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 ADAM SAMUDRA HUMAIDY (19121001011)
 GERARD SEBASTIAN (19121001024)
Theme Fisioterapy Is My Life

My Future Goals Is To Be A Physiotherapist

There are many reasons why I aspire to become a physiotherapist. The first reason is because
I am interested in the world of health. The second reason is also what makes me aspire to
become a physiotherapist because the opportunity for work is still very wide open. The
reason for all three is because many hospitals in our area still need a lot of energy ft. Last
reason because I am very happy to treat or treat someone who is sick. That is the reason why
I aspire to be a physiotherapist.

Theme Lets Talk About Health

Jogging Is Good For Our Health

Jogging is one type of mild exercise that provides many benefits for the body or good for
health. The first good effect is because if we are diligent in jogging we will not get sick
easily. the second is jogging is one way to avoid stress. Besides that, for those of you who are
overweight and want to lose weight, jogging is the best solution to lose weight. And also
jogging is one of the right activities if you want to keep your bones healthy. That is the good
effect of jogging for your health.

Theme English is fun

Come On Learn English Is Fun!

Belajar bahasa inggris itu seru dan asik, namun masih kurang diminati oleh masyarakat
terutama pelajar Indonesia. Mereka kurang meminati bahasa inggris karena masih menanam
mindset jika pelajaran bahasa inggris sangat susah. Padahal jika dipikir lebih panjang,
pelajaran bahasa inggris sangat berguna dan penting, bahasa inggris saat ini pun masih resmi
menjadi bahasa internasional. Bahasa inggris ternyata tidak se susah yang dibayangkan,
bahkan belajar bahasa inggris dapat menjadi menyenangkan jika kita dapat menemukan
metode belajar yang tepat untuk kita sendiri, seperti melalui internet, belajar bersama teman2,
menonton film, belajar melalui video game, les tambahan, bahkan mendengarkan lagu. Oleh
karena itu, masyarakat dan pelajar harus lah merubah mindset lama tersebut, belajar bahasa
inggris saat ini dapat dipelajari dimana saja dan yang terpenting jangan pernah malu atau
takut salah untuk mempraktekkan berbicara bahasa inggris dengan orang sekitar kita.

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