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Nama Sekola : SMA N 1 SITIUNG

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Wajib
Kelas/ Semester : XII / Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
KD / Materi Pokok : 3. 4 / fungsi sosial, structure teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari
Alokasi Waktu teks news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana
: 2 x 45 menit / 1 x pertemuan

Melalui model pembelajaran berbasis teks, metode (ceramah/penugasan/ diskusi serta
pendekatan saintifik diharapkan peserta didik dapat membedakan dan menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, structure teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks news items lisan
dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV dengan mengembangkan nilai karakter
berpikir kritis, kreatif (kemandirian), kerjasama (gotong royong) dan kejujuran (integritas)

PERTEMUAN 1 ( 2 x 45 menit)
Pendahuluan (10 1. Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam dan doa (Budaya Sekolah
Menit) Religius)
 Persiapan 2. Guru dan Peserta didik mengecek kebersihan kelasnya
 Apersepsi 3. Menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya bersama
 Motivasi 4. Peserta didik berliterasi 15 menit
5. Peserta didik menerima keterkaitan pelajaran yang terdahulu dengan
pelajaran yang akan dipelajari.
6. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan memberikan manfaat
menguasai materi pembelajaran.
7. Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang surat Al-quran
tentang kebenaran berita

Al Quran surat 49. Al Hujurat ayat 6 :

QS.AtTaubah ayat 96.

“Mereka akan bersumpah kepadamu, agar kamu ridha kepada mereka.

Tetapi jika sekiranya kamu ridha kepada mereka, maka sesungguhnya
Allah tidak ridha kepada orang-orang yang fasik itu.”

“maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpa kan suatu
musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang
menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu” :adalah bahwasanya
adab dalam menerima berita adalah dengan tabayyun yaitu klarifikasi atau
cek and recek atas berita tersebut agar adanya kejelasan berita dan
keakuratan kebenaranya,
8. Guru mengaitkan arti surat At Taubah 96 dan Al Hujurat ayat 6 dengan
falsafah minang kabau
“Alun rabah lah ka ujuang ,alun pai lah babaliak Alun di bali lah
bajua , alun dimakan lah taraso”
Di dalam merencanakan sesuatu pekerjaan dipikirkan lebih dahulu
sematang-matangnya dan secermat-cermat nya.”

Kegiatan Inti (70 1. BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

Sintak Sintak  Peserta didik mendiskusikan berita terkini dalam kelompok diskusi
Pembelajaran  Masing – masing kelompok menyampaikan berita terkini

2. MOT (Modelling of the Text)

 Peserta didik mengamati video berita bencana banjir dan tanah
longsor yang terjadi di pasaman
 Peserta didik membadingkan video dan teks sederhana yang
dibagikan oleh guru
 Peserta didik dan guru mendiskusikan video news items
menentukan struktur teks, fungsi sosial, dan unsur kebahasaaan dari
teks tersebut
 Peserta didik menyampaikan bagaimana penanggulangan bencana
jika terjadi banjir, seperti yang terjadi dalam video
 Guru menyampaikan pesan – pesan pentingnya menjaga alam agar
terhindar bencana banjir.
3. JCOT (Join Construction Of the Text)
 Peserta didik bersama – sama dalam kelompok menentukan fungsi
sosial, structure teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks news items
sederhana lainnya
 Peserta didik menyampaikan fungsi sosial, structure teks dan unsur
kebahasaan dari teks news items sederhana lainnya
4. Independence Construction of the text ICOT
(Independent Construction Of the Text)

 peserta didik membaca teks news item yang lainnya

 peserta didik mengidentifikasi gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dan
informasi tertentu dalm teks news item. Dengan menjawab pertanyaan
 Peserta didik menyimpulkan isi teks dengan menuliskan pesan – pesan
yang ada untuk menanggulangi bencana banjir
 Peserta didik menuliskan learning journal nya di buku jurnal masing-

Penutup (10  Guru melakukan evaluasi / penilaian

Menit)  Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru menyimpulkan materi
pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari.
 Guru memberikan refleksi atau feedback terhadap proses pembelajaran
yang telah dilakukan.
 Guru memberikan tugas rumah kepada peserta didik untuk
meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik dalam memahami materi yang
telah diajarkan.
 Guru menyampaikan materi berikutnya
 Guru bersama – sama dengan peserta didik menutup pembelajaran
dengan hamdallah

No Aspek Teknik Bentuk Instrumen
1 Sikap Observasi Lembar Pengamatan, penilaian teman sejawat
2 Pengetahuan  Tes tertulis  Uraian (terlampir)
3 Keterampilan  Portofolio  Uraian (terlampir)
1) Mekanisme dan prosedur pelaksanaan
(a) Pemberian pembelajaran ulang dengan metode dan media yang
(b) Pemberian bimbingan secara khusus, misalnya bimbingan
(c) Pemberian tugas-tugas latihan secara khusus.
(d) Pemanfaatan tutor sebaya
Remedial (e) Dilaksanakan untuk kompetensi dasar yang belum tuntas
(f) Dilaksanakan tanpa batas remedial
(g) Pelaksanaan remedial dilaksanakan di luar jam efektif
(h) Remedial dilaksanakan paling lama sebelum pelaporan nilai akhir
2) Pengolahan nilai
Nilai remedial boleh melebihi KKM yang sudah ditetapkan atau sesui
dengan nilai yang diperoleh setelah remedial

1) Mekanisme dan prosedur pelaksanaan

(a) Pengayaan dilakukan bagi siswa yang sudah tuntas
(b) Bentuk pengayaan dapat berupa tugas mandiri, kelompok,
berbasis tema
5 (c) Pengayaan dapat dilakukan pada jam efektif maupun di luar jam
2) Nilai pengayaan dapat mempengaruhi nilai ketuntasan dan dijadikan
nilai harian peserta didik.

Mengetahui, Koto Agung, Mei 2022

Kepala SMAN 1 Sitiung, Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP. 196702281995012001 NIP. 197904202002122001


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA N 1 SITIUNG

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Wajib
Kelas / Semester : XII / Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
K.D / Materi : 3. 4 / News Item Text



Butir Pos/ Tindak

No Waktu Nama Kejadian/Perilaku
Sikap Neg Lanjut

b. Pedoman Penskoran
1) Butir Sikap yang dinilai :
a) Sikap Spiritual : (1) Bersyukur atas nikmat dan karunia Tuhan YME
(2) Menjaga lingkungan hidup di sekitar satuan
b) Sikap Sosial : (1) Kreatif
(2) mandiri
(4)kerja sama
2) Dilakukan secara berkesinambungan melalui pengamatan perilaku.
3) Asumsinya setiap peserta didik pada dasarnya berperilaku baik
sehingga yang perlu dicatat hanya perilaku yang sangat baik
(positif) atau kurang baik (negatif) yang muncul dari peserta didik.
4) Catatan hal-hal sangat baik (positif) digunakan untuk menguatkan
perilaku positif, sedangkan perilaku kurang baik (negatif) digunakan
untuk pembinaan.
5) Jika seorang peserta didik menunjukkan perilaku yang kurang baik,
guru harus segera menindaklanjuti dengan melakukan pendekatan
dan pembinaan, secara bertahap peserta didik tersebut dapat
menyadari dan memperbaiki sendiri perilakunya sehingga menjadi
lebih baik
Berdasarkan jurnal semua guru yang dibahas dalam rapat dewan
guru, wali kelas membuat predikat dan deskripsi penilaian sikap
peserta didik selama satu semester.

Indikator sikap:
1. Kreatif
2. Mandiri
3. Jujur
4. kerja sama

No Nama Skor indikator sikap (1 – 4 ) Jumlah Nilai

Siswa Indikator Indikator Indikator Indikator skor
1 2 3 4

d. Pedoman Penskoran

Penilaian sikap meliputi empat indikator dengan rentang skor dari 1 sampai 4 dengan
pedoman sebagai berikut;

Skor 4 , apabila selalu melakukan perilaku yang diamati

Skor 3 , apabila sering melakukan perilaku yang diamati
Skor 2 , apabila kadang – kadang melakukan perilaku yang diamati
Skor 1 , apabila tidak pernah melakukan perilaku yang diamati

Nilai = perolehan skor x 4 (nilai ideal)


a. Instrumen

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : XII / 1
Materi : News Item
Indicator : Peserta didik menunjukkan perilaku / sikap berpikir
kreatif (kemandirian)

 Amati perilaku temanmu dengan cermat selama mengikuti

 Berikan tanda v pada kolom yang disediakan berdasarkan hasil
 Serahkan hasil pengamatanmu kepada gurumu
No Sikap/ Perilaku Dilakukan
YA (1) TIDAK ( 0)
1 Mengungkapkan pendapat dalam
proses Pembelajaran
2 Mengerjakan tugas/ latihan secara
3 Mengungkapkan informasi disertai
dengan sumber rujukan
4 Memberi solusi terhadap pendapat
yang bertentangan

b. Pedoman Penskoran

No Nama Siswa Indikator Indikator Indikator Indikator Jumlah Nilai

1 2 3 4 skor

Nilai = perolehan skor x 100 (nilai ideal)



Satuan Pendidikan : SMA N 1 SITIUNG

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Wajib
Kelas / Semester : XII / Ganjil
K.D / Materi : 3. 4 / News Item Text

N Kompetensi Indikator Bentuk No
IPK Materi Kogn
o Dasar Soal Soal Soal
News C 3, Uraian 1–5
3.4 3.4.1 Disajikan C4 pendek
Membedakan Mengidentifikas teks news
fungsi sosial, i fungsi sosial, item tentang
struktur teks, struktur teks, Banjir siswa
dan unsur dan unsur dapat
kebahasaan kebahasaan mengidentifi
beberapa teks teks news item kasi tujuan /
news item lisan
fungsi sosial/
dan tulis 3.4.2 struktur teks
dengan Membandingka dan unsur
memberi dan n fungsi sosial, kebahasaan
meminta struktur teks, dari news
informasi terkait dan unsur item
berita kebahasaan
sederhana dari teks news item
koran/radio/TV, 3. 4. 3
sesuai dengan Menyimpulkan
konteks fungsi sosial,
penggunaannya struktur teks,
dan unsur
teks news item
At least five people died and five people have been reported missing during
flooding in West Sumatra on Thursday.
The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has confirmed that four people
died in Tanah Datar regency. The deceased have been identified as Roni, 30, Yerinda,
56, Anis, 2, and Efendi, 10. They were all swept away by floodwater. Three other
people, identified as Erizal, 55, Daswirman, 58, and Yusrizal, 45, had yet to be found
as of Saturday morning.
Six people were injured and 10 buildings and two bridges severely damaged in
the flood. BPBD Tanah Datar is cooperating with the Indonesian Military, the National
Police and volunteers in search and rescue efforts. Tanah Datar Regent Irdinansyah
Tarmizi has declared a seven-day state of emergency from Oct. 12 to Oct. 18 in
response to the disaster.
Severe flooding and erosion also occurred in West Pasaman regency. The
affected districts are Pasaman, Ranah Batan, Koto Balingka, Sei Beremas, Lembah
Melintang, Gunung Tuleh, Talamau, Sasak and Kinali. BNPB spokesperson Sutopo
Purwo Nugroho said one person had died and two people had been reported missing
in West Pasaman.
“At least 500 buildings are inundated, while three bridges collapsed and
two houses were swept away by the flood,” Sutopo said in a statement on Saturday.
BPBD West Pasaman has started distributing relief aid to victims, but heavy
equipment, staple food, blankets and clothes were still needed.

No Butir Soal Kunci Jawaban Pedoma

1 How many people have been Five people 10
reported missing during flooding in
West Sumatra?
2 What does the writer’s purpose in To inform current issues 20
this news? (HOTS) about flood in west Sumatra

3 What is the main idea of third Victims and damage caused 30

paragraph? by flood in west Sumatra

4 What will you do to prevent flood Keep clean our environment, 30

in your neighborhood? (HOTS ) don’t litter everywhere, don’t
cut the trees and do
5 What the effect of flood in West Victims, building damaged, 10
Sumatera? road and bridges collapsed

Skor maksimal

Nilai peserta didik = jumlah perolehan skor



Satuan Pendidikan : SMA N 1 SITIUNG

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Wajib
Kelas / Semester : XII / Ganjil
K.D / Materi : 3. 4 / News Item Text
Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,
structure teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks news items lisan
dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV

a. Bentuk Instrumen

KD 4. KETERAMPILAN IPK Bentuk Instrumen

4.4 Menangkap makna Menafsirkan Portofolio Read or listen to the
secara kontekstual terkait makna secara headline news in the
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, kontekstual terkait world. Then, infer that
dan unsur kebahasaan fungsi sosial, news by your sentences
teks news items lisan dan struktur teks, dan include the pictures of
tulis, dalam bentuk berita unsur kebahasaan the news!
sederhana koran/radio/TV teks news items

Bentuk penilaian Portofolio :
 Peserta didik menonton / membaca berita terkini yang terjadi di dunia
 Peserta didik mempersiapkan koran kertas/ digital/online
 Peserta didik membuat klipping tentang 2 berita terkini dan memaknai berita
tersebut dengan kalimat sendiri dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, unsur
kebahasaan dan struktur teks dari news item
 Peserta didik membuat klipping di kertas HVS F4 dan dijilid dan diberikan cover
 Peserta didik diberikan waktu selama 2 minggu untuk mengerjakan penilaian
keterampilan tersebut
 Guru melakukan evaluasi terhadap hasil kerja peserta didik

b. Pedoman Penskoran



1 Content 4 Excellent to very good. One ide expressed. Specific
development. Good use of description
3 Good. One idea expressed, but some unnecessary
information. Some specific development
2 Fair to poor. Non specific statement. Incomplete
development of topic.
1 Very poor. Not related to topic.. no development.
2 Organization 4 Excellent to very good. Strong topic sentences. Use
to connecting words within paragraphs. Logical order.
3 Good. Adequate topic sentences. Weak connecting
2 Fair to poor. No topic sentences. Lacks connecting
words. Illogical but incomplete order.
1 Very poor. Not enough to evaluate
3 Adequacy Of 4 Excellent to very good. Correct idiom/words forms .
Vocabulary meaning clear.
3 Good. Mostly correct idiom/words forms in context.
Meaning not hidden
2 Fair to poor. Often incorrect idiom. Meaning unclear.
Mostly translation.
1 Very poor. Not enough to evaluate

Nilai peserta didik = jumlah skor x 100


Rubric Penilaian Keterampilan

NO Nama peserta Penilaian Jumlah Nilai
didik skor
Content Organization Adequacy
/ Mechanism Of

Rubric penilaian keterampilan soal essay

Criteria Score Nilai

Jika jawaban benar 20 Nilai = jumlah skor keseluruhan
Jika jawaban mendekati 10 nomor soal yang dijawab
Jika jawaban salah 0


Simpang Empat, West Sumatra (ANTARA News) - A total of 11 sub-districts in West

Pasaman District, West Sumatra Province, are flooded since Thursday evening (Oct 11),
according to the local Disaster Mitigation Office (BPBD).
"So far, the official has continued to distribute aid and evacuate the people affected by
flooding," Tri Wahluyo, head of West Pasaman BPBD, stated here on Friday.
Flooding occurred in Wonosari Kinali, Simpang Tiga, Jambak Luhak Nan Duo, Kapa,
Sasak, Batang Saman Kecamatan Pasaman, Gunung Tuleh, Sungai Aur, Koto Sawah
Ujung Gading, Ranah Batahan, Air Bangis, and Parit
"We focus on evacuating people trapped in the house, on the bridge, and in other
places to move to higher ground," he added. Regional Secretary of West Pasaman
Andrinaldi, accompanied by Head of Public Relations Yosmar Difia, observed the impact of
the flooding in Batang Saman Aia Gadang and instructed the people to remain in alert. On
Friday morning, several regions were still flooded. The official of BPBD continues to gather
data on the number of houses affected by the flood and landslides.

Reporting by Altas Maulana

Editing by Mayang

1. what is the text about?
2. What the focus of BPBD in secure the effect of flood?
3. When did flood occur?
4. What should you do to avoid the flood? (HOTS)

1. The news about Flooding occurred in West Pasaman District on thursday evening
Oct 11.
2. evacuating people trapped in the house, on the bridge, and in other places to move
to higher ground
3. Thursday evening (Oct 11) until Friday morning
4. Keep clean our environment, don’t litter everywhere, don’t cut the trees and do


Fakta; News Item

Konsep ; News item text isa piece of writing about an important event or situation that
happens on a particular day.
Prosedur : how to write News item text
a. Mengamati kejadian yang baru saja terjadi
b. Mengumpulkan data kejadian, Membuat draf berita

Metakgnitif : peserta didik menyusun berita yang terjadi dengan bahasa inggris

Social function;
To inform readers about event which are considered newsworthy or important
Generic Structure:
1. News Worthy event: the place where the event takes place, giving information on
who, when and the actual location of the event.
2. Background event: telling the event where the event takes place.
3. Source: signal the end of the events, including comments from public like witnesses
, the police or experts.

Language features:
1. past tense, example; she was accused… he was arrest
2. action verbs, example ; Abdul Latief made that remark, look, eat, suspected etc
3. saying verbs, example; “said, says, tell, was, quoted”
4. use adverb example; the most suspected terrorists are…


Answer The Questions Based On The Text Correctly!

Simpang Empat, West Sumatra (ANTARA News) - A total of 11 sub-districts in
West Pasaman District, West Sumatra Province, are flooded since Thursday evening
(Oct 11), according to the local Disaster Mitigation Office (BPBD).
"So far, the official has continued to distribute aid and evacuate the people
affected by flooding," Tri Wahluyo, head of West Pasaman BPBD, stated here on
Flooding occurred in Wonosari Kinali, Simpang Tiga, Jambak Luhak Nan Duo,
Kapa, Sasak, Batang Saman Kecamatan Pasaman, Gunung Tuleh, Sungai Aur, Koto
Sawah Ujung Gading, Ranah Batahan, Air Bangis, and Parit
"We focus on evacuating people trapped in the house, on the bridge, and in other
places to move to higher ground," he added. Regional Secretary of West Pasaman
Andrinaldi, accompanied by Head of Public Relations Yosmar Difia, observed the
impact of the flooding in Batang Saman Aia Gadang and instructed the people to
remain in alert. On Friday morning, several regions were still flooded. The official of
BPBD continues to gather data on the number of houses affected by the flood and

Reporting by Altas Maulana

Editing by Mayang

1. what is the text about?
2. What the focus of BPBD in secure the effect of flood?
3. When did flood occur?
4. What should you do to avoid the flood? (HOTS)


Read the news item and answer the questions!

SAUDI ARABIA: twenty-one people were killed when two vehicles collided on
highway near the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, a newspaper reported on Saturday. Al-
Riyadh newspaper said the accident occur on Friday when a vehicle carrying 14
Yemenis and two Saudis tried to avoid a police check point by going around it, and
rammed into an incoming car carrying five passengers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and
Sudan. Around 4,000 people die each year in road accidents in Saudi Arabia mainly
due to recklessness –Reuters.
The Jakarta Post, August 6, 2018

1. What does text describe?

A. city of Jeddah
B. the passengers
C. Egypt
D. twenty –one killed in road
E. Sudan
2. How many people killed in the road on Friday?
A. Twelve
B. Ten
C. Sixteen
D. Twenty
E. Twenty-one

3. Why did the accident happen ?

A. Because two vehicles collided on a highway
B. Because it was raining
C. Because the traffic light is off
D. Because the road is broken
E. Because the day is dark and rain

Text 2

1,000 Telkomsel Workers Stage Demonstration

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta! Thu, 11/10/2011 12:12 P.M. Approximately 1,000
employees of state-owned telecommunications giant firm Telkomsel plan to stage a
rally in Jakarta on Thursday to protest against the company management has
alleged failure to improve their welfare.
“We will gather at Wisma Mulia, telkomsel headquarters on Jalan Gatot
Subroto, and wait until the management anwers our demands,” the company’s
worker union (Sepakat) secretary-general Yogi S. Bahar said Thursday as quoted by
Among the employees’ demands are a salary increase based on annual
inflation, house and car allowances and health insurance. Telkomsel earlier agreed
to increase workers’ salary, but many employees said the amount was much less
than what they had expected. “The strike will end once the management fulfills our
demands,” Yogi said.

4. What does the text tell us about?

A. House and car allowances and health insurance.
B. The number of employees of the state-owned telecommunication.
C. The demonstration of communication firm’s workers.
D. A state-owned telecommunication firm.
E. The demand of a salary increase.

5. What do the employees demand?

A. Credit for employees.
B. A promotion.
C. Work secure.
D. Their good position.
E. A salary increase.

6. Why will the employees put on a strike?

A. Because they got fired without prior notices.
B. Because the company fails to improve their welfare.
C. Because the company gives no attention to their voices.
D. Because the director cannot solve the company’s problem.
E. Because the company went bankrupt.
Jakarta (JP): Head of Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Ma’aruf Amin has asked the
government to protect the Shia followers who are currently taking refuge following the burning
down of their boarding school in Sampang, Madura.
“Please don’t let any violence befall them. We should be very critical in responding to this
situation. No one should be label Shia as heresy,” Amin said on Monday as quoted by
The statement was made in response to the head of the MUI Sampang, Bukhori Maksum
who had previously announced that the Shia followers in Sampang were heretics, as they had
deviated from the true teachings of Islam.
“We will continue conducting further studies before we can come to that conclusion. In the
mean time, I hope everybody can calm down and be rational about this,” Amir said.

7. The text mainly reports about ….

A. MUI visits in Sampang, Madura
B. MUI requests on government to protect the Shia followers
C. The discrimination on races
D. Shia followers in Sampang who are claimed to be heretics.
E. The burning down of a boarding school.

8. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. MUI burned down the Shia boarding school in Sampang.
B. Indonesian Ulama Council announced that the Shia followers in Sampang were
C. Ma’aruf Amin has asked the government to forbid the Shia followers to spread
out their teaching of Islam.
D. Ma’aruf Amin wanted every person to think irrationally about the issue.
E. Ma’aruf Amin disagreed with the head of Sampang Ulama Council.

9. Who is Bukhori Maksum?

A. The head of Indonesian Ulama Council.
B. The Shia follower.
C. The head of Sampang Ulama Council.
D. The headmaster of Sampang boarding school.
E. The victim of Sampang tragedy.

DILI (AP): A strong earthquake struck off the coast of East Timor on Wednesday,
prompting authorities to issue a tsunami warning -- but no large waves hit the tiny nation's
The 6.2 magnitude tremor struck 262 kilometers northeast of the capital, Dili, in
Indonesia's Banda Sea at a depth of 10 kilometers, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Residents
in Dili did not feel any shaking and there were no immediate reports of damage of injuries.
Indonesia's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency issued a tsunami alert, saying it had
been powerful enough to generate giant waves. The warning was later retracted.
East Timor, a colony abandoned by the Portuguese that became Asia's youngest
country after breaking from Indonesia in 1999, sits along a series of fault lines and volcanoes
known as the Pacific Ring of Fire.
In December 2004, a massive earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra and triggered
a tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people in a dozen countries, including 160,000 people
in Indonesia's western of province of Aceh. (**)
10. What does the text inform?
A. A strong earthquake
B. Earthquake that struck off East Timor.
C. The coast of East Timor.
D. A tsunami warning at East Timor.
E. Earthquake that struck off Sumatra.

11. A strong earthquake that struck off the coast of East Timor reported ….
A. cause some damage and injuries
B. triggered a tsunami
C. generate giant waves
D. cause no damage and injuries
E. shake northeast of Dili

12. The warning was later retracted. ( P.3 ). The underlined word means…….
A. cancelled
B. neglected
C. get off
D. proved
E. pulled back

13. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?

A. In December 2004, a massive earthquake caused tsunami that killed no people.
B. There were tsunamis warning due to large waves hit the wide nation's coast.
C. East Timoris located along a series of fault lines and volcanoes.
D. A weak earthquake struck off the coast of West Timor.
E. The warning was retracted because it is too late.


SINGAPORE: A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his
Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television remote. Muhammad Shafiq
Woon Abdullah was brought to court in Singapore because he had physically hurt the
woman on several occasions between June and October 2002, the Straits Time said.
The magistra te's court heard that Shafiq, 31, began striking Winarti, 22, about a
month after she started working for him. He hit her on the head with the TV sets remote
control because he was unhappy with her work. On one occasion, he punched her on the
back after accusing her of daydreaming. S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq's lawyer, said that his client
had become mad when he saw his daughter's face covered as she was lying in bed. He
said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger.

14. The text reported ...

A. The Indonesian maid
B. An Indonesian worker in Singapore
C. The working condition in Singapore
D. The Indonesian workers' condition in Singapore
E. A crime by a Singaporean supervisor towards his maid
15. We know from the text that....
A. The supervisor hit his maid's head with the TV set's remote control.
B. Winarti struck the supervisor with a remote control.
C. The supervisor gave many kinds of jobs to the maid.
D. The maid has been working for him for two months.
E. A supervisor was put in jail for two years.

16. " ... he physically hurt the woman ..." (Paragraph 1) The underlined word is close
in meaning to ...
A. cut D. punished
B. injured E. damaged
C. offended

THE JAKARTA POST. PEKANBARU. Indonesia put in an impressive performance in
their 2-0 defeat of Singapore, but still failed to qualify for next year's AFC U-22 soccer
championship after finishing a third place at the end of Group E matches in Pekanbaru, Riau
on Sunday.
The two goals for the home side, which welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back the sidelines
from a four matches suspension, both came in the second half from Agung Supriyanto. He
scored his first goal from the penalty box before finding his second several minutes later. He
beat a defender with a swift maneuver from the right flank and had the goalkeeper gasping
as his thunderous goal blasted into the far post.
The young Indonesians collected 9 points, or just one point behind runner-up Australia,
out of a six strong field of competitors. Japan topped the standing with a perfect collection
20-2 goal margin. Singapore came in fourth with 7 points followed by Timor Leste with 3
points and Macau with no points. In earlier matches in the day, favorite Japan continued
their dominant form with a 5-0 drubbing of another tournament favorite Australia, while
Timor Leste chalked up their first victory, a 4-1 over last-placed Macau.

17. Why did Indonesia fail to qualify for next year's AAFC U-22?
A. They defeated Singapore.
B. They got disqualified.
C. They finished in the third place.
D. They did not have the chance.
E. They showed impressive performance.

18. How did Agung Supriyanto get his second goal?

A. He let the goalkeeper keep the ball.
B. He beat a goalkeeper with a maneuver.
C. He welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back.
D. He kicked the ball from the penalty box.
E. He beat a defender with a swift maneuver.

19. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A. Indonesia failed to qualify next year's AFC U-22 despite their winning over Singapore.
B. Indonesia and Singapore participated in the AFC U-22 in Pekanbaru, Riau.
C. Indonesia's impressive performance has trounced Singapore by 2-0.
D. Indonesia did not perform well but could defeat Singapore by 2-0.
E. Indonesia could defeat Singapore by 2-0.


1 D 4 C 7 B 10 B 13 D 16 B 19 A
2 E 5 E 8 B 11 D 14 E 17 C
3 A 6 B 9 C 12 E 15 A 18 E


At least five people died and five people have been reported missing during
flooding in West Sumatra on Thursday.
The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has confirmed that four people
died in Tanah Datar regency. The deceased have been identified as Roni, 30, Yerinda,
56, Anis, 2, and Efendi, 10. They were all swept away by floodwater. Three other
people, identified as Erizal, 55, Daswirman, 58, and Yusrizal, 45, had yet to be found
as of Saturday morning.
Six people were injured and 10 buildings and two bridges severely damaged in
the flood. BPBD Tanah Datar is cooperating with the Indonesian Military, the National
Police and volunteers in search and rescue efforts. Tanah Datar Regent Irdinansyah
Tarmizi has declared a seven-day state of emergency from Oct. 12 to Oct. 18 in
response to the disaster.
Severe flooding and erosion also occurred in West Pasaman regency. The
affected districts are Pasaman, Ranah Batan, Koto Balingka, Sei Beremas, Lembah
Melintang, Gunung Tuleh, Talamau, Sasak and Kinali. BNPB spokesperson Sutopo
Purwo Nugroho said one person had died and two people had been reported missing
in West Pasaman.
“At least 500 buildings are inundated, while three bridges collapsed and
two houses were swept away by the flood,” Sutopo said in a statement on Saturday.
BPBD West Pasaman has started distributing relief aid to victims, but heavy
equipment, staple food, blankets and clothes were still needed.


1. How many people have been reported missing during flooding in West
2. What does the writer’s purpose in this news? (HOTS)
3. What is the main idea of third paragraph?
4. What will you do to prevent flood in your neighborhood? (HOTS )
5. What the effect of flood in West Sumatera?

No KD/ IPK Materi Indikator soal Ranah Soal Kategori Soal

3.4. membedakan fungsi NEWS
sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks news item
lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait berita
sederhana dari
koran/radio/TV, sesuai
dengan konteks

3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi Disajikan teks news C3 1.How many people LOTS
sosial, struktur teks, dan item tentang Banjir have been reported
unsur kebahasaan teks siswa dapat missing during flooding
news item mengidentifikasi tujuan / in West Sumatra?
fungsi sosial/ maksud
dari tek 2. What does the HOTS
writer’s purpose in
this news? (HOTS)

3.What is the main

idea of third HOTS
3.4.2. Membedakan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks news item
3. 4. 3. Menyimpulkan fungsi 4.What will you do to
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur prevent flood in your HOTS
kebahasaan teks news item neighborhood? (HOTS )

5.What the effect of LOTS

flood in West

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