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Manual Lokakarya B2

Grup 30 Sistem kelistrikan (0)

Volvo Penta IPS EVC-C

Group 30 Sistem kelistrikan
Mesin Diesel Laut
IPS 350 • IPS 400 • IPS 500 • IPS 600 D4-260D-B • D6-310D-B • D6-370D -
Informasi keselamatan ........................................ ........4 Pengantar ........................................ ................. 4 Penting ..........
............................. 4 Informasi umum .................. ...........................7 Tentang Manual Lokakarya ini .................. ............ 7
................................... ...................... 7 mesin bersertifikat ......................... ........................ 7 Instruksi perbaikan ...............
........................8 Tanggung jawab kita bersama ...................... ............ 8 Torsi yang mengencangkan ..................................
khusus .................................... ....................9 Desain dan fungsi ...... .......................................10 Deskripsi sistem EDC7
............................... 10 sistem EVC ................ .......................................... 11 Lokasi komponen ..... ...................................
komponen ........ ................................... 17 PCU ............. .................................................. ..... 17 SHCU ...............................
...................... 17 SUS .......................... .......................................... 17 Identifikasi PCU dan SHCU. ................... 18 Kontrol
............................. ................................... 19 Katup solenoida, transmisi .......... .................. 19 Penyelesai ...........................
............................... 20 Starter motor ................ ....................................... 20 Alternator ......... ...............................................
...................................... ............................ 21 Sensor, putaran mesin (roda gila) .............. ............ 21 Sensor, posisi poros b
................................. .21 Sensor, meningkatkan tekanan udara / meningkatkan suhu udara ....................................... ... 22 S
tekanan oli pelumas, engine ........................ 22 Sensor suhu cairan pendingin ........... ..................... 23 Sensor suhu bahan
......................... ............ 23 Sensor, tekanan common rail (bahan bakar) .................... 23 dikendalikan secara magnetis
Katup proporsional yang(MPROP) ................................ 24 Supercharger ................ ...................................... 24 Sakelar
bakar sekunder ..... ................. 24 Unit kontrol mesin, EDC7 ........................... ........ 25 Sakelar, tingkat c
..................................... ...... 25 Tombol berhenti ekstra ........................................ ........ 26 Sekering .....................................
.... 26 Voltage converter DC / DC, 12 V ........................... 26 Instruksi perbaikan ....... ........................................27 Saran
bekerja dengan mesin EVC .. ...... 27 Pengelasan listrik ......................................... ............. 27 Penelusuran kesalahan kab
................... 28 Penelusuran kesalahan motor starter dan belitan .. ..... 29 Pengukuran tekanan rel ................................
unit kontrol mesin. ........................... 31 Mengidentifikasi unit kontrol mesin ................. ....... 32 Memprogram u
........................... 33 Memprogram unit kontrol kosong ..... ................ 34 Kerusakan ................................ ...................
kode kesalahan ..................... .................... 34 tabel FMI ........................... ................................. 34 SAE s
....................................... 34 Iklan umum e ................................................. ... 35 Pengenalan sistem, EVC ...............
Memulai urutan .... ........................................... 36 Jaringan ..... .................................................. ........ 37 Penelusuran ke
pada kabel bus ....................... 37 Penelusuran kesalahan sistem EVC ...... ....................... 38 Memeriksa instrumen ...........
39 Tampilan alarm ................................... ................... 40 Waktu tunda pada indikasi alarm ......................... ... 40 mon
pendingin .......................................... 41 Pengukuran ..................................................... ... 42 Memeriksa monitor c
Daftar Isi Grup 30: Sistem KelistrikanSistem
Kode Diagnostik.. .................................44

MID 128, PID MID 128, PID 91 Posisi kontrol throttle .... ..... 44 MID 128, PID 97 Sakelar air, filter bahan bakar .. ........ 46 M
100 Sensor tekanan oli ............... 49 MID 128, PID 105 Meningkatkansuhu udara
sensor........ ........................... 56 MID 128, PID 106 Meningkatkan sensor tekanan udara ...... 61 MID 128, PID 108 Atmosfer
67 MID 128, sensor suhu pendingin PID 110 .. 69 MID 128, PID 158 Tegangan baterai ........................ 74 MID 128, PID 1
tekanan ......................... 77 MID 128, PID 174 Sensor suhu bahan bakar ........ 83 MID 128, PID 190 Engine kecepatan,
kelebihan kecepatan / perhitungan .... 88
MID 128, SID MID 128, SID 1/2/3/4/5/6 Injector 1–6 ................ .. 93 MID 128, SID 21 Sensor posisi camshaftsensor
(kecepatan, camshaft) ...... 96 MID 128, SID 22 Sensor kecepatan (roda gila) ......... 100 MID 128, SID 26 Output , kopling k
MID 128, SID 40 Output, motor starter ............. 107 MID 128, SID 57 Output, pompa bahan bakar (MPROP),
kerusakan ............ ........................... 110 MID 128, SID 218 ECM relay utama .............. ....... 114 MID 128, SID 231 SAE J19
............. 116 MID 128, SID 251 Tegangan suplai ............ ........... 118 MID 128, SID 254 Unit kontrol mesin EDC7 ....... 119
MID 128, PSID MID 128, PSID 50 Tekanan bahan bakar, pemantauan
(MPROP) ..... .......................... 120 MID 128, PSID 51 Jalur Redundant Shut-off ....... 127 MID 128, PSID 53 Memantautek
katup pelepas............................. 128 MID 128, PSID 54 Booster voltage (high bank 1) 130 MID 128 , PSID 55 Teganga
tinggi 2) 132 2MID 164, PPID
MID 164, PPID 390 Lever 1 posisi relatif terhadap
kegagalan pasokan potensiometer ... 134 MID 164, PPID 391 Lever 2 posisi relatif terhadap
kegagalan pasokan potensiometer ... 140 MID 164, PPID 392potensiometer tuas
Kegagalan pasokan......................... 142 MID 164, P PID 393 Input daya bus data ............. 239 MID 164, PPID 394
....................... ..... 144 MID 164, PPID 397komunikasi panel utama
Kegagalan................................... .147 MID 164, PPID 424 Posisi roda kemudi .......... 245
MID 164, SID MID 164, PSID139 Kesalahan pilot otomatis .................. ..... 150 MID 164, SID 226 Saklar netral dantuas
posisitidak cocok ................. 152 MID 164, SID 231 Sinkronisasikomunikasi bus
kesalahan...... ................................. 155 MID 164, SID 240 Kesalahan memori program ........ ... 210 MID 164, SID 250 SAE
tautan data. 157 MID 164, SID 253 Kegagalan Memori Kalibrasi .... 211 MID 164, SID 254 Kesalahan CPU internal ...........
MID 164, PSID MID 164, PSID 64 Kesalahan joystick ......................... 159 MID 164, PSID 65 Tombol joystick ............... .. 1
PSID 66 Joystick hi-tombol .................. 162 MID 164, PSID 67 Kesalahan sinkronisasi Joystick ........... ..... 163 MID 164, P
tuas ...................... 164 MID 164, PSID 96 Perjalanan tuas yang dikalibrasi
terlalu kecil .... ............................ 166 MID 164, PSID 97 Lever procedure kalibrasi .... 167 MID 164, PSID 98 Lever (s )
........... 168 MID 164, PSID 99konfigurasi jaringan bus data
Kesalahan......................... .............. 237 MID 164, PSID 103 Tombol netral ........................ 169 MID 164, PSI
(multifungsi) ............. 171 MID 164, PSID 105 Tombol stasiun aktif .............. 173 MID 164, PSID 106 Mulai ...........................
164, PSID 107 Berhenti ....................................... 177 MID 164, PSID 133 Tautan data roda kemudi ......... 179 MID 164, P
roda kemudi ........... 181 MID 164, PSID 135 Rem roda kemudi ............ .182 MID 164, PSID 136 Pengendali setir ........ 183
137 Sudut kemudi ........................ .184 MID 164, PSID 138 Divergensi posisi kemudi .. 186 MID 164, PSID 140sinkronisasi
Versi bus................................ 187 MID 164, PSID 218 Data bushelm pasif / aktif
kegagalan komunikasi............ 188 MID 164, PSID 226 SHCU kegagalan komunikasi
dengan helm lain ............ .......... 190 MID 164, PSID 231 Chassie ID yang tidak kompatibel ........ 192 MID 164, PSID 232
Peringatan............. ..................... 234
Grup 30: Sistem kelistrikan IsiMID 187, PID MID 187, PID 96 Level bahan bakar ........... .................... 192 MID 187, PID 12
Sensor.................... ............... 196 MID 187, PID 177 Temperatur oli transmisi.
sensor ................................... 200
MID 187, PPID MID 187, PPID 393 Input daya bus data ............. 239 MID 187, Pasokan sensor transmisi PPID 400 .. 203
MID 187, SID MID 187, SID 231 J1939komunikasi
Peringatan / kesalahan........... ............. 206 MID 187, SID 240 Kesalahan memori program ........... 210 MID 187, SID 253 Ke
Kalibrasi .... 211 MID 187, SID 254 Kesalahan CPU internal ................ 214
MID 187, PSID MID 187, PSID 10 Jenis mesin yang tidak kompatibel ....... 215 MID 187, PSID 17 Jaringan bus datakonfigu
kesalahan....................................... 237 MID 187, PSID 18 Daya bus data output ........... 216 MID 187, PSID 20 Solenoid p
(sakelar sisi tinggi) ................... 219 MID 187, PSID 22 Solenoid sekunder
(saklar sisi tinggi) ................... 223 MID 187, PSID 32 Komunikasi bus data dengan
kegagalan helm aktif ........... ...... 225 MID 187, PSID 200 Tidak ada data di bus mesin ........... 228 MID 187, PSID 226 S
dengan helmnya ...................... 231 MID 187, PSID 231 Chassie ID yang tidak kompatibel ........ 192 MID 187, PSID 232
peringatan ..................................... 234
3 MID 250, PID MID 250, PID 168 Input baterai .. ........................ 242
MID 250, PPID MID 250, PPID 55 ECU suhu .............. ..... 249 MID 250, PPID 393 Input daya bus data ............. 239 MID 2
Posisi roda kemudi .......... 245 MID 250 , PPID 426 Sudut kemudi ......................... 247 MID 250, PPID 427 Temperatur mo
................. 250
MID 250, SID MID 250, SID 240 Kesalahan memori program ........... 210 MID 250, SID 253 Kegagalan Memori Kalibrasi ...
SID 254 Kesalahan CPU internal ................ 214
MID 250, PSID MID 250, PSID 1konfigurasi jaringan bus data
Kesalahan...... ................................. 237 MID 250, PSID 2 Output daya bus data ....... .... 252 MID 250, PSID 3 Motor servo ..
254 MID 250, PSID 4elektro mekanis
Rem kemudi kemudi. ......................... 259 MID 250, PSID 6 Komunikasi bus data
dengan kegagalan kemudi aktif .......... 262 MID 250, PSID 232komunikasi bus data
Peringatan..................................... 234
Wiring diagram ..... ..............................................266 Mesin D4, D6 ................................................. ....
............................................ .................. 268 konfigurasi Pin, PCU ........................... ............. Konfigurasi 269 Pin, SH
................... 270
Kalibrasi sebelum memulai ........................... .............271 Umum ................................... ............................ 271 Mode kali
................... .............................. 272 Konfigurasi otomatis ................. .............................. 272 Kombinasi tuas kontrol untuk
Ringkasan, kalibrasi .............................................. 274 Kalibrasi tuas .. .................................................. 276 Kalibrasi kecep
............................................ 278
Memeriksa sistem pengisian daya ............................ 279
Data teknis ................ ...................................... 281
Referensi terhadap Buletin Layanan ....... ...................283
Indeks............................. ........................................ 284
© 2006 AB VOLVO PENTA Kami berhak untuk melakukan modifikasi tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Dicetak pada kertas yang ramah lingkungan.

Informasi keselamatan
Sebagai aturan umum semua operasi servis harus
Pendahuluan dilakukan dengan mesin berhenti. Namun,
beberapa tugas, seperti penyesuaian,
Manual lokakarya ini berisi data teknis, deskripsi, dan membutuhkan mesin untuk dijalankan. Mendekati
instruksi perbaikan untuk produk Volvo Penta atau versi mesin yang sedang beroperasi adalah bahaya
produk yang tercantum dalam daftar isi. Pastikan Anda keselamatan. Ingatlah bahwa pakaian longgar
memiliki Manual Bengkel yang benar untuk mesin Anda. atau rambut panjang dapat diikat di bagian yang
Baca informasi keselamatan yang tersedia, “Informasi berputar dan menyebabkan cedera pribadi yang
umum” dan “Instruksi perbaikan” dalam manual serius.
lokakarya sebelum Anda mulai melakukan pekerjaan
servis apa pun. Jika pekerjaan dilakukan bersebelahan dengan
mesin yang sedang berjalan, gerakan yang
ceroboh atau alat yang jatuh dapat menyebabkan
cedera pribadi dalam kasus terburuk.
Berhati-hatilah untuk menghindari kontak dengan
permukaan panas (pipa knalpot, turbocharger, pipa
Penting pemasukan udara, pemanas starter, dll.) Dan
cairan dalam pipa dan selang di mesin yang
Dalam buku ini dan pada produk Anda akan menemukan
sedang berjalan atau baru saja dihentikan. Pasang
simbol peringatan khusus berikut.
kembali semua bagian pelindung yang dilepaskan
PERINGATAN! Memperingatkan risiko cedera selama perbaikan sebelum menghidupkan mesin.
pribadi, kerusakan besar pada produk atau
properti, atau kerusakan serius jika instruksi
tersebut diabaikan. Jangan pernah menghidupkan mesin dengan
penutup katupnya dipindahkan. Terlepas dari
PENTING! Digunakan untuk menarik perhatian risiko tumpahnya minyak, ada risiko cedera
pada hal-hal yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pribadi. Tegangan yang dipasok ke injektor dapat
atau kegagalan fungsi pada produk atau properti. mencapai 80 V.

CATATAN! Digunakan untuk menarik perhatian pada

Periksa apakah label peringatan atau informasi
informasi penting, untuk memfasilitasi proses kerja
pada produk selalu terlihat jelas. Ganti label yang
atau operasi. Di bawah ini adalah ringkasan risiko dan
sudah rusak atau dicat.
tindakan pencegahan keselamatan yang harus selalu
Anda perhatikan atau lakukan saat mengoperasikan
atau memperbaiki mesin.
Jangan pernah menghidupkan mesin tanpa
memasang filter pembersih udara. Turbin
Buat tidak mungkin menghidupkan mesin dengan kompresor berputar di turbocharger dapat
memotong arus sistem dengan sakelar utama dan menyebabkan cedera parah. Benda asing
menguncinya pada posisi mati sebelum memulai memasuki saluran intake juga dapat
pekerjaan servis. Atur pemberitahuan peringatan menyebabkan kerusakan mekanis.
oleh stasiun helm.

Jangan pernah menggunakan semprotan awal

atau produk serupa sebagai bantuan awal. Minyak panas dapat menyebabkan luka bakar.
Mereka dapat menyebabkan ledakan di manifold Hindari kontak kulit dengan minyak panas.
inlet. Bahaya cedera pribadi. Pastikan bahwa sistem pelumasan tidak di bawah
tekanan sebelum melakukan pekerjaan apa pun.
Jangan pernah memulai atau mengoperasikan
Hindari membuka tutup pengisian cairan pendingin mesin dengan tutup pengisi oli dilepas, jika tidak oli
saat mesin panas. Uap atau cairan pendingin bisa dikeluarkan.
dapat menyembur keluar dan tekanan sistem akan
hilang. Buka tutup pengisi secara perlahan, dan
lepaskan tekanan dalam sistem pendingin jika Hentikan mesin dan tutup cocks laut sebelum
tutup pengisian atau keran harus dibuka, atau jika melakukan pekerjaan pada sistem pendingin.
steker atau selang pendingin harus dilepas ketika
mesin panas. Sulit untuk mengantisipasi ke arah
mana uap atau pendingin bisa menyemprot keluar.
Grup 30: Sistem kelistrikan Informasi keselamatanHanya menyalakan mesin di area yang berventilasi baik.
Ketika dioperasikan di ruang terbatas, asap knalpot dan gas bak mesin harus diventilasi dari ruang engine atau bengkel.
Selalu gunakan kacamata pelindung atau kacamata pelindung saat melakukan pekerjaan di mana ada risiko kumparan, pe
percikan asam atau di mana bahan kimia lain digunakan. Mata Anda sangat sensitif, cedera bisa menyebabkan kebutaan!
Hindari minyak di kulit Anda! Paparan berulang-ulang terhadap minyak atau paparan dalam jangka waktu lama dapat men
menjadi kering. Iritasi, kekeringan dan eksim dan masalah kulit lainnya dapat terjadi.
Minyak bekas lebih berbahaya daripada minyak segar dari aspek kesehatan. Gunakan sarung tangan pelindung dan hinda
lap basah dari minyak. Cuci secara teratur, terutama sebelum makan. Ada krim kulit khusus yang menetralkan pengeringa
membuatnya lebih mudah untuk membersihkan kotoran setelah pekerjaan selesai.
Sebagian besar bahan kimia yang ditujukan untuk produk (misalnya oli mesin dan transmisi, glikol, bensin (gasline) dan mi
atau bahan kimia untuk penggunaan di bengkel (mis. Degreas, cat dan pelarut) berbahaya. Baca instruksi pada kemasan p
hati-hati! Patuhi selalu tindakan pencegahan keamanan untuk produk (misalnya penggunaan masker pelindung, kacamata
tangan, dll.). Pastikan personel lain tidak terpapar bahan kimia berbahaya, misalnya di udara. Pastikan ventilasi yang baik
Ikuti instruksi yang diberikan saat pembuangan bahan kimia bekas atau sisa.
Latihan sangat hati-hati ketika mendeteksi kebocoran pada sistem bahan bakar dan menguji nozel injektor bahan bakar. G
pelindung mata. Jet yang berasal dari injektor bahan bakar memiliki tekanan yang sangat tinggi dan penetrasi yang cukup
bakar dapat memaksa masuk jauh ke dalam jaringan tubuh dan menyebabkan cedera parah. Bahaya keracunan darah (se
Semua bahan bakar, dan banyak bahan kimia, mudah terbakar. Jangan biarkan nyala api atau percikan api di lingkungan.
(bensin), beberapa pengencer dan gas hidrogen dari baterai sangat mudah terbakar dan meledak ketika dicampur dengan
perbandingan yang benar. Dilarang Merokok! Pastikan area kerja memiliki ventilasi yang baik dan lakukan tindakan penceg
diperlukan sebelum memulai pekerjaan pengelasan atau gerinda.
5 Selalu memastikan bahwa ada alat pemadam api yang siap digunakan saat pekerjaan sedang dilakukan. Pastikan oli da
direndam kain, dan saringan bahan bakar dan oli bekas disimpan di tempat yang aman. Kain yang direndam dalam minyak
menyala secara spontan dalam kondisi tertentu. Filter bahan bakar dan oli bekas mencemari limbah dan harus diserahkan
pengelolaan limbah yang disetujui untuk dihancurkan, bersama dengan oli pelumas bekas, bahan bakar yang terkontamina
pelarut, degreas, dan residu cuci.
Baterai tidak boleh terkena api terbuka atau percikan listrik. Jangan pernah merokok dekat dengan baterai. Baterai mengh
hidrogen saat diisi, yang membentuk gas eksplosif bila dicampur dengan udara. Gas ini mudah terbakar dan sangat fluktua
yang dapat disebabkan oleh koneksi baterai yang salah, dapat menyebabkan percikan tunggal yang cukup untuk menyeba
dengan kerusakan yang diakibatkannya. Jangan pindahkan koneksi saat Anda mencoba menghidupkan mesin (berisiko m
jangan berdiri dan membungkuk di atas salah satu baterai.
Selalu pastikan bahwa kabel baterai Plus (positif) dan Mius (negatif) terpasang dengan benar pada pos terminal yang sesu
baterai. Pemasangan yang salah dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan serius pada peralatan listrik. Lihat diagram pengkabelan
Selalu gunakan kacamata pelindung saat mengisi dan menangani baterai. Elektrolit baterai mengandung asam sulfat yang
Seandainya baterai elektrolit bersentuhan dengan kulit yang tidak terlindungi segera cuci menggunakan banyak air dan sa
mendapatkan asam baterai di mata Anda, basuh sekaligus dengan jumlah air yang banyak, dan dapatkan bantuan medis s
Matikan mesin dan matikan power pada sakelar utama sebelum melakukan pekerjaan pada sistem kelistrikan.
Penyesuaian kopling harus dilakukan dengan mesin berhenti.
Lug yang ada pada engine / gigi mundur harus digunakan untuk mengangkat rakitan. Selalu periksa bahwa devisa pengan
kondisi baik dan memiliki kapasitas yang tepat untuk pengangkatan (bobot engine plus gigi mundur dan peralatan tambaha
Informasi keselamatan Grup 30: Sistem kelistrikan
Engine harus diangkat dengan boom pengangkat material.
yang dapat disesuaikan atau dapat disesuaikan Komponen dalam sistem listrik dan bahan bakar
untuk penanganan yang aman dan untuk pada produk Volvo Penta telah dirancang untuk
menghindari kerusakan komponen di atas engine. meminimalkan risiko ledakan dan kebakaran.
Semua rantai atau kabel harus sejajar satu sama Mesin tidak boleh dijalankan di area di mana ada
lain dan harus sejajar mungkin dengan bagian atas bahan peledak.
mesin. Jika peralatan lain yang terhubung ke
mesin telah mengubah pusat gravitasinya,
diperlukan alat pengangkat khusus untuk PERINGATAN! Pipa pengiriman bahan bakar tidak
mendapatkan keseimbangan yang benar dan boleh dibengkokkan atau diluruskan dalam
penanganan yang aman. Jangan pernah keadaan apa pun. Pipa yang rusak harus diganti.
melakukan pekerjaan pada mesin yang hanya
menggantung dari alat angkat.
Jangan pernah menggunakan mesin cuci
tekanan tinggi untuk membersihkan mesin. Saat
Jangan pernah bekerja sendiri saat melepaskan membersihkan bagian lain dengan mesin cuci
komponen mesin berat, bahkan saat tekanan tinggi, jangan pernah mengarahkan jet
menggunakan perangkat pengangkat seperti ke segel, selang karet atau komponen listrik.
penguncian tackle lift. Saat menggunakan alat
pengangkat, biasanya diperlukan dua orang untuk
melakukan pekerjaan, satu untuk menjaga alat Gunakan hanya bahan bakar yang
pengangkat dan yang lain untuk memastikan direkomendasikan oleh Volvo Pen. Lihat Manual
bahwa komponen diangkat dengan jelas dan tidak Operator. Penggunaan bahan bakar yang
rusak selama operasi pengangkatan. Saat Anda berkualitas lebih rendah dapat merusak mesin.
bekerja di atas kapal, selalu pastikan bahwa ada Bahan bakar yang buruk juga dapat menyebabkan
cukup ruang untuk pembongkaran di tempat Anda biaya perawatan yang lebih tinggi.
bekerja, tanpa risiko cedera pribadi atau kerusakan

Informasi umum
mengasumsikan bahwa orang yang menggunakan
Manual memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang sistem
penggerak laut dan dapat melakukan tugas-tugas yang
Tentang Manual Lokakarya ini bersifat mekanik atau listrik yang terkait dengan
Manual lokakarya ini berisi data teknis, deskripsi, perdagangan. Volvo Penta terus meningkatkan
dan instruksi perbaikan untuk mesin diesel engine produknya, jadi kami berhak melakukan modifikasi
berikut: D6-310D-B dan D6-370D-B. Manual bengkel tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Semua informasi
dapat menggambarkan tugas yang dilakukan pada dalam manual ini didasarkan pada data produk yang
salah satu mesin yang disebutkan di atas. Ini berarti tersedia hingga tanggal di mana manual dicetak. Setiap
bahwa ilustrasi dan foto yang mengklarifikasi rincian perubahan materi yang diperkenalkan ke dalam produk
tertentu mungkin tidak sesuai dengan mesin lain dalam atau metode layanan setelah tanggal ini diberitahukan
beberapa kasus. Namun, metode perbaikan serupa melalui Buletin Layanan.
dalam semua hal penting. Jika ini bukan masalahnya,
ini dicatat. Perbedaan penting dicatat secara terpisah.
Penunjukan dan nomor mesin dicatat pada plat nomor
dan stiker mesin. Penunjukan dan nomor mesin harus
selalu diberikan sesuai dengan semua produk. Manual
Lokakarya diproduksi terutama untuk penggunaan
lokakarya Volvo Penta dan teknisi servis. Ini
Suku cadang Suku cadang untuk sistem listrik ● Tidak ada perubahan pemasangan pada pipa
knalpot dan saluran masuk udara engine yang dapat
dan bahan bakar tunduk pada berbagai persyaratan
keselamatan nasional, seperti Peraturan Keselamatan
Penjaga Pantai AS. Suku Cadang Asli Volvo Penta ● Tidak ada segel yang dapat dihancurkan oleh personel
memenuhi spesifikasi ini. Kerusakan apa pun, yang yang tidak berwenang.
disebabkan oleh penggunaan suku cadang Volvo
Penta yang tidak asli untuk produk, tidak akan Saran umum dalam buku instruksi tentang operasi,
dikompensasi oleh garansi yang ditawarkan oleh Volvo perawatan dan pemeliharaan berlaku.
PENTING! Perawatan / perawatan yang tertunda
Mesin atau lebih rendah, dan penggunaan suku cadang
bersertifikasimesin yang tidak asli berarti bahwa Volvo Penta tidak lagi
bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa
bersertifikasi mesin memenuhi versi yang disertifikasi.
Kerusakan dan / atau biaya yang timbul dari ini
Saat melakukan servis dan perbaikan padaemisi,
tidak akan dikompensasi oleh Volvo Penta.
penting untuk mengetahui hal berikut: Sertifikasi
berarti bahwa tipe mesin telah diperiksa dan disetujui
oleh otoritas terkait. Pabrikan mesin menjamin bahwa
semua mesin yang terbuat dari jenis yang sama setara
dengan mesin bersertifikat. Ini membuat tuntutan
khusus pada pekerjaan servis dan perbaikan,
sebagai berikut:

● Interval perawatan dan servis yang direkomendasikan

oleh Volvo Penta harus dipatuhi.

● Hanya suku cadang asli Volvo Penta yang dapat


● Layanan untuk pompa injeksi, pengaturan pompa, dan

proyektor harus selalu dilakukan oleh bengkel Volvo
Penta resmi.

● Engine tidak boleh dikonversi atau dimodifikasi,

kecuali untuk aksesori dan kit servis yang telah disetujui
Volvo Penta untuk engine.
Instruksi perbaikan
tentang ini dalam manual lokakarya. Dengan mengikuti
rekomendasi dasar ini dan menggunakan-
menggunakan akal sehat, adalah mungkin untuk
Metode kerja yang dijelaskan dalam Manual Lokakarya menghindari sebagian besar risiko yang terlibat dalam
berlaku untuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan dalam pekerjaan. Tempat kerja yang bersih dan mesin yang
lokakarya. Karena alasan ini, mesin diangkat keluar dari bersih akan menghilangkan banyak risiko cedera pribadi
kapal dan dipasang pada pendukung peralatan. dan kerusakan mesin. Di atas segalanya, ketika bekerja
Pekerjaan renovasi yang tidak memerlukan mesin untuk pada sistem bahan bakar, sistem pelumasan, sistem
diangkat dapat dilakukan di tempat, dengan metode induksi, turbocharger, tutup bantalan dan segel
kerja yang sama, kecuali ditentukan lain. Tanda-tanda dilakukan, sangat penting bahwa tidak ada kotoran atau
peringatan yang muncul dalam manual lokakarya jenis partikel asing yang bisa masuk, karena hal ini akan
(silakan merujuk ke "Informasi keselamatan" untuk menyebabkan kegagalan fungsi atau mempersingkat
artinya). umur perbaikan.

PERINGATAN Tanggung jawab kita

! bersama.
Setiap mesin terdiri dari sejumlah besar sistem dan
komponen kolaborasi. Setiap penyimpangan komponen
dari spesifikasi teknisnya dapat secara dramatis
meningkatkan dampak lingkungan dari mesin yang baik
lainnya. Untuk alasan ini, penting agar toleransi keausan
yang ditentukan diperhatikan, bahwa sistem yang dapat
N! disesuaikan disesuaikan dengan benar dan bahwa
Volvo Penta Original Spares digunakan untuk engine.
tidak komprehensif dalam hal apa pun, karena kita tentu
Interval servis yang disebutkan dalam Jadwal
saja tidak dapat meramalkan segalanya, karena
Pemeliharaan harus diperhatikan. Beberapa sistem,
pekerjaan pelayanan dilakukan dalam keadaan yang
seperti komponen dalam sistem bahan bakar,
sangat beragam. Untuk alasan ini, yang bisa kita
memerlukan keahlian khusus dan peralatan pengujian
lakukan adalah menunjukkan risiko yang kita yakini
khusus untuk servis dan pemeliharaan. Untuk alasan
dapat terjadi karena pekerjaan yang tidak benar di
lingkungan, dll., Beberapa komponen disegel di pabrik.
bengkel yang dilengkapi dengan baik, menggunakan
Anda hanya diperbolehkan mengerjakan komponen
metode dan alat kerja yang diuji oleh kita. Semua
yang disegel jika Anda memiliki wewenang untuk
operasi yang dijelaskan dalam Manual Lokakarya yang
melakukan pekerjaan tersebut. Ingat bahwa sebagian
menyediakan Alat Khusus Volvo Penta mengasumsikan
besar produk kimia, salah digunakan, merusak
bahwa alat ini digunakan saat melakukan perbaikan.
lingkungan. Volvo Penta merekomendasikan
Alat Khusus Volvo Penta telah dikembangkan untuk
penggunaan degreaser yang dapat terbiodegradasi
memastikan metode kerja yang paling aman dan
setiap kali komponen mesin dilumasi, kecuali dinyatakan
rasional. Karena itu, tanggung jawab siapa pun yang
lain dalam manual bengkel. Ketika bekerja di atas kapal,
menggunakan alat lain atau metode kerja lain daripada
berhati-hatilah untuk memastikan bahwa minyak, residu
yang kami rekomendasikan untuk menentukan bahwa
cuci dll. Diproses untuk penghancuran, dan tidak secara
tidak ada risiko cedera pribadi atau kerusakan mekanis
tidak sengaja dibuang dengan lambung kapal ke
atau malfungsi sebagai akibatnya. Dalam beberapa
kasus tindakan pencegahan keamanan khusus dan
instruksi pengguna mungkin diperlukan untuk
menggunakan alat dan bahan kimia yang disebutkan
dalam Manual Lokakarya. Aturan-aturan ini harus selalu Pengetatan torsi
diperhatikan, sehingga tidak ada instruksi khusus
Torsi pengetatan untuk pengencang penting, yang harus pengikat tidak perlu dikencangkan dengan kunci momen
diperketat dengan kunci momen, tercantum dalam torsi.
“Techni- kal Data: torsi pengetatan khusus” dan
mencatat dalam deskripsi pekerjaan dalam buku ini.
Semua spesifikasi torsi berlaku untuk membersihkan Dimensi Torsi Nm M5
sekrup, kepala sekrup, dan wajah kawin. Data torsi .............................................. ........... 6 M6
dinyatakan berlaku untuk benang yang diminyaki atau ..................................... .................. 10 M8
kering ringan. Jika diperlukan pelumas, cairan pengunci, .............................. ......................... 25 M10
atau sealant pada pengikat, jenis persiapan yang akan ....................... .............................. 50 M12
digunakan akan tercantum dalam uraian tugas. Untuk .................. ................................... 80 M14
pengencang di mana nilai torsi spesifik tidak diberikan, ............. .......................................... 140 M16
silakan merujuk ke "Data teknis: Torsi pengencangan .......... ......................................... 220
umum". Spesifikasi torsi umum adalah nilai target dan

Alat khusus
3838619 VODIA alat diagnostik lengkap. *
3838620 VODIA - palmtop computer (PDA)
dengan kartu SD. 3838621 VODIA - stasiun dok. Digunakan dengan VODIA PDA (3838620). 3838622 VODIA - kabel dengan konektor.
dengan stasiun dok (3838621) pada konektor komunikasi engine. 3838623 VODIA - EDC Adapter de
daya. Digunakan dengan stasiun docking 3838621 dan kabel 3838622 yang terhubung ke konektor 2-pin engine.
* Catatan. Informasi lebih rinci tentang penggunaan alat VODIA dapat
ditemukan di manual instruksi alat. 3809570
Cranking tool
3812541 Brake release switch 9812519 Multimeter 9998699 Measurebox 88890016 Adapter cable for sensor test 885675
for sensor test
3838620 3838621 3838622 3838623
885675 9812519
3809570 3812541

Design and function

System description EDC7

EDC* is a system for electronic diesel engine control. The system has been developed by Volvo Penta and includes fuel control a
nostic function
* EDC = “Electronic Diesel Control”.

Diagnosis (EVC system)

Engine speed
Boost air temperature

Throttle opening

Oil pressure

Coolant temperature

Boost air pressure

Fuel pressure (common rail pressure)

Fuel temperature

Fuel alarm, “water in fuel”

Camshaft position

Proportional valve (MPROP)

Fuel quantity (injectors)

Engine control unit

Fuel control
EDC system processor is located in the controlunit, protected from water and vibration. The processor receives continuous inform

• • • • • • • • • Engine speed Throttle opening Oil pressure Boost air pressure /temperature Fuel pressure (common rail
pressure) Fuel temperature Fuel alarm, “water in fuel” Camshaft position Coolant temperature

The information provides information about current op- eration conditions and allows the processor to calculate the correct fuel vo
engine status etc.
The amount of fuel injected into the engine and the in- jection advance are fully electronically controlled, via fuel valves and the i
control unit has analyzed the engine's fuel requirements. This means that the engine always receives the cor- rect volume of fue
conditions, which offers lower fuel consumption, minimal exhaust emis- sions etc. The control unit monitors and reads the injecto
the correct volume of fuel is injected into each cylinder, and it calculates and set the injection advance. Control is mainly done wi
speed sensors, fuel pressure sensor and the combined sensor for boost air pressure/boost air temperature. The control unit con
via a signal to the electromagnetically operated fuel valve in each in- jector, which can be opened and closed.
Group 30: Electrical system Design and functionWhen the fuel valve is open, fuel is forced through the injector nozzle and
cylinder. Injection ceases
EVC system
when the fuel valve is closed.
The EVC system is a so-called distributed system. The control unit receives signals from various sensors on the engine, wh
decide when the fuel
Distributed systems consist of many smaller electron- ic units (nodes) located at suitable places in the boat. valve should

The EVC nodes are the driveline control system or PCU (Powertrain Control Unit), the control station system or SHCU (He
Control Unit) and the drive leg control system or SUS (Servo Unit Steering). The nodes are located close to their external
Calculation of fuel quantity
components. The SHCU is located close to the helm station, the PCU in the engine room and the SUS on The quan
injected int
the drive leg. calculated by the control unit. The calculation gives
Each node is connected to a number of external com- the time when the fuel valve is open (fuel is injected
ponents such as sensors, controls, instruments and into the cylinder when the fuel valve is open).
control levers. The parameters which govern the amount of fuel in-
Each PCU, SHCU and SUS is programmed for a jected are:
specific engine. There is a decal on each PCU, SHCU
• Demanded engine speed
and SUS, containing a serial number and CHASSIS ID number. The CHASSIS ID number must coincide
• Engine protection functions
with the CHASSIS ID number on the decals on the
• Temperature
• Boost air pressure
• Fuel pressure
A data link (a CAN bus) links the nodes to each other. They combine to form a data network and the nodes exchange
benefit from each others services. The principle of using a network of nodes to which all components are connected
amount of cable installation is radically reduced. A distributed system allows the system architecture to be extended
equipment. New nodes Diagno
can be connected to the network with minimal chang-
The EDC system has a built-in diagnostic function which can discover any faults in the engine and sensors.
es to the cables. Functionality becomes more effec- tive since the nodes are allowed to collaborate and combine their r
creates a more useful The function of the diagnostic functio
and safer product. and localize any function faults in the EDC system, to protect the engine and guarantee continued opera
function fault should occur.
Idling adjustment (low idle)
Idling speed can be adjusted to a value between 600– 650 rpm.
Design and function Group 30: Electrical system
Engine speed and gear shifting Engine speed and gear shifting is controlled electroni- cally. The outboard drives are alw
against excess speed. The EVC system have both dual-function electronic controls.
Engine synchronizing Engine synchronizing gives greater comfort, good fuel economy and minimized wear, thanks to red
and reduced sound levels. The master system (port) and slave system (starboard) must be able to communicate, to make s
possible. For this reason, a synchronizing cable must be installed at the main helm station and all alternative helm stations
Instruments The instruments use a serial communication bus called “Easy Link”. Easy Link in combination with the rest of
system radically reduces the need for cable installation, and simplifies installation.
Display The EVC display is used as a complement to, or as a replacement for the instruments. The EVC display functional
the EDC display, but gives more information. The display is connected to the synchronizing bus from the SHCU.
Fuel level (optional) EVC makes it easy to install fuel level indication. All that is needed is a fuel level sensor in the tank a
or display on the instrument panel. If a fuel level gauge is used, it should be connected to the in- strument “Easy Link” in th
cable harness between the PCU and the engine has a connector for the fuel level sensor. No new cable installation needs
12Boat speed (optional)
The EVC can indicate boat speed if you have a GPS which is compatible with NMEA 0183, NMEA 2000 and an NMEA unit
can be indicated on the display and in a log connected to the “Easy Link”.
Fresh water level (optional) EVC makes it easy to install the water level indicator. All you need is a level sensor in the wa
level gauge or a display at the helm. If a water level gauge is used it must be connected to the instrument serial communica
PCU–engine cable harness has an input for the fresh water level sender.
Rudder indicator The rudder indicator (drive leg position indicator) is a part of the EVC system. All you need is a gauge to
instrument serial communication bus.
Boat speed, echo sender and water temp (Multi sensor), (optional) The multisensor is connected to the multilink cable
multi sensor are shown on the EVC display.
Braked Autopilot (extra optional) An Autopilot computer can be connected to EVC system via an Autopilot-interface. Act
activation of the autopilot, along with other user information, is described in the autopilot suppliers documentation. NOTE! T
refuse activation if the steering wheel is turned at the same time as an attempt is made to activate the autopilot. The autopi
work when traveling backwards. The steering wheel is braked while the autopilot is in control (AUTO position) Disconnecti
autopilot is disconnected with steering wheel movements greater than 2°, with change of helm, or if a serious fault occurs.
autopilot is activated from a passive helm, then disconnection via steering wheel movement is not possible from that helm.

Component location Joy stick

Helm EVC System steering Tachometer

Instruments unit
EVC System Display

EVC control panel

Key switch Relay

Tachometer/ instruments, stb engine

Fresh water level sender Auxiliary HCU secondary station

switches Controls Neutral dimmer unit (ADU)
Key switchRelay, external acces- soriesHCU, secondary station

HCU stb

PCU port
Fuel level sender

NMEA Auto pilot

HCU port
Fresh water level sender

PCU stb
Diagnostic connection

Steering unit (SUS)

Steering unit (SUS)

Component location Group 30: Electrical system

NOTE! The position numbers coincide with the position numbers in the engine wiring diagram.
Engine components
3. Starter motor (with starter motor solenoid) 9. Sensor, air pressure/boost air temperature 10. Sensor, oil pressure* (engine) 12.
Sensor, fuel temperature 13. Sensor, common rail pressure (fuel) 14. Solenoid controlled proportional valve, high pressure pump – fuel
(MPROP) 16. Monitor, “water in fuel” (secondary filter)

27. Fuse, IPS (50 A)

* Pressure is measured after the oil filters.




27 13
14 9
Group 30: Electrical system Component locationNOTE! The position numbers coincide with the position numbers in the en
21 24
25 20 17 26
Engine components
4. Alternator 7. Speed sensor – flywheel 8. Sensor, camshaft position 11. Sensor, coolant temperature 15. Supercharger ( D6-370D-B) 17. Engine control unit, EDC
sensor) 20. Monitor, coolant level 21. Extra stop button 24. Fuse*, engine control unit (20 A) 25. Fuse*, EVC (20 A) 26. Voltage converter (DC / DC)**
*Circuit breaker with manual re-set (only on engines with 24 V system voltage).
Catatan. Relative positions of the fuses (pos. 24 and 25) can vary, please refer to the wiring schedule. Red and red/white cable to fuse for enginecontrol unit. Red a
to fuse for EVC. ** Semi-automatic circuit breaker (only on engines with 12 V system voltage).

Component location Group 30: Electrical system
NOTE! The position numbers in figure do not corresponding to the engine wiring diagram.
16 Transmission compone
1. SUS 2. Connector, EVC 3. Resolver, signal cable 4. Power supply connectors, electric motor 5. Secondary solenoid, reverse gear 6. Primary solenoid, forward g


Component description

NOTE! The number / letter in brackets in the headings coincides with the position number on the component location illustratio
position number in the engine wiring diagram.

PCU* The node is located in the engine room. It communi- cates

transmission and helm sta- tion control unit, SHCU, via the standard
* PCU = Powertrain Control Unit.
There is a decal containing the serial number and CHASSIS ID on the PCU. The CHASS
with the CHASSIS ID number on the decals on the engine.
SHCU* The node is located close to the helm station and its com
Communicates with the PCU and SUS via the standard bus.
* SHCU = Steering Helm Control Unit.
There is a decal containing the serial number and CHASSIS ID on the SHCU. The CHAS
with the CHASSIS ID number on the decals on the engine.

SUS* The SUS consists of a control unit and an electric motor. T

the upper gear of the IPS. Communicates with the SHCU and PCU
* SUS = Servo Unit Steering.
There is a decal containing the serial number and CHASSIS ID on the SUS. The CHASS
with the CHASSIS ID number on the decals on the engine.

Component description Group 30: Electrical system

Identification of the PCU and SHCU

Each PCU and SHCU (node) in the EVC system is programmed to com
specific engine. Software can vary depending on engine type, equip- m
setting, etc. It is therefore, prior to installation, important to identify the
This is carried out by checking indentically designed labels, placed on
on top of the en- gine cover, on the engine control unit (ECU) and on th
Steering (SUS). Identification is done by using the ENGINE CHASSIS
CHASSIS ID. can also be shown in the EVC display.
node labels must correspond with the chassis id.
number on engine and SUS labels.
* VV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * ENGINE S/N: 0000000000
The CHASSIS ID. number on the node labels are also PCU/SHCU, engine and
intended for the Volvo Penta organisation for identifi- SUS label
cation of the system in the VODIA diagnostic tool. The
Group 30: Electrical system Component descriptionControl
Only electronic controls can be used on the engines. NOTE! If a co
control must be calibrated before starting (please refer to the “Calib
starting” section).

The potentiometer registers the movements of the
control lever and gives the control module information
about engine speed and gear shift demanded. The po-
tentiometer is installed inside the control. NOTE! If a
potentiometer is changed, the control must be calibrated
before starting (please refer to the “Cali- bration before
starting” section).
The neutr
boat to be
mode. Th

Neutral switch

Solenoid valves, transmission Solenoid

valves (V) for gear shifting are located on the upper gear. emptied and the reversing gear goes into neutral.
The valves are ordinary OFF–ON valves which al- low oil Secondary solenid
to pass to the correct clutch when ON. When sufficient valve (reverse)
oil pressure has been built up, the clutch is activated (the
oil pressure is raised gradually to give a gentle Primary solenid
engagement). In the OFF position, the oil in the clutch is valve (forward)

Neutral switch
Component description Group 30: Electrical system
Resolver The resolver (1) is the unit that communicates to the SU
the driveleg actually is located. The resolver unit consists of a resolver,
a signal cable. Inside the resolver there is no physical contact points. T
serviceable and has to be replaced as a complete unit.
flywheel housing, on the left-hand side of the engine.
The starter motor relay is “positive connected”, which
means that the re- lay receives a positive signal (+) to
activate the start- er motor. The starter motor solenoid is
engaged via the starter relay, which is activated when
the starter key is turned to position III.

The starter re

Starter motor The starter motor is installed in the

Alternator The alternator* is belt driven and mounted on the front

the right. The voltage regulator in the standard alternator has a sensor
compensate for voltage drop in the cables to the battery.
* 14 V/115 A alt. 24 V 80 A
Group 30: Electrical system Component descriptionInjectors The injectors are installed on the cylinder head, under- neath
The amount of fuel injected and injection duration is controlled by the control unit, via electromagnetically controlled fuel valves
means that the engine always receives the correct volume of fuel in all operating conditions, which offers lower fuel con- sump
emissions etc.
Sensor, engine speed (flywheel) The sensor is loca
flywheel housing and is identical with the camshaft position sensor.
inductive. It reads the crankshaft posi- tion and speed by means of
on the outer radius of the flywheel, plus a distance with- out holes. T
the control unit, which calculates the injection advance and the amo

Sensor, camshaft position The camshaft position sens

rear on the right of the cylinder head and is identical with the engine
sensor is inductive, and reads off a toothed wheel on the exhaust ca
wheel has one tooth per cylinder plus a synchronisation tooth, ie 7 t
located inside one interval). The impulses from the cam position sen
control unit with information about the cylinder which is next in line f

Component description Group 30: Electrical system
Sensor, boost air pressure/boost air temperatu
pressure and the boost air temperature are measured by a combined s
under- neath the inlet manifold on the left of the engine. The sensor is
Volt reference voltage from the engine control module.

The boost air pressure sensor measures the abso- lute pressure, wh
the boost air pres- sure and atmospheric pressure (300 kPa thus corre
boost pressure of 200 kPa when atmo- spheric pressure is 100 kPa). T
is a voltage signal which is pro- portional to absolute pressure. The bo
temperature sensor consists of a non- linear resistor, whose resistanc
boost air temperature. The resistance falls as the temperature rises.

Sensor, lube oil pressure, engine Oil pressure is mea

installed in the engine block on the left side of the engine. The sensor m
pressure in the main oil gallery, and is supplied by a 5 Volt reference v
engine control module.

The pressure signal is a voltage signal which is pro- portional to the lub
Group 30: Electrical system Component descriptionCoolant temperature sensor The sensor is located on the ex
right hand side of the engine. The sensor senses the engine coolant temperature and sends the information to the engine cont
consists of a non-linear resistor, whose re- sistance varies with coolant temperature. The resis- tance falls as the coolant temp

Fuel temperature sensor The sensor is mounted on the

second- ary fuel filter on the right of the engine. The sensor senses
and sends the information to the engine control unit. The sensor con
resistor, whose resistance varies with fuel temperature. The resistan
temperature rises.
Sensor, common rail pressure (fuel) The sensor
of the engine, at the front of the distribution manifold (“rail”) which d
injectors. The rail pressure sensor senses the fuel pressure and con
which is registered by the engine control unit.

Component description Group 30: Electrical system
Magnetically controlled propor- tional valve (MP
A magnetically controlled proportional valve (MPROP) controls the high
ensure that the correct fuel pressure (rail pressure) is retained despite
speed and loading. The valve is located in the high pressure pump at t
engine on the left. The input signal to the valve is a PWM signal whose
controlled by the engine control module. When the current through the
this affects the fuel flow, which results in changed fuel pressure (rail pr

Supercharger The mechanical supercharger is located at the rig

engine. An electromagnetic clutch is used to engage and disengage th
The engine control unit activates the coupling by providing the coupling

Water switch, secondary fuel filter A monitor is locate

secondary fuel fil- ter. Its task is to discover water in the fuel system. T
consists of a measurement probe con- taining two measurement points
isolated by a layer of insulation. The measurement probe is in contact
there is no water in the fuel, the resistance be- tween the measuremen
high. If there is any water in the fuel, the resistance falls. When the res
a limit value (which happens when water gets into the fuel), the engine
receives an alarm signal.
Group 30: Electrical system Component descriptionEngine control unit, EDC7
Control unit (EDC 7) is installed at the front on the right side of the e
controls the injectors, to ensure that the correct volume of fuel is inje
cylinder at the right time. It also controls the high pressure pump via
valve (MPROP) to ensure that the system always has the correct fu
pressure). The control unit also calculates and adjusts the injec- tion
is mainly done with the aid of the engine speed sensors and the com
boost air pressure/boost air temperature. The EDC system process
control unit, unit, protected from water and vibration. The processor
information about:

• • • • • • • • • Engine speed Throttle opening Oil pressure Bo

pressure /temperature Fuel pressure (common rail pressure) Fu

temperature Fuel alarm, “water in fuel” Camshaft position Coolan


The information provides information about current op- eration cond

processor to calculate the correct fuel volume, monitor engine statu

Swich, coolant level The monitor is installed on the right b

pansion tank at the front of the engine. The task of the monitor is to
the coolant level in the engine (expansion tank) has be- come too lo
is sent when the cool- ant level is too low.

Component description Group 30: Electrical system
Extra stop button An extra stop button is located on the right s
When the button is pressed, a pulse is sent to the engine control unit a
stops. Catatan. If the stop button is depressed during a start at- tempt,
prevent the engine from starting.

Fuses (24, 25, 27) The engines are provided the ove
with over-voltage protection, which cuts the current if the
IPS with 12 V / 24 V system voltage The IPS unit has
electrical system is over- loaded.
an over-voltage protection circuit breaker (27) of 50 A,
placed onwith
Engines the engine. This circuit
24 V system breaker
voltage is re-set
The engine by
pressing its button. Engines with 12 V system
two over-voltage protection circuit breakers (24, 25). voltage
The engine
These and IPS
are re-set have a fully
by pressing the automatic
button on over- voltage
the over-
protector built into the voltage
voltage protection circuit breaker. converter (26). If there is
24 an intermittent fault, re-setting is done automatically.

Voltage converter DC/DC, 12 V The engines with 12 V s

are equipped with a DC/ DC converter, installed at the rear on the left o
task is to stabilize the voltage supplied to the control unit during the sta
Circuit breaker The engines have a fully automatic over-voltage pro- t
the voltage converter (26). If there is an intermittent fault, re-setting is d

Repair instructions

General advice on working with EVC engines

The following advice must be followed to avoid IMPORTANT! The system must be disconnect- ed
damage to the engine control unit and other elec- from system voltage (by cutting the current with
tronics. the main switch) and the starter key(s) must be in
the 0 position when the engine control mod- ule ●Only batteries may be used for start help. A help start
connectors are disconnected or connected. device can produce a very high voltage and damage the
control unit and other electronics.
●Never disconnect the current with the main switch- es
when an engine is running. ●If a connector is disconnected from a sensor, be very
careful to avoid allowing the contact pins to come into
● Never undo a battery cable when the engine is run- contact with oil, water or dirt.
● Turn the main switches off or disconnect the bat- tery

cables during quick charging of the batteries. NOTE!

During normal trickle charging, it is not nec- essary to
turn the main switches off. Electr

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

IMPORTANT! The system must be disconnect- ed from syste

starter key(s) must be in the 0 position when the engine con- t
connectors* are disconnected or connected*.
* Note. Check that the seal is in position before each connector
is joined up.

2Undo the three connectors from the engine control unit before a
starts. Turn the locking arm down at the same time as the connecto
* Note. Both the smaller plastic pins must be pressed in (see ar-
rows) to allow the two smaller connectors to be undone.

3Disconnect all connections to the alternator.

Connect the welder earth clamp to the component to be welded, or

to the weld site. The clamp must never be connected to the engine
current can pass through a bearing.

IMPORTANT! After welding is completed, the disconnected c

alternator cables and battery cables must be connected in the
battery cables must always be connected last.

Repair instructions Group 30: Electrical system
Fault tracing of cables and
Special tools: 9812519, 999 8482
Check all connectors visually
Check the following:
● Look for oxidation which can impair contact in con- nectors.
● Check that terminals are undamaged, that they are correctly inserted into their connectors, and that the cable is correctly
the terminal.
● If possible, shake the cables and pull the connec- tors during measurement to discover whether the cable harness is dam

● Check that the cables are not damaged. Avoid clamping cables in tight bends close to the con- nector.

Contact problems
Intermittent contact or temporary recurring faults can be difficult to fault trace, and are frequently caused by oxidation, vibr
terminated cables. Wear can also cause faults. For this reason, avoid disconnecting a connector unless it is necessary. O
problems can be caused by damage to pins, sockets and connectors etc. Shake cables and pull connectors during measu
where the cable is damaged. 28Contact resistance and oxidation Resistance in connectors, cables and junctio
approx. 0 Ω. A certain amount of resistance will occur, however, because of oxidation in connectors. If this resistance i
malfunctions occur. The amount of resistance that can be tolerated before mal- functions occur varies, depending on th
Open circuit
Possible reasons for faults could be chafed or broken cables, or connectors which have come undone. Use the wiring sche
the cables which are relevant to the function. Start off with the most proba- ble cable in the circuit.
Check the following:
● Disconnect the relevant connector at each end of the cable harness.

● Use multimeter 9812519 to measure the resis- tance between the ends of the cable. Nominal value ~ 0 Ω.

● If possible, shake the cables and pull the connec- tors during measurement to discover whether the cable harness is dam

● Check the next cable system in the wiring sched- ule if no fault has been found.

Group 30: Electrical system Repair instructions Fault tracing of the starter
motor and windings
Special tools: Multimeter 981 2519

If battery voltage falls below 12.4 V* (12 V system voltage) alt. 24.7
voltage), the starter motor will not be able to crank the engine at nor
* Note. Measured on the batteries.

Voltage measurement, check

1Check that the battery voltage is at least 12.4 V* (12 V system v

(24 V system voltage) when unloaded, by measuring between the b
multimeter 981 2519.
* Note. Measured on the batteries.

2Turn the main switch on.

3Check that the voltage between terminals B+ and B– on the sta
same as the battery voltage.

Repair instructions Group 30: Electrical system
Rail pressure measurement
This measurement is used for measuring the rail pressure. For exampl
doesn ́t start this measurement can show the rail pressure while the en
it is air in the system the rail pressure could be too low for the engine c
activate injection.

1. NOTE! Starter key in position 0. 2. Undo the connector from the sen
Connect adapter cable (885675) between the
sensor and the engine control unit. 4. Use multimeter (9812519) for vo
measurement. Connect the COM from the multimeter to measurem
Connect V from the multimeter to measurement point 2. 5. NOTE! S
position I. The multimeter
should now show 0.5 Volt which is equal to 0Mpa (0bar). 6. When cran
read the voltage value on the multimeter and look in the table which pr

NOTE! To activate injection a rail pressure of at least 20 MPa (200 bar

the D4/D6 engines.

Voltage 0.5 0.95 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 MPa 0 20.3 22.5 27.0 31.5 36.0 40.5 45.0 49.5 54.0 Bar 0 203.0 225.0 270.0 3
450.0 495.0 540.0

Voltage 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 MPa 58.5 63.0 67.5 72.0 76.5 81.0 85.5 90.0 94.5 99.0 Bar 585.0 630.0 675.0 7
855.0 900.0 945.0 990.0

Voltage 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 MPa 103.5 108.0 112.5 117.0 121.5 126.0 130.5 135.0 139.5 144.0 Bar 1035
1170.0 1215.0 1260.0 1305.0 1350.0 1395.0 1440.0

Voltage 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 MPa 148.5 153.0 157.5 162.0 166.5 171.0 175.5 180.0 Bar 1485.0 1530.0 1575.0
1620.0 1665.0 1710.0 1755.0 1800.0
Group 30: Electrical system Repair instructions Changing the engine control
1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

IMPORTANT! The system must be disconnect- ed from syste

starter key(s) must be in the 0 position when the engine con- t
connectors* are disconnected or connected*.
* Note. Check that the seal is in position before each connector
is joined up.

2Remove the three connectors from the engine control unit. Turn
down at the same time as the connector is pulled outwards*.
* Note. Both the smaller plastic pins must be pressed in (see ar-
rows) to allow the two smaller connectors to be undone.

3When the control unit is changed or re-programmed, fault code

and MID 164, PSID 99 “Data bus network, configuration fault” will b

4If the new engine control unit has recently been pro- grammed:
and check whether any fault codes related to the engine control uni

Identifying the engine control unit

Identification is done via the CHASSIS ID number.

IMPORTANT! The CHASSIS ID number on the decal must co

CHASSIS ID num- ber on the protective cover above the engi
each PCU and SHCU.

* VV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *
ENGINE S/N: 0000000000
Repair instructions Group 30: Electrical system
Reprogramming a control unit
IMPORTANT! The CHASSIS ID number must be readily available to allow the software to be downloaded.
1Log in to Volvo Penta Partner Network's website:
2Choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.

3Choose “ECU programming” in the left-hand menu.

4Follow the instructions under “Download software”. Choose the control units to be re-programmed and click the “Downl
The software for the con- trol units is now downloaded to the PDA*.
* Note. PDA = “Personal Digital Assistant” (palmtop computer).

5Take a look under “Settings”, “Software information” in VODIA to check that the software has been downloaded.

6Connect the VODIA to the engine (control unit) to be programmed.

7Start with the engine control unit (EDC 7). Select “En- gine with mounting and equipment” in the VODIA menu. Sele

Control unit, programming”. VODIA will guide you through the entire programming process. 328The next control unit is

control unit (PCU). Select “Electrical system and instruments” in the VODIA menu. Select “MID 187 Control unit, pro- gram
will guide you through the entire programming process.
9The next control unit to be programmed is the steering helm station control unit (SHCU). Select “Electrical system and
the VODIA menu. Select “MID 164 Control unit, programming”. VODIA will guide you through the entire programming proce
helm station control units on the same drive line should be programmed in one sequence.
10The next Control unit to be programmed is the Servo Unit Steering (SUS). Select “Transmission” in the Vodia menu. S
ECU, programming”. Vodia will guide you through the entire programming process.
11NOTE! Programming must be reported back to Volvo Penta within 28 days. Log in to Volvo Penta Partner Network's
12Choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.

13Choose “Report software” in the left-hand menu.

14Follow the instructions for “Report software/parame- ter”. Click “Report software/parameter”. NOTE! An autoconfigura
performed after all ECU programming.
Group 30: Electrical system Repair instructionsProgramming an empty control unit
When a new engine control unit is installed (EDC 7), where no software has been downloaded, the control
6A new window opens. Follow the instructions given in the window.
unit must be programmed. The new control unit must have the same part number as the old control unit. If the control units
the same part number, it will not be possible to pro-
7Retur to the “Conversion kit / Accessory kit” page and follow the instructions to order a new “conversion kit”.
gram the new control unit until a “Conversion kit” has been ordered from Volvo Penta. 8If the control units have the same p

Volvo Penta's database is now updated. It can take new control unit can be programmed as usual. Please
about a minute before a confirmation is sent. refer to “Programming a control unit”.
If the part numbers do not coincide – proceed as follows:
9Programing of the control unit can now start. Please 1refer to “Programming a control unit”. Have both part numbers a

2Log in to Volvo Penta Network's web site:
3Choose “VODIA” in the left-hand menu.

4Choose “Conversion kit” in the left-hand menu. A new page, “Conversion kit / Accessory kit”, opens up.

5Click the text “Available conversions kits” which is shown in bold face.

Malfunctions Group 30: Electrical system
Fault code information
● MID (“Message Identification Description”): The MID consists of a number which designates the control unit that sent the
message. (eg the engine control unit).
● PID (“Parameter Identification Description”): The PID consists of a number that designates a parameter (value) to which t

relates (oil pressure, for example).

● PPID (“Proprietary PID”): The same as the PID, but this is a Volvo-specific parameter. 34 Malfunctions
● SID (“Subsystem Identification Description”): The SID consists of a number that designates a component to which the fau
(ta- chometer, for example).
● PSID (“Proprietary SID”): The same as the SID, but this is a Volvo-specific component.

● FMI (“Failure Mode Identifier”): FMI indicates the type of fault (please refer to the FMI table below).

FMI table
SAE standard
FMI Display text SAE text
0 “Value too high” Data valid, but above the normal working range
1 “Value too low” Data valid, but below the normal working range
2 “Faulty data” Intermittent or faulty data
3 “Electrical fault” Voltage above normal or short circuit to higher voltage
4 “Electrical fault” Voltage below normal or short circuit to lower voltage
5 “Electrical fault” Current below normal or open circuit
6 “Electrical fault” Current above normal or short circuit to battery negative
7 “Mechanical fault” Faulty response from mechanical system
8 “Mechanical or electrical fault” Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period
9 “Communication fault” Abnormal updating rate
10 “Mechanical or electrical fault” Abnormally large variations
11 “Unknown fault” Unidentified fault
12 “Component fault” Faulty unit or component
13 “Faulty calibration” Calibration values outside the limits
14 “Unknown fault” Special instr uctions
15 “Unknown fault” Reserved for future use
Group 30: Electrical system MalfunctionsVolvo-specific for injectors (MID 128, SID 1– 6)

FMI Help

2 Short circuit to battery voltage, injector high voltage side

3 Short circuit to battery voltage, injector low voltage side

4 Short circuit to battery negative, injector low voltage or high voltage side

9 Open circuit in injector circuit

General advice NOTE!

The following must be done before fault trac- ing continues, to avoid
changing functional sensors:

● If there is an active / inactive fault code.

Remove the connector from the sensor. Check that
there is no oxidation and that the connec- tor pins
are not damaged. If there is a fault, please refer to
the instruc- tions in chapter “Fault tracing of cables
and connectors”. Catatan. Some fault codes
become inactive when the engine is stopped. Start
the engine to check whether the fault code is still
inactive with the engine running.
● After an action with the connector Put the cables and sensors to check them, as instructed.
connector* back. Check if the fault code becomes
* NOTE! No grease in the connector.
inactive. Check faults that could be related to that
specific sensor. If the fault remains, measure the
Malfunctions Group 30: Electrical system
System introduction, EVC
Connector, engine ”BUS INTERFACE”
Ignition lock

PCU SUS SHCU Starting sequence

1When the main switch is closed, the engine control unit (EDC7), PCU, SHCU and SUS receive system voltage (via pins
“Engine interface” con- nector).
2When the starter key is turned to position “I” (pin 1)5a on the starter switch is connected to pin 30), the en- gine control
receives an activation signal from the PCU (via pin 5 in the “Engine interface” con- nector). When the ignition is switched, th
equipment such as the control panels and instruments are acti- vated. All relays connected to the starter switch and start -
activated to supply current which does not belong to the EVC. 363Check that all controls are in the neutral position and
that the stop button is not depressed.
4Turn the key to position III (pin 50 on the starter switch is connected to pin 30). Then pin 5 on the en- gine control unit r
electric voltage and the starter motor is activated.
(only12 V)
Connector (89-pin)
ata bus
ata bus
gnition signal

Main switch Starter motor

EVC control panel

Group 30: Electrical system MalfunctionsNetwork

The system has two types of communication buses.
1Disconnect the PCU.

Measure the resistance between pin 17 (yellow/white A data link (CAN bus) links the nodes to each other. CAN (“Contro
Network”) is an industrial stan-
conductor and pin 7 (gray/ yellow conductor) against the engine control unit (EDC7). dard for distributed systems. The CAN
of a pair of copper conductors
Measurement points Nominal value which are twisted 30 times per meter. The nodes- communicate via the CAN bus an
17 – 7 R ≈ 120 Ω
work together, which exchanges information and bene- fits from each other's services. 3The CAN bus is a serial bus and is
control bus.
Repeat the measurement in the other direction. Con- nect the PCU and disconnect the engine control unit.
4Measure the resistance between pin 1 (yellow/white The communication bus, J1587, is also used for ac-
conductor and pin 2 (gray/ yellow conductor) towards cessories and for diagnostics.
the PCU. This is a serial bus in accordance with standard SAE J 1708.
Measurement points Nominal value
1 – 2 R ≈ 120 Ω
Manual fault tracing in bus cables
Measuring the engine cables
Special tools: Multimeter 9812519
Two types of measurement are done on the engine cable harness, both resistance measurement and volt-
IMPORTANT! Cut the current with the main
age measurement.
switch before the cables are disconnected.
The measurements are done to ensure that no open
Use multimeter 9812519 to check the bus cables. The conductors in the bus cables should not be in contact with each othe
bus cable at each end and measure the resistance between the pins to check this. The multi-
circuits or short circuits occur. If there is an open circuit, the resistance is infinite, and if there is a short circuit, it is close to
resistance values given in the workshop manual are approximate, and should be regarded as guidelines.
meter should show infinite resistance between each pin. If the resistance is less than infinite, there is a fault. It can be diffic
whether there is a cable fault in the bus cable when it is installed in the boat. For this reason, always keep checked bus ext
in the fault-tracing equipment. Connect the extension cable to one end of the boat's
NOTE! When resistance measurement is done, the engine should be stopped and system voltage should be cut off with t
All resistance measurement is done at +20°C (68°F) and with a cold engine.
bus cable and run it back to the other end of the bus cable, to allow each conductor to be checked individu- ally. After this,
be checked.
If the CAN bus cables between the engine control unit (EDC7) and the PCU need to be checked, the resis- tance can also
when the cables are con- nected to the other end.
Malfunctions Group 30: Electrical system
Fault tracing the EVC system
Special tools: VODIA 3838619
Check that the system has the correct power supply. The best way to retrieve diagnostic information from the EVC is to
VODIA tool (3838619). The VO- DIA tool shows the fault codes as text, and you can retrieve information about each fault c
set an SHCU in service mode, VODIA can communicate with the SHCU to read fault codes and log its parameters. Since a
the same ECU (MID) number, only one SHCU can be put into service mode at the same time. It would not otherwise be po
identify the SHCU which issued a fault code. Fault codes from the PCU and SHCU can be read from any helm station. In a
installation, the codes can only be read from the network, driveline, in which the node is located. When VODIA is connected
network, VODIA can only show fault codes from the port PCU, and vice versa for the starboard side. 38Problems in ide
engine control unit (MID 128)
In normal cases, VODIA identifies the engine control unit (MID 128), the PCU (MID 187) and the SUS (MID 250) automatic
choice of engine installation is done. The SHCU must be in service mode to allow it to be identified. If VODIA is not able to
engine control unit (MID 128), this will not be visible under “Vehicleinfor- mation”. NOTE! If the engine control unit has not b
fied, it can not be programmed. One reason that identification can not be done could be that the PCU contains software for
gine than the one it is connected to.
The system can not be shut down, although the starter key is turned to the “S” position, or the stop button has be
This can be caused by a short circuit in the cables be- tween the SHCU and the key switch, or by a short cir- cuit in the key
the system off with the extra stop button on the side of the engine.
Starter motor is activated at “ignition on”
If the starter motor is activated directly the key switch is turned to ignition, the key switch diode may be short-circuited. Fau
diode according to “Check of key switch diode”.
Group 30: Electrical system MalfunctionsChecking the instruments
Special tools: Multimeter 9812519

The instruments are “Easy Link” types and receive their signals from
consisting of a total of 3 conductors:
● Battery plus
● Battery minus
● Data bus If a fault occurs in the “Easy Link” bus for the instru- ments, this can be discovered when the needles stop in
on the instrument(s) (“frozen”). If no one of the instruments works, c
9812519 if there is power supply voltage between red and blue con
Link” harness. Since common signals for various types of instru- me
same cable, it is difficult to determine whether information is missing
bus, or if an individual instrument is faulty. If you suspect an instrum
use the following procedure to determine whether the instru- ment i

1Start the engine and let it idle, with the control lever in the neutr

2Disconnect the instrument which is suspected of be- ing faulty.

3The fault dissappears:

● Check that there is no oxide or moisture in the rel- evant instrume

● Exchange the relevant instrument with a new one and check if the
dissappeared. The fault remains: Continue to disconnect instrumen
instruments starts to indicating correctly.
Re-connect the instruments again. Begin with the first disconnected instrument and continue to re-connect the other instru
connected instruments stops to indicating. Change the last re-conne
Malfunctions Group 30: Electrical system
Alarm display
1. Lube oil pressure: When the oil pressure falls
below a certain value at a certain engine speed, the alarm lamp is

2. Water in fuel: When the water level in the water

trap exceeds a certain level, the alarm lamp is lit.

3. Battery voltage: If the voltage in the starting bat-

tery falls below 12.4 Volt, the alarm lamp is lit. When the voltage ex
Volt, the alarm lamp goes out. The lamp is also lit when the alterna

4. Coolant temperature: When the coolant tempera-

ture exceeds 98°C, the alarm lamp lights up.

5. Coolant level: When the coolant level falls below

a certain level, the alarm lamp lights up.

6. Not used.

7. Serious fault (red indication).

The lamp lights up when a serious fault occurs.

7. Incorrect (orange indication).

The lamp lights up when a fault occurs.

Time delay on alarm indication

Fuel temperature: Monitoring of fuel temperature is activated 5 minute
has been started. This is to prevent stationary fuel which has been war
setting a fault code.

Coolant level: Low coolant level must have been de- tected for at leas
before the alarm is acti- vated. The engine control unit (EDC7) has a tim
8 seconds after engine starting, before all pres- sures are checked.
Group 30: Electrical system MalfunctionsCoolant level monitor
NOTE! No fault code is generated for low coolant level.

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. An orange lamp flas
alarm display.

has two states: On/Off. The level monitor consists of two
sections, the actual monitor and a magnetic float which
is built into the ex- pansion tank. The monitor senses the
position of the magnetic float. When the coolant level
None Circuit falls, the float operates the monitor and a closed circuit is
description formed.

The coolant level in the engine is monitored by a level

monitor. Pin 44 on the engine control unit (EDC7)
Fault t
provides pin 1 on the level monitor with a voltage. Pin 2
on the lev- el monitor is connected to battery negative
(89 pin)
via pin 19 on the engine control unit. The level monitor

Coolant level too low

Suitable action 1Check the coolant level.*

* NOTE! The low coolant alarm can be activated if the boat is

heeled over to port, although the coolant level would appear to be correct. This is becau
monitor on the right side of the expansion tank, whereas the filler opening is located on t

2Check that no coolant leakage occurs.

3Check the level sensor cables.

4Change the level sensor.

Malfunctions Group 30: Electrical system
Special tools: 9812519

Negative cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the monitor.

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment against th

control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

2 – Battery negative* R ≈ 0 Ω

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

Supply cable

1NOTE! Turn the starter key to position 0.

2Remove the connector from the monitor.

3Turn the main switches on. Turn the starter key to po- sition I (driv

4Use multimeter 9812519 to measure the resistance against the eng


Measurement points Nominal value

1 – 2 U ≈ Battery voltage
Group 30: Electrical system MalfunctionsChecking the coolant monitor
Special tools: 9812519
Note. The coolant level monitor can be removed with- out having to

1Undo the expansion tank and hang it up (without undo- ing any

WARNING! Hot surfaces and hot coolant in the pipes and hos

2Undo the connector and remove the monitor from the expansion

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment again

Measurement points Nominal value

Blue – Black R ≈ ∞ Ω

4Move a magnet along the monitor and observe the re- sistance
should drop to approx. 0 Ohm.

Measurement points Nominal value

Blue – Black R ≈ 0 Ω
Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

MID 128, PID 91

Throttle control position

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 9: Throttle control signal not found on data bus
(CAN J1939).

FMI Fault code explanation

9 Fault in circuit. A fault code is set if the en-

gine control unit (EDC 7) does not receive information about t
the PCU.

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. A red lamp flashes in t

Engine in “limp-home” mode.

Circuit description

A. CAN H – data link to engine B. CAN H – data link to engine C. Negative power
supply (–) D. Positive power supply (+) E. Ignition signal F. Not used
Connector X3
Connector ”ENGINE

Connector, PCU
Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128Fault tracing
Suitable action 1FMI 9: Testing the sensor and circuit
Do an auto-configuration. Cut the system voltage with the key switch. Conditions for fault code Abnormal updating spe
updating at all. 2Possible reason
● Auto-configuration not done with new SHCU.

Check the CAN cables and the connections between the engine control unit (EDC7) and the PCU.
Fault code occurs together with MID 128, PSID 216, FMI 4.
● CAN H signal between engine control unit (EDC7)

3Check the throttle control cables and connections.

and the PCU short circuited to battery voltage. Fault code occurs together with MID 128, SID 231, FMI 9.
4Try using a new throttle control.
● Short circuit between CAN H and the ignition signal in the cables between the engine control unit and the PCU.
5Check the connections to the PCU.
Fault code occurs together with MID 128, SID 231, FMI 9. 6● Open circuit in both CAN L and CAN H between

Check the connections to the SHCU.

the SHCU and the PCU. The fault occurs when a gear is engaged. 7● Faulty throttle control.

Try using a new PCU.

● Faulty PCU.
● Faulty SHCU.
8Try using a new SHCU.

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
MID 128, PID 97

Water switch, fuel filter

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 0: The value is valid but exceeds the normal
working range.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate.

FMI Fault code explanation

0 Water in fuel

9 Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. FMI 0: Indication for “w
flashes in the
alarm display.

FMI 9: An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.

Engine stops when there is a short circuit in the moni- tor power supply
a layer of insulation. The measurement probe is in
contact with the fuel. When there is no water in the fuel,
the resistance be- tween the measurement points is very
high. If there is any water in the fuel, the resistance falls.
Connector At a threshold resistance (water has been detected), the
(36 pin) monitor (pin 1) will give an output signal which is
proportional to the monitor supply voltage. Pin 16 on the
Circuit description engine control unit (EDC7) provides pin 2 on the monitor
The monitor consists of a measurement probe con- with battery voltage. Pin 3 on the monitor is connected
taining two measurement points, galvanically isolated by to battery negative via pin 3 on the engine control unit.
Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128Fault tracing
FMI 9: Checking the monitor
FMI 0: Water in fuel
Conditions for fault code Abnormal updating rate. P
● Water in the fuel filter.
Possible reason
● Short circuited monitor signal cable to battery voltage or 5 Volt voltage.

● Open circuit in monitor signal cable (engine control unit (EDC7) sets a fault code when the ignition is

● Fault in sensor.

turned on, not if a fault occurs during operation).

● Intermittent contact in the power supply or nega-

● Open circuit in monitor negative cable (engine tive cable to the sensor. The fault code is shown

control unit sets a fault code when the ignition is as being inactive.
turned on, not if a fault occurs during operation).
● Open circuit in monitor power supply cable (engine

Suitable action
control unit sets a fault code when the ignition is turned on, not if a fault occurs during operation). 1Empty the water tap

filter or seco
● Open circuit, all cables failed (engine control unit sets a fault code when the ignition is turned on, not if a fault occurs duri
2Empty the fuel tank sludge trap.
● Short circuited monitor signal cable to battery negative.
● Short circuited monitor power supply cable to
3If there is an inactive fault code: Check the monitor
battery negative.
● Faulty monitor. power supply and negative cables.

4Check the monitor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the monitor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check the monitor.

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Special tools: 9812519
Negative cable
1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the monitor.

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment against the engine control unit (EDC7).
Measurement points Nominal value
3 – Battery negative* R ≈ 0 Ω
* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor. 48Supply cable
1Remove the connector from the monitor.

2Turn the main switches on. Turn the starter key to po- sition I (driving position).

3Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.

Measurement points Nominal value
2 – 3 U ≈ Battery voltage
Checking the water monitor, fuel filter
Special tools: 885675, 9812519
1Undo the connector and remove the water sensor from the secondary fuel filter.

2Connect the monitor to adapter cable 885675.

3Connect a +12 V alt. +24 V power supply to measurement connection 2 on the adapter cable. Connect measurement co
the power supply battery negative terminal.
4Use multimeter 9812519 to measure the voltage be- tween measurement connection 1 and measurement connection 3
5The multimeter should indicate 0 Volt when the moni- tor is not in contact with water.

6Lower the monitor into a vessel containing water. The multimeter should indicate 12 alt. 24 Volt.

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128 MID 128, PID 100

Oil pressure sensor (engine)

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 0: The sensor value is valid but exceeds the nor-
mal working range.

FMI 1: The sensor value is valid but is less than the

normal working range.

FMI 3: The voltage exceeds the normal value or is

short circuited to higher voltage.

FMI 4: The voltage is less than the normal value or is

short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 5: The current is less than the normal value or is

open circuited.

FMI 6: The current is greater than the normal value or

is short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate.

FMI Fault code explanation

0 Too high lube oil pressure

1 Too low lube oil pressure

3, 4, 5, 6, 9 Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. FMI 1: Oil pressu
alarm display shows red. Audible warning.

FMI 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9: A red lamp flashes in the alarm display.

Engine power is limited.

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Circuit description
Sensor is an active sensor, ie the sensor must have
operating voltage. Pin 9 on the engine control unit
(EDC7) provides pin 1 on the sensor with an operating
voltage of +5 Volt. Pin 4 on the monitor is connected to Fault tra
battery negative via pin 19 on the control unit. The output Connector
signal from the pressure sensor (pin 2 on sensor to pin (36 pin)
33 on the control unit) is a voltage signal which is
proportional to the oil pressure (after the oil filters).

FMI 0: Too high lube oil pressure

Conditions for fault code Oil pressure exceeds 600 kPa (6,0 bar).

Possible reason
● Lube oil contaminated or far too thick (high viscosity).
● Fault in reduction valve or pressure relief valve.
● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the oil level in the engine.

2Check that the oil filters are not blocked. Change oil filters.

3Check that no leakage occurs.

4Check the sensor by checking the engine oil pressure. Please, refe
system, Workshop manual”.
Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128FMI 1: Too low lube oil pressure
Conditions for fault code Oil pressure is less than 50–250 kPa (0.5–2.5 bar) at engine speeds up to 4,000 rpm.
Possible reason
● Too low lube oil level.

● Oil contaminated, viscous or too thin.

● Fault in bypass valves.

● Worn oil pump.

● Blocked oil suction pipe.

● Blocked oil filter.

Suitable action 1Check the oil level in the engine.

2Check that the oil filters are not blocked. Change oil filter.

3Check that no leakage occurs. Please, refer to Workshop manual.

4Check the sensor by checking the engine oil pressure. See “Lubrication system, Workshop manual”.

51 FMI 3: Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher voltage has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 33 on engine control unit (EDC7) ex- ceeds 4.95 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery voltage or 5 V voltage.

● Open circuit in sensor signal cable.

● Open circuit in sensor negative cable.

● Open circuit, all cables missing.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
FMI 4: Abnormally low voltage or short circuit to battery negative has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 33 on engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 0.37 Volt.
Possible reason
● Open circuit in 5 V sensor supply cable.

● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery negative.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
FMI 5: Abnormally low current or open
circuit has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 10 on engine control unit (EDC7) ex- ceeds 5.05 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor supply cable to battery voltage.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).
2Check sensor. 52FMI 6: The current is greater than the normal value or is short circuited to batter
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 10 on engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 4.50 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited 5 V sensor supply cable to battery negative.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
Conditions for fault code Abnormal updating rate.
Possible reason
● Fault in sensor.

● AD conversion failed (fault in engine control unit, EDC7).

Suitable action 1Check sensor.

2Change engine control unit (EDC7).

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128 Measurements

Special tools: 9812519, 885675

Negative cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable

harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment again

control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

4 – Battery negative* R ≈ 0 Ω

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

Signal cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable
harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment again

unit. Catatan. Measurement is done to eliminate short circuit- ing or
to the engine control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

2 – Battery negative* R ≈ 500–900 kΩ

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Supply cable

1Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable 885
sensor and engine control unit (EDC7).

2Turn the main switches on. Turn the starter key to po- sition I (driv

3Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.

Measurement points Nominal value

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128 Checking the oil pressure sensor*
* Note. Combined sensor, oil pressure and oil temperature (engine).

Special tools: 9812519, 885675

1NOTE! Turn the starter key to position 0.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable

sensor and engine control unit (EDC7).

3Turn the starter key to position I (driving position).

4Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.

Measurement points Nominal value

2 – 4 U ≈ 0,5 V*

Component specification
Working range ............................ 0–700 kPa (0–7 bar) Supply volta
.................................. 5,00 ±0,25 V DC
Nominal output voltage at 25°C and power supply voltage 5.00 V D
........................................... 0 kPa (0 bar)* 4,5 V DC at ....................
(7 bar)*
* Note. At normal atmospheric pressure.

Lube oil pressure, kPa
Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
MID 128, PID 105

Boost air temperature sensor

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 3: The voltage exceeds the normal value or is
short circuited to higher voltage.

FMI 4: The voltage is less than the normal value or is

short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate.

FMI Fault code explanation

3, 4, 9 Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. An orange lamp flashe
alarm display.


Circuit description
negative via pin 21 on the control unit. The voltage drop
The boost air temperature sensor consists of a ther-
across the thermistor changes as the boost air
mistor. The thermistor resistor changes in a non-linear
temperature changes. The voltage drop is detected via
manner, depending on the boost air temperature. When
pin 29 on the control unit. Please refer to the table,
the air entering the engine is cold, the ther- mistor
“resistance/temperature, Checking the boost air
resistance is high. When the air warms up, the
temperature sensor”.
thermistor resistance falls. Pin 3 on the sensor is
supplied with power (+5 V) from pin 10 on engine control
(36 pin)
unit (EDC7). Pin 1 on the sensor is connected to battery
Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128Fault tracing
FMI 3: Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher voltage has been Excesive boost air t
* Note. Above about 60°C (140°F).
Conditions for fault code
Suitable action 1Voltage on pin 29 on engine control unit (EDC7) ex-
ceeds 4.80 Volt.

Check the intercooler.

Possible reason 2● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery Check the sea water filter.
voltage or 5 V voltage.
● Fault in sensor. 3Check the coolant level.
Suitable action
4Check the thermostat.

1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

5Check seawater pump/impeller.

2Check sensor.
FMI 4: Abnormally low voltage or short circuit to battery negative has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 29 on engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 0.30 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery negative.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate

Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 29 on engine control unit (ED
4.74 Volt.

Possible reason
● Open circuit in sensor signal cable.
● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the
the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.

Special tools: 9812519, 885675

Negative cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable 885
harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment against th

control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

1 – Battery negative* R ≈ 0 Ω

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128Signal cable
1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable

harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment again

unit. Catatan. Measurement is done to eliminate short circuit- ing or
to the engine control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

2 – Battery negative* R ≈ 1,1–1.5 kΩ

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

4Turn the main switches on. Turn the starter key to po- sition I (

5Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.

Measurement points Nominal value

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Checking the boost air temperaturesensor*
* Combined sensor, boost pressure and boost temperature.

Special tools: 9812519, 885675

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable 885
* NOTE! Do not connect the other end of the adapter cable to
the engine cable harness, since this can cause a measurement error.

3Use multimeter 9812519 to measure the resistance of the sensor.

Measurement points: 1 – 2 Nominal values at: 0°C (32°F) ...............

5890 Ω ±280 Ω 20°C (68°F) ................................ R ≈ 2510 Ω ±110 Ω 4
.............................. R ≈ 1200 Ω ±46 Ω 60°C (140°F) .............................
80°C (176°F) .............................. R ≈ 330 Ω ±11 Ω 100°C (212°F) .......
186 Ω ±5 Ω

Boost air temperature, °C

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128 MID 128, PID 106

Boost air pressure sensor

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 0: The sensor value is valid but exceeds the nor-
mal working range.

FMI 3: The voltage exceeds the normal value or is

short circuited to higher voltage.

FMI 4: The voltage is less than the normal value or is

short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 5: The current is less than the normal value or is

open circuited.
FMI 6: The current is greater than the normal value or
is short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate.

FMI Fault code explanation

0 Too high boost air pressure

3, 4, 5, 6, 9 Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit

Fault indication
FMI 0 None.

FMI 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/ display. An orang
alarm display.

absolute p

Circuit description
Sensor is an active sensor, ie the sensor must have
operating voltage. Operating voltage (+5 Volt) is taken
from pin 10 on the enginecontrol unit (EDC7) and battery
negative from pin 21. The output signal from the
pin) (pin 4 on sensor to pin 28 on the control
unit) is a voltage signal which is proportional to the
Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Fault tracing
FMI 0: Too high boost air pressure
Conditions for fault code Boost air pressure exceeds 350 kPa (3.5 bar).
Possible reason
● Wrong turbocharger / supercharger installed.

● Fault in sensor.

● The magnetic coupling does not disengage the supercharger.

Suitable action 1Check that the correct type of turbocharger is fitted to the engine.

2Check the sensor by checking the boost air pressure with a manometer.

3Check that the magnetic coupling disengages the su- percharger at engine speeds above:
D6-310D-B, D6-370D-B ................... app. 2200 rpm. 62FMI 3: Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to hig
has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 28 on engine control unit (EDC7) ex- ceeds 4.90 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery voltage or 5V voltage.

● Open circuit in sensor signal cable.

● Open circuit in sensor battery negative cable.

● Open circuit, all cables missing.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
FMI 4: Abnormally low voltage or short circuit to battery negative has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 28 on engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 0.20 Volt.
Possible reason
● Open circuit in sensor 5V supply cable.

● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery negative.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128FMI 5: Abnormally low current or open circuit has been
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 10 on engine control unit (EDC7) ex- ceeds 5.20 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor 5V supply cable to battery voltage.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.

63 FMI 6: The current is greater than the normal value or is short circuited to battery negative
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 10 on engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 4.50 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor 5V supply cable to battery negative.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate
Conditions for fault code Abnormal updating rate.
Possible reason:
● Fault in sensor.

● AD conversion failed (fault in engine control unit, EDC7).

Suitable action 1Check sensor.

2Change engine control unit (EDC7).

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Special tools: 9812519, 885675

Negative cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable 885
harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment against th

control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

1 – Battery negative* R ≈ 0 Ω

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

Signal cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable 885
harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment against th

unit. Catatan. Measurement is done to eliminate short circuit- ing or br
to the engine control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

4 – Battery negative* R ≈ 500–900 kΩ**

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128Supply cable

1NOTE! Turn the starter key to position 0.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable
sensor and engine control unit (EDC7).

3Turn the main switches on. Turn the starter key to po- sition I (

4Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.

Measurement points Nominal value

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Checking the boost air pressure sensor*
* Combined sensor, boost pressure and boost temperature.

Special tools: 9812519, 885675

1NOTE! Turn the starter key to position 0.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable 885
sensor and engine control unit (EDC7).

3Turn the starter key to position I.

4Use multimeter 9812519 to do voltage measurement against the e


Measurement points Nominal value

1 – 4 U ≈ 1,1 V*

* Note. At normal atmospheric pressure.

Nominal output voltage at 25°C and supply voltage 5.00

V DC: 0,5 V DC at ........................................ 50 kPa (0.5
bar) 4,5 V DC at ......................................... 400 kPa (4
Component specification bar)
utput voltage, V
Working range .....................50–400 kPa (0.5–4.0 bar) O Boost air pressure
Supply voltage .................................. 5,00 ±0,25 V DC (absolute pressure), kPa
Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128 MID 128, PID 108

Atmospheric pressure sensor

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 0: The sensor value is valid but exceeds the nor-
mal working range.

FMI 3: The voltage exceeds the normal value or is

short circuited to higher voltage.
FMI 4: The voltage is less than the normal value or is
short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate.

FMI Fault code explanation

0 Too high atmospheric pressure

3, 4, 9 Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit

Fault indication
FMI 0: None.

FMI 3, 4, 9: Warning is displayed in the tachometer/

display. The turbo pressure gauge shows 1 atmo- sphe


Circuit description
The sensor is installed inside the engine control unit (EDC7).

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Fault tracing
FMI 0: Too high atmospheric pressure
Possible reason
● The engine control unit (EDC7) has been exposed to extreme pressure.

● Fault in engine control unit.

Suitable action Change engine control unit.

FMI 3: Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher voltage has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Internal voltage in engine control unit (EDC7) exceeds 4.80 Volt.
Possible reason
● Engine control unit has been exposed to extreme pressure.

● Fault in engine control unit.

Suitable action Change engine control unit. 68FMI 4: Abnormally low voltage or short circuit to battery n
been detected.
Conditions for fault code Internal voltage in engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 0.20 Volt.
Possible reason
● Engine control unit has been exposed to extreme pressure.

● Fault in engine control unit.

Suitable action Change engine control unit.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate
Conditions for fault code Internal voltage in engine control unit (EDC7) exceeds 4.60 Volt.
Possible reason
● Engine control unit has been exposed to extreme pressure.

● Fault in engine control unit.

Suitable action Change engine control unit.

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128 MID 128, PID 110

Coolant temperature sensor

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 0: The sensor value is valid but exceeds the nor-
mal working range.

FMI 3: The voltage exceeds the normal value or is

short circuited to higher voltage.

FMI 4: The voltage is less than the normal value or is

short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate.

FMI Fault code explanation

0 Excessive coolant temperature

3, 4, 9 Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. FMI 0: High coolant
indication flashes
red on the alarm display. Audible warning.

FMI 3, 4, 9: An orange lamp flashes in the alarm display.

FMI 0: Engine power is cut.

Circuit description
voltage drop across it falls. Please refer to the table,
The coolant temperature sensor consists of a ther-
“resistance/temperature” in this fault code chapter.
mistor which forms a closed circuit with the engine
control unit (EDC7). The thermistor resistor changes in a
non-linear manner, depending on the coolant tem-
perature. The control unit (pin 36) provides the sensor
(pin 1) with a reference voltage of +5 Volt. Pin 2 on the
sensor is connected to battery negative via (pin 18) on
the engine control unit. When the coolant is cold, the
thermistor resistance is high and the control unit senses Connector
a voltage close to the reference level. As the coolant (36 pin)
warms up, the resis- tance in the thermistor falls and the
Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Fault tracing
FMI 0: Excessive coolant temperature
Conditions for fault code Coolant temperature exceeds 98 °C.
Possible reason
● Low coolant level.

● Blocked sea water filter.

● Worn impeller in seawater pump.

● Crushed/leaking/blocked hose on the suction side (sea water).

● Faulty thermostat.

● Blocked heat exchanger.

● Poor flow through the cooling system.

● Worn coolant pump.

● Incorrect pressure cap on expansion tank.

● Faulty coolant temperature sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the coolant level.

2Check that the sea water filter is not blocked.

3Check the impeller in the sea water pump.

4Check the thermostat.

5Check that the cooling system does not leak.

6Check the coolant temperature sensor.

7Clean the heat exchanger in the cooling system. 70FMI 3: Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to hig
has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 36 on control unit (EDC7) exceeds 4.80 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery voltage or 5 V voltage.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
FMI 4: Abnormally low voltage or short circuit to battery negative has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 36 on engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 0.25 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery negative.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate

Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 36 on engine control unit

4.74 Volt.

Possible reason
● Open circuit in sensor signal cable.
● Open circuit in sensor battery negative cable.
● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check cables and the connectors between the


2Check sensor.

Special tools: 9812519, 885675

Negative cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable

harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment again

control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

2 – Battery negative* R ≈ 0 Ω

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Signal cable

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable 885
harness connector to engine control unit (EDC7).

3Use multimeter 9812519 to do resistance measure- ment against th

unit. Catatan. Measurement is done to eliminate short circuit- ing or br
to the engine control unit.

Measurement points Nominal value

1 – Battery negative* R ≈ 1.1–1.5 kΩ

* Note. Battery negative (–) on alternator or starter motor.

4Turn the main switches on. Turn the starter key to po- sition I (driv

5Use multimeter 9812519 for voltage measurement.

Measurement points Nominal value

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128 Checking the coolant temperature
Special tools: 9812519, 885675

1NOTE! Cut the current with the main switch.

2Remove the connector from the sensor. Connect adapter cable

* NOTE! Do not connect the other end of the adapter cable to the
engine cable harness, since this can cause a measurement error.
3Use multimeter 9812519 to measure the resistance of the sens

Measurement points: 1 – 2 Nominal values at: 0°C (32°F) ..........

4930 Ω ±440 Ω 20°C (68°F) ................................ R ≈ 1870 Ω ±140
.............................. R ≈ 800 Ω ±50 Ω 60°C (140°F) ..........................
80°C (176°F) .............................. R ≈ 190 Ω ±8 Ω 100°C (212°F) ....
104 Ω ±4 Ω

Coolant temperature, °C
Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
MID 128, PID 158

Battery voltage

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 0: The sensor value is valid but exceeds the nor-
mal working range.

FMI 1: The sensor value is valid but is less than the

normal working range.

FMI 3: The voltage exceeds the normal value or is

short circuited to higher voltage.

FMI 4: The voltage is less than the normal value or is

short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 9: Voltage converter fault.

FMI Fault code explanation

0, 1, 3, 4, 9 Fault in circuit

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. FMI 1: Battery indicatio
flashes in
the alarm display.

FMI 0, 3, 4, 9: None.

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128Fault tracing
FMI 1: Less than normal working range
FMI 0: Exceeds normal working range
Conditions for fault code Battery voltage less than 10.0* Volt alt. 16.0 Volt**. Condition
* Engines with 12 V system voltage Battery voltage exceeds 16.0*
Volt alt. 32.0** Volt.
**Engines with 24 V system voltage
* Engines with 12 V system voltage **Engines with 24 V system voltage
Possible reason
● Alternator belt. Possible reason
● Flat / poor batteries.
● Fault in batteries, cables or connectors.
● Fault in cables or connectors for batteries / alternator.
● Faulty alternator.
● Faulty alternator.
● Fault in DC/DC converter (12 V system voltage) Suitable action 1Check battery cables.

Suitable action 12Check battery cables. Check alternator and drive belt.

2Check alternator and drive belt.

3Check / charge the batteries.

4Check the DC/DC converter (12 V system voltage). Measure the input and output voltages (please refer to the wiring sc

Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
FMI 3: An abnormally high voltage has
been detected
Conditions for fault code Battery voltage exceeds 19.0* Volt alt. 38.0** Volt.
* Engines with 12 V system voltage **Engines with 24 V system voltage
Possible reason
● Fault in batteries, cables or connectors.

● Faulty alternator.

Suitable action 1Check battery cables.

2Check alternator and drive belt. 76FMI 4: An abnormally low voltage has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Battery voltage less than 6.0* Volt alt. 12.0** Volt.
* Engines with 12 V system voltage **Engines with 24 V system voltage
Possible reason
● Alternator belt.

● Fault in batteries, cables or connectors.

● Faulty alternator.

● Fault in DC/DC converter.

Suitable action 1Check battery cables.

2Check alternator and drive belt.

3Check the DC/DC converter. Measure the input and output voltages (please refer to the wiring schedule).
FMI 9: Voltage converter fault
Conditions for fault code Abnormal updating rate.
Possible reason
● AD conversion failed (fault in engine control unit, EDC7).

● Faulty alternator.

● Fault in engine control unit (EDC7).

Suitable action 1Check alternator and drive belt.

2Change engine control unit (EDC7).

Group 30: Electrical system Malfunctions, MID 128MID 128, PID 164

Fuel pressure

MID 128: Engine control unit Fault code

FMI 0: The sensor value is valid but exceeds the nor-
mal working range.

FMI 3: The voltage exceeds the normal value or is

short circuited to higher voltage.

FMI 4: The voltage is less than the normal value or is

short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 5: The current is less than the normal value or is

open circuited.

FMI 6: The current is greater than the normal value or

is short circuited to battery negative.

FMI 9: Abnormal updating rate.

FMI Fault code explanation

0 Too high fuel pressure

3, 4, 5, 6, 9 Faulty sensor / Faulty sensor circuit

Fault indication
Warning is displayed in the tachometer/display. A red lamp flashes
display + audible warning.

FMI 0 Engine power is cut. Engine is shut off.

FMI 3, 4, 5, 6 , 9 Engine power is cut.

Circuit description
connected via pin 20 on the engine control unit to battery
The fuel pressure sensor is an active sensor, ie the
negative. The output signal from the pressure sensor
sensor must have operating voltage. Pin 12 on the
(pin 2 on sensor to pin 27 on the control unit) is a voltage
engine control unit (EDC7) provides pin 3 on the sensor
signal which is proportional to the fuel pressure.
with a voltage of +5 Volt. Pin 1 on the sensor is
(36 pin)
Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system
Fault tracing
FMI 0: Too high fuel pressure
Possible reason
● Low fuel level.

● Blocked fuel filter.

● Fault in fuel pump proportional valve (MPROP).

● Fault in pressure limiting valve.

● Fault in sensor.

● Faulty injectors, leakage in combustion chamber or injector does not open.

● Air in the fuel system. Leakage before the fuel pump.

Suitable action 1Check the fuel level. If air gets into the system, the high pressure pump can start to compensate for fu
drop. The result can be oscillating fuel- pressure.
2Change the fuel filter. If the filter is blocked, the high pressure pump can start to compensate for fuel pres- sure drop. T
be oscillating fuel pressure.
3Check the MPROP cables and connectors.

4Check the sensor by testing the negative pressure in the fuel pipes / fuel filter. Please refer to the Work- shop manual (
5Change the pressure relief valve. 78FMI 3: Abnormally high voltage or short circuit to higher voltag
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 27 on engine control unit (EDC7) ex- ceeds 4.99 Volt.
Possible reason
● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery voltage or 5 V system voltage.

● Open circuit in sensor battery negative cable.

● Open circuit in signal cable.

● Open circuit, all cables missing.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.
FMI 4: Abnormally low voltage or short circuit to battery negative has been detected.
Conditions for fault code Voltage on pin 27 on engine control unit (EDC7) is less than 0.35 Volt.
Possible reason
● Open circuit in sensor 5 V supply cable.

● Short circuited sensor signal cable to battery negative.

● Fault in sensor.

Suitable action 1Check the cables and the connectors between the sensor and the engine control unit (EDC7).

2Check sensor.

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