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Disusun Oleh : Syaffa Sadida Zahra

1. Hak Pasien (berdasarkan Pasal 32 UU no.44 tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit)
Setiap pasien mempunyai hak:
a. memperoleh informasi mengenai tata tertib dan peraturan yang berlaku di Rumah
b. memperoleh informasi tentang hak dan kewajiban pasien;
c. memperoleh layanan yang manusiawi, adil, jujur, dan tanpa diskriminasi;
d. memperoleh layanan kesehatan yang bermutu sesuai dengan standar profesi dan
standar prosedur operasional;
e. memperoleh layanan yang efektif dan efisien sehingga pasien terhindar dari kerugian
fisik dan materi;
f. mengajukan pengaduan atas kualitas pelayanan yang didapatkan;
g. memilih dokter dan kelas perawatan sesuai dengan keinginannya dan peraturan yang
berlaku di Rumah Sakit;
h. meminta konsultasi tentang penyakit yang dideritanya kepada dokter lain yang
mempunyai Surat Izin Praktik (SIP) baik di dalam maupun di luar Rumah Sakit;
i. mendapatkan privasi dan kerahasiaan penyakit yang diderita termasuk data-data
j. mendapat informasi yang meliputi diagnosis dan tata cara tindakan medis, tujuan
tindakan medis, alternatif tindakan, risiko dan komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi, dan
prognosis terhadap tindakan yang dilakukan serta perkiraan biaya pengobatan;
k. memberikan persetujuan atau menolak atas tindakan yang akan dilakukan oleh tenaga
kesehatan terhadap penyakit yang dideritanya;
l. didampingi keluarganya dalam keadaan kritis;
m. menjalankan ibadah sesuai agama atau kepercayaan yang dianutnya selama hal itu
tidak mengganggu pasien lainnya;
n. memperoleh keamanan dan keselamatan dirinya selama dalam perawatan di Rumah

o. mengajukan usul, saran, perbaikan atas perlakuan Rumah Sakit terhadap dirinya;
p. menolak pelayanan bimbingan rohani yang tidak sesuai dengan agama dan
kepercayaan yang dianutnya;
q. menggugat dan/atau menuntut Rumah Sakit apabila Rumah Sakit diduga memberikan
pelayanan yang tidak sesuai dengan standar baik secara perdata ataupun pidana; dan
r. mengeluhkan pelayanan Rumah Sakit yang tidak sesuai dengan standar pelayanan
melalui media cetak dan elektronik sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan.

2. Jargon Marketing

1. Work to make it happen : Do all that is necessary to obtain the desired result; Do what
little may be needed to be done
"Let's all work to make it happen"
2. Top line : Gross revenues to a firm
"We need to grow our top line"
3. Team player : Someone who goes along with policies and gets along with others
"He is a good team player"
4. Product : Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or
consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services,
persons, places, organizations, and ideas
5. Service : Any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything
6. Customer value : The difference between the values the customer gains from owning
and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product
7. Customer satisfaction : The extent to which a product's perceived performance matches
a buyer's expectations. If the product's performance falls short of expectations, the buyer
is dissatisfied. If performance matches or exceeds expectations, the buyer is satisfied or
8. Creativity : A quality possessed by persons that enables them to generate novel
approaches, generally reflected in new and improved solutions to problems
9. Packaging : The activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a
10. Promotion strategy : A communication plan designed to bring about desired buyer
behaviours by employing a mix of the four elements of promotion
11. Synergy : A common attribute 2 The combination of two things could produce more
with fewer employees and/or plant and equipment

12. On target :Costs are close to projected costs and/or revenues are close to projected
13. Rethink :To review a position or policy 2 A possible change in the firm's position or
policy 3 A new position or policy negative demand site the marker situaation where a
significantly of customers dislike a product or service and try to avoid it
14. Monopoly: a market situation characterized by the absence of competition.
15. Net profit : the numerical sum that results from deducting a company's expenses
incurred from its amount of total revenues.
16. Paradigm shift: A change in the well known typical example 2 Any major change in the
generally accepted point of view
17. Follow-up : The last step in the selling process in which the salesperson follows up after
the sale to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business
18. Continuity : The strategy of scheduling the advertising evenly over the weeks and
19. Negative demand site: the marker situaation where a significantly of customers dislike
a product or service and try to avoid it
20. Monopoly : a market situation characterized by the absence of competition.
21. Net profit : the numerical sum that results from deducting a company's expenses
incurred from its amount of total revenues.
22. Paradigm shift : A change in the well known typical example 2 Any major change in
the generally accepted point of view
23. Continuity : The strategy of scheduling the advertising evenly over the weeks and
24. Service intangibility : A major characteristic of servicesthey cannot be seen, tasted,
felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought
25. Product competitors : Companies which are filling the same market needs with a
slightly different offering
26. Market : The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service = A group of
people or organisations that have similar needs and wants, the desire to satisfy those
needs and wants, the means of exchange (money) to satisfy their needs and wants, and
the ability and authority to make the exchange (purchase)
27. Buyers : Those who carry out the formal arrangements for purchase, service, delivery,
and financial terms
28. Consumer buyer behavior : The buying behavior of final consumers-individuals and
households who buy goods and services for personal consumption
29. Motivation : Persons impulses to take action and the internal and external forces that
energise, mobilise, and direct their behaviour toward goals
30. Innovators : The first users of the new product


Clemente, Mark. 2002. The Marketing Glossary. New Jersey : 2002

Dictionary of Management. Available from :

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