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a. Nama :
b. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
c. Semester :6

Procedural / Instructional Text

KD 3.6/4.6
d. Kompetensi Dasar
3.6 membedakan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur 4.6.1 menangkap makna secara
kebahasaan beberapa teks kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan dan
memberi dan meminta tulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait
informasi terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips),
penggunaan 4.6.2 menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dan
teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), tulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait
pendek dan sederhana, sesuai penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips),
dengan konteks dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
penggunaannya. teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar
dan sesuai konteks
e. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari teks prosedur
3.6.2 Menentukan struktur teks dari teks prosedur
3.6.3 Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan commands/imperative dan time sequencers dalam teks prosedur
3.6.4 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari beragam teks prosedur
3.6.5 Menentukan informasi utama dan informasi rinci teks prosedur
4.6.1 Memparafrase informasi utama dan informasi rinci teks prosedur secara tertulis dan lisan
4.6.2 Membuatdan mempresentasikan sebuah teks prosedur yang ada di sekitar kehidupan peserta didik

f. Materi Pokok : Prosedural Text h. Tujuan Pembelajaran

g. Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 45 minutes (2 X meetings)
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i. Materi Pembelajaran
- Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI, Kemendikbud,2 Peta Konsep
- K.D, Sari, Bupena, Airlangga,2015

Proses Belajar

Procedural Text
How to
Unsur kebahasaan
Present tense; kalimat
perintah sering
Language features
 imperative sentence
 Untuk menunjukkan
urutan digunakanlah
sequencers seperti
first, second, next,
then, until, when,
while , finally, at last.

Tujuan teks Procedure

To tell the steps/ to tell

how to make /do
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2. Kegiatan Inti &

Text 1 How to make a Learning Activity 2

pencil box
Baca dan bandingkan cara penulis menyampaikan
What you need: teks 1 dan 2.
o An empty plastic bottle of Pada teks 2, penulis menyampaikan dengan gaya
mineral water spoken/oral text. Tahu perbedaan cara
o A sharp cutter penyampaianya?
o A piece of white or colorful Text 2
o Some paint
o Some glue
How to make it:

1. wash the plastic bottle

to make sure it is clean
when you use it
2. you cut the bottle into
two halves
3. wrap the bottle part with
a piece colored paper.
4. If you use plain paper,
use the paint to make a
drawing on it
5. Now your pencil box is
ready to use

Answer the following Questions based on text 2 :

1. What`s the topic of the text?
2. Does the text have purpose? What is it?
3. Write down the list of materials / tools used in text 2

4. Mention three conjunctions / sequencers which are used in text 2!

5. What tense does the text mostly use?
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6. Which one is classified into oral text, Text 1 or Text 2?

Explain your answer!

7. Which one is classified into written text, Text 1 or Text 2?

Explain your answer!

8. What are :

- The social function of the above text?

- Text structure of the above text?

- Linguistic features of the above text?

Learning Activity 3

Read the text and Check whether you can

understand the vocabulary used in the text .

Text 3

How to Make a Cheese

An egg, 50 g cheese, cup milk, 3 tablespoons
cooking oil, a pinch of salt and a pepper.
Utensils: Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese
grater, bowl, plate.

a. Crack an egg into a bowl
b. Whisk the egg with a fork until it
is smooth
c. Add milk and whisk well.
d. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
e. heat the oil in a frying pan
f. Pour the mixture in a frying pan
g. Turn the omelet with a spatula when
it browns.
h. Cook both sides.
i. Place on a plate; season with salt
and pepper.
j. Eat while warm.
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Learning Activity 4
Fill in the blanks using the words in the box

forward /
medical /
priority/ severe
drains out /
reduce /
Encourage /

Learning Activity 5
Study the text below and see the Generic Structure and language feature Analysis

Planting Chilies
Planting is a nice activity in our spare time. The following is guided information on
how to plant a chili-plant easily. Here are the steps.

Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight

Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. It should be in open area
Next, wait it. There will come out the sprout after that let it be bigger.
Finally, put it in another big pot. It will soon grow bigger and bigger and yield us
some fresh chilies soon.

Generic Structure Analysis

Goal; informing on how to plant chilies
Material; excluded
Associating Steps; showing the steps or method in planting chilies; from
drying seed to putting the sprout in big pot

Language Feature Analysis

Imperative sentences; dry a handful seeding, put it, et
Action verb; put, dry, etc
Temporal conjunction; next, finally, firstly, secondly
Simple present tense pattern; planting is a nice activity, the
following is a guided information
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Learning Activity 8

Directions :

Perhatikan perbedaan penyampaian dua contoh text procedur berikut ini yakni ragam bahasa
tulis dan lisan.
Do you know what are the differences? Try to analyze the differences of the following
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Written Spoken
Text Text
Text 1 Ragam Text 1
Tulis “ Good afternoon everybody! Let me tell you
The tailor bird of India simply does
about a beautiful bird from India, You know it? That's
a bit of sewing to make its nest! Firstly,
the bird pokes hole-, through some a bird that does some sewing to make its nest. How does it
leaves. Then, using its beak as a sewing do that?
needle, it threads vines through holes to
Well, first of all, it pokes holes through leaves. After
sew the leaves together.
that, it uses its beak to sew. It uses the beak as a needle, and
the vines of the tree as the thread. Ehmm ... then it sews the
(Taken from 500 FantasticFacts by Peter Eidin,
2003) leaves together. Okay , Do you understand me?"

Text 2
Text 2
[The opening]
Good morning everyone! Look what I have here.
What you need? I`m sure you`ll know mineral water, right? What is an
example of mineral water? Yes, we have a lot of them now,
An empty plastic bottle of mineral such as Aqua, the most famous one, or Club, or Cheers, or
A sharp cutter Aga
A piece of white or colorful paper
Some paint [The content]
Some glue
Do you know that the bottles of mineral water can be
useful for us? We can recycle them and make useful
things. Now we are going to learn how to make a pencil
How to make?
box from the used bottle of mineral water. Listen carefully!
1. Wash the plastic bottle. Make First, you have to prepare the things that you
sure it is clean when you use it
2. cut the bottle into halves need; they are an empty plastic bottle of mineral water, a
3. If you use plain paper, use the sharp cutter, a piece of white or colorful paper, some paint
paint to make a drawing on it and some glue.
4. Now your pencil box is ready to use

[The closing]
After that, wash the plastic bottle to make sure it is
clean. Then you use white paper and paint them.
Now, your pencil box is ready to use! It`s simple isn`t it?
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Learning Activity 9
Directions: Present the following texts into written and spoken texts.
Written Text Spoken Text
Ragam Tulis Ragam Lisan
Good day, guys! Before you start to cook, you have
to read the recipe.
Now you can get ready. After you read the
recipe, put everything on the counter.
Well, When everything is ready, break the eggs,
pour a quarter of the milk in the bowl, then add a
small spoon of sugar. Mix the eggs, milk and
Okay guys, are you still with me? All right!
Next, you must put a piece of bread in the bowl
with the eggs, milk and sugar. Then turn over
the bread.
Now, put some butter in the pan. Turn on
the stove, okay? When the pan is hot, take the
bread out of the bowl and put it into the pan. After
you cook one side of the bread, cook the other
side. Ehmm … After you finish the first place of the
bread, cook the other pieces. Now you have French
toast! Very easy, isn`t it?
(The opening)
ORGANISMS 4 Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, I am …
ORGANIC FERMENTATION …… …. your host. Thank you for coming to the
PRODUCTIVITY launch of our product, EM-4 in Mahkota Hotel
hall. We appreciate it very much.
EM-4 is a mixture of micro- (The Content)
organisms that gives the benefit for
cattle growth and product.
We gather here today to …
1. Decrease smell pollution
2. Balance mutual micro-organisms
3. Increase quality and quantity of
Okay, are you still with me? Now, I`d like to explain
cattle product about ……
How to use:
1. To get satisfying result, dissolve I cc
EM-4 per liter water every day
2. Spray 1 cc EM per liter of water
every week on the floor, wall,
and manure.

Agent: PT. Songgolangit (The closing)

Persada Jakarta
Distributor : Finally, I`d like to say thank you for your kind
JI. Ki Hajar Dewantara 46 attention. If you have any questions about ………
Jakarta Phone :(021) 7894529

Thanks you and have a nice day.

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Learning Activity 10

Make a presentation to sell a certain product to the


Make any other presentation to tell how to do
something in several steps.
Your presentation must cover
Notes The Opening, the content, and the closing.
Ciri Umum:

(a) Tujuan Komunikatif

Memberi petunjuk tentang
cara melakukan sesuatu
melalui serangkaian tindakan
atau langkah.

(b) Struktur Teks/Generic

 Aim/Goal; Tujuan kegiatan
 Materials; Bahan-bahan
Note: Materials are not
required for all Procedure
 Steps; Langkah-langkah.

(c) Ciri Kebahasaan:

 pola kalimat imperative,
misalnya, Cut, Don’t mix,
 action verbs, misalnya turn,
put, don’t, mix, dsb.
 connectives untuk
mengurutkan kegiatan,
misalnya then, while, dsb.
 adverbials untuk
menyatakan rinci waktu,
tempat, cara yang akurat,
misalnya for five minutes, 2
centimetres from the top,
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Learning Activity 11 Exercises

Text 1

Text 2

Directiosns : Choose the best answer!

How to Operate The Presto


1. Apply some oil around the upper wall of the presto before cooking o that you can open or close.
2. The volume of the ingredients should not more than ¾ of the presto height.
3. Close the lid tightly. Make sure you do it correctly ( see the instruction for closing).
4. At the beginning, apply high heat. When it starts producing a quick noise, turn the fire lower.
5. Avoid moving presto or opening the lid during the heating process.
6. Refer to “Cooking Time” for different kinds of food.
7. Before opening the lid of the presto, put out the fire and wait until the presto cools down.
8. When there`s no more steam the presto is ready to be opened.

2. Which of the following

statement isn’t procedure for
operating the presto?

 Start with high heat.

 Avoid filling up the presto.
 Stop the fire when it produces
 Before opening wait until there`s
no more steam.
 Apply some oil around the upper
wall of the presto

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Text 3

Don't have time for an intensive skin care? You can still
pamper yourself by doing the basics. Good skin care and
healthy lifestyle choices can help delaying the natural
aging process and prevent various skin problems. Get
started with these five no-nonsense tips.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

One of the most important ways to
take care of your skin is to protect it
from the sun. A lifetime of sun
exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots
and other skin problems, as well as
increase the risk of skin cancer.

2. Don't smoke
Smoking makes your skin look older
and contributes to wrinkles. It narrows
the tiny blood vessels in the outermost
layers of skin, which decreases blood
flow. It also his depletes oxygen and
nutrients of the skin.

3. Treat your skin gently.

Limiting your bath-time will keep your
skin gentle. Hot water and long
showers remove oils from your skin.
Use warm rather than hot water. To
protect and lubricate your skin, apply
shaving cream, lotion or gel before

4. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help you look and
feel good. Eat plenty of fruits,
vegetables, whole grains and lean
protein. Some research suggest that a
rich diet in vitamin C and low in
unhealthy fat might promote younger
looking skin.

5. Manage stress.
Uncontrolled stress can make your
skin more sensitive and trigger acne
breakouts and other skin problems. To
encourage healthy skin and a healthy
state of mind, take some steps to
manage your stress, set reasonable
limits, scale back your to-do list, and
make time to do the things you enjoy
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Comprehension Questions

1. What is the text about?

A. Tips to get healthy skin.
B. Tips to have gentle younger looking skin.
C. Tips to healthy lifestyle.
D. Tips to maintain your healthy skin.
E. Tips to prevent various skin problems.

2. What will remove oils from your skin?

A. Long showers and hot water. ,
B. Warm water and limited bath time.
C. Sun exposure and unhealthy diet.
D. Shaving cream and lotion.
E. Hot water and limited bath time.

3. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the text?

A. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle can stop the natural aging process.
B. A lifetime of sun exposure can help delaying wrinkles, age spots, and other skin problems.
C. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which increases blood
D. To protect and lubricate your skin, use skin soap before shaving.
E. Uncontrolled stress can increase the level of your skin sensitivity and stimulate acne breakouts

Text 2
EM-4 is a mixture of micro-organisms that gives the benefit for cattle growth and product.

1. Decrease smell pollution

2. Balance mutual micro-organisms
3. Increase quality and quantity of cattle product

How to use:
1. To get satisfying result, dissolve I cc EM-4 per liter water every day
2. Spray 1 cc EM per liter of water every week on the floor, wall, and manure.

Agent: PT. Songgolangit

Persada, Jakarta

Distributor :
JI. Ki Hajar Dewantara 46
Jakarta Phone : (021) 7894529

Comprehension Questions
1. This text tells us about .....

2. One of the benefits of the product is ....

3. What will you do to get satisfying result?

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