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Nama Sekolah : SMA PGRI 1 PONOROGO

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas Semester : XII /I
Hari / tanggal : Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015
Alokasi waktu : 2 x 40 menit
Topik Pembicaraan : Narrative Text


2.Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks
monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari.
II. KOMPETENSI DASAR: 2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan
berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dalam teks narrative.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

2.2.1. Menemukan berbagai informasi dari teks lisan berbentuk
2.2.2. Mengungkapkan tujuan teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
2.2.3. Mengidentifikasi text organization dalam teks lisan berbentuk
2.2.4. Menemukan ciri kebahasaan dalam teks lisan berbentuk narrative.

Aspek / skill : Mendengarkan/ Listening


Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi pronunciation, arti kata dan phrase dari teks lisan berbentuk
2. Mengungkapkan tujuan teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
3. Menemukan berbagai informasi tertentu dari teks lisan berbentuk narrative .
4. Menemukan moral value dari teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
5. Menyebutkan grammatical features dari teks lisan berbentuk narrative.
6. Mengidentifikasi text organization dalam teks lisan berbentuk narrative.


Generic structure of narrative text:

1. Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
2. Complication: Where the problems in the story developed.
3. Resolution: Where the problems in the story is solved.
Language features of narrative text:
1. Using past tense (simple past, past continuous, or past perfect).
2. Focus in one character and use pronouns I, he, she, we.
3. Direct conversation.
4. Use conjunctions and time connectives, e.g. then, after, but, or
5. Combining adjectives become noun phrase, e.g. long black hair.


Teknik pembelajaran: Three Phase Technique
Think, Pair and Share.


a. Kegiatan Awal (15 menit)
1. Guru menyapa siswa.
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
3. Menyampaikan topik yang akan dibahas.

b. Kegiatan Inti (55 menit)

Pre Listening
Memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sederhana berkaitan dengan topic yang akan
Have you ever been told folklore?
Do you know what folklore is?
What kind of genre is it?
It is todaywe have narrative text to study. Lets listen to a narrative Red Riding
Hood in order to know how the history of it!

Whilst Listening
1. Melafalkan beberapa phrase yang terdapat pada teks narrative tentang Red Riding
2. Memberikan arti pada phrase yang sudah dilafalkan.
3. Mempelajari uncompleted text.
4. Melengkapi teks berdasarkan teks yang telah didengar.

Post Listening
1. Membahas hasil pekerjaan siswa.
2. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan narrative yang telah diberikan.
3. Memberikan penekanan pada pronunciation tertentu.

c. Kegiatan Akhir (10 menit)

1. Membuat kesimpulan atas pelajaran yang telah diberikan.
2. Menanyakan hambatan yang ditemui siswa selama proses pembelajaran.


a. Internet
b. I can do it, E. Rahayu P. Darini
c. Laptop & Speaker

Fill in the blank based on what you listen to!
Once upon a time, in a small village at the edge of the woods, there lived a very
pretty young girl. Since, she always (1)______ a red cape with a hood, she was known as
little red riding hood. One day, red riding hoods mother gave her a basket of fresh apples
to take to her grandmother.
Dont talk to strangers on the way, her mother warned her. The girl promised to be home
before dark and set off to her grandmothers house which was deep in the woods. Now in
this forest lived one the big, bad wolf who (2)______ little children. He saw red riding
hood (3)______ along the path and badly wanted to eat her up. So he came up with a
wicked plan.
The wolf jumped out of the bushes in front of red riding hood.
Hello, young lady! Where are you going? he asked with a sweet smile. Red riding hood
(4)______ her mothers wise words.
Immediately, she told him, Im going to see grandma. She lives at the end of this path.
The wolf cunningly said, Well then, you should take her some flowers too. While red
riding hood was busy looking for flowers for grandma, the wolf took a shortcut and
(5)______ grandmas house. There, the wolf knocked on the door. He changed his voice
and said, Its me, Red Riding Hood. Do let me in grandma!
But as soon as the old lady opened the door, he (6)_____ on her and gobbled her up whole.
Then the wolf quickly wore Grandmas cap and clothes, tucked himself into bed, and lay
waiting for the grand-daughter.
Come in dear! called the wicked wolf in Grandmas voice, as soon as young Red reached
the cottage. Red Riding Hood came into the room, and was surprised to see her
grandmother in bed. Oh Grandma, what big arms you have! she said.
All the better to (7)______ you with, my dear, replied the wolf.
Oh Grandma, what big ears you have! continued Red Riding Hood.
All the better to hear you with, my dear, said the wolf smiling.
Oh Grandma, what big teeth you have! cried Red Riding Hood, her eyes wide with
The wolf (8)_____ a wicked laugh.
All the better to eat you with! he said and pounced on her in the flash.
Little Red Riding Hood was very scared. Helped! she screamed.
Just then, a kind woodcutter was passing by the house. He saw the big wolf trying to catch
the young girl and immediately hit the wolf on his head with his (9)____.
The woodcutter and Red Riding Hood cut open the wolfs stomach, and outcome
Grandma. She was scared, but quite (10)_____ The big bad wolf could never hurt anyone
any more. As for Red Riding Hood, she was a very good girl and remembered never to
speak to stranger ever again.

Answer the questions based on the story above!

a) What does the story tell us about?

b) What is the purpose of the story?
c) What did her mother say to young children?
d) What value can you get from the story?
e) Write a sentence in the story that uses simple past tense!

1. Wore
2. Ate up
3. Skipping
4. Forgot
5. Reached
6. Pounced
7. Hug
8. Laughed
9. Axe
10. Unhurt

a. It tells about red riding hood.
b. To entertain the readers.
c. Dont talk with stranger on the way to grandmas house.
d. Be careful with new person we know.
e. Probability answers: She was known as little red riding hood.
The girl promised to be home before dark and set off to her grandmothers house which
was deep in the woods

a. Teknik : Tes tulis
b. Bentuk : essay

Prosedur Penilaian:

No Indikator No soal Kunci Jawaban skor

I Mengidentifikasi 1 Wore 1
pronunciation kata 2 Ate up 1
dari teks lisan 3 Skipping 1
berbentuk Narrative 4 Forgot 1
5 Reached 1
6 Pounced 1
7 Hug 1
8 Laughed 1
9 Axe 1
10 Unhurt 1
II Menemukan a. It tells about red riding hood. 2
gambaran umum
tentang isi bacaan
Menemukan tujuan b. To entertain the readers. 2
teks narrative
Menemukan c. Dont talk with stranger on the 2
informasi rinci yang way to grandmas house.
Menemukan d. Be careful with new person we 2
informasi rinci yang know.
Menemukan ciri-ciri e. Probably student answers: 2
narrative text She was known as little red
riding hood.
The girl promised to be
home before dark and set
off to her grandmothers
house which was deep in
the woods.

Total nilai:
(I+II) x 5 = Nilai

Ponorogo, 20 Agustus 2015

Guru Mata Pelajaran, Mahasiswa PPL,
Ria Dhewi Pratiktasari, S.Pd. Diah Purweni



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