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Kalimat Aktif & Pasif dalam bahasa Inggris

Contoh kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris itu tentu saja beragam dan bergantung pada tenses yang
melingkupinya. Coba anda perhatikan contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia berikut ini.

Dino mengendarai mobil.

Mobil dikendarai oleh Dino.

Pak Dika mengajar kelas 3.

Kelas 3 diajar oleh pak Dika.

Lihat bagaimana contoh nomor 2 dan nomor 4 dibalik. Pada contoh nomor 1, anda akan mendapatkan
sebuah kalimat aktif dimana susunannya adalah subjek yang bertindak dan predikat. Sedangkan, pada
contoh nomor 2, anda akan mendapatkan sebuah subjek namun Ia yang dikenai tindakan bukan?
Begitulah sistem kalimat pasif.

Dalam konteks bahasa Inggris, kalimat pasif mempunyai ketentuan yang berbeda dan bergantung pada
tenses atau kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi. Contoh di bawah ini, bisa memberikan penjelasan kepada

1. The room is cleaned by Rika.

2. The rooms are cleaned by Rika.
3. The room was cleaned by Rika.
4. The rooms were cleaned by Rika.
5. The room has been cleaned by Rika.
6. The rooms have been cleaned by Rika.
7. The room had been cleaned by Rika.
8. The rooms had been cleaned by Rika.
9. The room will be cleaned by Rika.

Lihat bagaimana berbedanya kalimat tersebut satu sama lain? Sebenarnya, yang membuat berbeda hanya
to be kalimat tersebut saja. Artinya sama yaitu sebuah ruangan yang dibersihkan oleh Rika. Jadi, kunci
dari sebuah kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris apapun maknanya, adalah to be, kemudian kata kerja
bentuk kedua atau past participle.
Struktur kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut.

Subjek penerima tindakan + To be + Past Participle + Pelaku Tindakan

Ini adalah contoh secara lebih jelas mengenai kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris.

Present Tense
1. Aktif : Tika read the history book of Indonesia.
2. Pasif : The history book of Indonesia is read by Tika.

Present Continuous
1. A : I am writing the new short story.
2. P : The new short story is being written by Sarah

Present Perfect

1. A : My father has fixed the car

2. P : The car has been fixed by my father.

Present Perfect Continuous

1. A : Danny has been doing the homework.

2. P : The homework has been being done by Danny.

Past Tense

1. A : We cleaned the room.

2. P : The room was cleaned by us.

Past Continuous Tense

1. A : We were watching the movie when you came.

2. P : The movie was being watched by us when you came.

Past Perfect Tense

1. A : Tika had listened the news before you told her.

2. P : The news had been listened by Tika before you told her.

Past Perfect Continuous

1. A : Evans had been preparing the schedule for two weeks.

2. P : The schedule had been being prepared by Evan for two weeks.

Simple Future

1. A : I will finish this job at 4.00 PM.

2. P : This job will be finished by me at 4.00 PM.

Future Continuous

1. A : They will be finishing the job at 4.00 PM.

2. P : The job will be being finished at 4.00 PM.

Future Perfect

1. A : They will have finished the job before 5.00 PM.

2. P : The job will have been finished before 5.00 PM.
Future Perfect Continuous

1. A : They will have been completed the job for six hours by the time it finished.
2. P : The job will have been being completed for six hours by the time it finished.

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