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Cara Membuat Jus Bawang Putih

Bahan-Bahan :

 250 gr bawang putih

 200 gr jahe merah

 200 ml Cuka apel

 75 ml madu murni bebas merk

 4 buah lemon

 200 ml air

Cara Membuat

1. Blender bawang putih, jahe dan air 200ml lalu rebus pakai api kecil/sedang (tidak perlu

direbus lama)

2. Setelah direbus, dinginkan kurang lebih 5 menit lalu masukan cuka apel, perasan air

lemon dan madu, aduk rata.

3. Taruh jus di botol lalu masukan kulkas.

4. Minum jus 2 sendok pagi setelah bangun tidur dan malam sebelum tidur.

5. Jus tahan selama 1 bulan penyimpanan dikulkas.

How to Make Garlic Juice

Ingredients :

 250 gr garlic

 200 gr red ginger

 200 ml Apple vinegar

 75 ml pure brand-free honey

 4 lemons

 200 ml water

How to make

1. Blend garlic, ginger and 200ml water then boil over low/medium heat (no need to boil


2. After boiling, cool for about 5 minutes then add apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and

honey, stir well.

3. Put the juice in a bottle then put it in the refrigerator.

4. Drink 2 tablespoons of juice in the morning after waking up and at night before going to


5. The juice will last for 1 month in the refrigerator.

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