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Name : Ardelianda Augesla

Student Number : 1810117320005

Course : Micro Teaching – A3


Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 6 Banjarmasin

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VIII / II
Pokok Bahasan : Recount Text
Skill : Writing
Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 10 Menit

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat 1.1.1 Siswa dapat mensyukuri kesempatan

mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai
bahasa pengantar Komunikasi bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional
Internasional yang diwujudkan dalam yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar
semangat belajar.

2.2 Mengembangkan perilaku jujur, 2.2.1 Siswa dapat menunjukkan perilaku

disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta
jawab dalam melaksanakan damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
komunikasi transaksional dengan guru fungsional
dan teman.

4.11 Teks Recount 3.8.1 Siswa dapat menyusun teks recount lisan
4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal
terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu recount), dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
lampau (personal recount), dengan struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur benar dan sesuai konteks
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks


Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, diharapkan siswa kelas XI SMAN 13 Banjarmasin

(A) mampu menulis Recount Text singkat (B) yang memberikan informasi terkait pengalaman

pribadi diwaktu lampau (C) sesuai dengan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dengan

akurasi >70% (D).


No Rincian Kegiatan Waktu

1 a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
 Guru menyiapkan peserta didik secara
1 menit
psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses
pembelajaran memberi salam; mengajak
berdoa, dan memeriksa kehadiran peserta
 Good Morning, Students.
 How are you?
 Let us pray together.
 Who is absent today?
 I will check the present list.
 Guru memastikan kesiapan siswa baik secara
fisik maupun mental sebelum memulai proses
 Are you ready to learn today, students?
 Guru memberikan pertanyaan pendahuluan
yang terkait dengan materi yang akan
dipelajari dan link youtube terkain topik yang
akan diangkat;
 So, students. Do you ever tell your
family or or your friends about your
experience story?
 What experiences?
 Do you like tell story about yourself?
 Well, in learning English there is
appropriate material or those of you
who like to tell stories. Anyone knows
what material is it?
 Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai
dan menyampaikan cakupan materi dan
penjelasan uraian kegiatan.
 Good job, students. We will learn
about Recount Text today. Jadi, setelah
pembelajaran hari ini selesai,
diharapkan dapat menulis Text
Recount singkat yang memberikan
informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi
diwaktu lampau sesuai dengan struktur
teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dengan akurasi >70% .
2 b. Kegiatan Inti 8 menit
o Guru mengakses
o Melalui tampilan awal atau share
screen, siswa diminta melihat video penjelasan
dari Recount Text yang ada di platform
 So, for more information, let's watch
the video first, ok?.
o Dengan bimbingan guru dan arahan guru,
siswa mengidentifikasi penjelasan yang
berhubungan dengan Recount Text.
 So, students, recount text is…
o Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan yang
diberikan guru.

Mempertanyakan (questioning)
o Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, Siswa
membuat pertanyaan dan respon terkait
Recount Text yang sudah dijelaskan oleh guru.
 Who wants ask about Recount Text?
 Do you guys have questions?

o Siswa diberikan waktu untuk berlatih
menemukan contoh lain dari Recount Text dari
berbagai sumber.
 You are doing well, students. Thank
you so much for your answers. Great,
you can look for others example about
Recount Text for improving your
knowledge. You can do it by yourself or
discussing with your friends in
whatsapp group. I will give you 10
minutes to explore more about Recount
Text. Is it enough?
o Secara individu, siswa menganalisis beberapa
struktur Recount Text dengan fokus pada
fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan.
 Okay everyone, you have explore and
listen my explanation Recount Text. I
will attach the power point on our
whatsapp group so you can see it again
for about 5 minutes, to make sure you
guys have understood.
 Now, Prepare youself. We will answer
questions related to recount text and
what we have learned, and then write
your answer on the whiteboard
o Secara berdiskusi, siswa memperoleh balikan
(feedback) dari guru dan teman tentang hasil
bacaan yang disampaikan.
 Good job, Is it true students? Or
anyone has another answer?
o Secara individu, peserta didik menulis sebuah
teks terkait tentang Recount Text dengan
struktur teks yang terkandung
o Siswa mempresentasikannya di kelas.
3 c. Kegiatan akhir 1 menit
o Guru dan siswa membuat
rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran
 What have we learnt today?
 Good, What is Recount Text?
 Mention types of Recount Text?
 What are generic structure of Recount
o Guru menyampaikan kegiatan tindak lanjut.
For your homeworks, write a text of Recount
Text based on your personal experiences You
can collect it on our Whatsapp Group. The
deadline is at 9 p.m tonigt. Is it okay? You only
have a text consists of its structure.
Understand, students?

o Guru menutup pelajaran.

Alright, I think you all have understood about
this topic. And.. also, this is the end of our
lesson. Thank you for joining this meeting,
hope you all understand what we have learn
o Okay, students. Stay safe and stay healthy.
o Study hard, students. Good bye. See you on
next meeting.


1. Sikap: Observasi Saat Pembelajaran

2. Pengetahuan: Tes Lisan Dan Tertulis Penugasan

3. Keterampilan: Unjuk Kerja Saat Pembelajaran

Banjarmasin, 08 Juni 2021


Dosen Pengampu Mahasiswa Praktik

Emma Rosana Febriyanti, M.Pd Ardelianda Augesla

NIP. 19820220 200501 2002 NIM 1810117320005


Berikut media pembelajaran Recount Text Kelas VIII adalah ( dan

1. (

Visiting My Village
Last month, I and my family went to Banyumas which was located in Central Java, Indonesia.
We drove a car. I enjoyed the journey all day long although it took 2 days to get there. We were fun,
my brother made some jokes all day. My father told us some stories on the way. My mother slept on
the back seat.
My first day in my village, I visited my siblings and friends. We are welcomed by happiness.
When I saw my parents, they cried because they looked so happy to meet up their families. The next
day, I, my brother, my cousin and my nephew went to a popular place in Purwokerto. It was called
“Baturaden”. That was a favorite spot in Purwokerto. We enjoyed local specialty food as culinary. I
was satisfied and so were they. Next, I took a photo with traditional music musicians. My brother, my
cousin and my nephew enjoy the view with other visitors. They took a photo with their style like I
did. In the evening, we were back home. And did other private activities, such as made a
conversation, told the story and made a joke. The day after tomorrow, my cousin had a ceremony to
say thanks to God for blessing their son. It was called “Nazar”. When the parents had a promise for
something and it was realized. They had to make a traditional ceremony. I watched that traditional
ceremony and took their photograph. For the last show, we were entertained by “Ebeg”. It was
traditional art. The player danced through the traditional music and they were handled by the spirit. It
was scary, but it was fun and entertain.
Time run so fast because the next day was our last day in the village. So I took the last photo
to bring it home. They were my family and still family until the last breath in this world. Finally, we
had to go home and brought a love experience from family. Yaps… that was the hardest part.

1. When did they go to Banyumas?
2. How did they go there?
3. Was the writer sad on the way?
4. What did the writer do on the first day?
5. What was the popular place in Purwokerto?
6. What is the meaning of “private activities” on 2nd paragraph?
7. What did they call the ceremony to say thanks to God?
8. What paragraph consist of Orientation Structure?
9. What paragraph consist of Event Structure?
10. Write the Re-orientation part of the text!
1. They went to Banyumas last month.
2. They went to Banyumas by car.
3. No, he was not. He enjoyed and he was fun because his brother made some jokes all day.
4. The writer visited his siblings and his friends.
5. The popular place in Purwokerto was called Baturaden.
6. Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of one particular person or
group of people only.
7. They called Ebeg as the traditional ceremony to say thanks to God.
8. First Paragraph
9. Second Paragraph
10. Time run so fast because the next day was our last day in the village. So I took the last photo
to bring it home. They were my family and still family until the last breath in this world.
Finally, we had to go home and brought a love experience from family. Yaps… that was the
hardest part.

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