Anda di halaman 1dari 48


The abdomen is the region of

the trunk that lies between
the diaphragm above and the
inlet of the pelvis below.

Structure of the Anterior

Abdominal Wall
The anterior abdominal wall is made up
Superficial fascia,
deep fascia,
extraperitoneal fascia,
and parietal peritoneum

Otot otot pada dinding anterior


Otot otot pada

dinding posterior

Rongga Abdomen

Viscera Abdomen
1. Hati
2. Kandung empedu
3. Oesophagus
4. Lambung
5. Usus halus
6. Usus besar
7. Pankreas
8. Limpa
9. Ginjal
10.Glandula suprarenalis

Saluran Pencernaan

Merupakan tabung otot yang dapat
Panjangnya sekitar 25 cm
Sebagian besar terletak dalam Thorac
Masuk kedalam abdomen melalui
lubang pada diaphragma, setelah
berjalan sekitar 1,25 cm oesophagus
masuk ke lambung di sebelah kanan
garis tengah

. Terletak pada bagian atas abdomen, dari
hypohondrium kiri sampai regio
epigastrium dan regio umblikalis
. Berbentuk huruf J
. mempunyai 2 lubang
. Ostium cardiacum
. Ostium pyloricum
.mempunyai 2 Curvutura, major dan

Persarafan lambung
Berasal dari n vagus kanan dan kiri
Truncus vagalis anterior berasal dari n vagus
Truncus vagalis posterior berasal dari n
vagus kanan
Para simpatis n vagus merupakan
sekretomoris utk kel lambungdan motoris
utk otot dinding lambung
Persarafan simpatis membawa serabut
serabut saraf yang menghantarkan rasa
Berasal dari plexus symphaticus coeliacus

Usus halus
Duodenum, pj 25 cm
menghubungkan lambung dengan
Terdapat muara sal empedu dan
Jejunum dan Ileum
Pj keduanya sekitar 6 m

Persarafan usus halus

Saraf untuk jejunum dan ileum
berasal dari . . . . Saraf simpatis (dari
plexus mesentericus superior)
. Saraf parasimpatis (dari n Vagus)

Usus besar

Appendix vermiformis
Colon ascenden
Colon transversum
Colon descenden
Colon sigmoideum

Persarafan usus besar

Caecum oleh
s simpatis dari plexus mesentericus sup.
S parasimpatis dari cabang n vgus
Sama dengan caecum
Colon ascenden
Sama dengan caecum, appendix
Colon Transversum
S simpatis plex mesentericus sup dan inf
S parasimpatis 2/3 prox oleh n vagus
1/3 distal oleh n pelvicus

Colon desenden
Simpatis dari plex mesentricus inf
Parasimpatis dari n pelvicus

Kelenjar terbesar dalam tubuhdengan
banyak sekali fungsi
Pembentukan dan sekresi empedu yg
dimasukan kedalam usus halus
Berperan dalam metabolisme lemak,
karbohidrat dan protein
Menyaring darah untuk membuang
bakteri, dan benda asing lain yang
yang masuk dalam darah dari lumen

Kel eksokrin dan endokrin
Eksokrin..enzym yg menghidrolisa
lemak, protein dan karbohidrat.
Endokrinpulau langerhans.hormon
insulin dan glukagonyg penting utk
metabolisme K hidrat
Simpatis dan para simpatis (vagus)

Jaringan limpoid merupakan masa
jaringan limpoid tunggal terbesar
pada tubuh
Persarafan mengikuti perjalanan a
lienalis dan berasal dari plexus

Retroperitoneal space
The retroperitoneal space lies on the
posterior abdominal wall behind the
parietal peritoneum. It extends from
the 12th thoracic vertebra and the
12th rib to the sacrum and the iliac
crests below

Urinary Tract

The two kidneys function to excrete most of
the waste products of metabolism.
They play a major role in controlling the
water and electrolyte balance within the
body and in maintaining the acidbase
balance of the blood.
The waste products leave the kidneys as
urine, which passes down the ureters to
the urinary bladder, located within the
The urine leaves the body in the urethra.

The kidneys are reddish brown and lie behind

the peritoneum high up on the posterior
abdominal wall on either side of the vertebral
column; they are largely under cover of the
costal margin .
The right kidney lies slightly lower than the
left kidney because of the large size of the
right lobe of the liver.
With contraction of the diaphragm during
respiration, both kidneys move downward in a
vertical direction by as much as 1 in. (2.5 cm).

Nerve Supply
The nerve supply is the renal,
testicular (or ovarian), and
hypogastric plexuses (in the pelvis).
Afferent fibers travel with the
sympathetic nerves and enter the
spinal cord in the 1st and 2nd
lumbar segments.

Suprarenal Glands
Location and Description
The two suprarenal glands are
yellowish retroperitoneal organs that
lie on the upper poles of the kidneys.
They are surrounded by renal fascia
(but are separated from the kidneys
by the perirenal fat).
Each gland has a yellow cortex and
a dark brown medulla

The cortex of the suprarenal glands secretes

hormones that include mineral corticoids,
which are concerned with the control of fluid
and electrolyte balance
glucocorticoids, which are concerned with
the control of the metabolism of carbohydrates,
fats, and proteins; and small amounts of sex
hormones, which probably play a role in the
prepubertal development of the sex organs.
The medulla of the suprarenal glands secretes
the catecholamines epinephrine and

Nerve Supply
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers
derived from the splanchnic nerves
supply the glands.
Most of the nerves end in the
medulla of the gland.

The pelvis* is the region of the trunk

that lies below the abdomen.
Although the abdominal and pelvic
cavities are continuous, the two
regions are described separately.

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