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Bimbingan Teknis Kualifikasi dan Sertifikasi Kompetensi

Inspektur Pipa Penyalur Migas Angkatan XXI

Bandung, 04 – 16 September 2023

Modul 27 – CO2 & Sour Service Pipeline

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1 Angkatan ke XXI
CO2 Pipeline

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Net-Zero Emission
• Net-Zero Emission (NZE), secara tertulis dalam bentuk konsep, mulai muncul
di COP21 Paris pada tahun 2015 yang lalu.

• COP = Conference of Parties, pertemuan tahunan yang menjadi Kerangka

Kerja PBB tentang Perubahan Iklim. Total 195 negara tergabung dalam
konferensi ini

• Persetujuan Paris (Paris Agreement): memuat butir-butir isu yang akan

dilakukan oleh setiap negara yang meratifikasinya, serta menyepakati tujuan
utama yang harus dicapai.

• Persetujuan Paris disepakati oleh 191 negara yang meratifikasi Konvensi.

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Tujuan utama dari Persetujuan Paris

• Negara-negara yang meratifikasi Persetujuan Paris sepakat untuk menjaga

kenaikan temperatur rata-rata global hingga 2oC dibandingkan pada masa
pra-industri dan sedapat mungkin menjaga kenaikan temperatur tersebut
tidak melebihi 1,5oC. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi risiko dan
dampak perubahan iklim yang akan terjadi.

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Global Warming Impact on the Earth (*)

• Global Warming causing temperature rise in environment may effect to

change in the atomic properties of the elements like motion, valency,
magnetism, electrostatic, conduction, electronic structure, crystalline
structure, electropositivity and electronegativity etc.
• Also this Global Warming has a great impact on earth's magnetism,
gravitation, ice meltation, sea overflow, change of weather, disease affective
bacteria-virus explosion etc.
• Due to change of atomic nature and properties with respect to rise of
temperature, human and botanic life will be highly effected and causing
serious problem as nature pollution.

(*) Dr. Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee - International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,
Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2010 - ISSN: 2010-0264

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Gambar ini menunjukkan bahwa emisi gas
rumah kaca saat ini meningkat, dengan tingkat
emisi gas rumah kaca yang dapat menimbulkan
kenaikan temperatur bumi rata-rata hingga 1oC.

Gambar ini juga menunjukkan bahwa semakin

cepat adanya upaya pengurangan emisi CO2,
maka kemungkinan untuk menjaga kenaikan
temperature bumi rata-rata, untuk tidak
melebihi 1,5oC akan lebih tinggi, dibandingkan
apabila upaya pengurangan emisi tersebut tidak
dilakukan secepat mungkin.

Gambar menunjukkan profil emisi gas rumah kaca dunia serta

proyeksinya ke depan, sebagaimana yang tercantum di dalam
Laporan Khusus IPCC terkait dengan 1,5oC.

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Implikasi NZE pada Indonesia

Pasal 4.19 Persetujuan Paris

• All Parties should strive to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas
emission development strategies, mindful of Article 2 taking into account their
common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of
different national circumstances.

Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang meratifikasi Persetujuan Paris diharapkan untuk
menyusun strategi pembangunan yang rendah emisi untuk jangka panjang sebagaimana
tercantum di dalam Decision 1/CP21 paragraf 35 dan Pasal 4.19 Persetujuan Paris.

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Figure 2-1 Phase diagram of pure CO2 (based on Chemica Logic Corporation (2020)

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Conveying CO2 in pipelines
Designers and operators should carefully consider the following:

• Corrosion • Ductile and Brittle Fracture

• CO2 is an acid gas which reacts with water Propagation
to form carbonic acid. • Brittle fracture is avoided or quickly
• Water content of CO2 transported through arrested :
carbon steel pipelines needs to be at normal operating temperatures and
considered and pipeline materials selected at those expected during a loss of
accordingly. containment event.

• Other impurities in the CO2 stream should • These design considerations should be
also be considered as sources of corrosion extended to all components in the pipeline
(when in reaction with water) and in some system including welds, fittings etc.
cases may present a greater hazard than
carbonic acid.

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Conveying CO2 in pipelines

• Saturation Pressure • CO2 Stream Composition and

• Where a dense phase or supercritical Flow Assurance
CO2 pipeline is ruptured, the concentration of • Any pipeline or system of pipelines intended to
impurities such as Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen convey CO2 should be designed and operated
and Argon will affect the saturation pressure of with regard to the range of impurities likely to
the released fluids. be present in the CO2.
• This is an important design issue because the • Where CO2 from multiple sources is conveyed,
time it takes the released CO2 to change from each section of pipeline should be designed
dense or supercritical phase to gaseous phase and operated to take account of the
will have a marked effect on subsequent CO2 stream composition within that section.
ductile crack propagation.
• Also, given the likely variability of
CO2 production, pipeline designers and
operators should take account of the likely
intermittency in flows and the consequent
effects of repeated pressure cycling.

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Conveying CO2 in pipelines

• Non-Metallic Components • Fluid Hazard Classification

• The presence of impurities in the • Research published by HSE ('Comparison
CO2 stream may cause deterioration in of risks from carbon dioxide and natural
non-metallic components such as gas pipelines') concluded that a loss of
elastomeric seals used in pipeline valves. containment event from a dense or
• Non-metallic components should be supercritical phase CO2 pipeline presents
selected for use in CO2 pipelines only a similar level of risk to a release from a
where their continued integrity in the high pressure natural gas pipeline.
presence of likely impurities has been • Designers of CO2 pipelines should
demonstrated. consider applying a similar fluid hazard
categorization (chosen from an
established pipeline design code) to that
applied to high pressure natural gas
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Conveying CO2 in pipelines

• Modelling Loss of Containment

• During a loss of containment event a number of highly complex interactions
between the pipeline, the surrounding environment and the decompressing fluid
will occur.
• With CO2 this is further complicated by the potential for phase changes of the
fluid. This depends on the temperature and pressure as well as the geometry of
the orifice through which the gas is decompressing and the presence and
concentration of impurities.
• Given the complexity of modelling such a release, designers and operators
should use existing outflow models which have been experimentally validated
for use with CO2.
• The use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to model releases and help set
separation distances may be justified where a CO2 pipeline passes through a
workplace, an occupied offshore installation or a populated area.

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16 Angkatan ke XXI
ASME B31.4-2022
Chapter X - Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems

• Carbon Dioxide: • CO2 pipeline systems consist of:

• a fluid consisting predominantly of pipe, flanges, bolting, gaskets,
carbon dioxide compressed above valves, relief devices, fittings, and the
its critical pressure. pressure-containing parts of other
• shall be considered to be a liquid piping components.

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ASME B31.4-2022
Chapter X - Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems

• B400 GENERAL STATEMENTS • -Coverage: design, materials,

• B423 MATERIALS — GENERAL construction, assembly, inspection,
REQUIREMENTS testing, operation, and maintenance
of carbon dioxide pipeline systems

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ASME B31.4-2022
Chapter X - Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems

• B423 MATERIALS — GENERAL • B423.2 Limitations on Materials

REQUIREMENTS • B423.2.6 Materials for Carbon
Dioxide Piping Systems.
• Blow down and bypass piping in carbon
dioxide pipelines shall be of a material
suitable for the low temperatures expected.
• See ASME B31T for more information about
evaluating the suitability of piping materials
that may be subject to brittle failure due to
low-temperature service conditions.

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ASME B31.4-2022
Chapter X - Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems

• B437 TESTING • B437.4 Test Pressure

• B437.4.1 Hydrostatic Testing of
Internal Pressure Piping
• (f) Carbon dioxide pipelines, valves, and
fittings shall be dewatered and dried prior to
placing in service to prevent the possibility of
forming a corrosive compound from carbon
dioxide and water.
• B437.7 Records
• For carbon dioxide pipelines, these records
shall also include toughness requirements.

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ASME B31.4-2022
Chapter X - Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems

• B451.6 Pipeline Integrity Assessments and Repairs

• B451.6.1 General
• (c) Repairs shall be covered by a maintenance plan [see
para. 450.2(a)] and shall be performed under qualified
supervision by trained personnel familiar with the hazards
to public safety.
• The maintenance plan shall consider the appropriate
information contained in API RP 2200, API 2201, API 1104,
and API RP 1111.
• It is essential that all personnel working on pipeline repairs
understand the need for careful planning of the job, be
briefed as to the procedures to be followed in accomplishing
the repairs, and follow precautionary measures and
procedures outlined in API RP 2200.
• Personnel working on repairs to pipelines handling carbon
dioxide shall also be informed on the specific properties,
characteristics, and potential hazards associated with
carbon dioxide, as well as precautions to be taken following
detection of a leak.
• Piping in the vicinity of any repair shall be adequately
supported during and after the repair.

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BS ISO 27913 : 2016
Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage
Pipeline Transportation Systems

• The objective of this document is to provide requirements and recommendations

on certain aspects of safe and reliable design, construction and operation of
pipelines intended for the large scale transportation of CO2 that are not already
covered in existing pipeline standards such as ISO 13623, ASME B31.4, EN
1594, AS 2885 or other standards
• This document is not a standalone standard, but is written to be a supplement to
other existing pipeline standards for natural gas or liquids for both onshore and
offshore pipelines.
• Transport of CO2 via ship, rail and road is not covered in this document.

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BS ISO 27913 : 2016
Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage
Pipeline Transportation Systems
• Scope
• This document specifies additional requirements
and recommendations not covered in existing
pipeline standards for the transportation of CO2
streams from the capture site to the storage facility
where it is primarily stored in a geological
formation or used for other purposes (e.g. for EOR
or CO2 use) .
• This document applies to
— rigid metallic pipelines,
— pipeline systems,
— onshore and offshore pipelines for the transportation of
CO2 streams,
— conversion of existing pipelines for the transportation of
CO2 streams,
— pipeline transportation of CO2 streams for storage or
utilization, and
— transportation of CO2 in the gaseous and dense phases.

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Design and operation of carbon dioxide pipelines

Scope Objective
• This recommended practice provides guidance • The objective of this recommended
for the design, construction and operation of
CO2 pipelines, related to structural integrity
practice is to provide an internationally
acceptable framework for the design,
• The following topics are covered: construction and operation of offshore and
— specific properties of CO2 onshore CO2 pipelines, with a focus on
— safety aspects of transportation of CO2 in structural assessment and with the aim of
pipelines relevant in the context of CCS
obtaining an appropriate and consistent
— concept development and design premises
— materials and pipeline design
level of safety.
— construction
— operation and re-qualification.
• This document does not address how to secure
public awareness and acceptance on a
local/national level.
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Design and operation of carbon dioxide pipelines

• rigid metallic pipelines as defined in the • pipeline transportation of:
referenced standards, see [1.5.1] — anthropogenic CO2 in the context of CCS
• new onshore and offshore pipelines for — anthropogenic CO2 in the context of
combined CCS and EOR
transportation of fluids containing
overwhelmingly CO2 — CO2 captured from hydrocarbon stream
— CO2 from natural (geological) sources for the
• extent of pipeline system as described in purpose of EOR
[1.6.2] — CO2 from other sources
• conversion of existing pipelines for • transport of CO2 in gaseous, liquid and
transportation of fluids containing super critical phases.
overwhelmingly CO2
• pipeline networks

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Sour Gas Service Pipeline
ASME B31.8 - 2022

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Chapter IX – ASME B31.8
Sour Gas Service
Sour Gas:
gas containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) at 65 psia ( 450 kPa) or greater at a
partial pressure of 0.05 psia (350 Pa) or greater.
See NACE MRO175/ISO 15156, Petroleum and natural gas industries -
Materials for use in H2S containing environments in oil and gas production.

hydrogen sulfide (H2S):

a toxic gaseous impurity found in some well gas streams. It also can be
generated in situ as a result of microbiologic activity.

Particular attention shall be paid to the quantification of those factors known to affect the
susceptibility of materials to cracking caused by H2S

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• partial pressure: • hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC):

• the contribution of a single component, such • a cracking mechanism of susceptible materials
as hydrogen sulfide, in a mixture of gases to caused by atomic hydrogen diffusion in the
the total pressure of the mixture, determined metal. The atomic hydrogen usually is created
by multiplying the mol fraction (mol percent by the corrosive reaction of hydrogen sulfide on
divided by 100) of hydrogen sulfide in the gas steel in the presence of water.
by the total system pressure.
• sulfide stress cracking (SSC): • HSC ; Hydrogen stress cracking
• a corrosion-related cracking mechanism • SCC ; Stress corrosion cracking
caused by exposure of susceptible materials to
sulfide ions in the presence of free water. • SOHIC ; Stress-oriented hydrogen-induced
• chloride stress corrosion cracking:
• SWC ; Stepwise cracking
• cracking of a metal under the combined action
of tensile stress and corrosion in the presence • SSC ; Sulfide stress cracking
of chlorides and an electrolyte (usually water). • SZC ; Soft zone cracking.

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Material Qualification By Field Experience

• Qualification by field experience can be used to qualify materials

which are not included on the NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 pre-
qualified lists.
• The requirements for this method are described in Clause 8.2 of
NACE MR0175/ISO15156-1.
• The field qualification method can be used for any type of
application (such as replacement in kind, small projects at existing
installations or new projects) provided that the specified
requirements are met.

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Existing Facilities vs. New Projects

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Existing Facilities

• For each component/material in an existing facility, check the

integrity of the existing material to rule out any environmental
• Material Inspection - Cracking Present
In case of cracking, different materials may need to be selected
for those components.
Refer to the list of pre-qualified materials in Annex A of NACE
MR0175/ISO 15156 Part 2 and/or Part 3.

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New Projects

• For each component/material in a new project or proposed facility,

the material selection must be based on the intended service
• If the designs for a new facility are modeled after an existing facility
and intended for the same service, the materials requirements can
be documented based on the existing facility.
• If the new project or facility is intended for operation under
different, more severe service conditions, the materials selection
process cannot be based on previous documentation and must be
re-evaluated by the user, refer to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-1 or
Appendix B, Flowchart B.1.

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Inspection of the in-service material

• Post-service inspections and current inspection records are critical for

establishing and documenting the material behavior during operation in
known service conditions.
• In the case of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, documentation for material
qualification by field experience must include an acknowledgement of the
mechanism of cracking for which the material is being qualified.
• If no cracking is evidenced in a post-service inspection, the material’s post-
service condition can be documented and the same material re-selected for
the same service.
• If cracking is observed, the mechanism should be identified and
documented, and a different material selected for the intended service.

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