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Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Pautan Air-Tenaga-Makanan
• Pautan air-tenaga-makanan menggambarkan hubungan
kompleks and hubungan antara sistem sumber global

• Interaksi pautan ini adalah kompleks dan dinamik, isu sektoral

tidak dapat dilihat secara berasingan

• Pautan ini wujud dalam konteks yang lebih luas dalam proses
Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Pautan Air-Tenaga-Makanan

• Air, tenaga dan makanan adalah sangat penting

kepada kesejahteraan manusia, pengurangan
kemiskinan dan pembangunan lestari.

• Unjuran global menjangkakan permintaan untuk air

tawar, tenaga dan makanan akan meningkat
dengan signifikan akibat pelbagai tekanan
• Tekanan terhadap air tawar, tenaga dan
o pertumbuhan dan mobiliti populasi,
o pertumbuhan ekonomi,
o perdagangan antarabangsa,
o pembandaran,
o kepelbagaian pemakanan,
o perubahan budaya dan teknologi dan
o Perubahan cuaca
• Air digunakan untuk
o pengeluaran pertanian,
o perhutanan dan perikanan,
o digunakan sepanjang rantaian agri-makanan
o Digunakan dalam penghasilan tenaga

• 70% jumlah penggunaan air tawar global

adalah untuk pertanian
• 30% jumlah tenaga global digunakan dalam
penghasilan makanan dan rantaian pembekalan
• Tenaga diperlukan untuk
o menghasil, mengangkut dan mengedar makanan
o Mengeluar, pam, angkat, kumpul, angkut dan rawat air

• Bandar, industri dan pengguna lain memerlukan air,

tenaga dan sumber tanah.

• Pada masa yang sama, menghadapi masalah

kemerosotan alam sekitar dan dalam sebahagian
kes kekurangan sumber.
• Keadaan akan semakin meruncing dalam
masa terdekat

o Lebih daripada 60% makanan perlu dihasilkan untuk

memenuhi keperluan populasi pada tahun 2050.

o Penggunaan tenaga global diunjurkan akan

bertambah sehingga 50% pada 2035

o Jumlah air global untuk pengairan diunjurkan akan

bertambah sebanyak 10% pada tahun 2050.
• As demand grows, there is increasing competition
for resources between water, energy, agriculture,
fisheries, livestock, forestry, mining, transport and
other sectors with unpredictable impacts for
livelihoods and the environment.

• Large-scale water infrastructure projects, for

instance, may have synergetic impacts,
o producing hydropower and
o providing water storage for irrigation and urban uses.
• Large-scale water infrastructure projects, for
instance, may have synergetic impacts,
o producing hydropower and
o providing water storage for irrigation and urban uses.

• However, this might happen at the expense of

o downstream agro-ecological systems and
o social implications, such as resettlements.
• Similarly, growing bioenergy crops in an irrigated
agriculture scheme may help improve energy
supply and generate employment opportunities,
• but
• it may also result in increased competition for land
and water resources with impacts on local food
• Contoh
o The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Red River
Basin in Vietnam
o A cross-sectoral perspective on groundwater
A cross-sectoral perspective on groundwater pumping

The introduction of affordable groundwater pumps has

transformed irrigated economies and now underpins the food
security of countries, such as China, India and Pakistan.
However, groundwater pumping has accelerated the
depletion of water resources and aquifers. Food production
has become increasingly vulnerable to energy prices, often
resulting in the farmers’ dependency on energy subsidies. At
the same time, farmers are left with little choice but to pump
water, as services by public irrigation agencies are often poor
and unreliable. The solution commonly advocated is to revise
tariff and metering systems and to improve the technical
efficiency of pumps.
Looking at the problem from a Nexus perspective can help us
to understand the wider implications for water, energy and
food, and broaden the scope of interventions to include
water demand management, investment frameworks for
public funding for improved surface irrigation, groundwater
management, irrigation technologies, agricultural practices,
as well as food procurement and trade policies (e.g. Swain
and Charnoz 2012). These interventions are likely to have an
impact on the drivers and pressures that have led to over
pumping in the first place.
Keselamatan Makanan
FAO defines food security as the state in which “all people at all
times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient,
safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food
preferences for an active, healthy life’ (FAO 1996).
• Bagi tujuan pengurusan pautan air-tenaga-
makanan terdapat 3 aspek utama:
• 1. bukti (evidence)
• 2. pembangunan senario (scenario development
• 3. pilihan tindakbalas (response option)
• Agricultural revolution
o From hunting and gathering to agriculture
• Green Revolution
o Most recent increase in human carrying capacity
o Use modern plant breeding to create high yield varieties
o Figure: increase in carrying capacity and human population
since the industrial revolution
• Social mechanisms of population control
• Cooking fuel and deforestration in India
• Chain of effects through social system and ecosystem when biofuel
generators are introduced to villages
Intensity of demands on ecosystems =
Population x Level of Consumption x Technology

Intensity of demands on ecosystems:

- The total quantity of material and energy resources required for industrial and
agricultural production; plus
- Pollution generated by industrial and agricultural production

Population: the no. of people who use the industrial and agricultural products

Level of consumption: the per capita quantity of industrial and agricultural

production (closely connected to society’s material affluence)

Technology: the quantity of resurce used and pollution generated per unit of
industrial and agricultural production
• Systems development
• Unintended consequences
• There is a close connection between the sustainability of
human - ecosystem interaction and the intensity of demands
that people place on ecosystems
Intensity of demands on ecosystems =
Population x Level of Consumption x Technology

Intensity of demands on ecosystems:

- The total quantity of material and energy resources required for industrial and
agricultural production; plus
- Pollution generated by industrial and agricultural production

Population: the no. of people who use the industrial and agricultural products

Level of consumption: the per capita quantity of industrial and agricultural

production (closely connected to society’s material affluence)

Technology: the quantity of resurce used and pollution generated per unit of
industrial and agricultural production
Perbincangan tutorial:
- Berdasarkan kawasan lembangan sungai
bincangkan isu dan pengurusan nexus air-tenaga-
makanan bagi kawasan tersebut. Kemukakan bukti,
senario dan response action dalam perbincangan
anda. Kerja secara berkumpulan.

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