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Solusi Estetik dalam Bidang

Konservasi Gigi
drg. Harizah Achmad, Sp. Kg

: Dr. drg. Ardo Sabir, M.Kes
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Ujung Pandang/ 12 Juli 1970.
Jenis Kelamin
: Laki-laki.
: Islam.
: 19700712 199802 1 002.
Pangkat/Golongan : Lektor Kepala/ IV a.
: Pembina
: Dosen Departemen Konservasi Gigi FKG
Alamat Kantor : Bagian Konservasi Gigi FKG UNHAS
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 10 Tamalanrea
Makassar. Telp 0411-586012, 584641.
Alamat Rumah : Jl. Badak No 1 Makassar 90132.
E-mail/ HP
: drg.Kasmawati Malaka,Sp.Ort.
: Muhammad Farid Firmansyah Sabir.
Annisa Dewi Handayani Sabir.

Riwayat Pendidikan
1982 : Lulus SD RK Mamajang I, Makassar.
1985 : Lulus SMP Negeri 6, Makassar.
1988 : Lulus SMA Negeri 2, Makassar.
1992 : Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi, FKG UNHAS,
1995 : Dokter Gigi, FKG UNHAS, Makassar.
2002 : Magister Kesehatan, Program Pascasarjana
(Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi,
konsentrasi Biologi
Mulut & Imunologi), UGM,
2015 : Doktor (Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran)

Program Pascasarjana UNHAS, Makassar.

2015 : Fellowship of Dental Research in Faculty of

Tokushima University and Tokushima

Riwayat Pekerjaan
: Dokter Gigi PTT Departemen Kesehatan Republik
1998-sekarang: Dosen Bagian Konservasi Gigi, FKG UNHAS.
: Pelaksana Administrasi Majalah Dentofasial FKG
: Sekretaris Bagian Konservasi Gigi FKG UNHAS.
: Koordinator Pendidikan Mahasiswa Bagian
Konservasi Gigi
Kedokteran Gigi UNHAS.
: Anggota Tim Perencanaan dan Pengembangan
2011-sekarang: Pengawas Pusat Uji Kompetensi Dokter Gigi
: Ketua Tim Akreditasi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi- UNHAS
: Anggota Tim Penyusun Renstra Unhas 2016-2020.
: Kepala Instalasi Pelayanan Gigi dan Mulut RS UNHAS.
2014-sekarang: Anggota Tim Perencanaan UNHAS.
2016-sekarang: Kepala Instalasi Pelayanan Gigi dan Mulut RS

Pengalaman Organisasi
1995-sekarang : Anggota PDGI Cabang Makassar.
2002-sekarang : Anggota KAGAMA.
: Pengurus PDGI Cabang Makassar.
: Anggota Muda IKORGI (Ikatan Konservasi Gigi)

Cabang Makassar.
2014-sekarang : Pengurus PDGI Cabang Makassar.
2015-sekarang : Anggota API (Asosiasi Pelebahan Indonesia)
Pembicara Seminar Lokal/ Nasional/ Internasional
Temu Ilmiah Nasional (TIMNAS) II, FKG Universitas Airlangga,
Surabaya, 2001.
Temu Ilmiah Nasional (TIMNAS) III, FKG Universitas Airlangga,
Surabaya, 2003.
Temu Ilmiah Nasional (TIMNAS) IV, FKG Universitas Airlangga,
Surabaya, 2005.
Kursus Penyegar dan Penambah Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi (KPPIKG)
XIV FKG-Universitas Indonesia dan South East Asia Association for
Dental Education (SEAADE) XVII, Jakarta, 2006.
Forum Ilmiah (FORIL) IX FKG Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, 2008.
The 4th Regional Dental Meeting and Exhibition (RDM&E IV), FKG

Pertemuan Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi (PITEKGI), FKG

Universitas Prof. DR. Moestopo (Beragama), Jakarta, 2010.
6th International Dental Federation-Indonesia Dental Association
(FDI-IDA) Joint Meeting, Balikpapan, 2010.
Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak V,
Makassar, 2011.
7th International Dental Federation-Indonesia Dental Association
(FDI-IDA) Joint Meeting, Semarang, 2011.
Kongres Ikatan Konservasi Gigi Indonesia (IKORGI) IX & Seminar
Ilmiah Nasional, Surabaya, 2011.
The 2nd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International Conference,
Yogyakarta, 2012.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kemampuan Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi
Mulut, oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulsel, Makassar, 2013.
3rd International Conference on The Medicinal Use of Honey Bee
Products, Makassar, 2013.
8th International Dental Scientific Meeting, FKG Universitas
Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2014.
The 3rd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International Conference,
Makassar, 2014.

Pertemuan Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi (PITEKGI), FKG

Universitas Prof. DR. Moestopo (Beragama), Jakarta, 2010.
6th International Dental Federation-Indonesia Dental Association
(FDI-IDA) Joint Meeting, Balikpapan, 2010.
Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak V,
Makassar, 2011.
7th International Dental Federation-Indonesia Dental Association
(FDI-IDA) Joint Meeting, Semarang, 2011.
Kongres Ikatan Konservasi Gigi Indonesia (IKORGI) IX & Seminar
Ilmiah Nasional, Surabaya, 2011.
The 2nd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International Conference,
Yogyakarta, 2012.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kemampuan Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi
Mulut, oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulsel, Makassar, 2013.
3rd International Conference on The Medicinal Use of Honey Bee
Products, Makassar, 2013.
8th International Dental Scientific Meeting, FKG Universitas
Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2014.
The 3rd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International Conference,
Makassar, 2014.

13th Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Jeddah-Arab

Saudi, 2016.
9th International Scientific Meeting in Dentistry, FKG Universitas
Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2016.
Publikasi Ilmiah Nasional dan Internasional
Peranan bahan pemanis dan bahan pengganti gula dalam
mencegah karies gigi, Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal)
(Edisi Khusus TIMNAS II), 2001, vol 34, no 3a, hal. 291-297.
Identifikasi golongan flavonoid dalam propolis Trigona sp dari
Kabupaten Bulukumba Sulawesi Selatan yang digunakan pada
perawatan kaping pulpa langsung, Majalah Kedokteran Gigi
(Dental Journal) (Edisi Khusus TIMNAS III), 2003, vol 36, hal. 5963.
Pemanfaatan flavonoid di bidang kedokteran gigi, Majalah
Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal) (Edisi Khusus TIMNAS III),
2003, vol 36, hal. 81-87.
Kaping pulpa langsung: suatu perawatan yang bermanfaat
untuk memelihara vitalitas gigi, Majalah Kedokteran Gigi
(Dental Journal) (Edisi Khusus TIMNAS III), 2003, vol 36, hal.

Aktivitas antibakteri flavonoid propolis Trigona sp terhadap

pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutans (in vitro), Majalah
Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal), 2005, vol 38, no 3, hal. 135-141.
Histological analysis of rat dental pulp tissue capped with propolis,
Journal of Oral Science, 2005, vol 47, no 3, pp. 135-138.
Root canal overfilling as an influencing factor the success of
endodontic treatment, Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal),
2005, vol 38, no 4, pp. 194-197.
Respons pulpa gigi tikus terhadap propolis sebagai bahan kaping
pulpa langsung, Indonesian Journal of Dentistry (Edisi Khusus KPPIKG
XIV), 2006, vol 13, hal. 57-61.
Perawatan endodonsia gigi premolar dua kiri rahang atas dengan
resorpsi interna (laporan kasus), Indonesian Journal of Dentistry (Edisi
Khusus KPPIKG XIV), 2006, vol 13, hal. 69-73.
Pengaruh mengkonsumsi permen yang mengandung asesulfam-K
(sugar free) atau sukrose terhadap jumlah koloni bakteri
Streptococcus mutans pada saliva, Indonesian Journal of Dentistry,
2007, vol 14, no1, hal. 35-40.
Inflammatory response on rats dental pulp following application of
propolis-derived flavonoids extract, Dentika Dental Journal, 2007, vol
12, no 1, pp. 34-37.
Pengaruh larutan Ekstrak Etanol Propolis (EEP) terhadap kekerasan

Efek Ekstrak Etanol Propolis (EEP) terhadap pertumbuhan

Enterococcus faecalis, Majalah Ilmiah Kedokteran Gigi (Scientific

Journal in Dentistry), 2009, vol 24, no 4, hal. 159-165.
Aktivitas antibakteri non-flavonoid propolis Trigona sp terhadap
pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans (in vitro), Jurnal Ilmiah dan
Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi, 2010, vol 7, no 1, hal. 37-42.
Pengaruh minyak kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) terhadap
pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutans (Penelitian in vitro),
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah III Ikatan Ahli Prostodonsi Indonesia
(PERiL III IPROSI), Makassar, 2010, hal. 90.
Rat dental pulp tissue reaction after capped with propolis derived
non-flavonoids extract, Program and abstracts book 6 th
International Dental Federation-Indonesia Dental Association (FDIIDA) Joint Meeting, Balikpapan, 2010, p.25. Published at
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry, 2011, vol 23, no 1, pp. 6-10.
Using flavonoids as a natural products with high pharmacological
potency to improving oral health, Program and abstracts book 6 th
International Dental Federation-Indonesia Dental Association (FDIIDA) Joint Meeting, Balikpapan, 2010, p.25. Published at
Cakradonya Dental Journal, 2011, vol 3, no 1, hal. 304-309.
Perawatan kaping pulpa langsung pada gigi sulung, Prosiding

A histopathologic study of direct-pulp capping treatment with

propolis-flavonoids extract, Prosiding Kongres Ikatan Konservasi

Gigi Indonesia (IKORGI) IX & Seminar Ilmiah Nasional, Surabaya,
2011, hal 105-108.
Using propolis as a therapeutic agent in dentistry, Program and
abstracts book 7th International Dental Federation-Indonesia
Dental Association (FDI-IDA) Joint Meeting, Semarang, 2011, p. 64.
Published at Cakradonya Dental Journal, 2012, vol 4, no 2, hal.
Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Propolis (EEP) solution on the
roughness of human enamel teeth (in vitro). Programs and
proceeding book ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International
Conference, Yogyakarta, 2012, p 65. Published at Jurnal Ilmiah
dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi (in press).
Propolis and its potential uses in conservative dentistry to improve
oral health. Program and abstract book the 3rd International
Conference on The Medicinal Use of Honeybee Products,
Makassar, 2013, p. 26.
Determination of flavonoid groups in propolis and its in vitro
antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans. Program and
abstract book the 3rd International Conference on The Medicinal

Immunohistochemistry analysis of Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2

expression in inflamed rat dental pulp tissue following propolis
application. Program and abstract book 8th International Dental
Scientific Meeting, Makassar, 2014. p. 84.
Basic research and clinical application of propolis in conservative
dentistry and endodontic treatment. Program and proceeding
book the 3rd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International
Conference, Makassar, 2014, p.29-30.
Analysis of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-) expression in
inflamed rat dental pulp tissue following propolis application (an
immunohistochemistry study). Program and proceeding book the
3rd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International Conference,
Makassar, 2014, p.69-70.
The antibacterial effectiveness of apple (Phylus malus) towards
the growth of Lactobacillus (an in vitro study). Program and
proceeding book the 3rd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint
International Conference, Makassar, 2014, p.83-84.
Effect of tuak solution on the microhardness of human enamel
teeth (an in vitro study). Program and proceeding book the 3rd
ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International Conference,
Makassar, 2014, p.85-86.

Collagen type I density on dental pulp inflammation of SpragueDawley rats following the application of Trigona sp propolis from
south Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Scientific Program Abstracts
Book 44th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress, DaejeonSouth Korea, 2015, p.198-199.
Analysis the expression of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF) in inflamed rat dental pulp tissue following application of
Trigona sp propolis from south Sulawesi province, Indonesia (An
immunohisto- chemistry study). Scientific Program Abstracts Book
44th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress, Daejeon-South
Korea, 2015, p.291-292.
The role of propolis as a natural product in conservative dentistry
and endodontic treatment. Scientific Program Abstracts Book 44 th
APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress, Daejeon-South
Korea, 2015, p.467.
Determination of flavonoid classes in Trigona sp propolis from
Luwu regency, south Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Scientific
Program Abstracts Book 44th APIMONDIA International Apicultural
Congress, Daejeon-South Korea, 2015, p.468.
The effect of propolis on cytokines during dental pulp
inflammation. Scientific Program Abstracts Book 44th APIMONDIA

Caffeic acid phenethyl ester from propolis as a promising

with a plethora of biological activities. 13 th Asian
Apicultural Association Conference, Jeddah-Arab Saudi, 2016.
Interleukin-6 expression on inflammed rat dental pulp tissue after
capped with Trigona sp propolis from South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
13th Asian Apicultural Association Conference, Jeddah-Arab Saudi,
Does propolis can relief toothache???. 13th Asian Apicultural
Association Conference, Jeddah-Arab Saudi, 2016.
The effect of Trigona sp propolis from Luwu regency, South
Sulawesi Province, Indonesia on human enamel teeth (An in vitro
study). 9th International Scientific Meeting in Dentistry, FKG
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2016.
The healing actions of propolis on direct pulp capping treatment :
A review. 9th International Scientific Meeting in Dentistry, FKG
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2016.
The effect of Curcuma domestica Val-Tamarindus indica L mixed
solution (kunyit asam) on microhardness and roughness of
human tooth enamel. 9th International Scientific Meeting in
Dentistry, FKG Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, 2016.

Mahasiswa Berprestasi I FKG Universitas Hasanuddin tahun
1992, Makassar.
Mahasiswa Berprestasi III Universitas Hasanuddin tahun 1992,
Prizer Award sebagai juara 1 penulis muda kategori studi
literatur pada acara Temu Ilmiah Nasional (TIMNAS) II FKG
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, 2001.
Pepsodent-PITEKGI 2010 Scientific Award sebagai juara 1
kategori penelitian pada acara Pertemuan Ilmiah dan Teknologi
Kedokteran Gigi (PITEKGI) 2010 FKG Universitas Prof.Dr.
Moestopo (Beragama), Jakarta, 2010.
Peserta terbaik pada Atraumatic Restorative Treatment Course
2012, diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta 2012.
The 1st winner of poster presentation at The 3rd ASEAN Plus and
Tokushima Joint International Conference, Makassar, 2014.
Certificate of Appreciation as Chair person of Organizing
Committee of 3rd ASEAN Plus and Tokushima Joint International
Conference from Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Tokushima
University, Makassar, 2014.

Unilever awards as the second winner poster presentation

(co-author) at 9th International Scientific Meeting in
Dentistry, Makassar, 2016.

Hibah Penelitian
RISBIN IPTEKDOK 2007 oleh Litbangkes Kemenkes
Hibah Pengembangan Program Studi Unhas 2009.
Hibah Pengembangan Program Studi Unhas 2011.

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