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Pertemuan 1

1. Mengidentifikasi kata kunci dan informasi tersurat narrative text.

2. Menentukan makna kontekstual dalam narrative text

A. Pendahuluan
1. Guru menyapa peserta didik dan melakukan doa bersama
2. Peserta didik mereviu pembelajaran sebelumnya.
3. Peserta didik diberikan ice breaking sederhana untuk memotivasi peserta didik
sebelum memulai pembelajaran. Misalnya dengan mengadakan permainan
“Simon says”. Guru menyebutkan beberapa kata kerja yang harus
dilakukan/diperagakan oleh peserta didik sesuai dengan kata yang disebutkan.
4. Guru melakukan asesmen awal untuk mengecek kesiapan belajar terkait
pemahaman tentang teks narrative;
Link lampiran asesmen A
Atau menggunakan link lampiran asesmen B (Game Edukasi)

Panduan penggunaan aplikasi quizizz melalui link video berikut ini :
Dengan hasil asesmen awal ini, guru dapat memetakan siapa saja peserta didik
dengan kategori belum paham, paham sebagian, paham seutuhnya (KKTP
terlampir). Data asesmen awal ini juga bisa digunakan untuk strategi
pembelajaran terdiferensiasi yang akan dilakukan.
5. Guru melakukan apersepsi dengan menunjukan sebuah gambar dan
mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan pemantik berdasarkan gambar tersebut.

a. What do you think of the picture?
b. Have you ever heard the legend of Princess Mandalika?
c. What do you think the story is about?
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan manfaat pembelajaran pada hari
ini agar menjadi motivasi peserta didik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran hari ini
dengan seksama.
5. Guru menyampaikan secara singkat langkah pembelajaran dan teknik penilaian
yang akan dilakukan.

B. Kegiatan Inti
● BKOF : Building Knowledge of the Field
1. Peserta didik diberikan crossword puzzle untuk mengidentifikasi beberapa
kosakata yang berhubungan dengan teks naratif melalui tayangan PPT/
Jamboard/ Google Slide
Link Jamboard :








2. Guru membagi peserta didik dalam kelompok sesuai hasil pemetaan asesmen
awal pembelajarannya.
3. Peserta didik dibagi dalam 9 kelompok dengan setiap kelompok terdiri atas 4
anak (jumlah peserta didik 36 anak). Guru memfasilitasi kebutuhan belajar
peserta didik dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran berdasarkan data
kemampuan awalnya.
4. Peserta didik mendiskusikan dengan temannya dalam kelompok dengan mengisi
tabel berikut ini:

No Know (K) Want to know (W) Learn (L)

5. Peserta didik menyampaikan hasil diskusi dan kelompok lain memberikan
tanggapan bergantian.
6. Guru memberikan penguatan diskusi kelompok.

● MOT : Modeling of the Text

1. Peserta didik menyimak model narrative text berjudul “The Legend of
Banyuwangi” yang diberikan oleh guru melalui video.

2. Peserta didik diberikan lembar kerja untuk mengidentifikasi kata-kata kunci dan
informasi tersurat dari sebuah tayangan video cerita narrative text.( LKPD 1)

3. Peserta didik yang mengalami kesulitan, diberikan pendampingan oleh guru atau
tutor teman sebaya yang telah ditunjuk guru (dengan kriteria dalam kategori
minimal cakap dari hasil asesmen awal) dalam mengerjakan LKPD
4. Peserta didik bersama guru membahas hasil identifikasi pada LKPD 1
5. Peserta didik diberikan LKPD 2 untuk menentukan makna kontekstual dalam teks
6. Peserta didik yang kesulitan membaca teks, diberikan pendampingan oleh guru
atau tutor teman sebaya.
7. Peserta didik bersama guru membahas hasil identifikasi pada LKPD 2

C. Kegiatan Penutup
1. Peserta didik diminta menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini.
2. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi pembelajaran dengan menyampaikan :
a. Kompetensi apa saja yang sudah dipahami
b. Kompetensi apa yang belum dipahami
c. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala dalam pembelajaran
d. Peserta didik dengan memilih emoticon yang sesuai dengan yang mereka
rasakan terhadap hasil belajar hari ini
Refleksi ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan jamboard atau media lainnya dan
dapat dimodifikasi sesuai dengan kondisi satuan pendidikan.
Link Jamboard :
Link file refleksi dalam bentuk pdf:

3. Peserta didik diberikan penguatan oleh guru baik secara lisan maupun melalui PPT.
4. Peserta didik diberikan penugasan untuk membaca referensi lain terkait narrative text.
5. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran berikutnya.
6. Peserta didik memimpin untuk menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa.
1. Asesmen Awal Pembelajaran berbentuk asesmen kognitif

Sekolah : SMA Merdeka

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Elemen : Membaca - Memirsa
Fase/Kelas : F/XI
Waktu : 10 menit
Jumlah Soal : 10 (pilihan ganda)

Tujuan Indikator Pencapaian Jumlah Soal Nomor Soal

Pembelajaran Tujuan Pembelajaran

● Mengidentifikasi
kata kunci dan
2 1, 2
informasi tersurat
narrative text.
Peserta didik
mampu ● Menentukan makna
mengidentifikasi kontekstual 2 3, 4
tujuan penulis narrative text
narrative text
● Menganalisis fungsi
sosial, struktur teks 3 5, 6, 7
dan unsur
beberapa narrative
text multimoda

● Mengidentifikasi
3 8, 9, 10
tujuan penulis
narrative text

Jumlah 10 10
Read the following text, then answer the questions by choosing the correct answer A, B,
C, D or E!

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Lombok. The king had a very beautiful
daughter. Her name is Princess Mandalika. She is
very beautiful; many young men fell in love with
her. Princes from all over the place wanted to
marry her. One by one, they came to propose her.
Princess Mandalika was a kind girl. She hated to
make people sad. So, when those princes came to
propose her to be their wives, she was very
frantic. She could not decide, and she also did
not want to make them sad.
The king then held a competition at the Seger Kuta beach, Lombok. He asked all the
princes to take part in an archery competition. The rule was simple: whoever shot the target
perfectly, he could be the husband of his beautiful daughter. One by one, all participants tried
their best. They all wanted to be the winners. After several times, there was no winner. All the
participants were great. Those prices were great at archery. Because there was no one a
winner, then they started to argue. They claimed to be the best. The argument was getting
hotter and hotter. Finally, they all were fighting. Soon, the fighting was bigger. It was like a
war, because all princes brought their soldiers in the archery competition.
Princess Mandalika was really worried. She did not want the war to get bigger and hurt
many people. Finally, she had an idea. "Everybody, listen up! I know you all love me and
want me to be your wife. But I can't be all your wives. I don't want you to fight because of me.
And I don't want you to be sad either. I want you all to have me, but not as your wives. I want
to be someone that everybody can have. I want to be useful for you. I want to be nyale that
you all can enjoy together," said Princess Mandalika.
The king and all other people on the beach did not understand what she meant. The king
then came to her. But before he came closer to his daughter, Princess Mandalika jumped to the
sea. She passed out the big waves. It was chaos on the beach. People were screaming. All the
princes tried to swim to find the princess. But no one dared to jump in the sea, the waves were
too high.
Until now, people in Lombok always try to catch Nyale. Nyale is very delicious and that
is why more and more people come to Lombok to catch it. However, they cannot catch it
anytime they want. They can only find it once a year, in February or March. The tradition to
catch the sea worms is called Bau Nyale.

1. According to the story, how did Princess Mandalika react to the many proposals?
A. She positively wanted to marry the princes one by one.
B. She couldn't decide as she didn't want to cause a war.
C. She made her father, mother and the princes confused.
D. She didn't know what to do and then declared a war.
E. She would barely marry to the princes causing a war.

2. What did Raja Tonjang Beru do in Seger Kuta beach?

A. He did not hold an archery competition.
B. He had a serious problem-solving session.
C. He won an archery competition perfectly.
D. He wanted to become the archery winner.
E. He made a competition to all princes.

3. As used in the context, the word „frantic‟ in “… their wives, she was very frantic …”
(Paragraph 1, line 7) has the closest meaning to … .
A. upset
B. terrible
C. chaotic
D. insane
E. shocked

4. The word „passed out‟ in “…She passed out the big waves. …” (Paragraph 8, line 23) has
the closest in meaning to … .
A. circulated
B. sent out
C. vanished
D. evaporated
E. dispersed

5. Compared to the first paragraph, the fourth paragraph is more …

A. binding.
B. pleased.
C. critical.
D. ironic.
E. rigid.

6. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. A love story of princess Mandalika with archery competition.
B. The self-sacrifice of Princess Mandalika to avoid a great war.
C. The great war to fight over Princess Mandalika as their wives.
D. An archery competition to become Princess Mandalika's husband.
E. A courage of Princess Mandalika to plunge into the sea for others.

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The king knew what to do, then declared a war.
B. The Princess found a lot of colorful sea worms.
C. The Princess wanted to join an archery competition.
D. People in Lombok barely tried to catch sea worms.
E. The king‟s daughter had returned as sea worms.

8. What is the writer's purpose in writing the passage?

A. To give information about the origin of Bau Nyale in Lombok.
B. To explain the history of Lombok island through a competition.
C. To entertain the readers with the story of Princess Mandalika.
D. To tell about the moral value of the history of Seger Kuta beach.
E. To persuade the people related to the importance of humanity.

9. What is the writer's attitude toward the topic of the passage?

A. decisive
B. optimistic
C. ambitious
D. motivated
E. considerate

10. What is the intention of the writer included picture in the passage?
A. To show that all the princes dared to jump in the sea to find out Princes Mandalika.
B. To convince readers that Princess Mandalika was willing to sacrifice against war.
C. To make sure that Princes Mandalika wanted the war to get bigger and hurt people.
D. To entertain people that Princes Mandalika heartedly wanted to be useful for others.
E. To inform that Princess Mandalika could be a wife of an archery competition winner.

Pedoman Penskoran Asesmen Sumatif

Soal Nomor Skor Betul Skor Salah Skor Maksimal

1-2 1 0 2

3-4 2 0 4

5,6,7 3 0 9

8,9,10 5 0 15

Total Skor Maksimal 30

25-30 Paham Utuh Peserta didik dapat diberdayakan menjadi tutor sebaya
bagi temannya dalam kelompok
11-24 Paham Sebagian Peserta didik pada kategori ini dapat membantu teman
yang belum paham dengan materi yang sudah
Selanjutnya mereka dapat belajar dari tutor sebaya yang
sudah Paham Utuh.
0-10 Belum paham Peserta didik mendapatkan pemahaman baik dari Tutor
sebaya yang Paham Utuh dan Paham Sebagian.
Selanjutnya, guru memberikan penguatan secara intensif
sesuai dengan kebutuhan belajarnya.
2. Asesmen
a. Asesmen Formatif
LKPD 1 (Formatif 1)
1. A. Mengidentifikasi kata kunci dalam Teks narrative
B. Mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat narrative text. (True - False)
2. Menentukan makna kontekstual narrative text (Short Essay)

LKPD 2 (Formatif 2)
Read the following text, then decide the contextual meaning of the word/phrase/sentence
from the text correctly.

In Muara Kaman sub district around 120 km from Hulu Tenggarong the capital city of
Kutai Kertanegara regency in east Kalimantan. There was a place which was well known as
Danau Lipan (Centipede Lake). Although it was known as lake name, it was a wide plain
which was grown with many grasses and clumps. Once upon a time, around Hulu Tenggarong
was near the ocean and the edge of the sea was in Berubus, Muara Kaman Ulu village (now
known as Benua Lawas). There was a kingdom which had a harbor. The harbor was visited by
many people in trading.
In the kingdom, there was a beautiful princess; her name was Aji Berdarah Putih Princess.
Her parents gave the name because when the princess ate betel vine leaves and swallowed
essence water, it would produce white betel vine water through her throat. She was so
beautiful and polite, many people liked seeing her beauty. She was clever too in dancing.
The beauty of Aji Berdarah Putih was heard by a Chinese King. He came to Hulu
Tenggarong by using a big junk and many of the soldiers. He was so interested to visit her in
the kingdom. After sailing for some days, he and his junk arrived in the palace of Aji Berdarah
Putih. He fell in love with her beauty. All his wealth such as silk, silver, much money and
gold were carried to engage her.
Aji Berdarah Putih Princess was so clever and wise, she would know him more by having
lunch together. How shocked she was when she saw the king‟s style of eating something. He
ate without using the right hand but he used her tongue and mouth the same as a dog. She was
disguised with his style and felt offended. So she denied his engagement.
The king thought that the incident as The basement for him. He was so angry with her and
her kingdom. He went back to his junk and made an attack to destroy her kingdom. He
commanded his soldiers to destroy the kingdom directly. They came cruelly and destroyed the
kingdom. Aji Berdarah Putih Princes was so sad knowing the fight in her palace.
The princes was confused so she ate betel vine leave and said “If I am a power
centipede‟s reincarnation, please change the essence of betel vine to centipedes which would
destroyed The Chinese king and his soldiers” suddenly, the essence of betel vine became big
centipedes and lost the Chinese soldiers directly. Many soldiers came back to the junk and
told their king about the cruel centipede to their king. But the big centipedes did not give sorry
to them so they and their king were killed by the centipedes in Muara Kaman. Aji Berdarah
Putih lost mysteriously in same time of lost of centipedes too, the place of destroyed junk
became a Danau Lipan (Centipede Lake)
I. Based on the text, match the following words with the meanings

Word Meaning

1. plain (par. 1) a. A large area of flat land

b. Not decorated or complicated; simple

2. swallowed (par.2) a. To make food, drink, etc. go down your

throat into your stomach
b. To take somebody/something in or
completely cover them/it so that they/it
cannot be seen or exist separately any

3. junk (par.3) a. Chinese boat with a square sail and a flat

b. Things that are considered to have no use or

4. right (par.4) a. True or correct as a fact

b. The side of the body that is towards the east
when a person faces north

5. essence (par.5) a. A liquid taken from a plant, etc. that

contains its smell and taste in a very strong
b. The most important quality or feature

II. Read the text carefully then write the contextual meaning of those words. You
can refer the meaning to Oxford Learners Dictionary.

1. Capital (paragraph 1)
2. Edge (paragraph 1)
3. Engage ((paragraph 3)
4. Directly ((paragraph 5)
5. Palace ((paragraph 5)

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