so beautiful. Her name was Princess
Mandalika. There were many princes wanted to marry Mandalika. However, the king was
confused because too many princes came and proposed. Because of that reason, the king held
an arrow competition. He promised that the winner had the chance to marry with his beloved
Just like expected, on the competition day, many princes came and participated. They
had a good skill on arrow, so all of them were perfectly hit the target. The king became more
confuse. Because there was no clear decision, the princes started to fight each other. Princess
Mandalika was desperate. The beautiful princess did want to find anyone got killed. So, she
then decided to go to the beach. She cried and thrown her body into the deep sea.
The beach where princess Mandalika killed herself is in southern Lombok. Up to
today, in February or March, people who live near the sea celebrate the moment. On that day,
there are thousands of seas worms appear to the surface. People call the worms as Nyale. They
believe that the worms are the incarnation of princess Mandalika. The celebration is called

5. What is the story about?

6. Why did the princess throw her body into the deep sea?
7. Where did the legend story take place?
8. People call the worms as Nyale. They believe that the worms are the incarnation of
princess Mandalika. The word “they” refers to….

Tulip Fairy Story

Once upon a time, in a small village near the forest, there was a kind hearted old lady
who lived in a small house. The old woman loved her garden and one flower she always loved
is tulip. Because of it, she built a small garden full with colorful tulip.
Because of her love too, she made a small bed in the middle of the tulip garden and
often spent the night there. One night, she slept in the middle of the garden. But there was
something strange because unlike usual, she heard a sound from the garden. There was babies
laughing and sweet singing. She tried to find out where the sound came from but she found
On the following night, she once again slept in the garden. And once again, she heard
the sounds; babies laughing and sweet singing. She was curious. She walked along the garden
quietly. She was surprised; there, somewhere in the garden, she found a little fairy mother
rocking and crooning the tulip flower like a cradle. There was a little fairy baby, laughing and
playing in the tulip cup.
The old woman walked back to her house. From that moment, she never picked the
tulip. She did not allow other people touch her beloved flowers.

9. What is the moral value of the story above?

10. Why did the old woman make a small bed in the middle of the tulip garden?
11. Mention the text structure of the text above!
12. The communicative purpose of the text above is….
13. Where did the story take place?
14. Who are the characters in the story above?
15. How did the old woman find the strange sound she heard in the garden?



Tujuan pembelajaran: Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa mampu:

1. Mendengarkan dan memahami penggunaan proverb, riddles, and poem dengan benar.
2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi dan pola kalimat dari proverb, riddles and poem dengan benar.
3. Memahami penggunaan, dan makna proverb, riddles and poem serta menerapkannya
dengan benar, baik lisan maupun tulisan.

A PROVERB is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which
expresses truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are
often metaphorical (symbolic and showing some truth about a situation or other object).
People tend to use proverb to comment on a situation, often at the end of a true story someone
told, or in response to some events. Proverbs may come in the form of Warning/advice/Morals
Proverb=peribahasa dalam bahasa Indonesia
Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life.
These sayings are called by "proverbs".
1. When in Rome , do as the Romans do. (=Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung.)
2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. (= lebih baik satu burung ditangan daripada
sepuluh burung di pohon)
3. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (= teman yang baik adalah teman yang ada saat kita
4. Time is money = Waktu adalah uang.
(Waktu sangat berharga atau penting maka manusia harus menggunakan waktu sebaik
Kinds of Proverbs:
1. Aphorism (Pepatah)
This proverb offers advice.
Example : Don’t go too far in small. (Persoalan kecil jangan dibesar-besarkan).
2. Parable (Perumpamaan)
That has a moral lesson and has parable.
Example : To carry coals to New-castle. (Bagai membuang garam kelaut)
3. Slogan (Pameo)
This proverb gives spirit or motivation.
Example :
a. Early bird gets worm
(Tuhan akan memberikan rezeki kepada makhluk-Nya yang lebih dulu bangun)
b. Diligence is the mistress of success.
(Kerajinan pangkal kesuksesan)
4. Idiom
It is a phrase that has group of words with a different meaning from the meaning of all the
individual word.
Example :
a. Pull your sock up. (improve your behaviour)
b. You can arrange your bedroom at will. (sesuka hati)
c. Don’t mention it. (You’re welcome)


Exercise 1
What does it mean?
1. Better late than never.
2. Don’t go too far in small.
3. By learning to obey we know to command.
4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
5. Actions speak louder than words.
6. Never put off what you can do today.
7. Practice makes perfect.
8. A good book is a good teacher
9. A friend in need, a friend indeed
10. Don’t judge the book by its cover

Exercise 2 Work in Group.

1. Find 5 other proverbs and give the meaning!

A RIDDLE is a statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning. Put
forth as a puzzle to be solved. Riddle= question=quiz
A riddle is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it
is, leaving the reader to guess. It is a light hearted type of poetry which involves the reader.


Riddles can be about anything, from riddles about animals to riddles about objects. There are
no rules on how to structure a riddle poem, a riddle can be funny or it can rhyme, it depends
on the person writing the riddle.
a. It’s an animal. It’s an orange black. It has stripes. It has four paws. It lives in the
jungle. What is it?
It is a Lion.
b. “Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze.” The answer is
traffic light.
c. Example of Rhyming Riddle
I come in different style.
I can help you walk for miles.
Come in pair.
I’m something what you wear.
With heals I’m glam
Can you guest what I am?
I am a ......
d. Q: it does not have wings, but it can fly? The answer: the wind.
e. Q: the letter which always asking for the reason. The answer: Y
f. Q. What is in the middle of the kitchen. The answer: C
g. Q: I come twice in the afternoon, once in the morning, and never in the night. Answer:

A poem: a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in
separate lines that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme.
A poem is a collection of spoken or written words that expresses ideas or emotions in a
powerfully vivid and imaginative style, comprising of a particular rhythmic and metrical
pattern. In fact, it is a literary technique, which is different from prose or ordinary speech, as it
is either in metrical pattern or in free verse. Writers or poets express their emotions through

this medium more easily, as they face difficulty when expressing through some other medium.
It serves the purpose of a light to take the readers towards the right path. Also, sometimes it
teaches them a moral lesson through sugar-coated language.

Types of Poem
Poem has many types, the most popular include:
 Haiku – It is a type of Japanese poem, consisting of three unrhymed lines with mostly
five, seven and five syllables in each line.
 Free Verse – It consists of non-rhyming lines, without any metrical pattern, but
follows a natural rhythm.
 Epic – It is a form of poem, often written in blank verse, lengthy in size in which poet
shows protagonist in action of historical significance or great mythic.
 Ballad – It is a type of narrative poem narrates a story, often talks about folk or
legendary tales. It may take a form of moral lesson or a song.
 Sonnet – It is a form of lyrical poem containing fourteen lines with iambic pentameter
and tone or mood changes after eighth line.
 Elegy – A melancholic poem in which poet laments the death of a subject, however,
consoles towards the end is called elegy.
 Epitaph – A small poem used as an inscription on tombstone of dead person.
 Hymn – This type of a poem praises spirituality or God’s splendor.
 Limerick – This is a type of humorous poem with five anapestic lines in which first,
second and fifth lines have three feet and third and fourth have two feet with a strict
rhyme scheme of aabba.
 Villanelle – It is a French styled poem with nineteen lines contains three-line stanza
with five tercets and final quatrain. It uses refrain at first and third lines of each stanza.
Examples of Poems in Literature
Example 1
Haiku Poem:
While you decline to cry,
high on the mountainside
a single stalk of plume grass wilts.
(While you Decline to Cry by O no Yasumaro)
Look at this poem. It contains three lines, which show a typical structure of a haiku poem. It
does not follow any formal rhyme scheme or proper rhythmical pattern.

Example 2
Epic Poem:
By the shore of Gitchie Gumee,
By the shining Big-Sea-Water,
At the doorway of his wigwam,
In the pleasant Summer morning,
Hiawatha stood and waited…
(The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
These are few lines from, The Song of Hiawatha, a classic epic poem that presents Indian
legend of a loving, brave, patriotic and stoic hero, but bears resemblance to Greek myths of
Homer. Longfellow tells sorrows and triumphs of the Indian tribes in details in this lengthy
poem. Therefore, this is a fine example of a modern epic though other epics are Paradise Lost
by John Milton and Iliad by Homer.
Example 3
Free Verse Poem:
After the Sea-Ship—after the whistling winds;
After the white-gray sails, taut to their spars and ropes,
Below, a myriad, myriad waves, hastening, lifting up their necks,


Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship:

Waves of the ocean, bubbling and gurgling, blithely prying,
(After the Sea-Ship by Walt Whitman)
This poem neither has rhyming lines, nor does it adhere to a particular metrical plan. Hence, it
is free of artificial expression. It has rhythm and a variety of rhetorical devices used for sounds
such as assonance and consonance.
Example 4
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has wither’d from the lake,
And no birds sing…
And this is why I sojourn here
Alone and palely loitering,
Though the sedge is wither’d from the lake,
And no birds sing.
(La Belle Dame sans Merci by John Keats)
This poem presents a perfect example of a ballad—a folk style poem that typically narrates a
love story. The language of this poem is simple. It contains twelve stanzas with four quatrains
and rhyme scheme of abcb.
Function of Poem
The main function of a poem is to convey an idea or emotion in beautiful language. It
paints the picture a poet feels about a thing, person, idea, concept or even an object. Poets grab
the attention of the audience through the use of vivid imagery, emotional shades, figurative
language and other rhetorical devices. However, the supreme function of a poem is to find out
a method through which poets transform imagery and words into verse form to touch the
hearts and minds of the readers. They can easily arouse the sentiments of their readers through
versification. In addition, poets evoke imaginative awareness about things by using a specific
diction, sound and rhythm.
Example 5:
My Mother
Written by: Claude McKay
Reg wished me to go with him to field,
I paused because I did not want to go;
But in her quiet way she made me yield
Reluctantly, for she was breathing low.
Her hand she slowly lifted from her lap
And smiling sadly in the old sweet way
She pointed to the nail where hung my cap
Her eyes said: I shall last another day
But scarcely had we reached the distant place,
When o’er the hills we heard a faint bell ringing:
A boy came running up with frightened face;
We knew the fatal news that he was bringing.
I heard him listlessly, without a moan,
Although the only one I loved was gone.

The dawn departs, the morning is begun
The trades come whispering from off the seas,
The fields of corn are golden in the sun,
The dark-brown tassels fluttering in the breeze;
The bell is sounding and the children pass,

Frog –leaping, skipping, shouting, laughing shrill,

Down the red road, over the pasture-grass,
Up to the school-house crumbling on the hill.
The older folk are at their peaceful toil,
Some pulling up the weeds, some plucking corn,
And others breaking up the sun-baked soil.
Float, faintly-scented breeze, at early morn
Over the earth where mortals sow and reap-
Beneath its breast my mother lies asleep.

Literary analysis
The theme of “My Mother” is the love of the speaker for his mother. He recounts how his
mother’s death distress and shakes him. Despite this, life and its activities continue even while
his mother lies dead in the casket. The speaker, who is the poet himself, felt a sense of loss
over the departure of his mother, and this sense of loss overwhelmed him when writing this
The poem has setting in the countryside, where the children can play and people are working.
The poem has two parts, the first is dedicated to the death of his mother, while the second part
highlights the activities in nature, which don’t change at all.

A riddle that is written in a poem form.

The reader should answer the question of the riddle by reading clues in the verse of the poem.
In composing riddle-poems that sound good, rhythm-speech rhythm is all-important.

In making poems or proverbs, most people feel the need for richer and more colorful
statements to present their ideas with greater force.
1. Personification: figure of speech that makes things appears like a person.
e.g. “The roses are shy”.

2. Metaphor: figure of speech that makes a word or phrases to suggest a likeness.

e.g. “My love is a red, a red rose”.

3. Simile: figure of speech in which two quite different things are compared because they
appear to be similar in at least one characteristic.
e.g. “Cat’s eyes are like marbles”.


Exercise 1. Match and Find the answer of the following riddle.

1. What building has the most stories? a. An eye.
2. What is broken every time it’s spoken? b. Smoke
3. What four letter word can be read upside down, downside c. Tomorrow
up, and up to down? d. Night falls and day
4. What animal walks on all fours in the morning, two in the breaks.
afternoon and three in the evening?” e. A river.
5.What falls, but does not break, and what breaks but does not f. A man, since he
fall? crawls as a child then
6. I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in walks and uses a cane
the middle. But I still hold water. What am I? when he gets older.
7.What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, g. library
has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? h. A sponge
8. I never was, am always to be. i. silence
9. I am the black child of a white father, a wingless bird, flying j. N O O N
even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to tears of
mourning in pupils that meet me, even though there is no
cause for grief, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into
air. What am I?
10. Pronounced as one letter. And written with three. Two
letters there are. And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single.
I'm black, blue, and grey. I'm read from both ends. And the
same either way. What am I?
Exercise 2. Find the answer of each of the riddle.
1…… It has two sides. It has value. It can buy things.
2……I come once in the morning, twice in the afternoon, and never in the evening.
3……What am I? You can found me in the middle of New Zealand, sometimes in front of zoom. And
I can be in the last alphabet.
4……I am a kind of fruit. I have much of red, yellow, or green hair over my skin. I have sweet white
meat. There is a ball inside of me.
5……This is name of a city. It has full of water. The water has fragrant smell. What is it?
6. …..You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I'm dead. What am I?
7. …..What lives on it's own substance, but dies as soon as it devours itself?
8. …..What is it that someone else has to take before you can get it?
9. …. How can you make seven even?
10…. What belongs to you, but others use it more than you do?
11…..I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
12…..It stands on one leg with its heart in its head. What is it?
13……When I point up, It's bright. When I point down, it's dark. What am I?
14…… If it has a quart capacity, how many pennies can you put into an empty piggy bank?
15. …. If Good minus God become….


Exercise 3. Writing
1. Find another example of an English Poem, you may browse from any relevance sources.
Then read it aloud in front of the class.
2. Compose your own poem on your words. Then perform it in front of the class.



Tujuan pembelajaran: Setelah pembelajaran ini, siswa mampu:

1. Mendengarkan dan mengucapkan lirik lagu berbahasa Inggris dengan benar.
2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi, pesan moral dan makna, serta bagian dari lagu dengan benar.
3. Menyanyikan salah satu lagu berbahasa Inggris dengan benar.

Do you like listening to music?

What makes you sing a song?
Do you have favorite songs?
When do you sing a song?

Songs are aimed at entertaining the listeners. It also people medium for expressing
their feelings. Sometimes moral value are hidden in the lyrics. Some people like to listen to a
song because it has good music, some like the good lyrics of the song and some like the singer
of the song.
The language feature of a song:
*Imagery, used to describe feelings and emotions
*Rhythm, used to create mood
*Figures of speech
The structure of a song:
*Verse, the part that tells a story
*Refrain/ chorus, the part that is repeated
*Coda, the closing



Listen the song carefully, rearrange the stanzas into correct order.
Chorus ……………….
Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter.
With me everything is ok.
Mother, how are you today?
Mother, how are you today? ………………..
Here is a note from your daughter.
With me everything is ok.
Mother, how are you today?

Mother, don't worry, I'm fine. …………………..

Promise to see you this summer.
This time there will be no delay.
Mother, how are you today?

I found the man of my dreams. …………………..

Next time you will get to know him.
Many things happened while I was away.
Mother, how are you today?


Ahh..ahhaaa. ……………….

Many things happened while I was away.

Mother, how are you today?

1. What is the song about?
2. Mention the parts of the song.
3. What is the message after you heard the song?
4. What is the writer’s purpose to achieve in the song above.



little girl talking

(I think about the generations

and they say they want to make it
a better place for our children and our
children's children
so that they they they know it's a better
world for them
and I think they can make it a better place)

There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is ______(1)
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really ______(2)
You'll Find There's No Need
To _____(3)
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Ways

To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little _______(4)
Make A Better ________(5)

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living

Make A Better Place

For You And For Me

If You Want To Know Why

There's A Love That
Cannot _____(6)
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For
Joyful Giving
If We ______(7)
We Shall See
In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living

Then It Feels That Always

Love's Enough For
Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World...

Heal The World

Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

And The Dream We Were

Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful ____(8)
And The World We
Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In _______(9)
Then Why Do We Keep
Strangling Life
Wound This Earth
Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God's Glow

We Could Fly So High

Let Our Spirits Never ______(10)
In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear

Together We'll Cry

Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn
Their Swords
Into Plowshares

We Could Really Get There

If You Cared Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place...

back to Reff

There Are People Dying

If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

You And For Me

Make A Better Place

You And For Me

heal the world we live in
You And For Me
save it for our children

1. What is the song about?
2. Mention the parts of the song.
3. What is the message after you heard the song?
4. Find out all the verbs in the song above.
5. Find out all the adjectives in the song above.



When I am -----------1) and, oh my ----------2), so weary

When ---------------3) come and my heart hurting ---------4)
Then I am --------------5) and wait here in the ----------6)
Until you ---------7) and sit -------------8) with me

You ------------9) me up so I can stand on ------------10)

You -------------11) me up to walk on stormy ----------12)
I am ----------13) when I am on your -------------14)
You raise me up to more than I -------------15)




I wonder why you and me fight each _______(1)

Don't you see the similarities between us?
Take a minute and see yourself in the ________(2)
You look like me; those eyes, lips... you can't deny

Have you thought about why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don't tell me it's by __________(3)
Oh, you're my brother, you're my sister
We're one big family
Oh, you're my brother, you're my sister
Just one big family

It doesn't matter if you live far away from______(4)

You feel I ______(5), you bleed I _______(6), you cry I _______(7)
We sleep and _______(8)
Sometimes we're sad sometimes we're happy
You breathe I breathe
We love, walk, talk and we ______(9)

Back to Reff;

I care about you and i wish you could ____(10)

There's no difference between us two
we're part of one family
No matter how far you are
And even if we don't know each other
Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one
Oh, you're my brother, you're my sister
We're one big family
Oh, you're my brother, you're my sister
Just one big family
Oh, you're my brother, you're my sister
We're one big family
Oh, you're my brother, you're my sister
Just one big family
Just one big family



Girl your heart, girl your face

is so different from them others
I say, you're the only one that I'll adore

Cos everyt ime you're by my side

My blood rushes through my veins
And my geeky face, blushed so silly oo yeah, oyeah

And I want to make you mine

Reff :
Oh baby I'll take you to the sky
Forever you and I, you and I
And we'll be together till we die
Our love will last forever
and forever you'll be mine, you'll be mine

Girl your smile and your charm

Lingers always on my mind
I'll say, you're the only
one that I've waited for
And I want you to be mine

1). To whom the song was addressed?
2). Why the writer said that the girl was the only one that he would adore?
3). What do you think the writer’s feeling to the girl?
4). How does the writer describe the girl in the song above?
5). What is the message taken from the song above?


Alllahu Akbar…
If you ask me about love
And what i know about it
My answer would be
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love, to our souls
The creator of you and me, the heaven and whole universe
The one that made us whole and free
The guardian of HIS true believers
So when the time is hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us

So when the time is hard

There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart

So when you lose your way

To Allah you should turn

As HE promise HE will always be there…

HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light

Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all’ll be over
And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine

So when the time gets hard

There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart

So when you lose your way

To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

Allahu Akbar…
So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And he knows what’s in all in our heart

So when you lose your way

To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

Allahu Akbar…

1). What is the song about?
2). According to the song’s writer, what is love?
3). What is your opinion about love?
4). When you got lost, no way to turn, where do you find help according to the song’s writer?
)5. What is the moral teaching you can get from the song above?


Come and take a look out through my eyes
And you decide why people act this way
People thieving, fighting, telling lies
They criticize and hate each other


Nature colors all have changes somehow

The seas are brown the skies are thick and grey
All of these things make me feel so down
And think about finding my own place

A place where we can toast and drink

A place where we can share and some weed
A place where there's no bullshit and...
Every body can come

Welcome to my paradise
Where this sky so blue Where the sunshine so bright
Welcome to my paradise
Where you can be free Where the party never ending

1). What is the song about?
2). Find out the figurative language in the song above.
3). What is the moral teaching you can get from the song above?
4). What is the song writer’s intention with this song?
5). Who will be the target of this song?

(Verse 1)
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday
waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

(Verse 2)
Time stands still
beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything
Take away
What's standing in front of me

Every breath,
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday

Waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

And all along I believed

I would find you
Time has brought
Your heart to me
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

One step closer

One step closer

Back to (Chorus)
1. What is the song about?
2. Find out the figurative language in the song above.
3. What is the moral teaching you can get from the song above?

A song is aimed at entertaining the listeners. It is also as a media to express feelings.
There is also the hidden moral values that are hidden in the lyrics of the song.
The language features:
1. Images are used to describe feelings and emotions
2. Rhythm is used to create the mood of the song
3. Experiences told sometimes use to figures of speech
Most songs, organized into three parts:
1. Verse = is the main part of song that tells a story
2. Refrain/chorus= is a part of a song that is repeated. The rhythm of this part is distinctive
from the verse.
3. Coda= is a line that closes a song.




A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e.

Text 1. For numbers 1-6.

The composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's remarkable musical talent was apparent even
before most children can sing a simple nursery rhyme. Wolfgang's older sister Maria Anna
(who the family called Nannerl) was learning the clavier, an early keyboard instrument, when
her three-year-old brother took an interest in playing. As Nannerl later recalled, Wolfgang
spent much time at the clavier picking out thirds, which he was always striking, and his
pleasure showed that it sounded good." Their father Leopold, an assistant concertmaster at the
Salzburg Court, recognized his children's unique gifts and soon devoted himself to their
musical education.
Born in Salzburg, Austria, on January 27, 1756, Wolfgang had composed his first original
work by age five. Leopold planned to take Nan-nerl and Wolfgang on tour to play before the
European courts. Their first venture was to nearby Munich where the children played for
Maximillian III Joseph, elector of Bavaria. Leopold soon set his sights on the capital of the
Hapsburg Empire.Vienna. On their way to Vienna, the family stopped in Linz, where
gave his first public concert. By this time. Wolfgang was not only a virtuoso harpsichord
player, but he had also mastered the violin. The audience at Linz was stunned by the six-year-
old. and word of his genius soon traveled to Vienna. In a much anticipated concert, the Mozart
children appeared at the Schonbrunn Palace on October 13. 1762. They utterly charmed the
emperor and empress.
Following this success, Leopold was inundated with invitations for the children to play.
for a fee. Leopold seized the opportunity and booked as many concerts as possible at courts
throughout Europe. A concert could last three hours, and the children played at least two per a
day. Today, Leopold might be considered the worst kind of stage parent, but at the time, it was
not uncommon for prodigies to make extensive concert tours. Even so. it was an exhausting
schedule for a child who was just past the age of needing an afternoon nap.

1. A good title for this passage would be

a. Classical Music in the Eighteenth Century: An Overview.
b. Stage Parents: A Historical Perspective,
c. Mozart: The Early Life of a Musical Prodigy.
d. Mozart: The Short Career of a Musical Genius.
2. According to the passage. Wolfgang became interested in music because
a. his father thought it would be profitable.
b. he had a natural talent.
c. he saw his sister learning to play an instrument.
d. he came from a musical family.
3. What was the consequence of Wolfgang's first public appearance?
a. He charmed the emperor and empress of Hapsburg.
b. Word of Wolfgang's genius spread to the capital.
c. Leopold set his sights on Vienna.
d. Invitations for the miracle children to play poured in.
4. Each of the following statements about Wolfgang Mozart is directly supported by the
passage EXCEPT…
a. Mozart's father. Leopold, was instrumental in shaping his career,
b. Maria Anna was a talented musician in her own right.


c. Wolfgang's childhood was devoted to his musical career.

d. Wolfgang preferred the violin to other instruments.
5. According to the passage, during Wolfgang's early years, child prodigies were..

a. few and far between.

b. accustomed to extensive concert tours.
c. expected to spend at least six hours per a day practicing their music.
d. expected to play for courts throughout Europe.
6. Based on information found in the passage. Mozart can best be described as..
a. a child prodigy.
b. a workaholic.
c. the greatest composer of the eighteenth century.
d. a victim of his father's ambition

Text 2 for numbers 7-11

Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history. The domestication of animals
began in the Neolithic Revolution 10–12 thousand years ago. People love this companionship
due to some reasons.
One major advantage of having pets is that they can become one of people’s nearest and
dearest companions. For instance, if someone lives alone, he will find a pet very enjoyable.
Furthermore, the presence of an animal in the home may provide a greater feeling of
security. In addition to this, pets often play a major role in disabled people’s lives.
In conclusion, it is pleasurable of keeping pets at home. And if we want to keep pets at
home, we should pay attention to the following. We should prepare budget for the pet’s food,
equipment (cages, collars, aquarium, etc.) and veterinary care. Apart from this, if we decide to
buy a pet, we should take into consideration our pet’s needs before going anywhere.

7. What is the major advantage of having pets?

A. The pets can provide feeling of security.
B. The pets can become people’s dearest companions.
C. The pets can help disabled people’s lives.
D. We can go somewhere every time.
E. We can get pleasure.
8. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A. The history of having pets.
B. The advantages of having pets.
C. The disadvantages of having pets.
D. Some ways we should do when keeping pets.
E. The presence of pets at home.
9. The writer suggests that a pet owner should ________ before going anywhere.
A. clean the pet’s pen
B. bring the pet
C. leave the pet
D. lock the pet
E. notice the pet’s needs
10. “. . . they can become one of people’s . . . .” (Paragraph 2)
The word ‘they’ refers to ________.
A. the pets
B. other people
C. reasons
D. cages
E. pet owners

11. “Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history.”

What is the opposite meaning of the word ‘dawn’?
A. Middle.
B. Beginning.
C. End.
D. Change.
E. Period.

Text 3 for questions 12-15

Do you know what is the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between
money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the US.
It’s just a matter of the intensity, however that makes Jakarta the most corrupt in Indonesia.
The survey makes me sad, actually because I stay and earn living in here in the capital.
As, we all know from Tanjung Priok port smuggling is no news at all in this town.
Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments will bribe the officials.
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the
corruptors have been so far from enough. We have to prevent the younger generation from the
bad mentality.
I believe we can start at the earliest stage in school and I think everyone should be
involved in the efforts to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
12. What is mainly discussed in paragraph one?
a. Jakarta is the most corrupt city in the world
b. Corruption is very common in the world
c. Corruption strikes in the U.S
d. U.S is the most corrupt country
e. The relation between money and corruption
13. Which of the following statement is the recommendation mentioned in the above text?
a. Everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate the corruption from the earliest
b. Corruption is common in everywhere in the world
c. The survey shows that Jakarta is the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
d. We must prevent younger generation from bad mentality such corruption.
e. In Tanjung Priok, smuggling happened everywhere
14. ‘’….. taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing….’’(par. 3) The word overcome
can be replaced by the word…
a. Hide b. solve
c. Prepare d. hinder e. Aid
15. The folowing are the writer’s recommendationsin the text above, EXCEPT:
a. The readers need to stop corruption start from the earliest level
b. everyone should be involved in the efforts to eradicate corruption.
c. We must not make any distinction.
d. We shouldn’t be invplved in the effort to eradicate the corruption, because we have
many other things to do.
e. We must start to eradicate corruption from the earliest stage in school and don’t make
any distinction.

16. The chef always … his menu everytime.

a. cook c. cooking e. cooks
b. cooked d. cooker
17. We … some books in the public library once two weeks.
a. buy c. borrow e. sell
b.buys d. borrows

18. Look! The bus … Let’s prepare!


a. come c. is coming e. had coming

b. comes d. was coming

19. . … your sister wash her own clothes?

a. Is c. Do e. You
b. Are d. Does

20. English … an important language.

a. are c. am e. is
b. do d. does



A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e.

Text 1 for numbers 1-4
One morning, one of the Witch’s friends came over to visit. When she looked around the
room, she said, “Your house is ugly. My house is more beautiful than yours, and the walls are
bigger.” The Witch was very angry when she heard this and shouted, “Get out of my house! And
don’t ever come back here!”
After her friend left, the Witch looked around her house and she said to herself, “My friend
was right. My house looks ugly and the paint is faded. I have to repaint it. Then, she went to the
shop and bought a can of paint. After lunch she started to paint, and she worked very carefully.
In the afternoon she finished the lower part of her house. When she wanted to start the upper
part, she found out that she couldn’t reach it. Then, she got an idea, “I will use my magic
She shouted, “Broom, turn into a paintbrush and paint my walls!” Suddenly, the broom
turned into a paintbrush and it started to paint the upper walls. It worked very fast, and in ten
minutes all job was done. The Witch was very happy.

1. Who is the main character in the story above?

A. The Broom
B. The witch
C. The neighbors
D. The witch’s friend
E. The paint.
2. The best arrangement for the above text is......
A. Orientation- complication- Resolution
B. Thesis- Descriptions
C. Newsworthy event- background event- source
D. Orientation- Events- reorientation
E. orientation- series of event- twist
3. The following statements are the resolution of the text above, EXCEPT:
A. The witch went to buy a can of paint
B. When she started to paint the upper side, she found it too high for her and she couldn’t
reach it
C. The witch got very happy after the work finished.
D. She looked around her house and realized that her house needs to be repainted.
E. The witch got idea to use magic broom to paint the upper side.
4. After reading the text above, what do we learn from the story?
A. Be careful with our words
B. Critic is not always worse for us
C. Be creative and be wise to face our life
D. We should choose our friends carefully
E. Everything will be easier if we work together.

Text for numbers 5-8

This is Good
An old story is told of a king in Africa who had a close friend with whom he grew up. The
friend had a habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life (positive or negative)
and remarking, “This is good!”
One day the king and his friend were out on a hunting expedition. The friend would load and
prepare the guns for the king. The friend had apparently done something wrong in preparing one
of the guns, for after taking the gun from his friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blown
off. Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, “This is good!” To which the king
replied, “No, this is NOT good!” and proceeded to send his friend to jail.

About a year later, the king was hunting in an area that he should have known to stay clear
of. Cannibals captured him and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some
wood, set up
a stake and bound him to the stake. As they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that
the king was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they never ate anyone that was less than
whole. So untying the king, they sent him on his way.
As he returned home, he was reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt
remorse for his treatment of his friend. He went immediately to the jail to speak with his friend.
“You were right,” he said, “it was good that my thumb was blown off.” And he proceeded to tell
the friend all that had just happened. “And so I am very sorry for sending you to jail for so long.
It was bad for me to do this.”
“No,” his friend replied, “This is good!”
“What do you mean, ‘This is good’? How could it be good that I sent my friend to jail for a
“If I had NOT been in jail, I would have been with you.”
Source: March 3, 2010 <>
5. Why did the king send his friend to the jail?
A. Because of his positive remark when the king lost his thumb.
B. Because he hadn’t joined the king to hunt in the forest.
C. Because he had tried to kill the king.
D. Because he had betrayed the king.
E. Because he had fired the king.
6. “As he returned home, . . . and felt remorse for his treatment of his friend.” (Paragraph 4)
The word ‘remorse’ is best replaced by ________.
A. pity B. pain
C. regret D. dissatisfaction
E. disappointment
7. What would have happened if the king’s friend had not been in jail?
A. He would have died.
B. He would have been sick.
C. He would have lost his thumb.
D. He would have hunted many animals.
E. He would have lost his friend, the king.
8. Which of the statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A. The text is about an African king.
B. The Cannibals would eat the king by burning him.
C. The king ‘s thumb was blown off when he went hunting.
D. The king went to the jail to express his regret to his friend.
E. The king friend’s had been in jail for two years when the king visited him
Text for number 9-13
Temples of Roro Anteng
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. Her name was Roro Anteng. Her pretty
appearance made every man want her to be his princess, but no one was good enough for her.
One day, a giant came to Roro Anteng. The giant wanted Roro Anteng to become his
princess. Roro Anteng was very afraid to refuse the giant. She said, “I will be your princess if
you can make 1000 temples in one night.” The giant said, “O.K., I will finish them in one night.”
The giant agreed. He worked very fast since many bad spirits helped him.
Several hours later, Roro Anteng was very afraid because the giant had already made 900
temples. Roro Anteng called all her servants to make noise. They used many things to make
noise so that all the roosters would crow. They thought that it was morning already.
When the bad spirits heard the roosters’ crowing, they were afraid because bad spirits
would die if the sun’s rays hit them. They ran away, panicked and caused chaos. Unluckily for

the giant, he was hit by a big rock and died.

Roro Anteng was very happy because she didn’t have to marry the giant. Until now we still
can see the temples which are not finished yet. People call them the Roro Anteng Temples.
Source: June 6, 2006 <
9. The giant could marry Roro Anteng with one condition, that is ________.
A. if he could make 1000 temples
B. if he agreed to work hard
C. if he could make 1000 temples in one night
D. if he had bad spirits helping him
E. if he had made 900 temples for her
10. Why could the giant work very fast?
Because ________.
A. he was very brave
B. he was good enough for her
C. he was very strong
D. he was very big
E. the bad spirits helped him
11. Why did the bad spirits run away?
Because ________.
A. they were scared of the giant
B. they thought it was already morning
C. the sun’s rays hit them
D. they were afraid of the roosters
E. because they were afraid of the sun’s rays
12. “They used many things to make noise so that all the roosters would crow.” (Paragraph 3)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The princes.
B. The chicken.
C. The bad spirits.
D. The giant.
E. Roro Anteng’s servants.
13. “Roro Anteng was very afraid to refuse the giant.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word means ________.
A. decline
B. accept
C. agree
D. like
E. hate
Text for numbers 14-15
One morning, one of the Witch’s friends came over to visit. When she looked around the
room, she said, “Your house is ugly. My house is more beautiful than yours, and the walls are
bigger.” The Witch was very angry when she heard this and shouted, “Get out of my house! And
don’t ever come back here!”
After her friend left, the Witch looked around her house and she said to herself, “My friend
was right. My house looks ugly and the paint is faded. I have to repaint it. Then, she went to the
shop and bought a can of paint. After lunch she started to paint, and she worked very carefully.
In the afternoon she finished the lower part of her house. When she wanted to start the upper
part, she found out that she couldn’t reach it. Then, she got an idea, “I will use my magic


She shouted, “Broom, turn into a paintbrush and paint my walls!” Suddenly, the broom
turned into a paintbrush and it started to paint the upper walls. It worked very fast, and in ten
minutes all job was done. The Witch was very happy.

14. Who is the main character in the story above?

A. The Broom
B. The witch
C. The neighbors
D. The witch’s friend
E. The paint.
15.. The best arrangement for the above text is......
A. Orientation- complication- Resolution
B. Thesis- Descriptions
C. Newsworthy event- background event- source
D. Orientation- Events- reorientation
E. orientation- series of event- twist
16. The following statements are the resolution of the text above, EXCEPT:
A. The witch went to buy a can of paint
B. When she started to paint the upper side, she found it too high for her and she couldn’t
reach it
C. The witch got very happy after the work finished.
D. She looked around her house and realized that her house needs to be repainted.
E. The witch got idea to use magic broom to paint the upper side.
17. After reading the text above, what do we learn from the story?
A. Be careful with our words
B. Critic is not always worse for us
C. Be creative and be wise to face our life
D. We should choose our friends carefully
E. Everything will be easier if we work together
18. . What kind of narrative is the text?
It belongs to … . text.
a. legend c. fairy tales e . fable
b. folktales d. anecdote

19. Dina : What did you do last night when I called you?
Anita : I ….a folklore
a. compose c. composes e. composing
b. composed d. to compose

20. Ani : When I called you last night , no one answered my phone. Where did you go?
Nia : Oh I … a bath in the bathroom when you phoned me .
a. took c. was taking e. takes
b. is taking d. were taking



1. Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20th century. During her life she was often said
to be the most photographed person. She was also admired for her charity work; in particular her
work with AIDS patients and supporting the campaign for banning landmines.
Diana grew up in the family home of Park House, before moving to Althorp in 1975. She did
not shine as a student, but did well in music and ballet. When she met her future husband, Diana
was working as
a part-time assistant in a nursery school in London.
In 1981, Diana married Prince Charles. During their marriage they had two sons, Prince
William and Prince Harry. However, not long after, strains started to appear in the marriage and
under much publicity the marriage broke up leading to a divorce in 1992. During this period
Diana was said to have suffered various health problems, such as bulimia and depression.
As Princess of Wales, Diana was expected to take part in various official engagements, such
as the opening of hospitals. This provided a natural outlet for her to become involved in various
types of charitable work. In 1987, Princess Diana was one of the first well-known celebrities to
be photographed with a victim of AIDS. This was important in changing attitudes to the disease.
At that time, many thought the disease could spread by touch.

2. Aristotle was a great Greek philosopher. His father was a physician (doctor) to King Amyntas
of Macedonia.
As a boy, Aristotle probably watched his father treating patients and making medicines from
parts of plants and animals. From this, Aristotle may have gained his interests in nature study,
biology and anatomy.
Aristotle was away from Athens for twelve years. First he went to Assos, to the court of
Hermias of Atarneua, part of what is now Turkey. Here he studied politics and biology, taught
pupils and advised the rulers.
During this time, Aristotle carried out many observations and studies on nature, especially
fish and seashore creatures. He cut them open,
identified their parts and organs, and suggested what these might do.
This method of working was very unusual for the time. Most of his colleagues did not ‘get
their hands dirty’. They were thinkers, not doers. They rarely carried out tests, or observed the
real world closely, or made records of what they saw. Aristotle was establishing a whole new
tradition, which for us today, is a central part of science.


Mother How Are You Today Lyrics

Mother, how are you today?
Here is a note from your daughter.
With me everything is ok.
Mother, how are you today?

Mother, don't worry, I'm fine.

Promise to see you this summer.
This time there will be no delay.
Mother, how are you today?

I found the man of my dreams.

Next time you will get to know him.

Many things happened while I was away.

Mother, how are you today?

Mother, how are you today?

Here is a note from your daughter.
With me everything is ok.
Mother, how are you today?


Many things happened while I was away.

Mother, how are you today?

Heal The World Lyrics

little girl talking

(I think about the generations

and they say they want to make it
a better place for our children and our
children's children
so that they they they know it's a better
world for them
and I think they can make it a better place)

There's A Place In
Your Heart
And I Know That It Is Love
And This Place Could
Be Much
Brighter Than Tomorrow
And If You Really Try
You'll Find There's No Need
To Cry
In This Place You'll Feel
There's No Hurt Or Sorrow

There Are Ways

To Get There
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
Make A Better Place

Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living

Make A Better Place

For You And For Me

If You Want To Know Why

There's A Love That
Cannot Lie
Love Is Strong
It Only Cares For
Joyful Giving
If We Try
We Shall See
In This Bliss
We Cannot Feel
Fear Or Dread
We Stop Existing And
Start Living

Then It Feels That Always

Love's Enough For
Us Growing
So Make A Better World
Make A Better World...

Heal The World

Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race
There Are People Dying
If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

And The Dream We Were

Conceived In
Will Reveal A Joyful Face
And The World We
Once Believed In
Will Shine Again In Grace
Then Why Do We Keep
Strangling Life
Wound This Earth
Crucify Its Soul
Though It's Plain To See
This World Is Heavenly
Be God's Glow

We Could Fly So High

Let Our Spirits Never Die
In My Heart
I Feel You Are All
My Brothers
Create A World With
No Fear

Together We'll Cry

Happy Tears
See The Nations Turn
Their Swords
Into Plowshares

We Could Really Get There

If You Cared Enough
For The Living
Make A Little Space
To Make A Better Place...

back to Reff

There Are People Dying

If You Care Enough
For The Living
Make A Better Place
For You And For Me

You And For Me

Make A Better Place

You And For Me

heal the world we live in
You And For Me
save it for our children

Answer key

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

1. If Caroline and Sue prepare the salad, Phil will decorate the house.
2. If Sue cuts the onions for the salad, Caroline will peel the mushrooms.
3. Jane will hoover the sitting room if Aaron and Tim move the furniture.
4. If Bob tidies up the kitchen, Anita will clean the toilet.
5. Elaine will buy the drinks if somebody helps her carry the bottles.
6. If Alan and Rebecca organise the food, Mary and Conor will make the sandwiches.
7. If Bob looks after the barbecue, Sue will let the guests in.
8. Frank will play the DJ if the others bring along their CDs.
9. Alan will mix the drinks if Jane gives him some of her cocktail recipes.
10. If they all do their best, the party will be great.

Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

1. If I played the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot.

2. If I hit the jackpot, I would be rich.
3. If I were rich, my life would change completely.
4. I would buy a lonely island if I found a nice one.
5. If I owned a lonely island, I would build a huge house by the beach.

6. I would invite all my friends if I had a house by the beach.

7. I would pick my friends up in my yacht if they wanted to spend their holidays on my
8. We would have great parties if my friends came to my island.
9. If we liked to go shopping in a big city, we would charter a helicopter.
10. But if my friends' holidays were over, I would feel very lonely on my lonely island.

What a match – your favourite team has lost again! So after the game, the supporters discuss
what could have been different.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.

1. If the midfielders had passed the ball more exactly, our team would have had more
chances to attack.
2. If the forwards had run faster, they would have scored more goals.
3. Their motivation would have improved if they had kicked a goal during the first half.
4. The fullbacks would have prevented one or the other goal if they had marked their
5. If the goalie had jumped up, he would have caught the ball.
6. If the referee had seen the foul, he would have awarded a penalty kick to our team.
7. Our team would have been in better form if they had trained harder the weeks before.
8. The game would have become better if the trainer had sent a substitute in during the
second half.
9. If it had been a home game, our team would have won the match.
10. If our team had won the match, they would have moved up in the league.

Answer key
An Onion.
Your Photograph.
Take away the letter 'S'.
Your name.
A hole.
Light switch.
One. After that, it is no longer empty.


“A new broom sweeps clean” - A new person at a new position implements an aggressive and
enthusiastic reform.

“Desperate diseases demand desperate remedies” – Big problems need bold and extremes steps
to solve them.

“Speak the truth and shame the devil” – Avoid speaking lies to save any future problems.

“All that glitters is not gold” – Everything that looks good is not necessarily good. Don’t judge
things by looks.

“Art is long, life is short.” – Life is too short to learn all the art in this world.


“If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” – If something is working well, don’t try to improve upon it.

“Every cloud has a silver lining” – Look for positivity in every tough situation.

“Love me, love my dog” – If you love me, you must accept me as I am.

Big is beautiful” – Large size is advantageous.

“Blood is thicker than water” – Family relationship is stronger than others.


Sudarwati, Th. M & Grace, Eudia. 2014. PATHWAY TO ENGLISH XI Peminatan.

PT.Erlangga. Jakarta

Any other relevance sources.


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