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Pert. Ke-6: Sistem Transmisi

24 Maret 2023
Kemampuan akhir / SubCPMK

• Menjelaskan konsep dari transmisi dan

distribusi sistem tenaga listrik
Materi Pokok
1. Dasar teori (Pengertian, Rangkaian dasar/model,
Cara Kerja)
2. Jenis/Tipe saluran Transmisi (DC vs AC)=>model,
kelebihan dan kekurangan
3. Kondisi sistem transmisi di Indonesia (eksisting
dan perencanaan)
4. Hal-hal penting dalam sistem transmisi
(topologi, tipe saluran dan tiang transmisi,
komponen / peralatan penting sistem transmisi,
Pengalaman Belajar
• Mengetahui seluruh bagian-bagian dan fungsi
dari Saluran Transmisi Tenaga Listrik
Indikator, kriteria, (tingkat taksonomi)
• Mahasiswa memahami konsep dari:
– permasalahan,
– tujuan,
– manfaat
Saluran Transmisi Tenaga Listrik
Pengertian, Rangkaian dasar/model,
Cara Kerja
• Transmisi Tenaga Listrik
Merupakan proses penyaluran tenaga listrik dari tempat
pembangkit tenaga listrik (Power Plant) hingga Saluran distribusi
listrik (substation distribution) sehingga dapat disalurkan sampai
pada konsumer pengguna listrik.
• sistem Distribusi
Merupakan subsistem tersendiri yang terdiri dari : Pusat Pengatur
(Distribution Control Center, DCC), saluran tegangan menengah
(6kV dan 20kV, yang juga biasa disebut tegangan distribusi primer)
yang merupakan saluran udara atau kabel tanah, gardu distribusi
tegangan menengah yang terdiri dari panel-panel pengatur
tegangan menengah dan trafo sampai dengan panel-panel distribusi
tegangan rendah (380V, 220V) yang menghasilkan tegangan kerja/
tegangan jala-jala untukindustri dan konsumen.
Penyaluran Energi Listrik
transmission substation /GI Transmisi
• menyediakan servis untuk merubah dalam
menaikan tegangan pada saluran tegangan yang
ditransmisikan serta meliputi regulasi tegangan.
Standarisasi range tegangan internasional yaitu
345 kV hingga 765 kV untuk Saluran tegangan
Ekstra Tinggi dan 115 kV hingga 230 kV untuk
saluran tegangan Tinggi. Standarisasi tegangan
Transmisi listrik di Indonesia adalah 500 kV
untuk Saluran ekstra Tinggi dan 150 kV untuk
saluran Tegangan tinggi
Distribution Substation/ G distribusi
• pada bagian ini merubah tegangan aliran listrik
dari tegangan medium menjadi tegangan rendah
dengan transformator step-down, dimana
memiliki tap otomatis dan memiliki kemampuan
untuk regulator tegangan rendah.
Tegangan rendah meliputi rentangan dari
120/240V single phase sampai 600V, 3phase.
Bagian ini melayani perumahan, komersial dan
institusi serta industri kecil.
• Setiap substation selalu memiliki Circuit
Breakers, Fuses, lightning arresters untuk
pengaman peralatan. Antara lain dengan
penambahan kontrol peralatan, pengukuran,
switching, pada setiap bagian substation.
Klasifikasi tegangan
Transmission System
• Transmission system is further divided as:
1. Primary Transmission
2. Secondary Transmission.
1. Primary Transmission:
• central station/ generation system generates power using
three phase alternators at 6.6/11/13.2/32kV.
• This voltage is then stepped up by suitable three phase
transformer, to 500 KV.
• This voltage is stepped down to 150 kV using step down
transformer which is at receiving station.
2. Secondary Transmission:
• From receiving station, power is then transmitted
at 150 kV by overhead cables to various
substations (ss) located at various points in the
• This known as secondary or low voltage
• At the substations, this voltage is further reduced
from 150kV to 20kV, using step down
Distribution System
• Distribution system is further divided as:
1. Primary Distribution
2. Secondary Distribution.
1. Primary Distribution:
The output of substation at 20 kV can be
directly given to a customer whose demand
exceeds 50 kVA using special feeders. This is
primary distribution.
2. Secondary Distribution:
• The secondary distribution is done at 380/220 V.
• The reduction in the voltage level from 20kV to
380/220 V is done by the step down transformer
at the distribution substations.
Jenis/Tipe saluran Transmisi
• (DC vs AC) => model,
• kelebihan dan
• kekurangan
Types of Transmission &
Distribution System
• The transmission & distribution systems are
classified as:
1. AC System
2. DC System.
Difference between AC & DC
Sr. Parameter AC DC
1. Waveform

2. Definition It is a signal which It is a signal which changes

changes its magnitude as its magnitude but does not
well as polarity. change its polarity.
3. Use of Possible Not possible
4. Distribution High Low
Sr. Parameter AC DC
5. Design of Easy Not easy
6. Generation Easy From the ac waveform
using commutator or
7. Applications AC motors, domestic DC machines, HVDC
& industrial supply system
AC Power Transmission
• AC power transmission is the transmission of
electric power by alternating current.
• Usually the transmission lines are three phase
AC current, whereas, in electric railways,
single phase AC current is sometimes used for
railway rectification system.
Advantages of AC System
1. High voltage can be built-up.
2. The fluctuation in the voltage level as per
requirement can be done using step-up and
step-down transformers.
3. Maintenance cost of substations and
generation cost of AC voltage is low.
4. The motors used are simple in construction &
have low maintenance.
5. Maintenance of substation is cheap.
Disadvantages of AC Systems
1. The resistance offered by the lines is high
which cause skin effect and thus leading to
voltage drop.
2. The AC lines are more sensitive to corona.
3. The AC lines even show losses due to
reactance offered by the line.
4. The speed of alternator requires to be
DC Power Transmission
• For many reasons power is generated, transmitted,
distributed and consumed as an alternating current. But,
if certain applications need the use of DC, the AC was
converted to DC locally by motor generator sets, rotary
converted to DC locally by motor generator sets, rotary
convertors etc.
• There are certain advantages or technical reasons too
associated with the DC system, which are as follows:
1. Due to large charging currents, the use of high voltages
AC for underground transmission over longer distance
is prohibited. But, for DC there is no such limitations.
2. Parallel operations of AC with DC increases
the stability limits of the system.
• A DC transmission line requires converters at
each end, i.e. at the sending end where AC is
converted into DC and at receiving end where
DC is again converted to AC for use.
Advantages of DC Transmission
1. The line construction is simple. Hence, the line is
cheaper as compared to AC.
2. The power per conductor of DC is more as compared
with AC.
3. There is no charging current required because of
which the length of transmission is not limited and the
cable need not be derated.
4. The DC line is cheaper & simpler as it requires two
conductors instead of three.
5. High operating voltages possible.
6. No stability problem.
Disadvantages of DC Transmission
1. Expensive converters.
2. The power transmitted can be used at lower
voltage only.
3. Voltage transformation is not easier in case of
DC and hence it has to be done on the AC
side of the system.
4. Circuit breaking for multi-terminal lines is
Applications of DC Transmission
1. Long distance bulk power transmission.
2. Under ground or under water cables.
3. A synchronous interconnection of AC system
operating at different frequencies or where
independent control of systems is desired.
Kondisi sistem transmisi di Indonesia
• eksisting dan
• perencanaan
Hal-hal penting dalam sistem transmisi
• (topologi, tipe saluran dan tiang transmisi,
komponen / peralatan penting sistem
transmisi, dll)
Kawat penghantar alumunium
1. AAC (All-Alumunium Conductor), yaitu kawat
penghantar yang seluruhnya terbuat dari alumunium.
2. AAAC (All-Alumunium-Alloy Conductor), yaitu kawat
penghantar yang seluruhnya terbuat dari campuran
3. ACSR (Alumunium Conductor, Steel-Reinforced), yaitu
kawat penghantar alumunium berinti kawat baja.
4. ACAR (Alumunium Conductor, Alloy-Reinforced), yaitu
kawat penghantar alumunium yang diperkuat dengan
logam campuran.
1. Dead end tower, yaitu tiang akhir yang berlokasi didekat gardu induk, tower
ini hampir sepenuhnya menanggung gaya tarik.
2. Section tower, yaitu tiang penyekat antara sejumlah tower penyangga dengan
sejumlah tower penyangga lainnya karena alasan kemudahan saat pembangunan
(penarikan kawat), umumnya mempunyai sudut belokan yang kecil.
3. Suspension tower, yaitu tower penyangga, tower ini hampir sepenuhnya
menanggung daya berat, umumnya tidak mempunyai sudut belokan
4. Tension tower, yaitu tower penegang, tower ini menanggung gaya tarik yang
lebih besar dari pada gaya bert, umumnya mempunyai sudut belokan.
5. Transposision tower, yaitu tower tension yang digunakan sebagai tempat
melakukan perubahan posisi kawat fasa guna memperbaiki impendansi
6. Gantry tower, yaitu tower berbentuk portal digunakan pada persilangan antara
dua Saluran transmisi. Tiang ini dibangun di bawah Saluran transmisi existing.
7. Combined tower, yaitu tower yang digunakan oleh dua buah saluran transmisi
yang berbeda tegangan operasinya
Hadir juga…
• Khoerul Anwar NIM N0122342

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