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Jakarta,3 Februari 2023


Sumber : RUPTL PT.PLN (Persero) 2021-2030

Uji Uji Cofiring Uji Uji
Survey karakteristik Simulasi KELAYAKAN/
Pada Boiler Kompatibilita Uji Pengoperasian
ketersediaan biomassa dan Pembakaran KEBERHASILAN
Skala s (Uji Performance Kontinyu /
biomassa batubara Menggunakan COFIRING
Laboratoriu Pembakaran) Cofiring kehandalan
eksisting CFD
m Cofiring (durability test)

Sumber : Panduan Kajian Pengujian Co-Firing Biomass-Batubara Pada PLTU Batubara Eksisting

Perdir No.0004.P/DIR/2022 Tentang Perubahan Atas Perdir PLN N0.001.P/DIR/2020

Tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Cofiring PLTU
“Spesifikasi dan Parameter Bahan Bakar Biomassa berpedoman pada SNI yang
berlaku” 1. SNI 8966:2021 Bahan Bakar Jumputan Padat Untuk Pembangkit Listrik
2. SNI 9031:2021 Serbuk Kayu Untuk Pembangkit Listrik
Most critical Biomass Element :
3. SNI 9032:2021 Serpihan Kayu Untuk Pembangkit Listrik
Chlorine : high temperature corrosion / Fouling / HCL emission / Dioxines
4. SNI 9033:2021 Cangkang Sawit Untuk Pembangkit Listrik
Alkaline Metals : Fouling, Slagging/ Bed Sintering / Corrosion
5. SNI 9125:2022 Pelet Sekam Padi Untuk Pembangkit Listrik
Heavy Metals : Corrosion, Emission/ash Treatment
Nitrogen : NOx Emission
5% wood pellet
No. % Cofiring No. NAMA PLTU % Cofiring Jenis Biomassa
NAMA PLTU Jenis Biomassa 1 PLTU Paiton 5% sawdust
1 PLTU Ketapang 5% PKS
1 PLTU Suge 5% PKS 6% sawdust
2 PLTU Tenayan 5% PKS
2 PLTU Tidore 5% Batok Kelapa 2 PLTU Paiton 9 5% sawdust
3 PLTU Jeranjang 3% SRF
3 PLTU Sintang 15% PKS 3 PLTU Pacitan 5% sawdust
5% PKS
PLTU Kaltim 5% BBJP
4 15% 4 3% woodbark 4 PLTU Suralaya 1-4 5% sawdust
PLTU Sanggau PKS Telukbalikpapan
5% PKS 3% woodchip 8% sawdust
5 PLTU Nii Tanasa PLTU Nagan
5% Woodchip 5 10% 5 PLTU Suralaya 5-7 5% sawdust
6 PLTU Berau 20% PKS Raya PKS 6 PLTU Suralaya 8 5% sawdust
5% Tankos 6 PLTU Bolok 5% woodchip 5% wood pellet
7 PLTU Tembilahan 13% woodchip 7 PLTU Adipala
100% PKS 5% pelet sekam padi
8 PLTU TBK 5% PKS 7 PLTU Tarahan 1.72% sawdust 8 PLTU Asam-asam 5% sawdust
4% sekam padi 9 PLTU Bukit Asam 5% sawdust
3% Bonggol Jagung 8 PLTU Sebalang 5% woodchip 5% sawdust
PLTU Sumbawa 10% woodchip PLTU Pulang 10 PLTU Indramayu 3% pelet sekam padi
9 9 5% woodchip
Barat Pisau 1% BBJP
Woodchip +
20% 10 PLTU Barru 5% sawdust 11 PLTU Labuan Banten 5% sawdust
bonggol jagung
11 PLTU Punagaya 5% bonggol jagung 1.25% pelet sekam padi
10 PLTU Malinau 20% PKS 12 PLTU Teluk Sirih 5% PKS 12 PLTU Lontar 5% SRF
11 20% 5% woodchip 5% woodchip
PLTU Ampana Woodchip 13 PLTU Air Anyir
100% PKS 13 PLTU Ombilin 5% sawdust
PLTU Ropa 10% Woodpellet
12 5% woodchip 14 PLTU Pacitan 5% sawdust
5% cangkang kemiri 14 PLTU Anggrek woodchip+sawdus 3% sekam padi
t 15 PLTU Pangkalan Susu 3% wood pellet
13 PLTU Tidore 5% cangkang kenari 5% sawdust 5% PKS
1% pellet sawdust woodchip + eceng 16 PLTU Pelabuhan ratu 5% sawdust
15 PLTU Amurang gondok 5% sawdust
14 PLTU Holtekamp 17 PLTU Rembang
5% Sekam Padi 5% wood pellet
15% woodchip 5% sabut kelapa 5% sawdust
18 PLTU Tanjung Awar-awar
PLTU Labuhan 3% pelet sekam padi
16 5% PKS
Angin 19 PLTU Tanjung Jati B 0.30% wood pellet
Evaluasi Dampak Co-firing Pasca Operasi Kontinyu
Analisa Data
& Pelaporan
jam Operasi • Inspeksi Lapangan
Dokumentasi visual area boiler dan BOP
PLTU Paiton #2 √ √ √ 1.39%
Pengambilan/pengumpulan sampel deposit
PLTU Labuan #1 √ √ √ 0.47%
PLTU Nagan Raya √ √ √ 2.86%
Collecting data pengoperasian
PLTU Barru #1 & √ √ • Pengujian Laboratorium
PLTU Punagaya √ √ √ 1.11% Pengujian sampel deposit pembakaran

PLTU Lontar #1 √ √ Pengujian sampel tube (tentative)

PLTU Tarahan √ √ Pengujian sampel bahan bakar

• Analisa Data
Evaluasi implementasi dilakukan pada kondisi operasi co- Singkronisasi data parameter operasi
firing intermittent, presentase yang rendah dan jam operasi vs finding visual lapangan dan hasil pengujian
co-firing yang rendah (<3.000 jam) saat kondisi overhaul. lab.
Visual Finding PLTU Paiton #2

Furnace Area Nose Superheater Reheater

Orientasi deposit dari arah sisi kiri

• Deformasi material yang cukup signifikan

• Karakter deposit rata-rata berbentuk serpihan/lelehan
mayoritas berwarna coklat kemerahan sampai kehitaman

Tracing Komposisi Kimia Deposit PLTU Paiton #2
• Major unsur yang ditemukan pada sampel deposit adalah O, Al,
Si, Ca dan Fe
• Senyawa major yang ditemukan pada sampel deposit adalah
SiO2, Fe2O3, CaO.Al2O3
• Hasil tracing komposisi kimia deposit masih dominan
unsur/senyawa yang terkandung pada batubara
Singkronisasi Visual Finding vs Parameter Operasi

MOT tidak seragam

disparitas AFR

Visual Finding PLTU
Labuan #1

• Orientasi deposit
signifikan pada sisi
belakang dan kiri
seiring dengan level
ketinggian boiler
• Karakter deposit
dominan berbentuk
lelehan dan berwarna
coklat kehitaman

Visual Finding PLTU Labuan #1 (Cont.)

Burner Waterwall ESP

• Burner terdeformasi dan tertutup slagging

• Lubang shotblower tertutup sebagian slagging
• Ditemukan tumpukan fly ash di salah satu sisi (outlet)
Sinkronisasi Visual Finding vs Parameter Operasi

• Major unsur yang ditemukan pada sampel deposit adalah O, Al,

Si, Ca dan Fe
• Senyawa major yang ditemukan pada sampel deposit adalah
SiO2, Al2SiO5, NaAlSi3O8
• Hasil tracing komposisi kimia deposit menunjukkan masih
dominan unsur/senyawa yang terkandung pada batubara

Tracing Komposisi Kimia Deposit PLTU Labuan #1

• Furnace gas temperature rata-rata fluktuatif dan tidak seragam
antara sisi A (lebih tinggi) dan sisi B.
• Furnace pressure pada rentang ±90% MCR sangat fluktuatif (sisi
B dominan positif.
• AFR dan MOT bervariasi

electricity for better life

Tube mengalami overheating akibat

slagging, sehingga pecah
Rekomendasi Pasca Evaluasi

1. Kondisi eksisting boiler dengan temuan deposit sisa pembakaran berupa slagging yang cukup
signifikan harus menjadi concern bersama untuk memperbaiki pola pengoperasian. Perlu ditekankan
pentingnya pemantauan/pengujian komprehensif dan rutin terhadap bahan bakar yang akan
digunakan (terlebih berkaitan dengan co-firing), pemantauan parameter operasi: fineness;
MOT; AFR (harus seragam), dan alat ukur dalam kondisi berfungsi dan terkalibrasi.
2. Dengan kondisi eksisting boiler dampak penggunaan biomasa dapat dimungkinan teramplifikasi dan
memiliki kecenderungan tidak dapat dikendalikan apabila parameter operasional seperti dijelaskan
pada tidak dikendalikan dan alat ukur yang tidak beroperasi dan atau terkalibrasi dengan baik.
3. Perlu menjadi perhatian proses dan metode pencampuran biomasa dan batubara yang lebih
homogen dan optimal.
4. Setiap proses pemeliharaan wajib dilakukan pembersihan deposit (slagging dan fouling) untuk
mencegah terjadinya korosi, overheating, penyumbatan AH dan kegagalan ESP |
3. Kesiapan Peralatan Pembangkit
1. Kesiapan Teknis Pembangkit Untuk Peningkatan a. Untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat dan mempermudah
Prosentase Cofiring menganalisa permasalahan yang timbul maka diperlukan
pemeriksaan, kalibrasi, dan perbaikan pada setiap alat
a. Hasil kelayakan teknis pada ujicoba dan operasi komersial ukur yang teridentifikasi rusak saat pelaksanaan
yang dilakukan sampai saat ini baru sampai dengan pengujian cofiring .
prosentase cofiring biomassa relatif rendah sehingga perlu b. Kerusakan alat ukur mengakibatkan parameter operasi
dilakukan uji durability lebih lanjut dan kontinyu sesuai actual pembangkit tidak dapat dimonitor sehingga kualitas
persentase pengujian untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknis pembakaran kurang optimal dan efisiensi pembangkit
peralatan PLTU untuk peningkatan Prosentase Cofiring rendah.
sesuai Roadmap.
b. Terdapat potensi modifikasi peralatan pembangkit terkait
kesiapan Transporting, Storaging, Blending, hingga
Equipment pada Boiler & auxiliary PLTU termasuk I&C dan
Safety System untuk peningkatan Prosentase Cofiring sesuai
Roadmap. 4. Ketersediaan supplai Biomassa
c. Diperlukan studi lanjutan untuk detail modifikasi peralatan
pada masing-masing PLTU yang akan dilakukan high
percentage cofiring dan dapat melibatkan pabrikan boiler a. Ketersediaan stock biomassa perlu diperhatikan untuk
menentukan biomassa yang cocok/ sesuai dan
mengetahui kemampuan pasokan untuk menjamin
2. Karakteristik Bahan Bakar Biomassa / Penentuan kontinuitas pasokan selama operasi cofiring.
Jenis Biomassa yang akan digunakan b. Diusahakan agar supplier biomassa dapat menjamin
a. Secara Umum Biomassa memiliki kandungan beberapa unsur pasokan dalam jangka panjang sesuai kebutuhan
yang lebih tinggi dibandingakan dengan batubara seperti; volatile pembangkit
matter, ash, chlorine. Sedangakan nilai kalornya umumnya lebih
rendah daripada batubara saat design / komissioming sehingga
berpotensi akan menaikkan SFC Pembangkit.
b. Bahan kimia yang terkandung pada biomassa Sebagian akan
membentuk alkali dan logam berat klorida dan sulfat sebagai 5. Harga Biomassa
kerak/deposit pada permukaan tube boiler. a. Untuk menentukan Harga Biomassa yang akan digunakan harus memperhatikan dampaknya
c. Diperlukan kajian dan pengujian untuk melihat kecenderungan terhadap BPP. Apabila harga biomassa terlalu tinggi akan meningkatkan BPP.
risiko korosi, kecenderungan slagging-fouling, dan optimasi unit b. Harga Biomassa yang tepat dapat mendukung keterjaminan dan keberlanjutan pasokan
boiler dengan ataupun tanpa melakukan modifikasi. biomassa bagi PT PLN sekaligus dapat memberikan kepastian harga bagi pemasok.

Rebuilds & Fuel changes on a CFB
Typical scope of supply

Modif y w a t e r / s t e a m c i r c u l a t i o n Other optional

• Mode rni ze Boiler
• Boiler & P l a n t opt i m i za t i on

Modif y o v er f i r e a i r s y s t e m
• O p tim is e d CO a n d NOx fo r m a tio n
U p d a t e f lue g a s c lea n i n g
• I n h o u s e t e c h n o l o g y fo r b a g h o u s e
filters a n d s c r u b b e r s
R e p l a c e o r a d d n e w f u el • I n h o u s e e n g i n e e r i n g SNCR, SCR
feeding s y s t e m a n d ESP u p gr a d e s

Modif y l o w e r f u r n a c e Flue g a s recirculation

Modif y b o t t o m a s h r e m o v a l ,
a d d s a n d sieving s y s t e m
Rebuilds & Fuel changes on a CFB Boiler
Typical scope of supply

R e p l a c e o r a d d n e w f u el Modif y b o t t o m a s h r e m o v a l
feeding s y s t e m
- Biofuels contain incombustible material (stones, pieces
- Volumetric flow of biofuel is higher than the flow of coal of metal, glass etc.) that should be removed from bed.
or other high calorific value fuels not enough Some bottom ash systems specifically for coal cannot
capacity in the existing coal system. remove such items. The equipment type should be
correct and designed to allow effective bed material
- Coal feeding systems often not suitable for biofuels removal.
larger in particle size and lighter in weight. System
must be designed to match the biofuel inteded for
firing. Add s a n d si evi n g s y s t e m
- Fuel openings originally designed for coal often too
small for significant portions of biofuel
© Valmet – Boiler Conversions and
new or - With biofuels the rate of removing bed material is higher
resized openings. Rebuilds than with coal. Large part of the sand ca n be sieved and
circulated back to the bed to lower the operational costs
- Fuel feeding chutes used for biofuel and coal are related to sand consumption.
different. Valmet have multiple designs depending on
fuel quality. Blockage problems can be easily avoided - Up to 70% of the sand can be directed back to bed.
by choosing the correct chute type. Fresh sand to be used regularly to reduce the risk of
agglomeration due to accumulated alkalines in bed
Rebuilds & Fuel changes on a CFB Boiler
Typical scope of supply

Modif y o v er f i r e a i r s y s t e m
• O p t i m i s e d CO a n d NOx fo r m a t i o n

- Different amount of secondary air in coal firing

versus biofuel firing may require resizing and
relocating secondary air nozzles.
Add f lue g a s r ec i r c u l a t i on
- Valmet experience in optimal positioning and control
of overfire air in multifuel fired boilers.
- Flue gas recirculation system replaces a part of
primary air with flue gas. The oxygen content of flue
ga s is low and reduces combustion in the bed area,
Modif y l o w e r f u r n a c e leading to lower bed temperatures.

© Valmet – Boiler Conversions and - The system allows to control the bed temperature
- Lower fluidisation velocity in biofuel firing is preferred
Rebuilds when needed by adjusting the set point.
compared to coal firing. The reason is to ensure the
larger share of volatiles in biofuels burn inside the - Typical solution in modifications is to mix the flue gas
furnace, not in the cyclone. with primary air.
Fluidisation nozzles may have to be changed
to generate correct pressure difference over the
bed for correct velocity.

- Valmet fluidisation nozzles are of siphon type

preventing backflow of sand and allow good
fluidisation with relatively low primary air pressure.
Rebuilds & Fuel changes on a CFB Boiler
Typical scope of supply

Modif y w a t e r / s t e a m c i r c u l a t i o n - Biofuels contain alkalines, but only little sulphur. High

temperature chlorine induced corrosion may take place
depending on steam parameters.
- Biofuel firing typically generates more flue gas than
coal firing due to high moisture content of biofuel. This Material selections if exchanging or adding new
often leads to reduced maximum steam output a s heat exhangers.
furnace, cyclone and 2nd pass velocities would It is also possible to control the corrosion by
otherwise increase too much and cause heavy erosion. additive feeding and corrosion monitoring system.
Typically, the new steam output would be 70-80%
of the original MCR.
Small share of biofuel together with coal is not
likely to reduce steam output U p d a t e f lue g a s c lea n i n g
• I n h o u s e t e c h n o l o g y fo r b a g h o u s e
- The combustion temperature of biofuels is lower than filters a n d s c r u b b e r s
of coal. Heat transfer will shift more to economiser and • I n h o u s e e n g i n e e r i n g SNCR, SCR
air heater sections and– also
© Valmet
Boiler Conversions
increases andthe flue ga s exit
a n d ESP u p gr a d e s
Sometimes a n additional economiser or other type
of flue gas cooling is needed to improve efficiency - Depending on the local emission requirements Valmet
or to suit the flue gas cleaning requirements. can offer a solution customised to suit the needs from a
variety of in-house technologies.
- Biofuel firing often leads to increased fouling compared
to coal fring. Heat exchanger packages may have too - Process and technology expertise of both boiler and
tight element spacing or unsuitable construction for flue gas cleaning solutions allows to find the best
biofuels. concept for each case.
Superheaters, economisers or air heaters can be
modified or exchanged to ensure high availbility.
Modification Menu (REFERENSI MHPS)
Biomass Biomass co-firing ratio (cal%)
Fuel 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Wood chip ~5 (※1) Except for biomass supply system installation.

Modification not required(※1)….Menu No.0

Menu Menu
Wood pellet
No.1 50 No.2 100

Mill & Burner retrofit

5~ Primary air cooler
50~ Coal ash injection
Any biomass ~10 100
Additional Small BFB(※2)….Menu No.3
Bagasse PKS (※2) BFB : Bubbling Fluidize Bed boiler
→Any kinds of biomass can be fired
RPF Straw 11
Notes: Detail shall be optimized based on the conditions of each plant.
Modification Menu (Design ConsiderationItems)
Burner Boiler Heating Surface DeNOx/
- Combustion performance, - Prevention for ash Precipitator/FGD
operating condition deposit and plugging - Consider
influence to
each equip.
Coal Storage / performance
Handling System
- Bulk density,
properties for fuel
characteristics Furnace
Burners Precipitator
Safety System Bunker FGD
- Prevention for

- Grinding Bottom Ash Handling System
performance PAF Mills
- Slag and ash characteristics
Steam Condition Check
Modification Menu (No.0 : 0-5cal%Co-firing)
 Biomass co-firing in existing coal fired boilers.
 Biomass is pulverized with coal.
→Maximum co-firing ratio is determined by mill capacity.

This system can switch

Coal + Biomass to coal exclusive firing.
(Wood pellet/chip)




PAF 13
Modification Menu (No.1 : 5-50cal%Co-firing)
 Biomass is exclusively pulverized.
 Mills and burners performance should be checked.
 Safety system is required.

Burner retrofit This system can switch

(if required) to coal exclusive firing.
(wood pellet)
Coal Biomass Coal Coal



Mill retrofit (if required)

PAF 14
Safety system
© 2019 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Modification Menu (No.2 : 50-100cal%Co-firing)
 AH out. gas temp. rise → Primary air cooler
 Severe fouling, corrosion → Coal ash injection
 Steam condition should be checked.

Burner retrofit This system can switch

(if required) to coal exclusive firing.
(wood pellet) Coal ash injection
Biomass system


PA cooler
Mill retrofit (if required)
PAF 15
Safety system
© 2019 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Modification Menu (No.3: Small Biomass Boiler Installation)
 Additional biomass boiler to be installed.
 Additional biomass boiler is used for heating feed water → Coal
consumption can be reduced.


Existing Steam
coal fired Heater Condenser

Feed water
Any biomass fuel BFB/CFB boiler
(Garbage) (Stoker Boiler) BFP
can be used
© 2019 Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 16
Modification Menu (Coal/Biomass Dual Firing Equip. (Mill))
 MHPS has developed and operated high performance coal/
biomass dual grinding system in large capacity coal-fired boilers.

Pulverized Coal Coal

Grinded Wood Pellet Wood Pellet

Pulverized Coal Coal as received

Grinded Wood Pellet Wood Pellet as received

Modification Menu (Coal/Biomass Dual Firing Equip. (Burner))
 MHPS’s low NOx burner technology achieves high combustion
efficiency and high reliability in both coal and biomass firing.
(1) Large and effective ignition area
⇒ Excellent ignition stability
(2) In-flame stabilization and low O2 combustion
⇒ Effective NOx reduction within the flame
(3) Optimized O2 distribution by controlling secondary air

Secondary air
Secondary air

Secondary air

M-PM burner (Tangential firing) NR3 burner(Opposed firing)

Modification Menu (Development of biomass firing burner)
Basic Combustion Test
微⼩荷重計  MHPS developed biomass
exclusive firing burner

Pt 線

considering ignitability and

Pt 金網

completion of combustion.
 Burner performance was
demonstrated in 110MW

Basic Combustion Test Equipment

(MHI R&I Center)

Test Burner in R&I Center Actual boiler


Coal flame

MHPS 4t/h Test Burner Biomass Combustion Combustion condition

(MHI R&I Center) at test burner in 110MW boiler
Modification Menu (Biomass firing performance study)
 CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)study
Simulation of combustion and flow Simulation of particles
Coal Exclusive Firing Biomass Exclusive Firing
A.A Level A.A Level




Middle burner Middle burner

Level Level


A.A Level A.A Level



Excess air

Middle burner Middle burner

Level Level
Simulation of Biomass

particles streamline


(with considering density

change of particles)


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