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Menyelenggarakan kerjasama yang rapih
dalam organisasi dan koordinasi kegiatan
Susunan Saraf:
1. Saraf Pusat
a. Medula spinalis
b. Otak :
- O. Besar (Cerebrum)
- O. Kecil (Cerebellum)
- Batang Otak (Trunchus Cerebri)
2. Saraf Perifer:
a. Saraf Somatik
b. Saraf Otonom:
- Saraf Simpatis
- Saraf Parasimpatis
Saraf Somatis  spesifik mengatur otot sadar
S. Otonom mempengaruhi kerja otot tak sa
dar (jantung, hati, pancreas, sal
pencernaan, kelenjar dll
Meningen ( Selaput Otak )
- Selaput pembungkus otak dan SSTB
- Melindungi struktur saraf halus
- Memperkecil benturan atau getaran
- Terdiri dari 3 lapisan
“ Duramater (Lap. Luar)
Selaput keras pembungkus otak
“ Arakhnoid (Lap. Tengah)
Pemisah duramater dg pia mater
Membentuk sebuah kantong yg berisi cai
ran otak
“ Piamater (Lapisan Dalam)
Selaput tipis pd permukaan jar otak

Cairan serebro spinalis

- Hasil sekresi pleksus koroid
- Alkali, bening mirip plasma
- Cairan dari pleksus koroid  ventrikel otak
 kanalis sstb  ruang subarachnoid
melalui ventrikularis
- jlh tidak tetap berkisar antara 80 – 200 cc
- Komposisi: air, protein, glukosa, garam dan
sedikit limfosit atau CO 2

Sgt penting  Pusat komputer semua ala tubuh

Tiga gejala pembesaran otak awal:
a. Otak depan Hemister cerebri,korpus
striatum,talamus serta hipotalamus.
b.Otak tengah Tegmentum,krus serebrium,
korpus kuadrigeminus.
c. Otak belakang Pons varoli,medula
oblongata,dan serebelum.
Fisura dan sulkus membagi hemister otak
menjadi beberapa daerah.Korteks serebri
terlipat secara tidak teratur.
Lekukan diantara gulungan cerebri disebut sulkus.Sulkus
yang paling dalam membentuk fisura longitudinalis dan

SEREBRUM ( Otak besar )

- Bagian terluas dan terbesar dari otak
- Bentuk seperti telur, mempunyai permukaan
atas dan bawah  lapis kelabubag.kortek
dan putihbag. dalam yg mengandung se
rabut saraf
Terdiri dari 4 lobus
1. Lobus frontalis bag.didepan sulkus sentralis
2. Lobus parietalis
3. Lobus temporalis
4. Lobus oksipitalis
Fungsi Serebrum
1. Mengingat pengalaman yg lalu
2. Aktifitas mental, akal, inteligensia, keingi
nan dan memori
3. Pusat menangis, BAB, dan BAK

1. Diensefalon  bag. Batang otak plg atas
fungsi : Vasokonstriktor, Respiratory, me
ngontrol refleks dan membantu
kerja jantung
2. Mesensefalon
Fungsi: a. membantu pergerakan mata dan
mengangkat kelopak mata
b. memutar mata dan pusat pergera
kan mata.
3. Pons Varoli
a.Mengatur gerakan pernafasan dan refleks
b.Penghubung medula oblongata dg serebel
lum atau serebrum
c. Pusatr saraf trigemenus
4. Medula Oblongata  bag.paling bawah
a. Mengontrol kerja jantung
b. Vasokonstriktor
c. Pusat pernafasan
d. Mengontrol kegiatan refleks
- Mengatur kegiatan tubuh yg cepat.
- Pusat koordinasi dan integrasi
- Bentuk oval, permukaan  zat klabu,
sedang koteks  3 lapisan: granula luar
purkinje dan granula dalam.
• Cranial nerves of vertebrates No.Name (type)Peripheral
origin or destination—Terminal (ss)Anterior nasal
epitheliumIOlfactory (sp.s)Olfactory mucosa—Vomeronasal
(sp.s)Vomeronasal mucosaIIOptic (sp.s)Retina of
eyeIIIOculomotor (sm)Four extrinsic eye musclesIVTrochlear
(sm)One extrinsic eye muscleVTrigeminal (svm)Muscles of
mandibular arch derivative    (ss)Most of headVIAbducens
(sm)One extrinsic eye muscle—Anterior lateral line
(sp.s)Lateral line organs of headVIIFacial (svm)Muscles of
hyoid arch derivative   (gvm)Salivary glands   (ss)Small part of
head   (vs)Anterior pharynx   (sp.s)Taste, anterior
tongueVIIIVestibulocochlear (sp.)Inner ear—Posterior lateral
line (sp.s)Lateral line organs of trunkIXGlossopharyngeal
(svm)Muscles of third branchial arch      (gvm)Salivary
gland      (ss)Skin near ear      (vs)Part of pharynx      (sp.s)Taste,
posterior tongueXVagus (svm)Muscles of arches 4–
6   (gvm)Most viscera of entire trunk   (vs)Larynx and part of
pharynx   (sp.s)Taste, pharynxXISpinal accessory (svm)Some
muscles of arches 4–6XIIHypoglossal (sm)Muscles of tongue
and anterior throat
Bagian yg keluar dari otak melalui lubang
pd tulang tengkorak
Berhubungan erat dg otot dan pancaindra
I Olfactory nerve Purely Sensory
Anterior olfactory nucleus Transmits the sense
of smell; Located in olfactory foramina of
II Optic nerve Purely Sensory
Lateral geniculate nucleus Transmits visual
information to the brain; Located in optic canal
III Oculomotor nerve Mainly Motor Midbrain
Oculomotor nucleus, Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Innervates levator palpebrae superioris,
superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus,
and inferior oblique, which collectively perform
most eye movements; Located in
superior orbital fissure
IV Trochlear nerve Mainly Motor Midbrain
Trochlear nucleus Innervates the
superior oblique muscle, which depresses,
rotates laterally (around the optic axis), and
intorts the eyeball; Located in
superior orbital fissure
V Trigeminal nerve Both Sensory and Motor Pons
Principal sensory trigeminal nucleus,
Spinal trigeminal nucleus,
Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus,
Trigeminal motor nucleus Receives sensation
from the face and innervates the
muscles of mastication; Located in
superior orbital fissure (ophthalmic nerve - V1),
foramen rotundum (maxillary nerve - V2), and
foramen ovale (mandibular nerve - V3)
VI Abducens nerve Mainly Motor Posterior margin
of Pons Abducens nucleus Innervates the
lateral rectus, which abducts the eye; Located in
superior orbital fissure
VII Facial nerve Both Sensory and Motor Pons
(cerebellopontine angle) above olive
Facial nucleus, Solitary nucleus,
Superior salivary nucleus Provides motor
innervation to the muscles of facial expression
and stapedius, receives the special sense of
taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue, and
provides secretomotor innervation to the
salivary glands (except parotid) and the
lacrimal gland; Located and runs through
internal acoustic canal to facial canal and exits
at stylomastoid foramen
VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve (or auditory-vestibular nerve
or statoacustic nerve) Purely Sensory Lateral to CN VII
(cerebellopontine angle) Vestibular nuclei,
Cochlear nuclei Senses sound, rotation and gravity
(essential for balance & movement); Located in
internal acoustic canal
IX Glossopharyngeal nerve Both Sensory and Motor
Medulla Nucleus ambiguus, Inferior salivary nucleus,
Solitary nucleus Receives taste from the posterior 1/3
of the tongue, provides secretomotor innervation to
the parotid gland, and provides motor innervation to
the stylopharyngeus (essential for tactile, pain, and
thermal sensation)[citation needed]. Some sensation is
also relayed to the brain from the palatine tonsils.
Sensation is relayed to opposite thalamus and some
hypothalamic nuclei. Located in jugular foramen
X Vagus nerve Both Sensory and Motor
Posterolateral sulcus of Medulla
Nucleus ambiguus, Dorsal motor vagal nucleus,
Solitary nucleus Supplies branchiomotor
innervation to most laryngeal and pharyngeal
muscles; provides parasympathetic fibers to
nearly all thoracic and abdominal viscera down
to the splenic flexure; and receives the special
sense of taste from the epiglottis. A major
function: controls muscles for voice and
resonance and the soft palate. Symptoms of
damage: dysphagia (swallowing problems).
Located in jugular foramen
XI Accessory nerve (or cranial accessory nerve or
spinal accessory nerve) Mainly Motor Cranial and
Spinal Roots Nucleus ambiguus,
Spinal accessory nucleus Controls muscles of the
neck and overlaps with functions of the vagus.
Examples of symptoms of damage: inability to
shrug, weak head movement,
velopharyngeal insufficiency; Located in
jugular foramen
XII Hypoglossal nerve Mainly Motor Medulla
Hypoglossal nucleus Provides motor innervation
to the muscles of the tongue and other glossal
muscles. Important for swallowing (bolus
formation) and speech articulation. Located in
hypoglossal canal
Bag SSP yg vterletak dlm canalis vertebralis
Terdapat pd setiap for intervertebralis
Terletak berpasangan kiri dan kanan
Mengurus persarafan tubuh anggota badan
dan sebagian kepala
Mulai dari bag bawah medula oblo0ngata se
tinggi corpus vert serv I memanjang s/d
corpus vert lumbal I dan II
Dalam med spinalis keluar 31pasang saraf
Servikal : 8 pasang
Torakal : 12 “
Lumbal : 5 “
Sakral : 5 “
Koksigeal : 1 “
Terdiri dari pleksus
- Pleksus servikalis
- “ brakhialis
- “ lumbalis
- “ lumbal dan sakral 
Fungsi medula spinalis
Pusat gerakan otot tubuh
Kegiatan refleks spinal dan lutut
Menghantar rangsangan koordinasi dari
otot dan sendi ke serebellum

Gerakan tiba-tiba diluar kesdaran
- Terkena / tersentuh benda panas
- Terkena benda tajam
- Karena suatu peristiwa
1. Saraf simpatis  columna vertebra
- Kornu anterior  thoracal 1 – 12 dan
semen lumbalis 1 – 3
- Trunkus simpatikus  kiri dan kanan
vertebra  TS sevikalis, torakalis, lum
balis dan pelvis
- Pleksus simpatikus
Organ tubuh dan sistem pengendalian ganda
Organ R simpatis R parasimpatis
Jantung denyut diper cpt diperlambat
a.Coronari dilatasi konstriksi
Pblh drh perifer vsokotksi vasodilatasi
Tknan drh naik Turun
Bronkus dilatasi konstriksi
Kel ludah sekr.berkrg sekr.bertmbh
Kel.lakrmlis sekr.berkrg sekr.bertbh
Pupil mata dilatasi konstriksi
S.p.mknan peristltk ber (-) peristltk ber(+)
Kel kringat Eks ber (+) Eks ber (-)

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