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Anamnesis Memahami anatomi sendi bahu
Memahami bagaimana mengevaluasi keluhan nyeri
Keluhan Nyeri Bahu bahu
Mendiskusikan tes provokasi yg digunakan untuk
evaluasi nyeri bahu.
Menguasai temuan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik
dr Rachmah Laksmi Ambardini yg dapat membantu diagnosis masalah-masalah
pada bahu.
FIK Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Mendiskusikan kelainan yg umum terjadi pada bahu
Email: dan penanganannya.

Shoulder Anatomy

Reference 1

Anatomi Bahu Sendi Glenohumeral (GH)

Bahu mrp salah satu sendi yg paling kommpleks.
Terdiri atas:
Bagian sendi yg paling sering mengalami dislokasi.
1.Struktur Tulang:
Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar:
Glenoid GH joint a ball and socket joint
Clavicle Fossa glenoid datar dan jauh lebih kecil daripada caput
2. Struktur Jaringan Lunak: humeri yg melekat padanya (persentuhan hanya 25-30%).
Otot-otot Rotator cuff dan elemen penyokongnya.
3. 4 Sendi : Cartilaginous labrum menyediakan fungsi socket, tetapi
Glenohumeral joint
Acromioclavicular joint
bukan stabilitas.
Sternoclavicular joint Stabilitas didapat dari struktur yg menstabilkan sendi
Scapulothoracic joint/pseudoarticulation


Static Stabilizers Dynamic Stabilizers

Terdiri atas: Terdiri atas:
Struktur Tulang Rotator cuff
Labrum Scapular stabilizers (teres major, rhomboids, serratus
GH ligaments (superior, middle, inferior) anterior,trapezius and levator scapula)
Kapsul sendi Tidak bisa berfungsi jika terjadi cedera
neuromuskular dan kerusakan otot intrinsik.
Membantu menjaga harmoni
Malfungsi menyebabkan kelonggaran sendi GH dan
Tetap berfungsi walaupun ada gangguan saraf nyeri bahu.
maupun otot intrinsik.

The Rotator Cuff

Main function- depress the humeral head
against the glenoid & stabilize
Composed of 4 muscles: Tanyakan umur pasien, tangan yg dominan,
olahraga, pekerjaan.
1. Supraspinatus- abduction helper to
deltoid, pulls humeral head towards
glenoid Tentukan keluhan utama pasien (mis. Nyeri,
kelemahan, instabilitas, ROM yg terbatas).
2. Infraspinatus- external rotation helper,
pulls humeral head inferiorly Bagaimana & kapan masalah dimulai?
3. Teres minor-external rotation helper, pulls
humeral head inferiorly Apakah gejala yg dirasakan terkait dg
cedera/kejadian tertentu sebelum gejala
4. Subscapularis-internal rotation helper to timbul?
pectoralis and latismus dorsi

When damaged, humeral had can move Apakah aktivitas/gerakan lengan tertentu
upward within the joint 2/2 to unopposed menyebabkan gejala timbul?
deltoid action

Anamnesis Pemeriksaan Fisik

Gejala yg terkait:
Instability/longgar (mis. Instabilitas sendi GH di segala arah)
Dilakukan secara sistematis
Menurunnya kekuatan otot (mis. Impingment, gangguan pd rotator Jangan mengabaikan bahu yg sehat (krn hal ini akan
Bengkak (mis. Trauma akut, robekan pd rotator cuff)
memberi informasi sisi normal pasien).
Mati rasa/kesemutan (misal gangg pd tl cervical) Perhatikan kedua bahu dan lakukan:
Hilangnya gerakan/kekakuan (mis. Adhesive capsulitis, dislokasi atau
instabilitas sendi GH) Inspeksi
Periksa ROM: pasif dan aktif
Terapi apa yg sebelumnya sudah dilakukan, mis: es, panas, obat-obatan. Tes kekuatan
Tes khusus sesuai indikasi
Tindakan Intervensi sebelumnya, mis terapi fisik, suntikan, pembedahan.


Inspeksi Inspeksi
Cari adanya: Look for:
Bengkak Bengkak
Asimetri Asimetri Ant. Shoulder Dislocation
Atrofi Otot Atrofi Otot
Adanya bekas luka Adanya bekas luka
Ecchymosis Ecchymosis
Dsitensi vena

Inspeksi Inspeksi
Look for: Look for:
Bengkak Bengkak
Asimetri Ant. Shoulder Dislocation Asimetri Ant. Shoulder Dislocation
Atrofi Otot Atrofi Otot
Adanya bekas luka Adanya bekas luka
Ecchymosis Ecchymosis
Distensi vena AC joint separation Distensi vena AC joint separation

Supraspinatus and
infraspinatus atrophy

Palpasi Palpasi
Sendi Sternoclavicular
Clavicula Tendon biceps
Prosesus Coracoid Subacromial Bursa
Acromion Spina Cervical
Sendi Acromioclavicular


Fraktur Clavicula (patah tulang)

Umum terjadi, paling sering di bag
tengah 1/3 clavicula
Jatuh dg menumpu pd tangan atau
Kelainan Akut dan Kronis Pada
benturan langsung.
Pemeriksaan fisik:
Nyeri tajamP dan/ ada deformitas
Sendi Bahu (gangg.bentuk).
Selalu lakukan uji neurovascular.
Foto Rontgen:
Xray- AP and cephalic tilt views
Penanganan: siku difiksasi bentuk
angka 8 selama 2-4 minggu
Follow up: lihat dlm 4-6 minggu dg
foto rontgen
Rujuk ke dokter bedah tulang:
Jika fungsi bag distal clavicula
terganggu (kena lig sendi AC)

Proximal Humeral Fractures Glenohumeral Dislocation

Anamnesis: Most dislocations are anterior
Jatuh menumpu pd tangan atau
benturan langsung Ant. Dislocation:
Pemeriksaan fisik pt holds arm in external
Crepitus pd sisi yg terkena rotation/abduction
Ecchymosis dalam 48 jam setelah Humeral head palpable
cedera. anteriorly/ dimple below
Foto Rontgen: acromion
AP and Lateral Xray. Posterior Dislocation:
Penanganan: Arm in abduction/internal AP
Imobilisasi bahu utk mencegah rotation
rotasi eksternal dan abduksi.
Dx often delayed
Rujuk ke dokter bedah jika:
Fraktur komplels Imaging
Melibatkan bag leher Need two views:
Pergeseran lebih dari 1 cm AP- can miss posterior
Evaluasi cedera neurovascular dislocation
Axillary or Y view

Y view

Sprain Sendi AC
Dislokasi Glenohumeral Cedera yg biasa tjd pada atlet atau pasien yg
Komplikasi: Benturan langsung pd aspek superior
Dislokasi GH berulang: bahu.
Cedera Tulang: Benturan di sisi samping daerah
>50 % ada deformitas-
gangg di posterolateral Jatuh menumpu pd tangan
Pemeriksaan Fisik:
caput humeri.
Bengkak terlokalisir & nyeri di atas
Robekan Rotator Cuff sendi AC.
50% usia <40, 80% >60 Selalu periksa pasien dalam posisi
Penanganan: duduk.
Reposisi Palpasi deformitas antara acromion &
clavicula mengindikasikan cedera yg
Latihan ROM exercises lebih lebih berat.
awal Rontgen:
Operasi jika diperlukan. Xray:
AP- confirms dx
Axillary- if suspect grade 4-6


Klasifikasi Cedera AC Robekan Rotator Cuff

Grade 3 atau lebih besar rujuk ke dokter bedah utk perbaikan
lebih lanjut. Paling sering dialami pd usia di atas 40 tahun. Anamnesis:
Pasien yg lebih muda terkait dg trauma
Usia pertengahanimpingment kronik mengakibatkan ruptur
Ligaments or joint Grade Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 rotator cuff.
Acromioclavicular Sprained Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted AP view GH joint- may show calcific tendonitis of cuff +/- superior
Ligaments migration of humeral head- should be f/u with further imaging
MRI= gold standard
Acromioclavicular Intact Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted Separate Ruptured
joint or slight d Penanganan:
Surgical repair in young and selected older patients within 3 weeks
of injury preferably
Coracoclavicular Intact Sprained Disrupted
or slight
Disrupted Disrupted Disrupted Rehabilitasi pasien yg tidak perlu operasi.
Ligament vertical

Impingement Syndrome Impingement Syndrome

Mekanisme: Anamnesis:
Tendon rotator cuff terkena
impinged antara lengkung Nyeri di atas bahu anterolateral, bisa menjalar ke siku.
coracoacromial dan abduksi Dipicu karena aktivitas yg melibatkan gerakan overhead, terasa
humerus. memburuk di malam hari.
Supraspinatus paling sering
terganggu. PE: +Hawkins, + Neer
Ada 2 jenis: Penanganan:
Primer Konservatif:
Pasien lebih tua, overuse
kronis dan degenerasi Fase akut: NSAIDS, Injeksi, es, istirahat
Sekunder Mengatasi nyeri: latihan penguatan Rotator cuff
Usia lebih muda, atlet Xrays- get if 2-3 mo of conservative Rx fails- may show hooked
pelempar, instabilitas GH acromion, AC spurring.
menyebabkan impingment.
MRI sesuai indikasi
Pembedahan Operasi jika terapi konservatif gagal.

Frozen Shoulder Biceps Tendonitis

Mekanisme: penebalan dan
kontraktur kapsul di sekitar sendi GH. Inflammation of sheath around long head of biceps
Imobilitas (operasi, nyeri)
Autoimun Pain and tenderness in bicipital groove
X-rays- normal Often associated with impingement syndrome or rotator
Arthography- constriction of joint cuff tear
Penanganan: PE: +Yergasons, +Speeds
Physical therapy
Terapi nyeri (NSAIDS) Rx:
Corticosteroids occasionally
Surgical referral if conservative fails The Origin of Acupuncture Conservative: Rest, ice, NSAIDs, Injection
Surgical: Transfer of tendon


Labral injury Osteolysis of Distal Clavicle

If atraumatic, most common in
SLAP lesion (Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior) weight lifters
common in throwing athletes Begins as stress fx & bone
remodeling cannot occur due to
continual stress on joint
HX: Painful shoulder that clicks or pops with motion Hx:
Dull Pain over AC joint
PE: +clunk test, +O'Brien's, +/-laxity signs worst in beginning of exercise period
Aggravated by abduction of shoulder
Rx: Dx:
Xrays- osteopenia and lucency of
Often will need surgical repair, especially if athlete. distal clavicle
D/C load-bearing activity
Surgical: Resection of distal clavicle

Case 1
42 yo Male comes to your office complaining of Rt shoulder pain. He does
not remember any specific injury, but has been playing tennis a lot over 1. The most likely diagnosis is:
the past 4 months and tells you that opposing players no longer fear his
serve. It is difficult and painful for him to reach overhead and behind
him. Even rolling onto his shoulder in bed is painful.
a) Acromioclavicular sprain
PE shows full ROM, but with discomfort at end ranges of Flexion,
abduction and internal rotation. There is significant pain when you place b) Rotator Cuff tear
the shoulder in position of 90 degrees of flexion and then internally rotate.
There is also moderate weakness on abduction and external rotation. The c) Adhesive Capsulitis
rest of the MS exam is normal.
d) Rotator Cuff impingement
e) Cervical Radiculopathy

1. The most likely diagnosis is: 2. The best initial treatment is:

a) Acromioclavicular sprain a) Corticosteroid injection

b) Rotator Cuff tear b) Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
c) Adhesive Capsulitis c) Strengthening and ROM exercises
d) Rotator Cuff impingement d) Elbow sling
e) Cervical Radiculopathy e) Cervical collar


2. The best initial treatment is: 3. Predisposing factors for this problem
a) Corticosteroid injection a) Repetitive motion of the shoulder above the
horizontal plane
b) Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
b) Hooked acromion
c) Strengthening and ROM exercises
c) Acromioclavicular spurring
d) Elbow sling
d) Shoulder instability
e) Cervical collar
e) All of the above

1. Woodward, T.W & Best, T.M; The Painful Shoulder: Part I. Clinical
3. Predisposing factors for this problem Evaluation. American Family Physician. May, 15 2006;60:3079-88.
include: 2. Woodward, T.W & Best, T.M; The Painful Shoulder: Part II. Acute and
Chronic Disorders. American Family Physcian. June 1, 2000; 61:3291-
a) Repetitive motion of the shoulder above the 3. Hoppenfield, M. Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities. New
horizontal plane Jersey:Prentice Hall 1976.
4. Thompson, J.C. Netters Concise Atlas of Orthopedic Anatomy.
b) Hooked acromion Philadelphia:Elselvier Inc 2002

c) Acromioclavicular spurring
d) Shoulder instability
e) All of the above


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