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Perkataan ‘tour’ berasal dari Latin ‘tornare’ dan Greek

‘tornos’ yang memberi makna ‘a lathe or a cicle’ iaitu
pergerakan yang mengelilingi titik pusat (axis). Dalam bahasa
Inggeris moden, perkataan ini mewakili satu pusingan (one’s
turn). Imbuhan akhiran ‘ism’ ditakrifkan sebagai satu
pergerakan dan proses, perlakuan biasa atau kuantiti.
Apabila perkataan ‘tour’ dan ‘ism’ digabungkan ia bermaksud
perlakuan bergerak mengeliling satu pusingan yang akhirnya
akan berpatah balik kepada garis permulaan (Theobald,
• “Aktiviti pengembaraan seseorang individu ke
suatu tempat keluar daripada persekitaran
asalnya dan menetap di situ tidak lebih
daripada setahun bagi tujuan rehat,
perniagaan dan sebagainya.” World Tourism
• 1. Pelancong: Mereka yang keluar ke suatu destinasi lain bagi
beberapa tujuan.

2. Perniagaan: Mereka yang terlibat dengan membekalkan

barangan ataupun perkhidmatan dalam industri pelancongan di
samping memenuhi permintaan pelancong.

3. Kerajaan: Mereka yang terlibat dalam memenuhi ekonomi

sama ada berbentuk pendapatan tuan rumah ataupun
pendapatan hasil daripada kedatangan pelancong.

4. Tuan rumah: Mereka yang terlibat secara langsung dengan

destinasi terpilih di samping menjaga budaya masyarakat
destinasi itu.
• Konsep eko-pelancongan bermaksud pelancongan yang bersandarkan
kepada penghayatan ekologi yang bertanggungjawab dan berdaya-tahan.
Ekopelancongan merupakan satu bidang yang mempunyai potensi
perkembangan yang paling besar dalam industri pelancongan dunia.
Menurut Ceballos-Lascurain (1996), ekopelancongan adalah perjalanan
dan lawatan yang bertanggungjawab terhadap alam sekitar kepada
kawasan semula jadi untuk menikmati dan menyedari akan sifat-sifat
semula jadi (termasuk sifat-sifat kebudayaan kini dan lalu), menggalakkan
pemuliharaan alam sekitar, membawa kesan yang rendah serta
membolehkan penglibatan masyarakat tempatan di dalam aktiviti sosio-
ekonomi yang positif (Scheyvens, 1999:245; Ross dan Wall, 1999a:124;
Kementerian kebudayaan Kesenian dan Pelancongan Malaysia 1996:1;
Jafar Jafari, 2000:165; Page dan Dowling, 2002; Weaver, 2001).
• Menurut kajian yang dilakukan oleh Opperman
(1997), Pengunjung yang kali pertama datang
melawat sesebuah destinasi adalah cenderung untuk
berbelanja lebih banyak tetapi tinggal untuk
jangkamasa yang singkat berbanding dengan
pelancong ulangan. Selain itu pelancong yang
pertama kali datang lebih cenderung untuk meneroka
destinasi yang luas, manakala pelancong ulangan
lebih cenderung untuk melawat tarikan-tarikan
tertentu sahaja untuk tempoh yang lebih lama
• Gitelson dan Crompton (1984) adalah orang pertama
yang mengiktiraf kepentingan lawatan ulangan dan
sumbangannya kepada sektor pemasaran. Mereka
berpendapat bahawa kawasan pantai dan resort sangat
memerlukan lawatan ulangan pelancong untuk
berkembang. Kajian mendapati kebanyakan pelancong
akan melakukan lawatan ulangan ke sesuatu tempat
sekiranya mereka berpuas hati dengan layanan atau
tarikan semasa mereka melancong ke kawasan tersebut
buat kali pertama (Kozak, 2000).
• Geotourism deals with the natural and built environments.
• Geotourism was first defined (Hose, 1995) in England. There
are two viewpoints of geotourism:
• Purely geological and geomorphologically-focused
Sustainable Tourism as abiotic nature based tourism. This is
the definition followed in most of the world.
• Geographically Sustainable Tourism, the most common
definition in the USA. This emphasises preservation of the
geographical sense of a place in general, beyond simple
geological and geomorphological features, as a new charter
& concept in the sustainable tourism.
This then is the real power of geotourism, in that it puts the tourist
spotlight firmly on geology, and brings it to the forefront of our
understanding through tourism".
Key definitions in the geological sense include:
• “…part of the tourist’s activity in which they have the geological patrimony as
their main attraction. Their objective is to search for the protected patrimony
through the conservation of their resources and of the tourist’s Environmental
Awareness. For that, the use of the interpretation of the patrimony makes it
accessible to the lay public, promoting its popularization and the development of
the Earth sciences” .
• “Geotourism is a knowledge -based tourism, an interdisciplinary integration of the
tourism industry with conservation and interpretation of abiotic nature attributes,
besides considering related cultural issues, within the geosites for the general
public” .
• "A form of natural area tourism that specifically focuses on landscape and
geology. It promotes tourism to geosites and the conservation of geo-diversity
and an understanding of Earth sciences through appreciation and learning. This is
achieved through independent visits to geological features, use of geo-trails and
view points, guided tours, geo-activities and patronage of geosite visitor centers".
• “The provision of interpretative and service facilities for geosites and
geomorphosites and their encompassing topography, together with their
associated in-situ and ex-situ artefacts, to constituency-build for their
conservation by generating appreciation, learning and research by and for current
and future generations” .
Metodologi Saintifik Geologi Pemuliharaan


Geotapak dan
Pentarafan Geotope


Pencirian dan
Pengelasan Geokepelbagaian

Maklumat Pengenalpastian
Geoheritage Geotourism

to assess, plan and manage geoasset as the tourism
capital. Figure shows geoasset interconnection
between the geology of an area, biotic systems of
plants and animals that depend on geoscape
foundation habitat and human culture. Geoasset is a
new class of resources in geotourisn focusing on
five major concepts which are:
•Intrinsic value concept
•Use of non-destructive resources concept
•Dynamic stability and ecosystem longevity
•Human habitat planning and management of
environment foundation
•The concept of Touristic Development as an
initiator to tourism industry
Grand Canyon
Gunung Kinabalu
to assess, plan and manage geoasset as the tourism
capital. Figure shows geoasset interconnection
between the geology of an area, biotic systems of
plants and animals that depend on geoscape
foundation habitat and human culture. Geoasset is a
new class of resources in geotourisn focusing on
five major concepts which are:
•Intrinsic value concept
•Use of non-destructive resources concept
•Dynamic stability and ecosystem longevity
•Human habitat planning and management of
environment foundation
•The concept of Touristic Development as an
initiator to tourism industry
Natural History Museum
• National Geographic Society has also drawn up a "Geotourism Charter" based on 13 principles:[7]
• Integrity of place: Enhance geographical character by developing and improving it in ways distinctive to the local, reflective of its natural and
cultural heritage, so as to encourage market differentiation and cultural pride.
• International codes: Adhere to the principles embodied in the World Tourism Organization’s Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and the
Principles of the Cultural Tourism Charter established by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).
• Market selectivity: Encourage growth in tourism market segments most likely to appreciate, respect, and disseminate information about the
distinctive assets of the locale.
• Market diversity: Encourage a full range of appropriate food and lodging facilities, so as to appeal to the entire demographic spectrum of the
geotourism market and so maximize economic resiliency over both the short and long term.
• Tourist satisfaction: Ensure that satisfied, excited geotourists bring new vacation stories home and encourage friends to experience the same
thing, thus providing continuing demand for the destination.
• Community involvement: Base tourism on community resources to the extent possible, encouraging local small businesses and civic groups to
build partnerships to promote and provide a distinctive, honest visitor experience and market their locales effectively. Help businesses develop
approaches to tourism that build on the area’s nature, history and culture, including food and drink,artisanry, performance arts, etc.
• Community benefit: Encourage micro- to medium-size enterprises and tourism business strategies that emphasize economic and social benefits
to involved communities, especially poverty alleviation, with clear communication of the destination stewardship policies required to maintain
those benefits.
• Protection and enhancement of destination appeal: Encourage businesses to sustain natural habitats, heritage sites, aesthetic appeal, and local
culture. Prevent degradation by keeping volumes of tourists within maximum acceptable limits. Seek business models that can operate
profitably within those limits. Use persuasion, incentives, and legal enforcement as needed.
• Land use: Anticipate development pressures and apply techniques to prevent undesired overdevelopment and degradation. Contain resort and
vacation-home sprawl, especially on coasts and islands, so as to retain a diversity of natural and scenic environments and ensure continued
resident access to waterfronts. Encourage major self-contained tourism attractions, such as large-scale theme parks and convention centers
 unrelated to character of place, to be sited in needier locations with no significant ecological, scenic, or cultural assets.
• Conservation of resources: Encourage businesses to minimize water pollution, solid waste, energy consumption, water usage, landscaping
chemicals, and overly bright nighttime lighting. Advertise these measures in a way that attracts the large, environmentally sympathetic tourist
• Planning: Recognize and respect immediate economic needs without sacrificing long-term character and the geotourism potential of the
destination. Where tourism attracts in-migration of workers, develop new communities that themselves constitute a destination enhancement.
Strive to diversify the economy and limit population influx to sustainable levels. Adopt public strategies for mitigating practices that are
incompatible with geotourism and damaging to the image of the destination.
• Interactive interpretation: Engage both visitors and hosts in learning about the place. Encourage residents to promote the natural and cultural
heritage of their communities so tourists gain a richer experience and residents develop pride in their locales.
• Evaluation: Establish an evaluation process to be conducted on a regular basis by an independent panel representing all stakeholder interests,
and publicize evaluation results.
• Success and efforts in service to achieving 

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